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Foundation Annual Report Meet the Board of Directors

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The Delta Force Volunteer Initiative 55,000 Brothers Helping Others

Bill Messick, Lafayette '68 DU's New Chairman has a Plan for our 55,000 Alumni... FIRST The Delta Force CLASS MAIL U.S. POSTAGE PAID Effingham, IL Permit No. 294


Dear Brothers: Your Fraternity is on the move! The Plan is in place, movers and shakers are on board, action is taking place. The Plan: The Strategic Plan has been carefully written and adopted. The Plan calls for: 1) implementation of an updated program for building better men; 2) expansion of the number of DU chapters across North America; 3) increasing the number of men in every chapter; 4) impi"oving the efficiency and positive DU experience at every chapter; and 5) engaging more alumni volunteers (Delta Force) to help make the first four goals a reality.

North America's Oldest Non-Secret Fraternity; Founded 1834

The Principles of Delta Upsilon The Promotion of Friendship The Development of Character The Diffusion of Liberal Culture The Advancement of Justice The MoUo of Delta Upsilon International Fraternity

Ed Porter, Oklahoma '65

Special thanks to immediate past Board Chairman Dick Campbell, Nebraska '68, and outgoing Board members Rees Jones, Manitoba '67, and Greg Mathews, Florida '70, for their leadership in developing and being instrumental in the beginning stages of implementing The Plan. They will continue to be involved in implementing The Plan as members of the Delta Force.

"Even if you are on the right track, if you just sit there, you'll get run over" -Will Rogers "The Delta Force has left the station. Let's all get on or get out of the way" -Bill Messick, Lafayette '68

Movers and Shakers: Alumni volunteers are putting The Plan into action. Existing and new chapter volunteers are having a dramatic impact on building better men. The chapter is where we all became better men and now DUs of all ages are passing on the legacy. We can all be movers and shakers at a chapter near where we live. It's fun and rewarding!

The Action: Undergraduate DUs are participating in more campus activities, achieving higher grades, developing their character, and becoming better men in more ways than ever. As a result, our chapters are growing and more universities are soliciting the DU presence. Your help is needed at every level. Will you help with a chapter near you? Will you help with our excellent conferences as a speaker or leader? Will you help on the DU International Fraternity Board or DU Educational Foundation Board? Please let us hear from you. I promise you will have fun and be rewarded by knowing that you are helping build better men. E-mail Jeff Fuhrman, Northern Iowa '94, (Fuhrman@deltau.org) at the DU office in Indianapolis. Yours In Building Better Men ,

Dikaia Upotheke Justice Our Foundation OFFICERS President Alvan E. (Ed) Porter, Oklahoma '65 Chairmal/ of the Board William L. Messick, Lafayette '68 Secretary Gary S. Killips, Alberta '71 Treasurer Richard L. Delano, Il/dial/a '85

DIRECTORS Rodney M. Blaco, Sal/ Jose '05 Charles E. Downton III, North CalVlina '66 Patrick L. Gerhart, NOr/hem Colorado '04 William H. Hamilton, Oklahoma '57 David G. Herzer, Wisconsin '54 Stephan G. Kouzomis, llIil/ois '68 Jordan B. Lotsoff, Northern lIIil/ois '88 Mark L. Marshall, Kal/sas State '76 James S. Simpkins, Washington Sta te '81 PAST PRESIDENTS Charles D. Prutzman, Pennsylvania State ' 18 Henry A. Federa, Lauisville '37 Charles F. Jennings, Marietta '31 Terry L. Bullock, Kansas State '61 Samuel M. Yates, San Jose '55 Gary J. Golden, RlIIgers '74 Bruce S. Bailey, Denison '58 James D. McQuaid, Chicago '60 INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS STAFF Execlltive Director Jeffrey L. Fuhrman, Northem 1011'0 '94 Director of Fraternity Expansion Philip G. Ranford, Culver-Stockton '00 Leadership Consultants Jonathan R. Custis, Bradley '02 Brett A. Kosec, Cat1hage '03 Philip T. McDaniel, Central Florida '03 Dustin W. Roberts, Bradley '03 Tim S. Wu, Minnesota '03 Office Mallager Jo Ellen Walden Accountant Michele Camarco James Accounts Administrator Rosemary Brady Executive Assistant

Barbara Harness

Ed Porter, Oklahoma '65 President Delta Upsilon International Fraternity


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Chapter Services Administrative Assistant Jeanette Smith Educational Foulldation Executive Director David R. Schumacher Director of Alumni Development Craig S. Sowell, HOl/ston '92 Director of Campaign Development Thomas F. Durein, Oregon State '92




DU 's Delta Force


Online Commun ity for Delta Upsilon Brothers


Chairman Bill Messick and the Energized Board of Directors


Awards Presented at the 2003 Leadershi p Instit ute


Frate rnity New s


A nnual Repor t of t he Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation


A lpha & O m ega

North-American Interfraternity Conference

College Fraternity Editors Associ ation


The Rochester Chapter proudly displays their award for the most Outstanding Boys & Girls Club Event held during the 2002-03 academic year. Their annual Haunted House, Thanksgiving dinner, and year-round tutoring were of tremendous benefit to the Club, as well as participation in various activities in the game room and gym.

Delta Upsilon Inte rnational Headquarters, PO Box 68942,8705 Founders Road , Indianapolis, Indiana 46268, U.S.A. Open from 8:30 to 5:00 p.m. EST., Monday through Friday. Office-317.87s.8900 Fax-317.876. 1629

Delta Upsilon Quarterly is published quarterly in the Spring, Summe r, Fall, and Winter at 8705 Founders Road, Indianapolis, Indiana 46268, U.S.A. 速 T.M. Registered U. S. Patent Office


POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Delta Upsilon Quarterly, P. O. Box 68942, Indianapolis, IN 46268-0942.


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The Delta Force Volunteer Initiative is already engaging and mobilizing hundreds of brothers who are volunteering their time and energy to build beller men by helping solve problems and assist our undergraduate chapters, our alumni chapters, our alumni clubs, our International Headqmuters operations, and throughout Delta Upsilon. Tlu'ough a variety of volunteer programs and services, the Delta Force encourages DUs from all walks of life - business, education, fmancial, faith-based, the ruts, medicallhealth services, insurance, fund-raising, graphic arts, computer, joumalism, the list is almost endless, including both young and older members - to volunteer. The Delta Force Volunteer Initiative advocates service to DU through a partnership with the Delta Upsilon Intemational Fraternity and the Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation. Together, they can reach over 55,000 DUs in hundreds of communities to help mobilize brothers and resources, which deliver solutions that address fraternity problems. The Initiative is gaining a reputation as Delta Upsilon's address for Volunteering. As Delta Upsilon Chauman William L. Messick commented, ''The Delta Force Volunteer Initiative embodies Delta Upsilon's spirit of volunteerism and the goodwill of its members." THE DELTA FORCE MISSION: The Delta Force's mission is to engage more Delta Upsilon brothers more effectively in volunteer service to build beller men by helping solve problems within the DU community. We believe that a sustained (long-term) commitment by volunteers is the best way to make a significant difference in the Delta Upsilon community. Occasional or one-time volunteering is also important, but may not develop the appropriate long-term knowledge or experience necessru)' for Delta Force Volunteers to help solve today's problems. MORE DELTA FORCE ALUMNI VOLUNTEERS: Our goal is to engage DUs in volunteering from eveI), walk of life. We also believe that DUs should also volunteer as a way to learn how to reconnect themselves to both their chapters, Delta Upsilon Intemational Fraternity, and its mission building beller mel!. Ultimately, we would like volunteering to become a way of life for every brother.

MORE EFFECTIVE DELTA FORCE VOLUNTEERS: Increased social needs and decreased personal time has made volunteering an extremely valuable resource. Therefore, it's vitally important for Delta Force volunteers to be engaged in wOIthwhile activities that make a difference. Our role is to provide the appropIiate knowledge, skills and tools for Delta Force volunteers to be effective. DELTA FORCE VOLUNTEER SERVICE: We believe that volunteering must be an essential part of Delta Upsilon. Delta Force Volunteers are brothers who are committed to be responsible for and serve others without reward. They are the key ingredient for the success of our


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chapters, and indeed our entire Fraternity. When our alumni brothers don't reach out to our undergraduate chapters, the chapter operations become spotty and degenerate, and serious problems usually result. If the problems become too far-reaching, the chapter will fail. These failures cannot simply be prevented or solved through the intervention of our international staff and Boru'd of Directors. It requires the alumni connection established by Delta Force Volunteers. The cost of solving serious chapter problems without volunteers is a drain on the operations of the Fratemity.

TO HELP DELTA FORCE VOLUNTEERS SOLVE PROBLEMS: While we believe that volunteering is an effective solution to our Fraternity'S problems, the Delta Force Initiative is not, in itself, a "volunteer." Therefore, we help to solve chapter and Fraternity problems by identifying volunteers and directing and coordinating our volunteers in their suppOiting the effOits of our undergraduate chapters, our alumni chapters, our alumni clubs, and our International Fraternity operations. CHAIRMAN'S CALL TO SERVICE: The Delta Upsilon Fraternity Boru'd of Directors created the Delta Force Volunteer Initiative to coordinate the volunteer efforts of our 55,,000 DU alumni. As part of that initiative, Board Chairman Bill Messick is calling on all DUs to devote a part of theu' lives to service and volunteelism to Delta Upsilon. Following are a few of the many ways to answer the Chairman's call: Chapter Alumni Board: Each chapter alumni board needs the skills, talents, and experience of DUs who have graduated to meet a wide range of challenges. Many alumni boards have only one or two brothers actively involved. Alumni board volunteers provide operational guidance for undergraduate operations, manage undergraduate housing, maintain alumni contact and plan local alumni events, provide undergraduate mentoring, conduct house safety and management visits, participate in fund-raising projects, provide educational selvices to undergraduates, and respond to issues that confront our undergraduate leaders and members, runong other activities. Alumni boru'd volunteers serve one-on-one as tutors and mentors to undergraduates with special needs. Terms of service vaJ)', but usually two-year commitments are desirable. Many chapters seek volunteers from DUs who have graduated from a different chapter when possible. Province Governor: ThiIteen Delta Upsilon alumni are serving their Fraternity as Province Governors. The Province Govemors are selected by and serve under the Delta Upsilon Board of Directors. The ternl of service is two years. The role of the Province Governor is to connect and communicate with chapter leaders on both the alunmi chapter boru'd and the undergraduate chapter board. The Governors assist these groups by providing conmmnication from Delta Upsilon International on a wide range of relevant matters. Province Governors also assist in the planning and operations of our Regional Leadership Seminru's held each winter at one of the host province chapters. Province Governors assist alumni clubs in start-up by identifying potential alumni in the club's geographic area, and recruit other alumni to assist with province matters through the Province Alumni Coordinator program. Special Fraternity task forces also use the coordination of the Province Govemor. Based on a military model, the Fraternity sends Delta Force volunteer members in teams to help chapters and colonies with recruitment, and to meet other challenges. Alumni Club Officer: Our alumni clubs, once a proud pmt of our alunmi connections, are seeing resurgence. DU alumni clubs exist, functioning independently of any pmticulm' undergraduate or alumni chapter. These clubs usually focus on a specific geographic area for their membership, but they attract DU brothers from a wide variety of chapters and generations. Though the emphasis of these clubs has traditionally been on social progrruruning (dinners, histOIical tours, guest speaker nights, etc.), they can also lend assistance to chapters and philanthropic organizations. Mailing lists available

...INCREASE ALUMNI INVOLVEMENT through Fraternity Headquarters in Indianapolis allow motivated alumni to start alumni clubs wherever they like. So even if you move to Idaho, go there with the knowledge that DU will help you start an alumni club no matter where you settle. Educational Institute Presenter/Facilitator: The need has never been greater for Delta Force Volunteers to assist with our educational programming. Our undergraduate educational conferences are known throughout the Fraternity world for their excellent content and presentation. The Leadership Institute, held each summer, is the most powelful program sponsored by Delta Upsilon! This event allows undergraduate members and alumni to interact, share ideas, and learn how to create a better fraternity experience. Recognizing the significant challenges that confront chapter presidents, Delta Upsilon offers an annual Presidents Academy. This threeday seminar brings together all chapter and colony presidents for extensive leadership development programming and interaction with the Fraternity's Board of Directors. Recognizing the challenging recruitment environment found on most college campuses, Delta Upsilon offers an annual Recruitment Symposium. This three-day seminar brings together all chapter and colony Vice Presidents of Membership Recruitment for an intensive membership recruitment workshop. This program covers all aspects of membership recruitment including vice president of membership recruitment responsibilities, chapter and colony marketing, product and brand equity, recruitment basics and strategy, leadership techniques for vice presidents of membership recruitment, and recruitment resource utilization. Twenty undergraduate brothers from twenty Delta Upsilon chapters or colonies are selected each year to pm1icipate in DUEL, which is held in conjunction with the Fraternity's Leadership Institute. Program pruticipants are new members that possess leadership capabilities and the potential for serving in a leadership role within their chapter or colony. These men are nominated by their chapter or colony and spend more than 16 hours of programming time together, attending specialized educational sessions. Regional Leadership Seminars. The Undergraduate Advisory Boru'd oversees the implementation of these leadership programs in each of the 13 provinces of Delta Upsilon. These three-day regional conferences are designed to allow chapters to share ideas and learn from each other. The DU Educational Foundation provides funding to SUppOlt all of these programs. Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation: The Foundation exists to help change the lives of our undergraduate brothers by maximizing the funds available for the Intemational Fratemity's unique personal development and leadership education programs. This group of 18 alumni boru'd members and five staff provides for the long-term financial stability of the brotherhood, and promotes lifetime involvement and communication between all DU brothers. The Foundation provides the financial resources needed to develop and build relationships between undergraduates and alumni to foster a sense of lifelong brotherhood in Delta Upsilon. It employs a variety of media, including the Intemet, to COlmect alumni with undergraduates-and all brothers with the resources of the Intemational Fraternity Headquruters. The Foundation stimulates innovation, providing funding for unique team and individual-based educational initiatives, which focus on leadership and personal development. The Foundation advances these initiatives, as alumni advisors, mentors and other resources ru'e readily accessible to our undergraduates. The most important effect of the Foundation is greater involvement by successful alumni in the lives of our undergraduates and the affairs of our brotherhood. We are creating a way for alumni to truly impact the growth and development of future leaders. With a meaningful way to pruticipate in DU after graduation, alumni will invest increasing amounts of financial and nonfmancial resources to benefit our brotherhood-involvement will lead to investment.

Other Delta Force Volunteer Opportunities: The list of opportunities for DUs to volunteer in service to the Fratelllity is many and varied. In addition to those listed in the preceding, opportunities are available as Province Alumni Coordinators, working with the Province GovelllOrSj Chapter Advisors, working with individual ondergraduate chapters; Speaker's Platform, making yourself available to our alumni clubs and chapters for topical, educational or other motivational speaking engagements; Committee Members, serving on one of the many committees of the Fraternity or Foundation boru'ds; Annual Campaign Volunteers, assisting the Foundation staff with fund-raising. DU Educational Foundation Donation Gateway: Donating to Delta Upsilon has never been easier. The Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation Donation Gateway is set up just for this purpose. By clicking on the e-DonationsNow™ logo in the Fratelllity's website, you can make a gift to the DUEF annual fund, chapter CEA or trust, scholru'ship fund, or Fraternity educational program online via secure credit card or secure electronic check. MORE INFORMATION: To learn more about the Delta Force Volunteer Initiative or any of its programs, visit www.deltau.org and click on the Delta Force Section of the Website or call 317-875-8900.

A BRIEF HISTORY OFTHE DELTA UPSILON FRATERNITY PROVINCE GOVERNOR PROGRAM The Delta Upsilon Province Governor-Deputy Program was designed to bring the International Fraternity close to the chapters and local alumni through the improvement of Delta UpSilon's alumni gUidance structure and procedures. 1914 • The history of organized counseling services by alumni and alumni officers of the Fraternity dates back to 1914 when it became necessary to appoint guardians of the Canadian chapter properties.The Council (the forerunner of the Board of Directors) appointed an advisory board ofthree graduate members for each chapter.The men guiding Delta Upsilon were quick to recognize that in the chapter counselor idea was something of far greater implications than those found in the immediate problems of the Canadian chapters. 1939 • This was the beginning of the Fraternity's development of organized, mature alumni guidance at the chapter level. From 1914 until 1938, the Council continued to appoint chapter advisory boards. In 1939, a new proposal called for election of chapter counselors by the membership of each chapter. 1953 • Alumni guidance continued from 1940 to 1953 in the form of the advisory board of Counselors and the alumni house corporation, both bodies elected by the individual chapters. In 1953, the officers of the Fraternity started an alumni Deputy Program. By the middle of 1959, nearly all chapters had a Deputy to provide needed counseling. In 1959 this program of organized alumni guidance became officially known as the President's Deputy Program. 1959 • In late 1959 Province Governors were appointed for Province VI and Province VII respectively. In early 1960, the Fraternity appointed a Chairman for Deputies, and a Chairman for Province Governors.At the same time Province Governors were added for Provinces II, III and VIII. . In 1960, the Fraternity aSSigned the administration of the relatively new Superior Chapter Program to the Province Governors. Shortly thereafter the Province Governor Program was placed under the supervision of the Executive Secretary. The Province Governor program continued until sometime in the early 90's. DELTA U ON THE WEB @ www.DeltaU.org


. 2001 or more 1001 - 2000

. 301 .. 1000

. 101 - 300

. 100 or less The above map shows the population of DUs by state and province. Imagine what Delta Upsilon can accomplish through the gateway of Delta Force! And now we can keep in touch with our chapter brothers, keep our information current so that others can keep in touch with us, and all through DU's ONLINE Community at the DU web site: www.DeltaU.org. Registration has just begun but the number of those brothers signing up for this convenient communication program is rapidly growing. All you have to do is visit the web site, click on the DU ONLINE Community box to the right, and follow the screen prompts.


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While the program is still evolving and being fine-tuned, you can right now check your chapter list, see those who have registered, contact them, learn of chapter news, alumni events, etc. There will be chapter sites, members can create their own web pages, and members can be located through their name, pledge class, graduation year, occupation or geographical location. Donations to the Educational Foundation and directly to various chapter accounts can be made through the on-line contribution program. Log on to the web site now, register, and take a look at what promises to be a great communication tool to bring DU brothers even closer together.

Enthusiasm et-Excitement Enthusiasm and excitement are running in high gear at DU with the election of William L. Messick, Lafayette '68, as Chairman of the Board at the Fraternity's Annual Assembly of Trustees held on August 2, 2003. Brother Messick is bringing the same "can do" attitude to DU that he had as a star running back and kicker for Lafayette College and later with the Pittsburgh Steelers, and with the Ohio Valley Ironrnen in the Continental Football League. His enthusiasm followed him into the construction business when he formed the W. L. Messick Construction Company where Brother Messick specializes in the planning and management of commercial construction facilities in the Delaware Valley. He received his BSEE from Lafayette College School of Electrical Engineeling. In addition he is a licensed nursing home administrator. He serves his community in a variety of organizations, many relating to youth sports and construction organizations. Additionally, he has served as a Deacon at the North and Southhampton Reformed Church. Brother Messick has a long and successful history of serving his chapter as well as Delta Upsilon International Fraternity. He has previously served two years on the Board of Directors and has been Chairman of the Strategic Planning Alumni Services Committee. The Committee is responsible for re-instituting the Province Governor Program, and launching the Delta Force Alumni Volunteer Initiative. Brother Messick joined Delta Upsilon his freshman year at Lafayette College, and served as president of the undergraduate chapter his senior year. " I joined Delta Upsilon because of my association with friends who were also joining Delta Upsilon at that time. It was onLy ajter I became a member that I began to reaLize the philosophy and principles of Delta Upsilon paralleLed many of my own views." He became a member of the alumni board of directors of the Lafayette Chapter in 1975 after moving back to the Philadelphia area. Brother Messick led a capital campaign with a goal of raising $250,000 to improve the chapter house. The campaign was scheduled to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the Lafayette Chapter, founded at Lafayette College in 1885. The successful campaign was shortened when the alumni board was faced with the difficult problem all alumni dread: an undergraduate chapter out of control and in conflict with the College. In consultation with the Delta Upsilon International

staff and Lafayette College, Bill and the chapter's alumni board decided to take control of the Lafayette Charter. In 1986, they closed the chapter and began planning for the eventual refOlmation of the Lafayette Chapter. "Closing the chapter house in 1986 was one of the most difficult decisions I have had to make as a Fraternity membeJ: Our board struggLed with the question of how things had gone wrong. How had we failed as an organization ?" The plan to reform the chapter included a greater involvement of DU alumni with the Lafayette campus. A campus speaker's platfOlm was created and funded by the Delta Upsilon alumni chapter with the goal of bringing relevant issues to the forefront of campus discussion. The problems with the Lafayette Chapter led Brother Messick to pursue a greater involvement in the Lafayette College Alumni Intetfraternity Board, an organization dedicated to the strengthening of the Lafayette College Greek system. In 1988, Bill was elected president of that board, and has served in that position since. "I realized that most of the loceil fraternity alumni boards were facing the same issues we were. It was clear that a strong aLumni invoLvement through an active alumlli association IVas necess(// )I to counterbalance anti-Greek sentiment on campus and ensure the survivaL of the Lafayette Greek system." The Lafayette Chapter was re-formed in 1994, and the 55 men initiated in the fall of 1994 made the Delta Upsilon chapter the second largest on campus. In the spring of 2000, the Lafayette Chapter celebrated a 115-year association with Lafayette College by endowing an annual award presented to the Lafayette College professor who most represents the ideal of the Teacher-Mentor at Lafayette. In the fall of 2001, the Lafayette Chapter became the fourth fraternity at Lafayette College to become alcohol-free, a move inspired in part by recent conflicts between the undergraduate chapter and Lafayette College's student policies. Additionally, Bill and the alumni corporation are in the process of yet another reforming process. " I think IIlOSt fraternities in the Northeast will continue to encounter difficulties with their campus environments. We must re-invent ourseLves if we are to survive in this politically correct world." Bill and the Lafayette Chapter alumni have assigned alumni mentors to each undergraduate officer in an attempt to improve petformance and communications. Additionally, the inter-fraternity council is addressing fraternity membership campus-wide with new recruitment brochures and recruitment seminars targeting all of the Lafayette undergraduate groups. Brother Messick wants you to join him in rebuilding DU. Contact him at messyI2@aol.com.

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There is a lot of movin ' and shakin ' going on at DU! Every member of the DU Board is a Delta Force "operative." Board members are elected by the Assembly of Trustees and serve two-year terms. Some are re-elected and serve more than two years. All are non-paid DU volunteers who give hundreds of hours to help DU build better men. Board membership changes every year with the election of several new members and the retirement of others. Old and new Board members are helping on the Delta Force. Each Board member brings special experience, wisdom, and capabilities to help build better /lien . Below, please meet the members of the Delta Upsilon International Fraternity Board of Directors.

