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Dear DU Brothers, Family, and Friends: The events of September 11, 2001, were a devastating tragedy for citizens around the world. The Delta Upsilon International Fraternity wishes to extend our deepest sympathies and prayers to all who have been impacted by this day - particularly those who have lost family members or friends.

North America's Oldest Non-Secret Fraternity; Founded 1834

The Principles of Delta Upsilon The Promotion of Friendship The Development of Character The Diffusion of Liberal Culture The Advancement of Justice The Motto of Delta Upsilon International Fraternity

We are issuing a notice to all chapter leaders and alumni brothers, requesting that they report to the IRQ offices as soon as possible regarding any brothers, undergraduate or alumni, or their family or friends, who may have been injured or worse as a result of the attacks.

Dikaia Upotheke Justice Our Foundation OFFICERS President Alvan E. (Ed) Porter, Oklahomll '65

Chairman of the Board

Abe Cross, Executive Director

We are relieved to report that all IRQ staff members are safe throughout the United States and Canada. Should staff travel plans be altered due to disruption of air travel or safety concerns, an IRQ staff member will contact the chapter or colony leadership as soon as possible. Additionally, we have received reports that the Red Cross is in need of blood donations in order to react to those who are injured in New York, Washington, DC, and Pennsylvania. We encourage DU brothers to consider these needs and respond accordingly. Delta Upsilon has an opportunity to provide care and concern during this time of crisis and truly exemplify the meaning of the brotherhood of Delta U. Although the United States was the direct victim of the attacks, our Canadian brothers have expressed tremendous support for the brothers and citizens in the States who have been terribly affected by this tragedy. Again, our deepest and heartfelt prayers are extended to those in need at this time. God bless,

Abraham L. Cross, CAE Executive Director & Editor Cross@DeltaU.org 2

DELTA U ON THE WEB @ www.DeltaU.org

Richard B. Campbell, Nebraska '68 Secretary Gregory H. Mathews, Florida '70

Treasurer Richard L Delano, Indiana '85 DIRECTORS Rees M. Jones, Manitoba '67 Stephan G. Kouzomis. Illinois '68 Jordan B. Lotsoff, Northern JWllois '88 ~Ilark L. Marshall , Kansas State 76 William L. Messick, Lafayette '68 Corbin G. Navis, Kansas Stale '03 Coady H. Pruett. Cal Paly '02 James S. Simpkins, Washington State '81 Allan A. Warrack, Alberla '61 PAST PRESIDENTS Charles D. Prutzman, PeJlllsyll'OlIia State '18 Henry A. Federa, Louisville '37 Charles F. Jennings, Marietta '31 Terry L. Bullock. Kansas State '6 / Samuel M. Yales, Sail Jose '55 Gary 1. Golden, Rutgers '74 Bruce S. Bailey, Denison '58 James D. McQuaid , Chicago '60 INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS STAFF Erecutil'e Director Abraham L. Cross. CAE Director of Chapter Sen /ices Tyson R. Vaughn, Miami '98 Director of Leadership Educatioll Jeffrey W. Scars, Arlingtoll/Northem Arizona '98

Dh-eClor of Alwmd Sen'ices Craig S. Sowell, Houston '92 Directors oj Fratemif), Expansion

Adam L. Culley, Northern 101\:0 '00 John W. DUllcan, Jr., Oregon State '00 Leadership Consultlillts Geoffrey K. Holle[reund, Victoria '00 PatricK J. B. Morison, Weslem Olllario 'OJ Jason N. W. Plowman, Miami '01 Philip G. Ranford, ClIlver-StocklOll '00 Office Mallager. Jo Ellen Walden A CCOlUltallt, Michele Camarco Accounts Administrator, Rosemary Brady E1:e('Uliw AuisfUlll, Barbara Harness Chapter Sen'ices Admillistrative Assisllllll, Jeanette Smith Educational Foundalioll Executive Direc/or David R. Schumacher DiTeoor of Del'elopmelll Aaron D. Clevenger. Celltral Florida '97




Two university presidents join the ranks of Delta Upsilon The president o( the University o( Oregon. David Frohnmayer, (ollows his (ather as a member o( Delta Upsilon.

David Broski, president of Bradley University, and David Frohnmayer, president of the University of Oregon, were proudly initiated into Delta Upsilon Fraternity during the 2000-0 I academic year.


DEPARTMENTS Fraternity News


Undergraduate News


Alumni News


Alpha & Omega


Delta Upsilon International Headquarters. PO Box 68942,8705 Founders Road, Indianapolis, Indiana 46268, U.S.A. Open from 8:30 to 5:00 p.m. EST., Monday through Friday. Office-317.87S.8900 Fax-317.876. 1629 E-mail-IHO@DeltaU.org Website-wwwDeltaU.org

Delta Upsilon Quarterly (USPS 152-900) is published quarterly in the Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter at 8705 Founders Road, Indianapolis, Indiana 46268, U.S.A. The subscription price is $3 a year. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Delta Upsilon Quarterly, P. O. Box 68942, Indianapolis, IN 46268-0942. Printed in the United States. Periodical postage paid at Indianapolis, Indiana and additional mailing office. 速T.M. Registered U. S. Patent Office.

Jacob D. C. Humphreys, Washington State '04, at the re-instatement of Washington State.

North-A merican lnterfratemity Conference

Quarterly Staff: Abraham L. Cross, Managing Editor; Barbara Ann Harness, Co-Editor; Adam L. Culley, Northern Iowa '00, Jeffrey W. Sears, Arlingtan/Northern Arizona '98, and Craig S. Sowell, Houston '92, Contributing Editors; Ruth Kemnitz, Design Consultant. Coll ege Fraternity Editors Assoc iation

DELTA U ON THE WEB @ www.DeltaU.org





Introducing DU's Newest 200 I Delta Upsilon Community Service Week

November 4 - 10 Volunteer at a Boys & Girls Club! Assist at a soup kitchen! Visit residents at a retirement home! Participate in a campus clean-up!

atrick J. B. Morison , Western Ol/tario 'OJ, graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Economics from the University of Western Ontario. While on campus, he was part of the Western Orientation program and a part of Social Science Students Council. During the sunmlers, Patrick interned as a computer testing, training and support officer for the government of Canada. As an undergraduate, Patrick served his chapter as president, VP finance, VP loss prevention, and social chairman. He was the Undergraduate Advisory Board representative for Province 2 during the 2000-0 I academic year, as well as one of the two undergraduate directors elected to the International Fraternity'S Board of Directors.


aSon N. W. Plowman, Miallli '01, graduated with honors from Miami University where he earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science. Jason served on the chapter's executive board as VP recruitment and VP public relati ons. In addition to working as an International Headquarters intern during the summer of 2000, he was the Undergraduate Advisory Board representative for Province 5 during the 2000-01 year. While at Miami, he received the Miami University Parents Association's Certificate of Merit for Service to Campus Life and the Phillip & Martha Shriver Greek Man of the Year Award.



More information at www.DeltaU.org 4

Leadership Consultants

DELTA U ON THE WEB @ www.DeltaU.org

Washington State Chapter of Delta U Roars Back represented the Washington State Interest Group at the 2001 Presidents Academy during the Winter Educational Conference held in Chicago. There he met IHQ staff members, International Fraternity Board member Jim Simpkins, Washington State '81, and Chairman of the Board Scott A. W. Johnson,Washington ' 80. Through the efforts of these men and others, Jeremiah returned to Pullman with the exciting news that the International Fraternity would support their return to campus. In the following months, the group organized itself and accomplished many challenging objectives to achieve the ultimate goal of becoming a DU Chapter.

Chapter President Jeremiah Gannon with the Charter originally presented to the Washington State Chapter when established in March of 1933.

pril 28,200 I, marked an historic date on the campus of Washington State University. Delta Upsilon Fraternity, after a short absence, was reinstated on the campus in record time with 35 outstanding men. On January 16, 2001 , the men who would comprise the newly re-instated Washington State Chapter began the process of going from interest group to colony to re-instated chapter status. The fastest re-instatement in the history of Delta Upsilon was accomplished thanks to the hard work of those 35 men. With a sizeable crowd of alumni, friends, family, and college faculty, the men of Washington State DU were reinstated at the United Congregation of Christ.


Rite I was peIformed in the Compton Union Building on April 27. Rite II was peIformed in the United Congregation of Christ on April 28. Presiding over the ceremonies was Chairman of the Delta Upsilon Board of Directors Scott A. W. Johnson. Over 100 DU alumni, parents, and guests attended the re-instatement ceremonies. Immediately following the reinstatement ceremonies, a flag raising ceremony was held outside Murrow Hall on WSU's campus. New brothers, alumni, and guests stood witness as the Delta Upsilon flag was once again raised on the Washington State University campus. The weekend concluded with a brotherhood dinner and time spent with family and guests. Brother Johnson presented many of the members with different artifacts to unite the old Delta Upsilon chapter with the newly re-instated Delta Upsilon chapter at WSu. Thanks to all the parents and alumni for their help during the effort. Congratulations to all of the men of the WSU Delta Upsilon chapter without whose combined efforts none of this success would have been possible.

In the fall of 2000, seven of those 35 men decided that they wanted to join a fraternity. After finding none that satisfied what they were looking for in a fraternity, they turned to Delta Upsilon, a fraternity that had recently left campus and one to which Jeremiah Gannon, the current chapter president, had ties. Delta Upsilon offered many things that other fraternities did not: non-secrecy, friendship, character, diffusion of liberal culture, and justice. These values and qualities led these seven men to approach the Fraternity'S Headquarters about reinstating Delta Upsilon at Washington State University. In January, Jeremiah D. Gannon '03, DELTA U ON THE WEB @ www.DeltaU.org


, 1




he Washington Chapter of Delta Upsilon reaffirmed its commitment to excellence during the 2000-01 academic year. Following the successful pledging and initiation of 25 members of the class of 2004, the Washington Chapter didn't lose a step. Days after being recognized as the only non-secret and non-hazing chapter on the University of Washington Campus, it happened again. New brother Eric T. Reid '04 successfully competed for and was crowned Mr. Greek in Alpha Gamma Delta's Mr. Greek Competition. Eric's efforts consisted of fundraising for the Tree House Foundation, a model walk, a question/answer session, and a talent competition where he played Pachelbel's Canon in D on his violin. Eric's efforts set the standard for others. Soon Brother Bryan Nyberg '04 and Model Initiate Tom O' Brien '04 followed by being crowned kings in the Sigma Kappa King of the Castle competition and the Delta Zeta Rose Court, respectively. Philanthropically, the spring 200 I quarter was very busy. As the weather became nicer, the Washington Chapter added to its philanthropy efforts by becoming a sponsor for the 10th annual Nordstrom's Beat the Bridge run. With this sponsorship, the chapter created a competition within the university community that encouraged people to participate in the run. Likewise, the chapter continued with its regular philanthropic efforts by volunteering at the Boys & Girls Club, cleaning the chapter's adopted street,

The Washington Chapter delegation after accepting the Sweepstakes Trophy at Saturday night's Grand Banquet at the 200 I Leadership Institute in Dallas. Shown with the group are (far left) Dick Campbell, Nebraska '68, and (far right) Scott A. W. Johnson, Washington '80. and spending time at the Union Gospel Mission & Bread of Life. In an effort to spread and share brotherhood, many of the Washington brothers were proud to attend the initiation and re-colonization of the Washington State Chapter in May in Pullman, Wash. In efforts to help them become re-instated, close friendships were formed between many of each chapter's members. With help from the chapter's educational foundation, II brothers attended the 2001 Leadership Institute in Dallas, along with four Model Initiates. It was with tremendous excitement and pride that the chapter received the Sweepstakes Trophy as DU's most

outstanding chapter for the 2000-0 I academic year. The chapter's recruitment efforts throughout the summer were very strong. Ten young men pledged DU for the fall and several more are anticipated. Annual events such as river rafting trips in Yakima, hiking in the Cascade mountain range, and camping in the San Juan Islands of the Puget Sound have made recruitment efforts very successful and have contributed to the chapter's strong brotherhood. This highly productive and prosperous year has truly been a compliment to the 91st anniversary of the Washington Chapter.

Washington Chapter's Beat the Bridge Run




Oregon State Chapter's 80th Anniversary


he Oregon State Chapter has announced that its 80th anniversary celebration will be held the weekend of January 18-19, 2002, in Portland, Oreg.

Planned is a fantastic weekend, beginning Friday at 7 pm at the Embassy Suites Hotel in downtown Portland. The evening's festivities will include a buffet dinner, update on the chapter's 80 years of existence, a keynote speaker on generational accomplishments, and a DJ with dancing to cap off the evening. Saturday the busses will pick up alumni and guests at 10 am in front of the hotel for the trip to Corvallis. There will be a tour of the university and the chapter house; then lunch will be served at the chapter with some remarks from members. The bu sses will return everyone to the hotel in the afternoon. Hotel rooms have been blocked at a great room rate. to make your reservation, please call 503.279.9000, and identify that you are with the Delta Upsilon group to ensure that you receive the special rate. Reservations must be made by December 18, 2001, to be included in this block.

Gamma Sigma Alpha Initiates from DU Chapters


amma Sigma Alpha is a national Greek

academic honor society which recognizes Greek scholars who excel in academics. Delta Upsilon is proud to recognize those DU brothers recently initiated into GSA

North Carolina Chapter: Nicholas Carr, Aaron Hoffman, Joel Knight II, Matthew Love, James Monroe, Nathan Rogers, and Gene Williams.

North Dakota Chapter: Kevin Abbott, Robert Buresh, Joseph Emerson, Emory Nelson, Steve Palm, and Scott Blake Shelton.

Oregon State Chapter: Marcus Ruhnke. Pennsylvania State Chapter: Timothy Anspach. Purdue Chapter: David Graves and James McCart.

South Carolina Chapter: Jason Clark. We hope you will plan to attend this exciting celebration. Please RSVP as soon as possible to the event coordinators at 503.371 .8904.

Western Reserve Chapter: Stephen Leider.

DELTA U ON THE WEB @ www.DeltaU.org


DU Educational Foundation Trustees Chairman: Stephen K. Rowley, Ohio '65 President, The Paragon

DELTA UPSILON EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION P.o. Box 68942, 8705 Founders Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268 phone: 317-875-8900 fax: 317·876-1629 e-mail: ihq@dcltau.org

Vice Chairman: Craig J. Franz, FSC, Bucknell '75 President, st. Mary's College of California Treasurer: Paul B. Edgerley, Kansas State '78 Managing Partner, Bain Capital

Brothers, When we were initiated, we promised "to be loyal to the Delta Upsilon Fraternity and to our Chapter __ . and use all honorable means to promote their interests." The next 15 pages are a celebration of brothers who are striving to fulfill that promise through gifts to the Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation. These brothers know that their contributions help to promote the best interest of the Fraternity, their chapters, and individual brothers. Without these dedicated members and their generous gifts, the Foundation would not be able to assist the Fraternity in so many valuable ways.

Secretary: Scott E. Tarter, DePauw '84 Partner, Henderson, Daily, Withrow & Devoe V-PlInvestments: Maurice S. Mandel, Chicago '55 President, Regent Investor Services

Stephen K. Rowley Ohio '65 In addition, I would like to offer my thanks to the Board of Trustees and staff for their vision, dedication, Chairman, Delta Upsilon and loyalty to Delta Upsilon. The Foundation Trustees Educational Foundation are honored to announce the election of Scott A.W. Johnson, Washington '80, and Richard A. Hegeman, Purdue '49, to the Foundation Board. Brother Johnson served from 1993 to 2001 as a member ofthe International Fraternity Board of Directors, and Brother Hegeman was the 1999 recipient of the Chairman's Award for Alumni Volunteer of the Year. I know that both of these brothers will be valuable assets to our Foundation's Board. This year the DUEF staff and Trustees welcomed Aaron D. Clevenger, Central Florida '97, as the Director of Development. Aaron will be working with Foundation Executive Director David Schumacher to provide day-to-day leadership for the Foundation.

Contributions made to the Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation are taxdeductible and provide valuable educational programs and experiences for many of our brothers. Once again, thank you for your continued support of Delta Upsilon. Fraternally,

V-P IDevelopment: Edwin D. Crane, Arkansas '76 Dir. of Development, Walters Art Museum Trustees: Gary B. Adams, Oregon '66 Principal, Marketor Corporation Bruce S. Bailey, Denison '58 President (Ret.) Bank One West Virginia Thomas F. Durein, Oregon State '92 Greek Advisor, Univ. of California Berkeley Richard A. Hegeman, Purdue '49 Vice President (Ret.) Square D Edgar F. Heizer, Jr., Northwestern '51 Principal, Heizer Corporation Richard M. Holland, Syracuse '83 Principal, Holland Communications Scott A. W. Johnson, Washington '80 Attorney, Stokes Lawrence P.S. James D. McQuaid, Chicago '60 Chairman (Ret.) Metromail Corp. Richard B. Thompson, Michigan State '67 Managing Director, U.S. Fixed Income AIG

Stephen K. Rowley, Ohio '65 Chairman, Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation

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Robert L. Tyburski, Colgate '74 Vice President, Colgate University Dr. John T. Weisel, Oregon '48 Retired Ophthalmologist


DELTA U ON THE WEB @ www.DeltaU.org

Programs & Services supported by the DU Educational Foundation Through the generous gifts of our brothers, the

/';. The Leadership ConSUlting Program, which provides an

Educational Foundation supports a variety of educational

on-campus resource for chapters and brothers to improve

endeavors that support the International Fraternity, DU

operations and effectiveness. The Educational Foundation

Chapters and individual members in a variety of ways,

provides an annual grant to help defray the cost of


educational workshops, seminars and retreats,

/';. The

administered by Leadership Consultants.


/';. The Alumni Volunteer Conference, a conference that




instruction and




seminars for those

for chapter

who serve as






members and

that tie

advisors to our

into the


Fraternity's Four Founding

/';. The Delta At the 200 I Leadership Institute, President's Award Honorable Mentions went to (I to r) Ryan DeDecker, Michigan Tech '02,Joe Barbito, Central Florida '02, and Mark Golli, Houston '0 I.

Upsilon/Boys & Girls Club Service


Partnership was

a community service experience, and a model initiation.

created as a forum

/';. The Winter Educational Conference, which includes the

Presidents Academy, the Recruitment Symposium, and The Charles Evans Hughes DUEL (Delta Upsilon Emerging

for local DU Fun for all! DUs and Boys & Girls Club members having a great time together.

Leaders) Program. /';. The McQuaid Scholarship/Fellowship, which awards

chapters to actively engage in grass roots

volunteerism. Involvement with the Boys & Girls Clubs will

undergraduate scholarships, and graduate fellowships of

afford DU brothers the opportunity to develop character

$2,500 each.

and lasting friendships.

/';. The Fow'Word Program, which is a personal growth and

development curriculum tailored to each individual DU

Additional support includes:

associate member and member, and includes a

/';. The Cornerstone, the Quarterly, and other

comprehensive personal planner as part of the program. /';. Chapter Educational Accounts, which were created for

educational publications /';. IHQ Internship Programs

potential donors who want to make a significant tax-

/';. Support of the Regional Leadership Seminars

deductible gift to the educational programs of a specific

/';. Grants for UIFI to individual members

chapter. The CEA offers chapters the opportunity to

/';. Grants for the Graduate Assistant Program

establish restricted funds within the endowment of the DUEF. DELTA U ON THE WEB @ www.DeltaU.org


The James D. McQuaid Scholarship Fund In the summer of 2000, the McQuaid Scholarship Fund was created to acknowledge the tremendous service of Delta Upsilon's immediate past president, James D. McQuaid, Chicago '60. The creation of the scholarship marked a welcome return to the Foundation's early practices of awarding financial grants to individual DU brothers. The McQuaid Scholarships are awarded on the basis of scholarship, Fraternity/campus involvement, letters of recommendation, and community service. The Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation is proud to announce these inaugural winners of the McQuaid Scholarships.

James D. McQuaid

Jonathan Seigel, Denison '03,

personal attributes that have allowed him to retain the

boasts an impressive resume of

respect and admiration of his peers at a time when he

activities with Delta Upsilon, his

wasn't able to make popular decisions. Brother Navis is

campus, and in his community. His

serving as one of the two undergraduate directors on the

chapter president described him as

DU Board.

