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The QuarterlyApplauds

Delta Upsilon's newest chapter was installed at Southwest Missouri State University in Springfield, Missouri on May 1-2, 1981 when 56 members were initiated and the chapter charter presented to the new group in two days of ceremonies. Look for the story of this installation in the October issue of the Quarterly.

The Colorado State Chapter of Delta Upsilon was reinstituted on April 3-4, 1981 in ce1"emonies conducted by Dr. Hugh W . Gray, Nebraska '34, Vice-President of Delta Upsilon Fraternity. There were 48 members present for the ceremony of reinstitution of the chapter that had been dormant for seven years. The October magazine will cany a complete story of the ceremonies.

OFFICERS President Herbert Brownell, Neb raska '24 (V ice-Chairman ) Lord , Day and Lord 25 Broadwa)" New Yo rk , New Yo rk 10004 C hairma n of the Boa rd Dennis H. Cheatham, Ind iana '65 Pendleto n Ban ki n g Compan y, 100 State Street, Pe nd leto n, Indiana 46064 Vice-Presidents D. Bruce Decker, ,","estern O ntar io '5 1 SS #3. Site #2 . Comp o # I 0 Pe nclang. Omario LOK I YO Dr. Hugh W. Gray, Nebraska '3'1 80 3 Nonh Du Pont Road . Westover H ills, ' VilmingLOIl , Delaware 19807 J. Paul McNamara, Miami '29 88 East Broad Stree t, Co lum bus, O hio 43 21 5 Sec retar y Howard Kahlenbeck, Jr., Indi ana '52 Krie g DeVa ul t Alexa nd er & Capehar t, 2860 Indiana National Bank T ower, One Ind iana Sq uare, Indianapo li s, Ind ia na 46204 Assistant Secretar y Richard Moran, Ru tge rs '72 SOHIO

~i!~e~I~~~~1'i~t~~dli;'g T reasurer Donald C. Rasmussen, Purdu e '46 Robert 1/1.'. Baird & Co., Inc., 151 N. Delaware, Suite 135, India n apo lis, Indi ana 46204 Directors T erry J. Brady, Mis souri '62 Gage and Tucker , 2800 Mutual Benefi t Life Bldg. , P.O. Box 2342 8, Kansas C ity, Mi ssouri 64 141 (1981 ) The Honorable Terry L. Bullock, Kansas State '61 Jud ge of the District Court, Shaw nee Co unty Co urthou se, To peka, Ka nsas 66603 ( 198 1) David E. Chambers, Arizona '60 84 Bu r ning T ree Road Gree n wich, Conn ecticllt 06830 (1982) CraiB S. Johnson, Oklaho ma '82 el~O~ \~}!~~l ~:~~a~~~nil y No rm an, O klahoma 73069 (1 98 1) Richard L. Smoot, Colorado '62 577 Gr egor y Lane Devon , Pe nn sy lvania 19333 ( 1982) Pas t Presidents Horace G. Nichol, Carnegie '2 1 William F. Jones, Nebras ka '2 7 Arad Riggs, DePauw '26 Charles D. Prutzman, Penn . State ' 18 Henry A. Federa, Lo ui svi lle '37 Harry W. McCobb, ~'li c hi ga n '25 Orville H. Read, Misso uri '33 Charles F. Jennings, Ma rietta '3 1 W. D. Watkm s, North Ca ro li na '27 O . Edward P01lock, Virginia '5 ] Exec mive Director Wilford A. Butler, CAE Fratern ity Development Directo r Martin T . Baxter II Leade rship Consultants Lawre nce M. Jackson Gregory R. Kavanagh Q uarterly Editor W. A. Butler, CAE, Western i\-1ichi ga n '61 Ass istant Edito r Jo Ellen Walden Des ign Co nsul tan t J. L. LeMaster, Oregon State '48 Offid al Pho togra pher Ed Lacey, Jr. DELTA UPSILO N QU ARTERLY. a publication of thc Delta Upsilo n Fraternity, founded in 1834 , In co rporated , December 10, 1909, und er laws of the State o f New York. Delta Upsilo n I n ternatio na l Frate rnity Headq uarte rs , P.O. Box 40108, Indianapo lis. Indiana 46240. Head q uarte rs is o pe n from 9:00 to 5: 00 p.m., E.S: r ., Mo nday th rou g h Friday. Telepho ne 3 17-875 -8900. DELTA UPS ILON QUA RTERLY is p u blish ed in Janua r y, Ap ril ,July and Octo ber at 8705 Found er s Road, Inclia nap olis, Indi ana 46268. The subsc ri pt ion price (checks a nd money ord ers sho uld be made payab le to Delta Upsilon Fraternity) is $3.00 a year in advance; sin gle copies 75¢. Send ch an ges of address and corresponden ce of a business o r edi torial nature to Delta Upsilon Fraternity, P. O. Box 401 08, I ndiana po lis. India na 46240. Seco nd-class postage paid at Indi anapo lis. In d iana and at additional mailin g o ffices. ® T . M. Regis tered U. S. Patent Office.


<=The President's GReport Every Brother DU Has Much to Give Often when I read the m ail from our alumni, I am struck by the quiet, but very significant contributions that alumni can make to helping our younger brothers with very practical problems. In one of our chapters, the alumni gather the interested sophomores and juniors and talk about their career plans and share their own experiences. This program is so valuable to the undergraduate brothers that they schedule time for it early in each school year. One of our good alumni advisors in another chapter regularly asks small groups of the brothers to his home for an evening of serious discussion about life planning and what they are learning in college. Other alumni work to orient graduating seniors to the best approaches and techniques to interviewing, on how to follow up after a job interview; all helpful and informative skills learned from expenence. A top corporate recruiter always schedules time to visit his chapter when he is on campus to share ideas and to help members of the chapter with the many questions they have about the process of job seeking. The fact of the matter is that each of us has much to share with the 4,500 undergraduates in chapters across North America , and they are interested in listening to what you have to say about what you have found in your life. The college fraternity represents the last place that a man can learn by making mistakes, and not feel penalized from the experience. Our chapters are great models and opportunities for learning, an experience that is greatly enhanced by alumni involvement. There are many opportunities for involvement in Delta Upsilon wherever you may be. Volunteer to help your own chapter or one nearby, you'll find that the rewards are considerable . Then, too , I hope that you'll write the most generous

July, 1981

check you can for your chapter, and for the International Fraternity, both require that kind of support, too, to be strong and vital as we move on to the celebration of Delta Upsilon's 150th year. Elsewhere in this issue of the Quarterly, 'I am delighted to recognize the loyal Delta Upsilon alumni who have supported the International Fraternity through their financial support via the annual alumni support appeal. The appeal forthis year ends on June 30, 1981, and the new appeal year begins on July first. Yes, each of us has much to give. Fraternally yours,

Herbert Brownell International President

Delta Upsilon Quarterly July 1981 Volume 99-Number 3

Table of Contents


Chapter News Reports .. ... . 42 Vital Statistics ... . ....... ,. . 51 Comment on Fraternity .. . . . 53 The President's Club Honor Roll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Annual Giving Honor Roll . .. 56 Alumni Directory


Cover: Charles Evans Hughes, Colgate and B TOwn 1881, Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court and first President of the incorporated Delta Upsilon Fraternity, 41

Ghapter GActivities GReview

oJ~ .......

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Alberta Ian D. Murray, President 1l020-86th Avenue Edmonton, Alberta T6G OX2 No repo rt received.

Arkansas Jackie D. Hancock, President 10 North Garland Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 A new collection policy has greatly reduced accounts receivable, and we have improved our pledge scholarship program; attendance at chapter meetings and events are up significantly from last semeste r due to a new attendance policy. We have developed an outstanding multi-media program for rush, and have published our best newsletter ever. ALUMNI EVENT: H omeco ming, November 21. Initiates : Todd Griffin, Hank j ackson, Larry Waschka, Markjordan, Brian Franklin, Paul Miller, Tony Siebenmorgan.

Arlington James M. Singleton, President 719 West Abram Arlington, Texas 76013 Our cha pter was the winner of the Interfraternity Council Scholarship Award and the annual DU Spring Festival. We had the most actives with a 3.0 GPA or better, and have eight members elected to the student congress. ALUMNI EVENT: july 4th picnic and softball game, location to be announced. Initiates: Doug Roberts, Scott Layman, Mark Richards, Brian Korbs, Brian Riddle, Craig Smith, Wayne Wilson, Frank Queen, Bill Edgell.

Baylor Darryl E. Nelson, President Box 102, Union Building Waco, Texas 76798 We sponsored and officiated a city-wide softball tournament. The ch apter works with Waco Juvenile Rehabilitation Pro-





grams, a big brother project for delinquents. Another project was re-roofing and fencing the home of an elderly couple. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming-to be announced. Initiates: Kell y Ainsworth, J eff Allbright, Dan Angliss, Andy Brewer, Paul Farmer, Tom Farmer, Cris Martin, Brent Mattson, Rand y McMichael, Eddie Reynolds, Drew Rice, Paul Sharkey, Kim Sigala, Tim Vandenberg.

petmon; won the IFC All-Sports trophy; ranked second in GPA which was above the all-University men's average. We had a successful Dance-A-Thon to raise funds for a local crippled children's fund. Our strong campus involvement includes All-School President, IFC President, Off Campus Students Association President and Vice President; as well as over one-third of the members on nearly eve ry student government organization. ALUMNI EVENT: Alumni picnic in early August in the Chicago area. Ini tiates: Lawrence Dechter, Bradley j ohansen , Mark DiPasquale, j ohn Stanley, Michael Hunker, Bradley DeSplinter, Lawrence Heavener , Scott Beabout, Dayn Schultz, Roger Star,james Michalski , j ames Mars, Brian Kuberski, Rand all Co hen.

Bucknell Baylor- Waco Cl'eeit is ltept clean by the members of the chapter.

Bowling Green Robert R. ApeJt, President Bowling Green State University Bowling Green, Ohio 43403 We successfully developed a new kitchen system whereby we do all the shopping and cooking, res ulting in dollars saved. We have a detailed rush program, updated the constitution, and paid I FC our outstanding bills . A miniature soccer table has been purchased. ALUMNI EVENT: H omecoming, October 24. Initiates : Allen Norman, Mark Wilhite, Shaun McLain, T h omas Farmer, Paul Dauerman, Nick Tsengas, Cuyler Costanzo.

Bradley Michael S. Crawley, President 1318 West Fredonia Peoria, Illinois 61606 Our chapter won the Greek Week com-

D. Tyler Drolet, President Bucknell University Box C-2789 Lewisburg, Pennsylvania 17837 In February we hosted the Regional Leadership Seminar for Provinces I , II, and III; and in March, our Demie Play raised $ 1,500 for the March of Dimes. Our GPA is above the men 's average at Bucknell and we are closing in on this year's Pangbu,rn Trophy. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, October 23-25. Initiates: Rick Ferrara, Remi johnson.

California Geoffrey C. Rushing, President 2425 Warring Street Berkeley, California 94704 We have improved relations with the University and the community. During Alpha Gamma Delta's recent fire, we provided shelter for the members. The bathroom and showers have been renovated. Initiates: Shepard Kett, Dan Logan, Dave Fahrner,john Abel,john Citi, Chuck Gangnuss, Do uglas Batt, Michael Sklar.


July, 1981

Colgate David A. Moules, President P.O. Box 239 Hamilton, New York 13346 No report received.

Colorado James L. Sniff, President 1012 University Avenue Boulder, Colorado 80302 Our alumni corporation is being reorganized and any alumni interested in becoming involved should write the chapter house. The chapter recently helped raise over $16,000 for Easter Seals, and is anticipating a strong showing in the D.G. Anchor Splash. We have teams in all intramural sports, a championship homecoming float , a diverse social program and scholastically are strong. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming in November. Initiates: Erik Bergum, Chip Beck, Mark Mazeski, Dan Weston, Jeff Hancock, Bill Andrews, Chris Scott. Bucknell -

A seminar is in session during the Regional meeting hosted by the chapter.

Carnegie Steven B. Hall, President 5031 Forbes Avenue Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213 A reorganized treasury system has allowed us to keep a closer check on our finances. The house has never been in better physical shape. We have a new buggy to roll in competition this spring carnival and are on our way to trophies in the booth competition and Greek sing. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, October 17-18. Initiates: Dwight Bach, Dave Brown, Bob Churchill, Dave Claxton, Scott Dietzen, Bruce Eisenberg, Tim Foden, ScottJackson, Bill Kerns, Charles Marino, Jeff McGurk, Steve Melnychuk, Bill Murdock, Chris Prauetz, Karl Robinson, Cliff Schoch.

Central Missouri Mitchell G. Sharp, President Diemer Hall, 310R Warrensburg, Missouri 64093 The chapter helped raise $1,200 in the Central Missouri State University Alumni Corporation phone-a-thon. We also replaced playground equipment for the Warrensburg school for the handicapped . Our annual softball tournament was again very successful. ALUMNI EVENT: Fourth of July party. Initiates : Mitchell Atherton , Kevin Blayney, Timothy Bowe, John Celis, Chris Colter, David Galegor, Gregg Panus, Jim Schrader, Dave Volker, Marc Gieselmann.

Chicago Austin DesAutels, President 5714 Woodlawn Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60637 Noted this term were the initiation of retired faculty member Richard Vikstrom, and commencement of a new program for increasing membership. A new roof has been put on the house and we have plans for major plumbing, bathroom and kitchen renovations. DELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY'

ALUMNI EVENT: Alumni dinner in late August at house.

Clarkson Jeffrey A. Amen, President 30 Elm Street Potsdam, New York 13676 Twenty-seven alumni from the classes of '61, '62, '63, and '64 returned for the very successful 20th Anniversary in March. We have recently established a chapter room fund with major plans for renovation of our existing chapter room. We were again successful in the Ice Carnival competition, taking first place in ice sculpture, window painting, oil cloth painting, and float. Our chapter placed 3rd overall on campus scholastically. We raised $400 in our annual charity hockey game for the volunteer fire department. ALUMNI EVENT: Alumni weekend in July. Initiates: Michael Bate, Mark Cappelli no , Frank Cusanno, Emanuel Mafilios, Jeffrey Hawkins, Wayne Oliver, Paul Restante, Tom Roberts.

Colby Robert J. Patience, President Box 1352 Colby College Waterville, Maine 04901 We rushed 17 pledges (our largest pledge class in recent history); finished second in cumulative grade point average of all fraternities; completed energy improvements to the chapter house. We also sponsored a successful residential forum on "The Future of the Democrat Party" and sponsored a successful Parents Weekend. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming Weekend , October 16-18. Pledges: John Ayer, Craig Alie, Keith Krasniger, Bernie Hefele, ,Juan Colon, George Harrington,JeffMartin, Mike Montembeau, David Rosenberg , Pete r Reif, Arthur Jackson , Robert Drago, John Taylor, Kenneth Seidel, William McDermott, Jim French, Eric Van Gestel.

July, 1981

Colorado State David G. Cowen, President 412 West Laurel Fort Collins, Colorado 80521 H ighlight of the term was reinstitution of Colorado State Chapter in April. We have been successful in creating a viable alumni program, achieving sound financial status, and our pledge class was number two out of 12 houses on campus. ALUMNI EVENT: October 10, Homecoming. Initiates: Joseph R. Bingham, Vernon L. Brock, Derek E. Brown, Chris A. Carrier, David G. Cowen, Brian A. Crook, Craig S. Cruz, Larry R. Dirks, Michael J. C. Figal, Sean M. Gargan, Frank M. Gill, Tyler J. Gilmore, Mark J. Greene, Kurtis J. Hornbecker, Randall M. Johnson, William W. Jorgensen , Aaron S. Joseph, A. Dean Koehler, Douglas A. King, Bruce W. Long, John D. MacAlpine, James H. MacDermott, Thomas B. McCord, Donald W. McHodgkins, Ty L. Melton ,Jonathan A. Mills, Craig W. Moellenberg, Douglas K. Morrill, Robert F. Nelson, Kirk A. Palan, James A. Piner, Paul W. Poplett, Michael H. Rider, Robert R. Rominger, Peter A. Schaffer, Robert W. Schuler, Christopher J. Shamis, Richard E. Simmons, John T. Squirek, Steven W. Stenmark, Steven P. Sutor, Mark D. Syracusa, John R. Teumer, Thomas H. Vaughn, Jr., Vincent H. Vidger, Jr. , Marc D. Waage, Thomas F. Wanzeck, Mathew W. White, William H. Woodward , Michael L. Yowell.

Cornell Robert J. Straka, President 6 South A venue Ithaca, New York 14850 We are very happy about the approval ofa $250,000 addition to our house, including new bedrooms, bathrooms, and a recreation room. We participated in the Phi Psi charity race , and enjoyed our successful parents' weekend and alumni weekend. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, November 7.


Initiates: Mike Cahill, David Decker, Mark Ditondo, Tim Galbraith, Seth Hurwitz, Mark Kristoff, Geoff Lands, Peter Lee, Mike Levine, Brandon Maxwell, Kevin McDermott, Richard Musgrave, Joel Polichine, Brian Ross, Luke Scrivanich, Robert Sheridan, Peter Strang, Dave Wheaton.

Creighton William S. Egr, President 318 North 33rd Street Omaha, Nebraska 68131 Due to a successful alumni fund drive, we were able to paint and refurnish the chapter house. The scholarship program continues to improve and our volleyball team is in first place. Our spring rush netted us 13 fine men. ALUMNI EVENT: Fall Founders' Day Formal, date to be announced. Pledges: Jeff McCroy, .J. Dennis Flavan, Walt Livingston, Tom Coleman, Michael.J. Smith, Michael A. Smith, Mike Hoover, Ken Landolt, Werner Hoehn, Todd Huemann, Jim Weaver, Barney Barry, Dave French.

Dayton Dennis A. Heslin, President 108 Woodland Avenue Dayton, Ohio 45409 We celebrated our 10th anniversary in March. We had an Easter Egg Hunt for the children ofSt.Joseph's orphanage and a keg roll to raise money for handicapped children (AIM). ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, October 10. Initiates: John M. D'Argenio, William W. Taylor.

Delaware Kenneth C. Anderson, President 400 Wollaston Avenue, Building A Newark, Delaware 19711 Our chapter participated in the Newark community service day, toys for orphans program, and wiffle ball marathon for United Way. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming in October. Initiates: Scott Harris, Joseph Cortese, Mark Brennan, Michael Short, Laurence Flanegan .

DePauw Jude W. Piotrowski, President 626 East Seminary Street Greencastle, Indiana 46135 Currently we are concentrating our attention on the chapter relations area, particularly alumni relations and social programming. Internally the officers are communicating and cooperating well. Our rush program continues to develop properly and we intend to increase our numbers and financial stability after this fall's formal rush. ALUMNI EVENT: Old Gold Day, October 17. Initiates: Tom Mendez, Jeremy Heiple, Dave Remmers, Scott Tarter, Brian Lemna, Mark Lehman, Ed Mamone, Keith Davis, Bill Spencer, Tim Bottoms, Steve Lane, Joe Heerens.

pus organization and Greek activities . Our fall and winter rushes were two of the most successful in the chapter's history, with our initiating 34 of 40 from the fall class. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming/ Founders Day, October 9-10. Initiates: Joe Antaki, Mike Bainum, Joe Begley, Greg Behar, Ken Billett, Hubert Brown, Christian Conard, John Crist, George Dunham, Walter Floyd, Scott Hamilton, Greg Hamra, Russell Hintze, Edwin llano, Robert Ippolito, Adam Jackson, Tomas Kemper, Peter Koorey, David Kowkabany, Greg Kraak, Mark Langley, Nick Lee, Waldo Medina, John Meininger, Michael Neukamm, Michael Oropeza , David Rodemann, Charles Siebrecht, Vernon Strickland, David Tames, David Wong, John Meena, James Stockman, Charles Bedell.

Eastern Kentucky Raymond J. Williams, President Box 252, Todd Hall Eastern Kentucky University Richmond, Kentucky 40475 Our chapter achieved the highest GP A this term. We also participated in a balloon sale during homecoming and helped raise over $1,500 for the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation. We hosted our 2nd annual AllGreek Mixer and our 1st annual Art Show, both events fund-raisers for the Diabetes Foundation. ALUMNI EVENT: Retreat, July 17-19, Nick Strong's Farm in Lexington, Kentucky. Initiates: Mark Mueller, Gregory W. Brewer, William L. Cloyd, Carl Turner, Lon Fields.

Florida David P. Roy, President 1814 West University Avenue Gainesville, Florida 32603 Our chapter won the Buddy McKay Award for the most improved fraternity on campus. We placed second in intramurals and have increased our involvement in cam-

Fresno Brett Stoner, President 5211 North First Fresno, California 93726 No report received.

