thecollegian Issue 1 • Friday, Dec. 2, 2016 •
I'm M u be my sl im, so Eid f h famil avo ri te. Th as to y and e who get t ogeth c lose fr ien le er t ds eat f ood, a o ma ke an d n us ual ly get d the k ids money gi fts as we and ll
Z Secon eshawn Kh d yea r Delt an a stud ent
My mom she cooks for the entire household, nothing special but a family get together.
Emad Khan Delta student
Secret Santa, putting all the names in a hat and then choosing a gift for friends.
Nellie Robles Third year Delta student
Holiday Traditions Delta students talk about their favorite seasonal pastimes
Giving m y s iblings p rese and wa tching th nts eir reaction f rom th e g ifts I p ic k out
Ar iana Ca st ro First yea r Delta
We usually open presents the night before Christmas at my older sister's house.
Brandon Seth Fourth year Delta student
ith We have a big dinner w re family and friends whe d we p lay games and spen time together .
Mikk o Fredeen Delta student IMAGES FROM FREEPIK.COM
NEXT ISSUE: Spring 2017 • CONTACT US: or (209) 954-5156 • ONE FREE COPY
2 opinion THE COLLEGIAN FALL 2016
Trump won: Let’s give him a chance By Sathina Flores
EDITOR IN CHIEF Midori Morita NEWS Midori Morita Killian Barnhart FEATURE Dylan Loura Chanelle Muerong OPINION Mikael Honzell SPORTS Frank Allen ENTERTAINMENT Christopher Donaldson COPY EDITOR Mark Larks SOCIAL MEDIA Francina Sanchez SENIOR STAFF WRITERS Gloria Gibbs Devin Wickstrom STAFF WRITERS Andres Aguirre Emily Beaton Joey Boscacci Sathina Flores Katherine Gagne Jasmine Gonzalez Analese Najera Elany Orozco Marshal Romo Moriah Stall Zachary Vera Evelyn Villalobos Ramon Zuniga ADVISER Tara Cuslidge-Staiano ADVERTISING The Collegian offers display advertising. Contact us at (209) 954-5156 or LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Letters raising issues and opinions are encouraged. EDITORIAL Unsigned editorials reflect the position of the staff. Comments, letters and editorials with a byline represent the opinion of the writer. This paper doesn’t endorse or represent the opinions of the adviser, the Mass Communication department, the Fine Arts Division, the printer or Delta College administration. MISSION STATEMENT The Collegian is a student run First Amendment newspaper that prides itself on a commitment to the students of Delta College while maintaining independence. We reinvigorate the credo that the newspaper speaks for the students, checks abuses of power and stands vigilant in the protection of democracy and free speech.
Dec. 2, 2016
Staff Writer
his year’s Presidential Election was more about voting against a particular candidate than voting for one’s favorite candidate. And there are clearly large pockets of voters who seemed paralyzed by an inability to commit to either of the two candidates — both of whom people deemed “dangerous.” While people didn’t want to vote for Hillary Clinton, they also didn’t want Donald Trump as president. In the early morning of Nov. 9, Trump was announced the winner of the 2016 presidential election. Given how divided Americans were over Clinton and Trump, it is unsurprising that, in the wake of his democratically elected win, numerous protests have broken out. While some people might argue that these protests are happening because it’s Trump, it is also safe to assume that if Clinton had won, the same type of thing would probably still be happening. Although with Trump as our new president many of us are scared of his unstable policies, personality, and the disgusting words he’s used throughout his campaign. Though there are many people who vote for a candidate because of his or her political party affiliation and policies, there are those who focus on character. While having political experience is a good thing it is an individual’s character from which judgments are formed that become the rock — the foundation to the people’s mind. First impressions are everything. Trump’s first impression left people with panic and fear. He has more than his share of flaws. He is constantly putting his foot in his mouth because he has trouble controlling it. His campaign has been riddled with inappropriate comments and he obviously has no experience as a politician. However, reacting badly to your “team’s” defeat is human nature. But at some point human nature has to give over to fact and reason. The fact here is that Trump won fair and square. Even though people may not like that he won and just wish that all this was a bad dream only to wake up and hope Trump was never part of the election, that’s not going to happen. In fact, we need to wake up and realize he was not installed as a dictator. Nor was he placed by some high power or by some other type of power other than the power of the vote. Whether or not we agree with how democratic elections in America run, and have been for centuries, it is something
we can work out for ourselves — people voted for him, people wanted him as president. What we should do is stop all the nonsense and give Trump a chance to be president. For many Americans that is a hard reality to accept. However, giving Trump a chance doesn’t mean you support him and it certainly doesn’t mean you can’t later on after you’ve given him that chance. It simply means place your pride and ego on a shelf and it’s time to get behind him whether we want to or not because he is our next president. If you support Clinton and/or Obama you should give Trump a chance. Clinton in her powerful concession speech told her supporters we owe Trump the chance to lead. She also said, “Our constitutional democracy enshrines the peaceful transfer of power and we don’t just respect that, we cherish it.” Obama also called for the peaceful transition of power. In his address to the public after hearing of Trump’s win, Obama told Americans, “We are now all rooting for his success in uniting and leading the country.” Usually when someone runs a country we wouldn’t want people to run with all this negativity behind them but in positivity to lead this country and lead us in the right direction — not down a hill. If neither Clinton nor Obama can convince us to give Trump a chance, what about our American unity? Jokes and politics aside, we are, no matter the skin color, Americans. The labels we use to mark our identities — Republican, Democrat, black, white, Muslim, Jewish, Catholic — can empower us, but it can also separate, alienate and ultimately limit us. Obama expressed these same beliefs after Trump’s win by saying we’re all on the same team. Riots are not peaceful and it is not best for the country. Threatening others, verbal abuse through derogatory terms is not peaceful and not what’s best for the country either. Trump is president but he doesn’t even take power until Jan. 20. Yet for some reason, people are setting the world alight in anger and pure hatred. Everyone resisting Trump and everyone supporting him want what’s best for the U.S. The opinions, yes, are different, the rhetoric can be frightening on both sides but accepting Trump as president is not accepting or supporting his policies. Peacefully accepting his win, however, is good for the country and good for us as citizens.
