DU Quarterly: Volume 111, No. 2

Page 1



Hugh E. Rodham, Pennsylvania State '35 Brother Rodham, father of First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, died April 8, at the age of 82, following a stroke in mid-March.

Call for copy, photos The next issue of the Quarterly will

Constitution gets a thorough review

feature Chapter/Colony reports summariz-

The Fraternity's fundamental govern-

ing each group's semester in 200 words or

ing documents are getting a thorough review

less. Do not pass up this excellent opportu-

this spring with an eye toward codifying and

nity for you to communicate with your alumni

streamlining procedures.

and undergraduate brothers around the United

The Constitution and Bylaws of the

ness in Chicago, making draperies for

States and Canada. Printed material must be

Fraternity were adopted in 1909, at the time

hotels and other clients. He retired in

at DU headquarters no later than May 22nd.

the Fraternity was incorporated under New

1970, and in 1987 he and his wife moved

For those chapter presidents not sending

York law. A number of changes occurred in

reports, a chapter news report will be written

the past decade, prompting a call for a com-

from Fraternity files.

prehensive review of the interplay among

He had owned a small textile busi-

to Little Rock. Hugh was raised in Scranton, Pa., the son of an immigrant from Northumberland, England, who worked at the

Good photos of DUs on campus are always welcome.

Aim for a clear, high-

Scranton Lace Co. He also worked at the

contrast black-and-white or color photo, to

lace company during the Depression af-

reprint two columns wide by about three

Constitution and Bylaws and policies approved by the Board of Directors, by the Convention and by the Assembly. The Committee for Revision of the

ter earning a degree in physical education

inches deep.

Credit will be given to the

Constitution and Bylaws has been working

from Penn State University, which he

photographer in the magazine. The Quar-

over the past nine months, and was to report

attended on a football scholarship.

terly editors also hope to have some campus

to the Board of Directors earlier this month.

reports with dormant DU chapters.

Committee members are Chairman Scott A.

Leadership Consultants Wanted for '93-94

W. Johnson, Washington '80, Terry L. Bul-

During World War II, he served in the Navy, helping train recruits. Our condolences to his family and friends.

Delta Upsilon Fraternity is searching

Quarterly seeks writers

for chapter leaders, dedicated brothers, and motivated learners to work as Leadership

lock, Kansas State '61, Nicholas T. Gior-

gianni, Kent State '56, H. Karl Huntoon,

Illinois '72, Dave Maguire, Southern Illinois '73, Christopher L. Miller, Miami '90, and Paul E. Rosenthal, Florida '73.

In the ongoing effort to improve the

Consultants for the 1993-94 academic year.

Alumni and undergraduates interested

quality of your Quarterly in its Ilith year,

This is an excellent opportunity for

in the work of the committee may write

the Communications Committee of the Board

you to travel the United States, meet hun-

Brother Johnson in care of DU Headquar-

of Directors seeks alumni and undergradu-

dreds of brothers, and most importantly, to


ates interested in writing for the Quarterly.

face new challenges and opportunities every

Of prime interest are articles about

day while building stronger DU chapters.

Expansion update: Drake, Stanford

DU alumni and undergraduates who have

You must be an initiated member of

achieved unusual distinctions, showing par-

DU, have proven campus/chapter leadership

ticular dedication to the Fraternity's prin-

experience, and earn a BAIBS degree by July

ciples or special accomplishments of general

of 1993. Contact Fraternity Headquarters

interest to the broad Quarterly audience

with any questions, or for an application.

Durein, Oregon '92, travelled to Drake Uni-

(alumni, undergraduates, parents, Greek ad-

Northern Colorado seeks graduate advisor

give a formal expansion presentation on be-

visors and faculty). There are opportunities for special-

Fraternity Expansion Manager, Tom versity in Des Moines, Iowa on April I to half of Delta Upsilon.

ized writing, too. The DU Health and Well-

The Northern Colorado Chapter has

Delta Upsilon, Phi Gamma Delta, Al-

ness Committee will have a regular feature.

an opening for a live-in graduate advisor for

pha Tau Omega and Kappa Alpha Order are

The reports from 25, 50 and 100 years ago

the 1993-94 year, paying room and board.

competing forthe one slot available at Drake.

could be written by a DU volunteer. First

Applications are requested by June I

The decision of who to accept, now

person accounts, like the World Trade Cen-

for the position that runs from August I

entirely in the hands of the University, is

ter story in this issue, can also be considered.

through June I, according to Alumni Chap-

expected to be announced before the end of

The Quarterly's editors welcome

ter President Drew Dunham, San Jose '86.


manuscripts in double-spaced format. Sub-

The position offers a private room and bath

Meanwhile, plans to recolonize at

missions may be edited or revised in coop-

in the chapter house. A DU is preferred, and

Stanford University in Palo Alto, California

Inquiries about

the advisor must be a UNC graduate student.

continue to move forward. Representatives

potential articles are welcome. Please write

Applications should be sent to 2629 21st

from the International Fraternity arrived on

the Committee in care of DU Headquarters.

Avenue Court, Greeley, CO 80631.

the campus on April 22.

eration with the author.



DELTA UPSILON --------The official magazine of Delta Upsilon Fraternity since 1882 • Vol. Ill, No.2

In This Issue: 36 Peter Ueberroth: Rebulding L.A. 39 Yale Law honors Herbert Brownell 41 Delta U returns to Denison after 9 years

42 Chapter leaders attend Regional Leadership 36

Seminars State of the Fraternity finances Survival in the sky Alumni chapter benchmarking results Convention and Leadership Institute return to Indy 56 Open Hand Opens Hearts 60 Greeks in 2001 . . . Be ready for change 61 What's in it for me?

43 44 45 48

Also Inside:


Bulletin Board Letter from the President Ask the President Newsmakers President's Club In the Quarterly Alpha and Omega

34 38 40 46 50 62 62

On The Cover: Brother Peter Ueberroth outside the Rebuild Los Angeles headquarters where he volunteers to head up the effort to restore hope in America's second largest city. See page 36. Photo © 1993 Cheryll A. Lynn.

DELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY, a publication of the Delta Upsilon Fraternity, founded in 1834, incorporated, December 10, 1909, under laws of the State of New York. Delta Upsilon International Fraternity Headquarters, P. O. Box 68942, Indianapolis, Indiana 46268, U.S.A. Headquarters is open from 8:30 to 5:00 p.m., EST., Monday through Friday. Telephone 317-875-8900. DELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY (USPS 152-900) is published in January, April, July and October at 8705 Founders Road, Indianapolis, Indiana 46268, U.S.A. The subscription price (checks and money orders should be made payable to Delta Upsilon Fraternity) is $3.00 a year in advance; single copies 75¢. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Delta Upsilon Quarterly, P. O. Box 68942, Indianapolis, IN 46268-0942. Printed in the United Stales. Second-class postage paid at Indianapolis, Indiana. ® T.M. Registered U. S. Patent Office.



To rebuild L.A. Peter Ueberroth's latest challenge He is the former Time magazine Man-

When the Simi Valley jury found the

successful (and profitable) 1984 Summer

officers not guilty on almost all charges,

Olympic Games in Los Angeles.

outraged L.A. residents took to the streets.

He is the consummate manager who

The riots, vandalism, and looting dominated

presided over America's favorite pastime-

TV coverage for a week. Damage soared

baseball -

as its commissioner during the

resurgence of the game's popularity. Currently, he is the Principal of the

this time of a truck driver, Reginald Denny, who happened to drive through a riot torn

and acquires businesses in need of manage-


ment or capital assistance, or both, and re-

As the Quarterly went to press, the

turns them to profitability. He is also your

trial of the four police officers on Federal

brother in Delta Upsilon.

civil rights charges had ended and the jury

Peter Ueberroth, Sail Jose '59, has a

had gone into deliberations. L.A. residents

dossier with all of these accomplishments,

and officials wondered what would be the

along with many others. Yet, his service in

result if the trial's outcome again meets with

heading up the Rebuild Los Angeles (RLA)

violent public disapproval.

project, may prove to be the toughest chal-

But in the wake of the April 1992

lenge of his life, and one that may give him

riots, the L.A. community searched for ways

L.A survived some of the worst civil unrest since the 1960' s in the aftermath of a


into the tens of millions of dollars. Another four persons were videotaped in a beating-

Contrarian Group, Inc., a company that finds

his greatest reward.


age of their jury trial.

of-the- Year who engineered the stunningly

to heal the wounds. Rebuild L.A. became an idea and then reality, with a proven volunteer leader at the helm.

jury trial just one year ago. Four L.A. police

As the police officers accused in the

officers were charged with with use of exces-

1991 beating of Rodney King are now facing

sive force in a beating of Rodney King while

Federal charges, Brother Ueberroth's effort

they were arresting him in March 1991.

to rebuild the ravaged and racially volatile

Footage from an amateur video tape became

areas of Los Angeles has again attracted the

a common accompaniment to news cover-

scrutiny of a city, a nation, and indeed, the

world. For if our fellow DU can marshal the

for the project. On the streets, the stage is

influence and power of local private sector

now set for undeniable change.

Benjamin Moore, Bank of America, Toyota, Hyundai, even the Walt Disney

hose of various levels of gov-

Arca states that, "We've had over

Company, all have projects planned, or under-

II have created a paradigm out

$400 million in commitments already, from

way, to assist in the revitalization effort.

of Los Angeles for cities of the world to

companies who are going to build work

Disney's involvement links RLA with an-

facilities, establish job training programs,

other DU brother, Michael Eisner, Denison

forces, w


It is therefore, a global responsibility with huge time demands that Ueberroth has

and make loans available for people and

'64, who serves the world famous entertain-

businesses within our target area."

ment corporation as its Chief Executive Of-

undertaken. Nonetheless, he recently made

Contrary to commonly held assump-

time to share his perspective with readers of

tions, the RLA target area is not limited to

the Quarterly in an exclusive interview.

Central Los Angeles. What defines 'get area? Any section of the city where

An Offer He Couldn't Refuse

ficer. The Disney approach is characteristically unique.

lade a $1 million grant to a

local church w

will use the funds to

tormore ofthe population is living Federal Government's definition

In Brother Ueberroth's view, it was ticos or forcefully delivSouth

the scope of the RLA

tral L.A. resi-

project enormous. Roughly one in four of

RLA effort oing. Instead

Los Angeles County's 8.5 million residents

ly publicized riots, in the wake

lives in an RLA target area. All told, the

Ity verdict in the King trial.

project seeks to affect a land mass that com-

oth claims that the true catalyst

prises 163 square miles - a larger area than

building effort was "the reacthe first 10 days after they

the cities of Boston, San Francisco and St. Louis combined!

as probably the most powerful thi

have happened."

After the riots, Los Angeles Mayor

are too ical machine. Do not be surprised to earn, there-

Among many companies making in-

fore, that our brother has experienced some

vestments in the target area, Von's, a local

frustration with regard to cooperation from

supermarket chain, has dedicated $100 mil-

that sector.

Tom Bradley kn

any hope of revitalizing

lion to build new stores and create 2,000

the worst a

the city would require


"The government at any level has not

Chief Auto Parts, a company that

taken action to do anything," says Ueber-

ip and courageous prag-

sustained serious losses due to looting and

roth. "This [RLA] was set up as a private

Its against nearly

vandalism in the South Central riots, will

sector project to build consensus, provide

om modities

rebuild its 28 stores damaged and build an


additional 15 new stores as part of an $11.8

Thus fa what government has said it would

million commitment for its locations within

do, has had little resemblance to what it has

the target area.


impossible odds. He in Ueberroth. "I was asked by

radley to

take it on," said Ueberroth.

d make substantive changes."

tough to say anything but yes, bas need and the situation at the ti

(continued next page)

charitable thing, with roots i sector." In addition to securing a unique leader, the RLA project is special, for it is designed to meet objectives through cooperation between private sector investment and government incentives.

"We know of no other

situation where the private sector has led the way on this scale for a municipal reconstruction effort," says JelTY Area, a spokesman for RLA. Bringing in the results-oriented Ueberroth has created ambitious expectations

Ueberroth and an RLA staff member sort through the options. (Photo Š1993 Cheryll A. Lynn.)



In spite of the struggle to record action

Teaching and learning are what Delta

and economic development that bedevil major cities.

from various layers of government, Brother

Upsilon is all about, and Brother Ueberroth

Ueberroth continues to create enthusiasm

joins many of us in attributing important

Brother Ueberroth has an opportunity

for the project among those entrusted to get

skills we possess today, to experiences in

to demonstrate one way to rebuild Los An-

the job done. Area observes that, "Peter is

DU. Helping guide his actions in the RLA

geles, and it may well be the model other

always teaching when he's talking with his

effort, for example, was the leadership role

metropolitan leaders will follow into the

staff. He has a very high vision, focusing on

Ueberroth's chapter took at San Jose State in

next century. In any event, it seems certain

the broadest picture ... and he expects his

the 1950's.

that leadership skills learned in Delta Upsi-

"The chapter on our campus was the

people to try to get there with him." Humility is also a hallmark of Ueberroth's style. "He's unusually humble

first to integrate -

at a time when it really

wasn't accepted to do so," recalls Ueberroth.

lon and beyond will again be put to the test as Brother Ueberroth continues his work with Rebuild Los Angeles.

for the successes he's had," observes Area.

"But DU led the way to become a fully

Year one of the RLA project was dedicated to assembling private sector cor-

"When he got here, he had the door to his

integrated fraternity at San Jose, and I have

office physically removed from its hinges.

taken that experience and perspective with

porate sponsorship and capital financial

The message is, if he's here, he is going to be

me to the RLA program."

commitments. Now, as year two begins, the

Still waiting to be told, Ueberroth

focus is on placing capital and other re-

Entrusted to launch the entire opera-

says, is the story of how he turned to some of

sources in the hands of residents and busi-

tion, Ueberroth is in the RLA offices three to

his SanJoseDU brothers to help him with the

nesses in the RLA target area(s).

four days a week, yet he recei ves no pay and

1984 Summer Olympics. "It wasn't a matter

Within the past two months, a capital

refers to himself as "a volunteer." Inflated

of calling in favors to get them involved," he

loan program administered by RLA was

egos are not a problem -

says. "It was calling in recognized talent

announced, and will provide further assis-

among people I knew would get the job done

tance to small businesses. While RLA does

combines humility and accessibility in a role

But that tale must await a future Quar-

gratefully accepted and will be channeled by

as teacher, through it all, Ueberroth has re-

terly. As you read this issue, the future of

Brother Ueberroth to meet specific needs in

mained the student, storing what he has

Rebuild L.A. may have been made more

the community. All gifts are tax deductible.

learned through his involvement with RLA,

difficult by a new round of reaction to a jury

If you wish to support RLA and

for application to future challenges.

verdict. Or public opinion may accept what

Brother Ueberroth in this fashion, please

completely accessible."

no one in the

organization has a title.

not raise funds directly, contributions are

While his distinctive leadership style

"It's been an endless learning effort,"

the jury does without the destructive spasms

make your check payable to: "RLA/Delta

claims Ueberroth. "As much as anything,

of 1992, making it easier for Rebuild L.A. to

Upsilon Project" and send it to the following

you can never get enough done. I guess I

combine the city's diverse economic and


have learned that you can't force things. It

cultural groups into a revitalized economy.