Ed Porter. Oklahoma '65. President Brother Porter is an enthusiastic Delta Force volunteer. He comes by it naturally as he is the son of a DU, (William T. POlier, Oklahoma '41) and the father of two DUs (Will Porter, Oklahoma '98 and Justin Porter, Harvard '99). When he is not working to build better men, he is in commercial and industrial real estate brokerage, development and investment. He holds BBA and MBA degrees from the University of Oklahoma. He also holds a po~tgraduate Certificate in Real Estate from Southern Methodist University and is a graduate of the School of Mortgage Banking at Northwestern University. Brother Porter was an officer in the US Army where he served in VietNam, receiving several decorations. He is active in his community serving on numerous civic and professional boards where he gives numerous hours of volunteer time. Brother Porter enjoys fly-fishing, sailing, and skiing. He has climbed a number of mountains including Kilimanjaro (Africa), Kinabalu (Borneo), and many mountains in Colorado. He is a former banker and has served on the boards of a national bank, title company and mOltgage company.

Bill Messick. Lafayette '68. Chairman of the Board Brother Messick is the "father" of the Delta Force. Read about Brother Messick on page 7 of this issue of the Quarterly.

Gary Killips. Alberta '71. Secretary Brother Killips has been a long and productive DU volunteer. He served as president of the Alberta Chapter as an undergraduate and has served that chapter as an active alumnus since. He was chairman of Project 2000, which resulted in an extensive renovation of the chapter house to become one of the finest anywhere. He is a recipient of the Chairman's Award as DU International Fraternity Volunteer of the Year. Brother Killip's son, Brett Killips, Alberta '04, is cUlTently chapter president. When Brother Killips is not volunteering for the DU Delta Force, he is Chairman of JJ Barnicke Edmonton. He specializes in retail leasing and site selection. His clients include Red Lobster/Olive Garden, Royal Bank, BaskinRobbins, and many other retail chains. He is an active member of the International Council of Shopping Centers and also serves on several civic boards in Edmondton.

Rich Delano, Indiana '85. Treasurer Brother Delano is the chief financial volunteer for the Delta Force. He is a CPA and is the Chief of Financial Reporting for Limited, Too, a publicly traded retail clothing chain, with over 300 stores across North America. He serves in many community activities including a church youth ministry, the Cincinnati Zoo, a church youth group advisor, on the board of his church, and on the Ohio Fann Bureau. Brother Delano is a graduate of Indiana University where he was DU chapter president and was active in numerous campus activities. He cUlTently lives in Columbus, Ohio, and enjoys biking, skiing, and golf.

Rodney Blaco, Cal Poly '97/5an lose '05 Brother Blaco is a life-time student, holding several degrees and currently working on more! He is a Delta Force leader as an undergraduate member of the Board. Brother Blaco is cUlTently a member of the San Jose State Chapter majOIing in electrical engineering where he served two-terms as president for the chapter. He is currently serving his second term as a member of the Undergraduate Advisory Board. Brother Blaco is a graduate of Cal Poly and holds a J.D. and Masters in intellectual property from Franklin Pierce Law Center. While at Cal Poly, he was recognized as Outstanding Fraternity Man of the Year for 1996-97 and was president of Order of Omega.


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He is a current member of the California Bar and upon graduation from San Jose, he plans to practice patent law and continue as an active volunteer with DU as a member of the Delta Force.

Charles Downton. North Carolina '66 Brother Downton is a Delta Force volunteer working with several chapters including the rebuilding of the North Carolina Chapter. Brother Downton grew up in the Boston area where he developed a love of the sea. After graduation from the University of North Carolina he served in the Submarine Service and was an instructor at the Submarine School. He served in the Naval Reserves and retired as a Captain with many decorations. Brother Downton also enjoyed a successful 29-year career with the Proctor and Gamble Company where he was Senior Manager, Human Resources, North America. Brother Downton is active in over a dozen civic organizations, serving as president or chairman of many. He has been honored numerous times by Cincinnati area civic groups.

Patrick Gerhart. Northern Colorado '05 Brother Gerhart is an undergraduate member of the Board of Directors and a member of the Delta Force. He has served his chapter as pledge class president, chapter secretary, chapter treasurer, and chapter president. He is a volunteer with the Weld County Boys and Girls Club, the University Disability Access Center, and the Boy Scouts. He has been a disc jockey and has served as Boy's State counselor in Nebraska. He has also served as an intern in Senator Chuck Hagel's office in Washington, DC.

Dr. William Hamilton. Oklahoma '57 Brother Hamilton may have actually served in the real Delta Force but his service was so secret he can't tell us about it. He is currently a member of DU's Delta Force. His resume ' is as interesting as he is! In addition to his undergraduate years at Oklahoma (where he was DU chapter president) he attended George Washington University, the US Naval War College, the University of Nebraska, and the Harvard Program for Senior Executives. He holds a law degree and Ph.D. He was an officer in the US Army and served in all three branches of the military including a tour as back-seat for Chuck Yeager, and several "farm-outs" to other government agencies including the CIA. As an Army officer he commanded an airborne infantry battalion and an armored cavalry squadron, and was company conmlander in Viet Nam. He received many decorations including the Silver Star, Distinguished Flying Cross, the Purple Heart, 21 Air Medals, and the Vietnamese Medal of Honor. Dr. Hamilton is a former Research Fellow at the US Army Military History Institute and is a winner of the VaJley Forge Freedom Foundation Medal for his writings on national affairs. He is the former chairman of the Nebraska Aeronautics Commission. He also served as deputy director of policy research for the Governor of Nebraska and as head of a government reorganization task force. He was also executive director of the Nebraska Republican party. He, together with his wife Penny, is the author (under the pen name William Penn) of two novels. He also writes a weekly op-ed column. When he is not writing or serving on the Delta Force, he finds time to ski about 40 days each year and sail extensively. He is the father of John Mathew Hamilton, Nebraska '86. Brother Hamilton is a recipient of DU's highest honor, the Distinguished Alunmus Medal.

David Herzer. Wisconsin '54 Brother Herzer takes full advantage of the internet and telephone by organizing DU's largest annual alumni dinner each year in Milwaukee. He does it from his home in Rancho Santa Fe, California. He also serves on the Board of the DU Foundation of Wisconsin. He is extremely active as a Delta Force volunteer and is currently working with the San Diego State Chapter of DU as well as continuing to serve the Wisconsin Chapter and serve on the DU International Board of Directors. After graduation from the University of Wisconsin, Brother Herzer served as an officer in the US Army where he received several decorations. He then began a remarkable career as a top executive in banking in Minnesota and Wisconsin. He has been involved in every area of bank management including president. He has or is serving on the boards of eight corporations. In addition, he serves many civic organizations at both the local and national level. Brother Herzer enjoys sailing and has held several offices in the Coronado Cays Yacht Club.

Delta Force DELTA U ON THE WEB @ www.DeltaU.org



"Delta Force Stephan Kouzomis. I/Iinois '68 As an undergraduate, Brother Kouzomis served as chapter president of the Illinois Chapter and was chosen as one of the Outstanding Greek Men on campus. . Brother Kouzomis served in the corporate world as a VP and General Manager of the most profitable division of Con Agra. He then established his own consulting business and has worked with many start-up ventures, capital investment groups and enterprises. His clients include Sara Lee, Phillip Morris, Kraft Foods, and Nicheiri Foods of Japan. He is active in the Louisville community serving Big Brothers and the American Cancer Society. Brother Kouzomis is a Delta Force volunteer and has served as an alumni advisor to the Illinois Chapter and the Louisville Chapter.

Jordan Lotsoff. Northern I/Iinois '88 Brother Lotsoff was a member of the Delta Force before there was a Delta Force. He has focused much of his time and energy on Delta Upsilon International Fraternity for over 25 years. He served as chapter president and after his graduation he served as a DU Leadership Consultant and later as DU Director of Chapter Services. He has served on the Northern lllinois alumni board since 1990 including a period as president. Brother Lotsoff has been an executive in the insurance industry for 13 years and is currently Manager of the Chicago office of Hartford Specialty Causality. Brother Lotsoff has served DU as representative to the Fraternity Risk Management Tmst (owned by 21 fraternities). He has also served in leadership roles and as faculty member in numerous DU conferences. He has participated in 19 consecutive DU Leadership Institutes.

Mark Marshall. Kansas State '76 Brother Marshall is vice president and senior portfolio manager with Wells Fargo for San Francisco and Sacramento. He is primarily responsible for the investment management of individual, trust, and IRA accounts. He previously served as Fund Manager of the Equity Index Fund, Mid-Cap Index Fund, and Global Equity Fund. He has been quoted in Ban'on 's "Big Money Managers" on his economic and market outlook. As an undergraduate at Kansas State University, Brother Marshall served his chapter in several offices including president. He also served Delta Upsilon International Fraternity as a Leadership Consultant traveling to a number of chapters in the US and Canada. When not working for Wells Fargo or DU he enjoys amateur rodeo and working with non-profit organizations.

Jim Simpkins. Washington State '8 , In addition to his business interests, Brother Simpkins is dedicated to little league sports, coaching baseball and soccer and serving on the board of one of the largest little league organizations in the country. Brother Simpkins has been in the high tech business sector for the past 20 years as a software engineer and manager. In 1997 he was a founding partner of IntelliGolf (along with another DU from WSU) . IntelliGolf is Golf's #1 scorecard software for Palm organizers, Handspring Visor, Palm-size PCs and Windows PCs. He is cUtTently VP of Operations for IntelliGolf in Seattle.



A dinner is being planned for Monday, November 3,6 p.m. at Bravo at 86th and Township Line Road (Kroger Plaza). All area DUs are invited to attend. For more information and reservations, contact Mike Chaplin, 317-704-6197, or e-mail MikeChaplin@hotmail.com.

The 80th consecutive DU alumni dinner will be held at the Milwaukee Athletic Club, 758 N. Broadway, Milwaukee, on Friday, November 7,2003. For more information or reservations contact David Herzer, 858-756-6860, fax 858-759- 1339, or e-mail DGHerzer@Adelphia.net.


DELTA U ON THE WEB @ www.DeltaU.org

PHILADELPHIA DU ALUMNI CLUB DU alumni from all chapters are invited to attend the 2003 Philadelphia DU Alumni Club's Founders Day Dinner. It will be held Friday, November 7,2003, at the Union League, 140 S. Broad Street, Philadelphia. For more information or reservations, contact Bill Messick, Lafayette '68, at 215321-9138, fax 215-321-3684, or e-mail at Messy 12@aol.com.

Chapter Administration Program Alumni Relations Program Facility Management Program Financial Management Program Loss Prevention Program Member Education Program

Purdue Miami Western Illinois Washington DePauw Central Florida

Associate Member Educ. Program Public Relations Program Membership Recruitment Program Academic Assistance Program Fraternity Ritual Program Human Service Program Web Site Award Boys & Girls Club Event Most Improved Chapter Sweepstakes Award/Finalists

Nebraska Kansas State Miami Carthage Kansas State Central Florida Manitoba Rochester Colgate Kansas State

Recruitment Awards Most Associate Members Pledged Most Initiated Members Chairman's Award - Alumnus of the Year President's Award of the Year

Central Florida Oklahoma Norm Sidler Matthew Hintze

.......'" CII



The 2003 Leadership Institute held July 31- August I at the NOlfolk Marriott Waterside in NOlfolk, Virginia, was attended by almost 400 brothers and guests. Selamawi "Mawi" H. Asgedom, Harvard '99, shown to the left, a repeat faculty member at DU conferences, was a keynote speaker. Many alumni and undergraduates had an opportunity during the book signing to renew acquaintances with Mawi. Making new acquaintances, Lee J. Brooks, Ohio State 'as, (I) assisted with registration at the Institute on Thursday, and is shown with new Board member William H. Hamilton,

Kansas, Missouri, Purdue, Washington, Western Illinois Bradley, Kansas, Kansas State, Miami, Missouri Indiana, Kansas, Kansas State, Washington, Western Illinois Indiana, Kansas State, Missouri, Pennsylvania, Washington DePauw, Kansas State, Missouri, Nebraska, Purdue Central Florida, DePauw, Kansas, Kansas State, Pennsylvania Carthage, DePauw, Nebraska, Purdue, Western Reserve Central Florida, Illinois, Kansas, Kansas State Kansas, Kansas State, Miami, Oregon State, Washington Carthage, Kansas, Missouri, Pennsylvania, Washington DePauw, Kansas State, Missouri, Nebraska, Washington Central Florida, Lafayette, Miami, Missouri, Purdue Central Florida, Indiana, Rochester DePauw, Kansas, Kansas State, Manitoba, Miami, Missouri, Washin

Charles Cords, Robert Murray Chris Flynn, Josh Ceaser, Andrew Carr, Danny Sells Oklahoma '57, checking out the DU Resource Center on display at the Institute. Brother Hamilton 's wife Penny helped the staff and other volunteers with the registration process Thursday afternoon and evening . Former DU Leadership Consultant and facuity member at the 2003 Leadership Institute was Joshua A. Katz, Central Florida '97, pictured to the right with his wife Rebecca. It was Rebecca's fIrst Institute and a chance to meet many of Joshua's DU brothers and close friends. Our appreciation and thanks to the Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation for the grant that helps make the Institute possible; and in turn, our thanks to the many donors to the Foundation for their support. Note the donors are listed in the Educational Foundation 's annual report beginning on page 15 of this issue of the Quarterly.

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Presented at the 1003 Leadership Institute It's always exciting when special recognitions are given and the brotherhood can witness the presentations. Such was the case this SUlllller in Norfolk, Virginia, when four brothers received Fraternity awards. Douglas R. Lebda, Bucknell '92, was awarded the Delta Upsilon Distinguished Alunmus Award, one of the highest honors that the Fraternity can bestow. Brother Lebda is the founder and CEO of LendingTree, Inc. and is responsible for both the strategic direction and leadership of the company. Since LendingTree's inception in 1996, his role has been to layout long-term vision and strategy as well as to oversee the company 's growth and development. The company was founded seven years ago, during which time it has grown significantly and is widely known as the leading online lending exchange. Revenues in 2003 are expected to be approximately $155.8 million, 40% higher than in 2002. Since inception, under the capable leadership of Lebda, LendingTree has facilitated more than $48 .2 billion in closed loans, and has recently established itself as a major presence in the online real estate industry. Both LendingTree and Brother Lebda have received significant recognition from a variety of sources including Lebda's receiving the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award, the Metrolina Entrepreneurial Council Trailblazer Award, and the Inman Innovator Award. In April 2003 IntrActiveCorp and LendingTree announced merger plans, with aims of becoming the lead- . ing interactive conunerce company in the world. Brother Lebda worked in various capacities for PriceWaterhouseCoopers prior to founding LendingTree. He is a 1992 graduate of Bucknell University and attended the University of Virginia's Darden School of Business where he was recognized as a Shermet Scholar. He currently serves on Bucknell's Alumni Board, Darden's Board of Trustees, and the Charlotte Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. To the cheers of many, Edwin T. Mosher, San Jose '52, accepted the Founders Medal, an award established in 2001 to recognize inspirational service to Delta Upsilon. Recipients of the Founders Medal embody the spirit of Delta Upsilon's ideals, follow the example set by our Founding Fathers on November 4, 1834, and exemplify the qualities and traits of a true DU man. Fifty-five years ago, on November 14, 1948, the Delta Upsilon Fraternity was indeed fortunate, when Brother Ed Mosher recited the Oath of Initiation, cementing his membership in DU. Brother Mosher has mentioned many times over the years, how much the organization has given to him as an individual. But this is one of those special cases where we can indeed recognize just how much an individual has given to the organization . Volunteers are a conmlOdity; a rarity. Even more rare are those alumni that commit themselves to Delta Upsilon for eternity. Brother Mosher is one of them. Brother Mosher's continued involvement and service to DU is inspirational. He is living proof that membership in DU never ends . His involvement and dedication to excellence is an integral part of Delta Upsilon's commitment to build better lIlen. Two of the most exciting awards presented each year are the President's Award and the Chairman 's Award. The President's Award - Outstanding Undergraduate of the Year is designed to recognize the undergraduate member who has best given his time and effort to the betterment of his chapter, campus, and community over the just completed year. The candidate should exhibit a high level of academic performance and above all, a dedication to the principles of Delta Upsilon. This year's winner of the President's Award is Matthew S. Hintze, Illinois '04. Matthew has become actively involved in the Interfraternity Council. Serving in 2001-02 as the Vice President and in 2002-03 as the President of one of the largest fraternity systems in the country and the University of Illinois's largest registered student organization, Matthew lead the Illinois Greek Initiative, a means for fraternities at the University of Illinois to return to their founding principles. Honorable Mentions were Christopher Flynn, Sail Diego '03, Joshua Ceaser, Pall AlIlerican '04, Andrew Carr, Nebraska '03, and Danny Sells, Colgate '04. Not able to attend the Institute because of previous commitments, was the winner of the Chairman's Award - AlUllllUS Volunteer of the Year Norman E. Sidler, Bradley '91. Norm served as a Leadership Consultant for the Fraternity and then went on to work with the chapter, serving on the corporation board for 7 years. One Brother points out that "Norm has been the 'glue' that has held the alumni board together." In 1996, Norm joined the alumni corporation board serving as the Vice President as well as the CUITent chair of the Capital Campaign. He hopes to finish the drive to raise $300,000 for a new Bradley chapter house this year. Honorable Mentions were Charles Cords, Califol'llia '50, and Robert Murray, Ohio State '93.


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DU ON THE ROAD AGAIN ... introducing the traveling staff for 2003-04 Jonathan R. Custis, Bradley '02, will be serving the Fraternity as a Leadership Consultant for the second year. Last year, Jon traveled all over the eastern half of the United States, as far north as Clarkson Chapter in Potsdam, New York, and south to the Florida Chapter in Gainesvi lle. This academic year Jon will be working once again with Province 3, and taking on a new area with Province 11. He is really looking forward to his first ever trip to Texas. Jon has worked closely this summer with the four new Leadership Consultants, participating in their training and helping them learn about the chapters that they will be visiting. Jon looks forward to working with these four brothers, and is confident that they will continue to learn from each other and all of the chapters, as well as assisting the chapters with their education and development in Delta Upsilon. He is excited about the opportunity to continne his service to the Fraternity, and says thank you to all of the outstanding individuals and chapters that he has had the pleasure of working with over the last year. Brett A. Kosec, Carthage '03, graduated with a degree in Information Systems from Carthage College in Kenosha, WI. During his undergraduate years, Brett was much involved on campus, including Delta Upsilon, the Carthage College Wind Orchestra, the Carthage College Student Government, TORCH, and other co-curricular activities. He served on the executive board for the chapter as the VP-Loss Prevention and served one year as UGAB representative for his province. He was an intern on the Fraternity's staff during summer 2002. Brother Kosec said that he hopes to solve at least one problem at every chapter that he visits . Philip T. McDaniel, Ce1ltral Florida '03, graduated with a degree in Interpersonal Communication, and is finishing a degree in Organizational Communication. While an undergraduate, Brother McDaniel was heavily involved on campus, including being the campus activities board director, served in the student govermnent, and sat on many university committees. One of the main factors that helped Phil decide to pledge DU in 2000 was the strong brotherhood of the Central Florida Chapter, along with the ideals of the Fraternity and the aspect of non-secrecy. Phil served as VP-Membership Recruitment, VP-Membership Education, and as interim President. Brother McDaniel is looking forward to being on the road and visiting many of DU's chapters. Phil's goal while on the road is to be able to lend a helping hand to all the chapters he visits in whatever capacity he can. Dustin W. Roberts, Bradley '03, majored in Marketing and served as a student instructor in Bradley University's educational program for freshman students. He joined Delta Upsilon in 2000 and subsequently served as the director of chapter relations, alumni relations chairman, Greek week chairman, and pledge educator. Dustin said that he joined DU because of the character of the individuals and the organization, and the passion and pride that was evident in the members. His interests include skiing, traveling and soccer, and his dreams for the future include an MBA and eventual doctorate, with the goal of becoming a college professor. Tim S. Wu, Minnesota '03, graduated with a degree in Math Education. While in college, Tim was involved in intramural football, intramural basketball, Chinese American Student Association and the Taiwanese Student Association. Tim discovered Delta Upsilon late spring of his freshman year. Like many people, he had a negative image of fraternities and the Greek system. However, this time a friend from class had asked him to come for dinner. This would begin his life as a member of DU. In his spare time, Tim enjoys playing sports, supporting Minnesota sports teams, playing cards, and trying new food. During his undergraduate years, Tim served as VP-Scholarship, VP-Loss Prevention, IFC delegate, and as judicial representative to both the chapter and IFC: One of Tim's goals while on the Fraternity staff is to learn about the business side of the Fraternity. During his tenure on staff, Tim wants to concentrate on helping his brothers become better leaders. Tim hopes to be able to look back on his chapter visits and see he has helped them to become stronger in terms of recruitment, financials , and brotherhood.

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Among the Heroes, One of Our Own

. f

On August 16,2003, Delta Upsilon added yet another man of distinction to its membership roll. Dr. Arthur K. Smith, President of the University of Houston and Chancellor of the University of Houston System was initiated into Delta Upsilon in an impressive ceremony conducted at the University Hilton Hotel on the U of H Campus and attended by nearly 100 brothers and guests. DU Distinguished Alumni Award recipient Brother Robert S. Phillips, Syracuse '60, who is also on the faculty at the University of Houston, gave the initiation charge. The initiation ceremony was followed by a plated dinner banquet, where additional presentations, including the presentation of a DU Sweetheart pin for his wife June Smith, took place. In his comments Brother Smith thanked the Delta Upsilon brotherhood by saying "Delta Upsilon has proven their leadership at the University of Houston and I am extremely honored to have been asked to be a part of this fine organization." Brother Smith's son (Arthur K. Smith, III, Colgate '81) is also aDD. The initiation was coupled with a reception at the new chapter house facility, which was unveiled the previous day in a Grand Opening Ceremony. Bayou Oaks, the University of Houston's new housing project designed for organizations on campus was officially opened in a ceremony presided over by President Smith. In addition to a residence hall, 15 townhouses were built to accommodate the various Greek and other campus organizations. Delta Upsilon is one of 15 Greek letter organizations that have a presence at Bayou Oaks, and occupies the largest of the townhouses. The new facility houses 20 men, the largest housing facility in the chapter's 30-year history. Bayou Oaks is one of the many visionary ideas that Brother Smith has made a reality during his tenure at the University of Houston. He receives the welIdeserved credit for making Greek housing and Greek life a stable part of student life at the University of Houston.

James M. Dexter, Weste1'1l Illinois '02, Specialist with the US Army Military Police in Iraq, is shown above receiving the Bronze Star for repeated acts of meritorious service above and beyond the call of duty. In three separate incidents in May 2003, Specialist Dexter accepted responsibilities and acted in a manner well beyond his current rank. His skill, bravery, and expertise were key in saving the lives of an Iraqi civilian and a US soldier, and in preventing the destruction of critical US Army equipment. He is the quintessential "citizen solder" and a credit to the Military Police Corps. The Bronze Star Medal was established by Executive Order 9419 on February 4, 1944.

In a fuhlre issue of the Quarterly, we wallt to list more of our DUs in the military, and include photos if possible. Please send us names alld whatever contact information you have for them.




I< e s Law r e nee.•.,.

