DU Quarterly: Volume 130, No. 1

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Volume Volume129, 130,№№1–1 4




Winter Educational Conference 4 Pennsylvania State Centennial 11 Alumni Profiles: Wayne Goldberg, La Quinta CEO 13 Ed Rensi, Former McDonald’s CEO 15 Chapter News 19 Alumni News 22 Justice WWW.DELTAU.ORG


DU MEN’S AND WOMEN’S EDUCATION PROJECT Men’s violence is the single most serious health problem for women in the U.S. and around the world. It causes more harm than accidents, muggings and cancer combined. It happens so often we don’t even pay attention to it. In December 2011, new members of a University of Vermont fraternity were asked to respond to a 15 question survey. One of the questions: “If you could rape someone, who would it be?” The fraternity was suspended. In October 2010 a Yale University fraternity participated in an initiation activity where they led the pledges around campus blindfolded. In front of the Yale Women’s Center, the young men chanted, “No means yes, yes means anal” and “My name is Jack, I’m a necrophiliac, I f--- dead women.” The fraternity was suspended. An opinion/editorial in The Wall Street Journal followed these incidents, calling for a ban on collegiate fraternities as recognized student organizations (Flanagan, 2011). Universities across the country are struggling with accusations of sexual assault and violence. With every incident, fraternities are losing campus support as viable men’s leadership development organizations. Although other men’s groups perpetuate disrespect for women, fraternities are often singled out because our actions do not reflect our stated values.


In order for violence against women to occur, first, there has to be a lack of identifying women as equal to men. Second, there has to be a perception that violence is an acceptable form of reaching sexual pleasure. Third, there has to be a decision to act violently. Fourth, there has to be a means of doing harm to women. And last, there has to be an environment that condones the violence. The first part of this formula, a denial that women are equal to men, is right up front in many chapters. From the first party, a potential new member is greeted with an atmosphere that says women exist for men’s pleasure, and we will bond in an organization where we don’t have to deal with women as equal human beings. Bonding may include telling demeaning jokes about women or calling them by animal names or the names of their genitals. As men of justice, we must begin to put an end to sexual assault and violence. In the two incidents I have mentioned, I’m betting there was at least one man who was uncomfortable. But the fear of being ostracized paralyzed his courage to stand up and say, “This is wrong!” But one man must take a risk. And I have to admit that I have not often taken this risk. If it’s masculine to take a risk, to be a leader; why are so few doing it? The research indicates that 75 percent of college men are uncomfortable with their male peers’ inappropriate attitudes about women. If most men don’t like it, we need to let other men know we don’t. Along with changing our attitudes toward women, we’ve got to change our attitudes toward ourselves. Some still consider sexual assault an act of an overactive male sex drive, rather than an act of violence. “Boys will be boys” not only provides a sad excuse for violence, it is a despicable attitude toward men, as if we are animals with absolutely no control over ourselves. And again, there’s an irony here: self-control is another hallmark of better men. Besides developing respect for women, we have to regain our self-respect. We are human beings who are capable of caring for others. We are not animals poisoned with testosterone that leaves us no choice but to force ourselves on women.

E. Bernard Franklin, Kansas State ’75 President, Delta Upsilon International Fraternity Email: ihq@deltau.org


Delta Upsilon International Fraternity North America’s Oldest Non-Secret Fraternity: Founded 1834

The Principles of Delta Upsilon The Promotion of Friendship The Development of Character The Diffusion of Liberal Culture The Advancement of Justice

The Motto of Delta Upsilon Dikaia Upotheke - Justice Our Foundation Officers President E. Bernard Franklin, Ph.D., Kansas State ’75 Chairman of the Board Richard X. Taylor, North Carolina State ’82 Secretary Timothy C. Dowd, Oklahoma ’75 Treasurer E. Bruce McKinney, Missouri ’74


Directors Charles E. Downton III, North Carolina ’66 John W. Duncan, Oregon State ’00 Robert D. Fisher, Alberta ’76 Jordan B. Lotsoff, Northern Illinois ’88 Brian Mudrick, Louisville ’82 Aaron M. Siders, Kansas State ’04 Robert A. Stewart, Washington ’84 Ben A. Pyle, Kansas ’12 Aaron Vince, Grand Valley State ’12

The Official Magazine of the

Delta Upsilon International Fraternity Since 1882

Volume 130, № 1 Delta Upsilon International Headquarters Office hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday Office: 317-875-8900 / FAX: 317-876-1629 Email: IHQ@deltau.org / web site: www.deltau.org

Past Presidents Terry L. Bullock, Kansas State ’61 Samuel M. Yates, San Jose ’55 Bruce S. Bailey, Denison ’58 James D. McQuaid, Chicago ’60 Alvan E. (Ed) Porter, Oklahoma ’65

Delta Upsilon Quarterly is published quarterly in the spring, summer, fall and winter at 8705 Founders Road Indianapolis, Indiana 46268, U.S.A., (R) TM Registered U.S. Patent Office

International Headquarters Staff

Copy deadlines: Winter, October 1; Spring, February 1; Summer, April 1; Fall, August 1

Delta Upsilon Fraternity and Educational Foundation Executive Director: Justin Kirk, Boise State ’00 Associate Executive Director: Karl Grindel Executive Assistant: Jana McClees Special Projects Coordinator: Tyler Stevens, North Carolina State ’11 Senior Director of Educational Programs: Noah Borton Director of Educational Programs Michelle Marchand Associate Executive Director of Volunteer Services: Eric Chamberlain Director of Loss Prevention: Laura Whitney Leadership Consultants: Stephen DeCarlo, Indiana ’11 Mark Gehrke, Boise State ’11 Mike Taylor, North Carolina State ’10 Senior Staff Accountant: Mary Ellen Watts Director of Communications & Editor: Jean Gileno Lloyd Social Media Director & Designer: Zach Thomas, North Florida ’09 Director of Development (Foundation): Craig S. Sowell, Houston ’92

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Delta Upsilon Quarterly, 8705 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268.

North-American Interfraternity Conference



DU Launches New Format for Regional Leadership Seminars Each year Delta Upsilon conducts Regional Leadership Seminars (RLS) during the spring semester. The programming has grown and evolved over the years since DU’s first provincial conferences were held in 1924 and this year marks a new step in the DU’s educational programming. Today, the Regional Leadership Seminars are opportunities for chapter officers, advisors and emerging leaders in a geographical area to attend sessions on chapter programming, recruitment, and hear speakers on a wide range of topics affecting fraternity and sorority life today. Members of each chapter are encouraged to attend the RLS closest to their institution. The conferences are a great forum to exchange ideas by interacting with members from diverse backgrounds and a wide range of chapters. As announced at this past summer’s Leadership Institute, the Regional Leadership Seminars have taken on a new format for 2012. This year the Fraternity is hosting each RLS at a hotel or convention center, rather than chapter house facilities and each RLS will have a consistent schedule with specific educational programming aimed at preparing Delta Upsilon’s leaders for the year ahead. Three general sessions

and 20 break-out sessions will cover officer-specific training and sessions that benefit all undergraduates and chapter advisors. “Some of DU’s best facilitators and speakers will lead the sessions,” said Executive Director, Justin Kirk. “We envision the new RLS will be a mini-Leadership Institute and will provide an opportunity for more members of each chapter to attend an international educational program.” Saturday evening features a networking reception and banquet open to area alumni of the Fraternity. To learn more about the RLS in your area and how undergraduates and alumni alike are working to strengthen their chapters, visit www.deltau.org/rls. 2012 Educational Programs Include: Global Service Initiative: New Orleans, Louisiana: March 18 - 24; Negril, Jamaica: May 12 - 19 and June 2 - 9 Emerging Leaders Experience: Becket, Mass., May 31 - June 4 Leadership Institute: Chicago, Ill., August 2-5, 2012


Chapter Excellence Plan Update The Chapter Excellence Plan (CEP) is a guide for what a high performing chapter of Delta Upsilon should look like. It comes in the form of an online reporting system where chapter members document how they have met expectations based on specific criteria. The criteria are broken up between operational expectations and activities consistent with each of Delta Upsilon’s Four Founding Principles. For 2011-2012, as of February 1 more than 2,900 submissions have been made. All of these submissions are open for the public to view at www.deltau.org/cep. This brings about a new level of transparency for each chapter of Delta Upsilon as they document their programs and events for the public to behold. The CEP also allows chapters to help and support their brothers from afar. Best practices can be shared between chapters, and different philanthropic or social event ideas are spread around the Fraternity. The biggest change that has been brought to the CEP this year is that now any undergraduate member can make submissions for his chapter. This enables every member to potentially have an international impact on Delta Upsilon by sharing the practices of his own chapter. Data shows that most chapters now have several different members submitting frequently to the CEP. One last important feature of the CEP is the feedback that is given from the Delta Upsilon International Headquarters staff. As each submission is graded, an email is sent out to whoever submitted it with comments about their submission and how it could be improved. This makes the CEP a great way to stay in communication with undergraduate members as well as a vehicle for continuing the conversation on whatever topics may arise.