Mr. Peter V. Ueberroth

took forty years to destroy the Country's

Whatever the immediate response,

inner cities - it's going to take some time to

projects like RLA will be needed across the

1000 West Eighth Place

rebuild them."

continent to address issues of crime, poverty,

Los Angeles, CA 90017

c/o Rebuild Los Angeles

h,. ~

Report by the President In the January issue of the Quarterly, I informed you that the Fraternity

went out to key alumni of every chapter in the U.S. and Canada.

was engaged in finding a new Executive

At its most recent meeting, the Frater-

Director. At the writing of this issue, the

nity's Board of Directors interviewed several

position remains open, but I thought it

candidates recommended by Brother

would be appropriate to update you our

Golden's Committee as top prospects.

a decision that bears tremendous responsibility to find the absolute best person available. When the process is completed, I want you to have full confidence that

While no final decision has yet been

with our available resources we will have

When the immediate past Execu-

made, the Board is continuing with further

selected the best leader possible for DU.

tive Director, Steven J. Gerber, Northern

research and discussion about certain candi-

Illinois '68, resigned, the Fraternity's




ment of our undergraduate brothers. It is

Between now and then, if you have any questions or concerns, I urge you to

Board of Directors named Gary J. Golden,

We are making progress towards a

write Gary Golden or me at Headquar-

Rutgers 74, as Chairman of the Execu-

decision, but the Board views the recruit-

ters. The address appears on page 35. Thank you for your interest and concern. Bruce S. Bailey, Denison '58 President & Chairman of the Board

tive Director Search Committee. The po-

ment of a new Executive Director as a vital

sition was advertised in the Chronicle of

and critical step in determining the future of

Higher Education and hundreds ofletters

our Fraternity and its effect on the develop-


Yale Law honors Herbert Brownell T he Honorable Herbert Brownell, Ne-

braska '24, recently received the Yale Law School's Citation of Merit Medal for substantial contribution to public service and

the legal profession. A former U.S. Attorney General under President Dwight D. Eisenhower, Brother Brownell was presented the medal by former Supreme Court Justice, Warren E. Burger. Among others, Brother Brownelljoins former President ofthe United States, Gerald R. Ford; former Secretary of State, Cyrus Vance; and former Supreme Court Justice, Abe Fortas as Citation Merit Medal winners. Brownell served as President of Della Upsilon from 1979 to 1981 and later, as a Trustee of the DU Educational Foundation. In 1990, Brownell received the Fraternity's highest recognition, The Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award. The Quarterly recently caught up with

Brother Herbert Brownell (left), Nebraska '24, is presented the Citation of Merit Medal by former U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice, Warren E. Burger.

Brother Brownell to gauge his thoughts about the Yale Law School honor, and his current

and he was head ofthe Civil Division. Then,

published by the University Press at Kansas.

activities. Quarterly: Over time it's been said that the Yale Law School teaches people to become Democrats. How is it that you became an "exception to the rule"? Brownell: (Laughing) "I wish I could answer that. I don't know; I think there are only a few of

Eisenhower appointed him to the Bench. He

It's called Advising Ike."

was also Chairman of the Bicentennial Com-

Quarterly: What are Herbert Brownell's current goals? Brownell: "Well, I'm traveling a great deal ... mostly for pleasure. I go to Europe a couple of times a year. I serve as the Director for the Ludwig Cancer research Institute in Zurich, so that takes me over there twice a year. The Institute does basic lab research in about eight countries in the field of cancer. It's been a very interesting association for me with the Institute over the past thirty or more years. So little things like that keep me busy." Though he took Delta Upsilon's Oath oflnitiationjust over 70 years ago, the accolades and recognition for Brother Brownell continue. Just a few weeks ago, he was honored by the Municipal Arts Society in New York City for contributions to the Arts. Brownell served for many years as an attorney for New York's Metropolitan Museum of Arts. As his DU brothers, we all take pride in the accomplishments of Brother Brownell -a man whose life has been led as an embodiment of our Four Founding Principles, and one who continues to bring honor to the name of Delta Upsilon today. ,


Quarterly: Throughout your career, you have received countless awards, honors, and recognition. How does the Citation of Merit Medal from the Yale Law School compare to those?

Brownell: "It's a nice recognition on their part; I was surprised by it, but it is very complimentary."

Quarterly: Why were you surprised by it? Brownell: "Well I'm an old timer, you know. I didn't know anybody even knew I was still around." Quarterly: Since he presented you with the award, how would you describe Warren Burger? Brownell: "He used to be in the Justice Department when I was. We went there at the same time

mission on the Constitution when I was Vice-Chairman. He's very well liked

a congenial

fellow. He looks the part of a Chief Justice. I got him to come to Washington in the first place." Quarterly: You did? How so? Brownell: "I knew him as a prominent lawyer in St. Paul, Minnesota, with a distinguished trial record. So, he headed up the biggest division of the department and then I recommended him to Eisenhower for a judicial appointment." Quarterly: Switching gears, what is the status of your written memoirs?

Brownell: "They are at the printers and will be published towards the end of the month (April)."

Quarterly: At one point you were considering writing those for private use by family and close friends. Brownell: "That's right, but I was finally talked into making it a public memoir and it's being



Ask the President Dear Brother Bailey,

Wing to the ircommunity whe ther they ar e 20

I read the article written by Brothe r

or 100 strong.

the Quarterly magazine and determine ho w we can make it more interesting to our read-

Giorgianni in the last Qua rterly , "The Eco-

However, we must be aware tha t it

nomic s of Chapter Size," and am prompt ed

does cos t mon ey to fund the lead ership pro-

to express a dissenting opinion .

gramming that we supply to ourunderg radu-

will be limited to the April and October

ates and thu s, ea ch chapter needs to main-

issues of the ma ga zin e, and an attempt will

racy of the article , and one could indeed

tain an ad equ ate size to eve nly distribute the

be made to cover 1110 re relevant and interest-

extend the analysis to conclud e that a chapter

ex-penses among our groups. Work hard,

ing stories . Th is issue contains stories on

size of 200 would be the most economic al.

enjoy you r fratern ity expe rience and be as

Broth ers Uebe rro th, and Brown ell, and on

As we know , a 200 member chapter would

large as you can, but mo st imp ortantly, be a

the bomb ing of the Wo rld Trade Center . In

cease to offer the brothe rhood and closen ess

chapter we can be proud of

add ition, we have expanded the Ne wsma k-

No one can question the fiscal accu-

of a "real" fraternit y, and fail because it has lost sight of its purp ose. In short, it isn 't a "franchise" as the article would have us


Thus fa r, the Committee has made

several decisions to this end. Lists of donors

ers sec tion.

Dear Brother Bailey,

The members of th e commi ttee are

Perhaps we could include more ar-

Richard Holland, Syracuse '83, Chairman;

belie ve and thinkin g of a chapter house in

ticles that might appeal to businessmen such

Jeffrey D empsey, Nebraska '89; Jeffrey

those terms can be a fatally flawed concep-

as myself... Another idea I had was a "Great

D ickson, Bucknell '90 ; Tom Han sen, Iowa

tion of what a fraternity should be.

DU' s" article in whic h a DU is interview ed

State '79; Brent Scobie, Maine '92. This is

Jim Hall

about his life...

yo ur ma ga zin e. Ifyo u ha ve any comments or

Pu rd ue '69

Brad L. Van Alle n

suggesti ons please send them to D U Head-

Oregon State '72

quarters. See addr ess on pa ge 35.

Dear Brother Bailey,

The "Ask the President" section was added to the Quarterly in an effort to improve the communication between the International Fraternity, local undergraduate chapters and alumni. We encourage you to respond to issues of concern in the future. We will try to answer as many letters as possible. In each issue of the Quarterly, we will print several letters from our readers. Please send your questions, comments, or concerns to: Bruce S. Bailey Delta Upsilon Headquarters P.O. Box 68942

Dear Bro ther Hall , Ther e will always be topi cs of heat ed debate and your letter ha s tou ch ed on on e of

I never read lists of names, Newsmak-

them . It is imp ossible to say that larger

ers, or obituaries... You could devote one or

chapters are always stronger tha n sma ller

two Quarterly issues to those...then make a

ones. As with any argume nt, there ar e p osi -

couple issues full of meat... Charles E. Cardwell

tives and negatives to both sides. Surely lar ger chapte rs ar e more fi -

Kan sa s State '66

nan cially solid and self-supp orting, but the sma lle r the gro up , the mo re p ersonal the

Dear B roth ers:

intera ction among the brothers. The qu es-

In January, a Comm ittee on Frate r-

tion is, at what point does quantity tak e aw ay

nity Comm unications was app ointed by th e

from quality ?

Boa rd of Directors to rev iew all the regu-

Our view is that eve!)' chapter is dif-

larly publish ed printed co mmunica tions

We are mainly conc ern ed that our

originating from Fraternity Headquart ers .

chapte rs are actin g resp onsibly and contrib -

On e p rior ity of the Committee is to re view


Brother Herbert Brownell 's new book , Advising Ike - The Memoirs of A tto rney General Herbert Bro wnell , will be published on May 3, 1993 and will be available in most major book stores.

To order your copy directly, however, you may send a check, money order, or a Mastercard/Visa account number (with expiration date and card holder ' s name) to: University Press of Kansas 250 1 W. 15th Street Lawrence, KS 66409-3904 The book sells for $29.95 (U.S. funds) and with check and money order, please remem ber to add $2.50 for 4th class return postage, or $3.00 for UPS delive ry..



Delta U'returns to Denison after 9 years 52 men receive charter founded in 1949 - DU's 94th active chapter


lthough they colon ized only last Apr il,

the Denison undergraduate and alumni group has set a record, meetin g the necessary requirements to move from Colony to Chapter in only eleven mo nths. O n March 5 and 6, 1993, 42 undergraduates and 10 alumni took the Oath ofInitia tion in Gra nville, Ohio to become DU's 94th active Chapter. Friday night' s Rite I ceremonies took place in the Mulb erry House where , less than one year earlier, 54 anxious co lony members setagoal to earn their Charter in less than one year. Having accomplished their mission, they now watched their seven new pled ges take the oath. With the completion of the pledg ing ceremony, the Brothers turned to song. Following a few rousing choruses of "Hail Delta Upsilon" and the "Delta Upsilon Ode," the prospective ca ndidates were ready for their Installa tion Exa m. T wenty-seven questions later, each individual was ready to proceed down the path towards full membership in Delta Upsilon.

Eight proud Deni son Chapter officers displ ay their new DU, U.S. a nd Ca na dia n flag s, a nd the C ha pter 's r oll book and ritual manuals.

Joinin g Brothe r Jeffrey Dick son,

Bucknell '90, Ass istant Executive Director, were James Piper, Denison '78, Jam es Larimer, Denison ' 69 , a nd Willi am

While Brothe r

mony, Brothers Piper, Maste r, and Dickson,

Grubaugh, Exami ner, and Brother Larimer,

Assis tant Marshal, watched as each under-

Chief Marshal, cond ucted the Rite I cere -

graduate co lony membe r signed his name

Grubaugh, Denison '81.

into the new Chapter Roll Book, the final step before Rite II ceremonies the followi ng day. Nearly 120 family members, friends, Denison Brothers and University officials gathered in Swayzee Chapel for the Rite II cerem ony. Joi ning the installation team were Dr. Rev. Michae l Snyder, Chapla in, and Brother Bruce Bailey, Denison '58, President and Chairma n of the Board of Delta Upsilo n Intern ational Fraternity. Brother Bailey, in his char ge to the new Chapter , had a number ofchallenges for the onlooking candid ates. He charged them to never forget the need for academic exc ellence. He reminde d them to not look past the changing demograp hics of the United States and to build on their already diverse population. Finally, he remin ded them of the traditions of the original Denison Chapter whic h New initiates a nd alumni display th e DU flag on th e ste ps of Swayzee C ha pel.

was first chartered in 1949. (continued next pa ge)



Denison (continued)

Chapter leaders attend Regional Leadership Seminars ontinuing in a tradition of over 70

to our Fraternity, the installation of the new


Chapter Officers and the presentation of a

winter Regional Leadership Seminars in each

With the addition of 52 new members

years, Delta Upsilon once again hosted

to take back to their chapters, and groups were encouraged to conduct a Risk Management Seminar for themselves.

new Charter, the entire group retired to the

of its 12 provinces. Made possible by funds

As another new addition to the '93

Chapel steps for pictures. Immediately fol-

from the Fraternity and DU Educational

RLS program.joint undergraduate and alumni

lowing this, Delta Upsilon's return to Deni-

Foundation, these seminars establish DU as

sessions were conducted this year. A Gen-

son was announced with the ceremonial flag

one of the few national/international frater-

erational Differences seminar was geared to

nities to sponsor annual mid-year gatherings

increase understanding between different

of this size.

generations and breach the communication

raising in the academic quad. However, the afternoon was far from over. All the guests were then invited to

This year's seminars were designed

attend the Installation Banquet hosted by the

to provide chapter leaders with progressive

gap that often hinders productivity between undergraduates and alumni.

new Chapter. Jim Piper served as Master of

and informative educational programming

As in the past, members of the


focused around relevant campus and frater-

Fraternity's Executive staff, along with mem-

nity topics.

bers of the Board of Directors and other

Highlights included the presentation of alumni awards by the undergraduate broth-

Saturday morning discussions on rush

volunteers, served as resource staff for the

ers to Jim Piper, for all of his hard work as the

allowed participants to share successful tech-

seminars. Host chapters have been chosen

Alumni Chapter President and to John Ward,

niques, ideas and discuss common problems

and plans have begun for 1994's Regional

Ohio'Sti, for his help as the Installation

in a relaxed university setting. The interac-

Leadership Seminars.

