The Collegian -- Published March 20, 2015

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Issue 11 • Friday, March 20, 2015 •


Allergies spring with a vengeance


By Kristen Riedel

#Trending: Pearly drink Boba PAGE 6

‘Death of a Salesman’ final act PAGE 6 PHOTOS BY JERMAINE DAVIS

SEARCHING THE FUTURE: Googleplex coordinator Austin Lin discusses what Google looks for in potential employees.

DELTA STUDENTS VISIT GOOGLE Alum shared post-college experiences

By Vorani Khoonsrivong

Niner faithful this season? PAGE 7

UPCOMING Delta Vocal Jazz Concert, Atherton Auditorium, 7:30 p.m., Mar. 24, $8 for adults, $5 for students, seniors Blood Drive, Upper Danner, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. April 8


More than 40 Delta College students and faculty visited Googleplex, the corporate headquarters of Google Inc. on Monday. Funded by the Delta College Foundation, the trip gave students and faculty the opportunity to tour the Mountain View campus as well as meet with former Delta students now working for the company. Activities included a question and answer session, a meditation exercise and tour of the campus and Google store. “I had a lot of time to program and code at Delta. It was my formative

years for really learning how to be a programmer,” said Todd Poynor. Poynor is a Stockton native, a former Delta College student and has worked at Googleplex for more than four years. He currently works for Google X, a facility dedicated to making technological advancements, working on projects such as Google contact lenses, Google Glass and Google’s self-driving car. The trip catered to those interested in pursuing engineering but many of the attendees were not pursuing engineering majors. The majority of attendees comprised of students from Dr. Elizabeth

See GOOGLE, Page 8

Every year brings worse allergy seasons as global warming increases pollen levels. The California drought is only making things worse. “Because carbon dioxide is used as food for plants, in atmospheres with more CO2 plants have more resources. This allows them to grow larger and produce more pollen,” said researcher Jennifer Albertine in a recent article. Because of the drought, water-starved trees blooming from January through April are producing more pollen in an effort to ensure the survival of the species. More than 40 million Americans suffer from allergies and that number will continue to increase due to these environmental factors. “I’ve never had allergies before, but this spring I’ve been short of breath and had difficulty concentrating on my schoolwork,” said Delta student Renee Painter. Typical allergy symptoms such as sneezing, coughing and itchy eyes and nose may be absent or minimal in some sufferers. Atypical symptoms such as stomachache, lung congestion, fatigue, brain fog and irritability may be the only, and often unrecognized, symptoms of a new allergy. Because cold and allergy symptoms are similar, some people take unnecessary cold medicine that may relieve some symptoms without treating the root problem. Allergy testing is the most direct route to effective treatment. “Actually, thinking about it, maybe I should get that done,” said Delta student Darien Moore who has suffered from allergies all his life. Those with year-round allergies can take allergy shots or pills to raise their tolerance to allergens. Those with allergies in one or two seasons can take the appropriate anti-histamines from the beginning of each season to prevent their symptoms. Often, people don’t want to take over-thecounter medication or see a doctor, but there are ways to reduce symptoms without such measures. Some tips for keeping your body and home an outdoor allergen-free zone are keeping windows closed and using air conditioning, changing clothes and showering after a day out, and using a nasal saline rinse.

Delta flea market a place for community outreach By Kayla Hernandez

The Market at Delta College is a place where individuals can enjoy the weekend finding bargains. Located on campus in the Budd 4 parking lot, the market

is a great chance for Delta to provide its unused space on the weekends It’s open Saturdays and Sundays from 6 a.m. to 3 p.m. “We have a variety of vendors who sell antiques, foods like tacos, burritos, Chinese

food, tamales, gyros and much more,” said market assistant Charles Fregoso. Customers can buy a variety of products while supporting local vendors. The market allows local vendors the chance to sell their

goods within the community. It offers products such as fruits, vegetables, furniture, clothing items, electronics and more. The market was previously best known as “The Delta Col-

See MARKET, Page 8



Issue 11 • March 20, 2015 •

Alert needs more info for effectiveness By Eric Carranza


n Monday, March 9 a statewide Amber Alert was sent to cell phone users to be on the look out for a grey Nissan Altima with the licenses plate 5UCF010. Later in the day the alert was cancelled because the missing child was found in Tijuana, Mexico. The child was safe. Not everyone was too pleased on being notified. Some probably didn’t care about it enough for it to disturb them. Some just didn’t like the little information that was given. I know I didn’t. When you think of helping someone in a matter of life or death situation, you hope for a great or even good amount of information to be given to you. When it’s just the info about the color of a car, license plate number and model it just doesn’t seem like enough. I understand privacy. Not everyone wants to have their story out in public,but sometimes more information is needed, to give a clear lookout for the person or persons involved in the crime.