Georgia Tech Richard V. Folea, Jr., President 154 Fifth Street, Northwest Atlanta, Georgia 30313 This term we placed 7th scholastically; won 3rd place in the Wreck Parade; and first place in the Miller Reclamation Drive. The brothers participated in a fund-raiser to benefit the Egleston Hospital for Children, and sponsored a World Student Fund member. We have started a permanent building fund. In sports, we won a league championship in tennis and made the play-offs in bowling. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, October 31. Initiates : Rick McTaggart, Mike Christodoulou,Jon Elliott, Frank Koconis,Jimmy Flagg, Frank Staples, Danny Plaisted.

Denison F. Matthew Deiner, President Slayter Hall, Box #1942 Granville, Ohio 43023 Three brothers were named football tricaptains for the 1981 season. We have reinstituted our "Orchids" formal which will take place at the Crystal Palace ballroom. We have begun painting the interior of the house and making other repairs. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, October 17. Initiates: Doug Berman, Bill Eaton, Joe Gleeson, Mike Massey, Jeff Nadzak, Chris Young, Mike McNally, Scott Murphy, Carl Adolph, Brent Scott, Mike Willis, Bill Willis, Doug Hess, Mike Trout, Peter Bunten, Mike McGuff, Ralph Wright, Mike O'Neill.


Georgia Tech -

ETothers maneuver the chapter's thiTd place wreck in the pamde. DELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY路

july, 1981



Mark S. Portin, President Hamilton College Clinton, New York 13323 Our chapter participated in the campus fund drive and annual alumni clam bake. Initiation weekend was April 25-26 with 27 being initiated. ALUMNI EVENT: October 3, Alumni Weekend. Initiates: Sal Angotti, Gene Arcand, Tyson Arnedt, Bruce Barton, Dave Bonzerato, Bill Bunke, Todd Danforth , Paul Dolan, Ed DuPre, Eric Ebbert, Kevin Garvin, Palmer Lewis, Harold Malkin, Mike Marta, Mike McGuire, Scott Moore, Pete Mullin, Steve Reynolds, Alan Schmiedicker, Alan Sofen, Chris Soltis, Tom Sweeney, John Webber, Dave Davis, Clark Greene, Drew Miller, John Kiffel.

Marc E. Odier, President 1200 East Third Street Bloomington, Indiana 47401 We have emphasized collection and accomplished a reduction in our accounts receivable. A renewed awareness of the importance of rush and a reorganized pledgeship should benefit the chapter. Our chapter won the I.U. sing. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, October 17, chapter house. Initiates: R. Daniel Klobusnik, John C. Beauchamp, Gregory 1. Katzman, Douglas C. Dickmann, Thomas R. Slivovsky, Matthew W. Blanco, Michael E. Lockhart.

Houston Carl J. Chain, Jr., President Campus Activities Center, Box 109 4800 Calhoun University of Houston Houston, Texas 77004 Our chapter donated $1,163 to Easter Seals. We have a member who was elected treasurer of the IFC and two members elected to student government as senators. Our ranking in intramurals was 3rd place. Initiates: Danny Fredell, John Folsom, Brad Kutz, Charles Shreve, Dave Slattery, Jim Smith, Doug Trowbridge.

Iowa Herbert F. Schultz, Jr., President 320 Ellis Avenue Iowa City, Iowa 52240 Our chapter participated in the Muscular Dystrophy marathon. We ranked second in intramural points earned. Our initiation class was 18 and we have a pledge class of 12. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming banquet, October 18, 4:30 p.m. Initiates: Dave Meyer, Joseph Ceryanec, Jim Ostrander, Bob Hingtgen, Michael Rosencrants, Dan Woods, Mark Ritchie, Chris Columbia, Donald Esser, Jim Martens, Dan Donovan, John McCarthy, Mer! Kemp, George Gerwe, Keith Littleton , Steve Bennett, Bill Hager, Steven Lind.

Iowa State

Illinois - The Pledge Trainer bmught some of the spring pledge class to the headqum路ters for part of theil' membership education jJJ'Ogram.

Illinois Kevin C . Kinsella, President 312 East Armory Avenue Champaign, Illinois 61820 We sponsored our annual basketball tournament with the proceeds going to volunteer Illini projects. Our chapter's corporate system of house government has been restructured. We have renovated the attic and completed the conversion of the senior dorm into a lounge. We qualified for the playoffs in soccer, basketball, and softball. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, October 24. Initiates: Matt Bettenhausen, Ron Camin, Ed Palekas, Dave Full, Dave Dungen, Ed Messett, Jamie Sturtewagen, John Kvedaras, Craig Zellent, John Turcza, Scott Dworschak, Paul Skarr, Dave Sommer, Dan White, Scott Kains, Brent Reiske, Kevin Cuthbert. DELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY路

Scott E. Barton, President 117 Ash Avenue Ames, Iowa 50010 A year ago DU reentered the Varieties competition after a four year absence. This year, two DU productions, "A Die-Abolical Mystery" and "The Bicuspids" qualified for the final competition, after an 11 year absence from the Sweepstakes. DU was nominated for and won more awards than any other fraternity on campus. Internal workings of the chapter have been much improved and more members are being involved in chapter and campus activities. The Mothers Club is helping with redecorating the first floor, and we have taken care of other physical repairs, some of which had been postponed. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, October 17. Initiates : David A. Bailey, Bruce K. Bruene, Jeffrey W. Courter, Robert P. Curtis, Michael A. Dee, Martin A. Faldet, Scott C. Hansen, James R. Harmeyer, Eric R. Johnston, Daniel M. Kluzik, Jeffrey N . Karch, Matthew D. Keller, William S. Lundahl, Robert F. Mangas, Michael G. Marolf, Kent W. Meihofer, Randy 1. Pierce, Samuel D. Porter, Douglas J. Rowen, Robert 1. Schwartz, Brian F. Smith, Ralph W. Stotts, John W. Sullivan, Phillip M. Templeton.

Johns Hopkins Reuben Q. Pugh, President 4220 North Charles Street Baltimore, Maryland 21218 No report received.

July, 1981

Kansas - On his way to class, one of the chapter members leaves the house.

Kansas Kyle E. Krull, President 1025 Emery ~oad Lawrence, Kansas 66044 The chapter has enjoyed a superior spring semester. Finances are in good shape; scholarship is a top priority; we were in the "Rock Chalk Revue" and occasionally we find time to throw a party. Once again our alumni have been an invaluable resource in contributing names of potential rushees for our rush program. This helps us take only the best men into our ranks . The Corporation Board financed a floodlighting system for the entire exterior of the house, the renovation of our bathrooms, house furniture, and th e housemother's apartment. ALUMNI EVENT: DU Day, October. Initiates: Jeffrey Breeden, Kristopher Bruso, Eric Bur, David Costello , John Greer, Jeffrey Hale, Stuart Hazard III , Richard Kincaid, Aven Knott, Michael McEnulty, Sean McEnulty, Kelly McKinney, John O'Brien, Gary Sanders, Mark Schulte, Christopher Stamets, Deric Stewart, Brett Wells.

Kansas State Michael F. Coss, President 1425 University Drive Manhattan, Kansas 66502 This term we hosted the Regional Leadership Seminar; had a Mothers' Weekend, three rush parties, and initiated 12 members. ALUMNI EVENT: November 6-8, 25th anniversary. Initiates: Greg Burnett, Scott Coonrod, TroyJordan, Larry Kutina,John McKelvey, Todd Meyers, Steve Neally, Paul Oberle, Wilfred Schuler, Greg Shelton, Dale Shirley, Bill Spillar.

Lafayette S. Robert Roth, President Lafayette College Easton, Pennsylvania 18042 We improved our cumulative GPA to rank 10th among the fraternities on campus. Over half the brothers are on the rugby team. The chapter has been active in supporting underprivileged children from the community. Several capital improvements have significantly increased the condition of the chapter house. Initiates: Ralph M. Artigliere, John A. Bown, Jr. , John D. Bradford II, Jeffrey R. Diacik, Steven C. Feil, Dennis C. Gillooly,


Edward M. Klinger, Thomas G. Laughli;l, William G. Morrison III, Thomas Potzio, Roy J. Ulin, Erin P. Walsh, Daniel J. White.

Lehigh Paul J. Anastasio, President Lehigh University Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18015 We have improved our GPA and had a successful rush. House improvements included purchase of a much needed refrigerator and freezer. Our community service project was helping the Bethlehem Boys' Club. ALUMNI EVENT: Lafayette Weekend , November 21. Pledges: Terence M . Bollinger, Joseph D . Corcoran, Mark F. D'Andrea, John T. Fenner, Gerald M. Goldman, Stephen J. Heilman, Richard J. Hurst , Christopher C. Hynes , Robert E.Jordan, Hugh L. Koerner, David T. Mecca, Mark M. Morgis, Kevin L. Murphy,John F. Pastuck, Douglas R. Pearson, James R. Putira, Luis M. Ramirez, Jr., Paul L. Reiff, Mark A. Spivak, John E. Tylutki, Michael L. Williams.

Louisiana State Stephen C. Schneider, President P.O. Box 17121 Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70893 No report received.



John W. Walter, President 223 Fourth Street Marietta, Ohio 45750 ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, October. Initiates: John Irvine, Jerome Dewing, Shep Brown, Ted Payne, Ed Crowley,Jerry Peck, Mike Yaverski, Kevin Suter, Kevin MacDermott, Ed Brown , Craig Deppert, Jim Nice, Tim Hillsley, Paul Luthringer, Scott Danzer.

Clifford H. Parke, III, President 400 East Vine Street Oxford, Ohio 45056 Our 50th anniversary of our chapter house included honored guest Dr. Phillip Shriver. Donald C. Rasmussen, Purdue '46, International Treasurer, presided at the rededication of the house. The term began with a well organized winter rush, followed by a restructured pledge program. House improvements include a new washer/dryer, new living room carpet and redecoration of the dining room by the winter pledge class. The dining room was dedicated as a memorial to Pat Kline, housemother-cook since 1970, who passed away last year. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, October 24, 10:00 a .m . to 6:00 p.m . Initiates: G. E. Baker, Raleigh E. Drennon IV, Steven P. Faust, Duane W. Foy, JosephJ. Gaffney, Thomas E . Hagins, Brian W. Harris, Bruce E. Keske, FrankJ. LaengIe, George P. Malec, Andrew J. Marfurt, James M. Nicholson, Timothy D. O'Mahoney, Kenneth S. Palladino, Stephen P. Palm , James C. Yarborough.

Maryland Dennis J . M. Quinn, President #6 Fraternity Row College Park, Maryland 20740 Our alumni corporation has been reestablished, and the chapter has hired an accountant to assist with our financ ial matters. We have remodeled the first floor of the house. ALUMNI EVENT : Homecoming, October 24. Initiates : James Barlowe, Phillip Downing, Michael Ludwitzke, Quin Martino, John Molite, Thomas O'Byrne, Michael Pisack, Edmond Sanctis, Robert Sar, Brion Talley, Michael Kessler, Daryl Salamone, Richard Mangano.

Massachusetts Louisville Gregg J. Tierney, President Belknap Campus University of Louisville Louisville, Kentucky 40208 No report received.

Maine Hollis E. Irvine, Jr., President 130 College Avenue Orono, Maine 04473 We have made extensive renovations to the house. With exterior work being nearly completed , improvements within the house are progressing well . These improvements and a highly visible rush have enhanced our image on campus. ALUMNI EVENT: Summer reunion, date to be announced. Initiates: Scott Sinclair, Michael Bosse, Glen Caron, Richard Young.

David A. Ferrari, President 778 North Pleasant Amherst, Massachusetts 01002 The house finances are again in sound condition , and we have an alumni club started now. We won the Greek Division for the "run for Father Ritter charity" road race. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming weekend, October 2-3 . Initiates: Manny das-Neves, Ray Larnard, Richard Piligian, Rex Reed, Marek Syska, David Tierney.

Michigan Joseph P. Opich, President 1331 Hill Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 We are continuing development of close inter-chapter ties with our brothers at Bowling Green State University; and are actively participating in several philantrophic projects. We placed first in Greek Week 1981 and won the 1M water polo championship . We are continuing renovation of the chapter house. ALUMNI EVENT: Annual alumni meeting, September 12, at the chapter house at 10:00 a .m . Pledges : Brian Tideswell, Jack Reagan, Brett Stonesiefer, John Molholland , Sandy Tweedie, Charles Thompson, Joe Oddo, Thomas Kuhn , Dave Miller, Clarence Clemons.

Manitoba Barry D. Hart, President 112 Wilmot Place Winnipeg, Manitoba R3L 2Kl We had a successful formal with many members of the class of '61 attending to celebrate their twentieth year. In intramural basketball, we finished first. We are planning major renovations to the house including the back porch . ALUMNI EVENT: Founders' Day , November. Initiates: Ian Barnes,Joey Gardner, Gordon Krahn, Ralph MacKel vie, Mac Roberton, Murry Wall.


Michigan State -

The D.U.nks were the fraternit), basketball champions this )'ear. DELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY路

July, 1981

Michigan State

North Carolina

Robert J. Wegener, Jr., President 343 Albert Street East Lansing, Michigan 48823 The Delta Upsilon D.U.nks defended their fraternity basketball crown by outlasting Sigma Phi Epsilon in double overtime, 45-42; and we are currently in first place for the all-sports trophy. We have completely rewritten and updated our chapter by-laws and constitution; and have created a new, more aggressive rush and membership development program. Our third floor stairs and hallway have been newly carpeted. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, October 17. Initiates: Paul Cari, Robert Goodman, jeff Koch , jeffrey H. Park, Keith J. Perreault, Bob Small, james P. Hayes, Michael S. Maccani.

Jay Kevin White, President 407 East Rosemary Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514 During the term we dedicated the Bain House Annex to alumnus, W. D. Watkins. The " Beat State" extravaganza raised $1,500 for the American Cancer Society. Our chapter also won the intramural award, the inter-fraternity activity award, and hosted friends of the Greeks reception for Greeks, faculty, and townspeople. ALUMNI EVENT: Founders' Day, April 1982. Initiates: jim Ayers, Richard Batchelder, Scott Bell, Bill Browning, Curtis Carr, jim Edwards, Tim Edwards, Charles Ellington, Bill Goodwyn, Lindsay Hardison, Mike Hauser, Burbank Herndon, Ken Holton, Dane Huffman, joel Hughey, Davis Jarrell, Darrell Key , Ronnie Mann, Bill Manning, Summey Orr, David Rape, Henry Revelle, Ken Smith, Harold Speight, Greg Talbott, Donald Tomlinson , Bod Suddreth.

Middlebury James Loveys, President 136 South Main Street Middlebury, Vermont 05753 No report received.

North Carolina State

Minnesota Ramon D. Peleaux, President 1112 Sixth Street, Southeast Minneapolis, Minnesota 55414 We maintained our house GPA at 3.3, and our bowling team won the fraternity league championship. Initiates: Roger Humphrey, F. Lee Erickson, J. Gregory Moxness, Craig Espelien.

Missouri Homer T. Muir, III, President 711 Maryland Avenue Columbia, Missouri 65201 We ranked the sixth highest GPA of the 32 fraternities on campus; were the 1M basketball champions and ranked second in intram urals overall. ALUMNI EVENT: Alumni Retreat, Lake of the Ozarks, january 1982. Initiates: Greg johnson, Craig Kohler, Phil Griffith, Mike Duff, Brian Creath,j 01111 Mack, jim Mendelson , Steve Anderson, Don Body, Steve Kieffer,John Norman, Val Crader, Steve Agrusa, Curt Dixson, Toby Reed , Troy Birmingham, Scott Lackey, Pat Dunkerly, Kirk Jordan.

Nebraska Robert W. Shively, President 1548 Vine Street Lincoln, Nebraska 68508 Our initiation ceremony and alumni banquet with President Brownell was a huge success. We obtained the most pledges in the city March of Dimes campaign. Another success was our annual "ultimate frisbee tournament" for charity. Our involvement in campus and IFC activities has increased this year. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming Smoker, Lincoln Hilton, October 31. Initiates: Michael Birch, jon Divis, Mike Foster, Terry Graham, Andrew Grier, Ken Hain, Paul jacobsen, Daniel Lienemann , Todd Miller, Quentin Moore, Patrick Rooney , Mark Teetor. DELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY路

Timothy C. Heffner, President #3 Maiden Lane Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 During this term we had our MS run against the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill ; and were 1st runner up for the Caldwell Cup, given to the best, most wellrounded fraternity. We began a Mothers' Club and revised the pledge program. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, October 2, 3, 4, 1981. Initiates: jeff Baker, Jimmie Ellington, john Forlidas, Mike Heiman, Rodney Huffstetler, jim Lamp , Curt Macysyn , John Privette, Aaron Schmidt, Bruce Tidwell, Grady Walker, Todd Warren, Nelson Whisnant, Dana Young.

North Dalwta - The winning tug-oj-war squad poses Jar the camera..

North Dakota Shawne B. Sass, President 505 Princeton A venue Grand Forks, North Dakota 58201 Our chapter is scholastically ranked number one for the 44th consecutive semester, and we have been voted outstanding Greek house for the second consecutive year. Membership is now a record 81. ALUMNI EVENT: Corporation meeting, Detroit Lakes, Minnesota, july 18. Initiates: Richard jensen, William Olson, Eric Edstrom, Todd Orchard, Brent Anderson, Jaymes Littlejohn, David Stoxen, Stacy Larson, Jeff Marian, Tim Paiement, Jeffrey Christensen, Tom Thorson, Noel Braseth,

July, 1981

jeff Hovland, Steven St. Martin, Derek Solberg, Robert Gusaas, Tom Quintero, Mark Young, Duane Kiefer.

North Dakota State Lee A. Stenson, President 1420 12th Avenue, North Fargo, North Dakota 58102 We have improved our alumni relations and rush program, and increased our social and membership development programs. ALUMNI EVENT: Founders ' Day, November 7. Initiates: Jay Kroke, Lee Garbel, Phil Ginter, Larry johnson, jerry Storhaug, Greg Busch, jay Peterson.

Northern Illinois Thomas P. McManus, President 1114 Blackhawk Road DeKalb, Illinois 60115 We surpassed our goals for the community service project, and won the Homecoming trophy for the fourth consecutive year. Our alumni corporation is greatly improved and we have a new pledge manual, instituted by our pledge trainer. House improvements include a fire extinguishing system, nell' tables, and nell' shutters. ALUMNI EVENT: Family picnic, August, time and place to be announced. Initiates: Dave Dexheimer, Mike Duffy, john Felten, Jim Goers, Mike Goese, Gene Granata, Mike Hassenauer, Steve Inorio, Eric Kiesel,J eff Kilrea, Steve Koziol, Darrell Kuhne, Mike Maloney, Mike McGowan, Grant McGrenera, Tom Peera, Paul Piorkowski , Mike Schuster, Craig Sisson, Nate Smith, Norm Stengel,jamie Story, Bill Sullivan.

Northern Iowa Chad R. Farner, President 1927 College Street Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613 Improvements have been realized in our alumni corporation relations and scholarship program. We are past the eighty percent mark on our goal of $1,800 in fund raising. The chapter has developed new fire safety procedures. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, September 1981. Initiates: jeffrey Adamovicz, Craig Coughlin, Erik Hertzer, Peter Kelly, Stephen Lanigan , Sean McCarron, Gregory McInroy, James Miller , Allen Poppe , Thomas Roeder.

Northwestern Aaron A. Kvitek, President 2307 Sheridan Road Evanston, Illinois 60201 As something new in the DU tradition of public service and campus leadership, we will be hosting our first annual DU bike-athon for Muscular Dystrophy in October. ALUMNI EVENT: Homcrom~g pmG game banquet at chapter house, October 17. Initiates: Mark Abrams, Bob Averill, Bob Claus, Steve deBruler, Bill Fox, Bill Galliari, Ron Hilicki, Mike Horney, Lou Kvitek , Steve Laughlin, Tim Lestingi, Eugene Lim,


Mike Lorenzini, Jim Mayer, Jim Menton, Steve Petersen , Gary Rosenbaum, Steve Spiranza, Pete Thomson, Dan Tresley, Mike Turner, Tom Wentworth.

Ohio Dean A. Knisley, President 10 West Mulberry Athens, Ohio 45701 We helped raise money for the American Cancer Society on "Daffodil Day" which is an annual event. We have secured plans for a fall 1981 radio-than to raise money for the United Appeal. Hopes are to purchase new furniture for the living room, and paint the dining room before the fall term begins. Our second annual beach party this summer should be another good event and fund raiser for the house. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, fall 1981. Initiates: Terry Ives, Todd Schlecht, Jamie Rice, Steve Jaros, Theodore Cunningham, John Henshaw, William McCulloch.

