Prospects for IPTV and Multi-play Bundling in the Middle East

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The Delta Perspective March 2008

Identifying today’s key industry dynamics in the Middle East and Africa Authors

Javier Alvarez - partner: Josep Maria Moya - partner: Mohsen Malaki - principal:

Delta Partners takes a high-level look at key market dynamics, service provider strategies, and new technologies that will emerge in 2008 Looking back to the year 2000, the Middle

Drawing from knowledge and experience

East and Africa region was one of the few

among our experts in the field, these are

remaining monopolistic telecom markets

the industry dynamics that we consider

around the world, with a commensurately

key in 2008:

low penetration rate of mobile and

1. Further Consolidation: Regional

fixedline services. Since then—and for

players will not be alone in the race

various reasons, ranging from the need for

to become pan-regional titans

socio-economic development to the need to fill government coffers or pressure from international bodies—the governments have established regulators that have

2. Organizational Challenges: Operators will have an uphill struggle to extract value from merged entities 3. New Business Opportunities:

set the telecom market on a rapid pace

Opportunities upstream in the

towards market liberalization. The result

telecom value chain will start to

has been phenomenal growth in the


mobile sector.

4. Customer Retention: Operators in maturing mobile markets will shift

The MEA region is now at a crossroads again. The phenomenal growth resulting from the liberalization efforts in the

their focus from share of subs to share of value 5. Reaching the Very Low Income

mobile sector is slowing down in the more

Segment: Mobile operators will

developed markets, while in less developed

need to rethink their business models

markets the challenge is to start serving

to profitably serve the below US$5

very low income segments profitably,

ARPU customer

and competition is increasing in fixedline

6. Broadband Growth: Operators

across the region. The industry is looking

will seek to position themselves for

to consolidate its gains and search for the

the growth prospects in broadband

next big growth driver beyond basic voice


for the high and middle income segments.

Industry dynamic #1 Further consolidation

Regional players will not be alone in the race to become pan-regional titans

Pan-regional titans are now

The years 2005 to 2007 saw a series

in the process of integrating

of M&A deals such as the MTC (now

their acquired operations in order to realize economies of scale. However, they are not shying away from

Zain) acquisition of Celtel, MTN’s acquisition of Investcom, Etisalat’s acquisition of Atlantique Telecom, or

themselves by other global players 2. Abundance of liquidity in the markets 3. Scarcity of Greenfield license opportunities

Qtel’s acquisition of Wataniya. There was also the acquisition of Greenfield

Now that the most obvious target

further acquisitions and

licenses—including Zain’s Saudi Arabian

companies with substantial footprints

expansion opportunities

third mobile license, Etisalat’s Egypt

have been acquired already (with the

third mobile license, or STC’s Kuwait

notable exception of Millicom and to

third mobile license— that lay the

a lesser extent Comium and Warid,

cornerstone for the emergence of

with 19, 6, and 4 country operations,

pan-regional players out of once single

respectively), we believe that the

country or sub-regional operators.

consolidation landscape in 2008 will

With the wave of consolidation that

be characterized by:

occurred in the MEA region among the

1. Scarcer investment

top players, pan-regional titans have

opportunities in the region:

emerged, namely, Etisalat, Zain, Qtel,

While the pan-regional players

Orascom Telecom, and MTN Group.

have consolidated already to a handful of larger pan-regional


While these pan-regional titans are

players during 2005-2007, there

now in the process of integrating their

are still a substantial number of

acquired operations in order to realize

small, single country operators

the synergies and economies of scale

in much of Africa and the

inherent in an expanded customer base

Middle East that often lack the

and geographic footprint, they are not

efficiencies, economies of scale,

shying away from further acquisitions

and access to financing that the

and expansion opportunities. This

larger pan-regional players have.

continued thirst for expansion is driven

As such, we expect there to be

by three key factors (see Exhibit 1):

several smaller deals whereby

1. Ambitions of key pan-regional

the pan-regional players seek

players to become global leaders

controlling stakes in single country

and prevent being acquired

operators across the region.

2. Investment in minority holdings:

of MEA: In their quest to gain a

cases, such as Vodafone’s Safaricom

Small stakes in larger players in

stronger foothold in high growth

and Orange Madagascar, already

other adjacent regions such as

markets, European operators are

proven success in Africa. A newer

South and Eastern Europe (like

keen on Africa. Once aggressive

source of competition will come

Orascom did in Greece and Italy

about the MEA region prior to the

from players in other high growth

and its interest in acquisition targets

3G license bubble in Europe in 2001,

markets such as India, China,

in other Mediterranean countries),

European operators are once again

and Russia. Large players in these

and Southeast and Central

willing to invest in the region and

markets are keen to maintain

Asia (such as the Qtel and STC

are increasingly aggressive with their

their high growth momentum.

acquisitions of Asia Mobile Holdings

license bids and M&A activity. Pan-

Some examples of this new set of

Pte Ltd and Maxis, respectively, in

regional players should expect stiff

competitors are Russia’s Sistema and

South East Asia).

competition from these European

its acquisition of Shyam Telelink in

operators, as they bring to the table

India, China Mobile’s Paktel deal, or

strong operational and managerial

VSNL’s interest in licenses in Qatar

from operators in Europe and

experience, innovative R&D, globally

and Saudi Arabia, or its acquisition

high growth markets outside

recognizable brands, and in some

of a stake in Neotel South Africa.