These details should include information about what the abductor is wearing, or something,unique about the individual just not the car he or she is driving. That, to me, won’t go far for one particular reason – connected phones and wifi some people don’t want to use their Internet access. The alert might come through, but viewers won’t click through the link. All we can see is the car info in that initial alert. So how are we supposed to help if we can’t access the extra info on the link in the alert? Even then there’s not always a continuance to it, except the news provided in the alert. So maybe to fix this loophole, more information should be added. Regardless of those who don’t want to hear about it, not everyone will come to an agreement on the solution. It’s worth trying to add more information, as it might just improve the results of these alerts. Let it be clear that little info given does help, but it doesn’t always have a promising successful recovery. That being said this might not be 100 percent bulletproof but it might increase the success rate even if it’s at a high-success rate already, there is nothing wrong with wanting even better.

Captured moments on video raise questions By Zachariah Merces-Spindler


ameras will more often than not be witnesses to all incidents and/or events. It’s the digital age, and cameras are everywhere and in presumably everyone’s pockets and purses. Meaning simply be careful what you do (at all times) because you never know who or what is watching. But perhaps one doesn’t think and involves themself in a hard situation to explain with cameras pointed directly upon them. Such incidents can include hitting a pedestrian with a car, or punching someone in the face or maybe someone had a little too much of a good time and unveils their naked body while running down a busy street’s sidewalk. The story is made immortal when a person freely posts such a video online for mass worldwide “entertainment.” Imagine now, if said person had a recognizable face and name. This famous person commits an act that is well known and publicized for such actions, but no video is known to exist due to what would be seemingly proper restraint, especially if it’s deemed to cruel for the viewing public. Then a media organization rolls around and offers to pay thousands to purchase the video to show the world Of course there would be a correct price to acquire such video. For instance, the incident with Beyonce’s sister Solange and Jay-Z.

TMZ reportedly paid $250,000 to acquire the surveillance video of Solange attacking Jay-Z in an elevator after an event. It’s quite a hefty price tag, but begs the question, did people need to see it? And where does TMZ stand after paying someone for property that may or not be theirs that includes the depiction of another person without his orher permission? TMZ, in turn, received profits from the views the video receives on the organizations well-known website. Most of the world already knows what TMZ does. That’s what the media organization does and it remains overtly popular due to the stories reported daily about various celebrities doing this and that. The question is: Is it needed? National Football League player Ray Rice had a bad situation turn detrimental in an instant. A first video appeared of him dragging his seemingly unconscious wife outside of an Atlantic City hotel elevator, which was followed immediately by a report of him knocking her unconscious with a uppercut. All of it was well documented and expressed by police and media. Then TMZ got hold of the actual video inside the elevator during the incident in which Rice struck his then girlfriend, now fiancée, knocking her unconscious. This resulted in Rice’s immediate

indefinite suspension from NFL play and being released from his contract with the Baltimore Ravens. One video changed public opinion in an instant and caused his career to take a massive detour to a road still unclear. How about “Deadspin” offering to buy a video of NFL player Dez Bryant committing an act so foul it would have the potential to bar him from competition due to public disgust? Of course this video has never surfaced, and the legitimacy of its existence is still in question. It would have had potential catastrophic results for Bryant, the entire Dallas Cowboys organization and the NFL itself, for nothing more than the act of an individual. Because that’s what we all are, individuals. People make mistakes, and make our own mistakes unique and similar to others. These mistakes are supposed to allow us to grow and learn like all those before us. How could an individual be free to grow and move past a mistake if it never dies? Especially if others are going to continue to view it for entertainment and remind the individual of a mistake recorded on video? Should there be rules and regulations as to what can and cannot be placed online, depending on the potential consequences for those involved? And to what end can a person record or capture something and sell to another for massive amounts without the persons being filmed acknowledgement?

THE COLLEGIAN SPRING 2015 PRODUCTION STAFF EDITOR IN CHIEF Jermaine Davis NEWS EDITORS Alexis Bustamante Vorani Khoonsrivong OPINION EDITOR Richard Reyes ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR Zachariah Merces-Spindler SPORTS EDITOR Robert Juarez FEATURE/SOCIAL MEDIA EDITORS Megan Maxey Midori Morita SOCIAL MEDIA EDITOR Orlando Jose SENIOR STAFF WRITERS Eric Carranza Sean Mendoza Santana Juache Brian Ratto STAFF WRITERS Frank Allen David Arnold Katherine Grey Armel Henderson

Kayla Hernandez Daisy Lopez Kellen Medina Kristen Riedel

ADVISER Tara Cuslidge-Staiano ADVERTISING The Collegian offers display advertising at competitive rates. Contact us at (209) 954-5156 or LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Letters raising issues and opinions are encouraged, but shouldn’t be taken as a reflection of the opinions of the staff. EDITORIAL Unsigned editorials reflect the position of the entire Collegian staff. Comments, letters and editorials with a byline represent the opinion of the writer. This paper doesn’t endorse or represent the opinions of the adviser, the Mass Communication department, the Fine Arts Division, the printer or Delta College administration. MISSION STATEMENT The Collegian is a student run First Amendment newspaper that prides itself on a commitment to the students of San Joaquin Delta College while maintaining independence. We reinvigorate the credo that the newspaper speaks for the students, checks abuses of power and stands vigilant in the protection of democracy and free speech.



