DU Quarterly: Volume 133, No. 2

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Volume 133, № 2










Letter from the President Dear Brothers, This edition of the DU Quarterly focuses on one of the three key elements of the Fraternity’s Strategic Plan, the importance of alumni and volunteer engagement. Given the critical role that our alumni and volunteers play in our future, I wanted to share some of my thoughts on the topic. One definition of volunteer is as follows: “A person who actively takes on a task, responsibility or project without needing to be assigned, ordered or told to do so. Often a volunteer is not paid for the work that they provide.” That certainly doesn’t sound like the way to fame and fortune, does it! I would argue, however, that being a volunteer may in fact deliver a different kind of “paycheck.” Perhaps the biggest benefit being the satisfaction one gets from incorporating service into their lives and making a difference in people and communities. When we share our time and talents we solve problems, strengthen communities, improve our lives, connect to others and transform our own lives. Beyond the benefits listed above, did you know that volunteering provides individual health benefits in addition to social ones? According to a report from the Corporation for National & Community Service, there is over two decades of research that has established a strong relationship between volunteering and health. Those who volunteer have lower mortality rates, greater functional ability and lower rates of depression late in life than those who do not volunteer. Some of these findings also indicate that volunteers who devote a considerable amount of time to volunteer activities (about 100 hours per year) are most likely to exhibit positive health outcomes. Many organizations need volunteers. I would argue, however, that Delta Upsilon is especially dependent upon volunteers for success. While the evidence is largely anecdotal, it is believed by staff and Fraternity leadership that the single biggest contributor to chapter success is a strong alumni support system. Housing

corporations need individuals with experience in finance, law, property management and security to oversee facility operations. At the chapter level, we need individuals to be a part of advising teams for the undergraduate leadership. DUIF has developed the Regional Leadership Academy, which meets annually in five metropolitan cities throughout North America to help facilitate chapter operations. At these sessions, undergraduate leaders and alumni volunteers are taught how to organize and support each other in a comprehensive way. One doesn’t have to be a full-time mentor/advisor to assist. In fact, it is best to enlist multiple members in limited, meaningful ways, that way the burden is shared and the risk of burnout diminishes. Some individuals are interested in planning alumni events like golf tournaments and watch parties for their sports teams. Others help plan parent orientations, initiation ceremonies and academic award celebrations. No matter how big or small the role, each contribution is significant. Some people think of retired people when they think of volunteers. That is an overly restrictive perception. Volunteering is actually a lifelong activity that can serve as a developmental and networking experience for those in all phases of their lives. Directing one’s activities at something new and different can actually help turn day-to-day frustrations into positive energy and satisfaction. So how does one get involved? Don’t wait to be asked. If you are not already in contact with your local chapter alumni, you can reach out to DUIF’s Director of Alumni Development, Colin Finn at finn@deltau.org. You, and your Fraternity, will be better off for it. Fraternally,

E. Bruce McKinney, Missouri ’74 President, Delta Upsilon International Fraternity


Delta Upsilon International Fraternity North America’s Oldest Non-Secret Fraternity: Founded 1834

The Principles of Delta Upsilon The Promotion of Friendship The Development of Character The Diffusion of Liberal Culture The Advancement of Justice

The Motto of Delta Upsilon

Dikaia Upotheke - Justice Our Foundation

OFFICERS President E. Bruce McKinney, Missouri ’74 Chairman of the Board Richard X. Taylor, North Carolina State ’82 Secretary Timothy C. Dowd, Oklahoma ’75 Treasurer Aaron M. Siders, Kansas State ’04


James Bell, Calgary ’94 Terry Brady, Missouri ’62 Aaron Clevenger Ed.D., Central Florida ’97 Robert S. Lannin, Nebraska ’81 Jordan B. Lotsoff, Northern Illinois ’88 Robert A. Stewart, Washington ’64 David P. Whitman, Indiana ’75 Carl Saenger, Carthage ’16 Dale Shanklin, Boise State ’15


E. Bernard Franklikn, Ph.D., Kansas State ’75 Terry L. Bullock, Kansas State ’61 Samuel M. Yates, San Jose ’55 Bruce S. Bailey, Denison ’58 James D. McQuaid, Chicago ’60 Alvan E. (Ed) Porter, Oklahoma ’65

INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS STAFF DELTA UPSILON FRATERNITY AND EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION Executive Director: Justin Kirk, Boise State ’00 Executive Assistant: Jana McClees-Anderson Senior Staff Accountant: Mary Ellen Watts FRATERNITY

Associate Executive Director: Karl Grindel Senior Director of Educational Programs: Noah Borton, M.A. Director of Program Development: Michelle Marchand, M.A. Director of Loss Prevention: Sara Jahansouz, Ed.D. Director of Global Initiatives: Kaye Schendel, M.S. Director of Alumni Development: Colin Finn, Iowa State ’05 Director of Chapter Services: Mark Gehrke, Boise State ’11 Director of Educational Programs: Matthew Nance, M.S., DePauw ’10 Chapter Development Director: Kyle Martin, M.Ed. Communications Coordinator: Megan Samuels Graphic Designer: Chelsea Phillips New Media Coordinator: Kaylyn Easton Expansion Consultant: Derek Dauel, Nebraska ’15 Expansion Consultant: Cale Kaiser, Nebraska ’15 Chapter Development Coordinator: Dominic Greene, Oregon ’99 FOUNDATION

Associate Executive Director: Michael McRee, Ph.D. Director of Foundation: John Duncan, M.A., Oregon State ’00 Development Director: Natasha Dow, M.P.A

The Official Magazine of the

Delta Upsilon International Fraternity Since 1882

Volume 133, No 2 Spring/Summer 2015

DELTA UPSILON INTERNATIONAL FRATERNITY BUTLER MEMORIAL HEADQUARTERS Office hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Monday - Friday Office: 317-875-8900 Fax: 317-876-1629 Email: ihq@deltau.org website: www.deltau.org 8705 Founders Road Indianapolis, Indiana 46268, U.S.A., (R) TM Registered U.S. Patent Office


Editor: Megan Samuels Graphic Designer: Chelsea Phillips Published by: Maury Boyd and Associates, Inc.

GET PUBLISHED IN THE DU QUARTERLY Undergraduate members and alumni are encouraged to submit chapter news and feature stories along with high resolution photographs by emailing samuels@deltau.org. DU Quarterly is published in the summer, fall and winter. CONTENT DEADLINES WINTER: December 1; FALL: August 31; SUMMER: May 12









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Our men need mentors. Our men need you.



ACH YEAR at Delta Upsilon’s Leadership Institute, chapters from all across North America are recognized for their accomplishments in all areas that make them a successful chapter by textbook standards. The best of the best will be nominated for the coveted Sweepstakes Trophy, an award that recognizes a chapter that checks all of the boxes, scores the highest on CEP, pays their bills on time, raises a significant amount of money for the Global Service Initiative and incorporates the Values and Mission of Delta Upsilon, as well as the Four Founding Principles into everything they do. It’s a big responsibility to uphold the Values and traditions of the Fraternity as an undergraduate, and the chapters that succeed in doing so year after year couldn’t do it alone. What’s their secret? Alumni involvement. It’s that simple, really. There is a formula for success, a delicate balance of support and oversight. There is a need for volunteers, from

individuals who have the time and the passion to give back to the Fraternity in a hands-on, but also hands-off way. The Fraternity has identified three primary ways an alumnus or volunteer can assist a local chapter. Each of these three opportunities is critical to a chapter’s longterm success and have been proven support systems for successful chapters past and present. Not every chapter may have the ability to fulfill each of the three areas immediately, but every chapter can make progress. The three primary ways to volunteer are on a chapter’s Chapter Advisory Board, House Corporation and Alumni Association. The difference between closing a chapter or keeping a chapter open and thriving is the quality of the volunteer time a chapter receives from one or all three of the groups above. Your lending hand can, and will, make a difference for your brothers. In the following pages we highlight these three areas and include a survey of questions to each for self-examination.



CHAPTER ADVISORY BOARD GOOD CHAPTERS HAVE 9+ ADVISORS The Chapter Advisory Board (CAB) is put in place to provide consistent support and guidance to the undergraduate chapter with which it is affiliated, through a series of group, individual and in-person communication efforts. The ideal CAB consists of a board chair, plus one advisor for each undergraduate officer, for a total of nine board members.