Ohio State C. Roger Fieser, President 240 East 15th Street Columbus, Ohio 43201 We IVan the Scarlet Class VI Division in intramural basketball, and placed second in intramural football. We have a new, involved house corporation and a newly organized, structured rush program. Our chapter placed sixth overall in GPA of all fraternities. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming: reunion of classes of the 1930's, October 24, The Crystal Ball, Columbus, formal dance. Initiates: Brent Hattersly, Todd Covert, Willie Gutierrez, Steve Mace, Roger Dorer, Jeff Guinaldo, Gordon Canning, Mike Vogel, Bob Holodnak, Mark Rizzutti.

Oklahoma Thomas C. O'Bannon, President 603 West Brooks Norman, Oklahoma 73069 In February we initiated 23 men, the largest class since 1969. We finished second out of 24 fraternities scholastically and had the highest pledge class GPA on campus. We are grateful for continuing increased alumni support. The dining room expansion has been completed, including the new floor. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming dance, November 21. Initiates: Mark Davidson, Jeff McClendon, Jay Studebaker, Jim Maynard, Barry McManus, Mark Bonney,Jim Canavan, Dan Richardson, Phil Jones, Mark Collins, Darrell Downs, Brian Barnett, David Burge, Mark Wolfe,Jim Graver, Tony Keane,John Bloomquist, Steve Radley, Bryan Oldham, Kevin Cearlock, Rick Bewley, David Thompson , Glen Baxley.

improvements. Even with the addition of the new wing, the house is filled to capacity. Our membership is more active on campus than ever before; and we won third place in campus sports. ALUMNI EVENT: Alumni / Member football game, October. Initiates: Robert A. Peacock, Jr., Arthur L. DeNoya, Thomas J. Zelewski, Mark R. Edgren, Sean L. Wilson, Bryan G. Frazier, Stephen R. Mayfield, Brad A. Bryan, Alan L. Staggs, Stuart C. Hill, J r., Dale R. Regier.

Oregon State Rick A. Schmidt, President 235 Northwest 25th Street Corvallis, Oregon 97330 Our chapter ranked second in GPA on campus. During the term we have also improved au r financial status, had a successful informal rush, and participa ted in community service projects. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, date to be announced. Initiates: Brad Buchholz, Neal Christensen , Brad Kennedy, Barry Keudell, Mark Kibbey, Jay Nance, Mike Pyeatt, Mike Sheehan ,Jeff Stewart, Mike Vanderzanden, Dave Whitaker, .I eff Muchow, Scott Muller, Bob Qutub, Phil Takla.

Pennsylvania Daniel D. Coelho, President 3902 Spruce Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104 No repoi路t received.

Pennsylvania State Dominick M. Policare, President 229 Locust Lane State College, Pennsylvania 16801 We are pleased that our membership is up this term. The brothers spent a day doing yard work and renovations, restoring the outside of the house. Our chapter won the swimming championship. Initiates: .I ames Pastorius, John Anselmo, Bruce Bostwick, Richard Fritz, Frank Niespodzianski, George Setman, Brendan O'Neill.

PUTdue - The fall pledge class is pictuTed dlt1ing the initiation ceremony.

Oklahoma State


W. David Dickson, President 311 South Hester Stillwater, Oklahoma 74074 The chapter house has received extensive repairs and remodeling, plus landscaping

Jeffrey D. Wilson, President 1290 State Street West Lafayette, Indiana 47906 We had the largest spring pledge class in ten years. Both basketball teams made the


intr<imural playoffs and we are enjoying a new thrust in the alumni relations program. The chapter house now has a new patio. ALUMNI EVENT: First annual alumni golf tournament/summer rush party, Indianapolis. Initiates: Greg Will,JeffEgloff, Leo Sackett, Ed Harris, Bert Willman, Tony Dillon, Craig Castle, Joe Clayton, Garland Bridgewater, Steve Newton.

Ripon David J. Miller, President Brockway Hall Ripon College Ripon, Wisconsin 54971 We had the most successful Road Rally ever. "Ve enjoyed a great rush and have an excellent new pledge class. Both house meeting organization and time utilization have been improved. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, reception DU lounge, September 19. Pledges: John Anuforo, Joe Bestul, Rich Gee, Ivan Peters, Chris Poch , George Quarshie, Russ Rex, Iva Riveiro,JeffSauer,John Woodard.

Rutgers Robert D. Vencak, President 66 College A venue New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901 Due to the generous alumni contributions, we were able to replace the old dining room floor with a new one. Initiates: Gene Banfi, Joey Eastwood, Tony Farrell, Rich Malone, Jim Sheridan, Craig Weaver, Bill Fenimore, Jeff Wynne, Bill Naslonski, Mike Ferraro, Joe Penuci, Scott Perry, Mark McMahon, Chris Hefferman , Troy Duguay, Bill Kent.

San Diego Mitchell P. Delabarre, President 5606 Hardy Avenue San Diego, California 92115 Our chapter participated in the Southern California Greek Basketball Tournament for a San Diego charity. We have strong cohesive officers composing th.e Executive Committee and have a strong, enthusiastic pledge class. The annual Luau and Founders' Day Picnic were both successful. ALUMNI EVENT: Founders' Day Picnic, EI Monte Park, November 7 at noon. Initiates: Gary Arnold, Russell Chessler, Craig Copeland, Charles Denso, Kelly Dole, Doug Gilbert, Franz Honig, Jon Hopper, John Juhrend , Todd Manion, Gary Mathews, Mike Messinger, Rod Muller, Barry Noebel, David Oranen, Tom Penner, Mark Schleicher, David Shuck, Robert Smith, Michael Smith, Ray Willard.

South Dakota Stephen M. Parke, President 204 North University Street Vermillion, South Dakota 57069 We have increased our scholarship activo ity and held seminars on goals and rush. The chapter participated in the American Cancer Drive, and won second place for dollars raised in Muscular Dystrophy dance marathon.


July, 1981

ALUMNI EVENT: Dakota Days, reception and brunch at chapter house after parade - date to be announced . Initiates: Robert Anderson , Mikal Kissick, Michael Patrocky, Lee Stroschine, Douglas Wetzstein.

Southern Illinois Michael J. Ashner, President Malibu South Trailer Court, #61 Carbondale, Illinois 62901 No report received.

Southwest Missouri Lonnie Robinett, President 308 South Dollison Springfield, Missouri 65807 Our greatest accomplishment this term was meeting the requirements to become a DU chartered chapter and receiving the charter on May 2. Our group's organization has been much improved with help from the International Fraternity. We took part in raising $1,500 for Muscular Dystrophy. Pledges: Doug Bates, Byron Freeman, Don Vance, Fred McGinley, Mitch Lewis, Kent Thomas, Mike Rayhill.

Stanford Wayne I. McKay, President 553 Mayfield Avenue Stanford, California 94305 Nothing to report.

Syracuse Scott W. Voorhees, President 711 Comstock Avenue Syracuse, New York 13210 Our chapter was runner-up for the 19S0'SI Chancellor's Cup Award, given to the best of the 24 national fraternities on campus. We received first place in the Academic Excellence category. Our spring rush was the most successful since our reinstitution, and we initiated 22 . ALUMNI EVENT : Homecoming, October 16-IS at the house. Initiates: Michael]. Berman, Timothy C. Bristow, Harold A. Fetner, john R. Greblick, Andrew G. Hobbs, Willaim B. Ife , Ronald A. Mager, joseph M. McHenry, David M. Mironov, Brian]. Mitchell, William A. Mulroy, Kevin S. Oden, Douglas M. Rusczyk, Richard Skomra, Robert A. Spiegel, Kevin Q. Stein, Stephen W. TenBarge, Carl E. Trautmann, Stephen E . VanWinkle, Martin]. Walsh, Michael F. Wodchis, Lee R. Zachary.

Technology R. Dirk Taylor, President 526 Beacon Street Boston, Massachusetts 02215 Seven brothers were elected to undergraduate student government positions, including president. We have instituted an overnight retreat and hosted the Boston area alumni reception. Organized and contributed to Spring Weekend, with DU being responsible for the steak fry. ALUMNI EVENT: November 7, Founders ' Day Dinner. Initiates: Albert C. Bashawaty, john K. Einhorn, Garth E. Gehlbach, Erik 1. Gilbert, John W. Holcomb, Brian M. NeSmith, Michael R. New, Allen 1. Pierce, Thomas C. Ransohoff.


SWa/路thlllore lodge.

Chapter members meet in the

Swarthmore Peter A. Alexander, President Swarthmore College Swarthmore, Pennsylvania 19081 We are sponsoring a fund-raising dance for Multiple Sclerosis this semester. House improvements include new curtains and carpeting, as well as basement renovations. Concession stands at lacrosse games will help chapter finances. We have also rushed an outstanding pledge class and are enjoying a much improved fraternity image on campus. Initiates: john Austin, Harlow Ballard, Greg Brunner, Kevin Greene, Mike Izdebski, Ken Kozlowski, Kevin Maroney, john Perry, jim Sanderson, jim Shrader, Gary Von Colin. DELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY路

Richard J. Exton, President 1845 Terrace Avenue Knoxville, Tennessee 37916 The cha pter has been reorganized and we are working to develop and improve our image on campus. The house has been reconditioned. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming in October. Initiates: Richard Exton, Tom Seymour, Jeff Freeman, Steve Greenfield, Charles Lister, Ricky Payne, Gary King, Steve Biggerstaff, jack Whedbee, Tim Hertzel, Ron-

nie Zurline, David Craig, David Downes, David Hardy, joe Damasch, Clay Blanks, Scott Parish, Phil Hefner, Eric Bryan, Ian Harper, Bill Click.

Texas Michael J. Tomsu, President 2510 Leon Street Austin, Texas 78705 For the second consecutive year, we captured the intramural title, and represented the University in an intramural tournament held in New Orleans during the Christmas holidays . With a 26-man fall pledge class and 9 in the spring class, our membership has risen to nearly 100. Our main goal this semester is to improve our relations with the University and the community. Initiates : Tim Martin, Jeff Wigley, Mike Stubblefield, Jim Itin, Mike Whitty, Rick Alverez,joe Rodriguez,joe Baca,John Bullar, Dave DeMarco, Greg Savera, Vernon Van Brunt, Mark Joest, Jim Powell, Paul Englund, Mark Mason, Bill Couch, Greg Wallace, Scott Worsham , Bruce Brenner, Mike Livermore.

Toronto James P. Murphy, President 182 St. George Street Toronto, Ontario M5R 2N3 We are participating in Big Brothers "bowling for millions" for charity . Other accomplishments this term include house renovations, publishing a newsletter and a good spring rush . ALUMNI EVENT : Alumni night at chapter house, September 6 (tentative) . Initiates: Brett D. Calder, Paul Cochrane, Dan Clements,Joachim Golle, Greg Shanks, Jeffrey Shewchuk, 'Mike Tubridy,

Tufts David R. Weiss, President 114 Professors Row Medford, Massachusetts 02155 We have strengthened relations with the University and alumni, and have created an alumni newsletter. Our initiation class is once again the largest on campus, We have installed a new fire alarm system . Welcome back to our cook of 21 years, Mrs, Leonard , who was unable to be with us the first semester. ALUMNI EVENT: October 31, Homecoming and alumni corporation meeting at the chapter house, Initiates: Dino M, Colucci, Douglas ]. Kline, Adam E. Epstein, Roger C, White, Brian R. Billings, David M, Piermarini,john Hart, Michael E. Avtges, Richard Warburton, Mark Lombardo, Harold Maclean, Richard]. Pagano, james McGowan, Robert D. Keough,john F. Callahan, Dana D. Messina, jack Curran, Al Hodys, Greg Ressa , Dan Meade, John Andon.


Tennessee -Melllbers of the reorganized chapter are proud to be DUs.

July, 1981

Richard L. Pharr, President Tyler Junior College, Box 210 Tyler, Texas 75701 The DU benefit basketball tournament raised $2S0 for the mentally retarded. The


DU faculty tea and parents dance were both well attended. We won the blood drive, our chapter donating the most pints of blood. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming dance , date to be announced. Initiates: Rick Dike, Jim Sanders, Tim Truitt, Brad Royder, Coy Kale.

Union Michael G. Dana, President Union College Schenectady, New York 12308 This term we raised $350 for the Red Cross, and are also planning a benefit for the local dog shelter. We are currently in the lead in the Miller recycling program. Extensive renovations in the kitchen have been completed. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, October 10, post-game cocktails . Pledges: Chris McMorrow, Scott Johnston, William Huttner, Tim Williamson, Louis George, Thomas Plungis, John McNary, Jeff Sears.

Virginia Andrew C. Osterbrock, President 180 Rugby Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 The roof of the chapter house is being repaired , and we now have the house kitchen in stable financial condition. Other projects of the term include reevaluation of our alumni corporation, publishing an alumni directory, and raising $1800 for the American Cancer Society. ALUMNI EVENT: Parents /Alumni Weekend and Homecoming, October 24 . Initiates : Christopher Brown , Thomas Everett, Harry Hurst, Barry Mandell , Peter Seidler, Kyle Shaw, Steven Waldron.

Washington Quentin W. Kuhrau, President 4508 19th Avenue, Northeast Seattle, Washington 98105 The chapter is showing a lot of enthusiasm towards the upcoming rush . Initiates: Claye Moore, Andy Majewski, Chris Sewall, Rick Drake, Sam Hogenson, Dan Ewer, Arlan Sturm, John Comstock, Dan DeLaCruz, Chris Rusden, Brock Hansen, C. S. Metzinger, Phil Chilton, Pat Sherry, Ed Connell, Jim Lynch, Dave Chenaur, Doug Baer, Stuart Smith, Bob Luick, Mike McClure.

Washington State Bruce E. Bratrude, President Northeast 815 Ruby Street Pullman, Washington 99163 We hope to raise close to $7 ,000 for charity with our softball tournament in May . We have a new organization chart and have created six morejobs and committees. Our preinitiation week activities have been revised . ALUMNI EVENT : August, Seafair hydroplane races in Seattle. Initiates: Bill Kramer, Kyle Wyatt, Greg Houk, Steve Schaefer, Terry Splane, Kris Jensen, Brent Harken, Craig Cheek.


Western Illinois Keith B. Ginsburg, President 526 North Lafayette Macomb, Illinois 61455 \,ye are involving more brothers in campus activities including cleaning the campus for cans. We placed first in the talent competition. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, October 26, chapter house. Initiates : Paul Sieloff, Dave Novotny, Eric Coffin.

Western Ontario William J. Harkins, President 294 Central Avenue London, Ontario N6B 2C8 We rushed 35 for our fall pledge class and have worked to raise our scholastic average. The chapter raised $1,500 for charity, and is preparing for Founders' Day celebration. The house has been renovated from top to bottom. ALUMNI EVENT: Founders' Day/ Homecoming Weekend, October 17-18. Initiates: Joe Harkins, Paul Seed , David McNaughton, Peter Weir, Ron Van Horne, Martin Somerville, Bruce Elliott, Yeanko Kalopsis, Peter Klopchic, Daryl Chin, Ting N am-Chen, Marcus Verdaasdonk, Chris Barrett.

Western Reserve Masahide N . Kang, President c/o Michael Havener 11439 Juniper Road Cleveland, Ohio 44106 We have improved our alumni relations and increased the size of our pledge class over last year. We won the Spirit Award in this year's Greek Week , and placed sixth in the overall finish. ALUMNI EVENT: Founders' Day Dinner, November 20. Initiates: Charles Farrell, Mark Jordan , Thomas Krom , Timothy Monaco, Ali Sal ass , Timothy Soltis, Karl Tysl, Timothy Walther.

Wichita Derrick C. Carpenter, Jr., President 1720 North Vassar Wichita, Kansas 67208 vVe won the outstanding fratern ity award for 1980, and won the fall '80 GPA for both actives and pledges. We are the intramural football and intramural volleyball champions. Our chapter raised $7,500 for the scholarship fund . ALUMNI EVENT: Alumni Picnic, August 23. Initiates: Matt Blaes, Kent Blakely, Steve Boleski, Dan Boose, Grey Buss, Jay Carter, Steve Cooper, David Eads, Brock Elliot, Kyle Estep, Bob Harris, Bill Partridge, Scott Sayre, Bob Smith, Eric Witt.

sponsored was successful. New furniture has been purchased for the living room , and we are developing new ideas for a successful summer rush. ALUMNI EVENT: DU yachting club cook-out, August 2. Initiates: Mike Mahnke, Scott Bush, Chris Lesar, Bill Woodring, Steve Luther, Greg Friedman, Greg Maxwell, Mike Zimmer.

Colonies, Petitioners and Reorganizations ADU, Arizona Vic Suarez c/o Jay Brandi Department of Finance and Real Estate 225 Economics Building University of Arizona Tucson, Arizona 85721 No report received.

Emporia State, ADU Kerry Sutton, President Emporia State University Emporia, Kansas 66801 During the first month as a colony, we reached a membership of 10; elected officers; and established By-Laws and a rush program. We have arranged for 11 faculty/ staff members to help us with our pledge education program. Pledges : Kerry L. Sutton, John Williams, Jim Smith, Bruce Beckham,John Slaughter, Steve Jenkins, Evan Kay , Dick Hosty, Marty Johnston, Danny Creitz.

Hobart ADU Keith J. Stockman, President c/o Kris Clarkson Director of Student Activities Hobart College Geneva, New York 14456 Our group made a $300 donation to the Ontario Day Care Center from proceeds received at our Oktoberfest. During the term , we hosted the Colleges' Christmas Party for the children of Geneva; established an emergency loan fund; and developed a week-by-week pledge program. Financial reorganization should benefit the group measurably. Initiates : David Capps, James Mercer.

ADU, McGill David D. Hall, President 522 Pine Avenue West Montreal, Quebec H2W IS6 No report received .


Memphis State ADU

Wade E. Waggener, President 644 North Frances Street Madison, Wisconsin 53703 We have restructured and improved our pledge education /membership development programs. The Greek blood drive we

William L. Phillips, President 2302 Monroe Memphis, Tennessee 38104 We are trying to keep our membership together and achieve some growth. Pledges: Leslie Hudson, Ted Elinor.


July, 1981

Michigan Tech ADU Terrence R. O'Brien, President 900 Champion Street, #6 Houghton, Michigan 49931 Our group participated in the R.l.F. program in which we read stories to elementary school children. We have i'1creased our membership with good, high quality men . Our Class AIM basketball team won the championship. Initiates: Doug Gordon, Chris Kendra, Rob Laybourn.

New Haven ADU Mark Atkinson, President 22 Coleman Road, Apt. 22} West Haven, Connecticut 06516 Being the very youngest of the ADU groups of Delta Upsilon , we have much planning to do and actions to be taken including gaining campus recognition, becoming recognized by the student government, and establishing a good relationship with the existing Greek organizations on campus. We are working to establish a complete pledge education program and are looking forward to an ambitious fall rush . Pledges: Don Cornwall, Glenn House, Bob Norwood, Pete jaskot, Fred Rivero, joe Tucciarone, john jones.



Marriages Bradley '77 - Stanley A. Wa\czynski and Miss Pamela M. Yaeger onjuly 19, 1980 in McHenry, Illinois. Illinois '75 - Michael J. McLees and Miss Geri Kramer on january 31, 1981. Illinois '76 - john G. Economou III and Miss Mary Lynn Sagat in Chicago, Illinois onjune 7, 1980. Illinois '77 - Fotios M. Burtzos and Miss joan Elaine Petersen in Omaha, Nebraska on May 25, 1980. North Carolina State '80 - Richard F. Fletcher and Miss Carolyn jane Franzen in Cherry Hill, New jersey on September 27,1980.

Births Alberta '76- Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Fisher of Edmonton , Alberta, a daughter, Sara Lynn, on April 18, 1981. Colgate '71 - Dr. and Mrs . john L. Santopolo of Hewlett, New York, a daughter, Jill Lauren on March 28, 1981. Iowa '76 - Mr. and Mrs. L. Patrick Olofson of Boone, Iowa, twin daughters, Brenna Yvonne and Britta Samra, on February 25, 1981. Brenna Yvonne died on March 24, 1981. DELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY路

Michigan Tech - Working toward installation goals, these men hope to become members of DU's newest chapter soon.