William Lawton, Nebraska '01,

a leader of right, a true follower of our Founding Principles, a

winner of the McQuaid Fellowship

gentleman, scholar, and brother.

for a Graduate Student, has served

Brother Seigel has served his

his chapter as the pledge class

chapter as pledge class president and philanthropy

president, chairman of the judicial

chairman. He tutors first and second graders as part of the

board, and vice president. He has

Par Excellence Program. He has been accepted into

received various other awards

numerous honor societies and is an accomplished musician

including the scholar of the year,

playing both the viola and the violin. Amazingly enough he

the Steven Carlton Cass Award for

has done all of this and stayed on the Dean's List every

campus involvement and the

semester he has attended Denison University.

Corbin G. Navis, Kansas State '03,

leadership and campus and community involvement. He

has served as his chapter's

has been a member of Mortar Board, Beta Beta Beta

president, new membership

Biological Honor Society, Golden Key, and NU Meds.

educator, and vice president of

Brother Lawton has just graduated from the University of

scholarship. He has also been

Nebraska with a 3.961GPA.

involved in Golden Key Honor

Applications for the 2002 McQuaid Scholarships will be

Society, Order of Omega, Alpha

accepted beginning January 1, 2002 through April 15, 2002.

Kappa Psi Business Fraternity, and

Additional information on these scholarships is available at

has logged many hours of volunteer

www.DeltaU.org or by contacting Aaron D. Clevenger,

time at the Boys & Girls Club, the Goodnow House, and the Villages, and has traveled to Belize as a member of the International Community Service Program. In one of the letters of recommendation this brother was described as having strong moral ethics, and


William "Doc" Jones Memorial Award given for house

DELTA U ON THE WEB @www.DeltaU.org

Central Florida '97 at 317 -875-8900 ext. 215 or bye-mail at


well as online at www.DeltaU.org. The chapter recognition is set up on a dollar amount scale. Chapters whose members donate at least $250 to the Oak Circle would receive an award certificate designating the chapter at the

Bronze Oak Chapter level. Chapters who give $500 to the Oak Circle would receive an award certificate

The Delta Upsilon Oak Circle

designating the chapter at the Silver Oak

Chapter level. And chapters who donate at

The Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation

least $1,000 to

is excited to announce the Oak Circle, a new

the Oak Circle

undergraduate giving club that recognizes gifts from

would receive

undergraduate members to Delta Upsilon's annual

an award

campaign fund. The money raised will assist in the

designating the

Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation's mission of

chapter at the 0110

providing for the long-term financial stability of the Brotherhood and promote lifetime

Clm ce level.

involvement and communication

Awards at all

between all DU brothers.

levels will be

There are two levels at which

presented to

undergraduates may contribute: the

chapter representatives at each Leadership Institute

Blue Level, which recognizes undergraduates who contribute between $18.34 and $29.99 to the Oak Circle, and the

starting in 2002. Names of those undergraduates who


, which recognizes undergraduates who contribute $30 or more. Each undergraduate who donates at the Blue Level will receive a certificate, be recognized in the Delta Upsilon

have already contributed appear online at www.DeltaU.org and will be part of the 2002 Annual Report . Undergraduates who would like to contribute, or an alumnus who would like to give in the name of an undergraduate brother, may do so by using the envelope enclosed in this Quarterly.

Quarterly and online at www.DeltaU.org. Anyone who

donates at the Gold Level will receive a donor lapel pin, certificate and letter from the Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation Chairman, recognition at the Leadership Institute, and recognition in the Delta Upsilon Quarterly as DELTA U ON THE WEB @ www.DeltaU.org


James R. Tormey, Jr., Sanjose '57- CEA Douglas D. VanderWeide, Iowa State '89 - CEA John T. Weisel, Oregon '48

Herbert Brownell Circle

Dear Brothers, . ' tl what our ture leadershIP IS exac y . 路 t h their support lnvesting in our fu . d friends are dOlng Wi many alumni an are sincerely grateful to our of the President's Club. We h made gifts of $200 or , Clu b members w 0 Presidents those important . . ' DU undergraduateS more, proVldmg . hi h help build better men. educational initiatlves w c er d the space on these The Foundation has res ; support of the Ed Porter es to acknowledge e Oklahoma '65 . thre~: : !'s Club by listing their na.mes. Thesennual President, Delta Upsilon FraternIty Presl .d the leadershIP for our a contri~;ug~::~r~: l:ted as well in the pages Also recognized as a member of the camp", 11 f all supporters. Chapter . ' the Honor Ro 0 . $200 or more to a recognIZmg bers who have gwen bers for . ue President's Club are those mem nk u to all the President's Club mem Educational Accou~t (CEA). T~~ th~~ specified charities as we look to contln keeping Delta UpsIlon as one . to the leaders of tomorrow. d ate brothers m molding undergra u . t to the president's . our commltmen nd today by joining or reneWing Ytho Annual Report between pages . Please respo . e ift envelope inserted 111 IS Club by completmg tho g dvance for your support. 16 and 17. Thank you m a

Ed porter, Oklahoma '65 . I U slion Fraternity President, De ta P .

one' 317.875.89OO lax: 317路876-1619 .

Bo 68942 Indianapolis, IN46268 ph

DU Educational Foundation, P.O路 x


Paul B. Edgerley, Kansas State '78 - CEA +

H. Paul Picard, Houston '82 - CEA John W Rogers, Miami '57 Nelson Schaenen, Jr., Cornell '50

Charles Evans Hughes Circle

james B. Conant Circle

jamesA. Garfield Circle (,t;ijis of$25,OOO or more)

(gifts of$1 ,000 to $2,499) Ronald C. Abbott, Kansas State '61 - CEA Horace L. Acaster, Pennsylvania '44 Thomas W Arvin, San jose '53 - CEA Bruce S. Bailey, Denison '58 Scott R. Bayman, Florida '68 John K. Braniff, Bucknell '86 Richard B. Campbell, Nebraska '68 - CEA + Richal'd L. Chance, Iowa State '54 - CEA Donald A. Chew, Kansas State '81 - CEA Edwin D. Crane, Arkansas '76 Richard L. Delano, Indiana '85 - CEA Thomas F. Durein, Oregon State '92 John E. Esau, Kansas '78 Richard F. Fagan, Washington '52 Craig R. Foss, Iowa State '71 - CEA + Peter Gogolak, Cornell '64 Michael F. Goss, Kansas State '81 - CEA R. Nathan Greene, Kansas State '58 - CEA W H. Harwell, Jr., Missouri '51 Don A. Hill, Kansas State '69 - CEA Philip D. Hollis, Kansas State '65 - CEA James T. Inscoe, North Carolina '62 - CEA Charles F. Jennings, Marietta '31 Scott D. Jensen, Iowa State '78 - CEA Jeffrey J. Jernigan, Kansas State '73 - CEA Warren Y. Jobe, North Carolina '63 - CEA Aldie E. Johnson, Jr., Iowa State '47 Scott A. W Johnson, Washington '80 Howard Kahlenbeck, Jr., Indiana '52 Bryan L. Kinnamon, Iowa State '69 - CEA Stephan G. Kouzomis, Illinois '68 - CEA + Martin Krasnitz, Chicago '57 Richard F. Laubengayer, Kansas State '64CEA Robert M. Loch, Nebraska '54 Jordan B. Lotsoff, Northern Illinois '88 Dave Maguire, Southern Illinois '73 Richard C. Mal"X, Pennsylvania '54 Raymond E. Mason, Ohio State '41 Gregory H. Mathews, Florida '70 Michael A. Menius, N. Carolina '68 William L. Messick, Lafayette '68 George E. Metz II, Kansas State '65 - CEA John P. Morgridge, Wisconsin '55 Jeffery B. Morris, Kansas State '79- CEA Glenn A. Mull, Km,1 sas State '73 - CEA Barry L. Neilsen, San jose '56 - CEA William M. Parks, Iowa State '73 - CEA A. Ed Porter, Oklahoma '65 Charles D. Prutzman, Penn State '18 Cal'l G. Rausch, Iowa State '67 - CEA Mark G. Ritchie, Iowa '83 Richard L. Rodine, Oklahoma '73 - CEA E. Carl Schiewe, Oregon State '40 Richard D. Sell, Kansas State '78 - CEA Beurt SerVaas, Indiana '41 Norman J. Steffey, Kansas State '57 - CEA

(gzfis of$5,OO() to <li9,999) Jaime M. Aguero, Houston '98 - CEA + Anonymous, Oklahoma- CEA James Avery, Illinois '44 John A. Delaney, Florida '77 Charles D. Miller, johns Hopkins '49

(gifrs 0($2,[)U() 10 $1,9Q9) Jerry L. Bobo, Houston '77 - CEA + Kenneth and Lois Ciolli, HOl/ston - CEA Craig R. Enochs, Houston '94- CEA R. Scott Fox, Houston '90 - CEA Richard A. Hegeman, Purdue '49 Michael T. Kutka, Hal/stan '59 - CEA + Maurice S. Mandel, Chicago '55 James D. McQUaid, Chicago '60 Stephen K. Rowley, Ohio '65 Max M. Stearns, Kansas State '66 - CEA Richard B. Thompson, Michigan State '67

CEA = Chapter Educational Account Donor

CEA += donor gave to both CEA and general fund

(gifts of$JO.O()O to $24,.999) Donald R. Heacock, N. Carolina '64 - CEA Arthur K. Lund, San jose '55 - CEA Henry M. Rowan, Williams & Technology '45

james S. McDonnell Circle


DELTA U ON THE WEB @ www.DeltaU.org

Marvin F. Swanson, Kansas State '57 - CEA David W Taraboletti, Illinois '89 - CEA John H. Teeter, Kansas State '79- CEA Mrs. Ashton M. Tenney, Jr., in memory of Ashton M. Tenney, Jr., Chicago '43 Keith D. Tucker, Kansas State '76 - CEA PeterY. Ueberroth, San Jose '59 Allan A. Warrack, Alberta '61 Samuel M. Yates, San Jose '55 - CEA +

Edgar Bergen Circle ( .JijTs u(.'1i'


) <;;(99)

William A. Sigman, Iowa State '50 James S. Simpkins, Washington State '81 James W. Smith, Washington & Lee '62 Charles T. & Marion M. Thompson Foundation Robert W Thompson, Oklahoma '61 Derek M. Tubbs, Texas A & M '92 Robert L. Tyburski, Colgate '74 Ben T. Walkingstick, Oklahoma '52 Warren N. West, Kansas State '71- CEA Roger W Wothe, Technology '58 David H. Wynja, Iowa '67

Raymond B. Dhue, Michigan State '68 William W Dickhart, Cornell '43 Philip W Dinsmore, Arizona '65 Ross Dobberteen, Michigan State '52 William J. Driscoll, Hamilton '58 Derek N. Dunham, North Dakota '89 Barry F. Ebert, Wisconsin '63 John R. Ehrlich, Missouri '67 Robert S. Elwell, Rochester '50 John J. Enders, Washington State '39 Charles R. Epperson, DePauw '59 Peter B. Eshbaugh, Lehigh '59 Joel M. Fairman, Amherst '52 Mark Falb, Iowa '69 James J. Farina III, Lehigh '88 Hemy A. Federa, Louisville '37 R. Thomas Fenstermaker, Illinois '55 - CEA George H. Fisk, Nebraska '58 Gerald F. Fitzgerald, Northwestern '49 Ronald D. Fleck, Iowa State '49 Jonathan M. Fletcher, Iowa '35 Thomas W. Foote, Purdue '50 John E. Forester, Wisconsin '33 Craig J. Franz, Bucknell '75 Jeffrey E. Gardner, Fresno '95 Joseph Gibson, Kent State '68 - CEA + William H. Gibson, Jr., Miami '51 Robert C. Gimlin, Purdue '42 William N. Godfrey, Miami '58 Joe Neil Goforth, Jr., North Carolina '66 Gary J. Golden, Rutgers '74 James N. Graham, Oregon State '65 R. McDonald Gray III, North Carolina '59 Dominic K. Greene, Oregon '99 Gcuy W. GregOlY, Arlington '77 Lewis D. GregOlY, Kansas '75 Gerald E. Gross, Michigan State '63 Edward Groth, Jr., Rutgers '48 Robert L. Grottke, Northwestern '52 Phillip F. Hagan, Kansas '82 Scott D. Hahner, Rutgers '78 Gerald A. Hale, Western Michigan '52 Jay R. Hamann, Minnesota '59 William H. Hcu'key, Oregon State '71 Cameron G. Harman, Jr., Ohio State '59 Benjamin L. Harper, Indiana '54 James F. Harris, Wisconsin '72 Thomas E. Harrison, Jr., Johns Hopkins '53 William L. Hcuwood, North Dakota '68 Jay A. Hathaway, Kansas State '81 H. John Hawkinson, Iowa '35 Hcu'old T. Hearst, Jr., Iowa '88 Melvin D. Heckt, Iowa '46 Oliver H. Heely, Jr., Auburn '68 James L. Hendry, Oregon State '60 Thomas H. Henkle, Jr., UCLA '50 Donn A. Henshaw, Northern Iowa '79 John C. Herron, South Carolina '88

Roy F. Allan, Lehigh '68 Lynn E. Ambler, Wichita '68 J. Carter Bacot, Hamilton '55 Robert S. Barmettler, SanJose '49- CEA Thomas P. Bernardo, Cornell '86 William J. Bittner, Bradley '74 David M. Blatner, Southwest Missouri '86 Paul J. Bodine, Jr., Northwestern '50 Ernest J. Bontadelli, San Jose '50- CEA William W Boyd, Northwestern '48 Harry N. Briggs, Missouri '51 Keith B. Bruening, Iowa State '80 Jeffrey A. Bryant, Oregon State '97 David H. Carnahan, Denison '60 David E. Chambers, Arizona '60 Lawrence M. Cooper, Kansas State '73 - CEA James H. Crews, Oklahoma '52 Abraham L. Cross Thomas W Darling, Syracuse '81 Joseph A. DeBlasio, North Carolina '62 Clifford J. DeLaCroix, Indiana '69Cheatham Scholarship Fund W M. Dickey - CEA Richard P. Donohoe, Illinois '55 John H. Eyler, Washington '69 Bruce H. Fellows, Wisconsin '51 J. William Frank III, Lehigh '68 P. David Franzetta, Michigan State '70 C. Norman Frees, DePauw '36 Nicholas T. Giorgianni, Kent State '56 - CEA + William R. Gordon, Kansas State '60 William R. Grant, Union '49 James M. Haid, Technology '93 John F. Henna, Rutgers '70 Richard M. Holland, Syracuse '83 Randal F. Jernigan, Kansas State '74 - CEA William G. Kagler, Syracuse '54 David R. Knuepfer, Iowa '76 John D. Luckhardt, San Jose '56 - CEA Lewis A. Maroti, Lehigh '58 Joshua A. Martin, Central Florida '97- CEA John S. McConnell, DePauw '66 Raymond R. Moser, Jr., Georgia Tech '83 Warren P. Nesbitt, Wisconsin '76 Reginald B. Newman II, Northwestern. '59 Louis A. Pietro, Western Reserve '49 Thomas S. Rakow, Northwestern '65 Donald L. Reed, Kansas State '56 - CEA Leonard Rhodes, San Jose '53 - CEA Christopher L. Saricks, Kansas '70 David R. Schumacher Donald 1. Scott, Oklahoma '61 - CEA

,;,ifl< I{ 2! () tn '/i49!)) L. Philip Abernathy, Oklahoma '68 Leland J. Adams, Jr., Bucknell '64 David Y. Allard, Indiana '70 Alden L. Allen, Minnesota '49 Charles L. Allen, Michigan State '55 Bruce C. Anderson, Purdue '65 Stephen J. Anderson, Northern Iowa '79 HowardJ . Bargreen, Washington '66 Harold D. Barker, Miami '50 John R. Baron, Lehigh '79 Willianl J. Barrett, DePauw '61 Keith G. Baxter, Stanford '71 Thomas P. Bays, Oregon State '42 George S. Beimdiek, Missouri '35 Dan S. Bishop, Iowa State '91 Herbert H. Boswau, Denison '55 Michael G. Boylan, Bradley '69 FrederickW. Bradley, Jr., Colgate '50 James E. Bradley, Michigan State '66 L. R. Bran1ffier, Jr., Oklahoma '47 Robert J. Brand, Louisville '70 Jerry E. Brennan, Jr., Purdue '55 Kelley J. Brennan, Marietta '64 Bartlett C. Brewster, Colorado '77 RobertW Broad, Syracuse '60 Walter R. Brookhart, Virginia '71 Donald E. Brown, Kent State '54 - CEA John C. Buist, Wisconsin '53 Benjamin T. Burson III, Georgia Tech '65 John L. Cassell, Jr., Texas '70 Douglas A. Cassens, Kent State '68 Alan R. Chapman, Illinois '69 Joseph W Ciatti, Oregon '64 Aaron D. Clevenger, Central Florida '97 Clement T. Cole, Carnegie '79 David L. Cole, Wilmington '72 Jan M. Collins, Kansas '61 Steven L. Cox, Oklahoma '92 Hany A. Crawford, Ohio State '47 William L. Crist, DePauw '69 Adam L. Culley, Northern. Iowa '00 RobertA. Dahlsgaard, Jr., Bradley '63 Robert H. Damm, Syracuse '58 Jack David, Rutgers '63 Paul J. Davidow, Pennsylvania '55 Janles F. Davidson, California '48 Stephan C. Davis, Northern Colorado '94 Julian L. Dawson, Jr. , Oklahoma '35 Gregory P. Denk, Kansas State '69 - CEA

CEA = Chapter Educational Account Donor

CEA += donor gave to both CEA and general fund

Charles G. Dawes Circle

DELTA U ON THE WEB @www.DeltaU.org


Edward M. Hipke, Wisconsin '56 David L. Hipp, Washington '84 Patrick S. Hobin, California '59 Darrell C. Holloway, Arlington '98 David W. Howe, Illinois '81 Phillip E. Hurley, Oklahoma '64 Quentin A. Hurst, Kansas State '94 - CEA Richard G. Jacobus, Wisconsin '51 Frank G. Jewett III, Colorado '63 Jess S. Jiuliante, Pennsylvania '49 Christopher E. Johnson, Massachusetts '92 O. Kepler Johnson, Jr., Kansas '52 Richard R. Johnson, Michigan State '54 Mark S. Jones, Arlington '75 Rees M. Jones, Manitoba '67 Samuel S. Jones, Jr., North Carolina '63 Michael N. Judge, Bradley '88 John S. Kaufman, Lehigh '48 Charles L. Kavanagh, California '64 Horace S. Keifer, Ohio State '48 Thomas A. Kershaw II, Swarthmore '60 Austin H. Kiplinger, Cornell '39 Rodney P. Kirsch, North Dakota '78 Matthew A. Klein, Cornell '71 Jeffrey K. Klimala, Indiana '89 Joe A. Knopp, Kansas State '74 - CEA Alexander L. Kolibac, Western Ontario '59 Jerome G. Kralis, Purdue '51 Barry S. Kramer, Rutgers '62 Douglas C. Kramlich, Northwestern '59 David A. Krebs, Miami '80 Lyman E. Krekel, Iowa '56 William C. Kromrnenhoek, Nebraska '57 Charles R. Kurtak, Washington State '42 R. Allen LaBerge, Washington '87 Andris Lacis, Purdue '64 Robert J. laFortune, Purdue '51 E. James Langhurst, Ohio State '41 Robert S. Lannin, Nebraska '81 Jack D. Lapham, Marietta '49 Joseph Laquat:ra, Cornell '74 Russell S. Larko, Indiana '81 Kenneth J. Lee, DePauw '47 James V. Leininger, Marietta '48 Richard M. Levin, Indiana '87 David M. Lewis, Jr., DePauw '58 Stephen A. Lison, Miami '62 Thomas C. Litwiler, Kent State '56 George C. Long, Bowling Green '67 J. Edward Lundy, Iowa '36 Jon D. Lundy, DePauw '90 Angelo J. Magistro, Rochester '60 David L. Marston, Iowa '63 Robert E K. Martin, Minnesota '95 - CEA + Robert J. Martin, Washington '59 Stephen C. Martinelli, California '52 Charles M. Martucci, Long Beach '88 Gregory P. Matic, Illinois '75 ~

