The Compass Cards: Training Methods on The GO

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[the compass card ]


The Compass uses the metaphor of a navigational instrument to guide you through a repository of participatory learning, training and knowledge sharing methods. It contains 60 participatory knowledge sharing methods and technologies to be used in any workshops or meeting. These methods have already been developed and validated in workshops all over the world, conducted by the International Training Centre of the ILO and are available online:


Fast idea-generating method involving participants simultaneously as they ďŹ rstly reflect on a topic individually; then they work in pairs and in groups of four. Finally they are all engaged in a powerful brainstorming targeted at building strategies. Aims: generate ideas, engage everybody, build consensus, foster spontaneous conversation, accelerate discussion, gathering feedback after presentations

[the compass card ]


To make the methodologies even more popular and encourage the exploration of new ones by colleagues, we have been thinking about ways to make the Compass even more accessible to trainers. We have envisioned a new version of the Compass into a fully mobile set of cards that trainers and facilitators can take with them.


Fast idea-generating method involving participants simultaneously as they ďŹ rstly reflect on a topic individually; then they work in pairs and in groups of four. Finally they are all engaged in a powerful brainstorming targeted at building strategies. Aims: generate ideas, engage everybody, build consensus, foster spontaneous conversation, accelerate discussion, gathering feedback after presentations

[the compass card ]

Cards are as portable as a mobile device, even lighter; can be carried on ďŹ eld missions and can support informed decisions even when Internet connection is unstable.

[the compass card ]

Trainers can use the compass cards when they need: a quick-reference tool to select the right learning methods for a workshop or training session; a quick refresher on a specific training technique, while running workshops and sessions; to explain to stakeholders how participatory their workshops are, and what the variety of training methods can help final beneficiaries achieve the learning objectives; to visually explain participatory knowledge sharing methods, instead of using large manuals or tools that are only available online or are heavy to carry.

[the compass card ] To bring the Compass Cards to a further stage, we decided to enrich them through the visualization of space patterns and augmented reality data. The former practically represent people moving in the space, summarising the main steps needed to implement each method and highlighting its engaging and participatory nature. On the other hand, augmented reality allows overlaying information available on the card with additional materials e.g. short introductory videos and supporting links. Augmentation has a strong connotation with space and time as it allows access to additional information in real-time and in a semantic context. (for Augmented reality use JUNAIO app)


[who are we?]

The International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization (ITC-ILO) is the training arm of the International Labour Organization. It runs training, learning and capacity development services in support of Decent Work and sustainable development. The Compass is a project of the Centre’s DELTA unit. DELTA stands for Distance Education Learning and Technology Applications. Its strategic approach provides ITC-ILO participants with more than subject-matter content, namely collaborative learning experiences, technology-enhanced learning and innovative product development. For more info, follow DELTA’s Learning & Technology blog: or contact

[who are we?]

The Compass was created through the Innovation Fund project on “Enhancing Knowledge Sharing Capacities,” supported by the ITC-ILO. A special thanks to Liberating Structures for sharing some of the methodologies. In particular, the Compass Cards have been stewarded to completion by a core team of DELTA staff. Tom Wambeke: instructional designer specialised in innovative educational technology, social media and KM. Senior Programme Officer. Fausto Saltetti: architect specialized in communication and human centred design. LearnScape researcher. Alessia Messuti: instructional designer & training specialist with focus on new media for social inclusion. Mobile learning researcher. For more information: or Youtube Channel

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