Fans to be reimbursed after Kanye ends show
Kanye in hospital after cutting performance short at Golden 1 Center By Gloria Gibbs
Senior Staff Writer
anye West has always been known to speak his mind and his concerts are no exception. He’s been trending on social media for his comments made during his show in San Jose, Nov. 17 at the SAP Center while on the Saint Pablo tour. During the San Jose show he announced he would have voted for President-elect Donald Trump, if he would have participated in the 2016 election and he also urged African Americans to stop looking at racism as a forefront issue in the United States. Kanye, enjoying the spotlight his last rant at the San Jose show brought him, decided to continue the wave at his Sacramento stop on Nov. 19 at the Golden One Center. “Oh yeah I’m on my Trump sh*t tonight,” said Kanye at his Sacramento show. However, Kanye’s rant got him a rude awakening once the crowd lost interest in all the talking. The concertgoers booed him for cutting the concert short after ending his long and high emotion rant. I was one of the many fans in attendance in Sacramento. The show was set to start at 9 p.m., but Kanye didn’t come out until after 10:30 p.m. I don’t think I would have been as up-
set at the late start had there been a house DJ just to get the mood right. Instead when I got to my seat the only thing I heard playing were creepy instrumentals that included wolf howling and soft chimes. It had a very sinister feel. The wait at first felt worth it when the show finally began. Kanye opened with “Father Stretch My Hands Part 1” with special guest Kid Cudi who is featured on the song itself. Kid Cudi has also been a topic in Kanye’s previous Saint Pablo tour rants for mentioning Kanye’s name on his Twitter account. Back in September Kid Cudi called out a list of rappers for using ghostwriters that including Kanye. When Kanye heard about the tweets he told Kid Cudi to never mention his name. Kid Cudi was the first and last guest to appear on the tour alongside Kanye. I personally enjoyed seeing that Kid Cudi and Kanye had settle their issues and even hugged onstage that night. Kanye’s sniffles got picked up by the mics while they hugged it out as the first song played in the background. Kanye continued the show with his songs “Waves, Part 2” and “Famous” all are from his latest album “The Life of Pablo” before telling sound to cut the track because he had something to say. In a long rant Kanye names like Mark Zuckerberg, Donald Trump, Hillary
Clinton, Taylor Swift, Barack Obama, Jay Z, Beyoncé, Drake, Dj Khaled, radio and MTV. He told majority of the people listed they had either screwed up crossing him or urging them to give him a phone call so they can talk it out. The concert itself lasted less than 30 minutes. Kanye performed four songs before his rant and once the rant was over, so was his show. “The media gonna have a field day with this one because the shows over,” said Kanye as he jumps off the stage. The last thing that was heard was the microphone dropping. The lights cut on and the upset audience fled their seats and went looking for refunds. Those wanting a refund including myself were given upon request. I don’t hate Kanye. I just wished he would have performed the entire set instead of cutting the show early. What he did wasn’t enough for me. Kanye is one of my favorite rappers. I left that night so upset that I don’t think I will ever see myself paying to him in concert again. As fans we go see artist in concert to escape the worries of our daily problems. Kanye turned a night out into a night of disappointment. The remaining dates on the Saint Pablo tour have since been cancelled.
Cannabis hemp products improving the health of people and the planet By Katherine Gagne
Staff Writer
ince 1937, when the Dupont Chemical Corporation influenced the federal government to outlaw the Cannabis plant in order to eliminate competition with their petroleum based products, hemp has been illegal to grow in the U.S. but now it’s back! And Hemp can help us save the planet. Hemp and Marijuana are two types of materials grown from the plant known as Cannabis which has seven sub-species that can be cultivated for specific and diverse attributes. Hemp is a hardy plant that grows over most of the land on earth. It puts down deep roots, which stabilizes the soil from erosion, and when its leaves drop off, minerals and nitrogen are returned to the land. Hemp can be harvested after growing 20-feet tall within four months of planting. It naturally repels weed growth and has very few insect enemies reducing the need for harmful pesticides. When faced with the dire consequences of our headlong dive into progress, America’s ingenuity, creative vision, and talent for innovation can move us towards a clean fuel economy by abolishing fossil-fuels and investing in hemp as the new basis for our 21st century economy. HEMP AS A SOURCE OF FUEL Biofuels, which can be used to generate electricity, are produced without environmentally damaging practices like drilling, fracking, or mining. Plant “biomass” is the fuel for the future. Cleaner than fossil fuels, it can provide gasoline, and charcoal to meet all of our energy needs. To stop and reverse the greenhouse effect, we need to eliminate the CO2 buildup in the atmosphere. Hemp absorbs high quantities of carbon dioxide, and transfers it into the soil; creating healthier land as it helps to balance global warming by reducing CO2 from the atmosphere.