Thomas E. Mattson, Oregon '63 Glenn E. McCann, Kansas '40 Alexander H. McConnell II, DePauw '58 William C. Mcintosh, Michigan '53 L. Dean McKinley, Illinois '40- CEA + Eddie D. McNew, Denison '54 David M. Merenda, Penn State '77 Warren P. Meyers, Denison '82 Gary E. Middleton, Carnegie '86 Ryan E. Mikolasik, Fresno '88 Kenneth D. Miller, Iowa '67 Charles D. Mills, DePauw '90 Michael G. Mitchell, Texas '65 John L. Moodie, Iowa State '45 William C. Moodie, Jr., Lehigh '47 Richard L. Morgan, Texas '69 Grayson L. Moss, Purdue '47 Lindy G. Moss, Indiana '49 Donald J. Moulin, California '53 Brian E. Mudrick, Louisville '82 Robert W. Muntzinger, Kent State '51 - CEA + David S. Nelson, Clarkson '69 Herbert H. Nelson, Colorado '59 J. David Nelson, Northwestern '63 Steven H. Neumann, Michigan Tech '87 Donald E Newman, Carnegie '54 Michael A. Nickey, Iowa State '65 George Nicolau, Michigan '48 Thomas H. Norris, Missouri '60 Evan M. Nosek, Northern Illinois '85 Thomas C. O'Bannon, Oklahoma '82 William E O'Dell, Illinois '31 Walter J. Okunski, Colgate '58 Gary Y. Oleson, Lafayette '70 James A. Oppy, Kansas State '64 Mark Parseghian, Lehigh '48 Sid W. Patterson, Dartmouth & Oklahoma '42 Harry Pawlik, North Carolina '54 Jeffrey A. Pesta, San Jose '85 Joe H. Petty, DePauw '36 Michael A. Pizzuto, Illinois '81 James P. Pless as, California '53 James G. Plewa, Illinois '78 FrederickJ. Poole, Michigan '48 Neal R. Popham, Purdue '54 Jon L. Prime, Bradley '63 John W. Puth, Lehigh '52 Donald J. Randa, Chicago '43 Bruce D Raskin, Washington '86 John D. Rathbun, Miami '74 Roger E Ray, Arlington '70 Richard M. Rettstadt, Florida '82 James S. Roberts, Florida '63 William D. Rogers, Oklahoma '65 - CEA Robert J. Rom' III, Rochester '63 Paul E. Rosenthal, Florida '73 Mark L. Rupert, Oklahoma '74 Scott A. Russell, DePauw '92 Samuel A. Santandrea, Rochester '56 Terrence K. Schmoyer, Jr., South Carolina '88 Victor R. Schoen, Miami '50 Phillip A. Schott, Northern Colorado '96 John W. Schwarz, DePauw '88 Donald E. Seghi, Bradley '51 John G. Sepple, Rutgers '63

CEA = Chapter Educational Account Donor

CEA += donor gave to both CEA and general fund


DELTA U ON THE WEB @www.DeltaU.org

Joseph M. Sheridan, Rutgers '77 James T. Shipman, Ohio '56 Jeffrey Siegel, Mwyland '78 Donald C. Slawson, Kansas '56 William S. Smeltzer, Syracuse '58 E Samuel Smith, Indiana '61 Herbert E. Smith, Indiana '52 Zenon Smotrycz, Middlebwy '77 LeRoy B. Snediker, Marietta '50 George E. Snyder, Michigan State '57 Scott K. Soltis, Western Illinois '94 David Y. Sorenson, Oregon '71 Glenn M. Sowa, Northern Illinois '70 Craig S. Sowell, Houston '92 - CEA + Michael A. Sparrer, Fresno '00 Patrick Spooner, San Jose '55 Albert P. Stauderman, Jr., Syracuse '58 Kevin Stein, Syracuse '83 John W. Stephens, Alberta '44 Richard L. Stern, GeO/gia Tech '90 John S. Stewart, Fresno '84 Donald W. Strickland, Marietta '66 George S. Studie, Washington State '57 Kenneth H. Suelthaus, Technology '66 Todd C. Sullivan, Santa Barbara '95 Calvin W. Tackett, Jr., Arlington '82 Tamer N. Talaat, Louisville '82 Ben R. Tate, Jr., Missouri '41 Jonathan D. Taylor, Colby '83 Russel R. Taylor, Toronto '38 Vincent J. Tedesco, Jr., Penn State '64 Michel C. Thielen, Iowa '57 Richard E. Tomalesky, Lehigh '65 Peter A. Tuohy, Washington '53 Walter G. VanBenthuysen, Kent State '61 John C. Vassil, Carnegie '52 J. R. Vaughn, Oregon '39 Tyson R. Vaughn, Miami '98 John H. Vinyard, Jr., Missouri '42 Joseph V. Visconti, Bradley '71 Aaron M. Voelker, Purdue '95 Clyde W. VonGrimrnenstein, Purdue '49 Brian C. Vulgamore, Kansas State '98 - CEA Joseph A. Walker, Illinois '67 - CEA William E. Walker, Ohio State '54 Washington Chapter William E Waters, Cornell '54 John D. Weagraff, Jr., Penn State '74 Keith W. Weigel, Iowa '78 George C. Weingardt, Ohio State '55 Robert L. Weitzner, Rutgers '79 Frank E. Wellersdieck, Jr., Brown '51 GregOly J. Wessling, North Carolina '74 Thomas J. Westerheide, Marquette '72 James V. White, Michigan '50 David B. Whitehurst, Purdue '59 Timothy D. Wilcox, Oklahoma State '92 Judson E. Wilhelm, Florida '68 Paul W. Wilke, Jr., Minnesota '50 Charles E Witte, Miami '51 Eugene A. Wright, Washington '34 Robert G. Yingling, Jr., Missouri '62 Robert A. Young, Washington '50 James E Zboyovsky, Penn State '51 James A. Zeese, Minnesota '59

Matching Gift Companies The Delta Upsilon Educational

In Memory Gifts

Foundation gratefully acknowledges the following companies which matched employee or retiree gifts

Memorial gifts honor the memory of

in the past year. American International Group CDW Computer Centers, Inc. Charles Schwab Corporation Foundation Freddie Mac Foundation GreenPoint Bank Honeywell Corporation John Hancock Matching Gifts Program Johnson Controls Foundation Key Foundation Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program Square D Foundation TyCom US West Foundation

Legacy Circle

a departed member of Delta Upsilon.

Lester E. Cox Benefactors

Gifts are accepted in any amount and can be made as a tribute to a DU classmate, parent, spouse, or friend. The Educational Foundation expresses

The Lester E. Cox Benefactor Society recognizes the generosity of Delta

recognize the memories of the

Upsilon Fraternity members and

following brothers.

friends who have given bequests to the Fraternity to advance its purposes and activities. The first member of the Benefactor Society was Brother Lester E. Cox, Pennsylvania 1898 who gave the bequest that made the construction of the International Headquarters possible. The following brothers may

The Legacy Circle was established in

no longer be with us, but their love for

2000 to honor living brothers who have

the Fraternity will live forever in their

listed the Delta Upsilon Educational


Foundation as a beneficiary in their will, insurance policy, or other deferred giving instrument. The following is a listing of brothers that are members of the Legacy Circle. E. Lysle Adams, Miami '29 Thomas E Durein, Oregon State '92 Frederick R. Ford, Purdue '58 Gene C. Harrison, Kent State '50 Richard A. Hegeman, Purdue '49 Charles Jennings, Marietta '31 Orville E. Johnson, Wash. State '39 Charles L. Miller, San Jose '59 John H. Vineyard, Jr., Missouri '42 Scott W. Wilson, Colorado '73

our deepest sympathies and is proud to

Lester E. Cox, Pennsylvania 1898 Bertel W. Antell, Cornell '28 Curtiss L. Beebe, Washington '35 James L. Brown, Indiana '43 Harold Sellers Childs, Iowa '33 William L. Clymer, Ohio State '35 Otto M. Eidlitz, Cornell 1881 Edwin L. English, Ohio State '22 W. Kenneth Hovey, Rochester '36 William E 'Doc' Jones, Nebraska '27 Leland C. Keller, Carnegie '26 William W. Ollerhead, W Ontario '29 W. Allen Peny, Iowa State '27 Walter W. Planke, Indiana '27 O. Edward Pollock, Virginia '51 John J. Porter, Marietta '24 John O. Schram, Bradley '50 Winston Scott, Washington '30 Warren J. Taussig, New York '12 W. D. Watkins, North Carolina '27 George H. Wear, Indiana '17 Willis L. Weber, Louisville '54 James M. Wilson, Ohio State '36

Richard B. Campbell, Nebraska '68, in memory of Eva Jones, mother of Rees M. Jones, Manitoba '67. Delta Upsilon International Fraternity in memory of Eva Jones, mother of Rees M. Jones, Manitoba '67. Benjamin Ebling II, Western Michigan '55, in memory of Maurice H. Metzlaars, Western Michigan '55. Margaret E. Hyman in memOlY of her husband, Edward S. Hyman, Kent State '54. John H. Kendel, Western Reserve '59, in me mOlY of Carl J. Fielden, Western Reserve '47. Angela B. Krause in memory of her husband, Orville E. Krause, Marietta '37. Betty M. Mayetta in memOlY of her husband, Frank R. Mayetta, Pennsylvania '35. Arnold J. Parus, Bradley '53, in memory of William R. Lyon, Wisconsin '60. Patricia Johnson in memory of her husband, Robert D. Johnson, Oregon State '42. Allan A. Warrack, Alberta '61, in memory of Eva Jones, mother of Rees M. Jones, Manitoba '67.

DELTA U ON THE WEB @ www.DeftaU.org


The Honor Roll 2000-01 Donors to the Educational Foundation The donations recognized below were gifted between July 1, 2000, and June 30, 2001. The Educational Foundation sincerely thanks you for your continuing support of Delta Upsilon. Your annual gift helps the Foundation fulfill its mission to help change the lives of our undergraduate brothers. It is because of your support that we are able to promote the best interest of the Fraternity, your chapters, and individual brothers. ALBERTA D. Love '46 (15) - G. Mills '95 T. Pa trick '60 J. Ste ph ens '44 (5) A. Warrack '61 (4) AMHERST J. Fairman '52 (4) R. Lewin '66 (2) R. Patton '54 J. Sutt on '66 ARIZONA T. Andrews '59 (2) R. Barke r '6 1 (3) D. Chambe rs '60 (24) P. Dinsm o re '65 S. Jewett '66 A. Morris, I r. '60 (6) T. Strasburg '64 R. Sypult '67 (9) ARKANSAS B. Beaird '76 E. Cra n e '76 (9) B. Fra nklin '83 (3) D. Gea n III '84 (2) J. Green '85 G. Ha milton '77 (24) - R. Kolf '77 (3) - B. Staa ts 'BO

* * *

* *


ARLINGTON I. Ashby ' 74 (25) S. Atchi son '70 (2) - T. Don a ldso n '72 G. Grego ry '77 (2) T. Ha wkins '70 D. Ho ll oway '9 B (3) M. Jo n es '75 (20) E. Jord a n '8B R. Ray '70 (20) I . Schl esinge r '75 (2) C. Tackett, Ir.'B2 (3) J. Will ard 1II '73 AUBURN L. Arbizza n i '6B J. Crabb e '6B (3) J. Dixo n , Jr. '65 (10) O. Heely, Jr. '6B (2) J. He n derson , Jf. '62 (7) M. Je tt '69 R. Red d '67 M . Sarra '64 (8) BAKERSFIELD - R. Mangum '92 BAYLOR R. Shull '85 (3) BOWLING GREEN W. Ben s ie '70 (6) C. Blalock 'B5 (2)

* *

* * *


D. Clingman '69 (5) R. Ha mahan '56 (6) A. Jeve re t '59 (21) - J. Klipfell III ' 71 (15) G. Lo ng '67 (2) T. Melto n '69 D. Mi elke '59 (I I) J. Mizer'89 - D. Morgan 's B (3) Mundi '52 (3) J. aid s '74 R. Parkin s '71 (2) K. Roy '61 (3) C. Sch affer '73 (2) J. Schreib e r '55 (22) E. Ste phan, Jf. '66 (30) BRADLEY S. Bake r ' 7B J. Barr '67 (5) W. Bittne r '74 (9) D. Bo ettner '80 C. Bola nd '53 (31) M. Boylan '69 (3 1) - J. Bre m e r '66 (30) E Castle '52 J. Dado TIl 'B6 (6) R. Da hlsgaard , Jr. '63 (26) B. DeSplinte r '84 (3) J. Fai tine k '60 (3)




* * *

5·Year Trends in Total Campaign Revenue Annual Campaign, CEA $700,000








*Excludes DUIF gi~ (or McQuaid Scholarship o( $1 00,000 and bequests o( $5/,000 (unaudited)



A. Fre i '96 B. Gaskill '90 J. Grin e r '5 1 (2) Grzym ski '89 - S. Herm ann '70 M. Judge '88 - M . Kilba n e '78 C. Kleckle r '64 (3) D. Kukl a '81 C. Lamoure ux, Jr. '59 - J. Leen gran '50 (8) J. Mars '84 R. McCa llu m '50 D. McCalp in '86 (2) L. Mayer '64 - B. Mille r '79 - M . Mille r '80 (5) - C. Molenaar '7 1 - B. Olson '8B R. Olso n '57 (14) - E. Pali a tka '56 (13) - A. Pa rus '53 (7) - D. Pe terso n '7B (3) P. Porte r '00 J. Prim e '63 (2) R. Pulak '52 D. Riech man '60 (3) J. Ro ttm a n '84 M. Sadowski '76 R. Savio '56 M. Sch ard t '05 D. Seghi '5 1 J. Sp rovieri '94 (4) R. Starr '98 J. Stu c kel '55 M. Tague '77 W. Tekien '69 (6) - T. Te rry '6 1 (19) R. Trin gali '5 1 (4) - D. Under wood '88 D. Vale ri o '76 (22) J. Visco nti '7 1 (7) S. Wa lczyn ski , If. '77 (3) - B. Wernke '79 BROWN D. Ba tty '38 (5) E. Be nn ett, Jr. '52 (B) R. Bla ke '39 (14) N. Case '40 C. Fa rra r '89 A. Gras ho f '53 (5) - R. Jud d '43 (8) C. Kiesel '36 (25) R. Norman '57 V. Perkins '35 (24) - H. Reese '47 (2) E Well ersdieck, Jf. '51 - S. Wyli e '57 (24) BUCKNELL R. Abb o tt '62 L. Ad a m s, Jf. '64 (3 1) - T. Ai ns li e '00 A. Alb e rt '9B (2) D. Alecc i 'B5 (2) S. Berger '8 1 (2) J. Bra niff '86 (3) - E Brucker '57 - A. Butle r, '5 1 (2) J. Di ckso n '90 (2) C. Fra n z '75 - S. Haas '83 (4) - D. Hamilt on '97






* *


D. Ho pkins '42 (16) G. Hors fie)d '76 T. Kaerc her '57 (4) - M. Knud tsen '00 T. Lim p e rt 'B l S. McConnell '68 -

B. Mortimer '7 1

- T. Roge rs '91 A. Saunders, Jr. '57 (3) - J. Sp ro ut '4B (29) R. Spro ut '49 (25) R. Strouse '78 (19) C. Vosburg '58 (6) J. Watte rs '64 (2) - E Wecke nman , Jr. '77 (3) E. Wieland '8B E. \~'oe hlin g '72 CAL POLY - L. Doble, Jr. '68 (13) - J. Fischl e '73 (2) C. Prue tt '01 \V. Th ornton JII , ' 00 CALIFORNIA D. Alle n '37 (8) A. Arad '98 - R. Boone '38 CEA C. Ch a nnin g '58 E. Ch a nning '50 (2) - M. Ch ase '65 C. Co rds '50 (5) CEA - L. Costa '62 (2) EDa m '40 (2) J. Davids on '48 (21) J. Fry, Jf. ' 63 (14) L. Gardiner '35 R. Greenwood '48 P. Hobin '59 (19) - M. Hu gh es, Jr. '56 - D. Johnson '63 (18) C. Kavan agh '64 (24) R. Kayse r '46 (2) R. Kinkead , Jr. '52 (13) R. Laughlin ' 46 (6) R. Lippi '45 (4) S. Ma rtin elli '52 (20) - R. McCallio n '54 D. Moulin '53 (4) J. Plessas '53 (3) L. Rea '54 (10) CARNEGIE - G. Ala n '82 H. Ba hre nburg '46 W. Beilharz '43 D. Bradley '62 R. Bre nna n '54 G. Coh e n '09 (7) C. Cole '79 (1 9) R. D'A ngelo '6 1 (3) J. Do mas h '76 (21) J. Ferrell '5 0 (2) M. Finesto n e '03 (3) R. Holton ' B9 I. Howell '70 (2) - A. Icken ' 65 - K. Kerlin '82 T. Koehle r '87 (7) O. Kraft '35 (26) W. Leete '5B (Il ) - H. Li ght ' 68 (5) T. Markl '70 (4) M. Matuz a '65 (2) E. McCall '42


* * * * *



Key: =Presidents Club ($200+) • =Golden Delta Club ($100-$199) - =Silver Delta Club ($50-$99) CEA = Chapter Educational Account Donor CEA += donor gave to both CEA and general fund 16

DELTA U ON THE WEB @ www.DeltaU.org


P. Mc Mulle n '87 S. McNau gh er '32 (2) R. Merrill '66 G. Middle to n '86 (15) H. Mielke '5 1 (31) W. Murdock 'B3 (17) D. Newman '54 (20) R. Owe n '5 1 (14) - J. Polles '67 (30) J. Reid '8 1 S. Rese k '93 C. Sch e u III '84 (3) M. Sch wartz ' 99 S. Solo m on '6 1 (3) N. Terezis '9 1 (4) - A. To dte n kopf'86 J. Vassil '52 (2) C. Wa tkin s '39 D. Will ia m s '64 B. Winn eg '74 H . Yo u ng '52 (3) W. Zegers '96 R. Zim merm a n '78 (3) CARTHAGE K. Castello '94 (4) B. Jones '00 D. Kniss '97 (2) R. Te n Bru in '97 (4) CENTRAL FLORIDA A. Cleve nger '97 J. Martin '95 J. Martin '97 CEA CENTRAL MISSOURI J. Ba rrett, Jr. '73 J. Du ke, Jr. '74 (5) M. Fenske '8B (2) - G. George '89 (1 2) M. Le Do ux '83 W. Letzig'7 1 G. Tisch a rt 'B5 (7) CHICAGO J. Bass '98 R. Bidwell '50 (30) P. Bray '49 (9) E. Bronso n '55 (5) - Q. John stone '36 (7) - W. Keogh '34 (7) M. Krasnitz '57 (24) M. Ma ndel '55 (3 l ) D. Mars '68 (5) - J. McClure, Jr. '42 (2) J. McQ u aid '60 (10) M. Nanni nga '4 7 (l 4) A. Pa te rn o '94 D. Ra n da '43 (3) G. Rind e r '4 1 (16) R. Sb arge '56 R. Straetz '4 1 CLARKSON - W. Arms trong '6 1 (3) M. Brod a '68 (1 5) J. Buran '80 (3) P. Davi d son '69 (2) S. Do n ohoe '89 (2) R. Duch ow '89 C. Ell iott '73 (3) T. H ill e ry '77 R. Hopkins , Jr. '76 (9) C. Joy '29 D. Kie ta '73 (9) K. Kla fe hn '61 R. Lewis '80 (2)




* *

* * *


=Consecutive years as donor

M. Mantaro '83 - K. Metz '93 - J. Nabozny '74 (7) D. Nelson '69 (23) C. Phillips III '64 (3) T. Richards 'SO (3) - L. Taibbi '75 C. Wheeler '86 R. Wischhusen '76 (24) COLBY J. Alex '50 (3) - W. HLUley '49 (3) A. MacEwan '77 P. Salmon '53 (9) H. Sargent, Jr. '62 (2) J. Taylor '83 (3) COLGATE E Bradley, Jr. '50 (12) J. Brewster III '78 R. Briggs '47 (5) - C. Collier 'S5 J. Donaldson, Jr. '45 (4) W. Dumke ' 52 (10) B. Ebbels '47 V\T. Freeman '59 N. Gow '46 (16) J. Grover '56 (2) - G. Happe '45 (2) - E Hoyle, Jr. '52 (17)


