Delta County Independent, April 4, 2018

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PES students demonstrate growth in math, English language arts, B3



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Socially conscious firm takes over 3,200-acre Eckert operation, C1

HOME IMPROVEMENT Spring into action around your home and yard, Inside


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APRIL 4, 2018 VOL. 135, NO. 14



Bennet sits in on Farm Bill discussion BY PAT SUNDERLAND Managing Editor

Senator Michael Bennet made stops in Montrose, Olathe and Delta on Friday, en route to Club 20 meetings in Grand Junction. His stop in Delta was devoted to a Farm Bill listening session — the third stop he’s made here for the same reason since taking office. The Farm Bill governs our national food and farm policy, including crop insurance, nutrition and conservation, and is typically reauthorized every five years. Lawmakers in the House and Senate agriculture committees are beginning to develop the next Farm Bill, before the current measure expires in late 2018. Bennet, a member of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, said the Senate is committed to a bipartisan Farm Bill. The panel discussion in Delta featured Bennet; Tom Kay, producer and president of the Delta Conservation District; Erik Glenn, executive director of the Colorado Cattlemen’s Agricultural Land Trust; Robbie LeValley, Delta

County administrator; and Scott Armentrout, GMUG forest supervisor. John Harold, Olathe Sweet™ sweet corn producer, introduced the senator, saying, “If ever there was a friend in agriculture, Senator Bennet is a friend that all of agriculture needs.” Present for the discussion were cattle ranchers, orchardists, organic growers and sweet corn producers. Local agriculture is as diverse as the landscape of Delta County, LeValley noted. Exports, transportation and water emerged as issues of critical interest. Regarding trade negotiations with Canada, Mexico, China and Europe, Senator Bennet cautioned that agriculture will be a casualty in any trade war. He asked for help in getting the Republicans to tone down the rhetoric in the nation’s capital. Continued access to export markets is critical for all producers. As an example, Bennet noted that 80 percent of the wheat grown in Colorado is currently exported. John Harold highlighted

the problem with transportation, saying the new electronic logging devices proposed by the Department of Transportation may work for a shipment of paper towels, but not for sweet corn that’s harvested, cooled, shipped and ready to go within hours. Livestock shipments pose similar challenges, said rancher Dixie Luke. Harold said the “clock” shouldn’t start ticking until the trucks are loaded and ready to hit the road. On the topic of water, Bennet was encouraged to maintain funding for EQIP, a federal program that supports irrigation improvement efficiencies through the Farm Bill-funded National Resources Conservation Service. In light of current drought conditions, Tom Kay said there’s been an increase in demand for irrigation improvements locally. He applauded Bennet for his commitment to funding for that program, as well as creating critical conservation areas, which led to the Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP). Hemp, a crop that’s gainFARM BILL TO A3

Photo by Pat Sunderland

U.S. Senator Michael Bennet takes notes during a Farm Bill listening session in Delta. On his right is Erik Glenn, executive director of the Cattlemen’s Agricultural Land Trust. Ag producers in the audience weighed in on federal programs they find most beneficial and expressed concern about NRCS staffing.

Feedback invited on draft Master Plan DELTA COUNTY PRESS RELEASE

Eleven months in the making, the first full draft of the Delta County Master Plan is available for public review and comment. “The goal of this process was always to create a new framework for managing land use and development that is more fair and predictable than what we have now and would result in outcomes consistent with the community’s vision for the future,” said Bob Stechert, Delta County Planning Commission chair. “We think we’ve taken a big step forward in our county with achieving that goal by completing this Master Plan.” The county is hosting three open houses next week to solicit community feedback: Monday, April 9 — Heritage Hall in Hotchkiss. Tuesday, April 10 — Orchard City Town Hall. Wednesday, April 11 — Bill Heddles Recreation Center in Delta. Each session runs from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., allowing for residents to drop in to review the plan and talk with Delta County staff and planning commissioners in a less formal structure than previous meetings. Each evening, a presentation will occur around 6 p.m. to provide an overview of the Master Plan process, plan content and next steps. The rest of the meeting is an open house with stations set up on different elements of the plan, including the vision, goals and future land use plan. Residents can move freely around the room reviewing posters and maps at their own pace.


Accent ........................... A4 Activities ....................... A7 Agriculture ................... C6 Back Page ................... D6 Business ........................ A8 Church ........................... D4 Classifieds .................. D1-2 Editorial ......................... A2 Legals ............................ D3 North Fork Times ........B1-4 Obituaries ...................B4-5 School Zone ............... A5-6 Service Directory ........ D5 Sports ..........................B6-8 Surface Creek News ...C1-5 TV Listings ..................C3-4

Community members are being asked to provide feedback to the county on three specific areas as they review the Master Plan. First, do the priorities identified in the plan reflect the discussions held during the planning process? Second, do the strategies and next steps move priorities forward appropriately based on level of community consensus achieved during the planning process? And finally, overall, does the Master Plan move Delta County in the right direction with regards to the vision and goals? “When we initiated this process, we learned that most of us want the same thing for the future of Delta County. It was a great moment for us to come together and to find out how much we have in common,” said Elyse Ackerman-Casselberry, county community and economic development director. “But when it comes to the details of how to achieve that vision our county has more diverse perspectives.” The planning commission and Delta County staff tried to take this diversity of opinion into account through the planning process. They deliberately sought out opportunities for action where there was more alignment, such as directing future growth to areas in the county that have adequate infrastructure. And, in other cases where there was less community agreement about strategies and direction, the county opted for a process-oriented approach to problem solving as next steps.

“Where we continue to have conflict, such as with oil and gas development and with confined animal feeding operations, we tried to acknowledge the lack of agreement in our current planning process,” stated Ackerman-Casselberry. “The Master Plan directs us to create working groups who will continue to work together collaboratively to find the best solutions for our community. Our hope is we are building capacity for solving complex problems in our community collaboratively rather than forcing solutions that no one is happy with.” The Draft Master Plan is available on the coun-

ty’s website,, so residents can review the plan prior to the community meetings. For residents unable to attend a community meeting, the county is requesting that feedback be submitted either in the online community forum on the project website or via an email sent directly to plann ingcommission@deltacounty. com. Comments will be collected until April 25. Once the review process is completed, the Master Plan will be presented in a public hearing in May. If adopted, it will act as a guiding, not regulatory, document for both the planning commission and Board of County Com-

missioners on land use decisions, county programming and public investments. “The commissioners greatly appreciate how much time the planning commission and the community have invested in developing the Master Plan,” said Doug Atchley, chair of the Board of County Commissioners. “The commissioners look forward to working with the planning commission on implementation of the Master Plan once it is adopted.” To learn more about the master plan effort, visit www. or contact Kelly Yeager, contract planner, at 874-2110 or Ackerman-Casselberry at 8742105.

DURA begins negotiations with only interested hotel developer BY PAT SUNDERLAND Managing Editor

Just one hotel developer responded to a request for proposals issued by the Delta Urban Renewal Authority for a riverfront hotel development. While the number of responses was disappointing, the proposal from MARS Hospitality was just about everything DURA commissioners said they had hoped for. The Parker-based firm proposes a hotel with a minimum of 80 guest units, a restaurant with outdoor patio seating, an exercise room and conference space in a 50,000-squarefoot facility with 100 parking spaces. MARS intends to partner

with the InterContinental Hotels Group which operates Holiday Inn, Holiday Inn Express and other brands. The developer currently operates Holiday Inn in Grand Junction and Casper, Wyo.; Holiday Inn Express in Limon, Winter Park and Vernal, Utah; and Candlewood Suites in Craig. MARS anticipates the development will create 25 full-time equivalent, or FTE positions. Most full-time positions will include a benefit package. DURA board members reviewed the MARS proposal with Adam Hughes, a representative of Better City, and attorney Carolynne White on

Tuesday, March 27. The cost of the project is estimated at $12 million, and MARS will be asking for tax increment financing, or TIF, for site development, although the amount remains to be determined. “This is one of the best, if not the best, response we’ve seen in terms of professionalism and responsiveness,” Hughes said via teleconference. “There are a lot of what ifs regarding the project that need to be defined, but they need to be defined together.” Hughes called MARS “a reputable company that recognizes the opportunity in Delta.” HOTEL TO A3

Don’t miss Spring Expo

Get ready for spring fishing

The Delta Area Chamber of Commerce’s Spring Expo takes place at Bill Heddles Recreation Center this Friday and Saturday. Expo hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, April 6, and 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, April 7. Admission is free. The expo features businesses to help with the inside and the outside of your home. New exhibitors will feature solar systems, windows and doors, and landscaping services. Vendors will be on hand with food. For more information contact the Delta Area Chamber of Commerce at 874-8616 or check out the special supplement in this week’s issue of the Delta County Independent. The supplement contains a map listing all of this year’s vendors, plus information on products and services to get your home and garden ready for summer.

It’s time for anglers in the Montrose-Delta area to get fired up for spring fishing. Colorado Parks and Wildlife has stocked more than 1,000 lunkers in the area. CPW stocked cutthroat trout averaging 17 inches at fishing spots that are easily accessible. At Confluence Lake in Delta, CPW stocked about 350 fish. At Ridgway State Park more than 700 of the fish have been stocked in the Uncompahgre River tailwater, and in Pericles Pond and Shavano Pond, all in the Pa-Co-Chu-Puk area. “Stocking these fish really gives anglers a chance to feel what it’s like to catch a nice big trout,” said Joe Lewandowski, spokesperson for Colorado Parks and Wildlife. Anglers are also reminded that they need to get their 2018 Colorado fishing license by April 1. Licenses can be purchased at local vendors or online at For more information, call the CPW Montrose wildlife office at 970-252-6000.

A2 Wednesday, April 4, 2018



Methane rule is good for the climate, taxpayers

Celebrating the producers in rural America Dear Editor: I have been farming in Delta County for 45 years. I came to the valley as an urban consumer ignorant of the many aspects of what it takes to produce real wealth: food, timber and minerals. These basic raw materials are the foundation upon which we build a civilization. All wealth accumulated in the system begins with those people who produce or extract from the earth what the rest of us use to enjoy the livelihood that we have in America. In America most people are consumers not producers. These consumers are, for the most part, pretty ignorant of the challenges that these primary producers face to gather the raw materials that go into making the products that we all take for granted. Producers of raw materials live in a different world than consumers do. Producers work long hours, take great physical and economic risks — the real work of building a society that can take care of the basics for all its people. Without these producers the economic system you enjoy and are dependent on, will not work. Farming, ranching, mining and timbering are very dangerous enterprises with unpredictable results/success. And not only are they dangerous but require great skills to be successful. If you have ever had to grow your own food and not just shop at the

local grocery store, you will understand. These enterprises are humbling because you are not in control, and they require such high levels of skill. America was birthed as a nation of farmers. Our work ethic, our religious values and our social values emerged out of this agrarian matrix. Our religious values as farmers and ranchers arise out of an environment that by its very nature is humbling and moves one to prayer and belief in god because it is all too clear you are not in control when working with the natural world. It is only in the urban areas do you suffer the illusion that you control the natural world or that you are God or that God does not exist. Here in Delta County, many of the new people in the valley are from the urban world of consumers and they know very little of the challenges facing the producers. They oftentimes judge negatively these producers out of ignorance. They do not appreciate what they do or why they do it. They even bring their own media and newspaper bias to the valley, unfairly judging the producers because they do not conform to their consumer biases. The consumers who move to the country do not get to make the rural areas into urban areas and impose all their consumer values (some good, some bad, and some ugly or ridicu-

lous) on the rest of us. It does not matter how much biased, anti-producer newsprint is exercised in the valley to impose those extreme urban values; we need to support our producers who are the backbone of our rural communities. The country and the county need right-to-farm and rightto-produce legislation. Debate, perhaps, how to do it, but do not devalue the producers when you do so. Three hundred million+ people in America all eating three to five pounds of food each and every day — you do the math! Whether one agrees with the choices producers feel compelled to make to extract or create raw materials, all consumers need to show some real appreciation for those who take the risks to provide the goods that these consumers take for granted — food, automobiles, fibers, fuels, metals, wood, electricity, et al. Without these products, their economic world would collapse. These producers take all the risks. We owe them are gratitude and our support. Enjoy the country. Encourage producers to be good stewards of the land and be thankful they are here. They do not do it because they expect to make lots of money. It is because they are truly the guardians of us all and are in service to the greater good. Wayne Talmage Paonia

A common-sense approach to gun control Dear Editor: I learned something recently that I did not know. The Supreme Court has ruled, and lower courts have confirmed, that assault weapons and high-capacity magazines are not protected by the Second Amendment. In February 2017, Maryland’s ban on 45 kinds of assault weapons and its 10-round limit on gun magazines were ruled constitutional by the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. “Put simply, we

have no power to extend Second Amendment protections to weapons of war,” Judge Robert King wrote for the court, adding that the Supreme Court’s decision in District of Columbia v Heller explicitly excluded such coverage. DC v Heller overturned Washington D.C.’s ban on handguns, but Justice Antonin Scalia continued, “The Second Amendment does not protect those weapons not typically possessed by law-abiding citizens

KUDOS Ag Day Expo reached 550 kids

Dear Editor: The Black Mesa CattleWomen would like to take this opportunity to thank all the individuals, business and organizations that helped us with our first North Fork Ag Day Expo for K-6 graders in the North Fork Valley on March 20 in Hotchkiss. We were able to provide an education and hands-on experience for 550 kids. To our sponsors who provided us with supplies, programs, equipment, food, or funds to copy materials for students: Colorado Parks and Wildlife, Delta Animal Health, Delta County Livestock Association, Farm Bureau, Homestead Meats, Kendall Custom Farming, Jayne and Dan Sullivan, Tribble Trucking, Colorado Foundation for Agriculture, Western Dairy Association, Cowboy Collectibles, Colorado CattleWomen and the Colorado Beef Council. Many thanks to the Hotchkiss FFA members who taught the young people about hay, fruits and vegetables, and chickens and eggs: Corbin Beck, Kaylee Carpenter, Devin Curtis, Kaleb Lovelace, Alyssa Palecki, Karsen Sommer. Our group leaders — who were FFA members: Shay Glaser, Johathan Gonzalez and Ally Regelman as well as Tess Gore, Miss Delta County Fair & Rodeo Queen. Adults who helped with teaching these kids were Nate Adam, Darold Hawk, Yancy Gore, Zack Hotchkiss, Rhonda McCoy, Jake Jacobs and Twna Douglas. To our members who helped and believed in what we were doing — Hannah Todd, Monita Todd, Jeannetta Hotchkiss, Pauline Cunningham, Nancy Carlson, Pauline Carr, Dixie Luke, Mary Gore, Marlyse Cunningham, Christy Hawk, Kim Adam and Teresa Burns. Christy Hawk and Teresa Burns Black Mesa CattleWomen

Thanks to community-minded bank

Dear Editor: Thank you to the staff at the Delta branch of First Colorado National Bank for sponsoring our Girl Scout troop during cookie season. The staff allowed our troop to sell cookies at the bank and matched our Hometown Hero donations, allowing us to honor our community heroes with the gift of more cookies! Bank staff also took the time to teach girls about how the bank works. We are grateful to bank at such a community-minded business! Girl Scout Troop #10083 and co-leaders Jessica Anderson, Kami Collins, Jessica Earl and Jessica Findley

Delta County Independent

for lawful purposes.” If more voters know that the extreme position of opposition to any laws regulating any guns is NOT, in fact, constitutional, then maybe more of our elected representatives will use common sense to include assault weapons with the other weapons of war that are already banned, while still protecting the right of law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms for lawful purposes. Maryland’s law could be the model for the national level. Robert Riggs Paonia

Dear Editor: It’s good to see Senator Michael Bennet and Representatives Polis and DeGette joining a letter from congressional leaders to urge that the U.S. Department of Interior Bureau of Land Management (BLM) keep its methane rule in place. This rule, recently upheld in court, protects American taxpayers as well as our clean air. Methane, of course, is a super-potent greenhouse gas contributing to human-driven climate change. Venting it from oil and gas operations often includes other harmful releases as well. That’s

in pollution and wasted natural gas according to recent reports. Of course, climate change is real, and the science is unequivocal. This is another reason that real leadership requires action. The BLM methane rule is good for climate and the environment. It’s good for taxpayers. It’s just good stewardship and good sense. Rep. Tipton and Sen. Gardner should support keeping the methane rule in place and join with their colleagues in urging that Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke and the BLM do just that. Pete Kolbenschlag Paonia

Jesus Christ offers hope, help and strength Dear Editor: I write to express my disappointment that in coverage of the “Community Conversation on Suicide,” you decided not to mention every solution that was offered. Everyone will cover everything except God. I am also quite concerned that the one Christian leader that

Why are the school shooters students? Dear Editor: One important fact that the media fail to mention: the school shooters are not adults with guns, they are school students. Why? Three things to think about: These students have not heard the Bible mentioned, or seen one, in their schools. Many of these students have only one parent in the home. Many of these students are prescribed psychoactive drugs, or are using illegal drugs. Parents are aware that children are emotional, erratic, and ill-informed, and hope to remedy that in 18 years. The educational system does not work as well as it used to, and rather than changing those characteristics, it is content to make good socialists of them. Most adults still believe in God; that’s how we are able to own guns and not be killers. As we die off, things are not likely to get better. William Coates Eckert

Price of OC water is too high Dear Editor: I would like to voice a LOUD complaint about the price of water in Orchard City. I added up our water bills for last summer and compared them to 2016. We paid nearly $400 to water our garden! A small garden at that! We are now moving our garden to a location we can water with irrigation water instead — IF there is irrigation water this year. We are also burying over half our lawn with gravel so it won’t need watering. This is a lot to go through to afford a few fresh vegetables and herbs! Just a note, we moved here from Utah, where we shared a community well with nine families. We each paid $25/month for all the water we could use, and all watered our two- to four-acre parcels with it! This was paying a large

bad for climate, bad for air quality, and can adversely impact public health. And the waste is costing American taxpayers tens of millions in lost revenue. This is a wasted resource and lost money that should be benefiting the public, not causing further harm to our shared environment. So, it’s good to see this congressional letter. But it is curious where western Colorado’s congressman is? Also missing? Senator Cory Gardner. Even if they doubt climate science the economics are clear —– BLM itself admits the waste costs more than $1 billion

electric bill for the pump, and having reserves to maintain the pump and pipeline. I have no idea why Orchard City needs over $5 million in reserves, but I suggest these water rates are not the best way to do it. Carol Nudell Eckert

ATVs raise too much dust Dear Editor: Would people please quit letting young people ride ATVs in back yards of dry dirt. It raises dust and is hard on those with breathing problems. And clothes hanging on the line. Besides, it’s dangerous. Thanks. Jim Cabell Delta



DELTA COUNTY INDEPENDENT (UPS 152-700) is published weekly on Wednesdays at 401 Meeker St., Delta, CO 81416. Second class postage paid at DELTA, CO. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: DELTA COUNTY INDEPENDENT, PO BOX 809, DELTA, CO 81416 401 Meeker St. • (970) 874-4421

was given the floor did not mention God even one time. I stood and expressed the things I’ve been through, having grown up here and that it is the grace of God that saved me. I stated that that’s what these kids need. Not counseling, not medication, and not trusted adults. Trusted adults are important, and if they have the Gospel in their tool kit they can really help someone. Just by saying, “Hey Jesus loves you and died for you to have life (John 3:16).” The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 3:17: Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom. I have experienced that freedom and the youth of this county and the nation deserve at least the chance to hear about this love, so they can decide for themselves! Why is it okay to teach the kids that there is no gender? Why is it okay to teach the kids that creation was an accident and their life has no meaning? Why is it okay to teach the kids that it’s all just an accident that we are here in this life, on this planet, in all its beauty and complexity? That’s ludicrous! Yet they can’t be taught about the love

of Jesus Christ for them? The factual story of Jesus gives HOPE and what is the harm in that? A lot of Christians across the nation will say that the state of the youth in America is a direct result of the removal of God, but they say it in the comfort of their homes where it does no earthly good! There are answers in the Bible, there is love in the Bible! This is not a my church vs. any church, or my beliefs vs. yours or anyone’s. This is how many churches and Christians can I get to stand up, speak out and say Jesus is the answer, to say “I believe in the power of God” and “God is more than just a little church on Sunday.” God gave us freewill and he won’t violate it but, but look — He asks you to choose Him and his blessings and live life with Him. A hopeless person commits suicide and the light of the Word of God can prevent it. A hopeless child is a tragedy ... there is hope, help and strength found in Jesus Christ. We don’t all have to agree on doctrine, but if you’re reading this and you are a believer in Jesus Christ it’s time to stand up! Lisa Martinez Austin

KUDOS Cranes are a marvel of nature

Dear Editor: The Black Canyon Audubon Society (BCAS) sponsored Eckert Crane Days 2018 on March 16-18. We wish to thank those that helped to make it a success. First and foremost, the Vela Ranch of Eckert. It is their stewardship that provides the sandhill cranes a place to rest and feed. Also there is Mike, Mimi, Eli and Averal of the Western States Ranch. The free lunch was a classy gesture to the community. BCAS also thanks: J&J Sanitation, Dan Sickles of District 2 Delta County Road and Bridge, Stacy of Stacy’s on Main Street, the paper “Craniacs,” Karen of Delta County Libraries, and Cody of CPW. We would also like to recognize Evelyn and Jim for the daily counts on the crane hotline and the web page. The Delta County Independent kept Delta County informed both prior to and after the event. Finally “thank you” to the all who came out to marvel at this wonderful event of nature. Thank you all. Black Canyon Audubon Society

Poker tournament nets $4,000+

Dear Editor: The Kiwanis Club of Delta netted over $4,000 at the seventh annual Charity Poker Tournament held at Bill Heddles Recreation Center on March 17. Approximately 70 players participated with the ultimate winner being Josh Applegate of Delta. Larissa Bloom was the runner-up. The Kiwanis Club thanks our table sponsors — Josh Applegate Farmers Insurance, Delta Building Center, Alpine Bank, Hellman Motor Company, Bank of Colorado, First State Bank of Colorado, David James DDS, Angelo Business Advisors, and First Colorado National Bank which sponsored two tables. The club also wants to give a shout out to Whiskey’s in Delta which donated a keg of beer. Delta Walmart, Heirlooms for Hospice, Delta Pizza Hut, Delta Dab and Doobie, Daveto’s, NAPA Auto Parts, Kwiki Tire, Days Inn Sundance, Sunflower Room, and Slink Ink donated prizes that were raffled off throughout the evening. Nine members of the Delta High School Key Club served up chili and pulled pork to satisfy the hunger of the players. The tournament was not possible without the expertise and commitment of Western Slope Poker Tours and the many players who routinely play on a regular basis. They provide tables, chips, cards, dealers and a commitment to facilitate an enjoyable evening for novices and experts alike. Money donated at the event stays in Delta County and is used to establish and maintain youth programs and activities to assist youth in Delta County including college scholarships, sponsorships for Key Club members to attend leadership conferences and grants to numerous youth related activities in the community.


Delta County Independent

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

DCED’s annual meeting Hotel developer scheduled for April 12 Delta County Economic Development will host its 22nd annual meeting on Thursday, April 12, at the Orchard City Town Hall. The event will begin at 5:30 p.m. with light appetizers and refreshments being served. The meeting will be called to order at 6:15 p.m. During the meeting the board will announce the results of the election of directors. The mail ballot by voting members is currently underway. Three incumbents are standing for another three-year term, Robert Turner, Phil Schmidt and Scott Thomassen. Bert Sibley of Sibley Real Estate is also seeking a first term on the DCED board of directors. The ballot also provides for write-in candidates. A recap of the 2017 year will be discussed and members will be briefed on the 2018 budget, while reviewing a simplified chart of accounts. Details will be provided on cur-

rent projects DCED is working on, along with a vision for the future. Also, the board welcomes suggestions from those attending and the public will have a chance to comment on any suggestions for the coming year or ideas on economic development strategies

for Delta County. The meeting is open to the public; however, voting is restricted to investors of $500 per year or more. Please RSVP to the DCED office by Tuesday, April 10, by calling 970-874-4992 or email to stacey@deltacountyed. org.

Photo by Pat Sunderland

Historian honored

Jim Wetzel (left), who will soon retire as curator of the Delta Museum, was honored at a recent meeting of the Delta City Council. Mayor Ed Sisson (right) presented Wetzel with a pin labeled “historian.” Wetzel expressed his appreciation to the city, which owns the building that houses the museum, and pays for utilities and upkeep. The museum would not exist if not for the generous support of the city, Wetzel said. He plans to continue as a volunteer at the museum. Additional volunters are being sought to help staff the museum during the summer. The Delta County Historical Society hopes to operate the museum five days a week throughout the summer. For more information, stop by the museum at the corner of 3rd and Meeker or call 874-8721.

Farm Bill

Contact the DCI: Website: www.deltacounty E-mail ads to: ads@deltacounty E-mail articles and letters to the editor at: editor@deltacounty

FROM PAGE A1 ing traction on the Western Slope, should be addressed in the Farm Bill, Bennet was told. “That’s all farming to me, and that’s all good,” said Kay. Conservation easements, value-added food production, climate change and crop insurance were touched upon briefly. More comments were directed to staffing concerns at NRCS on both the local and state level. The senator said he’s heard similar comments elsewhere in the state, but not to the extent voiced in Delta, where it’s feared the office will be consolidated in Montrose. Funding for the U.S.

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Austin said. “Nothing in this RFP addresses how we’re going to fill that hotel, and that’s a huge concern.” He was assured that not only would MARS Hospitality be conducting a feasibility study, equity investors and bond underwriters involved in project financing would also be taking a close look at market potential. The final vote was 81 in favor of pursuing a MOU with MARS Hospitality, with Austin casting the dissenting vote. Once the MOU has been signed, negotiations

will begin in earnest. Attorney White said the DURA board will likely have an opportunity to hear directly from the developer and to ask questions. The hotel is expected to occupy two to three acres of the site just south of the Gunnison River. A comment about an overall vision for riverfront development prompted David Torgler, in his role as DURA executive director, to suggest a followup meeting Wednesday, April 4. The MOU will also be formally considered at that time.