MUSTANG VOICE ‘Now that the semester is almost over, are you satisfied with how you did overall?’
HEMP AS A FOOD SOURCE Hemp provides a complete source of vegetable protein, and contains eight essential amino acids. Its seed, which is low in saturated fat, contains many oils which our bodies can’t make for themselves, but are necessary for our survival. Hemp protein can be processed and flavored in a variety of ways. Hemp oil can be used to make nutritious tofu, butter, and cheese, as well as other foods. Companies like Manitoba Harvest, Nutiva and others already offer delicious and nutritious hemp based food products for the American market. HEMP AS BUILDING MATERIALS AND PLASTICS New applications for hemp include the manufacture of strong, long lasting, construction materials like compressed fiber boards which can be used to frame and panel structures, environmentally friendly concrete, as well as composites for automobile manufacturing, and biodegradable soft plastics for home, office and medical use. HEMP AS A SOURCE FOR PAPER The prohibition of hemp led to the unnecessary destruction of forests in The U.S. and the world over. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, one acre of hemp can produce four times more paper than one acre of trees. Hemp offers us an opportunity to make affordable and environmentally safe paper for all of our needs. Paper made naturally from hemp is acid free and will last for centuries. Substituting hemp for trees, would save forests and wildlife habitats and would reduce the pollution of lakes, rivers, and streams that happen as a byproduct of wood pulp paper manufacturing.
“I’m just taking all medi classes. So I think I’m doing pretty much cool I just have a little bit of trouble in stats class. The teachers are very corporative, I never expected this one because I went to school in my country.” ABDULREHMAN
HEMP AS A SOURCE OF FIBER The hemp plant produces some of the strongest natural fiber known to man. As hemp is resistant to decay we have evidence of its use beginning over 10,000 years ago when it was cultivated for its long fibrous stems from which rope, paper, cloth and textiles were made. Hemp fiber is ten-times stronger, softer, warmer and more water absorbent than cotton and can be used to make clothing, bedding, towels, draperies, rugs, tents and sails. It can be spun and woven to be as smooth as silk, or as durable as denim. Hemp is one of the most valuable, renewable resources that we have, producing over 25,000 different products and it is now currently legal to grow. Let’s take the initiative in re-establishing a thriving hemp industry. From farming, to manufacturing, to research, and transportation, the new hemp industry can generate thousands of jobs. Hemp is our best hope for reducing the pollution of our atmosphere and re-establishing a harmonious balance on our planet.
Games to Look out for during holidays By Joey Bocsacci
Staff Writer
ith the holidays coming up and and most of this year’s games on the market, you may be looking into what games to buy. here’s a quick list of some games you should check out. Kicking things off is this year’s biggest new intellectual property, “Overwatch.” A refreshing drop of color and character in a genre that has mostly been gritty seriousness for a while, this competitive first-person shooter pits two teams of six against each other in locations that span the globe.
“I want to say yes and no, I know one class I’m not doing so well but in my more important classes, I know I’m doing good. It feels like it’s more chill here, completely different from high school. ”
Players chose to play as one of 23 “Heroes” that all have unique personalities and abilities that support the team such as a shield to block incoming damage or a beacon to highlight enemy players. With developer Blizzard Entertainment set to release new content consistently, this game will last longer than most shooters. Next is two console exclusives, “Uncharted 4: A Thief ’s End” and “Gears Of War 4” for the Playstation 4 and Xbox One respectively. “Uncharted 4” sees the end of Nathan Drake’s journey of fortune hunting and action. Needing to help his presumed to be
“Yes, I actually am satisfied with all of my semester this yearround. As long as im not failing, im looking good right now. Getting close to those A, B, C mixtrail. right now. ” LUISCANELA “ No. Procrastination, im possibly failing both of my classes, I hope not I need to get my stuff together. I just have to bunker down and just study, do my work and not wait till Sunday to start homework.” BRIANALUNDBLAD
dead brother, Drake sets off on his final adventure. A culmination of years of action packed gameplay and superb storytelling, “Uncharted 4” is a great send off to a great series. “Gears of War 4” is more of a new beginning for the Gears franchise. Set well after the events of Gears 3, the game follows Marcus Fenix’s son, J.D. as he and his friends fight against a new threat to the survival of humanity. Although developed by new developers The Coalition, the game is distinctly Gears of War and offers the same gritty story and gory gameplay that fans come to expect. Moving on to this year’s stand out
“Yeah, I feel like I did way more than I did before, im learning from past experiences and im looking forward to the next semester; perfect my little mistakes I made in the past.”
SERGIOVIERIA Indie title, “Inside.” This puzzle-platformer has players controlling a young boy through a dark and mysterious environment. Rounding off the list is “Pokemon Sun / Moon.” Coming off of the hype of Pokemon GO, Gamefreak’s newest iteration in this long standing series has plenty of familiar things for players who may be getting back into the series such as new forms of pokemon from the first game as well as some familiar faces in the storyline. With many new elements like the Island system, Z-Moves, as well as some quality of life improvements, makes this game a good pickup for newcomers and veterans alike.