* *


A. Kameros '82

- W. Kranichfeld '44 (S) J. Krogh '38 R. Long '72 J. Marsh '75 (5) - W. Mawhinney '42 (24) - J. McCarthy '56 (5) J. McKinney '38 (2) T. Morelli '96 G. Murdock, Jr. '45 P. Musgrave '34 (16) B. Nardella '79 T. Nast III '37 (31) W. Okunski '5S C. Obermayer '45 R. Peabody' 45 (2) A. Persson, Jr. '42 (18) - A. Priest '61 (2) - B. Schwanda '37 (5) R. Smith '68 (22) R. Staurovsky '59 (3) E Tuma '46 (2) R. Tyburski '74 (6) D. Wade '49 (2) H. Walter '37 (2) H. Warnick N '62 - L. Williams '29 (4) R. Williams '55 L. Woltman '65 (3) - J. Youker '50 (2) L. Zerilli '97 (4) COLORADO B. Brewster '77 (12) B. Brosch '86 J. Colonell'59 L. Gaddis '63 (2) H. Hoover '68





E Jewett III '63 D. Koch 'S2 J. MacDonald '69 S. Mahannah '61 (17) H. Nelso n '59 (27) W. Oliver '62 (2) - K. Pober '62 (7) M. Richman '87 R. Ruppe '67 J. Standley '73 (4) J. VanEenenaam '79 (18) L. Weber '63 S. Wilson '73 (2) E. Wrasmann '62 (6) - S. Yezek '80 (20) COLORADO STATE K. Adam '84 D. Edmiston m'86 L. Frederick '72 (3) A. Joseph '83 J. Tarpley '85 (3) COLUMBIA W. Lauder '44 (23) J. McCormack '39 (13) R. Norton '38 (8) CORNELL J. Allen, Jr. '73 (3) J. Altemus, Jr. '65 (3) - R. Attiyeh '55 (4) E Ballas '78 T. Bernardo '86 (5) - J. Brewster '75 C. Burpee, Jr. '44 (5) - M. Clemente '73 (24) W. Dickhart '43 (16) S. Easterbrook III '68 (2) T. Eskild '50 (2) - G. Fastuca '74 (2) R. Gilchrist '40 (9) P. Gogolak '64 - E Hanvood '60


* * * -

vv. Howe' 42


B. Jennings '79 T. Kea ting III '57 (24) A. Kip linger '39 (4) M. Klein '71 (3) J. Laquatra '74 (4) T. Meachem '35 J. Rice'51 S. Rosuck '86 (2) - A. Scalzo '7 1 (2) N. Schaenen, Jr. '50 (31) J. Theodorakos '73 (2) W. Viel'64 W. Waters '54 (2) G. West, Jr. '39 R. Wheeler '39 R. Wolfe'SI CREIGHTON R. Haerr '72 (23) - H. McGurk, Jr. '86 (3) • J. Smith '92 (2) CULVER-STOCKTON - J. Lipsky '97 DARTMOUTH - W. Bruner '55 (2)

* * * * *

P. Costich '49 (S) J. Gately '49 (3) J. Giddens '59 (5) J. Gridley '64 S. Patterson '42 (4) R. Winship '49 (5) DAYTON P. Adachi '72 - V. Kelly '80 DELAWARE - E. Anzalone '72 (6) J. Brzostowski '79 (2) p. Coyne, Jr. '70 - W. Hallam '80 (20) J. McNesby, Jr. '71 D. Reifschneid er '70 M. Short '84 DENISON B. Bailey '58 (15) W. Bartlett '60 (2) C. Bloor '55 H. Boswau '55 (3 1) D. Carnahan '60 J. Cooley '67 M. Dalton '72 (5) • N. Deane '57 D. Gibson '57 (3) L. Hamilton '57 (3) C. Jochens '54 S. Jones '80 (2) - D. Kuhlman '61 E. Langhorst '7 1 J. Lanzen '00 E. McNew '54 (15) W. Meyers '82 (2) - E. Robertson '56 P. Scully '00 D. Shell '59 (5) H. VanWagenen '60 J. Wredling '72 DePAUW J. Ayers '61 W. Barrett '61 (20) - E. Boldrey '63 (9) S. Christianson '92 (4) A. Cornelius '99 (2) W. Crist '69 B. Ehrman '85 (2) C. Epperson '59 (3) S. Fischer '62 (2) H. Fjord '47 N. Frees '36 (20) R. Gackenheimer '00 J. Gates '48 J. Gordon '88 (12) c. Graham '82 (10) P. Groebe '62 (14) M. Herrell '60 (9) M. Hook 'SS - W. Hunn '59 (7) J. Huser '00 J. Kegley '73 - J. Koch '53 (5) - W. Kyhos '66 (IS) K. Lee '47 (3) B. lehman '67 D. lewis '58 M. luegers '78 (3) Lundy '90 (II) A. McConnell 11'58 (14 ) J. McConnell '66 (6) H. Miller '52 - K. Miller '94 C. Mills '90 (2) R. Moffett '32 (6) - G. Moser '93 W. Murphy II '93 R. Newell '34 (26) J. Novak '49 (9) R. Paladino '71 J. Petty '36 (26) R. Piedmonte 'S6 (2) J. Piotrowski '82 W. Reagan ' 46 (2) B. Reeder '93 D. Rist '88 R. Robinson '94 S. Russell '92 (3) J. Sanders '83 -


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Top Chapters by Amount of Donation: Kansas State ...................... $103,770 North Carolina .................... $33,413 Houston ............. ............ ....... $28,620 San Jose ................................ $20,565 Iowa State ............................ $17,441 Oklahoma ............................ $15,327 Williams ................................ $15,215 Illinois .................................. $13,291 Chicago .... ............................ $11,648 Florida .......... ........................ $11,490



L. Fortuna '38 (6)

* ). * * *



J. Schwarz '88 K. Sims '97

M. Smiley'98 - N. Smith '52 (6) - J. Stewart '64 T. Trowbridge '85 B. Wilson '89 J. Winter '97 (3) B. Wise '36 (25) - J. Zimdars '93 EASTERN KENTUCKY B. Heck '70 FLORIDA S. Bayman '68 (10) - J. Boyd, Jr. '8 1 (2) S. Carpenter '91 (3) E Cressman, Jr. '60 (6) - R. DelaCruz '94 J. Delaney '77 - P. Forrest '58 (31) J. Goyer '62 (4) - R. Grant '67 J. levine '85 (3) J. Marinelli '65 (5) G. Mathews '70 (4) J. McGinley '87 J. Meeker '65 (24) W. Mobley '58 - M. Mone '85 (2) T. Morrill '68 R. Rettstadt '82 (6) J. Roberts '63 (30) P. Rosentllal '73 (25) D. Roy'S2 S. Stockhammer '88 M. Taylor 'S2 (4) - H. Vanture, Jr. '74 (3) R. Wade '61 (5) S. Walters '87 H. Wilcox '68 (19) J. Wilhelm '68 (3) M. Zajkowski 'S6 (7) FRESNO - R. Buhl '90 J. Gardner '95 (2) R. Hurado '77 (2) T. LaBrue '72 (3) A. McDowell '96 H. Mikolasik '89 K. No fie ld '88 M. Sparrer '00 J. Stewart 'S4 (12) GEORGIA TECH J. Abbott '69 - W. Anderson '70 N. Bell '93 B. Burso n III '65 (5) K. Ching '99 (2) D. Crawford '61 (5) J. Dilg'S7 D. Dixon 'S3 (3) P. Eubanks '7 1 (19) S. Flax '78 (23) E. Fowler '70 C. Fulghum III '78 (9) M. Fuller '79 (9) E. Gatzke '95 R. Hall '62 (6) M. Haney '79 J. Harvey '92 (2) W. Hay. Jr. '71 (3) D. Hend erson '83 B. Humphries '92 (5) H. Johnson , Jr. '65 C. Lawson '64 W. Marsh '63 (3) C. Monfort, Jr. '68 (5) D. Moody '67 (7) R. Moser, Jr. 'S3 M. Mueller '88 S. O'Conner '85 (2) K. O'Toole '94 S. Pa ul se n '90 (3) E. Schepps '8 1 (5) S. Scherock '89 (3) T. Slovak 'S7 (4) R. Stern '90 (10) W. Tyrlick '86 E. Vietor '91 (3) H. \~~litehead '72 (3)

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* * *

HAMILTON C. Andruss '95 J. Bacot '55 (14) - M. Bloom '70 (2) W. Driscoll '58 (6) M. Fisher '82 (2) K. Foote '60 E Goehner' 41 (3) - D. Greenhalgh '77 (2) - E Houtenbrink '56 - J. Kittell '62 (7) P. luney, Jr. '70 (3) P. McNall '57 (6) - J. Newmark '98 (2) J. Underwood '41 (17) - G. Weeden '39 D. Wefer '54 (5) - J. Wingate 1I '85 (7) HARVARD R. HormeU '35 (2) - W. Spang '38 (13) HOUSTON J. Aguero '98 (3) CEA + J. Arcidiacono '97 CEA J. Bobo '77 (7) CEA + - J. Brokaw ' B7 - W. Carr III '76 (2) - M. Clark '92 CEA - R. Dobbs, Jr. '00 CEA - D. Dutcher '73 (3) C. Enochs '94 CEA - T. Finlay '91 (2) R. Fox '90 CEA - J. Freels '87 CEA - M. Goltz '02 CEA R. Haws '85 (2) M. Kulka '59 CEA + H. Picard '82 CEA V. Roznovs~')' '75 (3) C. Sowell '92 (7) CEA + B. Turcotte '92 (4) ILLINOIS A. A1torfer '43 J.Avery'44 (4)

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D. Baumgartner '65






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R. Bertsche '76 M. Blankenship '55 (S) A. Bonior '62 CEA P. Boruff '80 CEA R. Buchanan '55 (22) J. Buist '78 (19) T. Burns '87 C. Carey '82 (3) W. Cedarberg '50 CEA A. Chapman '69 (17) P. Clark '43 E. Clements '71 K. Cox '76 (12) CEA C. Dexter '51 CEA R. Donohoe '55 (B) C. Erickson '43 (7) W. Everham '4S (3) R. Fenstermaker '55 (4) CEA + M. Finney, Jr. '53 (2) E. Foster '93 (2) G. Graessle '79 (8) C. Hagen '89 E. Hardest)' '46 (13) J. Heil '50 (2) G. Hill '80 H. Holzman '32 (S) D. Hortberg '57 (7) D. Howe '81 (6) J. Jones '96 S. Katsinas '78 D. Kohout '74 (2) M. Konen '78 (10) S. Kouzomis '68 (3) CEil + M. Kramer '97 (3) S. Krueger '85 T. Kurland '80 S. l e hmaJll '34 CEA T. Lindsey '74 (3) R. Magnussen '60 (9) CEA + P. Marzek '8 1 (15) G. Matic '75 L. McKinley '40 CEA + M. McLees '75 (2) C. Morris '75 (3) R. Mullendore '87

Key: =Presidents Club ($200+) • =Golden Delta Club ($100-$199) - =Silver Delta Club ($50-$99) (#) CEA = Chapter Educational Account Donor CEA + = donor gave to both CEA and general fund

A. Nunez '86 W. O'Dell '31 (10) J. O'Donnell '82 (2) - J. Pancrazio '84 K. Petersen '99 M. Pizzu to 'S I (2) J. Plewa '78 (2) R. Potter '53 (10) B. Procter, Jr. '44 (2) A. Quattrochi 'S2 (9) J. Ritt '52 (IS) CEA + G. Roll '85 G. Ruge l '78 (20) T. Rynott '79 (2) C. Schultz '67 (22) B. Shepard '32 (2) T. Shepard '73 (6) M. Shorr '92 J. Sladek '74 R. Smith '50 (5) W. Svoboda '67 (2) D. Taraboletti '89 CEA G. Vartanian '96 J. Walker '67 CEA S. Ward '80 J. Whittenbarger '90 S. Wigginton '45 (2) - C. Zelent '84 (7) INDIANA J. Akhtar '92 D. Allard '70 (6) G. Ball '78 R. Baumgartner '53 C. Bell '54 (13) D. Black '64 P. Borgmeier, Jr. '69 (4) - J. Bouvy '73 J. Boyd '65 (4) W. Camfield '79 J. Cartwright '54 T. Cook '48 (10) H. Co rmican '40 (16) R. Currier '64 (2) ). Cutter '52 C. Del.1Croix '69 Cheatham Sc//O/arslJip R. Delano '85 (16) CEA - J. Demaree '64 (3) G. Dunn '69 (2) D. Endwright '56 D. Epstein '90 (3) - I. Escott, Jr. '41 (16) - D. Farquharson '40 (24) H. Fishburn '67 (B) M Flory 'SO B. Grano '8B G. Haner 'S6 (2) B. Harper '54 (30) - 1. Hend erson '43 M. Judd '65 (3) E. Julien '49 (4) H. Kahlenbeck, Jr. '52 (3 0) M. Kesmodel'S9 - T. Kilpatrick '57 J. K1imala 'S9 (2) P. Klue mp ers '84 (5) R. Kovener '55 (8) J. Krepshaw 'SI (2) G. lambert '55 (2) - J. Lambert 'S7 (14) R. larko '8 1 (4) - P. Lawrence '84 (3) R. Levin '87 (12) - R. Martin '70 G. Marvel 'S4 (9) L. Miller'74 J. Mink '51 (4) L. Moss '49 (3) J. Murphy '54 C. Pa nkow '54 - R. Phillips '71

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=Consecutive years as donor

DELTA U ON THE WEB @www.DeltaU.org


The Honor Roll 2000-01 Donors to the Educational Foundation D. Pruis '76 R. Rietz '94 R. Rock '67 (7) - R. Rumford '80 N. Secrist '84 B. SerVaas '41 - T. Sheller '65 G. Sims '82 (3) F. Smith '61 (4) H. Smith '52 (5) - K. Smith '63 (2) E. Snelz '82 R. Stock '50 - L. Stuckey '97 I. Swanson' 43 - R. Swanson '56 (4) R. Welsh '90 (2) D. Whitman '75 (4) F. Wolf '67 (2) R. Yenerich '57 - F.Young'80 IONA S. Frank '95 (2) - R. Ryan '95 R. Vitro '9 1 (4) IOWA R. Ablard '56 (5) - F. Ackerson '44 (25) - J. Adams '53 (16) D. Benda '62 (10) C. Benson '4 1 (25)

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* * * * * * * -


R. Black '95 (2) D. Boyle '55 (4) B. Burns '99 T. Cole II '42 (3) J. Connell '48 (2) .[ Drake '78 (2) M. Falb '69 (2) J. Fletcher '35 (3l) E. Giesler '77 (4) H. Harsha '42 (30) L. Hart '54 (4) H. Hawkinson '35 (4) H. Hearst, Jr. '88 (II) M. Heckt '46 (13) D. Hinson '57 (13) ' F. Huebsch '52 M. Hynes '67 (5) B. John '96 (5) D. Knuepfer '76 (9) M. Kocovsky '90 R. Kodros '68 L. Krekel '56 G. Lamb '94 CEA D. Leonard '39 J. Lundy '36 (3) D. Marston '63 (3) J. McCarragher '68 (Il) G. McCollum '70 (6) C. McMillen '80 (8) K. Miller '67 (20)

K. Nelson '44 (2)

E. Piasecki '92 - N. Pullman' 43 - R. Renfro '48 M. Ritchie '83 (3) W. Rubin '68 - D. Rusk '76 (23) - K. Schulz '60 (3) - A. Sloan '80 (3) D. Smalley '68 (4) J. Smoot '72 J. Steele '63 (3) - A. Sunderbruch '67 (2) M. Thielen '57 (18) T. Vickers '72 - W. Volkmer '53 K. Weigel '78 (23) - B. Wetmore '78 - C. Wieben '47 (3) D. Wynja '67 (2) IOWA STATE K. Ashpole '74 D. Bishop '91 (2) M. Bowman '65 (3) H. Brandt '47 (8) K. Bruening '80 (21) D. Carne '70 R. Carter '78 (3) S. Casey '91 R. Chance '54 CEA





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R. Clapp '51 B. Colehour '91 (2) J. Cronk '60 (30) L. Dreeszen '61 (7) R. Dubler '60 R. Farr '61 (2) R. Fleck '49 (3) C. Foss '71 CEA + W. Gaessler '52 (4) J. Hays '44 (7) D. Heckmiller '57 (9) H. Heitzman '41 (9) S. Hudson '84 (3) N. Hughes '72 R. Jensen '62 (2) S. Jensen '78 (4) CEA A. Johnson, Jr. '47 (30) L. Kempers '75 B. Kinnamon '69 (5) CEA R. Knudsen '44 M. Kuchel '76 - D. L.arew '63 (2) D. Lawler '67 P. Leonard '57 R. Long '50 (5) - R. Marvin' 43 R. McKinstry' 50 (2) J. Moodie '45 (6) A. Mores '80 (17) M. Nickey '65 (16)

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* *

G.Ott'40 W. Parks '73 (2) CEA - L. Pearson '64 (16) G. Pickens' 45 (3) G. Posakony '46 (3) P. Posakony '41 P. Radloff '70 C. Rausch '67 (5) CEA W. Sigman '50 (30) - A. Snyder '86 H. Specker '37 (2) A. Staidl '69 (3) T. Stilwell '86 - C. Trunkey '52 (19) D. VanderWeide '89 CEA F. Vavra '68 G. Walker '44 (8) D. Walkup '56 R. Wood '51 G. Yetter, Jr. '55 C. Young '82 JOHNS HOPKINS M. Boyd '73 T. Brotherton '75 J. Casciano '71 R. Deichert '97 D. Ede!, Jr. '46 (2) - J. Fischer '41 (5) D. Hanson '50 (13) T. Harrison, Jr. '53 (3) J. Hopkins '84 K. Kelly '44 C. Miller '49 (29) - C. Miller '60 C. Sands 1Il '48 (3) E. Schultz, Jr. '48 (6) KANSAS J. Bertoglio '58 (2) - B. Biles '66 (4) D. Buechel' 45 (2) - B. Chaney '48 - E. Clarke '42 J. Collins '61 (3) J. Cran1 '71 T. Dakan '78 - C. Daniels '99 (2) - R. Davis '75 (3)


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Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation Total Assets $1,lll,740'

$3.5 M $1,024,916



$3 M $2,591,901

D. Duncan '56

$2.5 M

* *

$2 M

* $1,612,111


$1.5 M

$1 M

$500 K

* * -

The chart above details the growth in total assets of the DU Educational Foundation over the past seven years. Among the most signiftcant reasons for the Foundation's growth has been the expert oversight and management of the endowment portfolio by Brother Maurice S. Mandel, Chicago '55. On an annual basis the Foundation's ftnancial statements are audited by Ness & Company, LLP of Indianapolis, Indiana. Copies of the 2000-200 I audited ftnancial statements are available upon request from Delta Upsilon Headquarters. *unaudited


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H. Dye, Jr. '54 R. Enoch '71 J. Esau '78 (8) L. Gregory '75 (26) P. Hagan '82 (2) R. Hamill '68 (2) N. Hart '56 (II) R. Henry '58 (2) V. Hiebsch, Jr. '42 (3) J. Higdon '47 C. Hinshaw, Jr. '54 T. Holt '88 (3) J. Hysom, Jr. '57 (9) O. Johnson, Jr. '52 (3) R. Kluge '81 W. Landess '53 (2l) M. Light '49 A. Ludwick '34 (5) G. McCann '40 P. Miller '73 W. Moeckel '36 T. North '69 T. Poos '70 C. Saricks '70 (24) J. Scholten '62 D. Slawson '56 D. Stanton '65 B. Talbott '84 (3) M. Thomas '62 (2) R. Vickers '83 D. Waxse'67 D. Wooding '77

Key: =Presidents Club ($200+) • =Golden Delta Club ($100-$199) - =Silver Delta Club ($50-$99) ' (#) CEA =Chapter Educational Account Donor CEA + =donor gave to both CEA and general fund 18

