The Collegian -- Published April 21, 2017

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Issue 11 • Friday, April 21, 2017 •

Passport to the future


As other community colleges secure funding for tuition free programs, Delta College sees end to a 2006 promise for a group of area fifth graders

By Mark Larks Copy Editor

While political leaders in New York and San Francisco grab national attention for plans to launch tuition-free community college programs, similar efforts are being made on a smaller scale by individual schools in California. In Fall 2017, Palomar College in San Marcos will begin its “Palomar Promise” program. Students graduating with a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher from any of the 21 high schools in the North San Diego County area will have the opportunity to apply to the program, which offers two years of free tuition to Palomar, as well as $500 per semester for textbooks. “The Palomar Promise is the right thing to do. It’s right for our kids, our business, and for our community. Having affordable pathways to college and Delta College graduate Megan Maxey in her cubicle at The Daily Titan. PHOTO BY career in the comfort of your city makes BRANDON ROSS San Marcos a special place to live,” said Herbie Smith, executive Director of The the forefront of the tuition-free move- ing to college.” At least one student concurred. San Marcos Promise Foundation in a ment with its “Passport to College” program. “I didn’t really think about it press release, which The Collegian was The program promised free until I almost graduated [from referred to when it contacted Palomar. tuition to fifth graders in the high school], then I got deterWith roughly 7,400 eligible high Delta College service area in mined to make it work,” said school students slated to graduate this 2006. Passport students began Delta student Paul Pablo. “I want spring, Palomar College’s Admissions their Delta educations in 2014. to go to law school someday, but & Records department estimates apMegan Maxey, now a junior I don’t know if I would’ve been proximately 1,500 of those students will at California State University, able to afford any kind of college enroll in classes in the fall. if I didn’t get involved in [PassSuch a program will no doubt bene- Fullerton, was a Passport to THE College student. port to College].” fit those who might otherwise struggle “I’m super grateful [for Like Palomar College’s “Paloto pay the $46 per unit price to attend Passport to College] because mar Promise” program, Delta’s Palomar. now I can be at this four-year “Passport to College” program And while North San Diego County college without having so was offered to students within a is known for its affluence, the opportumuch debt,” said Maxey, who designated local More than nity to reduce student debt is a benefit EDUCATION 12,000 studentsarea. was the 2016 commencement from 146 eleregardless of economic demographics. speaker. “I think the Passport mentary schools were presented Delta College, located in a more economically challenged area, has been at program probably brought in students the opportunity to participate in the who would not have thought about go- program, which offered up to two years





of free tuition at Delta College for students who participated in Passport activities on their way to graduating from high school. Of those 12,000 fifth graders who were promised free tuition, more than 1,000 stayed the course and enrolled at Delta eight years later. Some students may have come to Delta regardless, but others, especially those not living in Stockton, were attracted by the allure of a tuition-free education. “If I didn’t have those free years I definitely would’ve gone to Consumnes [River] College,” said Maxey, who grew up in Galt. She said the commute was worth it. “Because of Passport I found Delta and it worked out.” While at Delta, Maxey joined the staff of The Collegian, a move she says prepared her for the next step of her life. Last year, she became the first recipient of the new Associate of Arts Degree for Transfer in Journalism. After transferring to Cal State Fullerton, she stepped into the role of News Editor of the school’s newspaper, The Daily Titan. With one year left at CSUF, she is focused on a career in journalism upon completing her degree. Maxey is perhaps the highest profile success story of Passport to College, a program that concluded this semester. When asked for her thoughts regarding the end of Passport, Maxey had a pragmatic response. “I know that it costs the college a lot of money,” she said. “I think the message that it gave was that community college is a viable option for anyone, and if they can do that in another way [as opposed to renewing the Passport program] that would be worthwhile. The message they sent is a message they should continue.”

Trump orders attack on Syria Delta campus mourns By Killian Barnhart News Editor

On Thursday, Apr. 6 President Donald Trump ordered the U.S. Navy to fire 59 Tomahawk missiles at a Syrian airbase. The strike was a response to a Sarin gas attack in Khan Sheikhoun, that killed scores of Syrian citizens. However, 34 of the 59 missiles launched at the airbase were either shot out of the sky, thrown off course by electronic counter-measures, or plopped into the Mediterranean sea. This confused many, as Trump was one of the loudest voices against getting further involved in the bloody five year long civil war. Political Science Professor Joel Blank said this is Trump attempting to portray himself as being unpredictable, putting other countries on notice. However he noted it’s part of a larger problem.

“I don’t think the Trump administration up until now is clear on what it wants to accomplish in regard to foreign policy,” he said. This comes after the 2013 gas attack, after which Assad agreed to disassemble his chemical weapon caches. The damage done to the airbase was insignificant as the planes stationed continued operating as though nothing happened the Friday after the attack. Russia condemned the attack on Friday and suspended a 2015 memorandum dedicated to decreasing in-flight incidents between the U.S. and Russia as it operated in Syria. The strike earned Trump praise from various media outlets, politicians such as John McCain and Hillary Clinton, NATO countries and others. However, politicians Rand Paul and Tulsi Gabbard have questioned the strike, seeing it as nothing more than a continuation of the intervention Trump

See SYRIA, page 8

longtime history professor By Raul Torres Staff Writer

Delta College lost one of its own when history professor Dr. Joe Bisson passed away in early April. Bisson grew up in Monterey and moved to Stockton when he got the job as professor at Delta College. He was a graduate from University of California, Santa Barbara where he earned his bachelor’s degree. He went on to attend University of California, Davis where he earned his teaching credential, masters and Ph.D. according to his biography on the Humanities, Social Science, Education, Kinesiology and Athletics information page on the Delta College website. “Joe Bisson was incredibly ethical, it was super important to him to provide the best education he could,” said Professor Ulrike Christofori.