3. More intense competition

Exhibit 1: What is driving the need for expansion among pan-regional players? The continued thirst for expansion among pan-regional players is driven by three major factors. 1. First and foremost are the ambitions of pan-

Africa and Bharti Airtel is following suit in South Africa.

regional players to become global leaders and

China Mobile acquired Paktel and has a war chest of

prevent being acquired themselves by other

US$30 billion. Russian operator Sistema acquired 10%

global players. Only a couple of years back, Middle

in Shyam Telelink in India and has expressed interest in

Eastern operators only needed to watch within the

the 3rd mobile license in Iran.

GCC to identify real competition into the next bid. The situation has changed significantly in the last 12

2. The second drivers is the abundance of liquidity in

months, with global players becoming more aggressive

the markets—driven by high oil prices and inward

with their bids within the emerging markets. Some

investments by private sector and government

examples are Vodafone’s acquisition of Hutchinson

funds—that facilitate easy access to financing for the

Essar in India, Telsim in Turkey, a mobile license in

pan-regional players in spite of the current global

Qatar, and potential controlling stake in Vodacom or

credit crunch.

even MTN. Other examples include Orange’s 51% stake in Telkom Kenya, and talks of increased activity in Africa by Portugal Telecom. Competition is also coming from other high growth market players such as Chinese, Russian and Indian operators, as predicted in Delta Partner’s White Paper in 2007, “The Emergence of Global Industry Titans and Implications for Emerging Market Players”. Reliance is making inroads into East

3. Finally the scarcity of Greenfield license opportunities (with the notable exception of a 3rd license in Iran, Syria, and Bahrain, a 4th license in Sudan, and possible MVNOs in Oman and Jordan) is driving pan-regional players to seek acquisitions of other players as a growth driver.


Industry dynamic #2 Organizational challenges

Operators will have an uphill struggle to extract value from merged entities With a wave of industry mergers and

need to prove the value that their

acquisitions (see Exhibit 2) completed

acquiring company is bringing to the

among the region’s top players in 2006

acquisition target. While the initial

and 2007 (17 of the largest regional

and obvious benefits of cost synergies

M&A deals in the mobile sector in the

from a broader customer base and

MEA had a total deal value of US$23

a diversified portfolio of operators

billion), the pan-regional players and

are clear achievements in and of

emerging industry titans in the region

themselves, more penetrating questions

are now keen on realizing the promises

need to be answered. Specifically:

of synergies, efficiencies and scale that

1. What are the capabilities

come with such large M&A deals.

that the acquiring company brings to the target?

Executives spearheading the acquisition drive among the regional titans now

Exhibit 2: Largest M&A deals from 2006 to-date, in the MEA region (Millions)

Source: Press clippings


2. How can the combined entity leverage combined assets to

drive revenue synergies such

As such, we believe that the year 2008

achievable along three major axis:

as P&S innovation, market

will be one in which these regional titans

Strategic: Group strategic direction,

reach, unique product platform

will start dealing with the challenges

including brand equity and architecture

deployments, churn management,

of driving the cost synergies they have

Organizational: Corporate governance

or revenue optimization?

identified, while identifying ways of

and leadership

realizing more revenue synergies. We

Operational: Synergies from a cost and

other than improved buying

believe that pan-regional players should

revenue perspective

power from vendors?

focus their efforts in 2008 on synergies

3. Are there cost synergies

Exhibit 3: Identification of Big Ticket Items and Synergy Drivers Illustrative


Without a clearly defined group

and leadership model are put in

companies can generate as standalone

strategic vision, reinforced by a

place. Governance and leadership are

entities (see Exhibit 4).

corporate governance model, acquiring

thus of higher strategic importance

companies such as STC, Qtel, Etisalat,

earlier on in the post deal stage, since

In order to achieve these operational

or Zain all risk falling back on the

these constitute the decision-making

synergies, regional titans need to

comfortable position of keeping the

structure of the merged entity.

develop common platforms between

target operators as part of a de facto

their country operations. As such, the

holding company, with the target’s

Finally, with a unified direction through

group as a whole brings value to the

strategic vision remaining unchanged

a strategic vision, combined with the

individual units, helps in clarifying the

and relatively independent of the

appropriate governance model in place,

future direction under the umbrella

acquiring company. Such a model is all

the merged operational functions of

of a common group strategic vision,

but sure to result in lost opportunities

the overall group can start to deliver

and enables better optimization of

for cost and revenue synergies.

