4 minute read
State of the Chapters
The State of the Chapters
CHAPTERS Founded Total 2002-03 2003-04 03-04 Avg. % OF BILLS Initiates Initiates Initiates Membership* PAID Enrolled Enrolled Enrolled
Abracadabra 1910 1045 13 12 50 100 Alabama 1927 1248 0 17 16 147 Alberta 1997 135 6 13 27 99 American 1992 353 32 13 36 103 Appalachian State 1986 462 13 20 44 102 Arizona State 1949 531 37 28 42 102 Auburn 1951 1084 7 10 34 100 Augusta 1983 219 6 14 10 138 Behrend 1990 193 13 16 22 103 Bowling Green 1998 83 12 11 30 95 Bryant 1990 232 7 13 19 100 Cal Poly 1970 376 39 32 60 103 California Univ. - PA 1974 319 0 14 20 122 Central Michigan 1988 303 4 1 11 171 Central Missouri 1971 800 18 1 58 100 Chico 1987 651 19 27 68 118 Clemson 1990 338 19 17 59 111 Colorado State 2001 46 9 16 24 100 Connecticut 1955 786 18 2 34 98 DePauw 1892 1288 19 12 25 126 Denison 2000 398 19 15 28 100 Duquesne 1993 178 16 15 26 103 East Carolina 1992 170 7 9 23 100 Eastern Illinois 1967 998 0 38 58 121 Embry-Riddle 1972 567 0 18 32 100 Ferris State 1994 158 23 12 18 116 Fredonia 1991 273 4 25 42 100 Frostburg 1991 248 6 16 15 125 Fullerton 1967 704 10 17 16 128 Gannon 1971 400 12 9 25 100 Georgia 1996 390 3 20 28 149 Georgia Tech 1991 335 14 28 50 100 Gorham State 1969 583 9 0 17 111 Hayward 1990 269 15 12 25 96 Hobart 1948 748 2 0 26 100 Huntsville 1977 303 9 9 20 100 Idaho 1924 1357 22 20 55 100 Illinois 1923 1845 0 21 70 99 Iowa 1912 1487 21 15 44 112 Jacksonville State 1968 588 17 15 35 89 James Madison 1999 119 14 11 32 100 Johnstown 1972 438 2 12 17 198 Kansas 1923 1566 33 18 87 100 Kansas State 1992 556 25 10 60 100 Kent State 1990 214 9 14 26 100 Kettering-A 1996 77 19 9 23 100 Kettering-B 1996 95 10 9 20 90 Lake Forest 1950 375 24 11 33 107 Livingston 1967 475 9 8 19 99 Long Beach 1968 559 12 0 42 126 Louisiana Tech 1987 269 18 0 42 100 Mankato 1992 142 6 4 13 105 Marquette 1977 333 13 0 26 106 Maryland 1990 277 22 0 23 110 Miami 1932 1444 26 6 65 99 Michigan State 1935 1811 38 5 52 100 Minnesota 1892 1027 22 6 24 101 Mississippi State 1964 604 16 0 39 100 Missouri 1951 566 25 3 36 114 Montclair 1990 220 13 5 33 100 Montevallo 1972 491 13 3 35 100
New Haven 1981 286 7 10 18 100 New Mexico State 1994 144 9 10 28 89 Northeast Missouri 1978 517 19 10 25 99 Northern Arizona 1959 623 6 17 34 98 Northern Colorado 1984 394 15 11 39 108 Northern Illinois 1989 458 3 28 20 140 Northwest Missouri 1971 1064 25 17 39 99 Northwestern 1893 282 28 16 74 100 Oshkosh 1969 521 20 2 26 84 Penn State 1929 1613 20 22 67 110 Purdue 1927 1459 36 53 123 111 Radford 1994 159 13 9 30 104 Reno 1992 166 15 9 14 74 Rowan 1992 167 9 0 27 91 Rutgers 1999 122 18 1 27 64 South Dakota State 2002 61 9 23 32 109 South Florida 2000 131 20 29 40 101 Southeast Missouri 1977 493 10 9 21 121 Southern California 1910 1240 24 23 56 100 Stephen F. Austin 1999 104 11 6 26 100 Syracuse 2001 302 7 26 25 100 Tarleton 1988 285 5 23 27 119 Texas 1907 856 15 16 47 98 Texas A&M 1988 319 16 16 25 100 Texas State 1991 218 4 21 26 119 Tri-State 1969 378 5 12 25 100 Troy State 1966 748 17 23 30 101 UNLV 1996 213 23 16 48 92 Valdosta 1968 709 0 16 26 130 Virginia Commonwealth 1991 215 18 9 29 102 Virginia Tech 1992 402 39 8 65 101 Washington 1908 1917 24 16 44 100 Washington State 1943 575 17 10 43 97 West Chester 1994 189 25 1 24 82 West Virginia Tech 1983 304 2 4 10 91 Western Illinois 1989 273 3 1 24 103 Western Michigan 1955 989 8 17 23 97 Whitewater 1970 572 10 8 33 110 Windsor 1971 368 7 13 16 93
Colonies Binghamton 2004 35 ** ** 35 100 British Columbia 2004 17 ** ** 17 96 Coastal Carolina 2004 25 ** ** 25 100 Colorado 2002 367 30 11 25 100 Davis 1993 125 ** ** 18 20 Georgia Southern 1972 245 ** 11 39 95 Illinois State 1973 519 ** 36 31 100 Kentucky 1913 432 ** ** 14 99 Michigan 1892 1039 ** 12 11 100 Oklahoma 1927 718 ** 34 25 93 Oregon State 2003 891 19 22 21 150 Pittsburgh 1976 76 ** 41 33 100 Rhode Island 2003 48 30 50 37 78 Southern Illinois 2003 979 18 12 13 101 Southwest Missouri St 2002 432 13 17 26 100 Tampa 2002 17 12 5 9 107 Texas Tech 1983 424 ** 30 26 96 West Georgia 2002 59 11 29 28 100 Western Ontario 1991 257 12 8 14 102 William & Mary 2002 30 23 7 21 115