Bisson wasn’t only a teacher, he also was a published author in different various history journals. He also enjoyed the outdoors greatly and learned how to dive from growing up in the Monterey Bay. When Bisson wasn’t teaching or exploring the outdoors, he was focused on the band he was in called the Tule Cats. It was both a Blues/ Rock & Roll band. Bisson played the drums and guitar for the band. Bisson started teaching at Delta College in 1997 and taught Western Civilizations, American History and History through film. He also served on the Academic Senate as the Executive Secretary. He was very loved by his students. “Professor Bisson was always hap-

See BISSON, page 8

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Beauty starts with lip fillers Today’s beauty-standard trend focuses on the mouth size By Stacia Greenberg Staff Writer

EDITOR IN CHIEF Mikael Honzell NEWS EDITOR Killian Barnhart ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR Emily Beaton FEATURE EDITOR Francina Sanchez OPINION EDITOR Gloria Gibbs SPORTS EDITOR Chanelle Muerong ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR Dylan Loura ENTERTAINMENT COLUMNIST Christopher Donaldson COPY EDITOR Mark Larks SOCIAL MEDIA EDITOR Evelyn Villalobos SENIOR STAFF WRITERS Andres Aguirre Joey Boscacci Jasmine Gonzalez Analese Najera Elany Orozco Moriah Stall Aliyah Stoeckl Ramon Zuniga STAFF WRITERS Alex Coba Ismat Dajani Victoria Franco Stacia Greeberg Claudia Lopez Orlando Mabalot David Michael Austin Nordyke Joshua Sartain Raj Singh Raul Torres Noodles Tran Garrett Wilson Tony Yang ADVISER Tara Cuslidge-Staiano ADVERTISING The Collegian offers display advertising. Contact us at (209) 954-5156 or LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Letters raising issues and opinions are encouraged. EDITORIAL Unsigned editorials reflect the position of the staff. Comments, letters and editorials with a byline represent the opinion of the writer. This paper doesn’t endorse or represent the opinions of the adviser, the Mass Communication department, the Fine Arts Division, the printer or Delta College administration. MISSION STATEMENT The Collegian is a student run First Amendment newspaper that prides itself on a commitment to the students of Delta College while maintaining independence. We reinvigorate the credo that the newspaper speaks for the students, checks abuses of power and stands vigilant in the protection of democracy and free speech.

April 21, 2017


here’s a whole stigma right now about body positivity, pushing girls to be happy with what their mama’s gave them. Some believe to accept themselves as who they are, they have to meet some type of criteria: big butt, big boobs, nice lips, hour glass shape, perfectly styled and colored hair, etc. Some even go as far as surgery to “replace” their “flaws” with a look more acceptable to society. Lip injections, or lip augmentation, is done in a doctor’s office and takes almost no time at all. It’s a new fad popping up lately. The most recent and most popular type of lip augmentation is hyaluronic acid fillers, according to WebMD. These fillers are also the safest and least painful type of lip augmentation because hyaluronic is found naturally in the body, which helps increase volume in your lips. The fillers last six months, longer than other methods. Other methods include collagen fillers, fat fillers and implants. All of these methods are used to volumize, add shape and structure to lips. Now here’s the cringe-worthy part of the procedure: according to WebMD, a topical numbing agent is used either at the injection sites or are used to numb your lips altogether. Next, a thin needle is injected into multiple parts of your lips to put the filler in and the effects take place immediately. After the procedure, side effects include swelling, bruising, bleeding from the injection sites and tenderness for up to 10 days. Some long-term side effects include prolonged swelling, lip asymmetry, tissue loss from injection into a blood vessel, scarring and itching around the lips and much more.

The most commonly known celebrity with noticeable lip injections is Kylie Jenner. Many girls look up to her for her “beauty,” all of which is plastic surgery. Twitter has a wide variety of opinions of Kylie Jenner and her lip injections, one user @hellucinate said: “I want lip injections im trynna b like kylie jenner (sic)” If you look up before and after pictures of Jenner, the results are astonishing and almost scary. “Kylie jenner has had so many lip filler injections and so much botox she can’t smile properly at just 19… she screwed her face up” Tweets @katysxox, followed by three awkward photos of Kylie Jenner trying to smile. Lip injections only last up to six months, which means you have to keep going back and spending bucko bucks just to alter your lips. We all know the saying “beauty is pain,” but is it worth the money, bruising, bleeding, swelling, and whatever else could possibly go wrong from lip injections? Body positivity shouldn’t be about altering your body to something that it’s not, to be happy with yourself. It’s about accepting what it is you’re naturally born with and flaunting your inner beauty, because your inner beauty can completely alter how you appear on the outside. Learning to be confident in who we are as people is probably one of the hardest things a young adult has to accept in life. The only person you need to satisfy is yourself, no one else. It’s okay to be lost along the way, for life itself is a learning experience. So before you go online and look up some type of way to further “beautify” yourself, walk to the nearest mirror and find at least one thing you love about yourself and do this every day until you’re able to accept and love yourself the way you are. Beyonce said it best “perfection is the disease of a nation, its the soul that needs the surgery”, so know you’re perfect the way you are.

Learning when to push the plate away By Francina Sanchez


Feature Editor

re we disregarding health in order to promote a body-positive society? We are allowing people around us to be unhealthy and lose the balance on what’s realistic and good for them in life. Body acceptance comes with cons and we shouldn’t ignore the fact that we are allowing some people to dig their own graves. I get it. Our generation is trying to eliminate stigmas behind body types. It’s great. You don’t get to tell people what to do with their bodies. You don’t get to tell people what they should or shouldn’t wear. But when are we blurring the line between acceptance and enabling unhealthy behaviors? The world feeds us images of unrealistic bodies because in all reality it’s no lie these models are photoshopped. Body shaming, fat shaming, specifically usually starts at a young age and children usually then struggle with this throughout their adult lives. According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) in 2010 one in three adults were overweight or obese. The Eating Disorder Coalition released a fact sheet stating 30 million Americans suffer from an eating disorder in their lifetime, affecting all ages, races and gender. Eating disorders umbrellas anything from binge eating, anorexia,

