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The QuarterlyApplauds

The Milwaukee Delta Upsilon Club celebrated its 57th Annual Dinner on December 5. Ninety-nine DU's were present and the nineteen pictured above had been membeTS for 50 years or more and were honored at the dinner.

Mrs. Judy Hanks, addressing and records secretary at the International HeadquarteTS, just celebrated her tenth anniversary and was honored by a sU1prise reception in January.

Gary Kern, ScholaTShip Chairman of the Indiana Chapter, was master of ceremonies and a recipient of one of the 10 scholarships given by the Wrangler Foundation at their awards banquet. Dr. Herbert E. Smith '52, Assistant Dean for Student Services and President of the Foundation (left) and Dr. Larry Campbell, Dean of the UniveTSity Division (right) assist with the presentations. See story page 38. Photo by John Beauchamp.

OFFICERS President Herbert Brownell, Nebraska '24 (Vice-Chairman) Lord, Day and Lord 25 Broadway, New York, New York 10004 Chairman of the Board Dennis H. Cheatham, Indiana '65 Pendleton Banking Company, 100 State Street, Pendleton, Indiana 46064 Vice-Presidents D. Bruce Decker, Western Ontario '51 SS #3, Site #2, Compo #10 Penetang, Ontario LOK 1YO Dr. Hugh W. Gray, Nebraska '34 803 Ndrth DuPont Road, Westover Hills, Wilmington, I Delaware 19807 , J. Paul McNamara, Miami '29 88 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215 Secretary Howard Kahlenbeck'dr., Indiana '52 Krieg DeVault ~~~i~~~e~a~k ~J~~~ea:.t, 2860 Indiana One Indiana Square, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 Assistant Secretary Richard Moran, Rutgers '72 SOHIO

~i;~ef::~~~Oti~u1~dli~g Treasurer Donald C. Rasmussen, Purdue '46 Robert \.y. Baird & Co., Inc., 151 N. Delaware, Suite 135, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 Directors Terry J. Brady, Missouri '62 Gage and Tucker, 2Boo Mutual Benefit Life BldR., P.O. Box 23428, Kansas City, Missouri 64141 (1981) The Honorable Terry L . Bullock, Kansas State '61 Judge of the Distnct Court, Shawnee County Courthouse, Topeka, Kansas 66603 (1981) David E. Chambers, Arizona '60 84 Burning Tree Road Greenwich, Connecticut 06830 (1982) CraiB S. Johnson, Oklahoma '82

el~OÂĽ\~i!~~ lr~~~~nity

Norman, Oklahoma 73069 (1981) Richard L. Smoot, Colorado '62 577 Gregory Lane Devon, Pennsylvania 19333 (1982) Past Presidents Horace G. Nichol, Carnegie '21 William F. Jones, Nebraska '27 Arad Riggs, DePauw '26 Charles D. Prutzman, Penn. State '18 Henry A. Federa, Louisville '37 Harry W. McCobb, Michigan '25 Orville H. Read, Missouri '33 Charles F. Jennings, Marietta '31 James C. McLeod, Middlebury '26 W. D. Watkins, North Carolina '27 O. Edward Pollock, Virginia '51 Executive Director Wilford A. Butler, CAE Leadership Consultants Martin T. Baxter II Troy E. Horine Scott A. Johnson Bradley K. Wolf Quarterly Editor W. A. Butler, CAE, Western Michigan '61 Assistant Editor Jo Ellen Walden Design Consultant J. L. LeMaster, Oregon State '48 Official Photographer Ed Lacey, Jr.

DELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY, a publication of the Delta Upsilon Fraterlllty, founded in 1834, Incorporated, December 10,1909, under laws of the State of New York. Delta Upsilon International Fraternity Headquarters, P.O. Box 40108, Indianapolis, Indiana 46240. Headquarters is open from 9:00 to 5:00 p.m. , E.S.T., Monday through Friday. Telephone 317-875-8900. DELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY is published in January, April,July and October at 8705 Founders Road, Indianapolis, Indiana 46268. The subscription price (checks and money orders should be made payable to Delta U psilon Fraternity) is $3.00 a year in advance; single copies 75rt. Send changes of address and corresjJondence of a business or editorial nature to Delta Upsi on Fraternity, P.O. Box 40108, Indianapolis, Indiana 46240. Second-class postage paid at Indianapolis, Indiana and at additional mailing offices. ÂŽ T. M. Registered U. S. Patent Office.


<=The Presidents GReport The Great Alumni Talent Hunt Slowly, but surely, the fraternity headquarters has been checking and verifying the thousands of alumni addresses that we maintain. In batches of 5,000 we have asked alumni both to verify the currency and accuracy of their address and to add information about their occupations. The information is being placed in an alumni talent bank that we believe will be helpful to chapters in planning alumni involvement, career advisement and to know alumni interest as well.

Alumni DUpdates Increased At the same time, as we begin the build-up for the Sesquicentennial, we have increased the frequency of DUpdate events in principal areas where there are numbers of Delta Upsilon alumni. There will be 57 major birthday anniversary celebrations all over North America to mark our 150th birthday, and the DUpdates are a part of this plan. Frequently we find that alumni from 15 to 20 chapters are attracted to DUpdate events, and that many of them are interested and willing to help. Delta Upsilon is a growing fraternity. The numbers of our living alumni have doubled since the end of World War II, and the population is in the process of doubling again. Where it was once possible to know nearly all of the alumni in Delta Upsilon, just keeping track of the 16,000 address changes and updates made every quarter is a sizeable task.

Every Alumnus Can Do Something No matter where you reside, every Delta Upsilon alumnus who is interested can make a contribution to sustain and encourage his chapter and the International Fraternity, First, I hope that you realize that inflation affects everything that your chapter and the International Fraternity can do and wants to accomplish. For that reason, I hope

April, 1981

that you will write the most generous check you can to your chapter and to the alumni annual giving fund of the fraternity. A letter of encouragement, with news about your activities, will be helpful as well as an offer to check for any missing alumni in your own graduation class. You can volunteer to be your graduating class agent for the chapter, to organize the alumni of your class and to encourage them to attend alumni reunions at the chapter. You can offer your help to fill the ranks of alumni club leadership, corporation officers, Deputies, Province Governors, counselors, members of fraternity standing committees, and the like. Looking ahead to the future, Delta Upsilon will continue to thrive and prosper only if our chapters and the International Fraternity can rely on the support, interest and help of our alumni; that's the reason for the alumni talent hunt. Fraternally yours,

Herbert Brownell International President

Delta Upsilon Quarterly April 1981 Volume 99 -

Table of Contents

Number 2


How the White House Reads the Press by Hedley Donovan 26 President's Century Club Listing , ........................ 28 International Headquarters Building Tour ............ 30 Comment on Fraternity ..... 33 DU Newsmakers ..... .. ..... 34 DU Bookshelf . . , , ....... . . , 37 Alumni Club Directory . . . . .. 38 Vital Statistics .. . ,....... . .. 39 Cover: Labels to mail the monthly bulletins are produced with the help of automated equipment at the headquarters, story page 30. Photos by F d Lacey, Jr. 25

How the White House Reads the Press

by HEDLEY DONOVAN, Minnesota '34 I have spent 38 years as a professional journalist and one year as a White House official. My inside-outside view of the press-White House relationship thus lacks a certain symmetry. Much of my journalistic lifetime, however, was spent reporting, or editing, about government and politics. I also spent four years of World War II practicing a confidential quasi-journalism as an officer in Naval Intelligence, an experience which to this day has left me more sympathetic than many editors to the government side of secrecy arguments. After I went to work in the White House, in mid-August 1979, I found that conversations with old friends in the Washington press corps began with the question: "How does the press look from where you sit now? What kind of job do we do?" It may surprise some of my former White House colleagues to learn of this strain of humility in the press. (Of course there were other questions: "Whatever came over you?" "What's a nice guy from Minnesota doing in with those Georgians?" "Well, look at Mondale." "Yes, but he has to." Etc.) Inside the government, new and old friends would ask essentially the same question, not humbly, however, but with a kind of relish: "Well, let's see, you've been here three weeks now - has the press started to look a little different to you?" One-day secrets Arthur Schlesinger Jr., on the basis of his thousand days in the Kennedy Administration, said there was no resemblance between events as he saw them within the White House and contemporary press accounts. My own impression (only 365 days, to be sure) is very different. Maybe the Washington press corps is much better than it was in the early 1960s; maybe Schlesinger was wrong even then. The press did a good job on big foreignpolicy stories that I knew something about: the Soviet brigade in Cuba, Iran, Afghanistan, the state of the alliance, the Middle East peace negotiations. On the inside, you knew some things sooner than the press did - for only a day or two in most cases - but the fact that the press lacked some momentarily secret


