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BY BRYAN RAMOS Sports Editor
Delta’s baseball team beat the Feather Drive baseball team 13-1 on Feb. 10. They’re in great form, going 9-0 this season as of Feb. 15.
Head coach Reed Peters thinks pitching was one of the main things that got them the win and gives credit to the whole team.
“Our pitching, doing very good on the mound, you hold anybody to one run you should win that game,” Peters said. “We got some big hits late, and a couple of home runs that broke it open.”
Infield Jayshaun Wise praises the whole team, especially the pitchers for the win.
“David Rodriguez did his job, Will Watson shoved, everybody that came in shoved,” said Wiise. “Our hitters did our job, we got hits so we needed them.”
Pitcher David Rodriguez also put full trust in himself and the team for the win. “We just went out, trusting myself, trusting the guys behind me, trusting the offense.”
“It was a good team win, great team win actually, all around.” Rodriguez adds.
Jayshaun Wise hit a home run but he only thought about keeping their energy.

“Tried to keep the energy up, it’s the bottom of the game, but we’re up 11-1,” said Wise. “I just want to keep the energy up, keep the boys up, that’s pretty much it.”
Peters thinks hard work and good health will keep the momentum.
“We got to keep working hard, stay healthy,” he said. “Guys got to take care of their bodies, stretch and make it through the long haul.”
On Feb. 9, the Mustangs softball team played their first game of the season at the University of Pacific softball field against the Solano Falcons, winning 4-0.

The long-awaited game came after two prior delays, with one attempt being rained out and the other called off after the opposing team’s bus broke down. The Mustangs softball team was eager to get out on the field to show off their talents.
“We’ve done really well on communicating to each other and handling our hardships together…” said Danyelle Godoy. “It’s our first game performing so I’m just hoping we can come out and show what we do as a team together,”
Sophomore Madison Nelson pitched for the entirety of the game, and excitement roared through the air as Godoy started the night off with a triple to right field. By the bottom of the fourth inning, the Mustangs managed to get sophomores Sydney Featherston and Allie Perea on base by freshman Gianna
Finally by the bottom of the sixth inning freshman game’s turning point came “when we started scoring runs, started getting more hyped, felt like we put up a little more runs,” said Godoy.