synergies in areas such as revenues, cost

resources to achieve the future vision.

of sales, support, commercial, or billing The group strategic direction can

and technical (see Exhibit 3). These are

Only truly integrated operators will be

only be translated into operational

the operational synergies that create

the winners of this wave of integration

synergies from a cost and revenue

shareholder returns above and beyond

in the telecom space of the MEA region.

perspective once the right governance

the value of the target and acquired

Exhibit 4: Crafting the strategic path – Synergy identification, quantification and target setting It is vital for a merged entity to identify and quantify the synergies it can achieve. Such planning gives the organization the time and focus to properly identify best practices and identify those areas which will drive value creation; companies that jump into “execution mode” right from the start generally leave much potential untapped. Through quantification of synergies, value drivers can be better understood, and focus areas for integration efforts become clearer. Setting targets for synergies provides clear expectations and will drive integration efforts toward those activities which have been identified as key value drivers. Identification of best practices among the two players helps to break paradigms and ensures getting the best of both companies. Finally, taking some time to set the course for the integration allows management to get the buy-in from key stakeholders within the merged entities. Based on Delta Partners engagements in post merger integration deals, potential EBITDA improvements could reach up to 10%, with a typical split of synergies between OPEX and CAPEX to be around 60-70% and 30-40%, respectively. Illustrative



Potential cost reduction / revenue increase (%)(1)



Headcount reduction (mainly at HQ)








Handsets, SIMs, scratch cards


Increase revenue growth


Typical split of synergies: 60-70% OPEX, 30-40% CAPEX

Up to 10% on EBITDA improvement opportunity

Based on Delta Partners experience, will vary depending on existing cost structures and operators’ size and situation

Industry dynamic #3 New business opportunities

We have identified two

Opportunities upstream in the telecom value chain will start to emerge In a previous paper published by

regional players will focus on in 2008

emerging outsourcing

Delta Partners in January 2006 we

are going to be around the up-stream

opportunities to watch out for

anticipated the phenomena of the

part of the value chain, especially

opening up of the value chain in the

network and IT elements that can be

Middle East region as a consequence of

outsourced or shared. Increasingly, we

the increased competitive landscape for

are seeing more operators starting to

telecom operators. At that time, initial

view these as non- critical activities

consequences of that process were

that can be performed by third parties.

mainly observed in the downstream

We have identified two emerging

end (see Exhibit 5) of the value chain,

outsourcing opportunities to watch out

around distribution and retail activities.

for in 2008, namely:

The opening up of the value along

1. Network outsourcing and

in 2008: network outsourcing and managed services, and outsourcing transmission to wholesale operators

the downstream or customer facing

managed services, including tower

end has further developed and players


such as Axiom, Cellucom, or i2, are consolidating their dominant position

2. Outsourcing transmission to wholesale operators

as regional players in the Middle East in retail and distribution as well as

These emerging opportunities are

making further inroads with their

driven at the base level by the need for

expansion into high growth markets

economies of scale. In mature markets,

such as India and Africa.

the increased competition is driving down prices and creating near-parity

Downstream activity is also brewing

in terms of network quality and

in the call center space, as operators

coverage, which in turn is rendering

increasingly outsource some of the non-

the network a non-core function

core functions to specialized niche players

that is no longer a competitive

that can efficiently provide these services

differentiator. In less developed and

on behalf of the telecom operators.

lower income markets, the need to serve the bottom of the pyramid

More importantly, we believe the next

more efficiently is forcing operators to

wave of outsourcing opportunities that

consider outsourcing elements of the 7

network that would help lower costs.

savings in sharing mode of 50%).

outsourcing and managed services

In both types of markets, outsourcing

For the development of an additional

business divisions and are targeting

offers the opportunity to pool network

1,000 BTSs shared with another

operators in mature and emerging

elements of multiple players and

operator, the CAPEX reduction will be

markets alike.

create the economies of scale that

between US$62.5 million and US$115

would enable each operator to focus

million (assuming CAPEX per tower

More recently, examples are emerging

on its core functions while ensuring

of US$125,000-230,000, and CAPEX

from operators positioning themselves

desired service levels, at competitive

savings in sharing mode of 50%).

for these emerging opportunities

prices and thus business profitability.

upstream in the value chain. Some

Taking the case of tower sharing, for

Some of the first companies to

prominent examples are the Bharti

an operator with 5,000 BTS, doing

realize this emerging opportunity

Airtel, Vodafone Essar tower sharing

tower sharing for 3,000 of those

are traditional vendor equipment

agreement where they have set up

with another operator, the potential

providers, with Ericsson at the

a joint venture independent tower

OPEX savings will be US$45 million,

forefront and NokiaSiemens, Cisco and

sharing company, Indus Tower. Other

or roughly 30% of annual BTS-related

Huawei jumping on the bandwagon.