The most beneficial CAB will meet as a group with the undergraduate executive board at least two times per semester, and each individual advisor will meet with the undergraduate officer to which he or she is assigned on a more regular basis (usually a combination of in-person meetings, phone conversations and electronic communication). Of course, it’s not always feasible to have a separate advisor for each undergraduate officer. In such cases, some advisors may need to be matched with multiple officers, while not ideal, can work. Even when a chapter is lucky enough to have an involved, local advisor, it is important to recognize that an individual cannot do it all – nor can he or she be relied upon forever. Things change. People move away or develop any number of additional priorities. NEBRASKA CHAPTER BOUNCES BACK WITH BETTER CHAPTER ADVISORY BOARD The Nebraska Chapter is no stranger to adversity, and Bob Lannin, Nebraska ’81, remembers what it was like to start from the bottom without much alumni support. When the chapter was in danger of closing, Lannin brought the reality of the matter to other alumni he thought could help, knowing it would take more than enthusiasm to try to turn things around. Lannin first spoke at length with DU International Headquarters for advice, and used the resources and training available to get started. With the right kind of volunteers, those who could commit their time and energy into a struggling DU chapter, the alumni were able to create a Chapter Advisory Board that operates in all important areas of the chapter, and works closely with their House Corporation to collect rent and pay House Corporation bills.

Over the years, the CAB has provided support in the form of mentoring and monetary donations to undergraduates. By dividing itself into separate committees for various projects, the CAB is able to accomplish many things at one time, while still making time for fundraising efforts needed to keep the chapter buy-in consistent over the years. The chapter holds a CEA account with the DU Educational Foundation, and has raised money for academic scholarships, as well has money for housingrelated purchases. Lannin says it is key to keep a connection to the undergraduates. He makes a personal goal to meet with executive members of the chapter, and take them to a meal or coffee, somewhere to talk to face to face. One initiative the chapter is working on at the moment is to fill the void between undergraduate members and recent graduates. The CAB has begun organizing a graduation celebration, inviting all senior members and alumni to get to know each other, while welcoming them into the Alumni Association. Through opportunities likes this, it came to the CAB’s attention that men were willing to stay involved, but may not know how to do so. That’s where the idea for a new position came to fruition. The Young Alumnus Liaison is an ad hoc position offered to a young alumnus with at least one year under his belt from graduation. He works closely with the undergraduates on campus, and reports back to the CAB. The hope is to give alumni more presence in the chapter house. “It takes a tremendous commitment,” said Lannin. He says the position should not be for someone who is just “willing to give it a try.” To chapters who have less of an alumni presence or support, but are looking for advice, Lannin has good news. “You can do it,” he said. As far as a first step? “Get a guy to LI, and I guarantee he’ll do it!” Lannin speaks highly of the opportunities offered by the Fraternity, and insists that any volunteer must work with DU International. “The training is there, the help is there and we need to be using it,” said Lannin.


ASSESSMENT OF YOUR BOARD: Rank each item on a 1-5 scale to determine the status of your Chapter Advisory Board. Items with lower rankings are areas to be addressed. 1 = Low/Disagreeable 5 = High/Agreeable The board has eight chapter advisors and one advisory board chair. A minimum of one advisor is present at the weekly meetings. The board meets at least once each semester/quarter. Each board member is familiar with the Chapter Excellence Plan. Board members attend all formal ceremonies of the chapter. Board members meet with each associate member class to discuss respective expectations and responsibilities. The board reviews the chapter’s financial data at least once per semester. At least one board member meets with the college/university Greek life professional at least once a semester/quarter to maintain a positive relationship with the university officials. Board members participate in pertinent training and educational programs and attend all programs and conferences provided by IHQ. Board members participate in pertinent training and educational programs offered by the college/university.



HOUSE CORPORATION BOARD GOOD CHAPTERS HAVE WELL-MANAGED FACILITIES The purpose of the House Corporation is to serve as the legal framework or structure within which housing matters operate. Specifically by creating an official body of individuals for this purpose, the organization is entitled to establish itself under special status with the IRS, working as a nonprofit organization. The House Corporation will own the house to which undergraduates live. Members will pay rent to the house corporation, which may provide a meal plan, utilities, taxes, maintenance, repair, etc.


Operating just as any other corporation or LLC, the House Corporation works with a board of directors and a set of officers. Because of this legal structure, the House Corporation has a better opportunity to obtain a loan while providing security for that loan. In other words, there are things that alumni can do for a chapter that undergraduates cannot. MISSOURI HOUSE CORPORATION BOARD PAVES THE WAY FOR BETTER FUTURE Terry Brady, Missouri ’62, believes that a House Corporation is something that every chapter can benefit from, no matter what their circumstances. “ The question is, we don’t have a physical house, do we need a House Corporation? Yes. Someday you might have a house. There must be a legal framework. It can’t just be an individual out there operating,” said Brady. A House Corporation provides a level of comfort, stability and protection to chapters on many levels. If registered as a legal framework, separate from the International Fraternity, the House Corporation can provide protection because of its legal status with the IRS. And because it falls under the responsibility of a body of people, and not just an individual, this can make a difference in many potential situations. “Let’s say you had alumni who wanted to buy a piece of property, you can’t title that, can’t put it in the name of an alumnus because it won’t get that special status from the IRS. It becomes the asset of the alumnus, instead of that group. A House Corporation shields the alumnus from liability. If someone were to sue for any reason, they would have to sue the House Corporation and not individual

alumni. It protects and shields them from liability, and protects the general, International Fraternity,” said Brady. Another factor is providing parents with some sense of security that their son’s room and board are also taken care of while away at school. “I’ve found that for parents, this provides them with a comfort level. When there’s something behind what their son is joining, there’s that legal stability from that framework, something to oversee the assets and operations for their kids to college and where they live, their parents will have that comfort level knowing they don’t have to worry about that for the time being,” said Brady. Finding the right volunteers for your House Corporation can be challenging. Ultimately, chapters can benefit from being strategic about finding the right people for the job. “You’ve got to start with those who are interested and willing to devote a lot of time, that’s got to be your starting point. They must be interested and care. The skills depend upon where you are at the time and what you’re trying to accomplish, then you have to go out and recruit from your alumni base,” said Brady. He suggests individuals with good business sense, those with a background in finance, construction or perhaps legal understanding for this particular volunteer opportunity. “All of these people have got to have a good understanding of how the Fraternity operates and its programs, and must know where the Fraternity is going and its vision. When I started out, I didn’t have a clue about IHQ and the resources they offered. If you don’t understand those things, you can’t implement them into your framework,” said Brady. At the end of the day, it’s all about working with the undergraduates, and being there in a different way. “A House Corporation should be a constant in that undergrads come and go, the House Corporation is always there, and in a sense ensures that all undergrads over the years, pay their share to provide the same opportunities to the fraternity experience that they had,” said Brady.


ASSESSMENT OF YOUR HOUSE CORPORATION: Rank each item on a 1-5 scale to determine the status of your House Corporation Board. Items with lower rankings are areas to be addressed. 1 = Low/Disagreeable 5 = High/Agreeable The House Corporation Board has a constitution and bylaws. The board maintains D&O insurance. The board files form 990 with the IRS every year. The board has an annual lease review process. The board manages the move in and move out process. The board pays the mortgage and utilities. The board has a capital improvement fund and/or one year’s operations in reserve. The board has a multi-year maintenance schedule. The facility has a paid staff member on site (house director, resident advisor, property manager). The board has the ability to remove a member from the facility for violation of house policies.


ALUMNI ASSOCIATION GOOD CHAPTERS HAVE REGULAR COMMUNICATION WITH ALL ALUMNI Alumni Associations consist of alumni members who are looking to stay involved once they graduate. Alumni Associations assist in the transition from undergraduate to alumnus membership. Many host alumni socials and events throughout the year. Financially, Alumni Associations are valuable assets for any chapter to have. They administer scholarship programs by donating to the chapter’s CEA through the Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation. These scholarships help the chapter attend educational programs throughout the year.


Alumni Associations can serve as the main talent pool for chapter’s House Corporations and Chapter Advisory Boards. Alumni will join an Alumni Association to network and stay social within the Fraternity. A chapter alumni newsletter should be sent out at least twice a year. The newsletter, is a fundamental component of the Alumni Association. It allows the alumni to stay informed of the lives of their fellow brothers. The purpose of the newsletter is to make alumni feel that they are a part of the chapter “community”. It creates ties between generations of brothers and is a great forum for announcements about alumni events, alumni updates and significant chapter news. LOUISVILLE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION MAKES GOOD CHAPTER AND BETTER FRIENDS The Louisville Alumni Association is a strong one, and for the last five years, Robert Brand, Louisville ’70, has been heavily involved. From social events like the annual luncheon to Homecoming tailgates, the social calendar serves as a great way to keep alumni and undergraduates connected throughout the year. With around 100 dues-paying members, the Alumni Association has the ability to offer undergraduates resources they would normally be without, like monetary donations and venues for recruitment, one area that Brand says is a big priority for the Louisville Alumni Association.