items of information seldom led to egregiously misleading coverage. There were two important secrets in the Iran hostage crisis - the presence of the six Americans in the Canadian embassy, and the long buildup to the gallant attempt to rescue the other 53. Both secrets were skillfully preserved by the White House, State Department, and Defense. The public didn't "need to know," and didn't. This was remarkable, considering what an excessively talkative Administration Carter ran. From November 4, 1979, through early May 1980, the President, Press Secretary Jody Powell, and Hodding Carter of State were speaking thousands of words .per week on the subject of Iran. President Carter could be terse and highly disciplined in the tight format of a TV press conference. But in the long months of the "Rose Garden strategy," as he received countless delegations - ethnic, religious, professional, regional - he was a rambling and almost compulsive talker. On Iran, it was extraordinary how seldom he contradicted himself or other officials. When he did, and when the press zeroed in on it, he would of course consider such stories irresponsible. On domestic politics, viewed as a sporting event, the Washington press corps generally does a first-rate job. They did get one little detail wrong in 1980; they pronounced the election too close to call. I had told President Carter I didn't want to be involved in the political campaign (a condition he scrupulously observed), but I could hardly help doing some listening and noticing. Through the long run-up to the primaries, during the primaries, and on to the nominating conventions, I was repeatedly struck by how fast and perceptively the press reported shifts in White House mood and strategy. The view from the bunker President Carter has often complained that the correspondents covering political campaigns have no real interest in the substantive issues of domestic policy. They are undoubtedly better at the horserace aspect of politics, in part because the tough domestic issues so often turn on economics, and that is a subject many reporters are still uncomfortable with. It was not the President's favorite either. He read the New York Times. Washington Post. Washington Star. Atlanta Constitution. Atlanta Journal. Time. and Newsweek. but didn't spend much time with the Wall Street Journal. Fortune. Business Week or the rest of the business press. (He finished the morning papers by 6:30 A.M. or so. I was once struck by two appalling examples of government waste, in front-page stories the same day in the Times and Post. and around 11 A.M. sent the President a note about it. His office told me the President had cut out the same stories and sent a memo to James Mcintyre, head of the Office of Management and Budget, several hours earlier.) The press, looking at government, sees a colossus, rich in resources for evasion, disinformation, even intimidation, or at least the

conferring of favor on a cooperative reporter and withholding of favor from a troublemaker. Bureaucrats will shade the truth to protect their jobs, make their boss look good, embarrass an enemy. Key officials are protected by massed ranks of underlings and P.R. people, and the Oval Office is the most bristling citadel of all. Within the White House this picture looks almost ludicrous. Inside "the bunker" (a fairly common metaphor, especially during the half-year of the Rose Garden strategy), officials look out and see an enormous press corps ready to pounce. There are now some 3,000 accredited newspaper, periodical, TV, and radio correspondents in Washington. What's news in Washington The fear of leaks, and the use of leaks, is pervasive. I thought I was reasonably sophisticated in this subject before arriving at the White House, but I had not realized how much bureaucratic warfare is conducted via the leak. It seemed to be taken for granted that, except for the most sensitive military and intelligence information, nothing could be kept secret more than 24 hours or so. It was astonishing in a meeting of only six or seven of the most senior officials to hear the plea: "Now this really musn't go outside this room." Arrayed outside the bunker, some of the reporters are burning to be Woodward and Bernstein; all would like to "break" something. Of course, any sudden piece of good news will be broken by the government itself as soon as it happens, if not a little before. So anything broken by the press, almost by definition, will be negative. The best to be hoped for was that it would be negative about the Republicansor heretical Democrats, as the Kennedy faction were regarded for some months. The Carter White House saw the press as hopelessly addicted to stories of conflict, confusion, and scandal, and generally bored by anything "constructive." If 298,000 federal employees, the civilian total in the Washington area, performed their work honestly yesterday, that isn't news (in fact, if all 298,000 put in an honest day's work that would be news), but if one is caught with his hand in the till, that is news. It is a familiar grievance of businessmen against the press, and a widespread complaint of ordinary readers and television viewers: Why is there nothing but bad news? It is the exception, of course, that is one of the staples of news, in government, business, or people's daily lives. In a reasonably orderly, honest, effective society, the exceptions will mainly be bad news. But trends and movements are also news, and sometimes the change is for the better; personalities are news, sometimes attractive, even inspiring; "situations" are news, sometimes encouraging. The press carries more of a good news-bad news mix about America than the White House noticed. The White House naturally focused on coverage of the Carter Administration, and the net of that


April, 1981

coverage in 1979-80 was probably unfavorable. Those overworked "future historians" will have to decide whether that was a sound verdict. So I told my journalistic friends: Yes, the press-White House relationship does look different when you're sitting inside 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, but more exactly, it feels different. It feels different, for instance, when a crisis bursts from out of nowhere. To the press, a crisis like the seizing of our Tehran embassy is a professional challenge and excitement. For the White House it is a complex and cruel problem that demands a response. Something has to be done about it, not just written about it. A diversity of competence Whether the taking of the hostages should have seemed to come "out of nowhere" becomes, for the press, a fascinating extra layer of the story. Was State at fault for not knowing the admission of the Shah to New York Hospital would produce this result, or the CIA, or Dr. Brzezinski, or the President? Did somebody in fact warn somebody else? Within the White House, needless to say, this extra layer of the journalistic story is a very painful extra dimension of the policy problem. When the hostages were taken, I daresay Washington journalists had all the patriotic concern of other Americans for the affront to national pride; they felt all the compassion of other decent people for the hostages and their families. (Compassion did not prevent some gross intrusions on the privacy of the hostage families.) For the press the hostages were above all a story, a very big one. TV and print-news organizations began redeploying foreign correspondents; the foreign-policy and defense beats suddenly became the hottest in Washington (replacing the state of the economy and the state of Ted Kennedy); newsmagazine editors were switching next week's cover. The journalistic adrenaline was pumping. What often struck the White House as reckless ness in the press arises out of the extreme competitiveness of journalism. Unfortunately, when you get into the habit of calling all journalists "they" or "the media," it is easy to forget what a diversity of approach, opinion, ethics (and competence) is represented in the Washington press corps and their employers. The profound difference between the White House - not just the Carter White House, anybody's - and the press is the difference between a story and a problem. And usually the tougher the problem, the better the story. Columnists and editorial writers, furthermore, could construct highly readable and convincing think pieces showing that if President Carter hadn't done A. and even Presidents Ford and Nixon Band C, this thing need never have happened. But within the White House, the problem was that A, B, and C, for better or worse, were done, and what do we do now? (If you start noticing, it is interesting how much punditry focuses on past folly rather than present solutions.) A further "unfairness," as felt from within the White House, is that you can go home drained and depressed, after a day or a week of no progress, or setbacks, against problems like Iran, but the press has had a perfectly satisfying day or week reporting the no progDELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY'

ress or setbacks. (James Reston is one of the few Washington correspondents who convey a consistently sympathetic interest in what it must be like in the maximum-pressure jobs, and what it must be like for the families of those officials.) When some minor but inflated one-day problem arises, the press at least gets a one-day story out of it. For the White House people who had to deal with it, it was a negative blip in the President's ratings and an irritating distraction from more serious work. Quite unconsciously, I am sure, ABC's New York TV station neatly summed up the situation in a recent full-page ad celebrating the tenth anniversary of Roger Grimsby and Bill Beutel on Eyewitness News: "After ten years of international unrest, domestic crises, and economic woes, the thrill still isn't gone. Happy Tenth Anniversary, Roger and Bill."

I nside "the

bunker," the news corps zs commonly viewed as more negative and threatening than it is. Short of paranoia When people in the White House griped about the press in my presence, some of it was just friendly kidding around. "Your press won't pay any attention, but . .. " "Hedley's media will undoubtedly say ... " (Not a reference to the Time Inc. publications but to the whole industry.) Once, half a dozen of us were discussing a foreign-policy point that could stand more press attention, when the suggestion came up: "Why don't you try to get together ten or 15 responsible reporters - if there are that many .. . " I said: "Watch that." One Cabinet officer permitted himself a quick grin. Everybody else didn't hear. Beyond the kidding, the President and his inner circle had a basically low opinion of the quality of the press, a considerable mistrust of its motives, and an incomplete understanding of its role. The mood stopped short of paranoia. Jody Powell, frequently under outrageous provocation in his press briefings, was generally cool and often witty. He could be highly combative in behalf of his beleaguered President, but when stonewalling was called for, he was a master of saying nothing in a dozen different ways. Carter himself, along with the noted "mean streak," has a sharp senseofhumor, sometimes turned on himself, and a disarming willingness, at least in private, and on occasion, to concede that if the situations were reversed, he'd be doing what he just denounced the other fellow for doing, and the press for giving it so much space.