4 feature
Dec. 2, 2016
BAKED TO PERFECTION Culinary department brings sweet success to Delta
By Chanelle Muerong Feature Co-Editor
What started as a single table in the quad, has developed into a weekly six-hour event showcasing the talents of culinary arts students. The weekly bake sale, for example, started with little church-like sales from table in the quad. The profit margin was once $500, according to Pastry Head Chef Robert Halabicky, a professor of culinary arts, who has been teaching at Delta for 15 years. Now the group makes around $5,000 a week. Profits from the sale pay for field trips for students. Halabicky said about 800-1000 people come to the bake sale each week it runs. The students ended the run for the fall semester last week with a special before Thanksgiving sale. Students in the culinary program come in and volunteer for the bake sale. “This is my first experience in retail bakery. It’s been really wonderful ... I’m learning how to be friendly and customer service and that’s super important,” said Christina Hilliary, a student in the program. The students come in Tuesday and Wednesday to prepare. Thursday mornings, half the class comes in at 2 a.m. to finish baking and decorating. The rest of the class comes in at 5 a.m. to set up and put out all the food. Students market, display, sell and wait on customers. The Thanksgiving bake sale, which happened
Wednesday, Nov. 23, is the only bake sale that takes preorders. Different pies, breads, pastries, rolls and cakes were sold. Students involved say the program is beneficial. Resty Albeza, who has been in the program for three semesters, descibes the culinary program as a family. “All of us students, we get close.” Others involved say that the program offers more than just an education. “Chef has been a really great motivator, makes us work really hard and has really helped us become more organized for this bakery. If we need help we ask each other, we work really well together and with each other and other students and with Chef and we will become successful because of this experience,” said student Guadalupe Lobato. The students aren’t the only ones enjoying the experience. Chef Halabicky, who Albeza describes as a “really cool and fun chef” expresses his feelings as well. “I really enjoy coming in here and working with these guys,” said Halabicky. “It gets pretty crazy sometimes ... I really love it.” No matter how demanding the job is, no matter how early everyone has to arrive, the students in the program love what they do, and they wouldn’t want to do anything else. “If you have questions about joining the program and you like to bake, I’d say do it. Cause I felt the same way. I tried it and at the end of the day, I still go home happy. It’s hard work, it’s not easy. It’s fun for me and that’s why I keep coming, and I still want to
do this for the rest of my life.” said Victor Najij, who is a trusted student of Chef Halabicky and volunteers at the bake sales.
Student chef, Victor Najij, helps out at his fourth bake sale. PHOTOS BY CHANELLE ANNE MUERONG
Trainees discussing ideas. PHOTOS BY FRANCINA SANCHEZ
In front of trainees, Irina Kurtsevaya gives lecture.
Entrepreneur program sets future for locals said Kurtsevaya. Classes are held every Wednesday from 3:30 p.m. to 6:60 p.m. at the Brick & Mortar, 125 Bridge Place in downtown Stockton, headquarters of the Downtown The Downtown Stockton Alliance, in partnership with BBVA Compass Bank, Stockton Alliance. has commissioned Centro Community Partners to run a nine-week Basic EntreDuring the course of the training trainees will have a workbook provided to help preneurs Workshop for the next year. them stay on track during and after the nine weeks have ended. “Entrepreneurship and small businesses run this country ...we wanted to create “So far I like it, it’s very informative. I’ve already learned a ton,” said Poitier an initiative to help small business, build entrepreneurship and create economic li- Stringer. ability in Stockton,” said Irina Kurtsevaya, Centro Community Partners facilitator. Along with everything that the program covers there is an application the trainCentro Community Partners is a nonprofit and covers much of the cost to train ees download that goes hand in hand with their workbook. the participants. The app is designed to assist each person on creating a specific business plan. “Nationally it can cost anywhere from $5,000 to $10,000 a year to train , we are Creating a business plan is essential for progress, said Kurtsevaya because withtrying to make it accessible and money shouldn’t be stopping you from gaining this out one a person can’t qualify for a business loan. type of training,” said Kurtsevaya. BBVA will continue to work with Centro Community Partners and the DownThe workshop cost $45, cutting trainees cost almost completely. town Stockton Alliance, sponsoring potential business owners following their “It’s definitely worth the investment if you want to start a business. I’ve always completion of training. had the vision I just needed the help and the guidance,” said Essence Hubbard, Not only will the participants receive a certificate of completion, they will also entrepreneur trainee. have the possibility of obtaining a business loan. Hubbard is currently a Delta College student and at 20 is creating an on“There’s nothing more powerful that creating something people love and capiline-based business where she will be selling a unisex clothing line. talizing off of it,” said Hubbard. The program covers basic strategy, personal finance, market analysis, value propThe Downtown Stockton Alliance and Centro Community Partners have deosition, operations, marketing strategy and business finance. cided to pass future cohorts to another local organization that the organizations “The workshops are open to anyone who wants to start a business, who hasn’t will train to teach these entrepreneurship classes. There will be a total of four cohad access to capital and who doesn’t have specific business education or degree,” horts held throughout the next year.