Issue 11 • March 20, 2015 •

Body art no longer problem for getting jobs By Midori Morita


e know some employers are picky when it comes to tattoos and piercings. But is this conservative view fading away? With more and more people indulging in body art, it’s not a surprise that many employers are letting it slide. In 2012, a survey said one in five adults in the U.S. have tattoos and one-third of these adults have piercings. Companies such as Barnes & Nobles and Hot Topic have no problem with their employees showing off their body art, but Walmart and Starbucks still say no to this self-expression. “It’s crazy that some businesses still don’t allow body art. If your business is successful, it shouldn’t matter,” said Oliver Johnson, a retail worker. While Johnson makes a good point, a survey done by states 60 percent of employers are more likely to turn away applicants with tattoos or piercings. When applying for jobs, I was turned away countless

times just for my one nose piercing and zero tattoos. It’s obvious employers think body art will tarnish their business with a rebellious look, but an upbeat attitude and a friendly smile could distract from tattoos and piercings. “Many customers don’t care, I mean, usually they are really interested in what my tattoo means. I don’t think it should be a factor in getting a job,” stated Johnson. More than 25 different companies allow employees to have body art, but it’s smart to always cover up tattoos and replace metal piercings with clear ones when interviewing for a job. I tried to contact local businesses to ask their view of body art, but none got back to me. Although times are changing and companies are becoming more open minded to self-expression, there is a good majority of employers that are willing to pass up applicants who are qualified for the job if they have body art. With an increasing number of people getting piercings and tattoos, it’s time to push away the conservative view of body art.

Who gets to decide your future? By Katherine Grey


itting at the kitchen table, with parents on both sides of you, the discussion about college begins. For most who have had the college conversation with their parents, they got an ear full about which major would lead towards a great career. Parents want to make sure we achieve the most that we can. Armed with the wisdom of your parents, a college catalog, and an idea as to what you want to study, you begin to map out your path. Before you know it, you are declaring a major that was not quite what your parents had hoped for. “I want to be an Underwater Basket Weaver major with a minor in Philosophy!” you declare with pride. To your parent’s horror, you stood firm on a path they did not approve of, unwilling to budge. In a last ditch effort to try and convince you otherwise, the last weapon in their arsenal of parenthood was brought out. “If you want to study that, a path which we do not approve of, we will not agree to pay for your education.” Thus begins the all too common question between parent and student. Do your parents have a right to hold your college pursuit hostage because you did not chose a major that they approve of? While pondering this question, Delta College students were asked about their personal experience with such a matter.

Chelsea Griswold, a sophomore graphic design student, expressed she would take into consideration what her parents had to say but ultimately she felt that it was her decision on what she decided to study. If her parents did not currently support her education path, she spoke of finding the funds on her own. Students like Griswold are a rarity. Her parents fully support her graphic design passion and are happily paying for her to reach as high as she can. Fortunately, for students who are in search of ways to fund their education, there are many options available to them before they go down the student loan road. Scholarships, the Governor’s fee waiver form, and FAFSA are all readily available for those who need it. “I feel it’s a parents role to guide their children and to show them the right path. Ultimately, it is their decision which direction they want to go though,” said James Birones, Delta student and parent to two college-aged children. Birones said how proud he was that his children decided to pursue their college education. Regardless of where your parents may stand on your educational pursuits, your efforts and passions do not go unnoticed. There are always ways to achieve what you want and those who are more then willing to help. If you are seeking help, the DeRicco building has all the resources to help you get started on what you need to fund your education.