South Carolina ADU Leslie W. Shelton, III, President Post Office Box 80036 Columbia, South Carolina 29208 We have made great improvements in our community involvement and social programming, plus improving our alumni relations. We have the best sportsmanship record of any organization on campus in intramurals. Lafayette '77 - Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Stewart of Lindenhurst, New York, a son, Sean Robert on February 20, 1981. Louisville '64 - Lt. Col. and Mrs. Frank Howe, a daughter, Caitlin Sarah, on March 9, 1981 in Landstuhl, Germany. Oklahoma State '76 - Mr. and Mrs. Randy S. Conrady of Enid, Oklahoma, a son , Randall Scott j r. on February 26, 1981. Oregon '71 - Dr. and Mrs. Mark Litchman of Eugene, Oregon, a daughter, Kathryn Elizabeth on December 17, 1980. Purdue '77 - Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. White, jr. of Huntington, West Virginia, a son, Daniel Aaron on December 10, 1980. Rutgers '71 - Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Fletcher of Lauderhill, Florida, a son, jonathan Aaron on February 14, 1981. Rutgers '74 - Dr. and Mrs. Mark D. Newkirk of Margate City, New jersey, a son, Matthew Thomas on March 11, 1981. Rutgers '78 - Mr. and Mrs. joseph C. Moss II of Thornton, Colorado, a daughter, Arielle Leah on February 24, 1981. Stanford '73 - Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Colvin of Yakima, Washington, a daughter, Mary Ellen on March 30, 1981. Texas '65-Mr. and Mrs. Timothy D. Heins of Arvada, Colorado, a son , Christopher on june 8, 1980. Virginia '75 - Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Pomrenke of Richmond , Virginia, a daughter, Sarah Elizabeth, on April 13, ) 980. Wisconsin '71- Mr. and Mrs.jon P.Jungof Pine, Colorado, twin sons, Marshall Adam and Brandon Carl on March 9, 1980.

Obituaries AMHERST Edmund L. Vogelius '22, Mar. 5, 1981

July, 1981

Initiates: Walter Anderson, Ric Bryant, Ricky Hawkins, Mike Medlock, Mike Pine, Gary Woodcock III.

ADU, Northeast Missouri State Scott F. Burow, President Northeast Missouri State Student Union Building Kirksville, Missouri 63501 No report received . BOWDOIN Martin B. McCurdy '52 BROWN Allison Miller '18, Mar. 6,1980 Robert R. Moyer '22, Nov., 1978 CALIFORNIA Dean T. johnson '50, Feb. 17, 1981 Stanley N. Partridge, '14, Mar. 2, 1981 CARNEGIE Paul R. Cuddihy '43, Oct. 28, 1980 W.joseph Nagle '32,june 19,1980 Eugene H . Vosburg, II '49, Jan. 5, 1980 CHICAGO Milton M. Bowen '22 DARTMOUTH F. Philip Gross, III '50, Dec. 28 , 1980 HAMILTON Ralph W. Perry '22, Nov. 13, 1980 HARVARD Kendall L. johnson '32, Mar. 16, 1981 ILLINOIS Nels L. Soderholm '43 KANSAS Oliver K. Johnson, Sr. '26 KANSAS STATE Larry R. johnson '63, Mar. IS, 1981 LOUISIANA STATE Willie F. Castle '79, Feb. 3, 1981 MIAMI Dudley S. Horth '31 MICHIGAN Percy J. Donovan '10, Mar. II , 1981 Francis R. Miller 'OS , 1979 MIDDLEBURY . E. Ronald Allen '30,jan. 27,1980 Clarence j. Nordstrom '28, july 20, 1980 MISSOURI G. Wallace LaRue '36, jan . 19, 1981 NEBRASKA FrankW.Brewster'28,jan.II , 1981 Lewis E. Kitts '34



James Currie McLeod

Elizabeth Hughes Gossett 1908-1981

Middlebury '26 1902-1981

AND THE END, THE FIRST AND THE LAST Ray E. Wenk, Sr., '22,June 26,1980 NEW YORK Louis J. Klaess ' 19, Sept., 1980 OHIO STATE Harry W. Fenton ' 15, June 10, 1980 James E. Kidd '39 Frank H. Miesse '03 William H. Noble ' 14 OREGON STATE Frederick W. Falk, Jr. '57, Nov. 12, 1979 LawrenceW. Heide'33 , Feb.ll, 1974 Herald C. Hylton '3 2, Feb. 13, 1977 Reuel L. Morton '26, Mar. 26, 1981 Gene B. O'Blisk '34, Dec. 30, 1978 William L. Powell '16, Jan., 1978 Clarence E. Wicks '23 PENNSYLVANIA Thomas S. Martin, III '07, April 8, 1981 PENNSYLVANIA STATE Edward B. Haldeman '33, Mar. 21, 1981 Edward S. Yocum '22, Sept. 4, 1977 PURDUE George W. Peoples '34, Oct. 6, 1980 ROCHESTER John A. Sullivan '24, Mar. 13, 1981 STANFORD Robert L. Haslacher '37, Nov . 11, 1980 Robert L. Jones '35, Mar. 18, 1981 TECHNOLOGY *W. D. Leshure '22 TORONTO B. E. McAndrew '49 TUFTS Ernest L. Hayward '19 *Neubert B. Morse '23 UNION Paul W. Gallant '62, Jan. 31, 1981 WASHINGTON Harry C. Stanley '41, Mar. 3, 1981 WASHINGTON & LEE George B. Kerr '41 RobertH. McCauley,Jr. '35, Oct. 20,1979 WESLEYAN B. W. Davis' 19, Nov . 30, 1980 WESTERN RESERVE Henry C. Fuller '12, Nov. 1980 WISCONSIN William K. Howison '21 , Feb. 16, 1981 John B. Tasker '14 *The Post Office has notified us of the death of these brothers.


Dr James Currie McLeod, Middlebury '26, past president of Delta Upsilon (19711973), former fraternity vice-president, ritualist, and trustee of the Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation died April 14, 1981. He had been in failing health, and had been hospitalized in recent months. Brother McLeod, long-time dean of students at Northwestern University, a member of the faculty of the department of philosophy and religion, and an ordained Presbyterian clergyman, was a popular speaker at Delta Upsilon leadership conferences, initiations, and chapter anniversary events . His wise counsel, humor, and abiding faith in students was evident from his early days, first as a campus chaplain and later as chief student personnel officer of Northwestern University. He was a member of the committee that reviewed the Delta Upsilon Rituals on a number of occasions, providing an alternative prayer that is used in many chapters today. He is survived by his wife, Louise, daughters Mrs . James S. Aagaard and Mrs. Craig Heatley and son James Currie.

Elizabeth Hughes Gossett, a trustee of Barnard College, founder of the Supreme Court Historical Society, died April 25, 1981 at Harper-Grace Hospital, Detroit, Michigan. Mrs. Gossett was the wife of William T. Gossett, a lawyer and former vice-president and general counsel of Ford Motor Company. Her father was Charles Evans Hughes, fonner Chief Justice of the United States, and she was born in the Executive Mansion in Albany when Brother Hughes was Governor of the State of New York. Mrs. Gossett and her husband were responsible for the establishment of the recently announced Charles Evans Hughes Fellows Program which is being funded as a result of the Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation's Second Century Challenge campaign. The Charles Evans Hughes Fellows program will provide funding for additional outstanding undergraduate chapter leaders to attend leadership seminars and activities that will enhance their leadership development and abilities.

Business and Professional Directory

PHOTOGRAPHERS George A, Blair, Miami '37, Founder and President, Hospital Portrait Service, Box 700, Red Bank, New Jersey (201) 741-1123 . Installs automatic cameras in newborn nurseries of hospitals throughout the United Slales, Canada and foreign countries to take pictures of newborns for identification and keepsakes for the parents. CONSULTANTS Alexander & Associates Co., Canadian Consultants for Marketing, Manufacturing, Tariffs, Licencing and C.S .A. Joe Alexander, P.E ., Iowa Slate '55, University of Toronto '77 , 30 King's Inn Trail, Thornhill, Ontario L3T IT7.

FURNITURE Famous Brand "'arne Furniture with N.C. prices. OYer 200 lines up to 40% off. Charles Hoffman, ,",orth Carolina '7r;, Box 2H2, Salishury, N.C. 281'14.


Coming in the October issue of the Quarterly -Installations at Colorado State and Southwest Missouri -Convention Awards -Convention Photo Roundup -Newsmakers -Hall of Fame and more ...

(41 r;) r;43-8600

Market Street, Suite 1320 San Francisco, California 94JO!i Don Seghi, C.E.C. National and Inlernational Placement Bradley '51 ()2!j


July, 1981

Gomment on GFraternity

We Can't Do It Without You In the pages that follow, we present the largest list of Delta Upsilon alumni contributors at the conclusion of a record-breaking year for annual alumni support. The good news is that your help made possible the revival of the dormant Colorado State Chapter; a complete reorganization and rebuilding at the University of Tennessee; and important, timely help to seventeen other chapters on the crisis list. Alumni support dollars helped fund a field staff of four consultants that made possible visiting every Delta Upsilon chapter and colony; some of them as many as four and five times. Extended visits were also possible because of this added manpower. Your generous alumni support dollars assisted with the work required to install a new Delta Upsilon chapter at Southwest Missouri State University, Springfield, Missouri; and to establish new Alpha Delta Upsilon groups at Emporia State University and the revival of the dormant chapter at the University of Arizona, Tucson. Annual giving, through the alumni support program, made possible several DU Presidents Forum Seminars throughout the year and the planning necessary for continuing the program in the coming school year. The fraternity's fiscal year follows the academic year, so as colleges have commencement, we wind down one program year and begin the complex planning required for the new school year. That's why our 1981-'82 alumni support campaign begins the first of July. Our objective for the 1981-'82 school year is to increase the number of alumni who generously contribute to the annual alumni support appeal, and the level of support. To do so makes possible continuing the programs that we have initiated with your help. There are also a number of programs on the drawing boards that we would like to initiate, and can only with your alumni support check. This honor roll includes all Delta Upsilon alumni who have given during the period July 1, 1980 through March 31, 1981. Those who have loyally given between April 1, 1981 and the close of the June 30, 1981 fiscal year, will be listed in the final report carried in the October issue of the magazine. Our editorial staff has meticulously checked each of the listings and compiled the statistics on continuous giving and the various giving clubs. If you spot an error in your own listing, please let us know, and we'll correct it. Fraternally,

Wilford A. Butler, CAE DU Executive Director


july, 1981

Each of the levels of giving in the DU President's Century Club are named after a president of the International Fraternity. Membership . in the President's Club provides a special "Conversations with the President" news bulletin several times a year exclusively for President's Century Club members; gold embossed annual membership card; invitations to special events ; the regular issues of the "Graduate Report" and listing in issues of the Delta Upsilon QUal路terly in this special section. Enrollm ent information for the 198 1-'82 President's Century Club is found on page 56 of this special Honor Roll issue . The following listing are those members who joined from July 1, 1980 to March 31, 1981. Members joining between April 1, 1981 and the end of the yearonJune 30, will be listed in the October QuaTted)..

The George F. Andrews Circle, Annual Gifts of $100-$149 (BmtheTAndTews, BI'own '92, was Tesponsible fo r establishing the fil'St endowment fund for Delta Upsilon when he offered a matching gift if other alumni would establish the endowment to be known as the Permanent TTUSt Fund.)

Horace L. Acaster, Pennsylvania '44 Leland J. Adams, Jr. , Bucknell '64 Mark H. Adams, Kansas '20 E. Daniel Albrecht, Arizona '59 Lawrence F. Armstrong, Technology '28 Cha rles V. Bacon, Jr., Purdue '38 Bruce S. Bailey, Denison '58 F. Lee Baird, Kansas '55 James R. Balta, Bucknell '59 William N. Banks, Jr., Dartmouth '45 Richard U. Bayles, Technology '63 Walter J. Beadle, Technology '20 Arnold O. Beckman, Illinois '22 Curtiss L. Beebe, Washington '35 Halden M. Beers, Carnegie '35 Kenneth N. Blackburn, Bradley '60 George Blair, Miami '37 Paul J. Bodine, Jr. Northwestern '50 George A. Bolas, Michigan '36 Kenneth P. Bosch, Carnegie '80 Herbert S. Botsford, California '53 J ames C. Brass, Manitoba '73 J ack J. Bricker, Western Reserve '35 William D. Brumbaugh, Jr. , Michigan '28 Wayne P. Buckmiller, Creighton '7 1 Craig L. Bunker, Kansas State '70 Peter Burbulis, Colgate '70 Donald A. Carlson, Alberta '54 William L. Carter, Florida '71 Harold D. Caylor, Indiana ' 16 C. E. Cayot, Kansas '25 David E. Chambers, Arizona '60 Huntly G. Chapman, British Columbia '68


Joseph W. Ciatti, Oregon '64 P. LeMon Clark, Cornell '23 Benjamin M. Clifford, Washington State '46 Chester V. Clifton, Jr. , Washington '35 Dwight M. Cochran, Chicago '27 David L. Cole, Wilmington '72 T. H . Conklin, Miami '29 Frank M. Coon, Michigan State '61 Willis G. Corbitt, Washington '20 Philip A. Corey, Ohio State '48 Lloyd W. Courter, Iowa '57 HalTY A. Crawford, Ohio State '47 Ira Crews, Jr., Ok lahoma '45 Curtiss E. Crippen, Minnesota '30 Mark E. Croxton, Michigan '23 Lawrence J. Dagostino, Union '75 Robert A. Dahlsgaard, Jr. , Bradley '63 Leslie F. Dashiell, Miami '52 Homer P. Davidson, Wisconsin '31 Paul H. Davis, Jr., Chicago '35 Americo Dean, Jr. , Michigan State '60 Louis N. DeWitt, Ohio State '30 H. Robert Diercks, Minnesota '35 James H. DuMond, Jr., Pacific '66 David R. Eagleson, Miami '44 Frederick L. Elder, Miami '27 John J. Enders, Washington State '39 Edwin L. English, Ohio State '22 Richard F. Fagan , Washington '52 George D. Ferguson, British Columbia '62 Thomas S. Filip, Oklahoma '69 R. Bowen Gillepsie, Marietta '72 Ernest L. Glasscock, Missouri '28 Marvin Goldberg, Bucknell '66 Gary J. Golden, Rutgers '74 Benjamin A. Goodin, Missouri '39 William R. Gordon, Kansas State '60 William R. Grant, Union '49 Hugh W. Gray, Nebraska '34 James R. Green, Nebraska '75 Lewis D. Gregory, Kansas '75 Robert C. Haugh, Indiana '48 Lhoyd T. Hayward, Middlebury '23 Scott W. Hazen, Jr. , Northwestern '34 Edgar F. Heizer, Jr., Northwestern '51 Thomas H . Henkle, U.C.L.A. '50 Corwin H. Hinton , Illinois '29 Walter J. Hodge, Missouri '25 Joseph F. Hogan, Miami '48 William S. Holden, Washington '30 Richard J. Holmstrom , Stanford '79 Paul A. Howsare, .Simpson '29 E. William Hucke, Colby '34 C . Earl Ingalls, Brown '25 Bruce M. Jackson , Toronto '50 Thomas R. Jacobs, Arkansas '77 Jamille G. Jamra, Northwestern '38 James L. Jarvis, Florida '67 James R. Johnson, Houston '78 Oliver K. Johnson , Sr., Kansas '26 Paul M. Jones , Western Reserve '23 William F. Jones, Nebraska '27 William L. Julian, Illinois '29 William G. Kagler, Syracuse '54 Howard Kahlenbeck, Jr. , Indiana '52 Stephen P. Kaptain, Michigan '48 Stewart B. Kett, California '49 Kenneth M. Kroll, Rutgers '53 Paul A. Klinefelter, North Carolina State '80 Norman S. Knauss, Miami '53 Semon E. Knudsen, Technology '36 Robert J. LaFortune, Purdue '51 William H. Lawson, Purdue '50 Gary L. Levering, Northwestern '61 Ernest L. Lippert, Oklahoma '24 Dave Mag-uire, Southern Ill inois '73


RobertJ. -Martin, Washington '59 Arthur H. Mason, Illinois' 16 Ralph L. Mason, Iowa State '33 Robert Mazet, Jr., Brown '24 John C. Mazzei , New York '26 Robert P. McBain, Michigan State '64 L. D. McKinley, Illinois '40 J. Paul McNamara, Miami '29 Donald C. Metz, Purdue '30 Richard E. Meyer, Michigan '61 Charles D. Miller, Johns Hopkins '49 Joel S. Mindel, Swarthmore '60 Allen A. Mossier, Indiana '50 Herbert H . Nelson, Colorado '59 Donald F. Newman, Carnegie '54 Reginald B. Newman, Northwestern '59 Raymond S. Noonan, Middlebury '21 Robert V. Noreika, Lafayette '67 C. Esco Obermann , Iowa '26 M. J. O'Brien , Toronto '42 Brent G. Orcutt, Hamilton '26 Julius A. Otten, Michigan '61 Joseph H. Penrose, Jr., Cornell '59 Harold 1. Peters, Indiana '31 Wallace V. Peters, Pennsylvania State '14 H. Clayton Peterson, Kansas State '67 Walter R. Peterson, Washington '22 Charles A. Phillips, III, Clarkson '64 Robert L. Purcell, Chicago '31 Remington J. Purdy, Lehigh '28 Donald C. Rasmussen, Purdue '46 Orville H. Read, Missouri '33 John G. Redline, Jr., Pennsylvania '48 William K. Reid, Oklahoma '58 Paul H. Resch , Carnegie '28 William R. Reusing, Virginia '62 Donald L. Richardson, Washington & Lee '43 Fulton W. Samson, Pennsylvania '21 Samuel A. Santandrea, Rochester '56 Christopher Saricks, Kansas '70 Nelson Schaenen, Jr., Cornell '50 C. Earl Schooley, Missouri '28 John K. Selleck, Nebraska '12 James H. Sergeson, Michigan '59 Charles W. Shanks, Jr., Florida '67 Phi lip T. Sharples, Swarthmore ' 10 John L. SI;erman , San Jose '66 Carl D. Shields, Purdue '36 George W. Shore, Arizona '62 Cassius C. Sisier, Western Reserve '48 Charles J. Slawson, Kansas '20 Donald C. Slawson, Kansas '56 John R. Slothower, Nebraska '45 Herbert E. Smith, Indiana '52 Richard A. Smith, Missouri '62 Thomas C. Smith, Kansas State '70 Patrick H . Spooner, San Jose '55 Paul C. Steinfurth , Bowling Green and Ohio State '68 R. V. Stephens, Indiana '61 William L. Stover, Carnegie '40 Raymond Stutsman, Purdue '53 Vern P. Swanes, Washington '45 Scott D. Thayer, Middlebury '43 Franklyn H. Tormoen, Minnesota '30 Norman C. Treadon, Marietta '40 Peter A. Tuohy, Washington '53 William K. Ulerich, Pennsylvania State '31 Ralph E. Vandervort,Jr., Oregon State '41 William E. Walker, Ohio State '54 W. D. Watkins, North Carolina '27 William H. Weaver, Pennsylvania State '22 Clayton B. Weed, Jr., Colgate '44 Richard A. West, Lafayette '53 James A . Wiese, Iowa '58

Hugh F. Wilkins, Nebraska '42 Henry J. Wilshusen, Pennsylvania '71 Milo G. Wingard , Jr., Technology '51 Kenneth Winston, Carnegie '56 Robert G. Yingl ing, Jr., Missouri '62 Jack J. Yirak, Iowa State '40 James A. Zurbrigen, Technology '53

The Samuel Stickney Hall Circle, Annual Gifts of $150-$199 (BTother Hall, HanJaTd 1888, established the equalization fu.nd schedu.le that provided faT financing cha/lter tmvel costs to the annual leadership conference and convention.)

Charles E. Nelson, Wisconsin '27 Samuel M. Yates, San Jose '55

The Warren C. DuBois Circle, Annual Gifts of $200-$249 (Brother DuBois, Hamilton '12, was first elected to the governing board of Delta U/lsilon as an u.ndeTgraduate and continued his active interest and involvement in all things Telated to the fmternity until his death in 1971.)

Leslie W. Kinnie, Colorado '71 Herbert K. Taylor, Jr., Swarthmore '27

The J. Arthur Clark Circle, Annual Gifts of $250-$299 (Brother]. Al路tlmT Clm-h, Toronto '06, a distinguished militm)1 and legal figure was the first Canadian BTother to be elected to the PTesidency of Delta Ujlsilon.)

Harry N. Briggs, Missouri '51 Don E. Clark, Alberta '55 H. Vincent Harsha, Iowa '42 William E. Jouris, Technology '61 Glede R. Kohler, DePauw '51 Richard C. Marx, Pennsylvania '54 Howard L. McGregor, Jr., Williams '40 Arthur L. Rice, Jr., Illinois '36 G. H. Westby, Chicago '20

The Nehemiah Boynton Circle, Annual Gifts $300-$399 (Brother Nehemiah Boynton, Amherst 1879, was the second Pnsident of the IncolporatedFratemiIy which was made possible by an act signed by Brother Charles Evans Hughes, Govel'lwrofNew Yorh State.)

The Charles G. Dawes Circle, Annual Gifts of $400-$499 (Charles G. Dawes, Marietta. 1884, was the third president of the incrJ1'{!omted Della. Upsilon Fratemity and a distinguished government leader and statesman.)

Ashton M. Tenney, Chicago '43 (Concluded on jlage 56)


july, 1981



: I

: I I I I

: I I I I

The new alumni giving campaign is off to a strong start with the beginning of the new fiscal year on July 1. Help your fraternity when funding is most needed for start-up costs, by clipping and mailing this coupon with your generous alumni support check today.

