
Page 1

crhe Presidents GReport Over the past 23 years Delta Upsilon has enjoyed the absolutely first-rate leadership of w. A. Butler as its chief executive. Brother Butler's recent announcement of his intention to pursue wider interests within the next year brings to a close the creative and progressive Butler era in Delta Upsilon. Under Brother Butler's leadership, Delta Upsilon achieved the status of one of the best managed and efficiently operated fraternal societies in North America. Space does not permit the acknowledgement of all the achievements of our fraternity under Brother Butler's leadership. A few highlights will suffice to demonstrate the talents and dedication with which he has so successfully masterminded our international operations: • from a small operation and rented rooms in New York City, the fraternity has expanded to its own beautiful headquarters in Indiana - an enterprise known throughout the fraternity world for its efficient and professional management. • the publications of the fraternity for chapter and alumni officers have become the high water mark in fraternity circles. Just to name a few: • the fraternity's new dry rush guide which has captured the attention of hundreds of modern campuses. • the fraternity's house corporation officers' manual which has blazed a needed trail in assisting local volunteers to help their chapters. • the president'S notebook which contains "how to do it" instructions on virtually every phase of chapter management. • the new international pledge manual (still in draft form). • the occasional bulletins of the fraternity on such far ranging subjects as senior involvement, building better alumni relations, colony development, energy conservation, kitchen management, and fiscal facts for treasurers have all proved to be extremely important in the building of sound chapter operations. • the 150-year history of the fraternity authored by Brother Read and published in-house by Brother Butler appropriately commemorated the fraternity sesquicentennial. • leadership training provided for undergraduate officers in the annual leadership conference, regional leadership seminars and the Presidents Forum has trained thousands of superb chapter and national leaders.

• the endowment of the fraternity and that of the Educational Foundation has been multiplied by many hundreds of thousands of dollars through Brother Butler's fundraising accomplishments. • scores of field men have benefitted from the "Butlerian" staff training program, which many have said was of more use to them in their careers than the materials learned in the college classroom. Brother Butler has also contributed monumentally to the interfraternity movement through his services . to the Fraternity Executives Association, the National Interfraternity Conference and the regional interfraternal conferences. He has authored books and monographs and has planned and presented scores of seminars designed to increase the level of professionalism in the fraternity movement. Brother Butler virtually embodies professionalism. Through his contributions to ISAE, ASAE, the Columbia Club, the Republican Party and other professional and community activities he has also generously given of his skills and talents to others outside the fraternity. But the story of the Butler era is really a much more personal saga. Brother Butler remembers the name of practically every brother he has ever met. He has helped hundreds of DUs find improved employment. He remembers our families and genuinely cares about the welfare of each brother in particular and the fraternity in general. No tribute to Brother Butler would be sufficient to express the fraternity's gratitude for the 23 years of his life which he has dedicated to the u pbuilding of Delta Upsilon. We give him fraternal praise, admiration and gratitude for his time with us. We express our appreciation for the enormous achievement realized as a result of his leadership and we wish him every success in the larger endeavors to which he now dedicates himself. Fraternally,

~~k President

OFFICERS President The Honorable Terry L. Bullock, Kansas State '61 (Vice Chairman) 1udge of the District Court Shawnee County Courthouse Topeka, Kansas 66603 Chairman of the Board Edgar F. Heizer, Jr., Northwestern '52 Dover House South Shore Drive Tucker's Town, Bermuda

Executive Director \D elta Upsilon Fraternity I

The Board of Directors of Delta Upsilon Fraternity invites

~nominations and applications for the position of Executive

iD irector upon the resignation of the present executive director, Wilford A, Butler, CAE. The Executive Director is the chief staff executive of the fraternity with primary responsibility for the direction of the day-to-day operations of the Fraternity. He is responsible for ' .t he recrUItment, employment and traming of .t he headquarters and field staff. Implementation of fraternity programs, services and activo; hies as defined by the Board of Directors, for undergraduate ra nd alumni members of Delta Upsilon is a key responsibility, of the executive director. ' f Successful candidates must be members of Delta Upsilon !F raternity, have demonstrated leadership and creative skills; management ability and be a good communicator. J t Regular travel is required m this position as well as the ability to work effectively with undergraduates, volunteer ,a lumni, and college and university offiCIals. I Completed applications must be postmarked not later than ;May 1, 1986. . I Letters of nomination and application should be sent to: ~

Vice-Presidents Wimam D. Greenberg, Western Ontario '73

P.O. Box 381, Station Q Toronto, Ontario M4T 2M5 F. Thomas McMahon, Syracuse '52 Syracuse China Corporation P.O. Box 4820 Syracuse. New York 13221 Richard A. Moran, Rutgers '72 Regis McKenna, Inc. 1800 Embarcadero Road Palo Alto, California 94303 Edwin T. Mosher, San Jose '52 16350 Ridgecrest Avenue Monte Sereno, C alifornia 95030 Secretary John R. Hammond, DePauw '50 431 E. Hanna 1ndianapolis, 1ndiana 46227 Assistant Secretary John W. Cowie, Bradley '74 7220 N. Audubon Road Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 Treasurer David A. Venard, Bradley '77

Parkw:lo~a~~ ~~~Ia~r~~~e~~~pany Harwood Heights, Illinois 60656 Directors Robert A. Dahl~::~~~ Jr., Bradley '63

1515 West 22nd Street Oakbrook, Illinois 60521 (1986) Gary J. Golden, Rutgers '74 2300 Algodones, NE Albuquerque, New Mexico 87112 (1986) H. Karl Huntoon, Illinois '72 1610 Fifth Avenue Moline, Illinois 61265 (1987) Maurice S. Mandel, Chicago '55 14 Hillside Avenue Pt. Washington, New YOl'k 11050 (1987) Richard M. Schooley, San Jose '86 634 South 11 th Street, #3 San Jose, California 95112 (1986)




路Past Presidents Horace G. Nichol, Carnegie '21 Charles D. Prutzman, Penn. State '18 Henry A. Federa, Louisville '37 Orville H. Read, Missouri '33 Charles F. Jennings, Marietta '31 D. Watkins, North Carolina '27 O. Edward Pollock, Virginia '51 Herbert Brownell, Nebraska '24 J. Paul McNamara, Miami '29

Dr. Richard A. Moran, Chairman Executive Director Search Committee Delta Upsilon Fraternity Post Office Box 40108 Indianapolis, Indiana 46240-01'08



In this issue of the Quarterly Delta Upsilon Quarterly

Executive Director Wilford A, Butler, CAE Leadership Consultant R. Scott Johnson Quarterly Editor W. A. Butler, CAE, Western Michigan '61 Assistant Editor Jo Ellen Walden De~ign Consultant J. L. LeMaster, Oregon State '48 Official Photographer Ed Lacey, Jr.

April 1986

Page News of the Villages DU's Endorsed Philanthropy ............. 26

Advertising Representative ParQuil Associates, Ltd. 2175 Lemoine Avenue

Ft . .Lee, N r 07024 (201) 585-9030

DELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY, a publication of the Delta Upsil~n Fratermty, founded in 1834, Incorporated, December 10, 1909, under laws of the State of New York. Delta Upsilon International Fraternity Headquarters, P.O. Box 40108, Indianapolis, Indiana 46240. Headquarters is open from 9:00 to 5:00 p.m., E.S.T., Monday through Friday. Telephone 317-875-8900. DELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY (USPS 152-900) is published in January, April ' luly and October at 8705 Founders Road, Indianapolis, ndiana 46268. The subscription price (checks and money orders should be made payable to Delta Upsilon Fraternity) is $3.00 a year in advance; single copies 75t.. Send changes of address and corresp'ondence of a business or edItorial nature to Delta UpSilon Fraternity, P.O. Box 40108, Indianapolis, Indiana 46240. Second-class postage paid at Indianapolis, Indiana and at additional mailing offices. all T . M. Registered U. S. Patent Office.