examples are 3UK and T-Mobile’s

OPEX (assuming annual average OPEX

These have already set up their

network sharing agreement, or BT’s

per tower of US$30,000 and OPEX

network operations and maintenance

application hosting and management

Exhibit 5: Evolution of the Telecom Value Chain


solutions for other telecom operators,

direction, we expect certain flourishing

such as its network and security

of such companies, with potential

services, or its managed mobile

consolidation later on around the

content, carrier-grade messaging, and

better positioned players.

enhanced voice services. Our second identified upstream We believe that there is a narrow

opportunity is wholesale telecom

timeframe in which new specialized

services. Given the new competitive

players with strong capabilities in the

landscape with additional access

network integration space within the

provision players (FWA, Internet and

region will be able to capitalize on

Data services providers, MVNO,‌)

this emerging opportunity, namely,

there is an emerging opportunity in

building and maintaining large

the wholesale business, particularly

network infrastructures across the

for incumbent operators. As a result

region and providing one-stop shop

of the proliferation of new players,

solution to pan-regional operators. A

incumbents are increasingly viewing

good example of that is Crown Castle,

provisioning of wholesale services to

the largest owner of tower assets

competing operators as an opportunity

in the US, with 75% of its revenue

rather than a threat, complementing

coming from the top 4 US mobile

the traditional retail business.

operators. Crown Castle provides site leasing and network services,

In 2008, we expect a significant

and has since moved into wholesale

increase in investment activities

wireless backhaul services as well. The

upstream in the telecom value chain,

company achieved its number one

while the downstream activities will

position by acquiring tower assets

continue to flourish. What are now

from major mobile operators in 1999-

considered well established business

2000, and enjoyed an EBITDA margin

lines among European players, such as

of 55% in 2007.

Deutsche Telekom’s or BT’s wholesale services, or the network outsourcing

Financial capacity, operational

business line of Abertis in Southern

capabilities in the different markets

Europe, or tower sharing companies in

where they operate, and access

North America, are areas of investment

to large deals with pan-regional

opportunities in the MEA region that is

operators are key requirements for

open to both existing operators as well

such companies to succeed within

as independent 3rd parties.

the MEA region. As the telecom industry keeps moving towards this


Industry dynamic #4 Customer retention

Operators in maturing mobile markets will shift their focus from capturing share of subscribers to share of value

For established operators,

The year 2007 saw SIM card penetration

one thing: churning customers from the

churn management becomes

reach saturation or near-saturation levels

existing players.

a vital strategic objective. Such an effort needs to be a company-wide initiative where all customer-facing and supporting back-office functions of the operator change their approach and focus


in the most developed of the MEA’s mobile markets, particularly the littoral

For established operators, churn

Arab states around the Gulf, as well as

management thus becomes a vital

markets such as Jordan, Morocco, and

strategic objective. According to Delta

South Africa. As such, the traditional

Partners analysis, a churn reduction of

growth driver for the mobile operators

10 p.p could bring a US$600 million

in these countries will need to start

value . For such incumbent operators

evolving away from an acquisition

seeking to protect their customer base

approach and towards a value

from churning to the competition, a

development approach. To compound

successful customer management effort

this growth challenge, incumbent

is a vital need. Such an effort needs to

mobile operators in these markets are

be a company-wide initiative where all

facing increasing competitive pressures

customer-facing and supporting back-

with the entry of third or fourth mobile

office functions of the operator change

operators in their markets. With heated

their approach and focus, rather than a

bidding for these new licenses and very

simple patch solution such as launching

high per capita license costs, such as in

a standalone loyalty program.

Saudi Arabia (US$6.1 billion), Kuwait

(US$907 million for a 26% stake) and

The first step is to analyze the

Qatar (unannounced, but possibly

composition of the customer base

in excess of US$2.5 billion) in 2007,

along with acquisition and direct costs

these new players’ business models will

to identify which segments are most

be driven by very rapid market share

profitable (see Exhibit 6). By doing this,

acquisition. With limited value left to

the operator can understand which

extract from untapped segments (mainly

segments it should invest in for retention

the low income segments), market share

and which segments it should reduce

acquisition for these new players means

investment due to low profitability.

Specifically, the strategy for retaining

would require a better understanding of

profitable customers is derived from an

the customer’s total experience with the

analysis of that particular customer’s

operator across all of its product lines,

experience throughout his or her lifetime

and across all interaction points with the

with the company. After having acquired

organization and, as such, would require

a customer, an operator should focus on

customer analytics that put the customer

developing the customer experience that

as the main unit of measurement.

enables the telecom operator to retain that customer and extend the duration

Improving customer analytics is of

of his lifetime as well as his usage of

course not an overnight task. Operators

mobile communication services.

frequently need to re-evaluate the IT infrastructure that they have deployed

As such, the role of analytical

to capture and analyze customer

marketing and business intelligence

data. As such, business intelligence

in general is a vital pre-requisite for

tools, data warehousing solutions,

evolving the operator’s strategy from

and customer data integration

customer acquisition to customer value

solutions become necessary investment

development. Retaining a customer

requirements for an operator.