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County clarifies open meeting compliance On April 2, the Delta County Board of County Commissioners adopted a formal policy outlining the county’s process and procedures for complying with Colorado Open Meeting requirements. This policy allows the county to create a better understanding of the policies and practices the county has in place. In 2017, Delta County Citizen Report filed a lawsuit against the commissioners alleging the county was in violation of Colorado Open Meeting requirements. The county has not violated Colorado Open Meetings requirements, but agrees with Delta County Citizen Report that there is always room for improved communication. According to a press release issued by the county, “The county has been and remains open to reasonable improvements to how we share information with Delta County citizens. To that end the


Forest Service is also included in the Farm Bill. Bennet announced a “victory” nine years in the making — more money for the U.S. Forest Service to fight fires, which will free up more money for prevention efforts. Armentrout noted that almost all the water used to irrigate crops originates on national forests, so the USFS plays a critical role in feeding people. He discussed forest health challenges, and explained how GMUG used the Good Neighbor Authority — a bill sponsored by Bennet — to expand sales of diseased and downed trees in the GMUG with the state’s assistance.

FROM PAGE A1 In terms of the goals established by DURA, Hughes said he believes the hotel will stem leakage to neighboring communities and serve as a catalyst for development in the project area. The next major step is the purchase of the TK Mining site near the intersection of Highway 50 and 92. Hughes confirmed MARS project team members have visited the 9.2-acre site twice. “They really like what the site has to offer in terms of recreational proximity, in terms of proximity to downtown,” he said, but they also recognize the challenges. It was his recommendation that DURA begin developing a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with MARS Hospitality. The other option would be to start back at square one, but commissioner Bill Raley said a bird in the hand is better than two in the bush. DURA commissioner Don Suppes said the proposal resulted in as many questions as answers, but he had no problem moving forward with the MOU, since there is no financial obligation. Ron Austin agreed that, based upon established criteria, the response is probably the best that could have been expected, but he is concerned that out of 42-43 requests for proposals sent out, only one was returned. “To me that raises a huge red flag,” he said. “I have reservations about jumping in with something that could potentially bind us to some costs that we’re not ready to do.” Attorney White clarified that if MARS Hospitality is selected for further negotiations, DURA can not be discussing this same project with other developers while the MOU is in effect. “And that’s what I have a problem with,”


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county has engaged in discussions with Delta ���������������������� ����������������������������� ���������������������� ������������������������� County Citizen Report. These discussions have been beneficial and have helped create a common understanding of how the county complies with ������������������ Colorado Open Meetings ���������������������� requirements. �������������������������������������������������������������������� “As an outcome of these ��������������������������������������������������������������� discussions, the county ������������������������������������������������������������������ has committed to adopting a formal policy that clearly outlines our procedures for formalizing existing practices, complying with open meeting requirements, and outlines the additional steps we take to improve transparency. We believe this policy will help the public Presented by understand how to access Delta Area Chamber of Commerce information about formal meetings and agendas.” The policy, in part, agrees that specific agenda items will be included in postings of public meetings — when possible to ������������������ do so. Known presenters of information, requests �������������������������� Center - Delta or reports shall be includ- Bill Heddles Recreation ed in the agenda. “Action Friday, March 31 9:00a – 5:00p items” will be presented ����������������������������������������� by topic on the agenda. Saturday, April 1 9:00a – 3:00p ����������������������������� In every situation, full and timely notice of ������������������������� public meetings shall be Bill Heddles Recreation Center - Delta posted no less than 60+ 24 Vendors, and – FREE Admission! Friday,inside March 31out 9:00a – 5:00p hours prior to the meeting. The official postSaturday, April 1 9:00a – 3:00p ing place is the county Fun for the whole ���������������������������������� family including a courthouse. Additional notice will be posted at House 60+ Vendors, Kid’s insideBounce and out – FREE Admission! the county’s North Fork Annex in Hotchkiss and on the county website at Food will befor available as fundraisers for the Fun the whole family including a VFW,

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S pring Expo

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the Chamber Ambassadors, and the Delta Kid’s Bounce House

A4 Wednesday, April 4, 2018

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Teens Against Suicide fundraiser planned April 7 BY PAT SUNDERLAND Managing Editor

NYPUM, National Youth Project Using MiniBikes, provides at-risk youth an opportunity to develop self-esteem, strong values and a sense of responsibility using mini-bikes as a motional


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Delta County Independent

tool. Sky Evans became acquainted with the program when she was a single mother living in Greeley. She saw how the program made positive changes in the lives of young people. Many were struggling in school. She and her husband Thomas recently moved to Delta, where they wound up buying a large parcel of land with an extra water and sewer tap. After tragedy struck Delta High School, Sky decided to build a clubhouse served by those extra taps. The clubhouse will provide a safe place for junior high and high school students, a place with a variety of activities where they can hang out. NYPUM is one of the programs they hope to implement. They are pursuing 501c3 status for TAS, Teens Against Suicide Club, while raising money for construction of the clubhouse. The organization’s first fundraiser will take place

Saturday, April 7, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Delta Hardware. 105.7 FM will be broadcasting live from that location, where a burger, lemonade and chips will be sold for $10. T-shirts and hats will also be sold to raise funds for the clubhouse. A gofundme account has also been established. “If we hit our goal above and beyond, funds will go to our operational expenses and to partner with other communities to open additional TAS clubs,” Evans said. For more information, call 658-6699 or visit the Teens Against Suicide Facebook page.

Photos by Kaylee Dunham

Egg-citing morning

Paxton Buchheim, age one, would rather be picked up than gather up candy from the tennis courts. Below, William Marquez, age two, waits with his mother for the fun to begin. The Easter egg hunt is sponsored annually by the Delta Lions Club.

Learn about religious vocations

St. Michael’s Catholic Church of Delta is hosting a “religious vocation awareness” taco bar Saturday April 7, at 6 p.m. All are invited and all is free! Come help celebrate, appreciate and Singers are sought for become more aware of a patriotic community religious life. choir. Practices are held Mondays at 7 p.m. at Surface Creek Community Church, 21987 Austin Road. For more informa- IN THE NEWS tion, call 589-3033. Paula Strickland of Delta was one of 22 Elmira College students inducted into the Rho Mu Chapter of Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society in Education during a recent ceremony for outstanding education majors. During the ceremoStarbeam Studio students present “Live by ny, senior members of the Hook, the Untold the honor society were Story of Captain Hook,” a awarded Kappa Delta musical spectacular that Pi cords and outstandwill take you through the ing education and speech back story of Neverland, and language disabilities Peter, and Captain Hook. majors completing their How did it all come to junior year, were inducted into the prestigious honor be? Find out Saturday, society for educators. The April 14, at 10:30 a.m. or event included a keynote 6 p.m. at the Delta Per- address by Elisabeth Bostwick, award-winning forming Arts Center. Tickets are $10 (gen- educator, digital innovaeral admission) or $25 tor, and author. Kappa Delta Pi was (VIP), which includes reserved seats and a founded in 1911 to foster excellence in education goodie bag. Visit starbeamstudios and promote fellowship for more infor- among those dedicated to teaching. mation.

Singers wanted


Family friendly musical scheduled

Browns celebrate 50th anniversary Michael Brown and Vicki Dickson were married at St. Michael’s Catholic Church in Delta on April 6, 1968. They have two children, son Steve and Kathleen Brown of Gig Harbor, Wash., and daughter, Dana and

Dean Baumgardner of Montrose. They also have five grandchildren and one great-grandchild.

BIRTHS Shayla Cox of Montrose is the parent of a daughter, Paysleigh Lorraine Vicki and Michael Brown Cox, born March 25, 2018, at Delta County Memorial Hospital. She weighed 6 pounds, 14.6 ounces and was 20 inches in length. Caitlin and Preston Boyd of Delta are the parents of a daughter, Audrey Jo Boyd, born March 26, 2018, at Delta County Memorial Hospital. She weighed 6 pounds, 14 ounces and was 19.5 inches in Vicki and Michael Brown length.

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© Taste of Home

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Delta County Independent

Wednesday, April 4, 2018


DI teams head to state competition this weekend Creativity reigned supreme at the Destination Imagination regional tournament at CMU March 10. The event drew 32 teams, including 14 from Delta County. Delta resident Jill Jurca served as tournament director, and school superintendent Caryn Gibson stepped up to judge some events. Most of the teams from Delta County qualified for the state tournament at the University of Denver this Saturday, April 7. Finishing in third place or better there qualifies teams to compete at glo-

bals in Tennessee. In Destination Imagination, two- to sevenmember teams focus on finding solutions to two separate types of challenges: team challenges and instant challenges. Then they present their solutions to appraisers in tournament-style settings. By working together to develop solutions, participants push the limits of their imaginations to better themselves and best their competition. Team managers were asked to submit team photos to accompany this article.

Photo submitted

Delta Middle School’s Team Ad Astra placed second in the engineering challenge, “Drop Zone.” Team members are (left to right) Sarah Clark, James Hufman, Jesus Trevino, Andrew Priestley Photo submitted and Dakota Jessee. Team manager Kendall Hovel is Team Brace Yourself consists of a mixture of third, pictured on the right. fourth and fifth graders from Garnet Mesa Elementary. They placed second in the scientific category and are headed to the state tournament on April 7. Pictured are Brooke Armendariz, Brysin Woodsen, Lilly Eskam, Eric Uribe, Josias Rameriz, Joey Siennicki and Aiden Gillespie. Peyton Schuster, Tay- $4,000 by May 23. They lor Bess, Oceana Berg- have established a holtz and Sami Wollert, gofundme account and HOSA students from are also willing to do work Delta High School, have in exchange for funds. qualified for national For more information, competition in creative contact team members or problem solving. Delta High School, 874HOSA is a student 8031. organization for future health professionals. This will be the first time a team from Delta High School will attend the IN THE NEWS conference at the national level. Jacob Huene and Team members are Michael Huene, both of currently raising funds Delta, were named to the for the trip to Dallas, President’s List at Oral Texas, where the compe- Roberts University in tition will take place in Tulsa, Okla., for the fall Photo submitted June. The cost of the trip 2017 semester. is estimated at $4,000, To be named to the The team from Cedaredge Middle School, Corniest which includes travel President’s List, students Corny Corn Corns Unlikely Attraction, took second expenses, conference fees must carry at least 12.0 at regionals. Pictured are (top, left to right) Corbin and hotel costs. units for credit in a semes- Loucks, Camden Myers, Breanna St. Hilaire and Team members are ter and attain a grade Hope Williams; (bottom) Amber Price (team manager), Emmaleah Raines, Jaina Pech and June Pulver. working hard to raise point average of 4.0.

HOSA team raises funds for national conference

Photo submitted

The Destination Imagination team from Lincoln Elementary, The Fast & Furious 7, was coached by Allan Collins. Team members were Mya Abeyta, Jordyn Zevala, Addison Collins, Alex Kuta, Owen Esser, Ivary Lorimor and Logan Dickerson. The team is pictured in costume just before regional competition in Grand Junction. The team placed second in its division.

Photo submitted

Hotchkiss sent an elementary, middle and high school team, and all three came home with first place in their division. The elementary team is coached by HK-8 English teacher Kena Price and included Aneka Price, Kiera Stroh, Charlie Miller, Braeden Flores, Charlie Jo Miller, Wyatt Thompson and Gabe Garcia. The team acted out a skit that had to display three scientific principles. They worked for months on the project, including giving up Saturdays to build. Their end product included a mock roller coaster, designed and built by the kids, with a cart in which one student rides down the “roller coaster.”

Photo submitted

The CooCoo Clocks and the Gravitronions from Hotchkiss K-8 competed at the middle school level. Team members are Tel Bullard, Allen Washburn, Sasha Taylor, Landon Brown, Hunter Thompson, Cece Houseweart and Piper Smith. Team manager Mike Smith provided this photo. The team placed first in the scientific challenge at the regional tournament. The team designed and built a working scale model of a gravitron. They set their skit in the Big Ben clock tower in London. Their skit involved a group of orphans who figured out the mystery of why people were disappearing from Big Ben.

Photo submitted

The Fellowship of the Free Food from Hotchkiss High School is comprised of Ava Taylor, Kyra Stevens, Kade Howard, Daevius Udy and Logan Smith. Team manager is Don Carney. The team placed first in the secondary level in the improvisational challenge. The team had to improv a skit based on two explorers, a missing culture treasure hidden in an unlikely location and a setback they found out about during their presentation. They researched 12 explorers and 12 cultural treasures prior to the competition.


A6 Wednesday, April 4, 2018


Delta County Independent

LES, CES named Capturing Kids’ Hearts Showcase Schools

Photo submitted

Lincoln’s Terrific Kids

The Delta Kiwanis presented Lincoln Elementary students with Terrific Kids awards on March 27. The students are recognized by teachers for outstanding characteristics, achievement, and effort. The recipients (and their reason for recognition) for this week are (back row, left to right) Ryleigh Salazar (integrity), Robert Romero (diligence), Alexander Dix (honesty), Matthew Valdez (character), Brian Harless (discipline); (middle row) Peyton Rose Klinge (diligence), Jace Jenkins (courage), Jaxon Timmons (fairness), Maddison Long (self-control), Jadeine Cruz (kindness), Ezekial Lopez (teamwork), AJ Russell (honesty), Brooklyn Smith (kindness); (front row) Susan Nahuat-Fuentes (responsibility), Adalynne Ware (perseverance), Manny Gonzalez (perseverance), Maddox Wynn (self-control), Sophia Leon (self-discipline) and Micah Beneteau (perseverance).

Lincoln Elementary and Cedaredge Elementary have received a Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase Schools™ award for the 2017-2018 school year from the Flippen Group. Two years ago, Delta County School District began an initiative to transform the campuses into an emotionally safe and relationally connected place for students, staff, and parents to come alive with a love for learning. Since 1990, campuses across the country have experienced amazing outcomes with Capturing Kids’ Hearts tools and processes by creating socio-emotional safety conducive to learning. The Flippen Group provides educators the skills they need to change the trajectory of students’

lives. Openness replaces defensiveness. Judging and feelings of being judged are replaced with acceptance and real connectedness to the school. “Discipline problems nearly non-existent,” and “Academic achievement constantly improving,” are common feedback following Capturing Kids’ Hearts implementation. Through the Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase Schools awards, the Flippen Group recognizes and celebrates campuses that go the extra mile each day, building an environment where students and staff feel safe and connected. The Flippen Group believes unsung heroes who produce exemplary outcomes in schools and pave the way for other schools to follow, need and deserve recognition

for a job well done. A Flippen Group team visited each nominated campus to gather additional quantitative and qualitative data, and to interview students, teachers, administrators, and parents. An additional survey was conducted to collect feedback regarding the perceived climate and culture of the campus and its conduciveness to learning. Following this visit, the selection team reviewed all accumulated data and selected the campuses to receive the Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase Schools awards. The Flippen Group is proud to recognize these outstanding individuals who have dedicated themselves to making a difference in the lives of our children.

Student art show expands to �������� all ages, moves to new location ���

Exciting new changes are anticipated for the school district’s student art show. The venue of the show has been changed, from the AppleShed in Cedaredge to the Garden Center in Delta. The store is empty, which will allow show organizer Jamie Roeber to fill the entire 70,000-square-foot building with art from 11 elementary, middle and high schools. “We are setting up the district art show in a new and unique way this year,” said Roeber, the art instructor at Hotchkiss High School. “In a fun, new twist, the show will be set up by schools, not by art media.” The teach-


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ers will hang the art in a manner that showcases art instruction in each school. An opening reception is planned Friday, April 6, at The Garden Center, 1970 S. Main. The reception for elementary and middle school students will run from 9 to 11 a.m. High school students are invited to a reception from 1 to 3 p.m. The show will be open Thursday-Sunday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., through April 22. The judge for this year’s show is Thaddeus Smith, an artist who has taught in higher education for 15 years, most recently at Western State

Colorado University. During the last three years of his tenure he acted as gallery manager where he helped develop a master’s program in gallery management and exhibits specialization. Smith has extensive experience as an installer. He has worked for major museums and sculpture parks and has curated for smaller galleries. He is currently taking time off from teaching to work in his studio. He will be recognizing students in new categories related to artist development. Examples include the Henry Matisse Award for the best use of color to express emotions,

Garnet Mesa’s Terrific Kids

Photos submitted

The following Garnet Mesa students earned a Terrific Kid Award from the Kiwanis Club of Delta for their efforts to be a responsible citizen and student. Pictured above are kindergarten and first grade students Kellen Tregarthen, Jaxton Armendariz, Whitney Brack, Toby Byler, Kiarra Sharkey and Darrian Pittman. On the right are second and third graders (back row) Abbie VanZomeren, Will Lawrence, Emily Butler; (front row) Tyler Tibbens, Kenna Cook, Jack Magner and Marcus Lujan.

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the Renaissance Artist Award for most art skills mastered, and the Pablo Picasso Award for best abstract artwork. Art is expressed differently in every school and by every student artist. At North Fork Montessori School at Crawford, students attend weekly art class with art educator Shannon Castle. Students are encouraged to use and understand visual arts as a way to communicate. They utilize the elements and principles of art and explore a variety of art materials and techniques throughout the school year. Projects are often choice based so that students are making individual creative decisions, building their skills and practicing artistic behavior. The NFM@C artwork on display in the Delta County District Art Show celebrates the process of making art and creative thinking. This year the collection features a variety of works including a collaborative book, a collaborative photo essay, mixed media drawings, sculptures, and paintings by students in kindergarten through sixth grade. Vision Charter Academy students thrive on “Voice, Choice, Achieve.” A high school art class taught by Christy Hill makes this a priority. Her main goal is to help each student find their passion in art no matter what level they are when they begin. She believes every student can create a masterpiece. Throughout the year, the students have an opportunity to discover what makes them blossom as an artist as they are exposed to multiple artist techniques. By the end of the year most students have found a new appreciation for art and a self-confidence that they can produce beautiful pieces of art. They have truly found their Voice and Choice in that, the ability to Achieve. Hotchkiss High School art gives every student an opportunity to find creative problems solving methods in a choicebased classroom. Instructor Jamie Roeber believes engagement is the key to success. At HHS, art education includes career technical education pathways that can lead to certification in graphic design, jewelry and media design. Students expand their knowledge through selfdiscipline, a collaborative spirit and perseverance. The student art show illustrates that Delta County Joint School District #50 values art and the students who express themselves through drawing, painting, sculpture, ceramics, photography and crafts. There is no charge to view the show, which will be open through spring break.

Delta County Independent


Wednesday, April 4, 2018


������������������ Il Divo Colorado returns to W. Slope ������������������

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Il Divo Colorado, the latest, hottest young male singing group, will be performing in two concerts: at the Western Colorado Center for the Arts in Grand Junction on Saturday, April 7, at 7:30 p.m., and at the Montrose Pavilion on Sunday, April 8, at 3 p.m. Tickets are available online at www., the Montrose Pavilion, and also by calling 970241-4579. All seats are reserved, and start at $9 in advance and $12 at the door for adults. Inspired by the internationally touring group Il Divo and vocal superstar Josh Groban, the program will contain popular songs such as “Unchained Melody,” “My Heart Will Go On,” You Raise Me Up,” and “Time to Say Goodbye.” Their renditions of classics like “Bohemian Rhapsody,” “Devil Went Down to Georgia,” “O Sole Mio” and “Hallelujah” have delighted their enthusiastic audiences. Tenors Mat Coronado and David Siemens and baritones Kyle Thompson and Jordan Christie of Il Divo Colorado have performed extensively in Colorado, taking lead-

Date set for Spring into Shape It’s time to register for the City of Delta Recreation Department’s annual “Spring into Shape” 5k fun run/walk. This event is for all ages and will be held Saturday, April 14, on the trails around Confluence Lake. The event begins at 9 a.m. Signups will be accepted until 8:30 a.m. race day, but pre-register to be guaranteed a T-shirt. To register, call Bill Heddles Recreation Center at 874-0923.

Handgun safety class held monthly Certified instructors Dave Brown and Christopher McMillan will lead a “Handgun Safety” class at Bill Heddles Recreation Center Saturday, April 14, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The class will be repeated Saturday, May 12. Proper completion of this class allows you to apply for a concealed handgun permit in Colorado. Course consists of safety and firing techniques of a semi-automatic pistol and revolver; laws related to owning a handgun; and range safety. Lunch is on your own, then individual firing instruction is provided at a local firing range in the afternoon. The class is $80. Please register by 5 p.m. three days prior to the class of your choice. To register, call Bill Heddles Recreation Center, 874-0923.

ing roles in operas and musical productions. Accompanying the group will be Kathryn Mientka, acclaimed concert pianist who has toured internationally both as a classical pianist and as keyboard player in the cross-over Celtic band sensation FEAST. Virtuoso violinist Alisha Bean will add hot fiddling and sizzling tango numbers to the show, accompanied by Western Slope favorite David Alderdice on drums.

Il Divo Colorado

Hubwheelers celebrate their 50th anniversary If you’re looking for mental and physical stimulation, look no further than the Delta Hubwheelers, a square dance club that’s celebrating its 50th anniversary this Saturday. “For some reason, people think that those who square dance are squares,” said Naaman Moorehouse, who has called the Hubwheelers dances for the past four years. He wants people to throw away their preconceived notions about what square dancing is and learn just how fun the activity is. It’s one of the last wholesome, family friendly, multigenerational, inexpensive entertainment activities around. Square dancing can be mastered by anyone at any age, from five years old to 95. “Anybody can square dance,” he

said. “If you can walk, you can learn to square dance.” This type of dancing is also great physical and mental exercise. In the course of the evening at one of their dances, dancers can walk up to four miles while spinning and twirling, Moorehouse said, making for a low impact aerobic workout. Square dancing entails walking and turning to a beat while also listening for the cue from the caller, forcing dancers to really pay close attention to what the caller expects, and also be able to respond quickly to a change in steps or direction. The Hubwheelers is comprised of dancers from all over Delta County, and several members make the trek from Grand Junction and

Montrose. Conversely, many Hubwheelers dance with the Levis & Lace Square Dance group in Grand Junction and the Black Canyon Twirlers in Montrose. If you’d like to try your hand at one of the most fun dances around, the Hubwheelers welcome anyone to their dances on the first and third Saturdays of the month at the Bill Heddles Recreation Center from 7-9 p.m. A special 50th anniversary dance will take place Saturday, April 7. Bob Gaunt will be the caller for this event; Pat McBride will cue. The cost is $7. Both couples and singles are welcome at the dances — there are always partners for everyone! For more information, call Zee Pacheco at 8353771.

The Guthrie Brothers present ‘Scarborough Fair’ Prepare to fall in love again with the music of Simon and Garfunkel! The Guthrie Brothers, Jeb and Jock will bring you that opportunity on Tuesday, April 24, at the Delta Performing Arts Center, 822 Grand Avenue at 7:30 p.m. This wonderfully authentic rendition of Simon and Garfunkel songs is made available under the auspices of the Delta-Montrose Community Concert Association. From their first startlingly authentic rendition of “Sound of Silence,” to their playful version of Cecilia, Jeb and Jock Guthrie will have every audience member smil-

Camera club meets monthly Black Canyon Camera Club meets at 6 p.m. on the first Tuesday of the month and at 11 a.m. on the second Tuesday of the month at the First Church of God at 11th and Howard in Delta. The public is welcome to attend free of charge. As always, you can bring up to three pictures for reviews. This month’s program is on Corel Painter by Susan Humphrey. See black or contact rae-anns@live for more information.

ing ... and singing along. Through songs, stories, trivia and humor, they pay homage to the music of Simon and Garfunkel and playfully engage the audience along the way. The show highlights the brothers’ deep spiritual connection to this music, and to the 60s, the time period that made it all happen. The Guthries’ original music received national attention with the release of their self-titled album. The album garnered extensive airplay on both Americana and country radio stations. About the album, Billboard magazine said, “Many stations will find the well-written heartfelt lyrics and wonderful harmonies a welcome addition to their airwaves.” The album has been re-released and is available online at the iTunes Music Store, Spotify and Rhapsody. Jeb and Jock perform this tribute show with startling authenticity in an “unplugged” acoustic style. The brothers have been singing together for as long as either one of them can remember — a major reason for the perfect blend of their harmonies. Both play acoustic guitar and sing, and add a bit of percussion and bass from time to time. If a 2018-2019 season ticket is purchased at this concert, the concert

is free. Single admission prices are $20/adult, $5/ student. Season tickets are $45/adult, $15/student; $90/family. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. to purchase tickets. For more information, contact Bob Brown, 970835-4480.

Teens, learn defensive driving “Alive at 25,” a defensive driving course for young drivers, is offered to drivers ages 15-24. A Colorado State Patrol trooper will provide approximately four hours of classroom instruction designed to prevent traffic violations, collisions and/or fatalities. The focus of the program is making attendees aware of many typical driving hazards. Participants will receive a certificate for this course which enables them to test for a driving permit at age 15 1/2 or older. The next class takes place at Bill Heddles Recreation Center Monday, April 16, from 4:30 to 9 p.m. Register and pay for this class online at www.aliveat25. us.


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A8 Wednesday, April 4, 2018


Delta County Independent

Taco Time celebrates awards, support of MDA On March 8, Taco Time held its first corporate meeting of 2018. Annually, this meeting is when franchise recognition awards are presented for the previous year. Delta Taco Time received the Golden Cactus Award, presented to qualifying restaurants that earned an average of at least 95 percent on the two store inspections of the year. Delta’s average was 97.7 percent.

Joyce Ulrich received the Manager of the Year award. Ulrich has managed Delta Taco Time since August 2005. “I remember very well the day she walked in looking for a job,” said owner Orval Proctor. “This was back in the day when I worked the front cash register during lunch every day. I sat down with her on the stools just inside the front door and hired her on the spot. Thirty

years later, we still make a great team.” Ashley Lopez was named Crew Member of the Year. Lopez started working at Taco Time 10 years ago as a high school student. For the past eight years she has been assistant manager. “Joyce, Ashley and their crew work very hard and take a lot of pride in our Delta Taco Time,” Proctor said. The Delta franchise is currently working on a fundraising project, selling paper shamrocks to benefit the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA). Since teaming up with MDA in February, Taco Time and its customers have raised more than $2,090 to help MDA provide the families it serves with summer camp. “Every shamrock sold is a symbol of strength, independence and life for kids and adults with lifethreatening diseases especially now that we’re see-

ing the impact of MDA’s investment in research resulting in treatments,” said Joyce Urich. “Thanks to the generosity of Taco Time employees and customers, we can help

MDA invest in lifesaving research and support programs for these individuals to free kids and adults from the harm of muscular dystrophy, ALS and related life-threaten-

ing diseases that severely weaken muscle strength and mobility. This fundraiser is very special, as I had a nephew who lived with muscular dystrophy.”