The Delta Upsilon International Fraternity, Inc.-is represented in trademark matters by the law firm of Stokes Lawrence, P.S., Seattle, Washington. The Fraternity acknowledges and appreciates the generous support of Stokes Lawrence. www.stokeslaw.com


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Stephen K. Rowley, Ohio '65 Chairman, Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation

Brothers in Delta Upsilon, I would like to express sincere thanks to all of you who participated in this year's campaign. Many of you have been with us for several years, and some have just joined us this year for the first time. Each of you, however, is vitally important to the Foundation. You have helped us through a difficult year in fundraising; a difficult year for charities in general. It is our sincere hope that you will stay with us again for the fiscal year, which we have just begun, as we are primed for a banner year! Without the dedication of you, our faithful brethren whom we celebrate on the following pages, we would not be able to assist the Fraternity in supporting our undergraduate brothers who carry the mantel for us today. Thanks again for holding true to your loyalty and being on the team! I would also like to offer my thanks to our Foundation staff and our Board of Trustees for their vision and dedication of service to Delta Upsilon. Together we are working diligently to raise financial support for the Fraternity and for our chapters. I would especially like to mention Brother Ed Crane, Arkansas '76 who has served the past four years as a member of our Board, more specifically as our Vice-President of Development. I can safely say we are a stronger Board today because of Ed's leadership, and his services will be truly missed. We wish him the very best as he moves forward. I am also very excited to announce the election of Brothers Jack Jade!, Bowling Green '52, and David Cole, Wilmington 72, to the Foundation Board. These brothers attended the recent Leadership Institute, and the annual meeting of the DUEF in Norfolk, Virginia, and I am truly excited about what talents and insights they will bring to the DUEF. . We are truly energized by the prospect of another positive fundraising year in this 2003-04 fiscal year. The additions to the Board, the new enhancements to the President's Club, which are explained on page 19, and the forward direction of our Fraternity in general, makes us all very excited to be on board this "DU Train." Through your tax-deductible donations, we can continue to support our brotherhood and the many worthwhile programs in the most positive way. Thanks again for your support! Fraternally

Stephen K. Rowley, Ohio '65 Chairman, Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation A PU8L1C I\"(T.II-PROFIT FOl"NIJ.lTIO\ • COXfRIBI no'iS ARE TAX Dml"CTIBLE • Fl.DEIW. Tn

ID No. 35·1976226

DELTA U ON THE WEB @ www.DeltaU.org


In the summer of 2000 the McQuaid


Fund was created to acknowledge the tremendous service of Delta Upsilon's immediate past president, James D. McQuaid, Chicago '60. The creation of the scholarship marked a welcome return to the Foundation's early practices of awarding financial grants to individual DU brothers. The McQuaid Scholarships are awarded on the basis of scholarship, fraternity/campus involvement, letters of recommendation, and community service.

The Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation is proud to announce this year's recipients of the McQuaid Scholarships: John M. O'Hara, Kansas State '04, has served his chapter in a variety of capacities, but has shown particular prowess in student government. He served as treasurer of the Student Governing Association and chairman of the Student Senate before being elected as student body president of Kansas State University, an office he currently holds. Brother O'Hara credits Delta Upsilon as a major influence in his life. He stated, "There is not a day that goes by that I am unable to relate my experiences and the lessons I have learned from Delta Upsilon. I am proud to be a part of a fraternity that is anything but typical." Brother O'Hara continues as a student at Kansas State University. Nicholas L. Weidner, Wichita '04, while also active in student government, has brought inspirational service and leadership to the Wichita Chapter, serving as secretary, treasurer, and president since January 2000. Brother Weidner said, "When I first decided to pledge DU in the fall of 1999, I had no idea that it would change my life. I have only now begun to realize the impact that DU has had on my life and I can only hope to create an environment where my brothers are able to have some of the same experiences. I realize how much I grew as a person and it makes me appreciate the time that I spent in DU. Those types oflessons cannot be learned inside a classroom." Brother Weidner expects to graduate in May of 2004.


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Christopher J. Bain, McMaster '99, recipient of the McQuaid Graduate Fellowship, boasts an impressive resume of activities, honors, and achievement that are too numerous to mention. After graduating from McMaster in 1999, Brother Bain continued his studies, earning a Masters in Finance from Indiana University in May 2003. Brother Bain sums up his alumni membership in DU quite well, stating: "I have discovered that the Four Founding Principles of Delta Upsilon are applicable in all aspects of my life, even after graduation. By following these Principles on a daily basis, I have been able to continually challenge myself to improve and become a more "well-rounded" person. I am especially grateful to Delta Upsilon." Brother Bain begins his stint as a Doctoral student at The Ohio State University this fall. Edward L. Thlin, Houston '03, also a recipient of the McQuaid Graduate Fellowship, has served his chapter as president, executive vice-president, vp-recruitment, and also boasts an impressive resume of honors and accolades. He is a past member of the Undergraduate Advisory Board, and recently completed a one-year term as an undergraduate director on the Fraternity's Board of Directors. He stated, "It was through my leadership opportunities that I learned the true depth of Delta Upsilon, and the personal enrichment that comes through strength of commitment to our ideals. I cannot begin to repay Delta Upsilon for this gift of leadership and personal growth." Brother Tulin will continue his education as a law student at the University of Texas this fall.

Receiving their awards at the 2003 Leadership Institute are Brothers McKeag (Minnesota), Pinchin (Manitoba), Rocheleau (Houston), and Aschemann (Western Illinois).

he Oak Circle completed its second year by undergraduate brothers once again responding favorably to the program by actually exceeding last year's total and raising more than $3,100. The money raised through undergraduate giving will be used in establishing an endowment for $500 scholarships to be awarded each year at the Leadership Institute. As the endowment grows, the number of scholarships that will be awarded will increase. The DUEF has announced its support of the program, by subsidizing the scholarships until the first full endowment is reached. The first scholarship was awarded this summer at the 2003 Leadership Institute in Norfolk, Virginia. The Scholarship Committee chose Brother Philip D. Farley, Houston '05, as the first recipient of the Oak Circle Scholarship. Brother Farley received a check for $500 to help defray the costs of his education. The DUEF also awarded the first Undergraduate Foundation Chairman Rowley (I) with Brother Farley. Donor of the Year Award to


Brother Dave McKeag, Minnesota '04, for his efforts in the success of the 2002-03 Oak Circle Appeal. (Brother McKeag is shown in the picture at left.) Individual Brothers can give at two levels: the Blue Level recognizes gifts from $18.34 to $29.99, and the Gold Level recognizes gifts of $30+. Donors at both levels receive a recognition certificate and mention in the DU Quarterly. Gold Level donors receive, in addition, a collector's lapel pin which design changes each year. In addition to individual recognition, chapters are also recognized for their cumulative giving total in a fiscal year. Chapters are identified as Bronze, Silver, or Gold Chapters, with cumulative totals of $250, $500, and $1,000 respectively. This year saw the first Canadian chapter awarded, with Manitoba reaching the Bronze Level, the first chapter to repeat with Houston again reaching an award level, and the first Gold Level Chapter with Minnesota reaching the $1,000 mark. The 2003-04 Oak Circle year is already underway! If we can surpass last year's total, one scholarship will be fully endowed by the end of this fiscal year! Undergraduates who would like to

contribute, alumni who would like to sponsor undergraduates, or gifts from a chapter or alumni in the name of the chapter may be given by using the enclosed envelope in this Quarterly, by visiting the Fraternity's website at www.DeltaU.org. or contacting the Foundation staff.

2002-03 OAK CIRCLE DONORS Undergraduate Donors Oak Cirde - Gold (.10+) • Oak Circle - Blue ' ($18.34 - $29.99) Alberta • Jonathan R. Sharun '03 • Todd J. Walsh '04 Bowling Green • Anthony M. Day '04 • Jason S. Rice '03 Cal Poly • Luke R. Griffis '04 • Matt I. Gilfillan '04 Central Florida • Brian R. Dunhill '03 Culver-Stockton • J. Foster Courtney '04 DePaul Interest Group • Michael P. McKeon '05

DePauw • Brian T. Daniels '04 Fresno • Eric A. Bulda '06 • Eric B. Thornton '04 Houston • Eduardo Aguirre, III '03 • Philip D. Farley '05 • Nathaniel L. Glasser '05 • Joey R.L. Massey '05 • Timothy S. Patella '05 • Jeffrey C. Rocheleau '04 • Corey L. Stoerner '03 • Edward L. Tulin '03 Kansas State • Jonathan B. Anderson '04 • James E. Fox, III '04 Kent State • Michael B. Martens '04

• Shawn M. Z\~~ck '04 Manitoba • Rob D. Armstrong '04 • Andrew D. Barney '03 • Cody Bernard '04 • Michael R.E. Bessette '03 • Jamie D. Cote '06 • Nicholas A. Harzing '06 • Everett E. Martin '04 • Gareth C. McVicar '04 • Brad S. Penner '04 • Jeff R. Pinchin '04 • Christopher A. Plaza '05 • Jean-Guy R. Trudeau '05 • Richard I. Zolondek '04 Minnesota • David D. McKeag '05 Nort h Dakota • Joshua C. Jones '04

North Dakota State • Joshua A. Lovseth '04 Northern Arizona • Michael J. Coplan '04 Northern Colorado • Patrick L. Gerhart '04 Northwestern State • Curtis L. Hoffpauir '05 Ohio State • Timothy R. Voght '97 Pace Steven Winter '05 Pennsylvania State • Jude M. Noel '05 Purdue • Ryan N. Hatton '03 • Gerald J. Leonards '04 Rochester • Daryl W Reisfeld '03

San Diego Edward K. Stark, Jr. '04 San Jose Rodney M. Blaco '05 Washington Joshua R. Bohlke 'D3 Western Illinois • Troy M. Aschemann '05 • Mike J. Ceko, III '03 • Keith G. Hill '04 Western Reserve • Christian F. Perez '05 Wichita • John S. Adams '03

DELTA U ON THE WEB @ www.DeltaU.org


The Legacy Circle of the Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation has been established to recognize and honor those individuals making provisions for Delta Upsilon through their estate plans. These gifts have a lasting impact on the future of our Foundation. Membership in the Legacy Circle is open to those individuals making planned gifts to the Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation. The donor becomes a member of the Legacy Circle when the Foundation receives written notice of a planned gift commitment. Presently over 30 DUs are members of the Legacy Circle (see page 23). We encourage every DU to consider David Schumacher including the Foundation as a part of their estate plan. Your thoughtful consideration now to our Foundation may result in future scholarships for deserving DUs, ensuring the continuation of DU's impactfulleadership training or the preservation of DU's important heritage. Examples of planned gifts would be: Bequests: a charitable bequest to the DU Educational Foundation may be expressed in terms of a specific dollar amount, a percentage of an estate, or as a residual or contingency beneficimy. Wills are important

LEGACY CIRCLE The Legacy Circle was established in 2000 to honor living brothers who have listed the Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation as a beneficiary in their will, insurance policy, or other deferred giving instrument. The following is a listing of brothers that are members of the Legacy Circle.

Samuel Alboy, Sortllem Arizona '01 Dale H. Anderson, Iowa '49 George A Blair, Miami '37 Jerry L. Bobo, HOIlStoll '77 Paul H, Dayis, Jr" Chicago '35 Stephan C. Da\is, Sorrhem Colorado '94

Thomas EDurein, Oregoll Stare '92 John R. D)1man, S,l'raCllse '71 Ste\'en R. Fisher, Washillgtoll '87 Frederick R. Ford, PlIrdlle '58 P. David Franzetta, Michigall State '70 Gene C. Harrison, Kelll State '50 Richard A. Hegeman, PlIrdlle '49 Melvin H. l\'erson, lI'ashillgtoll '48 Charles EJennings, .\larietta '31 Aldie E. Johnson, Jr" 101m Stale '47 18

Everen C. Johnson, Arizolla '62 Ofl'ille E. Johnson, Washillgtoll Stare '39 ~"artin Krasnitz,Chicago '57 Allan H Lansing, lIestem Olltario '53 William T. Liebermann, Miami '51 ~Iaurice S. ~landel. Chicago '55 Charles L. ~Iiller, Sail Jose '59 Rodney L. :\'elson, ,\lillllesota '63 Philip G. Ranford, CIII,'e r-Stocktoll '00 Jeffrey \\~ Sears, Norrhem Arizona '98 Herbert E. Smith, illdialla '52 Craig S. So\\'ell, HOllstOIl '92 John H. Vinyard, Jr" ,\lissollri '49 John T. Weisel. Oregoll '48 Scott \V. \ Vilson, Colorado '73 VenJo J. Wolfsohn, PellllS,l'II'atlia '48

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to ensure that wishes regarding assets will be observed and that the estate minimizes taxes or other expenses. The following language is acceptable for inclusion in the will of any DU alumnus: "I hereby give, devise and bequeath to the Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation with headquarters at 8705 Founders Road, Indianapolis, Indiana, the sum of $ _ __ ; or the following described property: _ _ _______ _______ ,or the residue of my estate, to be used for the general purposes of the Foundation as the Board of Trustees may direct." Life Insurance: You might designate the DU Educational Foundation as the primary or contingent beneficiary of an existing or new life insurance policy or you can make the Foundation the owner of the policy. Charitable Remainder Trusts: You can realize significant tax savings, provide for current income and ultimately benefit our Foundation through establishing a charitable remainder trust. Gifts made to established charitable remainder trusts naming the Foundation as beneficiary m'e encouraged. The Foundation will not serve as trustee of a charitable remainder trust. Retirement Plan Assets: You could name the Foundation as beneficimy of a portion (or all) of your qualified plan or IRA. Unlike individuals, our non-profit organization doesn't pay income taxes on the proceeds, which eliminates this obligation that might be due after death. This overview provides just a few of the advantages of these various types of planned gifts. Each donor should consult an attorney or financial advisor to assist in making decisions regarding planned gifts. If you have included the Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation in your estate planning, or would like to join the Legacy Circle, call Foundation Executive Director David Schumacher at 317-875-8900, ext. 212, or e-mail Schumacher@DeltaU.org. The Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation, U.S. tax number 35-1976226, is a qualified 501 (c) (3) taxexempt organization. All gifts to the Foundation are tax deductible as allowed by Federal law.

Shown to the right, the new PC pin can be worn to show your DU pride and to recognize your record of giving to the club, Donors will receive a "rub y"~or each of the first 7 years of P~ level giving, followed by sapphires" for the next 7years, At 15 years th ph/res get replaced with '''d' e sapfor every add/V I /amonds" 30, etc.) ana 5 years of giving (20, 25,


Beginning with th d 2003-04 fiscal year, all e onors to the Foundat' the President's Club I Ion at or more in a f' I eve I of $200 Isca year ' II receive add't' WI their PC I lonal benefits of membership I d" to the recognition' ' n a dltlon report each year p~n the annual will receive the f'oll oWing members :

Show your pride DU f erences or local events with th' sharp tie orDU lapel pin atAallneon Le ve,II (Shown at right) ,ew one every year when you reach the ISPC TRAVELING CONSULTA

Learn how your chapter' d ' NT REPORT th'IS summary report, designed IS olng t from k our experts in the field with INFORM 0 eep you connected! Ex ect ATIVE NEWSLETIERS ,p a Summer and Winter DUEF N happening with Delta Upsilon and :;s~~ter so you can know what IS NO MUCH MORE! e ucatlonal Foundation,


PRESIDENT'S CLUB James A. Garfield C·IrcIe . (gifts of $25 000 0 Paul B Ed ' r more) .

THE PRESIDENTS CLUB For Leaders of the Delta Upsilon Annual Giving Campaign

gerley, Kansas State '78 - CEA+

Evans Hughes Circle . (Charles .f gl ts of $10,000 to $24999) FrederickVC.HAtkin s, NOI.th Carolina ' '67 - CEA Mildred Arth ,om Foundation - CEA R ur K. Lund, San Jose '55 - CEA aymondE . State '41 North I ' M ason, Ohw em owa Psi Om Rhodes Living Trust _ ~~ Bldg. Corp, - CEA HenryT M. Rowan w,'ll' ' John W ' I ' 1 tams/Technology '45 . else, Oregon '48 Ralph 0 , Will ai, 'd Kansas State '58 - CEA

Ja.mes S. McDonnell Circle (gifts of $5,000 to $9,999) J~es


Avery, Illinois '44 - CEA Itch Casto Richard A~'' IGansas State '85 - CEA Richard R' Megeman, Purdue '49 Charles D: M~~oney, Hal/stan '83 - CEA Jh I, Johns Hopkins '49 o n W. Rogers, Miami '57

James B. Conant C·IrcI e . (gifts of $2,500 to $4 999) GaryB , Ad arns, Oregon '66' Bruce S. Bru'I ey, Denison '58 , Richru'd B, Campbell ' N ebraska '68 DonA H'll J h . I , Kansas State '69 - CEA SO n C. Jadel, Bowling Green '52 ~ott ~, Kremer, Louisville '86 CEA J aunce S, Mandel, Chicago '5~ ~~~s D. McQuaid, Chicago '60 l lam L. Messick, Lafayette '68 Al St van I E, Porte r, Oklahoma '65 . elP 1en K. Rowley, Ohio '65 Ne son Schae nen, Jr" Cornell '50

Dear Brothers, Investing in our future leadership is exactly what our many alumni and friends are doing With their support of the President's Club, We are sincerely grateful to our President's Club members who made gifts of $200 or more, providing DU undergraduates those important educational initiatives which help build better men, cial Over 550 DU Brothers made their fman commitment to DU by joining the President's Club this year, The Foundation has reserved the space on these four pages to acknowledge the support of the President's

Oklahoma '65 Ed Porter Delta President, Upsilon Fraternity

Club by listing their names, These contributorS provide the leadership for our annual campaign and are listed as well in the pages recognizing the Honor Roll of all supporters, Also recognized as a member of the President's Club are those members who have given $200 or more to a

Ch,pM EduC'tl

", Account [CEA). Th"lie yuu tu ,0 the p""ld,n" Club m,mh'"

uuUpsilon as one of their specified charities as we look to continue for keeping Delta molding undergraduate brothers into the leaders of tomorrow.


H"p u. "hi"" , guru ul 1',000 p".dent', Club memb'" thi. Y'''U PI",," ".pund tud,y by juining ut ren,wlngyU", commitm,nt to the p",id,n" Club by completing the gift envelope inserted in this Annual Report between pages 16 and 17 , Thank you in advance for your support, Fraternally,


Ed porter, Okla.homa. '65 President, Delta Upsilon Fraternity "" .....t,

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DELTA U ON THE WEB @ www.DeltaU.org


Herbert Brownell Circle (gifts of $1,000 to $2,499)

Max M. Stearns, Kansas State '66 - CEA+ Charles J. Steed, Bradley '50 - CEA Michael L. Stepovich, San jose '56 - CEA Mrs. Ashton M. Tenn ey, Jr., in memory of Ashton M. Tenney, Jr., Chicago '43 Richard B. Thompson, Michigan State '67 Keith D. Tucker, Kan sas State '76 - CEA Peterv. Ueberroth, San jose '5 9 Ross R. Vines, Kansas State '82 - CEA Allan A. Warrack, Alberta '61 Ronald G. Woods, Bradley '78 - CEA RogerW. Wothe, Technology '58 Samuel M. Yates, Sail jose '55 - CEA+ Ray K. Zarvell, Brad ley '68 - CEA

William G. Malloy, Northern Illinois '69 Lewis A. Maroti, Lehigh '58 Stephen C. Martinelli, California '52 - CEA+ Gregory H. Mathews, Florida '70 John S. McConnell, DePauw '66 E. Bruce McKinney, Missouri '74 Lauren ce E. Meyer, Bradley '64 - CEA Paul E. Miller, Kansas State '69 - CEA David S. Nelson, Clarkson '69 Warren P. Nesbitt, Wisconsin '76 Reginald B. Newman II, Northwestern '59 Alan Pascale, Florida '80 Sid W. Patterson, Oklahoma '42 James P. Plessas, California '53 - CEA+ Jon L. Prime, Bradley '63 Michael K. Puttin, Bradley '91 - CEA Mark G. Ritchie, Iowa '83 James S. Roberts, Florida '63 Paul E. Rosenthal, Florida '73 Christopher L. Saricks, Kansas '70 Phillip A. Schott, Northern Colorado '96 David R. Schumacher James C. Shaw, Ohio State '49 Jeffrey Siegel, Maryland '78 William S. Smeltzer, Syracuse '58 James w. Smith, Washington & Lee '62 Michael C. Thielen, Iowa '57 Charles T. & Marion M. Thompson Foundation Robert L. Tyburski, Colgate '74 Ben T. Walkingstick, Oklahoma '52 Leland M. Wallace, Bradley '71 - CEA William F. Waters, Cornell '54 John G. Weir, Toronto '43 James V. White, Michigan '50 David H. Wynja, Iowa '67

Ronald C. Abbott, Kansas State '61 - CEA Horace L. Acaster, Pennsylvania '44 J. Carter Bacot, Hamilton '55 Scott R. Bayman, Florida '68 Charles W. Brace, Bradley '89 - CEA Jeffrey A. Bryant, Oregon State '97 Charles M. Carey, Illinois '82- CEA David H. Carnahan, Denison '60 David L. Cole, Wilmington '72 Harry A. Crawford, Ohio State '47 Christopher B. D'hondt, Illinois '88 - CEA+ John A. Delaney, Florida '77 Richard L. Delano, Indiana '85 Thomas F. Durein, Oregon State '92 John R. Eplee, Kansas State '75 - CEA Richard F. Fagan, Washington '52 Matthew G. Fiascone, Bradley '85 - CEA Jeffrey L. Fuhrman, Northern IOlUa '94 William R. Gordon, Kansas State '60- CEA+ Lewis D. Gregory, Kansas '75 W. H. Harwell, Jr., Missouri '51 Tim L. Heiman, Kansas Sta te '76 - CEA Jay A. Istvan, Bradley '82- CEA Charles F. Jennings, Marietta '31 Loren D. Jones, N. Dakota State '79- CEA Rees M. Jones, Manitoba '67 Wil liam G. Kagler, Syracuse '54 Howard Kah lenbeck, Jr., Indiana '52 Ryan M. Kelly, Bradley '94 - CEA Lawrence M. Kendall, Kansas St. '68 - cEA Martin Krasnitz, Chicago '57 Allan M. Lansing, Western Ontario '53 James v. Leininger, Marietta '48 Jordan B. Lotsoff, Northern Illinois '88 M. Eighmy Foundation - CEA D. Robert Madsen, San jose '51- CEA Dave Maguire, Southern Illinois '73 Richard C. Marx, Pennsylvania '54 Jos. R. Mathewson, Kansas State '70- CEA David C. McCalpin, Bradley '86 - CEA David D. McKeag VI, Minnesota '04 Mickey M. Miller, Indiana '42 William B. Miller, San jose '52 - CEA John P. Morgridge, Wisconsill '55 Raymond R. Moser, Jr., Georgia Tech '83 Barry L. Neilsen, San jose '56 - CEA Kenneth B. Norton, Kansas State '04 - CEA Edward F. Paliatka, Bradley '56 - CEA Michael A. Pizzuto, Illinois '81 - CEA+ Thomas S. Rakow, Northwestern '65 T. Mark Reed, Houston '85 - CEA Galen J. Reser, Bradley '72- CEA Rice Family Foundation - CEA Mark H. Ruliffson, Kansas State '71 - CEA Beurt SerVaas, Indiana '41 Norman E. Sidler, Bradley '91 - CEA William A. Sigman, Iowa State '50 Todd P. Smith, Bradley '89 - CEA Timothy J. Spihlman, Bradley '93 - CEA