Chapter Excellence Plan Top 10* Rutgers Central Florida Kansas Purdue North Carolina State Chattanooga Michigan Tech San Jose Rochester Alberta *Rankings as of December 31, 2011


Copyright 2012 Delta Upsilon International Fraternity Inc.

Kirk Named Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation Executive Director Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation Chairman Stephen Rowley, Ohio ’65 announced in early February that Justin J. Kirk, Boise State ’00 has been named the Foundation’s Executive Director. Kirk, who will continue in his role as the Fraternity’s executive director, replaces long-time Foundation Executive Director David Schumacher. “After 12 years, it was time for me to move on and allow the Trustees to set a new course for the Foundation,” said Schumacher. As the Foundation executive Director, Kirk will be responsible for executing the Foundation’s vision and have oversight of Delta Upsilon’s development activities and fundraising staff. “As our fraternity has continued to grow and to significantly expand its Leadership Development Programming, fundraising requirements have grown appreciably,” Rowley

said. “It is critical that the Foundation’s development activities be in concert with Delta Upsilon’s significant progress.” Since Kirk’s hiring in 2007 as the Fraternity’s executive director, the Fraternity’s membership has grown by 44 percent and the Fraternity has opened 13 colonies, chartered eight chapters, and implemented new initiatives such as the DU Emerging Leaders program in Williamstown, Mass., the award-winning Global Service Initiative, a revamped Regional Leadership Seminars program and the Advisors’ Academy. The Fraternity’s average chapter size now sits at 48 members, the highest in the history of Delta Upsilon. “The Fraternity Board has been very pleased with the progress made over the last five years,” said Fraternity Chairman Rick Taylor, North Carolina State ’82. “We believe this is the next step in our Fraternity’s growth and development.”



Leaving a Legacy

2012 Winter Educational Conference Chapter presidents have been challenged to better understand what Delta Upsilon means to them and to be deliberate in determining what legacy they will leave behind. Through our 2012 Presidents’ Academy the leaders from 63 DU chapters and colonies worked to define these critical components of their fraternity experience. “Gaining a fundamental understanding of DU and helping individuals understand the foundation of DU’s principles allows presidents to commit to being leaders who advance those principles,” said Senior Director of Educational Programs Noah Borton. The educational sessions began on Thursday, January 5, at Camp Tecumseh in Brookston, Indiana, where presidents also worked with a team of facilitators to assess where they are as a chapter/colony, what their vision is for the chapter/colony and how they can plan now and work together to meet

that vision. Discussion also focused on how each president can work with his executive board and how they can use the Chapter Excellence Plan to identify gaps and set priorities. On Saturday evening the undergraduate leaders were joined by 24 chapter advisors representing 16 chapters and two colonies. This opportunity for advisors to work together with chapter leaders was part of DU’s fourth annual Advisors’ Academy. Outside of the joint session, the program for advisors was held in Indianapolis at the Columbia Club. “The Advisors’ Academy curriculum helped me educate myself in what the Fraternity is doing to be an outstanding organization,” said Chapter Advisor Tony Durano, Wichita ’84. “It also helped me understand my role as an advisor. For advisors who want to understand the key aspects of advising and guiding our undergraduates, this Academy is a must.”


Comments about the Presidents’ Academy* “I learned to believe in myself and with that confidence I can inspire others to follow my vision and I can transform my chapter.” “I realized the true power behind our ability to share our values, the power of the oath and leaving behind a legacy.” “This weekend was a really great time. I learned a lot and am now ready to tackle our chapter problems.” “Motivation - I want to go back to my chapter and make a difference.” “I leave with much more confidence and an effective method to move from idea to result.” *Anonymous comments from Presidents’ Academy evaluations

Photo right: International Fraternity President Bernard Franklin, Kansas State ’75 addresses chapter presidents.

“Not only do you gain a great deal of knowledge to guide you in dealing with your chapter, but you also get to meet some great people who are working to make Delta Upsilon stronger,” John DelSignore, Pennsylvania State ’92 Chapter Advisor

Copyright 2012 Delta Upsilon International Fraternity Inc.



Advisors from each chapter and colony were invited to attend with minimal cost to the individual or chapter or alumni corporation. President of the Pennsylvania State Alumni Corporation, John DelSignore, Pennsylvania State ’92, found the Advisors’ Academy to be especially valuable in discussing how to best communicate with today’s college students to get results. He encourages other chapter advisors to attend a future Advisors’ Academy. “Not only do you gain a great deal of knowledge to guide you in dealing with your chapter, but you also get to meet some great people who are working to make Delta Upsilon stronger,” DelSignore said.

Tweets from #DUWEC12

At the conclusion of Saturday evening’s programming, International Fraternity President Bernard Franklin, Kansas State ’75 spoke to all attendees about masculinity and what the definition of a DU man is today. He encouraged presidents to help brothers achieve a healthy sense of masculinity.

@jpro1282 Jordan Proano, Washington State ’12 @deltaupsilon Excited to get to #duwec12! Don’t start without me!

@zkakatz87 Josh Katz, Central Florida ’97 I solemnly promise that the Principles of this Fraternity ... accord ENTIRELY with my own views. #duwec12.

@aaronclevenger Aaron Clevenger, Central Florida ’97 An amazing weekend with my @deltaupsilon brothers and the #justiceleague at #duwec12 and now the trip back across the country.

@jrcabby Jesse Rosenthal, Boise State ’13 Had a great, educational weekend with my @deltaupsilon brothers at #duwec12. I am proud to be a part of something bigger than myself!


Oath of Initiation I, of my own free will and accord, in the presence of God and of these witnesses, do hereby solemnly declare that the principles of this Fraternity as they have been explained to me accord entirely with my own views; and I solemnly promise that as a member of this Fraternity I will faithfully adhere to those principles endeavoring in every way to perfect myself morally, intellectually, and socially, and endeavoring also to act towards others according to that high standard of conduct required by the Fraternity. I solemnly promise that I will be loyal to the Delta Upsilon Fraternity and to this chapter, abiding by their rules, discharging my obligations to them faithfully, and using all honorable means to promote their interests.

The advisors returned to Indianapolis that evening and concluded their program on Sunday morning with sessions on DU’s educational programs and the Chapter Excellence Plan (CEP). Participants created personal advising plans to take with them back to the colonies and chapters they advise.

I solemnly promise that I will share with my brothers the duties of my chapter; that I will uphold and encourage them in all that is honorable and right; that I will ever extend to each brother the right hand of sympathy; and that at all times and in all circumstances I will endeavor to cultivate those sentiments which should ever exist between brothers.

Before their departure on Sunday morning, the chapter presidents gathered to recite The Oath with each brother, reaffirming his commitment to the Fraternity and considering the legacy he will leave.

All this I solemnly promise upon my honor, without any equivocation, mental reservation, or secret evasion of mind whatsoever.


Strong Response to Alumni Survey WE ASKED, YOU ANSWERED If you are an alumnus, you should have received a survey from the Alumni Involvement Committee, either by email in late 2010 or in the pages of last summer’s Quarterly. We asked you to tell us a little about your DU involvement as an undergraduate and alumnus, as well as what could make your alumni experience even better. Thank you to all of you who responded. As Chairman of the Board, I want you to know that you have been heard by the leaders of the Fraternity. Through your participation in the survey, your voice will be represented at the table as the Fraternity leadership works this spring to create DU’s next multi-year strategic plan. Please look later this year for new opportunities to become or remain meaningfully involved in your Fraternity…for life!

Richard X. Taylor, North Carolina State ’83 Chairman, DUIF Board of Directors

Alumni Survey Results We asked, and more than 1800 of you answered!


31% of you graduated college at least 41 years ago


54% of you attended Leadership Institute as an undergraduate


66% of you lived in a chapter facility/ house for at least two years

The three most important things you gained from your undergraduate experience were: Lifelong friendships (49%) Leadership skills (18%) How to contribute to a team (13%)


Copyright 2012 Delta Upsilon International Fraternity Inc.