Photo by Pat Sunderland

Taco Time is celebrating its 38th year in Delta. Owner Orval Proctor credited the success of his business to the hard work and dedication of manager Joyce Ulrich and her crew.

Delta Police, sheriff’s blotter From the Delta Police Department:

Heartfelt Day

Photo submitted

Bank of Colorado - the Delta Market held the second annual Heartfelt Day event on a beautiful Valentine’s Day. Five coffee shops provided a helping hand toward a wonderful donation to the Black Canyon Animal Sanctuary. All employees were excited about this event and the attendees were able to receive free coffee and a mug, and participate in giving back to this great cause. The Delta Market donated $485 to Debbie Faulkner, Pat Gwinn and their special guest Raelynn from the Black Canyon Animal Sanctuary. Pictured (left to right) are Alexis Barrow, Haillie Taylor, Debbie Faulkner, Raelynn and Mitch Swanda, branch president.

March 25: Officers responded to Highway 92 for a report of a traffic accident. Officers responded to the 300 block of Main Street for a report of a traffic accident. Officers responded to DPD lobby in response to a report regarding lost property at City Market. Officers responded to 37 Stafford Lane for a report of two males shoplifting. A 10-year-old juvenile male was charged with menacing, reckless endangerment and third degree assault. Officers responded to the 400 block of Mesa Street for a report of an abandoned vehicle. March 26: Officers attempted to con-

tact a suspicious male on Hastings Street. Breyah C. Finn, 21, of Montrose was arrested and jailed on two warrants with a total of $800 cash only bond. Officers responded to the 600 block of Silver Street for a report of a juvenile problem. Officers responded to the 1000 block of Main Street for a report of a traffic accident. Officers took a report of a possible sex assault. An officer responded to 60 Tuscher Street, Martin’s Auto Body to do a certified vehicle inspection. Officers responded to the 1000 block of Howard Street to a report of trespassing. Officers took a report of a possible sex assault. Marla E. Florence, 63, of Delta was issued a citation for careless driving. Officers responded to Pioneer Circle for the report of a cold traffic accident. Kaitlyn J. Olson, 27, of Paonia was arrested and jailed on a warrant with a $300 cash only bond. March 27: Officers responded to the 500 block of East 10th Street for a report of theft of a bicycle. Officers took a report of a possible weapon offense. Jessica A. Gallob, 34, of Crawford was arrested and jailed on charges of protection order violation. Officers responded to the area of 11th Street and Main Street to assist the ambulance crew with the transport of a patient. Officers responded to 1550 Road for a report of a juvenile problem. March 28: Officers responded to Columbine Court for a report of a theft of a vehicle. Officers responded to the 200 block of Meeker Street for the report of a traffic accident. Officers responded to Delta Middle School for a report of a theft. Officers responded to 1428 Highway 50, Trade Center, for an agency assist with the Delta County Sheriff’s Office. Officers responded to Maple Way for an informational report. Jonathan J. Graves, 24, of Hotchkiss was issued a summons for charges of indecent conduct. Officers responded to the 1200 block of Meeker Street on a complaint of harassment. Officers responded to Glen Way in reference to theft from auto. Jennifer M. Barnett, 23, of Delta was arrested on a warrant with a $300 cash only bond. March 29: Officers responded to Walmart for a citizen assist.

storage unit, a purple and black Ruger .22 and an urn were reported from a vacant home in Crawford. The urn contained the ashes of a dog, which were left behind. Everything was fine when the home was checked a month ago. March 27: A deputy en route to the office in Delta spotted a vehicle parked on the right shoulder of Highway 92 pointed in the wrong direction. As he turned around to check on the driver, he exited the vehicle and took off on foot. A female passenger who remained in the vehicle identified the driver as Jeremiah Patterson. It’s unknown why he ran from the vehicle, since the only criminal violation appeared to be expired license plates on the vehicle. At about 3:50 p.m., Refugia Rodriguez, 38, of Cedaredge was involved in a rollover accident near the intersection of North Road and Ward Creek. She refused medical aid. It appeared she was northbound on Ward Creek Road in a 1998 Pontiac Grand Am when her vehicle crossed onto the southbound lane and then left the road. The Colorado State Patrol handled the investigation and later arrested Rodriguez for habitual traffic offenses. Two juvenile males were reported as runaways after they were found missing for a late night bed check at Gateway Youth Services. March 28: A Delta area woman reported a $75 check had been stolen from her mailbox and cashed at a local bank. The bank was able to provide the name of a suspect. The case remains under investigation. A Delta area man filed a report about threatening comments made against his property. He wanted the threats documented. During the week, deputies were dispatched to three suicide attempts. March 30: A man living on Happy Hollow Road, Eckert, reported the theft of a baby goat. March 31: Deputies investigated the death of a 60-year-old male. His death is not suspicious. Deputies were dispatched to Somerset where a 63-yearold male was found deceased. His death is not suspicious. The authorities in Gunnison County were notified. April 1: An individual was spotted lying in the middle of Happy Hollow Road with his dog. Deputies determined his vehicle, which was blocking From the Delta County the northbound lane, had run out of gas. They helped push Sheriff’s Office (partial list): the vehicle off the roadway until a friend could arrive March 26: The theft of a wooden DVD with fuel.

Officers responded to a report of a possible domestic violence and have requested a review from the DA’s office. Officers responded to Delta County Library in reference to a suspicious incident. Bill E. Higgs, 47, of Delta was arrested and jailed on charges of parking or abandonment of vehicles, driving after revocation prohibited and DUI. James J. Brasiel, 42, of Delta was arrested and jailed on charges of second degree arson, second degree criminal tampering, reckless endangerment, and protection order violation. March 30: Aaron W. Alloway, 22, of Delta was arrested and jailed on a warrant with a $500 cash or surety bond. Officers responded to 242 Cottonwood Street, Pediatric Associates, for a report of a possible sexual assault on a child. Officers responded to Delta County Memorial Hospital for a report of assault. An officer responded to Ute Street for a certified vehicle inspection. Officers took a report of theft from an auto. Nathan W. Saffer, 35, homeless from Grand Junction was arrested and jailed on a warrant with a no bond. Officers provided a citizen assist with possible phone harassment. Emily A. Taylor, 24, of Delta was arrested and jailed on charges of third degree assault. Michael J. George Taylor, 28, of Grand Junction was arrested and jailed on a warrant with a $500 bond. March 31: Tom C. Samples, 23, of Montrose was arrested and jailed on a warrant with a $500 bond. Chandler C. Childers, 23, of Delta was issued a proof of service for driving with license suspended. Hector Medina, 41, of Delta was arrested and jailed on a warrant with a no bond. Officers responded to Four Seasons River Inn for a citizen assist. Troy M. Messano, 51, of Delta was issued a summons for trespassing. Officers responded to Four Seasons River Inn for a suspicious incident. Citations: Seven tickets were issued this week for various traffic violations. Please remember: All criminal charges are merely an accusation and the defendant is presumed innocent until or unless proven guilty.

NORTH FORK April 4, 2018




NFAA asking for lease amendment from Paonia BY TAMIE MECK Staff Writer

Since it was established in 1969, the North Fork Ambulance Association has been the sole provider of ambulance services to the North Fork Valley area. The volunteerbased, non-profit NFAA currently services a 1,500 square mile area encompassing portions of Delta, Gunnison and Montrose counties. It operates from stations in Paonia, Crawford and Hotchkiss. Since 1969 it has been supported through memberships, grants and donations. The association has never sought funding through taxation. In 1974 the NFAA signed a lease agreement with the Town of Paonia on its Second Street station. The NFAA has asked the town to consider amending the lease agreement, should the non-profit become a special taxing district in the future. The lease allowed the NFAA to expand the station,

at the time was located in the old town fire station, through construction of a brick and mortar building funded by the association. The lease allows the NFAA to use the space rent-free so long as it “continues to be a solvent organization operating an emergency ambulance service to the North Fork area.” The association pays all utility, maintenance and insurance costs. The only modification requested by the association, said Mayor Charles Stewart, is a change from “North Fork Ambulance Association” to “North Fork Ambulance District.” Because it requires an increase in the property tax mill levy, the change to a taxing district requires a vote of the people. Executive director Kathy Steckel told the DCI that the NFAA is in the process of preparing service plans to submit to Delta, Gunnison and Montrose counties.

If approved, a referendum creating a special taxing district would likely be on the ballot this November, said Steckel. A lease modification would be required only if the referendum passes. Legally, it’s one thing for the town to support a nonprofit entity, said Stewart. “It’s another thing if that entity is a taxing revenue authority and it raises revenue by taxation.” If the association becomes a taxing district, then it would follow that the newly formed district would have to pay its bills just like all other taxpayer supported entities, he said. Stewart said that proposed change by the NFAA creates “an opportunity for both parties to revisit the agreement, because, essentially, it does expire if one entity expires.” “I think it’s an immense value to have this ambulance in the town of Paonia,” said trustee Suzanne Watson. “The service is so much quicker for us, so it’s really in our interest to keep ... them here.” The request is expected to come before the board at the April 24 public meeting.

Crawford approves lease for ambulance Photo by Tamie Meck

The North Fork Ambulance Association leases its Paonia station from the Town of Paonia. The NFAA is seeking designation as a special taxing district. If passed, the town has the option to renew or modify the lease.

Trustee questions ‘formula’ in Paonia building permit fee BY TAMIE MECK Staff Writer

Exactly what did “35 + formula” mean in passage of a 2015 resolution by the Paonia board of trustees in adopting a new town fee schedule? The question was brought before the board on March 27 by trustee Suzanne Watson, who requested that the issue be placed on the agenda. She wanted to know how the base rate for a building permit increased from $35 to $70 after the resolution was passed. In September of 2015, trustees voted, 6-0, to adopt Resolution 2015-13, “establishing and amending the town fee schedule.” The resolution included a list of about 150 fees and fines. It was the first time the town ever adopted an official fee schedule, according to then town manager Jane Berry. Among the fees approved is a building permit fee of “35 + formula.” While it isn’t referenced in the resolution, trustees were also provided back in 2015 a revised draft fee schedule listing current and proposed fees, with references to Town Code where applicable. Today, the town building department charges a base building permit fee of $70 for valuations between $1-$500, according to a current fee schedule used by the building inspector. The schedule does not include a formula for the base rate. A building permit fee schedule available to the public also lists the base fee for total valuation of $1-$500 at $70, with no reference to a formula. Prior to adoption of the 2015 resolution, the base building permit fee was $25 for the first $500 of valuation, with valuations from $501$2,000 set at “$25 for the first $500.00 plus $3.35 for each additional $100.00, or fraction thereof...” When the 2015 resolution was adopted, no building fee schedule was ever presented or attached or considered by

the board in making the vote, said Watson, who was elected to the board in 2014. “When I voted on it, I thought we were just increasing the fee from $25 to $35.” Watson asked how trustees could adopt a schedule they never saw. In order to clarify the existing building permit schedule, she made a motion to direct town staff to prepare a resolution and building permit fee schedule for the board to consider at the April 10 meeting. Mayor Charles Stewart, the mayor pro tempore in 2015, noted that the fee schedule was one of many issues the board was dealing with at the time. “I think people inevitably forget the context under which this happened,” Stewart told the DCI after the meeting. The board may need to “further action to eliminate any ambiguity as to the correct fee.” “What I have heard this evening is lots of questions,” said mayor pro tempore David Bradford following a nearly half-hour discussion. “I don’t believe we have enough information to actually make an intelligent decision on this motion.” Watson withdrew her original motion and requested that more information on the 2015 adoption of the fee schedule be presented to the board. The issue was tabled to the April 10 board meeting and town staff was directed to provide as much information and documentation on passage of the fee schedule as possible. Discussion of the fee schedule coincides with the town’s consideration of contracting out its building department services. Town administrator Ken Knight informed the board that the town will enter an interim contract with Colorado Code Consulting to provide its building department services. Colorado Code is a private, Denver-based company offering inspections, planning review and other building-related services to ‘FORMULA’ TO B2


Giving back

Photos by Pat Sunderland

In appreciation for support from the community, the Hotchkiss High School FFA chapter sponsored an Easter egg hunt at the Delta County Fairgrounds on March 31. Areas were marked off for each age group, 0-10. Above, one of the older participants stretches for an egg tucked into a tree. Each egg could be redeemed for a quarter (below).

On March 7, the Town of Crawford approved a lease agreement with the North Fork Ambulance Association on the space it uses at the town’s maintenance building. During discussion at its February work session, Mayor Wanda Gofforth explained the town and the association have had an informal agreement to share space. The association is seeking a grant to help fund its volunteers, and a written and signed lease was considered important for the grant application. Gofforth noted the lease would be in effect for as long as the association houses an ambulance in Crawford. If that changes, the agreement would no longer be in effect.

National Day of Service honors AmeriCorps volunteers BY TAMIE MECK Staff Writer

According to the Corporation for National & Community Service, in 2016, more than 7,000 SeniorCorps and AmeriCorps members provided services to 1,112 sites in Colorado. Six AmeriCorp VISTA volunteers currently provide services in the North Fork area. Four of them, including Beata Ramz and Shane Sobotka with Solar Energy International (SEI), Deirdre Morrison with Elsewhere Studios, and Arianna Sherman with the Community Opioid Response Program,

came before the Paonia town board last week. They were there to request support for local AmeriCorps volunteers in recognition of the April 3 as National Day of Service. They requested that the town state its support on the AmeriCorps website. April 3 marked the sixth annual national recognition day, which was designated in honor of AmeriCorps members and SeniorCorps volunteers through recognition events, proclamations, and social media presence. The six local VISTA members celebrated National Day of Service by volunteering

with A Little Help Paonia to provide spring cleaning, yard work and other basic services to its elderly members. “We hope that you support AmeriCorps work and the service that we’re providing in the county,” said Ramza, who worked the past year with SEI’s economic revitalization team and with local high schools to include solar technical training to high school students. The program provides students with entrylevel knowledge to enter the growing solar energy industry. “We really appreciate the support,” said Ramza.

Photo by Tamie Meck

AmeriCorps VISTA members Arianna Sherman, left, Beata Ramza, Shane Sobotka and Deirdre Morrison attend the March 27 Paonia town board meeting ahead of the April 3 National Day of Service.

B2 Wednesday, April 4, 2018


Delta County Independent

Kathy Welt earns Club 20 award for collaborative problem solving

Math competitors

Photo submitted

Three students from Paonia Junior High School placed in the regional MathCounts competition in Grand Junction and went on to participate in the state MathCounts competition in Denver. Paonia math teacher Mrs. Steger was honored for bringing the students such a long distance to allow them to participate. Pictured right to left are Mrs. Steger, seventh grader Graham Waltermire, eighth graders Alejandro Garcia and Arjun Bacagalupi.

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PEOPLE IN THE NEWS Tamara Graham of Hotchkiss recently earned a master of social work from Simmons College in Boston. Simmons College ( is a nationally recognized private university located in the heart of Boston, and is the preeminent authority on women’s leadership. Founded in 1899, Simmons maintains a history of visionary thinking and a focus on social responsibility.

Fire Mountain canal EA released The Bureau of Reclamation has released a draft Finding of No Significant Impact and Environmental Assessment on the Fire Mountain Canal Salinity Reduction Piping Project located in Delta County. The project would replace approximately 3.67 miles of open irrigation ditch with buried pipe. The purpose of the project is to prevent seepage and reduce salinity loading in the Colorado River Basin. The draft FONSI and EA is available online at or a copy can be requested by contacting Reclamation. Reclamation will consider all comments received by Friday, April 13. Submit comments by email to lmcwhirter@usbr. gov or to: Ed Warner, Area Manager, Bureau of Reclamation, 445 West Gunnison Ave, Suite 221, Grand Junction, CO 81501.

At Club 20’s annual awards banquet on March 30, Kathy Welt of Hotchkiss was presented with the Johnson-Theos Bridge Builder Award. Also receiving the award were Terri Binder of Arvada, Major General Irv Halter, executive director of the Department of Local Affairs, and Lt. Governor Donna Lynne in honor of their commitment to collaborative problem solving. Welt is the senior environmental engineer at the Mountain Coal Company’s West Elk Mine in Somerset. During her career she has worked at several mines and spent five years in the oil and gas industry. She’s also served on almost a dozen boards and committees. Most recently she was appointed in January to the Bureau of Land Management’s Southwest Resource Advisory Council, representing

energy and mineral development. Because of her vast experience and knowledge of the area’s mining history, Welt is often called upon to speak on behalf of her employers and the industry. She serves as liaison to county, state and federal governmental agencies, is often quoted in the media, and gives public presentations. Club 20’s awards banquet provided an opportunity to celebrate longtime members for their service and advocacy on behalf of Club 20 and western Colorado. The banquet, which was also a celebration of Club 20’s 65 years of advocacy, was attended by Western Slope community leaders, appointed and elected officials, friends and family of the recipients and attendees of the Club 20 spring conference.

Kathy Welt “We are so proud of the individuals who make up this organization,” said Club 20 executive director Christian Reece. “These award recipients are as diverse as the Club 20 general membership. Their areas of service are reflective of their interests, professional expertise and personal dedication to ensuring Club 20 remains strong as the ‘Voice of the Western Slope.’ ”

‘Formula’ FROM PAGE B1 municipal governments, according to its website. The contract expires at the end of May. Dan Reardon, the former City of Delta building inspector, now a plans analyst with Colorado Code Consulting, will provide the services identified in the contract. Reardon, who separated recently from the City of Delta after having been placed on administrative leave in February, has acted as interim town building inspector since the town released former building inspector Dave Coleman last December. The town did not provide a reason for Coleman’s release, citing personnel issues, and has not found a

Learn the tale of two historic .45-90 rifles Chuck Farmer will present a special program to the HotchkissCrawford Historical Society on Saturday, April 14, at 1:30 p.m. at the museum at 180 2nd Street, Hotchkiss. He will relate the history of two .4590 rifles in the museum’s collection. One was given to Otto Mears by Enos T. Hotchkiss in 1872. The other was presented to Hotchkiss from Mears a few years later. All are welcome.

qualified inspector to fill the position. The town is currently considering long-term contracts with Colorado Code and SAFEbuilt. Trustees voted in February to allow Knight to pursue contracting building department services with SAFEbuilt, which is also a private company providing building services to local governments. At the time, Knight said that contracting with SAFEbuilt would be “a big move for the town,” and would possibly transition the building department into “a compliance department as opposed to a building enforcement department.” Paonia resident Dorien Bethune, who has more than 46 years of experience in the field, questioned the decision to pursue an out-of-town company to provide local services. “I think you need to have someone who is here and who knows the old codes and the new code and is able to codify the new code to some of these old codes,” said Bethune. “We need to keep it in town. And I think it’s a matter of

money, it’s economy, it’s ecological.” board, said The Knight, has the final say in whether to contract with one of the two firms, or to continue to use an in-house building official. Due to the high volume of work and the need for building inspection services, and because the contract doesn’t extend into next year’s budget, “I believe this is an administrative item in that we need to keep the building department up and running,” said Knight. In other business, the board approved construction of additional storage and office space to the existing West Elk Wine & Spirit located at 427 Samuel Wade Road. Approval of construction by the town is required, since it is the liquor licensing authority. An ordinance allowing garbage hauling costs to be set by resolution was approved and will adopted on second reading at the April 10 board meeting. The board has already approved an ordinance allowing water and sewer rates to be set by resolution.

Burlesque theater returns to Paonia

Following a long hiatus, burlesque returns to the North Fork area when Bohemian Burlesque Society presents “Nature Vs Nurture,” a collaboration featuring performers from throughout Colorado. This one-night-only performance featuring professionally designed costumes features dancing, singing, comedy and much more invoking

change through the society’s mission of “healing the masses through art and entertainment.” The show opens at 8 p.m. Saturday, April 14, at the Paradise Theatre. VIP front-row tickets are $30, general admission $25, and are available at Root and Vine and the Paradise Theatre, and online at brownpaper

Army leader

Photo submitted

Paul Michael Devlin (right) recently re-enlisted for a three-year term in the U.S. Army. After completing basic and infantry training in Bravo Troop 5-15 CAV in Fort Benning, Ga., Devlin was given the Cavalry’s Leadership Award “for the candidate who showed the most leadership skills throughout the cycle and who showed the most potential for leadership roles.” Prior to his re-enlistment he was a combat Marine for two years and served in Afghanistan. Devlin is a 2008 graduate of Paonia High School.

Hotchkiss producer joins Angus association Blue Spoon Ranch, Hotchkiss, is a new member of the American Angus Association®, reports Allen Moczygemba, CEO of the national breed organization headquartered in Saint Joseph, Mo. The American Angus Association, with more than 25,000 active adult and junior members, is the largest beef breed association in the world. The association records ancestral information and keeps produc-

tion records and genomic data on individual animals. The programs and services of the association and its entities — Angus Genetics Inc., Angus Productions Inc., Certified Angus Beef LLC and the Angus Foundation — help members to advance the beef cattle business by selecting the best animals for their herds and marketing quality genetics for the beef cattle industry and quality beef for consumers.


Delta County Independent

Photo submitted

This year’s sixth graders pictured with principal Sam Cox in the back row (left to right) are: Kohen Booth, Sheldon Nichols, Kelly Thliveris, Josiah Peters, Ryder Hart, Elle Deja Connolly and Ella Eves: (front row) Lane Allen, James Roach, Jose Mojarro, Kaidence Godwin, Mariah Callen and Baylee Cowger. Not pictured: Emma Roberts.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018


Photo submitted

This year’s fifth graders pictured with principal Sam Cox in the back row (left to right) are: Giovanna Luna, Michael Roach, Edwin Pantoja-Torres, Contessa Sprinkle, Olivia Tribble, Skylar Anderson, Avery Cowan and Brooke Harding; (front row) Ryaunna Rhodes, Jilli Mills, Bailey Sparrow, Gracelynn Lubin, Ashlie Ferguson, Mario Gamma, Elias Keil and Heidi Johnson. Not pictured: Joel Frazier and Jakob Carver.

Paonia Elementary has a laser focus on growth When the state of Colorado started recognizing student growth on the state assessments nearly 10 years ago, Paonia Elementary started recognizing individual student growth with dog tags. Most recently, these “eagle” tags recognize high growth for fourth through sixth grade students who took the state math and English language arts (ELA) tests the previous year. During this year’s ceremony, 39 eagle tags were given to 32 students who were recognized for high growth in one or both subjects. Those numbers don’t include the other 43 eagle tags sent up to Paonia Junior-Senior High School to recognize last year’s 25 sixth graders who had high growth. Paonia Elementary believes its focus on whole student growth has been one of the secrets to its long-term success. It understands that Colorado’s focus on growth related to the state test is just one piece of the puzzle, but

PES believes it is a very important piece. In our state, high growth is defined as having growth in the state’s 65th percentile and above. It is so valuable because that growth measure is about students competing only against themselves and demonstrating what they have learned in math and ELA from the previous year. The state tests measure learning and growth related to the state standards, to which all teachers in Colorado are required to teach. Achievement is another area monitored by the state, but PES specifically addresses achievement by working to ensure every student shows growth. If they do, PES believes achievement will take care of itself. Accompanying this article are pictures from PES’s most recent eagle tag ceremony. Specific results related to those who earned eagle tags are as follows: Last year’s fourth graders who demonstrated high growth

were (numbers represent percentiles): Skylar Anderson (math 85 /ELA 86), Jakob Carver (ELA 77), Avery Cowan (math 87), Ashlie Ferguson (ELA 70), Joel Frazier (math 92/ELA 91), Mario Gamma (ELA 79), Brooke Harding (ELA 99), Heidi Johnson (math 92/ELA 86), Elias Keil (math 73), Gracelynn Lubin (ELA 95), Giovanna Luna (math 95/ELA 72), Jilli Mills (ELA 74), Edwin Pantoja-Torres (ELA 85), Michael Roach (math 71), Ryaunna Rhodes (ELA 99), Contessa Sprinkle (ELA 94), and Olivia Tribble (ELA 69). Fifth graders who demonstrated high growth were Lane Allen (math 81/ELA 98), Kohen Booth (math 69/ELA 77), Mariah Callen (math 83/ ELA 74), Elle Deja Connolly (ELA 82), Baylee Cowger (ELA 79), Ella Eves (math 98/ELA 98), Kaidence Godwin (ELA 85), Ryder Hart (math 86), Jose Mojarro (math 68), Sheldon Nichols (ELA 98), Josiah Peters (ELA 90), James Roach (ELA 78), Emma Rob-

erts (math 70), and Kelly Thliveris (ELA 78). Sixth graders from last year who demonstrated high growth: Jacob Arterburn (ELA 97), Trey Bejararno (math 78), Edwardo Carrillo (ELA 96), Jorge Carrillo (ELA 91), Ace Connolly (ELA 79), Leia Ellenberger (ELA 66), Logan Farnsworth (ELA 98), Gabe Fernandez (math-97/ELA 99), Royal Fulton (ELA 93), Malikhi Hamilton (math 99), Matthew Horn (ELA 97), Aiden Kinser (ELA 97), Natasha Meader (math 88/ELA 79), Keira Moxley (math 85/ELA 89), Jasmine Ramsay (ELA 82), Laurie Roach (ELA 73), Carmen Rodriquez (math 90), Ally Seriani (math 93/ELA 90), Kelsey Simpson (math 87/ELA 78), Mia Stolmeier (math 73/ELA 78), Easton Tribble (math 74/ELA 76), Keira Tyan (ELA 65), Delilah Vasquez (math 84/ELA 99), Ian Wallace (math 87/ELA 78), and Olivia White (math 86/ ELA 83). The PES eagle tag ceremony is traditionally

A book for every 4-year-old BY TRACY IHNOT Delta County Libraries

One Book 4 Colorado (OB4CO) is back for its seventh consecutive year, a program that distributes over 75,000 copies of the same book to every 4-year-old in the state. The 2018 book giveaway runs from April 9-23 and delivers books in English and Spanish to preschoolaged children statewide through a collaboration that depends heavily on public libraries. “We began gathering information to project the number of books needed for Delta County in early December,” says Leah Morris, collections and systems administrator for Delta County Libraries. “We rely on staff feedback, partnerships with local pre-schools, weekly storytimes at each library, and statistics from previous years to get a good number for the book order.” “Oddly, we have no idea what book we are ordering when we supply the numbers to the

state library in December,” Morris laughs. The OB4CO website promotes three pre-selected book titles and allows the public to vote for the winning title. “We usually hear from the state sometime in February about the winning book so that we can start planning for the giveaway.” The book title remains a secret until the giveaway starts in April. In 2017, over 400 copies of the winning title, “Mouse Mess,” by Linnea Riley, along with a craft, reached the hands of 4-year-olds in Delta County. “We are excited about the title and the craft this year,” says Terry Johns, Hotchkiss Library manager. Johns led the effort to plan the craft that will accompany the 2018 book. “Over the last few weeks supplies were ordered and crafts prepared for 500 children. Having a craft along with the book makes it that much more fun and engaging for the kids.”

