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High Performance
Delta is one of the country’s highest performing large Trusts for primary, secondary, post 16, and Alternative Provision.
Our high proportion of disadvantaged students achieve outcomes broadly in line with non-disadvantaged students nationally. Delta outcomes are above national for Phonics, KS2, KS4 and KS5 Attainment. School improvement is underpinned by CPD which offers the full range of NPQs, ECF, ITT, Science Partnership, and SKEs, producing a large cadre of highly trained teachers and leaders eager to take the next step.
Primary Data
Reading Above average +1.2
Writing Above average +1.7
Maths Above average +1.6
Pupils meeting the expected standard: Phonics
Pupils meeting the expected standard: Reading, Writing & Maths
Secondary Data
MAT Progress 8 Score: Overall Grade 5 or above: English & Maths GCSEs
2022 MAT Progress Scores: Reading, Writing & Maths 2022/
66% of KS2 disadvantaged pupils achieved the expected reading standard.
56% of Delta secondary disadvantaged pupils achieved a grade 4 or above in English and Maths.