78% of you rated your undergraduate experience an 8, 9, or 10 (10 being the best)


27% of you rated your alumni experience an 8, 9, or 10 (10 being the best)


54% of you have been back to your chapter/house fewer than 3 times since graduation


12% of you feel “very connected” to your chapter


41% of you feel “very disconnected” from your chapter


34% of you have heard nothing or very little from your chapter since graduation


92% of you have heard from DU International within the last year (not including this survey)


73% of you have never served as a DU volunteer of any kind


41% of you would be interested in mentoring undergraduates or young alumni



The Delta Upsilon Bookshelf The Smarter Science of Slim by Jonathan Bailor, DePauw ’05


“The Smarter Science of Slim” captures ten years of work with researchers at Harvard, Johns Hopkins, The Mayo Clinic, UCLA and other top institutions to simplify and apply over 10,000 pages of academic diet and exercise research with the hope of putting facts back into fat loss. This practical guide to fighting obesity simplifies biology while making decades of academic obesity research accessible. Bailor gives a complete and captivating explanation of the science of losing weight permanently. As the holder of over 20 U.S. Patents, Bailor was the inventor of the marquee feature in Microsoft Office 2010. As an entrepreneur, Bailor has started successful businesses, authored three critically acclaimed books, produced a promotional magazine and helped develop a radio show. Candlestick Profits – Eliminating Emotions by Stephen W. Bigalow, Cornell ’75

Stephen Bigalow, who has more than 30 years of investment experience, including eight years as a stockbroker with major Wall Street firms, has become a leading international Candlestick Investment Consultant in the investment community. Approximately 25 years ago, Bigalow investigated and researched a little-known investment charting technique called candlestick analysis. He discovered that the charting technique was pure common sense investment practices put into a graphic depiction. Candlestick charts illustrated that price movements were not based upon fundamentals, but rather were based upon the perception of fundamentals. In 2011, he published, “Candlestick Profits — Eliminating Emotions.” This book delved deeply into revelations that most investors do not want to address — their own emotional flaws when it comes to their investment dollars. His two previous books described the perceptions for maintaining a high-profitability trading program and how

investors, whether day traders or long-term investors, could utilize candlestick signals during any timeframe. For more information, visit www.candlestickforum.com. 60-40 or Fight by Everett Christensen, Michigan State ’57

Everett Christensen spent more than 45 years analyzing and evaluating the development of interpersonal relationships, which he explores in “60-40 or Fight.” He first worked as a personnel specialist; then as a college recruiter; then as an instructor in supervisory development; then as a human resources director; then as senior vice president of a major financial institution; then as a consultant in management; then as a university professor in a graduate school of management; and, finally, as the owner of several businesses. He has a bachelor’s degree in economics from Michigan State University and an Master’s degree in psychology from the University of Minnesota. His first article appeared in “The Personnel Journal” in 1964 and his first book, “Dynamic Supervision,” was published in 1970. Since then he has also published “55 Magic Management Words” (1989) and “It all Counts Toward Twenty” (2004), a fictional novel about life in the Air Force. Interstate 69: The Unfinished History of the Last Great American Highway by Matt Dellinger, DePauw ’97

“Interstate 69” is an enlightening journey through the heart of America. The 1,400-mile extension of I-69 south from Indianapolis, if completed, will connect Canada to Mexico through Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana and Texas. This so-called ‘NAFTA Highway’ has been in development for two decades, and while segments are under construction


today, others may never be built. Eagerly anticipated by many as an economic godsend, I-69 has also been opposed by environmentalists, farmers, ranchers, anarchists and others who question both the wisdom of building more highways and the merits of globalization. Part history, part travelogue, “Interstate 69” reveals the surprising story of how this extraordinary undertaking began and introduces an array of individuals who have worked to build the road — or to stop it — and guides us through the many places the highway would transform forever: from sprawling cities like Indianapolis, Houston and Memphis, to the small rural towns of the Midwestern rust belt, the Mississippi Delta and South Texas. Matt Dellinger has written for The New Yorker, the Atlantic, Oxford American, Smithsonian and the New York Times, as well as the public radio program The Takeaway. He worked for ten years on staff at The New Yorker as an illustrations editor, the magazine’s first-ever multimedia editor and the producer and host of The New Yorker Out Loud, the magazine’s first weekly podcast.

Copyright 2012 Delta Upsilon International Fraternity Inc.

The Berlin Conspiracy by William Penn (aka William A. Hamilton, Oklahoma ’57)

William A. Hamilton published the third novel in the espionage series that he and his wife write under the pseudonym, William Penn. “The Berlin Conspiracy” is an adventure that takes readers from London to Paris, the Balearic Islands, Gibraltar, Barcelona, Italy, Munich and, finally, to Abu Amed’s secret al Qaeda headquarters in Berlin. This novel, like its predecessors, “The Grand Conspiracy” and “The Panama Conspiracy,” is part of a four-novel series featuring Buck and Dolly Madison. The final novel in the series, “The Umbrella Conspiracy,” is a workin-progress. For more information, visit www.buckanddolly. com. Hamilton was honored at the 75th Anniversary of DU on the Oklahoma campus when he was presented with the Distinguished Alumnus Award. Justice Justice Bowdoin ’45





“Justice Justice” is a satire on a legal system that ignores justice as its primary mission, where justice is not dependent

or subservient to the Law in the Preamble to the Constitution and the acknowledged sole concern of an attorney is client representation without responsibility to society. The author calls out fundamental errors that must be addressed by weaving them into a fantasy story of a President’s nomination of a distinguished, educated non-lawyer to the United States

Supreme Court. Author Henry S. Maxfield was a navigator in a B-24 Liberator Bomber flying missions over Germany in WW II, when he was shot down over Gelsenkirchen on November 11, 1944. As one of four survivors of a 10-man crew, he was captured and made a prisoner of war. Later, during the Korean War, he was recruited by the Central Intelligence Agency and served in its clandestine section for three years. He and his wife live in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire where he established and operated Henry S. Maxfield Real Estate, Inc., now owned and operated by his son. Maxfield now writes full-time. Taking People With You: The Only Way to Make Big Things Happen by David Novak, Missouri ’74

David Novak runs Yum! Brands, the world’s largest restaurant company, parent of KFC, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell, with more than one million associates. He learned long ago that you can’t lead a great organization of any size — from a tiny startup to a global giant — without getting your people aligned, enthusiastic and focused relentlessly on the mission. In “Taking People With You,” Novak shares the secrets of the unique leadership program he’s developed over his fifteen years at Yum! Brands. Novak knows that managers in the trenches don’t need leadership platitudes or business theories. So he cuts right to the chase, with a step-by-step guide to setting big goals, getting your people on board, blowing past your targets and celebrating together after you shock the skeptics. And then doing it again and again, until consistent excellence becomes a core element of your culture.



­­Seeing Patients: Unconcious Bias in Health Care by Augustus A. White, III, M.D., Ph.D., Brown ’57

Ice House Sketches by Robert S. Phillips, Syracuse ’60


Robert S. Phillips has published his 31st book, “Ice House Sketches,” with Texas Review Press. A number of pieces in “Ice House Sketches” originally were cast as poems, however Phillips says he ultimately thought the subject matter and mood were more appropriate for prose and he hopes some of the poetry shows through. “I call them sketches — like the little sketches Hemingway interspersed between his fully developed short stories in his collected volume,” Phillips writes. “They have no beginning, middle or end, and no conflict or resolution. They simply are. These are pieces of fiction. Characters, places and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.” Phillips is Professor Emeritus at the University of Houston, where for years he was director of the creative writing program. He is the author of more than thirty books of poetry, fiction and criticism. He has twice been nominated for the Pulitzer Prize. S up erc a p i ta l i sm by Robert B. Reich, Dartmouth ’68

“Supercapitalism” explores the clash between capitalism and democracy. Midtwentieth-century capitalism has turned into global capitalism, and global capitalism — turbocharged, Web-based and able to find and make almost anything just about anywhere — has turned into supercapitalism. But Reich states that while supercapitalism is working wonderfully well to enlarge the economic pie, democracy — charged with caring for all citizens — is becoming less and less effective under its influence. Reich explains how widening inequalities of income and wealth, heightened job insecurity and the spreading effects of global warming are the logical outcomes of supercapitalism. Reich makes a case for a vibrant capitalism and a concurrent, equally vibrant democracy. Reich is an American political economist, professor, author and political commentator. He served in the administrations of Presidents Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter and was Secretary of Labor under President Bill Clinton from 1993 to 1997.

If you’re going to have a heart attack, an organ transplant or a joint replacement, here’s the key to getting the very best medical care: be a white, straight, middle-class male. This book by a pioneering black surgeon takes on one of the few critically important topics that haven’t figured in the heated debate over health care reform — the largely hidden yet massive injustice of bias in medical treatment. Growing up in Jim Crow-era Tennessee and training and teaching in overwhelmingly white medical institutions, author Gus White witnessed firsthand how prejudice works in the world of medicine. And while race relations have changed dramatically, old ways of thinking die hard. In Seeing Patients, White draws upon his experience in startlingly different worlds to make sense of the unconscious bias that riddles medical treatment and to explore what it means for health care in a diverse twenty-first-century America. White and co-author David Chanoff use extensive research and interviews with leading physicians to show how subconscious stereotyping influences doctor-patient interactions, diagnosis and treatment. “Seeing Patients” brings together insights from the worlds of social psychology, neuroscience and clinical practice to define the issues clearly and, most importantly, to outline a concrete approach to fixing this fundamental inequity in the delivery of health care. White is a professor of medical education and orthopaedic surgery at Harvard Medical School and is the first African American department chief at Harvard’s teaching hospitals. He is a 1986 recipient of the Delta Upsilon Distinguished Alumnus Award. Books written by DUs and those signed by the authors are welcomed by the Fraternity as a gift to the Delta Upsilon Fraternity library, which is housed at the Butler Memorial Headquarters in Indianapolis. To coordinate a book donation or to share news of any books by or about Delta Upsilon members, please contact Director of Communications Jean Lloyd, at Lloyd@deltau.org.



