DU Quarterly: Vol. 134 No. 2

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Volume 134, № 2






LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT Dear brothers, Once again, this issue of the Quarterly is filled with articles describing how Delta Upsilon is doing all it can to ensure that the chapter experience remains relevant and valueadded for today’s undergraduates. Justin Kirk’s letter on member-based outcomes and the importance of using assessment data to guide our programming is a great example of this. Similarly, the overview of the Missouri Alumni Board’s construction of a new chapter house illustrates the importance and competitive necessity of providing quality “bricks and mortar” for our members. These efforts complement DU’s Men of Merit Standards and the North-American Interfraternity Conference (NIC) transformation that were profiled in the previous edition. All of our efforts must work together to ensure that the foundation of Delta Upsilon, and all of Greek Life for that matter, can succeed. While I firmly believe this is true, in this issue, it is the article on the passing of Brother Will Keim, Pacific ’75, that resonates with me the most. I was fortunate enough to know Will fairly well. I believe the article does an outstanding job of portraying Will and how he embodied our Principles in everything he did. And just as much as anything else we do, living our values is a key component to the Fraternity’s success. It takes true role models to bring our values to life, and it is not always the easiest thing to convey to our undergraduate members. Will was a fabulous speaker and storyteller who was able to connect with others in a very special way. However, most of us struggle mightily to help undergraduates incorporate our values into their decision making. While certainly not on the scale of Will, I have had some success with undergraduates using a fairly basic construct. So, bear with me as I share it with you now.

discussion of what is “just” or, in my words, what is “fair.” If we are living our Principles, nothing could be more important as justice is indeed our foundation. Next, we might consider if we are exhibiting “friendship.” Certainly, a friend or brother deserves the benefit of the doubt. But sometimes being a “friend” has to be something other than looking the other direction. In fact, there are many times when holding our brothers accountable is precisely what a friend needs to do. Next is the template of “culture.” This can mean many things to many people, but to me, Diffusion of Liberal Culture means being open minded. What someone should or shouldn’t do in a certain situation is greatly impacted by that person’s life experiences; experiences that may be very different, but not necessarily less valuable, than our own. Lastly, will what we decide be consistent with what a high character (trustworthy and respected) individual would do? Framing the discussion in this manner through use of the Four Founding Principles or “lenses” generates the type of discussion that should more often than not lead to a good decision. I share this with you as a way of saying that no matter what we do in terms of bricks and mortar, programming or alumni engagement, the critical moments for our undergraduates will always be linked to their personal development and making good decisions. Helping them through these moments is how Building Better Men will truly earn its name. Thankfully, we have examples like Brother Will Keim to build upon. Fraternally,

Think of each of the Four Founding Principles as a template for decision making. When problem solving, look at the issue through each of these “lenses.” If you find a way to be consistent with each value and align them together, you will most likely make a good decision. Let’s say the chapter is meeting and members are attempting to decide the fate of a brother who has made an error in judgment. The process might start with a

E. Bruce McKinney, Missouri ’74 President, Delta Upsilon International Fraternity Email: ihq@deltau.org DELTAU.ORG

DELTA UPSILON INTERNATIONAL FRATERNITY North America’s Oldest Non-Secret Fraternity: Founded 1834 The Principles of Delta Upsilon The Promotion of Friendship The Development of Character The Diffusion of Liberal Culture The Advancement of Justice The Motto of Delta Upsilon Dikaia Upotheke - Justice Our Foundation OFFICERS President E. Bruce McKinney, Missouri ’74 Chairman of the Board Richard X. Taylor, North Carolina State ’82 Secretary Timothy C. Dowd, Oklahoma ’75 Treasurer Aaron M. Siders, Kansas State ’04 DIRECTORS James Bell, Calgary ’94 Terry Brady, Missouri ’62 Aaron Clevenger Ed.D., Central Florida ’97 Wyatt Cooper, Carthage ’17 Thomas Durein, Oregon State ’92 Jacob Ellis, Purdue ’16 Bruce Howard, San Diego State ’75 Robert S. Lannin, Nebraska ’81 Jordan B. Lotsoff, Northern Illinois ’88 Lynn Luckow, North Dakota ’71 David P. Whitman, Indiana ’75 PAST PRESIDENTS Terry L. Bullock, Kansas State ’61 Samuel M. Yates, San Jose ’55 Bruce S. Bailey, Denison ’58 James D. McQuaid, Chicago ’60 Alvan E. (Ed) Porter, Oklahoma ’65 E. Bernard Franklin, Ph.D., Kansas State ’75 INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS STAFF DELTA UPSILON FRATERNITY AND EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION

Executive Director: Justin Kirk, Boise State ’00 Executive Assistant: Jana McClees-Anderson Senior Staff Accountant: Mary Ellen Watts FRATERNITY

Associate Executive Director: Karl Grindel Senior Director of Educational Programs: Noah Borton, M.A. Senior Director of Chapter Development: Michelle Marchand, M.A. Director of Loss Prevention: Sara Jahanzouz Wray, Ed.D. Director of Global Initiatives: Kaye Schendel, M.S. Chapter Development Director: Kelsey Morrissey, M.Ed. Chapter Services Director: Meghan Bender Director of Communications: Ashley Martin Graphic Designer: Cristin Carter Digital Media Coordinator: Paul Finkelman Leadership Consultant: Russell Harp, Kansas State ’16 Leadership Consultant: Jacob Ellis, Purdue ’16 Leadership Consultant: Hayden Rahn, Oregon ’16 Chapter Development Consultant: Dominic Greene, Oregon ’99



VOLUME 134, NO 2 SUMMER 2016

DELTA UPSILON INTERNATIONAL FRATERNITY BUTLER MEMORIAL HEADQUARTERS Office hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday Office: 317-875-8900 Fax: 317-876-1629 Email: ihq@deltau.org website: deltau.org


8705 Founders Road Indianapolis, Indiana 46268, U.S.A., (R) TM Registered U.S. Patent Office

DU QUARTERLY Editor: Ashley Martin Graphic Designer: Cristin Carter Contributing Writer: Paul Finkelman Published by: Maury Boyd and Associates, Inc.

GET PUBLISHED IN THE DU QUARTERLY Undergraduate members and alumni are encouraged to submit chapter news and feature stories along with high resolution photographs by emailing amartin@deltau.org. DU Quarterly is published in the summer, fall and winter.

CONTENT DEADLINES WINTER: December 1; SUMMER: May 12 ; FALL: August 31









Senior Director of Philanthropy: Stephannie Bailey, M.A. Director of Advancement: Colin Finn, Iowa State ’05 Development Director: Natasha Dow, M.P.A.






#DUFLAG CORNER Brothers from the May 2016 Global Service Initiative trip helped build a new dining pavilion for Church Hill Primary School in Negril, Jamaica .


The University of Texas

Florida International University




Syracuse University

Below is a list of universities in which DU has secured an invitation to join campus. Other institutions are currently being considered. Those marked Old Gold Expansion refers to a closed chapter that is being reopened. Cold Start Expansion means this will be a brand new chapter for DU.

Illinois State University

If you would like to be involved in helping with a DU colony, contact Senior Director of Chapter Development Michelle Marchand at marchand@deltau.org. DELTAU.ORG

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Delta Upsilon is excited to share our brotherhood with even more men. During the 2015-2016 academic year, staff and volunteers were busy supporting our DU colony at Northwestern University.