Exhibit 6: Critical pre-requisites for customer management & loyalty


Another key success factor to properly

revenue growth out of the existing

and value proposition. Given the

manage customer expectations

customer base.

increased need for micro-segmentation

and customer lifecycle is providing

and segmented value propositions,

a meaningful and consistent brand

Improved customer analytics and a

and the need to coordinate between

experience across the different

strategy focused on improving the high

various departments in the operator

customer touch-points with the

value customer’s experience across

for the analytical marketing and the

company providing the service. The

all product and touch-point with the

promotional campaigns, operators

first challenge is to develop a relevant

operator, means that the operator

need to assign dedicated teams that

promise to the customer, starting

needs to reassess its organizational

look after the customer lifecycle

from the values associated to the

structure as well. In order to better focus

management and help in coordinating

brand. The second challenge is how to

customer management and retention

efforts across silos of the company.

successfully deliver that promise along

efforts within particular customer

The set up of a division within the

the different interactions with the

segments, operators across the GCC,

operator in charge of customer lifetime

customer, from an initial contact point

such as Etisalat, Qatar Telecom,

management is a good way to ensure

at any point of sale or through the web

and Batelco have restructured their

this will happen.

site, to the experience the customer

organizations around the customer,

has when accessing the network

creating Consumer, Business, and

With such a customer-focused

and using the service to any further

Wholesale divisions, rather than the

organizational structure, improved brand

enquiry the customer might put to the

more traditional, product-centric

experience across all customer touch-

representatives at the call center.

organizations of Fixedline, ISP, and

points, and constant product and services

Mobile divisions. The second relevant

innovation per customer segment, a

Managing customer expectations and

organizational (structural) change

proper customer management model can

customer satisfaction and loyalty to

required to successfully deliver

be implemented.

the brand is an on-going activity since

according to customer expectations is

customer needs and attitudes towards

to fully integrate back-office functions

During 2008, we expect operators in

a brand evolve with time. A continuous

(network, IT and other support areas

maturing markets to solidify their moves

effort to segment—and even micro-

within the organization) with the front-

from customer acquisition to customer

segment—the customer base and target

office functions of the organization

retention by re-enforcing their newly

them with relevant value propositions

(marketing, sales and customer

created customer-centric organization

is required to properly satisfy or surpass

care). New products development, or

structure, invest time and effort in

customer expectations. In particular,

enhanced customer care services can

improved customer analytics, and launch

any operator willing to retain and

not be conceptualized and realized

a series of segmented and targeted

develop its customer lifetime value will

just by the marketing and Customer

customer retention and development

have to proactively come-up with new

Care departments anymore. The

initiatives focused on their high-value

segmented and targeted offerings that

back-office areas have to play a more

customers, including the delivery of a

will not only contribute to customer

active role in understanding customer

consistent brand experience across all

retention but one that will also generate

expectations and delivering according

customer touch-points.

demand for new services driving future

to that and to the overall brand promise


Industry dynamic #5 Reaching the low income segments

Given that the portion of the population able to afford a mobile handset or service at current prices is very low, operators are now facing the challenge of increasing penetration rates among the

Mobile operators will need to rethink their business models to profitably serve the below US$5 ARPU customer

Cellular technology is changing the

Telecom going on the acquisition trail

landscape in emerging markets.

are good examples of that.

Today there are some 3 billion mobile customers worldwide, and that will

The tremendous network deployment

grow to nearly 5 billion by 2012

across the countries of sub Saharan

(according to WCIS predictions), when

Africa has increased penetration

two-thirds of the people on earth will

levels dramatically, from less than

have mobile phones.

3% in 2001 to 26% by the end of

bottom of the income pyramid

2007 . In the early years, this growth In 2001, in sub Saharan Africa there

was driven mainly by an increase in

were 17 million mobile connections,

the competitors per market and a

while today there are some 190 million

commensurate reduction in price per

(according to WCIS). Communication

minute and handset prices, but has

is bringing people together, helping

accelerated more recently as a result

develop societies and increasing

of the decreasing costs of mobile

economic prosperity.

network deployment, coupled with increased investments by pan-regional

During the past three years, Africa saw

and global players. However, given

a massive growth in interest from pan-

that the portion of the population able

regional and international investors

to afford a mobile handset or service

and telecom operators seeking to

at current prices is very low, operators

ride the African growth bandwagon.

are now facing the challenge of

Zain’s (formerly MTC) buyout of

increasing penetration rates among

Celtel and its investments in Mobitel

the bottom of the income pyramid

in Sudan and Vmobile in Nigeria,

within African populations.