Once initiated as members, there are opportunities afforded to brothers who exhibit excellence in academics. The Alumni Association fundraises for annual scholarships and endowments to reward undergraduates for hard work. “When I was an undergraduate, we rarely ever saw our alumni,” said Brand, who says the more alumni involvement, the better. Financial support is important, and not necessarily in the way of donations. “We actively try to monitor how the chapter does on accounts of all kinds,” said Brand, who has seen the effects of chapters developing a negative cultural mindset, and getting behind on payments and general bills to the Fraternity. The group has been working hard on an alumni mentorship program, offering a relationship between the 10 executive officers and alumni volunteers. The mentor program meets once a month. “We’re trying to build a relationship, as opposed to keeping house,” said Brand. “The hope is that these are the guys who will stay involved after graduation.” Brand says one thing to remember is that the relationship with undergraduates is a delicate one. “We’re not the cops, and we’re not in charge. We’re not here to tell them how we used to do things,” said Brand. If anything, the job of alumni is to serve as a sounding board, and be there to know when an undergraduate chapter is doing something potentially detrimental to the chapter as a whole. One way the Louisville Alumni Association finds support in their endeavor of Building Better Men is through programming provided by IHQ. Through continuous monetary support from alumni, many opportunities are paid for in part or full. “We encourage our undergraduates and alumni to attend programs, and to take advantage of the opportunities offered,” said Brand. “We believe strongly in making that a priority.”


ASSESSMENT OF YOUR CHAPTER ALUMNI ASSOCIATION: Rank each item on a 1-5 scale to determine the status of your Alumni Association. Items with lower rankings are areas to be addressed. 1 = Low/Disagreeable 5 = High/Agreeable The board has a constitution and by-laws. The board maintains D&O insurance. The board sends out a minimum of 2 alumni newsletters a year. The board has an alumni dues program in place. The board hosts an alumni event in the fall and spring/summer. The board files form 990 with the IRS every year. The board has a Chapter Education Account (CEA) set up. The board supports the chapter financially to attend DU educational programs. The board supports the chapter with GSI fundraising. The board has a mentor program for non-exec board members.



VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES GOOD CHAPTERS HAVE YOU Are you looking to get involved as an alumnus? IHQ offers assistance in many forms. To get started, visit us online at www.deltau.org/joinus/becomeavolunteer, and see all of the ways in which you can get involved. Feel free to get in touch with us to find out where you can best serve the Fraternity. Remember, many hands make light work. There’s a place for you, and we can help you find out where. For more information please contact Colin Finn, Director of Alumni Development, at finn@deltau.org or at (317) 875-8900 ext. 208.



As an important part of the Fraternity’s leadership team, Province Governors volunteer considerable amounts of time to undergraduate and alumni chapters and colonies within geographic portions (Provinces) of North America. Appointed by Fraternity’s Chairman, a Province Governor’s responsibilities include: representing the Fraternity to all its stakeholders, striving to build better men by focusing on the the Fraternity non-secret heritage and Four Founding Principles, establishing and achieving province goals each semester and communicating regularly with undergraduate and alumni leaders of the chapters and colonies in the province. Delta Upsilon greatly appreciates this exceptional team of volunteer leaders. The Fraternity simply wouldn’t be the same without their unwavering dedication.


DU’s many great educational programs, designed to develop individual skills and promote organizational growth, would not be possible without the dedication of our many alumni, inter-fraternal and campus-based partners who volunteer as program facilitators.


Delta Upsilon’s reorganization process consists of three integral parts to restoring a chapter: preparation, the membership review and redevelopment. While Fraternity staff will be responsible for much of the preparation, we look to include alumni to be apart of the redevelopment and reorganization team. For more information on becoming a part of the reorganization interview team, redevelopment team or team lead, contact Mark Gehrke, Director of Chapter Services, at gehrke@deltau.org.


Alumni clubs are area-based associations comprised of DUs from various chapters that currently live in the same geographic area. Alumni clubs primarily exist to provide social and networking opportunities for members, but also work to enhance the standing of the Fraternity in that particular area. Activities often include: monthly “happy hour” events, annual golf tournaments, Founders Day dinners, ballgames and cultural events.


Many alumni choose to “give back” to Delta Upsilon by serving as a career mentor to undergraduates or younger alumni who are still developing their careers. This allows the mentor to remain involved in the Fraternity while honing his own coaching and mentoring skills, and potentially even identifying future staff or business partners. Especially if you do not currently live near an active chapter or colony, this is a terrific way for you to stay involved, as the mentoring relationship can be conducted primarily through phone and electronic means.


The importance of connecting with and utilizing the talents and resources of this young alumni demographic will be key to continued success in promoting Delta Upsilon and connecting Delta Upsilon alumni with one another. Focusing our outreach to this group requires more involved and creative techniques, a more diverse message and engaged leadership that understands the attitudes of the young alumni segment. With the Young Alumni Advisory Council’s assistance and involvement we are able to better reach out to this segment of our alumni population and create meaningful experiences to keep them connected and engaged with Delta Upsilon.


Delta Upsilon established the Young Alumni Advisory Council in the spring of 2013, consisting of recently graduated alumni members. The Fraternity has placed an increased emphasis on creating and sustaining meaningful connections with our young alumni members. The primary focus of the Young Alumni Advisory Council is Building Better Men through continued engagement and support of the Fraternity. Members of the Young Alumni Advisory Council will serve as role models for young DU alumni.



The Young Alumni Advisory Council has focused on reorganizing City Area Alumni Clubs. Alumni Clubs are groups of alumni and friends connected to the International Fraternity through leadership, programming, communication and membership. City Area Alumni Clubs have an exciting mix of social, cultural, athletic, recreational and academic related activities. Alumni Clubs exist to promote the brotherhood of Delta Upsilon by providing an outlet for casual alumni interaction. Alumni Clubs allow the opportunity for

alumni to continue to benefit from their membership through fellowship, networking, social engagements and a variety of other interactions. Over the last two years events have taken place in Boston, Indianapolis, Seattle, New York City, Dallas/Fort Worth, St. Louis and Washinton D.C. Each event draws 15-30 local alumni that come together to network and connect with each other. The goal for the 2015 fiscal year is to have four events in each city. Please reach out to the contacts below for more information.


AREA ALUMNI CLUBS BOSTON AREA Boston, MA Contact Justin Pierce justin.douglas.pierce@gmail.com

DALLAS/FORT WORTH AREA Dallas, TX Contact Neil Hall nphall613@gmail.com

KANSAS CITY AREA Kansas City, MO Contact Dustin Roberts dustin.w.roberts@gmail.com

SEATTLE AREA Seattle, WA Contact Ross Powell rosstylerpowell@gmail.com

CHIGAGO AREA Chicago, IL Contact John Kappel jkappel1014@gmail.com

HOUSTON AREA Houston, TX Contact Derrick Collins derrick.m.collins@gmail.com

NEW YORK CITY AREA New York City, NY Contact Drew Barone drewfbarone@gmail.com

ST. LOUS AREA St. Louis, MO Contact Kevin McWilliams kevinp.mcwilliams21@gmail.com

COLUMBUS AREA Columbus, OH Contact Michael Martins michaelbmartens@gmail.com

INDIANAPOLIS AREA Indianapolis, IN Contact Ryan Keirnan ryantkiernan@gmail.com

SAN FRANCISCO AREA San Francisco, CA Contact Michael Martens michaelbmartens@gmail.com

WASHINGTON D.C. AREA Washington, D.C. Contact Tim Nelson nelsontd10@gmail.com

Grand Valley State Chapter Share Bows From Bros On any given campus, you might see college women sporting bows in their hair. Usually it means there’s a football game tailgate, a sorority recruitment event or perhaps just to dress up an outfit. But at Grand Valley State University, the men of the Grand Valley State Chapter have given them a whole new meaning. For the second year in a row, men of the chapter held Bows From Bros, an event held in mid-February selling hair bows to those around campus to raise money for the YWCA, a local women’s shelter, while spreading awareness of sexual assault.