Old Gold Expansion Cold Start Expansion

FROM THE DESK OF YOUR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR For years, the story of fraternity has been told through anecdotes. Hundreds of thousands of men and women will give personal testimonials of how their experience impacted them. I’ve met countless DUs who fondly recall their time in the chapter and how the experience shaped them into the men they are today. We all have our own story. These stories matter, and the personal meaning of fraternity and sorority has an immeasurable amount of value. However, at a point, this narrative falls short. With the fraternity experience under great scrutiny, we need more than personal anecdotes. We need hard proof. A simple Google news search of the word “fraternity” may lead some to even wonder if the fraternity experience they remember holds true today. We need data that can indisputably articulate the benefits of fraternity. In what is the most comprehensive research project of any fraternity to date, Delta Upsilon is now getting that data. In December 2015, we announced a four-year partnership with Dyad Strategies, LCC. Our goal: • Measure student behaviors, values and attitudes. • Gauge member growth in a range of areas, including problem solving, social justice, ethical decision making, and conscientiousness during their DU experience. • Create an understanding of how members experience brotherhood at the chapter level. • Map individual and chapter growth. • Provide custom reports to each chapter on its membership. • Enhance chapter servicing to meet the specific needs of each chapter. • Measure the impact of the Men of Merit Standards and new Associate Member Education program. DU’s first assessment survey was sent to all undergraduate members and associate members in late February 2016. Special time was allotted during chapter meetings for assessment completion, and more than 80 percent of all DU members completed the survey, providing a significant data set for us to analyze.

findings showed DU men were scoring significantly better than their peers in the following measures: • Lower tolerance for hazing • Lower alcohol use • Greater sense of social justice • More open to diversity • More ethical leadership We couldn’t be more pleased with what these results tell us. It shows our members are having a healthy, meaningful experience rooted in our Principles. Where do we go from here? At LI 2016, each chapter was provided a report highlighting the areas where it scored well and opportunities for improvement. This will allow our team to work with chapter/colony advisors and officers to develop servicing strategies specifically tailored to their unique needs and priorities. At the International level, we will analyze the data further to look for trends that will inform our approach in allocating resources in ways that maximize impact on the undergraduate member. In the next 18 months, the educational programming team will make adjustments to curriculum to ensure all activities are aligned with desired organizational outcomes and assessed for effectiveness. At the end of the process, the goal is that each undergraduate learning opportunity will be intentionally linked to a proven and effective method for helping our young men grow and develop in the manner we expect through our Fraternity. The past nine years tell a wonderful story for Delta Upsilon: extraordinary membership growth, higher chapter GPAs, a record number of men attending educational programs, better operating chapters by nearly every indicator, and recognition from numerous industry-leading associations. Yet, our story still leans toward the anecdotal. How can we truly prove our narrative of Building Better Men? Over the next four years, our assessment will allow us to demonstrate the impact Delta Upsilon has on members, as well as pinpoint exactly where DU delivers added value over the typical college experience. Delta Upsilon will prove fraternity’s value, and we will make that value even greater. Fraternally,

What did we learn? Our responses were compared to aggregate data collected from national university student assessments to compare the DU man to the average college student. In some cases, we were able compare DU members to other fraternity men. In addition to the demographic data on page 4, our initial

Justin Kirk, Boise State ’00 Executive Director Email: kirk@deltau.org



SPRING 2016 ASSESSMENT DATA In spring 2016, Delta Upsilon conducted our first member outcomes assessment through Dyad Strategies, LLC, a research, educational assessment and strategic planning firm. Over the course of four years, the annual assessment will help the Fraternity better understand members’ development and the role DU programs play in that development throughout the undergraduate membership experience.

The 2016 results provide DU with a snapshot of our membership and key takeaways about their behavior. Results were compared to national collegiate assessment survey data. In future years, results will also be compared to past DU assessment data to track growth.



78.89% 5.93% 0.62% 0.84% 5.06%




Hispanic/Latino American Indian/UK Native Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Other Asian Black/African-American




23-25K 3.3% 25-50K 50-75K

6.6% 10.6% 14.1%

75-100K 100-125K








BEHAVIORAL TAKEAWAYS The assessment survey was intentionally designed using the Fraternity’s Four Founding Principles and educational outcomes as its guide. Responses provide insight on members’ behavior and attitudes toward a variety of topics including hazing, brotherhood, social justice, ethics and more. Here are some of the top takeaways learned about current DU members. Particularly with the social justice, diversity and ethical leadership responses, it shows DU’s Principles—which are emphasized throughout the DU experience—are impacting members’ behavior.

Greater sense of social justice Members were asked about their personal adoption of social justice-related values, attitudes, perceived behavioral control, subjective norms and intentions. DUs reported actions and beliefs that show as higher sense of social justice than the average college man.

Lower Tolerance for hazing Members were asked to reflect on their own experience as an associate member and indicate the most severe hazing they would have tolerated before leaving the organization. DUs indicated they are less likely to tolerate increasingly worse levels of behavior than the average fraternity man.

More open to diversity Members were asked to reflect on their personal interest in exploring diversity in culture, ethnicity, perspectives, values and ideas. DUs indicated that they are more open to learning from and about those different from themselves than the average college man.

Lower alcohol use Members were asked about their drinking habits and the number of days per week, on average, they consume alcoholic beverages. DUs self-reported drinking less frequently than the average college man.

More ethical leadership Members reflected on their own willingness to perform unethical acts because of a belief that the action will benefit the organization in some way. DUs reported that they are less likely to commit such as than the average college man, leading from a space of justice and fairness.





For the past 55 years, the Missouri Chapter has called 711 Maryland (now Tiger Avenue) home. It was where homecomings were celebrated, late night study sessions took place and lasting friendships were made. But, after a half century, the house was showing its age. Safety and technology upgrades were badly needed. As one of 32 IFC fraternities on campus—many with brand new homes—remaining competitive is always important, or it

is easy to get lost in the crowd. Alumni were realizing that in order for Delta Upsilon to remain a viable, competitive chapter with a quality living environment, a major investment in a new house had to be made. It wasn’t always an easy sell. In 1998, a feasibility study from Pennington & Company, a fraternity and sorority fundraising firm, said the chapter only had the capacity to raise around $500,000—not


nearly enough to build a large fraternity house. The study advised that if the chapter had a consistent performance record that was communicated well to alumni, their prospects for raising more money would increase considerably. So that’s what the Missouri Chapter did. From 2001 to 2011, the Missouri Chapter was named a finalist for the Sweepstakes trophy 10 times, winning the award in 2006, 2009 and 2010.

In early 2012, Pennington preformed another feasibility study. This time, the outlook was much more favorable. Based on the feedback, the Missouri Alumni of Delta Upsilon, Inc. board of directors began a quiet phase of solicitation later that year. A capital campaign committee comprised of board members and other alumni was established, and Bruce McKinney, Missouri ’74, was named the campaign chairman.