DU Bookshelf ............. 27 DUN ewsmakers .......... 28 Brown Installation .... ... 30 Hall of Fame .............. . 31 President's Club


Comment on Fraternity


April, 1986

Volume IOI-Number 2

Page Vital Statistics .............. 38 DU General Store ........ 40 Cover: The Delta Upsilon flag once again flies at the D U house on the Brown campus. Prior to installation ceremonies, some of the members gather with Terry L. Bullock, Kansas State '61, president of Delta Upsilon International frate~nity, to celebrate the occaSIOn. 25

News of the Villages Delta Upsilon's Endorsed Philanthropy Bridges the Gap for Homeless, Abused Children

Editor's Note: We asked Herbert Callison, executive director of The Villages, Inc., Delta Upsilon's endorsed philanthropic project to prepare a series of informative articles about the work of The Villages, Inc., and Delta Upsilon's connection with them. More and more Delta Upsilon chapters are finding ways to help by contributing manpower and raising funds to support this vital work of caringfor children in a home setting. By Herbert Callison Executive Director 1'he Villages, Inc.

: Nearly half of all the children in the United States are living with only one of their biological parents. These are the children most suscfptible to abuse, poverty, or becoming delinquent. There are an e~timated 650,000 children abused and neglected yearly. In the ten years between 1973 and 1983, there was an eight percent increase in the number of children living in poverty, a total of 13.8 million youngsters. During the same time period the crime rate among juveniles increased fifteen percent. 26

These are also the children who frequently find themselves removed from their biological families. Often they become residents of group homes. The Villages, Inc., the Delta Upsilon's international philanthropy, is a group home program founded by Dr. Karl Menninger over 20 years ago. The Villages employ foster parents who create a family for ten boys and girls. Most of these children are without families. Over half of them are special education students and require tutoring to catch up. A similar number need therapy due to emotional problems resulting from their chaotic past. Many have experimented with drugs. Some have run away. Almost all do not have the social skills necessary for successful family livmg. While living in Villages homes the children attend school and become active in sports, music, art and other community activities. Their lives are filled with family traditions: vacations, birthday parties, and holiday celebrations. They acquire study habits, do daily chores, and learn to live peaceably with their foster brothers and sisters.

A follow-up of 140 former Villages children has revealed that success has been achieved. Eightytwo percent of all Villages children 路 finish high school, a higher percentage than youth in the community (75-77 percent). Only seven former residents of Villages homes have been imprisoned and only 15 percent have returned to welfare. Today The Villages is being viewed by observers as a model worth copying. For that reason, over 5,000 people have come to Topeka, Kansas, to attend training workshops on Villages ideas and techniques. Villages homes operate in Topeka and Lawrence, Kansas; Indianapolis, Bedford, Greencastle, and Evansville, Indiana; Westland, Michigan; Portland, Oregon; and Las Cruces, Alamogordo, and Silver City, 'New Mexico. Others hoping to emulate The Villages are presently developing homes in Missouri, Virginia and Colorado. It is hoped that the "connection" between The Villages and Delta Upsilon will further the expansion of The Villages ideas and practices. Whether you are an active member of Delta Upsilon or an alumni, there are a number of things you might do. You can find out what happens to familyless children in your community, You can encourage people working in child care organizations to visit a Villages home or attend a training workshop. Perhaps the local D.U. chapter or alumni group could help them pay expenses for the trip. The Villages has an excellent film, "The Villages: Growing With the Children," that can be shown to interested groups. For more information write The Villages, Inc., Box 1695, Topeka, Kansas 66601, or call 913-267-5900.


April, 1986


G[) G[J


Kurt Vonnegut's Galapagos 'T ops Varied Books by Delta 'U psilon Authors to spin off a division of a company. It covers such subjects as financing; how to time a deal advantageously; and recent mergers and acquisitions in a variety of industries, 13 brief cases plus Storey's own experiences. Nontechnical and straightforward, mixing anecdote with hardnosed advice, this book leads the prospective entrepreneur safely through the pitfalls of corporate finance. Heads of corporations and attorneys specializing in financial transactions will also find The Insider Buyout useful.

Galapagos by Kurt Vonnegut, Cornell '44, 295 pages. New York: Delacorte Press - Seymour Lawrence, $16.95. Galapagos is Kurt Vonnegut's eleventh novel and the story is narrated by Leon, a Vietnam veteran, who is the son of Kilgore Trout, the hero of God B less You, Mr. Rosewater, and Breakfast of Champions, which makes it familiar to Vonnegut fans. The subject is the end of the world as we know it. When a passenger ship is wrecked on one of the Galapagos Islands, it is the surviving passengers of the shipwreck and the coming apocalypse that form the gene pool from which all future generations of mankind are to develop. Leon narrates the story as a ghost from a million years later and comments upon man's cruelty to man, the contemporary society of the time, and the horrors of war. It is fun to read and as entertaining as Vonnegut's stories in his previous novels. DELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY路

The Insider Buyout, co-authored by Donald R. Dubendorfand M.John Storey, Williams '65, Storey Communications, Inc., Schoolhouse Road, Pownal, Vermont 05261,258 pp., clothbound, $19.95 .

Insider Buyout: a friendly purchase of a corporate division by one of the corporation's senior managers. During the 1970s Garden Way, Inc., makers of gardening equipment, had expanded into a wide range of gardening and homesteading products, including books. By the early 1980s, books no longer fit with the rest of the Garden Way line. Storey had become head of the publishing division of Garden Way, and seeing his opportunity, with the help of his attorney Donald Dubendorf, began the process of negotiating to buy that division. This is a how-to book about that process. The Insider Buyout is aimed at both the manager who wants to buyout a division and run it, as well as at the corporate executive who wishes

April, 1986

Global Order: Values and Power in I ntemational Politics, authored by Lynn H. Miller, Kansas '59, Professor of political science, Temple University, available from Westview Press, $32.50 cloth bound; $13.95 paper.

Tracing the logic of the Westc phalian system of sovereign nation-states, its growth and development over the past three hundred years as the organizing mode for the entire world, and the threats to its continued ability to provide the kind of ordering framework needed today, Professor Miller provides the student with the necessary tools to understand the chaotic universe of competing social and political forces as a world order system ... a system with a value structure that both shapes international behavior and makes possible its evaluation. Also systema.tically explored are the principal world order , problems of international warfare and the nuclear threat, global economic inequality, human rights deprivations, and planetary resource scarcity and environmental degradation. 27

G[) G[J GNewsmakers

& Co., an Oak Brook, Illinois, industrial and commercial real estate firm, was chosen president of the Oak Brook Association of Commerce and Industry for 1985-1986. The association now has a membership ' of 500 firms and profes- ' sionals from the Oak Brook area.

P. Dinsmore

Philip W. Dinsmore,Arizona '65, was awarded the Arizona Archi" tects Medal by the Arizona Society The American Institute of Architects at their 1985 state conference in Phoenix. He was recognized by his colleagues for his active involvement and numerous contributions to the profession and is the 19th person to receive the medal since it was established in 1975. Richard H. Freer, Chicago '66, was elected to the Board of Directors of the South Florida Movers and Warehousemen's Association. He is president of South Miami Moving and Storage Inc. and of Kendall West Business Park Developers, which is breaking ground for Phase II of the Crossings Commerce Center, Miami, Florida. Named hotel manager of the Hyatt Regency Atlanta in November was Frank Calaguire, Cornell '73. He will supervise the total operation of the 1,300 room property. Calaguire joined the Hyatt corporation in 1978 and was most recently hotel manager at the Hyatt Regency O'Hare. John T. Huntington,Denison '72, president of John L. Huntington


F. Calaguire

J. Huntington

Announcement has been made of the appointment of Charles S. Poochigian, Fresno '75, as a member of the Fair Employment Housing Commission, by the Governor of California. He is a private practicing attorney in Fresno. Stephen G. Katsinas, Illinois '78, successfully defended his doctoral dissertation in higher education at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, in September. He is now Associate Director of the Institute of Higher Education Research and Services, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa. Richard B. Swank, Johns H opkinslIowa '53, is the executive vice president of The Dun & Bradstreet Corporation, officed in New York City.

A. Thomas Coiten, DePauw '47, on November 1 assumed the post of executive director of the Republican Party of Louisiana. Originally in the newspaper publishing business, he has served in elective and appointive positions at both state and local levels for a number of years. George L. Powell,Florida '75, was awarded the Gold Brick Award by the City of Orlando for his architectural work in the first church to office renovation in the state. The Jefferson Building, located in downtown Orlando, received the award, given annually by Downtown Orlando Inc. Clyde E. Wolfe, Florida '75, attorney at law, announces he is now engaged in the general practice of law with offices in St. Augustine, Florida.

D. Ballou

Douglas D. Ballou, Kansas '75, has been named president/general manager of FMA/Kansas City, one of four communications business centers of Fletcher/Mayo Associates Inc. Ballou joined the firm in 1975; was named vice president in 1981 and senior vice president/ client services manager in 1984.