April, 1981

A few little episodes in the running skirmish with the press: • Carter ridiculed John Anderson as a "creation of the press." He has often admitted, however, that he himself benefited from "unusual media attention" during the early stages of his 1976 campaign. • In a speech in San Diego in October 1979, Carter deplored high interest rates and high inflation rates. He was then bitter because the press headlined and stressed only the attack on high interest rates. But it wasn't news that any public figure in the U.S. was against high inflation. It was news if the President seemed to disagree with the monetary policies of Paul Volcker, his recent appointee as Chairman of the Fed. Like presidents of corporations, universities, trade unions, the President of the U.S. bore a fundamental resentment that the press could declare which things were interesting or important in what he said. • Carter and Mondale operatives tried to get an unequivocal disavowal of any presidential ambitions from Secretary of State Muskie during the period when the Billy Carter furor seemed briefly to put the President's renomination in jeopardy. Muskie's statement was not quite Shermanesque. There was indignation in the White House that " the press pounced on the little openings." When it was observed that the Muskie statement invited the press to do just that, there was reluctant agreement. • Minor strains and misunderstandings among the allies were, in the White House view, constantly being "blown up" by the press. • After Carter made his celebrated remarks about ex-Secretary Cy Vance in Q and A after a speech in Philadelphia, there was anger that the press was immediately interpreting it as a slap at Vance and that this "news" overshadowed a serious foreign-policy speech. The full Q and A transcript showed the press had interpreted the remarks about Vance the only way they could be interpreted. It may be that Carter was genuinely surprised, and unpleasantly so, to find himself saying those things out loud, topping his own foreign-policy story with a hot "people" story. • When businessmen made speeches generally supporting Carter's refurbished economic-policy package last March, the press, according to the White House, would pick up the one criticism in those speeches there's always one or two - and of course always stress that. • Carter felt the press will always tear down any new idea -like some of his energy proposals. The press is always "trivializing" things. The press does indeed do some trivializing. But it is a strange misunderstanding of the journalistic mind to assume it resists new ideas. The press loves novelty - one of the synonyms for news. It is also true that when people or ideas have been up on a pedestal for a long time - the press maybe having had something to do with putting them there in the first place - then the press sometimes does like to knock them off. (Concluded on page 28)


How the White House Reads the Press A medium touchy President As Presidents go, Carter was not exceptionally thin-skinned about the press. (And politicians are less thin-skinned than journalists. I tried to be as little written about as possible during my year in Washington, and found myself pathetically grateful when I was able to talk a reporter out of some item about me.) Not having been on the inside in other Administrations, I can judge them only from the press side of the fence. But the Nixon White House looked more fearful of and hostile toward the press than I saw Carter's to be. Johnson's White House, in his beleaguered final year or two, was perhaps comparable with Carter's. J.F.K.'s White House was less embattled, though there was a narcissistic touchiness about his own image. Ford was more relaxed about the press, and so, famously, was Ike. The General claimed his secret was not to read the papers, but this was an exaggeration. There was a special edge to the Carter White House attitude toward the press because of the obvious if unprovable fact that the Washington press corps is heavily Democratic, and has been ever since the New Deal. It hurt that these liberal intellectuals (sort of) withheld any real measure of admiration or confidence from Carter. "They" were accused of "building up" Kennedy all through 1979, partly because of lingering Camelot allegiances and partly because "they" just like to see a good fight. When Ted finally came out and started running, "they" did admittedly get pretty rough with him, but the Carter people felt this was the least the press could do because of the real flaws in the Kennedy record . I would speculate that "they" voted about 50-30-20, Carter, Reagan, Anderson. Grudgingly. Pledges ahead I dislike the notion of an "adversary relationship" between the press and the executive branch, the phrase that came into wide currency during the Nixon Administration. The press does, of course, have different purposes and perspectives from those of the White House. But the free press was seen from the earliest days of the Republic as charged with an indispensable role in our political system. It has unquestionably grown in power in the last quarter-century, through the impact of TV and the emergence of a "national press" (network journalism, the four or five most widely read newspapers, the newsmagazines). The press has truly become one of the "powers" in the "separation of powers," one of the "checks" in our system of checks and balances. Congress and the executive, and the courts and the executive, may often find themselves


adversaries, but they are not locked into an "adversary relationship." The press and White House need not be. The Washington press corps, apart from political preferences, is professionally biased in favor of a new Administration. A party turnover brings new faces and new policies, at minimum half a year of fresh, rich subject matter. And the Reagan Administration, as it seeks to convert an electoral landslide into a governing mandate, to develop its initiatives and legislative programs, has ample incentive to cultivate good press relations. There will be pledges of frequent press conferences and general "openness." When the honeymoon fades, spring or summer of 1981, there will begin to be more "conflict" stories (between the executive branch and Congress, within the executive branch), some failure stories (a new idea doesn't seem to be working, a new official seems to be a flop), maybe a scandal. And under our permanent political-campaigning system, reporters will begin writing about the next election, November 1982, at least a year in advance. The Washington press corps can do a perceptive and responsible job covering the Re~颅 gan Administration if the major news organizations and their leading correspondents are willing to get more serious about economics. Barring war or explosive foreign crises, there could be more economic content to the Washington story under President Reagan than at any time since F.D.R.'s first term. How to use the press The Reagan Administration, for its part, could do the country and itself a great favor if it could take a somewhat relaxed view of the Washington press corps. Not easy. But the tense view is dangerous. It can easily lead to the conviction that the press is a greater problem than the problems it reports, or indeed that there are few problems except as the press creates them. This siege mentality can deprive an Administration of valuable information about conditions and opinions "out there." All Administrations "use" the press in the sense of trying to influence its handling of the news. It would be refreshing to see high officials also use the press the way most readers and viewers do - to enlarge their understanding of what's going on. Reprinted with permission from FORTUNE magazine, December 29, 1980.

Here's Our Growing Honor Roll of Loyal Delta U's Who Have Joined

Since July 1, 1980 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25 . 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33 . 34 . 35. 36 . 37 . 38. 39 . 40. 41. 42. 43 . 44. 45 .

Horace L. Acaster, Pennsylvania '44 Mark H. Adams, Kansas '20 E. Daniel Albrecht, Arizona '59 Lawrence F. Armstrong, Technology '28 Charles V . Bacon, Jr., Purdue '38 Bruce S. Bailey, Denison '58 F. Lee Baird, Kansas '55 James R. Balta, Bucknell '59 William N . Banks, Jr., Dartmouth '45 Walter]. Beadle, Technology '20 Arnold O. Beckman, Illinois '22 Curtiss L. Beebe, Washington '35 Halden M . Beers, Carnegie '35 Kenneth N . Blackburn, Bradley '60 George Blair, Miami '37 Paul]. Bodine, Jr., Northwestern '50 George A. Bolas, Michigan '36 Kenneth P. Bosch, Carnegie '80 Herbert S. Botsford , California '53 James G. Brass, Manitoba '73 Jack]. Bricker, Western Reserve '35 Harry N. Briggs, Missouri '51 William D. Brumbaugh, Jr., Michigan '28 Wayne P. Buckmiller, Creighton '71 Craig L. Bunker, Kansas State '70 Peter Burbulis, Colgate '70 Donald A. Carlson, Alberta '54 William L. Carter, Florida '71 Harold D . Caylor, Indiana '16 C. E. Cayot, Kansas '25 David E. Chambers, Arizona '60 Huntly G. Chapman, British Columbia '68 Joseph W. Ciatti, Oregon '64 Don E. Clark, Alberta '55 P. LeMon Clark, Cornell '23 Benjamin M. Clifford, Washington State '46 Chester V . Clifton, Jr., Washington '35 Dwight M . Cochran, Chicago '27 David L. Cole, Wilmington '72 T. H. Conklin, Miami '29 Frank M. Coon, Michigan State '61 Willis G. Corbitt, Washington '20 Philip A . Corey, Ohio State '48 Lloyd W. Courter, Iowa '57 Harry W. Crawford, Ohio State '47


April, 1981

46. 47. 48. 49. 50 .