Copyright 2012 Delta Upsilon International Fraternity Inc.

Delta Upsilon Celebrates 100 Years at Pennsylvania State In October 2011 more than 250 alumni and guests gathered in State College, Pennsylvania to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Penn State Chapter of Delta Upsilon. The event was planned through a committee led by Col. Vincent J. Tedesco, Jr., Pennsylvania State ’64.

Pennsylvania State ’91 dramatically unveiled a beautiful brick donor wall to commemorate the donors of the Campaign for the Next 100 Years capital fundraising drive begun five years ago.

The centennial celebration began with a Friday night reception at the Pennsylvania State DU Chapter house, which was built in 1890 and has been owned by the Penn State Chapter since 1922. Brothers from seven decades filled the chapter house and were greeted by an enthusiastic group of undergraduates and associate members led by undergraduate president, Josh Wimble, Pennsylvania State ’13

Saturday morning began with a private tour of Beaver Stadium that was arranged by Pennsylvania State Offensive Coordinator, Galen Hall, Pennsylvania State ’62. A large crowd of DUs and their guests received a ‘behind the scenes’ tour of the stadium that included a visit to the team locker room and the exclusive President’s Suite. The tour was led by Bob White, a defensive tackle on Pennsylvania State’s two national championship teams in 1982 and 1986.

Many old friends were reacquainted and chatter from stories about the ‘good old days’ filled the chapter house deep into the evening. A highlight of the evening was when Jeff Miller, Pennsylvania State ’92 and Gerrit van Burk,

The weekend’s festivities concluded at the Grand Banquet held at the Penn Stater Conference Center. Col. Tedesco led a moment of silence to remember all of our Brothers who lost their lives serving our nation in war.



He then turned the program over to alumni president John DelSignore, Pennsylvania State ’92 who recapped the significant turnaround of the chapter in the past few years. DelSignore highlighted the efforts of the chapter’s alumni and DU International Headquarters staff after reorganization in 2009. He also noted the remarkable support of Dave Merenda, Pennsylvania State ’77, Col. Ray Dinsmore, Pennsylvania State ’78, and Col. Tedesco for their efforts in working with the undergraduates to rebuild the chapter’s reputation at Penn State. Delta Upsilon Executive Director Justin Kirk, Boise State ’00 spoke on the strength of DU nationally and also commented on the strength of the chapter’s alumni throughout the years. He honored DelSignore and Merenda with Delta Upsilon “Key Leader” badges for their daily involvement with the chapter during the reorganization period.

William Messick, Lafayette ’68, former International Fraternity Chairman, came to the stage to honor “the heart of Penn State DU”, William Landherr, Pennsylvania State ’59 who unfortunately passed away in the previous year after a bout with cancer. Brother Landherr was awarded the DU Founders Medal in 2010 for his life-long dedication to the Penn State Chapter. Brother Messick recounted many of Landherr’s writings that demonstrated his love for Penn State DU, emphasizing “friendship, culture, character and justice” as the foundation of Brother Landherr’s involvement with the chapter. The tribute to Brother Landherr continued when Bill Hauser, Pennsylvania State ’81 came to the stage to announce the official renaming of the spring semester scholarship to the William J. Landherr, Jr. Scholarship. The Landherr scholarship will provide financial assistance to undergraduate brothers with a minimum 3.0 GPA who reside in the chapter house during the spring semester. Brother Hauser’s gesture was a fitting tribute to Bill Landherr’s 31 years of service as alumni president. The evening concluded with a presentation by Alan Piciacchio, Pennsylvania State ’89 about the history of the chapter’s founding, focusing on the men who were instrumental in establishing the Penn State Chapter of Delta Upsilon in 1911. The stirring tribute to the Chapter’s Founders demonstrated the dedication, spirit and commitment to Delta Upsilon that still holds true today.

Executive Director Justin Kirk presented Chapter President Josh Wimble, Pennsylvania State ’13 with a congratulatory resolution for the chapter’s centennial anniversary.

“A high-rated performance and memorable show,” said John Johnston, Pennsylvania State ’58, summing up the event. “I for one am grateful I came back and I have left with pleasant memories.”

Executive Director Justin Kirk presented Chapter President Josh Wimble, Pennsylvania State ’13 with a congratulatory resolution for the chapter’s centennial anniversary.


Waking up on the Bright Side

Copyright 2012 Delta Upsilon International Fraternity Inc.

By Craig Sowell, Houston ’92 From the moment you enter Wayne Goldberg’s office, you feel as if you’re being welcomed into the newest hotel; proving that hospitality is at the forefront and clearly evident at even the top level of La Quinta’s operation. Goldberg is as confident and relaxed as they come. He invites you in as if you’re being welcomed into his own living room. Recently honored by Ernst & Young as the 2011 Entrepreneur of the Year (Southwest Area North), and then recognized as a National Finalist at the 25th annual Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year What excites you the most about La Quinta? Gala in Palm Springs, Calif., Wayne B. Goldberg, Louisville ’86 is president and chief executive officer Oh many things. But for me, our La Quinta of La Quinta Inns & Suites (LQ Management, family is very special . . . from the employees LLC), which is one of the largest owner operators who interact with the guests to our executive of select-service hotels in the United States. team. People are at the heart of everything we do. Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, La Quinta owns, Together, we’re focused on five core values: operates and franchises more than 800 hotels in People – Make coming to work the best part of each the United States, Canada and Mexico. employee’s day. Brother Goldberg, who has been in the Passion – Approach your work each day with a sense lodging industry for more than 32 years, got of pride and personal ownership. his start in high school by mowing the grass Integrity – Do the right thing, even when no one is at a Red Roof Inn in Louisville, Ky. and then watching. working his way up to senior vice president. After 21 years at Red Roof, he joined La Excellence – Do ordinary things extraordinarily well. Quinta, serving as senior and executive vice Unique – We have become a big company, but we think president of operations until being named and act like a small company. We are not afraid to be different. president and CEO in January 2006. At La Quinta, we have a ‘family first’ culture. We’re serious Recently, Delta Upsilon had the about what we do, but we don’t take ourselves too serious. Our opportunity to sit down with this executive team is very approachable and our employees and hospitality industry leader. franchise partners can talk to us about anything at any time. We embrace an open and fun environment where we don’t just have an open-door policy . . . we have an open door reality. We live it. Our ‘Wake Up on the Bright Side’ advertising campaign really means something to us. It’s much more than just a slogan. When we say it, it resonates in everything we do. We want to provide a refreshing and engaging environment that builds long-lasting, valuable relationships with employees, guests, owners and partners. We want our guests to feel: Assured – Secure, confident they made the right choice with La Quinta. Settled In – Comfortable, relaxed in their surroundings. Optimistic – Ready to take on the new day, whatever it holds.


Copyright 2011 Delta Upsilon International Fraternity Inc.


Change is fairly constant in this industry. As a leader, how do you deal with change? “The lodging industry is a competitive environment and we’re as competitive as anyone. We always aim to be the best. I don’t believe anyone wakes up in the morning and says, ‘Wow, I’d really like to be second today,’ but for us, it doesn’t matter how well we may do something today, we are never satisfied because we know there is always a better way. We have to be diligent in keeping pace with the changing world that surrounds us and that requires us to embrace change. After all, there is always a different process, a new chemical, a new tool or a new technology that in many cases we may not have even heard of yesterday. I like to say ‘If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you always gotten.’ We embrace change! We have to, because we know that even if we are the best at what we do, we have to get better or it is just a matter of time that one of our competitors will.” What makes La Quinta different than the competition? “The biggest difference between La Quinta and its competitors is that although we have more than 82,000 rooms across the country, we don’t act like a large hotel chain. For other major hotel chains, most of their hotels are all franchised. Several of our competitors have in excess of 2000 locations, but they don’t own or operate a single property. Out of our 800 La Quinta locations, we actually own and operate 400 of them. So anytime we ask one of our franchisees to do something, we’re doing it 400 times right alongside them. We never ask them to do anything that we cannot or would not do ourselves. I remind our partners all the time that we have real skin in the game — in fact, approximately four billion dollars’ worth of skin. “ What influenced your decision to join DU? “Early on, I had not really considered joining a fraternity. Living on campus and being involved is one thing, but I quickly realized that it’s hard to get involved in campus life if you just drive to school, go to class and drive home. I was working full-time while going to school so joining DU was one way for me to be engaged and involved in campus life and enhance my college experience. “ What about DU helped you the most in preparing you for life after college? “Knowing there were others who were really there to help you. I have an interesting view of the higher education process. I believe the process of graduating from the university is just that . . . a process. However, having the support of a fraternity and a group of Brothers to help you get through that process is invaluable. In any process you find yourself in, there is great value in being able to receive the help and advice from those who have already been down that road. Learning from the experience of others will help you do things differently. Again, there is always a better way.”