April, 1986

oncology at the Prentice Women's Hospital and Maternity Center of the Northwestern University Medical Center.

~ 1V~ GJ) qj 'Newsmakers The Kansas Public Employees' Retirement System executive secretary, Marshall L. Crowther, Kansas '59, commented on that system's in-state investments by the state pension fund. The item was included in the October 28 issue of Pensions & Investment Age. Keith D. Tucker, Kansas State/Illinois '76, was among four engineers winning the 1985 American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Edmund Friedman Young Engineer Award for Professional Achievement. The award was established in 1972 to recognize the professional contributions of younger members of the Society. A December article in the Wall Street] ournal reminds us of the notable career of Charles G. Dawes, Marietta 1884. He became U.S. comptroller of the currency in 1898, was a Brigadier General during World War I, and in 1921 became the first director of the Budget Bureau, now called the OMB. In his single year as director of the budget, Dawes cut government expenditures by a third and recorded a surplus equal to 22.4% of outlays. He later became vice president under Calvin Coolidge . Norwegian officials awarded him the Nobel Peace Prize in 1925. Presented to J. Paul McNamara, Esquire, Miami '29, by the Ohio State Bar Association at their annual meeting in November, 1985, was an Award for 50 Years of Service to the Public . Brother McNamara has had a distinguished law career and received many awards and recognitions from learning institutions, the community and the fraternity . He is a past president of Delta Upsilon, serves on the DU Educational Foundation board of trustees, and most recently, received the Distinguished Alumni Medallion at DU's annual convention in August 1985. . DELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY路

J. P. McNamara

John Mark Reskovac, Oklahoma '85, has just been named to the Carl Albert Research and Congressional Studies Center National Advisory Board at the University of Oklahoma, for a three year term. Among the functions of the Center is the housing of documents and materials on the history and operation of the U. S. Congress.

Lewis K. Reed, Miami '30, has been nominated by the Bishop Alumni Medal Committee to receive one of the 1986 Bishop Alumni Medals for meritorious and useful service to his community and state. The presentation will be at the annual alumni awards dinner of Miami University on June 13. The Missouri Chapter boasts three generations of the Yaeger family as members: CharlesJ. Yaeger, Sr., Missouri '34, now retired; CharlesJ. Yaeger, Jr., Missouri '61, now a pilot with Western Airlines, just promoted to Captain; and Mark W. Yaeger, Missouri '88. Mark is now a junior, studying electrical engineering, the field in which his grandfather received his B.S. in 1934. Announcement has been made of the promotion of George B. Ramsay, North Carolina '76, to vice president of Cardinal Mortgage Corporation. He joined the firm in September 1984 as assistant vice president, and is based at their Atlanta office. Gary S. Benson, Northern Illinois '73, having practiced in partnerships since 1977, has now struck out on his own as a sole practitioner attorney in the Lincoln Park area of Chicago. His office will continue to offer a full range of legal services with emphasis on real estate, business, estate planning, probate and related litigation.

A. Carnaghi Eli Lilly and Company has named Angelo J. Carnaghi, Purdue '49, as vice president of production and distribution. He joined the firm as a pharmaceutical chemist following his graduation from Purdue and over the years has held numerous supervisory positions in and out of the state. Since 1979 he had served as vice president of production operations. Joseph M. Dellinger, Purdue '29, has added another award to his numerous recognitions, with the "1985 Keep Michigan Beautiful Inc. Award for Outstanding Service" presented to him in October. Among other recognitions are the Michigan Governor's Minuteman Award, the Exchange Club's Book of Golden Deeds award for volunteer work, and the Purdue Alumni Association's Citizenship Award.

In July, David Scott Miller, Oklahoma '73, moved to Chicago and assumed the duties of assistant pro- . fessor of obstetrics and gynecology, and co-director of gynecologic

April, 1986


.Installation at Brown Marks Happy Return of Delta Upsilon Chapter The weekend of February 7-9 marked the happy occasion of the imtallation of the local fraternity Kappa Delta Upsilon as the Brown Chapter of the Fraternity. The chapter, originally established in 1868, broke its affiliation with the International Fraternity in 1966. This action followed the then prevClIent trend on the Brown University campu~" ,a trend that began to be reversed in the 1970's and into the present: time when most fraternity chaptersthqe hav~ once again affiliated with a general fraternity. At the time 'ofthe break in 1966, the chapter members had expressed their dissatisfaction with the action the fraternity's leadership had taken to cancel a convention of the fraternity in 1956, an action taken to prevent open dissention on the issue of fraternity membership. The chapter also planned to bank the fees sent to the International Fraternity for its own use. Complete and open discussions amongst the present leadership of ,t he fraternity had convinced all involved that the present fraternity leadership regretted the decisions of the past and were determined to do everything possible to right the injustices involved. In that spirit, the weekend was an important one in terms of reconciliation, of renewal of fraternal purpose, and of creating understanding and new fraternal spirit. The weekend began with orientation and Rite One in the chapter house led by President of the Fraternity, Terry L. Bullock. The installation team was assisted by Brother Craig J. Franz, F.S.C., Bucknell '76, and executive director Wilford A. Butler, Western Michigan '61. Rite One, the singing of Delta Upsilon songs, and a rousing speech on fraternalism and opportun~ty were highlights of the expenence. 30

On Saturday morning, an important alumni meeting took place in the President's Dining Room on the campus involving many of the Brown Delta Upsilon alumni who had been involved in the chapter leadership positions during the 1950's, including Dr. Augustus O. White, Brown '57. The chapter announced that it had taken on a new campus project to raise money for the Investment in Diversity program that seeks to encourage the enrollment and assistance of minority students at Brown University. Following the brief recess for the ceremonial flag raising (pictured on the cover of this issue of the QuaTteTly) the discussions continued and the alumni group was joined by chapter officers and the President of Brown University, Dr. Howard R. Swearer. Following the morning session, there were informal tours of the chapter house for alumni, and the preparations for Rite Two and the installation of the chapter. These ceremonies took place in the handsome wood paneled rooms in the restored Biltmore Plaza Hotel. Delivering the installation charge was John M. Robinson, Brown '67, who is Dean of Students at the University. Two additional Delta Upsilon alumni who had been instrumental in the arrangements and involved in the discussions were Hugh B. Allison, Brown '46, and Raymond H. Chace, Brown '34. Brother Chace presented . the original charter to the chapter president, Robert Chamberlain, Brown '86. Assisting Brother Bullock, who served as Master for the installation, were Brothers James R. Moody, Brown '58, and Alfred B. Smiley, Brown '59, in addition to Brothers Franz and Butler. In attendance at the installation were parents of the initiates, Brown Delta Upsilon alumni from many years, Delta Upsilon alumni and

undergraduates from nearby chapters, and friends. Following the installation of the chapter officers, the guests joined the new initiates at a reception and dance in the Garden Room of the Biltmore Plaza Hotel. Serving as installation chairman for the chapter was Roderick W. Moore, Brown '86. The alumni of the chapter are in the process of reviving the alumni corp()ration and expect to have the new brganization in place to assist the chapter in the next few weeks.

Key Brown Delta Upsilon Alumni A meeting of key Brown Delta Upsilon alumni, representatives from the chapter, University, and the International Fraternity met On Saturday morning before the installation of the chapter to discuss plans and stra.tegies for the future of the chapter. Those in attend; ance were: Hugh Allison, Brown '46; Robert Bellows, Brown '59; Robert Borah, Brown '55; Scott A. Buchanan, Brown '87; Terry L. Bullock, Kansas State '61; Wilford A. Butler, Western Michigan '61; Robert Chamberlain, Brown '86; Craig]. Franz, F.S.C., Bucknell '76; George Held, Brown '57; David Huttner, Brown '88; John D . Keegan, Brown '86; Arnold Lewis, Brown '83; John McDaniels, Brown '57; James Moody, Brown '58; William Peace, Brown '54; Robert Pyper, Brown '59; Robert Sanchez, Brown '58; Alfred Smi- , ley, Brown '59; Richard S. Stern, Brown '88; Peter Von Stein, Brown '56; Augustus A. White, Brown '57. An alumni corporation is being formed, and information about that will be available to all Brown Delta Upsilon alumni in the next few weeks. Interested Brown DU alumni and other DU alumni residing in the area are asked to make. their interest known to the fraternity headquarters or to the Brown Chapter.