The idea was the brainchild of Jake Riemenschneider ’15 and Caleb Cordner ’16, who posted it on the chapter member Facebook page. With support from other members of the chapter, the idea became a reality, originally aiming to educate and fundraise for the Global Service Initiative. The first year was a success, and proved to be very popular. For its second year, the event took on a whole new purpose. “During a board retreat, myself and the vice president of external relations were brainstorming ideas to make the event more successful. We started talking about how what we’re selling is aimed at women over men. One of the biggest issues within the Greek community and campuses across the country is sexual assault and domestic violence. Even our own campus is under a Title IX investigation for sexual assault. So we decided that since this is an issue that affects one in four women, that this is a perfect cause to show that sexual assault and domestic violence are issues that everyone needs to work to solve, not just women, as it has traditionally been seen,” said Adam Hukkala ’17. The men took to YouTube to learn how to make the best hair bows, and purchased enough ribbon, hot glue sticks and guns and metal clips to supply their efforts. “For that whole week we kept making bows because we were selling out!” said Jacob Wechsler ’18. The event was supported across campus, from both men and women in the form of donations and purchases, all for the cause. The event has since gained recognition from the school newspaper, The Lanthorn, and the chapter was recognized at the IFC Title IX Meeting by IFC advisor, Alex Dudek. “Personally, I believe that fraternal organizations should become allies with this topic to spread awareness to people who may not fully understand sexual assault, and the more awareness spread, the more people can make a difference in the future,” said Wechsler. DELTAU.ORG

Chartering Updates The Iowa Chapter officially returned to campus on Saturday, April 11, 2015 with 61 members. These initiates were joined by family, friends and DU alumni from the Iowa Chapter and others across North America. The colony focused on making an impact on their local community through constant service projects, a community garden located at their chapter house and philanthropic efforts. These traditions will continue with the returned chapter. Campus administrators who attended the event praised the chapter for being a values-driven group, focused on challenging stereotypes regarding fraternities. Brother Robert Lannin, Nebraska ’81, delivered the charge, exploring non-secrecy and what it means to live each of DU’s Four Founding Principles.

13 For the first time in history, Delta Upsilon has a chapter at Christopher Newport University. On April 15, 2015, 44 men were initiated into DU to establish the Christopher Newport Chapter. The men had the largest recruitment class on campus in fall 2014. Over 100 people attended the installation including friends, family and DU’s from other chapters. Brother Malcolm Branch, Wisconsin ’69, delivered the charge and challenged the newly initiated brothers to continuously live the values of the organization past their time as undergraduates.

The Clarkson Chapter has returned to Clarkson University in Potsdam, New York. On April 18, 2015, 34 men were initiated into Delta Upsilon, and added their names to the original Clarkson Chapter roll book. The ceremony included over 60 Clarkson DUs who came to support their newest brothers. The chartering ceremony was held in conjunction with the annual Clarkson DU reunion and the dedication of the brand new chapter house. President Kollins of Clarkson University spoke at the dedication and expressed his thankfulness to DU for returning to continue their tradition of excellence. Brother James Wood, Clarkson ’65, delivered the charge, speaking to his memories in the chapter. DELTAU.ORG

Members of the Boise State Chapter participated in Greek Week activities this spring, receiving third place overall.

Chapter News Alberta


This semester the chapter successfully hosted their second annual Yuck Yuck ‘ Til You Upchuck comedy event, featuring local and international talent, who performed live comedy acts at the chapter house. All of the money raised went toward the chapter’s contribution to the Global Service Initiative. “Just seeing friends from within and outside the Greek community come together to share a laugh, take a break from our rigorous studies and support such a worthy philanthropic cause just felt really rewarding,” said Alex Bigioni ’17. The chapter won an award for highest Greek GPA at the University of Alberta for the 2013-2014 academic year. Carson McLean ’19, was inducted into the Order of Omega Society for academic excellence in the Greek community. “I often look back when school and chapter gets difficult and remember that I have what it takes to accomplish what I want to do. I know now that challenging yourself to improve is noticed by others and is self-rewarding,” said McLean. Christopher Young ’15, spearheaded the initiative to bring the popular philanthropic event, Dance Marathon, to the University of Alberta. It was a huge success! Boise State The chapter organized DU Presents, featuring local bands performing in the

Have Chapter news?

Student Union Building for donations to the Global Service Initiative. Wooden Feels, a local band founded by one of the chapter members, was featured among the local artists for this event. “ The participants felt welcome at the event. It had a very laid back feeling,” said Wesley Armstrong ’18. The chapter also placed third overall in Greek Week activities this spring. “ This shows the great interest in our chapter to become more involved in our Greek community and to be more active,” said Scott Brown ’17. Bradley The chapter spent the last two semesters canning and writing letters for donations to St. Jude Research Hospital. Tom Pelarinos ’17, is the president of the Engineering Club, where he will oversee all operations. The chapter would also like to mention that they sent Zach Roake ’17, as the chapter’s very first representative on a Global Service Initiative trip to Jamaica in June. California The chapter enjoyed a day of food and fun with their May the 4th Be With You fundraising event! Brothers served BBQ and entertained guests with a complete Star Wars experience at the chapter house, all to raise money for the Global Service Initiative. Andrew Gove ’17, is the office management intern for the LEAD Center on campus, where he manages a

We want to feature it in the next Quarterly! Send your submissions to Communications Coordinator Megan Samuels at samuels@deltau.org. DELTAU.ORG

team of peer leadership consultants, organizes inquiries regarding student groups, as well as CalGreeks, and other leadership opportunities. “I was always interested in leadership opportunities, and when I found the job posting, the description just sounded like me. My background is in leadership development and facilitation, so a lot of those skills carried over,” said Gove. Carthage The chapter cohosted Tossing Out Domestic Violence, a beanbag tournament to raise awareness and spread support for victims of domestic violence. The money raised benefited the Women and Children’s Horizon Center of Kenosha, an organization that provides support for women and children of the community who are victims of domestic violence. “Especially for college students, it’s hard to contribute monetarily to a cause, let alone a cause that can be pretty difficult to understand. This event provided a simple and very easy way to raise funds, but especially awareness to such a serious issue plaguing our society. Additionally, partnering with another organization allowed us to increase our impact in the community by getting the word out quicker and more effectively,” said Lucas Dykstra ’16. “Domestic violence is a serious issue that doesn’t usually get as much attention as other worthy causes, and it affects a lot of people whether we realize it or not.” Nathaniel Smith ’16, is the president of IFC. “It has been a mission of mine to create an environment on our campus that embodies what Greek life is. There is obviously a stigma that comes with being Greek, with issues going on in certain chapters around the nation. I, however, am proud to be a fraternity man, and being a member of Delta Upsilon has become a part of who I am. Our Greeks are doing incredible things on our campus and I want to help facilitate that growth in our community. We have 33 percent of our students in Greek life, and it is important to represent all of them. In IFC we can create philanthropy and social events that bring us all together and unite the fraternities on our campus,” said Smith. Central Florida The chapter organized Lucky Ducky, and event including all registered student organizations on campus, to have fun and raise money for the Global Service Initiative this spring. Austin McFarlin ’18, was recognized for the Presidents Honor Roll for the fall semester. “It felt great that my hard studies paid off,” said McFarlin. “It helps to show that Greek life has many achievers.” Joshua Serota ’17, is the athletic director for the IFC. He helps orchestrate Greek sports for intermural

competition, while promoting events for more involvement. “It will force me to step out of my comfort zone and become a better leader,” said Serota. Chicago Harrison Kioko ’18 participated as the DU representative in Kappa Alpha Theta’s philanthropy event, Mr. University. To support his participation, the chapter raised over $8,000, more than any other single Greek organization, to give to the National Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Association. Mr. University is the highest profile philanthropy event of the year on campus, raising over $46,000 this year from campus fraternal organizations. “CASA is a charitable organization that helps out disadvantaged kids in urban neighborhoods, by offering legal support, social work and advocacy. As students at the University of Chicago, it is often easy to forget about the brutal circumstances that a lot of the people in this neighborhood deal with. Especially for young kids, who never have had the opportunities and resources that a lot of of us have had, it’s incredibly difficult to get out of those situation, and I think that as a fraternity and more broadly as a school community, we all recognized the importance of a cause that helps to ameliorate the brutal situations that surrounds us every day. And I think that the $50,000 that we were able to raise over two weeks is a strong testament to that,” said Kioko. James Harter ’16, and Sabahudin Redzepovic ’16, were selected as Dougan Scholars at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. “It means a lot, since of the 10 accepted members, two of them are DUs, along with my mentor who was also a DU ( Jordan Hupp ’11). The DU chapter has the strongest representation in this program of any Greek community on campus,” said Redzepovic. Clarkson The chapter organized Friday Night Flapjacks with DU and Theta Phi Alpha to raise money for the Global Service Initiative. “We had a great time coming together for a common cause, and we had a lot of support from other Greek organizations that night,” said Dakota Price ’16. Emir Garcia ’16 is the president of the Society for Hispanic Professional Engineers. Garcia hopes to be more active on campus and to create more opportunities for other people in the group. “Being resident will help me be more outgoing in the campus community,” said Garcia. Colgate The chapter participated in Relay for Life with Greek members from across the campus to raise financial support and awareness for cancer research. “In your lifetime, you, someone in your




family or someone that you know will be diagnosed with some type of cancer, sadly, it is almost unavoidable. Events like Relay for Life not only raise awareness and receive donations for cancer research, but they are there to let you know that they care. That is why I feel that this is so important to our Fraternity to continue to support those afflicted in some way by cancer, that we are there for them, along with the rest of the Colgate community,” said Scott Haraczy ’16.

