DU Quarterly: Volume 132, No. 2

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Volume 1, № 2






FRATERNITY IS FAMILY In 1972 it was not common for an African American to be initiated into a predominately Caucasian fraternity. I grew up in a segregated community in Wichita. I went to black schools, attended a black church and shopped at black grocery stores. Basically our only interaction with white people would have been in some retail establishment. Coming to Kansas State I had every intention of maintaining my segregated place, and initially I did. I pledged a traditional African American fraternity, at least until I could no longer endure the brutal pledging process. Soon after I de-pledged I was greeted by some friendly, young, Caucasian men that I passed nearly every day on the sidewalk going to and from class. We always spoke or acknowledged each other in some form, but one day they had the courage to stop and have a brief conversation with me. When they finished introducing themselves they asked if I would consider coming to their house for dinner. I was impressed with my first encounter, as there was no such thing as diversity training in 1972, but these guys were way ahead of the game. They never made reference to some stereotypical racial nuance. In fact, this seemed to be a collection of some of the brightest undergraduate men at K-State. They had a very informal style, but a dignified, mature, progressive attitude. They were outstanding men who could articulate their opinions about the issues of the day, and though they did not know much about the civil rights movement, they were eager to learn from me and to hear my take on race and culture in America. After only a few visits to the fraternity house, I was indeed hooked on DU. At the time I signed my pledge card I was president of the Black Student Union. I knew that my decision would rock my friends’ worlds, and I endured name-calling from those who disapproved. But I was so taken by this group of guys that I swallowed my racial pride. Courage took over, the courage to think that maybe, just maybe white men and black men could be friends, and I soon learned a lesson about friendship and brotherhood that I would never forget. My senior year I decided to run for student body president, but I had missed the filing deadline which meant my name would not make it onto the ballot. I had to run as a write-in, and needed an army of students to promote my campaign. My brothers stepped up and painted banners, made buttons and created T-shirts that read, “Write-In Bernard Franklin.” One of my brothers had a sister majoring in journalism who

kindly agreed to serve as my advertising manager. I quickly realized that real friends, brothers, treat you like family and will do anything for you. On the day of the election, my brothers drove sorority members to the polls to vote. In every class they encouraged classmates to go vote, and because of their support and belief in me, all of their hard work paid off. My brothers helped elect the first African American student body president in K-State history, and one of the first in the U.S. Together they not only honored me, but they made history. It’s one thing to initiate a brother, it’s another to work hard to elevate a brother and to promote him. Being elected student body president has had a huge impact on my life. But becoming a brother of Delta Upsilon has had an even greater impact. These two associations helped shape and smooth the rough edges of this young man. I might have reached my early success on my own, such as reaching the position of Chair of the Kansas Board of Regents at age 28 and serving the Carter White House. But I am clear DU had much to do with the “stretching” that occurred as I shared life with my brothers. Years later, long after the afro had been cut off and the receding hair line firmly put in place, my wife died of breast cancer. Prior to her death I had some contact with my brothers through the years, but I was overwhelmed at my wife’s service when some of those same brothers who had supported me and my student campaign showed up to support me at this hard time. Weeks later one of those brothers called and asked if he could make a donation to my wife’s scholarship fund. Paul Edgerley, Kansas State ’77, made a commitment of $1 million. His sister was my campaign marketing director. Alongside my brothers over the years, we’ve shared moments of great joy. We’ve encouraged each other’s endeavors. We’ve laughed about days long gone. As we get older, I suspect we will come to appreciate and rely on our friendship even more. These men who had the courage to approach me on the sidewalk that day changed my life forever. Fraternity life done well is where brothers become family for life.

E. Bernard Franklin, P.h.D., Kansas State ’75 President, Delta Upsilon International Fraternity Email: ihq@deltau.org


Delta Upsilon International Fraternity North America’s Oldest Non-Secret Fraternity: Founded 1834

The Principles of Delta Upsilon The Promotion of Friendship The Development of Character The Diffusion of Liberal Culture The Advancement of Justice

The Motto of Delta Upsilon

Dikaia Upotheke - Justice Our Foundation

OFFICERS President E. Bernard Franklin, Ph.D., Kansas State ’75 Chairman of the Board Richard X. Taylor, North Carolina State ’82 Secretary Timothy C. Dowd, Oklahoma ’75 Treasurer E. Bruce McKinney, Missouri ’74

The Official Magazine of the

Delta Upsilon International Fraternity Since 1882

Volume 132, No 2 WINTER 2014


James Bell, Calgary ’94 Terry Brady, Missouri ’62 Aaron Clevenger, Central Florida ’97 Robert S. Lannin, Nebraska ’81 Jordan B. Lotsoff, Northern Illinois ’88 Aaron M. Siders, Kansas State ’04 Robert A. Stewart, Washington ’64 Derek Lancashire, Ohio State ’15 Seth Miller, Kansas ’14


DELTA UPSILON INTERNATIONAL FRATERNITY BUTLER MEMORIAL HEADQUARTERS Office hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Monday - Friday Office: 317-875-8900 FAX: 317-876-1629 Email: ihq@deltau.org website: www.deltau.org

Terry L. Bullock, Kansas State ’61 Samuel M. Yates, San Jose ’55 Bruce S. Bailey, Denison ’58 James D. McQuaid, Chicago ’60 Alvan E. (Ed) Porter, Oklahoma ’65

Delta Upsilon Quarterly is published quarterly in the spring, summer, fall and winter 8705 Founders Road Indianapolis, Indiana 46268, U.S.A., (R) TM Registered U.S. Patent Office


GET PUBLISHED IN THE DU QUARTERLY Undergraduate members and alumni are encouraged to submit chapter news and feature stories along with high resolution photographs by emailing samuels@deltau.org.

FRATERNITY AND EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION Executive Director: Justin Kirk, Boise State ’00 Executive Assistant: Jana McClees-Anderson Senior Staff Accountant: Mary Ellen Watts


FRATERNITY Associate Executive Director: Karl Grindel Senior Director of Educational Programs: Noah Borton, M.A. Director of Global Initiatives: Kaye Schendel, M.S. Director of Alumni Development: Colin Finn, Iowa State ’05 Director of Chapter Services: Matthew Nance, M.S., DePauw ’10 Director of Expansion: Mark Gehrke, Boise State ’11 Senior Expansion Consultant: Sean FitzGerald, Michigan ’12 Expansion Consultant: Jordan Guess, Oregon State ’13 Expansion Consultant: Angel Ochoa, Oklahoma ’13 New Media Coordinator: Kaylyn Easton Graphic Designer: Kim Kreuzman Communications Coordinator: Megan Samuels







FOUNDATION Associate Executive Director: Michael McRee, Ph.D. Director of Foundation: John Duncan, M.A., Oregon State ’00 Development Assistant: Natasha Dow, M.P.A

FIND US ON INSTAGRAM @deltaupsilon


Delta Upsilon Media


Bound By

Brotherhood Four years come and go in the blink of an eye. But your family and brothers last a lifetime.


he glory days of fraternity life with your brothers likely remains as vivid as a sharp color photograph. You may not remember that paper you wrote for that one class, that one semester. And you probably can’t remember every encounter you made during your first semester in college. But you will remember your first interaction with Delta Upsilon. You’ll remember

how you felt, why you joined, who made an impact on your DU experience. You’ll remember what it was like to be a part of a different kind of family than the one you were born into, the family that you chose when you joined a fraternity. Your DU family. Family is what makes the fraternity bond unlike any other kind of friendship. Now just imagine sharing generations of fraternal love with your sons, your fathers, your brothers. The family lines of DU connect in so many ways. From the families of fathers to sons, from grandfathers to grandsons, to brothers who grew up in the same home now sharing DU experiences in chapter houses across the country. What would your story tell?


Family roots

“I think it’s important we all make an effort to stay connected to the Fraternity,” said Ralph. Of all the ways to give back, Ralph believes aiding the recruitment process is one of the biggest ways to stay connected, and encourages other alumni struggling to find a connection to the Fraternity after graduation to do the same.

run deep

The Castner family has been a part of the Nebraska Chapter since the 1940s. From brothers to sons to uncles and cousins, this family continues to grow the line of DU. The first of the Castner family to join DU was J.R. Castner, Nebraska ’49, followed by C.L. Castner, Nebraska ’57.

Some families, like the Taylors, began their DU journey with the second generation. Rick Taylor, North Carolina State ’82, was the first of his family to go to college. While he had never thought about joining a fraternity, his resident assistant suggested giving DU a try during his junior year.

A Family

The next generation started with Ralph Castner, Nebraska ’85, and Clarence Castner, Nebraska ’87, as well as cousins, Timothy Geisert, Nebraska ’87, and Nathan Geisert, Nebraska ’89. The current generation of DUs, Jake Geisert, Nebraska ’14 and Luke Castner, Nebraska ’15, continue the family tradition. Ralph Castner, Nebraska ’85, says although it has always been a big part of the family, it was not expected that the next generation choose the same path. “The most immediate benefit is having built-in family, to help you guide your way through your college experience,” said Ralph, which has always been something he understood when the time came for his own son to join a fraternity. The Castner and Geisert families still make an effort to be a part of DU on the Nebraska campus, as they host an annual tailgate and duck hunting trip.

“The most immediate benefit is having built-in family, to help you guide your way through your college experience.” - Ralph Castner, Nebraska ’85 But he admits that the transition from the undergraduate experience into being an involved alumnus was a difficult one and not immediate. Soon after graduation, life got in the way of playing an active role in the Fraternity. But once his oldest son headed off to college and began his recruitment journey, Ralph said he began to see the big picture. “I wanted to make sure that the experience is good for my kids,” said Ralph, as he recalls thinking back to what the experience provided him in the Fraternity. With that in mind, Ralph got involved in the best way he thought possible. He took great interest in the recruitment process, establishing a fund to ensure the chapter was recruiting the right men.