Investment in Diversity The new Delta Upsilon chapter at Brown University has entered into a new fund-raising project to aid the Investment in Diversity fund that seeks to bring and support minority students at the University. The undergraduate chapter already has in place several projects over the next months to raise funds for this worthy need.


ApTil, 1986

GHall of 'Pame

reer in advertising sales at The Chicago Tribune in 1959. After a series of promotions, he was named display advertising manager in 1975. He became advertising director of the New York Daily News in 1978 and was promoted to executive vice president and director of sales and marketing in 1982. He was appointed president and chief operating officer in 1984. YVible is president of the IN AME Foundation and a past member of the executive committee of International Newspaper Advertising and Marketing Executives, and past chairman of its marketing committee. He is a member of the priorities committee of the Newspaper Advertising Bureau and serves on the A.B.C. task force. He has been involved in numerous civic and charitable activities in the New York metropolitan area induding having served as chairman of the New York City Partnership Summer Jobs 1984 Program, which secured 25,000 jobs for underprivileged New York City youths. Brother Wible graduated from the University of Michigan in 1959 with a degree injournalism and advertising. He is married and the father of five children.

Arthur E. Wible Michigan '59 Arthur E. Wible, Michigan '59, has been named publisher and chief executive officer of the Dallas Times Herald, as announced by the parent company, Times Mirror. "With more than 20 years of newspaper experience, Arthur Wible ,brings to the Dallas Times Herald a demonstrated ability to lead large metropolitan newspapers in highly competitive markets" remarked Phillip L. Williams, executive vice president of Times Mirror. "We're pleased to have him join Times Mirror in this key executive position." Prior to joining the Times Herald, Mr. Wible served as president and chief operating officer of the New York Daily News. He began his caDELTA UPSILON QUART ERLY路

Galen S. Hall, Pennsylvania State '62, joined the University of Florida football staff as offensive coordinator in February 1984. Three games into the 1984 season, he found himself head coach of the Gators with a 1-1-1 record. Results were eight straight victories, the school's first ever SEC championsh,i p, and a , fipal rational regular season ranking' of third - the best in UF history. For his leadership, he was named "SEC ,coach of the year." ',' , Hall was starting qUflrterback for Penn State (1960-61); assistant coach at West Virginia (1964-65); and then assistant coach at Okla~ hom a (1966-83). There were two bowl appearances during his quarterback years , and thirteen bowl appearances during his ten~ ure at Oklahoma. He coached such outstanding running backs as Joe Washington, Billy Sims and Greg Pruitt. ' Throughout his 25-year involve, ment with college football, he has been associated with winning and successful programs, and his lead~ ership abilities have been a very big part of the success that each of those programs have enjoyed while he has been a part of the respective organization. He has proved that he is a winner and a leader, and as a player, assistant coach and then head coach, he has consistently demonstrated those traits.

David S. Stare Technology '62

Galen S. Hall Pennsylvania State '62

April, 1986

In late August 1985, winemaster David S. Stare, Technology '62, of Dry Creek Vineyard, Healdsburg, Sonoma County, California, was presented with the 1985 Sweepstakes Champion award at the California State Fair in Sacramento. Dry Creek's 1982 Sonoma County Cabernet Sauvignon earned the title of "the best wine in California" at the fair's 1985 wine competition. The California State Fair's wine competition is the oldest in the West and one of the oldest in the Nation. The first judging was in 1855; competition was suspended in 1967 and 31

G}{al1 of Pame

The Delta Upsilon President's Club has a goal of 500 members for the 1985-'86 year. Listed below are those who have given $100 or more to the alumni support program from July 1 to February 1, 1986. This list of givers will be updated for the July issue and all those who have given for the year will be listed in the October 1986 annual giving issue of the magazine.

The William H. French Circle Gifts of $500 to $999

revived in 1985 under the direction of respected wine journalist John Movius. All judges were required to undergo vigorous organoleptic testing (sensory knowledge of wine) to qualify. A total of 1,582 wines were entered in the competition. Each wine was first judged in a varietal class (i.e. Cabernet Sauvignon) by its appellation of origin (i.e. Sonoma County) . The winner competed in a judging of all varietal winners from the appellation region, then on to the final Sweepstakes competition against the top wines from all the different appellation areas in the state. The Dry Creek 1982 Sonoma County Cabernet Sauvignon won "best cabernet sauvignon of Sonoma County," "best wine of Sonoma County," and then "best wine in. California." The sweepstakes champion award was shared with Folie a Deux in the Napa Valley for their 1983 Chardonnay. , Stare said, "This is the most satisfying award I have received during 13 years in the wine business." "It's our first sweepstakes award ever, and it's doubly nice to have won it for a red wine, since we've primarily . been known for . our whites," he stated.

Huntly G. Chapman, British Columbia '68 Robert C. Gimlin, Purdue '42 Richard C. Marx, Pennsylvania '54 Nelson Schaenen, Jr., Cornell '50

The Charles G. Dawes Circle Gifts of $400 to $499 Howard L. McGregor, Jr., Williams '40 Arthur L. Rice, Jr., Illinois '36 Ashton M. Tenney, Chicago '43 Donald C. Slawson, Kansas '56 The Nehemiah Boynton Circle Gifts of $300 to $399 David E. Chambers, Arizona '60 Robert C. Haugh, Indiana '48 Edgar F. Heizer, Jr., Northwestern '51 Thomas R. McConchie, Jr., Virginia '51 Paul C. Stein furth, Bowling Green & Ohio State '68 The J. Arthur Clark Circle Gifts of $250 to $299 David L. Cole, Wilmington '72 George D. Ferguson, British Columbia '62 Joe Neil Goforth, Jr. , North Carolina '66 Phillip E. Hurley, Oklahoma '64 Thomas R. Jacobs, Arkansas '77 Robert J. LaFortune, Purdue '51 Charles D. Miller, Johns Hopkins '49 Brent G. Orcutt, Hamilton '26 C. Earl Schooley, Missouri '28

John C. Mazzei, New York '26 Edward C. McCobb, Michigan '23 David C. McMahan, Texas '65 J. Paul McNamara, Miami '29 Charles E. Nelson, Wisconsin '27 Herbert H. Nelson, Colorado '59 Paul H. Resch, Carnegie '28 John A. Riggs , Jr., Missouri '30 Paul E. Rosenthal, Florida '73 Norman D. Sanders, Ohio '59 Herbert K. Taylor, Jr., Swarthmore '27 Arnold Tilden, DePauw '28 William Wallace III, Union '48 John G. Weir, Toronto '43 Robert F. Wernet, Purdue '51 James A. Wiese, Iowa '58 Samuel M. Yates, San Jose '55 The Samuel S. Hall Circle Gifts of $150 to $199 Richard N. Brandenburg, Washington State '55 James G. Brass, Manitoba '73 Dale W. Brunken, Oregon '52 Chester V . Clifton, Washington '35 Jack H. Copple, Purdue '36 Henry A. Federa, Louisville '35 Richard M. Forester, Wisconsin '31 R. Bowen yillespie, Marietta '72 William R. Grant, Union '49 Lewis D. Gregory, Kansas '75 Stewart L. Hayward, Oregon '41 J. Kenneth Higdon, Kansas '47 William S. Holden, Washington '30 C. Earl Ingalls, Brown '25 Alan C. Jeveret, Bowling Green '59 D. Geoffrey John , Arizona '62 Howard Kahlenbeck, Jr., Indiana '52 John S. Kaufman, Lehigh '46 Egerton W . King, Alberta '42 Austin H . Kiplinger; Cornell '39 H. E. Klemp, Kansas '26 James M. Kraebber, Northwestern '58 Eldred D . Kuppinger, Ohio State '33 William H . Lawson, Purdue '50 Brock M. Lutz, Missouri '58 Maurice S. Mandel, Chicago '55 Donald C. Metz, Purdue '30 John E. Meyer, Kansas '50 Donald J. Moulin, California '53 Victor T. Neff, Missouri '66 Raymond S. Noonan, Middlebury '21 John S. Shellenberger, Pennsylvania '52 Robert L. Tyburski, Colgate, '74 William K. Ulerich, Pennsylvania State '31 John T. Weisel, Oregon '48 Richard F. Williams, Louisville '67 Robert G. Yingling, Jr., Missouri '62 Robert S. Youpa, Rutgers '55

