DU Quarterly: Volume 110, No. 4

Page 1

Bruce S. Bailey Delta Upsilon's first President and Chairman of the Board

Delta Upsilon's new President and Chairman of the Board, Bruce S. Bailey, Denison' 58


aturday, August 1, 1992, was a busy day for the 83rd Assembly of Trustees. Not only did the Trustees adopt seven of eight legislative proposals, but they elected Bruce S. Bailey, Denison '58, as the Fraternity's first President and Chairman of the Board, (as per an Amendment to Article IV). Brother Bailey, a native of Sacramento, California, is currently Vice Chairman of Bane One, one of the largest banking institutions in the United States. He graduated from Denison University in 1958 with a degree in Economics, and continued his education at the American Institute of



Banking. He also participated in graduate programs at Rutgers, Harvard, and Columbia Universities. In 1975, Brother Bailey was chosen as Vice President and Branch Administrator of Ohio-based City National Bank, where he had previously been Assistant VicePresident. City National, which later was renamed Bane One Corporation, elected Bailey President and CEO of its Ravenna Branch just two years later. He then became President and Chairman of the Akron Branch. In 1990, he moved to Indiana to assume his current post. He is married to Sandra Sebrell, an active alumna of Delta Zeta Sorority, and has three children: Laura Lee, Valerie Catherine, and Raymond Lull II. Recognizing his many achievements, Brother Bailey is the recipient of numerous awards, including Columbus, Ohio's Ten Outstanding Young Men Award, Mansfield, Ohio Area Jaycees' Distinguished Service Award, the A. Z. Baker Outstanding Service Award from Rotary District 663, the Executive Order of Ohio Commodores Award from Governor Celeste, the Eagle Scout Honorary Sponsor Class of 1987, and the Wm. H. Spurgeon III Award from the Boy Scouts of America. Brother Bailey is truly a concerned, civic-minded citizen. He has been President or Chairman of II of the 27 organizations to which he belongs, has served as a past Treasurer for the International Fraternity, and has been a long time Trustee of the D.U. Educational Foundation. Delta Upsilon is fortunate to have Brother Bailey as its new President, as we look forward to an exciting year of growth. As Brother Bailey said in his speech at the Leadership Institute Alumni Dinner, "We must borrow from the spirit of the Olympics and make DU grow higher, faster, and stronger."

DELTA UPSILON ---_.... ----In this issue:



1992-93 Executive Staff Dedicated to the Future of DU


1992 Leadership Institute Kicking offfor '93


DU Alumni Honor Role Alumni and Fiends who gave generously to the Annual Campaigns


Alumni Bulletin Board "PAC Men" Attack Alumni Chapter Development

Also Inside


President's Club


DU Newsmakers


DU Donors


Alpha and Omega


On The Cover Brothers from the Washington Chapter proudly pose with the Sweepstakes Award presented to them by new DU President and Chairman of the Board, Bruce S. Bailey, Denison '58, (back row). This was the second consecutive year Washington has won Delta Upsilon's highest undergraduate honor.

DELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY, a publication of the Delta Upsilon Fraternity, founded in 1834, incorporated, December 10, 1909, under laws of the State of New York. Delta Upsilon International Fraternity Headquarters, P. O. Box 68942, Indianapolis, Indiana 46268. Headquarters is open from 8:30 to 5:00 p.rn., EST., Monday through Friday. Telephone 317-875-8900. DELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY (USPS 152-900) is published in January, April, July and October at 8705 Founders Road, Indianapolis, Indiana 46268. The subscription price (checks and money orders should be made payable to Delta Upsilon Fraternity) is $3.00 a year in advance; single copies 75¢. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Delta Upsilon Quarterly, P.O. Box 68942, Indianapolis, IN 46268-0942. Second-class postage paid at Indianapolis, Indiana. Ž T.M. Registered U. S. Patent Office.

Delta Upsilon begins the 1992-93 academic year with the best trained staff ever. Our six new staff members spent eight weeks during the summer immersed in Delta Upsilon's extensive training program, learning about the many facets of the fraternity world and the operation of Delta Upsilon. Joint training with the staffs from Lambda Chi Alpha, Theta Chi, and Delta Tau Delta also exposed our staff to many different issues and concerns in the interfraternity world, as well as to ideas and solutions for these problems. Completing nearly three years as Executive Director, Brother Steve Gerber, Northern Illinois '68, will be leading the staff as they carry out the goals and directives of the Fraternity's Board of Directors. Much of this year's focus will be centered around the implementation of the Fraternity's new Strategic Plan, which was adopted this spring. Major areas of concentration will include, membership growth through existing chapters and colonies, as well as the addition of new colonies. Emphasis will also be placed on the development of effective alumni chapters. The establishment of the position of Province Alumni Coordinators to work with alumni chapters will also be a priority, as well as continued emphasis in areas ofloss prevention and risk management.

Derek Tubbs

Dennis Foley

Brother Derek M. Tubbs, Texas A&Al '92, received a Bachelor of Arts degree in

Economics with a minor in Finance. While at A&M, Brother Tubbs was an honor student as well as a leader in his chapter. As President, he provided the motivation and leadership necessary for our chapter at Texas A&M to become installed in the Fall of '9 I. Brother Tubbs' other interests include Country and Western dancing, golf and running. Brother Dennis P. Foley, Union '92, earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology. While at Union, he served as President, Social Chairman, and Rush Chairman of Delta Upsilon's oldest active chapter. In addition, Brother Foley was the Captain of Union College's Lacrosse

Paul Bolger

Thomas Durein

Team during his senior campaign, and was a three-year member of the varsity football team. Brother Paul Bolger, Alberta '92, graduated with distinction from the University of Alberta with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Economics. Brother Bolger served his chapter as Vice-President of Member Education, and was the Vice President of the University of Alberta Interfraternity Council. Brother Bolger is not only an avid hockey player, but also enjoys an occasional eight to ten mile run. Paul is the third Canadian to work for the International Fraternity. Thomas F. Durein, Oregon State '92, is the Fraternity's new Expansion Manager. His responsibilities include researching potential expansion sites, working with in-

terested groups and individuals in the colonization process, and laying groundwork for future expansion opportunities. Brother Durein graduated from Oregon State University with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management. While at Oregon State, Brother Durein served as VicePresident of Activities and held numerous positions within his chapter. In addition, Brother Durein served as a coordinator with the OSU Memorial Union Program Council as a special advisor for Interfraternity Council Sing, as well as facilitated the New Student Program's Freshman Orientation Classes. Brent W. Scobie, Maine '92, is serving as the Fraternity's Alumni Activities Manager. In this role, Brother Scobie is responsible for the enhancement and development of quality alumni chapters and clubs, as well as the revision of all alumni related material. He will also assist in the writing and production of the monthly "DU Dialogue" and Delta Upsilon Quarterly magazine. Brother Scobie graduated from the University of Maine where he received a Bachelor of Arts in English with a concentration in expository writing. He was both Treasurer and President of his chapter. Brother Scobie also enjoys running, racquetball and thrashing through the woods on his mountain bike.

Brent Scobie

Jeff Dickson

Jeffrey A. Dickson, Bucknell '90, is in his third year with Delta Upsilon and is serving as the Fraternity's Assistant Executive Director. Previously, Brother Dickson served as Alumni Relations Director and as the Fraternity's first Director of Risk Management. In his new role, Jeff is responsible for both chapter services and risk management. Brother Dickson graduated from Bucknell University with a Bachelor of Arts in English. During his four years in Lewisburg, he served as Treasurer of his chapter, as a senior intern in the Bucknell Admissions Office and earned four varsity letters as a member of the University's nationally ranked water polo team. Brother Gregory Klecan, Oregon '92, received a Bachelor of Arts in History. Dur- .


Greg Klecan

ing his four years in Eugene, Brother Klecan served as President and Scholarship Chairman of his Chapter. In addition, he served for one term as an undergraduate member of the International Fraternity's Board of Directors.

158th C LEADE A

Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation Executive Director, Richard M. Holland, Syracuse '83, spoke with undergraduates on Fund Raising.

s the sun rose above the palm trees, nearly 300 undergraduates and alumni from the United States and Canada assembled for the Fraternity's 158th Annual Convention and Leadership Institute in Miami, Florida, held at the Doral Resort and Country Club. In order to prepare its chapters for coming challenges, Delta Upsilon once again provided its members with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed by offering one of the best educational programs in the fraternity world. While daytime temperatures peaked in the 90s, the resort's luxurious accommodations became the site for over 45 sessions presented by 30 faculty and staff members on topics ranging from "multiculturalism," to "using the campus Greek advisor."

Will Keirn Kicks Off Program

leadership Consultant, Dennis Foley, Union '92, answers an undergraduate's questions between sessions at the leadership Institute.



Will Keirn, Pacific '75, began the first round of the 1992 Leadership Institute and Convention in his typical upbeat and inspirational fashion; "We can change the world, we can make a contribution, justice our foundation." He urged us to practice what we preach, and live up to our ideals in order to combat alcohol and drug problems, sexual abuse, hazing, and poor scholarship. Brother Keirn reminded us that, as DUs, we are obligated to live up to our principles and contribute to society. We cannot accept mediocrity. Following Brother Keirn's remarks, Walter Kimbrough, a distinguished member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, described what it was like to be a minority student on a college or university campus.

He spoke on the importance of looking past an individual's physical appearances to seek the true person inside. Brotherhood presents itself everywhere, and in order to ensure our survival, we must rekindle love for all people, not just those who look and act like us. Because our population is expected to be 40 percent minority by the year 2020, fraternities must learn to be proactive and more accepting of others.

Educational Sessions For the first time, Delta Upsilon was honored to have Mrs. Eileen Stevens kick off the opening session on hazing to a captive audience of undergraduates, alumni, and staff. Mrs. Stevens, whose son, Chuck, was killed in a hazing accident in 1978, has waged a war since then to eliminate all hazing from Greek life. Her message was simple: "Hazing in any form has no place in any fraternity. It defeats the spirit and friendship that Greeks represent and violates the very premise on which we were founded." Stevens reminded us that, as fraternity men, we are under society's microscope and therefore, must be visible in every positive way. She reiterated Brother Keirn's point that we must stick to our principles of leadership, friendship and brotherhood. We must also think about the consequences of our actions. "If Greek life is to remain in existence, it must get rid of hazing in every chapter." Other sessions focused on the AIDS crisis, time management, nonalcoholic social events, rejuvenating weak chapters, and best rushing techniques. Additional time slots were available for chapters to meet individually with Fraternity Professionals and members of the Board of Directors to discuss topics of their choice.

Mrs. Eileen Stevens, founder of C.H.U.C.K., made her first presentation at a DU Convention to nearly 300 undergraduates, alumni, faculty, and stall.

Undergraduates and alumni listen attentively to one of 45 sessions presented at the 1992 Leadership Inslilute.

Alumni Programming As the undergraduates interacted with each other and made new friends from chapters around the United States and Canada, alumni did the same. Sessions like "Dynamic Alumni Chapters" facilitated by Board member Nick Giorgianni, Kent State '56, gave alumni the opportunity to share ideas on how to improve re-

Brother Bernard Franklin, Kansas State '75, gave an inspiring presentation on "Change and the Fraternity World" to delegates and alumni on Saturday night.

(continued on pg. 56)



Letthe games begin! Delegates race around a palm tree in the first phase of the pyramidbuilding compelilion.

The DU Games gave Brothers an opportunity to putton one of America's finest golf courses.

(continued from page 55) lations with undergraduates through joint projects and newsletters, and how to improve chapter house living conditions through better chapter management.

DU Games

Past Chairman of the Board, Maurice S. Mandel, Chicago '55, gives his report to the Annual Assembly of Trustees on Saturday.

Undergraduates and alumni enjoy dinner and a special program Friday night presented by The Honorable Judge Terry Bullock, Kansas State '61.



With the '92 Olympics as incentive, 12 teams of delegates clad in color-coded Leadership Institute T-shirts, competed for the gold in the 3rd Annual DU Games. Despite the heat, the DU games brought men together in an informal setting that provided more than a few laughs. Competitions included a water balloon toss, pyramid building, a putting contest as well as a torturing sit-up and push-up challenge. Our Brothers on the "Sea-mist green" team were crowned with the gold later that evening at the Convention Dinner.

Convention Dinner Judge Terry Bullock, Kansas State '61 keynoted the Convention Dinner, detailing the make up of a DU man. Bullock says our Brother is one who appreciates the sciences, as well as the arts. He enjoys sport, but also music and literature. He is . a leader, a creator, and can anticipate obstacles, and the? prepare himself to meet them. He understands others and is willing to care for them. He is one of the handful selected to represent our Fraternity, and is dedicated to making it great. On Saturday, the 83rd Assembly of Trustees elected Bruce S. Bailey, Denison '58, as President and Chairman of the Board (as per an Amendment to Article IV adopted by the Convention and Assembly). Brother Bailey is currently the

Vice Chairman of Bane One, one of the largest banking corporations in the United Sta tes. Carroll Lurding, Ohio State ' 59, was elected as Vice President; Craig J . Fran z F.S.C., Bucknell ' 75, will serve a seco nd term as Secretary; and John B. Parks, DePau w '63, will serve a fou rth term as Treas urer. T he Undergraduat e Advi sory Board (UGA B) elected Jam ie Watt s, Lo uisvi lle '93 , an d Pete r Colegrove, Pennsylvan ia '93 , as undergraduate members of the Board . Th e 158th Convention and 83rd Assembly adopted seven of eight legislative proposals that were considered. These changes were designed to help streamline Delt a Upsilon at the undergrad uate and Int ern at ional leve l. Th is actio n will increas e efficiencies of cost and use of our manpow er while helping Delta Upsilon to become more respons ive and competitive. T he 1992 Lead ership Inslitute came to a dramatic close Sunday morning as delegates came together one last time for the prese ntation of Annual Awards. With Executive D irector, Steve Gerber, on th e mike, an d hund reds o f DU anxio usly looking on, Delta Upsilon's best chapters proceeded to the front of the roo m. Despite a close race between Wis consin , Ka nsas State, Washington and Bradley as finalists , our Was hington Chap ter receive d the Sweepstakes Award for the secon d consecutive year. T he 1992 Institute, was a great success for un dergradua tes and alumni alike tha nks to genero us funding from the Delta Upsilon Educa tio nal Founda tion . Next year's program will be held in Indianapolis at the Hyatt Regency. We look forward to seeing everyone there.



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• An amendment to By-laws Article III, Section 8 raises the amount the General Fraternity reimburses chapters for travel to the Convention from 12 to 24 cents one-way mileage.


• An amendment to Article IV updates the Fraternity By-Laws to reflect the current undergraduate officer organization, as outlined according to the Seven Stars format.


• Revisions to Constitution Article IV include combining the positions of President and Chairman of the Board into one position, a description of the Executive Director's duties in the Constitution, and reinstituting the position of Vice President of the Board.




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C' Undergraduates bid farewell to the Doral Resorl as the 1992 Leadership Institute came to a close Sunday morning.

• An amendment to By-laws Article VII, Section 4 calls for a shorter time frame between the serving of notice for a hearing and the time of said hearing, whenever a member is to be expelled or suspended from the chapter.

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• A Constitutional amendment provides that the Alumni Assembly and Undergraduate Convention should meet in a joint session, with separate votes taken from each of the two houses. • An amendment to Constitution Article VI, Section 1, changes the procedure by which men become graduate members of the Fraternity. • Finally, it was recommended to the Law Committee that a complete review of the Constitution and By-Laws be undertaken in order to clarify their intent and remove ambiguities and contradictions.



Sweepstakes Award: • Washington Sweepstakes Award Finalists: • Washington • Bradley • Kansas State • Wisconsin Trustees' Award for Excellence: First Place: Nebraska Second Place: Oregon State Third Place: Illinois Jeff Gotsch and Scott Hider, Indiana '93, along with Mike Frisoli, Tufts '93, proudly display their President's Club Awards.

Trustees' Award for Improvement: First Place: Michigan State Second Place Pennsylvania Third Place: Pennsylvania State Directors' Award for Excellence: First Place: DePauw Second Place: Kansas Third Place: Western Illinois Directors' Award for Improvement: First Place: Arkansas Second Place: Union Third Place: North Carolina State

Outgoing Chairman of the Board Maurice S. Mandel, Chicago '55, presents an Iron Duck Award to representatives from the Chicago Chapter, Leo Kowalyk '94, and Mike Sepanik '95.