Austin Goughnour ’18, is the current leader of Chi Alpha Campus Ministries. His duties include holding meetings, giving guidance to those with needs and praying with those who ask. “ The thing I’m most excited about in being a leader for Chi Alpha is that this is a great way for me to follow my career in youth ministry. This is a great opportunity to do so, since young adults come to Chi Alpha to learn about God,” said Goughnour.

Duncan Brennan ’16, is now a member of the Patriot League Academic Honor Roll. “ To the chapter as whole, I believe myself and others winning this award shows the diverse set of characteristics that many individuals in our chapter hold. We are not only football players, not only students and not only fraternity men. We are wellrounded men who work hard at everything we do,” said Brennan. “I have worked extremely hard throughout my college career, both in the classroom and on the football field to receive this award.”

The chapter raised money in support of the local homeless shelter by sending brothers into the community to work on various jobs during their Rent a DU event. “Putnam County is notorious for being impoverished and we felt that a philanthropy event would be most effective if it was aimed at dealing with this issue directly,” said Kyle Frohning ’17. “In addition, the work that was done was helping other members of the community outside of the homeless shelter as well.”

Victor Steffen ’16, is the new captain of the varsity football team, where he will lead men on the football field, as well as in the community. “I am most excited about taking our team to a championship and doing whatever I can do to facilitate the realization of that goal,” said Steffen. “Being a captain comes with a lot of responsibility. You need to do everything that you expect the other players on the team to do. It is important to back up your goals with definitive action toward achieving those goals. You cannot expect other people to do something if you yourself will not do it,” said Steffen.

Jeremy Boyd ’17, has taken a position with DePauw’s television station. “I was immediately attracted to DePauw’s TV station and had grown up pretending I was funny. It seemed like a huge challenge, but also one worth undertaking. The person who was running the show previously was the second host and was having some struggles keeping it afloat. I organized a group of friends, and looked to take it over anew with the new staff, while keeping in the vision of the original creator, who was also a DU,” said Boyd. “Going into it, it was incredibly intimidating as a task to both revitalize a dying brand and to put new content in the world that will constantly be viewed against its successful predecessors. That intimidation made me really excited to take a shot. After all, the only thing I was really doing was making jokes with a group of friends.”

Cornell Brothers participated in a fundraiser for Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA), with involvement from several sororities and openly invited guests. CASA recruits and trains volunteers to advocate for the best interests of abused and neglected children in courtrooms and communities. “I think everyone was happy to support such a noble cause, myself included. Everyone enjoyed being a part of it, knowing that proceeds were going to CASA. Overall, it was a massive success, and I hope we have more events like it in the future,” said Alex Dopico ’16. Culver-Stockton The chapter organized an event called DU Homeless Rally that included raising money, food and clothing for the Madonna House, a local homeless shelter. Brothers even spent the night in cardboard boxes to better understand the living conditions the homeless endure every day of the year. “We believe in supporting the Madonna House because they help the community in such a great way,” said Chace Burrus ’16.


Elon The chapter hosted a luau event in May, inviting Greek women to compete in a series of events. The chapter raised funds for the Global Service Initiative. Sean Barry ’16, is the senior class president of the Student Government Association. Next fall, he will begin planning events for the senior class, and also be in charge of the senior class giving campaign. “I wanted to be able to give back to the university that has given me so much over the past few years,” said Barry. “I was the junior class president this past year, and I think that I will be able to accomplish even bigger things in the coming year. I want to go out with a bang!”


Embry-Riddle The chapter held Delta Upsilon: The Dating Game to raise money for the Global Service Initiative during the month of February. Each year, contestants are taken out of the audience to participate in the show. Contestants submit applications for a chance to be set up on a dinner date. “It’s an event that students look forward to every year to attend and it’s also a good time for everyone to participate,” said Juan Paloma ’17. Georgia Tech This March, the chapter raised money for the St. Baldrick’s Foundation for cancer research. “ This even gets a lot of attention on campus every year, and we raised a total of over $13,000, the most of any campus organization.” The chapter also performed well in the annual Greek Week competitions, completing the week with first place wins in the tug-of-war tournament and Greek Sing competition. Guelph The chapter hosted the Toronto Marlies Charity Game, an event featuring the Toronto Marlies, and AHL hockey team, with proceeds benefitting Big Brothers Big Sisters. “We were very excited to end the year by breaking some stress and meeting DU members from Toronto and Western Ontario University, as the last brothers event of the semester,” said Kyle Westwater ’16. Parker Lees ’17, was selected by the College of Business and Economics Students Association for the position of communication manager for the upcoming 20152016 academic year. His role will be to help manage and promote events within the college of business and economics students across campus. “I would like to thank all those who have helped me along the way. The contribution I have made to the Guelph Chapter has prepared me for the responsibility of being the liaison for the entire college of business and economics. This position allows me to bridge the gap between the university and our unrecognized chapter. It allows me to highlight the Four Founding Principles I have learned as a member of the Delta Upsilon Fraternity and adapting them to this newly appointed role. Thank you to the brothers of the Guelph Chapter for helping me achieve this position, I am looking forward to an incredible year ahead,” said Lees. Hamilton The chapter participated in America’s Greatest Heart Run and Walk in central

New York and the surrounding community back in March to raise money and awareness for heart, stroke and cardiovascular diseases. “Diseases of the heart are one of the biggest causes of death in the United States, so it was very important to us as a chapter to raise money and awareness for this cause,” said Robert McClure ’17. “We feel that we have made a difference in the lives of those directly and indirectly affected by heart disease.” Dylan Berardelli ’16, has been chosen as varsity football captain for the upcoming season. He will be involved in decision making, hold captain meetings and oversee weight room and on-field activities. Houston The chapter is planning on partnering with BlueCure, a prostate cancer awareness association for future events. “We have previously had the CEO of the organization come and talk to the chapter, followed by the undergraduates volunteering at the BlueCure Walk. We plan on integrating a ribbon war to create awareness on campus, followed by a seminar led by the organization, then lastly holding a sporting event where student organizations on campus can compete. Partnering with an organization like BlueCure is important to the Houston Chapter, as prostate cancer impacts most men in their lives, thus pushing the active members to become more involved in organizations surrounding prostate cancer awareness,” said Ali Salim ’16. Christian Santillan ’16, was named Mr. University of Houston. He spent a month campaigning and then competed in a male pageant against 13 other contestants. Faculty and university staff judged contestants on swimwear, talent, formal wear and question and answer. “Winning Mr. University of Houston will be my favorite memory in college. I am so honored to have been chosen as the face of my campus and forever grateful that my family, brothers and Houston DU alumni were there to support me. Winning on our Founders Day just made it even more special,” said Santillan. The chapter was spotlighted at the Center for Sorority and Fraternity Life’s Night of Honor, an evening aimed at showcasing all that chapters, members and advisors have accomplished throughout the year. The chapter was named for Outstanding Ritual and Value. “Winning this award at the CSFL Night of Honor reinforced our Oath of Initiation that we are not initiated into any meaningless secrets,” said Santillan. Iowa State The chapter held DU Duck Hunt for the second year this May to fundraise for the Global Service Initiative. “We are really excited to see the event grow from last year and reach



out to not only college students, but families in the community,” said Matt Gunkelman ’17. “We feel that it is important to benefit GSI so we can see the global impact we can make as young leaders. I feel this is a unique event, and that it is something different that the community wants to be a part of.” The chapter took home first place in the university’s annual Varieties competition, a student-produced mini musical consisting of original lyrics, set design and choreography. The chapter was paired with Farmhouse Fraternity, Pi Beta Phi Sorority and Delta Delta Delta Sorority. “Winning this award was a great moment to show the Greek community that we’re back, since we recently re-chartered. We put in a lot of work, nearly four months, for the production and worked with a lot of great people that made it happen,” said Matt Paulaitis ’17.


