2 minute read
Cityapprovestenant protectionpolicies
ijacques@delta-optimist com
The City of Delta has approved a new tenant policy and rental stock protection policy.
The new policies will become part of the cities Housing Action Plan, which was approved last November
According to the staff report, presented at the July 24 council meeting, where civic politicians unanimously approved the new policies, the two policies will work in tandem and will come into effect immediately
The Tenant Relocation Policy is meant to help reduce impacts faced by existing tenants of rental buildings undergoing redevelopment
The Rental Stock Protection Policy is designed to protect against the net loss of purpose-built rental units due to redevelopment. Both policies would apply at the time of rezoning for sites that have existing rental developments with five or more units.
According to the 2022 Rental Market Report from Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Delta has 1,740 purpose-built rental units distributed throughout Ladner, Tsawwassen and North Delta.
“I want to thank staff for coming forward with this policy, which is a result of our housing action plan,” said Coun Dylan Kruger “Almost all of our rental stock in Delta was built in the 20th Century and a significant portion was built prior to 1980, so we are going to see, as that stock becomes older, more re-development applications come forward to council We are lucky to date that we haven’t had to deal with a lot of tenant re-location issues, but they are coming. It’s so important that as we are trying to expand our housing stock, build more housing and more rentals, that we are supporting our existing renters
“This policy puts us in line with the majority of other cities in Metro Vancouver who have already put tenant relocation and rental stock protection policies in place. It makes we feel really comfortable and positive moving forward that we can have good discussions about redevelopment knowing that the existing tenants will be protected.”
ThePublicHearingisopentoallmembersofthepublic.Anypersonwhobelievesthattheirinterest inpropertywillbeaffectedbytheproposedprojectsshallbegivenanopportunitytoprovide their comments(support,concerns,oropposition)toCouncilinthefollowingways:
MayorandCouncil,CityofDelta 4500ClarenceTaylorCrescent Delta,BCV4K3E2
Delta receives grant for dike improvements
���� Email: mayor-council@deltaca
���� Tospeak virtually at the PublicHearing,you must register with the Office of the CityClerkbefore10:00a.m onTuesday,August8,2023.
1 PublicHearingmeetingdateandProjectnumber;
2 WhetheryouwillspeakbytelephoneorbyZoomvideoconference;and
3 Yourcontactinformation(name,address,phonenumber,andemailaddress)
Materials related to the projects such as the staff report, proposed bylaws, detailed maps and otherinformationmaybeinspectedatDeltaCityHall,4500ClarenceTaylorCrescent,Delta,BC, MondaytoFriday,excludingstatutoryholidaysfrom8:30am to4:45p.m fromJuly27,2023to August8,2023
Ifyouhavea general inquiry regarding the proposed projects orifyou wouldlike assistance to inspect any relevant documentation, please contact the Development Department by email at development@deltacaorbyphoneat604-946-3380
Agenda package Correspondence received after and up to 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, August8,2023willbeprovidedtoCouncilinaseparatepackagepriortothestartofthemeeting
All correspondence must include your name and full address and will form part of the public recordforthisPublicHearingandbepublishedontheCity’swebsite OncethePublicHearinghasconcluded,nofurtherinformationorsubmissionsmaybeconsidered byCouncil
The City of Delta has received a $2 million grant from the Province of British Columbia’s Community Emergency Preparedness Fund under their Disaster Risk Reduction - Climate Adaptation program to undertake dike improvements in Boundary Bay With this grant funding, Delta will initiate a pilot project that involves raising a section of the Boundary Bay dike adjacent to Boundary Bay Airport between 72 St. and 88 St. This pilot project will use fill material obtained from large construction projects in the Metro Vancouver area to help reduce costs
-Ian Jacques