Wildlife officer to talk about bears Black bears are among the most maligned, misunderstood and confusing critters in North America. From images of teddy bears and Winnie-the-Pooh to the often snarling photos and full size mounts that often adorn outdoor equipment and hunting stores, our relationship with them is bewildering at best. Colorado Parks and Wildlife Officer Kelly Crane will talk about the black bears of western Colorado, and how to live in bear country, during her presentation in Montrose April 5. Her talk is especially apropos as bears will begin emerging from their winter hibernation around the end of this month. “I’ll be talking about

bear biology and how to prevent issues with bears both at home and while being in the mountains,” Crane said. Crane initially went to work for CPW as a temporary in 1990. She became permanently employed as a district wildlife officer in 1997 after first graduating with a degree in biology/zoology from Colorado State University, then getting her master’s degree from California State University’s Moss Landing Marine Lab. Her presentation is at the Montrose Field Office at the corner of Colorado and Rio Grande and will begin at 7 p.m. The public is invited. The free presentation is sponsored by the Black Canyon Chapter of the Audubon Society.

“We are very grateful to all our volunteers for helping prepare for this giveaway and also to the Delta Family Center for funding the supplies for the craft,” Johns states. “Their contributions are significant.” The Delta Family Center, through the work of the Backpack Program, has been promoting and supporting early literacy skills in Delta County for over 25 years. OB4CO offers the perfect opportunity for the library district and the Delta Family Center to work together on a common goal. The mission of OB4CO is to promote early literacy skills and support the families that serve as a child’s first and most important teacher. The OB4CO website states, “Research shows that 4year-olds that have access to books and adults that read to them often will be much more likely to be ready to read when they start kindergarten.” Nearly 500 books, along

with the corresponding craft, are ready to give away in pre-schools and library storytimes starting Monday, April 9-23. “The most rewarding part of this giveaway is the look on the faces of the children when they receive the book and make their craft,” Johns says. “It really does make a difference.” OB4CO is a privatelyfunded program and is a collaboration between Lt. Governor Donna Lynne’s office, Colorado Office of Early Literacy, Colorado State Library, the Denver Preschool Program, public and military libraries statewide, the private sector, and the nonprofit and foundation communities. Stay tuned for the statewide public announcement of the OB4CO book title on April 9. For more information on the program, contact your local library or visit the website at www.onebook4colorado. org.

held the Friday before state testing begins. This year it was on Friday, March 23. In addition to eagle tags for growth, students who exceeded expectations in math, ELA, or fifth grade science were also

recognized. All but three students who exceeded expectations also had high growth; those three exceptions were last year’s third graders Angel Montez (math), Taylor Wist (math), and Avery Kinser (ELA).

Fill the boot

Photo submitted

Each year the Crawford Fire Dept. offers up a fireworks display over Crawford Reservoir as part of Crawford Pioneer Days, set for June 7-9 this year. They have set out donation cans and boots around the community to help fund this annual event. Send donations by May 1 to Crawford Fire Dept. Auxiliary, PO Box 405, Crawford, CO 81415.

B4 Wednesday, April 4, 2018


Delta County Independent

County honors employees for years of service BY ANNETTE BRAND Staff Writer

County commissioners Doug Atchley, Mark Roeber and Don Suppes honored 11 county employees April 2 for their years of service with Delta County. Devin Violett, lead equipment operator for road and bridge District 3, was honored for 30 years service with the county. Two employees were honored for 25 years service: Keith Lucy, environmental specialist with the health department, and Karen Nittler, executive assistant for CSU Extension.

John Allen, equipment operator for District 3, was honored for 20 years service. Three employees were honored for 15 years service: Todd Davey, assistant buildings and grounds supervisor; LaDean Faris, dispatcher; and William Palmer, sheriff ’s office lieutenant. Sharing honors for 10 years service were Bob Basher, engineering coordinator; Samuel Martin, detention officer; Elizabeth Meyer, detention officer; and Karen O’Brien, director of the Photo submitted public health depart- The county commissioners (in the back) honored county employees (left to right) Bill Palmer, Todd ment. Davey, Keith Lucy, Karen Nittler, Karen O’Brien, John Allen, Sam Martin and Devin Violett.

Commissioners receive reports, award bids BY ANNETTE BRAND Staff Writer

Photo submitted

Bob Basher, engineering coordinator, has been employed by Delta County for 10 years. He’s pictured with county commissioners Mark Roeber, Doug Atchley and Don Suppes.

Spring burns planned The Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre and Gunnison National Forest is planning to conduct prescribed burns this spring in the Gunnison area. Most will occur between early April and into June. The objectives are to remove debris and veg-

etation to help reduce the risk of larger wildfires and to improve habitat. The closest to the North Fork is the West Elk Burn, located 14 miles west of Gunnison and about four to six miles north of Blue Mesa Reservoir. About 600 acres will be burned.

On April 2, emergency preparedness manager Jeff Wright reported on the inspections of ambulances to county commissioners Doug Atchley, Mark Roeber and Don Suppes in preparation for the commissioners approving licenses for the ambulances. Licenses were approved for six ambulances for Delta County Ambulance District and five ambulances for North Fork Ambulance Association. Wright’s inspection of each ambulance included all aspects of each ambulance vehicle, including spare tires.

The doctor for the ambulance districts orders a list of drugs to be available on all ambulances. Wright’s inspection certified that each ambulance contained the doctor-ordered drug list. Commissioner Atchley asked if all the ambulances met all Colorado state requirements. Wright affirmed that each ambulance did. On the recommendation of county road and bridge staff, and based on the previous performance of the bidders, the commissioners awarded bids for asphalt and emulsions to two bidders: Suncore Energy was awarded the bid of $1,057,934 and COBIT-

CO was awarded the bid for $392,920. The expenditures are covered in the county’s 2018 budget. The commissioners prepared letters of support to Interpretive Association of Western Colorado (IAWC) and Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) in their efforts to obtain funding for the restoration and stabilization of the Escalante Homesteading Sites, Walker Homestead and Captain Smith’s Cabin, both of which are located in Escalante Canyon, Delta County. Both sites have experienced severe vandalism and have deteriorated to a state of public

concern and safety. Both sites are educational resources for local schools and students in learning about the history and the pioneer spirit of Escalante Canyon. Both sites are listed on the 2013 Colorado’s Most Endangered Places as part of the Escalante Homesteading resources. Both are listed on Colorado’s Register of Historic Places (1997). The commissioners appointed Stacy Bliss to complete the at-large trustee term of former trustee Lisa Mock on the Delta County Library District board of directors. Bliss will serve from April 1, 2018, through Jan. 31, 2019.

ton; two sons, Jeremiah (Monae) Patterson of Austin and Joshua (Rhonda) Patterson of Cedaredge; two daughters, Jennifer Patterson of Cory and Jessica (Guy) LiddellWeatherington Delta; two brothers, Donald (Kattie) Liddell of Oklahoma and Terry Liddell of Grand Junction; one sister, Debbie (Rick) McCollough of

Fruita; 12 grandchildren and one great-grandchild on the way. He was preceded in death by his namesake, Kevin. Taylor Funeral Service and Crematory is handling the arrangements. View the internet obituary and sign the online guest registry at www.

OBITUARIES dling the arrangements. View the internet obituary and sign the online guest registry at www.

Lester Matthies

Romie Johnson

Orchard City resident Romie L. Johnson died Saturday, March 31, 2018, at his residence. He was 86. Rosary will be recited at 10 a.m. Wednesday, April 4, at St. Philip Benizi Catholic Church in Cedaredge with Mass starting at 10:30. Interment will follow in the Cedaredge Cemetery. Romie Leon Johnson was born Dec. 4, 1931, to Emery and Dorothy (Holleman) Johnson in Imperial, Calif. He spent his early childhood in Imperial Valley then the family moved to Delta. He graduated from Delta High School in 1949. After graduation, he married his high school sweetheart, Phyllis Lawrence, in Delta. Mr. Johnson was a member of St. Philip Benizi Catholic Church and the Knights of Columbus. He enjoyed gardening, antique cars and spending time with his large family. He is survived by his wife of 68-plus years, Phyllis Johnson; one son, Jack Johnson; six daughters, Suzanne (Felix) Jones, Patricia Johnson, Theresa (Robert) Clair, Anne Miller, Janette (Randy) Hellman and Laura (Paul) Anker; one sister, Marlene (Bill) Taube; 21 grandchildren; 40 great-grandchildren; and two great-greatgrandchildren. Memorial contributions may be sent to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, or 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis, TN 38105. Taylor Funeral Service and Crematory is han-

take place at a later date in Aztec Cemetery in Aztec, N.M. He was born Feb. 24, 1937, to Samuel and Elsie (Fox) Goodwin in Aztec, N.M. He spent his childhood in Farmington and graduated from Farmington High School. He lived in Alaska a short time before being drafted into the U.S. Army. After he was honorably discharged, he moved to Delta where he was a farmer. He enjoyed hunting, fishing, trapping and spending time with his family and friends. He is survived by two brothers, Edwin (Annette) Goodwin of Farmington, N.M., and Samuel (Berlene) Goodwin of Depew, Okla., and extended family. He was preceded in death by two brothers, Fred and Jerry Goodwin; and two sisters-in-law, Toni Goodwin and Shearl Goodwin. Taylor Funeral Service and Crematory is handling the arrangements. Visit the internet obituary and sign the online guest registry at www.

Cedaredge resident Lester F. Matthies died March 25, 2018, at his home. He was 92. He was born March 5, 1926, in Newton, Kan., to George and Mary (Dick) Matthies. He spent his childhood on farms near Halstead, Kan., and graduated from Halstead High School in 1943. On April 23, 1950, he married Pernie Becker in Halstead, Kan. They moved from Wichita, Kan., to Cedaredge in 1988. Mr. Matthies served in the U.S. Army and was a member of Grand Mesa Southern Baptist Church. He enjoyed woodworking, fishing, gardening and traveling. He is survived by two sons, Rodney (Sunshine) Matthies of Clifton and Randy Matthies of Wichita, Kan.; one sister, Mary Janzen of Newton, Kan.; six grandchildren; one great-grandchild; and extended family. He was preceded in death by his wife of 67 years, Pernie; and a sister, Vera Unruh. A memorial service will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday, April 7, at Grand Mesa Southern Baptist Church in Cedaredge with Pastor Dennis Scroggins officiating. Inurnment will follow at Cedaredge Cemetery. Taylor Funeral Service and Crematory is handling the arrangements. View the internet obitKevin Liddell uary and sign the online Kevin Dwaine Liddell guest registry at www. died Saturday, March 31, 2018, at his home in Austin. He was 60. A celebration of life Jack Goodwin Longtime Delta resi- will be held at 1 p.m. dent Jack Goodwin died Saturday, April 7, at the March 26, 2018, at his Gunnison River Pleasure Park, between Delta and home. He was 81. Memorial services will Hotchkiss. Mr. Liddell was born be held at 10 a.m. Thursday, April 5, at Taylor Jan. 22, 1958, to Donald Funeral Service Chapel and Jenice (Flowers) Lidin Delta. Inurnment will dell. He spent his child-

hood in California and Colorado. On Oct. 1, 1991, he married Doni Jean Pinner in Las Vegas, Nev. They have lived in Delta County since 1981. Mr. Liddell enjoyed hunting, fishing, being in the great outdoors and his grandchildren. He is survived by his wife, Doni Liddell of Aus-

Henrietta (Ayer) Keenan Aug. 6, 1931 ~ March 31, 2018 Henrietta (Ayer) Keenan passed away peacefully on March 31, 2018, at the Colorow Care Center in Olathe, Colo. She was 86. Henrietta was the second of five children born to Burtis (Bill) and Mary (Stewart) Ayer. The family lived near the Gould Reservoir for several years, eventually relocating to a small ranch outside of Crawford on Clear Fork Road. Growing up on a ranch and being the second oldest, Henrietta was regularly called upon to help with the cattle, the horses and of course the “haying.” She learned how to ride horses and to drive a team. She loved the ranch life and anything involving the outdoors. Henrietta graduated from Crawford High School and went on to Western State College in Gunnison where she earned a degree in teaching. After graduation, she taught for one year in Gunnison then joined the United States Naval Reserves in 1955. The women’s branch of the Reserves was known by the acronym “WAVES” (Women Accepted for Voluntary Emergency Service). She served in the Reserves for two years, stationed in Washington, DC. In 1957 she married Daniel E. Keenan of Crawford and they settled on a small ranch

outside of town. A year later they moved to Grand Junction where two children were born: Margaret (Margie) and Daniel (Rusty). When the children reached school age, Henrietta returned to teaching, spending many years at East Junior High School in Grand Junction teaching physical education. The family operated a feedlot five miles west of Grand Junction until 1974 at which time the property was sold and the family moved to Fruita. For several years, Henrietta rode with the “Frontier Belles Sidesaddle Club,” a riding club for women who kept the spirit of the old west alive by performing at various events around the Western Slope. In 1990, she and Danny moved back to Crawford where they spent time fishing and camping in the summer, snowmobiling in the winter. They had been married for 52 years when Danny passed away in 2009. Henrietta lived in

Crawford for the next five years eventually moving to Montrose and then Olathe for health reasons. She is survived by a daughter Margie (Denver) and a son Rusty (Fort Worth), their respective spouses Mary and Maritza; four grandchildren (Yilver, Jackie, Stephanie and Brian); a great-grandson (Hunter); her sister: Mary Helen deKovend (Grand Junction); and numerous nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents, Bill and Mary Ayer, a daughter Mary Catherine, her husband Danny, sisters Margaret Deutsch and Audrey June Collins, and brother James (Jim) Ayer. A celebration of her life will be held in Crawford, Colo.; the date is pending. The family wishes to express their gratitude to the aides and nurses at Colorow Care Center, to Henrietta’s doctors and nurses at the VA Hospital in Grand Junction and at the Montrose Hospital, and to the caregivers of HopeWest. In lieu of flowers, the family suggests memorial contributions be made to: • HopeWest, PO Box 24, Delta, CO 81416 • Hotchkiss Senior Center Arrangements are being handled by Taylor Funeral Service and Crematory. Paid obituary


Delta County Independent

Breckenridge; two grandchildren; and seven greatgrandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Allen; and one brother. Taylor Funeral Service and Crematory is handling the arrangements. Visit the internet obituary and sign the online guest registry at www.

Margaret Mullen

Cedaredge resident Margaret Louise “Peg” Mullen died March 21, 2018, at Delta County Hospital. She was 91. She was born Aug. 24, 1926, in Portland, Ore., to Rudolph and Hulda (Faust) Fieke. She spent her childhood in Los Angeles, Calif., where she graduated from Fairfax High School. After graduating, she attended Oregon State University where she received her bachelor’s degree. On Sept. 12, 1948, she married Allen Mullen in Los Angeles, Calif. Mrs. Mullen was a member of the Cedaredge Community United Methodist Church, served as a docent at the Pioneer Town Doll House, and was involved with the Happy Bookers Book Club. She enjoyed reading and had a great sense of humor. She is survived by three sons, Stephen Mullen of Cedaredge, Thomas (Cathy) Mullen of Delta and John (Liz) Mullen of

where she taught Sunday School and Awana for many years. She is survived by her sons, Ray and Larry; six grandchildren; 11 greatgrandchildren; sister, Irma Thomas; and brother, Glen Kepler. A funeral service was held March 30 at First Baptist Church in Cedaredge; interment followed at the Cedaredge Cemetery. Taylor Funeral Service and Crematory handled the arrangements. Visit the internet obituary and sign the online guest registry at www. taylorfuneralservice. com.

Ruth Hendrickson

Beverly Record

Beverly Anne “Bev” Record died March 27, 2018, at Delta County Memorial Hospital. She was 87. She was born Oct. 29, 1930, in Long Beach, Calif., and spent her childhood in Ventura, Calif. In 1948, she married James Rex Record. They were married 61 years until his death. Mrs. Record worked as a secretary at the Delta County clerk and recorder’s office. She was an active member of the First Baptist Church of Cedaredge,

Eckert resident Ruth Hendrickson died March 21, 2018, at her daughter’s home in Cedaredge. She was 93. Services will be held at a later date. She is survived by her daughter, Roxie (Bob) Morris of Cedaredge; grandchildren, Chad (Kirstan) Morris of Fort Collins and Loree (Manuel) Gutierrez of Cedaredge; and greatgrandchildren, Deven and Bree Gutierrez and Ashley and Justin Morris. Taylor Funeral Service and Crematory is handling the arrangements. Visit the internet obituary and sign the online guest registry at www.

William P. Branigan III May 5, 1943 ~ March 28, 2018 William Parnell Branigan III passed away peacefully on March 28, 2018, from complications of cancer in Cedaredge, Colo. Most people knew him as Rocky, we knew him as Dad and Pop. He was born on May 5th, 1943, to Air Force Major William and Muriel Branigan in Monroe, La. He lived in many exciting places during his childhood but his parents called San Antiono home. While in San Antiono he attended Saint Leo grade school and Saint Mary University. He joined the Air Force in 1963 and worked as a Morse Intercept Operator. He was stationed in Turkey after the Cuban Missile Crisis decoding messages between Russia and Cuba. After his military

career he returned to the states to travel and help the less fortunate until he finally landed in Liberty Hill, Texas. After Liberty Hill he spent a few years in Rockport where he met his wife, Barbara of 31 years. He loved Barbara very much and she has many love notes to remind her of the good times they spent together. Hand in hand they

moved to Colorado and lived in Breckenridge and Cedaredge. He was a proud member of Mensa after joining in 1979 and wore his belt buckle with pride. He enjoyed his morning crossword, hiking in the mountains, fishing and smoking his pipe. He is preceded in death by his parents. His memory will carry on in his loving wife Barbara, children Jon Branigan and Sarah Larison, their spouses Rose and Ted, grandchildren Cierra, Drake, Charli and Dax Branigan and Rhône and Maggie Larison and great - granddaughter Kynlee. And also in his siblings, sister Renee Branigan and Kerry Branigan Garrison and her husband Don. Paid obituary

Jennie Mary Turner Aug. 19, 1930 ~ March 30, 2018 Jennie Mary Turner, age 87, passed away peacefully at the Beehive Homes in Price, Utah, on the evening of March 30, 2018. She was born Aug. 19, 1930, in Brandon, Manitoba, Canada to William Bert and Annie Kowalski Ostrynski. Mary was a member of the Catholic Church. As a child growing up in Brandon, she helped on the family’s five-acre farm, pulling a wagon to town to sell vegetables during times of harvest. Her childhood playtime was spent swimming in the river with her brothers and sister. Mary, known as “Maruska” for her diligent and persevering work and always prospering in any routine occupation. She worked in a fish cannery and also was a waitress at the Liberty Café. This is where she met and fell in love with a handsome sailor. She was married to William Walter “Bill” Turner on Aug. 23, 1947, in Vancouver, British Columbia. Together they set out on an adventurous life, starting in San Diego, Calif., where their only child, John Robert Turner was born on July 4, 1948. They found work across the

country at different coal and uranium mines. Bill worked in the mines and Mary was the camp cook, working hard to prepare meals for the workers. They never settled down in one distinct area but spent a lot of their young lives around Utah, because of the Uranium boom in the area. In the 1970s, Bill got a job with the department of labor as a federal coal mine supervisor and bought Mary her first permanent home in Trinidad, Colo. There they spent many years enjoying the wildlife of Colorado. In their later years they were able to relocate to Delta, Colo., where Bill was able to retire and both Bill and Mary were able to enjoy retirement and family. Mary enjoyed her family and providing for her family and always mak-

ing sure everyone was well fed. Mary, known to Bill as “Mazita” was always there to keep camp in order but Mary did also enjoy her personal time which came early in the morning with her cup of coffee and a smoke. Mary is survived by her grandson, David (Kim) Turner; greatgrandchildren, Katie Turner, Castle Dale, Utah, Anna Turner, Logan, Utah, Charles and Lowden Turner, Orangeville, Utah; daughter-in-law, Linda Turner, Castle Dale, Utah. Preceded in death by her husband, Bill; son, John, daughter-in-law, Donna; granddaughter, Corena Turner; parents; brother, Joe Ostranski; and a sister, Amelia Booth. A visitation will be held at Taylor Funeral Service in Delta, Colo., on Friday, April 6, 2018, from 11 to 11:45 a.m. with a graveside to follow at 12 noon in the Delta City Cemetery. Arrangements entrusted to Mitchell Funeral Home of Price where friends are always welcome daily and may share memories online at www.mitchellfuneral Paid obituary

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Taylor Funeral Service and Crematory is handling the arrangements. Visit the internet obituary and sign the online guest registry at www.

Valerie Martin

Valerie Ann Martin died March 27, 2018, at her daughter’s home. She was 66. Services will be held at a later date in McDonough, Ga. She was born Oct. 28, 1951, to Paul Martin Jr., and Caroline (Kelly) Dean in Staten Island, N.Y. She spent her childhood and attended schools in Jonesboro, Ga., graduating from Jonesboro High School in 1969. Mrs. Martin was a member of Midway Baptist Church in Carrollton, Ga. She is survived by her daughter, April Martin; son-in-law, Dustin McNellis; brothers, Robert Martin, Larry Martin and Timothy Dean; sisters, Rosemarie McKee, Rhonda Fuss and Debbie West; granddaughter, Angelica Patrick; and extended family. She was preceded in death by her husband, Michael Holcomb; parents; sister, Misty Dean; and nephew, Kenneth McKee.

Frederick Fisher

Frederick “Fred” Stephen Fisher died March 8, 2018. Memorial services will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday, April 7, at the Taylor Funeral Service Chapel, with James Gall officiating. Inurnment will be in Wyoming. He was born in Ferndale, Mich., on Aug. 5, 1937, to Louise “Betty” (Cochrane) and Forrest Fisher Sr. He graduated from Ferndale High School in 1955, and joined the U.S. Navy in May 1955. He was honorably discharged in 1963. In 1961, he married Cynthia Cary. Mr. Fisher received a bachelor’s degree in geology in 1960 and a master’s in geology in 1961, both from Wayne State


University, and his Ph.D. in 1966 from the University of Wyoming. He also attended the University of Michigan from 195758. He worked for the U.S. Department of the Interior Geologic Division for 30 years, specializing in economic geology and volcanology. After retirement, he moved to Montrose, where he continued to work for the USGS in the winter. He farmed near Montrose until 2013, when he completely retired. He is survived by his wife, Cynthia Fisher; daughter, Terry (Robert) Weltzer of Conifer; son, Stephen (Tracy Inman) Fisher of Montrose; grandchildren, Jason (Rebekah) Fisher of Green River, Wyo., Dustin (Becky) Fisher of Montrose, and Jennifer (Brian) Mellon of Grand Junction; and four greatgrandchildren, with one on the way. He was preceded in death by his brothers, Forrest Fisher Jr., and Edward Fisher; and daughter-in-law, Kay Fisher. Memorial contributions may be made to The Yellowstone Boys and Girls Ranch, 2050 Overland Ave., Billings, MT 59102. Taylor Funeral Service and Crematory is handling the arrangements. Visit the internet obituary and sign the online guest registry at www.

Michael Madison “MIKE” Gwinn 1944 ~ 2018 Mike passed away peacefully at his home on March 10, 2018 attended by his loving wife Pat. He was 74. A benefit/memorial was held at the Blue Sage on March 16th featuring a beautiful video montage of Mike’s life and legacy prepared by his dear friend David Jacobson. Mike Gwinn grew up in Emerald Bay, a beachfront community in Laguna Beach, Calif., the son of early television personality Bill Gwinn. After graduating from Laguna Beach High School, he received a Bachelor’s degree in English at USC. Mike was a gifted musician and songwriter and in 1969 he co-founded the Folk Rock band Gabriel Gladstar. Post Gladstar Mike’s reputation continued to grow as a prolific jazz musician/ composer. Songs such as “The Rain Song,” “Flow,” Sail Away,” “Alone With the Ocean,” will no doubt live on through time as a tribute to his sensitivity and gentle philosophical nature. Mike and Pat met at a recovery program in Data Point, Calif., and together “trudged the

road of happy destiny” living one day at a time guided by the principles of recovery and their shared Christianity; they celebrated 25 years of marriage in November 2017. Mike and Pat relocated to Paonia in 2003 where they both became involved in the newborn “Mountain Harvest Festival” and a local animal rescue group. Mike formed the Free Radicals and the North Fork Flyers and enjoyed being part of the unique music scene in the North Fork Valley and Paonia in particular. Mike was a major presence in Paonia and organized many fundraisers and benefits for those in need. When he saw someone in trouble he was the first one to

help. Mike was a special friend, husband and father, survived by his wife, Pat, four children, Gabriel, Caitlin, Reilly and Christoper, and six grandchildren. He loved the ocean, music, the aspen forest, fishing, skiing, golfing, making people laugh, all God’s little creatures, literature, road trips, playing gigs, and corny jokes. We will all miss him on “Grand Avenue” walking around chatting and spreading good will and humor wherever he went. “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me though he may die yet shall he live. And whoever lives and believes in me shall never die.” John 11:2526 A special thank you to St. Mary’s Oncology team and HopeWest Hospice who were there at his time of need. Arrangements are under the care and direction of Taylor Funeral Service and Crematory. View the internet obituary and sign the online guest registry at www. taylorfuneralservice. com. Paid obituary

B6 Wednesday, April 4, 2018


SPORTS April 4, 2018

Delta County Independent

Eagle nine undefeated in early-season play BY TAMIE MECK DCI Sports Writer

The Paonia Eagles played to two five-inning wins Saturday under sunny skies. “It’s good to be out here on a nice day, finally,” said head coach Nate Miller. Paonia opened the day on a 10-0 win over the Nucla Mustangs. Senior Kaden Seriani opened in the bottom of the first inning on a two-run homer, followed by a solo HR by Jaden Miller. In their 15-0 win over Dove Creek, in the first two inning Bulldogs freshman pitcher Branson Smith threw no-hitters. Paonia broke the game open in the third, scoring 12 runs on 10 hits in 16 at-bats. Seriani hit two home runs and had five RBIs for the game. Senior Anders Schoppe ended the game with a single, a double, and three RBIs. Podgorny had three hits, three RBIs and a triple. On March 27 the Eagles defeated the 3A Pirates at Olathe, 13-1, in five innings, with Miller hitting a three-run walkoff homer in the bottom of the fifth inning. Miller was 1 for 3 for the game with five RBIs. Sopho-

more Grey Neal was 2 for 3 with a double and two RBIs, and Seriani was 1 for 4 with four RBIs and a two-run homer. On the mound Miller pitched three Ks and allowed one hit and one run in four innings. In the fifth inning, sophomore Soul Connolly faced three batters, allowing one hit and striking out two. In early-season rankings, Paonia is first in Class 2A following its 250 season in 2017. The wins give the Eagles a 4-0 record for the season. They have outscored their opponents, 45-2. The bottom half of the lineup started the season out slow, but players were showing improvement by Saturday. “We’ve got a lot of kids that were on the bench last year, and some of those guys didn’t get a chance because we were so deep,” said Miller. “And now they’re getting a chance and they’re doing a good job. They’re working hard in practice and they’re swinging it good.” After the doubleheader scheduled March 24 against Dayspring Christian was canceled, Paonia was three games shy of a full 19-game schedule.

