1 minute read
Seekingamore democraticparade
I was very disappointed that our registration to participate in the Sunfest Parade and Festival was denied by the Sunfest organizing committee
I was told no politics allowed, yet politicians are allowed to be part of the parade. I was also told there is a concern that some fringe political organizations could potentially spread inappropriate material or disrupt the festivities with protests, therefore, no political organizations would be allowed to participate.
So, a sitting politician is allowed to wave their political banner and use the Sunfest Parade as a promotional platform, but other legitimate political parties and their constituents must stand down? Seems very undemocratic.
If a political party has committed to Delta and holds seats on municipal council, B.C. Legislature or our House of Commons, they should have the same opportunity as the sitting politician to wave their banner and promote their party at the Sunfest weekend.
Almost 18,000 Delta residents voted for the Conservatives in the last election, and their political choice should be represented in the parade.
I ask the Sunfest Committee to consider adopting the following registration criteria for political parties for next year ’ s Sunfest weekend
A political organization may participate if:
*They hold seats of office in our municipal, provincial, and federal governments
*They ran a candidate in South Delta in the last election
*They display their political brand only with no other messaging or signs
Thank you for your consideration of my recommendation to enable a more democratic Sunfest weekend
Garry Shearer
VP – Delta Electoral District AssociationConservative Party of Canada