MTN’s acquisition of Investcom, Etisalat’s partnering with Atlantique

While the key element to drive

Telecom and European operators such

demand is to lower the entry barriers

as Vodafone, Orange, or Portugal

and the total cost of ownership


(see Exhibit 7), the challenge for any

propositions that attract the bottom of

As a starting point, affordability is

operator seeking to provide such value

the pyramid is to do so profitably.

what the customer perceives based

Exhibit 7: Transforming business models to attract the low income segments

To profitably serve customers with daily income of US$2, operators need to rethink their business models in the search of maximum efficiency without sacrificing service levels and profit margins. The primary challenge is to encourage such customers to adopt the service. As such, reducing the barriers to entry, or adoption, and the total cost of ownership by the customers are essential. The main elements of the cost of ownership are handset costs and price per minute. There are several models by which these two can be reduced.

1. Reducing handsets costs:

that match the lifestyle of young

local entrepreneur would use the

Pioneering initiatives encouraged

populations that are used to live

mobile phone or wireless/mobile

by the GSMA and undertaken by

day to day on a US$2 daily income.

broadband service to create a

Motorola and Nokia are being

Lower total cost of ownership,

business that serves the overall

more recently followed by the

particularly pricing plans that

community he/she is a part of.

efforts of Chinese manufacturers

offer long-term, even lifetime

(ZTE and Huawei) taking the retail

validities need to be complemented

handset prices below US$20, as

with affordable rates and low

as Bangladesh’s Grameenphone

well as operators like Vodafone

denominations in sachet-like

are the pioneers of partnering

with their low end 125 and 225

recharge vouchers that ensure low

with financial institutions to

models or Spice Mobile planned

incremental spending.

utilize their micro-credit facilities

sub-US$25 “people’s phone” in India. In several markets where

to enable low income segments 3. Community—or Shared—

to purchase mobile phones via

these sub US$20 handsets were

Access: To overcome the chicken

a loan. In the Grameenphone

recently introduced growth has

and egg problem of lack of buying

model, the individual buying the

taken off, which clearly indicates

power among the sub US$5 ARPU

handset repays the loan with

this is the way to penetrate lower

segment, community access is

money she generates from selling

income markets and customer

a convenient way for operators

minutes on her newly acquired


to tap into the bottom of the

phone to her village community.

pyramid. The public call office

Grameenphone claims 250,000

model, the village phone model,

entrepreneurs conducting this

and price levels: Operators need

or even the community Internet

retail phone business in 60,000

to cleverly bundle these handsets

and communications center model,

villages in Bangladesh, giving

with attractive pricing plans

for example, are ways in which a

access to over 100 million users.

2. Rethinking pricing structures


4. Micro-credit: Operators such

on the communication campaign the

prevent churn. Some operators, such

operator designs. While it is a given that

as Sudatel, Safaricom or Glomobile,

attracting low income customers will

choose to leverage “national pride”

definitely erode ARPU for the operator,

and position themselves as the national

managing the ARPU decline in such a

carrier, while others concentrate on

way as to avoid excessive erosion should

the young population, such as Tigo.

be a key element of any operator’s

While operator branding in more

strategy to profitably serve the bottom

developed markets increasingly focus

of the pyramid. As has been seen with

on individuality of their customer base,

selected operators in East Africa such

the exact opposite approach works

as Celtel or Tigo in Tanzania and UTL

more effectively in high growth markets

in Uganda, a clever introduction of

in Africa. Customers at the bottom of

headline tariffs in a direct and easy to

the pyramid, historically marginalized

understand communication will convey

in the era of globalization, crave for a

the affordability message without

sense of belonging to a greater network

necessarily harming the operator’s

or community. As such, pan-regional

margins. In each pricing package,

operators such as MTN or Celtel (Zain)

the operator needs to design built-in

focus on the community aspect and the

components—such as billing steps,

sense of belonging to a greater network

set up fees, usage caps—that prevent

in their branding campaign.

more ARPU erosion than is necessary to attract the low income customers. These

Technology is an important lever for

sensitive levers need to be managed

operators seeking to decrease the

with care and accuracy, however, and

cost of providing the service: mobile-

this can only take place when the

voucher delivery systems, electronic-

operator is capable of achieving a large

voucher delivery systems and IVRs

degree of intimacy with customer needs

to promote self care are just some

and behaviors.

examples. Technology can also be used to increase revenue streams and

Even with these low ARPU customers—

increase customer stickiness, such as

in fact, precisely because they are low

money remittance systems which have

ARPU customers—customer loyalty is

been a success in Kenya, South Africa

essential to extend customer lifetime

and the Philippines and are being

and thus extract profits, and to prevent

deployed in Afghanistan, Tanzania and

spiraling acquisition and winback

several other high growth markets.