PILLOW TALK 101 With Jermaine Davis

PDA sometimes more than public can handle


aving a significant other in your life and being in love is a beautiful thing for those involved, but for others seeing a couple constantly showing Public Display of Affection (PDA) can be too much to handle. Is it jealousy or envy that makes people cringe at the sight of PDA? Unfortunately, there are millions of people in the world who have a serious issue with seeing couples suck face in public. When you’re on the outside looking in, your point of view is completely different from the view of those on the inside. Whether you’re at the mall, movie theater or on campus, PDA is always on display in front of you. For some, watching couples engage in such lustful acts can bring back haunting memories of a time when they were in a prosperous relationship. Be that as it may, the way that a couple likes to express affection in public shouldn’t cause you to have a bad day. You shouldn’t be judgmental either. Often times I find myself wondering about the severity of their relationships. Is the love gone? Are they really that happy? Do they not care about what others think? These questions don’t linger long because after I pass by a couple that’s being a little touchy feely I just giggle and continue on with my day. The ones who don’t have a problem expressing PDA never understand why onlookers have an issue with what they’re doing. Maybe they should. Maybe they shouldn’t. During the 1980s and 1990s, couples were seen on TV and in public showing affection without fear. Nowadays there’s less PDA being shown on the tube and more in public. The couples that know how to be subtle with PDA appear to have more successful relationships because their bond isn’t based on a physical attraction. A peck on the lips, or a rubbing of the face is understandable, but when two people are eating each other’s tongues in broad daylight, that’s just too much for some to handle. Nothing’s wrong with showing your lover how much you adore them physically daily. But when doing so, having consideration for others who aren’t as free spirited can stop people from giving you dirty looks in public. Just because you don’t find showing off excessive PDA inappropriate doesn’t mean everyone else does.



Issue 11 • March 20, 2015 •


A whole week without class. How are you spending Spring Break? Most college students aren’t in any place to be spending money on lavish trips to vacation destinations or spending their few valuable dollars on frivolous things. How can a broke college student make their spring break memorable? The cheapest options can sometimes be the most fun. Don’t have enough money to take that cliché spring break trip that includes hundreds of other college students drinking their cares away in the sun? A cheaper option could be to take a day trip to the nearest beach. A close group of friends, some good tunes, and a free spot on the beach can be the recipe you need for a fun spring break memory. The beach is free and you could split gas money with your friends. Most Delta students work. This can put your impending fun-in-the-sun plans to a halt. Plan around the work schedule. Even if it’s a half day of laying out in your back yard or having a picnic at the park with a friend listening to your latest playlist, it’s something to enjoy. “We pre-make our food instead of going out to eat [when we go to the beach] like sandwich-

es and salads. It’s something that helps us save [money],” said Synthea Flores, a Delta student. Simply thinking outside of the box or putting some time into preparation can save you a few dollars. Spring Break doesn’t have to be all about the sun. Activities such as movie nights, laser tagging, bowling and plenty others cost little to no money. Activities that can be done from your own home including a Netflix marathon with a few friends can be just as fun and relaxing as a trip to the beach. Around Stockton, you can find parks, movie theaters, bowling allies and other cheap places to chill out and have a little fun. “I like to go to Victory park. I like sitting by the water and feeding the ducks,” added Flores. As students, we work hard to make sure we are on top of our schoolwork and our other responsibilities. Soon we have a whole week dedicated to giving your brain a break to enjoy the newly warm weather. Take advantage of it and let yourself take in some sun therapy. Your break is what you make it. Even if you have work or family responsibilities, you can still squeeze in some much needed break time for yourself.


Delta professor does Important material or dust collector? more than teach biology By Midori Morita

When students buy or rent the required textbooks for courses, they expect to use them. Students spend hundred of dollars a semester on books, so it would be smart to put that money to use. At Delta, that’s not always the case. After surveying six different students, only two said they use their required textbooks. The other four students stated their textbooks sit at home and collect dust. “I bought my math textbook only to find out that we did most of our assignments and note taking online. It’s a waste of money. If you aren’t going to use it, then don’t put required next to the book,” stated Carly Smith, a Delta student. For students who are limited on spending, money wasted on an unused textbook could go towards a different class or even paying bills. Waiting until the class starts is always a smart option, but what if the price goes up once the semester starts?

Four of the six students who don’t use their textbooks said book renting sites such as raise book prices once the semester starts, and they aren’t willing to pay the higher price. “I rent when it’s [the textbook] the cheapest. If I wait, the price goes up or it’s sold out. So waiting really isn’t an option for me,” said Benjamin Nunez, another Delta student. With the population of students here at Delta, textbooks sell quickly. Therefore students are forced to pay high prices once the semester starts. Katherine Lee said her professor announced at the beginning of the semester that class would be using the textbook. The class is now halfway through the semester, and the textbook has yet to be used. “That money could have gone to paying my rent or buying groceries,” said Lee. Delta students can agree on one thing: textbooks are expensive and most students don’t have the money to waste on a textbook that will sit at home and collect dust.