Ira Crews, Jr., Oklahoma '45 Curtiss E. Crippen, Minnesota '30 Mark E. Croxton, Michigan '23 Lawrence J. Dagostino, Union '75 Robert A. Dahlsgaard, Jr., Bradley '63 51. Homer P. Davidson, Wisconsin '31 52. Americo Dean, Jr., Michigan State '60 53 . Louis N. DeWitt, Ohio State '30 54. H. Robert Diercks, Minnesota '35 55 . James H. DuMond, Jr., Pacific '66 56. David R. Eagleson, Miami '44 57. Frederick L. Elder, Miami '27 58. John J. Enders, Washington State '39 59. Edwin L. English, Ohio State '22 60. Richard F. Fagan, Wash ington '52 61. George D. Ferguson, British Columbia '62 62 . Thomas S. Filip, Oklahoma '69 63. R. Bowen Gillespie, Marietta '72 64. Ernest L. Glasscock, Missouri '28 65 . Gary J. Golden, Rutgers '74 66. Benjamin A. Goodin, Missouri '39 67. William R. Gordon , Kansas State '60 68. William R. Grant, Union '49 69. Hugh W . Gray , Nebraska '34 70. James R. Green, Nebraska '75 71. Lewis D. Gregory, Kansas '75 72 . H. Thomas Hallowell, Jr., Swarthmore '29 73 . H . Vincent Harsha, Iowa '42 74. Robert C. Haugh, Indiana '48 75. Lloyd T. Hayward, Middlebury '23 76. Scott W. Hazen, Jr., Northwestern '34 77 . Edgar F. Heizer, Jr., Northwestern '51 78. Thomas H . Henkle, U.C.L.A. '50 79. Walter J. Hodge, Missouri '25 80. Joseph F. Hogan, Miami '48 81. William S. Holden, Washington '30 82. Richard J. Holmstrom, Stanford '79 83. Paul A. Howsare, Simpson '29 84 . E. William Hucke, Colby '34 85. C. Earl Ingalls, Brown '25 86. Bruce M. Jackson, Toronto '50 87. Thomas R. Jacobs , Arkansas '77 88. Jamille G. Jamra, Northwestern '38 89. James R. Johnson, Houston '78 90. Oliver K. Johnson, Sr., Kansas '26 91. Paul M. Jones, Western Reserve '23 92. William F. Jones, Nebraska '27 93 . William E. Jouris, Technology '61 94. William L. Julian, Illinois '29 95. Howard Kahlenbeck, Jr. , Indiana '52 96 . Stephen P. Kaptain, Michigan '48 97. Stewart B. Kett, California '49 98 . Leslie W . Kinnie, Colorado '71 99 . Kenneth M . Kroll, Rutgers '53 100. Paul A. Klinefelter, North Carolina State '80 101. Norman S. Knauss, Miami '53 102 . Semon E. Knudsen, Technology '36 103. Glede R. Kohler, DePauw '51 104. Robert J. LaFortune, Purdue '5 1 105. William H. Lawson, Purdue '50 106. Gary L. Levering, Northwestern '61 107. Dave Maguire, Southern Illinois '73 108. Robert J. Martin, Washington '59 109. Richard C. Marx, Pennsylvania '54 110. Arthur H. Mason, Illinois '16 111. Ralph L. Mason, Iowa State '33 112. Robert Mazet, Jr., Brown '24 113. John C. Mazzei, New York '26 DELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY路

114. Robert P. McBain, Michigan State '64 115. Howard L. McGregor , Jr., Williams '40 116. J. Paul McNamara, Miami '29 117. Donald C. Metz, Purdue '30 118. Richard E. Meyer, Michigan '61 119. Charles D. Miller, Johns Hopkins '49 120. Joel S. Mindel, Swarthmore '60 121. Allen A. Mossier, Indiana '50 122. Charles E. Nelson, Wisconsin '27 123. Herbert H . Nelson, Colorado '59 124. Donald F. Newman, Carnegie '54 125. Reginald B. Newman, Northwestern '59 126. Raymond S. Noonan, Middlebury '21 127. Robert V. Noreika, Lafayette '67 128. C. Esco Obermann, Iowa '26 129. M. J. O'Brien, Toronto '42 130. Brent G. Orcutt, Hamilton '26 131. Julius A. Otten, Michigan '61 132. Harold 1. Peters, Indiana '31 133. Wallace V. Peters, Pennsylvania State '14 134. H . Clayton Peterson, Kansas State '67 135. Walter R. Peterson, Washington '22 136. Joseph H. Penrose, Jr., Cornell '59 137. Charles A. Phillips, III, Clarkson '64 138. Robert L. Purcell, Chicago '31 139. Remington J. Purdy; Lehigh '28 140. Donald C. Rasmussen, Purdue '46 141. Orville H . Read, Missouri '33 142. John G. Redline , Jr. , Pennsylvania '48 143. William K. Reid , Oklahoma '58 144. Paul H . Resch, Carnegie '28 145. William R. Reusing, Virginia '62 146. Arthur L. Rice, Jr., Illinois '36 147. Donald L. Richardson, Washington & Lee '43 148. Fulton W. Samson, Pennsylvania '21 149. Samuel A. Santandrea, Rochester '56 150. Christopher Saricks, Kansas '70 151. Nelson Schaenen, Jr. , Cornell '50 152. C. Earl Schooley, Missouri '28 153. John K. Selleck, Nebraska '12 154. James H . Sergeson, Michigan '59 155 . Charles W. Shanks, Jr., Florida '67 156. John L. Sherman, San Jose '66 157. Carl D. Shields, Purdue '36 158. George W. Shore, Arizona '62 159. Cassius C. Sisler, Western Reserve '48 160. Charles.f. Slawson, Kansas '20 161. Donald t. Slawson, Kansas '56 162. John R. Slothower, Nebraska '45 163. Richard A. Smith, Missouri '62 164. Thomas C. Smith, Kansas State '70 165. Paul C. Steinfurth, Bowling Green and Ohio State '68 166. R . V. Stephens, Indiana '61 167. William L. Stover, Carnegie '40 168. Raymond Stutsman, Purdue '53 169. Vern P. Swanes, Washington '45 170. Herbert K. Taylor, Jr. , Swarthmore '27 171. Ashton M. Tenney, Chicago '43 172. Scott D. Thayer, Middlebury '43 173. Franklyn H. Tormoen, Minnesota '30 174. Peter A. Tuohy, Washington '53 175. William K. Ulerich, Pennsylvania State '31

April, 1981

176. Ralph E. Vandervort, Jr., Oregon State '41 177. William E. Walker, Ohio State '54 178. W. D. Watkins, North Carolina '27 179. Clayton B. Weed, Jr., Colgate '44 180. G. H . Westby, Chicago '20 181. James A. Wiese, Iowa '58 182. Hugh F. Wilkins, Nebraska '42 183. Henry J. Wilshusen, Pennsylvania '71 184. Milo G. Wingard, Jr., Technology '51 185 . Kenneth Winston , Carnegie '56 186. Samuel M. Yates, San Jose '55 187. Robert G. Yingling, Jr., Missouri '62 188. JackJ. Yirak, Iowa State '40 189. James A. Zurbrigen, Technology '53

----------------, Will you be

Century Club Member #190? Your check for $100.00 will help us make our goal of 250 members before June 1, 1981. To: Hon. Herbert Brownell, President Yes, Count me in. Here's my check for $100.00 IL name _______________




DU International Headquarters Building Is Ten Years Old This Year In 1970, Delta Upsilon was the first fraternity to build a headquarters building in the newly-zoned Collegiate Center area of College Park on the northern outskirts of Indianapolis, Indiana. The move from New York City, where the fraternity had been officed for 88 years was followed by approximately two years on Waterway Boulevard in rental quarters made available to Delta Upsilon by Beurt R. SerVaas, Indiana '41. From that point, a headquarters building committee surveyed a number of sites, finally deciding that the northern quadrant of the city afforded unique advantages and that a collegiate center area of organizations similar to Delta U psilon could provide immense advantages for the entire fraternity movement. Since Delta Upsilon built the first headquarters facility, the headquarters of Lambda Chi Alpha and Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternities have joined us on Founders Road; as have the central offices of Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Gamma Delta, Alpha Xi Delta and Zeta Tau Alpha. Nearby, Sigma Alpha Mu has its headquarters in the 3333 Founders Lane building, and just three blocks away are the head30

quarters of Phi Sigma Kappa and the National Interfraternity Conference. Indianapolis continues to be a magnet for attracting all types of Greek-letter groups, and a total of 18 presently are located in the city, making Indianapolis the largest single concentration of such groups. The city is within 600 miles of 50 percent of the population of the United States, and is located not far from the exact geographic center of Delta Upsilon chapters. That means that many chapters are within a single day's driving distance of the fraternity headquarters . Since it has been some time since the Quarterly has presented an update on the work of the fraternity headquarters and its staff, we thought with the tenth anniversary of the dedication of the building in April of 1971, that it was timely and appropriate to take you on a picture tour of your headquarters. Delta Upsilon's International Headquarters is of contemporary design. The exterior is rubble-cut native Bedford, Indiana limestone with durametalic trim and a dramatic sloping metal roof. The Canadian, United States and Delta Upsilon flags fly from the front of

the building, a practice adopted by a number of our neighbors as well. We share a common driveway with our Alpha Gamma Delta neighbors, and a large parking area is located to the rear of the building to accommodate groups of chapter delegations and officers attending committee meetings at the headquarters. Entering the pleasant reception area, you are likely to be greeted by Betsy Mills, the headquarters receptionist or Mrs . Jan Mahorney, the foundation research specialist. You are asked to sign the guest register and taken on a brief tour. In the principal hall there is the TIME gallery of every member of Delta Upsilon who has been honored to grace the cover of TIME magazine during the years of its publication. We note that there are two covers with our current Delta Upsilon President featured, Brother Herbert Brownell, Nebraska '24. In the rear of the building are the large storage and shipping areas with a loading dock to take delivery of shipments of paper and other supplies. Duplicating and mailing areas provide an offset press that is run expertly by Glen Stuart who prints


April, 1981

all of our envelopes, letterheads, bulletins, and the reports, minutes and other documents that are the stock and trade of communication. In the duplicating area you'll see a high-speed postage meter, copier, collator, paper punch, plastic binding equipment and a large paper cutter. Moving to the general secretarial area, we notice Mrs. Judith Hanks, who just celebrated her tenth anniversary with the headquarters, pouring over the books of alumni address printouts. She will make 16,000 changes, updates and corrections to alumni records before the next update of the files. Next, Mrs. Julie Glass and Mrs. Anna Smith, who are headquarters secretaries, patiently and expertly

transcribe the masses of dictation that are a part of the service and information provided to alumni, undergraduates, and college and university officials. Today Mrs. Smith is working on reports for the Undergraduate Activities Committee and Mrs. Glass is transcribing a report on a teleconference held with other fraternity executives to plan a means of solving a systemwide campus problem. Moving to the left, we notice the vault and adding machine that denotes the office of Mrs. Linda Deaton the headquarters' bookkeeper. She is also responsible for recording all of the pledges and initiates, and for the operation of the orders department that fills orders for General Store merchandise and

Receptionist Betsy Mills welcomes guests to the H eadquaTters, After signing the guest register, she will give you a tOUT of the building.