bulimia nervosa and pathogenic weight control. However, body acceptance is on the rise and has slowly changed this. Now you can see plus-size models on magazines and runways. Activists are everywhere and are embracing all body types. In February, Sports Illustrated chose Ashley Graham to be on the cover of its swimsuit issue. Graham is a size 14, the average size of an American women, yet models are usually a size zero to six on these covers. This is a great way to promote a healthy, realistic body image for women and men everywhere. No, we shouldn’t tell people how to live their lives, but there comes a point when someone needs to step in and give honest advice. While doing research and observing people's’ reaction, they usually react more strongly to people who have an eating disorder such as bulimia nervosa. Some say models look like they’re starving or are too skinny. Others say models shouldn’t be plus size. As much I don’t like only using models as an example they are the role model examples showed to youth and adults all over the world. “Telling someone to eat a sandwich is just as bad as telling someone to lose five pounds,” said Francisco Guio, graduate of University of California, Davis in exercise biology. Tess Holliday is a plus size model, size 26 to be exact. She says she is happy and healthy, when asked about her size. But the Internet thinks differently. Many are con-

cerned obesity is being promoted. “Accepting who you are is great, but there’s a lot of health factors that come into play,” said Guio. Guio said whether someone is happy or not they still run high health risks a person may face from heart disease to osteoporosis. If people who are overweight and obese have children, health risks are immediately are passed down to children. They are predisposed to be overweight and obese in childhood and as adults. On the other hand, if people are underweight and receive insufficient nutrition face developmental problems and as adults some women may experience infertility. “Preventing the disease is always easier than treating it,” said Guio. Weight and size does not define a person but it can also save your life. Our bodies are meant to be moving one way or another. Getting to unrealistic body goals is unhealthy on both sides of the spectrum and can cause psychological damage lasting longer than the eating disorder might. Accepting others without judgment of their bodies sounds perfect but not happening for a long time. There’s always a critic. Instead of just allowing acceptance to not hurt feelings, which are important, people should just become more educated. Education on nutrition and wellness, whether active or mental is important and should be implemented at a young age. Wanting to change your lifestyle for a better life is amazing but no one should feel they are trying to fit a mold.

Trump supporters in Mexico By Evelyn Villalobos Social Media


hroughout Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, he continuously made outrageous comments about Mexico and Mexican citizens. In June 2015, Trump announced he was running for president in a speech that included some of his most horrendous accusations against Mexicans. “When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best,” Trump was quoted saying in a Huffington Post article.“They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.” Backlash immediately followed the comments and seemingly started a war between anti-Trump Mexicans and Trump. After every controversial comment and offensive language used, supporters still believe Trump can make America great again. My question to Trump supporters is, if Trump can make America great again why plan a visit to the land of rapists, job-stealers and bad hombres on the first sign of a vacation?

Yes, I’m talking to you spring breakers and summer vacationers. If Mexico is such a terrible place that we as a country feel it’s necessary to build a wall in between us, then why vacation there? “I love the Mexican people, but Mexico is not our friend. They're killing us at the border and they're killing us on jobs and trade. FIGHT!” Trump tweeted in June 2015. The wall has been a promise of Trump’s presidency evidently from the beginning of his campaign. The wall — the best wall, a wall like no one has ever seen — is what Republican voters wanted, but only to keep Mexicans out and Americans in. With the exception, of course Americans visiting Mexico any time they please, because travel bans and walls should be implemented on everyone but Americans. Some may argue that Americans travel legally to Mexico, they don’t illegally trespass. I would argue that those people have no idea how privileged they are to be able to file for a visa or passport in such a timely manner. Options for immigrants trying to enter the United States legally are applying for one of many different types of visas and green

cards. Each application process is different and all include fees for paperwork, the government, lawyers and much more. The Immediate relative and family preference visas will cost $325.00 and that isn’t including the $165 fee to obtain your card once you’ve been approved. These are just a few of the charges that vary with every application you file for a visa. As of November 1, 2016, there were 1,309,282 applicants for an American visa with each country being maxed out at seven percent according to the Bureau of Consular Affairs. It isn’t easy coming to the United States, it’s now very common to wait seven or more years to be approved for a visa. So if your excuse for your extended stay in Cabo wearing your “Make America Great Again” hat is that if you can do it legally, check your privilege. I, like many other Mexicans have a problem with you chanting “Build A Wall!” in a country with millions of people attempting to legally enter the U.S. in search of a better life.

Controversy leaves Kaepernick unsigned By Dylan Loura Entertainment Editor


egan diet. Too skinny. Too high of an asking price. These are all excuses used by NFL general managers and owners to explain why Colin Kaepernick hasn’t been signed. Colin Kaepernick made noise last season for his year-long protest or kneeling during the National Anthem, which caused a huge controversy throughout the nation. That controversy seems to have affected Kaepernick’s offseason as he is among a short list of available free agent quarterbacks left. According to Wikipedia, a free agent is a player who is eligible to sign with any club or franchise; i.e., not under contract to any specific team. In sports this is when any team is allowed to basically interview any free agent players without punishment. This offseason has come with the harsh reality that a non-diverse ownership in the NFL has played a role in Kaepernick not being signed. Based off of my count there are

five African-American General Managers employed in the NFL out of 32 teams. There are no African-American owners in the league. A lack of diversity allows for only one viewpoint to be seen, which right now is only a white view point. Due to public opinion and nonminority ownership, his silent protest is being overlooked and only viewed as a “Non-American” protest of a sacred tradition. A tradition that symbolizes freedom of speech. Which in turn is preventing Kaepernick from being signed. The NFL’s free agency period has been open since March 9. That’s six weeks of a decent starting quarterback that hasn’t even been interviewed by an NFL team. In a league where the starting quarterback is the most important position on an entire roster, with every team scrambling just to find a solid backup quarterback, Kaepernick should have been signed by now. Mark Sanchez, another signing of the Chicago Bears, played for the Dallas Cowboys last year as the

Anti-d or Anti-me? By Emily Beaton


Assistant News Editor

hether it's genetics or situational, dealing with depression and antidepressants is never an easy battle. While we often only see the benefits of antidepressants on television, we rarely see the side effects and the downsides to coming off them. So what is the goal of taking antidepressants? With antidepressants that serve as Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors, the goal is to help brain cells communicate more effectively with one another, by blocking the absorption of serotonin in the brain, according to Antidepressants can be prescribed for an array of mental health issues, and generally help alleviate anxiety too.

