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Muslim students seek campus prayer space
Delta College has spaces for many affinity groups on campus — including Pride, EPIC, and the Latinx Center — but it lacks spaces for religious-based groups.
This is an area of concern, particularly for students who practice their religion while on campus.
Delta College currently doesn’t have a designated prayer space for Muslim students, or a Muslim Student Association. One student is trying to change that.
Deshawn Johnson is trying to start a Muslim Student Association.
“The first step I’ve took about the MSA was just inquiring which lead me to have the people which ultimately lead me to trying to get the advisor and the member together,” said Johnson.
Currently there is a need for a club advisor.
“So far I have people to be a part of the sturdiest association. I think now it’s just getting the advisor and then establishing the space to meet and start the events surrounding the club,” he said.

The students are also currently seeking a place to pray while on campus, which could be up to five times a day.
“I just want to be able to have a space for Muslims on campus to have to pray and congregate for the sake of Allah (God) and I know how important it is to know that there is support for the community on and off campus,” Johnson said is what he hopes to accomplish with MSA.
Johnson has also worked to reach out to other Muslim students.
“I have been reaching out. When I visit the Masjid asking about what MSA look like? Were there any at Delta College in the past? Just asking people of knowledge about how that would look once it is in place to preserve the Iman (faith) and Ibadah (worship) of myself and people who will be involved with the club/student association,” he said.
An MSA is important to the diverse offerings at Delta College.
“There is no doubt that there is an importance in having a MSA at Delta College. But also making sure that once people do move forward and have their degrees/achievements that the freshmen/new students will be able to sustain and keep the MSA intact so there will no longer be a question about when do Muslims congregate on campus,” he said.
Waleed Abdullahrauf is another student hoping to an MSA will be started at Delta.
“My hope for MSA is to have a designated area for Muslims where there can be a safe quiet space for us to be able to perform our prayers,” he said. “Therefore I do wish Delta would be able to provide such a space/ area so that Muslim students can feel more included and a feeling of ease when they’re on campus to carry on with their scheduled course work making it an overall better experience for our Delta attendees.”