In the general office aI'ea, Julie Glass transcribes dictation while Judy Hanks checks the membership directories. DELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY路

April, 1981

supplies. Located in a central spot in the office layout is the office of Delta Upsilon office manager and assistant Quarterly editor Jo Ellen Walden. Miss Walden supervises the work of the headquarters office force, is responsible for personnel policy administration, and the allocation of work and resources to see that all of the tasks get accomplished on schedule. Today she is busy opening and routing the mail, adding up the alumni support receipts and directing some itinerary changes for a leadership consultant. .Mrs. Barbara Harness, who is conference registrar and is responsible for the logistics and meeting arrangements for the Board of Directors, standing committees, the leadership conference and convention, and regional leadership seminars is working on the new Mergenthaler Omnitech laser beam typesetting mini-computer today. She will produce the type for the programs for the Regional Leadership Seminars at a fraction of the cost of outside typesetting in a quarter of the time. Meanwhile, two hundred pieces of incoming mail have been routed; Betsy Mills is at work on the Lanier word processor preparing alumni support acknowledgement letters and answering the incoming telephone calls, making outgoing calls, and doing the routine, but very necessary filing. In the afternoon, the ladies will take a break, compare notes and then return to their work. The outgoing mail, some four hundred pieces on the average, is prepared, metered and placed in trays for the Post Office; the telephone begins to quiet down for the first -time today; and there is a bit of time to make lists of what must be accomplished for the day. At five o'clock, the majority of the staffleaves for the day, with the office manager and executive director continuing to review what has occurred and what must be done tomorrow. The lights burn in the executive director's office for two more hours before it is possible to complete the most pressing tasks and call the day finished.


1 Bookkeeper Linda Deaton stores he?' ledgers and papen in the fire-proof vault in her office.

Barbara Hamess, Administrative Assistant, operates the computer typesetting equipment as well as handling the details for the leadership conference and convention, the regional meetings, board and committee meetings and travel aTrangements for the staff

JoE lien Walden, Office Manager, opens and sorts all of the incoming mail each moming.

Anna Smith transcribes dictation and types minutes and reports from various committee meetings. Here she is operating one of the word processing machines used at the headquarters.


Printer Glen Stuart handles all of the many printing projects done at the headquarters. DELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY路

April, 1981

Gomment on GFraternity

The Best Kept Secret In Our Non-Secret Fraternity

Perhaps the best kept secret in our non-secret fraternity is the tremendous contribution to educational programming made by the Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation. Established in 1949 by the late Hugh E. Nesbitt, Ohio State '14, and a group of his friends and Delta Upsilon fraternity brothers, the foundation has grown and expanded its scope from the original program of scholarship grants for undergraduates. Today, the Educational Foundation has sponsored a wide variety of educational and research activities that have been of help and assistance to the development of undergraduate student leadership on college campuses across North America. It is fitting that the Fraternity and the Educational Foundation leadership have joined together in a unique partnership as a part of the major capital fund-raising effort for the Sesquicentennial of Delta Upsilon that will be observed in 1984, but will be developed in the four years preceding that signal event. The Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation seeks to enlarge its limited endowment in order to fund a number of educational and leadership development activities where funding is not available from any other source. Improvement of the annual leadership conference which has involved over 9,000 undergraduate leaders since its inception in 1948, is high on the Foundation's agenda of needed work. It is hoped that it will be possible both to add one more day to the leadership conference program and to increase the number of chapter officers permitted to attend. Enriching the program of the seven Regional Leadership Seminars, the former Province Conference program, is another high priority on the Foundation's agenda of needed work. Then, the Foundation wants to sponsor an Alumni Institute to train tomorrow's generation of alumni advisors, counselors, and corporation officers. You will be hearing more about the work of the Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation in the months ahead. It is high time that it becomes the best known educational adjunct for the fraternity of tomorrow. Fraternally, Wilford A. Butler, CAE Executive Director


April, 1981


GJ) G[J GNewsmakers

John A. Shepard, Amherst '49, has been appointed Headmaster of Sr.. Mary's Episcopal Day School, Tampa, Florida, after 18 years as Headmaster of the Tuxedo Park School, Tuxedo Park, New York. It has been announced that

Michael G. Boylan, Bradley '69, and L. Lee Perington have formed a partnership under the firm name of Perington& Boylan, for the general practice of law in Geneva, Illinois. Dr. Howard G. Baetzhold, Brown '44, internationally known Mark Twain scholar, is now head of the Butler University English Department. He is continuing as professor of English, a rank he has held since 1967. Before coming to Butler in 1953, Dr. Baetzhold taught at Columbia, Rutgers, and Drew universities.

Plans and the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Mandel, vice president and director of Shields Asset Management, Inc., New York, is one of the 167 charter Certified Employees Benefit Specialists. He qualified for the designation by passing a series of ten college level national examinations on employee benefits subjects and by meeting and attesting to high standards of business and professional conduct. Registrants in the four year old CEBS program number over 7,000. Mandel is mayor of Baxter Estates, New York, chairman of the Delta Upsilon subcommittee on investing the fraternity 's endowment, The Permanent Trust Fund, and is a member of the National Alumni Fund Board and the Alumni Cabinet of the University of Chicago. He is a fellow of the Financial Analysts Federation and a member of the New York Society of Security Analysts and the Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts.

Charles R. Pollock, Bucknell '70, formerly director of public relations at Juniata College, Huntington, Pennsylvania, has been named director of public relations at Ohio Wesleyan University.


Chemistry professor F. Keith AuIt, Indiana '60, and biology professor Daniel W. Ball have applied for a patent on the use of vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, as a dechlorinator. The two Ball State University professors say vitamin C, long used to prevent scurvy and ward off colds, is a cheap, effective water dechlorina tor and can render chlorine gas harmless.

Anthony K. Kesman, Iowa '77, has been named Region Manager in Pittsburgh for the American Hospital Supply Division of An:erican Hospital Supply Corporation. Kesman began his career with American in May 1977 as a salesman in Minneapolis, and since that time has held the position of Upper Midwest Area Sales Manager in Kansas City. W. D. Alford, Iowa State '51, has been named president of the National Agri-Marketing Association. Alford is currently the agricultural sales director of Orion Broadcasting/WMT Cedar Rapids, Iowa. NAMA consists of advertising, marketing, sales, and corporate executives employed by firms selling to the farm market.

C. R. Pollock

Maurice S. Mandel, Chicago '55, has been designated a Certified Employee Benefit Specialist (CEBS) by the International Foundation of Employee Benefit

Washington Report, received a State of Texas lapel pin from Neal L. Spelce, Texas '56, president of several Texas communications companies at a banquet in the Texas capital in January. Spelce, the outgoing Austin Chamber of Commerce president, presented the pin to Kiplinger, keynote speaker, as he finished his address at the annual meeting. The occasion marked the publication of the first issue of a new Kiplinger Texas Letter, a monthly economic report on the Lone Star State. Spelce owns a Texas advertising/public relations firm, various radio stations and a publishing company.

Neal Spelce, left, pins a State of Texas lapel pin on Austin Kiplinger.

Austin H. Kiplinger, Cornell '39, Editor-In-Chief of the Kiplinger

Morehead State University President Morris L. Norfleet has announced he will recommend to the MSU Board of Regents that Offensive Coordinator Steven C. Loney, Iowa State '74, be promoted to head football coach. Loney would become the youngest football head coach at MSU in nearly 30 years and the first MSU assistant to


April, 1981

be promoted directly to a head coaching position in a major sport since 1968.