By Frank Allen

During fall and spring semester Dr. Paul Ustach teaches biology to students. In the summer at the Yosemite National Park, Ustach is an interpreter park ranger. There are several types of park rangers. Interpreter rangers give out information out to the visitors. Ustach guides tours about the park’s history, the animals that live there and the environment. He also leads campfires and goes on nature walks. Ustach is also a hunter and has now learned how to cattle. His wife’s family owns a cattle ranch and he rides and ropes cattle. “I’m not very good at it but I could do it,” said Ustach. Ustach also plays for Stockton United Soccer Club. He’s a midfielder and has moved up to just over forties league. Ustach said people in the league have egos. The thirties league consists of 40year olds, and for the forties league

consists of 50-year olds. The team he plays for is “Independente,” which he just joined, after his original team was disbanded. The ironic part is “Independente” is his old rival team. Ustach takes his students on a field trip to Calaveras Big Trees State Park in the middle of the semester. In this field trip, Ustach informs his students about the life of plants and animals. He mentions specifics of certain species explaining why they have traits such as claws, feathers, various leaves and more. He is working on taking another field trip for the semester. This field trip will take students to the coast. The students will see the water life in a different perspective. Seeing that we are in California, our state has a diverse ecology. “It would just be great to show people who live here (Stockton) to those places, have that opportunity to take them there and teach them what’s responsible for the diversity that we see in California,” said Ustach.



Issue 11 • March 20, 2015 •


Women have come a long way in the past century. For Women’s History Month, The Collegian wanted to take a few moments to recognize some of the incredible women positively using their influence in the world today. Mary Barra – Barra became the first woman CEO of an automaker company last January. Just after she was named to General Motors’ top position, she had to face the largest vehicle recall in company history. Her goal in leadership is to bring about a “new GM,” able to regain customer trust.

Sonia Gandhi – Gandhi is the president of the Indian National Congress and leader of the United Progressive Alliance. She holds an enormous amount of political power in the world’s most populated democracy. Her popularity is proof that nations can overcome prejudice when the person has the nation’s best interest in mind. Angela Merkel – Chancellor Merkel was elected in 2005 as the first female German chancellor and won a third four-year term in December 2013, making her the longest serving elected European Union head of state. She uses her power against ISIS by sending arms to Kurdish fighters. Indra Nooyi – Nooyi is the CEO of the world’s fourth largest food and beverage company, PepsiCo. She was also instrumental in the establishment of Yum! Brands. Nooyi has been credited with revitalizing the company by increasing PepsiCo’s revenues by over 70 percent. She improved profits, helped implement unhealthy food restrictions and helped spread the company into foreign markets spreading jobs and business. Michelle Obama – This First Lady of the United States has been an active presence throughout her husband’s presidency. She has been using her platform to actively fight childhood obesity and promote healthier eating and living styles. Mayim Bailik – Most known for her role as Amy Farrah Fowler on the CBS sitcom “The Big Bang Theory,” Bailik also has a Ph. D. in Neuroscience. She has been nominated for three consecutive Emmy Awards in addition to a leading actress nomination from the Screen Actors Guild. Ellen DeGeneres – The household name, Ellen, made her way to fame through her stand-up comedy. Since her rise to fame, Ellen has been a prominent gay/lesbian role model. In addition, she is also an animal rights activist.



Midterms are coming: How do students prepare? By Frank Allen

It is midterm season for Delta College and students are using various study methods to pass midterms. Midterms are a stressful time for students. Stress comes naturally for an assignment with such a big factor in a final grade. Each student has different methods for studying. Orlando Patino studies a lot. Patino had his math midterm already. He said what he did to prepare for his midterm is math tutoring and solving problems in his book, which takes a lot of time. Other students don’t put as much time into studying, but have their own methods. “If there is a study guide then I’ll use that, (or) I’ll fold a paper in half, write the terms on one side and the info on the other. I would also keep rewriting the info to retain it,” student Jessica Norm said. Then there are the calm students that don’t put much effort into studying. Miguel Gonzalez reviews homework from his class to study. Patrick Tomaszewski crams, which is studying last minute. That way you can remember what you just studied without anything else interfering before the test. When asked what he did to study for midterms, student Aaron Kumar had a simple answer. “I don’t.” Midterms are usually half of a student’s grade. Right now students are focused on passing their midterms by studying in their own way.



Issue 11 • March 20, 2015 •

Live action, big screen, all Disney By Daisy Lopez


Anticipated albums of 2015 By Sean Mendoza


his year, 2015, is set up to be a huge year for music with multiple well-known artists set to release new albums. Rap and Hip Hop already have a head-start with album releases starting with Big Sean’s “Dark Sky Paradise” and Lupe Fiasco’s “Tetsuo and Youth” early this year. Rapper Kanye West is expected to release his eighth solo album “So Help Me God” in May. West gave fans a preview of the album by releasing the song “All Day” which shows West’s aggressive style of rapping. Another rap album that people will be getting in line for is west coast rapper Kendrick Lamar’s “To Pimp A Butterfly” which is Kendrick’s second studio album since the success of his first album “g.o.o.d Kiid M.a.a.d city” back in Fall 2012. Kendrick previewed his album by releasing “The Blacker the Berry” to get fans hyped up for his current project. The hype did build and Interscope leaked the album themselves a week earlier via stream through iTunes and Spotify.