backup to the backup quarterback. Sanchez didn’t even touch the field last season and was signed to a oneyear deal worth $2 million. Both of these quarterbacks were signed before Kaepernick. Kaepernick led the San Francisco 49ers to a Super Bowl appearance in the 2012 season. He’s done charitable work, like donating his entire sneaker collection to benefit the homeless and is pledging a million dollars to multiple charities. The league is still using excuses to keep him from being singed. One is that Kaepernick is a vegan, but New England Patriots Quarterback Tom Brady is known for his vegan diet. Another reason is Kaepernick has a high asking price. Mike Glennon, as discussed earlier, had an asking price of $40 million. However, league owners have their own agenda Don’t push social issues through public protest and you’ll earn a roster spot. Time named Kaepernick as one of the 100 most influential people in the world. Yet another bad look for the league.

MUSTANG VOICE ‘How do you feel about the gas tax passed in California?’ “It’s stupid. We just got out of being really expensive and now it’s going back up. Some people might not be able to afford it.”

KAITLYNPATRICK “We do need to rebuild our infrastructure. I still think it’s a good idea.” TAWNIVARGAS

“As a student it is rather steep. Where it’s going too like a school or just more government.” HARRYHOLGIN

“I think taxes are already high. Maybe if I know what the reason is for maybe but it’s a flat amount for any income then it’s too high.” VIETPHAM “I’m indifferent. It will help people drive less which is good. Places like San Francisco have a better public transportation than here. I don’t think it will cripple anyone. If they put more tax they should put it into public transportation.” JACOBHANE

However, as wonderful as it may seem that simply toms, such as nausea, headaches or joint pain,nighttaking a pill can help you to feel better and lessen mares or difficulty waking up and falling asleep. both anxiety and depression, such a wonderful drug Dealing with a sense of “daytime drowsiness and does come with a cost. feeling out of it during the day, as well as other side While oftentimes antidepressants may be necessary, effects such as migraines and weight gain. and can help alleviate your symptoms of depression While the side effects of SSRI’S can be rather and anxiety, they also come with a lot of side effects difficult to deal with, the withdrawal/discontinuation and the possibility of symptoms you can experience in getwithdrawal symptoms if ting off of them can be much worse. Read an extended version of this story you stop taking the drug. In a Harvard University Health along and other online-only content at article, a discussion of the difficulties In an article from, written of choosing to not take an antideby Chris Lliades M.D., pressant from any reason and the titled “7 antidepressant difficulties that follow. side effects,” Lliades discusses some of the most comAs the SSRI drug is leaving your system you can mon symptoms of antidepressants, specifically SSRI’s. experience everything from digestive issues, blood With forty percent of people experiencing side vessel control, sleep changes, balance, control of effects, according to the journal of psychiatry, with two movements, unwanted feelings and strange sensaof the most common side effects, affecting libido and tions, according to weight. Although it can be rather unpleasant dealing with the As for seven of the symptoms associate with antiside effects of anti-depressant withdrawal, there are other depressants, Lliades deems them as physical sympways you can find comfort through natural remedies.

4 feature


April 21, 2017

Food Truck Mania full of flavor By Alex Coba Staff Writer

On April 14, 2017, the San Joaquin County Park District and SactoMoFo held a monthly (Food Truck Mania) at Mickey Grove Park park in Lodi. Food Truck Mania is a monthly event where eight well-known food trucks from all across northern California come together to one location and sell food and drinks. The trucks provide live music as well as an area for children, including a bounce house. The food trucks participating in the recent event were Drewski’s, Dog Town, On the Fry, Hefty Gyros, Green Papaya, Bacon Mania, Kona Ice of Tracy and Costa’s Kettle Corn. These food trucks consist of a wide variety of food

ranging from classic hamburgers to gyros. They even have vegetarian options for the healthy herbivore. Last weeks’s event was the first one of the year for Kona Ice of Tracy. “We usually participate in events like these once a month,” said Lisa Duncan of Kona Ice of Tracy. With a total of eight trucks competing for your business you would think there would be some sort of rivalry between vendors. That couldn't be further from the case. “No there's really not. This is one of the most friendly businesses I've ever been to. If somebody runs out of something and you know the guy two trucks down, yeah he’ll give it to you. Everyone is kinda of a big family,” said Warren Phelps of Dog Town of Sacramento. Food Truck Mania is a family friendly event with ac-

tivities ranging from bouncing houses as well as a small play pen. There's even balloon guy making balloon animals and swords. “I come to these all the time, I bring my kid here and it's always a good time,” says Mary Madina with her son Joaquin, 7. He had a favorite food. “My favorite is mac and cheese and it has bacon it so bombs dot com,” said Joaquin Madina. Food Truck Mania takes place the first week of every month. The next Food Truck Mania will take place on May 5 at Mickey Grove park. The event runs from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. For additional information visit Visit Stockton website at


