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Convention Review
The 57th International Convention
New Orleans Delta Chi
the 57th international Convention, held at the new orleans Marriott Hotel from august 11-14, 2010, was attended by more than 310 student members, as well as more than 185 alumni and guests from across north america. For the first time ever, members unable to attend were connected to the four days of programming, legislation, brotherhood and festivities through the Fraternity’s live webcasts and social media interaction throughout the Convention.
Wednesday, August 11th Convention Kick-off and Awards Presentation
Patrick Alderdice, Ball State ’92, and Paul Picciani, Connecticut ’89, returned as the Convention Kick-off’s emcees. Over 100 viewers joined the Convention guests in viewing the entertaining show through the Fraternity’s first live broadcast online. After introducing the Executive Committee, who entered dressed in Saints jerseys, Alderdice and Picciani announced over 250 programming awards (see pages 8-9 for a complete list of all award recipients). Their dialog was accompanied by the slapstick antics of the Swingaroux band, a local Dixie band. Midway through announcing awards, Picciani received a call and invited some very special guests to join him on stage. The doors in the back of the room flew open, and Ben Wise ’08 and Mark York ’12, South Dakota State Chapter brothers, appeared carrying a canoe. These two men led a canoeing expedition from Brookings, SD to New Orleans, LA with the purpose of raising awareness and funds for the V Foundation. Upon arriving in New Orleans, York recalled, “We exchanged emotionally charged handshakes, and Ben and I then carried the canoe on our shoulders to the [Marriott]...Two thousand three hundred miles in 48 days – that’s what it took to move one canoe from the Delta Chi house in Brookings, SD to New Orleans, LA.” At the conclusion of the Convention Kick-Off, Alderdice and Picciani announced the recipients of the Fraternity’s Award of Excellence. The members of these chapters joined the “AA” for a private reception with a beautiful view of the French Quarter and downtown New Orleans for a preview of what would be a Convention to remember. Thursday, August 12th General Sessions Elections, Delta Chi Law & Ritual Changes A procession of the Board of Regents, past “AA”s, “BB”s, and members of the Order of the White Carnation began the first general session on Thursday morning. Gil Werntz, Georgia Southern ’85, called the session to order as “FF”. The Convention Chorus sang the Bond Song, and then Tom Horowitz, “AA”, led the delegates in the recitation of the Preamble. Executive Director Ray Galbreth, Missouri ’69, recognized attendees based on the number of Conventions attended. Jimmie J. “Doc” Underwood, Kansas ’51, was recognized for attending his 24th Convention, with many others hoping to follow in his footsteps. Delegates gave a standing ovation to Underwood and others for their dedication to Delta Chi. General Session I reviewed the following items regarding Delta Chi Law: a number of technical changes to Delta Chi Law regarding Vice Regents, Regional Leadership Conferences, alumnus status, student status, the term of the “BB”, filling vacancies on the Board of Regents, changing the names of chapters and the waiver of dues for faculty or alumni initiates. The Convention also approved a change in Delta Chi Law that deletes the dues exemption for men initiated during that same school year. This change was adopted in lieu of a dues increase. Following the adoption of the legislative items above, nominations were received for Executive Committee positions. R.C. Damle, Texas ’01, was nominated for “AA”. Charles Cheatham, Louisiana Tech ’88; Aaron Otto, Kansas State ’98; and Bill Tallman, Embry-Riddle ’95; were nominated for “CC”. Miles Washburn, Massachusetts ’87, was nominated for “DD”. The Convention delegates then heard the presentation of two of the four men to be inducted into the Order of the White Carnation. The delegates unanimously approved all four men. Welcomed into the Order of the White Carnation at that time were Paul Bohlman, Ohio State ’70, and Don LaPlante, Southern California Faculty. General Session I closed with all attendees posing for the Convention photo before heading off for lunch. After lunch, the delegates entered their respective Regional Caucuses for a “question and answer” session regarding the elections of the “AA”, “CC”, and “DD”. General Session II saw R.C. Damle unanimously elected as Delta Chi’s 51st “AA”. Bill Tallman was elected to serve as “CC”, and Miles Washburn was elected as “DD”. Tom Horowitz will now assume the role of Retiring “AA”. The Convention then adjourned for a break and dinner. After dinner, the delegates witnessed the Ritual exemplification, a model rehearsal of the Fraternity’s Ritual, and called to order the third General Session of the day. During the Ritualistic Session, there were some small changes made in the Ritual Manual to enhance the understanding of and protect the integrity of the Ritual. Greg Hauser, Michigan State ’75, presented the
New Orleans • August 11-14, 2010
Memorial Resolution in honor of those brothers who had passed away during the past biennium, and Fred Hammert, Oklahoma ’60, was selected as the Convention Honoree. An Alumni Ceremony was held following the conclusion of the Ritualistic session. Friday, August 13th Foundation Luncheon & Educational Sessions