Its toughest opponents at this point include an April 17 game against 5A Grand Junction, a second game against 3A Delta, and late-season games against rival Hotchkiss. The Bulldogs are 6-0 and were eighth in pre-season rankings after losing to Paonia, 1-0 (the closest game the Eagles played all season) in quarterfinals last season. Miller picked up a game against Moffat County, with a date and location to be determined. He plans to schedule two more games to fill the schedule. “There’s still some tough teams out there,” said Miller. “Meeker will probably be deep, too.” Miller said he doesn’t know if this year’s team is as deep as last year’s, but that’s not a concern. “I think we’re a better unit, a better team this year,” he said. “The kids gel together very well. I think by the end of the year, when stuff starts really counting, I think we’ll be right there. We hope.” The Eagles played Coal Ridge Tuesday night. They open conference play this Saturday at Rangely (0-5).

Bruins win girls, boys Invitation meet titles BY WAYNE CRICK DCI Sports Editor

Cedaredge High School hosted the Cedaredge Invitational Track and Field Meet last Saturday, March 31. Fourteen teams participated in girls competition and 15 registered to take part in the boys competition. The Bruins had minimum competition in the girls division and scored a whopping 178 points to win the team title. Coal Ridge was next with 95 points and Paonia posted 93 points to finish third. Delta scored 19 points with its junior varsity team to finish ninth and Hotchkiss scored 15 points to place 12th. The boys competition was much closer with Cedaredge finishing atop the team standings with 111 points. Hotchkiss’ Bulldogs placed second with 99 points and Coal Ridge was third with 96. Olathe had 48 points to finish sixth and Paonia was seventh with 46 counters. Delta’s junior varsity scored 19 to finish 11th. Girls The Bruins had top five finishes in 16 of 18 events, including four first-place finishes. Those first place finishes included freshman Kimmy Milholland

in the 100m dash (14.13), freshman Kammie Henderson in high jump (411), senior Katie Hyke in shot put (35-11.75) and senior Grace Andrews in discus (109-08.75). Cedaredge, with sheer numbers, dominated many events with multiple placings. Juniors Courtney Freeman and Darrian Bulbulian added two places to the 100m dash (fifth and eighth), respectively, for the Bruins. Bulbulian, in her first high jumping competition, added a fourth place finish in high jump (4-7). In shot put, the Bruins swept the top three with seniors Katie Hyke (3511.75) and Grace Andrews (32-10) placing first and second while junior Dalia Alejandre took third with her throw of 32-01. The Bruins had three of the top five places in discus with Andrews finishing first (109-08), Hyke second (101-06) and senior Holly Jenkins fourth (92-05). Junior Holly Gardner (88-07) finished sixth but scored no points due to a limit of three participants from a single team. Other triple-place finishes for Cedaredge included the 200m dash with Reganne McIntire

(third, 29.49), Milholland (sixth) and Brooke Hogan (eighth); 800m run with Freeman (fourth, 2:38.76), freshman Kylin Mitchell (sixth) and freshman Kylee Hanson (seventh); 3200m run with senior Hannah Hatheway (fifth, 14:27.24), freshman Merielle Comerer (sixth) and Briar Wagner (eighth); 100m hurdles with junior Nicole Miller (third, 17.80), freshman Baylee Harris (17.82) and Taelor Mills (sixth). Freshman Aspen Furubotten was seventh but could not earn points with the participation rule. The Bruins had two top five finishes in the 1600m run with Mitchell second (6:08.04) and Comerer fifth (6:30.0). In the 300m hurdles, Furubotten and Baylee Harris finished second (52.64) and seventh (54.13). Sophomore Brie McGovern ran to a third place finish (1:06.18) in the 400m dash for Cedaredge. There were four relay teams with top five finishes as well. The 400m relay team (Miller, McIntire, Furubotten and Milholland) placed third (53.84); the 800m relay team (McGovern, McInBRUIN TRACK TO B7

Photo by Wayne Crick

Photo by Tamie Meck

Senior Jaden Miller had three strikeouts and allowed one run in Paonia’s 13-1 win against Olathe on March 20. The Eagles have posted a 69-8 record and have won their last 29 games since Nate Miller took over as head coach in 2015.

Yanish 3-run homer; Kirk’s no-hitter spark Bulldog weekend wins BY TAMIE MECK

DCI Sports Writer

In Saturday’s 5-2 win over Dove Creek, the Bulldogs had runners on second and third and were trailing, 2-0, in the bottom of the third inning. With two outs, junior Jamison Yanish was at the plate with a full count when he made a game-changing play, sending the ball over the fence in left field, giving Hotchkiss a 3-2 lead. It was Yanish’s third career homer and the Bulldogs’ first home run of the year. “That was huge,” said head coach Blake Carlquist. “Very big swing.” The Bulldogs held on for a 5-2 win. In the fifth inning, Eli Kirk hit a one-run single for a 4-2 lead, and in the sixth, Yanish scored on a single by Jesus Macias. In the final inning, Yanish struck out one, and the defense took care of the rest. “Dove Creek played very well,” especially on defense, said Carlquist. “They made some plays I didn’t expect. They played some hard-nosed baseball today. Hats off to them.” For reasons unknown, the Dogs weren’t at their

best, said Carlquist. “It’s a dangerous thing when you’re not playing your best and the other team is playing their best.” Hotchkiss followed up with a five-inning, 11-0 win over Nucla (3-5). Eli Kirk threw a no-hitter, striking out 11 batters and walking four in five innings for the win. Presley Pene was 2 for 4 with three RBIs, a double and a triple, and Jonathan Gonzalez was 2 for 3 with two RBIs, a double and a triple. On March 27 the Bulldogs defeated 3A Coal Ridge, 10-3. Gonzalez went 3 for 4 with a double, triple, and three RBIs, and Pene was 2 for 5 with two RBIs. On the mound, Gonzalez struck out nine, walked one and allowed three hits and one earned run in five innings. Kirk threw four Ks and allowed one earned run in two innings. “I think the score was a little misleading on that one,” said Carlquist. Coal Ridge has a lot of good arms, but with seven sophomores and four upperclassmen, “they are young and pretty sophomore heavy.” Had they met later in the season, it would be a very different game.

Under Carlquist the Bulldogs have made the state championship bracket the last three seasons. At 6-0, they are currently ranked second heading into 2A District 3/5 standings, and eighth in early-season state rankings. Playing under pressure and against teams like Dove Creek that are playing really well will pay off later in the season, he said. “Whether you come out on top or not, if you can play with pressure, learn how to handle that, and at least play well, it’s going to help you later on.” The Bulldogs are also down one starting player. Senior catcher Chase Hiatt, a fourth-year varsity player, is expected to return soon. Pene and Marvin Guereque have stepped up and filled in during his absence. “They’ve done a fantastic job for us in filling those shoes,” said Carlquist. The Bulldogs play a doubleheader this Saturday at Meeker, now 2-1 overall and 2-0 in the district after a 7-6 win over Ignacio and a 13-3 win over Dolores. With eight seniors, “I think Meeker’s going to be pretty tough this year,” said Carlquist.

Photo by Tamie Meck

Cedaredge freshman Kammie Henderson cleared the bar in this photo and Shortstop Jonathan Gonzalez snags a line drive in the Hotchkiss Bulldogs 5-2 went on to win the high jump event with a leap of 4-11. Her attempts at 5-1 win Saturday over Dove Creek. The Bulldogs also defeated Nucla, 11-0, Saturfailed but left little doubt she would clear that height in the near future. day, and are 6-0 heading into conference play.


Delta County Independent

Wednesday, April 4, 2018


Hotchkiss boys second at Cedaredge Invitational BY TAMIE MECK

DCI Sports Writer

The Hotchkiss boys scored 99 points to finish second at Saturday’s Cedaredge Invitational track meet. Hotchkiss won two events and placed in the top five in 10 other events. Senior Colton Peebles had a top-two finish in two individual events, winning the 200m dash in 24.46 seconds and taking silver in the 300m hurdles with a time of 42.89 seconds. The 4x800m team of Sam Rodriguez, Myles Zoutte, Robert Cochran, Jesus Macias won gold in

8 minutes, 56.89 seconds. The 800-meter medley relay team of George Arroyo, Elijah Patrick, Saul Cortez and Malykai Klaseen took first with a time of 1 minute, 47.17 seconds. Sophomore Jace Peebles won bronze in the 110m hurdles with a time of 16.66, and senior Sam Rodriguez won bronze in the 800m run with a time of 2:03.91. Robert Cochran placed fifth in the 200m (25.01) In relays, the 4x400 relay, Malykai Klaseen, Oliver Mendoza, Saul Cortez and Myles Zoutte took third in 3:53.74,

the 4x200 relay team of Colton Peebles, Jace Peebles, Oliver Mendoza and Sam Rodriguez placed fourth (1:38.06); and the 4x100m relay race the team of George Arroyo, Robert Cochran, Oliver Mendoza and Jace Peebles combined efforts and placed fifth (46.90). In throwing events, in the discus, Nolan Egging and Kevin Chavez placed fourth and fifth, respectively, with throws of 115 feet, 10 inches, and 111 feet, 6 inches. Chavez also placed fourth in shot put with a throw of 395.25, and Jacob Stucker placed sixth.

Placing in the top five in jumping event, Oliver Mendoza placed fourth in the long jump (17-11.75) and Elijah Patrick placed fifth in triple jump (380.75). On the girls side, the 4x800m relay team of Yasmine Gaub, Jordan Tamayo, Mariah Griffith and Nadia Hill finished fifth in 11:30.68. The 4x200 team of Adair Ela, Electra Lovato, Damin Harrison and Isabella Spano placed seventh, and the 800m sprint medley team of Spano, Lovato, Harrison and Morgan Miller gave the Bulldogs an eighth place finish.

Photo by Wayne Crick

Hotchkiss senior Sam Rodriguez receives the baton from teammate Jesus Macias for the final leg of the 3200m relay race in Cedaredge on Saturday. The Bulldogs won the race in a time of 8:56.89.

Paonia girls third at Cedaredge Invitational BY TAMIE MECK DCI Sports Writer

The Paonia girls track team made its best showing of the season, scoring 93 points to place third at Saturday’s Cedaredge Invitational. Senior Mckenna Palmer set a mark of 34 feet, 6.5 inches to win the long jump. A two-time state placer who finished ninth her junior year, Palmer also ran a personal best time of 16.95 seconds to place second in the 100meter hurdles. Senior Kassidy won the long jump, leaping into the wind to clear 14 feet, 5.25 inches. Brooke Hillman finished third in the 800m run with a time of 2 minutes, 35.52 seconds. In 300m hurdles, McKenna Johnson, Randi Rapke and Alexandra Eaton finished third, fourth and fifth, respectively (53.24, 53.75 and

53.92 seconds). The girls also finished second in the 4x100m relay, third in the 800m sprint medley relay, fourth in the 4x200 relay, and fifth in the 4x400 relay. Lyla Hayutin-Baril placed fifth in the triple jump with a personal best mark of 30-7, and freshman Lauryn Kiefer placed fifth in discus with a personal best mark of 90-2. The boys team placed seventh out of 15 teams. Cyrus Malek-Madani set a new personal best mark to place second in the discus with a throw of 127 feet, 6 inches. In the 400-meter dash, junior Harley Ewert placed third with a personal best time of 54.27 seconds. Senior Caden Meilner placed fourth in the 1600m run with a season-best time of 4:56.51.

Photo by Wayne Crick

Delta freshman Ylissa Gilliam had little difficulty on clearing the height shown in the photo above and finished competition with a jump of 4-7 to place second. Cedaredge’s Kammie Henderson went 4-11 to win the event.

First-year junior Anthony Felice finished fifth in the 100m dash with a time of 12.36 seconds. Paonia also placed fifth in the 4x800m relay. In other individual events, freshman Simon Cox shaved more than two seconds off of his previous time to place sixth in the 300m hurdles with a time of 49.23. In the 1600m run, Ethan Bartlett placed sixth, and in the 800m run, Logan Photo by Wayne Crick Green finished seventh. Paonia’s Lyla Hayutin-Baril cleared 4-5 to place eighth in high jump at last Marco Carrillo finished Saturday’s Cedaredge Invitational. Hayutin-Baril also placed fifth in triple jump seventh in the shot put. and was seventh in the 100m dash for the Eagles.

Delta splits track teams BY WAYNE CRICK DCI Sports Editor

The Delta Panthers had a split team for last weekend’s track compeitions. Delta’s varsity team traveled to Grand Junction for the Mickey Dunn Invitational at Stocker Stadium while its junior varsity squad was at Cedaredge’s Invitational track meet on Saturday. Competition was keen for both squads (boys and girls) at each venue. In Grand Junction, Delta’s girls finished ninth with 29.40 points while the boys tallied 17 points. In Cedaredge, the girls scored 19 points to finish ninth in a field of 14 and the boys finished 11th with 19 points in a field of 15. Girls In Grand Junction, top eight places were hard to come by with competition coming from 1A-5A schools. The top finish for Delta came in the 400m relay. Senior Katalina Rodriguez, sophomore Remi Baldwin, junior Kaley St. Peter and freshman

Marcy Schaal turned in a time of 55.05 to place third. Baldwin’s fifth-place finish in the 300m hurdles (50.42) was the next highest finish for an individual. Delta’s 800m relay team also finished fifth with a time of 1:54.47. The team consisted of senior Beki Atchley, Schaal, freshman Tayler Huntley and sophomore Kendall Somers. The Panthers also picked up a sixth and seventh place in the 100 hurdles (Baldwin and Kaley St. Peter, respectively). Delta picked up team points in the 800m spring medley relay (seventh), 3200m relay (seventh), Kaley St. Peter in long jump (seventh), Keely Porter in shot put (seventh), Reagan Clay in shot put (eighth), Rodriguez and Hannah Sterns in high jump (tied for eighth) and the 1600m relay (eighth). The top placer in Cedaredge was Ylissa Gilliam’s 4-7 leap in high jump for second place.

Bruin track CONTINUED FROM B6 tire, Furubotten and Henderson) finished second (1:54.25); the 1600m relay team (McGovern, Ellison Black, Freeman and Henderson) was fourth (4:32.62) and the 800m spring medley team (Grace Hatheway, Milholland, Eden Richardson and Jeananne Williams) was fifth in 2:07.32. Boys Cedaredge’s boys team win was spurred by senior Ty Grant and Danny Mendoza’s double wins on Saturday. Grant’s double wins came in the 100 (11.55) and 400m (53.14) events. Mendoza held off two Hotchkiss athletes in the hurdle events for narrow wins. In the 110 high hurdles, Mendoza edged Hotchkiss sophomore Jace Peebles with a time of 16.64. Peebles finished in 16.66. In the 300m hurdles, Mendoza outran Hotchkiss senior Colton Peebles to the final hurdle then held the lead to the finish line for a time of 42.37. Peebles’ time was 42.89.

A fourth win came in the 1600m relay race after the Bruins turned in a time of 3:35.80. Senior Drew Markley finished second (53.89) in the 400m and was third in the 100m and freshman Ashton Spiker was

Kaitlyn Branson finished third in long jump (13-11) and Haylin Chamblin ran a 1:07.21 for the 400m to place fourth. Sami Wollert picked up a point in discus to finish Delta scoring. Boys Delta’s top finish in Grand Junction was from the Panthers 1600m relay team (Logan Freed, Jacob Wear, Jarret Hernandez and Hezekiah Huff) with a time of 3:36.70. Discus thrower Cameron Schaal had the next best finish with a fourthplace throw of 130-11. John Ames took on a big and talented field in the 3200m run. His sixthplace time of 10:18.70

was nearly 12 seconds better than his previous best effort. Ames, Freed, Wear and Shad Lewis shaved over 11 seconds off their previous best effort in the 3200m relay with a sixthplace time of 8:42.81. In Cedaredge, sophomore Ed doh Htoo placed second in the 200m dash with a time of 24.67 and ran a 54.32 in the 400m dash to place fourth and record Delta’s best finishes of the day. The Panthers were sixth in the 3200m relay and eighth in the 800m relay. Freshman Mason Hollowwa finished seventh in 110 high hurdles.

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sixth in the 100m. In other individual top five finishes for the Bruins, freshman Alex Barron was second in high jump (6-1), sophomore Josh Jenkins was second in long jump (18-05.50) and fourth in triple jump

(38-05.25). Senior Blake Gash was fourth in the 110 high hurdles (19.69). Cedaredge got a second place from its 400m relay team with its time of 45.56, and the 800m relay team finished fifth in 1:39.40.

Photo by Wayne Crick

Cedaredge 400m sprinters Ty Grant (left) and Drew Markley finish 1-2 in the race with times of 53.14 and 53.89. Cedaredge’s boys won the 15-team field with 111 points with Hotchkiss finishing second with 99 points.

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B8 Wednesday, April 4, 2018


Delta County Independent

Photo by Wayne Crick

Delta’s Haylin McCullough keeps the ball in front of her as four Moffat County defenders close in on her. The Panthers built a 7-0 halftime lead over the Bulldogs and cruised to the win with three more goals in the second half.

Scorers bench honors memory of Amos Leon Prior to the March 24 baseball game against the visiting Montrose Indians, Delta High School honored a member of Photo by Wayne Crick the Delta baseball comDelta senior Jaspar Carmichael makes it back safely to first base against Roos- munity, Amos Leon, who had been instrumental in evelt in game one of a doubleheader played March 28. helping local youngsters learn about and play the game of baseball. His integral part of Delta’s baseball community

Panther diamond crew defeats Titans, 10-3 BY WAYNE CRICK DCI Sports Editor

In an attempt to enhance the chances of progressing to post-season play in baseball, the Panthers added a few top-notch baseball teams to their spring schedule in hopes of increasing RPI standings. That philosophy works well when there are wins sprinkled in with losses. Last week’s games included a doubleheader against 4A Roosevelt High School. The Roughriders play in the Tri-Valley league and have a 6-2 overall record following last week’s wins over Delta, 12-2 and 8-6.

The Panthers bounced back to the winning side of the ledger with a 10-3 victory against 3A WSL foe Coal Ridge. Delta was outhit 166 and 14-7 in the two games played against the Roughriders. Rowyn Carmichael came out of the doubleheader with five hits in seven at bats with three RBIs. The Panthers fell behind 7-2 in game one and gave up seven runs in the seventh inning to fall 12-2. Delta made a game of it in game two but, again, fell behind and couldn’t get past a stout Roughrider defense in

began when he played for Delta High School from 1953-1956. As time passed, Leon coached Old Timers Association (OTA) teams where he taught his players to love and respect the game of baseball from a very young age as well as teaching them to be good teammates. Many of his former

players are currently active in coaching and working with youth today and continue to share the values that Leon instilled in them. A bench, in his honor and committment to the game of baseball will be used by Delta High School to score Panther baseball games for years to come.

the 8-6 loss. Against Coal Ridge Rowyn Carmichael produced three more hits with a double and two more RBIs to finish the week with eight hits and five RBIs in 11 at bats. Three other Panthers had three hits against the Titans, Nolan Bynum, KC Carlson and Kolby Keller (including a home run). Delta had a 10-1 lead after four innings against Coal Ridge and gave up two runs in the fifth for a final score of 10-3. The Panthers faced Gunnison on Tuesday, April 3 and don’t play again until April 10 in Olathe at 4 p.m.

Amos Leon honored

Photo by Wayne Crick

Members of the Amos Leon family stand behind the metal bench which was dedicated to the memory of Leon for his involvement with youth within the community. Leon coached OTA baseball and built baseball and humane foundations for countless youngsters through the years.

Oeltjenbruns; epitome of toughness to all Delta High School honored the memory of one of its outstanding baseball players at a recent game against Roosevelt’s Roughriders. Prior to the playing of the March 28 contests, members of Luke Oeltjenbruns’ family gathered to pay homage to one of the mostliked student athletes

who played the game of baseball for the Panthers. Oeltjenbruns played for the Panthers from 2004-2007 and was honored by being named as a WSL All Conference player in 2006 and 2007. He went on to play collegiately at Northeastern Junior College in Sterling

and received All Region IX honors as a starting pitcher. Described as the epitome of toughness, Oeltjenbruns lived his life like he played the game of baseball, with tenacity and strength, yet, he never missed the opportunity to make those around him a better person.

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In memory of Luke

Photo submitted

Family members pay tribute to Luke Oeltjenbruns during a ceremony prior to a doubleheader against Roosevelt High School on March 28. Back row, left to right, Bob Oeltjenbruns, Zach Ahlberg, Bobbie Jones, Brittni Love, Roger Oeltjenbruns and Mandi and Rylie Ahlberg. On the bench are Cooper Ahlberg, Colton Oeltjenbruns and Ellie Ahlberg. Not pictured, Sandy Oeltjenbruns.

SURFACE CREEK April 4, 2018




Think subdivision; now think the opposite BY DON BENJAMIN Staff Writer

It’s a familiar story. A traditional ranch changes hands. Machinery and livestock are auctioned off. Structures are bulldozed. The acreage is carved into lots for modern houses and what was once open country is swamped by an ocean of subdivision rooftops. Now — think the opposite and you have an idea of what the folks at the Boulder-based Conscience Bay Company have in mind for the historic acreages that lie in the rolling hills east of Eckert. The Figure 4 Ranch and Hart’s Basin Ranch are two iconic Western Slope outfits that will not be given over to traditional commercial development. They will continue to function as a profit-making commercial cattle operation, but with a twist. Going forward under the single banner of Hart’s Basin Ranch, the enterprise will continue to focus on producing and marketing healthy livestock, but the ranch will complement its agricultural goals by pursuing strong commitments to do public good and to manage water and protect natural resources and wildlife habitat. Mike Higuera, director of resources, explains that Conscience Bay is a “B-Corporation that pursues an obligation to produce a profit for company shareholders while

also taking into consideration community benefits. B-Corp certification means that Conscience Bay meets the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability, and aspires to use the power of markets to solve social and environmental problems.” The B-Corp concept has been around since 2009 when like-minded for-profit companies formed a voluntary community to become — as their website puts it — “not only the best in the world but the best for the world.” The founding companies signed a “declaration of interdependence” and invited others to join them. Companies seeking B-Corp certification must complete an assessment process that evaluates their commitment to treat employees fairly and give back to their local communities in the form of good deeds and charitable contributions. Details of the certification procedure and more information about the concept can be found at the B-Corp website: https://www. In practical terms, Conscience Bay Company and Hart’s Basin Ranch has committed to: • Continue to operate the combined 3,200-acre ranch as a cattle and hay operation with no plans to commercially develop the area, and

• Make a profit while also doing good things for the community by being good stewards of the land and resources and by contributing to such local causes as 4-H, the Nature Connection, Delta County Economic Development and the Black Canyon Audubon Society. The team that manages the Eckert property includes state and local actors. Higuera and Conscience Bay president Eli Feldman reside in Boulder although Feldman splits his time between the Front Range and Ridgway. Mark and Polly Hill commute from Mack (west of Fruita) to manage the Hart’s Basin spread and other Conscience Bay holdings on the Western Slope. Jimmy McNamara of Montrose is the assistant manager and two locals, Alonso Mendoza and Alex Ibarra, who have provided day-to-day operations in the past, will continue to live and work on the ranch with their families. Feldman emphasizes that Conscience Bay is a small family-based company that began with the Perry Ranch in Steamboat Springs. While other ranches were down-sizing and surrendering to subdivisions, Feldman’s friends and family made a conscious effort to acquire more land and “put the ranch back together.” They have essentially done the same thing by combining the two Eckert ranches. Eventually that grassroots effort to support sustainable ranching led Feldman to form his Boulder enterprise with a focus on commercial real estate along the Front Range and ranching on the Western CONSCIENCE BAY TO C2

Photo by Don Benjamin

Baskets of goodies

The sister and brother team of Brooklyn (left) and Jackson Dunbar paused to tally up their finds in the wake of last Saturday’s Easter egg hunt in their hometown of Cedaredge. The event was sponsored by the Surface Creek Valley Lions Club.