Keaton Mohr ’18, worked with the Homecoming Central Committee to plan and organize Homecoming events this year. As the campus involvement co-chair, Mohr also plans events for non-Greeks to participate in. “We have been working this whole semester and will continue throughout the summer and next fall,” said Mohr. “My co-chair and I are really excited to plan the second annual CyFactor Talent Show, showcasing the students’ talents on campus.” Kansas State The chapter held the 2015 Miss K-State Pageant on April 23rd, with 20 female participants from various campus organizations. The competition raised money for the Global Service Initiative. “Over the past couple of years, this event has gained quite an audience, and it allows for participants to represent their organizations to a large audience,” said Michael Emley ’16. Adam Elkiwan ’16, received recognition for participating in cancer research, through continued work on a research project. “Receiving this recognition has been inspirational for me to continue my research and my career path. Not only has it helped me to remain dedicated to working hard to complete my research project, but it has also been special to be recognized for such a thing and has made me feel unique,” said Elkiwan. “I feel that my project of synthesizing new anti-cancer drugs is one of a kind, and that it is a project that has so many different opportunities for continuation.” Austin Joerger ’16, is a mentor for the College of Engineering. His job includes working with freshmen to help them succeed in their first semester of the program, and critiquing resumes for career fair opportunities. “It’s one of those things where I’ve been there before and I

know how it feels to have an upperclassman direct you in the right places and offer a different perspective. I wanted to be that same type of role model for someone else, just like they were for me,” said Joerger. “It gets me really excited seeing others succeed in what they want to do in life. This makes all of the time spent worth it.” Kent State The chapter is hosting a Greek-wide broomball tournament in the fall. Fundraising has begun and will continue throughout the summer. The chapter is also excited to continue recruitment this summer, and is planning to reach out to graduating high school students to get a head start. “With the support of our alumni, we will put together the greatest recruitment list the campus has seen,” said Doug Bitter ’15. “We have acquired a new chapter house, which will be the largest Fraternity house on campus.” Brenden Dunn ’18, will be the chapter’s first brother to attend GSI this June. Lafayette The chapter partnered with the Student Movement Against Cancer (SMAC) to help put on their signature fundraising event, DU Spinning. The event took place at the chapter house and included performances by live DJs, while brothers took donations to enjoy the music at the door. The event raised money for both the Global Service Initiative and SMAC’s project with the Lehigh Valley Health Network, which allowed them to spread awareness throughout the general student body. “I think I can speak for the chapter when I say that this was a very well put together event that was well attended,” said Colin Reed ’16. Munyaradzi Chifetete ’17, was recognized as a finalist for the 2015 Dalai Lama Fellowship. “Receiving this award is great because it highlights that my social proposal was considered to be highly feasible and in line with the values of the fellowship,” said Chifetete. “I received this award due to careful reiteration and thought into the project I proposed. It followed through after hard work with my team and feedback from many people who were stakeholders.” Steven Berube ’17, is the Student Government Class of 2017 representative, as well as the vice president of the Lafayette College American Society of Civil Engineers. “Both positions seemed like great ways to contribute to both my school, and the school’s engineering community. Gathering and communicating the interests and concerns of the student body with faculty and alumni is an effective method to directly fuel change,” said Berube.


Lehigh The chapter has successfully organized and executed two philanthropic events this semester, and took the opportunity to participate in a third. The chapter walked to raise money and awareness for Huntington’s disease, as well as the American Cancer Society, along with other Greek organizations on campus. To raise money for the Global Service Initiative, the chapter hosted a Guess the Weight competition, by setting up a booth in the university center and using the space to reach out to people walking through campus, while sharing information about the Global Service Initiative. “My favorite moment was when I spoke with a student about the GSI trip to Jamaica, and showed him some pictures of the kids that we held there, and the projects we worked on,” said Ben Seiler ’17. “GSI is extremely important to our chapter. Every single brother understands the positive impact that we can have on the lives of others through this program, and we know that the success of the initiative depends on holding fundraisers such as this.” Tyler Coyle ’15, won the Barry Fetterman Award, presented to a senior of the football team who represents loyalty and commitment to Lehigh football. “It makes me proud, knowing that I was a guy who the coaches could always count on,” said Coyle. Tyler Sloan ’16, was inducted into the Beta Gamma Sigma organization for scholastic achievement in the School of Business. “Academics are very important to me and it is great to be recognized for my academic achievements,” said Sloan. Miami The chapter cohosted the Puddle Pull with the women of Alpha Delta Pi to raise money for the Global Service Initiative. The highlight of the event is the tug of war competition in which the new associate member classes compete against each other in teams of eight. The event is attended by the entire Greek community and prizes are awarded to the first place teams of both the fraternity and sorority bracket. “It has been a tradition in our Fraternity for many years now, and our philanthropy benefited greatly from it,” said Matt Simon ’17. “Everyone truly enjoys this event. It’s physical, which allows the new member classes to compete against each other, which is also very enjoyable. The environment is also one of the best parts because everyone is full of pride for their respective chapters.” The chapter hosted Battle of the Brains, a trivia event testing knowledge and having fun while competing against other teams. The money raised went to the Ronald McDonald House. “I felt very good about the

event and I believe all the participants had a fun time competing for first place,” said Austin White ’16. The chapter would also like to recognize Charlie Meyer ’16 as the president of the College Republicans, Gunnar Graves ’18 as the governor of the 3rd District on the Associated Student Government of Miami University and Wesley Weber ’16 as the president of Sigma Alpha Pi, the National Society of Leadership and Success. “My conservative politics and desire to grow College Republicans on campus is what led me to run for this position. It’s also cool to see that many DU brothers have taken part in some College Republican events,” said Meyer. Austin White ’16 is the president of the Improve Through Improv Club, where he runs and plans meetings, and recruits new members for the club. “I look forward to shaping the lesson plans for the improvisational club and seeing all the members improve their skills,” said White. Michigan Parker Nirenstein ’16, and Ryan Boyd ’16, have joined the Order of Omega Greek Honor Society. Liam Schilling ’17, is the president of the North Quadrangle Student Body. He is responsible for day to day management of the North Quadrangle Residence Hall. Schilling was elected for his hard work on the executive board for the academic year. Michigan Tech The chapter spent a lot of their time this semester helping to maintain the West Houghton Park Ice Rink as part of their chapter’s community service initiative. Throughout the winter, brothers would shovel snow and scrape and recoat the ice at the rink. Brothers were divided into teams so that everyone has a night to work. “ The West Houghton Park Ice Rink plays a big part in the lives of the local youth. It provides a place for them to get exercise and stay out of trouble. The rink was recently featured in an article on the New York Times website about Houghton, Michigan being the birthplace of professional hockey,” said Matthew Tomaszewksi ’16. “Everyone takes great pride in maintaining the rink, and having the chance to help others.” Minnesota The chapter reports that they have continued a period of unprecedented growth, starting last year. Membership is above 30, and the chapter is striving to be in the 40s by fall. The chapter recently hosted an alumni poker night, involving over 50 people.



A date auction philanthropy event was held to raise money for the Global Service Initiative, raising over $1,000. Missouri The chapter paired with Kappa Kappa Gamma and FIJI for this year’s Greek Week. Trevor DeHart ’15, is co-director of the event, and Brian Hinck ’16, and Quinten Campbell ’16, are members of the Steering Committee. Greek Week benefits local and national organizations that are in need of funding. Nebraska


This past spring semester, the chapter held their annual DU Donuts philanthropy, selling breakfast at the chapter house. All of the proceeds go to the Global Service Initiative. The chapter raised a total of $9,752, giving them a chance to send three brothers to Jamaica this May. “Our chapter realizes we take many things for granted: education, electricity, air conditioning and shoes. We believe if we can make improvements in the learning environment for students less fortunate, they will have a better chance at beating the poverty cycle by getting a great education,” said Eli Van Boening ’16. “We know philanthropy is just as important as service. Without money, you are not able to buy the building materials for service. Not only were we able to send money, but we are also sending four members to Jamaica to help build schools. We feel blessed to be able to make a difference in the lives of kids across the globe.” The chapter also recognizes five members who have been inducted into senior honor societies. Jake Vasa ’16, was accepted into the Innocents Society, Matt Lutomski ’16 and Rob Schmidt ’16 were accepted into Mortar Board and Cody Preisler ’16 and Michael Shively ’16 were accepted into ODK Honor Society. All of these senior honor societies select their members on academic achievement, involvement on campus and service. Lastly, Rob Schmidt ’16 was selected to be the IFC president this past spring semester. “I wanted to improve our Greek systems to ensure it lasts for generations to come,” said Schmidt. “I believe this position will develop my leadership abilities as I move forward. A large part of being president is listening to others’ ideas and ensuring the organization is moving smoothly.” North Carolina The chapter has taken preventative steps in ensuring the safety of both their brothers and guests through ONE ACT Sexual Assault Training. The brothers participated in a fourhour workshop to learn how to identify and prevent all risks associated with sexual assault.