costs. As such, properly positioning the brand and establishing an emotional

Profitability can be further enhanced

connection with the customer will help

through a more efficient approach to


distribution of the physical recharge

efficient BTSs, as well as ones that

vouchers. Examples are partnerships with

rely on alternative energy sources like

logistics companies to increase presence

wind, bio fuels, solar or at the very least

efficiently, incorporating learnings from

hybrid power solutions, promising cost

the FMCG world in order to increase

reductions up to 40%.

rotation and traffic towards POS, such as tailor-made events at the POS, or layout

While the pan-regional players

and ambiance customization according

are actively trying to consolidate

to target segment.

procurement across country operations to gain better leverage with vendors

It is worth noting that, considering that

and reduce equipment costs, the real

over 65% (source: UNDP, 2006) of sub-

drivers of infrastructure costs are BTS

Saharan Africa lives in rural areas, the

site acquisition and civil works, together

FMCG model has proven successful in

with the shortage of skilled engineers

penetrating rural areas. Learning from

within Africa. These factors, combined,

the FMCG world would thus enable

make the network outsourcing,

mobile operators to increase numeric

managed services, and network sharing

distribution in rural areas, ensuring

viable alternatives to build-own-manage

accessibility and visibility in order to

models. Bolder operators in Africa are

address the latent demand coming

trading sites, replicating the site sharing

from rural Africa.

model that operators like Vodafone and Orange are following in Europe, while

Network rollout and maintenance,

several are engaging vendors for carrier

or network CAPEX and OPEX, are

managed services.

important cost elements that, if not managed properly, could significantly

The year 2008 will see the launch of

impact profitability in serving low

various initiatives by the more innovative

income segments. As for OPEX, site

African mobile operators to reach

security and the shortage of reliable

and serve the bottom of the pyramid

power supply are major challenges

profitably. In order for these initiatives

in low income areas. In areas where

to succeed, however, operators need to

the national electric grid lacks reach,

learn from the lessons in other emerging

power generators are required, adding

markets, and to understand that the

significantly to the cost of access

traditional mobile operator business

rollout. Generally, two generators per

model needs to be re-thought if the low

BTS are required, with a replacement

income segment is to be served profitably.

cycle of 18 months. Solutions being developed or deployed now are more


Industry dynamic #6 Broadband growth

Even with the very high growth

Operators will seek to position themselves for the growth prospects in broadband connectivity For over a decade, the phenomenal

wireless broadband offering), all of

rates in broadband across the

growth in mobile (with a global

whom are keen to ride the wave of

region, the region is still a

2000-2006 CAGR of 24%) has

growth expected from broadband.

far cry from mass broadband adoption when taken as a whole, and the room for

overshadowed the fixedline, where growth has stagnated (with a global

Even with the very high growth rates in

2000-2006 CAGR of 5%), mainly as a

broadband across the region, the region

result of lack of investment.

is still a far cry from mass broadband

growth is tremendous

adoption when taken as a whole, and With the emergence of broadband as a

the room for growth is tremendous.

growth engine (with a global 20002006 CAGR of 61%) for the stagnating

Broadband development varies across

fixedline business, coupled with

the MEA region

innovative new broadband technologies

However, the level of development

that either reduce CAPEX significantly

is not uniform (see Exhibit 8), and

(such as WiMAX) or enable a much

there are selected countries that have

wider range of value added services

achieved significant strides in increasing

(such as FTTx), the fixedline is attracting

broadband penetration already, while

headlines once again.

others are on the cusp of growth in broadband. There are three country

The resurgence of fixedline in the

groupings within the MEA region

MEA region

with different levels of broadband

The MEA region is no exception. In


fact, adding to the resurgence of

1. Sub-Saharan Africa (excluding

the fixedline in this region is the late

South Africa)

introduction of liberalization in this

2. GCC states (excluding Saudi Arabia)

sector, which is now attracting players

3. Rest of MENA

from the mobile and ISP markets (such as Umniah’s and Zain Bahrain’s WiMAX

Sub-Saharan African countries have

licenses, Mobily’s mobile broadband

to-date lagged behind in not just

push, MTN Nigeria’s acquisition of 2

broadband adoption, but even dialup

fixed wireless operators, or Wana’s

Internet adoption. Among many other


factors—such as illiteracy, low PC penetration, IT awareness, and low income levels—the lack of fixedline

Exhibit 8: Broadband penetration of households in selected Middle East and Africa countries in 2007

infrastructure has been one of the key inhibitors preventing broadband adoption. It is for this reason that the mobile operators and emerging fixed wireless access providers in this region are now keen on leveraging wireless technologies (such as CDMA EVDO, WiMAX, UMTS or HSPA) to move into broadband service provisioning as well,

Source: Euromonitor 2007

with Nigeria’s active broadband market already in full swing. As such, the broad-

bandwidths (up to 4Mbps), while some

band players are keen to further expand

are venturing into bundled offerings that

On the other extreme, the small littoral

the pool of Internet users to enable

combine Internet access, voice telephony,

states of the Persian Gulf, with already

continued growth in the broadband cus-

and video (IPTV or video on demand).