Rick had already been an active leader in the residence halls, but was looking for additional leadership opportunities. In the spring of 1979, Rick joined Delta Upsilon, and the very next fall took on the role as chapter president. Soon after Rick’s time in the chapter, his brother Paul Taylor, North Carolina State ’89 would make his way to NC State. Already looking like he might follow the same footsteps of his older brother, Paul strayed away from the idea of joining a fraternity, hoping to make his own way. But, big brother Rick pushed the chapter to seek out his younger brother to join. It didn’t take much to change his mind. With the good word of the Fraternity around the Taylor household, it would be a celebration when Paul decided to join DU. “When I got home after receiving a bid, my mother hugged me,” said Paul. For the Taylors, it has always been a family affair. “I can remember my sisters being at dances and DU events. One of my sisters even married a DU,” said Paul. But it was their father, who showed deep interest in the Fraternity. “My parents were always very supportive and involved. My dad was very good about asking questions,” said Paul. “When the Quarterly came in the mail, he would pour over it,” said Paul. Fast forward a few years, the NC State Chapter had closed and the International Fraternity was interested in returning to campus. “It really hit me when my oldest son, Troy Taylor, North Carolina State ’09, was heading to college, and knowing that the chapter wasn’t there,” said Rick. Becoming a part of that expansion as an alumnus became very important to both Rick and Paul. Not only did they help in the recruiting process, but the two brothers were able to purchase back their chapter house in the process. “I wanted to make sure it was brought back the way I wanted for my sons,” said Rick.



Recruitment plans for the new colony were coming together, and it would provide the opporutnity to highlight the Four Founding Principles with a series of events focused on each principle. During the justice portion of the series, the Taylor brothers invited an Auschwitz survivor and their father, John Taylor ’03, to speak on their Holocaust experiences. John Taylor served in the military during WWII, and liberated the Dachau Concentration Camp. The men were so taken with the stories and wanted to take things a step further by inviting John to become a part of the Fraternity. He gratefully accepted. “If anybody merits membership, it’s him,” said Paul. “Our core values align so well with what was important to my dad. If he were an undergraduate, he would have gravitated toward that group. To me, it was a really natural fit,” said Paul. Soon after this experience, John Taylor and his grandson, Troy, were initiated together, a very proud moment for the entire Taylor family.


“My wife and I got to build three better men, then helped 50, then 4,000.” - Rick Taylor, North Carolina State ’82 A coulple years later Rick’s sons Mike Taylor, North Carolina State ’11 and Britt Taylor, North Carolina State ’13, would also join DU. Today, the Taylor family continues to be a part of the Fraternity in big ways. Shortly after the NC State Chapter was chartered in 2004, Rick joined the International Fraternity Board of Directors and became Chairman of the Board in 2009. A position he still holds today. “My wife and I got to build three better men [our sons], then helped 50 [NC State Chapter], and now 4,000 [DU undergraduate total],” said Rick. “Rick and I both joined the Fraternity for business experience, but gained a lot more,” said Paul, who has since served as an advisor to the Elon Chapter. “When I was asked, I just couldn’t say no because DU did so much for me,” said Paul. “My experience was so overwhelmingly positive, I found it very hard to say no.” The Taylor family has also endowed a scholarship to the Global Service Initiative, giving undergraduates the opportunity to attend one of DU’s most memorable educational programs.

A Grand gesture

Josh Pennings, Ohio State ’12, had just transferred to Ohio State as a sophomore when DU became a part of his life. While most students his age had made friends and found their niches on campus, Pennings was still trying to do just that. It wasn’t until his roommate, John Kuechly, Ohio State ’12, had invited him to hang out with a group of his friends that he had even thought about the idea of a fraternity. “I personally, knew nothing about Greek life, nor did I have any interest in joining an organization,” said Pennings. The group just so happened to be men of the DU chapter. “John did not push to recruit me. He knew that the Fraternity could and does recruit itself. Before I even joined, I made a group of lifelong friends, so at that point, it only seemed natural to join. I pledged that spring, only weeks after being introduced to these men,” said Pennings. Over the next couple years at Ohio State, Pennings enjoyed being able to share his DU memories with his family apart from his brothers. “My family was very involved with my fraternity experience. The Ohio State Chapter does an extremely good job at making sure all families are welcomed, exemplifying the DU value of non-secrecy. Families were invited to initiation (which some of my extended family attended), father’s weekend (which my father attended) and just general times when my family came to visit me at school, and participated in whatever events the Fraternity was having that weekend,” said Pennings.

“I could see that these are young men becoming adults, creating friendship for life.” - Ed Rensi, Ohio State ’90 During his senior year, Pennings took on a role as an officer, and was busy with the recruitment process, and helping plan the upcoming initiation. His grandfather, Ed Rensi ’90, had been invited to the ceremony to speak, as he had done for so many groups before this. His many years of leadership as Chief Executive Officer of McDonald’s USA made him the perfect candidate to speak to the new group of potential leaders about to take their Oath.


Rensi recalls the first time he made his way over to the chapter’s home. There were no frills, as he was greeted by men watching football on the TV downstairs, eating popcorn and just taking it easy. While he says the house wasn’t much in appearance, he could still see the pleasant dynamic among the men; he could see that they genuinely cared about one another. “I could see that these are young men becoming adults, creating friendship for life,” said Rensi. Rensi didn’t have the same college experience as his grandson. He left Ohio State before graduating in 1962, and eventually went back to finish his degree years later. Chatting with Joshua, he remembers never hesitating to encourage his decision to join DU. “I knew that this was a very moral organization and something that he would benefit from in the long run,” said Rensi. For Rensi, when his grandson asked him to become a member of DU, he couldn’t say no. “Joshua said, ‘you ought to join them, then you’ll know.’ Whatever they wanted me to do, I said ‘I’ll do,’” said Rensi. Since Rensi’s initiation, he’s spoken at the Leadership Institute and other events to students and alumni about strategic leadership and his experiences in public companies.

During Tyler’s fifth and final year of school, he was approached by the current president of the chapter about recognizing his father in a big way. While the chapter was not short on alumni involvement, it was a collective effort of the parents who had taken such an active interest in the betterment of it that was making all the difference. The chapter wanted to honor those parents who had given so much, not just financially, but in time and participation. The idea to initiate Tim Deary as a member came about. As active parents, Tim and his wife would do their best to make the 600-mile trip to visit often, participating in parent weekends, basketball and football games and social gatherings at the house, so it wasn’t unusual to get an invitation from the Fraternity.

“As a business owner, I am totally impressed by the whole organization.” - Tim Deary, San Diego State ’13

Having attended the Leadership Institute, he and his wife have since made friends that he says will last a lifetime.

This time, the invitation, was to recognize Tyler for his efforts within the chapter, but to also secretly to initiate Tim.

Echoing the sentiments of his grandfather, “ To me, brotherhood means supporting each other, through thick and thin. Simply put, if something is important to one of my brothers, it is important to me,” said Pennings.

With President Bernard Franklin, P.h.D., Kansas State ’75, in attendance for this special occasion, Tim was surprised with the opportunity to join DU. “I was shocked. I didn’t know that would happen,” said Tim.

They say that you don’t choose your fraternity, that it chooses you. And perhaps that is later in life, when you least expect it.

Since becoming a member, the Fraternity has only made a positive impact on Tim, as he remains very much involved. After having the opportunity to attend the Leadership Institute and meet so many influential DUs, Tim is convinced that the organization has been the best decision for both himself and his son.

No Bond

Like Father & Son As a student at San Diego State University, Tyler Deary ’13, had done everything. Flying under the wing of his chapter advisor, Bruce Howard, San Diego State ’70, Tyler had been a part of every aspect of the growing San Diego State Chapter, developing him as a leader and pushing the chapter to higher standards. “As a parent, you’re always worried when your child goes away; you’re not there to catch them when they fall. We thought it was great for him to get involved with DU,” said Tyler’s father, Tim Deary, San Diego State ’13.

“As a business owner, I am totally impressed by the whole organization,” said Tim. “I liken it to my world and do very similar things, then compare to DU as a parallel.” And as Tyler transitions into his role as an active DU alumnus, he says that giving back is something he will continue to do, as well as any opportunities that arise to develop more leaders in his chapter. “DU has given me all the opportunities in the world. It would be a disservice not to give back at this point,” said Tyler. The same goes for his father, as they continue this journey together. “ Tyler’s mother and I are so grateful because DU helped lead Tyler down the right path. We are thankful for the rest of our lives. If our funding can help transition another young adult to take the right path, we think it’s worth it,” said Tim.




Dawes Dynasty

By Bill Briscoe, Purdue ’65, Fraternity Historian


During the almost 200 years of our existence, there have been numerous families with multiple members in the Delta Upsilon brotherhood. One of the most notable families in that lineup is the Dawes family. This family line is also one of the more remarkable families in the history of the United States, dating all the way back to the Puritans in the Massachusetts Bay Colony in the early 1600s. Included are two great-great-grandfathers of the Dawes brothers who attended Marietta in the late 1800s: William Dawes, who was the other rider with Paul Revere in April of 1775, and Manasseh Cutler, who was instrumental in the establishment of the Northwest Territory in 1787. The father of the Dawes brothers was Rufus R. Dawes, who was a general in the Civil War and fought in numerous battles including Gettysburg. In the span of a dozen years, beginning with Charles Gates Dawes, Marietta 1884, there were a total of nine Dawes family members who were DU members at the college. Charles

remains the most famous having been the Comptroller of the Currency (under President McKinley), the first Director of the Budget (under President Warren Harding), Vice President (under President Calvin Coolidge), and Ambassador to Great Britain (under President Herbert Hoover) in addition to being the main supply officer in World War I and the principle architect of the Dawes Plan to rebuild Germany after the war for which he received the 1925 Nobel Peace Prize. He had three brothers who also joined DU: Rufus Cutler Dawes, Marietta 1886, who was President of the 1933-34 Century of Progress World’s Fair and the Museum of Science & Industry, both in Chicago; Beman Gates Dawes, Marietta 1890, who was an Ohio Congressman and President & Chairman of the Board of the Pure Oil Company; Henry May Dawes, Marietta 1896, who served as Comptroller of the Currency (under Presidents Harding & Coolidge) and President of the Pure Oil Company. Henry’s father-in-law, Harry Norvell Curtis, Marietta 1873, was a charter member of the chapter. The Dawes brothers also







Charles Gates Dawes (WWI) and his father, Rufus R. Dawes (Civil War) were both wartime Brigadier Generals.

Charles Gates Dawes wrote the music “Melody in A Major” in 1912. It became the number one hit on the American Billboard for six weeks in 1958 as “It’s All in the Game” sung by Tommy Edwards with Carl Sigman’s lyrics.