In January 2014, the campaign went public with $2.2 million in secured donations. Alumni class leaders were selected and encouraged to reach out to each member of their respective classes. General contractor bids were received from six firms, and LayneCo Construction Services of St. Louis was selected. An additional bonus: President of LayneCo, Steve Layne, is a 2006 alumnus of the Missouri Chapter. Demolition of the old house began in June 2014, and the new house was completed in August 2015. Members moved in a few days later. Campaign commitments have continued to grow and recently passed the $3 million goal. “Our alumni really stepped up to this challenge by generously contributing their time, talent and treasure,” McKinney said. “It was extra special to have a young alumnus serve as the principal/property manager for the project. He did a fantastic job.” The house built is simply spectacular. It boasts 37,500 square feet and sleeps 78. There is a formal foyer with a sweeping grand staircase, a library/ living room with a fireplace, and even an alumni room for board meetings and gatherings at the house. There is also a spacious lounge/brother room and a grand patio located right off of it. There is a study area updated with the latest technology, a commercial kitchen and a separate kitchen for weekend use. The formal dining room and chapter room will host many chapter activities. And there is even a handicapped-accessible suite. The project cost $6.3 million. Given the tight construction timeline and many operational changes, the official house dedication ceremonies were not formally held until June 2016. On Saturday afternoon, June 18, roughly 100 people, including many who donated to the capital campaign, alumni, contractors and university guests attended the event. Tours were conducted and a new plaque was presented commemorating the dedication. Later that evening, during a donor recognition dinner at the campus Reynolds Alumni Center, presentations were made by Bruce McKinney; chapter president Collin Smith, Missouri ’16; Justin Kirk, Boise State ’00, Delta Upsilon executive director; and Todd McCubbin, executive director of the Mizzou Alumni Association. Kirk said the alumni association personified the lifelong commitment of DU. “They’ve ensured the success of the chapter for many years to come,” he said. “Their commitment to funding a new chapter house surpassed expectations.” For McKinney, the completion of an idea that began 18 years ago signifies the strength of the Missouri Chapter. “Over the past decade,” McKinney said, “the chapter has proven its ability to perform. It was time to provide an upgrade in the living environment to remain competitive and sustain our momentum. By any measure, this has been an amazing accomplishment.”




HOW TO START A REVOLUTION Jason Taylor, Oklahoma ’95, almost walked away from the biggest deal of his career. The owner of Code Authority, a custom software technology company based outside of Dallas, was approached to build a software program by a man claiming to represent a third party. But the men couldn’t say whom he represented. He couldn’t say what the program was for. He told Jason very little. The bidding would be blind, and the product would face a high level of public scrutiny. Jason said it all sounded a little silly.


He thought the man represented a Fortune 500 company or a government agency, though he had no clue. He had never been approached like this in his career. He brought up his doubts. The man did his best to convince Jason to take the deal seriously. So he did. Soon, he found himself in the middle of a revolution.

For as long as he can remember, Jason has always loved college football. He has been a diehard Oklahoma Sooners fan since he was seven. He attended every game in college with his DU brothers. He called Oklahoma football the centerpiece of his life. The bid he had submitted was now several weeks old. He had nearly forgotten about it when he saw an email. The man said the selection was down to Code Authority and another company. A week later, he received another email. Code Authority had gotten the job. Its new clients? The College Football Playoff committee. “It was like winning the business lottery,” Jason said. “Not in a financial sense, but in the magnitude of what I’d be doing. It was an affirmation of what my business had developed into. I was blown away by the significance of playing a role in defining the next era of college football.”

members, along with the executive director and chief financial officer. Those are the only people allowed in the room. Lasting six to eight hours, the meetings are very complex. It’s not just one vote and done. Jason described it as a step-by-step process. “There’s pooling, ranking, bubbles, automatic ins and outs,” Jason said. “The software had to prepare for every possibility.” At every meeting, Jason’s team sits outside the boardroom with the secret service agent of CFP committee member and former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

Jason employs nearly 40 people at Code Authority. Thanks in part to his success with the CFP, he plans to triple the company’s size over the next five years. He wants increased visibility with medium and larger companies. His business goals are not easy. He said he plans to fight, scrap and win every battle that comes along his way. His newest venture, Code Launch, is an annual, international seed

Jason knows his college football. He talks conferences, stats, trends. He now knows even more, even if he can’t talk about it. Thanks to a non-disclosure agreement he signed with the CFP, Jason can’t talk about the specifics of the software his company created. What he can give is an overview. His software runs the committee process, and the committee meetings host 13


accelerator competition—a cohort-based program for start-up companies. Around 250 people applied to the last one, with the five best app start-ups selected. The vetting process is long. There’s a trade show, awards and judges. The winner gets his/her application built as an investment. “It’s like Shark Tank for apps,” he said, “but we’re nicer.” Through all of his success, Jason credits much of it to the lessons DU taught him as an undergraduate. He said the Fraternity widened his perception of what was possible in his life. “It opened my eyes to the level of achievement I should be thinking.” When not changing the face of college football, Jason says DU plays a large role in his life. He golfs with his brothers as often as possible. They even started a prostate cancer charity where many of them sit as board members. He said DU provided him a network of friendship and a lifelong career quest for highly ambitious goals. His goals, after all, did lead him to opportunities he’s glad he didn’t hang up on.



NICK PRINCIPI: SURVIVOR & BRO This isn’t a story about cancer. This isn’t a pity story—Nick hates that. He wants you to know this isn’t an excuse for anything. He doesn’t want you to feel sorry for him. This is a story about brotherhood through and through. DELTAU.ORG

The Bradley chapter held a fundraiser, Clippy for ‘Cipi, where you could pay to shave their heads in honor of brother Nick Principi, ’16, as he battled cancer.

Nick Pricipi, Bradley ’16, and his DU big brother, Alex Frenzel, Bradley ’15, are best friends. They live together. They watch TV together, work on cars together and socialize together. They do everything together. Remember that. “From the moment I met Nick, he was an energetic, positive kid,” Alex said. “He always knows how to bring the best out of life.” Alex was the reason Nick joined Delta Upsilon. Nick was drawn to the Fraternity because he felt the men really wanted to get to know him. He said the other groups felt like a sales pitch—inauthentic. He felt at home immediately at DU. Alex said Nick looked up to him. “But now it’s changed,” Alex said. “It’s switched. I look up to him.”


The doctor asked if Nick had anyone to call. Someone who could be there in five minutes. Nick didn’t hesitate. Alex was the first person to come to mind, he said. Alex got there in four. The phone call freaked Alex out. Nick had told him he had trouble breathing. He went to the ER. He was waiting to get the test results. The doctor returned and asked if it was okay if Alex was in the room. What he had to say was very heavy. “Of course,” Nick said.