Committee Adviser. The highlight of the

tion bred fresh perspectives on our life-blood

tends a special thank you to all the host

banquet was the message delivered by Dave

process, as well as gave brothers a feeling

chapters for the 1993 seminars:

Daberko, Denison '67, President and CEO

that they were not alone in their efforts.


Delta Upsilon ex-


of National City Bank. The afternoon closed

Later in the day, DU continued to take

with the presentation of two $1,000 checks

a proactive response to AIDS, conducting



given to Denison University and Delta Upsi-

sessions to educate participants on the deadly



lon International Fraternity on behalf of all

disease, and how it relates to undergraduate


Pennsylvania State

Denison undergraduate and alumni brothers.

men and women in the 90' s.


Georgia Tech

The weekend was a great success.

Participants watched a video called


Kent State Western Ontario Western Illinois

Those brothers who wish to send letters of

"AIDS - A Decision For Life" which told the


congratulations can do so by writing the

true story of a woman who contracted HIV


Chapter directly. Please send them to:

from a fraternity man. Individuals tested


Iowa Kansas State

their knowledge on the disease by taking an


Jason Drum, President

AIDS Risk Behavior Knowledge Test and



Delta Upsilon Fraternity

later had an opportunity to ask questions.


Cal Poly

Slayter Hall

Materials were provided to each delegation



Denison University Granville, OH 43023

Victoria Installation April 30 . May 1 Installation ceremonies for our Victoria Colony were scheduled for the weekend of April 30. Delta Upsilon

colonized at

Victoria in January 1991 and was the third fraternity to pioneer on the young Greek system. Victoria will be Delta Upsilon's 9th Canadian chapter giving us the largest fraternity presence in the country among International fraternities. 42


Province 11 delegates took part in seminars ranging from rush and alumni relations, to AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases.

The State of Fraternity Finances Delta Upsilon Fraternity is now recovering from several years where rising revenues were insufficient to cover the increased expenses of oversight and service to its stakeholders-its undergraduate and alumni brothers. Bringing revenues and expenses into balance has required a series of drastic measures by the staff, the Treasurer and the Board of Directors. Concept of "Operating Income" In its meeting of January, 1992, the Board of Directors adopted the concept of Operating Income as the primary tool for managing the normal activities of the Fraternity. This subset of the income statement excludes the financial consequences of events or functions that are either unusual and/or one-time occurrences, such as a major chapter loan write off, or which are managed separately, such as risk management. The adoption of this format has significantly enhanced fiscal control through effective budgeting, as well as a sharpened focus by the Executive Director and staff to achieve the targeted financial results. Net Operating Revenue Surpluses highlighted the first five years studied (fiscal years 1985 through 1989), averaging $76,000 per year. Significant operating deficits of $126,000 per year were incurred in fiscal years 1990 and 1991. Last year, the operating deficit was limited to $37,000, and this year, we expect income to match expenses. Operating Revenues Revenues rose in an even pattern, from $714,000 eight years ago to $787,000

Total Investment Return Years of total return for the Permanent Trust Fund were as follows: $269,000,

continuing objective, the need for a balanced

up 22 1/2% in '89; $219,000, up 16.4% in '90; $15,000, upO.2% in '91; and $175,000, up 18.4% in '92. The corresponding rates of return for

Deficits in cash flow over the past eight years had to be funded by the permanent Trust Fund. This accounted for the reduction in the market value from $1,271,000 at the end of 1985 to $1,092,000

the Foundation were: 20.1% in '89; 16.7% in '90; 3.0% in '91; and 12.8% in 1992. Grants Grants from the Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation increased from $186,000 to $194,000 in fiscal year 1989, but slipped to $1 14,000 in fiscal year 1992. Thus, for the first six years of this period, income from these sources increased 6% per year, but declines over the past two years lowered the eight years average to a 4% annual growth. Operating Expenses While operating expenses increased an average of 5% per year for the past eight years, there were large year-to-year fluctuations. For the first five years, expenses increased an average of 3% per year, but jumped 16% for the next two years before being forced down to 8% by board mandated changes. Because of the lack of isolation of Convention expenses during the early years of the study, exact comparisons of these costs are inaccurate. It is clear, however, that an increased convention deficit contributed at least $30,000 to the annual deficit. Also, employment of a more senior executive director and expansion of the staff in an effort to improve chapter services, added costs that were not covered by increased income. This has led your current Board to establish, as a

last year, at a rate of I l/2% per year, which was below inflation. While the total revenue grew evenly, there were sizeable changes in


fiscal years 1985 to 1990, but increased 37% during the past two years, largely due to fee increases. Over the eight year period, such


mark studies indicate that todays fees are about on par with those of our Greek competition.

at the end of last year, despite the achievement of outstanding investment returns. A systematic repayment schedule has been established and is on track. Conclusion While expense control can and should be stressed, the Fraternity must find ways to increase income at least to the rate of inflation, or risk continual downsizing and loss of support services to our undergraduates. Increased membership, via internal growth and expansion are, of course, viable approaches, but these are difficult in an era of declining undergraduate enrollment and eroding financial conditions. We will be considering other sources of financing, including a capital fund drive to increase the income generation potential from the Permanent Trust Fund and the Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation. Fraternally, John B. Parks, DePauw '63 Treasurer The Fraternity's finances are fully audited each year by Price Waterhouse. A copy of the audit report is available to any alumnus or undergraduate member upon request, without charge.

Operating Revenue and Expenses of Delta Upsilon 1985-93

the underlying components. Income from pledge, initiation, and member fees were static to declining from

fees increased an average of 5% per year, thus keeping up with inflation. Earlier bench-

operating budget each year. Permanent Trust Fund



$ 1000's Dollars

..... Total Net Revenue 4- Operat ing


Expenses ..... Opere t inq Revenue

200 0 85 -200 .1



Fiscal Vear-s



Survival in the sky: One DU's account of the World Trade Center disaster


rother Brian G. Clark, Toronto '69, is Executive Vice President

and one of six Directors in the New York money market broker-

age firm, Euro Brokers. The Company was founded in 1970 and currently has 650 employees spread among six offices worldwide. In 1974, the company moved from Toronto to New York City, occupying space on the 32nd floor of Tower #1 in the World Trade Center. Until Friday, February 26, 1993, the tenancy of250 New York Euro Broker's employees had been reasonably uneventful. "Never in nearly 19 years, can I ever remember us receiving or evacuating for a bomb threat," said Brother Clark. At 12:18 p.m. on February 26, all of that changed ... "I was in the building on the 32nd floor when the bomb went off in the basement (parking garage)," remembers Clark. "There was a noticeable shudder in the building - it was like someone dropped a big safe, you know, something really solid right beside you on the concrete floor. "The room shook, but just for an instant, and then everybody said, 'what was that?''' Concurrently, the building's power went off for a few seconds, heightening the curiosity of all employees in the office. Unlike an earthquake's tremor, which usually spans a few seconds or more, the sensation of the explosion was different - an event distinguished by its force and brief duration. Congregated around the windows of the Euro Broker's offices, Clark and his employees could see people exiting from the Vista Hotel on the street level of the Tower complex. Brother Clark recalled that, "just then, two of our workers came back from the rest room saying, 'there's smoke in the corridors; we'd better get out of here!" There began a coordinated exodus of some 175 brokers who bid hasty good-byes to customers on the phone. Beating a path to the emergency stairwells, Brother Clark and his employees descended about seven floors before experiencing a delay in the evacuation, due to the high volume of workers from other floors and offices who were also attempting to exit the building. "It was like everyone lining up to get off Magic Mountain," said Clark. "The smoke got progressively worse as we got lower and lower; we started bumping into firemen on their way upstairs at about the 10th floor. Near the 6th floor, the lights (in the stairway) were completely out. "It was very, very dark and it became a scary experience." Ultimately, however, evacuees maintained composure. "Really, the spirits were good," recalled Clark. "Nobody panicked - there were a few emotional people, but those were maybe 10 percent ofthe people. Another 10 percent were taking control to calm everyone, and the other 80 percent were silent." Initial rumors for the cause of the explosion and fire involved the malfunction of a transformer, but those were quickly dispelled. All told, it took a little more than 30 minutes for Clark and his 44


employees to get out of the building. Towards the bottom of the stairway Brother Clark remembers that, "It was awful to breathe, though and everyone got black and sooty ... About 20 of our people were treated for smoke inhalation." By the time Clark made it outside, the emergency medical personnel were completely prepared for the onslaught of evacuees. "That was amazing," said Clark, "The medical staffwas set up- ready for us -

the response was phenomenal."

After the building was completely evacuated, company leaders throughout the World Trade Center complex were confronted with the question of how to continue to do business. "We had no idea what this meant for our company," said Clark. "Would we ever get back into the World Trade Center? It raised the question in your mind (but nobody wanted to verbalize it), is the building structurally sound? Will they have to tear it down? Is it over?" Ironically, Brother Clark's company had long since scheduled the weekend of February 27 - 28 to move from the 32nd floor of Tower #1, to the 84th floor of Tower #2. "All of the boxes in my office were packed - we were ready to go and had just spent 4.8 million dollars on the new office facilities." Brother Clark, the other principals at Euro Brokers, and the

Brother Clark outside the World Trade Center.

Company's attorneys all met for a brainstorming session at 12:00 noon on Sunday, February 28. By 8 o'clock that night, the group, with the overnight help of New York Telephone, had arranged for more than

system that just appeared out of nowhere.

half the Company's brokers to have desk space and a phone by Monday morning.

"It's almost like this is a great challenge, this is not a routine, so therefore it's fun -let's do it."

In Clark's view, "it's been a bonding experience for the people

Sounds strangely like words you can hear on DU campuses this

there's a sense that we're in this together. And there's also been a

spring, thoughts that frame the attitudes of our best chapters and our most promising DU undergraduates.

'we'll show them' kind of attitude, along with a tremendous support

Alumni Chapter benchmarking results arrive S

eventeen alumni chapters have completed their benchmarking self-evaluations and have submitted the results to Headquarters. Chapters rate themselves against the best alumni chapters in a number of important categories. Overall, the chapters achieved a 75% rating averaging 74 of a possible 98 points on the score sheet. The scores ranged from a low of 45 to a high of93. Here is how responding alumni chapters fared on individual categories: Board size and meeting frequency: Overall, the chapters achieved a more than satisfactory rating of78% in this category. Board size results averaged 86% indicating the average Board had 6-10 members, as compared to an objective of 11-15. Meeting frequency averaged 71% indicating average meeting frequency between bimonthly and quarterly against an objective of monthly during the school year. Chapter Advising: Overall the chapters achieved only a 59% rating in this, and arc being dragged down by the infrequency of attending undergraduate chapter meetings. That rating averaged only 25%,

as only 5 of the 17 reporting alumni chapters regularly attend such meetings. One-on-one chapter advising rated a strong 90%, and attendance at initiations achieved a 71% rating. Joint social activities: Rated highest of all at 94%. As has been the case, our brothers need no help in this area. Alumni newsletters: Rated at 73% in frequency, indicating an average of 2.5 newsletters per year against an objective of 3 or more. Ten chapters achieved the objecti ve, while 5 chapters issue 2 per year and two put out only 1 per year. This is a critical area as regular communication is the key to building support. Financial support to the undergraduate chapters was rated at 71% with all but one alumni chapter providing some degree of annual support via scholarships, Leadership Institute/Convention expenses and if needed, for rush. House management scored a strong 93% indicating the reporting chapters believe they have this area well under control. Undergraduate chapters were rated 69%. However, 11 of the 17, or 69%, of the responding alumni chapters rated themselves

in the top 10% on their campuses. This is surprising inasmuch as the anticipated result, according to our records, would suggest that only 25% would be in that category. We would have expected 8 to be in the middle 50%, yet only 6 reported, and would have expected 4 in the lowest 25% against none reported. Summary: Overall reporting alumni chapters are about average giving us a solid base upon which to build. We look forward to adding the results from our nonresponding alumni chapters to our database so we can get a better picture of the state of alumni chapters and improve the quality of our services. For many, this is a new concept and it will take time to gain widespread acceptance. Our efforts have to stress recruiting and the personal involvement of our alumni in this area, viewed as critical to the success of our Fraternity. We are still looking for a few good men to help their school alumni chapters and to volunteer to serve as Province Alumni Coordinators. Won't you help? Contact Alumni Activities Manager, Brent Scobie, at Headquarters.



McCoy gives $5.1 million to Marietta By Tim Doulin Dispatch Higher EducationReporter

John G. McCoy, Marietta '35, retired Bane One Corp. chairman, said happy birthday to his alma mater, Marietta College, about 5.1 million times. McCoy and his wife, Jeanne, made a gift of $5.1 million to the small, liberal arts college, which celebrates its 158th anniversary this year. The gift was announced at the board of trustees meeting. "This was a birthday gift to the college," said Patrick D. McDonough, president. "I made the announcement, and the students and faculty who have heard about it are literally stunned." Combined with a $500,000 gift by another member of the McCoy family who the school refused to name, the donation is the largest to the college from one family. The gift raises the school's total endowment to about $30 million.


Founded in 1835, the school has about 1,300 students and 90 fulland part-time faculty members. It has been consistently recognized as one of the top liberal arts colleges in the Midwest by U. S. News & World Report. The gift will establish the McCoy Endowment for Teaching Excellence. The endowment will fund up to 16 "McCoy Professors," providing annual stipends of$l 0,000 to the professors for up to four years. The endowment is designed to attract and keep top faculty members, McDonough said. McCoy and his wife declined requests to go to the college for the announcement of the donation. "They have both wanted to keep a low profile. All John said to me when he decided to make the gift is he wanted to make a difference for Marietta College, and he has made the most strategic difference anyone could make," McDonough said.

"For a small, liberal arts college whose strength is the quality of its faculty, John's gift has given us a chance to move that up a notch and to make that strength permanent, because the endowment is one that will last forever." McCoy, 80, has remained close to the college since graduating in 1935. He served 21 years on the school's board of trustees and was the first recipient of the distinguished alumnus award presented by the college's alumni association. McDonough said McCoy, who served as chairman and chief executive officer ofBanc One for 17 years ending in 1984, has been active in other ways, such as finding jobs for Marietta graduates. "His gift is not just one of money. It is a gift of love," McDonough said. Copyright 1993, Columbus Dispatch, February 12, 1993 (Reprinted with permission.)