The Warren C. DuBois Circle Gifts of $200 to $249 Lawrence F. Armstrong, Technology '28 William B. Ayars, Syracuse '56 Thomas P. Bays, Oregon State '42 Richard Y. Coulton, Miami '54 William D. Greenberg, Western Ontario '73

H . Thomas Hallowell, Jr., Swarthmore '29 Mark S. Jones, Arlington '75



The George F. Andrews Circle Gifts of $100 to $149 Frank F. Abercrombie, Rochester '28 Harold F. Abrams, Colgate '27 Horace L. Acaster, Pennsylvania '44 Robert J. Ackerman, Nebraska '50 Leland J. Adams, Bucknell '64 Robert H. Adler Wisconsin '46 E. Daniel Albrecht, Arizona '59 J. Lockwood Albright, Indiana '32 Charles L. Allen, Michigan State '55 Joseph Allen, Jr., Michigan State '60 A. W. Altorfer, Jr., Illinois '43 C. B. Anderson, Jr., Indiana '27 Thomas W. Anderson, Michigan State '72 Walter E. Anderson, Jr., South Carolina '84 Stephen A. Antush, Washington State '83 William S. Armington, Miami '47 David S. Armstrong, California '48 Kyle G. Bach, California '81 Charles V . Bacon, Jr., Purdue '38 Douglas D. Ballou, Kansas '75 James R. Balta, Bucknell '59 William N . Banks, Jr., Dartmouth '45 Fred J. Barbian, Purdue '45 Hugh N. Barnard, Nebraska '56 John M. Barr, Miami '68 Harvey Bartle, Jr., Pennsylvania '30 Louis D. Bauer, Rutgers '65 Richard U. Bayles, Technology '63 Walter J. Beadle, Technology '20 Arnold O. Beckman, Illinois '23 Rodney F. Beckwith, Cornell '57 Curtiss L. Beebe, Washington '35 Halden M. Beers, Carnegie '35 Frank H. Beinhauer, Illinois '28 Charles S. Biggs III, Pennsylvania '55 George Blair, Miami '37 PaulJ . Bodine,Jr., Northwestern '50 Herbert H. Boswau, Denison '55 Herbert S. Botsford, California '53 Gilbert T. Bowen, Washington '31 William W. Boyd, Northwestern '48 Louis Brennesholtz, Lehigh '32 Herbert Brownell, Nebraska '24 Raymond G. Bruckman, Miami '49 Keith B.Bruening, Iowa State '80 Benjamin C. Bugbee, Michigan '37 John C. Buist; Wisconsin '53 Terry L. Bullock, Kansas State '61 Kerry H. Burg, Washington State '50 Thomas E. Burgess, Miami '61 Robert R. Burridge, Missouri '46 Wilford A. Butler, Western Michigan '61 Brian C. Campbell, San Diego '74 William L. Carter, Florida '71 Lucien Caruso, Jr., Northwestern '65 Ray L. Casterline, Northwestern '41 Richard A. Chambers, Oregon '52 John B. Chandler, Bowdoin '37 Thomas W. Cheney, Nebraska '36 Brian G. Clark, Toronto '69

James R. Clark, North Carolina '68 Addison B. Clifford, Jr., Washington '35 Raymond O. Clutter, DePauw '39 William L. Clymer, Ohio State '35 George C. Coakley, San Jose '53 Clement T. Cole, Carnegie '79 T. H . Conklin, Miami '29 Stephen S. Conway, Purdue '51 Mrs. Marsh Corbitt in memory of Marsh M. Corbitt, Washington '17 Philip A. Corey, Ohio State '48 Lloyd W. Courter, Iowa '57 Harry A. Crawford, Ohio State '47 Ira D. Crews, Sr., Oklahoma State '60 Curtiss E. Crippen, Minnesota '30 Allyn J. Crofts, J r., Purdue '47 Daniel J. Cummings, Kansas '79 James A. Cunningham, Brown '41 Robert H. Damm, Syracuse '58 Paul H. Davis, Jr., Chicago '35 Raymond S. Davis, Jr., Michigan '47 Charles G. Dean, Oregon State '56 John A. Delaney, Florida '77 Lewis W. Dewey, Jr., Wisconsin '76 William R. Dillon, Kansas '78 Robert C. DiRenzo, Wisconsin '50 John W. Dodge, Marietta '43 John J. Douglas, Wisconsin '39 Thomas J. Drumheller, Jr., Washington '29 Charles F. Dugan II, Miami '60 James H. DuMond, Jr., Pacific '66 David R. Eagleson, Miami '44 Gordon H. Eberts, McGill '60 Paul B. Edgerley, Kansas State '78 George P. Edmonds, Technology '26 John R. Ehrlich, Missouri '67 John J. Enders, Washington State '39 Edwin L. English, Ohio State '22 Douglas B. Eskridge, Missouri '64 John H. Eyler, Jr., Washington '69 Richard F. Fagan, Washington '52 Mark Falb, Iowa '69

Chester F. Fee, Kansas '47 James R. Filip, Oklahoma State '63 Thomas S. Filip, Oklahoma '69 Daniel E. Fitzgerald , Purdue '49 Thomas J. Fletcher, Rutgers '75 Howard W. Folsom, Wisconsin '30 Robert H. Forney, Kansas '21 Robert G. Foy, Denison '50 William W. Franklin, California '37 P. David Franzetta, Michigan State '70 Charles H. Free, Purdue '31 C. Norman Frees, DePauw '36 Mitchell R. Fulscher, Wisconsin '65 James P. Fusscas, Colgate '63 Ronald Gabel, Purdue '52 George L. Gaddie, Louisville '49 Marvin L. Gear, Kansas' 17 F. Herbruck Geisler, Brown '29 Donald F. Gerald, Jr., Louisiana State '81 Lloyd G. Gillette, Alberta '54


William N. Godfrey, Miami '58 Gary J. Golden, Rutgers '74 Hugh W. Gray, Nebraska '34 Meryl B. Gray, Miami '36 R. Nathan Greene, Kansas State '58 Karl H . Griesbaum, Purdue '61 Scott D. Hahner, Rutgers '78 Frederick D. Haines, Denison '63 Gerald A. Hale, Western Michigan '52 J ay R. Hamann, Minnesota '59 John R. Hammond, Jr., DePauw '50 Loren B. Hanchett, Harvard '29 Thomas D. Hansen, Iowa State '79 Stephen F. Harbison, Stanford '65 Peter B. Harkins, North Carolina '62 Benjamin L. Harper, Indiana '54 H. Vincent Harsha, Iowa '42

Jay A. Hathaway, Kansas State '80 H. John Hawkinson, Iowa '35 Gregory L. Haymon, Oklahoma '77 Lhoyd T. Hayward, Middlebury '23 Melvin D. Heckt, Iowa '46 Richard A. Hegeman, Purdue '49 James D. Hendryx, Rochester '26 Timothy R. Herbert, Iowa State '82 Benjamin F. Hoffacker, Lehigh '44 Joseph F. Hogan, Miami '48 James D. Hoggard, Massachusetts '71 John D. Holschuh, Sr., Miami '48 Edmund C. Horst, Indiana '61 R. Gregory Hougham, Illinois '72 L. Stanley Hubbard, Missouri '55 Robert C. Hunt, Nebraska '41 Harry K. Huntoon, Illinois '37 Michael W. Hurst, Technology '70 Stanley L. Iezman, Washington '70 Richard G. Jacobus, Wisconsin '51 Jamille G. Jamra, Northwestern '38 Edwin R. Jarmain, Toronto '30 G. Edward Jenison, Jr., Michigan State '56 Aldie E. Johnson, Jr., Iowa State '47 Marshall M. Johnson, Rutgers '51 O. Kepler Johnson, Jr., Kansas '52 Orville E. Johnson, Washington State '39 Clifton C. Jones, Kansas State '77 Paul A. Jones, Northern Illinois '76 William E. Jouris, Technology '61 William L. Julian, Illinois '29 William G. Kagler, Syracuse '54 Keith O. Kaneta, Washington '59 Robert D. Kayser, California '46 Stewart B. Kett, California '49 James H . Knorr, Kansas '31 Semon E. Knudsen, Technology '36 F. W. Koester, Kansas '18 William Koester, Kansas '41 Gene Koski, New York '43 Frank B. Kreider, Carnegie '38 William C. Krommenhoek, Nebraska '57 Joseph B. Lamb, Kansas '23 Joseph A. Lane, Pennsylvania State '51 Gary L. Levering, Northwestern '61 James K. Levorsen, Oklahoma '50 Robert S. Lipton, Michigan '64