Presidents' Award for Excellence: First Place: Northern Iowa Second Place: Culver-Stockton Third Place: Swarthmore

Presidents' Award for Improvements: First Place: Tufts Second Place: Colgate Chapter Advertising Award: • Oregon State Chapter Publications Award: • Illinois Community Relations Project: • Pennsylvania Financial Management Award: • Western Illinois Menninger Award: • Kansas Pledge Education Award: • Oregon State Public Relations Award: • Bradley Scholarship Improvement Award: • Western Illinois Order of the Iron Ducks: • Denison Colony • Chicago • Union Academic Excellence Award (Ranked #1): • Denison Colony, DePauw, Houston, North Dakota, South Dakota, Western Illinois Academic Achievement Awards (above AMA and AFA): • Bradley, Bucknell, Florida, Indiana, Kansas State, Missouri, Nebraska, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania State, Rochester, San Diego, Santa Barbara, Southwest Missouri, Tennessee, Wisconsin Academic Honorable Mention (above AFA): • Arlington, Creighton, Kansas, Kent State, Marietta, Northern Colorado, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Purdue, San Jose, Syracuse, Texas

Bernard Franklin, Kansas State '76, presents Kansas State representatives with a Sweepstakes Finalist Award. 58


Delta -"-~n Upsilon 4000 0000 000 'i{ifNi 12/99 CT!








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eany It ~dh Pride.



he names of our most generous alumni and friends appear below. These people are responsible for over 41% of our total funds raised between July I, 1991 and

i!wiC;8M!!!;i~i~;!!~Ju~\n;;~e 30, 1992. These are the Brothers and

U who lead the way for others ey have given at least $100 to to fo o. our two Ed. cational Foundations (US and Canada) in the past fiscal year. If your name does not appear below, ase reflect on the value of your experiin DU. Joining the President's Club creates leadership opportunities for ndergraduate Brothers now. Your ill provide those opportunities, and e a new legion of leaders for the of tomorrow. Send your tax-deductft to the address on page 65. Many s.

s A. Garfield Circle $t,OOO or more} · d, Kansas '58 '60 Michigan '61 British Columbia '68 F. Crawford, Chicago '33, in memory of Orville H. , Missouri '33 · Gerber, Northern Illinois '68, T. Giorgianni , Kent State '56 Hahner, Rutgers '78 Heizer, Jr., Northwestern '51 · Jennings, Marietta '31 Long, Ohio State '32 Lund, San Jose '55 Lurding, Ohio State '59 . Mandel, Chicago '55 a, Miami '29 Institute Participants in memory of Orville H.Read, Missouri '33 elson Schaenen, Jr., Cornell '50 diana '41 ., Chicago '43 higan '52

es Evans Hughes Circle (gifts of $500 to $999) · Acaster, Pennyslvania '44 uston '77 h Carolina '68 David L. Cole, Wilmington '72 · Dahlsgaard, Jr., Bradley '63 · Edgar, Alberta '55 . Ferguson, British Columbia '62 Gillette, Alberta '54 ell, Jr., Missouri '51 M. Holland, Syracus '83 H. Karl Huntoon, Illinois '72 Howard Kahlenbeck, Jr., Indiana '52 Donald L. Lightfoot, Jr. Western Michigan '56 David C. Lovell, Iowa State '50 Dave Maguire, Southern Illinois '73 Richard C. Marx, Pennsylvania '54 Charles D. Miller, Johns Hopkins '49 John B. Parks, DePauw '63 W. Allen Perry, Iowa State '27



The DU leadership Institute faculty consists of loyal and dedicated alumni who volunteer their time and talents, Arthur L. Rice, Jr., Illinois '36 Paul E. Rosenthal. Florida '73 Henry B. Roth, Union '30 Christopher Saricks, Kansas '70 The Charles T. and Marion M. Thompson Foundation Robert L. Tyburski, Colgate '74 William Wallace III, Union '48 John T. Weisel, Oregon '48 Eugene A. Wright, Washington '34

Alfred P. Sloan Circle (gifts of $400 to $499) Frank F. Abercrombie, Rochester '28 David E. Chambers, Arizona '60 Louis A. Pietro, Western Reserve'49 John J. Reese, Colorado '85 Robert F. Stuhr, Oregon '41 Herbert K. Taylor, Jr., Swarthmore '27 Stephen L. Wallenhaupt, North Carolina '74 W. Robert Wilmore, Western Reserve '46

James S. McDonnell Circle (gifts of $250 to $399) Lawrence F. Armstrong, Technology '28 Bruce S. Bailey, Denison '58 Curtiss L. Beebe, Washington '35 John E. Berry, Bradley '87 William W. Boyd, Northwestern '48 Bartlett C. Brewster, Colorado '77 Donald R. Buroker, Colorado '72 Anthony B. Cashen, Cornell '57 Edward R. Crater, Ohio State '78 Harry A. Crawford, Ohio State'47 Joseph T. Derry, Pennsylvania '51 Jere W. Fonda, Tufts '51 Richard F. Goebel. Lehigh '43 Gary J. Golden, Rutgers '74 John P. Grady, DePauw '38 Alan B. Grat, Indiana '51 William D. Greenberg, Western Ontario '43 Robert C. Haugh, Indiana '48 Robert E. Henderson, British Columbia '59 J. Kenneth Higdon, Kansas '47 Thomas R. Jacobs, '77 Samuel S. rolina '63 William L. J Egerton W. Ki

Robert J. Lafortune, Purdue '51 William H. Lawson, Purdue '50 L. Alexander Lovett, Harvard '33 Andrew J. Loyd, Oklahoma '82 Brock M. Lutz, Missouri '58 Richard S. Mann, Cornell '52 David L. Marston, Iowa '63 Edward C. McCobb, Michigan '23 R. Gordon McGovern, Brown '48 John Mott, Toronto '46 James R. Myers, Ohio State '38 Charles E. Nelson, Wisconsin '27 Bryant S. Procter, Illinois '44 John W. Rogers, Miami '57 . Samuel A. Santandrea, Rochester '56 C. Earl Schooley, Missouri '28 Neil D. Scott, Washington '24 Thomas E. Shultz, Rutgers '61 Wendell A. Smith, Johns Hopkins '54 George E. Snyder, Michigan State '57 Charles J. Steed, Jr., Bradley '50 Bruce C. Taylor, Bucknell '60, in memory of hisfather, William Peck Taylor, Cornell '25 Richard J. Thorpe, Syracuse '60 Robert J. Valdez, Nebraska '66 Pieter van den Akker, San Jose '57 Ben T. Walkingstick, Oklahoma '52 Paul W. Wilke, Jr., Minnesota '50 John H. Wolf, DePauw '39 Roger W. Wothe, Technology '58 Robert G. Yingling, Jr., Missouri '62 Richard T. Young, Washington '33

James B. Conant Circle (gifts of $200 to $249) Roy F. Allan, Lehigh '68 William N. Banks, Jr., Dartmouth '45 Harold D. Barker, Miami '50 Harvey Bartle, Jr., Pennsylvania '30 Herbert H. Boswau, Denison '55 James R. Boylan, Alberta '66 Richard N. Brandenburg, Washington State '55 John K. Braniff, Bucknell '86 Robert W. Brown, Purdue'46 Brian G. Cleary, Syracuse '84 Addison B. Clifford, Jr., Washington '35 Norman L. Cloutier, Syracuse '49 Richard Y. Coulton, Miami '54 Donald J. Covey, Washington '48 Allyn J. Crofts, Jr., Purdue '47 Paul H. Davis, Jr., Chicago '35 Richard L. Delano, Indiana '85 Paul B. Edgerley, Kansas State '78 Herbert P. Evert, Northwestern '56 Henry A. Fadara, Louisville '37 John W. Foreman, DePauw '33 Severance W. Gavitt, Northwestern '37 William R. Grant, Union '49 William N. Guthrie, Northwestern '52 Gerald A. Hale, Western Michigan '52 Jay R. Hamann, Minnesota '59 Benjamin L. Harper, Indiana '54 Richard A. Hegeman, Purdue '49 Neil H. Helman, Kent State '54 Thomas D. Henderer, Swarthmore '60 Patrick S. Hobin, California '59 Richard B. Huff, Purdue '62 Richard M. Ivey, Western Ontario '47 Travis H. Jackson, Technology '71 Paul A. Jon~~!. Northern Illinois '76 Austin H. Kipli~ger ell '39


Eldred D. Kuppinger, Ohio State '33 Campbell T. lamont, Western Ontario'47 Bruce T. lindley, Toronto '35 Thomas l. Mark!, Carnegie '70 John Marko, Alberta, '58 lewis A. Maroti, lehigh '58 Michael A. Menius, North Carolina '68 Raymond S. Noonan, Middlebury '21 Ronald A. Pigott, Toronto '52 Thomas J. Pinson III, Purdue '81 R. J. Provan, Alberta '71 Charles D. Prutzman, Pennsylvania State '18 Kenneth D. Reeds, Iowa '53 Wendell l. Richards, Oklahoma State '77 Charles W. Roberts, lehigh '27 Denis A. Robitaille, Syracuse '82 Paul A. Rose, Guelph '89 Edward A. Rosenfeld, Oregon State'42 Edwin Salisbury, Syracuse '40 J. Curtis Shake, DePauw'40 James C. Shaw, Ohio State'49 William B. Shepard, Cornell '31 William S. Smeltzer, Syracuse '58 James E. Soos, Iowa State '58 Glenn M. Sowa, Northern Illinois '70 Max D. Stewart, Alberta '41 Walter A. Thurber, Union '33 Peter A. Tuohy, Washington '53 William K. Ulerich, Pennsvylania State '31 William H. VanVoast, Syracuse '28 Ronald S. Walcisak, Wisconsin '74 Michael G. Wood, Cornell '64 JackJ. Yirak, Iowa State '40 James A. Zurbrigen, Technology '53

Edgar Bergen Circle (giftsof $150 to $199)

leland J. Adams, Jr., Bucknell '64 Robert H. Adler, Wisconsin'46 George A. Blair, Miami '37 Paul J. Bodine, Jr., Northwestern '50 Herbert S. Botsford, California '53 Burrill W. Bresemann, Washington State'43 Herbert Brownell, Nebraska '24 Raymond G. Bruckman, Miami '49 Kirk D. Carlson, Technology '77 lucien Caruso, Jr., Northwestern '65 Robert J. Casper, Wisconsin '65 Charles V. Cecil, Georgia Tech '64 C. William Christensen, Jr., Syracuse '55 Philip N. Christiansen, South Dakota '75 T. Nathan Christilaw, Toronto '43 Jonathan E. Cohen, Colorado '83 Jack H. Copple, Purdue '36 Peter E. Costich, Dartmouth'49 Thomas W. Darling, Syracuse '81 James F. Davidson, Jr., California '48 Julian l. Dawson, Jr., Oklahoma '35 Robert J. DeGange, Michigan '67 Dallas l. D'hondt, Bradley '55 Raymond B. Dhue, Michigan State '68 William A. Diament II, Pennsylvania State '31 Jeftrey A. Dickson, Bucknell '90 Ross Dobberteen, Michigan State '52 John J. Douglas, Wisconsin '39 James F. Duryea II, Clarkson '81 John R. Dytman, Syracuse '71 George P. Edmonds, Technology '26 Charles D. Eldridge III, Michigan '60 John J. Enders, Jr., Washington State '39 John H. Eyler, Jr., Washington '69 James W. Fields, San Jose '66 Joseph E. Fluet, Jr., North Carolina '65 Howard W. Folsom, Wisconsin '30 Robert G. Foy, Denison '50 J. William Frank III, lehigh '68 P. David Franzetta, Michigan State '70

C. Norman Frees, DePauw '36 Albert W. Frink, U.C.l.A. '38 John M. Gibson, Indiana '42 Robert C. Gimlin, Purdue '42 William R. Gordon, Kansas State '60 Edward Groth, Jr., Rutgers '48 Thomas D. Hansen, Iowa State '79 Cameron G. Harman, Jr., Ohio State '59 Steven M. Harms, Arlington '81 H. John Hawkinson, Iowa '35 John F. Herma, Rutgers '70 John R. Hilborn, DePauw '51 Randall A. Hoover, Michigan State '88 Troy E. Horine, Kansas State '80 W. Robert Howell, California '41 Melvin H. Iverson, Washington '48 Alan C. Jeveret, Bowling Green '59 Aldie E. Johnson, Jr., Iowa State '47 Richard E. Johnson, Michigan State '54 Scott A. Johnson, Washington '80 G. Seely Johnston, Illinois '24 Mark S. Jones, Arlington '75 William G. Kagler, Syracuse '54 Robert D. Kayser, California '46 John D. Kenlon, Biwling Green '54 Rodney P. Kirsch, North Dakota '78 H. E. Klemp, Kansas '26 Matthew A. Klein, Cornell '71 Jerome G. Kralis, Purdue '51 Thomas P, Kroehler, Purdue '53 Robert l. landers, Jr., Maryland '69 Richard E. lemmon, Wichita '62 Robert M. loch, Nebraska '54 J. Richard lombardi, Colorado '61 Charles E. MacDonald, Michigan State '64 Robert J. Martin, Washington '59 Stephen C. Martinelli, California '52 Raymond E. Mason, Jr., Dhio State '41 Alexander H. McConnell II, DePauw '58 lee A. McConnell, Indiana '80 Harold E. McGurk, Jr., Creighton '86 Donald l. McKelvey, Missouri '32 John E. Meyer, Kansas '50 Eddie D. McNew, Denison '54 Edward C. Miley, Washington State '35 Michael G. Mitchell, Texas '65 William C. Moodie, Jr., lehigh'47 Bruce l. Moore, Michigan State '60 Alfred W. Morris, Jr., Arizona '60 Grayson l. Moss, Purdue '47 Donald J. Moulin, California '53 Philip C. Musgrave, Colgate '34 Ross W. Nager, Texas '75 Victor T. Neff, Missouri '66 W. Peterson Nelson, Texas '59 Warren P. Nesbitt, Wisconsin '76 Robert W. Newell, DePauw '34 John Nixon III, Michigan '79 Sylvanus W. Nye, Hamilton, '52 C. Esco Obermann, Iowa '26 Reginald B. Oliver, San Jose '61 Harry Pawlik, North Carolina '54 Gary W. Pestello, Minnesota '64 Joe H. Petty, DePauw '36 Neal R. Popham, Purdue '54 Michael J. Raskin, Washington '83 James R. Reid, lehigh '56 John A. Riggs, Jr., Missouri '30 James S. Roberts, Florida '63 Stephen K. Rowley, Ohio '65 Jerry D. Rozak, Michigan State '62 John D. Rathbun, Miami '74 Don E. Schlitt, Michigan State '64 Donald E. Seghi, Bradley '51 Harwood Shepard, Jr., Syracuse '64 William E. Sperling III, Rutgers '35 Oavid R. Stanton, Kansas '65

Robert V. Stephens, Indiana '61 Joseph G. Stockman, North Dakota '86 Donald W. Strickland, Marietta '66 George S. Studle, Washington State '57 Robert S. Sundt, Swarthmore '50 Edwin J. Taft, North Carolina '61 Mark C. Taylor, Florida '82 Franklyn H. Tormoen, Minnesota '30 Raymond C. Tuthill, Jr., Union '50 William H. Vaughn, Missouri '57 Clyde W. VonGrimmenstein, Purdue '49 Allan A. Warrack, Alberta '61 James W. Westaway, Toronto '34 James V. White, Michigan '50 Wayne W. Wiese, Wisconsin '75 Richard F. Williams, louisville '67 Jack R. Winters, Washington '81 James F. Zboyovsky, Pennsylvania State '51

Charles G. Dawes Circle (gifts of $100 to $149)