Jason Baltimore '90, was the Aviations

Ed Book '84, a seven year veteran of the

over 26 years of diversified experience with

Control Officer on board the aircraft carrier

Gainesville Police Department, has just been

Dana beginning at Victor Chicago. He has

USS Ranger. He met up with the ship in the

promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Brother Book has been an Investiga-

Persian Gulfin 1991, and was stationed there again from August '92 to February '93. Brother Baltimore reports that his

Brother Magliochetti brings to the job

served in a variety of manufacturing, marketing and engineering assignments. He has

tor with Internal Affairs for the past one and

been plant manager, division manager, and

a half years. He lives in Gainesville with his

in 1980, was named President of Dana Eu-

travels have taken him to Thailand, Vancou-

wife Lori, one and a half year old son Daniel,

rope. After five years overseas, Joe returned

ver, British Columbia, the Philippines,

and I I month old daughter Alexandra.

to the United States in 1985. In 1990 he was

Hawaii, Korea, and the list goes on. Ernest]. Feleppa '61, is the Manager of the biomedical engineering laboratory at Riverside Research Institute. They are currently applying advanced methods of signal processing to ultrasonic echo signals for the purposes of detecting, diagnosing, and evaluating disease, particularly cancer.

Illinois Arnold Beckman '22, founder of Beckman Instruments and well known philanthropist, was recently recognized at the Franklin Conference. He was a recipient of the annual Franklin Medal Award for Business Leadership. Joe Maglioehetti '65, was recently appointed

named President-Autornotive, North American Operations. Joe is a member of the Automotive Service Industry Association (ASIA), the Automotive Warehouse Distributors Association (AWDA), and the Equipment Manufacturers Institute.

He also serves on the

boards of Cooper Tire and Rubber Company, Gemstone Gasket Company, and Spicer

On his free time, Brother Feleppa

President of Dana Corporations North

S.A., Mexico. He is active in many commu-

enjoys scuba diving with his wife off the

American Operations as well as to Dana's

nity organizations and serves on the boards

Caribbean island of Grand Cayman.

Policy Committee.

of the Toledo Area Junior Achievement, and






the St. Vincent Medical Center, where he



was recently President of the Executive

Keith Weigel '78, was recently elected as a

Jeffrey M. Dempsey '89, was appointed

Committee. Craig Zelent '84, reports that he participated in the Ironman Canada and placed 249

Democratic Representative for the State of

Membership Development Manager for the

Iowa. Brother Weigel traveled for the Fra-

Indianapolis Zoological Society.

ternity as a Leadership Consultant in 1978-

out of I, I00 entrants. The Ironman includes

serving two years with the Fraternity as the Kent State

Director of Expansion and Director of Com-

Bill Kerby '62, resides in the small town of

munications respectively. He then went to

a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike and 26.2 mile


Since his graduation from college, Jeff has resided in the Indianapolis area,


Brother Zelent has also raced in the

Tryon, North Carolina where he writes

work for the Society of Professional Journal-

Hawaiian Ironman and completed a coast to

screenplays for television and movies. His

ists as Director of Operations.

coast bike ride from Oceanside, CA to New

latest projects include a movie version of

Smyrna, FL in 27 days.

"Have Gun, Will Travel," to star Alec Bald-


win, and "Lokota Woman" for the Turner

After 47 years the Oregon Chapter happily

Network, to be produced by Jane Fonda.

initiated Milton Sparks who first pledged

Indiana Frank B. Jones '46, was awarded a Certifi-

the Oregon Chapter of Delta Upsilon in 1946. McGill

cate of Appreciation and Esteem by the

Although he was eligible for initiation, a set

Friends of Franklin, Inc., a Philadelphia based

John Turpin '51, is Chairman of the Cana-

of unusual circumstances kept him from the

organization which seeks to commemorate

dian Association for BlackBusiness in South

formal event long ago.

and keep alive the name of Benjamin Fran-

Africa (CABBSA). Brother Turpin went to

The gracious ceremonies were con-


South Africa with the Foundation of Canada

ducted by the Oregon Chapter as he and

Brother Jones, a founder and immedi-

in 1955. Now retired, he leads the CABBSA

several pledges were formally initiated into

ate past president of the organization, now

in assisting, through expertise, Black entre-

our Brotherhood. Brother Sparks noted that

chairs the Development Committee which

preneurs in establishing and developing their

of all the commendations he has received,

seeks to raise funds for the project to com-


including the coveted Abyssinian Order of

Turpin is also attempting to

plete the publishing of Benjamin Franklin's

develop Black trade links with Canadian

the Stalwarts Award, few if any could equal

papers. Thirty volumes have already been


the joy and satisfaction of wearing the DU

published and an estimated 29 volumes

pin, especially after waiting 47 long years.


Been there? Did that?

Earned. it? Won that? Tell us!

Newsmakers is the place where you can let your brothers know what you've been doing. It's also a place to honor a fellow DU who may be prone to hide his light under a bushel.

Promotions, honors, publications, achievements, record-setting performances..Jet the DU world know! Send the information with your name, chapter and year, address and daytime phone. Black and white photos are always welcome. Send or fax news (and mail photos) to DU Headquarters. DELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY/APRIL 1993


Leadership Institute returns to Indy "A Celebration of Brotherhood" convenes July 29-August 1 D

elta Upsilon will experience a "Celebration of Broth erhood" with special emphasis on Vision & Values at the DU Leadership Institute in Indianapolis, Indiana, July 29 to August I. Three days of leadership training wrap around the legislative meetings of the undergraduate Convention and alumni Assembly, plus time out to honor distingui shed DUs and give a little back to the community. "This is about celebrating brotherhood, friendship and excellence," said Will Keirn, Pa cific '75, Board member and Dean ofthe Institute . "Come to Indy to learn , share and recommit yourself to the vision ofour founders'." Registration starts the afternoon of July 29, with the keynote address that evening on "The Meaning of Fraternity" given by

Greek speaker T.J. Schmi tz, CAE , Executive Vice President/CEO of Tau Kappa Epsilon . "T. J.Schmitz has spent his professional career educating the character of fraternity men and women. He is a living example of what is best in the Greek world: leadership, brotherhood, service and commitment. He will kick off the Institute in grand style ," said Keirn. Friday's luncheon features Paul Spurgeon from The Villages, Delta Upsilon's official philanthropy . Delegates should be hungry at lunch, because they will have spent the morning in volunteer service to one of six volunteer organizations in the Indianapolis community. "We're literally taking the Convention to the streets for half a day, to prove fraternity men everywhere give of their time

No visit to In dianapolis is comp lete witho ut a tour of the wor ld-famous Speedway.



The Hoosier Dome dominates this view of the Indianapolis skyline.

to help those in need ," said Keirn . Returning this year is one of Delta Upsilon 's most inspirational speakers, E. Bernard Franklin, Kansas State '75. Dr. Franklin, the Assistant Dean ofStudent Life at Kansas State University, will be speaking to us at dinner on Friday, and exhorting us to accept the cha llenges before us. Saturday's lunch keynote will be by Vic Boschini, Dean of Students at Butler University and a not ed educator of fraternity leaders through the Interfraternity Institute. "Vic has spoken on hundreds of college campuses on the issues of quality in Greek life," said Keirn. Chapter quality topi cs from the Seven Stars System, and Visions and Values issues confronting Greek s, make up the heart of a day of programs. Undergraduates will have 20 sessions to

choose from, while special sessions on structuring alumni advising teams, fund-raising campaigns and discussions on how to use the Province Alumni Coordinator will be highlighted for alumni delegates. Vic Boschini and four other noted Greek Advisors around the country will serve as Greek Advisor's in Residence available for ' informal consultation by chapter officers throughout the Institute. "If you have a problem at your chapter," Keirn said, "but have been reluctant to talk to your own Greek Advisor, now is your chance for some confidential advice." The legislative meetings and a President's Reception are scheduled for Saturday afternoon, with dinner on your own in downtown Indianapolis. Saturday night features "DU Unplugged" and some reserved time at the Indianapolis Hyatt's health club and pool. Sunday morning before departure, delegates will have the annual chapter awards brunch, following the interfaith worship servrce. Two undergraduate delegates per chapter have already paid their $350 fee through monthly chapter assessments, while up to four additional undergraduates per chapter may attend. All alumni, regardless of positions on the DU Boards or committees, will pay $200 or more in registration fees, said Keirn with financial help available through underwriting by non-attending brothers.

The downtown Hyatt Indianapolis-site of the 1993 Leadership Institute.



Introducing a tax-deductible way to support your chapter It is my pleasure to announce a new program within the Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation. If you are someone who has wanted to make a significant gift to your chapter, but have been reluctant to do so because the gift would not be tax-deductible for federal income taxes, the new Chapter Educational Account Program may provide a solution. Your chapter can now establish its own Educational Account with the Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation. All gifts to the Chapter Educational Account will be held by the Foundation as restricted gifts for the benefit of your chapter for educational purposes as follows:

President's Club Time is running out ... but the names listed on the next four pages are those of the brothers and friends who have made gifts of $100 dollars or more to the DU Educational Foundation or the Canadian Educational Foundation. Yourgiftto the DUEducational Foundation will change lives by creating the leaders of tomorrow. The description of this summer's Leadership Institute on pages 48 and 49 would not be possible without the names listed below.

Scholarship grants and student loans to members of your chapter. (ii) Educational grants to cover travel and accommodation expenses of members of your chapter attending Regional Leadership Seminars and the Annual Leadership Institute and Convention. (iii) Grants for funding educational resources to your chapter house, such as desks, bookcases, books, computers and software, and to construct, renovate and equip educational areas of your chapter house; and (iv) Loans to your chapter for chapter housing which loans will bear interest at the prevailing rates charged by commercial lenders at the time the loan is made. (i)

Assets held by the Educational Account for your chapter will be managed and invested in a professional manner along with other assets managed by the Foundation. If you are interested in making a tax-deductible gift of $2,500 or more to an Educational Account for the benefit of your chapter, please write to me for more information at the Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation, P. O. Box 68942, Indianapolis, IN 46268-0942. I am excited about this new Chapter Educational Account Program and the opportunities it will provide in funding the educational needs and purposes of your chapter. I look forward to hearing from you. Fraternally,

Please, consider adding your name to this list with a tax-deductible gift of $100 or more. Only a few weeks remain in our current fiscal year, and we encourage you to send your contribution toward DU's future. Thank you in advance for making an investment in the leaders of tomorrow.

James A. Garfield Circle (gifts of $1,000 or more) Gary B. Adams, Oregon '66 Bruce S. Bailey, Denison '58 Nicholas T. Giorgianni, Kent State '56 Edgar F. Heizer, Jr., Northwestern '51 Maurice S. Mandel, Chicago '55 J. Paul McNamara, Miami '29 W. Allen Perry, Iowa State '27 David V. Porchey, Missouri '62 Nelson Schaenen, Jr., Cornell '50 John T. Weisel, Oregon '48 Ashton M. Tenney, Jr., Chicago '43

Charles Evans Hughes Circle (gifts of $500 to $999) Frank F. Abercrombie, Rochester '28 John E. Berry, Bradley '87 William 1. Bittner, Bradley '74 Robert J. Edgar, Alberta '55

Edgar F. Heizer, Jr. Northwestern '51 Chairman, DU Educational Foundation

Richard M. Holland, Syracuse' 83 Austin H. Kiplinger, Cornell '39 Richard C. Marx, Pennsylvania '54 Howard L. McGregor, Jr., Williams '40 Michael A. Menius, North Carolina '68



THE PRESIDENT'S CLUB John B. Parks. DePauw '63

Anthony B. Cashen, Cornell' 57

Bryant S. Procter, Illinois'44

Paul E. Rosenthal, Florida '73

Clyde S. Coffel, Illinois '28

John D. Rathbun, Miami '74

Henry B. Roth, Union '30

Richard Y. Coulton, Miami '54

Kenneth P. Regan, North Dakota '78

The Charles T. and Marion M. Thompson

Edward R. Crater, Ohio State '78

Wendell L. Richards, Oklahoma State '77

Harry A. Crawford, Ohio State '47

John W. Rogers, Miami '57

Foundation Robert L. Tyburski, Colgate '74

Joseph T. Derry, Pennsylvania '51

Edward A. Rosenfeld, Oregon State '42

William Wallace III, Union '48

C. Norman Frees, DePauw '36

C. Earl Schooley, Missouri '28

Samuel M. Yates, San Jose '55

Lloyd G. Gillette, Alberta '54

James C. Shaw, Ohio State '49

Alfred P, Sloan Circle (gifts of $400 to $499) Peter Gogolak, Cornell '64

James S. McDonnell Circle (gifts of $250 to $399)

Alan B. Graf, Indiana '51

William B. Shepard, Cornell' 31

William D. Greenberg, Western Ontario '73

Thomas E. Shultz, Rutgers '61

Jay R. Hamann, Minnesota '59

William S. Smeltzer, Syracuse '58

Thomas D. Henderer, Swarthmore '60

George E. Snyder, Michigan State '57

1. Kenneth Higdon, Kansas' 47

Glenn M. Sowa, Northern Illinois '70

Richard B. Huff, Purdue '62

William K. Ulerich, Penn State '31

Travis H. Jackson, Technology '71

Robert J. Valdez, Nebraska '66

Thomas R. Jacobs, Arkansas '77

Ben T. Walkingstick, Oklahoma '52.

William L. Julian, Illinois '29

Paul W. Wilke, Jr., Minnesota '50

Roy F. Allan, Lehigh '68

Egerton W. King, Alberta '42

Robert G. Yingling, Jr., Missouri '62

Lawrence F. Armstrong, Technology '28

Andrew J. Loyd, Oklahoma '82

Jack J. Yirak, Iowa State '40

William N. Banks, Jr., Dartmouth '45

Brock M. Lutz, Missouri ' 58

Harold D. Barker, Miami '50

Dave Maguire, Southern Illinois '73

Curtiss L. Beebe, Washington '35

Edward C. McCobb, Michigan '23

Herbert H. Boswau, Denison' 55

Brian McGauley in memory of Matthew A. McGauley, North Dakota' 84

William W. Boyd, Northwestern '48

James B. Conant Circle (gifts of $200 to $249) Harvey Bartle, Jr., Pennsylvania '30

John K. Braniff, Bucknell '86

Grayson L. Moss, Purdue '47

Thomas P. Bays, Oregon State' 42

Donald R. Buroker, Colorado '72

Charles E. Nelson, Wisconsin '27

Wilford A. Butler, Westem Michigan '61

It's Easy To Support Your Educational Foundation We heard from several Quarterly readers recently, who asked us to make it easier to send annual gifts to the DU Educational Foundation through the magazine. Indeed, many Brothers prefer to make their gifts in response to an appeal in the magazine, and in doing so, eliminate the need to be sent additional appeal letters during DU's Annual Campaign. Citizens of the United States can make tax-deductible gifts to the DU Educational Foundation by clipping and sending the coupon to the right; Canadian citizens may do the same by sending the coupon to the left. Either way, your gift creates the programs and services that shape and change the lives of tomorrow's leaders.