Student Chef turns up the heat try something new and encouraged me to take on the day. Garcia walked me through a quick tour of the kitchen and better explained the jobs stu’ve always envied people who can cook or bake dents had while dealing with the ‘hot plates,’ something in the kitchen without burning it. where I would be exploring that day. It seems as if I have the opposite of the These jobs are sautéing, grilling, plating Midas touch, everything I touch turns burnt. and expediting. I’m not exactly the person you want to make Each job is crucial to getting food out in a you dinner, but that doesn’t stop me from trying, timely manner and that day was each of the despite my mother’s efforts to do so. students’ first time performing their new jobs. The Culinary Arts Program on campus has alThe kitchen was filled with mixed emoways caught my attention with the mouth-watertions of stress, nervousness and excitement. ing smells of whatever the students have cooking. A few minutes into opening, problems Whether it’s Student Chef, the student-run arose and there was a minor freak out. restaurant located inside Danner Hall on The ticket machine that sends orders from campus or the booth outside near the quad area, the restaurant wasn’t printing out papers, so Delta students flock to the smell of good food the routine of things was thrown off and the at great prices. students got to work immediately. As an avid supporter of Student Chef Lopez had the job of expediting that day. throughout my time at Delta, I was always on Her job is to call all of the orders as they the receiving end of the process. come in and make sure the food is being At times, I would see the culinary students plated and ran out in a timely manner. cooking outdoors but I had no idea how much “There’s so much urgency,” said Lopez. “I hard work and preparation went into making feel like jumping in and helping out, but I’ve Student Chef a success. got to just stand back and do my part.” Social Media Editor, Evelyn Villalobos, cuts into chicken breast to preAlicia Lopez, Culinary Arts student, has Because I lacked training, and let me remind pare a food order. PHOTO BY FRANCINA SANCHEZ been in the kitchen are practically her whole you of the anti-Midas touch, I didn’t get much life. experience in getting the food out to customers. Berkner first introduced me to the program, Stu“I have a big family,” said Lopez. “I was This doesn’t mean I didn’t learn anything. always in the kitchen either helping or just watching dent Chef, and how it all comes together. All students are learning throughout this process He explained the duties of students in the promy Grandma. This is a wonderful program. You get a and are using knowledge and resources to the best of gram and how they are all included in a rotation of lot of one-on-one experience from Chef.” their abilities. jobs which they hold for about two weeks so they Chef Mark Berkner has been the Culinary Arts Every student I met was friendly and has a passion instructor who manages Student Chef for eight years. can gain experience in all areas of the restaurant. for food and their part of Student Chef. I was then introduced to Chef Nick Garcia, the He has an incredible amount of experience in Next week is the last week of operation this spring teacher’s assistant for Student Chef. running restaurants and he treats Student Chef no for Student Chef. The final days for service this Garcia is a Stockton Police Department retiree differently. semester are April 25-26. who follows the motto that “it is never too late” to

By Evelyn Villalobos Social Media Editor


Bringing historical building back to life By Mikael Honzell Editor in Chief

The Henery on 121 S. Sutter St. in downtown Stockton is one of many abandoned buildings in the city that was around during the years downtown was in its prime. However, Alex Thompson, an architect and lifelong Stockton resident has bought the abandoned Henery hotel for $24,999 with plans to renovate it back to the way it used to be when it first opened in 1913. The original building materials still remains intact today; the marble walls, a solid marble electrical panel and even Prussian wood paneling; Prussian wood being from Prussia; a country that ceased to exist in 1947. “The trick with this building was they wanted it to be a representation of all of the local building materials, plus the local skills required to assemble them,” Thompson mentioned. A lot of what was in the Henery during its prime still remains in the building today; Victorian type furniture, broken down vintage refrigerators and stoves as well as the original service elevators from 1913, which Thompson looks forward to using if he ever lives in one of the apartments. “This is the oldest version of this in the Central Valley,” Thompson said. “I’m not replacing any of this. I want to get every original component rebuilt and reinstalled the way it was.” Thompson wants to give those who stay at the apartments an authentic early 1900’s feel by re-utilizing not only the elevators, but by bringing back 1913 type room service with the coverts that connect each apartment to the hallway. “A guy from the building will come from one of the kitchens downstairs and up the service elevator to your door. He’ll put your order in the covert and may notice a bag of laundry you’ve placed in it. He’ll tag it, take it back downstairs and have it cleaned and sent back up to the covert.” Though Thompson’s ultimate goal for the building

The outside of the Henery in downtown Stockton. The building was purchased by Alex Thompson, who wants to refurbish it. PHOTO BY KILLIAN BARNHART

is to make it a livable apartment complex again, it’s going to take a while. Thompson is hoping to have two Henery apartments up and running within five years and is open to letting local volunteers lending a hand, which is one of his the ways of sticking to the methods the building’s original architect had. In the meantime, Thompson plans on using the first floor as a place for entertainment the public can enjoy once it’s finished up. “It’s one of those things we can’t go about doing exactly what we want from the beginning,” men-

tioned Thompson, “so what I want to do at first is begin simplistic; make this a place for wine tasting, hanging up canvases and start doing art exhibitions here.” Thompson also plans on opening up bars and restaurants in the building. “The weird part of this is, by itself in its current condition because of how little people have done to it in the past 30 years, it’s almost like an art display itself. I think to myself, ‘This isn’t an apartment building; this is a piece of artwork that people can walk through and look at.’”

Celebrating culture in downtown Stockton Mexican Heritage Center showcases work of local artists to make art accessible By David Michael Staff Writer

TOP, entrance of the gallery inside of the Mexican Heritage Center. BOTTOM, a mural on the outside wall of the Mexican Heritage Center. PHOTOS BY DAVID MICHAEL

There are a number of different art museums and galleries in Stockton that help artists showcase work, such as the Haggin Museum and the Art Expressions of San Joaquin. These places not only help display artwork for artists but also distribute art to the local population by letting artists sell their work. The Mexican Heritage Center a smaller gallery, which has been helping showcase local high school students and professional artist’s work for eight years. The president of the gallery, Gracie Madrid, is the general driving force behind a majority of events. She also runs and maintains the rented building. This includes, “new shows every month, Day of the Dead show, Tostadas for Christmas and breakfast on Cesar Chavez Day.” Madrid is the general “worker bee” as muralist Carlos Marquez describes it and is the one working behind the scenes of every event the Heritage Center does. Marquez even painted a bee in one of his mural pieces at the Heritage Center as a nod to all the work she does. Madrid started working in a gallery during 2004. “I was only planning on staying for two years (as the treasure), but here I am,” she said. Madrid’s main goal for now is to try to purchase a building so the center can host “dances and different shows, but that takes a lot of money.” The center’s overall mission is to help any artist showcase work. Marquez, a local muralist, has been painting

murals for years and has painted a good number of them in and around the Mexican Heritage Center. He has helped showcase different cultures in Stockton and also attracted some attention to the gallery. Marquez said that “art should include everyone” and he would like everyone to take part in some kind of art project. “The Heritage Center is not just to celebrate the Mexican culture, but everyone’s culture,” he said. Marquez hopes to one day paint a mural with the help of the Heritage Center and have local families partake in making it. “Art becomes powerful if people can take part in it. To have an art piece that someone can walk past and say, they help paint that, that makes it all the more meaningful,” said Marquez. Someone trying to spread the word about the different events, not only happening in the Mexican Heritage Center but also other local businesses, is Manuel Laguna. Laguna is a resident historian ambassador and gives people history about the different buildings and outstanding achievements that have happened in Stockton. Laguna does a local history tour and takes people to different spots around town that have historical importance and tells people some of the history about the town they live in. He said “the arts are very important for the community and so they (Mexican Heritage Center) play a very important role in downtown Stockton by allowing different artist to show their work.” The Mexican Heritage Center is located on 111 S. Sutter St. in Stockton.