Starr’s Guitars issues $10,000 challenge Starr’s Guitars has issued a challenge to area arts enthusiasts to encourage support for the new Grand Mesa Arts and Events Center (GMAEC). Through April 15, the Cedaredge-based business will match all GMEC donations up to $10,000. For the last several months, Starr’s has joined with other businesses and individuals to promote the new non-profit facility. Fundraising efforts to support the nonprofit center are continuing on track with the goal of hosting first per-

formances in June. Contributors can make a lump sum donation or participate in a pledge program to spread their donation out over time. To donate, contact GMAEC by email: info@grandmesaartscenter. com. Or drop off donations at Starr’s Guitars, 250 West Main Street in downtown Cedaredge. Or mail contributions to GMAEC, PO Box 583, Cedaredge, CO 81413. Or donate online at the nonprofit organization’s website:

Christians gather to pray for Delta County students, teachers BY DON BENJAMIN Staff Writer

Photo by Don Benjamin

Eli Feldman (left) and Mike Higuera of the Boulder-based Conscience Bay Company were on hand last month for the Eckert Crane Days celebration. Feldman is the company’s president and Higuera serves as director of resources. Conscience Bay has purchased two iconic Delta County ranches and combined them into a single entity under the banner of Hart’s Basin Ranch. The two men and other ranch staff hosted a get-acquainted barbeque during Crane Days to introduce area residents to their company’s commitment to maintain the cattle operation while also doing public good, managing water, and protecting natural resources and wildlife habitat.

Last Thursday, two dozen Delta County residents representing diverse Christian faiths formed a prayer circle on a grassy median near Cedaredge High School. The group of clergy and members of multiple congregations came together as an extension of a pastors’ prayer group that has been meeting regularly at churches throughout the county. Beginning at 11 a.m. on March 29 the group sang and prayed together. According to a spokesperson who contacted the DCI, the group was praying for students, teachers,

school administration and the safety of all students in the Delta County School District. Speaking in turns, clergy and church members were mindful of the proliferation of school violence across the nation and lifted up prayers on behalf of students who may be feeling distress. They condemned bullying and those who would do harm to others but also asked that bullies and troubled students change their ways and seek guidance. Other speakers asked that those present and the larger church family represented by the diverse gathering put aside their doctrinal differences and unite to provide a

place of comfort and refuge in troubled times for students, teachers, and school and government leaders. The gathering concluded with the singing of the hymn “How Great Thou Art” and a recitation of The Lord’s Prayer. The pastor’s prayer team plans to gather again near Hotchkiss High School at 11 a.m. on April 26 and to visit other schools and communities in the future on the last Thursday of each month. They also encouraged citizens from throughout the county to join them for a National Day of Prayer at noon on May 3 at the Delta County Courthouse.

Animal shelter renovations completed BY DON BENJAMIN Staff Writer

The Surface Creek Animal Shelter had planned to complete renovations this spring. The work was finished on schedule and, as an added bonus, it’s all paid for. According to Jacki Dapkus, secretary of the Surface Creek Animal Shelter board, generous community donations combined with significant grants have covered the costs of renovation. The nonprofit cat and dog shelter recent-

Photo by Don Benjamin

Personalized memorial tiles honoring pets are being sold by the Surface Creek Animal Shelter. Tiles will be permanently displayed on the interior walls of the newly renovated shelter building. Funds generated by tile sales support the work of the nonprofit all-volunteer dog and cat shelter.

ly changed its name from Friends of Cedaredge Animal Control to Surface Creek Animal Shelter and the organization is extremely grateful for community support. An open house event is planned for June 2018. Community fundraising has taken many forms. Past year contributions to support the shelter were raised at a Halloween event at Cedaredge’s Pioneer Town and at an annual Thanksgiving dinner hosted by the Creekside Cafe. Then organizers went all-out with an end-of-year fundraising campaign entitled “Give ‘Em Shelter” which raised additional money. The shelter’s thrift store also serves as a reliable source of continuing funds. Although the building is paid for, the nonprofit shelter continues to need funds to meet operating expenses so fundraising is ongoing. Current efforts are focused on selling memorial pet tiles which will be permanently displayed inside the new building. The custom tiles allow contributors to honor their late pets by name. A tile which measures six-inches square sells for $100. A larger one-foot square tile sells for $300. Tiles can be ordered by completing a form at the shelter. Additional cash donations

to support the shelter can be made online through the shelter website (listed below or by regular mail sent to Surface Creek Animal Shelter, PO Box 853, Cedaredge, CO 81413. The animal shelter and the thrift store are operated and staffed entirely by volunteers.

The shelter is located at 265 South East High Country Avenue in Cedaredge and it is open every day from 8 to 11 a.m. and 3 to 5 p.m. The shelter website is surfacecreek and its phone number is 970-856-2346. The Shelter Shoppe

thrift store is located at 290 North Grand Mesa Drive in Cedaredge. Thrift store hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. every day except Sunday and Wednesday. For more information on the thrift store call 970856-7913 or visit The Shelter Shoppe’s Facebook page.

Photo by Don Benjamin

Renovations at the Surface Creek Animal Shelter are complete except for a few interior touches. Work began last year. It was completed on schedule last month and has already been paid for. An open house is planned for June 2018.

C2 Wednesday, April 4, 2018


Delta County Independent

Nonprofit formed to promote Cedaredge Golf Course

The hunt is on for Easter

Photos by Don Benjamin

They’re off! The Surface Creek Valley Lions Club hosted its annual Easter egg hunt in Cedaredge last Saturday morning. The weather was mild, the eggs were quickly located, and the children had a great time. Pictured below are the members of the Surface Creek Valley Lions Club.

OB Promotions, Inc. (OBP) has been incorporated as a nonprofit corporation in the state of Colorado. The stated purpose of OBP is to “aid in the promotion of the Cedaredge, Colo., municipal golf course and facilities, thereby lessening the financial liability of the Town of Cedaredge. To support, promote, and to teach golf to local youth and residents.” This new entity was created by four local residents to support the local golf course and the Cedaredge community through various promotions, advertising, and events. The intent is to increase the public visibility of the golf course

and the Cedaredge area and to increase the number of rounds played at the course annually by local residents as well as by folks from areas outside of Cedaredge. Promotions will be done in partnership with local businesses and area attractions. OB Promotions, Inc. is a Section 501(c)(3) tax exempt entity so contributions from local residents and businesses are tax deductible. Collected funds will be used to fund various events and programs including classes, clinics, scholarships for local students, and golfing events for local youth and residents. Funds will also be sought to help make improvements

to the golf course such as upgrading irrigation systems, adding yardage markers throughout the course, and other items that are identified which will improve the golfing experience at the course. OBP maintains a local bank account and will control all of the funds generated for the purposes stated above. Individual and business sponsorships are welcome. Further information and ongoing updates about projects and events of OB Promotions can be found at golfcedaredge. com. Representatives of OBP can be contacted at or 720-837-6535 (Richard Simpson) for further information.

Cedaredge Elementary students showcase talents Cedaredge Elementary School students took center stage on March 20 and 21 as they danced, drummed, twirled, jumped, and sang for large crowds of parents and other family members. The scene

What’s bugging you? Local gardening questions and answers BY JIM LESER Cedaredge Tree Board

The time is rapidly approaching for gardeners with aspen trees to apply preventative measures to their trees if they have experienced problems with leaf spotting and premature leaf fall. Marssonina leaf spot or blight is a fungal disease of aspen, cottonwoods, and poplars. But it is the aspen that seems to get the most problems with this disease. Infection begins in

the spring at bud break when spores are blown or splashed on to the tender, newlydeveloping leaves. We have discussed the need in previous columns to remove all fallen aspen leaves in the fall. This is a prime overwintering site for this disease. If you haven’t cleaned up under your aspens yet, do it now. Irregular brown flecks and spots with yellow halos begin to appear on leaves in mid to late July. Many of these spots eventually merge together, cre-

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ating large brown blotches. While this disease is mostly aesthetic, leaves often drop prematurely. This is not a good result. Defoliation over several consecutive years can result in severe stress which in turn can lead to insect problems such as wood boring beetles. These repeated attacks can lead to excessive twig and branch dieback. If there is a history of severe infestations, the fungicides containing Daconil® may be used in the spring beginning at bud break. Fungicides are of no value by the time symptoms appear. The fungicide provides a protective barrier against infection. Thus good coverage is paramount. I would use a spreader-sticker, either a commercial product or a very little dishwashing soap added to the spray mixture. Three applications may be needed, 7-10 days apart. By this time all the leaves should be fully expanded, and protected. I will begin spraying my trees Easter

weekend. If you planted aspens and don’t live where they prefer to live, then do them a favor and do all you can to baby them along. This usually includes proper watering, both during the growing season and winter period. And do not let sprinkler sprays strike leaves, enhancing disease infection conditions. These trees also succumb to diseases including Cytospora canker. I know that aspens and spruces are two trees that are ubiquitous for Coloradans but most of us do not live in aspen territory. Maybe you need to skip planting this tree in favor of more adapted trees for your location. The aspens will thank you and you won’t spend all your time trying to keep them healthy. Jim Leser retired to Cedaredge in 2007 after a career with Texas A&M University Extension in entomology. He is a member of the Cedaredge Tree Board and a Colorado Master Gardener.

was the Cedaredge High School gymnasium. The occasion was the eighth annual performance of the school’s physical education and music showcase. Kindergarten, first, and second graders performed on Wednesday night and students from third through fifth grades were in the spotlight on Thursday. Andrea Kallsen, CES music instructor, and Amie Henderson, the elementary school P.E. instructor, coordinated the annual event along with assistance from other staff and teachers as well as older students from Cedaredge schools. The younger children danced like robots and performed a country line dance of their own invention. Their evening performance ended with a “tear jerker” as students sang “You Are Our Heroes” and delivered flowers to their families in the audience. The older group performed several numbers including a synchronized “kung-fu” martial arts routine. And they got the crowd clapping as they formed a continuous

drumming circle and provided a lively percussion accompaniment to “Cotton-Eyed Joe.” Each grade performed a unique graduation chant, proudly proclaiming that they intended to finish high school as members of future high school graduating classes.

Conscience Bay

FROM PAGE C1 Feldman’s commitment to protecting the natural environment and his desire to support the communities in which he works, becoming a certified B-corporation was a natural fit. Higuera grew up in Michigan. His family came to Colorado every winter to ski and eventually he began spending summers here. He is an avid outdoorsman who loves to fish and hunt. Prior to joining Conscience Bay he previously worked for the Nature Conservancy coordinating conservation efforts with cattle ranchers in eastern Colorado.

Photo submitted

CES students get ready to present flowers to their families. The children sang “You Are Our Heroes” and delivered the flowers to the audience as part of last month’s P.E. and music showcase event.


Delta County Independent

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Wednesday, April 4, 2018



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Delta County Independent


Delta County Independent

A look at local birds with Evelyn Horn

Photo by Bill Schmoker

Sandhill crane at the Bosque. are down and now the heads and necks come downward too. They’re almost on the ground. And I think, “I’ve never seen a crane injure itself in the landing.” Remarkable! I figure that it must happen, but I’ve never seen it. Now all of the cranes are down. They begin to walk around, still chattering. And I know that I’ve had a precious moment. I sit still and watch the birds. I’m thrilled that I can see them, and have

some understanding of them. They become quiet. I start the motor, put the car in gear and the birds remain still. How privileged am I! I drive on across the causeway to turn around at the convenient spot at Rowley’s place. I turn back onto the causeway and begin my journey home. Of course, I stop at the Audubon sign to look at the cranes again. A car comes roaring by. I’d bet that he/they didn’t see the birds at all. What a pity! I look at the birds. They are all silent now. Not a sound. But I can count a good 40 or so and there are more red crowns in the cattails. Apparently our count is now close to 10,000 as of March 29 and we can expect 1⁄2 to 3/4 of the 20,000 flock to pass through.

County Line improvements garner award at USFS ceremony On March 14, regional forester Brian Ferebee honored employees and partners for their 2017 accomplishments during the annual regional forester’s honor awards ceremony. Award winners were recognized for innovative, highly impactful work that supports achievement of the Rocky Mountain Region’s three priorities, which align with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service’s mission, strategic plan, and priorities and USDA’s seven strategic goals. “Rocky Mountain Region employees and partners work daily to improve the work environment, create and maintain resilient landscapes, and connect with communities,” Ferebee said. “The award winners demonstrate our three priorities in action and have gone over and beyond to care for the land and serve the American people,” added Ferebee. Safety Improvement Program — Sean Brown, Dana Niksch, Paul Aze-

Staff Writer

Despite the name, there’s nothing ordinary about the folk duo known as Ordinary Elephant. And Delta County residents will have the unique opportunity to enjoy an intimate concert featuring Pete Damore and Crystal Hariu-Damore on April 14 at 7 p.m. at Stacy’s on Main Street in downtown Cedaredge. A limited number of tickets are still available for the concert which their website promises will captivate “listeners with their well-honed combination of insightful writing, effortless harmonies and intertwined claw-hammer banjo and guitar.” The 2018 International Folk Music Awards recognized Ordinary Elephant as 2017 artist of

The Cedar Mesa Community Club’s annual spring scholarship fundraiser dinner will be held on Saturday, April 14, at its clubhouse, located at 15637 Peach Road on Cedar Mesa. The members have planned another gourmet menu for their “Spring Into Spring” dinner. The ladies will be serving homemade jambalaya (no shrimp) over saffron rice, Louisiana sunburst salad, bread, and for dessert a yummy bread pudding with hard sauce. Drink choices will include chicory coffee. The club’s annual dinner raises money to fund scholarships for deserving Cedaredge High School graduating seniors. Because of the popularity of the dinners and the continuing generous support of the community, the Cedar Mesa Club

has been able to present thousands of dollars in scholarships during the past several years. The Cedar Mesa Community Club is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization which has been active in the Cedaredge community for 110 years, whose members volunteer many hours in support of local and Western Slope charities, in addition to their scholarship program. Though the club is over 100 years old, the clubhouse itself is just short of 70 years old. Last year the club celebrated the listing of its clubhouse

on the Colorado Historic Registry. This listing was announced in 2016 by History Colorado. Advance reservations are required because seating is limited in the small clubhouse. There are two seatings available, 5 p.m. or 7 p.m. The dinner is $17 per person. Reservations can be made by calling Bev Henry at 856-4165. These dinners usually sell out, so call soon to reserve your seat for a delicious meal, shared with friends and neighbors, with profits going to a great cause.

CHS to perform Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

The Cedaredge High lives the high life while School theater program Jekyll’s normalcy continpresents, “The Strange ues — until Hyde’s pascase of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. sions begin to turn up a Hyde,” by Noah Smith, body count. Spaghetti April 6 and 7. The performance Dr. Jekyll is a brilliant begins at 7 p.m. Friday dinner scientist frustrated by and Saturday, April 6 dull “respectable” life in and 7. Tickets are $6 for benefits 1888 Victorian London. adults and $5 for stuFamilies Plus He creates a formula to dents and seniors. Please All Saints Lutheran unleash his inner brutish note: This performance is Church will host its 10th but oddly compassion- not suitable for a young annual spaghetti dinner ate Edward Hyde. Hyde audience. on Friday, April 13, from 4:30 until 7 p.m. A donation of $10 for adults and $3 for children 10 and younger is suggested. Proceeds this year will �� ��� ���� be given to Families Plus in Delta, which works with children and families through counseling CCURATE AX and other means to help them provide a thoughtCCOUNTING ERVICE ful, caring relationship within their family. All Saints Lutheran ��������������������� Church is located on Highway 65 one mile north of the Cory General Store. �������������� For further informa������������������������������ tion or to reserve a ticket, ���������������� call 856-6920.

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Photo submitted

Under the direction of former county commissioner Bruce Hovde, Dan Sickles, District 2 Road and Bridge foreman (center), worked tirelessly to expand the County Line parking lot and built the facility to withstand ever growing public use and significant weather conditions. County commissioners Mark Roeber, Doug Atchley and Don Suppes congratulated Dan and the entire crew of Road and Bridge District 2 for their efforts to improve the safety of the area. vedo, Dan Huisjen, Roger Haga, Matt Vasquez, Mary Johnson, Thad Chavez, Brian Hoefling and Landon Litt were recognized for a safety improvement program. The nordic trailhead rehabilitation project at the County Line parking lot on Grand Mesa earned an award for “Delivering Benefits to the Public.”

Award recipients included GMUG employees Loren Paulson, Bill Edwards and Doug Marah; Dave Knutson of Grand Mesa Nordic Council; Kenny Mackey and Keith Stillings of CDOT; Keith Hatch of Mesa County; Ed Siaz of the Collbran Job Corps Center; and Dan Sickles of Delta County.

Ordinary Elephant to perform in Cedaredge BY DON BENJAMIN


Cedar Mesa Community Club to serve fundraiser dinner

Birds of the Western Slope A Precious Moment There are about 10 cranes along the northeast pond. Just standing there. No movement. Gray shapes. If I hadn’t been watching, I’d have missed them. It never ceases to amaze me how quiet they can be. But there is crane sound behind me. I look upward and there they are ... about four birds. But there’s more crane sound. And the birds on the ground begin calling. The ones coming down answer them and suddenly the world is filled with crane sound. And there are another 10 or so cranes, all calling ... coming down from the east. The ones from on high continue their descent. The wing tips cup and they paraglide. The necks remain erect but the tailends drop. Landing gears

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

the year. According to their biography, the couple grew up a state apart, Crystal in Louisiana and Pete in Texas, before the two found each other in 2009 at a songwriters’ night in Bryan, Texas. In 2011 they combined their talents into Ordinary Elephant and brought their music to Houston. They recorded their 2013 debut album there and that work (“Dusty Words & Cardboard Boxes”) garnered them a nomination for Vocal Duo of the Year at the 2014 Texas Music Awards. That same year they shed most of their possessions and happily began calling the road home. Their 2018 schedule is a whirlwind of tour dates, including Cedaredge twice. The couple says they love their nomadic existence: “Living full-

time in a van and travel trailer with our dogs — exploring the country, creating, and uncovering attentive audiences with which to share the conversation of our music.” If you miss them in April, don’t despair. Ordinary Elephant will be back in Cedaredge to perform at AppleFest on Oct. 6.



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������������������ Photo by Bobby Villarreal at The Prelude in Harlingen, Texas

Pete Damore and Crystal Hariu-Damore — the husband and wife folk duo known as Ordinary Elephant — will perform in a rare Colorado concert on April 14 at Stacy’s on Main Street in downtown Cedaredge.

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C6 Wednesday, April 4, 2018


Delta County Independent

Fly fishing films raise funds for fishing habitat Whether enjoyed as a solitary endeavor or with a fun-loving group of friends, the always essential ingredient for a satisfying fly fishing experience is a prime fishing spot. When Ross Reels and RIGS Fly Shop & Guide Service bring the Fly Fishing Film Tour to the Montrose Pavilion on April 14, the evening will be all about preserving and improving fishing habitat on the Uncompahgre River. The 2018 local screening of the national film tour has been combined with the second annual Uncompahgre River Benefit, raising funds for a project by the Uncompahgre Watershed Partnership (UWP). A nonprofit with a mission to protect the economic, natural and scenic values of the Upper Uncompahgre River Watershed, UWP put

$3,000 in proceeds from the first annual benefit in Ridgway to use in a project 14 miles south of Montrose. The 2017 benefit funds are being put toward improving the fishery and riparian habitat, as well as restoring and stabilizing stream banks on Billy Creek, a few miles north of Ridgway Reservoir and the better-known fly fishing destination at Pa-Co-Chu-Puk. Project partners include Trout Unlimited, Colorado Parks and Wildlife and U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, with funding assistance from Bostwick Park Conservancy District. “It’s critical our local angling community have a heightened sense of awareness and willingness to participate when it comes to the enhancement and preservation of our limited public access along the Uncompahgre


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River. As our region continues to grow, it’s imperative we identify and engage in opportunities that protect and grow these assets in meaningful ways so future generations may continue to enjoy the resource,” said Tim Patterson, co-owner of RIGS, a Ridgway business and river guiding company since 2001. On April 14, the films will be preceded by a fly fishing gear expo starting at 3 p.m. and featuring casting and tying demos, talks by local fly fishing expert guides, Kirk Deeter and Matt McCannel, and giveaways every half hour. Gear manufacturers with displays will include Ross, Able, Winston, Hatch and Scott. A cocktail hour with locally brewed beers starts at 6 p.m. and the films begin at 7 p.m. This year’s medley of short documentaries once again introduces audiences to fly fishing adventures from around the world with a diverse set of characters. Featured fishing spots are revealed on the Chandalar River and other rivers across Alaska, the Caribbean Sea at Honduras, streams in California’s Sierra Mountains, and all kinds of water bodies in Greenland, Dubai, Central America, and several African countries. Tickets for the Fly Fishing Film Tour & Uncompaghre River are $14 in advance online at search/film or at RIGS, 565 Sherman St. Unit #2, Ridgway, CO 81432, or $17 on Saturday, April 14. Admission to the fly fishing expo is free. For event information, go to http://www.uncompahgre

Photo by Emily Lynn Roque Cisneros

Panelists Charles Klaseen, Don White, Shirley Ela and Mark Roeber share their thoughts on their farming heritage and speculate on the future of agriculture in Delta County.

Delta County farmers share heritage during panel discussion BY EMILY LYNN ROQUE CISNEROS ing more about Delta deal with setbacks. Special to the DCI

On March 28, the Delta Farmers Union held a supper and panel discussion at the Maloney House on the Delta County Fairgrounds in Hotchkiss titled “Heritage.” The event featured generational farmers and ranchers sharing their history, thoughts on family farming and speculations on the future of agriculture. The Delta Farmers Union is part of the Rocky Mountain Farmers Union, an organization representing family farmers and ranchers in Wyoming, Colorado, and New Mexico according to its website. Each chapter works together to focus on education, legislation and cooperation between members and the community. Last year the DFU decided to start holding discussions in February, March and April as a way to reach out to the community and take advantage of the less busy winter months. The “Heritage” discussion was part of a series on stories from agricultural entrepreneurs in Delta County. Hayden Kessel, Hotchkiss resident and farmer, finds the series useful for meeting potential members and learn-

County’s history and expertise in farming. He joined the DFU three years ago as a way to gain knowledge of how to be involved politically while working in agriculture. “I believe our farming community is stronger because of our efforts with the union,” he said. “We have a good age diversity, too.” Four panelists led the discussion: Charles Klaseen, Don White, Shirley Ela, and rancher Mark Roeber. Harrison Tropp, membership director, moderated the discussion. He noted that while they contacted several crop growers, none were able to attend. Tropp began the discussion by asking each panelist to share their background and history in agriculture. Several panelists shared stories from three to four generations of farming legacy. “I’ve been in the farmers union my whole life,” commented Klaseen. “I was just a child sitting in meetings with my parents.” Next, the panelists were asked to share some challenges and mistakes from their years of farming. White shared how he found it challenging to get everything going and


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Why you should be in the DCI’s Delta County Visitor Guide . . . �������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������� �������������������������������������� ������ ����������������������������������������� ������������������������������������ ����������������������������������� ���������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������� �������������������������������������

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One year hail destroyed all of his apples. “You could see a hole right them,” he said. Being honest, Klaseen also remarked how his biggest mistake was borrowing $1 million at 19.5 percent interest. While many would have filed bankruptcy, he said, he knew he needed to keep his word and pay it back. Each panelist agreed that while there will always be mistakes in farming, the key is to “improve, adapt, and overcome.” Tropp asked the panelists to share how they’ve seen the county change and where they see it going. Roeber noted there are fewer orchards now than when he started ranching. He said part of that is because farming is becoming tougher for people to invest in due to increasing land prices. Several nods of agreement ensued from the other panelists. Ela highlighted that ease of transportation has drastically changed. While railroad used to be the main method, trucking has made shipping goods quicker and easier. Many of the panelists also shared the belief that agriculture will always be around, but it will face threats from urban growth. To conclude the evening’s discussion, one attendee asked why these farmers stayed in the business despite the challenges. Roeber commented that he “feels good feeding people.” Similarly, the other panelists remarked how much they enjoyed seeing their business grow and couldn’t envision themselves doing anything else. “You need to have a tolerance for risk and investing to be in farming,” said Ela. “No matter how much work or experience you have, mother nature has a mind of her own.” She also said that if someone truly wants to farm, they’ll find a way to make it work and continue. Before members were dismissed, Robbie LeValley, Delta County administrator, gave an update on the Delta County Master Plan. She said there will be one more round of public input, and it will be finalized soon. Details can be found at www. Jacob Gray, president of the Delta Farmers Union believes the union is a great way for the county to come together. In addition to discussions, quarterly meetings, the DCFU also hosts different events such as potlucks and farm tours. The RMFU offers forums, camps and training programs for children and adults. “We all have similar fears, goals and questions as farmers,” he said. The last discussion in the 2018 series will be titled “Women in Agriculture” and be held April 25 at 6 p.m. at Maloney House 575 S. River Lane in Hotchkiss. The event is open to the public with a $5 suggested donation for dinner. If interested in attending April’s discussion or joining the Delta Farmers Union, please email For more information on the Rocky Mountain Farmers Union, visit


April 4, 2018

Real Estate


Delta County Independent


Real Estate

Real Estate

Real Estate

Real Estate

Real Estate

Real Estate

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�������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������� FOR SALE BY OWNER 4 bedroom 1-3/4 bath farmhouse on 2 acres. UVWU Rentals irrigation water, outbuildings, horse corral and chicken coop. Ash Mesa with 360 degree views. $269,000. APARTMENT FOR RENT Call 970-596-8218. (2x13) in Delta, nice size 2BR/1BA with W/D hookups. $600/ month plus utilities and damage deposit. Pick up an application at Delta's Best Property Management Rentals located inside the office of Martin's Auto Body at 60 Tuscher Street, Delta, CREEKSIDE! CEDAREDGE Colorado. 970-874-2801. 3 bedroom 2 bath, totally (2x14) remodeled, deck, laundry hookups, double garage, non-smokers only, pets Need negotiable, $1,320/mo + utilities, First and last printing done? month plus $1,400/deposit, Call Randy Crespin 2-Year lease (360) 929-5155. at 874-4421. (2x14)

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For Sale 2001 BUELL BLAST 500cc $1,300. 970-312-5113. (2x14) SELL YOUR UNWANTED items fast in the DCI Classifieds, call 874-4421 today.