To carry out the legacy of his son, Rufus Fearing Dawes, Charles Gates Dawes, with his brothers created hotels in Chicago and Boston for men out of work, homeless men and business women.

Rufus Cutler Dawes served as Chairman of the Illinois Constitutional Convention in 1920 and was proclaimed Chicago’s Most Distinguished Citizen for 1934.

Henry May Dawes, as Comptroller of the Currency, made the recommendations on branch banking that led to the McFadden Act.


Vice President Charles Dawes and wife coming out of Arlington City Hall. had two brothers-in-law who joined DU: Arthur Granville Beach, Marietta 1891(who in turn had two brothers: Allen E. Beach, Marietta 1884, and Walter G. Beach, Marietta 1888); and Harry B. Hoyt, Marietta 1896. In addition, they had three cousins (sons of Rufus R. Dawes’ sister): William Ambrose Shedd, Marietta 1887; John Cutler Shedd, Marietta, 1891; and Ephraim Cutler Shedd, Marietta 1893. The Dawes family has continued to add members to the rolls of DU all the way into the 21st century. This has included Charles’ adopted son, Dana McCutcheon Dawes, Williams 1934, and Dana’s son, Charles Gates Dawes II, Marietta 1959. Rufus Dawes had three DU sons: William Miles Dawes, Marietta 1919; Charles Cutler Dawes, Marietta 1920; and Palmer Dawes, Northwestern 1930. Beman Dawes also had three sons who were DUs: Beman Gates Dawes Jr., Marietta 1917; Carlos Burl Dawes, Marietta 1923; Henry Dawes, Williams 1928. In addition, Carlos Dawes’ son, Charles

Photo courtesy of the Boston Public Library, Leslie Jones Collection.

Johnson Dawes, Marietta 1971, and his grandson, Daniel River Dawes, Marietta 2003, are DUs. Henry May Dawes’ son, Curtis Dawes, Marietta 1929, joined DU as did Henry Hoyt’s son, Henry Dawes Hoyt, Marietta 1936. Arthur Beach had two sons who were DUs: David E. Beach, Marietta 1922; Rufus Dawes Beach, Marietta 1923. The latest generation of the Dawes family to join the brotherhood includes: Jonathan Forest Dawes, Marietta 2002; Daniel River Dawes, Marietta 2003; and Nicholas Daniel Dawes, Webster 2011. Rufus Cutler Dawes was also an uncle to three more DUs: Horace B. Maynard, Marietta 1912; Robert P. Maynard, Marietta 1913; Hiram Hitchcock Maynard, Marietta 1918. Plus, Herbert Blakemore Maynard, Marietta 1950, is Horace’s son. That is one fine dynasty of DU Brothers. In the span of over a century, this family has continued to add members to the brotherhood of DU.

Timely Men Charles Gates Dawes was on the cover of Time magazine on December 14, 1925 and June 11, 1928. His brother, Rufus Cutler Dawes, appeared on the May 22, 1933 issue.

Charles Gates Dawes December 14, 1925

Charles Gates Dawes


June 11, 1928.

Rufus Cutler Dawes May 22, 1933









FALL 2014


FALL 2015





* tentative planned university expansions



As the fall semester concluded at the University of Kentucky, 61 men of merit accepted their bids to be become founding fathers of the Kentucky colony in Lexington, Kentucky. Among these men were international students who moved this group to be among the most diverse fraternities on campus. A number of DU alumni from various chapters are making an effort to support the colony and serve on their advisory board. With support from both the advisory board and University of Kentucky’s faculty and staff, these men successfully colonized with a colony grade point average of a 3.33. With this achievement, DU has the highest grade point average on campus. As 2014 commences, the colony men continue to become involved in campus events, Greek Sing and various service activities. We look forward to the continued success of this colony as well as their addition to becoming a chapter of Delta Upsilon International Fraternity in the near future.

In the northeast, 24 men of merit came together to recolonize at Clarkson University. There has been a large outpouring of support from both alumni and the school, with many turning out for the Colonization Ceremony. Construction of the new on-campus fraternity house has also begun, with an expected completion date of late summer 2014—just in time for the founding fathers to move in for the new school year. The previous chapter experienced a great deal of success over the years and the alumni and founding fathers involved in this new colony are confident that they will continue to enjoy success at Clarkson University. Makeup of the colony includes leaders in student government, student athletes and engineering majors of all trades.





Tell us about atmosphere on campus.

the Greek Kentucky’s

The men are very excited to learn what DU is all about and always come prepared with ideas at meetings, and the commitment from the men has been astonishing.

The University of Kentucky has really put a lot into building and growing the Greek community. It is the second largest organization on campus behind the student body, so it is taken pretty seriously. What sets it apart from other campuses that I have been to is how well we work together as a Greek community. We want each other to succeed and support each other’s charity events and activities. Tell us about the Kentucky campus we’ve expanded to and what sets it apart from others. There is a lot of history on campus, but the most cherished has to be basketball season. Rupp Arena might just be the craziest place to go watch a basketball game in the nation and something every student has done. Also being the horse capital of the world has its perks, too. When Keeneland opens in the spring/fall, just about all students here make a trip there and a lot of students try and schedule their classes around it. What has been the most memorable moment with DU at Kentucky so far? My most memorable DU moment so far would have to be our very first practice for Greek Sing (philanthropy event). We had 30 men show up to learn a dance routine. This is a moment when I felt that the group really bonded and got to know each other better. Hopefully we can win Greek Sing and make a huge first impression on the Greek community and gain some respect. What has most impressed you about the men who have joined on this campus? The type of men that have joined DU want to make an impact and leave their mark on UK forever. They are very determined young men with full hearts and open minds.

How would you describe the response to DU’s open Ritual on this campus? People at first saw it as very different and they were shocked that DU was so open to the community. What trends have you observed as men join DU on this campus? The guys are eager to make DU work on campus. Since we’re new, our main objective is recruitment right now and the guys are really putting the DU Fraternity out there. It’s amazing how fast we have grown because of their hard work and dedication.

ON CAMPUS House or no house? No house. Size of Greek community: Over 3,000 students Number of fraternities and sororities: 21 fraternities and 16 sororities Campus must-see: You must go see a game at Rupp Arena. It is an atmosphere unlike any other. Best campus restaurant: Easily Tolly-Ho or Raising Canes. It’s too hard to choose between the two. Biggest school-wide Greek event: Greek Sing by Chi Omega and Phi Delta Theta School team to watch: Kentucky Wildcat Basketball, of course! Go CATS!





Tell us campus.



Clarkson is a small, close-knit campus with about 2,500 undergraduate students. Our walks to classes are sort of a workout with the hills, but it’s absolutely beautiful with a special North Country feel. Clarkson’s loaded with trees, making it beautiful in the spring and fall, and you never know what kind of wildlife is going to venture its way onto our campus.


Describe the Clarkson.


How would you describe the response to DU’s open ritual on this campus?



The response to DU’s non-secrecy and nonhazing attitude is good, but most don’t understand why we believe it’s a good thing. Many Greek organizations at Clarkson are extremely traditional and pride each other on their secret pledging processes. What has most impressed you about the men who have joined DU?


Clarkson’s Greek atmosphere is very traditional and embedded deeply within the university. There are a lot of local Greek organizations, but there’s a nice mix of national Greek fraternities and sororities as well.

I think the most impressive aspect of the new members to me are how much they’re open to hearing everyone’s ideas and sharing their own as well. Everyone wants to have a chance to speak their opinion on a matter and the brothers are respectful in granting the time for each guy to talk.

What have been some of the most memorable/most talked about moments at Clarkson so far? My most memorable moment so far has been the groundbreaking ceremony to start the building of the new house and the dinner with alumni afterwards. After seeing how happy cutting that ribbon made the alumni, and listening to the hours of stories they told, reassured me of the reasons I wanted to become a founding father. What are some trends you’ve observed as men join DU on this campus? I’ve noticed the men in DU at Clarkson becoming more responsible and becoming more confident because they’re a part of something that’s more than just a club on campus.

ON CAMPUS House or no house? We will have a brand new house on campus next fall. Size of Greek community: Greek organizations represent about 20 percent of Clarkson. Number of fraternities and sororities: Eight fraternities and four sororities Campus must-do: You must go to a hockey game at Cheel Arena. Biggest school-wide Greek event: The biggest Greek event is the Turkey Bowl (fraternity football tournament that sororities also get involved in). School team to watch: D1 hockey team




Through your generosity, Delta Upsilon offers award-winning experiential leadership programs, alumni volunteer training, scholarship and grant opportunities, recruitment training, member educational programming and more to our members. The impact in action.


Your support has allowed one of your fellow DUs to attend a great weekend program of learning and growth. The weekend has brought me a restored confidence in myself and in my fraternity. I left with a renewed drive to accomplish the big dreams and goals set upon returning home. I will, with revived vigor, chase my goals for both my personal growth and the growth of my brothers. Thank you very much for your generosity. Fraternally, Sam Haigh, Boise State ’17

Make an impact. ANNUAL GIVING RECOGNITION Delta Upsilon is pleased to recognize donors who reach certain annual giving levels with membership in Giving Clubs. All unrestricted DU Educational Foundation gifts received within the fiscal year (July 1 – June 30) are credited to Club memberships. The following gift levels are recognized:

$50,000 $25,000 $20,000 $15,000 $10,000 $7,500

Old West Hall Club Men of Merit Club Coat of Arms Club Cornerstone Club Global Impact Club Seven Stars Club

$5,000 $2,500 $1,000 $500 $250 $100

Non-Secret Club Scales of Justice Club Founders Club President’s Club Old Gold Club Sapphire Blue Club

$50 Loyalty Club

Should you wish to remember us in your will or other estate plans, our legal name is the Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation, Tax ID # 35-1976226.

Thank you!

LIFETIME GIVING RECOGNITION The Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation recognizes alumni who have reached the following cumulative levels of giving:

$1,000,000 Dikaia Upotheke Circle $500,000 James A. Garfield Circle

$250,000 Charles Evans Hughes Circle $100,000 Williams Circle $75,000 Chairman’s Circle

Trustees Circle Hugh Nesbitt Circle Circle of Justice Circle of Culture Circle of Character Circle of Friendship Circle of Loyal Brothers

THE 1834 SOCIETY This Society recognizes those brothers who choose to make a gift with a monthly commitment of $18.34 through a credit card payment.