Rap isn’t the only genre that’s going to make noise in 2015 as singers Adele, Rihanna, Ne-yo, Frank Ocean and a highly anticipated return by Madonna are set to release albums as well. Controversial artist Justin Bieber has been rumored to be working on an album release for this year, but has not given any information on an album title or a release date. Delta College students shared their thoughts on this year of music coming up and which albums are they willing to spend their money on. “I can’t wait for Kendrick’s album to drop, I believe he’s one of the realest artists out there and the way he’s putting west coast rap back on the map is unbelievable,” said second year student Devin Ellis. Student Vanessa Valdez isn’t planning to buy any of the rap albums as she is looking forward to Frank Ocean’s next project. “I still love his old album ‘Channel Orange’ and listen to it all the time because of how powerful his songs can be, I can’t wait for his next one and see what he has prepared to follow up such a classic album,” said Valdez. Other artists that are set to release albums this year: Meghan Trainor, Bjork, Kelly Clarkson, Kid Cudi, Demi Lovato and Mark Ronson.

isney is known for making our “dreams come true” and having that special place in our childhoods. On March 23, Disney’s live-action version of “Cinderella” was released in theaters. This movie has been much anticipated since the trailer debuted. Now, Disney has announced it is also remaking “Beauty & the Beast” and “Dumbo.” Is it a good idea Disney is starting to remake the original classics? Disney has remade a couple classics such as “101 Dalmations” and “Alice in Wonderland,” but now it seems they are trying to remake these classics more often. While some may say never mess with the classics, I don’t see the problem. Seeing a cartoon come to life is different, but in a good way. “Having Disney remake classics into live-action movies is a great idea. I love the

fact that they are bringing celebrities to the big ‘magical’ screen,” said Delta College student Tauveve Rodriguez. According to Yahoo, Cinderella made $67.9 million opening weekend, which shows how people are responding to this remake. After seeing Cinderella this past weekend, I know in my heart it truly is a good idea. Sitting there watching it, took me back to when I was a child. When the Fairy Godmother transformed her flats into glass slippers, it really hit home for me. As a little girl, I envied those shoes and still do. It gives the older generation a way to connect back to their younger selves and be reminded that we all are kids at heart. Even though it had some parts that were sad, it made it a little realistic and magical at the same time. They added a few things including Cinderella’s mother in the beginning yet, still keeping it original with the iconic glass slipper. Classics will never be replaced, but it’s nice to bring it back and vamp it up a bit.

Harvey Jordan preparing for his last bow By Armel Henderson

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Professor Harvey Jordan, a Delta College phenom, is presenting “Death of a Salesman” for the last time before he retires. The Last showings are today at 8 p.m., Saturday, March 21 at 8 p.m. and Sunday, March 22 at 2 p.m. The Alfred H. Muller Studio Theatre will also host a discussion and presentation today at 1:30 p.m. and another presentation and discussion with guest speaker renowned Miller scholar Dr. Stephen Marino at 2:30 p.m. After today’s evening performance there will be a talkback with the director, cast and audience. The Studio Theatre is located in the Locke Building on the third floor. Please arrive early. The show will start on time and late comers are discouraged. This event is open to the public and projected to sell out, so get tickets in advance. For more info, contact the Delta College Box Office at (209) 954-5113.

#TRENDING: BOBA TEA By Megan Maxey & Midori Morita

Boba Tea is the new craze sweeping the West Coast. People of all ages are lining up to buy this foreign tea. Boba Tea, also called Pearl Milk Tea, is Taiwanese. It was invented in Taichung in the 1980s. Boba is made up of milk tea and tapioca balls.

This signature drink comes with an abnormally large straw in order to drink the tapioca. Boba Tea came into popularity about a year ago and has stayed relevant. In Stockton, you can get your Boba at Quickly on Robinhood Drive or at Lollicup on Grand Canal Blvd.



Issue 11 • March 20, 2015 •


Lady Mustangs’ season ends in Final Four after surprise run in playoffs By Richard Reyes


49ers suddenly not so golden By Zachariah Merces-Splinder


ver the past five seasons, the San Francisco 49ers have been mentioned as a top-tier team. The 49ers delivered on the hype by appearing in three consecutive NFC Championships and a Super Bowl. Then the 2014 season ended in mediocrity and no playoff appearance. After long speculation of the head scratching dismissal of Coach Jim Harbaugh came to fruition, the fans in slight panic remained strong because the talent was still there. Suddenly it all went bad like a semi-truck swerving its way to an inevitable fall down the mountaintop. The talent was no longer there and the division got impossibly more talented. The St. Louis Rams introduced a new star quarterback in Nick Foles. The desired pass catching threat, tight end Jimmy Graham got traded to the despised Seattle Seahawks. The Arizona Cardinals signed San Francisco’s much sought after free agent, offensive lineman Mike Iupati. 49ers’ General Manager Trent Baalke