W. D. Alford James R. Brooks, Kansas '62, national sales manager for The Harvest Publishing Company, has been appointed associate publisher for Golf Business. Brooks will continue to serve as national sales manager and remain based in Atlanta. Robert B. McKay, Kansas '40, former dean ofthe New York University Law School and past president of the Legal Aid Society, has been appointed director of the Institute of Judicial Administration, an independent body providing research to improve the administration of justice. Since his departure from N.Y.U. in 1975, Professor McKay has been director of the justice program of the Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies. E. Bernard Franklin, Kansas State '75, chairman of the Kansas board of regents, was the recipient of the University's 1980 Presidential Award for Distinguished Service to Minority Education. The award, established three years ago by President Duane Acker, recognizes an individual s outstanding contribution to the development of quality minority education at KSU. Thomas D. Hawk, Kansas State '68, director of secondary education in the Manhattan public school system, and currently working on his doctorate, also operates University Photography , Inc. The business does various types of photography and is a favorite of the sororities and fraternities on campus. Joe A. Knopp, Kansas State '74, continuing his active role in politics DELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY'

as he was victorious in the 67th district state representative race, states the level of interest in politics, on both the national and local levels, is much greater than when he attended K-State. He states, "It is important for Greeks to be politically involved since the politics of the community affect them." Knopp says it is important for the sorority and fraternity houses to have a good relationship in their immediate environment and being politically involved is just one such way of doing this. Marvin S. Katzman, Louisville '55, completed his studies at the School of Government and Business Administration, The George Washington University, and was awarded the Degree of Doctor of Business Administration. Katzman is a member of the faculty at G.W.U . The members of the Ohio Historical Society elected Carlos Burr Dawes, Marietta '23, to complete an unexpired term on the Board of Trustees. Dawes is Chairman/ Director Emeritus of the Dawes Arboretum in Newark. He is also president of the Johnny Appleseed Foundation, chairman of Historic Gardens, Inc., vice-president of the Ohioana Library Association, and a member of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Massachusetts. Bruce W. Little, McGill '54, has been appointed vice-president, manufacturing operations, for La Compagnie d'Energie & De Papier Maclaren. Owen Sam Ard, Missouri '53, executive vice president of the Lawton, Oklahoma, Chamber of Commerce, has been appointed chairman of the Governor's Industrial Team. This group advises the Oklahoma Industrial Development Department on matters relating to economic development. George T. Eblen, Missouri '58, has assumed the duties of editor and general manager of the Fort Scott (Kansas) Tribune. Formerly, Eblen was the Gannett Foundation Professional in Residence at the William Allen White School of

April, 1981

Journalism at the University of Kansas in Lawrence. The Reverend James C. "J. C." Emerson, Missouri '62, ordained to the Episcopal Priesthood in 1969, has become Vicar of The Church of St. Elizabeth in Russell, Kansas, and Executive Administrator of The Arnold M. Lewis Conference Center, Webster Lake, an institution of the Episcopal Diocese of Western Kansas. Formerly the Curate of St. John's Church, Buffalo, New York, and the Vicar of St. Andrew's Church, Newfane, New York, he most recently served (since 1973) as Vicar of Trinity Church, Marshall, Missouri, and Staff Chaplain at the Marshall State School-Hospital and Regional Center.

Donald Press, is promoted to mnk of Colonel in the U.S. Army.

Donald P. Press, Missouri '58, was recently promoted to the rank of Colonel in the U.S. Army. Press is currently serving overseas at the Supreme Headquarters, Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE), Casteau, Belgium. ' The New York Stock Exchange has announced thatCharlesJ. Burmeister, Nebraska '52, has been approved as a member. Burmeister is President and Chief Executive Officer of First Mid America Inc., a Lincoln, Nebraska, based regional investment banking firm which is entering its 20th year as a member firm of the New York Stock Exchange. Kenneth G. Trantowski, Northern Illinois '70, has been named a group manager at Burson-Marsteller, Chicago. A vice president since 1977, Trantowski has also been a client services manager for the last three years. He joined the agency in 1971. 35

G[) G[J 'Newsmakers the late Air Force General Yount had in mind when he founded the school.

K. G. Trantowski John L. Boyd, Oklahoma '42, has been elected president-elect of the Oklahoma Bar Association and will assume the office of president in January 1982. Long active in bar association activities, he has served as a member of the OBA Board of Governors, and held the offices of president, secretary and treasurer of the Tulsa County Bar Association. He edits the Real Estate Law Section of the official publication of the Oklahoma Trial Lawyers Association.

W. R. Tlucek

J. P. McKay

William R. Tlucek, Oklahoma '58, was recently elected commander of the U.S. Department of Agriculture American Legion Post 36 in Washington, D.C. The Post has 200 members and is active in children and youth programs. Tlucek is a deputy director of the State Operations Division, Family Nutrition Programs within the U.S. Department of Agriculture. John Phillip McKay, Jr., Oklahoma State '79, has been presented the Barton Kyle Yount Award, American Graduate School of International Management's highest honor. The award is presented each commencement to the graduate who most nearly meets the requirements of the ideal American that 36

Richard C. Berry, Pennsylvania '56, has been appointed associate director of the Air Cargo Management Group. He joins the Seattlebased consulting firm after twentythree years in aviation, most recently with Hawaiian Airlines as executive director, Air Cargo DiviSIOn.

Donald P. Boyd, Pennsylvania '42, was recently elected vice president of Hammermill Paper Company, Erie, Pennsylvania, with responsibilities in the areas of corporate purchasing, transportation and pulp sales. Boyd joined Hammermill in 1968 as director of purchasing. Carl O. Nelson, Pennsylvania State '66, has been appointed vice president of Emkay Development Company, Inc . - a MorrisonKnudsen Co. , a major commercial and industrial builder. On the 1980 Alumni Reunion Weekend, the Pennsylvania State University officials accepted a 270acre gift of real estate from Alfred W . Pond, Pennsylvania State '21, who hopes it will be used to establish scholarships honoring his father, the legendary Penn State chemistry professor George G. "Swampy" Pond, for whom Pond Laboratory is named. A retired Western Electric chemist now living in Greensboro, North Carolina, the 83 year old Pond visited the Alumni Lounge in Old Main last June and recounted tales of his father, of growing up on campus and of acquiring the land he had just donated to his alma mater. Richard A. Hegeman, Pw·due '49, has been appointed to the newly created position of vice president of sales for Square D Company. Hegeman will have responsibility for all field marketing and some corporate marketing functions.

Joseph L. Fisher, Technology '35, has been appointed to head a unit of the Wilderness Society. Fisher, a former Representative from the State of Virginia, will run a program financed by a $620,000 grant from the Richard King Mellon Foundation to resolve conflicts over use of millions of acres of public lands. Robert W. Meier, Washington '73, has resigned his commission in the U.S. Army and accepted a position with Exxon Chemical Americas, as the laboratory head at the Bayway Chemical Plant Laboratory in Linden, New Jersey. James L. Schueler, Jr., Western Michigan '67, was named executive vice president of Clarklift of Northwest Ohio, Inc. He will be responsible for marketing the firm's total line of internal combustion and electric powered fork lift trucks, attachments and other related material handling equipment. Roy H. Stone, Western Michigan '61, has been appointed Director of Sales and Marketing for TFE Industries, a division of "Fortune 500" Dayco Corporation. Stone will be responsible for TFE · sales and marketing activities throughout the United States and Canada. He joined TFE in Chicago in 1979 as Midwest Region Sales Manager. Lisle M. Buckingham, Western Reserve '17, was given the Fellow's award for 50 years of service to the public, by the Ohio State Bar Foundation at its 1980 annual meeting. Former Green Bay Packer, Robert A. Long, Wichita '63, has been chosen to head up a new development division of The Rooney Group, a Wauwatosa firm specializing in real estate appraisals and feasibility studies. The new division will provide complete services for developers of commercial properties such as offices, restaurants, condominiums and shopping centers. Since playing for the Packers, Atlanta Falcons and Washington Redskins between 1965 and 1971, Long has developed and managed over 100 properties in six states.


April, 1981

Calendar of Future Events 25th Anniversary of Kansas State Chapter November 6-8, 1981. 147th Leadership Conference and Convention August 20-22,1981

G[) G[J GBookshelf The Hawkweed PASSIVE SOLAR HOUSE BOOK, Sydney and Rodney Wright, Robert I. Selby, Illinois '66, and Larry Dieckmann, Rand McNally & Company, Chicago, Illinois 60680, $7.95 paperback, $14.95 hardbound.

From houses to fire stations to an entire town center, The Hawkweed Group, composed of three architects and a city planner, has designed more than 300 passive solarheated units in a region with one of the severest climates in the United States - the Midwest. U sing more than 100 photographs and line drawings, the authors show you how to analyze the climate in your area and design a house that meets its demands, no matter where you live; how to add a passive solar system to heat, cool, light or provide hot water for your present or future home; and how to build your solar house with the aid of an architect, with a builder, or by yourself. The Hawkweed PASSIVE SOLAR HOUSE BOOK is not just for homebuilders, but for anyone who wants to learn the basic facts about solar usage and the impact it will have in years to come. DELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY路 April,

Poetry of THE YOUNG SOLDIER IN WORLD WAR II, W.James Bastain, Syracuse '41, Dorrance & Company, 35 Cricket Terrace, Ardmore, Pennsylvania 19003, $2 .95 .

The young soldiers of World War II experienced a variety of conflicting feelings during their service in Europe and the Pacific; some tried to sort them out in letters home to friends, while others, like Jim Bastain, expressed their fears, disappointments, and amusement at military procedure in poetry. The author's slyly humorous, often poignant poetry, which reflects the common feelings and experiences of a young man far from home, will revive the memories of veterans as they, too, recall their lonely nights and anxious days as soldiers in World War II .