With your help, we are Building Better Men. duef.deltau.org/Give

$50,000 $25,000 $10,000 $7,5000 $5,000 $2,500 $1,000

A Weekend at Camp: Presidents Academy 2014 Tucked away at Camp Tecumseh in Brookston, Indiana, chapter presidents and their delegates from all over North America braved the polar vortex to spend the weekend at the annual Presidents Academy. As one of the many crucial educational programs DU has to offer, Presidents Academy comes with a purpose, to give something valuable to future DU leaders in hopes that they will take newfound knowledge back to their chapters. Coming out of Presidents Academy, a chapter president should have all the tools needed to define his role as president, articulate and recognize DU’s Founding Principles and Mission, understand how the chapter functions within the International Fraternity, learn how to hone in on personal leading styles, effectively communicate the purpose of the Global Service Initiative and formulate a workable action plan to implement on his return home.


Brothers chatting by the fire at Presidents Academy.

The bus ride to the camp gave brothers a chance to get to know one another before receiving their bunk assignments and heading into their cabins for the weekend. After a brief introduction of what the weekend would bring, pizza was served and the men continued to bond well into the evening.

Day two gave brothers the opportunity to ask questions and look at their chapters individually to understand where they stand on all areas of Fraternity business. Tutorials on reporting and finances came in handy, as well as a Q&A session to ease some worried minds.

Day one was jam-packed with activity. Everyone in attendance was given the opportunity to fill out a pre-test intended to identify each person’s strengths as leaders. Shortly after, brothers were separated into groups based on results, and questions were given to answer according to personal style, as well challenging them to think of how other personalities would react to situations.

After a visual session on making an impact and becoming the leaders they had been voted to be, each man had the opportunity to sit down with a facilitator one-on-one to discuss their goals as a new executive leader. This exercise gave members a chance to articulate their plans and receive advice before continuing on with the weekend’s activities.

Facilitators helped to put the activity into perspective. Separating into groups focusing on one strength can be “dangerous,” recognizing the importance of understanding the other personalities around you. Throughout the rest of the day, group building activities came into play, giving brothers the opportunity to stretch their minds and their legs, and work together to reach common goals. The evening ended on a high note, as brothers joined Josh Katz, Central Florida ’97, in a conversational about the Ritual. “I freakin’ love my Fraternity!” Katz exclaimed. He began to retell those moments he remembers best, his memory of visiting Williams College for the first time and asking himself, “Did you earn this?” Katz captured the entire audience of young men as he hit hard on the fact that DU has the ability to actually live out its ideals because of the non-secret aspect. Staring at the wall at Williams College, he said he could feel the presence of the brothers who came before him, and assured all the men in the room that he was still earning his letters to this day. The room stood quiet until Katz asked for his brothers to join him in reciting their Oath. Proudly, every DU man made their way to the center of the room to repeat those words.

Following their last dinner at the camp, the men were eager to hear from President Bernard Franklin, P.h.D., Kansas State ’75. Casually dressed, he grabbed a stool in front of the undergraduate crowd and took a seat. “I come to you as my brothers,” he began. Face-to-face, man to man, Brother Franklin sent a clear message that no one is promised tomorrow, and that they should all understand the essence of time. “What matters is how you spend your time learning, growing. Do not take that Oath lightly,” said Franklin. At the conclusion of the weekend, the presidents put what they learned to good use in group case studies. Here, they analyzed real-life scenarios, working together to come up with solutions to these issues. Projects were judged by facilitators and questions from the audience were answered to really fine-tune their thought processes. Leaving with a defined sense of leadership and plans to move their chapters forward, the men said their goodbyes, took their newfound sense of leadership and made their way back home. “I got to talk personally with all the chapter presidents. Everyone had really, drastically different opinions. It’s been really humbling to know that everyone has the same idea. Not necessarily the same way, but the same goals,” said David Adams, Ohio ’16.



Sarthi Tuli, Rutgers ‘15, holding a Jamaican child at the work site on the May 2013 GSI trip. The Rutgers Chapter has raised $16,810.40 to date for the Global Service Initiative program.

Rutgers Makes largest Contribution to GSI Throughout the year, chapters strive to find new ways to educate others on their campuses about the Global Service Initiative, all while trying to creatively fundraise for this once-in-a-lifetime experience. The men from the Rutgers Chapter have just hit the jackpot on both counts raising $14,810 for GSI. Chapter fundraising for GSI has surpassed $100,000 and the Rugers donation is the largest in the program’s history. This past fall, Delta Upsilon was chosen by the Rutgers University Student Affairs (RUSA), to receive funding for their meal swipe program. Simply put, the program would take the cost of a meal swiped, and donate that money straight to the charity, GSI. According to Brother Cosimo Laterza, Rutgers ’14, Philanthropy Chair Matt Lucciola, Rutgers ’14, organized brothers within the chapter into teams to aid in the process. From November 7-December 11, those teams were stationed outside all four dining halls on campus for a minimum of three hours per dining hall per day. Individually, brothers logged a minimum of 12 hours seeking donations. From here, brothers spread the

word to fellow students, asking them to swipe their meals with GSI in mind. The entire brotherhood played a part in making this successful. In order to receive the funding from RUSA, brothers presented the merits of the GSI program to student government and were selected over a number of other charities. In an article written for The Daily Targum, Lucciola, who has been on two service trips to Jamaica said, “My parents used to say to me, you can do anything if you just go to school. Parents in Jamaica can’t say that, not because they don’t have hope in their kids, but they don’t have hope in the system.” The chapter’s fundraising efforts will support the efforts to build a pavilion for the Cove All Age School in Jamaica. This 168-student school is in need of a place for students to eat meals. “Our chapter is very excited about the success and publicity this program has provided for our chapter and hope to have set the bar for GSI fundraising from all chapters out there,” said Laterza.


Brotherhood Knows No Bounds There is a cure for many critically ill blood cancer patients, and it could be you. Brother Tom Pethtel, Georgia Tech ’12, was a regular college student. From the beginning of his involvement as a DU, he enjoyed working on improvement projects and planning events. Tom was elected as rush chair, and took on that role in the spring of 2009, which turned into a position as vice president of recruitment the following year, and then the opportunity to represent his chapter as member at large. But for some time in 2010-2011, Pethtel began noticing itching that spread from his legs at night, to eventually his entire body around the clock. He began feeling extremely tired, often falling asleep during Fraternity-related events, which often forced him to miss out and halt his studies. It wasn’t until he returned from spring break in 2012, that he noticed a large bump on his neck, and returned home to have things checked out. Pethel was immediately diagnosed with 3B Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, a disease commonly found in men in their late teens. “I was told that it was easy to treat and has around a 95 percent cure rate. I went through a number of different treatment regimens, each nearly defeating the disease, but never thoroughly cleansing me of it,” said Pethtel. By December 2012, Pethtel was told that he would need a stem cell transplant. It would mean that he would have his own stem cells collected to be stored, and then put back in his body. The treatment was temporarily successful, and allowed Pethtel to return to school in May 2013, under the assumption that he had beat cancer. But by July, the tests showed that the cancer had returned and was spreading. Placed on chemotherapy again, the final stage in the process would be an allogeneic transplant, where Pethtel would receive someone else’s stem cells. After some time in intensive care at Ohio State University for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, and a resurgence and spreading of his cancer, Pethtel is finally ready to receive his transplant. Working with Delete Blood Cancer (DKMS), a free marrow registry/donation organization, he called on his brothers for help not just for himself, but for others in need on the list. During a weekly chapter meeting, the men swabbed their cheeks and sent in samples. The results came in, matching two men in the chapter to names of the donor list. The odds of finding two matches in one chapter was a shock to everyone involved. The donors and their coordinator at DKMS said they had never seen anything quite like this. According to DKMS coordinator Billy Tsang, when individuals are put into the donor registry, only 1/100 donors are matched with a recipient. After those small odds, of that one percent, only 1/10 of those matches actually lead to a donation.

Georgia Tech brothers (from left to right) Andy Wong ’10, Gregg Hines ’11, Tom Pethtel ’12, Mark DeGaetano ’13, and Marc Hedgin ’14.

On January 21st and 27th, Brothers Hayden Riddiford ’15 and Zach Slaney ’14, were flown out to Washington D.C. for their procedures for their matches. Both recipients of their transplants are victims of Hodgkins and Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. “As this is a last option for many leukemia and lymphoma patients, donors are literally saving a life,” said Pethtel. Pethtel is optimistic about what’s ahead of him, and grateful for the brotherly love shown by his Fraternity. “I have done my best to stay busy and make the most of my time off school during my treatment. I have taken flying lessons to work toward my pilot’s license, I have learned iPhone and Android programming and built a dining room table starting with rough logs. I look forward to returning to school and completing my electrical engineering degree when my treatment is complete,” said Pethtel.

Brother Zach Slaney, ’14, during the bone marrow extraction procedure.


As a result of Pethtel’s personal drives to the donor registry, he’s added over 700 names. Five including Zach and Hayden, have been chosen to donate, each saving a life. Becoming a donor throught DKMS is entirely free to sign up.

If you would like more information on how to become a donor, contact DKMS at: www.deletebloodcancer.org.

Brother Christopher Bower, Boise State ’14, spending time with students in India during his winter break trip with the Christ University Outreach Program.


Chapter news Alberta

Boise State

Fall associate members: 9

Fall associate members: 8

This fall, the chapter held their annual Car Smash and raised around $250 for GSI, as well as Dunk a DU. Through the chapter’s community outreach program, money was fundraised to donate sports supplies to the local Garneau Community School.

Brother Christopher Bower ’14 traveled to India over winter break with the Christ University Outreach Program in Bangalore to learn about India’s educational system. He sent the chapter frequent updates, and felt as if he successfully immersed himself in the Indian culture.

Arizona State


Fall associate members: 9

Fall associate members: 29

The chapter looks forward to participating in the Friendship Walk with Best Buddies this spring to promote awareness and friendship for those with special needs. The entire chapter plans to attend. Brother Brian O’hara ’17, is now the vice president of the Taekwondo Club on the ASU campus. O’hara will oversee the development of all members and will be a mentor as he offers hands-on experience to others.

Have Chapter news?