What drives you to continue to support the fraternity through your financial giving and continued interest in DU? “I want to help keep DU and the fraternity spirit alive and relevant. I certainly hope for others to have the same experiences I had in college through DU. The fraternity really helped me to be involved in campus life and to get through college. And it was my fraternity experience that helped me establish a number of lifelong friendships and connections that I maintain to this day, not the least of which is my wife Jennifer, who was president of Alpha Omicron Pi at Louisville during the time I was there.” What advice do you have for today’s undergraduate student? “Don’t ever stop attending school. Stick with it until you have completed whatever it is that you set out to achieve. Even if it means taking just one class a semester, don’t ever stop. I’ve seen too many people take a semester off to work, etc. and never go back to school. Once you have a little income coming in and you don’t have to force yourself to study or do the work required, it’s too hard to go back. Keep moving forward until you’ve reached your goal or seen the process through to fruition.”


Integrity, Ingenuity and McNuggets

Former McDonald’s CEO Ed Rensi is always looking for his next second act By Jean Gileno Lloyd “He invented the Chicken McNugget — that’s my favorite story,” says Josh Pennings, Ohio State ’12, about his grandfather Ed Rensi, who was initiated as an alumnus by the Ohio State Chapter last year. When his peers might have been joining a fraternity in the 1960s, Rensi took a job earning 85 cents an hour as a McDonald’s grill man. He worked 100 hours a week because he needed the money. He eventually became a parttime manager trainee for the fast-growing company, and ended up moving his family 13 times in 12 years as the McDonald’s job opportunities expanded. Rensi went on to become president and chief executive officer of McDonald’s USA. Now retired, he serves as an executive consultant to McDonald’s Restaurant Systems and has been a member of the McDonald’s Board of Directors since 1982.

Copyright 2012 Delta Upsilon International Fraternity Inc.

During his 13-year term as president, McDonald’s experienced phenomenal growth. U.S. sales doubled to more than $16 billion, the number of U.S. restaurants grew from nearly 6,600 to more than 12,000, and the number of U.S. franchises grew from 1,600 to more than 2,700. Today, in the United States alone, 19 million customers are served each day at McDonald’s. Under Rensi’s leadership, McDonald’s became the most recognized brand in the world, the next being Coca-Cola, the only soft drink supplier to McDonald’s today.


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16 Ohio State undergraduates joined alumni initiate Ed Rensi in March 2011. As an alumni initiate, Rensi will use the year of his Ohio State graduation, 1990, with his chapter affiliation.

Rensi’s charisma and commitment to the company during his 31-year tenure helped establish McDonald’s as the world’s most successful fast food restaurant. In 1985, Rensi marked a major McDonald’s milestone by serving the 50 billionth McDonald’s hamburger with the friendly Ronald McDonald character by his side, as well as Dick McDonald, one of the two brothers who created the McDonald’s concept in the late 1940s in San Bernardino, Calif. Major innovations spearheaded and overseen by Rensi include the enhancement of McDonald’s breakfast menu, the development the McRib in 1981, the Chicken McNugget in 1983, fresh-tossed salads in 1987, the McChicken sandwich in 1989, low-fat frozen yogurt in 1990, and the McGrilled Chicken Classic in 1994. He was also behind the expansion of the drive-thru concept, which accounts for nearly half of all of McDonald’s restaurant sales today, and the development of the Extra Value Meal concept, a key sales driver for the company. While Rensi’s career flourished, the one thing he could never cook up for himself was a rewarding college experience. He was a late bloomer when it came to getting college right. He didn’t finish his degree until he was in his 40s, and didn’t join a fraternity until he made a connection through his grandson, Josh.

Rensi had originally enrolled at Ohio State in the 1960s when tuition was $90 per quarter, and he was working two jobs to make ends meet. With the pressing demands of school, work and family, he had no time for social opportunities and never even considered joining a fraternity — something he says was completely foreign to him. “I was just too immature at an early age to understand all of that,” Rensi said. “As I got older I realized that there was an empty spot in my life, so I went back to school in 1989 and finally graduated in 1990.” Fast-forward a couple decades and Rensi watched his grandson enroll at Ohio State and saw how different campus life could be. Josh became interested in Delta Upsilon through his roommate’s invitations after he learned about the Fraternity’s non-secret philosophy and anti-hazing policies. “If you’d asked me if I’d be so involved in Greek life a few years ago, I would have told you you were crazy,” said Josh, who has served the chapter as vice president of finance and is involved with the Interfraternity Council. When Josh took a group of Delta Upsilon brothers to visit his grandparents in Chicago, Rensi met what he considered to be outstanding young men with good perspectives of what they want do to with their lives. He started to see the Fraternity as something that made sense, creating social order for young people, giving them a sense of purpose and keeping them on track for appropriate behavior.


Back on the Ohio State campus, when chapter officers began discussing who to invite to speak at the next initiation, Rensi’s name popped up. The brothers felt that if he was to give the charge at initiation he should be a DU, so a call was placed to Delta Upsilon International Headquarters to learn more about alumni initiation. Then Josh offered his grandfather a bid card. “Josh asked me if I’d like to join the Fraternity and I said, ‘Why not? Better late than never,’” Rensi quipped. He’d already met the impressive young men from the Ohio State Chapter, so Rensi took some time to reflect on what the Fraternity meant. He reviewed Fraternity documents and went online to read about DU. “It appealed to me because it seemed like a very open process,” he said. The standards of the Fraternity impressed him and spoke to the quality of the young men who are involved.

Rensi and co-ownerTom Dentice before the grand opening of Tom & Eddie’s Lombard location in August of 2010.

The Chapter honored Rensi with a full Initiation ceremony at the chapter house on March 12, 2011. This spring, he will return to campus to welcome and inspire the newest members of Delta Upsilon by giving the Charge during the Initiation ceremony.

Copyright 2012 Delta Upsilon International Fraternity Inc.

Beyond the McDonald’s role for which he is so widely known, Rensi’s achievements and momentum continue. He has built a second career as Chairman and CEO of Team Rensi Motorsports, where he applies his corporate managerial and motivational skills to the world of NASCAR racing. Renowned as a philanthropist, Rensi has always worked to help those who are less fortunate. In 1988 he was honored by President Ronald Reagan with the President’s Volunteer Award, recognizing his body of charitable work -- including co-founding the world-famous Ronald McDonald House, which works to improve the health of children everywhere. His volunteer work for numerous educational charities was also recognized when he was chosen as Italian-American Man of the Year in 1997. Despite his retirement, Rensi couldn’t stay away from the restaurant world for long; in the summer of 2010 he opened the gourmet burger chain, Tom and Eddies. An avid cook, Rensi had a personal hand in developing all the tastes for the chain, which now has four locations in Northern Illinois. His natural leadership and character bubble over when he speaks. When Rensi gave the initiation charge at the Ohio State Chapter last year, he talked about the importance of mentorship, camaraderie and team-building focusing on the need for integrity. “Your personal integrity is the only thing you absolutely own yourself. You can give it away or you can sell it cheaply, and once you do that you no longer have it,” Rensi said.

17 Now in his fourth year at Ohio State, grandson Josh reflects on the example set by his grandfather, “He’s 40 years older than me and he outworks me every day of his life. He knows the solution to every problem. He’s definitely somebody that I could call any day of the week for any problem, no matter how big or small, and get real advice that if I didn’t take I’d be crazy. I wouldn’t be where I am today without his advice and guidance.” After an amazingly successful career behind the grill and in the CEO office, Rensi is still looking for that one last ingredient to a rewarding life, as he expresses a genuine desire to encourage the next generation of leaders. “In my career, having worked for 50 years, I’ve had a lot of mentors, people who made it possible for me to make mistakes and survive and learn and grow and give me guidance and leadership. And I have a philosophy that you’ve got to repay these kinds of things. To be able to join that chapter and visit with those young men and talk about their careers, their lives in a very honest, straightforward, and equal basis was really very exciting for me.” Videos of Ed Rensi speaking on leadership topics can be found at: www.premierespeakers.com/ed_rensi


Saving a life

A Marrow Donor’s Story By Christian Montgomery, Michigan ’05

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Delta Upsilon provides numerous opportunities to make friends, strengthen character, and grow as a man. For me, the Fraternity played a role in my opportunity to help save a life. As I approached a New Jersey diner in June 2010, a petite and bubbly 24-year-old exploded out of the doors and threw her arms around me. “You’re here!” It was quite the reception from a woman who was — in her words — so excited to meet “her hero”. Two years earlier, I was a junior at the University of Michigan when I was notified that I was a match for a 22-year-old woman who needed a marrow transplant to live. We had been complete strangers then, but now Nikki and her family were lavishing me with praise for saving her life and putting an end to a harrowing fouryear ordeal. Pulling out a scrapbook of photos and newspaper clippings, she told her story. Nikki was 19 when she was diagnosed with Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria — a blood disorder that affects one in a million. Four years of misdiagnosis, steroid treatment, weight changes, depression, chemotherapy, hair loss and failing treatment culminated in being left one option for survival: a stem cell transplant. First, though, she’d need a matching donor, and without a family match, Nikki was like 10,000 others whose hopes rested on a registry of strangers. She spoke of an agonizing five month wait, but finally in February 2008 she learned there was a donor — me. I donated that May and there we sat, two years later. As I struggled to deflect another round of gratitude from her family, the focus turned to my experience. They asked, “Why did you even register?” Enter Delta Upsilon. I would not have registered — and Nikki may not be alive — if Tom Duvall, Michigan ’07 hadn’t stopped me on a fall morning in 2007. Tom, a freshmen pledging Delta Upsilon, spotted me crossing the Diag on the Michigan campus while he was registering students as marrow donors — at 8:30 a.m. I could have waved and kept walking, but our most recent chapter meeting emphasized extending friendship to our associate members. Living DU’s values, I asked about his project. Ten minutes later, I swabbed my cheeks and registered as donor. Retrospectively, the exchange featured two other DU principles because Tom also diffused liberal culture and developed my character. I had known nothing about

stem cell transplants. I didn’t know that 70 percent of donations take cells from the blood, not bone, or that even extraction from bone involves anesthesia and just feels like a bone bruise for a few days. Not only did Tom inform me of a worthy opportunity, but he expected me to share this view: Saving a life is worth a few days of inconvenience. He was right — it is.