The doctor found a tumor in Nick’s chest. He had emergency heart surgery that night. Nick’s parents came in from Chicago. Alex and other brothers waited with them. Alex was shocked and scared. But like everything he does, Nick held it together amazingly. It was grace under pressure. Nick describes surgery recovery as brutal. He had to withdraw from school, and for four months, he underwent emergency chemotherapy. He had three more surgeries. He was unconscious for most of the time he was in treatment. He recalls these shorts spurts, these brilliant moments of clarity, and when they happened, his mom would try and give him as much information as possible. But those moments only lasted for eight minutes or so. Thankfully he doesn’t quite remember the tests, the injections, the procedures. But he does remember his brothers. He remembers their hospital visits and them driving three hours to Chicago to see him. They told him he was the reason they won their intramural league that semester. Most importantly, he remembers them still teasing him. They made him feel as if things hadn’t changed. “They were the biggest parts of my recovery,” Nick said. Nick’s parents, naturally, played a huge role as well. They were there every step of the way, and they had logical concerns about him returning to school the next semester. They


Nick Principi, Bradley ’16, received the Unsung Hero Award from the Bradley IFC for his efforts to unite the fraternity/sorority community.


didn’t want him to go back and have to withdraw again. They wanted to make sure he was ready. But his brothers did what brothers do. They held a fundraiser for Nick, Clippy for ‘Cipi. They got Sports Clips to donate haircuts for the event. They sold burgers and hotdogs. They raised $1,500. “That’s when my parents knew I’d back okay if I went back,” Nick said. His brothers would have his back. That next semester, Nick was back on campus. His brothers drove him to school. They helped him grocery shop. They carried his backpack to class.

Alex is constantly impressed by Nick. He said Nick is always looking for ways to improve the chapter and the Bradley fraternity/sorority system as a whole. Nick, in the midst of juggling school and recovery, spearheaded an initiative that curbed gossip and bad mouthing between fraternities during recruitment for which the Bradley IFC gave him the “Unsung Hero Award.” Nick will graduate in December 2016, and he dreams for the future. And like all good dreams, they are big. He wants to be a consultant. He likes the people side of engineering. In an engineering world that’s filled with technical terms, technical people and technically driven organizations, it’s important to not forget the people behind it all, he said. Everybody, and everything, has a story. You just have to tell it well. His dream is to go to Austin, Texas. He went there for spring break and fell in love. His favorite part was sitting down with a good meal and exchanging stories with strangers. If cancer has taught him anything, he said, it’s to take any opportunity he gets. Nick is now 19 months cancer free. This story has just begun.

Nick has a sense of humor, too. He jokes about the timing of his diagnosis. “It was right before midterms, so I got pretty lucky,” he said. He describes his chest as looking like a cutting board. You can always hear the smile in his voice.


For the second straight year, Bradley Chapter won the IFC All-Sports Championship.

CHAPTER NEWS Alberta The Alberta Chapter participated in an etiquette dinner, one of its longest standing annual traditions. In March, the men held an open house and offered refreshments and house tours to showcase the chapter’s history and educate participants on DU’s morals and principles. January saw six men initiated into the chapter.

Boise State Two brothers had quite the accomplishments this semester. Brother Wesley Armstrong, ’18, was elected to the student body as Secretary of Students Organization Affairs. He will be in charge of distributing more than $300,000 to clubs and organizations on campus. Brother Armstrong was also elected to IFC as Vice President of Internal Affairs.

Leaving large shoes to fill for Armstrong, is Brother Alex Belisle, ’16, who served as the Secretary of Student Organization Affairs for the student government this past year. During his time in office, he wrote legislation to increase the amount of funds the university is able to give back to students through their student government.

Bradley For the second year in a row, the Bradley Chapter won the IFC AllSports Championship. It also added five new associate members during spring recruitment. The chapter enjoyed having all the alumni who attended its alumni weekend and look forward to hosting them again at the chapter’s 65th anniversary celebration this fall.



California The California Chapter initiated 21 new members into the Fraternity this academic year. The chapter co-hosted a block party with Sigma Kappa and Phi Kappa Psi to raise funds for GSI. Their achievements were recognized when the university gave them with two awards: Outstanding Interfraternity Council Chapter and Outstanding Commitment to Service.

Cal Poly It was a semester of tremendous growth for the Cal Poly Chapter, which saw its membership grow from 25 in the fall to 55 in the spring. These men now occupy the new, 6,800 square foot chapter house that’s construction was finished in January. The brothers also raised more than $4,000 for the Lupus Foundation of America.


Christopher Newport It was a semester of firsts for the Christopher Newport Chapter as the brothers spearheaded their inaugural Just DU It fundraiser. The day consisted of nine other Greek organizations competing in a five-round sports tournament. The chapter raised money for its local philanthropy, fear2freedom, a nonprofit with a twofold mission to redeem and restore those wounded by sexual assault, bringing them hope and healing, and to change the cultural understanding surrounding this issue by empowering college students. Christopher Newport Chapter.

Habitat for Humanity is an organization dear to the Clarkson Chapter. The entire chapter works with Habitat every other week. Clarkson also recruits other fraternal organizations to go with them. Over Easter weekend, the chapter had 30 people volunteering on the job site. The chapter also hosted its first Walk/Run for Wishes and raised over $3,000 to support Make-A-Wish Central New York. From a membership standpoint, the Clarkson Chapter saw huge growth this semester, increasing to 42 members, the highest count since its re-colonization in 2013.

Colgate The Colgate Chapter welcomed four new associate members in its first spring recruitment class in several years. Philanthropically, the chapter sponsored a three-on-three basketball tournament with all proceeds going to the Peace Players International, a charity organization that uses basketball to help, “bridge divides, develop leaders and change perceptions.” The chapter house is in pristine condition, thanks to the chapter’s generous alumni. The newly installed gas fireplaces are running, and the chapter continues to work on an addition that showcases chapter composites.

Cornell The brothers of the Cornell Chapter continue to excel on the sports field. Seven brothers represent DU on Cornell’s club hockey team and were instrumental in bringing an NECHL championship win. Twenty-two associate members were welcomed to the chapter this spring. Several new kitchen appliances were added to the chapter’s house, and new carpet was added to the study room and the second and third floors. All improvements were made possible by the chapter’s alumni.


Georgia Tech Chapter brothers shaved their heads after raising $25, 000 to help with childhood cancer.


Embry Riddle

It was a sweeping of sorts as the CulverStockton Chapter surpassed every other fraternal group on campus, winning the most awards from the university during Culver-Stockton’s awards banquet. Current president Daniel Kidd, ’17, won Greek Man of the Year and brother Marshall Stevens, ’16, won Interfraternal Community Advancement. The chapter itself won four awards—Philanthropy of the Year, Highest Fraternity GPA, Most Improved Chapter of the Year, and Best New Member/Recruitment Plan.



For the fifth year in a row, the DePauw Chapter won the Greek God and Goddess dance competition. The chapter also won the 2016 Little 5 bicycle race sponsored by the school’s Union Board and benefitting the American Cancer Society. The men also welcomed 21 new brothers in the spring recruitment class.

Elon The Elon Chapter had a busy April. In the beginning of the month, it raised $3,000 for the Boys & Girls Club of Burlington, North Carolina. Then at its DU Dogs event with Humane Society, students were able to take a break from end of the year stress by playing with puppies. Brothers also served hot dogs and provided live entertainment. Later that month, the chapter hosted a gallery walk and letter writing event called, “ This is Water.” The purpose of the event was to tell the story of the Flint, Michigan, water crisis through student art. More than 300 letters were written and $150 was raised for the First Trinity Missionary Baptist Church.

Brothers participated in Alpha Xi Delta’s Autism Speaks philanthropy event. Denys Lara, ’16, past president of the chapter, raised $1,454 and took second place in the Xi Man competition.

Seven brothers were initiated in the Florida Chapter’s spring class. The chapter also raised more than $17,000 for the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals at the 2016 UF Dance Marathon.