Ronald C. Abbott, Kansas State '61 Fred E. Aengst, Michigan '57 E. Daniel Albrecht, Arizona '59 John M. Alex, Colby '50 Charles l. Allen, Michigan State '55 Edwin M. Allmendinger, Michigan '44 James A.Allums, Texas '59 A. W. Altorfer, Jr., Illinois '43 Paul R. Altringer, North Dakota State '85 larry W. Amos, Washington State '68 Stephen J. Anderson, Northern Iowa '79 Walter E. Anderson, Jr., South Carolina '84 Allen Andrews, Michigan '39 Allen H. Andrews, Jr., Illinois '54 Anonymous Edmond F. Anzalone, Delaware '72 Thomas W. Arvin, San Jose '53 Maurice D. Ashbury, Virginia '27 J. Carter Bacot, Hamilton '55 Matthew A. Baer, Wisconsin '80 Howard J. Bargreen, Washington '66 John M. Barr, Miami '68 William J. Barrett, DePauw '61 R. D. Bartholomew, Bradley '53 Scott R. Bayman, Florida '68 Thomas P. Bays, Oregon State'42 Donn R. Bearden, California '55 Rodney F. Beckwith, Cornell '57 Halden M. Beers, Carnegie '35 George O. Bell, Purdue '37 James G. Bell, Calgary '93 Thomas H. Bennett, Middlebury '41, in memory of Orville H. Read, Missouri '33 James D. Bergstrom, Illinois '55 Charles S. Biggs III, Pennsylvania '55 Gregory J. Bjerke, North Dakota '75 James l. Blackwell, Texas '65 Hartley O. Blaha, Virginia '87 Walter S. Blair, Oklahoma '51 Stephen M. Blaising, Indiana '81 Stephen E. Blakley, Indiana '65 George A. Bolas, Michigan '36 Thomas R. Books, Miami '53 Andrew J. Bosman, South Carolina '91 Robert A. Bowen, Western Reserve '48 Michael G. Boylan, Bradley '69 leo R. Brammer, Jr., Oklahoma '47 Barry N. Branstrom, Northern Illinois '69 Kelley J. Brennan, Marietta '64 Arnold W. Brewer, Western Ontario '38 Philip N. Bridges, Wesleyan '37 Harry N. Briggs, Missouri '51 Richard A. Brizee, Washington'49 Mark W. Broda, Clarkson '68 Walter R. Brookhart, Virginia '71 Earl S. Browning, Iowa '37 DELTA UPSILON QUARTERLYjOCTOBER 1992



William A. Bruck, Arlington '72 Keith B. Bruening, Iowa State '80 Wayne P. Buckmiller, Creighton '71 John c. Buist, Wisconsin '53 Harry R. Burkman, Western Ontario '76 Benjamin T. Burson III, Georgia Tech '65 Richard O. Butler, Oklahoma '78 George l. Camberis, Wisconsin '78 Ralph A. Cann III, Johns Hopkins '65 lawrence R. Cantor, Syracuse '84 Paul G. Cantor, Alberta '62 Robert O. Carrell, Washington State '76 John S. Carruthers, Western Ontario '55 William l. Carter, Florida '71 Douglas A. Cassens, Kent State '68 Mitch Castor, Kansas State '85 R. Thomas Cawrse, Miami '66 Allen V. Cellars, Oregon '47 Edward G. Chandler, California '26 Clark G. Channing, California '58 Thomas W. Cheney, Nebraska '36 Donald A. Chew, Kansas State '81 Joseph W. Ciatti, Oregon '64 Brian G. Clark, Toronto '69 Raymond O. Clutter, DePauw '39 Clyde S. Coffel, Illinois '28 Clement T. Cole, Carnegie '79 Ward K. Cole, Washington '43 larry J. Coleman, North Dakota '83 Jan M. Collins, Kansas '61 Robert E. Collins, Eastern Kentucky '74 Ross C. Collver, British Columbia '60 William J. Connolly, Michigan '51 Warren A. Cook, Dartmouth '23 Joseph D. Corcoran, lehigh '84 John B. W. Corey, Washington '34 Philip A. Corey, Ohio State '48 Curtiss E. Crippen, Minnesota '30 Dale Crouter, Toronto '70 H. Richard Crowther, Technology '54 James W. Culpepper, Missouri '57 Daniel J. Cummings, Kansas '79 Edward H. Cumpston, Jr., Cornell & Technology '44 Bernard A. Dahlem, louisville '51 Alfred W. Dalcher, Kent State '57 J. W. Dalton, Jr., North Carolina '59 Robert H. Damm, Syracuse '58 William R. Daniel, Virginia '67 Ned P. Darling, Oregon State' 42 Paul M. Davis, Colorado '91 Raymond S. Davis, Jr., Michigan '47 Anthony P. DeJulius, Pennsylvania State '56 John A. Delaney, Florida '77 Jeffrey M. Dempsey, Nebraska '89 Ralph J. Denton, Missouri '33 in memory of Orville H. Read, Missouri '33 Kurt DeVries, Syracuse '82 A. H. Dickson, Toronto '32 Richard H. Dinsmore, louisville '66 Eldon M. Dixon, Syracuse '40 Roger M. Donlon, California '50 F. Jules Druetzler, Marietta '63 Richard l. Duffield, Colgate '37 Charles F. Dugan II, Miami '60 James H. DuMond, Jr., Pacific '66 John K. Dunlap, Texas '73 Wallace E. Ellifritt, Purdue' 45 Charles R. Epperson, DePauw '59 Stewart T. Evans, Michigan '56 David R. Eagleson, Miami' 44 , Rochester '91 bert, Wisconsin '63 hrlich, Missouri' 7 E1seroad, . Erickson . Erlandso



Dennis A. Ferrazzano, Johns Hopkins '68 James R. Filip, Oklahoma State '63 Thomas S. Filip, Oklahoma '69 David S. Fish, Syracuse '80 Daniel E. Fitzgerald, Purdue '49 Gerald F. Fitzgerald, Northwestern '49 Jonathan M. Fletcher, Iowa '35 Paul E. Flohr, Ohio State '36 C. Richard Ford, Jr., Michigan '44 John E. Forester, Wisconsin '33 Richard M. Forester, Wisconsin '31 Raymond A. Forsthoffer, Northwestern '70 Donald M. Forsyth, Union '20 John D. Foster, Purdue '65 Rex B. Foster III, Iowa '77 Don R. Frank, Iowa '45 John E. Fraser, San Jose '55 Charles H. Free, Purdue '31 E. Hartley Freeman, Union '25 P. Noel Freesh, Tennessee '70 Otto J. Frohnmayer, Oregon '29 Richard F. Gabriel, lehigh '51 William J. Gaddis, Missouri '57 Arch J. Galloway, Kansas '34 Richard M. Garfinkel, Miami '68 Marvin l. Gear, Kansas '17 Joseph Gibson, Kent State '68 Thomas J. Gillespie, louisville '53 Robert D. Gillette, Miami '52 William N. Godfrey, Miami '58 Benjamin A. Goodin, Missouri '39 Robert J. Goodwin, Tennessee '72 Elmer C. Grage, Chicago '27 Wilbur R. Grant, Iowa State '27 Hugh W. Gray, Nebraska '34 R. Nathan Greene, Kansas State '58 Burton E. Greenwood, Johns Hopkins '51 R. S. Greenwood, California'48 Gary W. Gregory, Arlington '77 lewis D. Gregory, Kansas '75 Richard P. Gregory, British Columbia '69 Thomas A. Griffith, Jr., Washington State '50 Russell l. Grundhauser, North Dakota '83 Mrs. Marmaduke V. Grove in memory of Marmaduke V. Grove, Kansas' 42 Dan Habighorst, Wisconsin '65 Reginal S. Hall, Technology '22 William C. Hall, Indiana' 44 Albert B. Hallstrom, Washington State '40 Erwin H. Hansen, Nebraska '3D Ralph H. Harder, San Jose '54 Herbert P. Harkins, lafayette '34 H. Vincent Harsha, Iowa'42 Myron A. Hartwig, Michigan '68 Jay A. Hathaway, Kansas State '80 Raymond G. Haun, Syracuse '27 Robert E. Hayes, Indiana '48 Gregory l. Haymond, Oklahoma '77 Stewart l. Hayward, Oregon' 41 Donald R. Heacock, North Carolina '64 Melvin D. Heckt, Iowa'46 Gary A. Hedge, Illinois '68 Donald H. Heile, Purdue '46 David E. Henderson, Georgia Tech '69 Edward D. Henderson, Swarthmore '40 William D. Henderson, Tufts '14 Thomas H. Henkle, U.C.l.A. '50 George F. Hensel, DePauw '52 Timothy R. Herbert, Iowa State '82 Charles J. Herro, Wisconsin '43 C. Herron, South Carolina '88 P. Hershhorn, Rutgers '72 ad J. tate '84

Hershel l. Hobson, Oklahoma State '67 Merle A. Hodges, Kansas '55 Thomas R. Hodgson, Purdue '63 Aron H. Hoffman, San Jose '67 R. DeWayne Holman, San Jose '64 John D. Holschuh, Sr., Miami '48 Dennis A. Holt, Brown '65 Robert D. Hortin, Missouri '61 Paul D. Horvath, Northern Illinois '88 Charles O. Hosterman, Jr., Tufts '32 Philip l. Houser, Illinois '75 William W. Howe, Cornell '42 Gene l. Hudson, Indiana '51 Harold B. Hummelt, California '61 Richard K. Humphries, Jr., Colorado '69 Robert C. Hunt, Nebraska '41 Phillip E. Hurley, Oklahoma '64 Edward A. Hutchinson, Wichita '43 William l. Hysom, Kansas '62 Terry A. Jackson, McGill '69 Richard G. Jacobus, Wisconsin '51 Jamille G. Jamra, Northwestern '38 Edwin R. Jarmain, Toronto '30 John B. Jeans, Jr., Missouri '53 Nils P. Johnson, Ohio State' 43 O. Kepler Johnson, Jr., Kansas '52 Orville E. Johnson, Washington State '39 Alfred H. Jones, Illinois '33 Clifton C. Jones, Kansas State '77 John M. Kalbfleisch, Oklahoma '52 Keith O. Kaneta, Washington '59 Stephen G. Katsinas, Illinois '78 John S. Kaufman, lehigh'46 Patrick M. Kenady, Oklahoma '66 Fred l. Kerr, Pennsylvania State '59 Scott W. Killinger, Nebraska '61 Stephen B. King, Virginia '69 Paul A. Klinefelter, North Carolina State '80 Paul J. Kluempers, Indiana '84 Norman S. Knauss, Miami '53 Charles R. Knight, Western Ontario '55 James H. Knorr, Kansas '31 Semon E. Knudsen, Technology '36 George A. Knutsen, Oregon State '31 John H. Hopischke, Minnesota '57 Gene Koski, New York' 43 Ronald R. Kovener, Indiana '55 Martin Krasnitz, Chicago '57 David A. Krebs, Miami '80 William C. Krommenhoek, Nebraska '57 Charles R. Kurtak, Washington State' 42 Edward l. Lach, Jr., North Carolina State '79 Andris l.aeis, Purdue '64 Richard W. lamp, Purdue '49 William G. Landess, Kansas '53 John C. landis, Purdue '35 Gregory C. larson, Syracuse '83 Mrs. Edward l. lascher in memory of Edward l. lascher, DePauw '51 K. O. lavergne, Kent State '62 Mitchell W. legler, North Carolina '64 Jarold R. lein, Iowa State '62 Thomas S. Leitch, Purdue '36 W. Frazer letzig, Central Missouri '71 Owen T. linton, Toronto '48 Stephen A. lison, Miami '62 W. Harry lister, lehigh '26 Ronald J. Litra, Bowling Green '75 J. William little, Wichita '58 John B. little, San Diego '72 Thomas C. . . James D. long, lotsoff


Sidney W. Patterson, Dartmouth & Oklahoma '42 Bruce E. Peterson, Western Illinois '74 RoOald .• D./Reytoll,Jodiana'69 C III, 9iarkson'64 yracu~~'73

Mic~~e.1 ~.)¡Riz.zutg,I.llinoi~'~1

William G. Malloy, Illinois '69 Wendell E. Mann, Purdue '48 Joseph J. Marinelli, Florida '65 Donald R. Mars, Chicago '68 John L Marshall, Pennsylvania '65 David O. Mason, Michigan '57 Ralph L Mason, Iowa State'33 lewell N. Mays, Ohio State '31 William M. McCain, California '41 J. W. McClellan, Miami '35 T. A. McDowell, Virginia '30 Bruce A. McEachran, Washington State '69 Jeffrey O. McEwen, Carnegie '80 Frank J. McEvoy, Alberta '45 David E. Mcfarlane, Jr., Syrcause '52 James A. McKay, Syracuse '82 George W. McNary, Creighton '75 James D. McQuaid, Jr., Chicago '60 Jeff B. Meeker, Flordia '65 Robert W. Meier, Washington '73 William L Messick, lafayette '68 Richard B. Metcalf, Ohio State '46 Weston W. Meyer, Iowa State '72 Robert N. Michels, Purdue '44 Kenneth D. Miller, Iowa '67 Stephen A. Miller, Wisconsin '70 Gregory S. Mills, Union 70 Bryan J. Mitchell, Syracuse '83 Fred G. Mitchell, Ripon '62 Arthur H. Mittelstaedt. Jr., Syracuse '58 Paul R. Monsees, lafayette 78 R. M. Montgomery, Columbia '28 A. Jack Moore, Manitoba '35 Thomas J. Morey, San Jose '56 Donald K. Morford, Washington '56 James G. Morford, Washington '51 William K. Morgan, Miami '51 Richard L Morrison, Kansas 70 Donald R. Morse, Tufts '42 Percival B. Moser III, lafayette '68 Raymond R. Moser, Jr., Georgia Tech '84 Brian E. Mudrick, louisville '82 Bruce A. Muller, Rutgers '66 Albert H. Myers, Oregon State '62 Charles L Myers, Johns Hopkins '52 Michael J. Navrides, San Jose '87 Adelbert G. Neese, Purdue '36 David S. Nelson, Clarkson '69 Donald C. Nelson, San Jose '57 Herbert H. Nelson, Colorado '59 Michael A. Nelson, Stanford, '59 John C. Nemeth, Kent State '67 J. W. Neuner, Oregon '62 Donald F. Newman, Carnegie '54 Reginal B. Newman II, Northwestern '59 George Nicolau, Michigan '48 Thomas F. Novotney, Washington State '74 Keith O. O'Bannon, Nebraska '50 Walter J. Okunski, Colgate '58 luis M. Ortiz, DePauw '83 James W. Osborn, Iowa State '73 Allan G. Osborne, Washington '45 Jeffrey L Owens, Oklahoma 78 James R. Oyler, Purdue'48 George Pagels, Jr., Northwestern '34 Robert F. Palmer, Rutgers '40 Jon R. Palmitier, Michigan State '60 Mark Parseghian, lehigh '48 Edward F. Parsons, Illinois '27 H. Sylvester Partridge, Rochester '27

James G. Plewa, Illinois 78 Thomas B. Polaski, Western Illinois '80 O. Edward Pollock, Virginia '51 Scott A. Polo, Syracuse '83 Richard R. Popham, Purdue '40 William N. H. Potterton, Tufts '28 John C. Powers, Oklahoma '58 John W. Puth, lehigh '52 George F. Putnam, Washington '39 Thomas S. Rakow, Northwestern '65 George Ramsden, lehigh'44 Donald J. Randa, Chicago '43 Bruce D. Raskin, Washington '86 John R. Remis, Virginia '64 Thomas R. C. Reutter, Jr., Johns Hopkins '61 Richard C. Rhodes, Washington '48 Robert C. Rice, Colgate '34 Richard E. Richards, Washington '42 Ren L Ridolfi, Wisconsin '70 Joel P. Riley, DePauw '91 Thomas H. Rinehart, Kansas '57 larry A. Robertson, Arlington '72 David O. Ross, Toronto '34 George W. Ross, Jr., Illinois '37 Daniel L Rothrock, Washington State '69 Mark L Rupert, Oklahoma '74 Fulton W. Samson, Pennsylvania '21 G. Flint Sawtelle, lehigh'40 George P. Sawyer, Nebraska '37 James H. Schreiber, Bowling Green '55 James W. Schrock, San Jose '57 Douglas G. Schuster, North Carolina State '83 Winston Scott, Washington '30 Christian Seibel, Jr., Carnegie '41 John S. Shellenberger, Pennsylvania '52 William R. Shepherd, Jr., Oregon '55 John L Sherman, San Jose '66 James T. Shipman, Ohio '56 George W. Shore, Arizona '62 Parker R. Shriver, Kent State '50 Wilburn O. Shurtleff, Texas '59 Norman E. Sidler, Bradley '91 Jeffrey Siegel, Maryland '78 Thomas F. Siegel, Jr., Pennsylvania '57 William A. Sigman r Iowa State '50 Donald C. Slawson, Kansas '56 Andy Smallwood, Houston 71 Hugh R. Smith, Jr., Carnegie '44 James W. Smith II, Washington & lee '62 Rodney R. Smith, Cornell '67 Wayne M. Smoak, South Carolina '84 John M. Snead, Jr., Purdue '31 Adrian F. Songer, Indiana '67 Richard T. Spencer III, Michigan '59 Patrick Spooner, San Jose '55 John A. Sprouse, Oregon '30 Richard G. Spry, Syracuse '40 J. Wesley St. Clair, Kansas '58 Harry L Staley, Bucknell '52 Howard S. Stanfield, Oklahoma '62 Barry S. Starkman, lafayette '78 Charles B. Starks III, Wichita '86 Albert P. Stauderman, Syracuse '58 William E. Steen, Michigan '44 Joseph C. Stegman, Indiana '74 Burnell R. Stehman, Pennsylvania '55 Arthur R. Steiger, Jr., Purdue '48 H. A. Stevens, Northwestern '46 Donald W. Stewart, British Columbia '53 John S. Stewart, Fresno '84 Richard G. Stewart, Purdue '49