North Dakota State The chapter reports that they have experienced 65 percent growth in membership and increased its size to 13 members. They held their 38th annual Teeter-a-Thon philanthropy event this semester, the longest running philanthropy event of its kind on campus. They teetered for 130 hours straight with the women of Kappa Alpha Theta to raise over $1,200 for The Boys and Girls Club of the Red River Valley. Ohio State Chapter brothers organized Bows By Bros, as a way to fundraise for the Global Service Initiative. Brothers made and sold personalized hair bows for women on campus. “I think the whole chapter enjoyed it a great amount,” said Rob Hildreth ’16. “We made the most money we ever had in philanthropy and it inspired us to work together to accomplish something good.” Derek Lancashire ’15, is the IFC Man of the Year at Ohio State. He was presented with the award at the annual Greek Week Awards Ceremony. Wes Kenyon ’16, is the USG senator, where he will work to improve student safety and represent Greek life in student government. Oklahoma The chapter reports that Nick Marr ’17, won the title of Mr. OU, a pageant-type competition for men on campus. “ There’s a real responsibility and pride to winning the award. I feel it reflects well on the chapter and allows me to be in a leadership role for campus,” said Marr. “It’s hard to say why I won, there are many deserving contestants. I think just by being genuine and not being afraid to laugh at myself, I was able to connect well with people.” Oregon State The chapter reports that after last year’s change in the bylaws, members are now required to complete eight hours of community service per term and record it through the campus’ Center for Civic Engagement. Along with this, the chapter has created a service relationship with the local Corvallis Boys and Girls Club, Native American Cultural Center and Men’s Cold Weather Shelter. The chapter regularly participates in service with the university and these organizations on a termly basis, resulting in over 450 hours of community service per term of 1,350 hours annually. “We view this push as a way to balance our international efforts with local involvement,” said Alec Weeks ’17. “ The chapter would like to thank all current


Undergraduates and alumni members of the San Jose Chapter pose to commemorate their first Ducks Versus Ducklings Sports Day this past April.

members for their eager willingness to participate in these events, and our alumni for supporting our endeavors.” Pennsylvania State The chapter cohosted a wing eating competition with the ladies of Alpha Delta Pi to raise money for the Global Service Initiative and the Ronald McDonald House. “We believe that philanthropy is something that should not go unnoticed. We want to give back to our community just as they give to us,” said Zach Weinhold ’17. The chapter also congratulates Christopher Farell ’16, for taking the title of Brother of the Year, given by chapter alumni. “I was honored to receive this award and am glad all the hard work that I put into this Fraternity did not go unrecognized,” said Farell. John Garfield ’15, spent the semester overseeing all large decisions of the student body for Univerisity Park Undergraduate Association. “I am most excited to help change Penn State to accommodate the needs of the student body,” said Garfield. “I think it will help me with decision making, and turn me into a better leader.” Purdue The chapter partnered with the women of Chi Omega to hold their annual DU-ChiO Rodeo event. “We brought in a mechanical bull and had teams of three. Each person on the team got to ride the bull three times. The highest score of the three times was used to calculate the highest amount of time per team. So, each individual’s highest time was used for the team total,” said David Pennewell ’17. The event was held at the Purdue University Armory and raised money for the Global Service Initiative and Make a Wish Foundation.

Rutgers The chapter participated in the United Half Marathon as volunteers. Brothers continue to be involved year after year, and have raised $2,000 for this year’s event. “ The organizing body for the half marathon is always impressed by our brotherhood and always asks us to come back. This event also allows us to interact with the community of New Brunswick and better the image of Greek life,” said Conor Dark ’17. Tyler Murdock ’16 is the vice president of recruitment for IFC, who is working to recruit new members into, and to better the image of the Greek community to parents and the community. “What made me most interested in this position was having the ability to affect Greek life as a whole on my campus, and to be able to make sure that every student got a chance to make their college experience as best as possible,” said Murdock. “I am most excited to get the freshman involved as soon as they come in the door, and to show them all the benefits that come with joining any of the organizations on campus.” Van Huynh ’16, has been awarded the Travelers Summer Research Fellowship from Weill Cornell Medical College, given to individuals who have great interest in studying medicine and addressing disparity in healthcare. “I feel excited for the opportunity to not only do research at a world-renowned institution like Weill Cornell, but also to get more exposure to healthcare, especially healthcare for the underserved groups in the United States. The fellowship would allow me to do clinical research and, at the same time, study contemporary issues affecting health of American minority communities. We are fortunate to have the best technology in healthcare in the world, yet American minorities still suffer disparities in healthcare. I am excited to be a part of a team addressing this



Members of the South Carolina Chapter hand out water at their Duck Dash competition this past spring. The competition raised money for the Global Service Initiative.


problem,” said Huynh. “I think I received this fellowship primarily because of my experience with poverty in Vietnam. As an immigrant, I have seen vast differences in life quality of a developed country like the U.S. to a developing country like Vietnam. I have a great interest in not only becoming a physician, but also figuring out a way to improve healthcare for everyone and make it more accessible and sustainable.” San Diego State This spring, many members of the chapter participated in the Relay for Life cancer walk, hosted on campus. The chapter also congratulates Tyler Hershey ’18, on receiving an award from the city of San Marcos for Excellence in Educating Students with Disabilities, after eight years of volunteering his time with children with Autism Syndrome. Taylor Parrish ’15, is the president of Aztecs for Awareness, a senior member of FratMANers (Fraternity Men Against Negative Environments and Rape Situations), on the planning committee for IFC’s Join Us campaign and also sits on the Take Back the Week planning committee. Parrish is heavily involved in raising awareness for sexual assault and rape in many areas on campus. “ Taylor has been at the forefront of the community and continues to work hard toward this mission of ending sexual assault, even after graduating,” said Ryan Glymph ’17. San Jose The chapter hosted its first Ducks versus Ducklings Sports Day this past April. The event challenged alumni and undergraduates against each other in competitive sporting events. Over 50 alumni members joined the festivities. The softball and flag football competitions were championed by the

Ducks (alumni), and the basketball and soccer were wins for the Ducklings (undergraduates). The event culminated with a BBQ at the chapter house and an evening of songs. The chapter looks forward to this becoming an annual tradition. South Carolina The chapter hosted Duck Dash to raise money and support DU’s efforts with the Global Service Initiative. The event consisted of a race in the outdoor pool at the Strom Thurmond Wellness & Fitness Center between teams of sorority women. All proceeds went to GSI. “I really enjoyed getting to meet other members of the Greek community and expand connections to other chapters,” said Dustin Hill ’16. “I feel like everyone who attended had a blast and knew that the money raised was going toward a good cause.” John Steverson ’18, has taken the role of supplemental instruction leader for Philosophy 101, a notoriously difficult course at USC. The position is part of the Student Success Center, where Steverson will serve as a resource for students who struggle with the course. “I wanted to be a supplemental instruction leader for Philosophy 101 because I enjoyed the course, and I also found it a good opportunity to take up more responsibility. It also allowed for an opportunity to be more involved on campus,” said Steverson. Toronto In mid-March, the chapter hosted a Crepe-a-thon and TV smash fundraiser for the Global Service Initiative. The event raised nearly $500 in one night. With all-you-can-eat crepes, a gift basket raffle and a very popular TV smash, the event received great reviews from alumni and the rest of the campus’ Greek community.


Tufts The chapter organized the Kevin Galasso 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament to raise money for the Tomorrow’s Children’s Fund at the request of Kevin Galasso ’17, who was diagnosed with Lymphoma this past fall. The chapter raised over $5,600 for the charity in a day, with 32 teams participating. Kevin and his family were able to attend the event. “Seeing Kevin and his family come was incredibly special for all of us. He means so much to us and we were just glad we were able to put together something to show our support,” said Anthony McHale ’17. “I think everyone has a great time, and we are looking forward to continuing our support for Kevin in his battle.” Thomas Meade ’15, and Matt Cahill ’16, both received awards for academic achievement during the spring semester. “It confirms the kind of culture we cultivate here in our chapter, and it sets a positive example for younger members,” said Meade. Matt McCormack ’16 is now the captain of the Tufts football team. He will start his duties in the fall season. Virginia The chapter organized Delta Upsilon’s House of Blues to raise money for the Wounded Warrior Project, a non-profit that helps support veterans injured while serving in the military. Guests enjoyed live music from local bands, and food from local restaurants. “I really enjoyed the event and it seemed like everyone was having a great time,” said Jim Fay ’18. “Wounded Warrior is a really great cause.” Evan Matthew Mock ’16, was elected as student president of the McIntire School of Commerce at UVA. “ The Comm School is one of the most prestigious business schools in the country, and it will be very exciting to have an important role going forward,” said

Mock. “ This position will no doubt help me continue to build both my leadership skills and my character as a whole.” Washington State The chapter is planning their Diamond Girl philanthropy event for the fall. All sorority members are invited to donate to the Global Service Initiative to get involved. The chapter had a successful Mom’s Weekend this spring semester. Mothers were invited to the semiannual Economou Greek Gyro dinner with the entire chapter. Both of the Economou brothers and their mother spent the day making food for the chapter and their guests. Thomas Jorza ’17, was nominated as president of the Sport Management Club for Washington State. He will begin his term in the fall. “ This will be a great way to get my foot in the door for future careers,” said Jorza. “It will also teach me great skills of working with others and how to be a leader amongst them.” Western Illinois The chapter hosted The Amazing Race to raise money for the Global Service Initiative. The event included different challenges throughout the course on campus, like a tire flip, egg race and balloon shave. The chapter was awarded the 3-star award and the most improved GPA award for spring 2014-fall 2014. The awards were presented during an awards ceremony at the University Union Grand Ballroom on April 11, 2015. “We, as a chapter, are on the upswing and improving ourselves in a positive manner. We are doing things right, and doing what is required,” said Tyler Czarnecki ’16. Jacob Lichenwalter ’17, is the vice president of judicial affairs for IFC. “I hope to gain experience in judicial affairs and risk management,” said Lichenwalter. Western Ontario The chapter held their annual formal event this past March, where one of the chapter’s local awards was renamed to the Nathan Holder Promotion of Friendship Award, in honor of Brother Nathan James Carl Holder, who recently passed away.