attempted to do some right in signing wide receivers Jerome Simpson, Torrey Smith and defensive tackle Darnell Dockett, with Simpson heavily displeasing owner Jed York. But how could those signings possibly make up for the departures of: Justin Smith, Mike Iupati, Chris Culliver, Michael Crabtree, Dan Skuta and Perrish Cox? Left off the list are the major heartbeat and leaders of the 49ers in running back Frank Gore and future hall of fame linebacker Patrick Willis, who suddenly announced his retirement at the prime age of 30. Not to say this is all bad, because it is the NFL and any team can win, and talent was brought in. There’s still hope for the red and gold. Willis is on his way to the Hall of Fame in five or so years, and he left the team with the young, talented new leader Chris Borland to take his place. That was until Borland announced his retirement at the age of 24 after one season in the NFL due to a concern over the longterm effects of head trauma. It’s not uncommon now to see 49er fans display similar symptoms: anger, depression and confusion.


Free agency starts NFL season By Zachariah Merces-Splinder

NFL CHANGES The NFL free agency period officially started the season. The wackiness erupted at a rapid pace the moment trades began to occur for major talent, not just potential draft picks. Names such as Jimmy Graham (Seahawks), Kiko Alonso (Eagles), Lesean McCoy (Bills) and Mike Wallace (Vikings) all shipped on a choice not made by them. Among those choos-

ing new or old destinations: Ndamukong Suh to the Miami Dolphins and Darrelle Revis to the Jets. The Eagles, in one of many head-scratching decisions, signing ex-Seahawks cornerback Byron Maxwell to a $63 million contract over six years. A lot of moves were made and teams will definitely look different this year. MARCH MADNESS It’s the middle of March

meaning the NCAA basketball is in full tournament swing and millions of brackets shall be filled with dreams for bragging rights or financial glory. Kentucky should be everyone’s favorite with 34-0 record and a No. 1 overall ranking. ROMNEY VS. HOLYFIELD In case you didn’t know, former heavyweight champion Evander Holyfield (52) and Former Governor of Massachusetts Mitt Romney (68) will stand toe-to-toe in a charity boxing event May 15 in Salt Lake City, Utah. Not a joke, very real, and potential fight of the decade.

The Lady Mustangs’ season came to a heartbreaking end in the California Community College Athletic Association tournament with a 60-53 defeat to the Mt. San Antonio College Mounties. First team all-state Selina Moore finished as the Mustangs’ leading scorer with 20 points, but was held to a disappointing 5-21 shooting. The ladies came out strong as the team built a quick eight-point lead early in the first half when sophomore Nishalina Buksh and freshman Brianna Smith hit three pointers. “We got together as a team, and focused about coming out really strong,” said Sophomore Priscilla Mora in an interview a few days after the game. “We wanted to get the first punch in, and I felt like we accomplished that in the first half.” The Mustangs defense bullied the Mounties, by holding the opposing team to 20 percent shooting (7-35) in the first 20 minutes of the game. However, the Mustangs committed 12 team fouls putting the Mounties at the free throw line where Mt. SAC capitalized by hitting 10-15 attempts. “We never agreed on what the refs calls, but there was some calls that were questionable,” said Moore in an interview a few days after the game. “As a player you feel that they’re not calling the same fouls. It is what it is, we had our advantages, and we just did not capitalize on them.” The teams went into the half tied at 24. The second half of the game started with a quick pace as both teams traded baskets causing the lead to change sides on multiple possessions. With the Mustangs trailing 31-29, Moore hit a three-pointer to give the ladies the last lead of the game. Then the Mounties offense came to life, as the team broke open a close game thanks to freshman Priscilla Lopez who scored seven points and sophomore John’ea Thompson, who scored 12. The Mounties were also able to take advantage inside the paint, outscoring the ladies 28-14 as Mt. SAC built a 14-point lead with eight minutes left in the game. The Mustangs hurt themselves, as the team had problems at the free-throw line, going 6-14 from the line in the second half and 8-19 overall for the game. “There were tears flowing (at the end of the game) especially for sophomores cause its our last time in a Delta uniform,” said Moore. “It was a little emotional, but coach (Johnson) had supportive words. She was really proud of us. We come such a long way. It sucks losing, but it was a great season.” The Lady Mustangs started the season shaky but finished the season on a 13-game winning streak, beating opponents by an average of 20 points. “Coach had a lot of good things to say about us, and what we done,” said sophomore Marshanique Hall in an interview a few days after the game. “A lot of teams would of given up and for us to be the underdog and be able to accomplish a lot of things as the task that she wanted. We had to buy into the culture and our freshmen and sophomore did that.” The Mustangs also captured a second consecutive Big 8 Conference title. The team finished the season with a 27-6 overall record. The trip to the CCCAA Final Four is the Lady Mustangs’ second in two years, a first for the program. With the freshmen class returning and the recruited freshmen coming in, head coach Gina Johnson is looking to have a well-built team for another run next year.