Georgia Tech The brothers at Georgia Tech broke their previous philanthropic fundraising record by raising more than $25,000 for the St. Baldrick’s Foundation. The foundation is dedicated to helping those with childhood cancer. In the past five years, the Georgia Tech Chapter has raised more than $70,000 for the charity.

Illinois Fourteen new initiates were just the beginning of a successful semester for the Illinois Chapter. The chapter installed its new Men of Merit Scholarship, which gives two individuals $1,000 toward their scholarly efforts. Athletically, the chapter’s soccer team came in second in the Greek Intramural League. Lastly, the chapter placed first in Illinois’ annual Atius dance competition winning won $2,500 toward its philanthropy.



Indiana The Indiana Chapter brought in 17 new associate members in the spring, bringing its yearly total to 42 new members. The brothers finished the semester with their chapter GPA being among the top 5 fraternities on campus. Brothers were able to raise almost $1,000 for the Scleroderma Foundation, a foundation that funds research for Scleroderma, a connective tissue disease that has affected family members of the chapter’s brothers.



A year after being chartered, the Iowa Chapter finished first in the campus’ Greek Week. The men also hosted a Delta Scoopsilon ice cream event to raise funds for GSI.

In an effort to be green, the chapter house was retrofitted with LED lights to replace the existing florescent tube lights.

Iowa State There were many new accomplishments the Iowa State Chapter celebrated this semester. Delta Scoopsilon was its new spring philanthropy, which raised more than $2,600 for GSI. Thanks to the event, and travel scholarships given by their alumni, two brothers, Joe Fetherling, ’19, and Keisuke Sato, ’16, were able to make the trip to Jamaica. This was a big accomplishment for the chapter, as it was unable to send any participants to GSI last year.

$10,000 for GSI. The chapter’s annual alumni golf tournament also raised more than $7,000 for the chapter’s GSI scholarship fund.

Lafayette The Lafayette Chapter’s DU Ducks dominated intramural sports this semester, winning the volleyball and ping pong tournaments, and finishing second in 5 on 5 basketball and indoor soccer. In addition to their athletic prowess, Brother Joey Towers, ’18, earned the title of Greek God for his singing and guitar performance during Greek Week. The chapter also hosted three philanthropy events that raised a total of $500 for GSI.

Lehigh Initiating 22 brothers was just the start of the Lehigh Chapter’s successful semester. The men started a new philanthropy event that was inspired by other chapters, the DUck Hunt , where participants threw water balloons at brothers dressed in duck costumes. The event surpassed their fundraising goal of $200. Chapter president, Tristan Seton, ’18, received the Excellence in Inspiring Change Award at Lehigh’s annual Greek Awards banquet.

Kansas State The Kansas State Chapter continues to excel academically, philanthropically and athletically. The chapter remains the largest fraternity on campus with more than 100 members, 81 of those living in house. Kansas State finished in the top three in grades, an impressive feat considering its membership numbers. The chapter’s football team also won the intermural championship in the fall. The men again hosted the largest philanthropy on campus, the Miss K-State Competition, which saw more than 1,000 attendees and raised more than

Lehigh Chapter.


Maryland Colony The colony celebrated being Greek Week champions for the second straight year. The men also spent time focused on philanthropy. The chapter raised money for GSI through a March Madness bracket competition, and many brothers represented DU and raised more than $1,000 at the Terp Thon, a 12-hour dance marathon benefitting the Children’s National Health System in Washington, D.C.

Michigan The Michigan Chapter initiated nine new members in the spring and raised more than $2,500 for the Boys and Girls Club from its Delta Dodgeball fundraiser. In the campus intramural competitions, the chapter won the IM Broomball for the fifth time in the last six years. All brothers are looking forward to the annual alumni Homecoming tailgate on Oct. 22.

Michigan Tech It was an eventful semester for the brothers at Michigan Tech. They had their largest associate member class in years with eight newly initiated brothers. The chapter also raised $600 for GSI, the highest amount in recent history. The chapter also won two awards for outstanding service this semester. Finally, the chapter managed to improve its GPA by 0.24 points, the highest change for all fraternities on campus.

Nebraska Strong academics were the foundation of the Nebraska Chapter’s success this semester. Impressively, 39 brothers made the Dean’s List, with five associate members getting a perfect 4.0 GPA. Four brothers attended the Fraternity’s GSI trip in June 2016. The Nebraska Chapter raised $9,500 to help fund the trip through its spring philanthropy, DU Donuts. The chapter continued its tradition of campus leadership with the election of Brother Bryce Tarletsky, ’17, as Vice President of Finance to the Interfraternity Council. Four other brothers—Jameson DeFreece,

’18; Greg Dittman, ’18; Ian Lagerstorm, ’18; and Ross Miller, ’19—are all running for positions within the student government.

North Carolina Six new brothers were initiated into the North Carolina Chapter this spring. The chapter participated in a wide variety of philanthropic events throughout the semester. Brother Andrew King, ’19, raised more $600 for the St. Baldrick’s Foundation when he shaved his head. The chapter participated in the It’s On Us event on campus benefiting the Orange County Rape Crisis Center. Brothers are steadfast in unity with other organizations to end sexual assault on campus.

Northwestern Colony In May, the colony participated in its Colonization Ceremony with 33 associate members. The chapter was originally installed on Oct. 27, 1880, but had been closed since 2013.

Oklahoma Philanthropy, service and academics were the three dominant themes of the Oklahoma Chapter’s spring semester. The chapter continued its work with the Children’s Miracle Network by participating in a 12-hour dance marathon and raised just under $5,000. The men also spent time with their Miracle Child, Casey Hubbard. The chapter took part in The Big Event, a day of service throughout the state of Oklahoma. Brothers did all sorts of tasks, ranging from repairing a preschool’s playground to moving mulch and painting tables. The chapter came in first place in the Relay for Life event, which includes having raised the most money and having the most participation in the event. Brothers participated in the Relay for Life gold tournament, painted banners, held a fundraiser and created a “DUdes Against Cancer” T-shirt. All in all, the chapter raised $6,385. The men also set high standards for their associate members, only recruiting those who earned higher than a 3.5 GPA in school. They initiated 35 new brothers in the spring.



Oregon State The Oregon State Chapter had a very productive term. The chapter raised almost $13,000 during its DU Darling pageant, which benefited GSI. They also sent three brothers this semester to Jamaica. Brother Mitchell Pfluke, ’18, was crowned Mr. Alpha Phi during Alpha Phi’s philanthropy event, which supported women’s health. Midway through their spring term, the chapter was voted the number one fraternity on campus by the Barometer, the OSU student run newspaper.



It has been six years since the Rutgers Chapter was re-established in 2010. This semester proved to be a pivotal turning point as the chapter celebrated unprecedented growth and success. It raised $31,000 for the Rutgers Dance Marathon, which benefits the Embrace Kids Foundation, a nonprofit that provides financial assistance to families and children with cancer, sickle cell anemia and other diseases. The chapter specifically said Brother Damon Namin, ’17, vice president of philanthropy, was instrumental in its success. Two brothers of the Rutgers Chapter were recently elected to the Interfraternity Council, helping to oversee the 35 fraternities on Rutgers’ campus. Five Rutgers DUs were awarded with Special Greek Recognition Awards. The Office of Fraternity Affairs gave out the awards to those who not only go above and beyond for their individual chapters, but the community as well. Brother and Alumni Board Advisor, Ken Miller, ’79, was one of the award recipients.