Your Fraternity Will Be Stronger For Your Help

: I I I I I I I I I '.I I I I I

Clipping this coupon may be the best financial . Investtnent you can tnake in DU all year.

---------------------------------J OIN THE HONOR ROLL TODAY --------------------------------_$1,000 The John Patterson Circle _$500 The William H. French Circle __ $400 The Charles G. Dawes Circle _$300 The Nehemiah Boynton Circle _$250 The J. Arthur Clark Circle _$200 The Warren C. DuBois Circle _$150 The Samuel Stickney Hall Circle _$100 The George F. Andrews Circle _$75 Deputies Associates _$50 Golden Delta Club _$25 Silver Delta Club name

chapter and year

MAIL WITH YOUR .CHECK TO: Delta Upsilon Fraternity Alumni Annual Support Appeal Post Office Box 40108 Indianapolis, Indiana 46240

: I

: I I I I

: I I I I

: I I I I I I



- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ 155 DELTA UPS ILO N QUARTE R L Y 路 July, 1981

The William H, French Circle, Annual Gifts of $500-$999 (BTother hench, Comell1873, the fouI·th president of the incmporated Delta Upsilon Fratemity gave important leadership to the establishment of many practices continued in the mganization and stTllctuTe of Delta Upsilon today.)

The John Patterson Circle, Annual Gifts of $1,000 (BTotherJohn Patterson, Columbia '92, a distinguished lawyer, was one of the five-man committee Tesponsible for the incorporation of Delta UjJsilon.)

H, Thomas Hallowell,


Ranked below are the top ten chapters in numbers of donors to the Annual Alumni Support appeal from July 1, 1980 to April 1, 1981,

1, Purdue - 114 2, Wisconsin - 91 3, Illinois - 90 4, Kansas - 86 5, Rutgers - 80 6, Michigan - 79 7, Indiana - 75 Miami - 75 8, Missouri - 74 9, Cornell- 72 10, Washington - 70

BRITISH COLUMBIA-9 + Blumenallcr, C. '45 (6) + Bonner, R, '42 (4) + Campbell, J. '33 (4) * Chapman, H, '68 * Ferguson, G. '62 (7) * McElhanne)" R. '39 + Millen, D, '45 (7) Strong, G. '35 * Valentine, E, '53 (4)

Swarthmore '29


Join the 1981-'82 President's Club Now your name









and receive this unique gift. Mail your check made payable to Delta Upsilon Fraternity to: p, 0, Box 40108 Indianapolis, Indiana 46240


President's Century 'Club $100 * = Golden Delta Club - $50 + = Silver Delta Club - $25 • = Double Donor for 1980-'81 ( ) = Number of consecutive years of giving =

ALBERTA-20 + Bate, G, '69 (6) + Bijou, R, '48 (5) *Carlson, D. '54 (4) * Chumir, S, '63 (4) * Clark, D, '55 (4) Corbet, R. '47 (6) + Hatch, D. '59 (5) • Hebb, C. '62 (6) • Hill, B, '58 (3) + leKenta, A, '54 (5) • King, E. '42 (6) + King, P. '7 1 Love, D. '46 (6) + Love, J. '42 (4) • Millar, J. '62 (4) Primrose, I. '64 (4) + Stanford, M, '64 (6) + Tomlinson, j, '44 + VanDerLee, E, '51 (4) • Warrack, A, '61 (4)

Keenum, 1, jr. '74 (3) Kolf, R, '17 (3) + Rogers , C. '79 (2) Russell, D, '76

ARLINGTON-8 + Alles, J. '72 + Ashb)" J. '74 (5) + Bryant, M, '70 (2) + Capps, W, '75 (3) • Greenhaw, W, '75 (4)

! ~u.;~~~~,;9 I'. '69

jr. '77 (4)

AUBURN-3 + Ambrose , R, '67 (6) Dixon, J. j I'. '65 (2) Henderson, J. jr. '62 (6)

AMHERST-II + Ballou, J. '50 Brunie, C. '52 + Campbell, W, '23 (5) Fairman, I. '53 +Gasarch, Kl. '63 (3) + Gower, S, jr. '36 (10) + Gresko, M. '68 (2) + Marker, C. '21 Patton, R. '54 + Pouer, p, '32 (5) Thompson, W, jr. '37 (6)

BAYLOR-I + Fowler, E, II '78

ARIZONA-13 + Adamson, R, '68 (4) * Albrecht, E, '59 (3) * Chambers, D. '60 (II) * Dinsmore, P. '65 (3) + Harlow. W. '62 + Huske)" W, '70 + jewell, S, '66 (4) + johnson , E, '62 (2) MoravelZ, j. '64 + Morris, A, 1r. '60 (4) * Shore, G, '62 (5) • Strasburg, T, '64 + Therrien, R, '59 (2)

BOWLING GREEN-16 • Adams, J. '64 (2) + Breyley, R, '64 Clingman, C, '69 (2) Grozdon, G, '50 * 1everet, A. '59 + Kingsbur>.', C, '66 + Litra, R, 75 (5) Mundi, C, '52 (6) Parkins, R, '71 (2) Russell, R, '60 + Rust, K, '50 (3) + Schaffer, C, '73 +Schreiber'j' '55 (2) +Stedman, ,'69 (11) * Steinfunh, p, '68 (2) e + Stephan, E, j I'. '66 (10)

ARKANSAS-8 Cain, D. '79 Hamihon, G. '77 (4) Jacobs, C. '80 *.Iacobs, T, '77



+ Tackell, C,

+ 2;bb~nJs: ,~6~5~) +Giffen,J. '62 (5) Greiner, A. '61 + Guidi, J. '77 (3) + Harbach , E, '25 + Hobin, 1'. '59 + HolI , E. '52 +Hoh, I. '57 (5) + Howe1I , W, '41 (4) Kavana&h , C, '64 (4) Kelt , S, 49 (3) tf;~1w,~lj' C. '25 (3)

* !

+ Mcteod, D, '52 (II) Means, E, '34 (6) + Millington, R, '45 (2) + Montgomer)', .I , '62 + Mouhn, D, '53 (5) + MUlTa)" N, III '64 (11) + Reese , R, '51 (3) + Robinson, R. '51 + Rose, C. '24 (11) Sherman, R, '51 (3) * Shorenstein , U. '76 +Simpson,J, ' 13 (1 0) +Stephens, E, '44 (2) \'V arner, R. '37 + White, M, '57 (2) WI-ixon , J. '60

CARNEGIE-61 + Beck, R, '42 *Beers, H, '35 (11) Bonacchi, B. '80 * Bosch, K. '80 Brennan, R, '54 (5) • Buerger, C. '60 (4) +Clark, I. '35 (11) * Cole, C. '79 + Conners, 1, '45 BROWN-19 Conroe, D. '62 Ball)" D, '38 (6) + Cross, R. '48 (10) Carlson, A. '34 Clark, R. '39 * Cutting, R. '26 + Cunningham, J. '41 (11) + Domash, J. '76 + Dornaus, W, '35 (2) + Geisler, F, '29 (6) + Duffell, R. II', '49 (2) + George, A, '39 (6) +Ellioll, S, '3'S (10) + Crashor, A. '53 Ernst, G. '6 1 + Hall, W, '21 (4) Frost, R, '51 * Ingalls, C. '25 (6) + Hall, C. jr. '54 (4) + judd, R, '42 (6) + Hamlin, E, II'. '39 (5) Kiesel, C, '36 MacKenzie, M, '51 (2) Hedda eus, C, '20 (7) + Hobbs, G, '43 (3) * Mazet, R, jr. '24 (5) + Howell, I. '70 (3) + McGovern, R, '48 (4) Huettne r, H. '36 Norman, R. '57 (5) + Icken, A, Ir, '65 (3) Perkins, V, '35 (4) johnson, \y, '34 Roth, C. '46 (4) . + Klein, E, '70 (3) • Wellersdieek, F, j 1', '5 1 + Kraft, 0, '35 (5) Wylie, S. '57 (4) + Kubiak , R, '5 1 (11) Kunkel, W, '29 + Madison, L '53 (3) BUGKNELL-19 McBride, J. '32 * Adams, L)r. '64 (11) + McCall, E, '42 (11) + Baines, D. 75 (5) McDonald, W, '52 (6) * Baha, J. '59 (3) + MeNaugher, S, '32 (2) Carter, R. '56 (II) Mielke, H, '51 (11) + Christensen, A. '60 + Milliron, W, '3 1 (5) * Figgie, M. '78 Gillespie, D. '76 (5) Newman, D. '54 (8) * Nichol, H. '2 1 (Il)e * Goldberg, M. '66 + OllO, W, II', '38 + 1ohnslOn, F, '28 (6) + MacDonald, R, Jr. '57 (3) + Parker, N. '45 Pelton, R, '32 (4) Riller, B. '80 Poole, W , '39 Rockwell, D. .II'. '64 (3) Prall, T, '30 (4) Sprout, J. '48 (9) Reese, E, '33 SproUl, R, '49 (5) * Resch , p, '28 (4) + Steinhauer, W. '36 (11) + Robertson , W. '48 +Torrey, W. '75 (5) + Robinson , '7 1 (2) + Wallers, J. '64 (6) +Seibel, c.~;, '41 (11) Weaver, J. '78 + Smith, G, 50 (3) + Weckenman, F, '77 (4) * Smith, H,jr, '44 (11) * Stover, W, '40 (2) + Trapp, E. '34 CALIFORNIA-47 + Wheeling, E, '74 (2) + Allen, D, '37 (4) + Armstrong, D. '48 (4) + ~~::~~~\~':3i9 (4) Bias, R, '30 (11) Boone, \IV. '38 WillSlOn, K, '56 (3) + Wohlsen, H , '36 * Botsford , H, '53 ( 10) + Young, 1-1. '52 (5) Brigham, L '16 (2) + Young, R, '53 Channing, C. '58 Zimmerman, R. '78 Channing, E. '50 Christian, I. '76 + Crockell, D. '66 (4) GENTRAL MISSOURI-8 Cronenwett, P. '61 + Adams, T, '71 Davidson, J. If. '48 + BalTale, D, '74 (5) + Donlon, R, '50 (6) + Letzig, W. '71 (5) + Elledge, B, '74 (3) + McCambridge, I, '72 (3) + Eubanks, M, '48 (2) • Smith, R, '74 (!l) + Farr, G, '57 +SlOckwell, D. .'77 (2) + Franklin, W, '37 (5)


BOWDOlN-7 Balsbaugh, S, '53 (6) Brousseau, H, '24 +Chandler,J. '37 (6) Drinkwater, L '28 (2) Farr, H, '29 (3) + MeCan)" R, '41 Prall, L '12

BRADLEY-27 * Blackburn, K. '60 (2)

+ Boland, C. '53 (II) + Bo)'lan, M, '69 (11) + Bremer, J. '66 (10) + Busa, W, '53 (3) + CinotlO, W, '65 (4) + Cole, M, '80 * Dahlsgaard, R. jr. '63 (6) * Day, W, '54 + Killelea, 1-1, '59 (3) + Leengran, J. '50 (4) Millner, E, 11'. '62 + Nelson, E, '75 (5) + Paliatka, E. '56 (II) Parks, F, '76 (5) Peterson, C. '78 + Rotelli, M, '76 + Ruedlin , D , '66 (5) Sadowski, M. '76 • Seghi, D. '51 (5) Taga, H. '54 (6) Tate, p, '80 + Tilton, K, '76 (2) + Valerio, D, '76 (2) e + Wagoner, S. '50 (4) + Westphal, W. '69 (2) Willen, N, jr. '80




july, 1981

"Vasser, J. '79

+ Watson, D. '78 CHICAG0-25 + Bidwell, R. '50 (10) Borst, C. '33 (3) *Cochran, D. '27 (10) + Crawford, W. '33 (10) * Davis, P. Jr. '35 (10) + Evans, S. ]r. '47 (3) * Fitzgerald, ]. '43 (5) * Frentz, A. '25 (10) * Hartle, J. Sr. '32 (2) * Harts, H. '21 + Heskett, B. '22 (6) + Hood, R. '38 (6) lngals, E. '19 * lones, M. '32 (4) • +Mandel, M. '55 (II) + McClure, J. Jr. '42 (6) McGraw, D. '29

~~bfe~~,l,~~O(m *Purcell, R. '31 (5) Schlesinger, R. '32 (2) + Sloan, K. '32 (5) *Tenney, A. Jr. '43 (4) + Thomann, D. '39 (II) * Westby, G. '20 (5)

CLARKSON-23 Baker, C. '71 (11) * Baker, G. '27 (II) + Colford, E. '76 + Crum, D. '76 + Diederich, R. '64 Dishaw, A. '23 (II) Fitzgerald, J. '27 (10) Hanrahan, S. '76 Hopper, J. '60 + Hrinishin, J. '78 Hutchins, R. '40 loy, C. '29 (II) +Kay, S.Jr. '71 (2) + Liljequist, J. '64 (2) Lott, M. '79 ~1illson, M. '67 (6) + Nelson, D. '69 (3) Paloski, W. '75 * Phillips, C. III '64 (10) Scottow, A . .Ir. '69 + Stearns, G. 73 Stephenson, R. '65 Wischhusen, R. '76 (4) COLBY-13 Curtis, A. '31 Fernald, C. '40 * Hucke, E. '34 Hurley, W. '49 (10) Lightbody, C. '47 (5) + Pettegrew, R. '57 Rhoda, L. '34 (2) * Richardson, G. '42 + Ryder, A. '46 (10) + Sanderson, O. '63 Sturtevant, R. '24 (5) Tupper, N. '30 (2) + Wassell, A. '26 (2) COLGATE-56 + Abrams, H. '27 (6) + Abramson, A. '62 (2) + Annitto, J. '33 (2) + Baldwin, E. '54 Becker, N. J r. '56 (2) + Berger, M. '66 (5) Berry, G. '36 (5) Boccuzzi, T. '58 + Bolles, C. '29 (5) +Bond, F. '13 (3) * Burbulis, P. '70 Curtis, P. Jr. '50 + Davidson, J. '62 (2) + Doescher, F. '26 (3) + Duffield, R. '37 (4) Dumke, W. '52 Ferguson, C. '36 (4) Freeman, W. '59 (2) + Gill, M. '45 Goewey, J. '51 (4) Goldfarb, S. '76 (2) * Gow, N. '46 (II). Happe, G. '45 Heiman, D. '41 (II) Ingle, R. '48 (10) + Jones, L. '61 (4) Keyser, C. '31 (3)

+ Krimichfeld , W. '44 (4 ) + Lindberg, R. '57 + Madsen , G. Jr. '47. + Manhoff, s. '76 (3) Mawhinney, W. '42 (4) + McMahon, E. '71 (4) + McCarthy, ]. '56 (3) McCown, F': III '50 (4) + Miller, W. '27 (3) + Nast, T. '37 (II) * Okunski, W. '58 (II) Peabody, R. '45 (4) * Rathbun , W. Ir. '32 • + Rice, R. '34 (6) Rosenbloom, B. '76 (2) Sater, C. ' 16 (6) * Schmid, P. '61 (4) Seidler, B. '68 + Smith, R. '68 (2)

Squires, .,. '47 Staurovsky, R. '59 (2) Swan, D. '31 (2) + Taylor, R. '32 (3) VanOrden, E. '40 (3) + Walton, E. '34 (II) *Weed, C. Jr. '44 + Wilkinson, H. '34 (3) + Zane , V. '56 (2) + Zimmerman, R. '40 (4) COLORAD0-22 Benninghoven , P. '63 (2) Breitinger, F. Jr. '76 (2) Buroker, D. '72 +Dunham , K. Jr. '62 (2) Durso, J. '75 (2) Flanders, M. '55 Gaddis, L. '63 (2) + Grimaldi, D. '74 + Haden, T. '71 + Holden, A. Jr. '61 + Jewett, F. 111 '63 * Kinnie , L. '71 • + McClure, E. Jr. '69 (4) + Milne, C. Jr. '73 (5) * Nelson, H. '59 (7) + Nichols, J. '79 Oliver, W. '62 (5) Oppold, J. '77 (4) Pober, K. '62 (6) + Smott, R. '62 Walker, T. '69 Wrasmann, E. '62

COLORADO STATE-2 + Frederick, L. '72 (2) + Kolb, P. '72 (2)

COLUMBIA-9 + Chabau, A. '37 (6) Delatush, G. '39 (2) Eichacker, W. '41 (6)

+ ra~~b~l~: p'3'~9


McCormack, J. '39 (5) Mueller, W. Jr. '26 (2) Wormser, F. ' 16 (II) Wormser, R. ' 17 (4)

CORNELL-72 +Adams, S. '75 (5) + Ambrose, C. '47 + Bartlett, H . Jr. '36 (3) Beale, A. Jr. '46 * Beckwith, R. '57 (11) + Berndt, ]. '76 + Bosworth, H. Jr. '23 (2) Brown, T. '50 + Calaguire, F. '73 Caruthers, E. Jr. '28 (3) * Clark, P. '23 (10) + Clemente, M. '73 (4) + Devore, ]. '68 (II) Dodge, it '40 + D'Onofrio, P. '76 (5) Embury, W. '54 + Farrington, W. '43 (4) + Fastuca, G. '74 (2) + Gilchrist, R. '40 (II) Goeringer, B. '75 (2) + Haldeman, S. '24 (11) + Halstead, C. Jr. '63 (4) Hamman, D. '66 + Hessler, O. '42 (5) + Howe, \V. '42 + Howell, A. '50 (5)

! ~~~~I;~~:D:~~Ji)ll)



Kiplinger, A. '39 ·(2) +Klein, M. '71 (4) Knuff, J. '74 + Larson, C. '76 + Lathrop, W. Ir. '61 (6) + Liepke, R. '76 + MaJcrhofer, R. '60 * ]'vlann, R. '52 + McCarthy, K. '78 +McGovern,J. '80 Meachem, T. '35 + Moore, J. '65 + Nichols, C. Jr. '47 + Pasquale, D. '57 (10) * Penrose, J. Jr. '59 ( II) + Perry, E. '25 (2) Poole, J. '33


PreSlOtl, R. ' 19

Rothrock, G. '54 Russell, H. '54 (2) Scalzo, A. '71 +Schaenen , N. '23 (11) *Schaenen , N. Jr. '50 (11) Sepessy, R. '80 + Shepard, W. '31 (4) Smith, A. '31 (2) • Smith, F. '25 (2) Smith, R. '29 (2) Spelman, R. '28 + Stephens, W. HI '71 * Teare, J. '59 + Vaughan, A. '59 + Vaughan, A. III '60 (4) * Vawter, H . '42 (II) Von Kleist, R. '50 (2) Wallace, A. Jr. '20 (3)

! ~~:~~I~s,:r\~:: )5~74 (4)

Weber, E. '49 + Weideman, E. '67 (2) W'hitman, H. '50 +Witt, M. '71 (5) * Wood, M. '64 (10) + Young, D. '44 (2)


CREIGHTON-9 + BentiveKna, M. '79 (2) * Buckmiller, w. '71 (5) + Byrne, T. '75 (2 ) + Galles, T. '73 HaelT, R. '72 (3) + Leahy, J. '70 McNary, G. '75 (5) + Wachter, S. '76 (2) + Younglove, R. '72 DARTMOUTH-16 *Banks, W. Jr. '45 (7) Blanchard, R. '30 Cook, W. '23 (2) Ensinger, S. '27 (II) Giddens, J. '59 (2) Gillespie, A. ]1'. '44 H ailes, C. '3~ (6) * Howe, E. '24 (7) Karukin, D. '48 Lochhead, R. '46 + McHenry, H. '25 (2) * Patterson, S. '42 (4) Swift, N. '27 (6) Tusing, C. '47 VanReypen, R. '47 (2) + Watts, H. '50 (10) DAYTON-4 Bruckman, R. '70 Corrigan, ]. Jr. '76 (3) lones, G. 74 Lyons, W. '72 (7) DELAWARE-7 +Anzalone, E. '72 (5) Brooks, M. '74 (5) +Carey,J.Jr. '70 (5) + Collier, W. Jr. '73 Oldfield, D. '70 (4) + Reifschneider, D. '70 (II) Weber, T. Jr. '78


DENISON-14 * Bailey, B. '58 (11) + Bohachek, T. '54 Boswau, H. '55 (II) Brainard, D. '62 (6) Eisner, M. '64 Haines, F. '63 (9) + Kleven, R. '61 * Kuhlman, D. '61 (10)

July, 1981

+ Maghiclse, C. '58 Olson, C. '53 + Robenson, E. '56 (2) + Shell, D. '59 + Shell, R. Jr. '56 (3) Zinsser, M. '69 DePAUW-45 AndersoIl, J. '27 + Campbell, J. '26 (2) + Clutter, R. '39 (II) + Coons, R. '41 (6) + Davidson, G. III '70 Denz, T. '68 + Elton, S. '55 (5) + Epperson, E. '30 (4) Gamble, C. '33 (3)


+ g~~e~~, ~: :~~ + Hammond, I.Jr.