high dial-up Internet penetration

tomer base. As such, the main challenge

coupled with a high income population

for players in these markets is to create

In fact, as the broadband growth rate

and more IT savvy businesses, have

a compelling value proposition that will

tapers off in the higher penetration

managed to migrate many of their dial-

enable the previously unconnected to

countries and Internet users become

up customers to broadband over the

jump on the broadband bandwagon im-

more sophisticated, incumbent fixedline

past couple of years.

mediately, bypassing dial-up all together.

operators are betting on these same

being a good example (see Exhibit 9).

bundled offerings as a means to both During this same period, countries such

As a result, incumbent operators in such

encourage incremental increases in

as South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Egypt,

markets are revamping their broadband

broadband ARPU, while also hoping

Morocco, and Jordan have successfully

value propositions from two angles. For

to lock in broadband customers with

put broadband on a rapid growth

the unconnected customers, providers

cross selling prior to the intensification

trajectory, thanks mainly to a successful

such as Batelco, Awalnet, STC, Maroc

of competition. Tying in the customers

push from governments coupled with

Telecom and others are offering very

through cross selling and value added

the incumbent operators’ need for

low bandwidth broadband (128Kbps),

services is thus becoming a necessity

growth drivers in their fixedline business.

combined with limited monthly

for incumbent players readying for

download capacity at more affordable

fixedline competition.

Operator strategies in more developed

prices to help acquire the novice internet

broadband markets

users. For the Internet savvy and higher

Benchmarking themselves against the

When it comes to operators in the last

spending customers, operators such

more advanced broadband markets in

two groups of countries, the migration

as Etisalat, Qtel, Maroc Telecom and

Asia and Western Europe, the fixedline

of dial-up connections to broadband is

others are launching ever higher access

operators in the high penetration


broadband markets are considering

such, we believe that the new entrants

offering through cross-selling and

services and solutions catering to the

in the fixedline markets, licensed altnets

capture more of their mobile customer

broadband-connected residential and

in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and soon in

telecommunications spending.

business customers. Specifically, the

Qatar, will all need to match or exceed

growing emphasis among Western

the incumbent offerings if they are

Operator strategies in less developed

European and Asian operators on

to successfully capture any significant

broadband markets

managed ICT services for SMEs

broadband market share.

In most of sub-Saharan Africa, where

(operators such as Belgacom and BT),

fixedline broadband infrastructure

and IPTV and triple play to residential

Finally, we expect the mobile operators

is nearly non-existent, mobile and

customers (such as Orange France and

in these markets to start positioning

wireless broadband technologies are

PCCW), are two main themes that are

themselves to capture a share of the

the name of the game for players

attracting the attention of incumbent

broadband pie during 2008, either

interested in addressing the nascent

fixedline operators in the Middle East.

through 3.5G technology and eventually

broadband opportunity in this region.

LTE, through a WiMAX license, or

Here, mobile operators will leverage

Newly licensed entrants into the

acquisitions of existing broadband

3.5G deployments, and in some cases,

fixedline market of these more

players in their respective countries.

WiMAX, to target the broadband

developed broadband markets, keen

The mobile players will be late comers

opportunity, while ISPs and other new

on inducing customer churn from the

to the broadband game in the more

entrants will take advantage of WiMAX

incumbent operators, will need to keep

developed broadband markets, and

or broadband CDMA technologies to

up with the new service innovation and

will mainly aim to use broadband as

address the same broadband market.

price bundling of the incumbents. As

a way to compliment their mobile

Exhibit 9: The Wireless Broadband Push in Africa—Nigerian Players Jostle for Position for the Broadband Opportunity Nigeria is one of sub-Saharan Africa’s most competitive broadband markets with unified licensing that allows fixed and mobile players and ISPs to compete for the small but fast growing broadband opportunity. The Internet competitive landscape in Nigeria is very fragmented; while national operators leverage their fixed lines infrastructure and mobile players have not penetrated the market yet, there are a large number of small players (PTOs, ISPs, etc) using CDMA technology and few using WiMAX technology to offer internet / broadband services. Wireless is the name of the game in Nigeria’s broadband market. Presence National operators

National PTOs

Regional PTOs

Main technologies



Fiber optic, SAT, CDMA



Fiber optic; Expects Next Generation Network (NGN) & submarine cable


9 regions




Fixed-line (TDMA) & CDMA


12 cities plans 42 end ‘07


MTS first W.

5 regions






South East Nigeria

CDMA & 3.5 GHz frequency



VSAT; 3.5GHz DSL, cable solutions


9 regions


21st Century



Source: Operators websites; Paul Budde 2007 report; All Africa News Aug ‘07; Jidaw Systems Q307 ratings; Delta Partners analysis



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