San Diego State The brothers at San Diego State took home bragging rights with their first place Greek Week win. Their own second annual Aztec Dance Marathon raised $1,200, the most out of any other fraternity on campus, earning the award of Top Fundraising Fraternity. In April, the chapter had the pleasure of hosting alumni for its 50th anniversary celebration. The alumni are now in the process of planning the

construction of a new chapter house. The chapter said its alumni’s dedication and unwavering commitment was key for all of its successes.

South Carolina The South Carolina Chapter hosted its inaugural DU Bubble Ball soccer tournament this spring semester. The men raised more than $1,000 for GSI, which was double the amount raised last year. The chapter excelled academically this year, wining an Academic Excellence award for its high GPA. Brothers also participated in the Heart Walk, with their teams coming in third place after raising $3,500 for the St. Baldrick’s Foundation.

Swarthmore It was an active semester for the Swarthmore Chapter, which initiated 11 new brothers. The chapter partnered with the school administration to help run a blood drive that benefited the Red Cross. Brothers also raised $140 from their dodgeball tournament for their local charity, All Riders Up, a facility that provides therapeutic horseback rides to disabled individuals. Brothers routinely volunteer at All Riders Up during the semester. Brother Ojas Chinchwadkar, ’17, was the Herb Taylor Award winner as top initiate and former president Rudy Perez, ’16 won the Bill Lee Service Award at the chapter’s annual pig roast.

Toronto The Toronto Chapter brought in 10 new members this semester. They also partnered with sororities to donate old clothing and non-perishable food items for a local homeless shelter. All in all, the chapter donated more than $3,000 worth of goods.

Tufts It was a busy semester for the Tufts Chapter as it raised funds for three different organizations. The men held their annual 3 on 3 basketball tournament and brought in $1,190 for the Tomorrow’s Children’s Fund. Then, they raised $975 during a Relay For Life event. Lastly, the brothers shaved their heads and


raised $3,650 for the St. Baldrick’s Foundation. Their passion to help organizations fight and find a cure for cancer comes from one of their brothers who was diagnosed with, and then beat, Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.

Vermont Colony The Vermont Colony has 17 members on the roster and all have immersed themselves into academia and service. The colony won first place in the Fraternity & Sorority Life’s 12th annual Chili Cook Off. Brothers also participated in the 2016 Rallython, fundraising for the Children’s Miracle Network. They volunteered in the Burlington Beach Clean-Up, and to end the semester, bonded during a spring camping trip.

Western Illinois The Western Illinois Chapter started the semester off strong as it welcomed 10 new brothers to the chapter, which was one of their largest spring classes it has had in several years. The men busily spent their semester participating in numerous service opportunities. Brothers helped refurbish a home for less fortunate families in Macomb, worked St. Paul’s Catholic Church’s fish fry event, and participated in the, “Dew Right Day,” for the local park district. They also came in third place during a recent Greek Week. Brothers welcomed back alumni in April for the chapter’s 42nd anniversary. It was a highly successful event as undergraduates were able to meet and learn from alumni. The chapter is already gearing up for next semester and looks forward to implementing their recruitment plans for a strong fall class.

Wichita A heavy focus on academics was the focus of the past semester for the brothers of the Wichita Chapter. They’ve made long strides in creating a more scholastic culture and have seen a positive impact on their cumulative GPA. This year, the chapter hosted the Fairmount Bike Rodeo. Brothers performed bike inspections, riding instructions and safety tips for children in the community. They gave each child a new bicycle helmet to encourage cycling safety.

Brother Greg Rubbert, ’18, won Best Talent at Alpha Phi’s King of Hearts Pageant and Brother Michael Schlesinger, ’18, was initiated as a University Innovation Fellow, through Stanford University’s Design and Development School.

ALUMNI NEWS Alberta Alumni are meeting with undergraduates to finalize a revitalization of the chapter house’s kitchen. New countertops, cabinet adjustments and improved refrigerator storage are all being planned. The group will also host its 20th annual DU Silver Fox golf tournament that will take place Aug. 22 at the Earl Grey Golf Course.

Colgate Colgate alumni, through the Delta Upsilon Society of Colgate, awarded $30,000 in scholarships to 29 undergraduate brothers. The scholarships were based on need, leadership in the community and academic achievement. An additional $2,000 was provided to Brother Scott Haraczy, ’16, to help him in his efforts to provide medical and dental relief in western Panama.

Guelph Formed in 2014, the Guelph Chapter’s Alumni Board has been very active in setting standards for high academic achievement. The board, along with support from other alumni, was able to raise money for an annual financial scholarship to be awarded to the undergraduate brother who achieved the highest GPA.

Cornell The Cornell Delta Upsilon Association is excited about its new initiative, a career mentoring program that matches undergraduate DUs with alumni who are willing to prepare them for their post-graduate careers. Alumni interested in the program may participate by visiting cornelldu.org.



The alumni also have several events scheduled summer and fall 2016. Their Reunion Weekend took place June 9-12, with a reception on Saturday, June 11, that was open to family and friends. Plans are also underway for homecoming, which will take place from Sept. 23-25. All Cornell alumni are invited to join 100 plus brothers for a weekend of reconnecting and reminiscing. A detailed schedule can be found on cornelldu.org.

Minnesota The Minnesota alumni reformed their Corporation Board last semester. They have eight alumni actively involved and are always looking for others to engage with undergraduate brothers. After a 15-year run, Brother Andy Kahn, ’99, will be handing over the presidential reigns to Brother Jim Zimbelmann, ’16, at the Aug. 14 board meeting.


alumni@gmail.com with your name, address and class year.

San Diego State In April, alumni and undergraduates celebrated the 50th anniversary of Delta Upsilon’s founding at San Diego State. The weekend included golf, a cocktail party, luau themed dinner and rollicking brotherhood at the Dana Inn Resort in Mission Bay of San Diego. Alumni are already looking forward to their largest event, a catered tailgate, which will take place on Saturday, Nov. 5, at 1 p.m. Plan are also underway in the permitting process for the new chapter house. With temporary chapter relocation already established, the group expects the house to be demolished in fall 2016.

Nebraska George Horner, ’18, Brendon Gallo, ’17, and Zachary Schnell, ’18, were the recipients of the seventh annual Roy James Harney – Four Founding Principles Scholarship. The Harney Scholarships are given each year to brothers who have most successfully demonstrated the ability to carry out Delta Upsilon’s Four Founding Principles. Roy James Harney was a 1917 graduate of the University of Nebraska College Law and was the first baseman on the Cornhusker baseball team.

Rutgers The 5th annual Rutgers Delta Upsilon Alumni Dinner took place in New Brunswick, New Jersey, in February. More than 100 alumni and undergraduate brothers joined together for this fantastic event. Brothers were able to reconnect with one another and celebrate the accomplishments of the chapter over the past years. Brother Mark Hershhorn, ’71, was honored for his distinguished career and significant contributions to Rutgers University.

Syracuse The Syracuse Alumni are gearing up for the undergraduate chapter to recolonize in the fall. As of this spring, 111 brothers out of 928 alumni have given to the comeback effort. $201,000 has been raised, and the association is well on its way of reaching its goal of $325,000. If you have any questions about the campaign, please email Rick Holland, rickholland@ comcast.net.