'50 Hered , J. '63 HelTell, M. '60 (2) + Herrold, R. '36 (3) + Jones, D. '70 + Jones, H. '32 (4) + Jordan, C. '50 + Keiper, J. '33 (4) + KelT, J. '32 (II) Koenig, R. '50 * Kohler, G. '51 (6) + Lascher, E. '51 * Linton, T. '69 Luegers, M. '78 Mann, R. '74 + McEvoy, P. '27 (6) + McConnell, A. H '58 (3) + Means, R. '31 Miller, H. Jr. '52 + Moffett, R. '32 (4) + Murr, J. '28 (2) + Parkin, D. ' 16 (2) Parks, J. '63 + Pearce, J. '72 (2) + Petty, ]. '36 (6) + Post, R. '47 (4) + Rahe, G. Jr. '44 + Reagan, W. '46 (5) + Sears, J. '43 +Shake, ]. '40 (II) Smith R. '57 Trusler, M. '31 * Warfel, J. '39 • Wise, B. '36 (5)


EASTERN KENTUCKY-5 Argabright, T. '70 (5) + Collins, R. '74 (2) + Hansell, A. '78 Hrubala, B. '73 (4) Kornhoff, T. '78 FLORIDA-I 7 + Bonney, J. '67 (3) * Carter, W. '71 (6) + Delaney, J. '77 (3) Forrest, P. '58 (II) *Jarvis,J. '67 + Johnson , E. '65 (3) + MacDonald, R. '77 (4) * Meeker, J. '65 (4) Meininger, S. '80 + Mueller, G . Jr. '65 (4) + Pritchard, G. '62 (6) + Rigby, J. '68 (5) + Roberts , ]. '63 (10) + Rosenthal, P. '73 (5) Salfi, D. '58 (2) *Shanks, C. ]r. '67 (4) Vawter, J. "6 (3) FRESN0-3 + Correia, J. '76 (5) +Duncan, E. '67 (5) + Ettner, J. '69 (2) GEORGIA TECH-12 +Abbott, J.Jr. '69 (II) +Cecil, C. '64 (4) Eubanks, P. '71 Fariss, D. '59 (5) Flax, S. '78 (3) + Haney, M. '79 • Kortemeier, K. '67 (5) • Lawson, C. '64 (10) McKeeman, R. '77 (4) + Monfort, C. Jr. '68 (II) + Mumper, M. '62 (6) + Shrewsbury, E. '61 (2)

HAMILTON-14 • Bradley, D. '28 Doyle, D. '39 (5) Engelbert, K. '79 Fivaz, W. '56 (2) Fletcher, L. '20 (2) Green, D. '29 (5) + Houtenbrink, F. '56 * Marketos, G. '63 (3) + Nye, S. '52 (5) *Orcutt, B. '26 (11) Rosenfeld, R. '80 Scarpitto, M. '72 (3) Scovel, F. '25 Strohmeyer, G. Jr. '65 (5) HARVARD-5 Adams, A. '32 (6) Holder, E. Jr. '31 (2) + Lowman, G. '38 + Spang, W. '38 + Wright, W. Jr. '3S HOUSTON-S + Dutcher, D. '73 (6) + Henderson, L. III '74 + Horton, R. '80 *Johnson,,J. '78 (3) + Mertens, N. '73 + ROZllovsky, V. '75 (3) * Siegfried, C. '79 (2) * Whatley, M. '75 (2)

Muhs, E. '28 + Nagel, J. '69 Novak, E. Jr. '72 + Ottoson, ,V. '60 + Parsons, E. '27 (11) * Piegari, D. '68 (5) QUIIlI1, K. '79 * Rice, A. Jr. '36 (6) Schultz, C. '67 (2) +Shaw, D. '51 (6) Shepard, B. '32 * Sherman, O. Jr. '51 + Skibbe, W. '75 (2) + Soldwedel, C. '22 (5 ) + Sparks, R. '31 (4) + Spooner, W. '51 Stunard, E. '55 + Tendick, J. '77 (4) * Trelease, S. '17 (II) Ulatoski, P. '75 (2) Waggoner, W. '36 (II) Wentzell, G. '35 (2) White, H. '18 Williams, s. '71 (2 ) + Witsch y C. '74


INDIANA-75 Abbott, G. 'SO + Allard, D. '70 (6) * Anderson, C. Jr. '27 (5) Askinazi, C. '71 (2) Bear, M. '55 Bear, W. '52 Bell, C. '.54 (4)

~ ~~~·ar.~I~,I\S· )3 i '69 (3) + Campbell,J. '37 (11) ILLINOIS-90 + Cartwright, I. '54 + Allen, L. Ir. '47 (II) * Caylor, H. '16 (11) Baumgartner, D. '65 (4) + Caylor, T. '21 (6) * Beckman, A. '23 (6) Coffman, J. '79 (2) + Bercher, W. '38 (5) + Cormican, H. '40 (2) + Bergstrom, J. '55 + Coughlin , R. '56 * :1~~,~T~s,~t!t:i '55 (5) +Curner, R. '64 (5) +CUHy, J . '51 +Bright, O. ' 12 (6) * Cutter, J. '52 Buchanan, R. '55 (2 ) + Davis, J. II '69 Buysse, J. '68 + DeBolt, R. '49 (8) Carlson, C. '75 (5) Druckamiller, E. '26 + Chandler, G. '22 (5) Dunn, G. '69 (5) + Chesrown, R. '69 EndwriKht, D. '56 (10) + Clements , E. III '71 (5) * Escott, I.Jr. '41 (5) * Coffel, C. '2S ( II) Farguharson, D. '40 (4) + Crowley, R. '69 (S) Garnette, H. '60 Delano, J. '37 + Graf, A. '51 + Donohoe, R. '55 + Gutman, P. '52 (6) + Dubina, H. '76 T. '80 + Haas, + Duffy, T . '78 (2) * Hall, W. '44 (9) + Erb, G. '32 (II) * Harper, B. '54 (8) + Fadum, R. '35 (2) * Haugh, R. '48 (5) + Fenstermaker, R. Jr. '55 HollIs, J. '28 (5) + Finney, M. Jr. '53 (2) Hutchison, C. '74 Garretson, R. '39 (2) Jarvis, ]. '49 (2) Giffin , D. '62 (II) Jones, N. '28 + Giffin, J. '57 Kahlenbeck, H.Jr. '52 (II) * Gimre, C. '29 + Km'ener, R. '55 Hall, R. '74 (5) + Kraak, C. '54 (2) * Hanson, P. '31 Lake, E. '50 (4) + Harris, R. '55 (5) + Lohrei, J. '23 + Heil, J. '50 Manalo, R. '71 (3) + Hennessey, G. '38 Martindale, J. '36 + Hincke, W. '23 (3) McReynolds, O. ' 15 (8) * Hinton, C. '29 (2) + Miller, J. '39 Hortberg, D. '57 (4) + Moss, P. '69 (2) + Hougham, R. '72 * Mossier, A. '50 (6) Howard, H. '33 (II) Nicolai, J. '34 (2) acobi, A. '25 + Palash, R. '72 * ohnston, G. '24 + Peak, P. '55 (11) * ulian , W. '29 (II) * Peters, H. '31 Katsinas, S. '78 (3) + Phillips, R. '71 (3) Kennedy, R. '60 Racz, R. '67 (2) + Kiefus, R. '63 + Robb, M. '26 (9) Kimmel, J. '60 (2) Rosenberger, H. '22 (10) + Kinsella, J. '39 (4) Schergens, W. '33 (2) + Kirchner, L. '25 (10) Scott, D. '60 + + Kirkpatrick , T . Jr. '64 (3) • +SerVaas, B. '41 (5) + Kooistra, P. '58 *Smith, H. '52 (3) * Kouzomis, S. '68 (2) + Smith, K. '63 (6) Ladd, B. '57 (3) *Stephens, R. '61 (4) * Lehmann, S. '34 (10) + Stephens, V. '34 Lewis, T. '16 (5) +Stephens, x. '28 (5) Lindsey, 1'. '74 + Stewart, \V. '38 Lipe, J. '51 Swayze, R. '41 (10) + + Magnussen, R. '60 (3) *Mason, A. '16 (7) : ~~~s~1t~~~i R. '74 McCormack, T. '18 + Wade, ]. '26 (3) + McEnery, J. '51 + Wear, C. '17 (II) + McLees, M. '75 Williams, M. '48 Mead, G. '57 (3) + Yoder, A. ] r. '35 (2) + Meagher, P. '65 (2) * Yoder, J. 'TJ5 (2) Monge, J. '60 (2) +Yoder, P. '70 (10) + Morns, C. '75 (2) Zerkel, P. '42 * Mosetick, F. '56 (II) • r



IOWA-39 Ackerson, F. '44 (5) Anderson, D. '48 + Bardill, M. '34 Benson, C. '4 1 (5)


Born holdt , '36 (5) Brown, M. 71 (3) + Browning, E. J r. '37 (4) +C hilds , H. '33 (11) *Courter, L. '57 (4) Dariing, S. '37 (3) Dikeman, P. '3 1 (4) + Fletcher, J . '35 (I I) Gi ldn er, D. '65 (5) * Harsha, H. '42 (10) + Hawkinson, 1-1. '35 (11) + Heinlz, R. '77 (2) + Hol scher, R. '44 (5) • Hunn, J. '55 (4) + Hutcheson, .1. '65 Hynes, M. '67 (2) + Littig, H. '65 (5) + Lunay, J. '35 (5) + Lyon, R. '57 McCarragher, 1. '68 (2) * Meester, G. '56 (3) * Obermann, C. '25 (10) +O'Co nnor, R. '47 (5) + Renfro, R. '46 Rider, R. '75 (5) Rubin, W. '58 (5) + Rusk, D. '75 (3) Sloan, A. '80 +Sodemann, N. '62 (3) + Spring, R. '59 + Stee le, J. '53 (5) + Vickers, T. '7 1 (4) +Viskocil,J. '75 (4) Wieben, C. '45 * Wiese, J. '58 (4)

IOWA STATE---42 Andres, K. '65 (2)

* Bruening, K. '80 + Burroughs, C. '68 (4) * Carne, D. '70 • Clark, C. '35 (2) + Cronk, J. '50 (10) + Donahey, W. '32 (10) Engler, G. '43 (3) • + Fleck, R. '49 (5) +Gruc ni g. C. fr. '59 (5) + Hansen, T. '79 (2) Heckmiller. D. '57 + Howes, R. J I'. '38 (2) +Johnson, A.).r. '47 Kampfe, D. 68

Kratoska, R. '59 (3) Larew, D. '63 Maier, S. '75 (2) +Ma lin , D. '18 (2) + Marl'in, K. '23 (2) * Mason, R. '33 (5) Matz, R. '30 Neil, R. '30 (II) + Parker, J. '30 (4) * Pearson, L. '64 • Perry, W. '27 (4) • Pete r s, T. '57 (5) + Roeder, S. '68 + Schooley, F. '22 (11) • + Sigman, W. '50 (10) + Sold wedel, F. '3 1 (4) S ulli \'an~G. '80 Templeton, H . ' 19 (4) +Tillapaugh , H. '32 (6)


Voggcnthaler, A. '24 + Wall(er, G. '44 (4) + Warren, A. '22 (I I) Webster, V. '25 (11) Williamson, R. '28 (II) Wood, W. '55 (3) * Yirak, J. '40 (2) + Young, J. '28 JOHNS HOPKINS-30 + Biemiller, L..Jr. '55 (4) Bonder, 1. '75 (4) + Brimer, W. '20 (5) + Brown, L. Jr. '65 (5) + Budnitz, E. Jr. '53 (3) • Ca llis, P. '41 Gilbert, J . '57 ( II ) + Hambleton , R. '22 (5) Harris, R. 111 '66 (4) * Hickman , R, '28 ( II) + Keller, II. '58 (4)

KCIll, L. '52

+ Laubach, G. '58 + Lausch, S. '29 (10) Lord, R. '54 ( II)


+ Martin, R. '60 * Miller, C. '49 (9) + Myers, C. '52 (2) + Norris, J. '29 (4) + O'Neill, M. lr. '52 (2) Peach, 1. '3[(5) + Perry, V. II'. '6 1 + Reutter, 1'. Jr. '61 (5) Shipley, N. 52 (4) +S'nlth, F.Jr. '50 (4) +Stuart, E. ' 17 (5) • Utterback, 1'. '48 (I I).

+ ~~:mJ?'~~:;, iY.·

,il (II)

+ Yeager, J. '43 (2) KANSAS-86 * Adams, M. '20 (8)