Have you moved recently? Help keep your mailing record up to date and reduce mailing costs by sending us your new address today: please print or type your name

chapter/graduation year

Authors of books by and about Delta Upsilon members are invited to send review copies for this regular feature. Each book is added to the Headquarters' DU Book Collection. 1981

mailing address


I U Chapter FoundatIon Formed Two years ago a few alumni of the Indiana University Chapter decided that some tool should be devised to give recognition to scholarship and to provide more opportunity for cultural development, leadership activities, and personal development of the individual member. The Indiana Wrangler Educational Foundation was founded May 9, 1978 by Mickey Miller '42, Lindy G. Moss '49, and Herbert E. Smith '52 as a means of providing aid to Indiana University students in educational activities. On August 28, 1978 it became a Public Foundation 509(a)(l) and exempt from Federal Income Tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The Foundation was named after an active group of students at Indiana University on campus at the turn of the century (1902) who called themselves the "Wranglers." In 1908 they turned their attention to affiliation with a National Fraternity. In 1915 they were accepted into Delta Upsilon International Fraternity. The purposes of the Wrangler Foundation include: assisting duly enrolled, qualified and needy students at Indiana University; developing intellectual curiosity that assures the highest scholarship rating consistent with ability; encouraging habits that lead to better mental and physical health; establishing sincerity in association with others and confidence in oneself; promoting responsibility to college, community and country, and rewarding leadership that comes from involvement in University activities. Also, the Foundation is committed to promoting the diffusion and development of cultural awareness among students enrolled at Indiana University. Anyone can become a member of the Wrangler Foundation by contributing at least $100 over a five year period or as selected by the Board of Trustees. Gary Kern '83, Scholarship Chairman, planned the Fall Scholarship Banquet for November 5, 1980 at the Chapter house. Dr. Larry Campbell, Dean of the University Division (Freshman Division) was the featured speaker. A number of parents and alumni were guests and the dining room was at capacity to honor the 10 recipients of approximately $1200 in scholarships. Those honored were : Steven Bassett '83, Stephen Blaising '81, James Hildebranski '8 1, Michael Kalb '83, Gary Kern '83, Russell Larko '8 1, Kent Mitchell '82,James Peck '8 1, Michael Schultz '81, Richard Williams '82. The Wrangler Foundation Scholarship Banquet is held each semester, honoring those members who best meet the qualifications in the preceding semester. The second semester banquet was held Tuesday, February 10, 1981.


There's a DU Alumni Club Near You. Check the Listing of Alumni Clubs PHOEN IX. ARIZONA ................. Contact Charles W. Boyle, II 858 T hunderbird, Sun City 8535 I. 'LOS ANGELES, CA LIFORNIA ......... Presiden t Robert S. Wallace. 447 Landfair, West Los Angeles 90024. SAN DIEGO. CA LIFORNIA. . .. President Mark J. Bruce, 2502 Community, Montrose 91020. 'SAN JOSE, CALIFORN IA .... President James Girvin. 35 LaVonne Drive. #1, Campbell 95008. 'WASHIN GTON, D.C. . .......... . ..... President Robert L. Almond. Jr.. 7404'" Baltimore Ave .. College Park. Md. 20740. 'GAINESVILLE, FLORIDA. . .. . President Greg Reis. 1615-8 SW 42nd Street. Gainesville 32601. ORLANDO, FLORIDA ... Contact Paul E. Rosenthal. 1748-A Americana Blvd .. Orlando 32809. 'ATLANTA, GEORG IA .... .. .. . . . ... .. President AllenJ. Walters 1II, 1332 Northview Ave., NE, Atlanta 30306. Telephone: (404) 873-1676. 'CHICAGO, ILLI NO IS ... . __. . . .. .. . . PreSldent lames O. Stoia. 180 N. LaSa lle Street. Suite 2517. Chicago 6060 I. Telephone: (3 I 2) 372-2209. ' PEORIA, ILLI NO IS ........... . ....... Contact John J. Schad , Ir .. 3817 N. Linden Lane, Peoria 61614. ' INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA .......... President Porter Murphy. 7250 Sleinmeier Drive, Indianapolis 46250. 'DAVENPORT. IOWA ...... President Henry N. Neuman, 2846 E. Pleasant Street, Davenport 52803. 'IOWA CITY, IOWA... . ...... Contact Delta Upsi lon, 320 Ellis Avenue.IO\~a City 52240. 'WICHITA, KANSAS .......... PreSldent W. BenJamm Gnsamore. 4515 Meadow Lane, Wichita 67218. 'LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY President Steve Ishmael 2605 Top Hill Rd., Louisville 40206 Telephon e: (502) 897-9509 NEW ORLEANS. LOUISIANA ......... President Carl Bonura. 1405 Houma Blvd., Metairie 70001. 'NEW YORK, NEW YORK .... President Harry Laubscher, 15 Clark Street. Brooklyn 11201. Telephone : (212) 437-5816. 'SYRACUSE, NEW YORK .. Secretary J ack F. Sloane, 940 Comstock Avenue, Syracuse 132 I O. 'CHARLOrrE, NORTH CAROLINA .... . . __ ........ President Peter H. Gems. 2790 First Union Plaza, Charlotte 28282 Telephone: (704) 374- 1'200 . . 'COLUMBUS, OHIO · .~~er.dB~~a~a~~e~, ~~I:s~b'us 43215. BARTLESVILLE. OKLAHOMA ........ President lohn P. Liggett, 1319 Oakaale Drive, Bartlesville 74003. 'OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA ... . .President James Robinson, 400 NW 39th Street, Oklahoma City 73118. TULSA, OKLAHOMA ....... . . • ....... PresidentJoe Fulton. 2135 Terwilliger Blvd., Tulsa 741 14. EUGENE. OREGON .......... . • . . ..... President RODen Wren. 3265 W. 15th Street. Eugene 97402. , . , . ,President William Klingman, 'DALLAS. TEXAS .. 3108 Bryn Mawr, Dallas 75225. , . . President Sam F. Dick. FORT WORTH. TEXAS 6100 Meredith Lane. fort Worth 76134. . .Co ntact Andrew Smallwood. ' HO USTON. TEXAS . . . . 5650 Kirby, Suite 209. Houston 77005. Telephone: ~713) 664-7483. .... ,PreSident WIlham L. Brewer, 'SAN ANTONIO. TEXAS 800 Babcock Road, Apt. 222, San Antonio 78201. 'SEArrLE, WASHINGTON · . .Secretary Thomas M. Solber~, 'SPOKANE, WASHINGTON ' MILWA UKEE. WISCONSIN

· .. ~~~;i:eO;t


.~r~!i~Oe~eChba~I~; ~u~~:,~ftz~9203. 757 N. Broadway. Milwaukee 53202.


..... .President Brian E. Henson ,

229-39th Avenue. S.W .• Calgary T2S OW6. 'V ANCOUVER. BRITISH COLUMBIA .. ..

· . . President Rick Acton,

5775 Toronto Road. Suite 1203. Vancouver V6T IX4. Telephone: 734-487 I WINNIPEG, MANITOBA 'LONDON. ONTARIO

· . . President A'ndrew Currie. ~~3J ~~~inglOn Crescent, Winnipeg .... .President C. Ronald Hodgins,


.Contact Paul A. Ten Hove,

de la-Sablonierekade I . Kampen, The Netherlands. (Asterisk denotes club is chartered.)


April, 1981

Births Marietta '67 - Mr. and Mrs. Bruce P. Coffin,Jr. of Valatie, New York, a son, Gregory Robert, on November 5, 1980. Michigan State '72 - Dr. and Mrs. W. Jeffery Page of Grand Rapids, Michigan, .a son, Nathan McKenna on September 4, 1980. Northern Illinois '73 - Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Cherry of Wheaton, Illinois, a son, Brent Douglas on January 12,1981. Rutgers '73 - Mr. and Mrs . Robert W. Titchenell of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, a son, Robert Joseph. Texas '73-Mr. and Mrs. Leland W. Waters of Pampa, Texas, a daughter, Kellen Elaine on December 23, 1980. Toronto '76 - Dr. and Mrs. Gary Paul Stephen of Thornhill, Ontario, a son, David Lawrence on August 9, 1980.

Marriages Clarkson '78 - Steven D. Lustig and Miss Robyn M. Fedelstein on April 20, 1980. Northern Iowa '82 - Kent Randall Busse and Miss Kathy Louise Eglehoff on May 24, 1980 in Clarinda, Iowa. Western Ontario '73 - Joseph W. A. Killoran and Miss Nancy Ann Weber in Toronto, Ontario on November 8, 1980.