6 entertainment


April 21, 2017

Cartoonist goes against current By Mikael Honzell

cess Lea flipping off the Death Star, with 2016 slapped on to it. “It was a horrible year,” AlDelta College hosted a presentation caraz stated, referring to the 2016 by political cartoonist, producer, radio Presidential Campaign. “Usually talk show host and writer Lalo Alcaraz Presidential Campaign years are on April 19 in the Tillie Lewis Theatre. really juicy and great for political Born and raised in San Diego, Al- cartoonists and satirist. And last caraz grew up on the United States/ year was no different, except for Mexico border, where his interest in the part about the tragedy outwriting and drawing political cartoons come.” was sparked. The result of last year’s presiden“I saw how my Mexican immigrant tial campaign upset Alcaraz, which parents were treated and mistreated,” inspired satirical cartoons and picAlcaraz said. “And stereotyped and tures of President Donald Trump. profiled; I was right there with them, “He is an exhausting thing feeling the same thing.” in our lives right now,” Alcaraz Lalo Alcaraz introduces himself to the crowd in the Tillie Lewis Theatre on April 19. PHOTO BY After experiencing the mistreatment said. “So I spent almost a year KILLIAN BARNHART of him and his family, Alcaraz believed and a half drawing him.” Alcaraz was recently a co-writer and overwhelmingly pro-immigration, but he didn’t have the same rights as other Some of the drawings consist a portrait Americans; until he realized he did and of Trump and his hair doing a World War consultant for the formally Fox TV there are times when we balance it out.” To learn more about Alcaraz, fans saw that it’s okay to speak out and go ll salute, as well as a satirical ‘how to’ instruc- series “Bordertown,” which is now on Netflix. can visit his website and against the current. tion guide on how to draw Trump, with one The show is about two families that can see his latest project, “Coco” in thePerhaps what Alcaraz is best known of the required tools being an orange. for, especially in Southern California, Alcaraz receives a lot of hate mail live in a town on the border of Mexico atres on Nov. 22. and California. For those who want to be in the same is his satirical political comic strip, ‘La and criticism in regards to his work. This works well for the shows satirprofession as Alcaraz, he has some advice. Cucaracha,’ where characters crack jokes “A lot of my cartooning is meant to “Just draw,” Alcaraz said. “Draw as and talk about current political events, illicit a response,” said Alcaraz. “People ical take on the illegal immigration isparticularly Mexican immigration. ask me ‘Do you draw just to make people sue, giving viewers a look on both sides much as possible, write as much as possible, don’t be shy, and share what you Being a satirical cartoonist, Alcaraz angry?’ Absolutely not. I draw to amuse of the topic. “We poke fun at both points of view,” have to say with people. Also, learn to tends to push the envelope, drawing myself, and hopefully amuse others.” Alcaraz said. “I think that the show is take criticism; it is part of the process.” cartoons such as Carrie Fisher as PrinEditor in Chief

Is censorship control taking it too far?



hate censorship. I know what you’re thinking: Controversial statement of the year. Censorship limits how much artists can do in terms of content. Any 30-year-old mom with a blog she uses as an excuse to neglect her child while simultaneously exploiting them for easy cash will go and write a nine-page article about how Nickelodeon put a homosexual couple in a kids’ show neither she nor her child have seen. Nickelodeon’s “The Loud House,” released in May 2016, features a supporting character named Clyde McBride who is an African American adopted child THE of a homosexual, interracial couple. R E This is the first CORN blatantly obvious and publicly stated instance of homosexual characters in a show on Nickelodeon, something previously thought impossible. The LGBT community is at a point in history where they are more accepted and recognized than ever before. There are still many anti-gay people and coun-






D er




tries in the world, but in America Nickelodeon realizes censoring homosexuality from shows just to appease a couple of angry parents would be ignorant to the real world. This is the fault in censorship and its execution — parents will flip over anything. Homosexuality, the human body and religion are always pushed to the side in favor of “good, wholesome television.” I would say there’s a level where these subjects aren’t suitable for the public. Two people having sexual relations isn’t okay, that’s pornography. Discussing religion to the point where a specific ideal is superior to others isn’t okay, that’s propaganda. And homosexuality is okay to show kids homosexuals exist, but it should not be presented as an agenda trying to force people to agree with the LGBT movement. Everyone is entitled to their opinion even if it’s offensive to others. This is the point I’m trying to make when I say “I hate censorship,” artists and creators should have the freedom to portray any feelings or opinions they have just as much as the public has the freedom to disagree with it. Recently, YouTube has been losing companies who used to advertise on videos from the site causing channels on YouTube to lose substantial amounts of ad revenue.

This event was antagonized by an article from Wall Street Journal written by Jack Nicas. Supposedly in the article (because I refuse to pay a single cent for a WSJ subscription to read the article after hearing what the company did) Nicas found ads from big corporations such as PepsiCo, Wal-Mart and Dish Network on five videos with racist or offensive contents. This prompted these, along with many other companies, to pull ads from YouTube. Of course you’re going to find racist videos on the Internet, it’s the Internet, it’s the single most free, uncensorable body of work on the planet. Furthermore, just because an ad for Pepsi runs on a negative video, that doesn’t associate the ideals of that channel with a corporation that is just trying to make money off the popularity of somebody else’s work. And it’s not like YouTube isn’t actively trying to stop these videos from making any money, there’s a flag system in place that prompts YouTube to look at an offensive video and choose to take it down for good. This system has taken down videos that so much as have one swear word in the entire video. If these corporations can’t understand YouTube is actually doing all it can to keep the site friendly enough for their greedy intentions then someone needs to tell them: people have freedom!