The chapter recently devoted its time to helping the Red Cross with disaster relief in Washington, Illinois. Many houses were destroyed in the community, and the chapter stepped up to assist with that cleanup. “The community needed our help, and we wanted to show that we cared,” said Tracy Davis ’15. Brother Travis Cazel ’15, has taken on the role of IFC President. He hopes the opportunity will really make a difference in his leadership skills, and that he’ll be able to implement change in the Greek community.

We want to feature it in the next Quarterly! Send your submissions to Communications Coordinator Megan Samuels at samuels@deltau.org.


Bucknell Fall associate members: 8

Brother Henry Doherty ’15, has taken on the role of community service and philanthropy chair for IFC this semester. This will include all planning and coordinating of events for the entire Greek community. Brother Sam Roy ’16, has stepped into a new role this semester with IFC as their new diversity chair, where he’ll be incorporating multicultural views, ideas and happenings into the fraternal sphere, acting as a liaison between IFC and various multicultural offices. Brother Andrew D’Abbraccio ’15, will serve as a liaison between staff members and student directors as director of administration for the Catholic Campus Ministry. “I am looking forward to learning about different leadership and teamwork styles to expand my professional character,” said D’Abbraccio. California Fall associate members: 17 17


The chapter wrapped up is efforts with K to College School Supply Assembly this past fall, working with other fraternity and sorority organizations and corporate volunteers to collect supplies for underserved schools and all of Berkeley’s 3,500 low-income students. The groups packaged donated materials and sent them to schools. “Education is the most important thing in an individual’s life. Everyone deserves a chance to have a great education, and something as small as not having good supplies to work with can drastically set you back, so I’m glad we can help,” said Marc Ninyo ’15. “I feel great and I feel like everyone enjoys this philanthropy event more than many others because it provides the opportunity to do hands-on work instead of just donating money.” Brother Indy Nelson ’15, has accepted of CEO of LED Alternative Energy. This organization is a full service startup that aims to retrofit fluorescent bulbs with LED technology for large commercial and industrial complexes, and Nelson will manage several employees, as well as the business itself. “I want to make the world a better place. There is a lot of inefficiency in how big businesses and institutions use their lighting resources because of the complexity of installing LED lights (despite its higher efficiency and it being less expensive). I want to help the world save energy by removing this complexity and acting as a medium to revolutionizing every lighting system in the United States,” said Nelson.

Council. In his new position, Blanchette-Hansen assists the president in all of his duties which include having a full understanding and knowledge of the IFC bylaws, acting as a representative of IFC when needed and fostering good relations with other Greek councils. Lately, he has been working hard to develop a satisfactory party registration policy for the campus and the San Luis Obispo Police Department to adopt. “I feel like I have grown tremendously as a result of my role as vice president. My ability to find solutions to problems that satisfy many different groups has grown tremendously. I plan on taking the skills I have accrued into future leadership roles at Cal Poly and in my future professional life,” said Blanchette-Hansen. Carnegie Colony Fall associate members: 9

Brother Dev Shah ’14, has stepped into the position of resident assistant of the dorm council. This position will require leadership on resident floors. “I wanted to learn how to facilitate issues between people and develop my people skills,” said Shah. Carthage Fall associate members: 16

Ten brothers volunteered their efforts to assist with the American Heart Association Racine/ Kenosha Heart Walk to raise awareness of heart disease. “Overall it was a fun experience and truly uplifting with the stories of families that suffered from a loss due to this disease. I would definitely love if we volunteered again next year,” said Josh Cusack ’15. The chapter is also happy to report that it came in third place overall for Homecoming events in the fall. With the money it received from their efforts, the chapter was able to donate $750 to GSI. “I think we received this award by the hard work we put into it. Things such as door decorations, float design, homemade cart races and Carthage’s Amazing Race required us to pull in our strengths physically and creatively. I think the fact that we included so many people in the creative works and

Cal Poly Recruitment Deferred To Spring

Brother Nikolas Blanchette-Hansen ’15, was recently elected as vice president of the Interfraternity

DU brothers of the Cathage Chapter participating in the Racine/Kenosha Heart Walk with the American Heart Association to raise awareness of heart disease.


The men of Christopher Newport hosting the DU Volleyball Tournament with the women’s varsity volleyball team.

Christopher Newport Colony

having the physically fit ones do the physical challenges really let everyone’s strengths shine through,” said Colin Mulroe ’16. Brother James Spiers ’14, is now the president of student government, and is the voice of the student body. “I think this position will make me into the leader I want to be. It will enhance my skills in knowing what the people want and teach me how to use my position as a leader in a positive manner,” said Spiers. Central Florida Fall associate members: 17

The men of the Central Florida Chapter hosted its annual Super Bowl flag football tournament, appropriately named the DUper Bowl. The tournament involved some of the local alumni who come out and play. Chicago

Fall associate members: 7

The colony used the end of last semester to host the DU Volleyball Tournament, with the help of the women’s varsity volleyball team to raise money for GSI. The president of Christopher Newport University attended the event, among many others. Geoffrey Grau ’15, received the Virginia Peninsula Rotary Club Endowed Scholarship, recognizing his active, civic role within the community, in addition to keeping a 4.0 GPA over the last four semesters. “Receiving this scholarship meant being able to uphold a promise of academic excellence not just to myself, but also to my Fraternity,” said Grau. DePauw

Fall associate members: 8

Recruitment Deferred To Spring

Brother James Ebert ’14, is the new vice president of the Blue Chips Investment Club. The position is tasked with administrative duties, as well as helping to bring in speakers and organize events for Blue Chips members to attend. “I am very interested in value investing and have pursued a career in finance throughout my time at UChicago. Being vice president of the Blue Chips is a tremendous opportunity for me to expand my financial knowledge and pass it down to younger members as well,” said Ebert. Chattanooga Fall associate members: 14

During the fall semester, the chapter received the spirit award during the Homecoming week events, sponsored by the university.

The chapter held two successful philanthropies during the fall semester, holding both a dodge ball tournament and haunted house. Half of the proceeds from the haunted house went to GSI, while their work with Alpha Chi Omega’s dodge ball tournament went to support the Alpha Chi Omega Foundation, spreading awareness and support to victims of domestic abuse. “The Global Service Initiative allows members of Delta Upsilon to make a difference by participating in building projects in the developing world. As a chapter, we felt that donating to this cause would be the best way for us to positively affect the lives of those less fortunate than us. The fact that the program directly involves DU brothers is definitely an added bonus,” said JJ Holtfreter ’16.




my chapter with faculty members and shows that I, as a DU, am a leader on campus,” said Vigil.

Fall associate members: 16

The chapter managed to score highest in all categories for well-produced signs, floats and unified dance routines during the Homecoming season, thus being crowned as the winners for the fifth year in a row. According to Brother Andy Hailstone ’14, “strong member unity and participation in a common goal,” were the keys to their success. Georgia Tech Fall associate members: 12 12

The chapter teamed up with Phi Mu for the annual Toys for Tots fundraiser during the holiday season. Many chapters and parents of brothers donated toys and time to the drive and bake sale during the month of December. “I very much enjoyed the event because we were able to buy toys for kids in low income households, and were able to do so with others on our campus,” said Hayden Riddiford ’15.


Brother Raymond DeCuir ’14, is the new director of analytics for the Student Foundation Investments Committee. “Having the opportunity working as a team and being part of the executive committee for a 100-person organization will help me better understand managing others,” said DeCuir.

Illinois Fall associate members: 25

Brother Sean Thomas ’15, was presented with an award during Homecoming weekend at the chapter. This award is designed to honor a DU who holds and excels in leadership roles within the chapter, maintains a GPA above a 3.0 and shows a commitment to the community both in and out of the Fraternity. “Winning the award was special for me because of all the qualified brothers within our chapter, and to be recognized with the past winners is a great honor,” said Thomas. Brother Josh Dormier ’16, was officially installed on the IFC Board at the last Presidents Council on December 4th. “I am most excited to be able to make decisions for the entire fraternal system. This position of power is humbling and I look forward to being able to influence those around me and ensure the betterment of our community. In addition, I am ecstatic to voice the opinion of the Illinois Chapter of Delta Upsilon. In the past years we have had very little voice in the decision-making process. Now, with me on IFC, our chapter will have a much larger voice that I believe will propel our reputation forward,” said Dormier. Iowa Colony

Grand Valley State

Fall associate members: 10

Fall associate members: 8

Just in time for Valentine’s Day, the men of the Grand Valley State Chapter looked to impress the ladies and raise money for GSI. Their Bows for Bros initiative gave brothers the chance to show off their creative sides as they created hair bows to sell. The chapter hoped to not only connect with fellow brothers on another level, but to connect with the Panhellenic and female communities of Grand Valley State as a result. Houston Fall associate members: 8

This past fall semester, the chapter held their DU Haunted House event with Operation Shoebox to gather candy collections from the Halloween week to be shipped to troops overseas. “We have quite a few brothers that serve our country, and for us to hear stories about their efforts across the sea, it drove me to do this philanthropy,” said Kelley Craft ’16. Brother Taylor Vigil ’14 was inducted into the Order of Omega for his high achievements in academics and Greek leadership. “Receiving this award improves the relations of

The colony held its philanthropy, DU Dinner Dash, to raise money for GSI this past semester. The event featured popular restaurants from the area, and it lasted over four days. “My favorite part was being able to collaborate with local businesses for our event. Speaking with and patterning up with Iowa City restaurants felt like we were involving the town and doing something different from the typical run-of-themill philanthropy event,” said Carter Cranberg ’16. Social Media Chair, Ari Craven ’16, received the OnIowa! Distinguished Leader Award for his work during the incoming student orientation program. This award is the highest honor that can be given to an OnIowa! Leader, meant to recognize individuals who are passionate and dedicated, and those who go above and beyond. “Being that the colony is involved in OnIowa! both as leaders and volunteers, I was proud to represent our growing colony and be an example for the kind of men that make up Delta Upsilon,” said Craven. Iowa State Fall associate members: 21

The chapter held its DU Chili Cook-off to raise money for GSI, putting their cooking skills to the test, as brothers were judged on best chili.