By Francina Sanchez Social Media Editor
Local musicians step into the spotlight By Analese Najera Staff Writer
There are many aspiring musicians locally, many of which people don’t know about. There are four local artists, in particular, who are working to get their music out to the San Joaquin County area and beyond. “I knew I was influenced by [music] like more than your average listener was,” said Kyle Filter. Filter began getting into music when he was in high school. Kyle goes by the name of “Wunder.” Wunder is a rapper who started off with hip hop and is now transitioning to singing. Kyle has a deep passion for music and wants it spread his music so that everyone can hear it. “The moment I decided to pursue music was when I started noticing how it influenced so many people around me,” said Filter. Filter has made several albums which have been released on sound cloud he also is planning to work on more music. “Back in August 28th of this year 2016…I released which I want to call my debut project ‘Take Me Further’ which is a ten song album,” said Filter. You can find “Take Me Further” on Soundcloud. Holly Raasch is from Patterson, but has also lived in Tracy as well. Raasch knew she wanted to pursue music at a young age, “I’ve always been
obsessed with music.” Raasch learned the guitar and sings with the guitar, She also plays ukulele. She likes to sing indie/alternative music. “It was a way to get out how I was feeling,”said Holly Raasch. Holly mostly does covers right now. “I play in small coffee shops. I play in bars locally.” She’s currently working on her new EP which she hopes to release soon. Kyle and Raasch actually created a song together which was noticed by the Aritist Intelligene agency, who edited the song. She spreads the music through social media as well, and she posts her songs on YouTube which has received a lot of views. “I’ve been singing as long as I remember,” said Denise Avila. Avila lives in Tracy. “I started playing guitar when I was 11.” After learning the guitar and practicing more and more, she now sings for her church; she has been singing here for years. Avila has performed at several church events and talent shows. Though most of her experience is with church music, she wishes to be in a band one day and gravitates towards the indie alt genre. Denise is currently still working on writing music, she wants to write music as well as perform, and hopes to
do that in the near future. Collin Jacka has been playing guitar since he was in fifth grade and piano since kindergarten. He makes indie/alternative music. He has performed at Church events a winery and a concert in Hollywood at The Musicians Institute where he studied for three months in between going to San Joaquin Delta College. Jacka plans to pursue music, currently he is working on an album he intends to have out by Sept. 1, 2017.
From left to right: Top: Kyle Filter, Denise Avila Bottom: Holly Raash, Collin Jacka PHOTOS BY ANALESE NAJERA
6 entertainment
Dec. 2, 2016
1. Donald Trump elected President of the United States.
1. “One Dance” by Drake
2. Anti-Trump protests.
2. “Heathens” by TWENTY ØNE PILØTS
3. Colin Kaepernick sits out National Anthem.
3. “This Is What You Came For” by Calvin Harris feat. Rihanna
4. Kanye West rants on-stage then gets hospitalized.
4. “Cheap Thrills” by Sia
5. Record-breaking Golden State Warriors lose NBA Finals to Cleveland Cavaliers.
5. “Closer” by The Chainsmokers feat. Halsey
6. Chicago Cubs break 100-year World Series slump.
6. “Starboy” by The Weeknd feat. Daft Punk
7. Prince, David Bowie, Alan Rickman and Mohamed Ali’s deaths.
7. “Dangerous Woman” by Ariana Grande
8. Zika outbreak in multiple parts of the world.
8. “Just Like Fire” by P!nk
9. Harambe shot dead after kid falls into gorilla habitat.
9. “Capsize” by FRENSHIP feat. Emily Warren
10. England votes to leave European Union.
10. “Work” by Rihanna feat. Drake
TV SHOWS 1. Game of Thrones
2. Captain America: Civil War
2. Daredevil
3. Deadpool
3. The Walking Dead 4. American Crime Story: The People v. O.J. Simpson 5. Dragon Ball Super 6. Scandal
1. Sausage Party
8. Stranger Things 9. Steven Universe 10. Luke Cage
2. Stardew Valley 3. Pokémon Sun and Moon
4. Doctor Strange
4. Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games
5. Shin Godzilla
5. Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4
6. Zootopia
6. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
7. Finding Dory
7. South Park
1. Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
7. Earthlock: Festival of Magic
8. The Nice Guys
8. Civilization VI
9. Deepwater Horizon
10. Moana
10. Final Fantasy XV
90’s trends coming back By Emily Beaton Staff Writer
While it’s not uncommon for certain decades to influence one another, 2016 has definitely received a heavy dose of the 90s. 1. Chokers: Whether you love them or hate them, chokers have officially resurrected. From Melissa Joan-Hart to Rihanna, chokers can be found in all sorts of different materials, such as velour, satin ribbon, and faux leather, as opposed to the typical braided-plastic ones. Chokers can be found at all sorts of retail stores such as Charlotte Russe, Charming Charlie and Forever 21. Crystal Ekas, a student at Delta college, said “I love them, because it’s very kinky.” 2. Shoes: One of the most creative fashion ideals from the 90s is shoes. With shoes ranging from platform sandals, jellies and Dr. Marten’s the possibilities are endless. With such shoes like this being back in style, tennis shoes simply don’t cut it anymore. 3. Lipstick: As for makeup, girls have recently taken a page from Rachel Green, of the 90s sitcom “Friend’s.” Rachel’s character, played by Jennifer Aniston, is well known for wearing her signature brown/burgundy lipstick, which has recently made a huge comeback in the makeup industry, especially among celebrities. 4. Shows: For 90s kids and fellow millenials, it’s very likely that you grew up watching shows such as “Hey
Arnold” or “Full House.” If you’ve ever found yourself feeling nostalgic towards these shows, then you will be thrilled to learn that a continuation of “Full house” titled “Fuller House” was made this year and can be found on Netflix. “Hey Arnold” is also currently being made into a movie. 5. Grunge: One common theme that has been resurfacing amongst celebrities and young adults, is that of grunge. Grunge icons such as Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love helped establish several grunge trends, that you can find on people all around you. You might see them wearing a green and black or red and black flannel, or a slip dress with a T-shirt underneath, with tousled shoulder-length hair. Maggie Hodson, another Delta College student, said “I like 90’s fashion, I like grunge.” 6. Music: The 90s wouldn’t be the same without punk bands such as Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Green Day and Blink 182. When Green Day and Blink 182 decided to comeback and release new music this year, nostalgia was definitely in the air. 7. Hairstyles: Whether you copied hairstyles from the Spice Girls or Gwen Stefani and No Doubt, you’ll be pleased to find out that corn rows, space buns and textured natural hair are definitely back in. The 90s played a huge role in allowing people to take risks with new styles, especially hairstyles.