Roy F. Allan, Lehigh '68 Dean W. Anderson, Alberta '94 Thomas M. Ashton, Lafayette '86 William J. Bittner, Bradley '74 Daniel W. Blankenburg, Bradley '94 - CEA David M. Blatner, Southwest Missouri '86 Jerry L. Bobo, Houston '77 Ernest J. Bontadelli, San jose '50 - CEA Girard S. Brewer III, California '77 Douglas A. Cassens, Kent State '68 - CEA+ David E. Chambers, Arizona '60 H. P. Clappier, Swa rthmore '44 JeffreyW. Courter, Iowa State '84 Edwin D. Crane, Arkansas '76 James H. Crews, Oklahoma '52 Alexander J. Culbertson, San jose '53 - CEA Dallas L. D'hondt, Bradley '55 - CEA Thomas W. Darling, Syracuse '81 James F. Davidson, California '48 - CEA+ Joseph A. DeBlasio, North Carolina '62 John Durante, Bradley '91 - CEA John H. Eyler, Washington '69 Eldon D. Foote, Alberta '48 J. William Frank III, Lehigh '68 Craig J. Franz, Bucknell '75 . P. David Franzetta, Michigan State '70 John E. Giacomazzi, San jose '52 - CEA Nicholas T. Giorgianni, Kent St. '56 - CEA+ Robert S. Greenwood, California '48 - CEA Carl T. Grether, California '51 - CEA Oliver H. Heely, Jr., Auburn '68 John F. Herma, Rutgers '70 John R. Hill, Texas A & M '91 Patrick S. Hobin, California '59- CEA+ Richard M. Holland, Syracuse '83 John F. Kaufman, Lehigh '48 Charles K. Kavanagh, California '64 - CEA+ Gary S. Killips, Alberta '71 Stephan G. Kouzomis, Illinois '68 C. Bruce Laidlaw, Jr., Syracuse '55 Joseph Laquatra, Jr., Cornell '74 Byron O. Lee, Jr., Purdue '51 John G. Lewis, Kansas State '76 - CEA Frank Lindstrom, San jose '55 - CEA

CEA = Chapter Educational Account Donor

CEA += donor gave to both CEA and general fund


Edgar Bergen Circle (gifts of $500 to $999)

DELTA U ON THE WEB @ www.DeltaU.org

Charles G. Dawes Circle (gifts of $200 to $499) Mrs. K. B. Abernathy in memory of K. Brooks Abernathy, Northwestern '40 James C. Aitken, Washington '70 David V. Allard, Indiana '70 Alden L. Allen, Minnesota '49 Charles L. Allen, Michigan State '55 Douglas G. Allen, California '37 - CEA+ Robert L. Allman, Wisconsin '58 James A. Allums, Texas '59 Joseph L. Amos, Jr., Florida '87 Larry W. Amos, Washington State '68 Bruce C. Anderson, Purdue '65 Bryan W. Anderson, Tufts '92 Stephen J. Anderson, Northern Iowa '79 L. John Arbizzani, Auburn '68 Troy M. Aschemann, Western Illinois '05 Robert S. Ayres, North Carolina '65 Ronald A. Baker, Kansas State '66 - CEA Robert A. Bandeen, Western Ontario '52 Patrick T. Bannon, Bradley '89 - CEA Harold D. Barker, Miami '50 John R. Baron, Lehigh '79 Bradley D. Bastow, Michigan State '79

Scott 1. Hilburn, Oklahoma '64 Edward M. Hipke, Wisconsin '56 David 1. Hipp, Washington '84 Gary 1. Hollinger, Kent State '75 Robert J. Holtz, Bradley '86 - CEA William 1. Houston, Florida '77 David W. Howe, Illinois '81 - CEA+ Robert B. Hughes, Michigan State '59 Quentin A. Hurst, Kansas State '95 - CEA Edward C. Irwin, Washington '61 Thomas R. Jacobs, Arkansas '77 Richard G. Jacobus, Wisconsin '51 Jess S. Jiuliante, Pennsylvania '49 Aldie E. Johnson, Jr., Iowa State '47 Christopher E. Johnson, Massachusetts '92 Nils P. Johnson, Ohio State '43 0. Kepler Johnson, Jr., Kansas '52 Thomas W. Johnson, California '53 John K. Johnston, Pennsylvania State '58 Clifton C. Jones, Kansas State '77 Mark S. Jones, Arlington '75 Michael W. Judd, Indiana '65 Michael N. Judge, Bradley '88 Joshua A. Katz, Central Florida '97 - CEA Horace S. Keifer, Jr., Ohio State '48 John D. Kenlan, Bowling Green '54 William H. Kennedy, Kansas State '70 - CEA Shepard 1. Kett, California '84 - CEA Troy G. Keutzer, Bradley '86 - CEA Rod D. Kiefus, Illinois '63 Charles B. Kiesel, Brown '36 Bryan 1. Kinnamon, Iowa State '69 Austin H. Kiplinger, Cornell '39 Rodney P. Kirsch, North Dakota '78 Jeffrey K. Klimala, Indiana '89 Paul A. Klinefelter, North Carolina State '80 Jerome G. Kralis, Purdue '51 Barry S. Kramer, Rutgers '62 Douglas C. Kramlich, Northwestern '59 David A. Krebs, Miami '80 William C. Krommenhoek, Nebraska '57 Mark D. Kuchel, Iowa State '76 Charles R. Kurtak, Washington State '42 Timothy M. Kutka, Houston '00 R. Allen LaBerge, Washington '87 Andris Lacis, Purdue '64 Robert J. LaFortune, Purdue '51 Gregory J. Lamb, Iowa '94 - CEA+ Robert S. Lannin, Nebraska '81 Kenneth J. Lee, DePauw '47 John V. Leengran, Bradley '50- CEA+ David E. Leichtfuss, Wisconsin '58 J. 1. LeMaster, Jr., Oregon State '48 Anthony D. Link, Kansas State '74 - CEA W. Mark Linnan, Syracuse '85 Stephen A. Lison, Miami '62 Thomas C. Litwiler, Kent State '56 - CEA+ Stacy B. Lloyd III, MiddZebwy '60 George C. Long, Bowling Green '67 Robert C. Long, Iowa State '50 Thomas B. Lundeen, Platteville '52 J. Edward Lundy, Iowa '36

Thomas P. Bays, Oregon State '42 George S. Beimdiek, Missouri '35 Ted J. Biggerstaff, Nebraska '63 William F. Bishop, Miami '54 Alvin G. Block, Bradley '68- CEA Paul J. Bodine, Jr., Northwestern '50 Robert 1. Boone, California '38 - CEA Herbert H. Boswau, Denison '55 Mark K. Bowen, Purdue '82 Frederick W. Bradley, Jr., Colgate '50 Leo R. Brammer, Jr., Oklahoma '47 Robert J. Brand, Louisville '70 Jerry E. Brennan, Jr., Purdue '55 Kelley J. Brennan, Marietta '64 Bartlett C. Brewster, Colorado '77 Christian Brim, Oklahoma '92 William F. Briscoe, Purdue '65 RobertW. Broad, Syracuse '60 Walter R. Brookhart, Virginia '71 Robert E. Brubaker, Pennsylvania State '54 Keith B. Bruening, Iowa State '80 Miles G. Bryant III, Arlington '70 Scott R. Bryeans, Bradley '86 - CEA John C. Buist, Wisconsin '53 Kevin J. Burke, Bradley '88 - CEA H. Francis Bush, Florida '85 Gregory S. Caine, Purdue '81 Casey M. Cannady, Purdue '99 Victor T. Carnelli, DePauw '53 John 1. Cassell, Jr., Texas '70 J. Douglas Chandler, Arlington '81 Kevin D. Ciezadlo, Bradley '92 - CEA Brent 1. Circle, Indiana '67 P. Le Mon Clark III, Illinois '43 Aaron D. Clevenger, Central Florida '97 Clement T. Cole, Carnegie '79 Anthony C. Colletti, Bradley '96 - CEA Jan M. Collins, Kansas '61 Thomas D. Cook, Indiana '48 Michael R. Coppola, Kent State '65 - CEA Charles P. Cords, California '50 - CEA Peter E. Costich, Dartmouth '49 Robert A. Cowan, Houston '67 John W. Crabbe, Auburn '68 Adam 1. Culley, Northern Iowa '00 Ronald J. Curley, Florida '83 Jonathan R. Custis, Bradley '02 Bernard A. Dahlem, Louisville '51 Robert A. Dahlsgaard, Jr., Bradley '63 Thomas E. Darcy, San Diego '72 Jack David, Rutgers '63 Stephen C. Davis, Northern Colorado '94 Julian 1. Dawson, Jr., Oklahoma '35 Anthony M. Day, Bowling Green '02 Willis R. Deming, Ohio State '35 Milton K. Deuel, Marietta '42 Raymond B. Dhue, Michigan State '68 William W. Dickhart III, Cornell '43 Jeffrey A. Dickson, Bucknell '90 Ross Dobberteen, Michigan State '52 Frank S. Dodd, Miami '49 William F. Doescher, Colgate '59

Roger N. Downey, Oklahoma '62 Charles E. Downton III, North Carolina '66 Clint M. Dworshak, North Dakota State '00 Robert A. Eckardt, Syracllse '66 K. Michael Edwards, Alberta '70 John R. Ehrlich, Missouri '67 Robert S. Elwell, Rochester '50 Charles R. Epperson, DePauw '59 Charles E. Erickson, Nebraska '69 Dean C. Eyler, Northern Iowa '93 James J. Farina III, Lehigh '88 R. Thomas Fenstermaker, Illinois '55 - CEA James w. Fields, San Jose '66 Richard J. Fishburn, Indiana '67 Fred Fisher, Miami '50 George H. Fisk, Nebraska '58 John C. Flanagan, St. Norbert '93 Jon T. Flask, Kent State '67 - CEA+ Ronald D. Fleck, Iowa State '49 Jonathan M. Fletcher, Iowa '35 Joseph E. Fluet, Jr. , North Carolina '65 Thomas W. Foote, Purdue '50 John E. Forester, Wisconsin '33 James v. Forte, Bradley '68 - CEA+ Craig R. Foss, Iowa State '71 Norman H. Frazier, Jr., Virginia '99 Earl R. Freeman, Arlington '73 Alex S. Frei, Bradley '96 - CEA James D. Freyer, Syracuse '61 Peter J. Galietta, Bradley '65 - CEA Awn K. Garg, Florida '82 Robert C. Garretson, Illinois '39 - CEA Joseph Gibson, Kent State '68 - CEA+ Lloyd G. Gillette, Alberta '54 Gary J. Golden, Rutgers '74 Kenneth B. Gordon, Missouri '76 James N. Graham, Oregon State '65 Dominic K. Greene, Oregon '99- CEA+ Gary W. Gregory, Arlington '77 William C. Groebe, Illinois '70 Gerald E. Gross, Michigan State '63 Edward Groth, Jr., Rutgers '48 Robert 1. Grottke, Northwestern '52 Jason F. Gugelman, Kansas State '96 - CEA Phillip F. Hagan, Kansas '82 Scott D. Hahner, Rutgers '78 Gerald A. Hale, Western Michigan '52 Jay R. Hamann, Minnesota '59 Lowell B. Hamilton, Denison '57 William A. Hamilton, Oklahoma '57 Thomas D. Hansen, Iowa State '79 - CEA E. Gregg Hardesty, Illinois '46 Cameron G. Harman, Jr., Ohio State '59 Benjamin 1. Harper, Indiana '54 David D. Harper, California '50 - CEA James F. Harris, Wisconsin '72 Thomas E. Harrison, Jr., Johns Hopkins '53 Jay A. Hathaway, Kansas State '81 Joseph R. Heerens, DePauw '84 Donn A. Henshaw, Northern: Iowa '79 John C. Herron, South Carolina '88 David G. Herzer, Wisconsin '54

CEA = Chapter Educational Account Donor

eEA += donor gave to both CEA and general fund DELTA U ON THE WEB@www.DeltaU.org


Jon D. Lundy, DePauw '90 Carmine J. Maccarone, Bradley '52 - CEA Angelo J. Magistro, Rochester '60 Michael B. Magnani, California '59 - CEA J. Lawrence Marsh, Colgate '75 Mark L. Marshall, Kansas State '76 David L. Marston, Iowa '63 Robert R K. Martin, Minnesota '95 - CEA+ Robert J. Martin, Washington '59 Rodger A. Marting, Ohio '67 Charles M. Martucci, Long Beach '88 Gregory P. Matic, Illinois '75 Thomas E. Mattson, Oregon '63 Glenn E. McCann, Kansas '40 Kevin B. McCord, Missouri '98 John P. McGrail, Illinois '87 William C. McIntosh, Michigan '53 Robert S. McKeeman, Georgia Tech '77 Robert C. McKinstry, Iowa State '50 Denny A. McLeod, California '52 - CEA Curt D. McMillen, Iowa '80 Eddie D. McNew, Denison '5,4 John L. Meena, Florida '84 David M. Merenda, Pennsylvania State '77 David M. Mertens, Michigan Tech '94 Steven J. Meyer, Oklahoma State '75 Robert N. Michels, Purdue '44 Kenneth D. Miller, Iowa '67 Lawrence Todd Miller, Central Florida '02 Michael C. Miller, Bradley '80 RobertW. Minahen, California '51- CEA Michael G. Mitchell, Texas '65 Richard E. Moline, Bradley '85 - CEA James E. Monaco, Western Reserve '80 John G. Montgomery, California '62 - CEA John L. Moodie, Iowa State '45 William C. Moodie, Jr., Lehigh '47 Stephen D. Moore, Indiana '69 Richard L. Morgan, Texas '69

Read about

Delta UpsiIon!s On-line Community on page 6, then visit www.DeltaU.org to register, and click on "donations" for directing gifts to the Educational Foundation. CEA = Chapter Educational Account Donor 22

Richard L. Morrison, Kansas '70 Bruce R. Mortimer, Bucknell '71 Donald J. Moulin, California '53 Brian E. Mudrick, Louisville '82 Robert W. Muntzinger, Kent State '51 Robert D. Myers, California '61 - CEA J. David Nelson, Northwestern '63 Rodney L. Nelson, Minnesota '63 W. Peterson, Nelson, Texas '59 Steven H. Neumann, Michigan Tech '87 Joseph J. Nevel, Western Illinois '00 AnthonyT. Newman, Kent State '70 - CEA+ Donald R Newman, Carnegie '54 Michael A. Nickey, Iowa State '65 George Nicolau, Michigan '48 George H. Noland II, Oklahoma '86 Thomas H. Norris, Missouri '60 Evan M. Nosek, Northern Illinois '85 Gary Y. Oleson, Lafayette '70 Richard P. Olsen, Washington '69 James A. Oppy, Kansas State '64 - CEA+ Robert L. Owen, Carnegie '51 Jon R. Palmi tier, Michigan State '60 Norman R Parker, Carnegie '45 Mark Parseghian, Lehigh '48 Bruno A. Pasquinelli, Chicago '54 Harry Pawlik, North Carolina '54 Jeffrey D. Pearce, Kansas State '85 - CEA Jeffrey A. Pesta, San jose '85 Joe H. Petty, DePauw '36 H. Paul Picard, Houston '82 James G. Plewa, Illino is '78 Scott A. Polo, Syracuse '83 FrederickJ. Poole, Michigan '48 Neal R. Popham, Purdue '54 David Potter, California '36 George L. Powell, Florida '75 Coady H. Pruett, Cal Poly '02 Charles D. Prutzman, Pennsylvania St. '18 Philip G. Ranford, Culver-Stockton '00 John D. Rathbun, Miami '74 Roger R Ray, Arlington '70 Walter N. Reagan, DePauw '46 Richard G. Reese, California '51 - CEA Mrs. Gregory R Reis in memory of Gregory R Reis, Florida '78 Richard M. Rettstadt, Florida '82 Jason S. Rice, Bowling Green '03 Warren E. Rich, Purdue '53 Donald L. Riechman, Bradley '60 Lee O. Ringham, Purdue '61 Charles N. Rodgers, Kent State '60 Mark L. Rupert, Oklahoma '74 Edwin O. Salisbury, Syracuse '40 Samuel A. Santandrea, Rochester '56 Terrence K. Schmoyer, Jr., S. Carolina '88 Victor R. Schoen, Miami '50 Kenneth G. Schuler, Northern Iowa '90 Robert J. Schwartz, Bradley '85 - CEA John W. Schwarz, DePauw '88 John S. Shellenberger, Pennsylvania '52 Joseph M. Sheridan, Rutgers '77 James T. Shipman, Ohio '56 James S. Simpkins, Washington State '81

Greg J. Sinn, Bradley '87 - CEA Cassius C. Sisler, Western Reserve '46 Howard R Sklar, Lehigh '78 R Samuel Smith, Indiana '61 Herbert E. Smith, Indiana '52 ' Roger L. Smith, Stanford '59 Thomas C. Smith, Kansas State '70 George E. Snyder, Michigan State '57 Steven K. Snyder, Oklahoma '79 Craig S. Sowell, Houston '94 - CEA+ Patrick Spooner, San jose '55 Albert P. Stauderman, Jr., Syracuse '58 Edward J. Stephens, California '44 - CEA Richard L. Stern, Georgia Tech '90 John S. Stewart, Fresno '84 Stanley R Stockham mer III, Florida '88 Donald W. Strickland, Marietta '66 George S. Studle, Washington State '57 Jason R. Stumpf, Rochester '96 Kenneth H. Suelthaus, Technology '66 Michael P. Sullivan, Bradley '86 - CEA Leland W. Sweeney, Jr., San jose '55 C. Barry Swenson, San jose '61- CEA+ Calvin W. Tackett, Jr. , Arlington '82 Haruo Taga, Bradley '54 Tamer N. Talaat, Louisville '82 Scott E. Tarter, DePauw '84 Jonathan D. Taylor, Colby '83 Russel R. Taylor, Toronto '38 Vincent J. Tedesco, Jr., Pennsylvania St. '64 Eric J. Thompson, Bradley '94 - CEA Robert W. Thompson, Oklahoma '62 Richard J. Thorpe, Syracuse '60 Richard E. Tomalesky, Lehigh '65 Charles A. Triay, California '72 - CEA Peter A. Tuohy, Washington '53 Walter G. VanBenthuysen, Kent St. '61- CEAt H. William VanWagenen, Denison '60 Tyson R. Vaughn, Miami '98 Lawrence J. Verdier, Harvard '33 John H. Vinyard, Jr. , Missouri '49 Clyde W. VonGrimmenstein, Purdue '49 James B. Wadsworth, Jr., Florida '65 Stephen L. Wallenhaupt, N. Carolina '74 Andrew J. Weber, Wisconsin '77 Keith W. Weigel, Iowa '78 George G. Weingardt, Ohio State '55 Frank E. Wellersdieck, Brown '51 Gregory J. Wessling, North Carolina '74 Warren N. West, Kansas State '71- CEA David B. Whitehurst, Purdue '59 Judson E. Wilhelm, Florida '68 Paul W. Wilke, Jr., Minnesota '50 Matthew D. Wilson, Guelph '97 Charles R Witte, Miami '51 Samuel D. Wolcott, Jr. , Pennsylvania St. '57 John J. Yeager, johns Hopkins '43 Robert O. Yeasting, Washington '55 Robert G. Yingling, Jr., Missouri '62 Robert A. Young, Washington '50 James R Zboyovsky, Pennsylvania State '51 James A. Zeese, Minnesota '59 Kenneth R. Zender, Alberta '68

CEA += donor gave to both CEA and general fund

DELTA U ON THE WEB @ www.DeltaU.org

Horace l. Acaster, Pennsylvania '44 Frederic Ackerson, Iowa '44 Leland J. Adams, Jr., Bucknell '64 Gregory l. Allemann, Missouri '69 Douglas G. Allen, California '37 Larry W. Amos, Washington State '68 Bruce C. Anderson, Purdue '65 John R. Ashby, Arlington '74 Thomas P. Bays, Oregon State '42 Charles R. Benson, Iowa '41 Robert R. Bidwell, Chicago '50 Gregory P. Bistline, Missouri '76 Marshall l. Blankensh ip, Illinois '55 Paul J. Bodine, Jr., Northwestern '50 Claude M. Boland, Bradley '53 Herbert H. Boswau, Denison '55 Michae l G. Boylan, Bradley '69 Jere E. Bremer, Brad ley '66 John l. Casse ll, Jr., Texas '70 Allen V. Ce llars, Oregon '47 David E. Chambers, Arizona '60 Thomas W. Cheney, Nebraska '36 August N. Christenson, Nebraska '45 Mark A. Clemente, Cornell '73 Charles E. Cookson, Western Reserve '51 John O. Cronk, Iowa Stale '60 David l. Cutter, Stanford '61 Dieter F. Czerny, Lehigh '74 Robert A. Dahlsgaard, Jr., Bradley '63 John A. Delaney, Florida '77 John K. Dun lap, Texas '73 Robert S. Elwell , Roc hester '50 Donald S. Farquharson, India na '40 Terry D. Finnell, Syracuse '57 Samuel D. Flax, Georgia Tech '78 Jonathan M. Fletcher, Iowa '35 Peter l. Forrest, Florida '58 P. David Franzetta, Michigan State '70 Gary J. Golden, Rutgers '74 Francis l. Goodwin, Jr., Nebraska '50

William R. Grant, Union '49 Lewis D. Gregory, Kansas '75 Edward Groth, Jr., Rutgers '48 Robert W. Haerr, Creighton '72 Gerald A. Hale, Western Michigan '42 Porter B. Hall, Kent State '49 Richard B. Hallman, Purdue '54 George J. Hamilton, Arkansas '77 Benjamin l. Harper, Indiana '54 Bradley B. Hoot, Michigan State '65 Aldie E. Johnson, Jr., Iowa State '47 David O. Johnson, Kansas State '75 Orville E. Johnson, Washington State '39 John K. Johnston, Pennsylvania State '58 Howard Kahlenbeck, Jr., Indiana '52 Dennis Kanemori, Western Michigan '66 Keith O. Kaneta, Washington '59 Stephen G. Katsinas, Illinois '78 Charles l. Kavanagh, California '64 Thomas F. Keating III, Cornell '57 Charles B. Kiesel, Brown '26 Oscar H. Kraft, Carnegie '35 Martin Krasnitz, Chicago '57 William C. Krommenhoek, Nebraska '57 Robert J. LaFortune, Purdue '51 William T. Lauder, Columbia '44 Eugene A. Lucadamo, Lehigh '71 John W. Lynd, Syracuse '35 Angelo J. Magistro, Rochester '60 Dave Maguire, Southern Illinois '73 Maurice S. Mandel, Chicago '55 Robert J. Martin, Washington '59 Thomas E. Mattson, Oregon '63 Earl A. McGovern, Miami '51 Jeff B. Meeker, Florida '65 Robert W. Meier, Washington '73 Howard O. Mielke, Carnegie '51 Charles D. Miller, Johns Hopkins '49 Michael G. Mitchell, Texas '65 Charles E. Moeller, Purdue '45

Donald R. Morse, Tufts '42 David S. Nelson, Clarkson '69 J. David Nelson, Northwestern '63 Robert W. Newell, DePauw '34 Donald F. Newman, Carnegie '54 Henry J. Ochs, Jr., Missouri '33 Owen R. Opdahl, Minnesota '41 V. Edward Perkins, Brown '35 Joe H. Petty, DePauw '36 John S. Polles, Carnegie '67 Aubrey H. Polser, Jr., Texas '65 Richard R. Popham, Purdue '40 James S. Roberts, Florida '63 John W. Rogers, Miami '57 Paul E. Rosenthal, Florida '73 Mark l. Rupert, Oklahoma '74 David W. Rusk, Iowa '76 Christopher l. Saricks, Kansas '70 Nelson Schaenen, Jr., Cornell '50 William A. Sigman, Iowa State '50 Henley l. Smith, Lafayette '51 John W. Sprout, Bucknell '48 Robert C. Sprout, Bucknell '49 George S. Stud Ie, Washington State '57 Richard B. Thompson, Michigan State '67 . Walter F. Trachsel, Wisconsin '59 Jay E. Wagner, Jr., Ohio State '45 Ben T. Walkingstick, Oklahoma '52 Leland W. Waters, Texas '73 Keith W. Weigel, Iowa '78 Thomas J. Westerheide, Marquette '72 James V. White, Michigan '50 Paul W. Wilke, Jr., Minnesota '50 Harry l. Wi lkinson, Tufts '59 Ronald E. Wischhusen, Clarkson '76 Sheldon Wylie, Brown '57 Robert G. Yingling, Jr., Missouri '62 James Zboyovsky, Pennsylvania State '51

For over 50 years, the Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation has existed to help change the lives of the undergraduate members. Through the generous annual gifts of our brothers, the Foundation has been able to provide educational grants to the Fraternity, DU chapters, and individual members in a variety of ways including the following.

education and personal growth of its brothers. DU continues to evaluate its personal growth and development curriculum tailored to each individual DU member. Regional Leadership Seminars (RLS) engage all chapters in the early spring at the province level for an intense two· day leadership training agenda coordinated with alumni leadership.

administered by the leadershipconsultants.