DELTA U ON THE WEB @ www.DeltaU.org

J. Wright '75 KANSAS STATE R. Abbott '61 (5) CEA - R. Baker '66 L. Butel '87 D. Chew '81 (6) CEA L. Cooper '72 CEA S. Crosier '87 G. Denk '69 CEA P. Edgerley '78 (7) CEA + W. Gordon '60 (14) M. Goss '81 (4) CEA R. N. Greene '58 (5) CEA - J. Grinstead '73 S. Gula '96 J. Hathaway '81 (18) D. Hawkins '81 C. Hermreck '85 D. Hill '69 CEA P. Hollis '65 94) CEA W. Hurst '95 CEA J. Jernigan '73 (4) CEA R. Jernigan '74 CEA - D. Johnson '75 (24) C. Jones '77 (2) - B. Jubelt '68 (9) F. Jurenka '59 (7) R. Kepley '70 CEA J. Knopp '74 CEA - M. Kruse '85 (2) R. Laubengayer '64 (4) CEA

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S. Lawrence '87

W. Maxwell '67 (2)

* G. Metz II '65 (3) CEA J. Michel '86 T. Michel '86 - J. Miesse '72 (4) S. Moore '99 J. Morris '79 (4) CEA G. Mull '73 (3) CEA P. Oberle '83 J. Oppy '64 (18) - S. Palmer '95 - M. Pottorff '87 (2) D. Reed '56 CEA R. Rieling '81 B. Riley '87 CEA D. Schettler '84 (3) W. Schuler '84 R. Sell '78 (4) CEA M. Stearns '66 CEA N. Steffey '57 (5) CEA R. Svaty '64 M. Swanson '57 CEA J. Teeter '79 (5) CEA D. Tilberg '87 - M. Tranbarger '85 K. Thcker '76 (4) CEA B. Vulgamore '98 CEA W. West '71 (2) CEA R. Willard '58 (3) KENT STATE T. A1janeic '68 G. Becht '75 (7) D. Brown '54 CEA J. Brown, Jr. '64 CEA + E. Burkhard '70 P. Camerino '57 CEA R. Casey '48 D. Cassens '68 (3) CEA + M. Coppola, Jr. '65 (12) I. Gersten '61 (7) J. Gibson '68 (2) CEA + N. Giorgianni '56 (3) CEA + D. Haddad '57 P. Hall '49 (31) CEA + G. Hollinger '75 CEA + E. Hyman '54 K. Kalish '59 (8)

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=Consecutive years as donor

M. Knouse '91 CEA + T. Litwiler '56 (7) J. Manninen '57 (12) R. McNeil '51 (5) 1: Meinhardt '54 (5) C. Miller '55 (7) W. Miller '65 (8) J. Mottice '9 1 R. Muntzinger'SI (4) CEA+ J. Norris '76 D. Parsons '64 (2) C. Rodgers '60 (3) L. Roth '47 - P. Shriver '50 (6) P. Shriver '49 (13) J. Simpson '36 (3) CEA + R. Stevenson '47 (6) A. Thomas '65 H. Thomas '59 (10) E. Urschler '59 W. VanBenthuysen '61 (2) CFA + 1: Watkins '62 (2) LAFAYETTE D. Alabaster' 80 J. Bellis '70 C. Cheney' 41 S. Conner, Jr. '36 D. Davey '37 (2) - J. deRuyter '73 J. Dolfi '80 J. Epstein '85 (2) R. Ernst, Jr. '48 (2) J. Fisher '77 (3)




- K. Franzinger '36 - B. Gibson '79 - H. Harkins '34 (5) L. Hindenach '40 (3) - T. Klein '68 (7) J. Mace, Jr. '45 (5) D. Mclaughlin '84 W. Messick '68 (3) G. Oleson '70 (3) A. Orsi '00 S. Roth '81 - G. Rynne '96 H. Smith '51 (24) B. Starkman '78 (4) N. Sullivan '00 - T. Sullivan '80 \~. Sussman '79 - V. Villani '62 (3) T. VonDerTann '46 R. West '53 J. Zembron '74 (4)

* *

LEHIGH ]. Alcaro '74 (2) R. Allan '68 (7) J. Baron '79 (2) F. Batson, Jr. '50 (6) A. Beeken III '45 (4) P. Bickett '52 (14) E. Boyer, Jr. '43 (16) A. Cannon, Jr. '74 (13) B. Conchar '41 (2) C. Curtiss' 43 (2) - D. Czerny '74 (23) - C. Edwards ' 41 P. Eshbaugh '59 (3) J. Farina III '88 (5) W. Frank III '68 (3) R. Frey '70 (2) J. Fulton '73 E. Furst Il '60 (20) B. Goldman '58 (2) J. Kaufman '48 (16) J. Kurtz '52 (5) - P. Leonard '91 (3) A. Linares '58 W. Lister '26 E. Lucadamo '71 (24) D. Marlow '68 (2) L. Maroti '58 (15) B. McGowan '87 (3) N. Meier '50 (4) M. Miskulin '85 (14) W. Moodie, Jr. '47 (3) G. Naylor '71 (13) G. Nelson '89 W. Nut! '36 (6) M. Parseghian '48 (10) J. Perna ' 76 J. Puth '52 (5) J. Ramsay '58 (3) G. Ramsden '44 (13) R. Rothrock '74 R. Ruth '68 P. Savage '72 J. Sini '68 (3) H. Sklar ' 78 W. Smith '50 W. Stiver, Jr. '72 (3) R. Tomalesky '65 (6) R. Whited '56 LONG BEACH C. Cooper '88 (4) C. Martucci '88 (13) LOUISVILLE R. Brand '70 (9)



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Top Chapters by Number of Donors

- J. Brian '87 (2) B. Dahlem '51 (3) H. Federa '37 (31) J. Gray '57 J. Griffiths '69 (13) W. Hacker, Jr. '69 (3) M. Harmon '49 (3) - S. Hartstern '70 (6) - J. Hoffman '49 (3) - S. Kremer '86 (3) V. Lussky '43 (3) B. Mudrick '82 (20) S. Pearlman '65 T. Talaat '82 W. Thompson '57 (3) J. Winter '45 (4) K. Winters '76 MAINE - B. Lewis '73 (5) S. Spear '83 (3) D. Stairs '80 (2) MANITOBA R. Jones '67 (4) J. Livesey '93 MARIETTA - R. Allreuter, Jr. '65 - F. Amrine, Jr. '40 (5) - J. Baker '47 (12) P. Birckllead '51 - R. B1endon '64 (4) K. Brennan '64 (17) J. Dalrymple '63 D. Dinneen '74 F. Druetzler '63 (3) E Dunlap ' 43 (2) - C. Ebinger '51 E Elliott '76 W. Fenton '44 T. Fiore '67 - H. Haught '51 (13) - E. Hill '50 (6) B. Jankura '77 (3) C. Jennings '31 (2) O. Krause '37 (5) R. Krupp '64 (4) J. Lapham '49 (7) - B. Laudin '72 J. Leininger' 48 (3) R. Morgan '63 N. Murray '39 D. Portanova '63 (3) L. Snediker '50 (8) D. Stephan, Sr. '58 (3) D. Strickland '66 (6) T. Welden '72 D. Wigley '47 (3) - W. Wilkinson '49 (3) B. Yester '51 (2) - G. Yester'51 (12) MARQUETTE T. Westerheide '72 (25) MARYLAND - M. Caporaletti '73 (12) R. Costell o '65 (9) - J. Girolami '75 (8) R. Goco '87 (3) W. Kirkpatrick '68 (2) R. Mangano '84 - P. Rendine '65 (2) J. Siegel '78 (14) MASSACHUSETTS - B. Ellis '88 (2) - J. Hoggard '71 (5) C. Johnson '92 (2) R. Lacasse '88 (2) McGILL R. Levy '89 - J. McGowan '64 MIAMI H . Barker '50 (2) T. Books '53 (11)


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Miami ,.... " ...... ,.............................. 83 Purdue .......................................... 77 Illinois ............................................ 76 Indiana .......................................... 71 Iowa State ...................................... 60 Washington .................................. 60 Kansas State ................................ 59 Missouri ........................................ 59 DePauw ........................ ................ 58 Oklahoma .................................... 57 Pennsylvania State ...................... 57 Bradley ........................................ 56 North Carolina .............................. 56 Northwestern ................................ 56 Syracuse .................................. ...... 56. Iowa .............................................. 55 Wisconsin ...................................... 55

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W. Brown '52


J. Burgess '00 T. Burgess '61 (5) J. Burns '82 V. Burns '50 W. Carlson '47 W. Darlin '56 L. Dashiell '52 (2) D. DeMania '96

E Dodd' 49 (13) A. Eaton, Jr. '62 J. Ehrich' 42 M. Fithian '82 - D. Fulton '61 (4) D. Garrison '90 (3) E. Gates '48 (3) - P. Geiger '63 (3) W. Gerspacher '63 (3) W. Gibson, Jr. '51 W. Godfrey '58 (8) W. Gurney '53 (20) J. Hallihan '67 (18) F. Herslmer '49 J. Hillis '64 (2) P. Hinderegger '91 (5) - J. Holschuh, Jr. '77 (14) - M. Hoopman '79 (2) - D. Jackson '00 - N. Jones '64 C. Kavanagh '83 (2) G. Kavanagh '81 (2) ]. Key '64 (3) G. Koedel '66 D. Krebs '80 (21) A. Krill '63 V. Kroehle '48 P. Kuban '67 D. Lewis '40 (7) W. Liebermann '5 1 (8) S. Lison '62 (13) M. Lochtefeld '93 R. Loges 11I '86 (3) W. Loomis '60 (16) J. Lucas '73 (7) C. Marshall, Jr. '66 (2) - J. McClusky '57 M. McCollum, Jr. '54 (6) E. McGovern '5 1 (25) M. McIlvaine '72 (7) H. McNabb' 49 W. Morgan '51 (18) W. Moul '61 R. Nagy '82 J. Pegnia '92 (2) - M. Plummer '56 (13) J. Rathbun '74 (12) J. Rogers'S 7 (26) E. Sarkisian '85 (3) V. Schoen '50 (7) R. Schoenherr '63 (10) G. Scott '31 (4) D. Sechnick '76 (4) J. Sheldon '76 T. Shelt '57 (7) E Shera '63 J. Steen '41 (14) W. Stillson '39 (2) R. Sunkel '53 (14) P. Swanson '59 (14) G. Sydell '70 (4) L. Thomas '65 (6) M. Troyer '92 T. Vaughn '98 (3) R. Vernon '54 W. Voge l '47 (2) J. Wettengel '65 (2) J. Whitlock '85 J. Williams '31 C. Witte '51 (17) - C. Young '57 J. Zobrist '92 (2) MICHIGAN A. Adams '48 - R.Adams '40 E. Allmendinger '47 (6) H. Boggs' 46 (2) G. Bolas '36 J. Gilbert '83 (2) R. Grunder '44 (17) - K. Gutowski '87 (2) W. Hornb eck '62 J. Iseman '65 (3) D. Lansdale '38 (5) J. Lifton '89 G. Lowery '83 W. Mcintosh '53 (3) - M. Mensinger '72 - K. Murray '79 G. Nicolau '48 (7)



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J. Otten III '62 (3) R. Plaskett '58 (3) F. Poole '48 - J. Robson '71 - S. Roush '91 (2) - R. Spencer '59 (2) J. Stalker '52 (2) E. Wahl '63 (2) J. White '50 (31) - P. Winer '61 - H. Wolfe '83 MICHIGAN STATE C. Allen '55 (20) L. Anderson '63 (7) R. Anthony '69 - E Bindemann '51 (11) J. Bradley, Jr. '52 (3) J. Bradley '66 (9) M. Bucher '68 T. Busson '68 (3) D. Carpenter '63 (2) J. Clancy '56 R. Dale '70 R. Dhue '68 (20) R. Dobberteen '52 (19) - C. Ferguson '79 (4) P. D. Franzetta '70 (25) G. Gross '63 (4) G. Hill III '69 (2) B. Hoot '65 (24) R. Hughes '59 (2) T. Hyslop '80 - J. Irons '69 R. Johnson '54 (6) S. Knox, Jr. '68 (2) B. LeRoy ' 00 D. Long '59 (9) T. Lytle '98 L. Maccani '56 (4) C. MacDonald '64 D. Neese '68 (11) D. Niforos '90 G. Pratt, Jr. '66 (2) M. Robinson '95 J. Ryan' 55 (22) W. Savage '56 (9) L. Seguin '53 (3) - G. Shannon '62 G. Snyder' 57 M. Spillum '58 (7) J. Tanton '56 (2) R. Thompson '67 (31) - R. Vanderveer '56 (6) H. Weiner '91 (2) - R. Zimmerman '53 (7)


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S. Zimmerman '83 MICHIGAN TECH T. Davis '92 - T. Erlenbeck '99 (2) - M. Johnson '88 (6) S. Neumann '87 (2) - T. Symons '92 MIDDLEBURY J. Allen '65 T. Carey '86 (2) P. Dunham '45 W. Fuller '54 (3) R. Hanbury '73 (4) - R. Johnson '58 (8) J. Krantz '46 S. Lloyd III '60 (2) A. Painter '57 (2) Z. Smotrycz '77 (2) MIlNNESOTA A. Allen '49 (8) - A. Bachelder '61 (2) S. Backman '94 L. Baker '65 - J. Barclay '69 S. Bormann '64 (9) C. Fisher '92 (6) J. Gausman '50 (9) J. Hamann '59 (3) S. Kim '75 (2) R. Martin '95 (6) CEA + O. McDonald '41 (10) R. Nelson '63 (5) O. Opdahl '41 (30) J. Palmquist '75 J. Peterson '54 (2)


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D. Rosekrans '54 J. Sullivan '49 - J. Swanstrom '79 - P. Vedi '99 (5) CEA + D. Wiegand '71 P. Wilke, Jr. '50 (30) J. Zeese '59 (6) MISSOURI G. Allemann '69 (26) G. Beimdiek '35 (3) D. Best'59 G. Bistline '76 (23) W. Black '59 W. Bradley '54 (2) R. Brase '65 (2) H. Briggs '51 (27) P. Brwmer '59 (2) D. Bruns '70 (2) G. Burns '70 K. Chrostowski '75 (3) A. Colbert '53 J. Colemao '64 (2) M. Coleman '76 M. Collier '86 (2) E Duff '80 (2) E. Dwyer '36 J. Ehrlich '67 (20) C. Fleming, Jr. '65 (2) W. Gaddis '57 W. Gibson '38 (5) E. Gray '76 W. Harwell, Jr. '51 (6) C. Hatley, Jr. '80 (2) M. Hinck '77 - J. Holdsworth '87 (3) D. Irish '57 (2) - A. Kaestner '57 (5) S. Loughery '86 - K. McCord '98 (3) C. McFall '92 - G. Miles '73 (2) R. Miller '77 - D. Morice '65 (6) G. Mueller '67 - R. Nelson '83 (15) T. Norris '60 H. Ochs, Jr. '33 (31) - M. Quigley '74 (3) D. Randall, Jr. '69 - G. Rector '62 (5) - S. Richards '64 (4) J. Rowland '64 (4) W. Russell '75 D. Safley '93 - W. Schoenhard, Jr. '71 (II) J. Seitz III '59 (9) J. Smith '67 W. Summers '71 B. Tarantola '81 (5) B. Tate, Jr. '41 (9) W. Taylor' 41 J. Vinyard, Jr. '42 (5) E. Wasmer '68 C. Yeager, Jr. '61 M. Yaeger '88 P. Yehlen '72 R. Yingling, Jr. '62 (27) NEBRASKA - R. Adkins '38 J. Beecham '53 T. Biggerstaff '6 R. Campbell '68 (6) CEA + S. Carlson '54 T. Cheney '36 (31) A. Christenson '45 (8) G. Fisk '58 B. Goocher, Jr. '92 - E Goodwin, Jr. '50 (29) H . Gray '34 J. Green ' 75 P. Heermann' 87

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Key: = Presidents Club ($200+) • = Golden Delta Club ($100-$199) ~ = Silver Delta Club ($50-$99) (#) = Consecutive years as donor CEA = Chapter Educational Account Donor CEA + = donor gave to both CEA and general fund DELTA U ON THE WEB @ www.DeltaU.org


The Honor Roll 2000-01 Donors to the Educational Foundation E. Hohensee '68 (1 5)

C. Ohlso n '93 (2)

- C. Humphrey '6 1 -

W. Johnson '42 W. Krommenhoek '57 (28) M. Krueger '89 W. La Um an '89 (3) R. Lannin '01 K. Leach '85 (2) B. Lee '74 - A. Lepinski '8 1 K. Lewis '49 (2) R. Loch '54 (17) J. McCown, Jr. '68 (6) - J. McMan nama '74 A. Me lville '96 - C. Messinger '82 L. Million '53 (5) - G. Muncy '70 M. Nas lund '74 R. Neal '56

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M. Preston '88

K. Randecker '55 - K. Rogert '99 T. Schnell '89 R. Shively '02 (19) - H. Smith '65 (6) D. Spencer '85 (3) E. Straka, Jr. '53 (14) J. Swanson '50 (2) w. Traudt '89 - J. Warrick '59 (2) T. Wright '77 NEW YORK T. Billheimer '4 1 C. Hoover '40 (22) NORTH CAROLINA J. Allen '73 (6) R. Ayres '65 (4) M. Baratta '8 1 (0)


Foundation Donors for 3 I Consecutive Years Horace L. Acaster, Pennsylvania '44 Leland J. Adams, Jr., Bucknell '64 Paul J. Bodine, Jr., Northwestern '50 Claude M. Boland, Bradley '53 Herbert H. Boswau, Denison '55 Michael G. Boylan, Bradley '69 Thomas W. Cheney, Nebraska '36 Charles E. Cookson, Western Reserve '51 David L. Cutter, Stanford '51 John J. Enders, Washington State '39 Henry A. Federa, Louisville '37 Jonathan M. Fletcher, Iowa '35 Peter L. Forrest, Florida '58 Gerald A. Hale, Western Michigan '52 Porter B. Hall, Kent State '49 Orville E. Johnson, Washington State '39 Keith O. Kaneta, Washington '59 Maurice S. Mandel, Chicago '55 Robert J. Martin, Washington '59 Thomas E. Mattson, Oregon '63 Bruce C. Mclaughlin, Syracuse '58 Howard O. Mielke, Carnegie '51 Michael G. Mitchell, Texas '65 Donald R. Morse, Tufts '42 Thomas Nast III, Colgate '37 J. David Nelson, Northwestern '63 Hemy J. Ochs, Jr., Missouri '33 Aubrey H. Polser, Jr., Texas '65 Richard R. Popham, Purdue '40 Theodore D. Robinson II, Union '42 Nelson Schaenen, Jr., Cornell '50 Robert S. Sundt, Swarthmore '50 Richard B. Thompson, Michigan State '67 Jay E. Wagner, Jr., Ohio State '45 James V. White, Michigan '50

D. Bradham '72 - T. Burgiss '84 R. Coleman III '68 (11) K. Collier '90 W. Crawford '76 (3) J. Dalton, Jr. '59 (2) J. DeBlasio '62 (3) - C. Downton III '66 (4) - M. Eas twood '67 C. Evans '67 J. Goforth , Jr. '66 (3) R. Gray III '59 (22) p. Harkin s '62 (3) D. Heacock '64 (2) CEA + - K. Head '79 (4) A. Houghton '5 J. Inscoe '62 CEA W. Jobe '63 CEA S. Jones '63 - J. Joyner, Jr. '77 (14) - M. Kearns '85 W. Killea '71 C. Killian '71 J. King '64 (2) M. Klapper '76 (2) K. Lawson, Jr. '88 (2) W. Link '85 M. Mason '67 S. McClanahan '74 (6) M. Men ius '68 (4) - D. Myrick '65 T. O'Brien '99 (2) H. Pawlik '54 (3) W. Poston ' 71 C. Revelle III '74 - S. Ridgley '77 W. Rose '69 (14) C. Schumacher '73 (18) G. Shell '80 J. Siegel '93 T. Staab I! '89 A. Subraman ian '97 (4) K. Sullivan '86 (6) R. Swacker '71 (3) E. Taff '6 1 (13) M. Tandy'87 R. Thompson '73 R. Tracy '69 (8) G. Wess ling '74 (14) - R. Wing '70 (5) A. Woodard '80 (2) W. Woodard III '76 (2) T. Yermack '78 (5) NORTH CAROLINA STATE - E Carter '84 (3) D. Ha rris, Jr. '82 (3) T. Hoffman '78 (4) P. Klinefelter '80 (3) D. Musser '79 B. Pack '80 (3) - W. Turn er, Jr. '89 (2) - A. \oVhisnant. Jr. '82 NORTH DAKOTA B. Anderson '84 - K. Anderson '87 J. Balintona '92 J. Bittner '78 (1 3) D. Bruschwein '74 (3) T. Dolan '72 (3) E DuBois '77 D. Dunham '09 (12) M. Eldridge '89 (3) - D. Finke '74 (6) J. Furs t '81 (4) - R. Gusaas '84 (4) W. Harwood '68 (3) D. Hill '86 CEA - P. H}1ek '89 (7) D. John so n '92 (7) D. Kack '87