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C;;;dian Citizen~.~Clip and send to;- - - Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation of Canada* Hilliard MacBeth 1990 Manulife Place 10180 - JOist Street Edmonton, Alberta T5J 3S4





Chapter and Graduation Year:


Chapter and Graduation Year:


Home Address: Phone #:

_ _

*The names of all Brothers and friends who give $100 or more will be printed in the October 1993 issue of the Quarterly Magazine, as members of the President's Club. If yours is a memorial gift, please write the name and chapter of the deceased Brother you wish to honor:

Home Address: Phone #:

_ _

*The names of all Brothers and friends who give $100 or more will be printed in the October 1993 issue of the Quarterly Magazine, as members of the President's Club. If yours is a memorial gift, please write the name and chapter of the deceased Brother you wish to honor: _



THE PRESIDENT'S CLUB Allyn J. Crofts, Jr., Purdue '47

Paul J. Bodine, Jr., Northwestern 'SO

David S. Nelson, Clarkson '69

Paul H. Davis, Jr., Chicago '35

Herbert S. Botsford, California '53

W. Peterson Nelson, Texas '59

Richard L. Delano, Indiana '85

Richard N. Brandenburg, Washington State

Reginald B. Oliver, San Jose '61

and Washington '55

Thomas J. Pinson III, Purdue '81

Herbert P. Evert, Northwestern' 56 Henry A. Federa, Louisville '37

Herbert Brownell, Nebraska '24

Neal R. Popham, Purdue' 54

James W. Fields, San Jose '66

Paul G. Cantor, Alberta '62

Donald J. Randa, Chicago '43

Daniel E. Fitzgerald, Purdue' 49

Kirk D. Carlson, Technology '77

James R. Reid, Lehigh '56

J. William Frank III, Lehigh '68

David E. Chambers, Arizona '60

James S. Roberts, Florida '63

Severance W. Gavitt, Northwestern '37

C. William Christensen, Jr., Syracuse '55

James H. Schreiber, Bowling Green '55

William N. Guthrie, Northwestern '52

Ned P. Darling, Oregon State'42

Jeffrey Siegel, Maryland '78

Donald H. Heile, Purdue' 46

James F. Davidson, Jr., California '48

James W. Smith II, Washington & Lee '62

John S. Kaufman, Lehigh '46

Raymond B. Dhue, Michigan State '68

J. Wesley St. Clair, Kansas' 58

Robert D. Kayser, California '46

Eric J. Dusenbury, Carnegie '88

E. James Strates, Syracuse '54

John D. Kenlon, Bowling Green '54

John R. Dytman, Syracuse '71

Donald W. Strickland, Marietta '66

Jerome G. Kralis, Purdue' 5 I

John R. Ehrlich, Missouri '67

Leland W. Sweeney, Jr., San Jose '55

Mark D. Kuchel, Iowa State '76

John J. Enders, Jr., Washington State '39

Calvin W. Tackett, Jr., Arlington '82

Eldred D. Kuppinger, Ohio State '33

Stewart T. Evans, Michigan '56

Edwin J. Taff, North Carolina '61

Robert J. LaFortune, Purdue' 5 I

John H. Eyler, Jr., Washington '69

Todd A. Taylor, Western Illinois '90

Robert M. Loch, Nebraska '54

John M. Gibson, Indiana' 42

James R. Tolonen, Michigan '71

J. Edward Lundy, Iowa '36

Robert C. Gimlin, Purdue' 42

Jay E. Wagner, Ohio State '45

Lewis A. Maroti, Lehigh '58

Gary J. Golden, Rutgers '74

Stephen L. Wallenhaupt, North Carolina '74

Stephen C. Martinelli, California' 52

Elmer C. Grage, Chicago '27

James W. Westaway, Toronto '34

Raymond E. Mason, Jr., Ohio State '41

William R. Grant, Union '49

Alan L. Weyhrich, Northwestern '58

Donald L. McKelvey, Missouri '32

Lewis D. Gregory, Kansas '75

James V. White, Michigan 'SO

Bruce L. Moore, Michigan State '60

Russell L. Grundhauser, North Dakota '83

William J. Whitmore, Ohio State '59

Herbert H. Nelson, Colorado '59

Cameron G. Harman, Jr., Ohio State '59

Wayne W. Wiese, Wisconsin '75

Thomas F. Novotney, Washington State '74

Steven M. Harms, Arlington '81

Richard F. Williams, Louisville '67

Harry Pawlik, North Carolina '54

Neil H. Helman, Kent State' 54

Roger W. Wothe, Technology '58

Joe H. Petty, DePauw '36

Timothy R. Herbert, Iowa State '82

David H. Wynja, Iowa '67 James F. Zboyovsky, Penn State '5 I

Charles D. Prutzman, Penn State' 18

Patrick S. Hobin, California '59

Richard C. Rhodes, Washington '48

Herschel L. Hobson, Oklahoma State '67

Ren L. Ridolfi, Wisconsin '70

Harold B. Hummelt, California '61

John A. Riggs, Jr., Missouri '30

Robert C. Hunt, Nebraska '41

Denis A. Robitaille, Syracuse '82

Phillip E. Hurley, Oklahoma '64

Winston Scott, Washington '30

Terry A. Jackson, McGill '69

Charles G. Dawes Circle (gifts of $100 to $149) Willcox B. Adsit, Williams '30

J. Curtis Shake, DePauw '40

Richard G. Jacobus, Wisconsin '51

E. Daniel Albrecht, Arizona' 59

David R. Stanton, Kansas '65

Alan C. Jeveret, Bowling Green '59

Jonathan S. Alcaro, Lehigh '74

Charles J. Steed, Jr., Bradley 'SO

Aldie E. Johnson, Jr., Iowa State '47

John M. Alex, Colby 'SO

Herbert K. Taylor, Jr., Swarthmore '27

O. Kepler Johnson, Jr., Kansas '52

Charles L. Allen, Michigan State '55

Peter A. Tuohy, Washington '53

Orville E. Johnson, Washington State '39

Edwin M. Allmendinger, Michigan' 44

Clyde W. VonGrimmenstein, Purdue '49

William D. Kerr, Jr., Williams '56

James A. Allums, Texas '59

Allan A. Warrack, Alberta '61

Paul A. Klinefelter, North Carolina State '80

A. W. Altorfer, Jr., Illinois '43

W. Robert Wilmore, Western Reserve '46

Edgar Bergen Circle (gifts of $1 SO to $199)

W. Harry Lister, Lehigh '26

Walter E. Anderson, Jr., South Carolina '84

J. Richard Lombardi, Colorado '61

John L. Angelotta, Western Reserve '45

Hans Lund, Washington '36

Maurice D. Ashbury, Virginia '27

Wendell E. Mann, Purdue '48

F. Lee Baird, Kansas '58

Robert J. Martin, Washington '59

John M. Barr, Miami '68

Leland J. Adams, Jr., Bucknell '64

Kenneth D. Miller, Iowa '67

Donn R. Bearden, California ' 55

Robert H. Adler, Wisconsin' 46

William K. Morgan, Miami' 5 I

Arnold O. Beckman, Illinois '22

Stephen J. Anderson, Northern Iowa '79

Raymond R. Moser, Jr., Georgia Tech '84

William H. Beeger, Stanford' 5 I

J. Carter Bacot, Hamilton '55

Donald J. Moulin, California '53

Halden M. Beers, Carnegie '35

Stephen M. Blaising, Indiana' 81

Philip C. Musgrave, Colgate '34

George S. Beimdiek, Missouri '35

Myron A. Bloom, Hamilton '70

Victor T. Neff, Missouri '66

Thomas P. Bernardo, Cornell '86



THE PRESIDENT'S CLUB Charles S. Biggs III, Pennsylvania '55 James L. Blackwell, Texas '65 George A. Blair, Miami '37 George E. Block, Northwestern' 48 Thomas R. Books, Miami '53 Michael G. Boylan, Bradley '69 John P. Brady, Jr., Florida '66 Kelley J. Brennan, Marietta '64 Earl S. Browning, Jr., Iowa '37 William A. Bruck, Arlington '72 Raymond G. Bruckman, Miami' 49 Keith B. Bruening, Iowa State '80 Emil A. Budnitz, Jr., Johns Hopkins '53 John C. Buist, Wisconsin '53 Terry L. Bullock, Kansas State '61 Harry R. Burkman, Western Ontario '76 Benjamin T. Burson III, Georgia Tech '65 Richard D. Butler, Oklahoma '78 Robert D. Carrell, Washington State '76 Douglas A. Cassens, Kent State' 68 Charles H. Chappell, Iowa State '31

These contributions and other gifts of alumni support make possible educational meetings such as this.