W. Harry Lister, Lehigh '26 Ronald J. Litra, Bowling Green '75 Robert M. Loch, Nebraska '54 Charles R. Longenecker, Pennsylvania State '32 L. Alexander Lovett, Harvard '33 Vernon B. Lussky, Louisville '43 William P. Major, Colgate '26 Richard R. Mahoney, Houston ' 83 Wendell E. Mann, Purdue '48 Arthur J. Marion, Michigan '42 Robert J. Martin, Washington '59 David O. Mason, Michigan '57 Ralph L. Mason, Iowa State '33 Robert P. McBain, Michigan State '64 John J. McCarthy, Northwestern '49 John S. McConnell, DePauw '66 R. Gordon McGovern, Brown '48 Donald C. McInnes, Manitoba '50 Donald L. McKelvey, Missouri '32 L. D. McKinley, Illinois '40 F. Thomas McMahon, Syracuse '52 Robert H . McNulty, Washington '61 Jeff B. Meeker, Florida '65 John W. Meyer, Wichita '77 Raymond F. Miller, Purdue '22 W. Howard Miller, Colgate '27 William C. Moodie, Jr., Lehigh '47 Robert J. Moore, Kansas '53 James G. Morford, Washington '51 Grayson L. Moss, Purdue '47 George E. Mueller, Jr., Florida '65 James R. Myers, Ohio State '38 Adelbert G. Neese, Purdue '36 David S. Nelson, Clarkson '69 Warren P. Nesbitt, Wisconsin '76 Robert W. Newell, DePauw '34 Donald F. Newman, Carnegie '54 Reginald B. Newman, Northwestern '59 George Nicolau, Michigan '48 C. Esco Obermann, Iowa '26 Paul J. Olscamp, Western Ontario '58 James W. Osborn, Iowa State '73 Jon R. Palmitier, Michigan State '60 James U. Pattee, Michigan State '70 Sidney W. Patterson , Dartmouth & Oklahoma '42 Carl N. Pehlke, Purdue '49 William E. Pelton, Syracuse '63 Theodore H . Perry, Hamilton '30 W. Allen Perry, Iowa State '27 Walter R. Peterson, Washington '22 Charles A. Phillips III, Clarkson '64 Robert D. Poindexter, Oklahoma '40 Richard R. Popham, Purdue '40 William M. Poston, North Carolina '71 R. J . Provan, Alberta '71 Charles D. Prutzman, Pennsylvania State '18

Alan V. Pugh, North Carolina '73 Robert L. Purcell, Chicago '31 John W. Puth, Lehigh '52 Donald C. Rasmussen, Purdue '46 Orville H. Read, Missouri '33


Roland R. Reiche, Northwestern '42 William R. Reusing, Virginia '62 Robert H. Rice, Colgate '34 Donald L. Richardson, Washington & Lee '43 James G. Ricks, Arlington '69 James S. Roberts, Florida '63 Richard W. Roberts, Western Ontario '55 John W. Rogers, Miami '57 Michael E. Rohde, Texas' 68 Henry B. Roth, Union '30 Daniel L. Rothrock, Washington State '69 Edwin Salisbury, Syracuse '40 Donald M. Sampson, Oklahoma '34 Samuel A. Santandrea, Rochester '56 Richard J. Schmidt, Kansas '76 F. Wayne Schooley, Iowa State '22 Neil D. Scott, Washington '24 John A. Seitz, Kansas '31 James C. Shaw, Ohio State '49 William B. Shepard, Cornell '31 William R. Shepherd , Jr., Oregon '55 John L. Sherman, San Jose '66 C. David Siegfried, Houston '79 Cassius C. Sisler, Western Reserve '46 David R. Skiff, Clarkson '69 Charles J. Slawson, Kansas '20 John R. Slothower, Nebraska '45 William S. Smeltzer, Syracuse '58 Everet F. Smith, South Carolina '83 Kirk A. Smith, Indiana '63 Rodney R. Smith, Cornell '67 Wayne C. Sommer, Miami '31, in memory of Karl and John Nenninger David E. Sponsler, Miami '58 Richard G. Spry, Syracuse '40 J. Wesley St. Clair, Kansas '58 Wayne F. St. John, Ohio State '56 Edward J. Stephens, California '44 R. V. Stephens, Indiana '61 William B. Stephenson, Jr., Oklahoma '54 Ezra F. Stevens, Technology '27 Rudolph F. Stigberg, New York '25



William L. Stover, Carnegie '40 Paul M. Stowe, Wisconsin '28 George S. Studle, Washington State '57 Calvin W. Tackett, Jr., Arlington '82 Theodore T. Tanase, Michigan '63 Robert H. Tapp, Pennsylvania State '39 Michel C. Thielen, Iowa '57 Oscar L. Thomas, Ohio State '26 Franklyn H. Tormoen, Minnesota '30 Gunard C. Travaglini, Lafayette '72 L. G. Truesdell, Jr., Minnesota '27 Peter A. Tuohy, Washington '53 Peter V. Ueberroth, San Jose '59 L. Russell Ulrich, Washington '40 Harley J. Urbach, Nebraska '33 Robert J. Valdez, Nebraska '66 W. Lloyd VanKeuren, Rutgers '09 Albert E. Varble, Purdue '50 Anthony Ventresca, Western Reserve '53 John H. Vinyard, Jr., Missouri '42 Clyde W. VonGrimmenstein, Purdue '49 Jay E. Wagner, Ohio State '45 William E. Walker, Ohio State '54 Ben T. Walkingstick, Oklahoma '52 Martin J. Warden, Western Ontario '50 W. D. Watkins, North Carolina '27 William A. Weir, Alberta '54 Jeffrey M. Wells, Indiana '66 J. Ralston Werum, Ohio State '42 Richard A. West, Lafayette '53 James W. Westaway, Toront\> '34 Alan L.Weyhrich, Northwestern '58 Paul W. Wilke, Jr., Minnesota '50 W. Robert Wilmore, Western Reserve '46 Sewell T . Wilson, Jr., Kansas '48 Milo G. Wingard, Jr., Technology '51 Bradley K. Wolf, Kansas State '80 Michael G. Wood, Cornell '64 Samuel E. Woodyard, Washington '34 William S. Woods, U.C.L.A. '50 Harlan S. Yenne, Indiana '16 Jack J. Yirak, Iowa State '40 John B. Young, Iowa State '28 James F. Zboyovsky, Pennsylvania State '51


please print }'our name

___ $250 ___ $150 _ _ $100 _ _ $ 75 _ _ $ 50 _ _$ 25

Honored Giver's Circle New Decade Donors President's Club President's Club Platinum Delta Club Golden Delta Club Silver Delta Club

------------Mail your check to Delta Upsilon Fraternity, POB 40108, Indianapolis, IN 46240



Gomment on Praternity by Wilford A. Butler, CAE

So Long But Not Good-bye The subject matter of this column is different and I hope you will understand the use of the personal pronoun and some reminiscences as well. Twenty-three years ago you called me to be the fraternity General Secretary. I was young, energetic and full of enthusiasm for what continues to be one of the best experiences of my life - joining Delta Upsilon Fraternity. You gave me outstanding fraternity leaders to work with, and to encourage our progress. Together we shared some very good times of real accomplishment and some darker days when it seemed as if the entire fraternity movement would succumb to the winds of change. Just when it seemed darkest for fraternities, the stirrings of renewal and renaissance began to be observed. Today, fraternity membership is even more popular on most college campuses than before, and the values of friendship, justice, culture and character development are more needed and relevant in our high tech society. For as much as high technology has the capacity for liberating our lives, there will still be the need for old-fashioned friendship, for community, for interaction and for the experiences that provide a means of building personal and leadership skills.