Brother Sam Kammermeier ’15, is the new IFC president beginning his first term this semester. “I wanted to create a community that was more unified and to help other chapter leaders network with other chapter leaders,” said Kammermeier. “I hope this position will develop me into someone who is ready to take on the real world with confidence and charisma.” James Madison Colony Fall associate members: 19

The colony participated in the American Red Cross blood drive and met their goal of 40 donations. “We were able to encourage members to participate because of the fact that we were able to donate toward the military,” said Joseph Straub ’16. Gavin Holdgreiwe ’14, has taken on the position of operations director of JMU SafeRides, a non-profit that provides free rides home to members of the JMU community on Friday and Saturday nights. Members of the organization are all student volunteers. “I was interested in taking on more responsibility in an organization that is very important to the community and me. SafeRides has been running very well for years, but I wanted to improve on the operations even more so. This position is more behind the scenes than most, but I have enjoyed seeing my efforts still take our organization to new places,” said Holdgreiwe. Kansas Fall associate members: 30

Brother Ryan Karlin ’15, is working to coordinate the Greek Tutoring System, as well as work with academic underachieving chapters to get their grades up, as IFC director of scholarship. “I played football for KU my freshman and sophomore year and didn’t join DU until my junior year. Because of this, I wasn’t able to take on a significant leadership role within the Fraternity; thus, I looked to make a difference at the Interfraternity Council level. I’ve always been a strong student, so running for the director of scholarship just made sense. I can’t wait to help out members of the Greek community in maintaining our high standard of academic excellence,” said Karlin. Kansas State Fall associate members: 22

Brother Rob Breeden ’15, has taken an active role in taking the K-State Proud campaign to new levels as a co-chairman of the operation. “When I came to K-State as a freshman, I went to a basketball game and saw everyone in the crowd wearing a shirt that said K-State Proud. I had a student

explain to me what the organization was all about, and I was in awe at how many people could get behind the cause. Literally everyone in the stands was wearing a PROUD shirt. I made it my goal to learn more about it when I came to K-State, and it ultimately became a passion of mine to play a large part in the success of such an awesome organization,” said Breeden. This philanthropic campaign is based on the idea of “students helping students.” For $20, a shirt can be purchased, putting that money into a fund to help students who need financial support. Breeden is one of many DU’s to receive this honorable position. Lafayette Fall associate members: 23

Over the past semester, the chapter visited the local farmers market in Easton, Pennsylvania to help the community break down all of the tents and organize the equipment that was used throughout the day. The brother’s helped create an efficient clean up for the community. The event takes place every Saturday throughout the semester. “We love helping the people of Easton and being part of the community. We really enjoy the work we do. It only requires a couple volunteers but Delta Upsilon sends at least a dozen every week,” said Brad Rice ’16. Brother Christopher Pelland ’15, recently took on the leadership role of president of the Club Crew Team at Lafayette College. As president, Chris will have many responsibilities. Most important is acting as the liaison between the club and the college’s administration. The position also includes presiding over the executive board through its weekly meetings, as well as organizing the agendas and mediating the board’s discussion through those meetings.“Overall, I’m most excited about the opportunity to be in a decision-making role on the team. Being able to make the choices that impact the future of the club, as well as knowing the team trusts me to help make decisions that shape the club’s direction, is what I look forward to most for my upcoming position. that this position will give me the opportunity to develop my leadership skills as well as give me a better understanding of the intricacies of an executive board,” said Pelland. Lehigh Fall associate members: 4

Brother Philippe Mimms ’14, was awarded the Lehigh University Outstanding Senior Project Award as voted by his peers. Mimms’ team worked on a virtual reality touring application for the Lehigh University campus. Their Android application operated the device’s camera to scan an academic building so that it may identity and provide useful information regarding its location. The app’s interface is akin to Google Maps’ Street View, where the user can orient themselves in a 360-degree picture of the surrounding areas on campus. Mimms and his team were able to complete two applications that established what they originally set out to do in a short period



The Nebraska Chapter showing their support for their new Ukranian friends.

of time. “Winning the award was humbling and gratifying as my team spent countless hours on the project. We worked with Lehigh’s Admissions Department so that they could incorporate our product in their touring procedures. As of the conclusion of our efforts on the project, Lehigh will encourage undergraduate students to maintain it so that it will continue to be a part of the admissions touring process at Lehigh,” said Mimms.


Louisville Fall associate members: 21

The chapter held its Delta Upsilon Fright Night philanthropy to raise money for GSI. “After refreshments and socializing, we all got together to watch a screening of Night of the Living Dead. Many scares were had by all. We also had a smoke machine!” said Eric Mathis ’15. “GSI being the international philanthropy for DU is all the reason we needed. Promoting the Fraternity while helping others in need is a win-win situation.” Minnesota Fall associate members: 9

Before the holiday break, the chapter held Baldy’s BBQ with DU to raise money for GSI. Baldy’s is the new campus “hot spot,” and a perfect place to find other students and to spread the word about GSI. Many students donated as they came for some food. “Everyone who participated had a great time enjoying the delicious food and supporting DU with their amazing global philanthropy,” said attendee Miranda Moen. Missouri Fall associate members: 34

The chapter recently held its philanthropic event, Ringing On Rollins, on the corner of Rollins, a very busy street for Mizzou students. Brothers greeted those passing to and from class during the holiday season, and ringing the bell for donations. “We feel like this is important

to use our spare time to help others by raising money for the less fortunate,” said Collin Smith ’16. Brother Zack Tallin ’15, received recognition, winning a case competition through a business school opportunity. The award was presented at Indiana University. “I feel honored to be able to represent my chapter and to shine a light on the members of Delta Upsilon,” said Tallin. Brother Chris Heutsch ’16, has taken on the position of co-president of the Financial Management Association, where he runs an organization of 50 members and handles all duties that come with the position. Nebraska Fall associate members: 28

For the third consecutive year, the chapter came out on top as Homecoming champions. The announcement was made at halftime during the home game against Illinois in October. “Delta Upsilon’s consistency over the past several years speaks to what a group of young men can accomplish together when they share a common vision,” said Ryan Kubert ’15. Following the game, alumni and undergraduates celebrated the Husker victory. Their winning float was featured on Lincoln’s local CBS affiliate. In a chapter meeting held in December, associate member David Steinkruger ’17, brought his worry to the entire chapter about the situation taking place in the Ukraine. The chapter answered the call. Over Facebook, they showed their support to the people of Ukraine, and for that the friends of David Steinkruger were very grateful. “I lived with a group of 10 of them [Ukranians] over the summer in Ristavi, Georgia. I got to know them really well, and we exchanged flags. It was really sad to see. Many one-on-one conversations were had about how lucky we are to be Americans. I started to realize how valuable where I was born is, even though I have taken it for granted my whole life. All of the footage I received from my friends was much worse than what I was seeing in the American media. I knew I could get support from DU when I told them how I felt about the crisis,” said Steinkruger.


North Carolina State


Fall associate members: 6

Fall associate members: 8

The chapter participated for the third year in a row with Warmth for Wake, a program that involves other members of the community to chop and bundle wood to be delivered to homes that use wood-burning furnaces for heat throughout Wake County. “I believe that this is a really worthwhile experience and that Warmth for Wake is a great opportunity to develop us as men and refine our understanding of the Principles while serving our community. It’s definitely something the chapter wants to continue to do in the future,” said Ben Keller ’14. North Dakota

Brother Josh Dollison ’14, will be working with ALLY this semester as the social chair, planning socials within the organization while connecting the group to other outside organizations. Dollison hopes to create opportunities to involve both Greek and non-Greek organizations to break down the common stereotypes about Greek communities. Oklahoma Fall associate members: 47

The chapter finished the fall semester leading the hunt for the University President’s trophy for top chapter on campus.

Fall associate members: 9

The chapter spent time last semester with the Northlands Rescue Mission Service Project. Brothers worked together to lessen the load of an understaffed homeless shelter in the Grand Forks community before Thanksgiving in hopes of teaching associate members of the value of service and social justice. The group was able to accomplish a weekend’s worth of work for their regular staff in just over two hours. “Our primary value is justice, and I believe that helping support local organizations that help alleviate poverty is a central part of this value,” said Wade Steidl ’16. Brother Tyler Richter ’14, received the 2013 Outstanding Undergraduate Service Award from the psychology department, and Brother Joseph Schaefbauer ’15 received the 2013 George Starcher Award for the best written sophomore honors portfolio. Brother Joseph Kalka ’16, has taken the role of public relations coordinator for student government. He will be in charge of managing all marketing for student government, overseeing projects in the Grand Forks community, strengthening ties between students and their environment, working as press secretary and performing constituent outreach. Northern Illinois

They also took home first place in the University Sing competition, a musical production put on by the top six fraternities and sororities together. Always strong competitors in intramural sports, they currently hold second place this semester and are striving for first. The chapter is looking forward to Sooner Scandals in the spring, where they will be paired with the women of the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. Along with these activities, the chapter currently has 60 members maintaining 3.5 or above GPAs. Pennsylvania Fall associate members:


Brother Jonathan Fried ’14 has founded the Penn Speakeasy, where he is also the president. This club is committed to improving and maintaining public speaking skills, while offering innovative impromptu speaking activities, leading biweekly meetings, lectures, facilitating roundtable discussions and guest speakers. “Teaching others forces me to think more about my educational approach, and forces me to be critical of and improve my own skills.” Pennsylvania State

Fall associate members: 11

The chapter is pleased to report that there has been a change in culture for them recently that will put more focus on academics and financial stability. Their new programs have already shown success, as the chapter’s average GPA has increased by 0.5 in a single semester. In other news, Matthew Woodbury ’15, has taken the position of president of the Psychology Club. “Our school has a strong psychology program, but I found it difficult to get involved with other people within my area of study. I am excited to be able to lead our club in creating a resource for interested students, academically and socially,” said Woodbury.

Fall associate members: 30

This past semester, the chapter completed its philanthropy event, the Sperry Olympics, to raise money for GSI. Many sororities competed in the games, making it a definite success.“Overall, I feel like the participants thoroughly enjoyed the event, everyone genuinely seemed to be enjoying the philanthropy,” said Mauricio Estrella ’17. Zach Dunlap ’13, was presented with an award recognizing scholarship, leadership and involvement within the Fraternity, campus and the local community. The award was presented by his chapter for his hard work in so many areas. “I believe that our chapter’s well-roundedness is an element that helped me



win this award. We value academics in our chapter while we also shine in external academic activities,” said Dunlap. Chase Englund ’15, has taken a new position of Borough Council Representative, with Penn State University Park Undergraduate Association. The position began in the fall, and will continue to include the duties of overseeing allocations of University Funds taken from various student activity funds to requesting organizations. “This position will develop me as a person by teaching me new useful skills while also giving me a chance to help the community,” said Englund.