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O. Ketelle '84 R. Kirsch ' 78 (19) J. Knutson '88 (2) - D. Larsen '7 1 (3) - D. McLeo d '63 (9) D. Nicolai '84 (13) - R. Szczys '69 (2) G. Weight ' 73 NORTH DAKOTA S1i\TE R. Altringer '85 (12) A. Espeseth '80 (2) H. Hagen '86 (4) A. Qual '73 NORTHERN ARIZONA - A. Farni ' 00 NORTHERN COLORADO - C. Belt '92 (4) S. Davis '94 L. Minne ll a '98 P. Schott '96 (5) NORTHERN ILLINOIS




J. Carlson '70 E Cittadino, Jr. '71 -

R. Hallberg '90 (6)

J. Hansen '0 A. Knox '77 (3) J. Lo tsoff'88 (14) - M. Maibach '73 (27) - T. McHale '80 L. Mich na '84 (3) E. Nosek '85 (3) D. Poynt er '68 M. Re inh ardt '8 1 (3) N. Shultz '87 (2) J. Sin gelm ann '64 (4) G. Sowa '70 (3) - E. Stre mi ch '66 ( 10) NORTHERN IOWA G. Anderson '71 S. Anderson '79 (20) A. Culley '00 J. Fuh rman '94 - M. Gonnerma n, Jr. '94 (4) R. Gutz'97 D. He nshaw '79 (17) - K. Krause '83 (6) M. Melcher '92 (7) C. Nyguard '9 1 NORTHWESTERN T. Ah lberg' 43 W. Anderson , Je. '53 (3) - D. Balfany '88 M. Beaubien, Je. '64 (5) P. Bodine, Jr. '50 (31) W. Boyd' 48 (3) - D. Costello '54 (15) - R. Co untryman, Jr. '50 (5) J. Oorn '54 L. Drendel '39 J. Drinan '75 (3) - A. Eb ert, Jr. '52 (5) H. Eve rt '56 (2) - S. Ferguson '75 A. Ferraro '59 (2) G. Fitzgerald '49 (3) M. Freedgood '02 - S. Gavitt '37 (21) R. Green '60 (2) W. Green '63 (4) R. Grottke '52 (6) - H. Holman '7 1 (15) A. Jamra '44 B. John ston '85 (3) J. Karwath '97 (3) M. Keeler '48 (3) - T. Ke rn '98 D. Kramlich '59 (2) R. Ladd '64 L. Laning '46 J. Lap perre '33 (5)

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- M. Lo ngley '95 (3) - G. Lose '57 (2) - A. Ludolph '42 (17) R. Mackey '43 - E. Matthias '29 (2) W. Meinh ard '47 - J. Montgomery '43 (9) D. Nelso n '63 (3 1) R. Ne"ona n II '59 (6) S. Papich '36 (3) O. Porter, Jr. '49 (4) T. Rakow '65 (5) J. Scatliff'48 (3) G. Skelton '59 T. Somers '73 S. Spar'83 R. Spencer '5 1 (5) - K. Stauber '07 T. Taylor '07 P. Throdah l '65 J. Tingey '69 - A. Wade '47 - G. West '52 (4) R. Whisnant '98 (3) - R. White, Jr. '52 (5) OHIO D. Bell an '59 G. Berzins '76 (2) J. Dennis '75 - R. Hughes '67 R. McDonald '73 W. McNutt '63 - H. Opperman '65 (8) - E. Paxto n '60 (4) D. Pease '58 S. Rowl ey '65 (11) J. Shipm an '56 - W. Sp an fell ner '6 1 (12) - W. Ull e '57 T. Walker '80 J. Weimer '68 (2) - J. Wills '70 (2) OHIO STATE - R. Baker' 48 (2) - W. Barnes '49 D. Bates '59 (9) - G. Bingham '40 (2) - S. Blozis '80 R. Bolton '62 W. Buchsieb '51 (2) - J. Ca rle '6 1 (5) H. Crawford '47 (3) - D. Ewart '47 C. Harm an, Jr. '59 (20) W. Herron ' 43 D. Holtshollse '63 (9) T. Hoover '56 (2 1) - C. Jon es '50 (2) H. Keifer, Jr. '48 (7) E. Langhurst '41 (5) R. Marshall '06 R. Mason '4 1 (3) S. McCormick '92 (9) J. Mclain '42 R. Meister '74 R. Metcalf'46 T. Morris '8 1 P. Porter '50 (10) R. Rea mer '64 (3) R. Sc hiefers tein '66 K. Seife rt '50 C. She phe rd '49 (6) B. Silla '52 - R. Sipprell, Sr. '37 (19) W. Spore '39 (3) W. St. John '56 - M. Stefanik '82 M. Sto ne '69 T. Voght '97 (4) J. Wagner, Jr. '45 (3 1)


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W. Walker '54 (2) G. Weingardt '55 M. Weingold '78 (3) J. Wilson '39 (2) J. Wingard '63 (5) OKLAHOMA L. Aberna thy '68 (2) W. Blair '5 1 (4) L. Brammer, Jr. '47 (4) R. BrolYn, Jr. '56 (2) - G. Carr '83 (5) R. Carroll '84 (3) C. Cawley '59 J. Choate '66 - C. Coleman '81 (6) S. Cox'92 J. CrelYs '52 (2) J. Dawson, Je. '35 (2) W. Day '41 - A. French '78 (2) - C. Frymire '79 (4) R. Gold field '67 M. Gunning '87 (4) J. Hammons '92 (2) J. Haslam '80 (11) H. Hayes '56 (3) D. Heckman '7 1 C. Herwig '75 S. Holm '92 P. Hurley '64 ( 10) H. Jones '39 (9) J. Kalbfleisc h '52 T. Lee '75 (2) J. Levorsen '50 (12) T. Loafman '89 C. McCaliUl '92 J. Monk '68 (5) N. Na bavi '96 T. O'Bannon '02 (5) E. Porter '65 (5) J. Powers '58 T. Powers '59 (2) P. Rabb 1ll '80 (7) R. Rodine '73 CEA W. Roge rs '65 (2) CEA M. Rup ert '74 (25) E Rutherford '50 (2) D. Scott '6 1 CEA D. Sloan '72 (2) J. Sommerfrucht '60 H. Stanfi eld '62 (3) L. Stewart ' 53 R. Studebaker '04 - D. Stussi '77 J. Tacker '63 (7) R. Thompso n '6 1 (1 7) D. Toma, Je. '55 J. Truscott '90 (2) B. Walkingstick '52 (29) H. Wilson '55 H. Woodard, Jr. '35 (7) K. Woodliff '6 1 CEA OKLAHOMA S1i\TE S. Meye r '75 (2) T. Wilcox '92 R. Williams '64 OREGON J. Allan '53 (0) B. Anderson '57 (13) E. Bossatti '27 (2) D. Brazier '95 (2) S. Carlson '69 (3) A. Cellars '47 (30) J. Ciatti '64 (3) D. Greene '99 (2) P. Hillar '4 1 J. Lewis III '67 (3) T. Mattson '63 (3 1) D. MeckJem '53 (2) - G. Moulds '64 (2)

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Key: = Presidents Club ($200+) • = Golden Delta Club ($100-$199) - = Silver Delta Club ($50-$99) (#) = Consecutive years as donor CEA =Chapter Educational Account Donor CEA + =donor gave to both CEA and general fund 20

DELTA U ON THE WEB @ www.DeltaU.org

R. Newell '65 (13) M. Phelps '72 (5) R. Price '62 (13) - L. Schuck '54 (13) J. Smith '92 (3) D. Sorenson '71 (4) J. Trigg '58 (2) J. Vaughn '39

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R. Watson '7 1

J. Weisel '48 (20) T. Wh ite '53 (2) OREGON STATE T. Bays ' 42 (26) R. Bevens '60 J. Branlund , Jr. '45 J. Bryant '97 (3) J. Duncan, Jr. '00 T. Durein '92 (9) M. Fisher '96 (5) J. Graham '65 (3) W. Harkey'71 (7) J. Hendry '60 R. Johnson' 42 R. Kaltenbach '82 - R. Mellis '48 (13) D. Reed '55 (8) E. Schiewe '40 (2) D. Schmeiser '59 (7) R. Smith '95 (2) J. Stiger '67 R. Wilson, Jr. '46 (13) J. Wise '68 - R Wood '40 (4) PACIFIC - J. DuMond '66 J. Madsen '65 PENNSYLVANIA H. Acaster '44 (31) - D. Boyd '42 - R. Canfield '61 (2) p. Davidow '55 (7) R. Fowble '48 A. Fox '39 (3) E. Gentino, Jr. '50(2) G. GraJ, Jr. '55 (13) J. Hall '91 (3) D. Hold '83 (3) J. Jiuliante '49 (6) R. Marx '54 (4) - R Mayetta '35 A. Noble '5 1 (3) R. Schlakman '82 (17) E. Smolen '80 J. Spitzer '60 C. Stehman '49 (3) H. VanSciver II '8 1 (6) H. VanSciver '53 (7) J. Wi lson '43 (3) V. Wolfsohn '48 (3) PENN STATE J. Adamoli '83 (3) - J. Bacheler '95 (2)


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B. Bald erston '76 (11) R. Baldwin '57 (7) M. Becker '94 - R. Bieak '96 R. Brooks '49 (7) - J. D'Antonio '93 (3) - L. Dash '92 (9) - D. Decker '77 - A. DeJuliu s '56 - J. DelSignore '92 (3) J. Draze novich '50 W. Floyd, Sr. '64 (3) - J. Heller IV '73 (2) J. Herron '94 (2) W. Hershey '50 (2) H. Hilner '59 (14) J. Johnston '58 (30) - H . Kane '50 (4) R. Kurtz '48 (3) D. Lauck '54 J. Lentz '86 D. Leppo '91 M. Lundt '93 (3) D. Macurdy'83 G. Maurey '54 (10) J.Max'95 - W. McDonnell '99 D. Merenda '77 (4) R. Nester '57 (2) R. Noah '57 (21) W. Piper '44 (5) A. Policelli '67 (2) C. Prutzman '18 (5) K. Russell '93 (2) T. Sam uel II '9 1 (3) J. Sch alfer '55 (2) G. Setman V '56 (11) G. Setman, Jr. '82 (3) D. Shaw '57 T. Sica '41 W. Simatic '77 J. Slafkosky '67 (4) - R. Sommons '62 - W. Squires '77 - P. Stritt matter '50 (8) V. Sturniolo '57 V. Tedesco, Jr. '64 (16) ). Temp le, Jr. '74 R. Walters '69 ). Weagralf, Jr. '74 (2) C. Winter '48 (3) S. Wolcott, Jr. '57 (4) R. Yeager '96 R. Za hradn ik '92 J. Zboyovsky'5 1 (30) PLATTEVILLE J. Ved vik '72 PURDUE B. Anderson '65 (25) R Arganbrigh t '49 (8) G. Arnold '57 (2) R Barbian '45 -

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K. Baumel '62 - J. Beacham '54 J. Bishop '65 (2) - D. Brady '97 J. Brennan, Jr. '55 (21) G. Brown '38 (5) R. Brown '46 (8) R. Byrne '68 (8) - C. Cannady '99 W. Ch en '94 (5) S. Conway'51 A. Crofts '47 - W. Cross '44 (9) J. DeVoll '63 D. Duffin '44 D. Fitzgerald '49 (17) T. Foote '50 (21) R Ford '58 (7) G. Forszt '72 R. Fox '63 (2) - R. Friedersdorf'79 (13) R. Gimlin '42 (2) R. Hallman '54 (30) D. Hanse n '68 R. Hegeman' 49 (6) D. Heile' 46 (2) M. Hogan '85 (16) H. Hostetler '59 - (jones' 48 (5) - ). Kennelly, Jr. '50 (18) T. Ki ll '83 J. Kirts'61 Kralis '51 (4) A. Lacis '64 (2) R. LaFortune '51 (30) B. Lee, Jr. '5 1 (4) T. Leitch '36 (12) E. Le tts '67 D. Martin '82 Q. Martin '69 - K. McClain '71 (8) R. McKee '43 (9) M. McKinney '80 R. Michels' 44 (2) C. Moeller' 45 (23) G. Moss '47 (22) CEA J. O'Neil'92 N. Popham '54 (3) - R. Popham '40 (31) R. Rhine '77 - R. Ricciardi '94 (2) - R. Rice '57 G. Richwine '75 (5) R. Rode '63 (2) - J. Smith '52 (4) - J. Stallings ' 45 (15) - R. Steiger, Sr. '49 (2) - R. Stoops '64 (4) L. Storey, Jr. '51 J. Sweeney '64 (6) C. Tarvin '84 (3) - R. Theissen '50 (14)


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Planned Giving Would you like to remember Delta Upsilon in your will? The following language is acceptable for inclusion in the will of any DU alumnus:

"I hereby give, devise and bequeath to the Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation, with headquarters at 8705 Founders Road, Indianapolis, Indiana, the sum of $ ; or the percentage of: %; or the following described property: _ __ _ _ _ __ or the residue of my estate, to be used for the general purpose of the Foundation as the Board of Trustees may direct." For more information or for assistance, please contact David Schumacher, Executive Director of the DU Educational Foundation, at 317.875.8900 ext. 212.


). Thurston '65 (7) R Travelute, Jr. '66 (2) J. Unruh '83 - P. VanArsdale '62 A. Voelker '95 (3) C. VonGrimmenstein '49 (3) H. Wasson, Jr. '85 D. Whitehurs t '59 N. Wililams '64 (3) W. Wilson '92 (6) G. Zobel '77 RIPON J. Beisner '71 (2) J. Esten '85 - W. Grieb '70 J. Muraskas '78 (23) ROCHESTER E. Ackley '53 L. Bilker '91 T. Donohue '97 (4) - M. Eberle '91 (10) G. Ehinger '73 (2) R. Elwell ' 50 (26) E. Garfield. Jr. '53 (9) K. Goeken '91 (5) J. Leslie III '70 (6) A. Magistro '60 (24) w. Magratten '54 (6) - C. Miner' 64 J. Pielaet '94 (3) R. Rohr '63 (2) P. Rou ff '96 (6) P. Ryan' 46 (3) S. San tandrea '56 (2) - R. Schonbrunn '63 (5) W. Sherwood '39 (13) W. Siegmund '46 (2) R. Woods' 42 (6) RUTGERS C. Adelizzi '62 (7) R. Benton '60 G. Boggs III '42 (13) A. Bolter '56 R. Cardell '57 L. Cipriano '75 J. David '63 (5) W. Doliber, Jr. '54 (2) p. Feinerman '83 G. Golden '74 (27) G. Green '40 E. Groth, Jr. '48 (26) S. Hahner '78 (22) D. Hait '72 (2) - C. Hart '54 J. Herma '70 (21) M. Kelsey '73 (3) B. Kramer '62 (7) R. Krieg ' 64 - R Kroesen '44 (8) C. Little '60 (2) A. Malekoff '73 (2) J. Marshall III '66 (3) A. McDowell '34 D. Miller '68 - J. Miller '60 (3) - J. Nazzaro '62 D. Novelli '73 (6) R. Palmer' 40 (5) J. Powers '48 E. Richter, Jr. '65 J. Sep ple '63 (2) J. Sheridan '77 (8) J. Strampfer '72 (3) W. Symons '66 . D. Tomasik '66 - D. Tully '68 (8) G. VanWickle '47 R. Weitzner '79 (2) SAN DI EGO - G. Danz '86 - P. Fieri '73 (2) - A. Glaves '81 - C. O'Connor '9 1 (3) ). Orendain '78 (4) - J. Sullivan '72 - B. Wilson' 86 SAN FERNANDO M. Donnelly '68 (20) - J. McGrath '69 J. Phill ips '65


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SAN JOSE J. Agan '57 (2) T. Arvin '53 CEA R. Barmettler '49 CEA - W. Belch er '64 (2) E. Bontadelli '50 (2) CEA S. Boyd '00 R. Brady '63 (4) B. Brown '56 (4) J. Cervantez '90 D. Colby '56 (3) M. Cooper '66 A. Dunham '86 T. Fitch '88 T. Harney '52 T. Lambeth '92 (2) Luckhardt '56 (2) CEA A. Lund '55 (2) CEA D. McLeod '87 C. Miller '59 J. Moeller '52 - V. Neash am II '52 (3) B. Nei lsen '56 CEA J. Pesta '85 (3) L. Rhodes '53 CEA P. Spooner '55 (4) H. Thompson '58 (2) Tormey, Jr. '57 (2) eEA + P. Ueberro th '59 (3) R. Wallace '90 S. Yates '55 (9) CEA + SANTA BARBARA • R. laFontaine '9 1 (7) T. Sullivan '95 (3) SIMPSON - K. Dunbar '69 (2) SOUTH CAROLINA - J. Estes HI '90 (4) R Goolsby '81 J. Herron '88 (14) J. Rinehart '92 T. Schmoyer, Jr. '88 (6) M. Ward '89 - D. Weaver '85 (6) SOUTH DAKOTA - P. Conlin' 80 (7) - M. Harrington '7 1 B. Nguyen '89 SOUTHERN ILIJNOIS D. Maguire '73 (23) SO UTHWEST MISSOURI D. Blatner '86 (2) S. Davis '87 A. Laue '93 R. McCormick '81 SOUTHWEST TEXAS D. Dever'77 J. Keller '73 STANFORD K. Baxter '71 B. Cardinalli '46 - J. Cusick '5 1 (8) - D. Cutter'51 (31) W. Hi rst, Jr. '40 (2) J. Lenahan '67 (2) - P. Loewenstein '71 (2) G. MacDonald '73 M. Nelson' 59 (30) - J. O'Connor III '5 1 (2) - K. Peterson '60 (3) J. Seeley '59 • R. Smith '59 (3) A. Williams '53 (2) B. Wilson '50 (13) SWARTHMORE R. Cheyney'51 ). Cogshall '37 (2) T. Forstik '00 - R. Hade ler '32 R. Ha ll '52 (2) S. Heiser '72 (3) T. Kershaw II '60 C. Leith '81 (3) - E Montgomery '65 E. Pe rkins' 49 (24) T. Piotrowski '80 (5) K. Selverian '97 R. Sundt '50 (31) SYRACUSE R. Aikman, Jr. '56 (7)

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Key: = Presidents Club ($200+) • = Golden Delta Club ($100-$199) - = Silver Delta Club ($50-$99) CEA = Chapter Educational Account Donor CEA + = donor gave to both CEA and general fund


R. Barnabei, Jr. '82 (2) P. Bayer '60 (3) J. Blair '85 (2) - G. Bluhm' 42 (5) E Brandstadt '59 R. Broad '60 (6) E. Burgess '49 (8) L. Call'vin '68 (3) H. Comstock '71 J. Curley '56 R. Damm '58 (19) T. Darli ng '8 1 (11) J. DuMond '31 J. Dytman '71 (2) R. Eckardt '66 T. Finnell '57 (23) W. Freiert '51 - W. French '85 M. Gatto '83 J. Gold ' 79 (8) W. Gregory '63 - D. Hanavan '79 - J. He ider '54 (2) R. Holland '83 (15) E. Hoskins '50 W. Kagler '54 (4) G. Larson '83 - D. Lavende r '54 J. Leach tenauer '57 (15) J. Levy '82 (3) J. Lynd '35 (26) J. Markert '50 (4) - J. McKay '82 B. Mclaughlin '58 (31) • E. Miller '8 1 (2) J. Morse '57 W. Namack '57 G. Patrick' 42 (3) M. Reiser '68 (3) - E. Sackett '38 (9) E. Salisbury '40 H. Sashin '81 R. Schantz' 49 (2) L. Slawsky '83 W. Smeltze r '58 (3) W. Stark, Jr. '47 (10) A. Stauderman, Jr. '58 (16) K. Stein '83 (4) K. Steinberg '89 M. Stewart, Jr. '46 - R. Thorp e '60 (13) R. Trezise '34 R. Vergason '43 (2) W. Wolf '89 - P. Zarins '60 TECHNOLO GY - D. Alusic '64 (2) w. Babcock '41 J. Buell, Jr. '56 (3) H. Butier'81 B. Chun '00 C. Hagge II '57 Haid '93 (5) T. Hoffman '87 (4) M. Huke '65 (15) G. Lambrech t '89 J. Leary '70 R. LeBoeuf '88 (13) R. Mackintosh '53 S. Martin, Jr. '50 (2) - D. Maurer '76 (3) - M. Moncavage '82 (2) S. Ranger '81 (2) K. Shimberg'91 - L. Slocum , Jr. '50 (4) K. Suelthaus '66 (6) Z. Swanson '71 (3) D. Warren, Jr. '76 S. Wood '69 (22) R. Wothe '58 (3)