‘Fantastic Beasts’ rebuilds the wizarding world By Ramon Zuniga
Staff Writer
he long-awaited addition to the Harry Potter movie universe “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them” was released on Nov. 18 to further our understanding of the wizarding world we have all come to love. This story starts as the wizarding community is put on edge in 1920s New York City and an English wizard arrives from a Trans-Atlantic ship. Actors in the movie include Eddie Redmayne as Newt Scamander, Colin Farrell as Percival Graves and Dan Fogler as Jacob Kowalski. Newt Scamander is the main protagonist of the movie, his back story is slightly touched on besides his education at Hogwarts in England, his house at Hogwarts is Hufflepuff shown by his scarf of the house colors, he was expelled from school and eventually joined the Ministry of Magic to regulate magical creatures, and his expulsion was argued against heavily by Albus Dumbledore. The story begins as Newt Scamander arrives to a U.S. customs check point in New York City as he gets off a Trans-Atlantic ship ride from England. As Scamander and other characters are meeting for the first time and interacting with both wizard and common
none wizards the greater world they try to conceal is put at risk from a cult against magic and wizards. The movie wasn’t complicated and can be enjoyed by many different age groups whether they are a seasoned fan of the wizarding world or a passing moviegoer. A new world was created in New York City with this story previously not mentioned in the older Harry Potter movies. With new creatures running wild in New York and other creatures stealing from banks or jewelry stores the clothing and pass times of the roaring 20s is as important as the magical beasts in the movie. For the five year wait to return to the wizarding world I felt it was sub-par compared to the level of quality of the plot the previous movies left on a mass fan base. According to the Fri-Sun opening weekend of the movie made only $75 million dollars in comparison to “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2” which made $169 million opening weekend in August 2011. A veteran fan of the franchise will enjoy the addition of the many new magical creatures and dynamic of a different wizarding community a “No-Maj” or non-wizards. For the casual moviegoer the visual effects that make up the many magical properties paint a picture that rivals the prior movies.
7 sports
Dec. 2, 2016
Delta hosts Northern California Regional tournament By Frank Allen Sports Editor
Delta College will be hosting the Northern California Regional wrestling tournament on Saturday, Dec. 3. “We hosted regionals three or four years ago and hosted state the following year, we weren’t supposed to have regionals, but the team that was supposed to do it couldn’t do it, so we’re excited to be wrestling and hosting regionals,” said wrestling Head Coach Michael Sandler. Setting up a tournament has meant a lot of planning and consideration. Sandler has coached for Delta and Lincoln high school and is experienced in setting up tournaments. The day before the tournament the wrestling team must get three mats set up, so the teams traveling have a place to practice. “It’s like clockwork, and make sure the coaches are fed, and get to wrestling and making the tournament run smoothly,” said Sandler. Delta is currently ranked 18th in the state for team rankings. There are several wrestlers that are honorable mentioned for Delta College which are Ian Morken at weight class 133s, Carlos Vasquez 141s, Justin Loveall 184s and Vincent Estus at 194s. “Honestly, I’ve been like honorable mention all year, which is it’s place top eight and five other guys they say
Ian Morken looking to dominate regionals as he did against Shasta Community College. PHOTO BY FRANK ALLEN
are good I really don’t care about it. I just worry about being ready come regionals and state other than that it doesn’t really matter to me,” said Morken Daryl Arroyo, who has a background as a Hall of Fame wrestler and coach, is the Athletic Director for Delta and is the administrative representative for the Northern California wrestling conference.
Arroyo will be at the seating to vote on who is the coach of the year, wrestler of the year and new rules that will be implemented in the Big 8. “It’s exciting that we are hosting the regional wrestling event and hoping to bring in a big crowd to help give our team the boost of the home field advantage”, said Arroyo.
Delta College football players earn All Conference awards By Sathina Flores Staff Writer
It’s more than just a game. It’s a savage sport that combines the cathartic discharge of aggression with the elegance of athletic dexterity. Football is a sport that shows every play build with anticipation. All 11 players on each team are intricately involved in every play. In a way, it’s controlled chaos. Jacob Wall, 19, is a Delta College student who plays football — right tackle on the offensive line. Even though he’s a defensive player at heart the coaches put him as right tackle because one was needed so “(he) stepped in and filled the role,” he said. Although when he’s out on that field “(he) just gets adrenaline going”
in a way that makes him want to “throw people around.” Wall said he likes being on the field for the adrenaline rush. “I treat the field like a war zone,” said Wall. “Because I play in the trenches.” On Sunday, Nov. 13 Wall received the All Valley Conference Award as first team player. The All Conference Award is an award voted on by the head coaches of every team in the league. They recognize individuals that stood out, who did the best in their position out of conference teams and those who made a big contribution to team accomplishments. When he heard he got the award he was a bit shocked due to all the talent they have on the team. “I was also grateful to be picked out as someone who was noticed,” he said.