Bryan Toma ’15, has taken on the role of vice president of communications for the SJSU men’s hockey team. “I am most excited to get other groups on SJSU’s campus involved with the team, as well as DU,” said Toma.


South Carolina

Fall associate members: 32

Fall associate members: 11

This past fall, the chapter teamed up with the sorority members of Alpha Xi Delta to put on DU Paint Wars to raise money for GSI. The chapter reports that this philanthropy was a fun way to educate the Purdue campus on the Global Service Initiative.


involvement from all SJSU student groups. The chapter managed to raise $1,000 for GSI. “We feel that it is very important to consistently send members of our chapter to rebuild communities in third world countries,” said Clayton Schultz ’15. “I feel that this event was really successful, as so many people wanted to come out and participate.”

Brother Alex Hein ’16, was recognized with the ExxonMobil Degree 212 for his efforts in working with ExxonMobil Beaumont Refinery. “This award means that even though I may not be the smartest, eldest or most powerful person working in a job role, I can still get recognized for my hard work,” said Hein. Quinnipiac Colony Fall associate members: 7

The colony completed Change for Change at the Student Center of Quinnipiac to raise awareness and funds for GSI. “The collection of spare change is something that is often overlooked when organizations are raising money. That, in combination with the energy of brothers and personal accounts of the GSI trips and video montages all led to a big draw,” said Steven Pflug ’14. Additionally, Pflug completed a project to benefit the Hamden Community, creating a predictive crime mapping software with the police department to forecast where crime is occurring and reduce criminal activities. He was awarded for his efforts at the TD Bank Sports Center, University Club. “Even though this is a personal award, it embodies the value of advancement of justice, while building bonds with the local community. This award is validation of my hard work and dedication and it means that as a DU brother I am making a difference in the community,” said Pflug. San Jose Fall associate members: 24

The chapter held the Gatorade Olympics to raise money for brothers to attend GSI. The philanthropic event was advertised to the entire campus, and had full

Brother Caleb Padgett ’15, is dedicating his time as a supplemental instructor for students struggling in chemistry. “I would have to say the thing I am most excited about in taking this position would be having the opportunity to help driven students succeed. Supplemental instruction is not mandatory; there’s no attendance policy or grades given for coming. These students who come do so because they want to succeed, and I am more than happy to help them with that,” said Padgett. St. Norbert Fall associate members: 4

“The main focus of the chapter this upcoming semester is the theme of brotherhood. At the beginning of the spring semester, a recent alumnus of our chapter will be leading a discussion on brotherhood and its deeper meanings to the modern fraternity man. In addition, a number of our members will be recording songs found in Songs My Brother Taught Me, for IHQ this upcoming semester,” said President Noah Reif ’15. Technology Fall associate members: 10

Brothers Michael Farid ’14, Craig Cheney ’14, Nick Ambrogi ’14, and Chad Bean ’14, recently teamed up for the 2.009 Competition where they used their knowledge from MIT to design a motorcycle helmet mounted with a display to provide GPS information. The team was recognized for this creation on December 9, 2013 at the Kresge Auditorium. “We worked extremely hard this past semester, put countless hours in, and I’m glad I could have three other brothers to rely on,” said Cheney. Brothers Luke Schlueter ’16, and Brad Jokubaitis ’16, recently set two new MIT school records in men’s swimming and diving. Schlueter came in with a time of 1:48:22 in 200 butterfly, and Jokubaitis with a time of 1:48:40 in 200 backstroke.“It’s something I’ve been training for every time I get in the pool, and it was great to finally get it,” said Jokubaitis. “I loved the feeling of getting the award. It’s all about bringing honor to the brotherhood.”


Brother Kale Rogers ’16, was elected as IFC events chair and will take on planning events and gatherings for all MIT fraternities, as well as heading IFC publicity throughout the upcoming semester. “I wanted to take on a new responsibility and thought IFC would be a great opportunity to give back, not just to DU, but the Greek system as a whole. Tufts Fall associate members: 0

(not reported)

Brother Robert Costa ’15, is currently serving as a platoon sergeant in the Bravo Company of the Paul Revere Battalion, an Army ROTC Battalion hosted at MIT. Each year, this battalion commissions multiple offers into the United States Army, Army Reserve and Army National Guard. Considered one of the premier Army ROTC battalions in the nation, it serves as a host to many prestigious colleges and universities including MIT, Tufts, Harvard and Wellesley College. Costa was recently given the position of platoon sergeant in the second semester, and served as squad leader during the first semester. As platoon sergeant, Costa is responsible for the implementation and execution of various tasks, the accountability of his platoon members and overall success of his platoon. “I felt that this position was a great opportunity for me to develop my leadership skills as well as help younger cadets mature into men and women who will eventually serve as officers in the United States Army,” said Costa.“I hope this position will further develop my discipline, focus and command to better prepare me for my future career as an officer in the United States Army.” Virginia Fall associate members: 3

Brother Kyle McGovern ’16, has just come back from Ghana working with the University of Virginia’s Global Water Brigades, building a rainwater harvester with the goal of helping the local community with clean water supplies. Through this experience, McGovern was given the opportunity to work side-by-side with the locals and immerse himself in Ghanaian culture.

Western Ontario Fall associate members: 17

The chapter recently held its first ever DU Clothing Drive in partner with Goodwill to help clothe those in the London community and surrounding areas. “For me, my favorite moment of this event was actually being able to see the impact that we made. When we pulled into the Goodwill parking lot with six cars, the workers almost looked overwhelmed by the amount of clothing that we were donating,” said Conor McGarvey ’15. The event hit very close to home for many of the brothers who are originally from London and nearby towns. “London, Ontario is a very impoverished town, but many students are unaware of the many hardships that many locals face because Western is largely a commuter school. We thought this event would help raise awareness about local issues,” said McGarvey. Western Reserve Fall associate members: 4

The chapter recently held its Table Flip for the Children philanthropy to raise money for GSI. This is unlike most, as it took place during finals, offering donations to flip some tables and relieve some stress. Nicholas Jones ’15, states, “The visceral feeling of it, like it’s a destructive thing that you instigate, but you couldn’t get away with in real life.” The event was a hit among participating students. Brother Justin Bronstein ’16, received recognition for a piece of writing he submitted to a campus publication. “What really won me the award was that I was interested in what I was writing. Many times I am forced to write essays within a specific topic or list of topics, and if none of them interest me I can’t truly devote myself to the paper. With writing about deep time, it is one of those things imperceptible to humans, and that fascinates me. I had no problem filling page after page with information on geology and cosmology. My curiosity and drive are what won me this award,” said Bronstein. Wichita


Fall associate members: 15

Fall associate members: 23

Brother Romel Taruc ’17, was presented with the award of Outstanding Character for the character he displayed during his freshman fall quarter. “It was an amazing honor to be recognized among my peers as a member of my program that is a role model in character. I hope to continue with it,” said Taruc. Brother Patrick Scherger ’17, is taking a leadership position with the ASUW Senate, continuing through the entire semester. “I really enjoy opportunities to take initiative; ASUW allows me to do that,” said Scherger.

The chapter held its annual Teeter-A-Thon philanthropy, this time raising money for GSI. The event consisted of 24 straight hours of non-stop teeter-tottering. Many Greeks, student athletes and faculty participated. “I enjoyed that it brought education to those who may not otherwise have it,” said Josh Chase ’17. Brother Caleb Davis ’15, has taken on the role of IFC vice president, managing all conflict for the Greek community and serving as coordinator for risk management. Davis says his goal is, “making a Greek community with effective conflict resolution and a decrease in severe accidents.”



At the Manitoba alumni’s 35th annual Founder’s Day Dinner on November 7, 2013. Peter J. Wintemute, Manitoba ‘60, was presented with the Founders Medal by alumni president and former DU International Board Member, Rees M. Jones, Manitoba ‘67. Peter has been involved with the alumni and undergraduate chapter since the 1960s, where he has taken on many leadership positions.


DEPAUW Brother Jonathan Bailor, DePauw ’05, has hit bookstores with The Calorie Myth. Always interested in science and athletics, he pursued learning more about the field, in hopes that he could educate others on living a healthy lifestyle and the truth behind traditional weight loss and exercise and what science has proven. Bailor immersed himself in research for 10 years before producing the final product of the book. The Calorie Myth is both a New York Times and USA Today Bestseller. Florida Brother Joseph L. Amos, Jr., Florida ’87, was presented with the Florida Bar President’s Pro Bono Service Award for his pro bono efforts with the Guardian ad Litem Program. This award, presented annually in conjunction with the Tobias Simon Pro Bono Service Award by the chief justice of the Florida Supreme Court, recognizes individual lawyers within each of Florida’s specific judicial circuits. Its purpose is “to further encourage lawyers to volunteer free legal services to the poor by recognizing those who make such public service commitments, and to communicate to the public some sense of the substantial volunteer services provided by Florida lawyers to those who cannot afford legal fees.” Amos, a shareholder with Fisher Rushmer Werrenrath Dickson in Orlando, concentrates his practices on professional liability, personal injury, products liability and insurance litigation. Since being admitted to the Florida Bar in 1990, he has since joined the local voluntary bar and the pro bono program at the Legal Aid Society of the Orange County Bar Association. Drawn to the opportunity of working with children, he began working with the Guardian ad Litem Program. Since 1991, he has helped 176 children, and donated more than 1,800 hours on his closed cases.