John L. Cassell, Jr., Texas '70 Charles V. Cecil, Georgia Tech '64

Kurt DeVries, Syracuse '82

John W. Fitzgerald, Chicago '43

Allen V. Cellars, Oregon '47

William A. Diament II, Penn State' 31

Jonathan M. Fletcher, Iowa '35

Edward G. Chandler, California '26

A. H. Dickson, Toronto '32

Paul E. Flohr, Ohio State '36

Clark G. Channing, California '58

Jeffrey A. Dickson, Bucknell '90

Dennis P. Foley, Union '92

Thomas W. Cheney, Nebraska '36

Robert C. DiRenzo, Wisconsin '50

C. Richard Ford, Jr., Michigan' 44

Philip N. Christiansen, South Dakota '75

Eldon M. Dixon, Syracuse'40

John E. Forester, Wisconsin '33

Joseph W. Ciatti, Oregon '64

Ross Dobberteen, Michigan State '52

Richard M. Forester, Wisconsin '31

Brian G. Clark, Toronto '69

John J. Douglas, Wisconsin '39

Raymond A. Forsthoffer, Northwestern '70

Addison B. Clifford, Jr., Washington '55

Richard L. Duffield, Colgate '37

Robert G. Foy, Denison '50 Don R. Frank, Iowa' 45

Norman L. Cloutier, Syracuse '49

William E. Duhaime, Oregon '50

Kevin D. Coffinger, Washington '86

James H. DuMond, Jr., Pacific '66

Kurt W. Franzinger, Lafayette '36

Jan M. Collins, Kansas '61

John K. Dunlap, Texas '73

Charles H. Free, Purdue '31

Mrs. Marsh M. Corbitt in memory of

Thomas F. Durein, Oregon State '92

Albert W. Frink, U.C.L.A. '38

David R. Eagleson, Miami' 44

Delano Fuller, Jr., Stanford '52

Marsh M. Corbitt, Washington' 17 Philip A. Corey, Ohio State '48

Mark E. Eberle, Rochester '91

Ross K. Fuller, San Jose' 49

Lloyd W. Courter, Iowa '57

Barry F. Ebert, Wisconsin '63

Mitchell R. Fulscher, Wisconsin '65

Wesley G. Cramer, Kansas '33

George P. Edmonds, Technology '26

David J. Fulton, Miami '61

Edwin D. Crane, Arkansas '76

Kenneth G. Edwards, Penn State '71

Lewis T. Gardiner, California '35 Richard M. Garfinkel, Miami '68

H. Richard Crowther, Technology' 54

Charles D. Eldridge III, Michigan '60

James W. Culpepper, Missouri '57

Robert B. Elliott, Ohio State '48

Robert C. Garretson, Illinois' 39

Ronald K. Currier, Indiana '64

Bertrand M. Emerson II, Illinois '69

Robert D. Gillette, Miami '52

J. W. Dalton, Jr., North Carolina '59

John R. Eplee, Kansas State '75

James P. Glowienka, Technology '71

Robert H. Darnm, Syracuse '58

Mark Falb, Iowa '69

Douglas W. Goewey, Western Illinois '91

Mike P. Darraugh, Northwestern '76

Matthew G. Farrar, Bucknell '92

Robert J. Goodwin, Tennessee '72

James H. Davis, Northwestern '65

Chester F. Fee, Kansas '47

William R. Gordon, Kansas State '60

Joseph A. DeBlasio, North Carolina '62

Dennis A. Ferrazzano, Johns Hopkins '68

Wilbur R. Grant, Iowa State '27

Anthony P. Delulius, Penn State '56

Jeffrey C. Fick, Miami '76

Hugh W. Gray, Nebraska '34

John A. Delaney, Florida '77

James R. Filip, Oklahoma State '63

R. M. Gray III, North Carolina '59

Willis R. Deming, Ohio State '35

Thomas S. Filip, Oklahoma '69

Gary W. Gregory, Arlington '77

Fred R. Denkewalter, Ohio State '47

David S. Fish, Syracuse '80

William D. Hager, Purdue '66

Ralph J. Denton, Missouri '33

Gerald F. Fitzgerald, Northwestern' 49

Jerome E. Hagstrom, Kansas '32



THE PRESIDENT'S CLUB Gerald A. Hale, Western Michigan '52

Keith O. Kaneta, Washington '59

Thomas S. Leitch, Purdue '36

Reginald S. Hall, Technology '22

Stephen G. Katsinas, Illinois '78

J. Lloyd LeMaster, Jr., Oregon State '48

William C. Hall, Indiana '44

Will S. Keim, Pacific '75

Robert H. Leonard, Michigan State '65

Erwin H. Hansen, Nebraska '30

Fred L. Kerr, Penn State' 59

Owen T. Linton, Toronto '48

Benjamin L. Harper, Indiana '54

Scott W. Killinger, Nebraska '61

Ronald J. Litra, Bowling Green '75

H. Vincent Harsha, Iowa' 42

Richard L. King, Michigan '64

J. William Little, Wichita '58

Raymond G. Haun, Syracuse '27

Rodney P. Kirsch, North Dakota '78

David R. Long, Michigan State' 59

Gregory L. Haymon, Oklahoma '77

Gregory E. Klecan, Oregon '92

Vernon B. Lussky, Louisville '43 John W. Lynd, Syracuse '35

Donald R. Heacock, North Carolina '64

Robert Kling, Northwestern '44

C. J. Head, Chicago '52

T. Michael Knies, Tennessee '71

William P. Major. Colgate '26

Harold T. Hearst, Jr., Iowa '88

Charles R. Knight, Western Ontario '55

Thomas L. Markl, Carnegie '70

Melvin D. Heckt, Iowa '46

James H. Knorr, Kansas '31

John Marko, Alberta '58

George F. Hensel, DePauw '52

Semon E. Knudsen, Technology '36

Jack Martin, Missouri '30

Donn A. Henshaw, Northern Iowa '79

David R. Knuepfer, Iowa '76

Norman W. Martin, Dartmouth '25

K. Kevin Hepp, Michigan '39

George A. Knutsen, Oregon State '31

Rodger A. Marting, Ohio '67

John F. Henna, Rutgers '70

Glede R. Kohler, DePauw' 51

Frank R. Mayetta, Pennsylvania '35

Charles J. Herro, Wisconsin '43

Gene Koski, New York '43

William M. McCain, California '41

John C. Herron, South Carolina '88

Martin Krasnitz, Chicago' 57

J. W. McClellan, Miami '35

Jerrad J. Hertzler, Kansas '58

Duane L. Kristensen, Creighton '89

James J. McClure, Jr., Chicago '42

Corwin H. Hinton, Illinois '29

Charles R. Kurtak, Washington State '42

Lee A. McConnell, Indiana' 80

Donnell J. Hire, Jr., Missouri '80

Edward L. Lach, Jr., North Carolina State

T. A. McDowell, Virginia '30

James Y. Holdridge, Texas '84


Jeffrey O. McEwen, Carnegie '80

John D. Holschuh, Sr., Miami' 48

Andris Lacis, Purdue '64

David E. Mcfarlane, Jr., Syracuse '52

Gene L. Hudson, Indiana '51

Campbell T. Lamont, Western Ontario '47

Harold E. McGurk, Jr., Creighton '86 James L. McIntosh, Arlington '73

George W. Icke, Wisconsin '33

William G. Landess, Kansas '53

Charles D. Jacobus, Wisconsin' 50

John C. Landis, Purdue' 35

Robert S. McKeeman, Georgia Tech '77

Jamille G. Jamra, Northwestern' 38

Gregory C. Larson, Syracuse '83

James D. McQuaid, Jr., Chicago '60

Edwin R. Jarmain, Toronto '30

K. O. Lavergne, Kent State '62

Robert W. Meier, Washington '73

Paul M. Jones, Western Reserve '23

Mitchell W. Legler, North Carolina '64

JeffB. Meeker, Florida '65

W. Mark Jurney, Northern Illinois '88

David E. Leichtfuss, Wisconsin '58

Richard B. Metcalf, Ohio State '46

John M. Kalbfleisch, Oklahoma '52

Jarold R. Lein, Iowa State '62

Robert N. Michels, Purdue'44 Bryan J. Mitchell, Syracuse '83 John B. Morey, Jr., San Jose '58 Thomas J. Morey, San Jose '56 Donald K. Morford, Washington '56 James G. Morford, Washington '51 Steven L. Morgan, Kansas State '69 Donald R. Morse, Tufts' 42 Bruce A. Muller, Rutgers '66 William B. Murphy, Wisconsin '28 Michael A. Nelson, Stanford '59 Warren P. Nesbitt, Wisconsin '76 J. W. Neuner, Oregon '62 Donald F. Newman, Carnegie '54 Reginald B. Newman II, Northwestern '59 George Nicolau, Michigan'48 Julian O. Northcraft, Ohio State '48 Keith O. O'Bannon, Nebraska '50 William F. O'Dell, Illinois '31 Henry J. Ochs, Jr., Missouri '33

The 1993 season of Regional Leadership Seminars was supported in part by grants from the Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation.

Walter J. Okunski, Colgate '58 James W. Osborn, Iowa State '73 Allan G. Osborne, Washington '45



THE PRESIDENT'S CLUB Jeffrey L. Owens, Oklahoma '78

John A. Sprouse, Oregon '30

Harley J. Urbach, Nebraska '33

Robert F. Palmer, Rutgers '40

Barry S. Starkman, Lafayette '78

Jeffrey A. VanEenenaam, Colorado '79

Jon R. Palmitier, Michigan State '60

Albert P. Stauderman, Jr., Syracuse '58

Lodi E. Vercelli, Northwestern '78

Hubert D. Peck, Lehigh '37

William E. Steen, Michigan' 44

John H. Vinyard, Jr., Missouri '42

H. Clayton Peterson, Kansas State '67

Ritchie L. Stevens, Brown '28

Roger R. Vogel, Michigan '51

Ronald D. Peyton, Indiana '69

John S. Stewart, Fresno '84

James B. Wadsworth, Jr., Florida '65

Charles A. Phillips III, Clarkson '64

Robert A. Stewart, Washington '64

Thomas E. Walker, Colorado '69

Ronald A. Pigott, Toronto '52

Thomas M. Sullivan, Western Michigan '65

William E. Walker, Ohio State '54

Michael A. Pizzuto, Illinois' 8 I

Robert S. Sundt, Swarthmore '50

Edward E. Waller, Jr., Oklahoma '51

James G. Plewa, Illinois '78

Eugene D. Sweetland, California '46

F. Jay Ward, Jr., Johns Hopkins '56

Frederick J. Poole, Michigan' 48

Clifford W. Swenson, Arizona '40

Chester M. Warman, Indiana '39

Richard R. Popham, Purdue '40

Russel Taylor, Toronto '38

William F. Waters, Cornell '54

William M. Poston, North Carolina '71

Robert A. Terhune, Indiana' 49

W. D. Watkins, North Carolina '27

Roger L. Price, Oregon '62

Michel C. Thielen, Iowa' 57

M. L. Watt, McGill '35

Robert J. Provan, Alberta '71

Charles W. Thomas, Wisconsin '59

Max E. Weaver, Sr. Oklahoma '32

George F. Putnam, Washington'39

Robert W. Thompson, Oklahoma '61

Richard A. Westcott, Nebraska '53

Fred F. Radloff, Iowa '35

David P. Thompson, Ohio '92

Thomas J. Westerheide, Marquette '72

Richard M. Rettstadt, Florida '82

Richard B. Thompson, Michigan State '67

Henry J. Wiechman, Kansas State '89

Donald L. Richardson, Washington & Lee

Walter A. Thurber, Union '33

James A. Wiese, Iowa '58 John B. Williams, Oregon '45


Thomas W. Tormey, Jr., Wisconsin '32

William S. Ringwall, Syracuse' 58

Franklyn H. Tormoen, Minnesota '30

Neil E. Wood, Toronto '59

Mark G. Ritchie, Iowa '83

Derek M. Tubbs, Texas A & M '92

Robert C. Wood, Cornell '67

Larry A. Robertson, Arlington '72

E. Glenn Tucker, Louisville '65

Philip G. Wray, Stanford '37

M. Hugh Rogers, Jr., U.C.L.A. '33

Peter V. Ueberroth, San Jose '59

Harry R. Yeandle, Western Ontario '32

Daniel L. Rothrock, Washington State '69

L. Russell Ulrich, Washington' 40

John B. Young, Iowa State '28

Henry M. Rowan, Williams and Technology

Donald W. Underwood, Bradley '88

David 1. Zelinger, Wisconsin '75


James M. Underwood, Ohio State '62

R. Neil Rucksdashel, Nebraska '58 Mark L. Rupert, Oklahoma '74 Edwin Salisbury, Syracuse' 40 Fulton W. Samson, Pennsylvania '21

In the JDIy Quarterly

• • •

Kenneth R. Samuelson, Jr., North Carolina '80

The summer issue of the Quarterly

G. Flint Sawtelle, Lehigh '40

brings chapter news reports, and the ros-

Watch July's issue for last minute

George P. Sawyer, Nebraska '37

ter of chapters which have achieved one

notes on the DU Leadership Institute in

Steven C. Schoger, Iowa State '74

of the three academic honors levels in

Indianapolis July 29-August I, and a fea-

Alan G. Schreihofer, Rutgers '59

Delta Upsilon. Read your chapter report

ture on the special services planned for

James T. Schulte, Florida '85

to see how your younger brothers are

the Indianapolis community which will

Brent W. Scobie, Maine '92

getting the most out of college through

be a key aspect to the program.

William M. Scott, Indiana '68

DU on your campus. We aim to have

William R. Shepherd, Jr., Oregon '55

reports from campuses with inactive chap-

John L. Sherman, San Jose '66

ters, too.

Parker R. Shriver, Kent State '50

July begins the annual fundraising year for the DU Educational Foundation. Read more about the new chapter educa-

William A. Sigman, Iowa State '50

Just as we featured Brother Peter

George V. Sirotkin, Wisconsin '41

Ueberroth and the DUs in the Open Hand

JeffW. Smith, Creighton '92

program in this issue, we'll have an article

tional accounts program announced in this issue.

Kyle S. Smith, Sr., Kent State '40

or two on men who are making news in

There will be a preview of how

Rodney R. Smith, Cornell '67

industry, business, the arts, or volunteer

DU's professional staff will be serving our chapters and colonies next fall, with

Wayne M. Smoak, South Carolina '84


John M. Snead, Jr., Purdue '31

worthy of a Quarterly article, or if you

insight into the purpose of chapter visits

Adrian F. Songer, Indiana '67

would like to write one yourself, please

and annual Regional Leadership Semi-

Richard T. Spencer III, Michigan '59

drop us a line.


If you know of men who are

William E. Sperling III, Rutgers '35



Rich Moran, Don Angus, and Ly nn Luckow (fr om left ) finish packing m eals to be deli vered to people too sick with AIDS to prep are their own food. M or a n is cha ir m an of the Proj ect Op en Hand 's board of directo rs, Ang us is tr easurer, and Lu ckow is vice cha ir man. The three were once gr aduat e students in college student per sonnel at Indiana Univers ity, Mo ran and Lu ckow a re both DUs.

Open Hand Opens Hearts by Laurel Joyce


hey were friends at IV. Now, 20

prov ides home-delivered hot meals and

nutrition," Luckow recalls. "The idea is so

years and 2,000 miles away, they're

groceries to men, women, and children with

simple yet so profound-the idea of meals

feeding people with AIDS, people


with love for people with AIDS. "

The project was started to help people

Joining the organ ization at a time of

In the early 1970s Lynn Luckow, No rth

with AIDS who grow too poor or too sick to

very rapid growt h, Luckow felt he had

Dakota '7 1, and Rich Mora n, Rutgers '72,

feed themselves. Open Hand caters to the

some thing to offer. "I'm addicted to orga nizations, to figuring out how they can work

too sick to fix their own meals .

were both working on their master's degrees

nutritional needs of each person it serves and

at Indiana University, majoring in college

offers sustenance for the soul as well. Some-

better and smoother," he says. Many of the

student perso nnel administration and build-

times smiles and kind words from Open

books produced by his company, Jossey-

ing a friendship.

Hand volunteers are a clie nt's only contact.

Bass Publishing Inc., deal with non-profit groups, organ izational behavior, manage-

As they pondered their futures, they

Open Hand volunteers prepare and

never guessed that, almos t 20 years later,

deliver meals seven days a week, every day

ment, and leadersh ip. He makes sure, inci-

they'd settle in the same city more than 2,000

of the year . Holiday meals are given extra

dentally, that every new Jossey- Bass publi-

miles away- Luckow as head of a publi sh-

attention, including a bag of gifts at Christ-

cation is sent to the IV library, and he main-

ing compan y and Moran as an organizational .management consultant.

mas; party favors, noisemakers, and champagne for New Year's Eve; Valentine' s Day

tains close contact with Bob Payton , director ofID's Center on Philanthropy .

Back then they never dreamed that one day they' d be driving Moran's Mercedes

sweets; Easter baskets for children; and birthday cakes prepared year-round.

the volunteer initiative in this cou ntry, and

into one of the most poverty-stricken areas of San Francisco, delivering food to some local

' The center studies why people give, why people volunt eer, what is the essence of

And Then There Were Three

how money is raised ethically," says Luckow.

residents-people suffering from a disease

Three years ago when Luckow de-

that didn' t even exist when they were grad u-

cided he wanted to do his part in assuaging

ate students.

the suffering from the AIDS epidem ic, he

The friendship that began at IV was key

had many San Francisco organizations from

to bringing Moran on board. He started by

which to choose .

acco mpanying Luckow on food delive ries.

Today Luckow and Mora n are leaders in Project Open Hand, a volunteer organization in the San Francisco Bay Area that 56


"My passion was clearly with food and

''The kind of information coming out of that center is being infused into Open Hand ."

"I had no intention of getting involved,"

Open Hand

"A t that time, I decid ed I would have

stantly consulting with staff dieti tians and

some limited time ava ilab le for more volun-


teer acti vity ," Angu s reca lls. "Rather than

have to do certai n things; if somebody has

some of the social and ed ucational things

wast ing sy ndro me, you do something else ,"

says Mo ran , "but the organi zation was grow -

I' ve been involved with in the past, I thought

says Angus .

ing reall y fast, and my experti se is in helping

I should do so met hing in the arena of AIDS.

Abo ut 300 people a day take advan tage

organizations grow and go throu gh changes."

Open Hand was one of the boards that came

of the 34 special meal type s (so me exa mples:

Today Moran is chairma n of Open

after me, and my goo d friend Lynn Luckow

Asian, Hispanic, African American, diabet ic,


Hand ' s board of directors.