Rudolph F. Stigberg, New York '25 David A. Suplee, Bucknell '90 Vernon P. Swanes, Washington'45 Benjamin G. Symon, Missouri '26 Attila G. Szabo, Washington '86 Calvin W. Tackett, Jr., Arlington '82 John H. Tanton, Michigan State '56 Robert H. Tapp, Pennsylvania State '39 Russel Taylor, Toronto '38 Todd A. Taylor, Western Illinois '90 Stephen W. TenBarge, Syracuse '84 John N. Tennefoss, Washington '48 Michel C. Thielen, Iowa '57 Carlton F. Thomas, Ohio State '38 Charles W. Thomas, Wisconsin '59 Richard B. Thompson, Michigan State '6 Robert W. Thompson, Oklahoma '61 Grant F. Thuernrnel, Oregon '35 Robert M. Thuss, Bradley '79 J. Edward Tippetts, Nebraska '67 James R. Tolonen, Michigan 71 Richard E. Tomalesky, lehigh '65 Richard F. Torrey, Syracuse '51 Steven E. Iraisrnan, Wisconsin '69 E. Glenn Tucker, louisville '65 A. F. Turner, Technology '29 William N. Turner, Alberta '57 Peter V. Ueberroth, San Jose '59 L Russell Ulrich, Washington '40 Oonald W. Underwood, Bradley '88 James M. Underwood, Ohio State '62 Harley J. Urbach, Nebraska '33 Jeffrey A. VanEenenaam, Colorado '79 Albert E. Varble, Purdue '50 lodi E. Vercelli, Northwestern '78 John H. Vinyard, Jr., Missouri '42 Roger R. Vogel, Michigan '51 Durlyn E. Wade, Colgate '50 Jay E. Wagner, Ohio State'45 Samuel M. Wagoner, Bradley '50 Gene O. Walker, Iowa State '44 Joseph A. Walker, Illinois '67 F. JayWard, Jr., Johns Hopkins '56 Chester M. Warman, Indiana '39 leland W. Waters, Texas 73 Norman L Waters, Washington '54 William F. Waters, Cornell '54 Theodore R. Watkins, Kent State '62 W. D. Watkins, North Carolina '27 M. L Watt, McGill '35 Donald P. Wefer, Hamilton '54 Keith W. Weigel, Iowa 78 Robert L Weitzner, Rutgers 79 Jeffrey M. Wells, Indiana '66 G. Allan West, Northwestern '52 Thomas J. Westerheide, Marquette 72 Alan L Weyhrich, Northwestern '58 Henry J. Wiechman, Kansas State '89 James AWiese, Iowa '58 Hugh F. Wilkins, Nebraska '42 Nathan Wilkinson, Jr., Illinois '33 David B. Williams, Indiana '70 John B. Williams, Oregon '45 William D. Willoughby, Northwestern '38 Neil E. Wood, Toronto '59 William S. Woodward, Technology '40 Bruce D. Woolpert, Kansas State '77 E. S. Wrasmann, Colorado '62 David H. Wynja, Iowa '67 Eric C. Yaszemski, lehigh '80 Harry R. Yeandle, Western Ontario '32 Randall J. Yenerich, Indiana '65 Joseph M. Young, Virginia '50 Robert J. Zaki, Michigan State '80 William T. Ziebold, lehigh '46 Franklyn K.. Zinn, Northwestern '37 Andrew J. Zorbas, California '53



R. foundation E 1 'L ~ . Educational L'~ R.~.-D Ita Vpsdon E D~ Chairman, e

Dear Brothers When the mail arrives each day, if you share my experiences, as much as fifty percent of it are requests for financial support. It doesn't end, however, when all the letters have been opened, answered, or tossed. You see, when the sun goes down, the telephone lines light up. There is no escape. Or is there? In this issue of the Quarterly, I would like to address the matter of personal decision making, one that is impervious to the daily mail and the nightly telephone call. For it requires more than momentary thought; it requires reflection on those organizations, events, and people who have had the greatest effect on your lite, and what you can do today, to provide for their tomorrows. I am speaking of the opportunity we all have to name beneficiaries in our estate-planning and wills. Personally, because of the effect my DU membership has had on my life, I have mentioned the Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation in my Last Will and Testament. In doing so, I am following the footsteps of many other Brothers before me: men such as Lester E. Cox, Pennsylvania 1898, whose lifelong interest in DU led to a $175,000 bequest. These funds were ultimately used in the 1971 construction of our first permanent International Headquarters building in Indianapolis; the building that many of our Leadership Institute participants will tour in the summer of 1993. (See drawing on pages 52-53)

I have received several recent requests from alumni who have reflected on the value of DU in their lives, and who want to ensure that they help provide excellence for future generations of Brothers. After advising them that our legal name is "Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation, 8705 Founders Road, P.O. Box 68942, Indianapolis, IN 46268," I have provided them with appropriate and simple wording to get the job done: "I hereby give, devise, and bequeath to the Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation, with Headquarters at 8705 Founders Road, Indianapolis, Indiana 46268, the sum or $ , of the following described property _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to be used for the general purposes of the Foundation as the Board of Trustees may direct." With only a small space to address this type of personal decision, I hope you will write me for more inforrnation at the address above. In the meantime, I encourage you to continue opening your mail, answering your telephone, but save some time to reflect on the value of your DU membership, and how you can affirm it with mention of The Foundation in your will. Fraternally,

U~/ Edgar F. Heizer, Jr., Northwestern '51 Chairman, DU Educational Foundation

ALUMNI HONOR ROLL Thanks Top 20 Chapters f 0 nors '99'路92 bV Number 0 0 last Year's # of Rank Donors \ Chapter \4\1 2 \. Washington \06 3 2. purdue 5 98 3. Miami 88 1 ..... Illinois 85 6 5. Indiana 13 \3 6. Iowa State 10 " 1. Penn State 69 .... 8. Lehigh 68 8 9. SVracuse 68 \2 Wisconsin 66 63 \9 \ \. Kansas 6\ 8 \ 2. Nebraska 59 \3 \ 3. Michigan 58 not ranked \ ..... Ohio State 51 n \5. Iowa 51 notranked \6. Bradlev 56 \9 Camegie 55 \1 \8. Missour', 54 \0 \9. DePauW 20. Northwestem

ALBERTA 30 President's Club: J. Boylan '66 (3). P. Cantor '62. R. Edgar '55 (2), L. Gillette '54 (9), E. King '42 (9), H. MacBeth '70 (3) 1. Marko '58 (4) F. McEvoy '45. R. Provan '71 (11), M. Stewart '41, W. Turner '57 (2), A. Warrack '61 (16). Golden Delta Club: R. Cumming '63 (3), T. Duholke '76, E. Easton '49, P. Heslip '63, J. Knechtel '60 (2), J. Love '42 (4), D. Ondrack '61 (4), R. Rosen '66. Silver Delta Club: A. Earner '48 (4), K. Gray '81, 1 McDonell'72 (4), G. Trimble '57 (3), J. Tuck '35, E. VanDerLee '51 (15), C. Welsh '90. Other: J. Hoy '88, A. JeKenta '54, D. Love'46 (6). AMHERST 1 Other: W. Thompson '37 (7). ARIZONA 12 President's Club: E. Albrecht '59 (14), D. Chambers '60 (15), A. Morris '60 (6) G. Shore 62.

for another record year!

Top 20 Chapters

by Amount f D . o OnatlOns 1991.92 Amount of Rank by Donations 1. Washington # of Donors $ 8,311 2. Purdue 1 6,955 3. Ohio State 2 6,802 4. Miami 14 6.415 5. Indiana 3 6,255 6. /l/inois 5 5,860 7. Syracuse 4 5,858 8. Northwestern 9 5.735 9. North Carolina 20 5.445 10. Kansas not ranked 5,390 11. Iowa State 11 5,060 12. Michigan 6 4,845 13. DePauw 13 4,380 14. Chicago 19 4,317 15. Wisconsin not ranked 4,184 16. Missouri 9 4,120 17. Lehigh 18 4,072 18. San Jose 8 3,905 19. Kent State not ranked 3.735 20. Cornell not ranked 3,695 not ranked Chapter

NearlY 3,200 names appear on the following pages, representing alumni and friends who gave a record-breaking $223,077 to the 1991-92 Annual Giving Campaigns of the DU Educational Foundation and the DU Educational Foundation of Canada, The lists on either side, represent our top 20 chapters by dollars given, and number of donors. On succeeding pages, parenthetical numbers after many names denotes the number of consecutive years a Brother has given to DU's annual Campaigns. Add your name here in our next Alumni Honor Roll. We are already three months into the new campaign year! Send your tax-deductible gift to Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation, 8705 Founders Road, P.O. Box 68942, Indianapolis, IN 46268.

Golden Delta Club: W. Harlow '62, E. Johnson '62, C. Swenson '40. Silver Delta Club: T. Andrews '59. R. Barker '61, W. Gustafson '67, G. Stoesser '63. Other: F. Spuhler '63. ARKANSAS 6 President's Club: T. Jacobs '77 (12). Golden Delta Club: R. Kolf'77 (14), D. Tucker '77 (4), S. Unruh '89 (3). Silver Delta Club: C. Rogers '79 (13). Other: G. Hamilton '77 (15). ARLINGTON 15 President's Club: W. Bruck '72 (5), G. Gregory '77 (8), S. Harms '81 (6), M. Jones '75 (11), L. Robertson '72 (2), C. Tackett '82 (15). Golden Delta Club: J. Ashby '74 (16), R. Gray '76, T. Harp '87, R. Ray '70 (II). Silver Delta Club: P. Eichenberger '69 (5), J. Griswold '71, J. Mathis '83, R. Sepanski '85. Other: W. Wilson '81.

AUBURN 2 Silver Delta Club: 1. Dixon '65. Other J. Henderson '62 (17). BAKERSFIELD 1 Other: S. Ryan '90. BAYLOR 7 Golden Delta Club: K. Johnson '81. Silver Delta Club: T. Estus '80, D. Groce '88 (2), S. Hinson '85, B. Mayer '81, R. Shull '85. Other: C. Bowen '81. BOWOOIN 2 Golden Delta Club: E. Ames '33 (8), H. Farr '29. BOWLING GREEN 20 President's Club: A. Jeveret '59 (12), J. Kenlon '54 (9), R. Litra '75 (16), J. Schreiber '55 (13). Golden Delta Club: C. Clingman '69 (13), R. Hanrahan '56 (13), D. Mielke '59 (2), P. Peters '63 (4), K. Roy '61 (5), R. Smith '54 (5).

Silver Delta Club: W. Bensie '70 (2), A. Davis '65 (2). J. Klipfell '71 (6), J. McKelvey '64 (3), K. Rust '50 (14), E. Stephan '66 (21), J. Walsh '68. Other: C. Mundi '52 (6), R. Parkins '71, R. Russell '60 (3). BRADLEY 57 President's Club: R. Bartholomew '53, J. Berry '87 (5), M. Boylan '69 (22), D. D'hondt '55 (5), R. Dahlsgaard '63 (17), J. Erlandson '69 (4), K. Hird '90 (2), D. Seghi '51 (8), N. Sidler '91, C. Steed '50 (5), R. Thuss '79 (2), D. Underwood '88 (4), S. Wagoner '50 (8). Golden Delta Club: P. Bannon '89 (3), C. Boland '53 (22), J. Bremer '66 (21), W. Busa '53 (14), J. Fordonski '91, J. Forte '68 (2), A. Mansfield '60 (4), D. McCalpin '86, J. Stuckel '55 (4), P. Tate '80 (6), W. Tekien '69 (5), D. Valerio '76 (13). Silver Delta Club: J. Chamberlain '63, C. Consigny '87, J. Dado '86 (5), R. Davison '54 (2), J. Ervin '86 (4), R.



ALUMNI HONOR ROLL Halbert '86 (2), J. Henderson '82 (8), K. Henderson '86 (4), J. Leengran '50 (8), J. Leonard '76 (16), J. Mars '84, B. Miller '79 (II), R. Moline '85, D. Morgan '82 (6), R. Norkus '51 (7), B. Olson '88 (4), D. Olson '85 (4), R. Olson '57 (5), E. Paliatka 56 (4), A. Parus '53 (3), G. Pavett '90, C. Peterson '78 (3) T. Terry '61 (10) B. Wernke '79. Other: T. Erbs '90 (2), C. Lamoureux '59, R. McCallum '50 (2), B. Pipkin '56, L. Reiner '75, M. Sadowski '76 (12), L. Tompkins '53 (5), R. Tringali '51 (4). BRITISH COLUMBIA 11 President's Club: H. Chapman '68 (12), R. Collver '60, G. Ferguson '62 (18), R. Gregory '69 (4), R. Henderson '59, D. Stewart '53. Golden Delta Club: G. Blumenauer '45 (17), J. Cook '66, L. Dooling '59 (2). Silver Delta Club: J. Collum '49 (10), M. Tuck '42. BROWN 23 President's Club: D. Holt '65 (2), R. McGovern'48 (15). Golden Delta Club: A. Gurney '39 (8), E. Johnson '24 (7), R. Judd '43 (7), H. Reese '47 (3). Silver Delta Club: D. Batty '38 (17), E. Bennett '22 (4), R. Bernero '89, R. Blake '39 (5), A. Grashof '53 (8), C. Kiesel '36 (16), W. Nash '44, V. Perkins '35 (IS), R. Russo '55 (2), F. Williams '32 (5). Other: M. Mackenzie' 51, W. McKibben '49 (4), J. Nagle '26, C. Roth '46 (15), W. Vaughan '55, S. Wylie '57 (15), M. Yoon '89. BUCKNELL 28 President's Club: L. Adams '64 (22), J. Braniff '86 (5), J. Dickson '90 (2), H. Staley '52 (2), D. Suplee '90 (2), B. Taylor '60. Golden Delta Club: C. Hermann '62, J. Schrock '77, R. Strouse '78 (10). Silver Delta Club: H. Bray '67 (7), R. Carter '56 (22), D. Damico '87, J. Elliott '90, R. Follansbee '89, C. Franz '75 (3), L. Rost '67, A. Saunders '57, S. Snyder '78, J. Sprout '48 (20), M. Ward '85 (2), F. Weckenman '77 (15), E. Woehling '72 (3). Other: J. Connolly '91, T. Crocco '91, J. Eachus '60, D. Hopkins '42 (7), W. McConnel '59, R. Sprout '49 (16). CAL POLY 1 Silver Delta Club: L. Doble '68 (4). CALGARY I President's Club: J. Bell '93. CALIFORNIA 42 President's Club: D. Bearden '55 (3), H. Botsford '53 (21), E. Chandler '26 (2), C. Channing '58 (4), J. Davidson '48 (12), R. Donlon '50, R. Greenwood '48 (4), P. Hobin '59 (10), W. Howell '41 (15), H. Hummelt '61, R. Kayser '46 (16), S. Martinelli '52 (II), W. McCain '41 (6), D. Moulin '53 (16), A. Zorbas '53 (3). Golden Delta Club: D. Allen '37 (15), R. Bauchman '42, L. Costa '62 (9), P. Dolliver '54 (3), P. Hickerson '37 (9), C. Kavanagh '64 (15), R. Kinkead '52 (4), J. Parker '49 (I I), F. Rea '41 (6). Silver Delta Club: H. Best '52, D. Crockett '66, R. Franklin '42, J. Fry '63 (5), C. Leffingwell '25 (15), W. Nelson '39 (2), J. Olsen '75 (2), W. Orchison '51 (5), R. Pletcher '28 (II), P. Spalding '59, D. Witt '49, J. Wrixon '60. Other: J. Grennan '50 (3), C. Harrold '36 (2), D. Johnson '63 (9), R. Laughlin '46 (8), L. Parker '45, L. Rea '54. CARNEGIE 57 President's Club: H. Beers '35 (22), C. Cole '79 (10), T. Markl '70 (4), J. McEwen '80 (4), D. Newman '54 (19). C. Seibel '41 (2), H. Smith '44 (22). Golden Delta Club: G. Cohen '89 (3), R. D'Angelo '61 (2), J. Domash '76 (12), W. Dornaus '35 (13), R. Duffett '49, E. Dusenbury '88 (4), M. Finestone '83 (5), J. Guthrie '44, C. Hall '54 (15), A. leken '65 (7), K. Kerlin '82, O. Kraft '35 (17), M. Matuza '65 (4), G. Middleton '86 (6), J.