• The Leadership Institute brings together brothers from all chapters each summer for a four-day experience that includes educational seminars for chapter officers, interactive sessions focusing on the Fraternity's Four Founding Principles, a community service event, and a model initiation.

• The McQuaid Scholarship/Fellowship awards undergraduate scholarships and graduate fellowships of 52,500 each to deserving DU members.

• The Winter Educational ConFerence typically includes the Presidents Acodemy, the Recruitment Symposium, and the Charles Evans Hughes DUEL (Delta Upsilon Emerging Leaders) Program. • Membership Education. The Founding Falhers of DU envisioned an association that is commiHed to the

• Chapter Educational Accounts provide for restricted funds within the endowment of the Foundation. Donors have the ability to moke tax-deductible gifts benefiting the educational needs of a specific chapter. • The Leadership Consultant Program proVides on·compus resources for chapters and brothers to improve their chopter's operation and effectiveness. The Foundation provides an annual grant to help defray the cost of educational workshops, seminars, and retreats

• The Alumni Volunteer ConFerence, conducted during the Leadership Institute, provides instruction and problemsolving seminars for those who serve as alumni volunteers to our chapters. • The Della Upsilon/Boys & Girls Club service partnership was created as a forum for locol DU chapters to actively engage in grass roots volunteerism. The involvement with Boys & Girls Clubs affords DU brothers the opportunity to develop character and lasting friendships. Additional support includes: • The Quarterly, the Cornerstone, and other educotional publications. • IHQ summer internship progrom. • Grants for UIFI to individual members.

DELTA U ON THE WEB @ www.DeltaU.org


2002-03 Donors to the Educational Foundation The donations recognized below were gifted between July 1, 2002, and June 30, 2003. The Educational Foundation sincerely thanks you for your continuing support of Delta Upsilon. Your annual gift helps the Foundation fulfill its mission to help change the lives of our undergraduate brothers. It is because of your support that we are able to promote the best interest of the Fraternity, your chapters, and individual brothers. ALB ERTA <:r D. Anderson '94 • G. Carter '66 • A. Eamer '48 K. Edwards '70 u E. Foote '48 L. Gille tte '54 (2) G. Grasch uk '84 (2) - L. Ha tch '65 • P. Hes lip '63 (2) u G. Killips '7 1 - E. King '42 (2) • J. Knechtel '60 D. Love '46 (I7) - G. Mills '95 (3) - R. Murray '54 • T. Pa trick '60 + J. Sha run '04 (2) + .[ Walsh '04 o A. Wa rrac k '61 (6) • J. Wa rrack '91 K. Zender '68 AMHERST - J. Fa irman '52 (6) R. Lewin '66 (4) - J. Sutton '66 ARIZONA T. Andrews '59 (4)

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D. Baldwin '60

u D. Chamb ers '60 (26) •

E. John son '62 G. Stoess er '63 • R. Sypult '67 (II ) ARKANSAS u E. Crane '76 (I I) S. Faub el '80 - D. Gean III '84 (4) G. Hamilton '77 (26) T. Jaco bs '77 (2) - D. Russell '76 K. Sa tt erfi eld '83 (2) ARLI NGTON - J. Ashby '74 (27) • W. Bruck '72 M. Brya nt III '70 J. Chandler '8 1 - T. Donaldso n '72 (3) E. Freeman '73 G. Gregory'77 (4) T. Hawkins '70 (3) M. Jones '75 (22) R. Ray '70 (22) K: Reich enstein '84 J. Schles in ger '75 R. Sepanski '85 (2) A. Sadek '86


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*+J. Rice '03

- J. Rollma n '84




C. Tackett , Jr.'82 (5) AUBURN L. Arbizzan i '68 (3) - W. Baker '64 J. Crabbe '68 (5) - J. Dixon, Jr. '65 (1 2) - C. Flint '65 u O. Heely, Jr. '68 (4) J. Henderson '62 (9) M. Jett '69 (3) M. Sarra '64 (10) BAYLOR R. Shull '85 (5) BOWDOIN D. Lukens' 46 BOWLI NG GREEN *+A. Day '02 N. Elkin s '97 (2) R. Ha nra ha n '56 (8) J. Jadel '52 • A. Jevere t '59 (23) J. Ke nJon '54 J. Klip fell III '7 1 (17) W. Lipstreu '74 (2) G. Lon g '67 (4) D. Morga n '58 (5) C. Mundi '52 (5) R. Parkins '71 (5)


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5·Year Trends in Total Campaign Revenue Annual Campaign, CEA

J. Schreiber '55 (24) J. Wal sh '68 (2) BRADLEY S. Bake r '78 P. Bannon '89 CEA • J. Barr '67 (7) • P. Bette rs '69 u W. Bittner '74 (II) u D. Bla nke nburg '94 CEA A. Block '68 CEA - C. Boland '53 (33) CEA+ • M. Boyla n '69 (33) o C. Brace '89 CEA • J. Bre me r '66 (32) S. Bryeans '86 CEA K. Burke '88 CEA E Castl e '52 J. Chamberlain '63 K. Ciezadlo '92 CEA A. Coll etti '96 CEA J. Custis '02 of:! D. D'h ondt '55 CEA+ R. Dahl sgaa rd , Jr. '63 (28) - B. DeSplint er '84 CEA+ of:! J. Dura nt e III '9 1 CEA - J. DJ", a n '54 J. Falti nek '60 (5) o M. Fiascone '85 CEA J. Fo rte '68 (2) CEA+ A. Frei '96 CEA P. Galie tta, Sr. '65 CEA - J. Griner '5 1 • D. Ha nsen '83 CEA R. Holtz '86 CEA • C. Ho od , Jr. '69 CEA o J. Istva n '82 (2) CEA M. Judge '88 o R. Kelly '94 CEA T. Ke utzer '86 CEA - M. Kilba ne '78 (3) • D. Kinley '8 1 CEA C. Kl eckler '64 (5) D. Kukl a '8 1 (3) CEA+ C. Lamo ureux '59 (3) J. Lee ngran '50 (1 9) CEA+ • J. Leon a rd '76 (2) CEA • R. Lewis '02 CEA R. Look '57 C. Maccarone '52 CEA J. Mars '84 • R. McCallum '5 0 (3) CEA+ o D. McCalpin '86 CEA+ of:! L Meyer '64 CEA - B. Miller '79 (3) M. Mille r '80 (7) E. Milln er, Jr. '62 CEA • C. Mole naa r '71 (3) R. Moli ne '85 CEA • D. Nicoll '93 CEA • R. Olso n '57 (1 6) o E. Palia tka '56 (1 5) CEA - A. Pa rus '53 (9) - D. Peterso n '78 (5) • M. Pinelli '99 CEA u J. Prime '63 (4) R. Pulak '52 (3) of:! M. Puttin '9 1 CEA o G. Rese r '72 CEA D. Riechm a n '60 (5)


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$776,2 13


















$100,000 1998-99


2000-0 t

200 1-02




K. Roy '6 1 (5)

C. Schaffer '73 (4)

M. Sadowski '76 CEA R. Savio '56 (3) R. Schwa rt z '85 CEA o N. Sid ler '9 1 (2) CEA G. Sin n '87 CEA o T. Smith '89 CEA • J. Smo ter '88 CEA o T. Spihlm a n '93 CEA o C. Steed '50 CEA M. Sullivan '86 CEA H. Taga '54 (3) W. Tekie n '69 (8) • T. Terry '6 1 (21) CEA+ E. Tho mpson '94 CEA R. Tringali '5 I (6) - S. Wa lczynski '77 (5) of:! L. Wal lace '7 1 CEA - B. We rnke '79 (3) • P. Wh ale n '87 CEA J. Wolcott '58 o R. Woods '78 CEA o R. Zarvell '68 (2) CEA BRITISH COLUMBIA - G. Blumenauer '45 BROWN - D. Ba tty '38 - R. Bernero '89 - W. Eas tha m '48 (2) - W. Gumme re '40 (2) R. Judd '43 (10) C. Kiesel '36 (27) W. McKibben '49 (2) R. Mosher '47 W. Nash '44 (2) V. E. Perki ns '35 (26) - H. Reese '47 (4) E Wellersdieck '5 I • K. Wulfekuhler '89 - S. I""ylie '57 (26) BUCKNELL • L. Adam s, Jr. '64 (33) • A. Albert '98 (4) S. Be rger '8 1 (4) J. Dickso n '90 (4) J. Eachus '60 (2) u C. Franz '75 (3) Ha milton '97 (3) D. Hopkin s '42 (18) • T. Kaerche r '57 (6) - K. Kichlin e '99 S. McCo nnell '68 R. Minesinge r '83 B. Mortim er '71 - K. Nicholso n '85 K. Reitz '73 A. Saunders. Jr. '57 (5) J. Spro ut '48 (3 1) R. Sp ro ut '49 (27) • C. Vosburg '58 (8) D. Watts, Jr. '65 - E Wec kenma n, Jr. '77 (5) M. Wetty'92 • E. Woe hli ng '72 (3) CAlL POLY • L. Dobl e, Jr. '68 (15) + M. Gilfilla n '03 + L. Griffi s '03 C. Pru ett '02 (3) CALIFORNIA D. All e n '37 (26) CEA+ D. Arm stro ng '48

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P. Beeson '37 CEA W. Beeso n '55 R. Boone '38 CEA W. Boon e '38 (2) G. Brewer III '78 W. Burne tt '59 (2) C. Channing '58 (3) CEA E. Cha nnin g '50 (4) CEA M. Chase '65 C. Cords '50 CEA L. Costa '62 (4) J. Davidson '48 (23) CEA+ P. Do lliver '54 CEA B. Elledge '74 (2) J. Fry, Jr. '63 R. Gaines '49 CEA R. Greenwood '48 CEA C. Grether '51 (2) CEtI J. Hansen '48 CEA D. Ha rp er, Jr. '50 CEA P. Hobin '59 (21 ) CEM J. Ho lt '57 CEA D. Jo hn so n '63 (20) T. Jo hnson '53 C. Kavanagh '64 (26) CEA+ S. Kett '84 CEA R. Kinkead, Jr. '52 CEA R. La ughlin '46 (8) W. Lewis '47 (2) G. Lind en '67 CEA R. Lippi '45 (6) R. Loewenstein '75 CEA R. Magnani '59 CEA S. Marti nelli '52 (22) CEA+ D. McLeo d '52 CEA R. Minahe n '5 1 CEA J. Mo ntgomery '62 CEA D. Mo ulin '53 (6) J. Mower '44 CEA D. Murphy '49 CEA N. Murray '64 R. Myers '6 1 CEA J. Plessas '53 (5) CEA+ D. Po tte r '36 C. Rea '8 1 (2)

E Rea '41 CEA L. Rea '54 (1 2) R. Reese '51 (2) CEA C. Rolin '61 CEA P. Spalding '59 CEA

E. Ste ph e ns '44 (2) CEA C. Tri al' '72 CEA D. Witt '4 9 CEA J. Wo lfe '50 CEA ). Wrixon '60 (2) CARNEGI E - G. Ala n '82 (3) - ). Anderso n '42 H. Bahrenburg '46 (3) - W. Beilh arz '43 (3) D. Bradley '62 (3) - R. Churchill '84 G. Coh en '89 C. Cole '79 (2 1) - R. D'Angelo '61 (5) • J. Do m ash '76 (23) J. Ferrell '50 (4) • J. Guth rie '44 I. Howell '70 (4) M. Hu ghes '85 - A. Icke n '65 (3) • T. Koe hler '87 (9)

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Key: 0 =President's Trust Gold ($ 1,000) i4 =President's Trust ($500) =President's Club ($200) • =Golden Delta Club ($ 100) - =Silver Delta Club ($50) (#) =Consecutive years as donor • = Oak Circle CEA =Chapter Educational Account Donor CEA + indicates donor gave to both CEA and general fund 24

DELTA U ON THE WEB @www.DeltaU.org

C. Koeste r '50 (2)

• 1'1: •-

O. Kraft '35 (2 8) Leete '58 (13) T. Markl "70 (6) R. Matuza '65 S. McNaugher '32 (4) G. Midd leton '86 (17) H. Mie)ke '51 (33) W. Murd ock '63 (1 9) D. Newman '54(30) R. Owen '5 1 (16) N. Parke r '45 J. Polles '67 (32) J. Hobbin s, Jr. '54 (2) C. Scheu III '84 (5) - E. Sc hneide r '70 - M. Sc hwa rtz '99 (3) S. Solomon '61 (5) T. Theodorsen '88 A. Todtenkopf '86 (3) J. Vassil '52 (4) T. Werner '83 (2) D. Williams '64 (3) - H. Young '52 (5) R. Young '53 R. Zimmerman '78 (5) CARTHAGE K. Castello '94 (6) D. Kniss '97 (4) R. TenBruin '97 (6) CENTRAL FLORIDA A. Clevenge r '97 (3) B. Dean '01 (2) B. Dunhill '02 (2) B. Hess '00 (2) CEA J. Katz '95 (3) J. Katz '97 CEA T. Miller '02 (2) CENTRAL MISSOURI J. Barrett, Jr. '73 J. Duke, Jr. '74 (7) - G. George '89 (14) M. leDoux '83 (3) CHICAGO J. Bass '98 (3) R. Bidwell '50 (32) - E. Bronson '55 Q. Johnstone '36 (9) 0 M. Krasnitz '57 (26) - J. Maheras '59 (2) 0 M. Mandel '55 (33) - J. McClure, Jr. '42 (4) 0 J. McQuaid '60 (12) M. Nanninga '47 (16) B. Pasquinelli '54 - A. Pa terno '94 (3) G. Rinde r '4 1 (18) G. Stoll '58 B. Thibodeau '94 CLARKSON - W. Armstrong '61 M. Broda '68 (17) J. Buran '60 D. Cro na n '64 D. DeI'S '75 R. Duchow '69 - M. Elliott '73 W. Grimmke '88 (2) R. Hopkins, Jr. '76 (II) D. Kieta '73 (II) K. Klafehn '6 1 (3) J. Liljequist '64 (2) M. Mant aro '83 (3) - K. Metz '93 - J. Na bozny '74 (9) R. Naylon, Jr. '72 (2) -{C( O. Nelson '69 (25) C. Phi ll ips III '64 (5) J. Stein '68 (2) P.Villari '72 R. Wischhu se n '76 (26) COLBY J. Alex '50 (5) - W. Hurley '49 (5) P. Salmon '53 (II) J. Taylor '83 (5) COLGATE N. Becker, Jr. '56 E Bradley, Jr. '50 (14)

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J. Brewster m ' 78 (3) ). Citran o '64 C. Comer '85 P. Deeh an '8 1 (2) W. Doescher '59 J. Dona)dson, Jr. '45 (6) B. Ebbe)s '47 (3) D. Fa rso n '43 W. Freeman '59 (3)

P. Ranford '00 (2) DARTMOUTH J. Ba rker '46 (2) W. Bruner '55 (4) P. Costich '49 (1 3) L. Fortuna '38 (6) - J. Gate)y '49 (5) - J. Giddens '59 (7)

M. Garcia '95

R. Harris '69 (2) DELAWARE E. Anzalon e '72 J. Brzostowski '79 J. Carey, Jr. '70 (2) - W. Hallam '80 (22) J. McNesby, Jr. '71 (3) D. Reifschneid er '70 (3) M. Short '84 (3) DENISON D. Austin '65 0 B. Bailey '58 (17) W. Bartlett '60 C. Bloor '55 (3) H. Boswau '55 (33) R. Carleton '60 (2) 0 D. Carnahan '60 (3) J. Cooley '67 M. Dalton '72 (7) R. Fleming '50 L. Hamilton '57 (5) - C. Jochens, Jr. '54 (5) E. Langhorst '71 - E. Mancini '94 (2) E. McNew '54 (17) W. Meyers '82 B. Scott '93 - p. Scully '00 (3) D. Shell '59 (7) H. W. Van\Vagenen '60 DePAUW A. A1exandrou '85 (2) E. Boldrey '63 (II) - B. Campion '94 V Carnell i '53

N. Gow '46 (16) J. Grover '56 (4) A. Kameros '82 (3) W. Kranichfeld '44 (1 0) J. Krogh '38 (8) R. Long '72 (3) A. Luciano '47 J. Marsh '75 (7) G. Mayer "74 J. McKinney '38 (4) M. Morrone '6B (2) B. Nardell a '79 (3) R. Peabody '45 (4) - B. Schwanda '37 (7) R. Smith '68 (24) E TUma '46 (4) -{C( R.1l'burski '74 (6) H. Warnick IV '62 (3) - L. William s '29 (6) J. Youker '50 - L. Zerilli '97 (6) COLORADO B. Brewster '77 (14 ) K. Cla rk '76 W. Drum, Jr. '61 (2) L. Gaddis '63 (4) - G. Hebert '81 (2) H. Hoove r, Jr. '68 J. Lockhart '76 J. MacDo nald '69 S. Mahannah '61 (19) D. Morton '81 W. Oliver '62 (4) K. Pob e r '62 (9) R. Rupp e '67 (3) J. Standley '73 (6) J. VanEenenaam '79 (20) N. Wilde r '61 (2) S. Wil so n '73 (4) S. Yezek '80 (22) COLUMBIA C. Brieant '44 (2) W. Eckert '6 1 W. Eichacker '4 1 W. Lauder '44 (25) - J. McCormack '39 (15) R. Norton '38 (10) CORNELL J. Altemus, Jr. '65 (5) R. Attiyeh '55 (6) R. Beckwith '57 M. Clemente '73 (26) R. Clemente '72

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P. Daverio '60

W. Di ckh a rt III '43 (16) S. Easterbrook III '68 T. Eskild '50 (4) S. Garrison '85 (2) C. Han so n '95 T. Keating III '57 (26) A. Kiplinger '39 (6) M. Kristoff '84 (2) -{C( J. Laquatra, Jr. '74 D. MacDougal '60 - J. Medert '66 (2) J. O'Hargan '72 R. Safford '56 (2) 0 N. Schaenen, Jr. '50 (33) B. Schultz '98 J. Tlml '75 C. Vail , Jr. '6 1 (2) -{C( W. Waters '54 (4) R. Wheeler '39 CREIGHTON R. Haerr '72 (25) J. Smith '92 (4) CULVER-STOCKTON J. E Courtn ey '04 (2) J. Lip s~'l' '97


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S. Christianson '92 A. Cornelius '99 (4) B. Daniels '04 J. Downs '65 (2) C. Eppe rson '59 H. Fjord '47 (15) R. Gackenheimer '00 (3) J. Gates '48 J. Gordon '88 (14) C. Graham '82 (12) - P. Groebe '62 (16) J. Heerens '84 - M. Herrell '60 (II) W. Hunn '59 (9) D. Hurlbert '48 (2) J. Huser '00 (3) - J. Koch '53 (7) W. Kyhos '66 K. Lee '47 (5) D. Lewellen '5 1 J. Logue '47 J. Lundy '9 0 (13) K. Madden '94 (2) C. McClary ' 3~ -{C( J. McConnell '66 (8) W. Murphy II '93 (3) R. Newell '34 (28) J. Novak '49 (12) J. Petty '36 (28) J. Piotrowski '82 (3) G. Portell '92 W. Reagan '46 (4) - B. Reeder '93 J. Riley '91 (2) D. Rist '88 (3) J. Rooks '70 (2) - R. Sass '55 J. Schwarz '88 - N. Smitl, '52 (8) S. Tarter 'B4 (2) R. Tilly '64 B. Wilson '89 J. Zimdars '93 EASTE RN KENTUCKY R. Collins '74

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FLORIDA ). Amos. Jr. '87 R. Baxley '76 0 S. Baym a n '68 (1 2) J. Boyd, Jr. '81 (4) T. Burc h '69 (2) H. F. Bush '85 (2) M. Ca nfi eld '88 S. Carpenter '91 (5) A. Cox '87 R. Curley '83 T. Delahunty, Jr. '77 J. Delaney 'BO 0 J. Delaney '77 (26) J. Delaney '69 C. Fleisher '84 P. Forrest '58 (33) A. Garg '82 J. Goyer '62 R. Grant '67 W. Housto n '77 D. Johnso n '77 D. Knapp '87 J. Kolb '80 D. Lawrence, Jr. '63 J. Levine 'B5 (5) J. Marinelli '65 (7) -{C( G. Mathews '70 (6) C. McBurney, Jr. '80 J. Meeker '65 (2 6) J. Meena '84 M. Mone '85 (4) - T. Morrill '68 M. Neukamm '83 -{C( A. Pascale '80 G. Powell '75 G. Pritchard '62 (2) R. Rett stadt '82 (8) -{C( J. Roberts '63 (32) -{C( P. Rosenthal '73 (27) R. Samarrai '81 C. Shanks, Jr. '67 C. Stanton III '76 S. Stockhammer III '88 J. Tu ll y '69 (2) R. Wade '61 (7) J. Wadsworth, Jr. '65 (21 W. Wallof '62 R. Wilcox '68 (21) J. Wilhelm '68 (5)