"One of the

things Lynn and I learned at IV was how to

"If somebody has diarrhea, yo u

offered me an opportunity I co uldn' t say no

no salt, pureed , bland, vege tarian) offered in


addition to the reg ular hot meal. A typical

manage big not-for-pro fit orga niza tio ns,"

Angus was familiar with Open Hand

says Moran . " And here we are managing, in

because he and the founder, Ruth Brinker,

me nu might include baked chicken dijon with rice pilaf and fresh green beans.

effec t, the largest direct service pro vider to

were members of the same church. Brinker,

"A lot of the food is what we used to call

people with AIDS in the world." By the end

a retired Meals on Whe els manager, started

'womb food ' in college," says Mo ran. Th ese

of 1992 , Project Op en Hand was expected to

Project Open Hand in 1985. She had sev en

are the co mforting foods a mom might give

be ser ving 2,600 people with AID S.

client s, friends wit h AIDS who were dyin g

a sic k child, he explains. Eve ry Frida y, for

of malnutrition .

exa mple, macaroni and cheese is on the

Friendship also brou ght Don An gus,


another IV graduate, to Op en Hand ' s board. Like Luckow and Mor an, An gus, MBA ' 69, started studying for a master' s in colle ge

Comfort Foods "Some people are j ust too

tired to

A Sense of Fraternity

student person nel, but he grad uated with an

cook," Angus exp lains. "It' s this horribly

The three volu nteers say that the se nse

MBA in fina nce and international busi ness.

debi litating disease. Yo u j ust don ' t feel like

ofcommunity that they' ve felt through Op en

His ex perience as vice- preside nt of a British

doing things even though yo u know yo u

Hand in San Fra ncisco and the surrou nding

ban k in San Francisco made him the natu ral

sho uld. People were dyin g from ma lnutri-

areas reflects their exper iences at IV in the

choice as the treasurer of Open Hand ' s board.

tion because they j ust couldn 't pull it to-

residence hall and Greek sys tems . All three

gether to feed themselves."

were involved in fraternities in co llege and

An gus' mot ivation for becomin g involved with Open Hand ca me a yea r ago . He

Open Hand tries to serve the nutritional

had to stop work because of health problems

needs of peopl e fro m diffe rent cu ltural bac k-

related to the human immunodeficiency vi-

gro unds and at different stages of the dis-

rus- the virus that ca uses AIDS.

ease , offeri ng many special me nus and co n-

while attending gra duate schoo l at IV, and

(continued next page)

By 7:30 p.m, each night , 365 days a year, 1,500 people suffering from AIDS in the San Francisco Bay Area have been fed by Project Open Hand. DELTA UPSILON QUARTERLYI APRIL 1993


Open Hand (continued)

both Angus and Moran worked as resident assistants in the IU residence halls. "In the time I was in school, which was the late '60s, there was an inclusiveness," says Angus. "The only way the university worked was as a community. It wasn't 'us versus them'; it was 'we're in this together. ,,, Part oflU' s inclusive community , says Luckow, was anon-judgmental tolerance for differences, an attitude that permeates Open

is committed to being a national leader in the effort to feed people with AIDS. The

to say that about the organization I'm working with."

organization welcomes visits from individuals interested in starting similar programs in their own community and even has a "how to" manual available.

"For me one of the rewards has been a greater insight, a greater appreciation for what I have," says Luckow.

Moran, Angus, and Luckow are all deeply committed to strengthening Open Hand, helping it grow without losing its heart. For all three, seeing the effects of their efforts has been one of the greatest rewards. "With Open Hand there's such a direct connection between what you do and the people who need your help," says Mo-

Hand as well. Somedays, says Moran, Volunteers from the Junior League are working side by side with people who have been bailed out of the county jail's "drunk tank" to

ran. "People with AIDS typically fall through the cracks. They don't get social security, they don't qualify for Meals on

lend a hand with preparing meals. "AIDS is everyone's disease, and everyone needs to be involved in some way,"

Wheels because most of them are too young. So they don't get fed. One of the things we do is keep people out of the hospital and at

says Luckow. "we're working to provide greater information about AIDS to those who come to the epidemic through us."

work because their nutritional needs are met." "I can really go out and say, 'The money you contribute is well spent,''' says

Some volunteers may not believe in giving out clean needles to addicts, says Luckow, or in handing out condoms. "But they believe in improving an individual's quality of life, in sustaining health through proper nutrition." Luckow emphasizes that Open Hand

Angus. "I can say there is not a lot of fat in the organization, we're running a fairly tight ship, and it's really getting the job done... and in an efficient, business-like way. As a business man who spent my whole career with companies and with banks, I'm pleased

Volume CXVII, No.1

News, News and More News

'There's been a lot less complaining, a thankfulness for my own health. And knowing that what I do can make a difference-is making a difference. Handing someone a meal and saying, 'How are you? Hello,' is a reward." "I think for Rich [Moran] and me in particular, this has been a great year because we share values and we've known each other for so long," he adds. "To cochair this effort gives it much more of a unified voice. There can often be infighting on boards, conflict over what the organization is really about, and the staff don't hear one voice. But with us they hear one voice." He looks at his watch. Behind him a window in his 14th-floor apartment frames the Transamerica Tower, a symbol of San Francisco. It is 7:30 p.m. "It's a miracle," says Luckow. "By this time every night, I,500 people have been fed, 365 days a year." Reprinted by permission from the INDIANA ALUMNI magazine, January/February 1993

Early Edition


15.40/0 APR* DU Visa Classic Better Than Ever A spokesman today announced a new reason to sign up for and use DU's own Visa ClasSIC. In addition to the well-known benefits to the Fraternity and its members, the card now offersan outstandingnew rate one of the very best on the market! "Now all those members who are proudly carrying the card today can take advantage of DU's

g'' Delta ~.

?,;,1Si Upsilon ~"




buying power and enjoy our competitive new rate. Other members who have hesitatedto sign up may fmd this additional incentiveexactly what they needed. And of course, the Fraternitystands to reap significant benefits from this increased interest in our own DU Card. Some of our favorite programs and projects like the educa-

"NoFirstYear Fee! Customary $18annual feewaived thereafter when youraverage monthly statement balance is onlySSOO or more. Annual percentage rate mayvary. Current APR 15.4% asof 319193. Minimum monthly finance charge $.50.





New DU committee focuses on men's health T We strive to totally develop our

Feel free to write either individual members of

been given more direction by our Board of directors to address a broader range of health

members' character, health and quality of life.

the Committee or to the Quarterly, and express

issues. In the January Quarterly, Chairman of

duce leaders without giving attention to their

he Health and Wellness Committee has


Based on the premise that we cannot pro-

your opinion. The Health and Well ness Committee con-

the Committee, Brother Craig Franz, F.S.C.,

physical and mental health, these issues are

sists of Dushan Angius, Ed.D., Stanford '50,

Bucknell '75, wrote a comprehensive report on

consistent with the Fraternity's Strategic Plan

Terry Bullock, Kansas State '61, Tom Durein,

AIDS, which I hope all brothers have read. The

as well as society in general.

Committee has also issued a Policy on AIDS

Oregon State '92, Craig 1. Franz, F.S. C;

These days, health and well ness issues are


'75, Russell L.Grundhauser,

for the Fraternity. However, this is only the

at the forefront of every community. People of

North Dakota '83, Richard M. Holland,

beginning, as there are many other men's health

all ages are seriously directing and redirecting

Syracuse '83, Lynn Luckow, North Dakota

considerations to discuss. The Committee's

their priorities to Iive a healthy life. As Kenneth

'71, Mike A. Menius, North Carolina '68,

expanded charge includes assisting in the pro-

H. Cooper, M.D. points out, "It is easier to

Richard A. Moran, Ph.D., Rutgers '72, Richard

motion and encouragement of a healthy whole-

maintain good health through proper exercise,

L. Sneed, Louisville '80, and John T. Weisel,

some lifestyle for our Brotherhood.

diet and emotional balance, than it is to regain

M.D., Oregon '48.

In future editions of the Quarterly, we will

it once it is lost."

attempt to provide general and provocative

In future issues of the magazine, as we

information on many health and fitness issues,

cover a wide range of health issues, we invite

John T. Weisel, M.D.

relevant to both our undergraduate and alumni

your responses, comments, and suggestions.

Health and Well ness Committee

its weekly Friday Lunch Table on the 6th

the Club will celebrate its 6th annual Christ-

Alumni Club Activities I

n Milwaukee, the DU Alumni Club meets on the first Wednesday ofevery month in

floor of the Hotel Royal, at 12 noon.

Fraternall y,


mas Stag, at the Wichita Country Club. For

August, the Annual Family Picnic will be

more details, contact John Holt, Club Presi-

held at the home of Warren and Nancy

dent, at (316) 265-3333.


Call Brother Wandling, Club

Agitator, at (316) 263-5761. On Wednesday, December I, 1993,

All DU Alumni Club events andjunetions are open to any duly initiated member ofDelta Upsilon, unless specified otherwise.

the Grill Room of the Milwaukee Athletic Club at 12:00 p.m. Call Chuck Munkwitz, Club President, (414) 276-5911, or Quinn Martin, Club Secretary, at (414) 277-5125. On Friday, November 5, 1993, the Milwaukee Alumni Club will hold its 70th annual dinner. The Fraternity's Board of Directors will be on hand for the event, making Milwaukee the site of its autumn quarterly meeting. Set the November 5 date aside now -

specific information will be included in

the July '93 issue of the Quarterly. The Delta Upsilon Alumni Club of New England held its last meeting on April 21, at the Weston Gulf Club in Weston, Mass. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 18,1993, at the Wayside Inn in Sudbury, Mass. The event will be a no-host dinner. Please contact Rick HoIland at (508) 745-0389 for details. The Twin Cities Alumni Club will be holding its 5th annual undergraduate and alumni golf outing on Saturday, June 19, 1993. All area alumni are invited to participate.

Please contact Peter Knoll at (612)

890-0414 for more information.

Delta Upsilon Fraternity open-door policy on reporting hazing Delta Upsilon Fraternity has an open-door policy on reporting hazing, that lets concerned chapter members come forward to eliminate hazing activities, rather than wait until those being hazed report the offenses. If any DU undergraduate or alumnus has any questions or concerns about hazing in his chapter, the International Fraternity is committed to helping correct the situation. Delta Upsilon's staff is capable of outlining a positive, reinforcing, progressive program to replace any level of hazing that a chapter may have. Provided that chapter members take the initiative to contact DU Headquarters with their concerns, there will be no sanctions or penalties for any current or previous hazing practices. This will not be the case if the report comes from men being hazed, or from college officials or other outside authorities. Please take the first step to help your chapter before it's too late.

The Wichita DU Alumni Club holds



Greeks in 2001 ... Be ready for change tories of Greek life in the '70s and '80s

campus where they could hold meetings and

are drastically different than those told on today's college campuses. The common

conduct ritual. Local fraternities would be

numbers as the environment becomes more


competitive. However, change is inevitable.

image of fraternity in the '70s is of parties,

"thing of the past" and membership would be

pranks and beer, of hazing and rebellion

far more diverse.


Pledge periods would be a

always survive, and in fact, may increase in

Greeks will be forced to streamline their organizations and emphasize those

against the institution. For sure, the fraterni-

American Demographics predicts that

ties back then were not geared as much to

by the year 200 I, one in four Americans will

complement academia, but rather to disrupt

be Black, Hispanic, or Asian. Therefore,

As always, only time will tell our

it. In the '90's, one hears of parties, yes, but

fraternities and sororities will be challenged

direction, so for now, we can only make predictions and attempt to change our program-

programs aimed at developing the individual, both academically and socially.

no kegs and much less hazing. Today there

to attract students of color, and develop their

is talk ofthe scholastic benefits of Greek life

multicultural educational efforts. Fraterni-

ming as best we can. What can we do today

and how the Greeks on many campuses now

ties and sororities must increase their focus

in order to prepare for tomorrow?

far excel those who are nonaffiliated.

not only on their ritual, but on community

First, changes cannot be seen as a

The whole attitude was so different

service, and creating substance-free envi-

threat, but rather a challenge. Be open to dif-

just 20 years ago, it makes one wonder in

ronments. House advisors will be required

ferences in people, and look critically at

what direction are we heading? What will

in chapter houses still in existence, and inter-

ways your chapter and Greek system might

fraternities be like in the year 200 I?

fraternal cooperation will increase.

now appear threatening to older students, or

At the 1992 Interfraternity Institute held in Bloomington, Indiana, nearly 100 Greek Advisors and fraternity/sorority staff members came together and discussed this very issue. The findings were surprising.

The whole attitude was so differentjust 20 years ago, it makes one wonder in what direction are we heading? What willfraternities be like in the year2001?

When asked to speculate on the stu-

minorities. Do not be afraid to tread on new ground and initiate change. Work closely with other fraternities and sororities, strengthen IFCs and Pan Hellenic councils.

Encourage your school's

Greek system to start a Greek column in the

dent body enrolled in colleges and universi-

By 200 I it was estimated that smaller

campus paper touching on relevant campus,

ties in 200 I, the consensus was that enroll-

national and international fraternities would

community, or world topics. Think about

ment numbers will be lower due to increases

be forced to either combine efforts or be-

types of services we can offer that might

in the cost of education. Students will be

come dinosaurs.

The late '80's saw the

attract older students; polished scholarship

older and most likely have to work a job to

merger of Phi Sigma Kappa and Phi Sigma

programs with tutoring services, note files

put themselves through school. Many will

Epsilon, and more recently, Sigma Tau

and inner-chapter academic incentives, etc.

be enrolled part-time living at, or closer, to

Gamma and Beta Sigma Psi have come to-

home. Many will come from single parent,

gether to share office space.

or dysfunctional families, and place a high

National and international organiza-

Consider sponsoring a campus-wide lecture series geared specifically to students preparing to graduate, or holding monthly

tions will need to increase reliance on col-

faculty dinners. Such programming would

The average time it will take a student

lege and university-sponsored programs to

benefit the entire chapter regardless of age.

to graduate will not be four or five years, but

cut costs, as well as develop aggressive alumni

Push the membership to take an active voice

five or six. Students will be more politically

recruiting programs to increase volunteer

in student governments and other student-

value on their individuality.

active, demand more services from the insti-

participation. Internal rather than external

run organizations such as clubs, tutoring or

tution, and want to be more mentally chal-

expansion will be the rule. Risk manage-

campus tour programs. The more involved

lenged. They will join organizations that

ment, health issues, and scholarship pro-

we can become on campus, the greater force

will help them excel in academics and life.

grams will be the priorities, along with a

we will be.

Such changes would affect all Greek

revamping of "old-style" rush techniques.

But, above all else, continue to have

organizations. Fraternities, still fighting "ani-

New philosophies on our life-blood

fun, because that is what Greek life is all

mal house" stigmas of the past, would face

process will include selling the entire Greek

about. Hold parties, but do it safely, legally

increased pressure to show that they were not

system, not down playing the competition.

and in a mature fashion.

harmful to the education process.

An increased focus on sophomore and jun-

parties, where alcohol is not the main attrac-

The average fraternity in 200 I would

ior, transfer and minority students will be the

tion. In a period when common complaints

be in a "survival of the fittest" situation.

norm. Efforts will increase to aggressively

tell of restrictions on alcohol and bans on

Smaller chapters would be rare due to na-

seek out rushees, rather than waiting for

parties, strive to be the social light on cam-

tional and international organizations "tight-

them to come to us.

Rely on theme

pus. Prove to the community, to the school,

ening the belt," and the number of fraterni-

Nevertheless, the underlying question

ties with houses would decrease due to lia-

is, will changes in the future mean the death

years ago are false, and that Greeks are the

bilities and cost. Many Greek groups would

of the fraternity as some might suggest?

ticket to success both in school and beyond.

most likely have to settle for a room on

Most likely not, for groups and cliques will

-- Brent W. Scobie



to the student body, that the stigmas of 20


"What's in it for me?"