Polles '67 (21), W. Poole '39 (12), J. Scarlett '29 (5), B. Shnitzler '74 (3), J. Vassil '52 (22), H. Young '52 (16), R. Young '53 (4), R. Zimmerman '78 (5). Silver Delta Club: D. Adler '86, G. Alan '82 (7), W. Beilharz '43 (2), D. Bradley '62 (4), H. Collins '32, I. Howell '70, D. Hurley '79 (9), L. Karabin '50 (3), W. Leete '58 (2), S. McNaugher '32 (13), R. Owen '51 (5), D. Robinson '88, F. Smoot '80, N. Terezis '91, E. Wheeling '74 (13), Other: P. Blyler '32 (4), R. Brennan '54 (4), J. Cahill '80, R. Cross '48 (5), H. Dietrich '26, J. Dougherty '78, R. Frost '51, W. McDonald '52 (22), H. Mielke '51 (22), W. Murdock '83 (8), G. Phillips '88 (4), E. Tennyson '45, N. Wilson '39.

CENTRAL MISSOURI 7 President's Club: W. Letzig '71 (16). Silver Delta Club: G. George '89 (3), M. Logan '87. Other: P. Bartle '77 (3), N. Cluff '74, J. Duke '74 (5), M. LeDoux '83 (2). CHICAGO 24 President's Club: W. Crawford '33 (4), P. Davis '35 (17), E. Grage '27 (8), M. Krasnitz '57 (15), M. Mandel '55 (21), D. Mars '68 (6), J. McQuaid '60, D. Randa '43 (5), A. Tenney '43 (15). Golden Delta Club: R. Bidwell '50 (2 I), C. Head '52, C. Holtsberg '34 (4), J. Kavanaugh '52, W. Keogh '34 (II), J. McClure '42 (22), M. Nanninga '47 (5), G. Rinder '41 (7). Silver Delta Club: W. Brunelle' 30, C. Dragstedt '43 (4), S. Evans '47 (4), R. Hood '38, D. Lowrie '32, E. Rhodes '76. Other: K. Gutschick '50 (3). CLARKSON 21 President's Club: M. Broda '68 (6), J. Duryea '81 (2), D. Nelson '69 (14), C. Phillips '64 (21). Golden Delta Club: V. Conte '84. Silver Delta Club: D. Brady '70, P. Garda '67, C. Joy '29, J. Leonard '77, M. Mantaro '83 (2). D. Maw '56, F. McMahon '54, G. Stearns '73 (12), G. Tubbs '71, R. Walser '41 (2), D. Zoghby '80.

Other: D. Cronan '64, D. Deys '75 (4), R. Naylon '72 (II), J. Stelzl '79, R. Wischhusen '76 (IS). COLBY 4 President's Club: J. Alex '50 (2). Silver Delta Club: D. Elsemore '30 (2). Other: C. Cousins '48 (8), D. Sargent '39 (9). COLGATE 30 President's Club: R. Broad '60 (2), R. Duffield '37 (IS), W. Major '26 (9), P. Musgrave '34 (7), W. Okunski '58 (5), R. Rice '34 (17) R. Tyburski '74 (18), D. Wade '50. Golden Delta Club: J. Donaldson '45, N. Gow '46 (7), F. McCown '50 (15), D. Merlin '80 (3), T. Nast '37 (22), R. Smith '68 (13), E. Walton '34 (4), H. Wilkinson '34 (14). Silver Delta Club: F. Bradley '50 (3), W. Dumke '52, F. Hoyle '52 (8), W. Kranichfeld '44 (4), W. Mawhinney '42 (15), A. Persson '42 (9), C. Wood '49 (3), V. Zane '56 (2). Other: R. Briggs '47 (5), J. Goewey '51, C. Keyser '31 (2), B. Rosenbloom '76 (13), J. Shoemaker '66, R. Staurovsky '59. COLORAOO 21 President's Club: B. Brewster '77 (3), D. Buroker '72, J. Cohen '83 (6), P. Davis '91, R. Humphries '69 (4), J. Lombardi '61 (6), H. Nelson '59 (18), J. Reese '85, J. VanEenenaam '79 (9), E. Wrasmann '62. Golden Delta Club: J. Byrd '65, L. Gaddis '63 (13), A. Holden '61, R. Smoot '62, S. Yezek '80 (II). Silver Delta Club: H. Blake '65 (4), R. Gust '81 (4), S. Mahannah '61 (8), R. Newman '87 (2). Other: G. Godde '89, S. Wilson '72. COLORAOO STATE 3 Golden Delta Club: J. Tarpley '85. Silver Delta Club: K. Adam '84 (6), K. Crosson '86. COLUMBIA 5 President's Club: R. Montgomery '28 (II). Silver Delta Club: J. Born '28, G. Delatush '39 (6), W. Lauder '44 (14), J. McCormack '39 (4).

CORNELL 42 President's Club: R. Beckwith '57 (22), A. Cashen '57 (3), E. Cumpston '44 (2), W. Howe '42 (12), A. Kiplinger '39 (13), M. Klein '71 (9), R. Mann '52 (3), N. Schaenen '50 (22), W. Shepard '31 (15), R. Smith '67 (II), W. Waters '54 (10), M. Wood '64 (21). Golden Delta Club: H. Bartlett '35 (10), T. Bernardo '86, M. Clemente '73 (15), W. Dickhart '43 (7), C. Halstead '63 (2), M. Lamb '91, T. Rakowski '72, M. Sayers '53, R. Wheeler '39 (5). Silver Delta Club: S. Adams '75, N. Bassett '81 (5), E. Caruthers '28, E. Crawford '48, G. Fastuca '74 (2), R. Judd '56, M. Materna '91, R. McCurdy '78 (6), K. Neuffer '90, T. Pallies '82, A. Turner '36 (3), F. Williams '34 (2), D. Wyman '80. Other: J. Altemus '65 (3), R. Attiyeh '55, R. Dodge '40 (2), W. Farrington '43 (10), D. Frei '61, E. Hanson '83, T. Keating '57 (15), S. Rosuck '86 (2). CREIGHTON 5 President's Club: W. Buckmiller '71 (4), H. McGurk '86 (4), G. McNary '75 (16). Silver Delta Club: R. Haerr '72 (14), D. Kristensen '89. OARTMOUTH 14 President's Club: W. Banks '45 (18), W. Cook '23 (13), P. Costich '49 (2), S. Patterson'42. Golden Delta Club: S. Ensinger '27 (22), A. Gillespie '44 (4), R. Stephenson '25, R. VanReypen '47 (5). Silver Delta Club: W. Bruner '55, D. Campbell '36 (2), S. Cornthwaite '35 (9), L. Fortuna '38, J. Gately '49. Other: C. Hoiles '32 (17). OAVIS 2 Silver Delta Club: H. Boro '70 (4), R. Scharlin '70 (2). OAYTON 2 Golden Delta Club: R. Harris '69, W. Maselko '81 (9). OELAWARE 2 President's Club: E. Anzalone '72 (7). Golden Delta Club: W. Hallam '80 (I I).

Matt McClain, and Anthony Colistra, Colgate '93, acceptthe President's 2nd Place Award for Improvement, presented by Bruce Peterson, Western Illinois '74 at the 158th lnternatlonal Convention in Miami.


ALUMNI HONOR ROLL DENISON 11 President's Club: B. Bailey '58 (6), H. Boswau '55 (22), R. Foy '50 (8), E. McNew '54 (6). Golden Delta Club: D. Kuhlman '61 (21), E. Robertson '56. Silver Delta Club: N. Deane '57, D. Gibson '57 (2), J. Piper '78. Other: S. Jones '80 (3), K. Sklenicka '77 (2). DEPAUW 55 President's Club: W. Barrett '61 (11), R. Clutter '39 (9), C. Epperson '59, J. Foreman '33 (6), C. Frees '36 (11), J. Grady '38 (5), G. Hensel '52 (3), J. Hilborn '51 (4), E. Lascher '51, A. McConnell '58 (5), R. Newell '34 (17), L. Ortiz '83 (2), J. Parks '63 (4), J. Petty '36 (17), J. Riley '91, J. Shake '40 (22), J. Wolf '39 (4). Golden Delta Club: M. Burdge '90, D. Caseley '33 (7), N. Connors '86 (2), R. Current '28 (8), D. Jones '70 (3), J. Koch '53 (6), W. Kyhos '66 (6), J. Lundy '90 (2), R. Moffett '32 (7), N. Smith '52 (5), J. Stewart '64 (2), R. Thode '80, J. Wagner '43. Silver Delta Club: A. Alexandrou '85 (4), S. Bethke '83, G. Bingaman '89 (3), P. Coons '39 (8), J. Davidson '63, B. Grabow '85 (2), P. Groebe '62 (5), C. Hintz '32 (11), B. Lehman '67, T. Magan '64 (2), D. Muck '51, H. Nelson '46 (3), G. Rahe '44, W. Reagan '46 (6), T. Smith '90, C. West '52, B. Wise '36 (16). Other: T. Bundy '32 (5), S. Dobbs '88, H. Fjord '47 (4), W. Getts '41, J. Gordon '88 (3), C. Graham '83, J. Harmening '89, J. Sterba '88. EASTERN KENTUCKY 2 President's Club: R. Collins '74 (13). Silver Delta Club: S. Kirk '73 (5). flORIDA 32 President's Club: S. Bayman '68, W. Carter '71 (17), J. Delaney '77 (14), J. Marinelli '65 (22), J. Meeker '65 (15), J. Roberts '63 (21), P. Rosenthal '73 (16), M. Taylor '82 (9). Golden Delta Club: J. Amos '87 (5), J. Beasley '66, J. Brady '66 (2), M. Gibson '82 (2), C. Meyer '70 (4), J. Schulte '85 (5), J. Valk '59 (7), H. Vanture '74, R. Wade '61 (9), R. Wilcox '68 (10). Silver Delta Club: J. Baum '63 (3), E. Book '84, A. Cox '87 (2), S. Davis '87 (2), P. Forrest '58 (22), R. Ivey '72, K. Landers '87 (3), D. Legman '83 (2), P. Liang '88 (2), J. McGinley '87, G. Reis '78 (3). Other: S. Carpenter '91, D. Johnson '77, S. Walters '87. FRESNO 3 President's Club: J. Stewart '84 (3). Silver Delta Club: T. LaBrue '72 (2), K. Nofield '88. GEORGIA TECH 20 President's Club: B. Burson '65 (3), C. Cecil '64 (15) D. Henderson '69 (4), R. Moser '84 (4). Golden Delta Club: D. Dixon '83, M. Doyle '71 (2), P. Eubanks '71 (10), S. Flax '78 (14), C. Monfort '68 (2), E. Schepps '81 (4).

Silver Delta Club: C. Cooler '90 (2), J. Dilg '87 (5), B. Farner '81, G. Harris '82 (4), C. Lawson '64 (21), W. Murray '80, S. Scherock '89 (3), T. Slovak '87 (3), R. Stern '89, H. Whitehead '68 (4). GUELPH 4 President's Club: P. Rose '89 (2). Golden Delta Club: M. Gerrits '89 (2), R. Wotherspoon '89 (2). Silver Delta Club: J. Wright '90. HAMILTON 27 President's Club: J. Bacot '55 (5), S. Nye '52 (5), D. Wefer '54 (5). Golden Delta Club: M. Bloom '70 (4), A. Dickerman '36 (4), D. Doyle '39 (16), D. Hamilton '24 (4), G. Weeden '39 (4). Silver Delta Club: T. Clair '89, T. Connors '87, J. Isaf'87, R. James '39, M. Lombardi '85, K. McGovern '85 (6), D. Nye '88 (3), R. Rosenfeld '80, M. Treadway

Undergraduates took advantage of DU's best ideasfrom 1992 at the "Institute Idea Fair." Gifts from alumni make Leadership Institute possible. '38 (8), J. Underwood '41 (8). Other: B. George '86, D. Greenhalgh '77 (2), R. Hellinger '80 (2), C. Martin '89, A. May '56, P. McNall '57 (2), J. Pitarresi '70, T. Thompson '73, S. Tuthill '30 (2). HARVARD 10 President's Club: L. Lovett '33 (10). Golden Delta Club: R. Brainard '39 (4), G. Lowman '38, W. Spang '38 (4). Silver Delta Club: A. Brunelli '38 (4). Other: E. Ballard '27, R. Craig '42, G. Dorman '25, E. Holder '31 (13), W. Rockwell '35. HOUSTON 15 President's Club: J. Bobo '77 (6), R. Mahoney '83 (9), A. Smallwood '71. Golden Delta Club: T. Johnson '87, R. Laughter '74, R. Ray '74, V. Roznovsky '75, J. Smith '83 (2). Silver Delta Club: D. Dutcher '73 (17), T. Finlay '91, C. Hawkins '76 (2), R. Haws '85, S. Malkey '82 (2). Other: D. Fassetta '77, E. Sherrill '91. ILLINOIS 88 President's Club: A. Altorfer '43 (11), A. Andrews '54, J. Bergstrom '55 (4), C. Coffel '28 (22), G. Hedge '68, C. Hinton '29 (6), P. Houser '75 (9), K. Huntoon '72 (17), G. Johnston '24 (2), A. Jones '33 (5), W. Julian '29 (22), S. Katsinas '78 (14), S. Kouzomis '68 (8), E. Parsons '27 (22), M. Pizzuto '81 (11), J. Plewa'78 (10), B. Procter '44 (9), A. Rice '36 (17), G. Ross '37 (4), J. Walker '67, N. Wilkinson '33 (2). Golden Delta Club: M. Blankenship '55 (16), W. Brown '40, A. Chapman '69 (8), K. Cox '76 (3), R. Fenstermaker '55 (2), R. Garretson '39 (2), C. Gimre '29 (4), C. Goding '56 (2), R. Hall '74 (16), E. Hardesty '46 (4), R. Harris '55 (4), J. Heil '50 (3), R. Kiefus '63, P. Kooistra '58 (6), G. Matic '75, B. McCarthy '85, R. Mullendore '87, W. O'Dell '31, J. Olander '76, C. Schultz '67 (13), T. Shepard'73 (5), J. Snyder'44, R. Stauder'46 (10). Silver Delta Club: R. Brunson '58, R. Buchanan '55 (13), J. Buist '78 (10), F. Burtzos '77 (15) J. Castles '76, R. Chesrown '69 (2), J. Cook '71, B. Cooper '80, D. Dees '55, H. Dubina '76, C. Erickson '43 (5). C. Ganschow '30 (2), G. Graessle '79, G. Hennessey '38, T. Hoogheem '75 (2), T. Juffernbruch '89, P. Kempfer '64 (2), M. Konen '78, B. Ladd '57 (14), J. Lateer '78 (2), P. Marzek '81 (6), G. McDill '26 (3), G. Mead '57 (14), R. Pierobon '50 (2), R. Potter '53, J. Ritt

'52 (6), H. Rudiger '31, G. Rugel '78 (11), R. Selby '66 (3), D. Shaw '51, M. Smith '91, R. Smith '50 (9), K. Smits '90, W. Waggoner '36 (4), J. Whittenbarger '89, G. Wilson '53 (6). Other: J. Buysse '68, D, Hortberg '57, T. Kurland '80 (8), D. Shoemaker '65, E. Stunard '55, S, Wigginton '45, S. Williams '71 (13). INDIANA 85 President's Club: S. Blaising '81, S. Blakley '65 (11), R. Delano '85 (7), J. Gibson '42 (9), A. Graf'51 (12), W. Hall '44 (20), B. Harper '54 (21). R. Haugh '48 (16), R. Hayes '48, G. Hudson '51 (6), H. Kahlenbeck, Jr. '52 (21), P, Kluempers '84, R. Kovener '55 (12), L. McConnell '80 (5), R. Peyton '69 (12), B. SerVaas '41, A. Songer '67, J. Stegman '74 (3), R. Stephens '61 (15), C. Warman '39 (4), J. Wells '66, D. Williams '70, R. Yenerich '65 (4). Golden Delta Club: R. Aikman '41, R. Anderson '71, J. Campbell '37 (4), D. Cochran '50 (4), J. Cutter '52, J. Davis '69 (2), D. Endwright '56 (21), J. Etzler '75 (2), D. Farquharson '40 (15), R. Jones '54, R, Jones '55 (6), G. Lambert '55 (2), J. Martindale '36, J. McKenzie '32, J. Miller '39 (9), L. Miller '74, L. Moss '49, R. Rumford '80, H. Wehmeier '46 (2), R. Yoder '89. Silver Delta Club: D. Allard '70 (4), J. Beauchamp '84 (6), C. Bell '54 (4), R. Black '68, C. Bottorff 88 (4), T. Bowers '64 (9), C. Carter '37, J. Cartwright '54 (12), R. Colvin '91, H. Cormican '40 (7), D. Crane '87, D. Downing '55 (3), 1. Escott '41 (7), R. Fishburn '67, D. Fleischhauer '76, D. Ford '65, J. Henderson '43 (3), S. Jaren '76, L. Jontz '50, E. Julien '49, F. Krick '47, J. Lambert '87 (5), M. Lancioni '88 (4), R. Larko '81 (8), R. Levin '87 (3), M. Mellinger '61 (2), P. Peak '55 (22), R. Phillips '71 (3), R. Siekmann '56, M. Strom '69, R. Swanson '56, G. Vlassis '52 (2), D. Whitman '75 (3), K. Wingham '66, D. Yenerich '82. Other: T. Cook '48, A. Dowling '55 (2), T. Kilpatrick '57 (2), J. Landis'77 (6). D. Miller '58, A. Weber '52, R. Welsh '90. IDWA 58 President's Club: E. Browning '37 (15), J. Fletcher '35 (22), R. Foster'77 (10), D, Frank '45, H. Harsha '42 (21), H. Hawkinson '35 (22), M. Heckt '46 (4), J. Lundy '36 (16), D. Marston '63, (4), K. Miller '67 (11), C. Obermann '26 (21), K.