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H. Yamamoto '60

M. Zajkowski '86 (9) FRESNO R. Hurado '77 T. LaBrue '72 (5) S. Murphy '90 K. Nofield '88 J. Stewart '84 (14) E. Thornton '04 G. Wada, Jr. '74 (3) GEORGIA TECH - W. Anderson '70 (3) O. Autin '66 - K. Chin g '99 (4) E. Connerat III 'ss (2) W. Conway '01 (2) - D. Crawford '61 (7) R. Davis III 'S3 J. De Priest, Jr. '61 (2) J. Dilg '87 (3) S. Dixo n '83 M. Doyle '71 - P. Eubanks '7 1 (2 1) - S. Flax '78 (25) C. Fulghum III '78 (II) M. Fuller '79 (11) - R. Hall '62 (8) M. Haney .'79 (3) J. Harvel' '92 (4) W. Hal', Jr. '7 1 (5) R. McKeeman '77 (2) D. Moody '67 (9) 0 R. Moser, Jr. '83 (3) S. O'Conner '85 (4) K. OToole '94 (3) E. Schepps 'BI (7) J. Siemen s III '75 (2) T. Slovak '87 (6) R. Stern '90 (12)

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E. Vieto r '9 1 (5) A. Walte rs III '63 - H. White head '72 (5) GUELPH M. Wilson '97 HAMILTON 0 J. C. Bacot '55 (16) M. Bloo m '70 (4) M. Fishe r '62 K. Foote '60 - P. Haeffner III '66 P. Luney, Jr. '70 (5) A. May, Jr. '56 (2) P. McNall '57 (B) S. Nye '52 (2) J. Pitarresi '7 1 A. Sche na '98 (2) J. Unde rwood '41 (19) G. Weeden, Jr. '39 (3) J. Wingate II '85 (9) - T. Ziemba '87 HARVARD R. Craig '4 2 (2) R. Hormell '35 (4) W. Spa ng '38 (15) L. Verdier '33 (2) HOUSTON E. Aguirre III '01 (2) K. Biesiadecki '97 (2) -{C( J. Bobo '77 (9) F. Cano 'B6 W. Carr III '76 (4) M. Clark '92 R. Cowan '67 (2) D. Dut ch er '73 (5) P. Fa rley '05 (2) - T. Fin lay '9 1 (4) N. Glasser '05 R. Haws '85 (4) T. Kutka '00 (2) 0 R. Mahoney '83 CEA S. Malkey '62 (2) J. Massey '05 T. Patell a '05 H. Picard '62 (3) 0 T. M. Reed '85 CEA J. Rocheleau '04 M. Rondon '92 (2) C. Sowell '92 (9) CEA+ C. Stoerner '04 T. Tones '94 (2) E. Tulin '03 (2) ILLINOIS o J. Avery '44 (6) CEA D. Baumgartner '65 (3) M. Blankenship '55 (27) CEA+ C. Browne '85 (2) R. Brunson '58 (2) R. Buchanan '55 (24) J. Buist '76 (2 1) CEA+ 0 C. Carey '82 (5) CEA A. Chapman '69 (19) CEA P. Clark III '43 (3) J. Cle m '61 (2) CEA K. Cox '76 (14) 0 C. D'hondt '68 (2) CEA+ C. Erickson '43





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J. Falotico '85 (2) R. Fenstem mker '55 (6) CEA M. Finney '53 CEA E. Foste r '93 K Full '85 (2) R. Garre tson '39 (2) CEA G. Graess)e '79 (10) E. Grandone '70 W. Groeb e ' 70 E. Hard esty '46 (15) J. Harney '46 CEA S. Harrington '75 (2) J. Heil '50 (4)

W. Heron '42

D. Howe '81 (B) CEA+ J. Joergensen '93 J. Jones '96 (3) - S. Ka tsin as '78 (25) - P. Kempfer '64 (2) R. Kiefus '63 J. Kimmel '60 (2) M. Konen '78 (12) -(C( S. Kouzomis '68 (5) S. Krueger '85 S. Kubes '80 (2) CEA - T. Kurland '60 (3) - A. Lehmann '36 CEA R. Magnussen '60 (II) P. Marzek '81 (17) G. Matic "75 (3) B. McCa rtl,y '65 (2) W. McC rindle '78 (2) J. McGrail '87 - M. McLees '75 (4) C. Milkint '83 (2) - R. Mullendore '87 (3) E. Novak '72 - A. Nunez '86 (3) J. O ' Donnell '62 (4) - J. Pancrazio 'B4 0 M. Pizzuto '81 (4) CEA+ J. Plewa '78 (4) J. Ritt '52 (17) CEM - G. Roll '65 - D. Roszhart '77 (2) - G. Rugel '76 (22) C. Sarlas '63 E. Sc hmitt '61 (2) C. Schultz '67 (24) - R. Selby '66 B. Shepard '32 (4) T. Shepard '73 (8) J. Sladek '74 - R. Smith '50 (7) - K. Ulatoski '76 (2) C. Waibel '50 (2) CEA S. Ward '80 D. Wear '80 - J. Whittenbarge r '90 CEA T. Wiess in g '91 S. Williams '7 1 - C. Zelent 'S4 (9) CEA+ INDIANA J.Akhtar '92 D. Allard '70 (8) G. Ball '78 (3) C. R. Bell '54 (15)


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Key: 0 =President's Trust Gold ($1,000) 1< =President's Trust ($500) =President's Club ($200) • =Golden Delta Club ($100) - =Silver Delta Club ($50) (#) =Consecutive years as donor • =Oak Circle CEA =Chapter Educational Account Donor CEA + indicates donor gave to both CEA and general fund DELTA U ON THE WEB @ www.De ltaU.o rg


2002-03 Donors to the Educational Foundation - P. Borgmeie r, Jr. '69 (6)

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R. BO uvy '69 J. Cartwright '54 (3) G. Causey '46 (2) B. Circle '67 (2) T. Cook '48 H. Cormican '40 (18) J. R. Cutter '52 R. Delano '85 (18) B. Die ter '85 T. Eble '74 (2) D. Endwright '56 (3) D. Epstein '90 (5) D. Farquharson '40 (26) R. Fishburn '67 M. Flory '50 (3) B. Grano '88 B. Harper '54 (32) S. Hider '93 (2) M. Judd '65 (5) H. Kahlenbeck, Jr. '52 (32) T. Kilpatrick '57 (5) J. K1imala '89 (4) P. K1uempers '84 (7) N. Komorowski '58 (2) R. Kovener '55 (10) J. Lambert '87 (16) T. Langehaug '88 R. Larko '8 1 (6) R. Levi n '87 (14) R. Manalo '7 1

G. Marvel '84 (II) J. Miller '60 M. Miller '42 S. Moore '69 L. Moss '49 (5) - J. Mu rphy '54 (3) A. Ph illips '73 (2) R. Rietz '94 (3) R. Rock '67 (9) R. Rumford '80 N. Sec rist '84 0 B. SerVaas '41 - G. Sims '82 (5) E S. Sm it h '6 1 (6) H. Smith '52 - K. Smith '63 (4) E. Sn elz '82 - J. Stegman '74 (2) R. Stork '72 L. Stuckey 11 '97 (3) R. Swanson '56 (6) B. Va inrib '84 - E. Webber '85 R. Welsh '90 (4) D. Whitm an '75 (6) - R. Williams III '82 (2) - E Wolf '67 (4) IOWA R. Ablard '56 (7) - E Ackerson '44 (27) CEA J. Allison '71 (2)



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D. Ande rson '49 D. Ben da '62 (12) C. Benson '4 1 (27) R. Black '95 D. Brendes '86 T. Cole '42 (5) K. Collins '70 T. Dra ke '78 (4) J. Fletcher '35 (33) R. Foster III '77 (2) L. Hart '54 (6) D. Hinson '57 (15) E Huebsch, Jr. '52 (3) B. Joh n '96 CEA R. Kodros '68 J. Kra mer '69 L. !Crekel '56 (3) G. Lamb '94 (9) CEA+ D. Larson '60 (2) D. Leonard '39 J. E. Lundy '36 (5) L. Lyon '63 (2) E Magnusson '47 D. Marsto n '63 (5) J. McCarragher '68 (13) C. McM illen '80 (10) K. MiUer '67 (22) K. Nelson ' 44 J. Osborne '48 H. Parson s '67 (2) J. Pattie '58

R. Ren fro '48 (3) .;:, M. Ritchie '83 (5) W. Rubin '68 D. Rusk '76 (25) C. Sanders '96 A. Sloan '80 (5) K. Smith '96 (2) CEA - A. Su nderbruch '67 (4) .;:, M. Thielen '57 (20) W. Volkmer '53 (3) - B. Weigel '8 1 (2) K. Weigel '78 (25) S. West '68 .;:, D. Wynja '67 (4) IOWA STATE M. Bowman '65 (5) M. Brooks '78 (2) K. Bru en ing '80 (23) J. Buchanan '78 (2) D. Carne '70 (3) J. Carson '73 S. Casey '91 (3) R. Clapp '5 1 (3) - B. Colehour '91 (4) .;:, J. Cou rter '84 (2) J. Cro nk '60 (32) L. Dreeszen '61 (9) - R. Farr '6 1 (4) R. Fleck '49 C. Foss '7 1 (3) W. Gaessle r '52 (6)



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Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation Total Assets



H. Heitzman '4 1 (11 ) S. Hudson '84 (5) S. Jackson '75 D. Jacobs '62 (2) R. Jensen '62 (4) A. John son , Jr. '47 (32) B. Kinnamon '69 (7) N. Kramer '83 (2) M. Kuch el '76 (3) R. Lawrence '45 R. Long '50 (7) - R. Marvin '43 R. McKinstry '50 (8) R. Miner '62 J. Moodie '45 (8) - A. Mores '80 (19) D. Morse '52 (2) - S. Nelson '74 (2) M. Nickey '65 (18) G. Pae tz '51 - L. Pearson '64 (18) T. Peters '57 (2) G. Pickens '45 (5) - C. Rausch '67 D. Rogers '53 S. Rottle r '65 0 W. Sigman '50 (32) S. Smith '73 (2) - A. Snyder '86 (3) J. Soos '58 H. Specker '37 A. Staid 1 '69 (5) C. Trunkey '52 (21) C. Vennie '73 (2) G. Walker '44 (10) D. Walku p '56 - J. Watkins '53 R. Wood '5 1 (9) W.Wood '55 G. Yette r, Jr. '55 (3) JOHNS HOPKINS B. Bang '44 M. Boyd '73 (3) D. H. Edel, Jr. '46 - J. P. Fisch er '41 (7) B. Greenwood '51 (2) D. Hanson '50 (15) T. Harrison, Jr. '53 (5) J. Hildebrandt '43 (2) J. Hopkins '84 (3) L. Ke nt '52 (2) 0 C. Miller '49 (31) - C. Miller '60 (3) T. Reutter, Jr. '61 (2) E. K. Schuhz, Jr. '48 (8) C. Su mmers '50 (2) W. Weltner, Jr. '43 J. Yeager '43 KANSAS W. Abels '5 1 (2) K. M. Berkley '61 - B. Bil es '66 (6) J. Colli ns '61 (5) J. Cram '71 (3) M. Crowther '59 (2) D. Duncan '56 (3) T. Emery '57 (2) S. Etherington '71 (2) - J. Greer '58 (2) 0 L. Gregory '75 (28) P. Hagan '82 (4) R. Haitbrink '63 N. M. Hart '56 (13) - R. Henry '58 (4) - V. Hiebsch '42 (5) J. Hysom, Jr. '57 (II)



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$3.5 M


$3 M


$2,5 M

$2 M

$1.5 M


$1 M

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$500 K


The chart above details the total assets of the DU Educational Foundation over the past ffve years. Among the most signiffcant reasons for the Foundation's performance has been the expert oversight and management of the endowment portfolio by Brother Maurice S. Mandel, Chicago '55. On an annual basis the Foundation's ffnancial statements are audited by Ness & Company, LLP of Indianapolis, Indiana. Copies of the 2002-2003 audited ffnancial statements are available upon request from Delta Upsilon Headquarters. *unaudited


H. G. Gilliatt '59 (2)

L. Gleason '42 T. Hansen '79 (5) CEA



C. W. Jackso n '38 O. K. Johnson, Jr. '52 (5) J. Konek '54 (2) W. Landess '53 (23) J. Ligh t, Jr. '51 M. Light '49 (3) - A. Ludwick '34 (7) J. Magill '64 G. McCann '40 E. Metcalf 11 1 '43 (2) R. Morrison '70 (2) T. North '69 (3) - L. Piller '72 - M Praeger '64 C. Saricks '70 (26) - J. Scholten '62 (3) P. Stork '65 - B. Talbott '84 (5) - M. Thomas '62 (4) - P. Trouslot '60 (2) D. Waxse '67 (3) D. K. Williams '79 (2) G. Williams '92 L. Wilson '62 (2) J. Wright '75 KANSAS STATE 0 R. Abbott '61 CEA J. Anderson '04 - W. Bah r '94 CEA R. Baker '66 CEA S. Becker '87 CEA G. Boelling '58 D. Bonnet '85 CEA L. Butel '87 (3) CEA J. Callen '62 (2) CEA C. Cardwell '66 CEA 0 M. Castor '85 CEA D. Chew '81 (8) G. Con ner '58 CEA J. Davis '65 P. Davis '78 CEA J. DeVolder.'95 CEA K. Dillon '83 CEA D. Divilbiss '01 CEA - J. Doull '84 CEA 0 P. Edgerley '78 (9) CEA+ 0 J. Eplee '75 (2) CEA - A. Fagen '68 (2) CEA+ J. Fox '04 - M. Gilmore '96 CEA 0 W. Go rdon '60 (16) CEA+ R. N. Greene '58 (7) - J. Grinstead '73 (3) CEA J. Gugelman '96 CEA R. Hastings '79 J. Hathaway '81 (20) CEA+ D. Hawkins '81 (3) 0 T. Heiman '76 CEA B. Hilbert '91 CEA 0 D. HiII '69CEA Q. Hurst '95 (3) CEA S. James '67 (2) D. Johnson '75 (26) CEA+ C. Jones '77 (9) - B. Ju beh '68 (II) E Jurenka '59 (9) 0 L. Kendall '68 (2) CEA W. Kennedy '70 CEA T. Knopp '79 (2) CEA R. Lee '64 CEA .;:, J. Lewis '76 (2) CEA A. Link '74 CEA M. Marshall '76 S. Marzullo '85 (2) CEA 0 J. Mathewson '70 CEA M. Maxwell '65 CEA K. McNorton '78 CEA J. Michel '86 (3) .;:, P. Mille r '69 CEA


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Key: 0 =President's Trust Gold ($ 1,000) 1:1 =President's Trust ($500) =President's Club ($200) • =Golden Delta Club ($100) - =Silver Delta Club ($50) (#) =Consecutive years as donor • =Oak Circle CEA =Chapter Educational Account Donor CEA + indicates donor gave to both CEA and general fund 26

DELTA U ON THE WEB @ www.DeltaU.org

M. Nelson '65 D. Norton '75 (2) 0 K. Norton '04 CEA J. Oppy '64 (20) CEA+ J. Pearce '85 CEA D. Reeves '58 CEA K. Ross '02 CEA 0 M. Ruliffson '71 (2) CEA D. Schetder '04 (5) CEA A. Schwertfeger '84 (2) CEA D. Sharpe '83 CEA T. Smith '70 (2) 0 M. Stearns '66 CEA+ - R. Svaty '64 C. Taylor '73 CEA D. Tillberg '87 0 K. Tucker '76 CEA 0 R. Vines '82 CEA W. West '7 1 CEA H. Wiechman '09 CEA 0 R. Willard '58 CEA KENT STATE W. Becherer '49 - G. Becht '75 (9) P. Bohlander '67 CEA - J. Brown, Jr. '64 (3) J. Burke, Jr. '64 CEA+ P. Camerino '57 f1 D. Cassens '60 (5) CEA + M. Coppola, Jr.'65 (14) CEA+ A. Dalcher '57 (2) - A. Feibel '69 CEA J. Flask '67 (2) CEA+ l. Gersten '61 (9) J. Gibson '68 (4) CEA + f1 N. Giorgianni '56 (5) CEA + P. Hall '49 (33) G. Hollinger '75 (3) R. Hybert '55 (2) - K. Kalish '59 (10) T. Lihviler '56 (9) CEA+ J. Manninen '57 (14) M. Martens '03 R. Mason '60 (2) CEA + - T. Meinhardt '54 (7) R. Miday '54 W. Miller '65 (10) P. Miracle '57 (2) J. Mottice '9 1 (3) R. Mu ntzinger '51 (6) A. Newman '70 CEA+ J. Norris '76 (3) G. Palmer '68 CEA+ G. Paris '53 (2) C. Rodgers '60 (5) - L. Roth '47 (3) P. Shriver '50 (8) CEA P. Shriver '49 (15) CEA + J. Simpson '36 (5) CEA+ K. Skurkey '68 R. Stevenson '47 (8) H. Thomas '59 (12) IV, VanBenthu)'Sen '61(4) CEM S. Z,vick '07 LAFAYETTE f1 T. Ashton '86 (2) D. Davey '37 (4) J. de Ruyter '73 J. Dolfi '80 (3) J. Epstein '85 G. Evans '64 S. Finley '82 (2) - B. Gibson '79 T. Klein '68 (9) 0 W. Messick '68 (5) - P. Moser III '68 (2) G. Oleson '70 (5) G. Rynne '96 H. Smith '51 (26) N. Snook '59 (2) - N. Sullivan '00 (3) M. Weaver '81 (2) LEHIGH - A. Alber '65 (2) f1 R. Ailan '68 (9) J. Baron '79 E Batson, Jr. '50 (8) A. Beeken III '45 (6) E. Boyer, Jr. '43

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A. Cannon, Jr. '74 (15) B. Conchar '4 1 (4) - C. Curtiss '43 (4) D. Czerny '74 (25) J. Donnelly UI '67 - C. Edwards '41 P. Eshbaugh '59 (5) J. Farina III '88 (7) f1 J. W. Frank 111 '68 (5) R. Frey' 70 - H. E. Frymoyer '49 (2) E. Furst II '60 (22) R. Gabriel '51 (2) B. Goldman '58 (4) R. Hagadorn '48 (2) H. Kaiser '55 (2) f1 J. Kaufman '48 (18) J. Kurtz '52 (7) P. Leonard '91 (5) - J. Lichter '68 E. Lucadamo '71 (26) f1 L. Maroti '58 (17) N. Meier '50 (6) M. Miskulin '85 (16) W. Moodie, Jr. '47 (5) G. Naylor '71 (15) G. Nelson '89 (3) W. Nutt '36 (8) M. Parseghian '49 (12) J. Perna '76 (3) J. Ramsay '58 (5) G. Ramsden '44 (15) R. Ruth '68 - W. Salmond '46 (2) P. Savage '72 (3) P. Shaw '52 (2) J. Sini '68 (5) H. Sldar '78 (3) - W. Smith '50 (3) D. Szablowski '82 R. Tomalesky '65 (8) W. Townsend' 45 - M. Yaszemski '77 LONG BEACH C. Cooper '88 (6) C. Martucci '88 (15) - B. Tom '9 1 (2) LOUISVILLE R. Brand '70 (II) - J. Brian '87 (4) J. Burton '56 B. Dahlem '5 1 B. Dixon '85 (2) P. Fussenegger '79 - R. Gaeta '69 (2) J. - Gray '57 (3) J. Griffiths '69 (15) - W. Hacker, Jr. '69 M. Harmon '49 (5) - S. Hartstern '70 (8) E Howe '64 0 S. Kremer '86 (5) CEA B. Mudrick '82 (22) T. Talaat '82 (3) - W. Thompson '57 (5) E. G. Tucker '65 (2) J. Winter '45 (6) MAINE - D. Fitzgerald '88 - H, Hinrichsen '76 (2) T. Hooper '89 (2) w. Mann '70 (2) J. Morrison '89 S. Spear '83 (5) D. Stairs '80 (4) E. Whitney '70 MANITOBA

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R. Armstrong '03

D. Barney '03 C. Bernard '04 M. Bessette '02 J. Cote '06 N. Harzing 'OS 0 R. Jones '67 (6) J. Livesey '93 (3) E. Martin '03 G. McVicar '04 B. Penner '06 J. Pinchin '04


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C. Plaza 'OS D. Siemens '96 R. Spear '40 J. Trudeau 'OS R. Zolondek '03 (2)



J. Aichele '77 - J. Baker '47 (14) D. Barnett '68 (2) K. Brennan '64 (19) - M. Chatterton '94 J. Dalrymple '63 M. Deuel '42 (2) E Dunlap '43 (4) E Elliott '76 (3) T. Forbes '64 (2) E. Hartnett '53 - H. Haught '51 (15) E. HiII'50 0 C. Jennings '31 (4) 0 J. Leininger '48 (5) J. McCoy '35 - C. Otto II '56 (2) D. Portanova '63 (5) C. Schob '52 - L. Snediker '50 (10) D. Stephan '58 (5) D. Strickiand '66 (0) G. Suder '44 (2) D. Trabilcy '59 (2) T. Welden '72 G. D. Woodring '59 (2) - G. Yester '51 (14) MARQUETTE T. Westerheide '72 (27) MARYLAND M. Caporaletti '73 (14) R. Costello '65 (I I) P. Doetsch '76 (2) J. Girolami '75 (\0) R. Goco '87 (5) R. HoweU '73 W. Kirkpatrick '68 (4) P. McCusker '85 (2) - P. Rendine '65 (4) f1 J. Siegel '78 (16) C. Soellers '66 MASSACHUSETTS B. Ellis '88 (4) - J. Hoggard '71 (7) C. Johnson '92 (4) - R. Lacasse '08 (4) M. Tracy '99 (2) McGILL T. Jackson '69 W. Turville '67 B. Wood '7 1 MIAMI - W. Armington '47 H. Barker '50 (33) W. Bishop '54 J. Blide '56 (2) J. Boehm '65 T. Books '53 (13) W. P. Brown '52 (3) R. Bruckman '49 T. Burgess '61 (7) J. Burns, Jr. '82 (3) R. T. Cawrse '66 - W. Darlin '56 (3) P. Davidson '82 E Dodd '49 (15) - J. Ehrich '42 (3) E Fisher '50 D. Garrison '90 (5) E. Gates '48 (5) P. Geiger '63 W. Gerspacher '63 (5) J. Hallihan '67 (20) G. Hang '9 1 (2) - E Hershner '49 (3) P. Hinderegger '9 1 (7) J. Holschuh, Jr. '77 (16) M. Hoopman '79 (4) R. Hurlbert '91 (2) N. Jones '64 (3) C. Kavanagh '83 (4) J. Key'64 (5) J. Kidd '62