Obituaries It is with regret that the QUa?路te1'ly announces the death of the following brothers: AUBURN John T. Brown '63, Nov. 10, 1980 BOWDOIN Henry W. Jones,Jr. '50,June 10, 1980 James A. Norton '13, Nov. 27, 1980 BROWN E. R. Hering '21, Nov. 18, 1977 Harold E. Muir '11, Jan. '5, 1978 CALIFORNIA Jeffry W. Brauner '77, Sept. 17, 1980 Golden F. Fine '29, Nov. 13, 1980 Daniel T. Haley '32 CHICAGO Charles C. Baker '50, Nov. 1, 1959 COLGATE Joseph H . Cope '32, Nov. 21, 1980 Philo W. Parker '12, Jan. 1, 1981 COLUMBIA Donald L. Harbaugh '22, Dec. 22, 1980 CORNELL Ralph C. Van Horn '18, Jan . I, 1981 DEPAUW David E. Lilienthal '20,Jan. IS, 1981 ILLINOIS Kenneth S. Lewis '21, Dec. 24, 1980 INDIANA Robert M. Baral '25 DELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY'

Palmer G. Ek '23 IOWA STATE Bernard L. Miller '39 Harvey H . Pflueger '25 Fred R. Tucker ' 16, Oct. 27, 1969 JOHNS HOPKINS James A. Berger '28, Feb. 1,1980 Vernon E. Stuart '20, Dec. 18, 1980 LAFAYETTE Walter W. Leyrer '26, Nov. 21,1980 LEHIGH Ralph Donaldson 'IS, 1978 LOUISVILLE W. Bruce Baird '54, Nov. 13, 1980 MCGILL T. L. Gavin '69 ]. G. Roberton '22, Oct. 24, 1980 K. B. Roberton '20, 1978 William S. Yuile '27 MIAMI Everett L. Lykins '59, Nov. 25, 1980 John E. Shuff '26 John M. Terrill '23, Aug. 13, 1980 MICHIGAN Carl B. Grawn '09, April 19, 1980 MIDDLEBURY *Carl S. Kuebler' 17 Charles A. Rheinstrom '24, May 28, 1980 MISSOURI Roscoe Gillaspie '24 NEBRASKA Harold B. Benson '3 1, Oct. 23, 1980 William J . McCormick '46, July 11, 1980 NEW YORK John E.]. Clare, Jr. '23, Feb. 8, 1980 NORTH DAKOTA Don S. Napper '76, Oct. 26, 1979 NORTHWESTERN Royal G. Bouschor '24 Bernard F. Weber, .fr. '20, Dec. 9, 1980 OKLAHOMA Waldo L. Grossman '35 OREGON Kenneth E. Hastings '58 OREGON STATE Lee M. Greenleaf '31, Feb. 6, 1980 Clifford O. Hatfield '20, Oct. 30, 1980 George N. Wait '21,Jan. 4,1980 PENNSYLVANIA STATE Ralph]. Cahall 'IS, May 3,1980 Harold E. Davis '12, Dec. 24, 1980 Grey M. Olliver '57, Jan. 19, 1980 Dexter W. Very '13, Sept. 27, 1980 Allen E. Wharton '24, Sept. 6, 1980 ROCHESTER Edward M. Rex '49, April 3, 1980 ]. Bruce Scrymgeour '38, Dec. 26, 1980 K. W. Sutherland '20, Jan. 29,1951 RUTGERS . R. Parkhurst Dickerson '14, Dec. 30, 1980 Howard D. McKinney '13 , Sept. 26, 1980 Walter E. Morgan, Jr. '30, Nov. 8, 1980 Harry H. Schoonmaker '23, Dec. 25, 1980 SIMPSON Raymond W. Truscott '05 STANFORD William P. Olmsted '22, Nov. 8, 1980 Akeley P. Quirk '32, Oct. 17, 1980 E. John Tampcke '31, Sept. 2, 1980 Kenneth A. White '31, Nov. IS, 1980 Stevan N. Worley '69

April, 1981

SWARTHMORE Charles C. Huston '30, Jan. 22, 1980 James]. Monaghan '13, Oct. 1980 TUFTS Ralph U. Cross ' 16, April 14, 1980 Brainerd F. Hughes '28, Nov. 3, 1980 U .C.L.A. Charles E. Chapel '50 VIRGINIA Richard A. Cupaiuoli '32, Sept. 5, 1980 WESLEYAN Graham B. Bell '45, Oct. 23, 1968 Laurence O. Binder, Jr. '36, Dec. I, 1979 WISCONSIN E.]. Frawley '23, Dec. 10, 1980 William F. Greeley,Jr. '50,June 4,1980 *The Post Office has notified us of the death of these brothers.

Business and Professional Directory

PHOTOGRAPHERS ARIZONA INCOME PROPERTIES Now is the time to invest in the Phoenix area. We have a large portfolio of available buildings, mobile home parks and land for development. Rolf G. Edholm, Chicago '50, Mutual Realty Investment, Inc., 2613 N. 3rd Street, Phoenix, ArIzona 85004. (602) 2641800. CONSULTANTS Alexander & Associates Co., Canadian Consultants for Marketing, Manufacturing, Tariffs, Licencing and C.S.A. Joe Alexander, P.E., Iowa State '55, University of Toronto '77, 30 King's Inn Trail, Thornhill, Ontario L3T IT7.

PHOTOGRAPHERS George A. Blair, Miami '37, Founder and President, Hospital Portrait Service, Box 700, Red Bank, New Jersey (201) 741 - 1123. Installs automa tic cameras in newborn nurseries of hospitals throughout the United States, Canada and foreign countries to take pictures of newborns for identification and keepsakes for the parents.

PLACEMENT AGENCIES SAN l;RANCrSCO Placemen t Agency, Inc. (41:') 543-8600 625 Market Street, Suite 1320 San Francisco, California 941O!i Don Seghi, C.E.C. National and Int.ernational Placement Bradley'5 1

RELOCATION SERVICE Moving and want up-to-date information on housing, cost of living, taxes, etc.? Can service any city in U.S. and also help sell your home. No obligation or fee. Tarry Stanford, Louisville '70, 10215 Linn Station Road, Suite # I, Louisville, Kentucky 40223 (502) 426-3220.


Great DU Classics You can order these pacesetter gifts for your favorite DU now, and be sure of fast, prompt delivery. Orders are shipped the same day they are received and satisfaction is guaranteed at The DELTA UPSilON GEN ERAl STORE ... it's a convenient and time-saving way to shop for unique gifts.

Baseballjersey has a natural body with contrasting blue % sleeves. It is 100 % cotton with the standard "bib tail" bottom and blue lettering highlights the front. Item #S340 in M, L, XL for $8 .00.

Our gray athletic t-shirt is 50 % polyester, 35 % cotton and 15% rayon with 3" blue block letters on th e front. Item #S 170 in M, L, XL for $6.00.

High quality , dark blue jackets with Greek letters in gold are available with a warm fl eece lining or unlined. Lined j acket, Item #WIOO in M, L, XL is $24.00. Unlin ed jacket, ite m #W200 in M, L, XL is $13.00.

This white sportshirt has a gold front yoke and blue stripe to highlight th e front and sleeves. Shirt is 50 % cotton and 50 % polyester. Item #S260 in M, L, XL is $13.00.

Popular v-neck j ersey with % sleeves now comes in blu e with gold and white lettering, and is 50 % cotton and 50 % polyester . Item #S301 in M, L, XL is $8.00.

Natural v-n eckjersey with % sleeves is 100% cotton and features gold and blue lettering o n th e fro nt. Item #S300 in M, L, XL is $8.00.



April, 1981

Our very best DU Crest Shirt. Only this top quality Cross Creek 100% white cotton knit is good enough for the handsome four-color embroidered Coat of Arms and Greek letters. Three buttons in M, L, XL, #S360, $23.00.

DU needlepoint kit, including # 12 mono canvas with outline of shield only drawn for starting point, remainder of crest worked from chart. White background Persian yarn, needle and instructions, finished size 12" x 15" for $25.00. Item #M500 .

Classic neckwear is the DU repp stripe with black background and blue and gold accent stripe, item #TlOO, or the DU crest tie in dark blue background and crest pattern, item #T200, $7.50 each. DU tankards in burnished pewter with coat of arms and glass bottoms come either lidded, item #M300 for $18.00 or unlidded, item #M200 for $15.00.

Sunburst, navy t-shirt with multi-color graphics design is 50% cotton and 50% polyester. Item #S120 in M, L, XL is $5.00.

Our exclusive DUck glassware of six double old fashioneds in smoked glass and a matching tra y can be purchased as a set, Item #M450 for $25.00 or separately. The glasses, Item # M700 for $16.00 the tray, Item #M400 for $15.00.

DU logo latch-hook pillow comes with gold polyester yarn for the front with blue yarn for the lettering. Pillow has gold corduroy back for long life. Latch hook is not included . Item #M550 for $25.00.

Clip and Mail Order Blank Quantity

Make checks payable to:

Item #/Name


Unit Price

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If order totals less than $25.00 add $1.50 handling . Name

Delta Upsilon Fraternity P.O. Box The popular multi-striped polo shirt in dark blue with white collar and lllUllicolor accent bands. The Della Upsilon name is just above the color bands. Itelll #5200 . Sizes M, L, XL for $13.00


Indiana Polis IN 46240


Street City State



If shipment is desired to other than above, please attach instructions All items except rings are shipped immediately.


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The Fraternity has selected J.C. Sipe, Inc. of Indianapolis, Indiana as the authorized agent for this DU Medallion watch. Service is available nationwide through your local Bulova representative.

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