Reeds '53 (5), M. Thielen '57 (9), K. Weigel '78 (14), J. Wiese '58, (2), D. Wynja '67 (8). Golden Delta Club: D. Boyle '55 (6), H. Hearst '88 (2), D. Hinson '57 (4), A. Kesman'77 (11), D. Leonard '39, A. Pepmueller '43 (5), M. Ritchie '83 (2), C. Schmidt '33 (4), D. Smalley '68 (8), A. Sunderbruch '67, W. Volkmer '53, W. Youngman '79. Silver Delta Club: F. Ackerson '44 (16), J. Adams '53 (7), D. Benda '62, D. Bjork '53, M. Brown '71, H. Childs '33 (22), K. Collins '70, J. Daine '51, F. Folbrecht '59, K. Herbster '34 (2), R. Herman '39 (2), A. Hoyt '88, D. Kloewer '58 (8), J. McCarragher '68 (2), C. McMillen '80 (9), J. Osborne '48 (3), D. Rusk '76 (14), M. Sornsin '91, M. Stark '43, J. Steele '63 (4), R. Sweany'48, P. Wentzien ' 59, C. Wieben '47 (3). Other: R. Ablard '56 (4), K. Beck '40 (2), C. Benson '41 (16), D. Houlahan '63, M. Kocovsky '90, R. Lapham '39 (5), W. Sanford '36 (4). IOWA STATE 73 President's Club: K. Bruening '80 (12), W. Grant '27 (11), T. Hansen '79 (13), T. Herbert '82 (7), A. Johnson '47 (21), M. Kuchel '76 (6), J. Lein '62 (6), D. Lovell '50 (6), R. Mason '33 (16), W. Meyer '72, J. Osborn '73 (10), W. Perry '30, W. Sigman '50 (21), J. Soos '58 (5), G. Walker '44 (15), J. Yirak '40 (17). Golden Delta Club: H. Brandt '47 (4), W, Carlson '42 (10), L. Clark '33 (4), J. Cronk '60 (21), L. Dreeszen '61 (2), T. Haebieh '38 (6), S. Harder '79, R. Holland '80 (4), S. Hudson '84 (2), A. Kadon '66 (2), R, Knudsen '44, R. Lundberg '26 (2), A. Mores '80 (8), M. Nickey '65 (7), L. Pearson '64 (7), M. Pigott '89 (2), G. Posakony '46, W. Ritts '49, K. Roeschke '82 (2), D. Sieben '67 (3), N. Stout '83. Silver Delta Club: G. Cook '30 (6), P. Dahlen '48 (5), M. Dee '84, R. Dunteman '87 (4), R. Farr '61 (6), R. Fleck '49 (16), C. Gruenig '59 (16), C. Herbert '89, L. Kempers '75, D. Kirkpatrick '71 (9), W. Kroeger '39 (2), P, Leonard '57 (5), D. Morse '52, G. Petrs '45 (3), P. Radloff '70 (4), C. Rausch '67 (8), P, Ritz '60, J. Robinson '57 (4), J. Sirois '63, G. Smith '79, D. Spong '81 (8), C. Trunkey '52 (10), D. VonKerens '82, J. Watkins '53 (2), P. Welch '59 (6), R. Williamson '28 (22), R. Wood '51, W. Wood '55 (14). Other: R. Chance '54 (10), J. Darling '36, D. Drake '62 (4), S, Loney '74, H. McConnaughey '34, D. Rowen '84 (3), H. Tett '65 (2), C. Young '82. JOHNS HOPKINS 25 President's Club: R. Cann '65 (6), D. Ferrazzano '68 (5), B. Greenwood '51, C. Miller '49 (20), C. Myers '52 (6), T, Reutter '61 (4), W. Smith '54 (6), F, Ward '56 (4). Golden Delta Club: E. Budnitz '53, E. Evans '62, J. Henderson '52 (6), C. Sands . '48 (2). Silver Delta Club: J. Casciano '71 (2), J. Curran '87, J. Finston '77 (4), L. Gilbert '89 (2), A. Gordon '91, D. Hanson '50 (4), K. Kelly '44, R. Kelly '29 (4), J, Walker '56 (3).

Other: D. Edel '46 (4), O. Linck '32, E. Schultz '48 (8), R. Ward '40 (4). KANSAS 66 President's Club: F. Baird '58 (15), J. Collins '61 (6), D. Cummings '79 (13), A. Galloway '34 (5), M. Gear '17 (8), L. Gregory '75 (17), M. Grove '42 (9), J. Hertzler' 58, J. Higdon' 47 (13), M. Hodges '80, W. Hvsom '62 (2), O. Johnson '52 (4), H. Klemp '26 (17), J. Knorr '31 (22), W. Landess '53 (12), A. Ludwick '34, J. Meyer '50 (5), R. Morrison '70 (6), T. Rinehart '57 (4), C. Saricks '70 (15), D. Slawson '56 (22), J. St. Clair '58 (17), D. Stanton '65 (8).

Golden Delta Club: K. Berkley '61 (22), B. Biles '66 (13), D. Buechel '45 (2), A. Butler '31 (18), J. Cram '71 (16), W.




Cramer '33 (5), M. Crowther '59 (17), S. Davies '73 (13), R. Davis '75, J. Hagstrom '32 (5), E. Metcalf '43 (3), P. Miller '73 (3), L. Piller '72, P. Stork '65, M. Thomas '62 (6), M. Zuercher '78 (7). Silver Delta Club: M. Alexander '33 (3), J. Bertoglio '58 (2), P. Cartmell '35, W. Chester '23 (2), G. Cole '75, J. Elias '67, N. Hart '56 (2), V. Hiebsch 42, C. Hinshaw '54, J. Holt '57, J. Irwin '49, C. Jackson '38, J. Knupp '65 (4), W. Koester '41, R. Lamb '53 (2), L. Lane '34, J. Lowe '59, R. Mastin '62, R. Myers '68, J. Neighbor '65, E. Taylor '20, R. Williams '40 (16). Other: J. Andrews '89, E. Clarke '42, G. Hamilton '37, J. Hatfield '91, J. Swoyer '48 (2). KANSAS STATE 48 President's Club: R. Abbott '61, M. Castor '85, D. Chew '81 (4), P. Edgerley '78, W. Gordon '60 (5), R. Greene '58 (22), J. Hathaway '80 (9), T. Horine '80 (II), C. Jones '77 (3), H. Wiechman '89 (2), B. Woolpert '77. Golden Delto Club: M. Bahr '86 (3), K. Bolerjack '80, L. Butel '87, D. Huffman '68 (16), D. Johnson '75 (15), M. Kruse '85 (4), D. Law '80 (12), S. Marzullo '85 (7), J. Oppy '64 (9), M. Ruff'64 (4), R. Svaty '64 (5), K. Tucker '76 (16), B. Wolf'80 (13). Silver Delto Club: M. Berkley '63, J. Devore '67, H. Ebright '74 (14), J. Grinstead '73 (5), E. Holtgraves '80, T. Jordan '84 (7), T. Knopp '79, J. Miesse '72 (2), B. Riley '87 (3), S. Salter '79 (4), G. Sharpe '86, M. Stearns '66 (4), J. Swenson '77, D. Tillberg '87, G. Urbanek '68, S. Wible '66, M. Wietharn '78. Other: J. Breeden '83, B. Burnett '79, L. Fleischman '77 (2), J. McGill '88, T. McGlasson '90, E. Musil '71 (20), B. Stanley '80. KENT STATE 31 President's Club: D. Cassens '68 (4), A. Dalcher '57 (17), J. Gibson '68 (5), N. Giorgianni '56 (15), N. Helman '54 (4), K. Lavergne '62, T. Litwiler '56 (10), J. Nemeth '67, P. Shriver '50 (15), T. Watkins '62. Golden Delta Club: M. Coppola '65 (3), W. Lloyd '64 (4), F. Lopane '59 (2), J. Manninen '57 (3), W. Miller '65 (9), L. Roth '47, P. Shriver '49 (4), J. Simpson '36 (5).

Silver Delta Club: J. Bauer '57 (3), W. Becherer '49 (2), J. Brown '64 (3), K. Cardinal '51 (5), R. Cellone '67 (9), G. Christner '56, J. Colacarro '57 (2), R. Downing '54 (4), P. Hall '49 (22), K. Kalish '59 (4), J. Long '54 (3), H. Thomas '59. Other: E. Urschler '59 (5). LAFAYETTE 19 President's Club: H. Harkins '34, W. Messick '68, P. Monsees '78 (2), P. Moser '68, B. Starkman '78 (5).

Golden Delta Club: K. Franzinger '36 (15). Silver Delta Club: J. Hensler' 41 (6), W. Lockett '45, J. Long '30, J. Mace '45, D. Mcl.aughlin '84, H. Schroeder '28, H. Smith '51 (15). Other: H. Bilhuber '51 (2), E. Bourger '44, J. deRuyter '73, R. Ernst '48 (5), C. Townsend '34 (22), M. Weaver '81 (2). LEHIGH 69 President's Club: R. Allan '68 (6), J. Corcoran '84 (3), J. Frank '68 (6), R. Gabriel '51 (17), R. Goebel '43 (7), J. Kaufman' 46 (7), W. Lister' 26 (II), L. Maroti '58 (6), W. Moodie '47 (15), M. Parseghian '48, J. Puth '52 (9), G. Ramsden '44 (4), J. Reid '56 (9), C. Roberts '27 (8), G. Sawtelle '40 (8), R. Tomalesky '65 (7), E. Yaszemski '80, W. Ziebold '46 (16). Golden Delta Club: P. Bickett '52 (5), R. Christiansen '56 (5), B. Conchar '41 (14), D. Czerny '74 (14), C. Day '30 (21), J. Englesson '75 (2), H. Frymoycr '49 (4), D. Hornbaker '26 (16), J. Kurtz '52 (16), P. Leonard '91, H. Lore '35 (4), M. Miskulin '85 (5), W. Nutt '36 (15), H. Peck '37 (16), J. Ramsay '58 (22), W. Salmond '46 (17), R. Schmidt '52 (4), E. Youngling '66 (3). Silver Delta Club: J. Alcaro '74 (8), P. Berg '44 (6), J. Boyer '50 (2), A. Cannon '74 (4), P. Gakos '81, W. Hayes '43 (3), T. Hydro '91, H. Kaiser '55 (2), R. Lentz '30, B. McGowan '87, T. Nehring '75, J. Perna '76 (4), W. Robel '51, R. Ruth '68 (13), R. Schultz '91, R. Stern '72, C. Swenson '50, D. Webb '59 (3), R. Whited '56 (2). Other: E. Boyer '43 (7). C. Coldren '77 (2), T. Erwin '91, E. Furst '60 (II), B. Goldman '58, E. Lucadamo '71 (15), N. Meier '50, T. Middleton '72 (5), G. Naylor '71 (4), J. Quincy '42, P. Savage '72, P. Shaw '52, D. Szablowski '82, T. Wocklish '81, LONG BEACH 6 Silver Delta Club: C. Bonomo '91, E. Labasan '89, C. Martucci '88 (4), B. Tom '91. Other: M. Amato '90, C. Cooper '88. LOUISVillE 31 President's Club: B. Dahlem '51 (4), R. Dinsmore '66 (5), H. Federa '37 (22), T. Gillespie '53 (16), V. Lussky '43 (13), B. Mudrick '82 (II), E. Tucker '65 (3), R. Williams '67 (15). Golden Delta Club: M. Barnes '76, S. Click '50 (5), J. Dostal '68, R. Neely '71 (3).

Silver Delta Club: V. Bhagat '87, R. Gaeta '69, W. Hacker '69 (2), J. Hoffman '49, F. Howe '64 (22), E. Hurley '64, D. Jacobs '58, O. Klingman '51 (2), S. Pearlman '65, H. Schiavone '83, W. Thompson '57 (2), W. Weber '54 (2), J. Winter '45. Other: J. Griffiths '69 (4), M. Hall '62


(4), M. Harmon '49, E. Kimbel '35 (3), R. Michelson '90, J. Morehead '73. MAINE 5 Other: S. Hawes '88, R. Paquette '88, S. Spear '83 (8), P. Squarcia '89 (2), P. Stone '81 (5). MANITOBA 8 President's Club: A. Moore '35 (2). Golden Delta Club: J. Isbister'72 (2), R. Jones '67 (4), H. Luckhurst '45, R. Taunton '70 (4). Silver Delta Club: R. Gay '29, R. Hignell '77 (2), R. Mark '62 (3). MARIETTA 32 President's Club: K. Brennan '64 (8), F. Druetzler '63 (13), C. Jennings '31 (17), D. Strickland '66 (6). Golden Delta Club: J. Baker '47 (3), R. Beck '37, C. Dawes '22, W. Fenton '44, T. Forbes '64, L. Hanson '62, H. Haught '51 (4), G. Suder '44 (II), G. Yester '51 (3). Silver Delta Club: F. Amrine '40 (16), D. Barnett '68 (13), C. Ebinger '51 (5), R. Hartz '69, K. Jennings '57 (9), W. Mildren '35 (4), C. Schaefer '41 (4), D. Smith '42, G. Strong '61, D. Trabilcy '59 (10), T. Welden '72. Other: P. Birckhead '51, F. Elliott '76 (9), L. Galletto '83 (2), F. Hertel '86 (2), R. Krupp '64, W. Richards '57 (4), E. Watson '77 (10), D. Wigley '47 (3). MAROUETTE 1 President's Club: T. Westerheide '72 (16). MARYlANO 14 President's Club: R. Landers '69 (7), J. Siegel '78 (5). Golden Delta Club: P. Doetsch '76 (16), G. Huston '81 (5), J. Kennedy '85 (2), P. Morris '88 (2), K. Seubert '79 (2). Silver Delta Club: M. Caporaletti '73 (3), R. Goco '87, G. Hannigan '85, W. Kirkpatrick '68 (2), G. Miller '91, Other: M. Boer '89 (3), A. Lewis '90 (2).