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M. Koons '69 (2) C. Kottke '00 (2) D. Krebs '80 (23) V. Kroehle '48 D. Lewis '40 (9) S. lison '62 (15) R. Loges III '86 W. Loomis '60 (18) J. Lucas '73 (9) J. McClusky '57 (3) E. McGovern '51 (27) - H. McNabb '49 (3) C. Miller '90 (2) - M. Monaghan '85 (2) W.Moul'61 R. Nagy '02 (3) - T. O'Keefe '82 (2) J. Plowman '01 (2) - M. D. Plummer '56 (15) M. Ponder '67 (2) J. Rathbun '74 (14) 0 J. Rogers '57 (28) E. Sarkisian '85 (5) V. Schoen '50 (9) R. Schoenherr '63 (12) D. Sechnick '76 (6) J, Sheldon '76 T. Shelt '57 (9) - J. Steen '4 1 (17) W. Stillson '39 (4) R. Sunkel '53 (16) p. Swanson '59 (16) - G. Sydell '70 (6) L. Thomas '65 (8) T. Vaughn '98 (5) R. Vernon '54 (3) C. Witte '51 (19) J. Zobrist '92 MICHIGAN R. Adams '40 (3) E. Allmendinger '47 (8) H. Boggs '46 (4) - D. Cobb '58 (2) C. Correll '63 (2) R. DeGange '67 J. Gilbert '83 (4) R. Grunder '44 (19) - J. Iseman '65 (5) T. Jacob '44 (2) D. Keller '43 R. Knode '52 D. Maudlin '71 w. Mcintosh '53 (5) T. Miller '49 T. MOWry '70 (2) - C. Neff '66 G. Nicolau '48 (9) J. Otten III '62 (5) E Poole '48 - R. Reynolds '91 R. Spencer '59 (4) W. Steen '44 E Steere, Jr. '39 (2) T. Tanase '63 R. Vogel'51 S. R. Ward '58 f1 J. White '50 (33) MICHIGAN STATE C. Al len '55 (22) B. Bastow '79 - E Bindemann '51 (13) - J. Bradley '66 (I I) M. Bucher '68 (3) T. Busson '68 D. Carpenter '63 (4) D. DeVries '56 (2) R. Dhue '60 (22) R. Dobberteen '52 (21) i:l P. D. Franzetta '70 (27) G. Gross '63 (6) J. Harbison, Jr. '59 (2) B. Hoot '65 (26) R. Hughes '59 (4) - J. Irons '69 (3) R. Johnson '54 (8) S. Knox, Jr. '6B (4) L. Maccani '56 (6) - C. MacDonald '64 - D. Neese '68 (13)


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J. Palmilier '60 G. Pran '66 (4) A. Radcliffe '66 (2) M. Robinson '95 (3) J. Ryan '55 (24) W. Savage '56 (II) L. Seguin '53 G. Shannon '62 (3) G. Snyder '57 (3) M. Spillum '58 (9) J. Tanton '56 (4) 0 R. Thompson '67 (33) E Trippel '57 R. Vanderveer '56 (8) J. Wilson '66 (2) R. Zimmerman '53 (9) MICHIGAN TECH T. Erlenbeck '99 (4) D. Mertens '94 (3) S. Neumann '87 (4) MIDDLEBURY R. Andersen '49 (2) T. Carey '86 P. DUltham '45 (3) W. Fuller '54 (5) R. Hanbury '73 (6) - R. Johnson '58 (II) C. Lauer '52 (2) S. Lloyd III '60 (4) MINNESOTA A. Allen '49 (I I) - A. Bachelder '6 1 (4) S. Backman '94 (3) CEA L. Baker '65 (3) E. Bjorkman '4 1 (6) S. Bormann '64 (I I) L. Fredrickson '75 J. Gausman '50 ( II ) J. Hamann '59 (5) - M. Hillenbrand '97 A. Kahn '99 CEA S. Kim '75 (4) R. Martin '95 (8) CEA + 0.0. McKeagVI'04 R. Nelson '63 (7) - O. Opdahl '41 (32) R. Peterson '61 (2) J. Quick '3 1 - D. Rosekrans '54 (3) D. Smith '95 CEA P. Stormo '61 T. 1\vining '97 C. Wallace '74 P. Wilke, Jr. '50 (32) J. Zeese '59 (8) MISSOURI - G. Allemann '69 (20) R. Anderson '63 (2) M.Ayler '69 G. Beimdiek '35 (5) G. Bistline '76 (25)

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W. Bradley '54 (4) p. Brunner '59 (4)

D. Bruns '70 (4) G. Burns '70 K. Chrostowski '75 (5) J. Culpepper '57 W. Davis '70 (2) L. Deibert '54 (2) E. Deimu nd II '60 (2) C. DuMo ntier '74 (2) J. Ehrlich '67 (22) B. Goodin, Sr. '39 K. Gordon '76 (2) E. Gray '76 (3) 0 W. Harwell, Jr. '51 (8) R. Hiatt '73 - J. Holdsworth '87 L. S. Hubbard '55 J. Lane '60 K. McCord '98 (5) f1 E. B. McKinney '74 - R. Miller '77 (3) R. Nelson '83 (17) T. Norris '60 (3) - H. Ochs, Jr. '33 (33) - G. Rector '62 (7) - S. Richards '64 J. Rowland '64 (6) - G. S. Ruprecht '70 W. Schoenhard, Jr. '71 (13) - J. Seitz III '59 (II) - B. Tarantola '81 (7) B. Tate, Jr. '41 (I I) W. Taylor '41 (3) D. Tesarek '55 (2) J. Vinyard, Jr. '49 (7) R. Yingling, Jr. '62 (29) NEBRASKA T. Biggerstaff '63 (3) 0 R. Campbell '68 (8) - S. Carlson '54 (3) J. Cheloha '87 (3) - T. Cheney '36 (33) A. Christenson '45 (33) D. Eihusen '94 C. Erickson '69 (2) M. Felber '94 (2) G. Fisk '58 (3) E Goodwin, Jr. '50 (3 1) D. Harris '76 P. Heermann '87 (3) S. Henning '85 J. Hibberd '79 (2) - C. Higgins '94 (2) R. Hirsch '66 (2) E. Hohensee '68 (17) J. Houchin '85 (2) P. Hummel '31 (4) - C. Humphrey '61 (3) B. Kiser '96 (2) W. Krommenhoek '57 (30)


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Key: 0 = President's Trust Gold ($1,000) <{:{ = President's Trust ($500) = President's Club ($200) • = Golden Delta Club ($100) - = Silver Delta Club ($50) (#) = Consecutive years as donor • = Oak Circle CEA = Chapter Educational Account Donor CEA + indicates donor gave to both CEA and general fund DELTA U ON THE WEB @ www.DeltaU.o rg


2002-03 Donors to the Educational Foundation *

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W. Kubert '64 (2) R. Lannin '6 1 (3) K. Leach '85 (4) B. Lee '74 (3) J. McMannama '74 A. Melville '96 (3) L. Million, Jr. '53 (7) M. Naslund '74 R. Neal '56 (3)

G. Novotny '66

C. Ohlson '93 K. Peterson '92 (2) S. Schuster '93 (2) R. Shively '62 (21) D. Shonka '66 - H. J. Smith '65 (8) E. D. Straka, Jr. '53 (16) J. Sullivan '49 (3) J. Swanson '50 (4) - J. Warrick '59 (4) NEWYORK T. Billheimer '41 (3) C. Hoover '40 (24) NORTH CAROLINA J. Allen '73 (8) 0 E Atkins '67 CEA R. Ayres '65 (6) M. Baratta '61 (10) J. Bone '67 W Coble '64 (2) K. Collier '90 (3) W Crawford '76 (5) G. Davis '76 (2) fI J. DeBlasio '62 (5) C. Downton 111 '66 (6) C. Evans '67 J. Fluet, Jr. '65 R. M. Gray '59 (24)





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R. Harrison, Jf. '64 D. Heacock '64


K. Head '79 (6)

A. Houghton '55 (3)

J. Jamison '73 CEA E. Johnson '55 - J. Joyner, Jr. '77 (16) - J. King '64 (4) M. Legler '64 - R. F. Lowry, Jr. '65 S. McClanahan '74 (6) W. Michael '73 (2) T. Murphy, Jr. '69 - D. Myrick '65 (3) T. O'Brien '99 H. Pawlik '54 (5) C. Revelle 111 '74 CEA - W. Rose '69 (16) C. Schumacher '73 (20) J. Siegel '93 G. Smith '69 H. Speight '63 (2) T. Staab 11 '89 (3) A. Subramanian '97 (6) K. Sullivan '86 (8) E. Taff '61 (15) - R. Tracy '69 (10) R. Trenbath '65 S. Wallenhaupt '74 G. Wessling '74 (16) - R. Wing '70 (7) A. Woodard '80 T. Yermack '78 (7) NORTH CAROLINA STATE D. Harris, Je. '82 P. Klinefelter '80 (5) E. Lach '79 P. Murray '92 B. Pack '80 J. Ray '81 NORTH DAKOTA K. Anderson '87 (3)

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D. Bruschwein '74 (5) C. Campbell '76 T. Dolan '72 (5) D. Dunham '89 M. Eldridge '69 (5) D. Finke '74 (6) E Hallowell II '79 (2) J. Hanson '79 (2) W. Harwood '66 (5) G. Hedahl '66 (2) G. Hyland '69 (2) J. Jones '04 R. Kirsch '78 (21) P. Knoll '84 (2) D. Larsen '71 (5) G. Larson '70 - D. Mcleod '63 (II) - D. Nicolai '64 (15) - R. Szczys '69 (4) NORTH DAKOTA STATE R. Altringer '85 (14) T. Dhuyvetter '79 (2) C. Dworshak '00 (2) - A. Espeseth '80 (4) 0 L. Jones '79 CEA J. Lovseth '04 NORTHERN ARIZONA S. Alboy '01 (2) M. Coplan '04 NORTHERN COLORADO S. Davis '94 P. Gerhart '04 (2) C. Goranson '95 (2) fI P. Schott '96 (7) NORTHERN ILLINOIS S. Blazek '95 S. Borbely '66 (2) M. Duggan '64 M. Ferensen '67 R. Hallberg '90 (6) A. Knox '77 (5) 0 J. Lotsoff '88 (16) R. Machek '67 (2) fI W. Malloy '69 L. Michna '84 (5) K. Moline '74 (2) E. Nosek '85 (5) D. Poynter '66 - M. Reinhardt '6 1 B. Schleiden '66 (2) N. Shultz '67 (4) G. Swanson '66 - W. Tyler, Je. '65 NORTHERN IOWA G. Anderson '71 (3) S. Anderson '79 (22) K. Busse '62 (2) A. Culley '00 (3) D. Eyler '93 0 J. Fuhrman '94 (3) - M. Gonnerman, Jr. '94 (6) C. Grace '72 D. Henshaw '79 (19) K. Krause '83 (8) M. Melcher '92 (9) R. Rekers '74 K. Schuler '90 NORTHWESTERN E. Akemann '62 (2) P. Bodine, Jr. '50 (33) W Boyd' 48 (5) P. Bridgford '56 W Burke '59 H. Cakora '59

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J. Davis '65 (2) L. Defrank' 5 7 J. Darn '54 (3) - A. Ebert, Jr. '52 (7) H. Evert '56 (4) S. Ferguson '75 (3) - A. Ferraro '59 (4) S. Gavitt '37 (23) R. Grottke '52 (6) H. Holman '71 (17) N. Horner '69 R. Horvath '59 B. Johnston '65 (5) - J. Karwath '97 (5) D. Kramlich '59 (4) - J. Lapperre '33 (7) G. Levering '61 (2) M. Longley '95 (5) G. Lose '57 (4) A. Ludolph '42 (19) - R. Mackey '43 (3) - E. Matthias '29 (4) W. Meinhard '47 (3) - J. Montgomery '43 - K. Maul '74 (2) D. Nelson '63 (33) fI R. Newman II '59 (8) 0 T. Rakow '65 (7) R. Rossiter '59 T. Somers '73 (3) S. Spar '83 (3) - R. Spencer '51 (7) N. Stamm '48 H. Stevens '46 (2) A. SuUivan '93 (2) R. Sund '73 R. Van Vooren '53 (2) - J. Vender '71 G. A. West '52 (6) R. Whisnant '96 W R. Williams '39 NORTHWESTERN STATE C. Hoffpauir '04 OHIO D. Bellan '59 (3) H. French, Jr. '69 (2) - R. Hughes '67 G. Logsdon '62 (2) M. Logsdon '64 (2) R. Marting '67 (2) R. McDonald '73 - H. Opperman '65 (10) C. Palmer '60 (2) E. Paxton '68 (6) 0 S. Rowley '65 (13) J. Shipman '56 - W. Spanfellner '61 (14) D. Thompson '93 R. Weckman '60 (2) J. Weimer '66 (4) J. Wills '70 (4) W. Wright '61 (2) OHIO STATE R. Baker '46 (4) G. Bingham '40 (4)

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R. Blume '68



R. Connor '68 D. Costello '54 (17) R. Countryman, Je. '50 (7) T. Cox '6 1 (2) C. Crowe '55 W. Cunnington '52 (2)


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R. Bolton '62 (3) J. Bovenizer '75 (2) J. Carle '61 (7) J. Carle '62 (2) J. Cermak '78 E Christy '40 (2) M. Corey '76 (2) H. Crawford '47 (5) P. DelaMater '63 W. Deming '35 D. Gordon '63 (2) C. Harman, Jr. '59 (22) W. Herron ' 43 D. Holtshouse '63 (II)

T. Hoover '56 (23) N. Johnson '43 (2) H. Keifer, Je. '46 (9) E. Kilby '75 (2) E. J. Langhurst '41 (7) J. Leonard III '72 (2) 0 R. Mason '41 (5) S. McCormick '92 (II) J. Mclain '42 (3) p. Porter '50 (12) R. Reamer '64 (5) W Reid '41 N. Robbins '63 (2) R. Schieferstein '66 (2) J. Seawright' 40 (2) B. Seekely '79 fI J. Shaw '49 (2) C. Shepherd' 49 (6) - P. Sherck '5 1 (2) B. Silla '52 (3) R. Sipprell, Se. '37 (2 1) R. Spinier '93 (2) W. Spore '39 (5) - A. Tipka '63 (2) T. Voght '97 (6) J. Wagner, Je. '45 (33) - W. Walker '54 G. Weingardt '55 (3) J. Wilson '39 (4) J. Wingard '63 (7) OKLAHOMA W Blair '51 (6) L. Brammer, Jr. '47 (6) H. Braymer '55 (2) L. Brigham' 49 C. Brim '92 (2) R. Brown, Je. '56 (4) R. Butler '76 (2) - G. Carr '83 (7) J. Choate '66 (3) R. Coulter '52 fI J. Crews' 52

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J. Dawson, Jr. '35 T. Dowd '75 (2) R. Downey '62 (2)

B. Fritz '92 W Hamilton '57 S. Hilburn '64 (2) K. Hirsch '74 R. Hobgood '45 (2) S. Holm '92 (3) T. Hudiburgh '78 (2) R. Johannes '61 (2) CEA J. Kalbfleisch '52 (3) - K. Kickingbird '66 T. Lee '75 J. Levorsen '50 E. Lippert, Jr. '53 R. McFarland '63 N. Nabavi '96 (3) G. Noland II '86 (2) T. O'Bannon '82 (7) R. Parker '65 (2) fI S. Patterson ' 42 (6) J. - S. Poole '65 0 E. Porter '65 (7) J. Powers '58 (3) M. Powers '92 (2) p. Rabb 111 '60 (9) S. Rinaldi '60 M. Rupert '74 (27) D. Scott '6 1 (3) S. Snyder '79 J. Sommerfrucht '60 (3) H. Stanfield '62 (5) R. Stillwell '53 - D. Stussi '77 (3) R. Thompson '62 (19) J. M. Truscott '90 (4) fI B. Walkingstick '52 (31)

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E. Waller, Jr. '51 R. WeUs '82 H. Wilson '55 (3) OKLAHOMA STATE S. Meyer '75 (4) OREGON 0 G. Adams '66 J. Allan '53 (10) B. Anderson '57 (15) E. Bossatti '27 D. Brazier '95 A. CeUars '47 (32) R. Clark '70 (2) G. Corrigan '65 (2) D. Greene '99 (4) CEA+ P. Hillar '41 (3) D. Homer '71 J. Le,vis III '67 T. Mattson '63 (33) D. Mecklem '53 (4) H. Meister 111 '66 G. Moulds '64 (4) J. Nelson '49 (2) R. Price '62 (15) L. Schuck '54 (15) A Shields '69 (2) - J. Smitll '92 (5) D. Sorenson '71 (6) A. Stockstad '50 (2) J. Trigg '56 (4) R. Watson '71 (3) 0 J. Weisel '48 (22) R. Wren '44 OREGON STATE T. Anderson '84 (2) T. Bays '42 (28) - T. Borgen '73 J. Bran.lund, Jr. '45 (3) 0 J. Bryant '97 (5) T. Durein '92 (11) 0 J. Graham '65 (5) - R. Horne '52 (2) J. Hulbert, Je. '44 (2) R. Kaltenbach '62 J. LeMaster, Jr. '46 R. Mellis '46 (15) - D. Price '62 (2) D. Schmeiser '59 (9) R. Smith '95 (4) R. Wilson, Jr. '46 (15) PACE S. Winter '04 PACIFIC J. DuMond, Je. '66 (3) J. Madsen '65 (3) PENNSYLVANIA 0 H. Acaster '44 (33) G. Curchin '50 (2) A. Dalton '44 R. Fowble '48 (3) R. Gillam '94 - B. Goodwin '53 G. Graf, Je. '55 (15) - E. Greaney, Jr. '53 (2) J. Hall '91 (5) J. Jiuliante '49 (8) 0 R. Marx '54 (6) V. Ng'91 A. Noble '5 1 (5) R. Schlakman '62 (19) J. Shellenberger '52 E. Smolen '60 (3) C.Stehman '49 H. VanSciver II '8 1 (8) H. VanSciver '53 (9) - V. Wolfsohn '46 (5) PENNSYLVANIA STATE J. Adamoli '63 (5) R. Allegretto '78 (2)


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P.Amuso '85

Key: 0 =President's Trust Gold ($1,000) 'tl =President's Trust ($500) =President's Club ($200) • =Golden Delta Club ($100) - =Silver Delta Club ($50) (#) =Consecutive years as donor • =Oak Circle CEA =Chapter Educational Account Donor CEA + indicates donor gave to both CEA and general fund 28

DELTA U ON THE WEB @ www.DeltaU.org

B. Balderston '76 (13) R.llaldwin '57 (9) M. Becker '94 A. Bennett '61 R. Brubaker '54 M. Callihan '87 (2) R. Crosby '54 (2) - L Dash '92 (II) A. DeJulius '56 (3) J. DelSignore '92 (5) - R. Devon '62 (2) D. Fritts '70 (2) - M. D. Glass '73 T. Hanlon '79 W. Hershey '50 (4) H. Hilner '59 (16) E Horne, Jr. '38 (2) H. Humphreys '66 J. Johnston '58 (32) V. Kashyap '86 (2) G. Kline' 49 (2) - G. Kowatch '81 (2) - R. Kurtz '48 (5) W. Landherr, Je. '59 (2) J. Lentz '86 D. Leppo '91 M. Lundt '93 (5) D. Macurdy '83 (3) K. Martin '74 (2) D. Maurey '52 (2) D. Merenda '77 (6) R. Noah '57 (23) J. Noel '04 D. alivo '91 J. Phelps '73 (2) W. Piper '44 A. Policelli '67 C. Prutzman '18 (7) D. Roth '79 (2) K. Russell '93 (4) - J. Scurria '69 (2) G. Setman V '82 G. Setman, Jr. '56 (5) T. Sica '41 (3) - P. Strittmatter '50 (10) V. Sturniolo '57 (3) M. Tedesco '91 V. Tedesco, Je. '64 (18) J. Temple, Jr. '74 C. Winter '48 (5) S. Wolcott, Jr. '57 (6) R. Yeager '96 (3) R. Mos, Je. '02 (2) J. Zboyovsky '51 (32) PLATTEVILLE T. Lundeen '52 (2) J. Stoia '71 (2) PURDUE L. Alexander' 45 B. Anderson '65 (27) G. Arnold '57 (4) - T. Arrigo '98 K. Baumel '62 (3) D. Bielefeld '61 (2) J. Bishop '65 M. Bowen '82 J. Brennan, Jr. '55 (23) W. Briscoe '65 R. Brown '46 (13) - R. Byrne '68 (tl) G. Caine '81 C. Cannady '99 S. Conway, Jr. '51 (3) A. Crofts, Jr. '47 (3) - W. Cross '44 (I I) J. DeVoll '63 (3) - W. Ellifritt '45 D. Fitzgerald '49 (19) T. Foote '50 (23) E Ford '58 (9) - G. Forszt '72 (3) J. Foster '65 (2) R. Fox '63 (4) - R. George '40 - J. Gilbert '69 (2) - R. Gim lin '42 (4 ) R. Hallman '54 (32) R. Hatton '03 J. Hawley '42 (2)

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R. Hegeman '49 (8) D. Heile '46 (4) M. Hogan '85 (18) H. Hostetter '59 (3) C. Houff '53 (2) J. Jones '48 T. Kill '83 (3) - C. Kindell '77 (2) - K. Kolmer '81 (2) W. Konrad '48 (2) J. Kralis '51 (6) A. Lacis '64 (19) R. laFortune '51 (32) D. Lanman '90 1:r B. Lee, Jr. '51 (6) T. Leitch '36 (14) G. Leonards '04 E. Letts '67 (3) - D. Martin '82 (3) Q. Martin '69 - K. McClain '71 - J. McGiffin '53 (2) - R. McKee '43 (tl) T. Metz '58 R. Michels '44 (4) W. Miller '39 C. Moeller' 45 (25) - G. Moss '47 (24) M. Murrill '01 P. a'Reilly '49 N. Popham '54 (5) R. Popham '40 (33) R. Rhine '77 (3) - R. Ricciardi '94 (4) W. Rich '53 (2) G. Richwine '75 (7) L. Ringham '61 (2) - L. Sackett '84 - J. Schoendorf '66 R. Sheets '53 (2) - J. Smith '52 (6) - J. Stallings '45 (17) A. Steiger '48 (2) R. Steiger, Sr. '49 (4) D. Stewart '50 (2) R. Stewart '49 (2) - R. Stoops '64 (6) J. Sweeney '64 (8) - G. Theiss '68 E Travelute, Jr. '66 (4) J. Unruh '83 (3) A. Varble '50 (2) - J. Velasquez '98 (2) A. Voelker '95 (5) C. VonGrinunenstein '49 (5) - B. Weber III '49 (2) D. Whitehurst '59 J. K. Whiting '79 (2) N. Williams '64 (5) - W. Wilson '92 (8) RIPaN - J. Beisner '71 (4) - W. Grieb '70 (3) RaCHESTER P. Avakian '55 (2) - T. Barnes III '66 (2) - J. Bassingthwaite '92 (2) - E. Danton '98 (2) - M. Eberle '91 (12) G. Ehinger '73 (4) R. Elwell '50 (28) E. Garfield, Jr. '53 (tl) K. Goeken '91 (7) A. laRose '67 (2) J. Leslie III '70 (8) A. Magistro '60 (26) J. Magloire '93 R. May '67 D. McConkey '66 J. Pomeranz '65 (2) D. Reisfeld '03 (2) p. Rouff '96 (8) S. Santandrea '56 - R. Schonbrunn '63 W. Sherwood '39 - W. Siegmund '46 (4) J. Stumpf '96 - R. Woods '42 (8)


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RUTGERS C. Adelizzi '62 (9) G. Boggs J[J '42 (15) A. Botter '56 J. David '63 (7)


