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Recfeesgoingup 75centsinOctober

PHIL MELNYCHUK Contributing Writer


Delta is progressing from the pandemic and is pushing up its singleadmission rec fees for adults from $5 to $5.75, starting in October.

Another increase takes effect in January 2025, when they will rise to $6 50

The fee changes are being made to bring in more money to help the city’s overall budget.

Council gave three readings to the new fees at its July 24 meeting.

Final adoption will likely take place at the Aug 8th council meeting

A background report from recreation staff explains when the pandemic hit in 2020, many facilities closed under public health orders

In August 2021, as the effects of the pandemic eased and facilities reopened, discounted passes were discontinued for frequent users and a reduced $5 universal fee was charged to everyone for drop-in sessions at pools, arenas, gyms and cultural activities to encourage people to get back to the gyms and

Swimming Pools

Nevertheless, staff note that low fees affect revenues and mean more use of tax dollars, so the recreation department wants to raise fees in two stages.

First, beginning this October, adult, single admission fees will jump from $5 to $5 75

Then, starting January 2025, an adult single admission fee jumps to $6.50. Kids from 10 to 18 years old, as well as seniors over 75, still will get in free.

Other charges also increase, such as for adult monthly passes, which increase to $69 this October then go up to $78.

Non-residents of Delta will continue to pay higher fees, with increases being applied at the same rate as those for Delta users.

Non-residents now pay a $7 fee, which will rise to $7 75 in October, then go up to $8.50 in January 2025

Meanwhile, facility rental fees were recommended to jump by 7 8 per cent in 2024, as they haven’t increased since 2018

The staff report notes that recreation revenue from daily admissions dropped by 41 per cent, as result of pandemic closures and reduced admission fees, or $1.3 million, when 2019 was compared to 2022.

Coun Dylan Kruger said the new fees were more of a restoration of previous fees

“We still have among the lowest admission fees in the region and the only one … that’s maintaining those free passes for youth and seniors that have been such a success, ” he said

AlternativeApprovalfor dispositionbywayof lease–DeltaParkLease BylawNo.3269,2023

Councilmayproceedwiththe adoptionofDeltaParkLease BylawNo.3269,2023,unless atleast10%(7,573)ofthe eligibleelectorsoftheCityof Deltasignandsubmitelector responseformsindicating theiroppositiontothe proposedleaseofparkland at8312RiverRoad(only southernportionof approximately3,312m²)

Theproposedbylawand relatedmaterialsare availableforpublicinspection attheOfficeoftheCityClerk, CityofDelta,4500Clarence TaylorCrescent,8:30a.m to 4:45p.m.,Mondaythrough Friday,excludingstatutory holidays,fromAugust3,2023 toSeptember11,2023.

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