“Saving a life is worth a few days of inconvenience.” Most patients do not receive the transplant they need because there aren’t enough donors. With men comprising only 30 percent of the national registry, DU brothers are needed. You can register as a donor at www.getswabbed.org or email DKMS at donorrecruitment@dkmsamericas.org to educate and register your chapter. If not for the Delta Upsilon values we shared, I may never have saved a life. When Nikki thanks me, I make sure to thank my brother, Tom Duvall. Dikaia Upotheke.

Get more information on becoming a donor by visiting www.dkmsamericas.org or tweet @getswabbed.

Today, Christian Montgomery, Michigan ’05 is a recruitment coordinator at DKMS Americas. The DKMS mission to save lives by recruiting bone marrow donors for leukemia patients. DKMS is the largest bone marrow donor center in the world


Chapter News

Copyright 2012 Delta Upsilon International Fraternity Inc.

Illinois Chapter More than 200 brothers including 150 alumni were on campus for Illinois’ homecoming. Alumni Board Director of Scholarships, Jim Ensign, Illinois ’83, presented the first of what will be many undergraduate scholarships. A $1,000 scholarship was presented to Matt Sturgeon, Illinois ’12. Alumni Board Treasurer Director Chris D’hondt, Illinois ’88 gave a financial overview of the chapter and moderated the election of the board of directors of Delta Upsilon including new Chairman of the Alumni Board, Ken Hecht, Illinois ’79. Alumni Board Communications Director Keith Wiegold, Illinois ’86 gave an overview of www.illinoisdu.org. A highlight of homecoming was an appearance by the former Chief Illiniwek, Pete Marzek, Illinois ’81.

The Illinois Chapter house was pictured in the University of Illinois Alumni Magazine in the fall of 2011. The caption read, “Located at 312 E. Armory Ave., in Champaign, Delta Upsilon Fraternity is an imposing example of Tudor Revival architecture.” The Illinois Chapter is celebrating one hundred percent retention of new members. The chapter organized their annual broomball tournament. Popular on the Illinois campus, broomball is like hockey but is played with a rubber ball, brooms and gym shoes. Proceeds from the tournament will go directly to the Delta Upsilon Global Service Initiative. Indiana Chapter The bike team at the Indiana Chapter of Delta Upsilon is looking forward to a successful Little 500 in April. Little 500 is a cycling race in which fraternities and off- campus teams first compete for a spot in the race. Once the top 33 teams have

been selected through pre-race qualifications, the real battle begins for the top prize of Little 500 champion. The 2012 team consists of senior Pat Garvey, juniors Aaron Starkston, Chris Passolano, and Austin Venhuizen, and sophomore rider Rob Martin. The five riders known as, “The Fab Five,” trained in California over winter break. “The trip over winter break is usually when we really start to make progress as a team,” said junior rider Aaron Starkston. Anyone interested in supporting the team should contact Brett Benigni at bbenigni@indiana.edu. Manitoba Chapter The Manitoba Chapter held their 82nd Founders Day celebration at the new Southwood Golf Course with 35 undergraduate and alumni brothers in attendance. They held a poker tournament, shared stories and introduced the new associate members. The chapter initiated more than half of the Order of Omega class for the year. Brothers raised $500 through a teeter-totter-a-thon with funds being split between the Boys and Girls Club and the Ronald McDonald House (through Alpha Delta Pi). The chapter also raised $1082 for Cancer Care Manitoba through the cancer shave event. Missouri Chapter The Missouri Chapter held their annual new parent orientation meeting at the Memorial Union in August. The meeting allows parents to meet undergraduates, other parents and alumni while learning about Delta Upsilon. Paired with Delta Delta Delta, the Chapter earned first place in the merchandise category for MU’s 100th homecoming. They placed second for service and decorate the district and third in royalty and blood drive. The overall blood drive collected 5,264 units throughout the four-day event. Oklahoma Chapter J. Corbin Carter, Oklahoma ’12 was Homecoming King along with Queen Laura Bock (Kappa Kappa Gamma). Purdue Chapter The Purdue Chapter continues to improve their Academic Mentor Program. Those who do not make the grade requirement for the chapter are assigned to the Academic Mentor Program. Through the program they work with Academic Review Committee Members who help organize study time and provide ongoing mentorship throughout the semester.



Rochester Chapter The Genesee River borders the Rochester campus on two sides and is an attractive part of campus, so brothers of the Rochester Chapter decided to spend an afternoon cleaning up trash along the banks of the river. They turned it into a competition and had a prize for the brother who picked up the most garbage, by weight. They invited freshmen men to join them with the project.


2012 NIC All-American Football Team The North-American Interfraternity Conference recently announced first teams and honorable mentions for NCAA Division I FBS/FCS and NCAA Divisions II-III/NAIA. Nominations were submitted by fraternity headquarters, Greek advisors and sports information directors. Additional research was also done by selector Jay Langhammer.

Rutgers Chapter The Rutgers Chapter hosted Elizabeth AmayaFernandez, a health education specialist from Rutgers Health services who specializes in alcohol awareness. She spoke to the members about the different levels of drinking (abstinence, experimental, social, abusive, addicted). She also spoke about what it means to be drunk objectively and subjectively and the side effects of being drunk both positive and negative.

Order of Omega Forty members of Delta Upsilon were selected for membership in Order of Omega during the 2010-2011 academic year. Order of Omega extends membership to more than 9,200 outstanding undergraduate students from 445 chapters across North America. Corey Busay, California ’12 Luke Bretscher, DePauw ’10 Ronald Haduch, DePauw ’11 Ryan Garcia, Florida ’13 Bryan Griffin, Florida ’10 Zachary Lowenstein, Florida ’11 Rommel Reyes, Grand Valley State ’12 Steven Sohasky, Grand Valley State ’13 Preston Bukaty, Kansas ’11 Mike Lucy, Kansas ’11 Nathan Phillips, Kansas ’11 John Williams, Kansas ’12 Liam Reilly, Kansas State ’13 Terry J. Hart, Lehigh University Daniel Dickson, Manitoba ’11 Tayler LaBelle, Manitoba ’10 Matthew Rygiel, Manitoba ’11 Christopher Shane, Manitoba ’10 Quinn Sommerfeld, Manitoba ’10 Theo Srivastava, Manitoba ’05

Stevem Stadnyk, Manitoba ’13 Christopher Torkilson, Minnesota ’11 Thomas Marston, Nebraska ’12 Abir Chatterjee, North Carolina ’12 Connor Sweeney, Ohio ’12 Christopher Pappas, Purdue ’10 Joseph Thomas, Rochester ’11 Logan Carothers, San Jose State ’11 Matthew Faubion, San Jose State ’12 Charles Henderson, San Jose State ’10 James Huang, San Jose State ’11 Christopher Jones, San Jose State ’09 Arthur Jun, San Jose State ’10 Patrick Kauffman, San Jose State ’11 Wilson Kong, San Jose State ’11 Brandon Ralph, San Jose State ’10 Nicholas Valenziano, San Jose State ’12 Paul Hodskins, Virginia ’12 Ryan Schandl, Washington State ’11 Martin Vega, Western Illinois ’11

Delta Upsilon members include: NCAA Division I FBS/FCS First Team

Offense: Running Back—Nate Eachus, Colgate ’12 Defense: Lineman—Ben Flizack, Lehigh ’11 Division I FBS/FCS Offense Honorable Mention

Quarterbacks: Chris Lum, Lehigh ’12 Running Backs/Fullbacks: Zack Barket, Lehigh ’13 and Mark Wickware, Lehigh ’12 Receivers: Jake Drwal, Lehigh ’09 Tackles/Guards: James Germano, Colgate ’11, Vittorio Ottanelli, Colgate ’12 and Keith Schauder, Lehigh ’11 Centers: Kevin Morgan, Colgate ’12 Division I FBS/FCS Defense Honorable Mention

Linebackers: Adam Lock, Colgate ’12 Backs: Vinnie Nicosia, Colgate ’12 NCAA Divisions ii/iii Offense Honorable Mention

Running Backs: Ryan Pollock, Tufts ’14 NCAA Divisions II/III-NAIA Defense Honorable Mention

Linemen: Zack Skarzynski, Tufts ’12 NCAA Divisions II/III-NAIA Specialists

Returns: Dylan Haas, Tufts ’13


Alumni News

Copyright 2012 Delta Upsilon International Fraternity Inc.