MASSACHUSETTS 5 Golden Delta Club: I. Berkeley'89. Silver Delta Club: E. Eckilson '82, J. Limperis '89 (3), R. Sherman '85, M. Weinstein '87 (4). MCGILL 14 President's Club: T. Jackson '69 (4), M. Watt '35 (3). Golden Delta Club: J. Calder '30 (2), A. Hamilton '39, F. Hughes '64. Silver Delta Club: S. Brown '90, D. Ellis '30 (3), G. Hyde '26 (4), C. Jackson '63 (2), D. Killam '63, R. Levy '89 (2), P. Magor '28 (4), F. McRobie '64 (2), W. Mooney '91 (2). MCMASTER 1 Silver Delta Club: R. Graham '90. MIAMI 98 President's Club: H. Barker' 50 (22), J. Barr '68 (9), G. Blair '37 (22), T. Books '53 (2), R. Bruckman ÂŤ49 (13), R. Cawrse '66,

International Fraternity Treasurer, John B. Parks, DePauw '63, gives his report to the Annual Assembly of Trustees on Saturday. 68


R. Coulton '54 (II), C. Dugan '60 (13), D. Eagleson '44 (18), R. Garfinkel '68, R. Gillette '52 (13), W. Godfrey '58 (21), J. Holschuh '48 (15), N. Knauss '53 (4), D. Krebs '80 (12), S. Lisen '62 (4), J. McClellan '35 (9), J. McNamara '29 (18), W. Morgan '51 (9), J. Rathbun '74 (3), J. Rogers '57 (17). Golden Delta Club: A. Billick '76, C. Blake '86, V. Blanke '50, T. Burgess '61 (12), V. Burns '50 (4), R. Cover '43, W. Darlin '56, F. Dodd '49 (4), B. Drew '64, T. Fay '43, W. Gerspacher '63 (11), W. Gibson '51 (3), W. Gurney '53 (II), J. Holschuh, r-. '77 (5), J. Iserrnan '49 (4), E. Longstreth '23 (13), W. Loomis '60 (7), E. McGovern '51 (16), F. McKinley '49, M. Plummer '56 (4), W. Prouty '67 (2), J. Ranallo '30 (5), J. Rees '55, M. Shane '52 (5), E. Thesken '30 (16), W. Vogel '47 (9). Silver Delta Club: R. Beuthel '52 (2), H. Bosworth '52 (13) G. Broderick '49 (2), A. Burgei '90 (2), B. Carlson '79 (II), R. Cohn '58, J. Ehrich '42 (22), M. Ericksen '77 (4), W. Erion '39, J. Fick '76 (2), B. Gilleland '51, J. Griffin '41 (13), F. Hershner '49 (4), N. Jones '64, C. Lass '83 (9), W Liebermann '51 (5), R. Mayberry '51 (13), H. McNabb '49 (4), R. Nagy '82 (3), D. Nies '69 (5), J. Nopper '33 (8), K. Papp '59 (8), T. Potter '51 (12), R. Pryor '37 (17), F. Robinson '62, J. Ryan '34 (4), D. Sechnick '76 (16), D. Smith '62, J. Steen '41 (6), R. Sunkel '53 (5), S. Surplus '81, J. Thomas '32, L. Thomas '65 (6), R. Vernon '54 (3), J. Wettengel '65, J. Whitlock '85, C. Witte '51 (8). Other: J. Brooks '59, M. Campo '73 (2), M. Easton '73 (2), E. Gates '48 (5), R. Gergvais '56, J. Hallihan '67 (9), P. Hendess '78, J. Key'64 (2), R. Lemon '61 (2), J. McClusky '57, M. Ponder '67 (2), R. Schoenherr '63, W. Stillson '39, P. Swanson '59 (5). MICHIGAN 61 President's Club: F. Aengst '57, E. Allmendinger '44 (4), A. Andrews '39, G. Bolas '36 (2), W. Connolly 51, R. Davis '47 (16), R. DeGange '67 (5), C. Eldridge '60 (4), S. Evans '56, C. Ford '44 (10), M. Hartwig '68 (4), D. Mason '57 (8), E. McCobb '23 (16), G. Nicolau '48 (2), J. Nixon '79 (7), R. Spencer '59 (I I), W. Steen '44 (4), J. Tolonen '71 (5), R. Vogel '51, R. Wardle '52 (7), J. White '50 (22). Golden Delta Club: R. Adams'40 (22), L. Bartholomew '50 (7), R. Dornier '79 (5), J. Donaldson '64 (13), R. Earle '63 (2), W. Hole '51 (16), R. Holloway '51 (7), J. Holt '83 (7), T. Jacob '44 (8), G. Joachim '63, J. Johnson '51, R. Mertz '47, W. Moore '39 (2), J. Reynolds '76 (9), J. Shader '72, F. Steere '39, B. Stolz '55 (4), K. Tapp '48 (2), R. Waddell '61 (3), R. Welke '60 (2). Silver Delta Club: H. Augustaitis '86, D. Baumgarten '79, C. Correll '63 (6), R. Grunder '44 (8), K. Hecht '34 (4), L. Hurst '73 (2), L. Lossing '65 (4), T. Miller '49, M. Perkins '51, G. Ray '82 (3), K. Richardson '63 (6), J. Stuart '52 (5), E. Wahl '63 (4), W. Wilson '38 (4). Other: J. Connelly '89, R. Lieblein '54, D. Maudlin '71, M. Porkert '91, T. Richards '91 (2), S. Sandison '90. MICHIGAN STATE 47 President's Club: C. Allen '55 (II), R. Dhue '68 (11), R. Dobberteen '52 (10), P. Franzetta '70 (16), R. Hoover '88 (4), R. Johnson '54 (3), C. MacDonald '64 (4), B. Moore '60 (4), J. Palmitier '60 (8), J. Rozak '62 (6), D. Schlitt '64 (4), G. Snyder '57 (5), J. Tanton '56, R. Thompson '67 (22), R. Zaki '80 (9). Golden Delta Club: F. Bindemann '51 (2), C. Bushman '83, D. Carpenter '63 (7), J. Clancy '56 (2), D. DeVries '56, B. Hoot '65 (15), G. Nasberg '82, M. Overhiser '63 (4), L. Seguin '53 (4), D. Weaver '64, H. Weiner '91, G. Whitson '52 (5). Neese '68 (2), R. Overkamp '64, J. Patterson '85 (7), J. Ryan '55 (13), N. Spaniola '91, R.


Vanderveer '56, R. Zimmerman '53. Other: S. Goldner '87, S. Knox '68 (5), R. Morrison '61, E. Ruff'56. MICHIGAN TECH 5 Golden Delta Club: M. Johnson '88 (2) P. Nielsen '87 (2). Silver Delta Club: M. Joerin '91. Other: S. Darin '90, M. Walling '85. MIDDLEBURY 19 President's Club:T. Bennett '41, R. Noonan '21 (18). Golden Delta Club: W. Fuller '54 (4), R. Herrick '30 (2), J. Quirk '90, E. Russell '79 (2), S. Ward '37 (4), F. Wheeler '39 (II), Silver Delta Club: T. Carey '86 (5), A. Ide '33 (4), H. Painter '33 (15), C. Philipson '37 (3), D. Short '33. Other: R. Allen '33 (11), R. Burrows '29 (16). P, Dunham '45 (4), F. McNamee '50 (16), D, Romani '90, R. Schmidt '29 (5). MINNESOTA 18 President's Club: C. Crippen '30 (22), J, Hamann '59 (14), J, Kopischke '57 (3), G. Pestello '64 (4), F. Tormoen '30 (5), P. Wilke '50 (21). Golden Delta Club: P. Heersema '27 (6), S. Lagerlof'36 (10), O. Opdahl '41 (21), W. Sears '40, Silver Delta Club: J. Knudson '61, O. McDonald '41, H. Mithun '34 (4), R. Peterson '61, D. Rosekrans '54 (3), E. Rydell '72. Other: L. Baker '65 (2), H. Gray '28 (8). MISSOURI 56 President's Club: H. Briggs '51 (18), J. Culpepper '57 (4), R. Denton '33 (2), J. Ehrlich '67 (11), W. Gaddis '57 (7), B, Goodin '39 (3), W. Harwell '51 (7), R. Hortin '61 (4), J. Jeans '53 (2), B. Lutz '58 (9), D. McKelvey '32 (13), V. Neff '66 (17), J, Riggs '30 (14), C. Schooley '28 (15), B. Symon '26 (2), W. Vaughn '57 (7), J. Vinyard '42 (5), R. Yingling '62 (18). Golden Delta Club: R. Anderson '63, G, Beimdiek '35 (12), W. Beltz '66, F. Duff '80, W. Gibson '38 (22), L. Hubbard '55, J. Lane '60, D. Martin '29 (4), P. Mullen '81 (3), H. Ochs '33 (2f), G. Rector '62 (8), F. Westlake '36. Silver Delta Club: G. Allemann '69 (17), G. Bistline '76 (14), D. Body '82, J. Coleman '64, K. Fattmann '53 (5), E. Gray '76 (8), D. Herzog '82, C. Hood '33 (5), G. Martin '56, B. Moore '63, R. Nelson '83 (6), M. Quigley '74 (4), W. Rowland '79, W. Schoenhard '71 (2), W, Taylor '41, K. Teel '81 (4), C. Yaeger '34 (5). Other: W. Bradley '54, C. Daniel '55, M. Hartley '82, D. Irish '57, W. Noble '50, W. Plummer '36 (8), S. Summers '90, M, Tabbara '72, A. Watt '88 (2). NE8RASKA 63 President's Club: H. Brownell '24 (7), T. Cheney '36 (22), J. Dempsey '89 (3), C. Erickson '69, H. Gray '34 (22), E. Hansen '30 (10), R. Hunt '41 (4), S. Killinger '61 (8), W. Krommenhoek '57 (19), R. Loch '54 (8), K. 0' Bannon '50 (18), G. Sawyer '37,1. Tippetts '67 (10), H. Urbach '33 (16), R, Valdez '66 (8), H. Wilkins '42. Golden Delta Club: B. Barnard '81, R, Campbell '68 (4), S, Carlson '54 (2), G. Fisk '58, F. Goodwin '50 (20), F. Harman '56, E, Hohensee '68 (6), P. Hummel '31 (18), C. Kokjer '46 (2), F. Meier '42 (4), L. Million '53 (3), R. Rucksdashel '58, L. Schick '29 (22), R. Shively '82 (10), D. Youngdahl '60, Silver Delta Club: L. Alexander '36 (2), D. Becker '27 (2), A. Christenson '45 (22), G. Davis '31 (4), W. Else '58, D. Harris '76, J. Harris '36 (2), C. Hildebrand '38 (8), J. Houchin '85 (5), R. Keehn '83 (9), E. Lohr '32 (2), J. Lovell '90. B. Mayfield '90. C. Messinger '82 (4), K. Miller '50 (3), C. Minnich '37, D. Nuckolls '85 (5), D. Onnen '76 (12), W. Pedley '32 (7), J.

ROdriguez '65, H. Smith '65 (22), E. Straka '53 (5), J. Swanson '50, W. Watkins '61. Other: D. Armbruster '87 (5), A. Bailey '30 (3), R. Ford '69 (4), J. Green '75, G. Muncy '70, R. Noble '49 (7), R. Seline '78 (6), W. Wilkins '45. NEW YORK 8 President's Club: G. Koski '43 (22), R. Stigberg '25 (9). Golden Delta Club: C. Hoover' 40 (13). Silver Delta Club: T. Billheimer '41 (5), E, Gaylord '23 (6), J. Redegeld '23 (12), J. White '41 (5). Other: F, Baranowski '43 (2). NORTH CAROLINA 43 President's Club: J. Clark '68 (13), J. Dalton '59 (15), J. Fluet '65 (4), D. Heacock'64 (4), S. Jones '63 (15), M. Legler '64 (3), M. Menius '68 (3), H. Pawlik '54 (16), E. Taff'61 (4), S. Wallenhaupt '74 (6), W. Watkins '27 (22). Golden Delta Club: R. Coleman '68 (2), W. Crawford '76 (16), P. Dorton '76 (3), C. Elig '68 (5), K. Head '79 (13), J. Honeycutt '69, S. McClanahan '74 (10), W. Rose '69 (5), J. Snow '73 (5), G. Wessling '74 (5), T. Yermack '78 (6). Silver Delta Club: J. Allen '73, E. Bunting '67 (2), D. Dorton '76 (2), D. Douds '89, E. Duncan '74, W. Eddleman '34 (8), P. Gems '48 (4), R. Gray '59 (13), M. Johnston '89, J. Joyner'77 (5), J. Mitchiner '73, W. Ormond '89, C. Schumacher '73 (9), R. Tracy '69 (5), R. Wing '70 (2), W. Woodard '76 (8), B. Wright '64. Other: M. Baratta '81 (3), J. Inscoe '62 (3), J. Lee '89, A. Woodard '80. NORTH CAROLINA STATE 9 President's Club: P. Klinefelter '80 (4), E. Lach '79 (14), D. Schuster '83. Golden Delta Club: W. Turner '89. Silver Delta Club: C. Alexander '85, F. Carter '84 (5), S. Cox '80 (8), D. Harris '82 (6), r. Hoffman '78. NORTH DAKOTA 34 President's Club: G. Bjerke '75 (2), L. Coleman '83 (2), R. Grundhauser '83 (3), R. Kirsch '78 (10), L. Luckow'7\ (3), J. Stockman '86 (2). Golden Delta Club: R. Bettenhansen '70, B. Boespflug '85, D. Bruschwein '74 (2), P. Jacobson '83, D. Kack '87 (4), D. Ketelle '84, P. Knoll '84, B. Kounovsky '86, D. Nicolai '84 (4), J. Sweeney '86, R. Szczys '69 (2), Sill'er Delta Club: B. Anderson '84, K. Anderson '87 (4), M. Carlisle '80 (11), J. Christensen '84, T. Dolan '72, D. Finke '74 (5), J. Furst '81 (2), R. Gusaas '84, M. Hoffman '83, M. Isaacson '85, M. Johnson '89 (2), A. Misslin '76. Other: B. Aafedt '86, J. Bittncr'78 (4), D. Dunham '89 (3), T. Henzi '90, D. Hoistad '85. NORTH DAKOTA STATE 3 President's Club: P. Altringer '85 (3). Silver Delta Club: A. Qual '73. Other: H. Hagen '86 (4). NORTHERN COLORADO 1 Other: J. Dowd '93. NORTHERN ILLINOIS 29 President's Club: B. Branstrom '69 (4), S. Gerber '68 (21), P. Horvath '88 (4), P. Jones '76 (8), J. Lotsoff '88 (5), W. Malloy '69 (4), G, Sowa '70 (6). Golden Delta Club: M. Ferensen '67 (3), J. Janik '75 (9), W. Jurney '88 (4), A. Knox '77 (6), J. Landstrom '70 (4), J. Panegasser '68. Silver Delta Clllb: W. Feithen '75 (16), D. Ferraro '68, T. Kilmartin '89, P. Kremkau '68, R. Machek '67 (3), M. Maibach'73 (18), M. McGee '81 (4), K. Moline '74 (2), J. Singelmann '64 (2), G. Swanson '66. Other: S. Allen '76, A. Contos '72, A. Graziano '81, S. Murphy '90 (2), A. Skibinski '72 (2), E. Stremich '66.





Maurice S, Mandel, Chicago '55, pins the Badge of Office on the Fraternity's new President and Chairman of the Board, Bruce S, Bailey, Denison '58, See more about our newest President on page 2.

NORTHERN IDWA 6 President's Club: S. Anderson '79 (11). Golden Delta Club: K. Busse '82, R. Caya '89, D. Henshaw '79 (8). Silver Delta Club: G. Ingledue '77 (4). Other: R. Johnson '85 (7). NORTHWESTERN 54 President's Club: P. Bodine '50 (22), W. Boyd '48 (17), L. Caruso '65 (7), H. Evert '56 (10), G. Fitzgerald '49 (3), R. Forsthoffer '70 (3), S. Gavitt '37 (12), W. Guthrie '52 (6), E. Heizer, Jr. '51 (22), J. Jamra '38 (22), R. Newman '59 (22), G. Pagels '34 (4), T. Rakow '65 (4), H. Stevens '46 (4), L. Vercelli '78 (3), G. West '52 (5), A. Weyhrich '58 (10), W. Willoughby '38 (2), F. Zinn '37 (22). Golden Delta Club: G. Block '48, R. Countryman '50 (15), R. Coyle '52 (10), J. Davis '65 (7). A. Ferraro '59 (4), H. Holman '71 (6), C. Jensen '31 (I 2), A. Johnson '48 (8), N. Losole '79 (5), A. Ludolph '42 (8), W. Meinhard '47, J. Nelson '63 (22), C. Norborg '62 (2), R. Ortmaycr '41, S. Papich '36 (16), P. Robinson '49, A. Rogers '34 (4), K. Rudolph '39. Silver Delta Club: W. Anderson '53 (17), M. Bittle '87, D. Costello '54 (6), A. Ebert '52 (2), E. Gray '29 (17), J. Higley '56, R. Hoppel '80 (3), N. Horner '69 (4), F. Kreml '31 (16), L. Laning '46, R. Mackey '43 (22), J. Nollman 66, R. Polito '69, O. Porter '49 (2), R. White '52 (5). Other: R. Dougan '24 (4), J, Shannon '49 (21). OHIO 13 President's Club: J, Long '65, S. Rowley '65 (2), J. Shipman '56 (2). Golden Delta Club: D. Bellan '59, J. Reed '81 (4). Silver Delta Club: J. Falconer '87, E. Paxton '68 (2), N. Saari '54, W. Spanfellner '61 (3), W. Ulle '57 (2). Other: G. Berzins '76, J. Weimer '68, J. Wills '70 (4). OHIO STATE 59 President's Club: P. Corey '48 (21), E. Crater '78 (6), H. Crawford '47 (20), P, Flohr '36 (4), C. Harman '59 (11), N. Johnson '43 (5), E. Kuppinger '33 (22), F. Long '32, C. Lurding '59 (6), R. Mason '41 (6), L. Mays '31, R. Metcalf'46 (4), J.