Help Wanted ������ ������� ��� ������� ���� ������������� ���� ��� ���������� ��������� ��� ���� ������ ������� ��������� ������� �������� ��������� ���� �������� ��� ����������� ����� ������������ ���� ���� ������������������������� ����� ������ ������������ ��� ������ �� ������ ������ ������ �������� ���� ������� ���������������������������� ������������������������� ��������� �������������� � ����� ������������������������� ������ ���� �� �������� ��� ������ ������ ������ ������ ����� ������������ � ����� ����� �� ������ ��������� ���������������� ������� ������� �������� ������������������ ����������� �������� ���� ������� �� ������� ������ ������� ��� ������ ������� ������ ���������� ��� ��� ������� ��������� ������ ���� ����� ��� ����� ������ ������������� ���� ��� ��� ��������������������������� ������������ ���� ������� ����� ���� ����� ������� ��� ������������������������ ���������� � � ��� �������� �������������������������� �������������������������� ��� ���� �������� ��� ���� ���������������������� �� ������� ���� ��� ��������� ��� ���� ���������� ������� ������������� ������ ������� ��� ��� �������� ������� ���

ADVERTISE 874-4421

Yard Sales HUGE RUMMAGE SALE at Delta Presbyterian Church, 135 E. 4th Street. April 20 and 21. The money goes to support The King's Table Soup Kitchen. We have something for everyone. (3x14)

Help Wanted CONFERENCE COORDINator. Enthusiastic professional with high level of event planning skills, technical capabilities and advanced communication skills to serve as the Conference Coordinator for the Western Colorado Food and Farm Forum in Montrose. Apply by April 18. Full details at www. (2x14) SEEKING PART TIME, energetic, caring, experienced dental hygienist to join our general practice in Paonia area. We are looking for someone who values quality patient care, is a strong communicator, team player, understands dental needs, and believes in periodontal. Call 970-527-4853 or email PAONIADENTAL@gmail. com. (4x12) SALES PERSON WANTed! Computer experience, great customer service, and knowledge of trailers and farm equipment is a must. Pay is dependent upon skill level. If interested please apply in person at Varner Equipment, 1375 Highway 50, Delta, CO 81416. (3x12) TRUCK MECHANIC, PREferred experience in all phases, heavy truck/trailers, including computer diagnostic. Apply in person or mail resume, 2135 East Main, Montrose. (2x13) GET QUICK RESULTS, advertise in the DCI Classifieds. Call today 874-4421. ADVERTISE!


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Help Wanted ������ ������� ��� ��� �������� ������������� ���� �� �������� �������� ���� ���� ������ ������� �������� ���� ��������� ��������� � ��������� ��� �� �������� �������� ���� ������������ ���� ���� ���� ��� ���� ����������� ��� ���� �������� ���� ��������� �������� ��� ����� ��� ���� �������� ����� ���� ��������� ������ ���� ������� ����� ������������������������� ����������� ��� �������� ����������� ���������� ���� ������������ ��� ������ ���������� ��� ����������������������� �������������� ����� ���������������������� ���� ����� ������ ��� ����� ���� ����������� ����� ���� ������ ��� �� ������������ �������������������������� �������������� �������� ������������������������� ��������������������������� ������������������������ ������������������������ �������������������������� ����������������������� ������� ���� ������ ������ ���������� ���� ����� �� ��������� ���������� ��� ������������������������ ���������� ����������� ��� ������� ������ ������ ������������ ���������� ������������������������ ��������� � �� ������ ����� ����� ��������� �������� ��� ���������� � ������ ������ ������������ ��� ������ �������� ��������� ��� ��� ���������� ����������������������� �� �������� ���� ����� ������ ����������������������� ������� �� ������� ������ ������� ��� ������ ������� ������ ���������� ��� ��� ������� �������� ������ ����������������������� ������������� ���� ��� ��������� ��� ���� ������ ������� ������������ ���� ������� ����� ���� ����� ������� ��� ������ ��� ��� �������� �������� ������ ������������� ���� ����������������������� ���������� ���� ����� ��� ������������������������ ��� ���������������� ���������� �� ������� ����������������������� ���������� ������� ��� ����������� ������ ������� ��� ��� �������� ��� �������

Advertising Makes Sense! Call 874-4421 For Info

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

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The Gallegos Corporation is seeking full-time experienced

Concrete Form Setters and Finishers

for our very busy concrete division in the Roaring Fork Valley. Top Pay, Full Benefits. $26-30 Plus/Hr Based on Experience

Call HR at 970-926-3737

Visit us at

Buying or selling? Place a Classified Ad. Call 874-4421.

D2 Wednesday, April 4, 2018 Help Wanted ������ ������� ��� ���������� ������������� ���� ��� ������ ���������������������������� ������������������������� ������� �������� ���������� ��������� ������������ ���� ���� ������ ������ ���� ������ ���� ����� ��������� ���������� ������������������������ ������� ������������ ������ ������������������������ �������������������������� ����������� �������������������������� �������� ��� ������������ ���� ������ ����� ����� ����� ����������� ��� ������������ ��������������������������� ��������������� ������ ��� �� ��������� ���������� ������ ����� ������� ��������� � ����� ����� ����� ��������� ���� ����� ���� ��������� ��������� ������� ��� ������� ���� ����� ���������������������������� �������������� � ������������� ����������� ��� ��� ������� ��������������������������� ��� ���������� ����������� �������� ��� �������������� ���������������������������� ���������������������������� ��������� �������� ������� ����� ��� ������������ ������ ��������������������������� ����� �������� ����������� ���� ����� ����������� �������� ���� ������� �� ������� ������ ������� ��� ������ ������� ������ ���������� ��� ��� �������������������������� ������������������������� ��������������������������� �������������������������� ��������������������������� ������������������������ ������������������������� ��� ������������ ���� ����� ����� ������������ ���� ����� ��� ��������� ��� ���� ���� ����� ��� ���������������� ������������������������� ��� ��������� ��� ���� ���� ��������������������������� ������ ������� ��� ��� ���� �������������


Help Wanted HELP WANTED: THE City of Delta is now accepting applications for a Project Manager in the Public Works Department. Position is Full-Time, FLSA Exempt with excellent benefits. Salary is based on qualifications with range of $59,446 to $72,069. Under general supervision of the Director of Public Works and Utilities, performs professional level planning and management of construction; replacement and repair projects for City infrastructure such as streets, sidewalks, bridges, utility improvements and extensions; identifies, drafts and manages grant opportunities; collaborates with City departments and outside agencies to draft and update master plans; tracks and updates asset management systems; maintains records, maps and computer files for projects. Requirements include a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering, Construction Management or related technical field of study; up to 5 years of progressively responsible work in civil infrastructure construction or related experience; public sector work preferred, but not required. Will be required to successfully pass a pre-employment drug screen, physical and background check. Submit completed City of Delta employment application to the City of Delta, Attn: Human Resources, 360 Main St., Delta, CO 81416 or by review date April 6, 2018. Applications and a complete job description are available at the above address or online at Incomplete applications will not be considered. EOE (2x13) ADVERTISE! 874-4421


Help Wanted ����������������������� ���� ������������� ���� �� ����������� ������ �� ��� ���� ������������������� ���������� ������� � ��� ��������������� �������� ����������� �������� ���� �������� ��������� ���� ��������������� ��� ����� ����������� ����� ���� ���������� ��� ���� ���������� ���� ������� ��������� �������������� � ����� ������� �������� ��� ����������������������� ������ ������� ���� ������ ������ ��� �������������� ����������������������� �������������������������� ����� ��������� ���� ��� ������������������������� ������������������������� ������� �������� �������� �� �������� ���� �������� ����������������������� ���������������������� ������� ��� ������ ������� ������ ���������� ��� ��� ������� ��������� ����������������������� ����� ������������� ���� ����������������������� ��� ������� ������������ ���� ������� ����� ���� ����� ������� ��� ������ ��� ��� �������� �������� ������ ��� ������������ ����������������������� ����� ���� ����� ��� ��� ������� ��� ���� �������� ��� ���������������� ���������� � � �� ������� ����������������������� ���������� ������� ��� ����������� ������ ������� ��� ��� �������� ��� �������

Advertising makes sense. Call 874-4421 for results.

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Public Service HOW DO I SELL MY Cottage Food products? You may sell your products directly to the consumer from your residence, roadside stand, Farmers’ market, community supported agricultural organizations, or other similar venue. If you have any questions, please call: 874-2165. Delta County Health Department. (4X11)

Delta County Independent

Public Service

Public Service

THE KINGS TABLE SOUP Kitchen needs egg cartons. If you have any to give please call 250-6637 and we will pick up.

IF YOU KNOW A MILItary or veteran family who is struggling, encourage them to call our toll-free Military and Veteran Family Help line at (800) 314-4200. This free service offers information, creates connections and gives hope to struggling families. It can even be a family's first step to moving to the National Home. And it's all possible because of your generous support!

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Support Group for Adults and Children: Every Wednesday in Delta from 5-7 p.m. there will be a free support group for adults whose lives have been impacted by domestic vioTHE DELTA COUNTY lence and a separate group Independent runs these for children at the same items as a public service time. Please call 970-874- THE ABRAHAM CONNECfree of charge for non-profit 4941 to sign up. tion homeless shelter, organizations, if no fees are located at 480 Silver St., ALCOHOLICS ANONYcharged. However, each Delta, offers emergency group is asked to please mous meets Thursdays at 7 overnight shelter and food keep them current by call- p.m. Friends of Bill W. Club. to men, women and fami897 Palmer Street, Delta. ing 874-4421. lies in the Delta area midOctober- April. Call us at CO FATHER’S NETWORKFOSTER GRANDPARENT 970-773-8290 to make a dedicated to providing Program enriches the lives referral, or for informacommunity and education of senior volunteers while tion on how to volunteer improving the education of to fathers of special needs or donate. www.Delta kids. Meets twice monthly children with special needs. AbrahamConnection. Volunteers, 55 and older, on the 1st Saturday at 11 org. a.m. and the 3rd Monday needed to assist in class rooms tutoring and mentor- at 6:30 p.m. - 511 E. 10th St, HOSPITAL VOLUNTEERS ing children. Low-income Delta. See our website for Wanted! Delta County volunteers may qualify for more details: www.codads. Memorial Hospital needs a stipend. Teachers in Delta org hospital volunteers. Days area class rooms request AL-ANON AND ALATEEN: and hours are flexible. There "Grandparents" to come Hope and help for families are currently openings in and work with students and friends of alcoholics in the ER, Oncology, Gift who need the extra help to meets in Delta: Al-Anon and Shop and some additional achieve their best. For infor- Alateen, Tuesdays at 7:30 areas. If you are interested, mation on how you can use pm, St. Luke’s Episcopal please contact Volunteer your talents to help kids call Church, 145 W. 5th St., con- Coordinator, Barbara Hall at Tanya at 298-9091. tact Elizabeth 970-874-9832 250-2105 for an application. or Shirley 970-323-5067. WANNA PLAY A ROUND? WOMEN ONLY AA MEETGolf with a fun group of CARING FOR CARE- ings, Delta, Saturdays, 11:00 ladies. Two membership givers, C4C - support- a.m., at St. Luke's Episcopal options available. Sign up ing hearts that care. Open Church, 5th & Palmer (back at www.cedaredgeladies to ANY caregiver. Meets door). Get to know us monthly in Delta, 2nd on Facebook at “cedar Tuesday at 11 a.m. - 511 E. FREE DIAPERS FOR UP to one year! Pregnant edgeladiesgolfclub” 10th St, Delta. women in Delta County can now get help to quit smoking and get something they can really use after their baby arrives — free diapers. moms have healthy Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Healthy babies. Enroll in the Baby & Me Tobacco Free program today. Contact the Delta County Health Department Colorado Statewide at 874-2165 or your local ���������������������� physician. Network To place a 25-word COSCAN Network ad in 91 Colorado newspapers for only $300, contact your local newspaper or call SYNC2 Media at 303-571-5117. ����������� ������ Cash for Mineral Rights ��������������������������������������� �������������������������������������� �������������������������������������� ����������������� ������������������������������������� Call:������������� ������������������������������� Write: ����������������������� ������������������������������ ������������������� �������������������������� Email: �������������������������������

��������������������������������������������������� ����� ��������� ��� ���� ����� ��� ���������� ��� �������� ������������������������������������������������ ������������������������������������������������ ��������������������������������������������������� ������ ���������� ���� ����� ������ ���� ������������� ������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������� ������������������ ����� ���������� ���� �������� ��� ���� ��������� ��� ����� ���� ������� ��� ���������� ��� ����� ������ ���� ������� ��������������������������������������������������� ������������� ����� ���� ������ ��������� ��� �������� ������ ���� �������� ��� ��� ������ ���� ��������� ������� ���� ����� ������� ������ ����� ��� ���� ���������� ���� �������� �������� ����� ��������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������� ���������� ���� ���������� ������� ��������� ������� ���� ������ ����� �������� ���� ������ ���� �������� ���� �������������� �� ������� ����� ������ ����� ���� ������� ������ ��������� ��� ���� �������� ���� ����� ������ ��� �� ���� �������� ������ ��� ���� ������ ������� ������ �� ���������� ��������������������������������������������������� ��� ��� ������ ����� ��� ����� �������������� ���� ���� �������������������������������������������������� ��������� ����� ������ ���� ������ �� ������ ��� ����� �������� ��� ���������������������������������������������������� ����� ����� ����� ��������� ���� ������� ����� ���� ������ ������ ���� ���� ��� ������ ��� ���� ������������ �������� ����������� ����� ��� ������� ����� ��� ������

Public Service IF YOU THINK YOU have a drinking problem... Alcoholics Anonymous can help. There are weekly AA meetings throughout the North Fork area and beyond. For meeting times and locations call AA at 970245-9649 or 888-333-9649. Or go to the website www. Alcoholics Anonymous can help! WELCOME RETURNING Veterans, Post 9221 VFW meets at 5:00 p.m. on the 4th Thursday of each month in Cedaredge. To find out how to participate in promoting patriotism and assisting veterans, contact Wayne Hamrick, (970) 2501180. AARP DRIVER SAFETY Course. Save on insurance, keep up on newer traffic laws, learn defensive driving techniques. For details and schedule contact John Loring (970) 856-6924 or (970) 424-1778. AL-ANON: HOPE AND help for families and friends of alcoholics meets in Cedaredge: Al-Anon, Thursdays, 8 pm, Wick Hall behind First Baptist Church, 370 W. Main St., contact Mary M. 970-856-6123 or Jim 970-874-7855. HOTCHKISS-CRAWFORD Historical Museum. Winter hours, Saturdays 1-4 p.m. $3 admission or free to members. Come see our museum at 2nd & Hotchkiss Streets in Hotchkiss. 8723780. CHECK OUT THE BOOK store at the Delta Library. You'll find a great selection of paperbacks at reasonable prices. IF YOU LOVE BOOKS, you will love the Downstairs Bookstore in the basement of the Delta Library.

NARCOTICS ANONYmous meets at 9th and SUPPORT THE DELTA Palmer, Delta, Mondays and Library. Give a gently used Fridays at 8 p.m. book in the Downstairs Book Store. HEALTHY BABIES START with early prenatal care. Delta PARENTS FREE! INFORM- County Health Department. ation and referrals to Offers access to immedilicensed child care provid- ate, temporary Medicaid ers, call Bright Futures Child for pregnant women who Care Resource and Referral, qualify. 874-2165. 1-877-728-5613.

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Wednesday, April 4, 2018

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D4 Wednesday, April 4, 2018


Delta County Independent

Haven House shelters homeless children, adults

“Ending Homelessness One Family at a Time” is the mission that propelled Haven House’s success in doing just that in 2017, the valley’s only warm and safe place for homeless children and adults alike to make their home and begin building a new life. So, what does it take to make a significant impact on a family’s life? Especially when they hit rock bottom, and aren’t sure how to start from scratch. That’s where Haven House comes in by providing: • Basic life skills education on budgeting, parenting, and nutrition; • Promoting self awareness, accountabil-

ity, and capabilities; • Custom blueprint addressing individual family’s barriers to selfsustainability; • Thoughtful donations and time given by volunteers from the Western Slope. Essentially, Haven House guides families facing remarkable adversities to realize their forgotten potential. This place is more than just a temporary shelter. Their staff find the root problems that lead each family to this organization. Ultimately, none of this would be possible without strong financial backing. Colorado and national government agencies account for only 7 percent


of Haven House’s annual funding. But where does the other 93 percent come from? Donations are given by caring people, businesses, churches, and foundations. The major-

The Rode to the Cross, a horseback version of a walk-a-thon, will be held again on May 12 on Rim Road west of Montrose. According to chairman Sarah Bowman, “This cross country competition of endurance and compassion will be for 5 to 21 miles in teams

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Delta and Ouray county citizens discovered a serious problem affecting their community and chose to provide a solution. To join their crusade to end homelessness one family at a time, don’t

be shy! Call 970-3235280, send a donation to PO Box 3122, Montrose, CO 81402, or visit the Haven House at 4806 N. River Road, Olathe, or on Facebook at havenhouse homeless.

Horse competition benefits Cowboy at the Cross youth camps


ity of the benevolent gifts came from neighbors and dedicated business owners in Colorado’s rural country. Haven House was founded in 2010 when a small group of Montrose,

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training class will be given again by world champion reiner Doug Milholland, who comes from Oklahoma. For further information text or leave a message at 315-777-0275. Details can also be found on the Cowboy at the Cross Facebook page.



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of three.” The competition is a fundraiser for the Cowboy at the Cross youth outreach that produces three camps in the summer, as well as an event at the Apache Reservation in Arizona. The camps include rodeo, horse training and one for pony riders. A horse

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Delta County Independent

Wednesday, April 4, 2018


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Insured, Reliable, Professional

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Serving Delta County


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No matter what your printing needs, we can get the job done.


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D6 Wednesday, April 4, 2018


Delta County Independent


Learning through experience Photo by Tamie Meck

PELA head teacher Phil Wassell poses with students Liza, Sofia and Saffire at the March 14 International Day of Action for Rivers at Paonia River Park.

dants, interview members of the public, and encourage them to sign up for the mailing list. Elsewhere program manager Carolina Porras joined Elsewhere last summer with plans to include local students in the program. The unique partnership creates a symbiotic relationship, said Porras, also a former resident artist at Elsewhere. Interns learn useful skills while providing a valuable service to Elsewhere. Prior to the collaboration, they lacked the manpower to document artist residencies, said Porras. Since they began posting interviews and photos, website and social media traffic has increased, and so has Elsewhere’s exposure to the world. Phil and Emily Wassell founded the Paonia Experiential Leadership Academy in 2016. A Colorado native, Emily holds a PhD in educational leadership, research and policy from the University of Colorado, and Phil holds a masters in teaching from Colorado College. They have devoted their lives to pedagogy. After spending time in Switzerland they returned to Colorado to open a school, choosing Paonia for its healthy lifestyle choices and access to the outdoors. “There was also a need for an alternative secondary school, and people were willing to collaborate,” said Phil. PELA accepts all students, and is currently pursuing accreditation from the Delta County School District. They are also bound to Colorado Common Core standards, and preparation for the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) begins earlier in their education than at traditional high schools. But they aren’t just a college preparatory school, said Phil. PELA’s mission is to “humanize the educational experience and increase long-term student well-being.” They strive to prepare students to lead lives independently. Their philosophy is drawn from numerous sources, from Socrates and Epicurus, to 20th century educator John Dewey, known as the Modern Father of Experiential Education. Class structure takes into account the unique differences in each student. Parents play a big role in

their children’s education, helping students to set goals in five branches of wellbeing: skills, hen a new private school, social/civic, security, secondary school happiness, health and environopened in Paonia ment, to reach their goals, and last fall, three students seized to stay grounded. Parent-teachon the opportunity. It’s an er conferences focus on acaopportunity for which all three demic progress and on student are very grateful. well-being. For example, said Ninth graders Liza Eller and Phil, “Are they getting enough Saffire Black and eighth grader sleep?” Sofia Gonzalez are the first stuThe parents are very supdents to enroll at Paonia Expeportive, he said. “They have riential Leadership Academy. become kind of an ad hoc found“I think it’s an honor for me to ing board. They’re great.” be a first student,” said Sofia. PELA also focuses on emoShe believes it’s their respontional intelligence, those “soft sibility “to find things to help relationship skills” like decithis school grow and figure out sion-making, self-motivation, what works and doesn’t work.” communication and listening Liza and Saffire spent their skills generally not emphasized primary education at Crawford in a traditional public school Montessori and Paonia Juniorsetting. “If you look at all Senior High School and Sofia the research, business and corattended the Waldorf-inspired porate leaders are looking for North Fork School of Integratpeople with more soft skills,” ed Studies at Paonia Elemensaid Phil. Jobs of the future are tary School. All three said their kind of uncertain and unknown experiences at PELA have been and we need people who are life-changing. They feel more creative and can engage other engaged with their community people.” and more aware of other people They learn quickly, said Porand what is happening around ras. As a result, their duties them. are evolving. Interns recently At PELA, the community is began producing a promotional the classroom, and the opporvideo about Elsewhere’s art wall tunities are endless. The school and the street mural at Paonia has already partnered with Elementary School, both public more than 15 organizations, art projects. nonprofits and individuals. They also have an opportuTapping into the community, nity to earn high school credit said head teacher Phil Wassell, for their work. The internships “offers so many opportunities help them with their long-term for students to learn.” goals while providing valuable Liza, Saffire and Sofia make life skills. Sofia plans to purup the entire student body. Last sue a career in photojournalism fall PELA partnered with Elseand hopes to work for National where Studios to create media Geographic. She is applying to internships for the three girls. attend a National Geographic Elsewhere’s artist-in-residency summer photography camp in program began in 2010 and New York this summer. attracts artists from throughout Saffire wants to travel the the world for one- to six-month world to study photography residencies. During their stay, and interior design. She is artists immerse themselves in seeking creative ways to travel the community. affordably, perhaps as an au As part of their internship, pair/nanny. “We’re interacting students document Elsewhere’s with people from around the twice-monthly public artist world,” said Saffire. “We meet a events and their work through big range of people.” interviews and photographs. They’re also learning the Most recently they interviewed art of the interview. Interviewtwo resident artists from China, ing “can be scary,” said Liza, one from North Carolina and who wants to work in the film one from Oregon. Followindustry. “It’s a good life skill.” ing an editing process, interIn 2017 she attended the views and photos are posted to KVNF Youth Radio Camp, Elsewhere’s website and social interviewing 103-year-old media platforms. Interns also Paonia resident Peggy Clemdocument the number of attenents, and Hotchkiss resident Mike Hillman, who became a quadriplegic after falling from a ladder in 2016. The interview was her idea, and Ali Lightfoot at KVNF helped to prepare for it. She called the experience “really powerful,” and said the Hillmans were very welcoming and friendly. After the interview, Mike showed her around the Hillman House, a fully handicapped accessible house built by the community. What they participate in is ultimately the choice of the students, said Phil. “If they were all wanting to be mechanics Photo by Tamie Meck or work on a farm or something like that, I’d probably Liza, front, and Saffire practice their photography skills try and find them a different at a monthly Elsewhere artists’ meet and greet. Last internship/mentorship type summer they purchased digital cameras with money program.” earned from babysitting. They plan to pool resources Through partnerships they to buy other lenses, flashes and other equipment that are also learning to grow and they can share.



Staff Writer

Photo submitted

From left, Paonia Experiential Leadership Academy director Emily Wassell took Sophia, Saffire and Liza tour the Colorado State Capitol last fall to learn how government operates. harvest food and to prepare meals with locally sourced ingredients. They volunteer for The Trading Post’s senior meals program, and are learning how to run a community kitchen and plan large events. Last fall they helped prepare and serve a “Harvest Moon Dinner,” a locally-sourced African inspired meal, in partnership with Edesia Community Kitchen and The Learning Council. This Saturday evening they are hosting a school fundraiser at Edesia, where Swiss-trained chef Lucas Wentzel is preparing a six-course meal. Students also volunteer with A Little Help Paonia, a non-profit helping elder citizens remain active community members. This winter they volunteered with a group of kids to shovel snow, but didn’t have much work. They also do “normal stuff,” said Liza, like study math and read books together.

Through their experiences the three have also become close friends. “We kind of just do everything together,” said Sofia. They also play tennis and pickleball, mountain bike and hike. This winter they took a hut trip on Red Mountain Pass and underwent avalanche training. This spring they will mentor Crawford Montessori kids with their spring performance, and this summer they plan to summit a 14er. Phil said the hope is that PELA will continue to grow. “We want to be a permanent fixture in town,” he said. “I’m just glad I have the opportunity to do this,” said Liza. “This school has made me more happy than I’ve ever been. I have had so many amazing opportunities.” She also believes the school will grow and “become huge. And it is going to be amazing knowing we were the first ones.”

Photo submitted

Self-awareness and getting outdoors are among the many focuses at PELA.


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Delta’s Spring Expo 2018 Exhibitors

Gym Closet

Rocky Mountain Rebar and Lumber


Bill Heddles Recreation Center

Jack FM

Freedom Construction

Modern Appliance Empowered Energy First Colo. Nat’l. Bank

Home Comfort Services

Sunrose Landscaping

Renewal by Anderson


Rice Recycling


Cherry Creek Radio

Board of Realtors

Good News Chiropractic


Norm’s Home Improv.

Grand Delta Valley Cabinet Garage Doors Company

Greenway Pro

Premier Structures Edward Jones Larry Jones

Friday, April 6 Saturday, April 7 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

All American Koating

Anytime Fitness

Alpine Bank

AAA Septic

Pioneer Sand

Atlasta Solar

FREE admission

Whitey’s Home Improvement

All Windows Delta County Delta & Doors Ambulance County Plus District Tourism

Black Hills I Knit Energy Quilt Sew

9 a.m. to 5 p.m.


Morris Monument

Conference Room


Food Vendor Sitting Area




B. of Realtors

Outdoor Exhibitors: Well Built Montrose Implement Cumberland Industries

Concess ions provided by the Delta Ba rracuda Swim Te Chambe am r Ambas sadors VFW Pos t 3571 & Auxilia ry


That Fireplace Guy

Perfectly Posh

Frank Walsh

TCH Health

Delta Libraries

Delta Area Chamber of Comm.





