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Earthwise Society announces new workshop series

Faced with an uncertain economy, the importance of self-sufficiency and sustainable living has become increasingly evident.

To help tackle these challenges, Earthwise Society is introducing a two-part garden workshop series designed to empower individuals to grow their own food at home, no matter how small their space, while also emphasizing the vital role of pollinators in our food system


These workshops will be led by Earthwise garden coordinator Oliver Cook, who is keen to equip participants with the knowledge and skills needed to cultivate their own fresh produce and create pollinatorfriendly habitats

“By teaching these skills, our workshops are really setting the stage for a more resilient future,” says Cook

The first workshop will take place on Aug. 6 at 11 a m and will be an inter- active crash course on small space food gardening.

Using the Earthwise Food Demonstration Garden as inspiration, this workshop will teach you the basics of maximizing your garden space to produce abundant and nutritious vegetables and fruits, no matter the size of your garden.

The session will explore how vegetables and fruits exploit different niches and how they can be combined to create an ongoing harvest. Topics such as interplanting, companion planting, crop succession, and square-foot gardening will also be discussed. Additionally, this workshop will explore basic ecological principles that will help keep your garden pest free, conserve water, and ensure your soils are fertile

The second workshop, “Bee Safari,” on Aug. 27 at 11 a m will dive into

The Incredible World Of Bees

Did you know there are more than 400 bee species native to British Columbia?

The beautiful Earthwise Garden hosts a unique blend of plant species designed to enhance the environmental function of our suburban landscape. As a result, it is home to a diverse range of pollinator species. This workshop will lead participants on an interactive walk through the garden where they’ll learn all about bee biodiversity, how to identify different bee species, and how to select pollinator-friendly plants to create beefriendly habitats at home.

These workshops are free for Earthwise members, and $10 to the general public To register, or for more information about becoming a member, email: info@earthwisesociety.bc.ca.

-Submitted by Earthwise

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