Issue 11 • March 20, 2015 •

Students living south of campus struggle through I-5 construction By Sean Mendoza


ALMOST DONE: The plaza in final stages of construction will expand green space on campus.

Cunningham footprint turns into plaza By David Arnold

Since the demolition of the Cunningham building wrapped up last Fall semester, students have wondered what will replace it. Delta College has begun construction on a Science & Mathematics Plaza which will be an open space for students,

faculty and staff use. “It will be easier access to the Science & Math Building and more room to sit down,” said Maria Gudino. The plaza will make Delta an open campus with amenities including rounded pathways, campus plants and grassy areas. Although the plaza will allow for open space, it is not a large quad space, said Stacy Pinola,

Delta College Facilities Planning & Environmental Compliance Manager. “It’s a green space with walking paths,” said Pinola. The Science & Mathematics Plaza is scheduled to open in May. Upon opening, the Cunningham 5 parking lot will be remodeled allowing for more handicap parking on campus.

Interstate 5 recently began a six-month reconstruction of the northbound lanes. The project impacts a threemile stretch from Pershing Ave. to Country Club Blvd. Through traffic on I-5 needs to stay in the left two lanes and vehicles needing to exit along that stretch will need to stay in lane three, according to the Department of Transportation. The current construction impacts students living south of Delta campus taking I-5 to get to school.

“It’s going to be harder just because I have to wake up earlier than I usually do to get to Delta,” said Jonny Herrada. Herrada said the improvements will be beneficial. “The reconstruction will help the road get better and [I] can’t really complain on how they’re looking to improve the highway,” he said. Student Alex Segura said the construction adds five to ten minutes to his commute. “I’ll really hate waking up extra early but knowing that it’s basically to make I-5 better, then I don’t mind,” said Segura.

Event celebrates women scientists

By Kayla Hernandez

Delta College will be hosting “Scientists in Residence” today. In celebration of Women's History Month, students will have the chance to meet women scientists at this event. It will be take place in the Tillie Lewis Theatre from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

This will be an opportunity for students to meet professionals in the fields of engineering, physiology and geology. The attending professionals will be speaking on their completed research. Students majoring in science, technology, engineering and mathematics will be able to learn about future opportunities in their fields.

Delta College seeking land for possible North County location By Armel Henderson

On Feb. 11, Delta College hosted an event for land and facilities owners interested in selling or donating property. Qualifications and contact of requests

are found on Delta College’s home page under RFP/RFQ. If anyone has land and/or facilities to donate or sell, they are encourage to take a look at the RFP/RFQ to see if they meet attributes and requirements.

If interested, electronic documents and related items are available through the purchasing department RFR/RFQ page All proposals are due on or before April 9 and must be accordance with all require-

GOOGLE: Students encouraged to pursue dreams regardless of educational backgrounds continued from PAGE 1 Maloney’s psychology class. Googleplex coordinator Austin Lin said psychology correlates to the company’s philosophy. “Think of the skills and know how to look at different conflicting points of view. Those skills whether you’re writing code or writing a paper—it’s a way of thinking. It’s how your process, regardless if you’re a psychology major or engineering major,” said Lin. Lin also said a highlight about working for Google is all of the different kinds of people he gets to work with. “Sharing the moment with others—little things like that have been awesome,” said Lin. Other students in attendance were part of the journalism and Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) program.

Prior to arriving, STEM student Kevin Alejandrino had high hopes for the trip. “I’m really excited. It’s a good opportunity for me because I’m a computer science major,” he said. Alejandrino emigrated from the Philippines two years ago. This is his first year at Delta. Towards the end of the trip, Alejandrino reflected on his day at Googleplex. “It was everything I had hoped for and more,” said Alejandrino. He also said it was inspiring to hear the speakers talk about their fields, especially since it geared towards engineers. “My favorite part was when they said, ‘the degree is not important, it’s how you strive to achieve whatever your goal is’,” he said.

ments. For more information, visit http://bit. ly/1Gq2ueG or contact Kathy Roach, Bond Program Manager and North County Center Project Manager, at

MARKET: Future events to benefit Passport to College program continued from PAGE 1 lege Flea Market” but it now has a new identity attracting a variety of people from families to those enjoying second hand shopping. “There are a variety of items. I skim through and see what catches my eye,” said Delta student Brianna Adames. There is a different reason behind every individual who roams the aisles of the market. This month, the SALUD Outreach health fair will be at The Market on March 21 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Budd 3 parking lot. The goal of the health fair is to raise health awareness within

the Hispanic community. During the SALUD Outreach event pharmacy students from University of the Pacific will offer free screenings for blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes. These conditions are the leading causes of death within the Hispanic community, according to a Delta College news release. “We are having the health fair again this weekend and the car show typically goes on in May or August. Both events help bring in more customers and all proceeds benefit the Passport to College Program,” said Fregoso.

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