Ever Skin Care

Main Entrance

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Recognizing and addressing leaf spot Homeowners who take pride in their properties may be alarmed to notice seemingly spotted leaves on their trees. Such spots may be indicative of a condition known as leaf spot. In spite of its appearance, leaf spot is often harmless. According to the Missouri Botanical Garden, leaf spot is a term used to describe a number of diseases that can affect the foliage of ornamentals and shade trees. Often caused by fungi that can spread thanks to wind and/or spring rains, leaf spot also may be a byproduct of bacteria. As unsightly as leaf spot can be, the Missouri Botanical Garden advises that established plants will only be adversely affected by

Leaves are susceptible to disease that can lead to defoliation.

leaf spot if defoliation occurs three or more years in a row. While leaf spot is often harmless, homeowners should still learn to recognize it and document its presence to ensure it does not become a long-term problem. How to Recognize Leaf Spot Because leaf spot is an umbrella term that refers to various diseases, its symptoms can vary depending on which type of leaf spot is affecting a tree. Spots: The spots of leaf spot vary in size and color depending on the plant, the organism that’s affecting it and the stage of development. Spots are typically brown, but can be tan or black as well. Margins: Another sign of leaf spot is the presence of concentric rings or dark margins on the leaves around the infected areas. Black dots: If fungus is the cause of the leaf spot, the fungal bodies may appear as black dots in the spots. These dots may be within the rings or in central clusters. Yellow leaves: Some leaves that are infected with leaf spot turn yellow and drop prematurely. If leaf spots are not noticed immediately, they may gradually combine to form large blotches. How to Address Leaf Spot Leaf spot does not necessarily need to be addressed. As the Missouri Botanical Garden notes, many trees tolerate

leaf spot and suffer little to no damage. In addition, the University of Minnesota Extension notes that the majority of leaf spot diseases affect only a small percentage of infected trees’ overall leaf area and are only minimal stressors on the trees. But homeowners who want to address leaf spot can take certain steps to do so. Remove infected leaves. As infected leaves fall, homeowners can remove them so the spores that caused the initial infection cannot be blown onto healthy leaves and spread the disease. Remove dead twigs. Removing dead twigs also can help get rid of spores


that can contribute to infection. Change watering techniques. When watering trees, homeowners who want to prevent leaf spot or stop it from spreading can avoid overhead watering, instead using soaker hoses. Watering early in the day also can give foliage ample time to dry off before nightfall. Prune plants. Pruning plants promotes healthy air circulation and reduces crowding, which can help keep foliage dry, making trees less vulnerable to leaf spot. As unsightly as it can appear, leaf spot is often harmless. But homeowners can take steps to prevent it and stop it from spreading to healthy leaves.




Complete these home projects over the weekend

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Large-scale renovations can greatly affect a home, but smaller projects can yield impressive results and be completed over the course of a single weekend. If time is of the essence, consider these projects. Create an accent wall. Painting a focal wall in a home can create a serious impact. The bonus is it will not take as long or require as many materials as painting an entire room. Accent walls frequently feature a bold color, so decide on placement and tackle this project in less than a day. Install stair runners. Dress up hardwood stairs with decorative carpet runners. Runners come in elongated pieces of carpeting or individual pieces that can be placed on each step. If carpeting doesn’t fit with the home’s design, painting individual stair treads also can create visual appeal. Dress up the entryway. An entryway is a guest’s first impression of a home. Many entryways can use a minor overhaul, both inside and outside. Paint the front door a different color so it pops from the curb. Install a new mailbox or decorative house numbers. A new welcome mat can change the look as well. Inside, consider laying a new floor. Resilient vinyl tiles come in many different patterns and can mimic the look of wood, travertine or marble. Install a new faucet. Instantly improve a kitchen or a bathroom with

new fixtures. New faucets can provide aesthetic appeal and low-flow faucets can help conserve water. Create a gallery on the staircase. Gather and arrange framed photos, artwork or wall accents so that they ascend the wall of a staircase. This creates a designer touch and can dress up an often barren area of wall space. Install a fresh light fixture. Improve drab spaces with a little illumination. Better Homes & Gardens suggests replacing an existing fixture with something new and vibrant. If hanging a new fixture is not within one’s skill set, free-standing table or floor lamps also can cast a new glow on a space. Add molding. Molding can add instant aesthetic appeal to a room. Molding is appropriate near the floor, at the top of walls where they meet the ceiling, or even mid-wall as a chair rail. Some homeowners like to create framed molding on walls in formal living spaces. Update kitchen or bathroom hardware. Replacing hardware is a fast and easy project, but one that can have immediate impact. Swap out tired or outdated hardware for newer brushed metals and more impactful shapes and designs. Home renovations do not need to take weeks or months. Many projects can be completed over the course of a weekend.

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Home security for the do-it-yourselfer Many people consider installing security systems in their homes to improve their sense of well-being. Whether you own or rent, you may be surprised to learn that do-it-yourself security systems can be savvy investments. The right system can help people protect their belongings and their families, but sorting through the various security systems on the market can be a daunting task. While full-service setups that include professional installation and monitoring are available, some homeowners may want to investigate the highly customizable DIY kits now available. Some include personal monitoring, while others are self-install technologies with professional monitoring. Before getting started, ask yourself a few questions to help narrow down options. • What is your budget? Professional

installation and monitoring will likely cost more than DIY kits. • How large is the home? • Are you tech-savvy? • How frequently are you out of the home on vacation or extended trips? • Do you desire emergency response? • Do you want an entire package or just some deterrent devices? Once you’ve answered these questions, it’s time to start shopping. Here are some DIY security system items that may be of interest. Smart home security systems. These home security systems connect to a home’s Wi-Fi network so they can be monitored and controlled using a smartphone app. Others may be accessed through an application on the internet. It is important to look for a system that has the extra security of technology that is not easily hacked. Security cameras. Some people may only want to watch the inside and outside of their residences. It can take mere minutes to set up wireless security cameras around the house. These devices connect to a Wi-Fi network and give customers free access to a constant stream of video. Some systems make it easy for

homeowners to listen in on what’s going on at home and even talk to anyone within the camera’s range. Others can be paired with cloud storage for recording video. Professionally monitored. Residents who are away from home frequently or are too busy to constantly monitor security systems may like the peace of mind of professionally monitored kits. Services like Frontpoint®, Link Interactive® and Scout® are just three that have affordable starter kits and video monitoring. Monitored alarm systems can be set to call the police or other emergency services if necessary.

Entry-level or advanced systems. Entry-level systems typically include a few door and window sensors, a motion detector and a hub that communicates with these sensors. This may be enough for someone in an apartment or small house. More extensive systems may include additional sensors, door locks, garage door openers, surveillance cameras, lights, sirens, and even water and smoke detectors. Do-it-yourself security systems represent a new wave to safeguard one’s belongings and family. Kits continue to evolve and have become more seamless than ever.


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Hydroponic gardening is gaining popularity Hydroponic gardening can change

According to Fullbloom Hydropon-

people’s perceptions of what’s needed

ics, hydroponic gardening is a method

to grow vibrant plants. Rather than

of growing plants in a water-based,

soil, all you may need for a hydroponic

nutrient-rich solution. Instead of soil,

garden is water to grow a variety of

roots are supported by an inert mate-

healthy, strong plants.

rial, such as pellets, perlite, or vermicu-

Although it seems like a futuristic

lite. Some people use coconut fiber,

concept, hydroponics — or growing

sand or gravel as well. The key is that

plants without soil — actually dates

the substance not supply any addi-

back many centuries. The hanging

tional nutrition to the plant. In some in-

Gardens of Babylon and The Floating

stances, the roots grow in water alone.

Gardens of China are two of the earliest examples of hydroponics.

Hydroponics works so well because the person doing the gardening can directly control the nutrients, oxygen and light according to what the plant


needs. A nutrition-based water delivery system delivers food to the roots in a highly soluble form, rather than the roots having to search through the soil and extract the same nutrients. Absorbing food with very little effort means the plant can divert its energy to growing and flower production. This method of no-soil growth can be used just about anywhere. Although it has not yet edged out traditional farming methods, hydroponics is gaining popularity among entrepreneurs and hobbyists. An added attraction to hydroponics is its efficiency. The gardening resource Maximum Yield says hydroponics is ideal where traditional farming is not an option, such as in large cities where there is little to no access to agriculturally amenable land. Hydroponics can even be merged with vertical farming methods, helping to save space and increase output. Hydroponic gardens can be placed anywhere there is access to water and natural or simulated sunlight. Empty warehouses, rooftops, old shipping containers, and much more can be turned into hydroponic garden locations with minimal effort. Scientists say that there can be

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drastic differences in growth rates and

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than a soil plant grown under the same

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to the environment because the plants

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yield from hydroponic and soil plants. The group Greentrees Hydroponics says the growth rate for a hydroponic plant can be 30 to 50 percent faster conditions. Environmentalists tout that hydroponic gardening is also beneficial require considerably less water than those produced with soil gardening and require fewer pesticides or other amendments to thrive. Hobbyists looking to dabble in hydroponics can find many different hydroponic systems on the market today, in an array of prices and sizes. Wicking, ebb and flow, aeroponics, nutrient film, and deepwater culture are different hydroponic systems, each with their own advantages. Once gardeners get the knack of hydroponics, they may

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not want to turn back to traditional soil gardening again.




Tips to sell your home quicker — and for more By Gary Hubbell United Country Colorado Brokers, Inc. Spring is the time when most people think about selling, and there’s good news! Home prices are steadily increasing in western Colorado, and inventory is low. This year is a great time to sell. You want to maximize the sale price of your home, so here are eight tips on how to get ready to sell quickly and for the highest price: Get a home inspection, and fix everything you can fix. A home inspection can run $350-700, depending on the services requested, and they’re well worth it. Your goal is to remove every objection that a buyer can have. It’s very reassuring to a buyer when you can hand them an inspection report and note that everything in the home is up to snuff and will pass inspection. It also gives you a negotiating tool, as buyers commonly ask for long inspection periods in a purchase contract. There’s no reason for an extended inspection deadline when there are few, if any, reasonable objections. Get rid of your junk! Act like you’re going to move! When you sell the place, you’re going to have to do it anyway. I recently sold a nice home with a large three-car garage. One full bay of the garage was full of boxes from dear grandmother’s estate. The boxed items didn’t mean enough to actually bring in the house and use them, yet the daughter couldn’t bear to get rid of them. So the plan was to sell the house and move the boxes into the garage at the new home? Seriously, de-junk the place. It’s a liberating feeling. Your property will show better, sell quicker, and bring more money. Think ahead! If you know you’re going to sell next year, then take some nice summer and fall pictures of the home. Maybe even hire a professional photographer and spend a couple hundred bucks. It’s hard to give a home its best look when the exterior photos show dead brown grass, wilted landscaping and barren trees. Furniture is a big one, too. A home filled with junky old furniture will not sell as well as a home with contemporary pieces. If you can’t afford new furniture, fine, but at least get rid of that nasty old metal desk and the tacky old bureau. “Stage” the property. Fill a couple of vases with bright flowers. Take down the family photo gallery. You want people to imagine it as their home, not yours. Look at your home like a buyer. Go onto some websites and research the competition. Drive around and take a look at the inventory. You can’t intelligently price your property without knowing what the comps are. It’s hard, but don’t be emotional about your home. The competition is pretty stiff out there — granite countertops, smart home wifi, on-demand water heaters, security systems, wood floors, custom lighting, and beautiful landscaping. Your home may not compete, so you have to price it accordingly. Selling your home is both a lifestyle decision and a business decision. Ultimately, homes that are overpriced and under-marketed sell for 8-10 percent less than a well-priced, aggressively marketed home. If you insist on an unrealistically high price, your property will linger on the market, the listing will get stale, and you won’t be moving on.

Let’s talk about larger properties — farms and ranches. Farm and ranch properties require the same preparations as residential properties, plus a couple more. Farm and ranch buyers often want to see the books on the property. If you’re not able to create a simple profit-and-loss spreadsheet, find someone who can. Fertilizer, power bills, water costs, taxes, machinery expense, and labor versus hay sales, calf sales, horse boarding, crop production, hunting leases, etc. — a buyer will want that information. It’s also my opinion that a ranch should sell with a current survey. By commissioning a survey, you can get ahead of any discrepancies or disputes well in advance of a sale contract. When

you can present a clean, neat property with a recent survey and a good set of books, you’ll make more money in the long run. Consider auction as a solution for both personal property and real estate. If time is of the essence, you KNOW that the sale will conclude once the hammer falls. It’s also a pretty cool way to clean up a property. Your labor force is the buyers who pick up and remove every last thing, and they pay you for the privilege! In a hot market, real estate auctions can be highly effective, because buyers know they can’t sit on the fence and watch a listing for months on end. They have to act on auction day or else they’ll lose it.

Lastly, research your broker and conduct interviews! This isn’t about who you know from the book club. It’s business. Whose website comes up first for search terms that describe your property, such as “Colorado log homes for sale”? Who is active in social media? Do you like their photography on their listings? Do they have a local or national marketing presence? Do they specialize in your type of property? Interview three or four brokers and let them explain why they’re better than the others, then make your decision. When you have that ideal combination of a desirable, wellmaintained property that is priced right and marketed aggressively, get ready to move, because your home will sell!





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Tips for gardening during a drought Drought can affect any area, and arid climates like that of western Colorado in particular. Drought can be particularly troubling for avid gardeners because it can wreak havoc on lawns and gardens. In addition to causing changes in the physical appearance, including wilted, dried out leaves and stalks, drought can weaken the integrity of plants.

This makes plants more susceptible to disease and attacks from plant-preying insects, according to Better Homes & Gardens. In addition, it can take years for plants to recover from drought. So what can gardeners do? While they may not be able to prevent damage to plants from drought, gardeners are not helpless.

The basics of mulching Mulch is available in various forms. Like other land and garden products, mulch can go a long way toward helping plants thrive. Mulch comprises just about any material that is spread over the surface of soil. Its purpose is primarily to help soil retain moisture. In addition, mulch can staunch weed growth, keep soil cool, improve the aesthetics of garden beds, and even improve soil nutrient composition. When the right mulch is chosen, it can reduce the amount of time homeowners spend watering and weeding their gardens and insulate plants from dramatic changes in weather. Gardeners may not realize that mulch also can prevent garden soil from becoming overly compacted, according to HGTV. This can mean beneficial earthworms can move easily through the soil, creating channels for water and depositing their nutrient-rich waste products. Gardeners can choose organic or inorganic mulch. Organic mulches are derived from natural materials that will decompose over time, lending organic matter as well as various nutrients to the soil. Organic mulches also may contain beneficial microorganisms that can fight against plant diseases. Inorganic mulches may be made of stones, landscape fabrics and plastic. Both types will need to be amended or replaced as they degrade. Those who want the most environmentallyfriendly mulching materials can choose all-natural mulches instead of synthetic alternatives. To work effectively, mulch should be

applied in a two- to three-inch layer of material, state the experts at Old World Garden Farms. This is the ideal amount to retain soil moisture and suppress weed growth without choking plants. Also, mulch that is too thick may make it impossible for water to penetrate, or it may prevent the soil from airing out, causing continuously wet conditions that lead to root and stem rot. The University of Connecticut Home & Garden Education Center says mulch should not be placed directly against plant crowns or tree bases, as this can promote the development of disease. It may also serve as a habitat for barkand stem-eating rodents. The center also suggests watering newly installed bark or wood mulches to prevent fungi from colonizing in dry mulch and causing problems like a water-repellent surface on the mulch. Home landscapers considering mulch types may find that compost, manure and grass clippings (from nonpesticide-treated lawns) can be inexpensive and versatile in garden beds. The home advice site The Spruce notes that newspaper may also be effective. Many newspapers have switched over to organic dyes, especially for their black and white sections. Newspapers are an inexpensive way to suppress weeds and act like organic mulch in beds. They can be covered with other organic mulch, like shredded bark, for more visual appeal. Mulch can be a versatile asset when doing gardening projects around home landscapes. And the benefits are more than just aesthetic.

• Water well infrequently. Get plants used to a thorough watering every week or every other week. This will help develop strong, deep roots rather than shallow ones that will need frequent watering to thrive. • Choose drought-tolerant plants. Homeowners can work with garden centers and landscape professionals to create gardens that are full of water-wise plants and flowers. Some examples of plants that can survive with minimal water include the blanket flower, Spanish lavender, euphorbia rigida, and kangaroo paw. • Apply a layer of mulch. Mulch can protect delicate plants and the rest of the landscape by reducing the evaporation of soil moisture. Mulch will keep soil cool and moist. • Skip the fertilizer. Since fertilizers encourage plant growth, it’s best to skip them during drought, as growing plants require extra water. • Invest in rain barrels. When it rains, maximize the amount of water that can be collected by connecting rain barrels

to downspouts on the house. This water can be used to water gardens when dry weather returns. • Use organic materials. Amend the soil with organic materials, like compost. The Grow Network advises that light, fluffy soils with air pockets in between the soil particles route water efficiently during floods and retain moisture for plants. Therefore, such soils can perform very well during drought.

Succulents are good drought-tolerant plants to include in landscape designs.

About succulents The word “succulent” brings to mind juicy, savory foods. But succulents aren’t meant to be consumed. In fact, they get their mouth-watering name from their uncanny ability to store water in fleshy stems or leaves. That means they do not require frequent watering like other plants might. Succulents also may prove more durable in the face of drought and are a handy plant for forgetful gardeners or those who travel often and want something more hands-off in their gardens. According to the succulents resource Succulents and Sunshine, most succulents prefer warm temperatures and are not very cold-tolerant. However, there are some varieties that can survive freezing temperatures. Still, for most succulents, it’s best if they are kept in warm, moderately sunny conditions. The DIY Network says succulents grow best in bright light, but not

always in full, hot sun. Succulents also may attract gardeners thanks to their diverse looks. Better Homes & Gardens says that color variations of succulents are quite varied and include green, yellow, burgundy, white, blue-green, pink, red, and variegated combinations. Their shapes can be just as diverse, with many having pointy, rounded, spiky, or ruffled leaves. People may be particularly familiar with one type of succulent: cacti. These traditional desert-dwellers are prized for their water-retention abilities, but some seem downright scary with their prickly exteriors. While all cacti are succulents, it’s important to note that not all succulents are cacti. Less needle-like succulents include aloe, jade, snake plant, and agave. Hens and chicks (sempervivum) and wax plant (hoya) are other succulents to consider.

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How to control common spring pests of their bodies. Small in stature, pave-

jacket may have survived winter and

enough to humans and pets to be

people are anxious to enjoy the bloom-

ment ants have parallel lines on their

ridden out the colder temperatures

much of a problem. In fact, spiders can

ing flowers and luscious lawns of

heads and thorax, according to pest

within a home. Once the weather

be helpful to have around to control

spring, pesky pests can appear and

extermination company Orkin.

warms, queens will begin to look for

the populations of other insects. Still,

Just when winter thaws out and

Although pavement ants nest out-

places to lay eggs and establish colo-

many homeowners would prefer these

doors, they can enter homes through

nies. Treating areas where wasps are

web-slinging friends remain outdoors.

activity as spring draws closer and

small crevices in search of food scraps.

seen entering and leaving the home is

Therefore, sealing cracks in a home’s

temperatures warm up. The pres-

Their large colonies may not disappear

key. Seal holes as soon as possible.

foundation and repairing small open-

ence of these insects and rodents may

until treatment is introduced. Keep

cause problems in and around a home,

foods in tightly sealed containers, clear

insect populations, their painful stings

help keep spiders out. Also, alleviating

which makes it essential to recognize

counters and floors of crumbs, and

and potentially aggressive nature can

moisture issues in basements, garages

them and avoid issues. The following

address water sources, such as leaks.

make them challenging to have around

or attics may keep out other bugs that

are some of the more common spring

Pesticides may be needed in extreme

a home. If a nest is found, hire a pro-

would be prey to spiders.

pests and how to remedy infestations.


fessional to remove it.

impact comfort levels and safety. Many pests resume their levels of

Pavement Ants Pavement ants are some of the most


Although wasps help control other


Fleas are tiny, jumping, biting pests

common pests residents encounter in-

that must find a host upon which to

side and outside of their homes. These

live. As ectoparasites, they feed on

ants are light brown to black with ap-

blood while living on the body of living

pendages that are lighter than the rest

hosts. Pets can bring fleas inside the

Many spiders are not harmful

ings around windows and doors can

Homeowners can take the steps necessary to cut down on pests in and around their homes.

yard and home in warm weather. According to the University of California Statewide Integrated Pest Management Program, flea larvae develop more quickly at higher temperatures. At normal room temperatures, the entire life cycle of a flea is about 18 days. Several flea control products are available to control fleas on cats and dogs. There also may be powders and sprays to alleviate flea infestations

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in the home. Vacuuming is also very effective in killing larvae in the carpet and at picking up adults. Ants are a nuisance that become more active as the weather warms.

Wasps An errant wasp, hornet or yellow

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Hang photos and artwork with ease Personal touches turn a house into a home. Hanging pictures, whether they’re personal photographs or artwork, can really change the character of a room. Unfortunately, some people may not know the proper ways to display pictures on a wall. Design maven Martha Stewart advises that the first step is to gather all of the pictures that are

in consideration for hanging. This will enable you to see what is available and edit your selection based on the space available, theme or color scheme. Next, plan on hanging artwork at 57 inches on center, according to the renovation experts at Apartment Therapy. “On center” means the middle of the photograph or painting will always be at 57”, as this measurement represents

the average human eye height. This height is regularly used as a standard in many galleries and museums. When the goal is to hang multiple pictures, treat the entire grouping as a single unit. This means creating the layout and finding the center of the middle piece of the grouping. To make picture grouping easier, use paper templates with arrows to indicate whether the artwork will be hung horizontally or vertically. These templates can then be easily taped to the wall and rearranged until the grouping is ideal. There are no hard and fast rules concerning frames, meaning they do not all have to match. Some people like to use frames of similar colors and sizes. Others want the eclectic mix-andmatch appeal. It’s ultimately up to the homeowner. Measuring is key to hanging a picture correctly on the wall. Take into consideration the type of attachment, whether it’s D-rings, sawtooth hangers, wire, or other fasteners on the back. Measure from the top of the frame to the hanger. Measure the wall to achieve the 57” on center location, and then calculate where this falls within the height of the artwork and frame top. Adjust accordingly and mark. Then measure the distance from the frame top to the hanger

location on the wall. Be sure to take the weight of the picture into consideration when selecting hanging hardware. Wall anchors may be needed if measurements determine a wall stud will not help secure the artwork — to keep the frame sturdy in the drywall. Self-adhesive rubber bumpers on the bottom corners on the back of the frame will help it hang level and protect the wall. It can take a few attempts to hang pictures correctly, but with practice it should come with greater ease. The good news is there are new products constantly being evolved to make picture hanging easier, including those that enable removal and relocation of artwork without damaging walls.

Spring cleaning Spring cleaning is a ritual that many people participate in as the last vestiges of winter disappear. Spring cleaning is a time to open windows, deep clean rooms and closets and take down and launder window treatments and linens. Others use spring cleaning as a time to sort and donate or discard clutter that might have accumulated over the winter. Even though spring cleaning seems like a modern invention, the act of spring cleaning is believed to have originated centuries ago. Some say that the ancient Chinese cleaned in prepara-

tion for their New Year as they hoped to wipe away any bad luck and misfortune from the previous year. Similarly, the ancient Hebrew practice of thoroughly cleansing a home before the springtime feast of Passover may have evolved into the spring cleaning we know today. Another possible connection is the tradition of “shaking the house clean” in Iran. Iranians celebrate Now Rouz (Persian New Year) with many different rituals, one of which involves buying new clothes and cleaning every corner of the family home to signify renewal.

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Cedaredge, Colorado | | 970-856-3711




Select the right fertilizer for your needs For plants to truly flourish, the right

will be placed can yield the most accu-

Solid and Liquid Fertilizer

growing conditions and soil that offers

rate results. Soil tests are available at

the right nutrients is of paramount

gardening centers and online. Other-

lets, spikes and liquid forms. Pellets

importance. Fertilizer enhances soil

wise, landscaping professionals can

or granules are dispersed over large

so that plants and flowers can thrive.

conduct tests.

areas and will gradually offer nutri-

Know the N-P-K Ratio

However, fertilizer is not a one-sizefits-all mix. Choosing fertilizer can be a little

Most fertilizers will come with information concerning the nutrients

overwhelming thanks to the variety

within. Most notably it will have a

of formulations available at neigh-

breakdown of how much nitrogen (N),

borhood lawn and garden centers.

phosphorous (P) and potassium (K)

Shelves contain all-purpose products,

is in the mix. Judging by the soil test,

such as those billed as vegetable fertil-

gardeners can choose a product that

izer, and even formulations geared

will give them the right ratio to amend

toward specific flower varieties. Others

the soil for the type of plant they are

may feature buzz words like “all-

hoping to grow. Complete fertilizers

natural” or “organic,” and consumers

often have NPK in the formulation.

may not be sure just what they need

Incomplete fertilizers may have only

to keep plants healthy. The follow-

one or two nutrients. This allows a per-

ing guidelines can help any would-be

son to customize fertilizer even more

gardener or landscaper grow more

without overdoing it with a particular

vibrant plants.


ents when the soil is watered. Liquid fertilizer is concentrated and fast-acting. These may be used for container plants or smaller areas. Spikes usually are placed in houseplants or to feed individual trees or shrubs. Depending on the formulation, fertilizer may need to be reapplied once a month or more. Consult the product packaging for the correct application advice.

Fertilizer amends soil to grow stronger, more resilient plants.

Grow Plant Knowledge

Start with a Soil Test It’s difficult to determine what plants

Fertilizers are generally sold in pel-

A cursory knowledge of the plants

need without an accurate picture of

being planted in the garden also can

what’s going on in the ground. A soil

be helpful. Gardeners must recog-

test can paint a picture of what’s going

nize that some plants will not toler-

on and indicate if any nutrients are

ate excess amounts of a particular

lacking. A common misconception

fertilizer component, while some may

is that gardeners fertilize plants. But

need more. Checking books out of the

fertilizer amends the soil that feeds

library, seeking information online and

plants, according to the soil-testing

consulting with landscaping experts

lab professionals at Virginia Tech. Soil

will help expand homeowners’ knowl-

types vary by region, and conditions

edge about plant types and the needs

may even vary between spots on a

of each particular plant they hope to

landscape. Testing where the plants


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