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= Consecutive years as donor

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The Honor Roll 2000-01 Donors to the Educational Foundation

TENNESSEE J. Gardner '73 D. Greer '72 D. Mouron, Jr. '77 (6) - D. Myers '74 (2 1) - K. Snyder '94 (3) - J. Thompso n '77 (3) TEXAS G. Ada ms, Jr. '87 (5) J. Blackwell '65 (2) - R. Brown '73 (2) R. Brya nt '74 J. Cassell, Jr. '70 (25) A. Ch an g '93 (2) C. Coffey '60 J. Dunlap '73 (23) - S. Fisher '85 T Heins '65 (8) L. Jackson '8 1 (3) J. Jett '73 J. Jones '96 R. Langh orn e '56 R. Latsha II '92 (4) - A. Lewis '60 - T McMichael '77 M. Mitchell '65 (31) R. Morgan '69 (6) - R. Nager '75 (3) W. Nelso n '59 (3) A. Polser, Jr. '65 (3 1) C. Reed '55 (5)


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W. Tibbitts III '61 (I2) M. Tomsu '02 (2) L. Wate rs '73 (23) R. Wiley, Jr. '49 (3) TEXASA&M - R. Adams '94 - S. Berry '97 (2) K. Hickm an '87 (3) J. Hill '91 (4) D. Tubbs '92 (4) TORONTO R. Taylor '38 (17) TUFfS R. Atwood' 43 (2) - J. Bogda nski '76 C. Bortz '96 O. Bramhall '35 - D. Caron '97 E. Casabian , Jr. '64 (4) G. Cliff '55 - E. Dam on '87 R. Dargis '50 A. DelPesco '45 G. Dolan '84 P. Dolan '78 (5) C. Erickson '64 (3) J. Fonda '51 M. Gill '78 (2) S, Ke nney '83 B. Lis '82 A. Merrill '6 1

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Support your chapter and receive tax deductibility Presently 20 chapters have taken advantage of the Chapter Educational Account (CEA) program. CEAs were created for potential donors who wanted to make a gift to the educational programs of a specific chapter but may have been reluctant to do so because the gift was not deductible for Federal Income Tax purposes. CEAs offer chapters the opportunity to establish restricted funds within the endowment of the DUEE Donors can make gifts to these restricted funds and claim a deduction for the amount of the gift on their tax returns. For more information on CEAs, including types of gifts accepted and types of educational purposes for which the money can be used, visit the DUEF link at www.DeltaU.org. If you are interested in establishing a Chapter Educational Account for the benefit of your chapter, please contact Dave Schumacher at the Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation at 317.875.8900 ext. 212 or e-mail Schumacher@DeltaU.org.

D. Morse '42 (3 1) -

R. Outtrim '74

D. Picke ring '43 (4) E, Poore' 43 (3) J. Porter '43 (4) B. Valentine '67 (6) - R. Wiedman '77 (2) H. Wilkinson '69 (29) TYLER • R. Campbell '79 U.C.L.A. C. Craig '39 (3) A. Frink '38 (22) T, Henkle, Jr. '50 S. Howard '4 1 (14) D. Lyons '44 (2) A. Mancini '49 (2) M. Rogers, Jr. '33 (3) UNION - B. Batty '64 W. Bloomfield '54 B. Bonanno '77 (3) N. Botsford , Jr. '54 (13) D. Cate '62 (4) - J. Gardeski, Jr.'51 (4) W. Grant '49 (25) - J. Greve '51 (6) S. Hayes '89 (6)



D. Hayner '40

D. Klein, Jr. '56 (6) R. Klein '73 M. Martin '73 (2) K. Merz '69 (7) - M. Meslink '65 M. O'Meara, Jr. '50 (9) - T. Robinson II '42 (3 1) B. Rockwell' 46 E. Rost '50 J. Sweeney '58 (2) J. Thompson '76 W. Thurb e r '33 (3) - W. Underhill '75 (2) VICTORIA - G. Hollefreund '00 • M. Watson '98 (4) VIRGINIA - M. D. Ashbury, Jr. '54 (9) - D. Barbour '77 (13) W. Brookhart '71 (15) - M. Child '78 (2) w. Danie l '67 J. Di Nunzio '61 (2) S. Driever '69 (2) G. Ferrell '70 J. Hales '82 P. Jones '79 L. Lundbe rg '56 (3) - T. Neale '74 (14) - E Norvelle '60 - J. Pickler '75 - W. Re using '62 (9) B. Rice '57 - G. Salle '29 - A. Saufley '54 (9) R. Simons '75 D. Turner '73 W. Updike '63 (7) E. Wooldridge '68 (7) J. Young '50 VIRGINIA TECH - B. Dick '09 (2) J. Mcllhaney '84 (2) W. Newman, Jr.'86 (7) T. Wright '92 WASHINGTON D. Baer '82 (3) - R. Bailey '6 1 (2) H. Bargreen '66 (3) N. Barr '49 (5) - R. Bryan '56 (2) R. Busch '78 (3)




R. Clift '6 1 (3) J. Co msto ck '84 - G. Cook '64 D. Dorland '58 - M. Duqu e, Jr. '95 B. Elfers '92 (9) L. Es tes '50 J. Eyler '69 (3) R. Fagan '52 (4) S. Fisher '87 (2) B. Forgey '93 (3) H. Grant '5 1 G. Harris '7 1 (7) J. Has kin s '55 I. G. Hastings, Jr. '56 (3) D. Hipp '84 (7) R. Horne '09 J. Hubbard '53 (9) E. lrwin 'G I M. Ive rson' 48 (3) - D. Johnson '76 S. Joh nson '80 (I I) K. Kaneta '59 (31) B. Keen '50 (6) D. Kraft ' 48 (2) A. laBerge '87 (3) W. Lasley, Jr. '58 (2) K. Mackey '77 (2) A. Majewski '85 R. Ma rtin '59 (3 1) T. McKay '50 (2) - R. Meier '73 (28) - R. Olsen '69 R. Olsen '56 (2) A. Os borne '45 (1 9) K. avera '00 D. Playte r '85 (3) W. Price '80 B. Raskin '8G (3) D. Ravander '86 (2) J, Reber '66 R. Richards '42 - E. Ro bertso n '42 (2) J. RusseU'79 (3) P. Smith '66 (2) T. Solbe rg '66 (2) - A. Szabo '8G P.Tuohy '53 G. Vogtlin '55 J. Walsh '89 (3) Washington Chapter E. Wright '34 (2) R, Yeas ting '55 R. You ng '50 (4) WASHINGTON & LEE G. Co rneli us '56 (2) J. Hess '60 H, Howcott, Jr. '60 H, Huster '32 (6) L. Lawrence '59 (18) - C. Lo ngacre, Jr. '33 (9) P. Muller '55 (4) J. Smith '62 (1 0) G. Whitehurst '50 (3) WASHINGTON STATE - L. Am os '68 (23) - H, Buth eru s '3G (2) J. End ers '39 (3 1) - R. Gray '94

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fl. HUllter'50

O. Johnson '39 (31) C. Kurtak '42 (l G) T. McChesney '85 G Mo tteler 'G3 J. Sim pkins '81 G. Studl e '57 (30) R. Wiggs '50 (3) ' \!ESTERN ILLINOIS J. Alte nbe rn '94 A. Brown '89 (2)

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S. Brown '8G (4) H. Chancellor '82 - J. Goul art '80 (3) - R. Gruen ig '85 (3) D. Hancock '93 (8) R. Higgins '74 W. Hipkins '94 S. Jon es '87 (2) S. laBuda '88 (G) - J. Nevel '00 - J. Schultz '86 (5) S. Soltis '94 (5) WESTERN MI CHIGAN R, Di rksen, Jr. '70 B. Ebling II '55 (G) K. Egge r '62 (3) H. Habenicht '61 G. Hale '52 (3 1) D. Kanemori '6G (29) M. Quin n '69 C. Sorensen '95 (4) V. Suth erland '57 K. Wal lis '62 WESTERN ONTARIO - M. Diakowsky '96 A. Graha m '60 - W. Greenberg '73 J. Keelan '48 A. Koli bac '59 (3) - P. Mori son '0 1 WESTERN RESERVE V. Aggarwal '70 (5) J. Ange lotta '45 (2) T. Armbruster '77 C. Bizga 'G9 D. Bray '50 (9) C.Cookso n '5 1 (3 1) w. Co tton '77 (3) R. Dicicco '5 1 (8) B. Ghil oni '86 (3) P. Glo r '42 E. Hurtu k '75 P. Ka luszyk '73 J. Kendel '59 (2) - S. Ma rshall '07 (3) J. Mo naco '80 (4) L. Pietro' 49 (2) G. Powe rs '54 (7) K. Ross '7 1 J. Sabo '67 (4) J. Schm eltzer '90 (3)





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M . Smiechowski '00

- J. Sti ckn ey '40 (3) - R. Wagner '37 (16) J, Wyse'71 WI CHITA L. Ambler '68 (13) - G. Butts '60 (7) D, Cain '64 R, Freedma n '97 G. Ha mp ton '79 J. Little '50 (5) W. Loyd '77 R. Scull '55 C. Trammell 11 '68 WILLIAMS A. Dodge, Jr. '45 (2) H. Hunt '5 1 (3) H. Rowan '45 (3) 0, Svenso n, Jr. '50 (II) A. Vose '35 (10) C. Whitb eck '33 (3) WILMINGTON D. Cole '72 WISCONSIN D. Anderson '49 D, Anderson' 48 (2) - E, Arpin' 45 (2) M. Baer '80 J. Buist '53 (21) G, Ca mberi s '78 (22)


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Key: =Presidents Club ($200+) • =Golden Delta Club ($100-$199) - =Silver Delta Club ($50-$99) CEA = Chapter Educational Account Donor CEA + = donor gave to both CEA and general fund 22

- G. Day, Jr. '70 J. Dingee '34 B. Ebert '63 (3) - D. Emmerich '78 B. Fellows '5 1 (4) J. Fisch er '66 J. Forester '33 (2) D. Frank '96 (2) R. Godfrey '54 (4) D. Gross '6 1 J. Gross '88 (3) J. Harden '59 (4) J. Harris'72 (13) J. Herrm ann '61 C. Herro '43 (4) E. Hipke '56 (7) R. Jacobus '5 1 (20) E Joachim '70 D. Johnson '70 D. Johnson '93 (2) K. Kayser '91 P. Kruger '88 (2) - P. Laper '68 (1 2) D. Leich tfu ss '50 (5) M. Mahnke '84 R. McLimans '68 D. Meyers '77 S. Mille r '70 J. Morgridge '55 (3) W, Morrise), '43 (2) W. Nesbitt '76 (22) G. O'Gara '95 - J. Pike '78 (2) C. Roup 'G7 S. Satek '88 w. Sch\varting '5 1 J. Spindler '43 (4) - J, Stein '84 (2) n. Stuewe' 53 J. Thom as '57 W. Trachsel '59 (30) E TrubshalV '43 D. Vinso n '59 (21) - D. Wa lk '73 (3) M. Wallace '8G - G. Warner '87 E. Wiese '81 E Winding '5 1 - D. Yen erich '82 (3)


=Consecutive years as donor

n Friday, March 9,200 I, the executive Committee of the Bradley Chapter of Delta Upsilon Fraternity gathered in the President's Board Room to initiate Bradley University's ninth president, Dr. David C. Broski, into the Fraternity.


In this formal ceremony, former undergraduate chapter president Carl R. Brown '02 presided, assisted by the student chaplain, Jake Wilson, along with other chapter officers. The impressive ceremony was further enhanced by the setting and because of Dr. Broski's stature within higher education. President Broski, who was affiliated with the Michigan State Chapter of Delta Upsilon during his undergraduate years there, and who had only recently accepted the helm at Bradley University, graciously accepted his membership into the Bradley Chapter. Dr. Broski graduated from Michigan State University with a B.A. in 1969, an MA. in 1971, and a Ph.D. in 1974. He became Bradley University's ninth president on June 15, 2000. Prior 24

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to accepting his appointment at Bradley, Dr. Broski served as Chancellor of the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) from May, 1995.

Oregon Chapter Initiates University President


he second Delta Upsilon initiation of the academic year of a university president was on May 14,2001, when David Frohnmayer, President of the University of Oregon was initiated into the Oregon Chapter of Delta Upsilon . It had been a challenging year for the Oregon Chapter undergraduates following the chapter's reorganization. Determination and dedication to Delta Upsilon's principles brought the chapter achievements to the attention of university administrators, including Dr. Frohnmayer.

The bid was made when Gary B. Adams, Oregon '66, John G. Alden , Oregon '67, and undergraduate chapter president Philip 1. Benton '02, had the honor of meeting with President Frohnmayer and asking him to join the brotherhood. Even though his father (Otto 1. Frohnmayer, Oregon '29) was a DU at the Oregon Chapter, Dave had never had the opportunity to join a fraternity while an undergraduate at Harvard, and now was the perfect opportunity. President Frohnmayer eagerly accepted his bid within 12 hours, showing his support for not only Delta Upsilon, but for the Oregon University Greek community as a whole. With the

approaching centennial of the Greek system at the University of Oregon, his public initiation was planned to kick-off the week-long celebration. On May 14, 2001 , the Oregon Chapter initiated President Frohnmayer along with Jason R. Clark '04 and Amaury Sarmiento '04, in front of the local media and with nearly 800 in attendance. The ceremony was perfect. The entire chapter sat enthralled while Dave Maguire, South ern Illinois '73, Will Keirn, Pacific '75, Frank W. Setzer, Oregon '02, Jeremy 1. Baird, Oregon '02, and Philip 1. Benton, Oregon '02, were given the privilege of performing Rite II. Dr. Frohnmayer then spoke about his initiation, how proud his father was to be a DU, and that for the previous two weeks his mother had searched the house over for his father's old DU pin so it could be passed on to their son. The whole event was quite a moving experience for all who attended. Each audience member realized the significance of the university president joining the Greek system, especially in a time when fraternities and sororities aren't necessarily seen in a positive light. Dr. Frohnmayer's initiation into Delta Upsilon can help bring about a new attitude toward the Greek community. The Oregon Chapter of Delta Upsilon is proud to have Dr. Frohnmayer as its newest brother.

DU's Distinguished 'Alumni Award goes to

Maurice S. Mandel, Chicago '55 Miles G. Bryant III, Arlington '70 Robert S. Philr s, Syracuse '60 is fraternal contributions are as impressive as his personal accomplishments, and at the 100th anniversary celebration of the Chicago Chapter, Maurice S. Mandel, Chicago '55, received long overdue and well-deserved recognition. We could not catalog here all of his services to Delta Upsilon. Brother Mandel served as the alumnus trustee for the Chicago Chapter for 30 consecutive years; from 198288 he served as a Director on DU's International Fraternity Board, serving as vice president for the last two years of that term, and returning in 1992 to serve as the Board's Chairman. During 1985-88 he also served as Chairman of the DU Educational Foundation's Board of Trustees. And if that were not enough, he has served as chairman of the investment committees of both the Fraternity and the Foundation for over 20 years.

Maury received his BA in Liberal Arts from the University of Chicago, in addition to a BA in Business Administration . He then attended Adelphi University where he received his MBA. After receiving his education he began his long career in finance. From 1957-73 he worked for a variety affirms and served on the Board of Directors and as an allied member of the New York Stock Exchange. From 1973-78 he served as a Director for the Harbour Group, and as Managing Director of Shields Asset Management from 1978-94. In 1994 he became President of Regent Investor Services, which is a division of Alliance Capital Management. Maury has given unselfishly to the Fraternity in many ways over a very long period of time. While Maury's most visible contributions have been in the area of investment management and stewardship of DU 's assets, he has contributed to the growth and health of Delta Upsilon in many other ways as well. Maury did not answer a call to service, serve, and then move on. He has made his support of Delta Upsilon a life-long endeavor; the mark of a true DU man.

n Wednesday, July 25,2001 , Miles G. Bryant, III, Arlington '70, was awarded the coveted Distinguished DU medallion, in recognition of his long and storied history of service and excellence in his career. He entered the University of Texas at Arlington in the fall of 1965 and after not finding satisfaction with any of the existing fraternities , Miles and two other freshmen formed their own group called Sigma Phi Beta which subsequently petitioned Delta Upsilon for chapter status. The Arlington Chapter of DU received its Charter in May 1969, with Miles Bryant serving as the chapter's first president. Brother Bryant has worked for Chrysler Corporation since August of 1974 in various positions mainly in the areas of sales and marketing in several different cities in the United States. In February of 1996 he went to Chrysler Mexico as Deputy Managing Director, which led to his current position as President &

Managing Director of DaimlerChrysler Mexico, after the merger between Chrysler Corporation and DaimlerBenz, in which he played a key role. During the last peso crisis, Brother Bryant was one of 12 corporate heads asked to provide advice to the Mexican government. Brother Bryant then played a key role in the merger process with DaimlerBenz. He played a leadership role in the assumption of part of Mitsubishi Motors as well. Over the last several years Brother Bryant has generously lent his resources to the Arlington Chapter. Not only has he donated to the alumni chapter, he has taken the time to go to Arlington to speak at rush functions. His interest in Delta Upsilon has never wavered since his beginning in the Fraternity. He has maintained his interest in Delta Upsilon despite his taxing schedule and his long distance from the chapter. Brother Bryant is a fine and true example of leadership, and an excellent role model in Delta Upsilon 's vision of Building Better Men.



uring DU's 200 I Leadership Institute in Dallas, Texas, at the Saturday evening Grand Banquet, the 35th Delta Upsilon Distinguished Alumni Award was bestowed upon Robert S. Phillips, Syracuse '60. Brother Phillips is a widely published writer of poetry, fiction , and criticism, and a noted lecturer, editor, professor, and scholar. His awards and accomplishments in academics and literature are numerous. Among them, he was named a John and Rebecca Moores Scholar at the University of Houston, he has received the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters Award in Literature, and the Arents Award, the highest honor bestowed upon an alumnus of Syracuse University. His most recent book, Spillach Days, was featured in the Winter 2000 edition of the DU Quarterly.



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Brother Phillips joined Delta Upsilon at the urging of his friends in the dormitory at Syracuse University. After joining DU, he moved into the Fraternity house and served in a variety of capacities during his time in the undergraduate chapter. He says that some of the greatest things he has received from his DU experience are the close relationships he developed with his fraternity brothers. After graduating from Syracuse University, Brother Phillips worked for nearly 30 years as an advertising executive. In 1991, after deciding the ad business wasn't fun anymore, he made a move to the academic world. From 1991 to 1996 he served as the Dean of the Creative Writing Department at the University of Houston, where he currently serves as a Professor of English. After his acceptance of the Distinguished DU award, Brother Phillips was called to the podium again during the Model Initiation ceremony to deliver the Charge to eight of the Fraternity's newest brothers who has just been initiated. Phillips urged the initiates to live the Four Founding Principles, to use the ideals in their daily activities, and to be the best DUs they can possibly be.