Colten Mallete, 20, also a Delta student who plays football, received the All Conference Award as well. He was given the award at his position as a center. “And I have them to thank for their guidance in the game,” said Mallete. Mallete said he was also grateful to receive the award and “grateful to have coaches that think so highly of me.” The best moments as a center was blocking with his offensive line and “watching our running back score without being touched,” he said. He feels comfortable snapping the ball and blocking at the same time so the center position was best suited for him. He also enjoys being out on the football field during practice because he describes it as energetic — “with a team as competitive as ours it’s hard not to stay hyped on the field.”
Wall said starting all year as a freshman and winning a bowl game it “was an accomplishment in itself.” A bowl game is for the team’s that barely didn’t make the playoffs. Delta won the Gridiron Classic Bowl in 2015. “But I was lucky enough to start both years at Delta,” Wall said. “And help change the way Delta’s O-line is looked at across the league.” He was given an opportunity to mentor incoming freshmen to keep Delta’s athletic offensive line crisp. Mentoring is one of the most important parts of leaving as a sophomore Wall said, “because I am able to use what I learned with my two years at Delta to help better the freshmen to hopefully get looked at by scouts and eventually move onto the next
Fall marks opening, closing for Delta College sport teams By Frank Allen Sports Editor
There are teams in the beginning of seasons, teams that didn’t make it to playoffs and teams going to state championships. FOOTBALL Left, Delta scores to gain the lead. Middle, Women’s soccer training hard for high advancement. Right, women’s volleyball spiking to win The Mustang football team finished the first game. COLLEGIAN FILE PHOTOS the season with a 2-8 record. Cal playoffs but lost to Folsom Lake. and NorCal Coach of the year. The team had one conference win CROSS COUNTRY against rivals College of Sequoias, Cross country had an outstanding MEN’S WATER POLO WRESTLING which were placed last in the division Freshmen Maria Ramirez who competMen’s water polo finished fourth in Head Coach Mike Sandler has prowith a record of 3-7. ed in the California Community College state and team captain Jay Halva was duced four honorable mentions for Athletic Association State Champion- named State Championship All-Tour- state who are Ian Morken at weight WOMEN’S SOCCER The Lady Mustangs finished the reg- ships in Fresno finishing 106 out of 200. nament Team and as the Big 8 Most class 133s, Carlos Vasquez 141s, JusValuable Player. Mike Maroney was tin Loveall 184s and Vincent Estus at ular season with the record of 13-5-3. GOLF named Big 8 Coach of the Year, while 194s, and is hosting NorCal Regional The team dominated against Modesto Three Lady Mustangs moves into the Michael Bia, Josh Ortega and Cody Tournament on Dec. 3. Junior College in the first round playoff Northern California Championships, Wickman were Big 8 honorable mengame winning 5-1. In the second round which were Natalie Tsutsumi who fintioned for the state. MEN’S BASKETBALL Delta and Fresno City College tied 0-0 ished 24th, Taylor Robinson 21st , who The team are beginning their first after regulation and two overtime peribarely missed state qualification. RebecWOMEN’S WATER POLO all day tournament of the season today ods, the Lady Mustangs won on penalty ca Leonard wasn’t placed in the NorCal Womens water polo finished third, at the City College of San Francisco kicks 3-1 and advanced. On Nov. 26 the Championship, but all three women were which is the highest the team has ever which would be held Dec. 2-4. team lost to Diablo Valley College. placed in All-Big 8 Conference Honors. reached, falling to Riverside 5-9. Michaela Smith was named to the WOMEN’S BASKETBALL MEN’S SOCCER VOLLEYBALL State Championship All-Tournament The team finished third place at the The men’s soccer team season ended The volleyball team finished their Team. Delta’s water polo team was Saddleback tournament and is currentof a upsetting record of 6-11-4, winning regular season game a win against Sacnamed Big 8 MVP, while Tahnee Trew ly in the middle of the Tom Gilcrest its last game of the season, being the first ramento City College winning 3-1. The was presented as NorCal MVP. Tournament at the College of Sequoias, win in the previous ten games before. Mustangs were seeded 9th in the NorCoach Nate Varosh was named Big 8 which runs through Dec. 4.
8 news
Dec. 2, 2016
Students, left, marched the perimeter of campus with signs protesting Donald Trump. Giovanni Fernandez, right, shouts chants to the group of students as they march. PHOTOS BY MIKAEL HONZELL AND MIDORI MORITA
Delta students protest Donald Trump in hope to unify By Chanelle Muerong Feature Co-Editor
On Nov. 8, Donald Trump shook the world when he was elected president. On Nov. 9, Americans of all ages shook the ground as they marched through the busy streets of cities, signs and posters in hand, united, banded together against their new president-elect. Anti-Trump rallies and protests have been seen all over the United States. On Nov. 17 Delta College saw its first anti-Trump protest. “We simply think that Donald Trump doesn’t represent the values that most of the younger people around the country believe and hold,” said Rina Singh, one of the students in charge of the protest. “At Delta College, we are not seeing a lot of unity and we are not seeing people coming together to talk and discuss about the political issues at the moment. And with this protest ...we’re trying to build that community ... to unify people on campus.” The protest started in front of the library, small at first but gradually growing in size. The protesters attracted quite a crowd, some even joined in the protest itself.