Undertaker calls career in final WrestleMania By Aliyah Stoeckl Senior Staff Writer

WWE legend “The Undertaker,” or some might know him as “Deadman,” displayed an emotional retirement gesture at WrestleMania 33 Mark William Calaway has been one of the most iconic wrestling stars since the 1990s. He was glorified by his fans for his mystical abilities and consuming any enemy that called him out. During Westlemania 33, The Undertaker removed his hat, coat and gloves. Then set them down in the middle of the ring and began to walk out. The WWE hasn't released an official statement of retirement but this is a traditional way of announcing retirement in the WWE world. Twitter users began paying tribute with their memories of the legendary Deadman. “I grew up watching WWE during the attitude era, so hearing the Undertaker retiring? Another piece of my childhood withers away,” said Twitter user @

Dish_AWD. In the same night as his retirement announcement, the 52-year old legend lost the main event against WWE superstar Roman Reigns. “I did what I had to at #Wrestlemania it doesn't change the fact Deadman held the yard down for years. For that #ThankYouTaker #Respect,” said @WWEromanreigns official Twitter account. Many, fans believe Roman Reigns was the perfect competitor to end the Undertakers journey. The Undertaker will leave his generation of fans with iconic moments such as the Deadman’s hand popping out of his grave after they buried him alive or rising from a coffin to attack Brock Lesnar. After 35 years and 21 Wrestlemania victories, the Undertaker’s legacy will have his place in the WWE hall of fame. “No matter what WWE Will always be “My House” Thank you WWE Universe for giving me the best career of my life,” said @WWEMarkWCalaway official Twitter account.


7 sports

April 21, 2017

Mustangs host NorCal Dive championships By Alex Coba

nitely nervous during his dive. “Yes, especially in the three-meter just because it’s a little bit highDelta College’s men’s and wom- er you do feel a little bit intense, I en’s swim and dive team hosted the don’t know once you get up there NorCal Dive championships on you got to forget about that and go April 15. for the dive,” said Espinosa. Delta College’s Cammi Baumann Baumann, who qualified for and Jose Espinosa both placed in the state in the one-meter dive, said top eight in the overall she felt a bit competition qualifying unprepared for the state champi- Read more stories about due to illness. onships. Mustang sports at “I kind of After the event, felt unpreDiving Coach Robpared, I have ert Wimberly, said he been sick with was elated with the walking pneumonia for the past progress his team has made over two weeks before this so this past the last few weeks. week, on Wednesday and yesterday “Absolutely there have been im- were my first practice back so I felt provements in the last two week, under prepared but I was happy a lot of improvements so overall I with what I did,” said Baumann. would label it as successful,” said There were some standouts that Wimberly. didn’t make it to state but still perJose Espinosa qualified for the formed well. state championship for both the Brittney Smith who is the first one-meter dive and the three-me- alternate on both first meter and ter dive. Espinosa said he was defi- three-meter board took 9th place Staff Writer

in the events. Joey Silvey who has had little diving experience took 9th place in the one-meter dive. The dive team’s next stop is the state championships at East Los Angeles College in Monterey Park. “We have two that qualified, Cammi and Jose, and then we also have Brittney as the first alternate on both boards and Joey as the first alternate on one meter,” said Wimberly. Wimberly said he feels good going into the championships. When asked on their feelings toward the state championships Wimberly replied, “Good, hopefully. Cammi’s healthy, she’s been sick. Jose is starting to get his groove and starting to dive well especially for a first-year diver. I think everyone is happy. I know I am,” he said. Delta College’s dive team is set to compete at the state championships on May 4-6.

Jose Espinosa competes in the three-meter dive. PHOTO BY ALEX COBA

Finding the right sport for you

Proper foundation important to sculpting a healthier body, but where to start? Let The Collegian help you figure out what workout is best for you By Austin Nordyke Staff Writer

Some people believe exercise is to life, what a whetstone is to a knife. Others view it as an ungodly punishment best left to Sisyphus. If an inexperienced individual lacks the knowhow to get fit effectively, beginning to workout can feel like a painful tedium that bears little fruit. Knowing how to exercise properly may be the foundation needed to sculpt a healthier body. Gina Johnson, head women’s basketball coach and Delta professor, said the ego getting involved can cause

people to take on too much too quickly. They feel discouraged when they cannot keep up the pace they set themselves. “The idea is to work slowly into their new work out,” said Johnson. She recommends starting with exercises that utilize a person’s own body weight. Planks, push-ups and plyometric exercises may have a lower barrier for entry than free-weights or other more advanced options. A healthy lifestyle is as important as the exercise itself. Nathan Varosh, women’s water polo head coach, stresses the importance of drinking water over less healthy alternatives.

“Set aside 30 minutes to be active a day,” he said. Staying consistent in the time you put towards working out is very important towards seeing results. “Find something that you’ll enjoy,” said assistant baseball coach Mat Keplinger. People will be more inclined to stick with a workout if they enjoy the activity rather than viewing it as a chore. Keplinger warns against being too result oriented. It’s a process and change that most likely won’t be seen overnight. Exercise does not have to be about the destination. Incorporating it into your routine may be difficult at first, but over time people tend to find themselves with more energy and feeling happier.





