Amos is a past president of the Florida Chapter, President of the Year, Sweepstakes winner and past president of the Florida Chapter Alumni Club. Indiana Indianapolis attorney, Daniel A. Ladendorf, Indiana ’83, has been recognized for changes to Indiana’s Hospital Lien Law, as he continues advancing justice. He has been named 2013 Trial Lawyer of the Year by the Indiana Trial Lawyers Association. Ladendorf received the award at the 2013 ITLA Annual Conference held in Indianapolis on November 7th and 8th. The recipient of the annual award is selected by the sixty-member ITLA Board of Directors from those nominated for the honor by the general membership. The award recognizes a colleague who has gone above and beyond in championing the cause of civil justice for those wrongfully injured or killed in Indiana. The award recognized Ladendorf ’s multi-year effort that culminated in the adoption of changes to Indiana’s hospital lien statute during the 2013 session of the Indiana General Assembly. Manitoba Brother Peter J. Wintemute, Manitoba ’60, has been extensively involved in alumni and chapter affairs in Manitoba since the early 1960s. He was instrumental in the formation of the Manitoba Alumni Corporation and has served as an officer and director of that organization continually until his recent retirement from the board. For his service, Wintemute was awarded the Founders Medal, the Fraternity’s highest award for service to a chapter, on November 7th. When the Manitoba house of the 60s and 70s was sold out of necessity, Wintemute successfully negotiated the sale and looked after investment of the proceeds. In 1997 he was the moving force behind a fundraising campaign that successfully raised $88,000 via alumni loans which enabled the chapter to


ALUMNI NEWS purchase another house. That house was sold in 2007 because of zoning issues and again Wintemute was at the forefront of that transaction. He was also critical to the process of raising $140,000 in alumni loans in 2013, which enabled Manitoba to purchase their most recent house. Wintemute was a mentor to many DUs over the years and could always be counted on for sound advice and support. He hosted Alumni Board meetings for years at his office and his attendance and financial reporting at Founder’s Night dinners over more than 30 years was exceptional. In his business career he was the founding partner in the Chartered Accountancy firm which is now the Exchange Group, one of the most prominent and successful CA firms in Winnipeg, and remains Chairman of the Board. He was awarded a Fellowship in the Institute of Chartered Accountants in recognition of his exceptional contribution to his community and profession through his involvement with many non-profit organizations and the Institute. In all respects Peter is a true community leader. His involvement with the Manitoba Chapter and the alumni

board is one of the main reasons the Manitoba Chapter has survived to this day. Northern Colorado David Brumley, Northern Colorado ’98, was recently featured in a conversation of computer security on PBS Newshour. As a professor at Carnegie Mellon University, Brumley teaches a course in computer security, teaching students how to fight computer hacking with computer hacking. “You have to understand and be able to anticipate how attackers are going to come at you. ‘If you’re only doing defense, if you don’t look at offense at all, you’re always reacting and you’re always one step behind,” said Brumley. Typically, this is a course that hasn’t been presented to students at a college level because there hasn’t been much expertise on the subject. “We don’t have textbooks. Everything’s so new. We have to go out and look at websites, we have to go look at– the latest things from conferences, and teach from that. Every year it’s a significant update,” said Brumley. To read more from Brumley’s interview in “Secret Weapon Against Hacking: College Students,” visit pbs.org/newshour.


Celebrating our past. Securing our future.





Whether you’ve been back recently or it’s been years since your last visit, we hope you will plan to join your Purdue brothers, family and friends for a weekend of fellowship and celebration.

Golf Outing @ Purdue Golf Course Welcome Reception in the evening @ Dauch Alumni Center

Cookout & Dedication Ceremony @ DU House

Planning for this weekend is ongoing, so checkout the chapter website for updates on registration, hotel blocks and a complete list of who will be attending.


After Hours Receptions @ Purdue Memorial Union & Harry’s Chocolate Shop

100th Celebration Reception & Dinner @ Ross-Ade Shively Stadium Club

SUNDAY: Farewell Brunch @ DU House

Like us:PurDUAlumni

DELTAU.ORG Stay up to date with upcoming events and details.

Alpha & Omega Alberta Ronald G. Coyle ’87 Amherst Reed E. Bartlett ’35 G. Sheldon Brayer ’52 Robert T. Hood, Jr. ’40 Bowling Green Bruce Gethin ’54 California James R. Hansen ’48 Noel A. Pedersen ’50 Carnegie Donald A. Moore ’42 William E. VanEman ’58 Chicago William H. Bissell ’49 James A. Hansen ’45 Colgate Max H. Levine ’62 Charles N. Neumann ’49 Colorado Thomas R. Dolven ’81 David J. Reed ’83 Cornell Harry S. Russell, DVM ’54


Dartmouth James H. Pert ’46 John C. Bird, Esq. ’44

Iowa State Ernest T. Marshall, Jr. ’48 Gary H. Philpot ’58

North Carolina William S. Roth ’50 Robert P. Wilson, Jr. ’75

Johns Hopkins Jack S. Mayes ’45 R. Champlin Sheridan, Jr. ’52 Robert W. Summers ’52

Northern Illinois Steven J. Borbely ’66

Kansas William F. Babcock ’58 Charles C. Schnetzler ’52

Northwestern Frederick J. Ahlberg ’53 Jamille G. Jamra, Esq. ’38 Martin A. Powers ’85 John J. Williams ’62

Kansas State Michael J. Baughman ’78 Wayne K. Denton ’61

Ohio State David G. Mosconi ’88 Robert E. White ’57

Kent State Irving Gersten, ’61

Oklahoma John M. Ammon ’10 Fred M. Olson ’63 Wade H. Walker ’50

Lehigh F. Richard Gratton ’51 George R. Hall ’48 Norman R. Meier ’50 Louisville William M. Dehart ’62 E. Mack Miller ’52 Manitoba T. M. Quiggin ’62 Marietta Terrence J. McGurk ’57

DePauw William R. Prosser ’59

Miami Thomas J. Beckett ’55 George A. Blair ’37 Edgar D. Gates ’48 Harold S. Hobson, Jr. ’56 John E. Lewis ’60 Charles D. Williams ’53

Georgia Tech Herbert J. Pugh, Jr. ’69

Michigan Arthur J. Adams ’48

Illinois James D. Bergstrom ’55

Michigan State C. E. Clendenon ’58

Indiana John E. Arford, MD ’51 Jack C. Fairchild ’41 James J. Glover ’41 James H. Klink ’46 Donald W. Teeter ’50

Minnesota Frank A. Gargas ’53

Denison William F. Bauman ’72

Iowa Earl S. Browning, Jr. ’37 Daniel Hinson ’57

Oregon William E. Colgan ’52 Gordon S. Howard ’52 James P. Howard ’41 Kenneth E. Johnson ’50 Everett Lerwick ’46 Terry J. Llewellyn ’64 David R. Miho ’67

Swarthmore Courtland D. Perkins ’35 Syracuse Ray C. Diver, Jr. ’50 Toronto J. Peter Gordon ’43 Tufts G. Edward Hagerty, Jr. ’61 Roderick A. MacLean ’60 Donald R. Morse ’42 Virginia Jack W. McCall ’59 Washington Vance R. McDonald ’48 Russell I. Tillman ’49 Washington State Lloyd E. Berry ’55 Timothy J. Murphy ’85 Western Michigan Ernest B. Fisher ’69 Gerald A. Hale ’52 David L. Perry ’69

Pennsylvania James M. Spitzer ’60

Western Ontario Robert R. Barnard ’56 John R. Sugden ’58

Platteville Craig C. Chitwood ’71 Purdue Edward M. Harris ’84 Robert Johnson ’49 Russell E. Lund ’45 Richard N. Sheets ’53 Rutgers Thomas R. Holmes ’76

Nebraska Judson B. Douglas III ’59

Stanford Lew W. Cook ’52

Oregon State John H. Branlund, Jr. ’45 Donald E. Fraser ’46 Charles F. Shotts ’46

Pennsylvania State Homer R. Hilner ’59 John P. McKenna ’58 Martin S. Pallagut ’70

Missouri James L. Keller ’49

Simpson Nicholas J. Sialmas ’78

San Jose James R. Tormey, Jr. ’57

Please notify the Fraternity of deceased brothers or any errors in the list. Memorial gifts may be directed to the Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation at the same address or online at www.duef.org.

Wichita Robert B. Cole ’66 Williams Dana M. Dawes ’34 James W. Pilgrim ’60 Wisconsin Arnold F. Blesse, Jr. ’47 Edward M. Hipke ’56 Arnold J. Hope ’65 Thomas Patti ’52 John T. Wingstrom ’57

Notices received at Fraternity Headquarters between October 2, 2013 and January 7, 2014.

Delta Upsilon 8705 Founders Road | Indianapolis, IN 46268 ihq@deltau.org

remembering edward m. hipke Edward Malcolm Hipke, Wisconsin ’56, passed away on December 3, 2013 at the age of 81. His passing followed a short illness. Ed was a longtime Foundation Treasurer for the Wisconsin Chapter, as well as an active treasurer on the current Capital Campaign for the DU house renovation. He served as the Alumni President in 1995. Among his accolades, Ed was awarded the Founders Medal, the Fraternity’s highest honor for service to a chapter, in conjunction with the Milwaukee Alumni Club dinner in 2001. Ed is survived by his beloved wife, Sharon. He is the father of Heather Coles and David Hipke. He is the treasured

grandfather of Erica, Christopher, Sophia and Joshua. Brother of the late Laura H. Cota. Family and friends gathered on Saturday, December 14, at Fox Point Lutheran Church in Fox Point, Wisconsin for a memorial service. He was buried with only his family in attendance at Wisconsin Memorial Park. “Ed was a wonderful man and a dedicated servant of Delta Upsilon and the Wisconsin Chapter. He loved his Fraternity. We will all miss him greatly,” said Rick James, Wisconsin ’72.


Delta Upsilon International Fraternity Inc.

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Change of Address? MAIL updated information to Delta Upsilon International Fraternity CALL 317.875.8900 EMAIL mcclees@deltau.org (subject line: Change of address) VISIT deltau.org/meetus/internationalheadquarters Please include your full name, chapter and graduation year.

PARENTS: Your son’s magazine is sent to his home address while he is in college. We encourage you to review it. If he is not in college and is not living at home, please send his new permanent address to: mccless@deltau.org.

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EXPERIENCE BROTHERHOOD ON A WHOLE NEW LEVEL There is limited availability, first come, first served. Extended stays are available, and spouses are welcome. Become immersed in the culture and spirit of Jamaica engaging in two days of hands-on service, a tour of all other Delta Upsilon GSI construction projects, attend a local church service, listen to a presentation by the Jamaican Minister of Culture and Education on the history, culture and politics of Jamaica, and an off-site excursion. For More information contact: Kaye Schendel, Director of Global Initiatives schendel@deltau.org 317.875.8900 ext. 201

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