To all of the Brothers who have helped Delta Upsilon to grow and prosper by getting involved with chapters, with alumni corporations, alumni clubs, on fraternity standing committees, and at the Board of Directors and Foundation level, I am most profoundly grateful for your friendship, determination and enthusiasm for making Delta Upsilon better and stronger.

growing and successful consulting practice. In the time remaining, I have pledged to do everything possible to ensure a smooth transition in leadership and to introduce you to my successor. At some time in the future, after our new executive gets firmly established , I expect to be involved in Delta Upsilon as a volunteer, an experience that I have not had the opportunity to enjoy for nearly a quarter century. For I believe in the fraternity movement, and particularly Delta Upsilon as an experience that can change men's lives for the better. I know that you will give to our new chief executive the right hand of friendship that you have always given me. Thank you so very much for the wonderful privilege of serving Delta Upsilon and for the great treasure of memories. Fraternally,

Those who know me have often heard me speak of the English entertainer Sir Harry Lauder, who said : "Always leave them laughing when you have to go." For me it is time to seek a second career in association management or some related field, to write a book on membership marketing programs and to continue my

April, 1986

Wilford A. Butler, CAE


路-------The Talent Bank. ,., First Step to Help DU-------DU Talent Blank Clip-and-Mail Coupon

Mail to: Delta Upsilon Fraternity, P.O'. Box 40108, Indianapolis, IN 46240 _ _ _ Yes, count me in. Add my name to the Talent Bank. I want to help

my chapter as an alumnus advisor.

I want to help a chapter nearby as an alumnus advisor. I w'o uld like to help as a col'poration board member of my chapter _ __

___ my alumni support check is enclosed for _ _$25 _ _ $50 _ _ $100 _ _$150 _ _$250 _ _other

I would like to help a nearby chapter as a corporation member _ __ _ _ _ I would,like to volunteer to be in the Province Governor pool. _ _ _ I would like to consider service on a Fraternity committee. _ _ _ I can provide expert advice in My occupation is: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Job title: ____________________________________________________________________________ Firm: Your name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Chapter ________________ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DU' Talent Bank Clip-and-Mail Coupon _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _



April, 1986

Yes, we want and need some of your money ... and some of your time and enthusiasm to make Delta Upsilon Fraternity a better experience for our 4,500 undergraduate Brothers and to keep the Fraternity strong and growing. Take the first step by completing and mailing the DU Talent Bank blank below and considering sending in your first alumni support check, as two good, young DU Brothers did recently ... their story and photographs are shown here.

Matthew W.Blanco, Indiana '84, (left) and Daniel P. McInnis, Virginia Tech '85, visit with Carolyn Lichtenberg, Grand President of Pi Beta Phi.

March 6, 1986 Dear Bill: As recent graduates of Delta Upsilon chapters, we want to begin our postgraduate commitment to DU by sending you these checks. Although they may be small, we hope the size of our checks will grow over the yeaTS as our careeTS grow. After graduating, we both have secured career oriented positions in the Washington, D.C. area. Always wanting to keep on top of Greek current events, it was called to our attention that the new Grand President of Pi Beta Phi, Carolyn Lichtenberg, was also living in the area. Being the gentlemen that we are, we wanted to peTSonally congratulate her on behalf of the area D Us . While visiting, we had the opportunity to take a few pictures of M TS. Lichtenberg in her Pi Phi office. We thought they might make some interesting news for the next Quarterly. In the futUTe we plan to continue to keep up the good Greek 1'elations between DU and other organizations! Fraternally, Dan McInnis


Matt Blanco

April, 1986




was a member of the Purdue Chapter corporation as well. In addition, he was involved in the fraternity's Regional Leadership Seminar program, served as speaker at numerous initiations , helped with th e Presidents Forum Seminar and installation of several chapters. He is survived by his wife Ruth, sons Thomas K. and James D. Rasmussen and d a ughter Ann M. McNulty and one step-granddaughter. In his honor and memory flags were at half staff at the International Fraternity headquarters, badges were draped in black for thirty days, and the Board of Directors honored his service with a special memorial resolution at their January meeting.

Vital Statistics Marriages

Donald C. Rasmussen Purdue'46 1924-1986 Donald C. Rasmussen, Purdue '46, international treasurer of Delta Upsilon Fraternity died onSaturday, January 11, 1986. He had waged a courageous battle against cancer for several years, continuing his work and active fraternity involvement until the end. He was Vice-President and Resident Manager for eight years of the Indianapolis office of Robert W. Baird investment brokerage firm. Previously, he was Vice-President of Mosely, Hallgarten and Estabrook, Inc. Brother Rasmussen was first elected Assistant Treasurer of Delta Upsilon in 1971 , and was elected Treasurer of the Fraternity in 1978. He was re-elected for eight terms. Active as a member of the DePauw alumni corporation and with the revival of that chapter; he


Brown '41 - James A. Cunningham, Jr. and Geneve Elizabeth Crabbe at Glen Ellyn, Illinois on October 27, 1985. Denison '77 - Reid R. Miller and Miss Barbara Millard Baetzhold in Indianapolis, Indiana on January 19, 1985.

Births Bradley '69 - Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Boylan of Geneva, Illinois, a daughter, Christine Emily, on December 6, 1985. Delaware '73 - Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Reed of Wilmington, Delaware, a daughter, Erica Diane, on October 16, 1985. Eastern Kentucky '79 - Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Hinton of Richmond, Kentucky, a son; Mark Joseph, on April 27, 1985. Miami '77 - Mr. and Mrs. John D. Holschuh, Jr. of Cincinnati, Ohio, a daughter, Heather Elyse. Missouri '75 - Mr. and Mrs. ]. Scott King of Independence, Missouri, a son, Andrew Dunklin, on August 11, 1985. Tennessee-'72 - Mr. and Mrs. Anthony L. Ostendorf of Woodstock, Georgia, a daughter, Meghan Rose, on October 7, 1984. Texas '74 - Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Prentice of Austin, Texas, a son, Stephen Michael, on January 2, 1986. Western Illinois '80 - Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Shianna of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, a daughter, Kwynn Erin, on November 6, 1985.

Obituaries ALBERTA Doug H. McIndoe '42 AMHERST Clarence Francis '10, Dec. 22, 1985 Keith B. Mount '34, Sept. 9, 1985

BRADLEY David M. Cross '56, March 15, 1985 BROWN Gerald W. McCollum '65, Aug. 1984 *Donald G. Millar '20 George H. Stauffer '33 CALIFORNIA Norman L. Ackley '28 Edgar L. Nelson '44 *Lewis L. J. Oliver '26 CARNEGIE George ]. Murphy '26, Aug. 14, 1985 COLBY Robert C. Brown '25, July 4, 1985 William J. D. Miller '52, Sept. 1984 COLUMBIA William C. Mueller, Jr. '26, Feb. 9, 1985 DARTMOUTH George O . Southwick '57, Sept. 29, 1985 DENISON Gene P. Swartz '60, Dec. 3, 1985 DEPAUW Stanley]. Leland '23, May 22, 1985 FLORIDA Jasper N. Joiner '47 , Dec. 15, 1985 ILLINOIS William B. Jarvis, Jr. '15, July 12, 1985 INDIANA John A. Schwin '32, Nov. 21, 1985 IOWA Waldo E. Brown '46 John H. Thompson '36, Nov. 6, 1983 IOWA STATE . Dean H . Fry '47 KANSAS Clarke Adams '35, Jan. 21, 1986 C. Weston Johnson '54, Dec. 20, 1984 *Robert E. Kroesch '45 Dan H. Myers '26, Dec. 23, 1985 Jon K. Sargent '56, Dec. 16, 1985 Randolph A. Youle '71 KENT STATE William R Henry '50, March 3, 1984 LEHIGH Dale R. Vogler '79 LOUISVILLE Frederick C. VonWicklen '22, Sept. 28, 1985 MANITOBA Arthur R Gourley '31, Se pt. 17, Hi85 MARIETTA Jack N. Anthony '49, Sept. 12, 1983 George Light, J r. '22 Watson F. Tait, Jr. ' 19 MCGILL George C. Draper '12, Dec. 22, 1985 MICHIGAN Vernon M. Hawkins, lr. '30 Joseph F. Whinery '26 MINNESOTA Perceval Hawes '20 AllenJ. Hendry '37, Dec. 21, 1985 NORTH CAROLINA William H. E. Johnson '32, Aug. 8, 1985 NORTHWESTERN Howard C.Seehausen '30, Dec. 11 , 1985 Arthur E. Tatham '29 *Howard]. White, Jr. '33 OHIO STATE Glenn W. Durflinger '15, Dec. 1,1985 Kenneth R. Eichwald '49, Nov. 1985 Horace S. Keifer '22 *]. B. Lininger '32 Wendell B. Lohr '36, Jan. 12, 1986 Robert K. MacIntyre '39, Oct. 1985 Horace H . Rector '35