Alberta One-hundred-one-year-old Albert L. Aiello, Alberta ’36 was unable to attend his 75th University of Alberta Reunion in Edmonton, so the University Faculty of Medicine and his Delta Upsilon Chapter traveled to him for a recognition event in his home city of Drumheller, Alberta. Brother Allan Warrack, Alberta ’61 presented a Recognition Certificate from Delta Upsilon International Fraternity and the Faculty of Medicine and University of Alberta Alumni office also made presentations. Dr. Aiello is the last living charter member of the Alberta Chapter. The Chapter was chartered on January 19, 1935.

Alberta alumni Dick French ’62, Bob Fisher ’76, Mike Spelliscy ’76, Allan Warrack ’61 with Dr. Albert L Aiello ’36

Carthage Daniel Ross-Jones, Carthage ’06 was ordained as a Minister of Word and Sacrament in the United Church of Christ denomination on Sept. 24, 2011 in a service at Plymouth United Church of Christ in Milwaukee, Wis. In May 2011, he graduated from McCormick Theological Seminary with a master of divinity degree.

In July he was called to be an associate pastor at the First Congregational Church of Palo Alto, Calif. A number of DU members from the Carthage Chapter were present at the ordination. Cornell Kentucky’s Highlands High School Football Coach Dale Mueller, Cornell ’77 broke the state record by earning a 10th state title when his team won its fifth-straight state championship in December. DePauw Luke Bretscher, DePauw ’10 was awarded the Order of Omega $500 Patrick W. Halloran Scholarship. Florida Edwin A. Book, Florida ’84 is the new police chief for Santa Fe College. Book served the Gainesville Police Department for 26 years and was promoted to the rank of captain in 2006. He has extensive experience in community policing, youth services, crime prevention and supervisory work. In addition, he has studied and written about the use of environmental design to prevent crime. His professional accomplishments include being named Executive of the Year by the Gainesville chapter of the International Association of Administrative Professionals in 2008. Book has a master’s degree in educational leadership and a bachelor of science degree in psychology, both from the University of Florida. He also is a proud graduate of Santa Fe’s police academy at the Institute of Public Safety (IPS). “Captain Book’s leadership skills, breadth of police and community experience, and strong personal qualities make him an outstanding choice for Santa Fe College,” said General Counsel Patti Locascio, who directed the search process as supervisor of the college’s police department. “We are extremely fortunate to have attracted someone of his caliber.” Besides his knowledge of the Gainesville community, Book has a strong affiliation with Santa Fe. He has taught courses at IPS and regularly plays racquetball on campus on Tuesdays nights. Guelph Sean Rucker, Guelph ’06 and Stephen O’Connor, Guelph ’07 launched a start-up called Cadee.co (www.cadee.co). This website allows golfers to check their handicap and track scores and improvement on their overall game.


Daniel Ross-Jones


Iowa Raymond J. Kearney, Iowa ’68 was granted U.S. Patent No. 7,905,683 on March 15, 2011, for his 2007 invention using a patented heat treatment process for converting organic wastes into a pumpable slurry prior to injection into deep underground geologic formations for the production of methane. Kearney retired in June 2010 and lives in Los Angeles. Iowa State James R. Larson, Iowa State ’74 has served on the Ames City Council since 2006. He retired as president and general manager of ACI Mechanical Corporation in 2005, and remains a board member at both Ames national Corporation and First National Bank of Ames. He is running for reelection in the Second Ward for the city of Ames. An article on iowastatedaily.com reported, “He is especially involved in the revival of the campus fraternity Delta Upsilon. Larson has shown a strong tie to the university and supported a healthy relationship with the city of Ames. He exhibited his passion for growth and development by helping remodel the Delta Upsilon fraternity. Ben Jacobson, member of Delta Upsilon, described Larson as being ‘very devoted and determined to finish what he starts. He never does anything halfway.’” Michigan Thomas L. Leonard, Michigan ’04 is running for State Representative for the 93rd House seat in Michigan. He currently works as assistant attorney general in Lansing and previously worked as a prosecutor for Genesee County. A former chapter president, he was a 2004 recipient of DU’s President’s Award. Missouri William C. Schoenhard, Missouri ’71 works as deputy under secretary for health for operations and management in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration. Col. John A. Seitz III, Missouri ’59 was appointed to director of Military Affairs Council, Junction City, Geary County, Kansas. He also serves on the board of the Rotary Club, YMCA and CASA. The DU Alumni Golf Tournament took place in June 2011 at Eagle Knoll Golf Course. Ten teams participated with brothers from graduating classes ’92 to ’09. Nebraska The University of Nebraska’s Nanoscience Metrology Facility has been named in honor of Donald R. Voelte, Nebraska ’75 and his wife Nancy Keegan. Voelte and Keegan, immediate past chair of the University of Nebraska

Photo Courtesy of Nebraska Magazine


Foundation’s board of directors, have backgrounds and interests in engineering, science, medicine and energy and are passionate about education. Their work focuses on life-changing discoveries in nanoscale materials for energy, biomaterials, fabrication and manufacturing, said David Sellmyer, director of the Nebraska Center for Materials and Nanoscience. Voelte, an Omaha native, received his bachelor’s degree in civil engineering. He is the former CEO of Woodside Petroleum, the largest energy company in Australia. Despite living in Australia for the last seven years, Voelte has never missed an opening game of the Nebraska Cornhuskers.

Donald R. Voelta, Nebraska ‘75 and his wife Nancy Keegan.

Northern Colorado David J. Brumley, Northern Colorado ’98 won a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE). This is the highest honor bestowed by the U.S. government on young scientists and engineers. Brumley, an assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering at Carnegie Melon, received the award at a White House ceremony in the fall of 2011. The PECASE program recognizes scientists and engineers who, early in their careers, show exceptional leadership at the frontiers of knowledge. Brumley was one of 20 nominated by the National Science Foundation (NSF) for the PECASE. His award is in recognition of his “innovation and vital research on malware (malicious software) analysis and for strong educational and outreach activities.” In addition to his position in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Brumley has appointments in the Computer Science Department and CMU CyLab. He received his undergraduate degree in mathematics in 1998 from the University of Northern Colorado, a master’s degree in computer science in 2003 from Stanford University, and a Ph.D. in computer science in 2008 from Carnegie Mellon. Brumley serves as advisor for DU’s colony at Carnegie Mellon.


Northwestern State Tran Woods, Northwestern State ’03 is working with Rebellion Film Group to create the official documentary/ film, “Troy Davis Lives.” In September 2011 Davis was executed by the state of Georgia for the August 19, 1989 shooting death of Officer Mark MacPhail. Learn more at www.troydavislives.com.

Copyright 2012 Delta Upsilon International Fraternity Inc.

Pennsylvania State Alan Piciacchio, Pennsylvania State ’89, achieved the level of Senior Technical Staff Member at IBM, a prestigious accomplishment within IBM’s technical community. Brother Piciacchio is on the PSUDU Alumni Board of Directors, currently serving as the secretary and chapter historian. Alan lives in Eastern New York with his wife Dawn and their two children. San Jose The Traveling Guy, Charles L. “Chuck” Miller, San Jose ’59 is on a 50-week, 50-state golf tour during which he is raising awareness and contributions for Wounded Warrior Project (WWP). Miller who is not affiliated with Wounded Warrior Project says “raising awareness and contributions during my golf tour is my way of giving back. I have great respect for what WWP does to help wounded combat veterans who have returned from Iraq and Afghanistan with severe injuries.” Except for flying to Alaska and Hawaii, Miller, who began his golfing odyssey in Arizona in January, is driving to and through every state. During his 50-week jaunt, each Saturday morning he is reporting about golf in the state he is visiting, the courses he played, and things to see and do in the state. His reports are being carried nationwide on the syndicated golf show, Real Golf Radio, co-hosted by Brian Taylor and Bob Casper, son of Hall of Fame golfer Billy Casper. While on his golf odyssey, Golfing the US with Chuck Miller, The Traveling Guy, Miller plans to visit Delta Upsilon chapters throughout the country. As an undergraduate at San Jose, Miller served in numerous capacities including rush chairman, chapter president and IFC president.