DU chapters have their best chance to ans a sharp rushee's top question through summer rush.


as your chapter size been stagnant or

decreasing, over the past couple years? Is fall rush becoming more of a strain and less rewarding due to fewer freshmen coming out for fall rush? If you answered "yes"

to either of these questions, then perhaps it is time for your chapter to begin a summerrush program. With a tough economy and post-graduation jobs becoming scarce, sharp incoming college students must know that any investment in time and money is going to payoff. So every DU chapter must be able to tell an interested but practical rushee how joining DU is going to help him get a job or get into grad school after his senior year. For many of Delta Upsilon's strongest chapters, summer rush is the ticket to success, but contrary to popular belief, you don't need to be a large chapter with a rush budget of thousands of dollars to be successful. The ingredients of an effective program are basic: proper planning, dedication by all brothers, and the desire to grow. The summer rush recipe that follows will provide you with a step by step process, but keep in mind, Headquarters is only a phone call away. For more information, questions, or concerns, call DU Headquarters, and we will be happy to work with you to develop a program to fit your chapter or colony.

man several thousand do rs for his rush efforts, however, a more practical solution, and . more feasible for medium to small

'other who lives in each region be appointed to a rush committee. . be responsible for planning a


ach region over the summer. brother must attend these functions. Remember, as with any rush, these events imately two to three weeks

tion will bei ant ifthe summerprogram ush totals and adds just three men to the f he doesn't meet his p Once a chairman is elected, his job w immediately. Begin by collecting names of incoming students. Talk to admissions offi men already a just assume t

dvisor or names of

ply with your students exists an most ad give you a copy if you ask. A public relations office for co releases with names of men admitted with honors or with special scholarships. Check department bulletin boards on campus for noticesabout scholarships for incoming freshmen, or current students who might be interested in joining DU. In addition, each brothershould either call or return to his high school guidance office and inquire about students applying to the university or college. He should check

rgoesout, a second contact ade with new students. The reacquaint yourselves, and let the rushee now of the DU event in his region. Perhaps a letter similar to the sample (6.03A e Seven Stars should be mailed to t 's parents letting them know about DU, the chapter, and how their son's membership will complement his studies. In addition to keeping up constant ondence with each rushee, the rush an must visit each man at his home he summer. If this is not possible, the region's rush committee member is responsible for the visit. The point of this personal contact is to initiate conversation, and answer any questions either from the incoming student, or his parents. Before school lets out for the summer, the entire chapter must decide on how they intend to go about signing men. Be sure to check with your college or university regarding rules. If we can't sign men over the summer, then it is obvious that we need to hint to rushees that we like them, and provide

The reason summer rush is so effective is simple: it allows your chapter or

several local newspapers for names of honor students in the area as these will often iden-

colony to concentrate on internal growth for three months of the summer, rather than just three weeks in the fall. It also allows you to

tify choice of school. Ask campus sororities, school brothers or sisters, or a f teacher, who is going w Once a list is compi e

ement to attend our rush functions

man should draft a congratulatory letter to the incoming students. Although the

s avoid problems by allowing their summer rush chairman the authority to .sign anyone at anytime.

approach new students before they are distracted by classes, not to mention other Greeks. The planning stages of summer rush should begin in early spring. As a first step, your chapter should elect a Summer Rush

letter should be printed on DU letterhead, and be addressed from the entire brotherhood, it should avoid a DU sales pitch. At

Chairman. He must be a hard worker, a strong rusher, and able to donate much ofhis summer to the project. Yes, summer rush is

this stage we are not selling our fraternity. For the next two weeks after the first contact, the rush chairman should identify "hot spots" where a majority of incoming

a job and like any job, it must have a payoff. Some chapters can afford to pay their

decide whether the s vo e on bid extensions.

Of course, it is your chapter's decision on how to extend bids. The point is, that you are able to have that choice before school even begins. With rush becoming harder and more competitive, we need every advantage possible.


freshmen live and divide the areas into reDELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY/APRIL 1993


In the Quarterly.... 25 years ago In Vietnam, Wesley Whitmore, Vir-

carry terse notes of men killed and missing in action abroad, while the Engagements and

ginia '54, and Todd Clist, Cornell '64, among others, received the Bronze Star for merito-

Marriages sections were longer than usual.

rious service...Fraternity Headquarters was

100 years ago

a year away from moving from New York

The May 1893 Quarterly, Vol. XI,

City to Indianapolis....Semon E. Knudsen,

shows DU with 27 chapters, Minnesota be-

Technology '36, was elected President of Ford Motor Company....Orville "B ud" Read, Missouri '33, and Harry McCobb, Michigan '25, were DU's President and Chairman, respectively, while Charlie Jennings, Mari-

ing farthest west, and Marietta farthest south ...David Starr Jordan, Cornell 1872, President of Stanford University, wrote on "Sciencein the Colleges" in Popular Science

Births Iowa State '79 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Hansen of Indianapolis, a daughter, Pascale, on February 2, 1993. Maryland '88 Mr. and Mrs. David Diggs of Westminster, MD, a son, Justin Richard, on January 11, 1993. McGill '86 Mr. and Mrs. Claude Dumais of Montreal, a son, Pierre Etienne Dumais, on January 20, 1993. Nebraska '86

Monthly ...DUs were newly inaugurated

Mr. and Mrs. David Nuckolls, a son, DJ,

presidents of Hamilton and Marietta Col-

on January 16, 1993.

etta '31, was in his 20th term as DU's treasurer. ...Alumni contributions totalled $23,000, a tenth of today' s amount....DePauw

leges and Cornell University ...the 1893

Nebraska '85

Convention at Wisconsin was thought to be

Mr. and Mrs. David Spencer, a son, Erik

broke ground for a new chapter house

"the first convention of an Eastern Fraternity

wing ....Iowa's housemother, Mrs. Ballard,

west of Illinois" ...Daniel S. LaMont, Union

was honored for 20 years' service....DU's

1872, was U. S. Secretary of War.

Nelson Spencer, on March 31, 1992. Northern Illinois '84 Mr. and Mrs. Ross A. Papke, a son,

134th Convention was scheduled for five

Benjamin Ross, on February 23, 1993. Ohio State '82 Mr. and Mrs. Kritapol Sundaravej, a son, Napol Sundaravej, on December 16,1992.

days at Kansas State....new chapters in April 1968 were Fresno, San Diego and Northern Iowa....the Quarterly warned of the dangers of using a new drug, LSD, and the Fraternity

Pennsylvania State

Board adopted a policy prohibiting the use of

Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson J. Lentz, a son,

illegal drugs....Native birchwood captain's

Joshua, on March 25, 1992.

chairs with DU Coat of Arms were $39


Western Illinois '75


British Columbia '65 Gary Fribance and Louise Moore-Belson

Mr. and Mrs. David K. Bivens, a daughter,

in Abbotsford, B.C. on September 12,

Wichita '88 Mr. and Mrs. Alan E. Cobb, a son, Augustus Charles, on September 9, 1992.

50 years ago April 1943 found many DUs at war, serving in American and Canadian armed

1992. Nebraska '88

services in Europe, Africa and the

Roger Lewandowski and Mara Leigh

Pacific....Chapters fought the home battle of

Ferguson on October 10, 1992.

Sarah K., on February 3, 1993.

rapidly depleted membership by pledging as

Nebraska '91

many men as possible, and hosting joint

Rick Tetzloff and Stacey Forsberg in


undergraduate-alumni meetings to keep

Lincoln on May 30, 1992.


alumni interest strong....Dr. Hubert Brown,

Nebraska '91

Leo Crockett '41

Toronto' 16, who previously had written that nothing much happened in his Peace River outpost near Fort St. John, B.C. o wrote of hectic construction of the Alcan Highway

Jeff Houston and Tricia Turco in Omaha

Norman B. Flavin '50

on September 25, 1992.

James A. Love' 42

Nebraska '93 Jeff Pinkerton and Greta Schepers in Beatrice on November 20, 1992.

T.S.A. Sutherland '36

Ohio State '82 Kritapol Sundaravej and Natthakun Rubi Allison in Bangkok, Thailand on July 4,

Bowdoin Robert B. Fox '38 Eaton Leith' 46 John L. Schad '66

DUs busy ....several chapter houses were

1992. Rutgers '42 Ernest E. Engel and Patricia W. Prescott


under "military occupation" for various train-

on Novemeber 21, 1992.

Ralph G. Hurlin '12

ing programs....Don Warner of Rochester was pictured undergoing a Navy "psychol-

Wichita '88 Alan E. Cobb and Holly A. Schoell on

Thomas H Pletcher' 52

ogy test" ....the Obituary section began to

August 10, 1991.

Robert P. Rose '29

from Dawson Creek to Fairbanks, part of the defense against Japanese attack....several chapter house dogs were donated - or drafted - into the armed services ....Middlebury' s 20foot-high Paul Bunyan snow sculpture won the campus contest....ROTC programs kept



Amherst Daniel W. Eastwood '23











W.V. Bowers' 13

John H. Birkett '47

Orin C. Hansen '47

Eugene W. Gleason '44

Miami Parker Hitzfield '33

John P. Stebbins '52

James R. Hill '41 Ernest S. Stevens '30

W. A. James '22

Thomas M. Linville '26

Charles H. Taylor '33

Edward C. Longstreth '23




Jack E. Shields' 51

James M. Stelzl '79

Fenelon W. C. Boesche '31

John B. Williams '38




Washington and Lee

Robert J. Ingle '48

John A. Young '42

Sion A. Faulk'40

Alan S. Ryan '56




Harry V. Croswell '22

Phillip Angeles '28

Robert E. Riecker ' 58

Arthur D. Parsons '32

Chester H. Walter '23



Western Ontario

Benjamin A. Harris '22

Douglas B. Eskridge '64

John W. Gunn '33

William S. Rayburn '41


Nate J. Toplack '45

Robert L. Ward '33

Gale E. Davis '31

Western Reserve


Wray J. Rominger '26

Clay Herrick Jr. '35

Russell T. Bennett '23

Louis Smithberger '28


H. Frazer Bent ' 44


John R. Loch '78

Robert K. Stroy '36

Edwin L. Ramey '63

Michael G. Rust '82

William A. Tuthill '42




Richard L. Clark ' 41

John P. Altemus '39

William H. Freeman '26

Merle Truman Jenkins '23



Harold W. Poort '50

Dirk R. Swardenski '89

George W. Waxler '43

Oregon State


Ivan H. Hatfield '44

David G. Fry '53

Gilbert H. Hill '29

Iowa State

Kenneth E. Rodgers '32

R. Jack Paetz '49


Correction In the January edition, the

Marvin M. Sandstrom '30

Sheridan C. Waite '16

Johns Hopkins

Pennsylvania State

Quarterly incorrectly reported that Bill Kerby, Kent State '62, and Harry R. Stimson, DePauw '61, had passed

William F. Restrepo '75

Newell S. Townsend '37

away. We apologize for the errors.



Rodney M. Armstrong' 45

William G. Harter '22

Robert H. Arnold '27

Lawrence E. Martin' 44

Jay M. Clampitt '77


Hal M. Friesen ' 49

Elmer A. Glenn '24

Lawrence D. Guy '44

San Jose State

C. William Hall ' 44

Albert F. Larsen' 59

James H. Holt '38

Santa Barbara

John J. Irwin '49

Robert Edward Watson '92

George R. Lewey' 50


William R. Noble '31

Henry R. Cantlen ' 52

Frank W. Woodhead '30

Calvin M. Emeis '34

Kent State

Newell T. Vandermast '33

Robert W. Whitman '39



A. K. White' 45

H. T. Moffett '47


Joseph W. Shaw '49

Paul F. Hassell '67


William B. Lyon '49

James L. Sheehy '52

Thomas A. Wilson' 19



Walter H. Rollins '27

Irving D. Jakobson '21

Please send news of member marriages, births and deaths to the Quarterly, DU Headquarters, P. O. Box 68942, Indianapolis, IN 46268. Information may be sent by facsimile to 317876-1629. The U. S. Postal Service or Canadian Postal Service have informed us of the deaths of some ofthese members. If the information in incorrect, the Quarterly extends its apologies and requests that confirmation of the member's mailing address be sent to the above address. The Fraternity's telephone number is 317-875-8900. Information on memorial gifts, and on the disposition of DU-related books or memorabilia, is also available from DU Headquarters. DELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY/APRIL 1993




II INITIATION PLAQUE. (7 X 9) Commemorate your special day with this

II DESKTOP CLOCK. (4 X8) Lucite base with a

'1HE PRINCIPLES"PLAQUE. (9 X 12) Suitable as a custom ized Presentation Award. Made from Solid Walnut. $49.95

custom ized solid walnut initiation plaque. It proudly reflect s your name, chapter, crest, and date of your initiation. $39.95'

MARBLE PLAQUE. (4 X H) Available in grey marble. Makes a great desktop accesory. $24.95

battery powered cloc k. Engraved with the fraternity crest. $42.50

III VELVET UNED DESKTOP BoK. (7 K 5) Customized with the fraternity crest.

II PLEDGE CLASS PLAQUE. (9 X12) II LUCIlE DESKTOP BoK. (6 K 4) Hinged top is Suitable as a custom ized Presentation Award. engraved with the crest. $19.95 Made from solid walnut. $49.95 ROSEWOOD PEN AND PENCIL SET. Pen, pencil 1:1 APPRECIATION PLAQUE. (7 X9) An ideal way 1m and box are engraved with the fraternity name. $38.95

to show your appreciation to your chapter officers, alumni, or special friends. $39.95'


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& PBIICIL HOLDER. Solid walnut, engraved with the fraternity crest. $17.95


K 4) Available in navy. Can be custom engraved for fund raising projects or to commemorate spec ial occas ions. $17.95




Sounding block is 4" in diameter and is engraved with the fraternity crest. $39.95


A perlect award or desktop accessory . $44.95 Made from solid walnut, each box comes with a 3x5 Post-It pad. $24.95

' AII 7x9 walnut plaques are available in a 9x12 special presentation size. $49.95


Solid walnut, engraved with the crest. Holds 4 x 6 memo sheets. $17.95

All fraternity logos and crests are registered trademarks of the Fraternity. Delivery 10 working days from order. Special rush orders can be accomodated.

2030Tucker IndustrialRoad, Suite 105,Tucker, Georgia 30084

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