**+ Baird, F. '58 (4) Ballou , D. '75 (6) Ave!"}'. \V. '34

+ Beas\cr, P. '24 (4) + BeJt, C. '57 (II) Benfield, G. '79 (2) + Bertnglio, 1. '58 (II) + Biggs, 1. '10 + Biles, fl. '66 (2) Bostwick, D. '65 + Brown, J. '5 1 (4) + Buechel, D. '4 5 + Butier, A. '31 (7) * Bntler, H. Jr. '31 (2) Carroll, 11'. '80 * Ca),ot, C. '2 5 Cram,J. '7 1 (5) Cramer, 11'. '33 ( II ) + Cummings. D. '79 (2) Davidson, K. '52 + Davies, S. '73 (2) Davis, R. '75 (4) + Dietrich, R. '33 + Emerr, T. '57 (2) * Etherlllgton, S. '71 (8) + Forne)" R. '21 (9) Gaston, L. 1I'. '77 (2) * Gear, ~1. 'r7 ( II) + Gilbert, R. Sr. '23 (2) + Greer, J. '58 (2)


* ~~~1b.';~;'k~i2~j6) + Hall, C. '44 (5)


Harrison, C, '69 Han, N. '56 Herriott , / . '35 (6) Hi ebsch, V. II'. '4 2 (7) Hi gdon, J. '47 (2) Hin shaw , C . ./r. '5 4 (II) * H),som , .J. .1r. '57 (4) + lrwin,.J. '49 (II) * 10 hn son, O. Sr. '26 (5) * 1(lemp, H. '25 (6) +K norr ,J. '3 1 (II) * Kreider, S. '44 (4) + Lamb, J. '24 (6) * Landess, W. '53 + Larsh, W. J I'. '52 Light, M. '49 (9) + Lindahl, C. '33 + Ludwick, A. '3 4 (3) L)'tle, M. '79 (2) + + + +

+ Mas~in .

i\1. )~r. '~7

+ ~lcCa ll, R. 03 (0) + ~IcG ill , U. '28. + Metcalf, E. '43 (4) + ~Iiller , L. '59 (2) + ~Iiller , 1'. '73 (3)

+ ~lo lI , K. '77 (2) +

~Iorr i son,

D. '67 (3) R. '70 + Ne ighbor, /. '55

+ i\lorr iso l1 ,

+ North, T. '69

+ Nossaman,.J. '60 (4) + Popejo)', A. '26 (2) Ra),mer, R. '52 (2) + Reeder, W. '47 (3) + Reese, 1. '57 (4) + RockhiTI, /. '51 (2) *Saricks, C. '70 (4) + Schober, R. '47 (3) * Scholten, J. '62 (2) + SeilZ, .J. '3 1 (10) + Sharp, .J. '65 * Slawson , C. '20 (4 ) * Slawson, D. '56 (I I) Stace y, ~1. '23 Swo ),e,', ./ . J I'. '48 * Thomas, D, '75 Thomas, ~ 1. '62 (2) Trouslot , 1"11'. '28 (2) + Trouslot , P. 60 (2) + Wei ford, E. '39 + Wells, S. '75 (2) * Wilson, S . ./ r. '48

KANSAS ST A TE---40 Ash, P. '68 + Barber, J. '58 + Baumgartner, D. '78 (2) Bell, J. '74 (2) Bunker, C. '70 Callen, J. '62 + Conner, G. '58 (2) + Dronberger, I. '75 + Ebright, H. '14 (3) * Edgerie)', P. '78 (2) Eplee, J . ' 75 (2) Gerdes, D. '73 *Gordon, W. '60 (5) G"eene, R. '58 ( II )


+ llammer,

G. '71

Hastings, R. '79 Hawk, T. '68 (2) + Huffman , D. '68 (5) * Jernigan , D. '68 (2) lohnson, D. '75 (4) +)ubeJt, B. '68 (10) +Law, D. '80 + Merillat, C. '79 + Miesse, /' '72 (2) +Musil, f, '71 (9) + Ne ighbor, R. '68 * Peterson, H. '67 (2) + Potter, B. '79 * Reed, D. '56 + Sell, R. '78 (3) * Smith, T. '69 (5) Stanle)', B. '80 Stearns, M, '66 (2) Steffe)', N. '57 + Svat)', R. '64 + Tangeman, S. '71 Thompson , T. '76 (3) Tucker, K. '76 (5) Wictham. ivf. '78 Wolf, B. '80 (2)

KENT STATE--22 + Aljancic, T. '58 (2) + Baldwin, D. '60 Bauer, /. '57 (2) + Becherer, W. '49 + Brown,.J../r. '64 (4) Coppola, M . ./r. '65 (2) + Daleher, A. '57 (6) + Douglas, D. '6 1 Farinacci, A. '65 (10) Fechter, K. '67 + Francis, C. '26 (5) + Ge,·sten, 1. '6 1 (II) * Giorgianni. N. '56 (4) + Hubert, B. '53 (4) Luck, D. '52 (3) Markovic, R. '64 Pisanelli, M. '59 (2) + Shriver, P. '50 (4) * Smith, K. '40 + Thomas, A. '55 + Tolloti, F. '57 (2). Urschler, E. Jr. '59 (6)

LAF AYETTE--39 + Alexander, C. IV '56 (I I) Carman, H. '30 (2) + Casey, T. '76 (4) +Caske)', B. Jr. '56 Chene)', C. '4 1 +Coffin, R. II'. '43 Dolfi, J. '80 Ernst, R. '19 + F"anzinger, K. '36 (4) + Fr-eney,J. '56 (II) + Harkins, H. '34 (II) + Hazard , R. '80 Helps, W. '25 (I I) Hensler, J. '4 1 + Hindenach, L. '40 (9) + Humma, E. '29 (4) Hutchison, S. Jr. '32 + Klein, T. '68 Lawler, M. '72 (3) + MacGeachie, M. '72 (5) Marcellus, H . '46 Messey, R. '79 Messick, W. '68 (2) + ~Ieyers, E. '66 (3) Moser, P. III '68 (2) Mulligan, T. '79 + Neafie, A. '29 (3) * Noreika, R. '67 ( II ) * Palumbo,}. '41 + Pilgrim, W. '30 ( II ) POller, R. '29 (2) + Ruhnke, B. '63 (4) + Schlein, C. '80

Townsend, C. '34 ( II) + VonderTann, E. '35 (4) VonderTann, T. '46 (3) *WeSl, R. '53 (II) Wetzel, G. '75 (2) Wren, J. '52 LEHIGH-55 + Alber, A. '65 • + Alearo, J. '74 (2) Allan, R. '68 + Allen, C. '25 (7) Arthur, 1. '2 1 (5) + Barba, C. Jr. '27 ( II) Baumgartner, C. '67 (4) Bishop, B. '26 (3) Boyer, E. J ... '43 Christia nsen, R. '56 Cold ren, C. '77 + Con char, B. '41 (3) + Czerny, D. '74 (3) Day, C. '30 (10) + Forstall, E. '20 (I I) + Frey, R. '70 + Gabriel, R. '51 (6) Gerber, I. '19 (II) Gou rle y, C. '58 + Gra ham , A. '33 (2) + Hayes, W. '43 ( II) + Hess, T. '37 (4) + Hoffacker, B. '44 + Hornbaker, D. '26 (5) + Kunz, J. '52 (5) + Lentz, R. Jr. '30 (4) + Lichter, J. '68 (2) Lucadamo, E. '71 (4) +Maroti, L. '58 ( II ) '" Meyer, H. '53 + Middleton, D. '42 (5) • Moodie, W. Jr. '47 (4) + Nehring, T. '75 (3) + Nicho las , P. '39 (3) • Nutt, W. '35 (4) * Peck, H. '37 (5) + Perna, J. '75 (5) + Porter, K. '43 * Purd)" R. '28 (II) Ramsay, J . '58 (II) Reber, R. '40 (4) + Reid, 1. '56 (2) + Rinaldi, G, J ... '58 (3) Robel, W. '5 1 * Roberts, C. '27 (4) + Roberts, J. '26 (4) Ruth , R. '68 (2) + Sawtelle, G. '40 + Seidel, R. '63 (2) Spieth, R, ' 76 (2) +Stiver, W. II'. '72 (4) Swenson, C. '50 (5) Tavener, C. J ... '46 (2) + Watchman, W. Jr. '55 (3) * Ziebold, W. '46 (5) • LOUISIANA STATE--I + Pastvrek, S. '79 LOUISVILLE--23 AIt, L. '62 (10) Barnes, M. '76 Bomar, H . JL '49 • Click, S. J ... '50 (3) Crume, \-\' .Jr. '65 (5) + Durning, R. '53 (2) * Federa, H . '35 ( II ) + Franck, C. '55 (4) * Gaddie, G. '49 (II) + Gillespie, T. '53 (5) + Howe, F, '64 (5) * Howe, L. '31 (6) Howell, R. J ... '79 * ./ackson, H. '52 (2) Katzman, rvr. '55 + Lussky, V. '43 (2) • * McKinnon, J../r. '77 (2) Ruch, R. II'. '65 (2) Schmitt, 1'. '80 Talbott, C. '46 + VonWicklen, F. '22 ( II ) + Webe,', W. '54 (6) * Williams, R. '57 (4) MAINE--I + Hitchings, C. '78 MANITOBA-6 * Brass, .J. '73 (3) Eng-lish, B. '67

+ Lehane, T. '34 (2)

+ It.·faIT, W. '56

+ McInnes, D. '50 (4) + Stratton, F. '30

Krebs, D. '80 Krill, A. '63 (2) + Leen, E. '50 (4) Lewis, D. '40 + Lillie, W. /1'. 41 (3) + Lillie, S. '43

MARIETTA-35 +Ada ir, F. '10 Albrecht , S. '69 Allen, W. '34 Altreuter, R. Jr. '65 + Amrine, F. Ir. '40 (5) + Austin , J. '4'3 (2) + Backus, R. '33 * Barnes, E. '43 Barne tt, D. '68 (2 ) + Banon, F. '23 (6) Bissell, L. '80 Blood, R. '36 (2) + Bruny, C, '2 7 (5) Carlisle, T. '23 + Deuel, M. '42 (5) * Druetzler, F. '63 (2) Dunn, F. /1'. '40 (2) + Eberle, IV. J I'. '45 * GilleS \,ie, R. '72 (2) +Hauglt, H. '51 + Holland, D. '51 Ingersoll, R. '80 .Iankura , B. '77 (3) + len nin gs, C. '3 1 (6) + 1,ambert, .J. '63 (2) + Mildren, W. '35 (2) Philips, R. '44 (3) + Porter, .J. '24 (4) + Riemann, P. Jr. '50 + Rollins , W. '27 (2) + Rudder , N. '57 (2) * Snedik r, I'. '50 ( II ) + Tall, \\. II'. 9 + Watson, C. '61 Yester, G. '51

May,J. '47 (II) Mayberry, R, II'. '5 1 (2) McGor}" M. '44 McGovern. E. '5 1 (5) McNabb, H . '49 (5) * McNamar., J. '29 (7) * Morgan, W. '51 (4) Orebau!(h, L. '24 (10) * Papp, K. '59 Petl'lch,J. '36 (I I) + Post, H. '80 + Potter, T. '51 + Pryor, R. '37 (5) Pults, W. '11 (II) + Reebel, A. '27 ( II) + Rogers, J. '57 (8) +Sechni ck, D. '76 (5) +Shane, M. '52 (3) Shollvlin, .1. '70 + Sponsler, b. '58 (5) Sunkcl, R. '53 Ta),lor, M. '36 (4) + Thies, T. '54 (2) + Thomas, L. I I'. '65 (2) + Troutwine. D . '40 (5) Vaughn, G. '48 '" Wismer, R. '58 (4) 0;:: Zimmerman , J. '72

MARQUETTE--I Westerheide, T. '72 (4)


7 L."I

MARYLAND-6 + Brosky, R. '77 (4) Doetsch, 1'. '76 (5) Fannin, J. I II '77 + Fennimore, D. '79 (2) + Rendine , P. '65 (3) + Steis, C. '78 McGILL-5 + Currie, G. '33 (5) Killam , D. Jr. '63 (2) Leavitt, II. '48 + Ray, R, '27 Yuile, C. '27

MIAMI-75 Adams, R. '66 + Anderson, W. Jr. '69 + Barker, H. '50 ( II ) + Billick, A. III '76 * Blair, G. '37 (II) Boswonh, H , I V '52 (2) Bova, J . '69 Brittain, J. '67 * Bruckman , R. '49 (2) + Burgess, T. '6 1 Burns, V, '50 (2) Carlson, W. '4 7 * Cawrse, R, '56 (4) * Conklin, T. '29 * Dashiell, L. '52 (3) * Davies, R. '50 (5) + Dodd, F. '49 (5) * Dug-an, C. II '60 (2) * Eagleson, D, '44 (II) + Ehrich, 1. '42 (II) * Elder, F': '27 (5) + Emler, H. \II '79 (2) * Fulton, D. '61 (3) Gallagher, It '34 (4) + Gates, E. '48 • * Gill ette, R. '52 (10) Gillham, J, '33 (3) + Godfrey, 11', '58 (10) +Goldm an, M, '16 (7) • Gra)" ~1. '36 (6) Grillin, J. Jr. '41 (2) + Hamilton, D. '5 1 (I I) * Heck, R, '41 * Hog-an, 1. '48 (4) + Holschull,.J. Sr. '48 (4) Josep h, W. '53 (7) * 'Knauss, N. '53 (II)

* kfa~![;~r~tg'

%2'23 (2) '43

+ MarsteDer, G. + i\lartin, F. '24

MIGHIGAN-79 +Ad. ms, R. '40 ( II ) Arlow, A. '66 Barbou,', '79 (2) Bates, R. 78 (3) Belleau, C. '75 * Bolas, G. '35 (4) Bottrell, T. '70 + Bo)'d, A. ' 18 Bradley, C. '75 * Brumb.ugh, W. JI'. '28 (5) * Christian, D. '79 (2) + Clark, C. J I'. '39 +Corneli us,J. '38 (5) + Correll, C. '63 (12) *Croxton, M. '23 (I I) + Cumings, E. '49 (4) + Davis, R. JI'. '47 (5) Donaldson, J. '64 (2) + Eldridge, C. III '60 (5) * Evans, S. '56 (II) Fisher, F. II '63 + Gleason, R. '24 (3) Goldberg, R. '72 Goldsmith, D. '56 (4) + Goodier, E. '35 Grunder, R. '44 (3) + Hepp, K. '39 (2) Hoad , J. '32 + Hole, W, )r. '5 1 (4) + Hoyt, H. 26 Joach im , G. '63 (II) + John son , L. '22 ( 10) hnson, P. '76 + ones, S. '27 (4) * aptain, S, '48 (5) Knape, W. '78 (3) + Knode, R. '52 LaForest, R. '76 L.nsdale, D. '38 (5) Lossing, L. '65 + Ma)" R. '38 (5) + McLouth, P. '21 (5) + Mensinger, M. '72 * Me),er, R. '51 (7) + Moore, C. '29 (II) Morse, J. Jr. '52 Mortensen , M. Jr. '35 ( 11 ) * Nicolau, G. '48 + NixOn,}. I II '79 * Otten, . III '6 1 (5) + Perkins, M. II'. '51 (II) Perr)" H . ' 10 (5) + Poole, F. '46 (2) Prangcn, W. '41 Purd},. N. '55 + Robertson, J. '45 (2) + Schoff, J. '22 (II) * Sergeson, J. '59 (2)


! Steere, ~~~~~1~\'J.- ,IJ F . ./I'. '39 (3)


July, 1981

Steyer, R. '74 (4) Stokes berry , L. '24 SlUart, J. '5 2 (3) + Suelthaus, K. '66 (11) Sutherland, D. '41 Tageson, W. '64 (4)


~ ~:h~: ~: '48 (II) + Vokac, R. '78 (3) • Wahl, E. '63 (4) Walnera, K. '67 + Warner, D. '28 (4) Wheaton, T. '72 + Whine,], ~. '26 • White, . 50 (11) + Wible, A.)r. '59 (3) Wilson, 'A. '38 (11) + Winer, P. '61 (4) MICHIGAN STATE-22

+ Ament, R. '52

Bremer, D. '67 + Busson, T. '68 *Coon, F. '6 1 (3) * Dean, A)r. '60 (5) Doll, R. '09 • Franzwa, P. '70 (5) + Gross, G. '63 (4) + Hoot, B. '65 (4) + Hughes, R. '59 (5) + Kaufeld, J. '49 (4) • Long, D. '59 (3) Maccani, L. '56 (5) * McBain, R. '64 (10) Nauert, R. '65 (2) + Radcliffe, A. '66 Savage, W. '56 (2) + Smevold, R. '69 (5)

+ Tanton, J. '56

+Thompson, R. '67 (11) + Trippel, F. '57 (4) + Whitson, G. '52 MIDDLEBURY-39 Allen, C, '29 ( II ) + Arnold, R. '4 2 (2) Bennell, T. '41 (II) Buskey, p, '38 (3) Calef, R. '31 (5) Collins, D. '35 (6) + Davis, R. '78 + DeGroff, R. '25 (4) Dowd, R. '72 (2) + Fuller, W, '54 (4) Furber, A. '20 (3) + Haines, L. '43 + Hallock, A. '38 (3) Hanbul')', R. '73 (3) Hanson , A, '31 (2) * Hayward, L. '23 (5) Heath, W, '21 (3) Hebard, F. '19 (3) Hill, p, '37 (7) + lacoby, C, '75 (4) Kelley, S, 11 '29 Kelley, W, '29 (11) Kellell, J. '56 Lowe, R. '80 McKenna, F. '29

McNamee, F. '50 (5) * Noonan, R. '2 1 (7) + Painter, H. '33 (2) >I< Palmslrom, D. '45 (4) • Parson, F)r. '75 (3) Pierce, A. 30 (5) + Rickel', J. '06 (10) + Riley, D. '24 (10) Schauz, G. '34 (4) SchclIchzcr. R. '38 + Smotrycz, Z. '77 (4) * Thayer, S. '43 (3) • Walker, J. '28 (4) Whillon,J.Jr. '51 (4)

MINNESOTA-31 Bakel', L. '65 (4) + Barciay, J. '69 (4) * Bloom berg, R. '5 1 (2) * Cary, E, 'f8 (11)

Chapman, W. '29

• ChrIStensen, L. '30 (4) *Crippen, C. '30 ( II ) • DeBuhr, A. '38 (5) * Diercks, H , '35 (2) + Dohlll, J. '43 (3) Gerver, P. '80 + Gracie, J. '48 + Hamann, J. '59 (2) Hawes, G. Jr. '29 * Hccrscma, P. '27 •


lohnson, I-I. '40

+ )'·Iackintosh. W. '21

+ McDonald, W. '41 (5) Oakley, V. '35 (2) +Opdahl, O. '41 (10) Pelton, T. '24 (5) + Sears, W. '40 + Smalley, J. '24 (6) + Tatam, J. '33 *Torllloen, F. '30 (II)

~ ~;,il~~~~; ~~3 't~)


Wilke, P. II". '50 (10) + Willems, t::. '49 ( I 1) Wilson , P. '22 + Wright , W. '34 (4)

MISSOURI-74 Allemann, G. '69 (5) Allen, R. '60 (2) Anderson, R. '63 + Armstrong, R. '2 1 (2) Beimdiek, G. '35 Bistline, G. '76 (3) Black, W. '59 Brase, R. '65 Brashears, V. III '72 (2) * Briggs, H. '5 1 (7) Browne, W. '33 (5) Chaney, M. '29 (7) • • Clowe, K. '32 (2) Craven, S. '74 (5) * Davis, H. ·29 (2) + Deimund , E. '29 (4) + Deimund , E. II '60 (3) + Denton, R. '33 (2) * Dunshee, H. II'. '52 + Elleman, ~\o'1. 'SO + Ferrell, T. '27 (2) Finley, B. '36 (2) + Fischbach, R. '80 + Gantz, D. '27 (2) Gibson, W. '38 (11) * Glasscock, E. '28 (4) * Goodin, B. '39 + Hatley, C. JI". '80 * H odge, W. '25 ( II ) + Hof, P. '75 (4) + Holdmeyer, D. '79 (2) + Hu ghes, L. Jr. '3 1 (5) + Jnnes , F. Jr. '32 (4) J ones, R. '78 (2) Kenned)' , V. '3 1 (3) + Kerndt , N. '33 (2) + King, J. '75 (2) + Kyner, L. '73 (4) Leeman, C. '36 Lewis, A. '79 * McKelvey, D. '32 (2) + McKelvey, J. '35 + Middleton, K. '76 Mitchell, B. '60 + Moore, B. '63 (9) * Neff, V. '66 (6) +Och5, H. Ir. '33 ( 11 ) + Pearson, C. '38 (2) * Porche}" D. '62 + Potash nick, M. '61 (3) Randall , D, Ir. '69 (3) * Read, O. '3:\" (3) + Riggs, I. '30 (3) Russelr, W. '75 Schmidt, R. '30 (10) * Schooley, C. '28 (4) + Segall , G. '33 (3) Shalluck, R. '29 (2) Shumake, S. '78


; ~:~~:~:~: ~: )62 '67 + Symon, B. '26 (4) + Tate, B. Jr. '41 (5) Taylor, W. '41 (5) + Tennant, F . .II', '62 (11) + Thweall,.J. 'SO (2) +Vmyard, ).JI". '4 2 (II) \'\'asmer, E. '68 + Webb, R. '31 (7) + Will, T. '22 (II) Yaeger, C, Sr, '34 (4) * Yaeger, C, II'. '61 Yeh[en , p, '72 (5) * Yingling, R. J I". '62 (7) NEBRASKA-40 + Adams, R. '41 (10) Ashby, C. '39 (4) * Asmusse n, R. '52 (4) + Becker, D. '27 (4) • + Cheney, T , '36 (5) + Christenson, A, '45 (11) + Edholm, C, '41 (2) + Goodwin, F. .Jr. '50 (10)


*Gray, H. '34 ·(11) * Green, J. '75 (4) + Harris, I. '36 (II) Hibberd, J. '79 Hinchcliff, S. '77 (4) * Hummel, P. '31 (9) * lones, W. '27 (II) +Krommenhoek, W. '58 (8) + Long, R. '36 + Michael, R. '79 Muncy, G. '70 (3) + O'Bannon, K. '50 (7) Onnen, D. '76 Pankonin, L. '37 (4) Quine,.J. '79 (2) Sage, G. ' 10 (11) Schick, L. '29 (11) *Selleck,J. '12 * Slothower, J. '45 (5) + Smidt, D. '59 Smith, H. '65 ( II ) + Swanson, J. '50 (5) + Swenson, S. '38 (5)


: 0~~b~~h~o~~ '33 'ti) (9) + Valdez, R. '66 (3) + WalSon , R. '55 (2) Wells, G. '78 (3) * Westcoll, R. '53 (4) * Wilkins, H. '42 (2) + Williams, J. '61 (3) Yoder, O. '26 (10) NEWYORK-13 Beman, L. '38 Brown, S. '24 (6) Coon, D. '3 2 (5) Hoover, C. '40 (2) + Koski, G. '43 (6) * Mazzei, J. '26 (6) + McKenna, F. '22 (3) Merrill, 11', '27 + Morphy, W. '28 (4) Query, A. '25 (2) + Redegeld, J. '23 + Sherin, G, '11 (6) Shiebler, G. '27

NORTH CAROLINA-42 +Allen,J. '73 (4) + Ayres, R. '66 (10) Barr E '26 + Brai~",.'d, H. '30 (4) Burgess, G. '79 Butler, J. '56 (2) + Clark, J. '68 (2) Crawford, W. '76 (5) * Dalton, J. Jr. '59 (4) + Douthwaite, D. '69 + Eddleman, W. '34 (4) * Ely, J. '68 (3). + Gang, L. '76 Gray, R. III '59 (2) * Harper, R. Jr. '64 (4) + Heacock, D. '67 (11) Head, K. '79 (2) + Jennings, C. '76 (2) Johnson, G. SI". '27 (4) + Jones, R. '68 (10) lones, S. JI". '63 (4) + Killea , W. '71 (4) Marshall, I. ~ r. '28 + McElroy, F. 70 (4) McCain, P. III '79 (2) + Michael , W. '73 (3) + Myrick, D. '65 (10) + Poston, W. '7 1 (8) + Pyron, J. JI". '78 (3) + Quinn, R. '77 + Ramsay, G. '76 (4) Ruddell, I.Jr. '7 1 Schumachcr, C. '73 (4) + Sheldon, J. '66 (2) + Shrum, D. '77 (2) Smith, J. '34 (2) Snow, J. '73 Swanson , D. '76 (2) Thompson , E. '28 (9) + Waltemyer, R. '75 (5) * Watkins, W. '27 (II) + Wing, R. '70 (2) NORTH CAROLINA STATE-4 * Klinefelter, P. '80 + Lach, E. ~r. '79 (3) Pack, B. 80 + Slewart, J. '79 NORTH DAKOTA-7 + Beaman, R. '71 (2)