The 8th Biennial Kimball Classic golf tournament kicked off Friday morning. Participants enjoyed a round of golf at the Stonebridge Golf Club just minutes from downtown New Orleans. Friday morning and afternoon, attendees could choose to attend an array of educational seminars, beginning with a keynote presentation on hazing education given by Dr. Tod Burke and Dr. Stephen Owen, faculty of Radford University. Attendees then chose breakout sessions to benefit their own leadership development and to learn how to better serve their chapters. The Delta Chi Educational Foundation hosted Friday’s luncheon, with presentations by Foundation Representatives Chad Wolett, Arizona State ’94, and Duane Meyer, Hobart ’58 and OWC member. During the luncheon, OWC members also welcomed Charles Mancuso, Florida State ’84, into the Order. Following lunch, attendees were able to choose from several more breakout sessions before enjoying the evening experiencing New Orleans. Many attendees opted to attend evening activities organized by the Fraternity, including a baseball game and ghost tour. Saturday, August 14th The Big Finish
On Saturday morning, the educational sessions continued, and alumni volunteers and guests shared their personal and professional experiences in small breakout sessions as part of the day-long Alumni Track Program. Graduating seniors and alumni were encouraged to attend in order to learn leadership skills specific to advising undergraduate members. All undergraduate attendees were challenged to be socially excellent by Matt Mattson, President and Co-Founder of Phired Up Productions and the morning’s keynote presenter. Lorrie Bossart elevated all attendees’ understanding of classic and contemporary etiquette through her etiquette luncheon, “Manners Matter: A Luncheon Like No Other.” Kim Novak addressed the attendees as the afternoon keynote speaker with her presentation, “A Call to Action: Creating Communities of Care.” Attendees were free to choose breakout sessions for the remainder of the afternoon on various topics relating to Fraternity life and personal development. Saturday evening brought everyone together for a spectacular gathering of Delta Chis and guests. Including more than 300 viewers from the webcast, more people than ever before shared in Saturday evening’s memories. Tom Horowitz, “AA”, welcomed all in attendance, and the Convention Chorus, led by Duane Meyer, then sang the United States and Canadian National Anthems to begin the banquet. Tom Horowitz invited John Leshney, Senior Vice President of Development for the V Foundation, and South Dakota State brothers Ben Wise and Mark York on stage to present the check for Delta Chi’s two-year commitment of $130,000. For the next two years, Delta Chi Chapters and Colonies will work to raise $150,000 for the V Foundation. Next, Order of the White Carnation members gathered on stage to induct the fourth man approved on Thursday, U.S. Congressman John Mica, Florida ’67, into their Order. OWC member Greg Hauser, Michigan State ’75, gave the invocation preceding dinner. Following dinner, Ray Galbreth, with assistance from Doc Underwood, started the “Handshake Across Time,” a tradition begun by Founder Monroe Marsh Sweetland to bridge future generations of Delta Chis with the Founders through this meaningful and inspiring tradition. Horowitz presented several Fraternity awards to individuals throughout the evening, including the 2010 Richard N. McKaig Outstanding Greek Professional Award, 2009 & 2010 John J. Kuhn Awards, and 2009 & 2010 Delta Chi of the Year Awards. Miles Washburn received recognition for his status as the Fraternity’s most recent New Founder, with a giving level of $100,000 or more to Delta Chi. Alumni Chapters, along with the Fraternity’s Outstanding “BB”s, Alumni Board of Trustees, and House Corporations, were also recognized. Next, focus shifted to the Fraternity’s top chapters. Horowitz reviewed the Certificate of Achievement recipients from Wednesday before revealing his decisions for the President’s Most Improved Trophies. Horowitz announced the recipients of the President’s Cups, the most prestigious award a Chapter of Delta Chi can receive. Chapters that received the Award of Excellence were all eligible for this award. After Horowitz and attendees recognized Zac Cole, Northern Illinois ’03, for his hard work as Convention Coordinator, attendees learned of the 2012 Convention site through watching a video that panned to a skyline view of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. One of Horowitz’ last acts as “AA” was to administer the installation ceremony, swearing in the recently elected officers. Before R.C. Damle closed the Convention with the official gavel, he presented outgoing Board member Steve Bossart, Kent State ’90, with a special resolution commemorating his ten years of service to the Board of Delta Chi. The evening ended with brothers linking arms to sing the Bond Song.

Educational Program Faculty
Rod Arnold Jeremy Bishop Lorrie Bossart Steve Bossart Jeff Broderick Marquez Brown Dr. Tod Burke R.C. Damle Michael Dean Ellie Eversole Ray Galbreth Michael Geary Karl Grindel Tom Haney Greg Hauser Grant Herrin Peter Lane Chuck Mancuso Matt Mattson Kim Novak Aaron Otto Dr. Stephen Owen Paul Picciani Mark Schramka Justin Sherman Keith Shriver Dr. Ron Surmacz Bill Tallman Miles Washburn Rusty Williams John Ziegler
For a complete list of Convention attendees, see back cover.