8 news

April 21, 2017

United Airlines sees consumer backlash after video goes viral By Moriah Stall Senior Staff Writer

Delta drama students perform a play by Shakespeare to young children at the Goldman Library during National Library Week. PHOTO BY ALIYAH STOECKL

National Library Week celebrated “Ever since we moved into the new library we have the facility to call for an event like this. We want to be apart of the celebration. It’s a good chance to showcase Delta participated in National Library Week April our students from different divisions, departments and 10-14 with activities and events for everyone to enjoy. also the library and its services,” said Wang. This event was put together with the collaboration Delta College President/Superintendent Kathy of the poetry department for National Poetry Month, Hart held a story reading to children of the Child library faculty and the planning committee members. Development Program. The key element of this nationwide event is transDelta’s drama students performed throughout the formation. As a symbol of transformation, Delta used week showcasing Shakespeare stories. Butterflies. “I love the library and reading so these events are “By having National Library Week. We transform something I enjoyed. This is where I can be myself,” into a vibrant center of the academic research and also said Carmen Cobain, Delta student. a place where students come and use our resources,” The National Library Week had many students insaid Dr. Jun Wang, Principal Librarian and Planning volved in helping coordinate activities and also man Committee member. who attended the events. Each day the Goldman Library held a friends-of-the“It’s really nice to see how many students came out and library book sale which benefits the friends of the library participated. I went to the poem presentation and it was scholarship. Monday through Friday $1 for one book, $1 heartening of how many students were there but also to for five books and the last day had 10 books for $1. follow the through the process of the poet,” said Virginia In addition to the daily raffle at the circulation desk, Kirschenman, Delta Instructional Support Assistant. which was announced winners every day at noon. The Friends of the Library are always accepting Activities included crafts, story time performances new members. If you wish to become a member please and poetry readings. contact Library Services at (209) 954-5139.

By Aliyah Stoeckl Senior Staff Writer

BISSON: Delta loses dedicated professor continued from PAGE 1

py to see us, even if we weren’t quite awake yet. He always wanted to spark in us the same passion for history that he had and he constantly pushed us to come up with our original opinions on the past,” said Delta College student Miranda La Londe. Bisson was a private person but, befriended those he found suit to be befriended. “I enjoyed our discussions on a

wide variety of topics — he was so well-read and traveled extensively. And on top of all that professional excellence, he was a really nice guy who tried to help his students as much as possible,” said Professor Lynn Hawley of Delta College. Bisson was on the Policy & Procedures Review Committee. Ethics and high standards are words that continually come up when talked about Bisson.

“He was very honest, sincere, more dedicated to in classroom teaching, very concerned about academic standards. He was one of the best among us,” said Professor William Ferraiolo. Cristofori is trying to put a scholarship in place to remember Bisson. It will be called the “Joe Bisson Memorial Scholarship for Excellence in History.” It will go to history minors and majors at Delta College.

Assad did carry out the attack. “My personal belief is that Assad has his head held up high because he has Russia’s support. I think Russia knew about the chemical attack and that Assad did it on purpose to see if the U.S. would say something. That’s what I believe, but there’s no proof.” GeaGea supported the strike, but wasn’t comfortable with Trump deciding to attack Syria without going to Congress for approval, stating he was not comfortable with “one man decisions,” that may or may not have been swayed by Trump’s daughter, Ivanka. However, Blank said Trump acted

constitutionally. “America is signatory to a number of treaties regarding chemical weapons… he even complied with the War Powers Act,” he said. The War Powers act was passed in 1973 after Vietnam as a check on the president’s ability to commit troops without the consent of Congress. After the strike, fears of a potential war with Russia flared up again, however Blank doesn’t see war erupting over a shattered country like Syria, describing Putin as a “calm, rational realist who understands the limits of Russian power,” which includes a spiraling economy having to once again having to cut the country’s military budget.

SYRIA: Trump breaks promises continued from PAGE 1

campaigned against. Questions began to rise as to whether Assad was even behind the attack surfaced as concrete evidence is scarce. “There are two points to this; either he took chemical gas from Russia and used it on his own people, and the second argument is that it’s not in his own interest to use chemical weapons, especially at this point, a week after the Secretary of Defense said that the ‘fate of Syria will be decided by the Syrian people’, this suggests that he does not support regime change,” said Delta College student Jude GeaGea. Despite this, GeaGea does believe

A new viral video shows three security officers dragging a man out of his seat on a United Airlines flight and forcibly yanking him down the aisle by his wrists. The plane was scheduled to fly from Chicago to Louisville, Ky. on April 9 at O’Hare International Airport. Videos of the altercation sparked national outraged against United Airlines. The passenger, Dr. David Dao, suffered a broken nose, a concussion and two missing front teeth, according to USA Today. The three airport security officers have been put on administrative leave as the city reviews the incident. The incident occurred because the flight was fully booked but United needed seats to transport employees who had to be in Louisville the next day, according to media reports. The airline offered $800 and a hotel stay. Four people were asked to volunteer to give up their seat. When no one volunteered, four passengers were picked at random. One of those four was Dao. He refused to leave. “I think that being a doctor and having patients, they should’ve chosen someone else so I don’t think it was right,” Delta student Teagan Graybill said. “I think that one of the other passengers should’ve volunteered and been like ‘hey this guy has patients,’” According to CNBC, Dao’s attorney, Tom Demetrio blamed a “culture of disrespect and rudeness” at United and said that there will likely be a lawsuit as a result of the incident. “I think corporate America needs to understand that we all want to be treated in the same manner with the respect and the same dignity that they would treat their own family members,” Demetrio said during a press conference in Chicago on April 13 according to CNBC. Delta student Reymon Javinal also disagrees with what United has done. “It doesn’t matter to who or what the person did. Everyone has a right to refuse to be left alone on a plane, he didn’t have to be dragged like that especially,” he said. “It was horrible.” Following the press conference, United Airlines CEO Oscar Munoz issued an apology statement: “This horrible situation has provided a harsh learning experience from which we will take immediate, concrete action ... We have committed to our customers and our employees that we are going to fix what’s broken so this never happens again.” The company also said they will no longer ask law enforcement officers to remove passengers from their flights unless it is a matter of safety and security. Demetrio told The Chicago Tribune the airline didn’t have the right to use unnecessary force and violence to remove a passenger who is not a threat. On April 13, Munoz spoke about the incident and said security assets would no longer pull United Airlines passengers from overbooked flights according to ABC News. “We are not going to put a law enforcement official to take them off the aircraft. To remove a booked, paid seated passenger we can’t do that,” he told Good Morning America. But in the meantime, social media outrage of the altercation cause thousands to demand answers and seek justice for Dao.

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