OREGON STATE Herbert F. Hiatt '37 PENNSYLVANIA STATE Roy R. Gockley' 14, Dec. 3, 1985 Harold M. Parent '22, May 10, 1985 W. H. Rogers '18, Sept. 5, 1985 Victor C. Sandham, Jr. '39, Oct. 13, 1985 PURDUE Carl E. Egeler' 13, Oct. 5, 1985 Donald C. Rasmussen '46, Jan. 11 , 1986 RIPON Harold A. Engel '25, Nov. 15, 1985 ROCHESTER Robert W. Barker '42, Aug. 30, 1985 RUTGERS W. Lloyd VanKeuren '09, Dec. 16, 1985 SIMPSON Raymond E. Main '33 , Sept. 15, 1985 John L. Scott '24 SYRACUSE Gerald C. Cooney '18, Nov. 19, 1985 TUFTS W~rren R. Burnham '33, Sept. 11, 1985 UNION Jared C. Avery '64, Sept. 10, 1985 VIRGINIA George W. Cassell '24, July 26, 1985 William H. Howell, Jr. '43, Oct. 13, 1985 John D. Norfleet '51, Feb. 1985 Alexander B. Stump '29, Sept. 25, 1985 WASHINGTON Martin R. Trepp '35, Sept. 11, 1985 WESTERN MICHIGAN Edward C. Gordon '59, March 1985 WESTERN ONTARIO *William E. Bryant '35 Paul H . Gerster '63 , July 25, 1983 WISCONSIN Thomas C. O'Sheridan '56

Business and Professional Directory

RESORTS On the Island ofKauai at the top of Waimea Canyon. Elevation - 3,600 ft. Furnished rental cabins $25.00 per day, restaurant, cocktail lounge, gift shop and convenience store. Wm. P. Wrixon, California '60. P. O. Box 1289, Honolulu, HI 96807 .

A truly special remembrance is a Delta Upsilon Living Memorial or Honor Gift

Delta Upsilon Living Memorial Gifts Help Build Tomorrow's Leaders

*The Post Office has notified us of the death of these Brothers.

"If we work upon marble, it will perish. If we work upon brass, time will efface it. If we rear temples, they will crumble to dust. But if we work upon men's immortal minds, if we imbue them with high principles we engrave on those tablets something which no time can efface and which will brighten to all eternity . . ~" -Daniel Webster

Have you moved recently? Help keep your mailing record up to date and reduce mailing costs by sending us your new address toda y.

When a fraternity brother and cherished friend or classmate dies and vou want to express sympathy to the fan;ily, consider a Delta Upsilon Living Memorial Gift.

Memorial Gifts Secretary Delta Upsilon Fraternity Post Office Box 40 I 08 Indianapolis, IN 42640 317-875-8900

It is a meaningful and lasting way convey condolence .

Recent memorial gifts received at the fraternity headquarters in honor of Donald C. Rasmussen include the following:


Living Memorial gifts range from the very modest to $100 or more. A prompt and appropriate Memoria l Gift Acknowledgment Card is sent to you , the donor, and a special Memorial Card is mailed [() those you designate. Please include the name of the deceased, name and adch'ess of the family member to receive notification an~l your name to


Gifts to the Fraternity given by: Edwin C. Crane, Arkansas '76 Howard Kahlenbeck, Jr., Indiana '52 Gregory R. Kavanagh , Miami '81 J. Paul McNamara, Miami '29 W. D. Watkins, North Carolina '27 Gifts to the Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation given by: Charles F. Jennings, Marietta '31 Maurice S. Mandel, Chicago '55 Paul E. Rosenthal, Florida '73.


DU Giftables ... Ours Alone From the DU General Store These Classi路c Gifts Always In Good Taste

DU Neckties - #T200 the Crest tie with navy background and the DU crest in gold is 100% polyester for $8.50. #TlOO the DU repp stripe with black background and blue and gold accent stritJes is 100'k polyester and is $8,50. #T300 is the DUck tie of 100% silk design featuring the gold outline -duck on a field of navy for $20.00.

DUck Wastebasket is 9" in diameter and 13" tall. Background is dark green with mounted duck print. Item #M903 for $22.95. New to the DU General Store this spring is the Delta Upsilon Yacht Club,shirt. White sweatshirt with red and blue yacht club design is 50% cotton and 50% polyester. #S395 M, L, XL for $16.95.


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If order lolols less Ihon $25.00 odd $1.50 hondling.

Make checks payable to:




Delta Upsilon Fraternity P.O. Box 40108 Indiana Polis IN 46240



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The Great Coat of Arms Now, for the first time, three dimensional DU Coat of Arms 21" x 27" in handsome gold finish. Outstanding addition to your walls. $500 postage paid . Allow 4 weeks for delivery.


Late Breaking QUARTERLY news bulletins were a popular feature of the January issue and we could tell that you are reading them by the response to several items, so here's a second appearance in this April issue of the magazine. DU Talent Bank provides us with a rich alumni resource of fraternity members who have indicated that they have a desire to serve the International Fraternity as a chapter alumni advisor, on standing fraternity committees or as a province governor. While we don't always have an assignment the day that your interest form is returned, the Talent Bank is our first means of identifying interested alumni. DU Leadership Conference and Convention will take place in St. Louis, Missouri, August 2123, 1986 at the Sheraton St. Louis. Details from DU Conference Registrar, Mrs. Barbara Harness at DU Headquarters. Annual meeting of the Trustees of the Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation is scheduled on Friday, April 11, 1986 in Columbus, Ohio. For the future file: the 1986 Assembly of Trustees meeting will take place at the Union League Club, New York City on Saturday, October 18, 1986. Notices will be sent to all Trustees. The most recent addition to our Delta Upsilon historic badge and ring collection on display at the International Fraternity Headquarters is a rare Delta Upsilon Key badge given by Brother Theodore S. Oppenheim, Union '30. The badge belonged to Hiram Scofield, Union 1853. His gift is particularly significant as it enables the fraternity to display both sides of the early key badges. Two other jeweled badges recently received for the antique badge collection come from Charles E. McCarl, Nebraska '31, and Harry W. Thorp, Northwestern '25. Gifts to the badge and ring collection are most welcome at any time and are on display during office hours. Coming reforms in taxation make it timely to recommend that you review the provisions of your will to see that it continues to serve your intentions and future needs. Our checklist folder details some of the circumstances that cause people to change their wills and is available on request. Postal rates are going up once again, and that makes mailing this magazine and all fraternity mail more costly. You can do your part by sending changes of address promptly. Allow six to eight weeks for changes to take effect. Rules of the Road /are some common sense guides to good conduct that were put in place by delegates attending the 1984 Regional Leadership Seminars. Travel to distant campuses is more commonplace than ever before and these guidelines are aimed at preventing problems and misunderstanding among visitors. Our research leads us to believe that approximately one-third of the membership of most chapter pledge classes and chapter rolls do not read at college level either in terms of speed or comprehension. Yet, almost every college provides reading and study skills centers that can boost reading capacity and comprehension with diligence. Three kinds of ties are available through the DU General Store at fraternity headquarters. There is the traditional repp stripe tie in a 3114/1 width with black background and blue and gold narrow stripes in polyester at $8.50; the Delta Upsilon coat of arms tie, with shield of arms in a stripe pattern with blue background is 3114" polyester at $8.50 and the blue silk tie with the outline DU ducks in an overall pattern at $20.00. They are in stock at all times for immediate shipment.












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#20245 Cross Pen & Pencil Set GoldFilied $55.00 Chrome $32 .50 #356 Crown Pearl Badge 10K Yellow Gold $87.50 #260808 Duck Pendant 10K w/G.F. Chain $20.50 Balclad w/G.F. Chain $14.00

#152098 Key Klip, Plastic $3.50 #152308 Key Chain , Balclad $10.75 #20012 KnifelMoney Clip Stainless Steel $12.50

#260478 Lavaliere 10K w/G.F. Chain $24.95 Balclad w/G.F. Chain $16.00

#33028 Official Ring 10K Yellow Gold $97.00 Quasar Plus $49.00

#26096 Lavaliere wlPearl 10K w/G .F. Chain $29.50

Official 8adge Plain Badge 10K Yellow Gold $55 .00 Balclad $35.00

#601 Monogram Lapel Button, Balclad $5.00









#100 Sweetheart Miniature Badge 10K Yellow Gold $38.00



------------------------------------------------------ ---------~ Item #/Name

Make checks payable to: Delta Upsilon Fraternity P.O.8ox 40108 Indiana Polis IN 46240


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Total Price

if order totals less than $25.00 add $1.50 handling.


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