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John Whitgift: Top opportunities
John Whitgift Academy is in the process of reapplying for the National Quality in Careers Award.
The academy gained the award in 2020 after Paul Tuffnell took on the role of Operational Lead CEIAG and completed his Career Leader Level 7 Award with Nottingham University.
With support from Humberside Outreach Programme (HOP), the Academy has offered and supported many students with opportunities to visit companies and widen their understanding of the local and regional labour market information.
Upcoming visits include Year 10 taster days at local colleges and sixth forms, including a residential visit to Bishop Burton.
North East Lincolnshire Council holds its annual Skills Fair at Grimsby Auditorium this month, giving Year 10 students an opportunity to meet a wide variety of post-16 providers and companies offering employment or apprenticeships.
Year 8 students visited Uncle Henry’s Farm and the Yorkshire Sculpture Centre.
A Step-up Day based around careers is being held and new Academy careers emblem being created.
Thirty students were selected to visit Prax, an important oil refinery within the region.
The Academy welcomed Brad Greenwood from the company as its Enterprise Advisor in partnership with the Careers and Enterprise Company.
To assist with the delivery on this outstanding CEIAG programme, Paul has been joined by Steve Ryder, CEO of CPO media in Grimsby and the Governor for Careers; Matthew White, Assistant
Principal and Strategic Lead for CEIAG, Alison Winn, Year 8 Learning Manager who has recently passed a Careers Level 6 Advisor Award, and Katie Tune, the Academy’s Progress Careers advisor.
The Academy would like to thank Katie for her dedication to the role. She is due to take up a new role with Progress Careers as Operations Manager but will continue with links to the area and the Academy looks forward to a continued working partnership.
Awarded under licence by Ixion, it said: “It is evident that the careers programme at The Laurel is strongly embedded in the work of the Academy and it has proactive support from the Academy Advisory Body and SLT. The Careers Lead has worked hard to develop a programme that is robust and sustainable. The value of CEIAG is fully recognised by the Academy and the subject staff within the Academy.
The Academy has created a strong network with parents / carers, employers, employees, community links and other learning providers to engage them in enhancing opportunities for young people and to inform the development of the programme.
It is clear there are systems in place to evaluate the impact and effectiveness of the careers programme.”
Danny said: “We are thrilled to have achieved the National Quality in Careers Standard.
“We recognise the important role school plays in helping students develop their knowledge, skills and experience so they can go out into the world and achieve personal success.
“This standard has provided a flexible framework that enabled us to audit our work on careers and ensure our students are receiving advice, practical support and experience so they are prepared for the next stage of their education, employment, self-employment or training.”