Members of the Toronto Chapter serve guests at their Crepe-a-thon fundraiser at their chapter house. Money raised went to fund the Global Service Initiative.



Attendees of the Alberta Chapter’s 80th anniversary celebration pose to commemorate the weekend’s events.




The Alberta Chapter recently held its 80th anniversary celebration weekend. One significant highlight of the weekend was the presentation of the Founders Medal to Brother Gary Killips ’71. The award was presented at the formal banquet dinner on Saturday by Brother Craig Sowell, Houston ’92. Another highlight was the introduction of scholarship in recognition of the contributions of brother Allan Warrack ’61. The Dr. Allan Warrack Active Scholastic Scholarship recognizes outstanding academic accomplishments by undergraduate members of Delta Upsilon.

Jacob Palm ’16 and Eli Van Boening ’17, are shown below holding their award certificates with Cory Plautz ’01, as recipients of the seventh annual “Roy James Harney Four Founding Principles Award” at the Founders Day Dinner in Lincoln on Friday, April 10th.

Auburn Michael H. Sarra ’64, was recognized as a Paul Harris Fellow, after 23 years of perfect attendance. This award is given by the Rotary Foundation to a Rotarian or worthy member of the community. Guelph The Guelph Alumni Advisory Board has created the first ever scholarship award for the Guelph Chapter. The AAB wishes to promote higher education and asked for donations over the past year to award the student with the highest GPA. The first scholarship was awarded on March 21, 2015 to Chris Wilson ’16. “I believe this means the chapter is taking the necessary strides to change the culture. By having this award, it not only promotes higher education, but also shows the community how serious we are about getting good grades,” said Wilson.

San Jose On April 26, 2015, DU International and the San Jose Chapter honored Brother Ed Mosher ’52, as he stepped down as San Jose corporation board president after 60 years of service. Over 200 alumni came in from all over the world for this event. The chapter hopes to raise $150,000 for the Chapter Legacy Plan, an endowment in Mosher’s name.


Washington State

The DUIF reorganization committee was in Columbia the week of January 26th to kick off implementation of the redevelopment plan. Activities began with a weekend retreat facilitated by DUIF staff and attended by all chapter members. The chapter developed a core covenant statement and established a list of seven programming priorities. Committees were formed around these priorities and goals/timelines established for each.

The chapter awarded the Jason Taitch Memorial Scholarship to Pete Economoy ’15. He was rewarded a $2,000 scholarship at WSU DU 96th Anniversary dinner on March 14, 2015. Around 50 chapter members made it to the annual dinner celebrations.


Alpha & Omega Alberta Lorne R. Hatch ’65 Barrie J. Lydiatt ’69 Bradley Melvin J. Berlin ’54 Robert M. O’Connor ’53 Bucknell Rodney C. Edwards ’73 California James Boyd III ’38 Henry C. Rimmer, Jr. ’65 Michael W. Sipos ’67 Richard E. Warner ’37 Douglas C. Witt ’49 Carthage Nicolas P. Sluss-Rodionov ’03 Colby Paul E. Reichert ’59 Colgate John L. Santopolo ’71 Donald C. Weil ’49 Colorado James R. Jones ’68 Cornell Veasey B. Cullen ’31 William A. Sharman, RA ’51 Creighton Lawrence W. Flanagan, SJ ’69 Delaware John K. Medlin ’71 DePauw John E. Davis ’78 Florida Harold J. Cates ’87 Craig Honegan ’04 Adam S. Jackson ’84 John A. Patterson, Jr. ’80 Hamilton David O. Hakanson, MD ’67 Thaddeus T. Ziemba ’87

Illinois Marshall L. Blankenship ’55 Roger H. Kallal ’58 Robert W. Smith ’50

Nebraska Dennis N. Elder ’60 Richard E. Geesaman ’44 Charles J. Hemmingsen ’48 Monty E. McMahon ’57

Indiana Robert P. Chenault ’46 Ivan Escott, Jr. ’41

North Carolina William H. Dalton, USN ’62 William R. Phillips ’64 Frank W. Smith ’60

Iowa Kenneth J. Gee, MD ’36

Northern Illinois James R. Klink ’68

Iowa State Stanley W. Blaue, CLU ’75 James A. Robinson ’57

Northwestern William W. Boyd ’48

Kansas Donald A. Frigon, JD ’75 Christopher D. Hanna ’93

Ohio Jeffrey C. Babbitt, CPA ’66

Kansas State Donald L. Reed ’56

Ohio State Donald Grate ’49

Kent State Robert W. Muntzinger ’51

Oklahoma Glen R. Birdsong, Jr. ’67 Ralph A. Dickinson ’51 Bob R. Oliphant ’69 Richard L. Power ’66

Lafayette Thomas W. Unger ’67 Lehigh William A. Salmond ’46

Oklahoma State William D Galbraith ’49

Manitoba Richard J. Quinton, CA ’48 Robert P. Spear ’48

Oregon David B. Frohnmayer ’01 Richard Neely ’50

Marietta Frank E. Barnes III ’63 Charles B. McQuoid II ’77

Oregon State Charles G. Dean ’56 Pacific Steve L. Sheely ’62

McGill Harold E. Conyers ’41 John W. Dobson ’49 James Macaulay ’49 David F. MacDonald ’87 William R. Mackay ’41

Pennsylvania John E. Pickett ’53 Pennsylvania State Paul W. Grove ’48 John L. Olewine ’48

Michigan State F. R. Cameron ’51 Calvin W. Luttinen ’70

Purdue Jerry E. Brennan, Jr. ’55 Donald A. Hans ’72

Missouri Eric C. Gill ’74 W. H. Harwell, Jr. ’51

Delta Upsilon recently lost two influential members who embodied everything the Fraternity stands for, and they will be sorely missed. Gus Harwell, Missouri ’51, passed away on Friday, March 6, 2015 in Port Orange, Florida at the age of 85. Harwell was publisher of The Tallahassee Democrat from 1973-1981. He then became Knight-Ridder’s vice president of operations for small and mid-size papers. He retired in 1995. Harwell was a native of Tupelo, Mississippi, and was a graduate of the University of Missouri. David B. Frohnmayer, Oregon ’01, passed away on Monday, March 9, 2015, at the age of 74, after losing a battle with prostate cancer that he fought for more than five years. Frohnmayer was a widely respected

San Jose Raymond B. Jones ’50 Richard K. Kelly ’52 Richard E. Murphy ’50 Syracuse Everett G. Partridge ’55 William B. Stark, Jr. ’47 Tufts F. R. Keyser, Jr. ’50 Washington Robert C. Clift ’61 Western Ontario Nathan J.C. Holder ’08 Wisconsin Roger K. Godfrey ’54 Lester L. Hale ’34 John E. Meyers ’54 Leonard J. Schlitz ’37 Fred A. Trubshaw ’43

Please notify the Fraternity of deceased brothers or any errors in the list. Notices received at Fraternity Headquarters between January 13, 2015 and April 29, 2015. Memorial Gifts Memorial gifts may be directed to the Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation at the address below or online at www.duef.org. Delta Upsilon 8705 Founders Road Indianapolis, IN 46268 ihq@deltau.org

leader in Oregon politics and academics. He served in the legislature before being elected as attorney general, a post he filled from 1981-1991, and ran for governor in 1990. After his career in elective office, he went to the University of Oregon, where he served as dean of the law school, and president of the school for 15 years. Frohnmayer was the 15th president at the University of Oregon from 1994-2009. Frohnmayer graduated from Harvard University and went on to Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar. He earned his law degree from the University of California, Berkeley. Frohnmayer was initiated as an alumnus while serving as president of the University of Oregon in May 2001. As a DU, he received the James B. Conant Award of Merit in Education in 2013.



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