The 6th Annual Rutgers Delta Upsilon Alumni Dinner will take place on March 27, 2017, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in New Brunswick. For more details on the event, or to stay informed on other alumni events and chapter functions, email rudu.



The Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation is the fundraising arm of the Fraternity. While completely separate 501(c)(3) organizations, the goals of the International Fraternity and Educational Foundation are the same: Building Better Men and providing an exceptional leadership and personal development experience for all members. The DUEF is able to raise money to fund DU’s educational and leadership programming through tax-deductible gifts made by undergraduates, alumni, parents and friends of DU. Programs like the Global Service Initiative, the DU Emerging Leaders (DUEL) Experience, Regional

Leadership Academies, Presidents Academy, Advisors Academy, Recruitment Symposium and this Leadership Institute are all partially funded by grants from the Educational Foundation. In addition to program funding, the Educational Foundation also funds numerous scholarships for undergraduate members. These scholarships are used to cover registration costs to attend DU educational programs, as well as their schooling. Annual McQuaid Scholarships are given to help members supplement the cost of their undergraduate or graduate tuition. In the fall 2016 issue of the Delta Upsilon Quarterly, look for the Foundation’s 2015-2016 annual report. This report will provide further information on the Educational Foundation’s funding and a list of donors.

21 Total Grant to the Fraternity

Leadership Institute Scholarships

DU Emerging Leaders Experience Scholarships

Global Service McQuaid Scholarships ($1,000 each) Initiative Scholarships

Oak Circle Scholarships to UIFI


Want to leave your DU legacy? With a gift to the Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation, your money helps us change men who change the world. Donations are used to fund important DU programs and provide scholarships that have made a proven impact on DU brothers. Donating is easy. Visit www.duef.org/give to give. Any gift, large or small, makes a difference in the lives of your brothers. Gifts to the Annual Loyalty Fund allow the Foundation to provide funds to areas where it is needed most.

Donations to the DUEF fund educational programs like the Global Service Initiative.




Real. One of the many words used to describe Will Keim, Pacific ’75. The past Delta Upsilon International Fraternity board member and well-known speaker was known for his genuineness when delivering a message and addressing a problem. It is part of what made him such an impactful motivational speaker and mentor. His conversations were real; he was real. What you saw and heard in his speeches were exactly what you saw in his everyday life. Keim, who passed away June 1, 2016, after a two-year battle with metastasized melanoma, has left a lasting imprint on Delta Upsilon and the interfraternal community. His words and actions not only helped shape policy, his message empowered thousands of students to imagine a

better way to live. Above all, he will be remembered for his character, compassion and authenticity that provided a blueprint on how one should life his/her life.

Born April 3, 1954, Keim earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Communication Arts & Religious Studies from University of the Pacific in Stockton, California, in 1975 and 1980, respectively. A decade later, with a Ph.D. in College Student Services Administration he earned from Oregon State University in 1990, Keim hit the road as a


motivational speaker and, eventually, an author. His prime audience: college students. Keim spoke to students on a variety of topics, including adjusting to college life, ethical leadership, diversity awareness and communitybuilding, fraternity/sorority life, student involvement, the transition to life after college, and more. For years he was known as the “dean” of DU’s Leadership Institute, and would speak frequently on university campuses, at other fraternity/ sorority conventions, and even to the occasional corporate client. No matter the speech or the audience, the strength of Keim’s message, coupled with his charm and authenticity, would have transformational effect on those who listened.

“[Will] was able to mix humor with a message that really did resonate with students and others,” said Bob Lannin, Nebraska ’81, a longtime friend of Keim’s and Fraternity volunteer. “He got to the brass and tacks of things, at their age, students needed to hear. Each speech was delivered with such quality and with such a profound and impactful message that you just couldn’t help but be taken in by it.”

“Any time you were able to get Will one-on-one was magical; he was always surrounded by millions of people. If you were able to get one-on-one time with him, it was the greatest. You felt like you were the only person on earth,” said Tom Durein, Oregon State ’92, a current International Fraternity board member who was mentored as an undergraduate by Keim. An important piece of Keim’s character were his authenticity and drive to help students. Those who knew Keim well, would witness him spend considerable amounts of time talking with students after presentations. Hoping to gain just a small, very brief piece of wisdom from Keim, what the students received with each encounter was genuine interest in their question or problem, valuable insight and often contact information for follow-up.

“He was always very gracious,”Lannin said. “He took the time to reach out because he genuinely was concerned for and cared about who he was working with. For me, that is something I have always aspired to do.” Keim’s authenticity and desire to help others not only drew students to him, it drove him to reach out on his own, as well. As a chapter advisor to DU’s Oregon State Chapter and regular speaker on the Oregon State campus, Keim’s reach could be tangibly felt in the Corvallis, Oregon, community. John Duncan, Oregon State ’00, who, like Durein, has also known Keim since he was an undergraduate, has seen Keim’s influence play a major role in his own life. Duncan worked with Keim as a DU chapter officer, Oregon State’s IFC president, and eventually as a colleague in higher education, a career path “unquestionably inspired” by Keim’s mentorship. “Will really wanted to make a difference in the world, and he truly wanted to make a difference in the lives of young people,” Duncan said. “That was always a very earnest part of his life. No reservations, he really wanted to make a difference in the lives of other people, particularly young people.” Of the many memories he has of Keim, Duncan most remembers the

Live, love, choose, be present, be spiritual, forgive, move on, risk, accept oneself and one’s place in the universe, have faith, and trust. This has been my lecture, my story, my sermon ... my life.”

– Will Keim, Pacific ’75


genuine interest he showed in others. During his time as a Fraternity leadership consultant, Duncan recalls Keim visiting the staff housing to make dinner for the consultants and check in on how they each were doing. In recent years, he remembers being at Keim’s Oregon home for dinner, surrounded by others— Keim’s family, friends from church, former colleagues and many Oregon State students with whom he had made a connection. “Every time I’d come over, it would be an event,” Duncan recalls. “There would be 20 to 30 people there every time, yet he’d still make time to share stories with you and catch up on life. He was just really invested in other people. He was so kind and generous in that regard.”

23 Keim served Delta Upsilon in a variety of roles through the years—chapter advisor, educational program speaker and, from 1991 to 1993, member of Delta Upsilon’s international board of directors— leaving an indelible mark on the Fraternity. During much of this time, the fraternity/sorority community was experiencing a massive shift, implementing new policies regarding

A well-known motivational speaker, Will Keim, Pacific’75, was also the author of numerous books.


hazing, alcohol and other practices hurting the fraternal movement. Holding the ear of key DU leaders, campus administrators and students across North America, Keim’s unwavering dedication to the betterment of students helped DU and the entire interfraternal community make positive changes in the way of wellness and safety. “We would not be as far as we are today in leadership development, student development and professional development without Will Keim having had the opportunity to spread his message for decades,” Durein said. “We would be further behind in our processes and in challenges that face students today if it weren’t for Will being able to talk open and honestly about the things that matter.” With such steadfastness during times of change can come some dissent. Not one to shy away from