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R. Giaconia '58

G. Golden '74 (29) G. Green '40 (3) E. Groth, Jr. '48 (28) S. Hahner '78 (24) D. Hait '72 (4) - C. R. Hart '54 (3) J. Herma '70 (23) 1:r - A. Herr '54 (2) - M. Kelsey '73 (5) B. Kramer '62 (9) R. Krieg '64 (3) - E Kroesen '44 (10) - C. Little '60 (4) A. Malekoff '73 (4) D. Miller '68 J. Nazzaro '62 (3) - D. Novelli '73 (8) R. Palmer '40 (7) - J. Powers '48 (3) J. Sheridan '77 (10) E. Simpson, Je. '37 (2) D. Tomasik '66 - D. Tully '68 (10) SAN DIEGO. T. Darcy '72 - A. Glaves '81 B. Howard '70 - C. a'Connor '91 (5) J. arendain '78 E. Stark, Jr. '04 SAN FERNANDa M. Donnelly '68 (22) M. Stark '65 (2) SAN JOSE - J. Agan '57 (4) C. Bianchini, Jr. '56 (2) R. Blaco '03 1:r E. Bontadelli '50 (4) CEA R. Brady '63 (6) B. Brown '56 (6) - D. Colby '56 (5) 1:r A. Culbertson '53 CEA J. Fields '66 (2) J. Giacomazzi '52 CEA T. Harney '52 (3) A. Hoffman '67 T. Lambeth '92 (4) 1:r E Lindstrom '55 CEA 0 A. Lund '55 (4) CEA 0 D. R. Madsen '51 CEA 0 W. Miller, Jr. '52 CEA J. Moeller '52 J. Morey, Jr. '58 (2) M. Navrides '87 0 B. Neilsen '56 CEA J. Pesta '85 (5) 0 Leonard Rhodes '53 L. Spolyar '52 (2) P. Spooner '55 (6) 0 M. Stepovich '56 CEA (2) L. Sweeney, Jr. '55 C. B. Swenson '61 CEA+ J. Tormey, Je. '57 (4) 0 P. Ueberroth '59 (5) R. Wallace '90 (3) T. Wallace '60 (2) D. Watts '87 K. Weaver '50 0 S. Yates '55 (tl) CEA+ SANTA BARBARA T. Sullivan '95 (5) SHIPPENSBURG M. Black '93 SIMPSaN K. Dunbar '69 (4) SaUTH CAROLINA

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SOUTH DAKOTA D. Baumeister, Jr. '80 P. Christiansen '75 P. Conlin '80 C. Estee '75 - M. Harrington '71 (3) SOUTHERN ILUNOIS M. Carr '73 (2) 0 D. Maguire '73 (25) SOUTHWEST MISSOURI D. Blatner '86 (4) S. Davis '87 R. McCorm ick '81 SOUTHWEST TEXAS D. Dever '77 (4) - J. Keller '73 (3) ST. NORBERT J. Flanagan '93 (2) STANFORD J. Cusick '51 (10) - D. Cutter '5 1 (33) - R. Gaedtke '51 W. Hirst, Jr. '40 (4) G. MacDonald '73 (3) - J. Seeley '59 R. Smith '59 (5) A. Williams '53 (4) B. Wilson '50 (15) SWARTHMORE H. Bedolfe '74 - M. Bird '89 (2)

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G. Brunner '83 1:r H. Clappier '44


D. G. Follett, Jr. '56 R. Hall '52 C. K. Leith '81 (5)


T. Piotrowski '80 (7)

E Montgomery '65

- P. Polk '87 - K. Selverian '97 (3)


D. Sheehy '88 R. Sundt '50 SYRACUSE R. Aikman, Je. '56 (9) W. Ayars '56 E Barrows '45 (2) G. Bluhm '42 (7) E Brandstadt '59 (3) R. Broad '60 (8) - L. Cag,,"n '68 (5) E. Castagna '90 B. Cleary '84 R. Damm '58 (2 1) 1:r T. Darling '81 (13) J. Dytrnan '71 (4) R. Eckardt '66 (3) T. Finnelt '57 (25) -

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J. Freyer, Sr. '61 (2) J. Gold '79 (17) S. Greason '62 - J. Heider '54 (4) 1:r R. Holland '83 (17) K. Hyman '88 (2) 0 W. Kagler '54 (6) 1:r C. B. Laidlaw, Jr. '55 J. Leachtenauer '57 (17) K. Lent, Jr. '54 (2) w. M. Linnan '85 - J. Lynd '35 (28) D. McDonald '82 - D. Menotti '64 J. Michel '87 - W. Namack III '57 (3) G. Patrick '42 S. Polo '83 W. Ringwall '58 D. Robitaille '82 (2) E. Salisbury '40 (3) R. Schantz '49 (4) -(:{ W. Smeltzer '58 (5) - H. Stark '35 (5) W. Stark, Je. '47 A. Stauderman, Jr. '58 (18) K. Stein '83 (6) K. Steinberg '89 - W. Strickland '81 (2) R. Thorpe '60 (15) - G. Uhlmann '68 (2) TECHNaLOGY D. Alusic '64 (4) W. Babcock '41 (3) S. Balsbaugh '54 (2) J. Buell, Jr. '56 (5) H. R. Crowther '54 (3) E. Ehrlich '55 C. Hagge II '57 (3) T. Hoffman '87 (6) M. Huke '65 (17) L. Jester III '73 (2) - T. Johnson '93 E. Kavazanjian, Je. '73 (2) M. LaRow '82 R. LeBoeuf '88 (15) D. Luther '73 (2) R. Mackintosh '53 (4) S. Martin, Je. '50 D. Maurer '78 (5) D. McComb '70 C. McCracken '76 T. Nowak, Je. '71 (2) - E. aliver '90 K. Shimberg '91 (3) - L. Slocum, Jr. '50 (6) T. Smith '45


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K. Suelthaus '66 (8)

Z. Swanson '71 (5) R. D. Taylor '82 (2) G. Welli '45 (2) - S. Wood '69 (24) 0 R. Wothe '58 (5) TENNESSEE D. Greer '72 (3) J. Jenkins '86 D. Mouron, Jr. '77 - D. Myers '74 (23) R. Oder '88 (2) - K. Snyder '94 (5) TEXAS G. Adams, Jr. '88 (7) J.Allums '59 - J. Blackwell '65 (4) - R. Bryant '74 J. Cassell, Je. '70 (27) C. Coffey '68 J. Dunlap '73 (25) - T. H. Dunn '70 (2) - T. Heins '65 (10) - M. Hood '91 J. C. Jett '73 M. Mitchell '65 (33) R. Morgan '69 (8) R. Nager '75 (5) W. P. Nelson '59 A. Polser, Jr. '65 (33) C. Reed '55 (7) w. Tibbitts III '61 (14) L. Waters '73 (25) TEXASA&M - R. Castanon '94 (2) K. Hickman '87 (5) J.Hill'91 (6) S. Sabol '94 J. Sweat '87 TORaNTO D. Bates '45

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G. Blumenauer '70

M. Economopoulos '93 R. Taylor '38 (19)

1:r J. Weir '43


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B. Anderson '92 (2) E. Casabian, Jr. '64 (6) E Conrad '50 J. DeQuattro '94 C. Erickson '64 J. Fonda '51 (3) J. Furlong II '68 (2) M. Gilt '78 (4) E. Ingalts, Jr. '78 (2) S. Kenney '83 (3) K. linehan '86

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A. Bosman '91

R. Goodwin, Jr. '86 (2) E Goolsby '81 R. Heroux, Jr. '84 (2) J. Herron '88 (16) M. Pine '85 (2) T. Schmoyer, Jr. '88 (8)


Key: 0 =President's Trust Gold ($1,000) Y:l =President's Trust ($500) =President's Club ($200) • =Golden Delta Club ($100) - =Silver Delta Club ($50) (#) =Consecutive years as donor • =Oak Circle CEA =Chapter Educational Account Donor CEA + indicates danor gave to both CEA and general fund DELTA U ON THE WEB @ www.DeltaU.org


2002-03 Donors to the Educational Foundation •

The Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation is pleased to OIl11Ollllce that Thomas E Durein, Oregon State '92, has joined the Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation staff as Director of Campaign Development. Tam will serve in this role for the anticipated three-year dumtion of Delta Upsilon's upcoming Campaign for Chapter Leadership. Tam comes to us from the University ofCalifomia, BerkeleJ\ where for the past seven years he coordinated the leadership and educational development of Cal's 60+ fmtemities and sororities. ImportallllJ\ Tam is a farm er Delta Upsilon Headquarters staff membel; having served as Expallsion Manager alld Director of Member Services from 1992 to 1995. As well, Tam is an accomplished speakel; having presellled to aver 100 campuses alld organizatiolls, reaching thousands of me II OIld womell an issues of organizational change, persollal alld social development alld risk managemellt and lass prevelllion. As a committed volullteel; Tam currently serves all the Board of Directors for the Liberty Educatiollal FOl'llm, a Washington D.C.-based educatiollal thinktank, alld recelllly completed a twa-yea r team as Deall of the Fmtemity's leadership Conferellces. Tam brings to the DUEF a t/'lle passion for the Fmtemil]\ alld a network of brothers with wham he has worked tirelessly to make DU all that it COIl possibly be. He looks forward to this new assigllmellt and the opportullity to secure the necessOl)' resources to deliver leadership educational to genemtion of future DU brothers. It is anticipated that Tam will remain a member of the Delta Upsilon Board ofT/'listees as he represellls the Board alld works closely with existing staff to plan alld execute the Campaign aver the next three years. He will cOlltinue to reside in, and tmvel from San Francisco, closely coordinating his activities with Foundation staffin Indianapolis Tam can be reached at 510-368-4150 or 317-8758900 ext 511, email at tfd@deltau.org.

D. Morse '42 (33) B. Petricca '55 • D. Pi ckering' 43 (6) I. Porter '43 (6) • T. Reardon '84 • M. Slaven '78 (2) R. Somm ers '65 B. Start, Ir. '46 K. To ndreau '60 - B. Vale ntin e '67 (8) • D. Vinton '52 D. Weiss 'B2 (2) H. Wil kin so n '69 (31) TYLER I. Byars'77 U.C. L.A. • W. Co rb ett '40 - A. Frink '3B (24) • T. Henkle, Jr. '50 (3) • S. Howard '4 1 (16) D. Lyons '44 (4) R. Mancini '50 - M. H. Rogers, Ir. '33 (6) UNION B. Bonanno '77 (5) N. Botsford, Ir. '54 (1 5) O. Ca te '62 (6) - 1~ Cohen '60 R. Cooch '43 (2) • J. Gardeski '5 1 (6) • W. Grant '49 (27) - S. Hayes '89 (8) • W. Hesse '49 (2) K. Merz '69 (9) - M. Meslink '65 (3) E. MOldton '37 M. O'Meara, Jr. '50 (11 ) R. Obremski '59 (2) T. Putman '52 (2) B. Rock'well '46 J. Sweeney '58 • W. Wallace III '48 VlRGINIA D. Arnold '82 - M. D. Ashbury, Ir. '54 (1 1) D. Barbour '77 (15) -


P. Barraco '74


S. Bissell '4 1 W. Brookh a rt '7 1 (17) • W. Daniel '67 I. DiNun zio '6 1 G. Ferrell '70 (3) N. Frazier, Ir. '99 (2) - J. Hales III 'B2 (3) • C. Hewitt '55 E. Hutchinso n '65 (2) p. lones '79 W. Murphy '82 T. Neale '74 (16) I. Pence '75 • W. Reusing '62 (11) - B. Rice '57 - A. Sau ney '54 (11) R. Simo ns '75 - W. Updike '63 (9) R. A. Wimbish '5 1 • E. Wooldridge '68 - J. Young '50 (3) VIRGINIA TECH - W. Newman, Ir.'86 (9) WAS HINGTON I. Aitken '70 • D. Baer 'B2 (5) - R. Bailey '61 (4) N. Barr '49 (7) A. Bergesen '55 • I. Bohlke '02 R. Braun '58 (2) R. Busch '78 (5) • K. Carlton '86 (2)

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R. Cli ft '61 (5) I. Corey '34 C. Crane '47 (2) H. Dobb '41 B. Elfers '92 (11) L. Estes '50 (3) ~ I. Eyler '69 (5) 0 R. Faga n '52 (6) S. Fisher '87 (4) B. Fort ier '87 (2) H. D. Go rm an '60 (2) - H. Grant '5 1 (3) - G. Harri s '7 1 (9) - I. Haskin s '55 (3) I. Hast ings, If. '56 (5) W. Hende rso n '59 (2) T. Hendrickson '67 (4) n. Hesto n '50 (2) H. Hillin ge r '75 (2) D. HipI' '84 (9) n. Horne 'B9 (3) E Hunkin s 'B9 (2) S. lezman '70 (2) E. Irwin '6 1 (3) - M. Iverso n '48 (5) K. Kaneta '59 (33) - B. Keen '50 (8) D. Kraft '411 (4) A. LaBe rge '87 (5) R. Lee '53 - J. Lyman '67 K. Mackey '77 (4) - iI. Majewski '85 (3) S. Ma nl ey '90 - A. Marclls '49 n. Martin '59 (33) 1'. McKay '50 (4) - n. Me ier '73 (30) V. Meissner '47 D. Mo rford '56 J. Nyberg '92 (2) R. Olsen '69 A. Osborne' 45 D. Palileo '9 1 I. Price '38 D. Ravander '86 (4) H. Smi th '47 J. Summersetl '38 I. Taylor '90 - I. Tenncfoss '48 (2) P. Tuohy '53 (3) - I. Turner '5 1 (2) L H. Ulrich '40 (2) J. Vlami ng'77 (2) I. M. Wa lsh '89 (5) R. Yeasti ng '55 (3) n. Yo un g '50 (6) WASHINGTON & LEE G. Corn elius '56 (5) I. Hess '60 (3) H. Hill, lr. '48 H. Howcott , If. '60 (3) G. Lawrence '59 (20) P. Muller '55 (6) - I. Perry '41 (2) ~ I. Smith '62 (12) - W. Whitehurst '50 (5) WASHINGTON STATE L. Amos '6B (25) - W. Bachtold '35 (2) L. Berry '55 - D. Carrell '73 (2) R. Cox '84 - D. Hambelton '75 (2) O. Jo hn son '39 (33) D. Kanzle r '70 M. Kraemer '73 C. Kurtak '42 (I B) \( Morem a n, Ir. '63 (2) I. Si mpkins '81 (3)

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G. Studle '57 (32) WESTERN ILLINOIS I. - Altenbe m '94 (3)


*+T. Aschemann '05 - A. Brown 'B9 (4) S. Brown '86 (6) M. Ceko ill '02 (2) I. De,~e r '02 H. Gruenig '85 (5) R. Higgin s '74 K. Hill '04 (2) S. Jones 'B7 S. laBuda 'BB (8) I. Nevel '00 (3) I. Schultz '86 (7) D. Vlatson '92 WESTER N MICH IGAN J. Bicknell '9 1 K. Decker '94 - H. Habenicht '61 (3) G. Hale '52 (33) D. Ka nemori '66 (31) C. Labs '67 (2) - D. Pew '63 1. Sullivan '65 \( Sutllerla nd '57 (4) K. Wallis '62 (3) WESTER N ONTAR IO R. Bandeen '52 A. Burnell '54 - M. Diakows k" '96 (3) A. Grah am '60 (3) W. Gree nberg '73 G. Gunn '60 - K. Hay '56 (2) 0 A. Lansing '53 (2) A. Quemey '54 (2) H. Robinson '50 (2) - D. Rudd '5 1 (2) B. Steven s '89 I. Sugde n '58 (2) WESTERN RESERVE V. Aggarwal '70 (7) H. Barnholt '40 (2) D. Bray '50 (11) C. Cookson '51 (33) W. Cotton '77 (5) P. Darby '4B (2) - B. Ghiloni '86 p. Kaluszyk '73 (3) I. Kendel '59 (7) - R. Marzec '67 (2) J. Monaco '80 (6) C. Perez '05 - G. Powers '54 (9) R. Price '43 (2) I. Sabo '67 (6) C. Sisler '46 - K. Tysl '83 CEA n. Wagn er '37 (18) S. Williams '76 (2) B. Ziganti 'B3 CEA WICH ITA I. Adams '04 (2) L. E. Amble r '6B - G. D. Butts '60 - D. Cain '64 C. Grau el '66 I. Hull 'B2 (2) I. W. Little '58 (7) W. Loyd '77 (3) I. Ma ttso n '82 (2) - T. Murphy '88 (2) R. Scull '55 (3) WILLIAMS - J. Gepson '65 I. Pilgrim '60 (2) 0 H. Rowan '45 B. S'Uldlun '42 O. Svenson, Ir. '50 (13)

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• -

•* • *

• •-

T. W. Thompson '52 D. Tyler '4 1 (2) A. Vase '35 (20) C. Whitbeck '33 (5) WILM INGTON 0 D. Co le '72 (3) WISCONS IN R. Allm an '58 (2) D. Anderson ' 48 - B. Ap pl em an '92 C. Ar ing, If. '4B M. Baer '80 (3) I. Bui st '53 (23) G. Camberis '78 C. Cole '93 - G. Day, Ir. '70 (3) D. Emm erich '78 B. Fell ows '5 1 (6) D. Fo hr '73 I. Forester '33 (4) - D. Frank '96 (4) R. Godfrey '54 - M. Gratz '8B D. Gross '6 1 (3) - J. Harde n '59 (6) J. Harris '72 (15) - C. 1·lerro '43 (6) D. He rze r '54 (2) E. Hipke '56 (9) I. M. Houde k 'BB A. Hugunin '67 (2) R. lacob us '5 1 (22) - D. lohnso n '70 (3) D. lohnso n '93 (4) - W. Ko lbert 'B5 (2) P. Kruger '88 P. Laper '68 (14) D. Leichtfuss '5B (7) - M. tokay '8B (2) P. Martin '50 (2) - R. MeLi mans '68 (3) S. Mi ll er '70 (3) 0 I. Morgrid ge '55 (5) W. Morrisey '43 (4) ~ W Nesbi tt '76 (24) R. O'Ne ill '7B B. Pe rronne '65 (2) - T. Rae misch '58 - D. neinhardt '90 (2) W. Sc hwa rting '5 1 - J. Stei n 'B4 (4) - C. Thomas '59 (2) I. Tho mas '57 (3) - R. Thompson '67 (2) W. Trachsel '59 (32) R. Uehling '76 D. Vi nson '59 (23) T. Vogelsa ng '84 (2) - W. Waggener '8 1 - D. Wa lk '73 (5) - G. Wa rn er '87 (3) A. Weber '77 (2) E. Wiese '8 1 - W.Wiese'7S D. Yen erich 'B2 (5)


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Key: 0 = President's Trust Go ld ($1,000) 1:< = President's Trust ($500) = President's Club ($200) • = Golden Delta Club ($100) - = Silver Delta Club ($50) (#) = Consecutive years as donor • = Oak Circle CEA = Chapter Educational Account Donor eEA + indicates donor gave to both CEA and general fund 30

DELTA U ON THE WEB @ www.DeltaU.org



1 i





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MARRIAGES Houston '94 Todd M. Tones and Sarah Berens, June 21,2003.

Massachusetts '93 Laurence A. "Larry" Ross and Buffy Sheff, March 22, 2003.

Miami'95 Andrew W. Norman and Yeda Tsang, July 26,2003.

Northern Iowa '03 Timothy N. Page and Leanna Peterson, May 23, 2003.

Bradley'88 Mr. and Mrs. Jon T. Smoter, twin sons, Dayne Benjamin and Devin John, April 17, 2003. Bucknell '90 Mr. and Mrs. David A. Suplee, twins Kathryn Ann and Cole Raymond, April 12, 2003. Illinois '85 Mr. and Mrs. Barry C. McCarthy, a daughter, Katherine Ann, January 30, 2003. Iowa'92 Mr. and Mrs. Monte L. Holmquist, a daughter, London Avalon, June 11, 2003. Iowa'94 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Lamb, a daughter, Regan Nicole, July 17, 2003.

Iowa'95 Mr. and Mrs. Daren Van HeIden, a daughter, Kate Elizabeth, July 15,2003. Massachusetts '92 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher E. Johnson, a daughter, Amanda, June 14, 2003. Massachusetts '92 Mr. and Mrs. Adam S. Miller, a son, Asher, April 2, 2003. Massachusetts '95 Mr. and Mrs. William F. Meehan, a son, Brady William, May 13, 2003. Massachusetts '96 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Richardson, a son, John William, March 17, 2003.

Massachusetts '98 Mr. and Mrs. Joshua P. Dobelstein, a daughter, Kendyl Falicia, February 24, 2003. Miami'92 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph v. Pegnia, a daughter, Sophia Lindsey, May 12,2003. Miami'93 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Lochtefeld, a daughter, Erin Delaney, February 13, 2003. Michigan State '90 Mr. and Mrs. Brian K. Hartman, a son, Jason Vincent, June 15, 2003. Northern Colorado '96 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Knoll Iv, a daughter, Ava Elizabeth, April 29,2003.

Northern Illinois '86 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Martin, a daughter, Erin Colleen, June 12, 2003. Northern Iowa '94 Mr. and Mrs. Brett L. Fisher, a son, Elijah Brett, May 25,2003. Northern Iowa '94 Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Wagner, a daughter, Chloe Renae, September 5, 2002. South Carolina '85 Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Weaver, a daughter, Anna Courtney, December 16, 2002.

Johns Hopkins John J. Yeager '43 McGill R. David Bourke '54 James L. Ross '51 John D. Spencer '47 McMaster Michael J. Lamb '97 Miami Robert D. Webb, Sr. '40 Michigan Fred A. Blass '38 Missouri Harner Selvidge '32 Nebraska Paul A. Hummel '31 William G. Robertson '46 New York Alden K. Small '41 North Dakota Richard C. Olschlager '76 Northwestern RobertF. Drews '45 Louis S. Takacs '53 Ohio State William P. Lewis '35 Oklahoma Herbert M. Jones '39 Oklahoma State William G. Ellis '60

Oregon Lowell Schuck '54 Oregon State Mark W. Sproule '75 Pennsylvania J. Thomas Kennedy '47 Syracuse Frederick W. Widmayer, Jr. '41 Technology Byron D. Bates '40 Tufts Everett A. Poore '43 UCLA Robert K. Byerts '38 Union George F. Ralph '40 Washington Stanley M. Aitken '70 Kent L. Harmon '62

• Our Apologies ... Due to mis-information,we erroneously reported the death of A. Kendall Oulie, Califomoia '36. We are happy to report that Brother Oulie is alive and well, and we regret any distress we have caused Brother Oulie's family and friends. Alberta John W. Stephens '44 Brown Ralph L. Blake '39 Calgary Hartley J. Bell '90 Colorado State O. J. Barber '50 Cornell John R. Allen, Jr. '73 Illinois Harold E. Chapman, Jr. '37 Indiana John F. VanSenus '59 Iowa Roger D. Miles '78 Guy J. Mills '49 C. PaulWieben '47

Richard C. Rhodes '48 Vernon P. Swanes '45 Washington & Lee Orest Neimanis '52 Western Illinois Denny W. Gingerich '93 Western Michigan Michael F. Kastner '71 Williams John R. Bohnet '38 Wisconsin Barry F. Ebert '63 Thomas J. McGlynn '40 Richard W. McVey '54 Charles A. Vesel '62 Jess K. Wells '53

This listing reflects notices received at DU Headquarters through August 19,2003. Please notify the Fraternity of deceased members, or any errors, at p. O. Box 68942, Indianapolis, IN 46268, phone 317.875.8900, fax - 317.876.1629, or e-mailIHQ@DeltaU.org. Memorial gifts also may be directed to the DU Educational Foundation at this same address. DELTA U ON THE WEB @ www.DeltaU.org







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