“At first I was sad, but now I hope that he follows through with what he wants to do,” said protester Antonio Gomez. “I hope he does make changes that people in the establishment wouldn’t want to make. I hope he brings jobs back to the people who voted for him, I hope he figures out what he’s doing. I hope that he does a good job because he’s our next president.” As the march started, the protesters chanted, “Not my President” as they marched through the quad to the front of the school. “The purpose of our protest is to not push hate, but a united nation, basically to unite people together to push against hate and to bring other people together, as a country,” said Nathaniel Vutthy, another student who helped plan the protest. The march continued all the way around the block, sticking to the sidewalk and going from Target, to the College Square to America’s Tire. “He’s xenophobic, he’s racist and sexist..his rhetoric doesn’t show leadership, in my opinion. He’s setting an example for so many people and we’re supposed to look to him for leadership and he doesn’t make me feel like I want to live here,” said Joslynn Howard, a protester who traveled all the way from University of the Pacific to participate, along with friend and fellow
North County site discussion resumes By Mark Larks Copy Editor
A feasibility study of a location in Galt — the site currently referred to as the North County Center — was reviewed by the Board of Trustees at the Nov. 15 meeting. The plan calls for the land to include a teaching farm to accommodate animal husbandry and crops, leading some to speculate what, if anything, Delta would do with its existing farm in Manteca. In addition to the questions surrounding the fate of the Manteca Farm, the issue of whether Galt or Lodi should be the location of any future satellite campus has become a topic of conversation. But the Nov. 8 election changed one position on Delta College’s Board of Trustees, giving a seat to Carlos Huerta, who has exhibited support for a Lodi campus. Dr. Kathy Hart, superintendent and president of Delta College, said a decision on whether the land in Galt will be utilized is uncertain at this time, especially in light of the latest election results. “The Board may name the Liberty Road property as the selected site [at its meeting] on 12/13,” she
said. “However, they may postpone this decision because there is a new board member who needs to be brought up to speed.” The decision regarding the proposed satellite campus has been the focus of much discussion in recent weeks. Delta trustees rejected four proposals from Lodi representatives in November 2015, saying the proposed sites weren’t in areas Delta considered ideal for a new campus. Lodi city leaders, however, are hoping the election of Huerta means the city will get another chance. Part of Huerta’s campaign platform was advocating for a Lodi campus, which garnered support from Lodi Mayor Mark Chandler, as well as Pat Patrick, president of the Lodi Chamber of Commerce. Huerta, a former Delta College student, defeated Claudia Moreno in the battle for Area 2, 56 to 44 percent. Moreno had been on Delta’s Board of Trustees four years. Neither Huerta nor Moreno responded to emails sent by The Collegian asking for comments regarding the election results. But Moreno has been on record saying she supported the possibility of Delta building a new campus on
property it already owns on Liberty Road near Highway 99 in Galt. According to the “Carlos Huerta for Delta Trustee” Facebook page, Huerta is against the idea of Delta, “putting satellite campuses … on the outskirts of our district.” Delta College currently owns the property in Galt. The city of Galt has reportedly offered water and sewage services on the condition Delta pay for the pipes. Any move to Lodi would require purchasing new land, as well as paying for utilities and infrastructure, costs Delta isn’t currently equipped to pay. While a new bond measure could be proposed to pay for those expenses, such a measure would have to wait for the next election and be approved by the taxpayers. The Galt site would require a smaller bond than any site in Lodi. Lodi’s chances for a satellite campus would likely depend on Delta selling the Manteca Farm and using the proceeds to supplement whatever funds are left over from 2004’s Measure L coffers. “There is no plan to sell the Manteca Farm,” said Hart. “The two decisions do not depend on one another.”
Pacific student Kelly Lootz. Howard and Lootz were the ones who led the march around the block. “I just think he’s used some pretty dangerous rhetoric throughout the majority of his campaign. And it’s creating a space that is unsafe for a lot of people,” said Lootz. “Ideally, I mean, I’m protesting to fight for a change and to see if we can change the way our system currently works. Hillary did win the popular vote, Trump won the electoral college, so it’s very apparent that the masses don’t want Trump in office and so I think by protesting, we’re going to be able to have our voices heard and hopefully create that change.” The march lasted about an hour and had supporters, people cheering them on and cars honking their horn in support of the protesters. Behind the protest, campus security followed along just in case the protest took a wrong turn. The protest, however, did no such thing. “The students did a really good job,” said CSO Campus security officer Susan McAnelly. “They obeyed all the laws, they got a lot of support from people going by.” This has been the only anti-Trump march on campus, and there’s no word on another.
Holiday blues begone By Zachary Vera
like the uninvited guests at Christmas, the holiday blues too, The holidays are fast will eventually take a approaching and many hike into an abyss, that already know what that is, until next time when means - “It’s the Most they spontaneously deWonderful Time of the cide to show up again. Year!” Like SeaA l Crisis Intervention sonal Affecthough, if Center tive Disorthis isn’t (209) 486-8686 der (SAD), National Suicide the case your holiday Prevention Lifeline for you, blues are 1-800-273-8255 then hop common aboard and affect the not-so-jolly train. about 20 percent of Despite the oth- Americans each year. erwise joyous season, The difference is the “Holiday Blues” SAD may extend on are a common prob- through the holidays lem among Americans until the winter season and depression comes ends whereas the other as your uninvited hick will only be temporary, cousin Eddie and his usually ending when family, imposing on the last relative leaves your peace at Christ- to go back home after mas, setting up camp in taking the hint that their R.V. just outside they’ve overstayed their in your front yard. welcome. But don’t fret, just Staff Writer
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