“If there was a moral compass, Will would have been the true north on that compass. He knew DU had a responsibility to be different.” – John Duncan, Oregon State ’00

knowing he could ruffle feathers, Keim understood that discourse and varying opinions are valuable to finding any good solution. “Because he was always honest and real, not everyone always agreed with him” Durein said. “I, for one, loved that. Will didn’t shy away from talking about things that were difficult. He didn’t shy away from challenging the process.” That strength of beliefs and character is, perhaps, what made Keim such an effective leader and mentor. Driven by his passions, he lived every part of his life rooted in his beliefs—beliefs that included Delta Upsilon’s Four Founding Principles. “I always thought Will, how he carried himself and his interactions with others was the personification of our Four Founding Principles,” Lannin said. “He was incredibly friendly, so outgoing. His genuineness was just as sign of incredible character. He lived his life by doing what he thought was the right thing.” “Will was by no stretch a perfect man, but he did better than most others I’ve ever met in doing this,” Duncan reiterated. “He was a real person who did real things on a regular basis … He did his best to live his values, and not just talk about them, or do it occasionally, or when someone was watching. He did it every single day. It’s actually hard to describe the level


of commitment that he expressed in his daily life around helping other people.” For those of us in Delta Upsilon— whether we had met Will Keim or not—the best way to honor his incredible memory is by taking his example. Every day, we must look for ways to help others, be genuine in our actions and serve as a friend to all. In Keim’s own words: “From the very first road trip, I wanted to inspire and empower students to live each day fully; to actualize their full potential; and to make the world a better place. I have told that story 10,000 times. Live, love, choose, be present, be spiritual, forgive, move on, risk, accept oneself and one’s place in the universe, have faith, and trust. This has been my lecture, my story, my sermon ... my life.”

Student development was the cornerstone of Will Keim’s life and career. To honor his memory, his family listed the Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation as a designated memorial recipient. This money, in addition to future gifts in his memory will be used to fund a scholarship to support leadership development. For more information or to make a donation in Will’s memory, contact Executive Director Justin Kirk at kirk@deltau.org or (317) 875-8900.

ALPHA AND OMEGA Alberta Robert E. Butler, ’48 William K. Moore, ’49 Amherst

Richard C. Simon, ’49 Bowling Green Stanley C. Brown, ’58 Edward O. Elliott, ’68 Thomas D. Sauppe, ’53 Bradley

Peter J. Galietta, ’65 Jim N. Griner, ’51 British Columbia

Robert A. Nilan, ’46 Brown

Robert F. Pyper, ’59

Iowa State

Wayne W. Brown, ’53 Donald C. Nebergall, ’52 William J. Ritts, ’49 Gene O. Walker, ’44 Kansas

Hubert M. Dye, ’54 Alfred F. Gallup, ’38 Charles W. Hedges, ’56 James C. Nitz, ’53 Kansas State

David L. DeFeo, ’67 Clinton E. Dunn, ’70 Carl E. Gustafson, ’58 Kent State

Michael A. McDonnell, ’56 Bob A. Worley, ’54 Lafayette

Jonathan S. Minnich, ’57

James V. Carrigan, ’55 Wilbur W. Oaks, ’51



Donald J. Moulin, ’53

Thomas J. Gillespie, ’53



Charles W. Duffett, ’46

Robert Klein, ’45




George G. Rinder, ’41 Nealon M. Scoones, ’01 Clarkson

David R. Skiff, ’69 Colby

George N. Bowers, ’50 Delaware

Walter J. Purzycki, ’73 DePauw

Harold E. Nelson, ’46 Dean R. Sampson, ’50 Barrett A. Smith, ’61 James G. Stewart, ’64

Joe W. Coleman, ’64 James N. Pepper, ’69 Roger L. Short, ’67 Nebraska

Robert E. Green, ’50 Brent R. Longwell, ’74 Richard A. Neal, ’56 D. M. Nolan, ’68 Philip E. Spicer, ’53 North Dakota

S. B. Peterson, ’72 Ronald D. Workman, ’68 North Dakota State

Robert L. Gerke, ’59 Sigurd D. Medhus, ’50

Western Reserve



Will S. Keim, ’75

Streeter W. Funk, ’60



John H. Beach, ’62 Franklin B. Allison, ’52 William Bilohorka, ’50 Purdue

Please notify the Fraternity of deceased brothers or any errors in the list. Notices received at Fraternity Headquarters between Jan. 25 and June 10, 2016.

San Jose

Memorial gifts may be directed to the Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation at the address below or online at www.deltau.org.


Delta Upsilon 8705 Founders Road Indianapolis, IN 46268 ihq@deltau.org

John J. Gillaspy, ’58 Richard W. Lamp, ’49 Fred G. Luber, ’50 Jerry C. Soper, ’56 Silvano M. Bernardi, ’88 Delavan F. Kennedy, ’53 William B. Miller, ’52 Richard L. Hoffman, ’49 Syracuse

A. L. Avallone, ’62 Robert A. Eckardt, ’66 Paul V. Gabel, ’51 Miles S. Jenney, ’55 Robert E. Portmess, ’78 Technology

Thomas J. Perkins, ’53 Peter N. Stone, ’54 Texas

Duncan W. Hall, ’75 D. K. McElvany, ’83 John A. Mills, ’75 Toronto

Neil R. Gunn, ’67 Tufts

Richard H. Bailey, ’51 Carl H. Freyer, ’60


Northern Illinois

Reuben E. Miller, ’50

James M. Gilmore





William M. Maynard, ’63 Harry G. Perrine, ’50 Roi H. Rosenthall, ’56 Robert Short, ’44 Steven A. Shreiner, ’57 Daniel R. Tribbett, ’08 Iona

Andrew T. Gregg, ’15 Iowa

Wilbur N. Bump, ’51 Donnie K. Swanson, ’62

Robert E. Nilles, ’44 Jack S. Taradash, ’60 Ohio State

Dennis E. Nead, ’72 Oklahoma

William T. Brunson, ’60 Leslie W. Contway, ’55 Wilburn C. Hall, ’63 Ben Nicholas, ’37 Hunter G. Pedigo, ’37 Donald I. Scott, ’61 Bill B. Warren, ’56 Oregon State

Thomas C. Buboltz, ’57 Charles J. Herro, ’43

Pennsylvania State

Gary R. Folkestad, ’81

Carl Leupold, ’39

Charles E. Cookson, ’51

Donald H. Zenger, ’54 Virginia

Harrison L. McCoy, ’51 Walter Rusch, ’53 Washington

Clayton H. Crane, ’47 Wesleyan

Charles W. Schwanda, ’42 Western Illinois

Stephen J. McGuar, ’79 James R. Walker, ’78 Western Ontario

Alexander Graham, ’60

Thomas P. Bays, ’42



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Change of Address? MAIL updated information to Delta Upsilon International Fraternity CALL 317-875-8900 EMAIL jana@deltau.org (subject line: Change of address) VISIT deltau.org/meetus/internationalheadquarters Please include your full name, chapter and graduation year.

UPDATE YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION Did you recently graduate and move out into the real world? Make sure DU has your updated contact information, including your mailing and email addresses—especially if you used your school email. Don’t miss out on the latest DU news and continue to receive the DU Quarterly! Email ihq@deltau.org with your updated contact information.

PARENTS: Your son’s magazine is sent to his home address while he is in college. We encourage you to review it. If he is not in college and is not living at home, please send his new permanent address to: jana@deltau.org.

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