Dedication, Hard Work, Perseverance ... 70, he transitioned into his alumnus the recognition of co-winners of the nnually, Delta Upsilon role and never looked back. Gary Chairman's Award. David Latham, Fraternity presents the involved himself in many worthwhile Technology '6J, was lauded for his President's Award for the contributions to the Technology Outstanding Undergraduate of the Year social and fundraising events for the Alberta alumni during the last 30 Chapter. Brother Latham has been the and the Chairman's Award for the years. The most recent project brought Technology Alumni Chapter president Outstanding Alumni Volunteer of the him much attention. In 1999, the since 1981, and has also worked with Year. Brothers of the Alberta Chapter Alberta alunmi decided that the 25 the MIT administration for many years received both of these awards during year old chapter house to promote the health of the fraternity the 2001 Leadership needed expanding and system and the quality of student life Institute in Dallas, renovating. Brother in general. This past year he was Texas. Killips became the awarded the Lobdell Award for The 2000-01 chairman of Project 2000. Distinguished Alumni Leadership at academic year was a MIT, which recognizes MIT alumni The Alberta tremendous one for who have provided superior service. Chapter's project was Bruce McRae, Alberta intended to both renovate Brother Latham came to the aid of 'OJ. Since his initiation the current structure and the chapter many times in the past. into DU in January, to expand the facilities to Whenever there has been an issue of 1998, Brother McRae include additional living any kind, or the chapter has been in has been extremely quarters, a beautiful need, Dave has been known to drop involved, to say the alumni!chapter room, what he's doing and come to the least. One alumnus executive office, chapter's aid. The undergraduates noted, "Because of his G. Killips were quoted as saying, "His never recreation room, and a leadership, enthusiasm, new fa~ade to resemble ending well of patience, wisdom, and and dedication to the humor have led us through many good Fraternity, the Alberta Chapter changed Rutherford House, the early chapter's and difficult times, and has taught us home for many years. It had to be dramatically. The chapter's debts were given up several years ago due to its how to avoid making careless errors, paid off, funding projects were annexation by the university and and to appreciate the responsibility of exceeded, a better than average subsequent status as a historic living in a house on our own." In his recruitment took place, and the landmark. absence, Brother communications with the alumni and A team of several Latham's award the International Fraternity were alumni, led by Gary was accepted on greatly improved." Participation by Killips, was pulled his behalf by the members in the chapter's activities and together, and with the Technology dedication to DU spread throughout support of the Chapter's the chapter. Bruce's involvement and undergraduate undergraduate dedication to DU is inspirational. chapter, a fundraising delegation In recognition of his efforts, drive was begun. The attending the Brother McRae was selected as the construction of the 2001 Leadership Fraternity's Undergraduate of the Year. new project was Institute. This was a fitting tribute to his work completed in six Honorable and his love of the Fraternity. months and was paid Mentions for the That image was mirrored within for entirely by Chairman's the Alberta alumni, who have been donations from Award went to busy this past year as well. One D. Latham alumni and Mark E. Eberle, alumnus in particular, Brother Gary S. Rochester '9J, and H. Paul Picard, Killips, Alberta '71, was recognized by undergraduates. On the weekend of January 12-14, Houston '82. the Fraternity for his efforts by being the chapter had its grand opening of Honorable Mentions for the named the recipient of the Chairman's President's Award went to Joseph Award - Outstanding Alumni Volunteer the new house. Special thanks went to Rick Arndt, Alberta '76, the architect Barbito, Jr., Central Florida '02, Mark of the Year. who designed the house, plus listened K. Ciolli, Houston 'OJ , Ryan A. Brother Killips has been an active to and incorporated feedback into the DeDecker, Michigan Tech '02, and and involved DU since he pledged the Adam 1. Krozel, Houston 'OJ. plans. Fraternity in the late 1960s. After The 2001 Leadership Institute saw serving as chapter president in 1969-


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Leadership Institute in the

Lone St,a,r St,a,t,e

Model initiates and initiation team at Saturday night's Grand Banquet.

elta Upsilon's first Leadership Institute in the Lone Star State was a tremendous success. The heat of Dallas, TX, served as the backdrop for the annual Institute in late-july. More than 440 alumni and undergraduate brothers attended educational workshops and keynote sessions designed to provide each participant with a number of resources and philosophies to take back to his chapter. More than 30 interactive and educational workshops were available during the 2001 Institute. Vice presidentsmembership education from FourWord chapters received training on the updated program and information on upcoming materials and resources. The Alumni Volunteer Conference had its largest attendance ever, with nearly 50 alumni brothers from over 30 different DU alumni chapters. In addition, 20 brothers participated in the DU Emerging Leaders program and graduated into the DUEL Gamma Class on Saturday. Several Dallas-area DU alumni gathered for a reception prior to the start of the Institute to reunite with fellow brothers and to recognize Miles Bryant, Arlington '70, with



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the Distinguished DU Alumni Award. Brother Bryant is President & Managing Director of DaimlerChrylser Mexico, and a founding father of the Arlington Chapter. Over 30 of his Arlington brothers, including 10 from his era, were in attendance to see the Fraternity's highest honor bestowed upon him. In giving his acceptance remarks, Brother Bryant gave an excellent talk about leadership, and how one should use those skills to move forward in life. The conference kick-off was held at Six Flags Over Texas where more than 300 brothers enjoyed a Texas-style BBQ and the numerous park attractions. Five brothers who obtained signatures of several "bonus brothers" were awarded special DU collectors' items signed by Lou Holtz, Kent State '58, and Peter Ueberroth, San Jose '59. The Friday morning opening session was presented by Dr. Will Keirn, Pacific '75, where the renowned speaker and presenter discussed what he believes are the seven traits of a successful DU. A "Dining with Dignity" luncheon was instructed by Nonnie Cameron-Owens who shared proper and professional dining etiquette and poise. On FIiday evening, the annual Awards Program was conducted, awarding recognition to chapters in 20 different operational and achievement areas. In the early morning hours on Saturday, 210 brothers awoke bright and eager to conduct a Kids Olympics program with three Boys & Girls Clubs in the Greater Ft. Worth area. More than 180 children participated in the program, and enjoyed team-based activities facilitated by the DU brothers. The morning concluded with an Olympics awards lunch and presentations of ribbons to each team. The program with the Ft. WOlth clubs also served to kick-off DU's new service partnership with the Boys & Girls Clubs. The Institute concluded with the Grand Banquet, where Robert S. Phillips, Syracuse '60, received the second of the Distinguished DU Alumni Awards presented during the Institute. Brother Phillips is the author of several books including two works of fiction and seven acclaimed books of poetry. Brother Phillips shared his stories of his days with the Syracuse Chapter and how he still maintains his relationships with his brothers to this day. He shared how the things that he learned from Delta Upsilon helped to get him where he is today. Brother Phillips closed his remarks by reading his favorite poem, which was dedicated to his wife, from his most recent book, Spinach Days. Eight new brothers were initiated into the Fraternity during the model initiation ceremony, including two alumni initiates. The Washington Chapter received the Sweepstakes Award for the 2000-01 year, and Jason Altenbern, Western Illinois '92, closed his term as Dean of DU's Educational Conferences with a reflection on how the Fraternity has impacted his life. Taking the reins as the next Dean of Educational Conferences is Thomas F. Durein, Oregon State '92, who will help guide and plan the 2002 Winter Educational Conference in Indianapolis and the 2002 Leadership Institute in Cincinnati, Ohio.


Pictured are three long-time friends and Stanford DU Brothers in Larry Chaffin's garden at Poipu Beach, Kauai, Hawaii. Left to right are Larry Chaffin '56, Doug Ackerman '56, and Dick Millington '57. Brother Chaffin moved to Kauai in 1994 from southern California where he was an architect. Brother Ackerman has lived in Hawaii on the island of Oahu most of his life. Brother Millington has been a commercial airline pilot captaining a private fleet.

Pictured left to right are Syracuse Class of 1958 DU brothers William S. Ringwall, Arthur H. Mittelstaedt, Jr., William S. Smeltzer, and Bruce C. McLaughlin. The photo was taken at the annual get-together of the "Golden Boys" on New Year's Eve 2000.

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ALUMNI NEWS Volunteer of the Quarter: Mark Parseghian, Lehigh '49 When asked why he has stayed involved with DU for so long, Brother Mark Parseghian, Lehigh '49, replied, "Because I had a great experience as an undergraduate and developed lifelong friendships. I try to enable others to have that same experience." Currently the alumni president for the Lehigh Chapter, Brother Parseghian said he joined DU "because of the quality of the individuals and their participation in campus and DU activities." As an alumnus volunteer for over 40 years, he has wanted to do his best to provide guidance to the undergraduate brothers, and help to provide a facility, which "is symbolic of the quality of DU, and a standard of excellence at Lehigh." His vision for the Lehigh Chapter is "to provide an environment where the undergraduates can develop their innate abilities and learn to live with individuals of diverse backgrounds." His advice to undergraduates is simple, "Be responsible citizens, and strive to perform to your highest level." Parseghian said his greatest experience in DU has been, "To watch the young graduates contribute to society through the development of their abilities; and to be a part of a team which built our Fraternity and returned a continuing relationship with our alumni." Mark Parseghian is a prime example of how we can have a positive experience if we simply choose to stay involved. Parseghian says that "the experience of associating with undergraduates is rewarding and unforgettable."


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f , I


MARRIAGES Alberta '91 James A. Warrack and Agnes Purzycka, April 15,2001. Bradley'93 Edward C. Counsil III and Sara M . Harlan, March 2, 2001. Bradley'94 Eric J. Thompson and Tina Marie Brooks, March 10, 200 I.

Central Florida '96 Edward DeAguilera and Freda Herschkowitz, March 3, 2001. Culver-Stockton '99 Aaron T. Bowers and Paula Hetherington , July 28, 200 I. Houston '96 Andrew P. Wallick and Lara Schmidt, March 24, 2001.

Iowa '92 Monte L. Holmquist and Angela Michelle Lee, April 7, 2001. Manitoba '99 Gordon R. Reid and Karen H offman, June 30, 2001. Manitoba '00 Jerrold G. Buhler and Trish Claussen , May 26, 2001.

McMastertroronto '96 Stephen M. Burns and Sharon Flood, July 6, 2001. Miami '98 Scott A . Colman and Mary J. Szwejbka, July 7, 2001. Miami '98 Jonathan M. Rhoades and Jessica N. Staggs, Ocober 21, 2000.

Ryan , December 6, 2000. Iowa '88 Mr. and Mrs. Harold T. Hearst, Jr. , a son, Francis Patrick, July

Grace, January 9, 2000. Michigan State '92 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher 1. Hackbarth, a son, Tyler Scott, Ocober 4, 2000. Nebraska '88 Mr. and Mrs. Roger

son, Maxmilian Sheamus, February 27, 200 I. Santa Barbara '90 Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Greenblatt, a daughter, Sage Noelle, October 9, 2000. Syracuse '82 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J.

South Carolina '92 Robert W. Watkins and Margaret Leigh McGeary, March 10,

2001. Technology '91 Eric A. Ask and Carrie Soyland, July 14,2001. Technology '92 Neelan Choksi and Sharon Bums, May 5, 2001.

BIRTHS Bradley'94 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew N. Rohm , a son, Owen Joseph, April 27,



DePauw'90 Mr. and Mrs. Troy T. Smith, a daughter, Abigayle Gray, April

11 ,2001. Fresno '88 Mr. and Mrs. Ryan E. Mikolasik, a son, No lan Chandler, May 3,


Iowa '93 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M . Early, a son, Sean Patrick, April 3, 200 I. Iowa '94

Mr. and Mrs. Jagger H. Seggem13l1, a son, Jackson, June 10, 2001.

Lewandowski, a son, Austin Parker, March 10, 200 1. North Carolina State '89 Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. White, Jr. , a son , Grant Richard , April


Houston '80 Mr. and Mrs. Keith B. Middleton, a son, Drew Thomas, February 9, 2001. Houston '94 Mr. and Mrs. Craig R. Enochs, a daughter, Carolyn, April 30,

Kansas '93 Mr. and Mrs. PhilLip M. Frerker, a daughter, Anna Isabel, May II,



Indiana '92 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gary Daniels, a daughter Harper

Miami '85 Mr. and Mrs. Winn Van Brimer,

Northern Colorado '99 Mr. and Mrs. Collin J. Mariner, a daughter, Courtney Taylor, February 14, 2001. Pennsylvania '84

a daughter, Hannah Frances

Mr. and Mrs. James D. Dallas, a

2001. LehighlVirginia '79 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Edell , a daughter, Jacqueline Olivia, June

Northern Colorado ' 95 Mr. and Mrs. Shad D. Harsh, a son, Gavin Harrison, August 20,


McDonald, a son, Daniel James, April 16, 2001. Syracuse '82 Mr. and Mrs. James A. McKay, a son Henry von Metzsch, March

1,2001. Syracuse '83 Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Allen, a daughter, Jacilyn Mae, April 14,

2001. Texas A&M '92 Mr. and Mrs. Derek M. Tubbs, a son, Alec Wilson, January 20,

Victoria '98 Mr. and Mrs. Michael D.

Watson, a son , Michael Rylie, March 19,2001. Virginia '66 Mr. and Mrs. William F. C. Marlow, Jr., a son, Price Farley, Ocober 16, 2000. Virginia Tech '90 Mr. and Mrs. B. Matthew Dillard, a son, Bennett Carlton, January 12,200 1. Wisconsin '88 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Gratz, a daughter, Rebekah Marie, January 26,2001. Wisconsin '94 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Boray, a son, Jacob Michael, July 21,



DEATHS Alberta 1. \Villiam D. Craig '49 P. Andrew Funston '91 Mervin A. Huntley '63 Michael B. O'Byrne '50 Norman S. Trauth '47 Amherst Cameron H. Conover '41 Auburn Thomas C. Ward '64 Bowdoin Asa P. Daggett '25 Richard Vokey '51 Bowling Green John P. Troyer '52 Bradley Roger \V. Gauger '53 Brown Raymond H. Chace '34 Arlan R. Coolidge '24 Malcolm L. Mackenzie '5 1 Richard D. Messinger '37 Wayland E. Vaughan '55 Cal Poll' Todd A. Shallahamer '97 California A llen M. Lopes '34 Carnegie George S. Hobbs '43 Byron F. Ringland '59 Frank Showman '43 Harry C. Sparks '54 Chicago Carl A. Dragstedt, Jr. '43 Frederick Fendig '33 Merritt Gwinn, Jf. '43 George M. Tobey, Jr. '28 Colby T. Ashley Morgan '85 Colgate Frank W. Ahalt '3 1 James D. Roosa , Jf. '36 Harold M. Wilkinson '34 Columbia Walter J. Brown '36 Cornell Richard E. Booth '39

Richard F. Ennis. Jr. '45 G. Norman Jennings '44 Kenneth P. McCarthy '78 Creighton Joseph D. Scallon '69

Dal'id J. Fry '62 R. G. Norton '42 Bruce Peterson '63 Maurie Stark '42

Dartmouth Robert O. Blanchard '30 Stumt M. Ensinger '27 E. C. Grol'es '51 Rodman C. Rockefeller '54

Philip M. Cartmell '35 Bailey R. C haney '48 Ammon E. Childs '35 Marshall W Dutton '77 Wade R. Stinson '51


Kansas State

George Nyland '40


Richard B. Henoch '76 Kent State Richard P. Congdon '58 Dextcr R. Douglas '61 Lafayette Andrew J. Dudek '73 Hugh M. Masterton '31 Norbert V. Ostcrland '42 Lehigh Donald R. Schoen '41 Samuel J. Simmons, Jr. '33 Marietta Francis C. Ahcrn '33 Peter L. Birckhead '5 1 Richard T. Cisler '52 W. Warrin Fry '42 Lynn R. Grady '40 John P. Grueser '49 William M. Holbrook '50 Paul L. Riemann '50 Selden A. Stone '36 David H. Woodring '60 McGill Philip D. Magar '28 David S. Ranson '90 M. Laird Watt '35 1\'liami James D. Baker '29 Charles F. Dugan [] '60 Alvin B. Nob le '33 Michigan John T. Kirkby '41 Middlebury Floyd A. Hinman '3 1 Edward V. Parsons '88

Jack V. Edling '4 1


DePauw O. Morris Begley '50 John T. Jordan '47 Glede R. Kohler '51 Ralph W. Lieber, Je '51 Allen A. Lilienthal '33 Lewis D. Spencer '39 Stephen W Winkler '72

Florida Joseph V. Curtis '8 1

Georgia Tech Roy J. Fehlandt '80

Hamilton Henry S. Bissex III '44 John G. DeGraff '34 Thomas R. Gcnton '80 Richard J. Vat one '43

Harvard William P. Rockwell '35 Henry D. Winslow '32

Illinois G. Seely Johnston '24 A. Hanby Jones, Jr. '33 Harold E. Rudiger '31 Ralph A. Swaim '39 Alva M. Waggoner '39 George K. Whyte '29 Indiana Charles E. Carter '37 E. Frank Hammond '51 Palmer L. Little '28 V. K. Stephens '34 Michael F. Wiley '60


Richard C. Cross '51



William S. Craft '39 Percy N. Klein '32 Jose ph C. Metzger '40 Gordon E. Wood '44

Neuman C. Kerndt '33 Edmond J. McMillan '34 William L. Mundy '46 Victor T. Neff '66 H. Austin Parham '69 G. Joseph Roach '37 Herbert O. Taylor, Jr. '38 Nebraska Pliny M. Moodie '37 O. L. Swanson '48 Donald S. Voss '31

North Carolina \Villiam R. Eddlcman '34 North Dakota Ste ven R. Hartmann '78 Brody Scott McGregor ' 03

Northwestern W. H. Brahany, Jf. '38 Ray L. Casterline '41 John A. Yungwirth, Jf. '50 Ohio State Lyman H. Cozad '36 Robert B. Elliott '48 Arthur E. Fouke '40 Lc Roy Parsons '30 Oklahoma T. Shawn Akers '93 Lance E. Erwin '85 William R. Tlucek '58 Jcffrey C. Treeman '67

Rochester L. Gordon Booth, Sr. '33 Henry W. Fogarty '36 Sanford 1. Nusbaum '56 Rutgers Eugene Pettersson '65 Robert J. Wurtn '71 San Jose Thomas \Y. Arvin '53 Gerald R. Becker '47

Southwest Texas Randell F. Dewbre '79 Stanford Eric W. Smi th '61

Swarthmore J. Edward Walker '33

Syracuse Edward G. Burgess '49 William J. Gunnell 111 '38 Peter R. Hayes '56 Bruce C. McLaughlin '58 R. H. Shulenberger '39 \Valter D. \Vasson '4 1 Technology Harry J. Heimer '40 Robert S. Reichart '36 William S. Woodward '40



John B. Williams '45 Oregon State Frank R. Burr '39 James L. Cox, Jr. '46 Henry W. Fries '50 George W. Gordon '31 WruTen S. Gray '55 Robert E. Hammond '44 Robert Hirstel '40 Robert D. Johnson '42 Pennsylvania State Thomas S. Francis '39 Robert H. Miller, Jr. '40 Joseph J. Vierzbicki, Jr. '66

Charles E. Jones, Jr. '80

Toronto William E. Greig '43 Douglas M. Parker '49 R. S. Scroggins '48 Thfts Zane S. Blanchard '50 Limnrd O. Kendall '47 E. Denis Murphy '51 Brian D. Silber '90

Union Milton D. Bedell '37 David W. Long '96 Carl E. Olson '36

Washington Robert D. Beckwith '36 Richard D. Erickson '58 Oakley C. Lotz '50 James M. Marshall '42 Richard C. Peterson '39 Erwin R. Slade '40 Washington & Lee Henry G. Libby, Jr. '40 Washington State Richard S. Peterson '53 George L. Smith '50

Western l\tlichigan Gordon M. Cole '59 Maurice H. Metz laars '55

'''estern Ontario John R. Brewer '32 David W. Shales '37

'Vestern Resen'c Robert A. Bowen '48 John C. North '34 Leo R. Spann '51

'Villiams Raymond M. Galt '35 John K. Greer '5 I \Viscol1sin Joseph H. Klein '43 William R. Lyon '60 James J. Mahoney '53 Harry G. Marsh, Jr. '53 J. E. Tiefenthaler '38 Scott E. Warren '7 1 Thi s listing reflec ts notices received at DU Headquarters through August 6, 200 I. Please notify the Fraternity of deceased mcmbers, or any crrors, at P. O.

Box 68942. Indianapolis. IN 46268, phone - 317.875.8900,

fax ~ 317.876. 1629, or e-mail IHO@DcltaU.Ofo. Memorial gifts also may be directed to (he DU Educational Foundation at this same address.

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