To learn more about how Wounded Warrior Project helps returning wounded Iraq and Afghanistan combat veterans, and have the opportunity to donate to their programs, Miller suggests a visit to www. WoundedWarriorProject. com. You can follow Miller on his tour by visiting his website, www.TheTravelingGuy.com and his weekly reports can be heard on Real Golf Radio each Saturday morning or by visiting their website, www. RealGolfRadio.com. South Carolina Matthew D. Washburn, South Carolina ’91 worked with several Georgia Tech DUs during the first annual Hawthorne Elementary School Hornet Hustle in September. Washburn was one of the organizers for the half-mile run/ walk/roll in Atlanta which raised $47,700 to benefit the Hawthorne PTA and Foundation.

Austin Sneed, Georgia Tech ’10, Ross Lucier, Georgia Tech ’14 and Sohan Chatterjee, Georgia Tech ’14 were among the DU brothers who volunteered to help Matthew Washburn, South Carolina ’91 with an elementary school fundraiser in Atlanta.

Submit your news, get additional alumni and chapter updates and sort through past submissions online at: www.deltau.org/news



Duck Tales People, places and events in our Fraternity’s history Compiled by Fraternity Historian Bill Briscoe, Purdue 1965, historian@deltau.org 75 years ago…

Christian B. Anfinsen, Jr. (right) receives the of 1972 Nobel Prize for chemistry.


J. Warren Madden, defends NLRB to House Committee, later wins challenge in the US Supreme Court which establishes the constitutionality of the NLRB; Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes, Brown 1881, cast the deciding vote.

Frederick H. Hauck, pilot on STS-7, monitors control panels shuttle flight deck in 1979.

Warren C. DuBois, Hamilton 1919, was elected President of DU Convention was held in Berkley, Calif. Prominent DUs from the class of 1937 include: George R. Hunter, Manitoba, Member of Parliament George A. “Banana George” Blair, Miami, Champion bare-foot water-skier Dr. Christian Boehmer Anfinsen, Jr., Swarthmore, 1972 Nobel Prize winner for chemistry W Farnsworth Fowle, Williams, Rhodes Scholar Alfred P. Sloan, Jr., Technology 1895, Chairman of the Board of General Motors, established the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation for economic research J. Warren Madden, Illinois 1911, First Chairman of the National Labor Relations Board, successfully won a challenge in the U.S. Supreme Court which established the constitutionality of the NLRB; Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes, Brown 1881, cast the deciding vote Capt. William W. Wood, Johns Hopkins 1922, named head football coach for Army Dr. Robert Cushman Murphy, Brown 1911, elected President of the National Association of Audubon Societies Edgar Bergen, Northwestern 1927, ventriloquist, and Franklin M. Kreml, Northwestern 1927, outstanding contributor to traffic safety; were both named as Top Ten Young Men of America for 1937 Clarence A. Dykstra, Chicago 1907, became president of University of Wisconsin Joseph P. Kennedy, Harvard 1912, appointed by the president to head the Maritime Commission Earl L. Shaner, Purdue 1914, named President of Penton Publishing Company

50 years ago…

Henry A. Federa, Louisville 1937, was elected President of DU Orville H. Read, Missouri 1933, was elected Board Chairman of DU Wilford A. Butler, Jr., Western Michigan 1961, named General Secretary of DU Convention was held in Cleveland OH Prominent DUs from the class of 1962 include: Galen S. Hall, Pennsylvania State, former University of Florida head football coach Col. Frederick R. Hauck, Tufts, NASA Astronaut Dr. Linus Carl Pauling, Oregon State 1922, awarded 1962 Nobel Prize for Peace, only person win Nobel Prizes in two different categories (other was for chemistry in 1954) Ron Husmann, Northwestern 1959, actor, opened in his third Broadway hit “All American” Foy D. Kohler, Ohio State 1931, appointed Ambassador to the USSR

25 years ago…

Long Beach and Bakersfield Chapters were established in 1987 Convention was held in Bloomington, Ind. Ted Boehm, Brown 1960, was CEO of the 10th Pan American Games held in Indianapolis Lawrence Downing, Iowa State 1958, began first full year as national president of the Sierra Club Sam Evans, Kansas 1964, named YMCA national board chairman


Alpha & Omega Alberta Lloyd G. Gillette 1955 Douglas J. Hertz 1981 Scott D. Reynolds 1990

Denison Clayton W. Murphy 1954 William I. Shorrock 1963 DePauw Lee Robert James 1964

Amherst Guy R. Mermier 1953

Hamilton Ralph W. Leavenworth 1942 Martin G. Linihan 1963

Arizona Terry L Sopko 1964 Frederick M. Spuhler 1963 Bowling Green Harland A. Lehtomaa 1950 Brown H. Clinton Davis 1945 John H. Gilbert 1941 Bucknell Lawrence P. Lawson 1948 Richard G. McGinnis 1968 California James F. Davidson 1948 Jerry W. Foster 1944 Barry L. O’Connor 1956

Johns Hopkins John Russo 1939

Kansas State Melvin C Cottom 1956

Chicago Eric W. Ellefsen 1985 Winston G. Slater 1933 Horace Williston 1945

Lehigh Malcolm F. McConnell 1942

Colby Melvin D. Phillips 1954 Donald E Wentworth 1950

Dartmouth Richard F Waddey 1949

Iowa State Robert A. Lawrence 1945 E. M Swanson 1945 John F. Vance 1953

Kansas A. Hartwell Jewell 1943 Lawrence T. Nelson 1951 Richard D. Wintermote 1951

Carnegie Morgan Brent Haick 2000

Cornell Ormond M. Hessler 1942

Indiana Richard E. Aikman 1941 William C. Hall 1944 Edward Wilson Lake 1950

Louisville Paul E. Disney 1951 Marietta James L. Edwards 1965 Clyde V. Ludington 1946 Maryland Robert W. Doyle 1990

Miami Edward J. Cassidy 1949 John F. Cassily 1969 John J. Haverfield 1945 Glen E. Marsteller 1943 Richard H Shepard 1946 Michigan Robert S. Lipton 1964 Joseph H. White 1936 Middlebury Jack C. Keir 1938 Minnesota John D. Gracie 1948 Donald L. Gustafson 1961 Robert B Moffatt 1962 James R. Peterson 1954 Paul W. Wilke 1950 Missouri Wayne V. Black 1959 Nebraska Dean W. Callan 1943 Ronald L. Krafka 1958 Charles B. Minnich 1937 Richard H. Smiley 1939 North Carolina Lawrence N. Gang 1975 Northern Illinois Grant C. Hagberg 1984 Northwestern Andrew Ludolph 1942 Ohio Nicholas E. Rehl 1969

Ohio State J. E Bush 1938 Albert F. Lehmann 1951

Stanford Raymond M. Hunter 1966

David H. C. Yerex 1949 Wichita W. A. Bonwell 1949

Swarthmore J. P. Hall 1955 Edward Jakle 1940 Willard R. Jarchow 1944 Walter L. Lukens 1948

Oklahoma Larry Joe Fulton 1961 Oklahoma State Todd D. Robichaux 1987

Williams William M. Heineman 1949 James E. Koegel 1939 Bruce Sundlun 1942

Syracuse Richard L. Burtless 1962 Richard G. Spry 1940

Oregon David C Silven 1937 Oregon State James W. Schwarz 1972

Wisconsin Robert E. Kempfert 1956 Robert R. Meuer 1941 Thomas R. Stephens 1944

Technology Arch H. Copeland 1938 Douglas A. Zingale 1972

Pennsylvania State Russell L. Miller 1956

Texas J. Gershom Pinkerton 1951

Purdue James L. Krum 1954 Richard A. McFarland 1954 John E. McPherson 1948 R. Scott Theissen 1950 Michael T. Verbich 1949

Tufts Charles E. Stearns 1939 Washington Paul E. Chilton 1944 Percy Lee Palfreyman 1956 Donald M. Travis 1960 John W. Wold 1944

Rochester Norman A. Amendola 1954 William P. Martin 1958

Washington & Lee Thomas U Gilleland 1945 Christen B. Henrichsen 1953

Rutgers George G. Green 1940 San Jose Roland E. Giannini 1953 Harold H. Houghton 1953

Washington State Michael J. Moore 1969 Western Michigan Douglas McGinnis 1958

Simpson Eugene R. Sturtz 1967

Western Ontario R. W. Charteris 1955 Bradley J. Dixon 1986 Harold C. Robinson 1950 W. Douglas Shales 1938

Southwest Missouri Jeffrey J. Tillman 1987

This list reflects notices received at Delta Upsilon International Headquarters between October 1 and December 31, 2011. Please notify the Fraternity of deceased brothers or any errors. Delta Upsilon International Headquarters 8705 Founders Road, Indianapolis, Indiana 46268 Phone: 317-875-8900 FAX: 317-876-1629 ihq@deltau.org www.deltau.org Memorial gifts may be directed to the Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation at the same address or online at www.duef.org.

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Contact Delta Upsilon International Headquarters at the address shown above, call 317-875-8900 or or email information to: ihq@deltau.org. Please include your full name, chapter and graduation year. Parents: Your son’s magazine is sent to his home address while he is in college. We encourage you to review it. If he is not in college and is not living at home, please send his new permanent address to: ihq@deltau.org.

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