Myers '38 (22), 1. Shaw '49 (16), C. Thomas '38, J. Underwood '62 (3), J. Wagner '45 (22). Golden Delta Club: W. Barnes '49 (2), W. Cooper '63 (16), J. Davenport '89, P. DeLaMater '63 (2), R. Elliott '48 (22), D, Ewart '47 (8), W. Herron '43 (11), J. Koontz '55 (5), E. Langhurst '41 (8), L. Parsons '30 (8), P. Sherck '51 (8), R. Sipprell '37 (10), M. Stone '69 (14), M. Weingold '78 (6), J. Werum '42 (16), E. Zell '69. Silver Delta Club: J, Berry '38, W. Buchsieb '51, J. Campbell '49, J. Carle '61 (2), J. Douglas '84 (2), A. Fouke '40 (2), F. Griesinger '38, T. Hoover '56 (12), H. Ingersoll '48, A. Johnson '42 (3), R. Little '45 (2), D. McBane '57, J. McLain '42, F. Miller '38, R. Morrison '39 (20), P. Porter '50, R. Reamer '64, R. Seekely '80 (4), C. Shepherd '49 (2), H. Smith '51 (4), W. Spore '39 (2), H. Townsend '60 (2). Other: M. Dahler '74 (2), J. O'Shea '48, T. Rees '33 (5), E. Sawyer '27. OKLAHOMA 46 President's Club: \Y. Blair '51 (3), L. Brammer '47 (4), R. Butler '78 (2), J. Dawson '35 (4), T. Filip '69 (16), G. Haymon '77 (7), P. Hurley '64, J. Kalbfleisch '52 (12), P. Kenady '66, A. Loyd '82 (4), J. Owens '78 (5), J. Powers '58 (5), M. Rupert '74 (16), H. Stanfield '62, R. Thompson '61 (8), B. Walkingstick '52 (20). Golden Delta Club: D. Brooks '85, E. French'78 (13), T. Gatchel '60 (6), T, Hess '75 (3), P. Hodges '63, M. McGarrah '85, D. Sloan '72, J. Tail '78. Silver Delta Club: W. Boyce '72, L. Contway '29 (15), R. Coulter '52, C. Frymire '79 (3), J. Haslam '80 (2), K. Hirsch '74 (9), R. Hobgood '45 (2), T. Hudiburgh '78 (5), L. Huffman '71, J. Levorsen '50 (3), T. Loafman '89, L. LOll '54, E. Meadows '84, T. 0' Bannon '82 (10), W. Reid '58, F. Rutherford '50 (6), J. Tacker '63, W. Tlucek '58. Other: T. Lee '75, R. Polk '89, P. Rabb '80 (3), J. Stuart '74. OKLAHOMA STATE 6 President's Club: J. Filip '63 (8), H. Hobson '67, W. Richards'77 (13). Golden Delta Club: C. Phillips '85 (4).



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R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6

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AT ~158th INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION Outgoing Fraternity President, Gary Golden, Rutgers '74, presents the charter to Cal Poly President, Seth Catalli '94.

Outgoing Fraternity President, Gary Golden, Rutgers '74, presents the charterto representatives from the Texas A&M Chapter.


/ I



Captain Edward Bronson

Roger Nauert

Bay and, along with his family, gives ferry boat rides to physically challenged children.

Brother Jameson was recently married to Vanessa Ann Coleman of Lexington, Kentucky. Both are currently enrolled in the MBA Honors Program at Lindenwood College in St. Charles, Missouri.

San Jose Kevin S. Jameson '87, has reached a career milestone by being a recipient of Shell Oil Company's highest honor, The Laural Award, presented annually to the top 1% of Shell's marketing staff. Brother Jameson joined Shell in 1989 as a Territory Sales Representative in Houston and today is the youngest Territory Marketing Manager on Shell's staff.

Syracuse John R. Cooley '59, is the author of the book, Mark Twain's Aquarium, which describes the famous humorist's last years of life at his estate, "Storm Field," in Redding, CT.

Richard Moran

Washington State Dr. Earl L. Marble '59 recently passed the Pharmacotherapy Specialty Certification Examination which recognizes those pharmacists with advanced knowledge of drug therapy. Brother Marble is the Clinical Pharmacy Coordinator at the Syracuse Veterans Affairs Medical Center, as well as an Associate Clinical Professor at the Albany College of Pharmacy.

Tufts Kevin R. Baker '86, has founded Baker Capital Management, Inc. A firm managing stock investments for individual investors. Washington Captain David T. Waggoner '66 has assumed command of Naval Air Station: a master jet air station with 24 carrier squadrons, and over two dozen other individual units. Previously, Brother Waggoner piloted A-6 Intruder aircraft off the USS SARATOGA, and served as comptroller of the US Pacific Fleet. His military awards include the Meritorious Service Medal, the Air Medal, Navy Commendation Medal, and various campaign awards. Brother Waggoner and his wife PJ celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary this year.

Dr. Earl Marble 76


Kevin Baker



IIRush Team" Among Many New Committees Delta Upsilon's revitalized committee system is off to a running start. Scores of DU's are currently working as volunteer members of committees, task forces or as Province Alumni Coordinators. Their dedicated activity is making a dramatic and positive difference at DU chapters this fall. One of the most exciting new projects is the "DU Rush Team." Kevin P. Hird, Bradley '90, is recruiting a cadre of alumni throughout North America who are especially interested in rush. They will form teams which will conduct rush schools or help rush at weak chapters. He's looking for a "few good men." If you want to join the team, call Kevin at (work) 309-793-0188. DU committee activities include alumni programs, community service, expansion, fund raising, Headquarters maintenance, health issues, housing, music, risk management and scholarship. If you would like to work on a specific type of fraternity project, please call Tom Durein, Oregon State '92, DU's Expansion Manager, at Fraternity Headquarters (317-875-8900) so that he can put you in touch with the right committee leader. The Milwaukee Delta Upsilon Alumni Club will hold its 69th annual Reunion Dinner on Friday, November 6, 1992 starting at 6 pm in the Milano Room of the Milwaukee Athletic Club. Fred G. Luber, Purdue '50, a leading Regent of the Milwaukee School of Engineering and a Trustee of Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance, will be the speaker, while Attorney Charles J. Herro, Wisconsin '43, will be the Toastmaster. For more information, contact Quinn Martin, Purdue '69, at (414) 277-5125, Richard Jacobs, Wisconsin '51, at (414) 681-4622, or George Knutsen, Oregon State '31, at (414) 7748040.


IIPAC Men" Attack Alumni Chapter Development Unlike the popular video game of the past, our 'PAC Men' are Province Alumni Chapter Coordinators. This new position, to be manned by volunteer alumni, is aimed at facilitating the development of active, working alumni chapters. These alumni chapters can encourage, assist, and counsel undergraduate chapters and when necessary, provide local follow-up in problem areas. Twenty-six positions have been authorized to cover our 12 provinces, and eleven men have signed on thus far. They include, Kenneth E. Ruch, Penn State '72; Wayne Smoak, South Carolina '84; Chris Miller, Miami '90; Steve Neumann, Michigan Tech '87; Jordan Lotsoff, Northern Illinois '88; Dave Maguire, Southern Illinois '73; Derek Dunham, North Dakota '89; Troy Horine, Kansas State '80; Andrew Dunham, San Jose '86; and Robert Broad, Syracuse '60. Won't you volunteer to aid us in this worthy effort? Positions are open in all provinces except VI and VII. Contact Brent Scobie, Alumni Activities Manager, at DU Headquarters.

Alumni Chapter Survey Results: Eleven successful alumni chapters responded to a survey undertaken by Alumni Committee Chairman, Nick Giorgianni, Kent State '56. The results are being shared with all Alumni Chapter Presidents to provide a benchmark against which to measure the performance of their own chapters. All successful alumni chapters have strong newsletter communications, receive about $3,000 per year in donations for operating expenses from their alumni, provide newsletters to their undergraduate chapters, and conduct at least two joint social activities each year. Most successful alumni chapters participate in rush, initiations, Regional Leadership Seminars, and the Annual Leadership Institute. If you have questions, comments, or concerns about your alumni chapter, please do not hesitate to contact us at DU Headquarters.



MARRIAGES Bakersfield '92 Angel E. Evangelio and Christa M. in Delano, CA on December 1, 1991. Bradley'91 Scott A. Byrd and Kimberly E. Rafool in Peoria, IL on April 25, 1992. Iowa '88 Andrew G. Hoyt and Marilyn Jones on May 16, 1992. ~assachusetts '90 Bradley A. Mount and Carey T. Snyder in Longmeadow, MA on May 23, 1992. Miami '67 Michael C. Ponder and Nan Frederick in Lake Orion, MI on August 3, 1991. Miami '91 J. Michael Ryan and Maria Akerlind in Cincinnati, OH on April 3, 1992. North Dakota '79 Dr. Keith H. Loven and Leslie Ann Howell in Chattanooga, TN on April 24, 1992. Oregon State '89 Michael R. Willig and Heather K. Yeats on September 12, 1992. San Jose '87 Kevin S. Jameson and Vanessa Ann Coleman on April 4, 1992. South Dakota '81 Michael J. Garry and Mary Tina Belanger in Long Beach, CA on June 27, 1992. Tennessee '90 William A. Eason and Abigail Turner in Sewanee, TN on May 23, 1992. Tennessee '91 Thad M. Adams and Kimberly Laxon in Atlanta, GA on August 15, 1992. Tennessee '92 Bradley A. Croisdale and DeAnna Alexi on May 16, 1992. Tennessee '92 Matthew J. King and Marci Kington in Dandridge, TN on May 23, 1992. Tennessee '93 Scott C. Huskin and Erica Womble in Dandridge, TN on June 20, 1992.

BIRTHS Alberta '80 Mr. and Mrs. Laurie McFadden, of London, England, a daughter, Katherine Alexandra, on February 18, 1992. Arkansas '80 Mr. and Mrs. C. Bryan McBryde, of Fayetteville, AR, a son, Robert Benjamin, on February 17, 1992. 78




Bakersfield '92 Mr. and Mrs. Angel E. Evangelio, of Bakersfield, CA, a son, Ethan Matthew, on January 13, 1992. Bradley'89 Mr. and Mrs. Todd P. Smith, of Sherman, IL, a daughter, Taylor Marie, on May 10, 1992. Bradley'90 Mr. and Mrs. Scot R. Haines, of Dunlap, lL, a son, Matthew Scot, on March 6, 1992. Kansas State '80 Mr. and Mrs. Bradley K. Wolf, of Baton Rouge, LA, a son, Brian Gregory, on June 4, 1992. Michigan '81 Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Comerford, Jr., of Larchmont, NY, a daughter, Sarah Elizabeth, on May 17, 1992. Michigan State '83 Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Zimmerman, of Cincinnati, OH, a daughter, Hannah Rachel, on April 25, 1992. North Carolina State '78 Mr. and Mrs. Alan C. Downs, of Raleigh, NC, a son, Andrew Carson, on September 20, 1991. Northern Illinois '82 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Kluckman, of Deerfield, IL, a son, Kenneth Revone, on April 23, 1992. Pennsylvania State '83 Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Pawlush, of Mocanaqua, PA, a son, Alexander Joseph, on June 4, 1992. Tennessee '87 Mr. and Mrs. John A. Morss, of Franklin, TN, a son, James, on March 6, 1992. Toronto '80 Mr. and Mrs. Ceirion Humber, of Brampton, Ontario, a son, Christopher Ceirion, on June 17, 1992. Western Michigan '73 Mr. and Mrs. J. Kevin Rowlinson, of Winter Park, FL, a son, James Alexander, on October 28, 1991. Wisconsin '80 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Alan Baer, of Redmond, WA, a son, Tyler Michael, on March 17, 1992.

OBITUARIES Alberta John L. Anderson '36 Lome H. Blackbourne '35 Leroy Wobick '52 Amherst P. R. Bassett ' 13 Randall H. Piper '28 Franklin I. Powers '41 Auburn Douglas B. Wheeler '72 Bowdoin Thomas F. Johnston '32 Bowling Green Erwin J. Nowak '50 Bradley Harold E. Wright '50 British Columbia William F. Bentley '47 J. K. Campbell '33 Robert V. DeVito '49 Brown James Archbald '29 Dean H. Echols '27 Philip M. Lingham '30 California Thomas Elston '34 Carnegie Paul H. Resch '28 Chicago Byford F. Heskett '22 James F. Mulcahy '50 Colby Paul W. Logie '27 Colgate Michael A Braun '66 George S. Sullivan '34 Columbia Jacob P. Arneth '43 Graham Erskine '33 Cornell H. S. Bennett' 12 Gary J. Dibella '71 Edward R. Fiske '28 Edwin J. Haupt '18 Richard P. Irwin '32 James P. Kelly '50 James P. Latimore '62 Ezra B. Whitman '31 Dartmouth William B. Davis '25 DePauw C. E. Gaskins '22 Harry P. Gough '29 Robert H. Maurice '60 Richard A. Shiffler '83 Harry R. Stimson '61 Howard D. Whitlock '48 Hamilton Maurice L. Jenks '63 John F. Kempf '38



George A. Marks '24 Howard E. Yule '24 Harvard Allan W. Ad '32 E. Michel Holder '31 Illinois I Iathan Wilkinson '33 Inu'ana John J. Ade '90 Samual E. Curtis '57 Robert Grumieaux '22 John R. Quatroche, Jr. '88 Iowa J. Russell King '26 Wayne Miller '26 Arlin D. Pepmueller '43 Harold R. Phelps '25 Iowa State James B. Keyes '50 Johns Hopkins Melvin G. Gray '45 J. Ross Myers '49 Norris Sterling '52 William L. Towner '85 Kansas Lyman O. Ashby '27 Joseph O. Parker '31 Kenneth P. Rockhill '39 Lloyd E. Youngblood '29 Lafayette Richard H Cunningham '34 Charles H. Zimmerman '26 Lehigh Albert Fredrick Snyder '91 Marietta Ralph R. Richardson '14 Miami T. H. Conklin '29 J. H. Fangboner '37 Norman S. Knauss '53 Michigan William S. Hill '33 Bruce R. Lafer '35 Richard E. Meyer '61 James S. MacVicar '14 S. Martin Tweedie '52 Michigan State Larry E. Norman '60 James C. O'Donnell '65 Middlebury Stillman F. Kelley '29 Minnesota Kenneth l. Deming ,50 Thomas J. Hayes '60 Missouri Eugene A Rodman '30 Theodore O. Scherer '28 Justin D. Tittle '92 Francis K. Westlake '36 Nebraska Dean S. Bullis '38 Richard B. Mutter '28



New York Elwood C. Kastner '28 William J. Sutton '33 Northwestern John Conway '49 John E. Kirkpatrick '24 William A. Taylor '48 Gerald Thomas '53 Oklahoma Roland G. Attaway '48 Edwin A. Dupree '25 LeRoy F. Mims '86 Oregon State Robert J. Williams '36 Purdue Harold R. Ginger'40 Ben M. Martin '39 Rochester Lowell R, Cumming '43 Robert P. Giesler '40 Arthur W. Schwartz '32 Rutgers William A. Gies '31 San Jose Jack E. Brunton '50 Kent D. Cole '86 Simpson Lorence E. Pemble '37 Syracuse Gordon S. Gifford '29 Paul P. Kinne' 14 Technology Lyman H. Allen '34 Herman P. Meissner '29 Texas Charles W. Mckinney '69 Union Charles E. Hanle '62 Washington and Lee George A. Eristoff '52 Washington State C. E. Yarwood '29 Wesleyan Robert R. Brooks '26 Western Illinois James A. Sesso '85 Western Ontario Armand L. DiFrancesco '49 C. Ashford Lorriman '34 Howard R. Waller '43 Western Reserve Lisle M. Buckingham ' 17 L. M. Hostetler '24 H. E. Yoxtheimer ' 19 Wisconsin William Calvy '36 Adrian L. Lammers '21 Leland W. Spickard '20


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