july, 1981

Billner, J, '78 (3) + Dressen, R. '72 (2) Kirsch , R. '78 (3) Korsmo, N. '80 Luckow, L. '71 + Thomas, R. '79 (2)

+ West, G.- '52 + White, H.tr, '33 + White, R. I'. '52 (3) + Williams, . '34 (2) Williams, W. '39 (2) * Zinn, F. '37 ( II)

NORTH DAKOTA STATE-6 + lones, L. '79 (2) + Kapadia, S. '70 (3) Kasprick , W. '7 1 (10) + Qual, A. '73 (4) + Schneider, I. II '70 • Steinbach, 'fl.. '77 (2)

OHIO-I! * Boeh, J. '80 + Dennis, J. '75 + H£lmister, F. '71 Hartin , L. '56 + Lawrie, J . '75 (2) I'vfulh auscr, K. '75 + Opperman, 11. '65 (2) Palmer, C. '60 + Starr, L. '69 (2) NORTHERN ILLINOIS-21 Wills, J. '70 Balli, E. '77 + Yohcm , R. '77 Carlson, J. '70 + Carmichael, W. '78 (2) Chesko, J. '7 1 (2) OHIO STATE-62 C hmie lewski, S. '75 + Bates, D. '59 (9) Feithen, W. II". '75 (5) Bingham, G, '40 + Ferensen, M. '67 (5) Blozis, S. '80 + Gerber, S. '68 (10) + Bovenizer,}. '75 +Boyer,R.' 2(1 1) + ~::ls1~~:'R\l8 + Buchsieb, W. '5 1 (10) Hayes, G. '71 Cermak,.J. '78 (3) Hemz, M, '70 (3) * Clark, T. '42 (5) + lanik, J. '75 * Clymer, W. '35 ( 11 ) l.each, D. '79 + Cooper, W. '63 (3) + Lunn , D. '68 Corey, M. '76 Maibach , M. '73 (7) * Corey, P. '48 (10) + Malloy, W. '69 * Crawford, H. '47 (9) Singclmann, '64 + D'Amico, D. '72 (5) + Sorense n, S. 70 + DeLaMater, P. '63 (2) Taylor, J. '73 Derewccki, D. '72 + Tyler, W. Jr. '65 * DeWill, L. '30 (9) + Douglas, R, 11 '67 + Ellioll, R, '48 (II) NORTHERN IOWA-2 *English, E. '22 (II) + Ernst, I. '33 (II) ~ ~~~f.'~.:;~ (5) FarancTa, C. '49 Griesinger, F, '13 ( 11) NORTHWESTERN-62 + ~~rtS;h~u:~, 't4 '63 Akemann, E. '62 (11) + Hoover, T. '56 Aldworth, J. '49 (2) Janusz, R. '64 + Anderson, W. J r. '53 (6) Joncs, R. '56 + Bean, W. '37 + Kemerer, \V. '73 (5) + Bodine, E. '47 + Kuppinger, E. '33 (I I) * Bodine, P. Ir. '50 (11) Laffert y, W. '59 Bouschor, t . '29 (4) + Langhurst, E. '4 1 (II) + Boyd, W. '48 (6) + Lapp, p , '29 + Bugger, B. '79 (2) Leshy, G. '68 + Cakora, H. '59 (2) + Lewis, R. '76 (3) + Calhoun, E. '22 (11) + Lewis, S. '79 Lininger, J. '32 ( 10) + + ~~:·:~~.r;n~: '~5,~~) (2) Mclain, J. '42 + Cochrane, C. '44 F, '48 + Meyers, Countryman, R. .Ir. '50 (4) Moore, H. '48 (2) Coyle, R. '5 2 Morrison, R. '39 (10) • + + Creighton, M. '59 + Myers, J. '38 ( I I) + CurtIS, A. '27 (11) + Parsons, L. '30 (5) Davis, I. '65 (3) Porter, P. '50 Even, H. '56 Rees, T. '33 + Fish, W. '39 (11) + Schreck, I. '73 * Gavin, S. '37 • + Seekely, 13. '79 + Giltnane, H. '49 Spore, W, '39 (5) Gray, E. '29 (6) Stout, W. '56 + Hamilton, A. '59 (3) * Swensen, T . '6 \ * Hazen, S. J I'. '34 (3) + Taylor, K. '65 (3) + Heideman, E. '32 (7) Thomas, \ . '33 (3) * Heizer, E., Jr. '51 (II) Townsen' , G. '64 (10) * Jamra, A. Ir. '44 (5) + Underwood, J. '62 *Janlra,J. 'g8 ( II ) * Vajda, R, '7 1 +~wor, R. '66 (5) + cnsen, C. '31 + uSlak, R. '46 (5) + Weaver, J. .Ir. '63 • raebber, J. '58 (3) * "Verum, J. 42 (5) + Kreml, F, '31 (5) Whittaker, W. III '59 • Larsen, L. '65 (3) Woodruff. J. '64 * Levering, G. '61 (II) Zell, E, '69 (2) + Ludolph, A, '42 + Mackey, R. '43 (II) + Maylahn, D, '40 (3) OKLAHOMA-49 + McCarth)', J. '47 * Anderson , M. '59 + McColly, J. '60 (4) + Brunkow, G. '64 Meyer, T. '59 + Burns, T. '3 4 Montgomery, J. '43 (5) + Butler, R. '78 * Newman, R. lJ '59 (11) Choate, J. '66 + Papich, S. '36 (5) + Contwa )', l.. '29 (4) + Rakow, T. '65 (3) *C,·ews, I.Jr. '45 (3) + Rogers, A. II'. '34 Dean, W. '49 Ruaolph , K. '39 + Schne,der, R. '68 (3) * Eckart, R. Jr. '41 (5) • Fender, H . Jr. '4 1 +S hannon,J.Jr. '49 (10) * Filip, T. '69 (5) + ~f.:~tk ~7;49 (1 1) * French, E. '78 (2) + Frensley, L. '23 :n~~::p: ~ (11) + Gatchel, T. '60 Hamilton, W. '57 (3) + VilS, .Ir. '54 (10)


: ~;,:1r~~:' \~5,J! ?5)



)2'9 ;5

Hannon, G. '67 Haslam, J. '80 Heckman, D. '71 • Hess, T. '75 (2) Hobgood, R. '45 (5) + Humphrc),s, T. '40 * Hurley, P. '64 (4) +.)ohnson, I. Jr. '66 (5) + Kalbfleiscb, ). '52 + Kenady, P. '66 (7) • Massad, P. '60 (II) + Massad, W. '55 (II) + McConnick, D. '3 2 (4) + McFarland, R. '63 + ~Ielton, J. '52 * Morrison, VV. Jr. '36 + Owens, J. '78 (2) + Poindexter, R. '40 + Porter, W. '41 (4) + Rabb, P. III '80 Ramey, E. '63 * Reid, W. Jr. '58 (4) + Renfrow, 'V. '26 • + Rickard, O. '65 (3) + Rupert, M. '74 (50) Sampson, D. '3 4 +SCOll, D. '61 (2) + Serane, K. '80 + Stewart, L. '53 (3) Tacker, J. '63 + Thompson, H. '65 (11) + Tlucek, W. '58 • Walkingstick, B. '52 ( 11 ) , ·\Tilson, H. '55 (2) OKLAHOMA STATE-IS Allen, R. Ir. '60 + Berlaiot, D. '79 + Branch, D. '60 + Crews, I. SI'. '60 (6) Crotchett, R. '75 (4) Hoyt, D. '69 lames, B. '79 + 'leyer, S. '75 Momper, A. '72 Pekrul, C. '80 + Puckett, W. '78 (3) Renfro, C. '74 (2) + Richards , W. '77 (2) + Simon, w. '60 (2) Waller, G. JI'. '60 (4) OREGON-I? Ca rl son, S. '69 (3) + Cellars, A. '47 ( 10) * Cialli, J. '64 (6) • Gendron, J. '40 (6)

: ~ilr;;~~"~i '~\ (6) Kidd, W. '26 + Kirkpatrick, B. '45 (6) + Mallson, T. '63 (11) + Meister, H. III '66 (4) Moshofsky, E. '42 (6) + POllS, K. '31 Rutherford, W. '29 Seal, W, '49 (6) * Shepherd, W . .Ir. '55 Smith, G. '37 (10) + Sprouse, J. '30 (6) OREGON STATE-30 + Anderson, D. '35 (4) Bays, T. '42 (6) + Bevens, R. '59 Blitz, W. '35 (11 ) * Butler, G. '2 1 (II) + Combs, C. '40 (4) Cummings,)- '31 (II) + Darling, N. 42 (II) + Ekern, A. '26 (3) + Gann, S. '79 (2) Hendry, ). '60 Hess, R. 78 + Himel, R. '40 (2) + Hulbert,J.Jr. '44 (I I) * Klein, K. '43 (11) + Knutsen, G. '3 1 (I I) + Lusche,·, B. '45 (2) Martus, C. '34 * i\kElroy. G. '65 McHorse, J. '80 + McMath, C. Jr. '32 (4) + Oetinger, W. Jr. '43 (2) + Perl, W. '28 (5) + Raffety, E. '34 (4) + Reed, I. '58 (4) + Rosenfeld, E. '42 (5) +Tinker, E. '65 (5) * Vandervort, R. JI'. '41 (2) * Vogland, J. '40 (4) Wilkinson, J. '54



PACIFIC--8 + Chapman, D. '70 (2) * DuMond, J. Jr. '66 (2) + Gates, T. '63 (2) Kochenderfcr, S. '74

Madsen, J. '65 (4) Pinska, W. '48

+ Ransome'J' '61 (11) + Stark, E. ' 9 (8) PENNSYL VANIA-45 * Acaster, H. '44 (11) + Bauman, H. '30 (4) * Biggs, C. III '55 (3) + Boswell, W. '22 (4) Boyd, D. '42 (3) Canfield, R. '61 (4) + Cleveland, G. '61 * Coffey, E. '27 (11) Crofoot, J. '28 (5) + Derry, J. '51 (6) * Elseroad, A. Jr. '53 (11 ) * Gentle, J. '26 (3) Goodwin, B. '53 (2) Graf, G. Jr. '55 (4) • Greaney, E. Jr. '53 (2) Grim, D. '52 + Hamlin, J. '65 * Harrison, C. '38 (4) + Hoffman, W, '28 (6)


Howe, C. '80

Jenkins, T. '35 + Johnston, W. '32 (4) + Kennedy,J. '47 (11) Krider, R. '50 (6) Lewis, B. '65

* Marshall, J. '65 (5) * Marx, R. '54 (5) Mayetta, F. '35 (4) + McVay, R, '53 (2) + Miller, R. '36 + Noble, A. '51 (10) + Quackenbush, R. '55 (5) * Redline, Jr. '48 (5) * Samson, '. '21 (6) + Samson, R. '28 (5) * Shellenberger,~. '52 + Siegel, T. Jr. '5 (3) Snyder, R. '26 (5)



Stehman, B. '55

+ VanSciver, H. '53 (3) Waite, S, '16

+ Wallace, J. '18 (10) + Walthour, J. '19 (4) + Williams, V. '32 (2) *Wilshusen, H. '71 (5) PENNSYLVANIA STATE-63 * Arison, H:;r. '41 (11) + Atkinson, . Jr. '34 (9) + Balderston, B. '76 (5) + Belfield, J, '28 (4) Berish, W, '73 + Brooks, R. '42 (11) + Cowan, A, '39 (4) + Cowen, W, Jr. '53 (2) Crosby, R. '54 (5)

+ Danenhower, H. Jr. '55


DeJulius, A. '56 (11) + Diament, W. '31 (8) + Diehl, W. '59 Duff, W. 11 '57 * Edwards, K. '71 (9). + Evans, P. '36 (3) Faries, J. '34 + Flickin~er, R, '3 1 (9)


Glass, 11.)r. '73


Greig, R. 72 + Hammer, J. Jr. '32 (2) Hannan'd' ' 5

+ Hellick,

. Jr. '35 (4)

* Hickling, R. '36 (5) • + Hickling, W. '33 Hickman , W. '24 (4) Hilner, H. '59 (11) + Horne, F. Jr. '38 (5) +Humes, D. '77 (3) + Johnston, '58 (10)


Kane, H. ' 0 + Kois, A. '54

+ Landherr, W. Jr. '59 (2) Leib, R. Jr. '50 (3) + Longenecker, C. '32 (3) * Ludvigson, W. '59 (5) + Martin, K. '74 (5) + Miller, J. '13 (11) Nelson, C. '66


Nester, R. '57

Nix, R. '48 (5) Noah, R. '57


German, R. '63 (4)

+ Parent, H. '21 (4) * Peters, W. '14 (6) + Phelps, J '73 Piscitell!, T. '73 (4) • + Prutzman, C. '18 (8)

+ Prutzman, J.

'34 ( 10)

+ Schwenk, G. '42 (4) SeLman, C.

jr. '58

Shipley, H. I'. '51 (2) +Simpler, A. Jr. '46 + Smith, C. '34 + Tice, R. '30 (3)


Tisikcr, M. '75 (5)

* Ulerich, W. '31 (6) Voulopos, J. '79 (2) * Weaver, W. '22 (10) +Williams, R. '18 (3) Winter, C. '48 (2) * Zboyovsky, Jr. '51 (10) + Zubaty, E. ' 8


PLATTEVILLE-2 + Lundeen, T. '52 (11) + Marty, J. '69 (2) PURDUE-1l4 Alexander, L. '45 (2) +Anderson, B. '65 (5) + Arganbri]ht, F. '49 (4) Aspinall, ,'26 (3) +Ayres, W. 111 '63 * Bacon, C. ir. '38 (5) * Banas, S. ' 0 (10) +Beals,J. '30 (10) + Belur/;, N. '37 (4) Black all, R. '46 (2) Bowler, L. '71 (2)


+ Brennan, J.

dr. '55

+ ilrower, P.' 1 (3) * Brown, R. '46 (4) + Bruns, P. '71 (5) + Bumpas, O. '31 (2) + Chenoweth, O. '2 1 (2) + Clarke, W. '39 (9) * Conway, S. '51 (6) +Cl'Ofts, A.Jr. '47 (3) + DeMent, D. '75 (2) DeVoll, '63 (3) Duffin, . '44 Egeler, C. '13 (11) Evans, J. '31 (2) * Fitzgerald, D. '49 (9) + Foote, T, '49 + Forszt, G, '72 (4) * Free, C. '31


Friedersdorf, R. '79

+Funk, D. '61 (10) +Gabel, R. '52 (10) Gard, G, '43 (II) Gauen, M. '79 (2) + Gingher, H. '40 (4) Gossett, F. '32 (4) + Guthrie, M. Jr. '45 (2) • + Hallman, R. '54 (10) + Hard, T. '49 + Harter, W. '22 (9) + Hawley, J. '42 Hazard, W. '45 (4) Hearn, J. '57 * Hegeman, R. '49 (6) + Hendry, W. '44 (4) + Hinkle, B. '73 * Hobbes, W. Jr. '49 + Hobbs, J. II '42 + Holdeman, R. '37 (3) + Humphre)'s, H. '38'(10) + Huron, '\T . '22 + Jones, J. '48 (4) + Keefer, T. '42 (4) + Kenerson, A. '49 (2) + Kralis, J , '51 (10) + Kroehle, T. '53 (11) + KrslOvich, S. '49 (2) + Kuhn, G. '29 (2) * LaFortune, R, '5 1 (11) + Landis, J. '35 (4) * Lawson, W. '50 (11) +Lee, B.Jr. '51 (3) + Letts, E, '67 (11) + Lottes, J. '66 (2) + MacBride, E. '34 (3) + McClain, K. '71 (7) McGaughey, W. '68 (3) + McKirnan, D. '44 (11) Melcher, F. '61 (2) * Metz, D. '30 (11) + Miller, H. '15 (6) Miller, W. '59 + Miller, W. '39 (11) Moeller, C. '45 (3)

+ Moss, G. '47 (2) + Munson, F. '57 (2) + Murray, T. '49 (6) + Neese, A. '36 (5) O'N eil, K. '39 (4) + Oyler, R. '39 (11) + Pehlke, C. '49 (2) +Popham, R. '40 (11) + Pullen, G. '77 (3) + Rabe, A, Jr. '28 (3) * Rasmussen, D. '46 (11) Rich, W, '53 (5) + Robertson, R, '3 1 (2) Schleicher, A.)I". '39

Schnecker, D. 67 Schreiber, R. '39 (11) + Sheets, R. '53 * Shields, C. '36 + Short, R. '72 (2) + Shumaker, F. '55 (5) Smith, J. '52 (11) +snead,J.t' '31 (11) Stallings, . '45 (10) + Stallings, . '38 (4) Stanback, H. Jr. '39 (11) Starek, R. J r. '65 +Steiger, A. '48 (11) + Steiger, R. 49 (11) +Stier, R. '47 + Stoops, R. '64 (4) * Stutsman, R. '53 (5) + Theissen, R. '48 (3)


Travelute, F. ~r. '66

Trotter, C. ' 1 (2) + Weber, B. III '49 (9) + Webster, D. '55 + White, C. Jr. '77 (4) + Williams, N. '64 (6) Williams, T . '34 (11) Wyatt, K. '80 RIPON-5

+ Beisner, J. '71

+ Hanus, D. '78 Muraskas, J. '78 (3) + Threlkeld, R. '60 (2) Wagner, R. '78 (3) ROCHESTER-13 * Abercrombie, F. '28 (4) Ehinfier, G. '73 (4) + Elwe ,R, '50 (6) Holzwarth, C. '06 (5) + Istvan, D. '53 (6) + Magistro, A. '60 (4) + Marcratten , W. '54 •

+ Mil er, G. '30 (3) Munson, A. '20 (4) + Rathjen, A, '06 (6) * Santandrea, S, '56 (5) Schreiner, G, '38 (6) + Woods, R. '42 (6) RUTGERS-80 + Adelizzi, C. '62 (5) Anderson, M, '31 (4) Anderson, R. '66 (5) Bagley, H, '32 (10) Barlow, R. '50 (6) + Beyer, A. '68 (5) + Brandes, R. '26 (11) Campbell, P. '50 (9) + Case, C. '25 + Cleary, E. '29 (2) * Collett, R. '35 (10) Colsey, W.Jr. '31 (5) + Cook, H. '23 (2) Crowell'l '21 (2) * Curtin, . '68 (5) Daley, F. '44 (4) Dickerson, D, '34 (9) + Dorland, G, '24 (2) Dunsmore, R, '33 (5) English, 1.. J r. '63 Ferraioli, '69 (4) Fletcher, ,'75 Fuller, E. '22 + GerbigI III '69 (4) + Glenn, ,'24 (2) + Goldberg, A. '58 (5) * Golden, G. '74 (7) + Goldfin~er, D. '57 (4) Gordeu , G. '75 (3) Gott, C, '70 + Green, G, '40 (3) + Greene, R. '60 (9) * Groth, E, ~r. '48 (6) Haberstro , W. '72 (5) Hahner, S, '78 (2) Herma, J. '70


+ + + +


Herr, A. Jr. '54 Hewlett, G. '29 (4) Hoagland, W. '48 (11) Howe, J. '39 (2) HUf,hes, J. '78 Kel y, R. '65 (7) Kerestes, W. '71 (2)

+ Kortmann, R. '74

Krier' R. Jr, '64 (5) * Krol , K. 53 (3) '64 + Kyle, W. Leslie, J. 13 (3) + Marie/;, J. '32 (2) McCa e, D. '44 (10) + McDowell, A. '34 (11) Moss, J 11 '78


+ Mostclro,

K. '76

+ Muller, B. '66 (5) Norris, M. '71

+ Novelli, D. '73 (8) Olds, J. '30 (3) Orrizzi, J. '70 + Ottman, F. '23 (4) + Roby, R. '73 (5) Ross, C. '36 (5) + Ryerson, J. '62


STANFORD--48 + Achauer, B. '63 (3) + Allen, R. '54 (11) + August, P. '45 Beeger, W. '51 + Billings, R. '42 (2) Braunlin, D. '73

Breech, A. '74 + Brinkerhoff, G. '72 + Chaffin, L. Jr. '56 + Churchill, O. '19 (5) * Coonan, T. '43 (10) + Cutter, D, '51 (11) + Emeis, C. '34 (6)

+ Enberg,

D. '50

+ Faries, J. '55 (10) + Fischer, E, '77 (2) Flatland, R, J r. '46 * Forbes, W. '15 (4) + Frank, M. '79 + Fuller, D. '52 (3) * Haehl, H.1r. '33 (3) Haugh, S. 78 (2) + Hebert, H. '44 + Hirst, W. Jr. '40 (2) Hoffman, B. '52

Schaenen, D. '50 Schnitzer, R. '39

+ Schreihofer, A. '59 (7) Sperling, W. III '35 (4) + Stoner, J, '56 (2) Sullivan, E. '29 (2) +Thomas, R. '47 (6) + Truscott, M. '18 (10) • Tucker, P. '75 * VanKeuren, W. '09 (5) • Venn, C. '41 Wade, D. '60 (3) + Weeks, H, '51 (2) + Wenczel, T. '43 (3) •

~lfc~~,\t'4'i3 + Williamson, R. '34 (11) + Youpa, R. '55 (4) SAN DIEG0--6 Darcy, T, '72 (2) + Fieri, p, '73 (5) + Little, J. '72 McCormick, T. '79 (2) + Tanner, S. '77 (2) + Wilsey, M. '78

* Holmstrom, R. '79 + Hornby, D. '38 Lehmann, A . '38

+ Lewis, J. '62 (2) + Manchester, F. '26 (10) McCarty, S. '76 (4) + Millington, R, '43 Nelson, J r. '53 + Nelson, . '59 (10) + Nyeland, A. '33 * O'Connor, J. '51 (2) + Petrich, H. '44 (6) Prodis, P. '56


+ Schneider, K. '63

+ Schroeder, B. '63 (2) +Smith, R. '59 (10) Sobieski, J. '58 + Stewart, J. '25

Vi~na, J. '35 (2) + Vo I, G. '41 (5) White, G. '33 (10) + Wilson, B. '50 (2) + Woods, W. '32

SWARTHMORE-33 * AnthOI]l.' '23 (2) Arsht, .' 1.


SAN FERNANDO V ALLEY Bartlett, E. Jr. '26 STATE-3 Boom, '\T. ' 9 Brooks, G. '79 (2) Delancy, p, '67 (2) Phillips, J, '65 Brosius, "V . '22 + Waite, E. '66 (2) + C0f.swell, C. '56 (2) +Co es, C. '21 (10) + DeWitt, F. '45 (6) SAN JOSE-15 Eaton, W. '32 (2) + Hall, R. '52 + Boothe, S. '52 (11) + Brown, B, '56 (4) * Hallowell, H. Jr. '29 (7) + Coakley, G, '53 * lones,J.Jr. '41 Dukes, D. '53 elly, J. III '80 * Fuller, R. '49 • + Lioi, F. '77 (4) + Longshore, M. '30 (9) * Legge, R. '58 +Lund, A. '55 (II) * Lukcns, W. '12 * McCabe, T. '15 (11) + Madsen, D. '51 (6) McGuire, H. '29 * Sherman, '66 (2) * Spooner, . '55 (5). * Mindel, J. '60 (3) + Palmer, S. J r. '27 (11) * Stepovich , M. '56 (5) Perkins, E. '49 (4) Strmgfellow, '63 Phillips, T. '55 Swander, J. ' 3 (10) Piotrowski, T. '80 Torme~, '57 Rogers, J. '15 (2) * Yates, ' 5 (6).


J' J-t.

+Schwcrtncr, R. '48 (5)

SIMPSON-6 * Gould, J. Jr. '60 (2) • + Hollowell, R. '18 (3) * Howsare, P. '29 (11) Koser, M. '20 (8) + Larson, H. Jr. '28 Lilly, J. '59 (11) SOUTH DAKOT A-3 Ohnstad, T, '71 Olson, T. '78 (3) * Rempfer, E. Jr. '74 (2) SOUTHERN ILLINOIS-3 * Adams,!. '35 (2) + Crowell, R, '76 * Maguire, D, '73 (3) SOUTHWEST TEXAS-2 Dewbre, R. '79

+ Halamicek, H. '79

* Shallles, P. ' 10 * Sun t, R. '50 (12) * Taylor, H. Jr. '27 (II) • Thom, C. '54 + Tomlinson, W. ' 17 (10) + Williams , F. '31 + Youngblood, D. '47 (5) SYRACUSE-47 Angeron, P. '79 (2) + Argen, R. '80 Bayer, P. ' 0 + Benjamin, B, '69 (4) + Connolly, J. '31 (6) Dick, H. 'S4 + Dixon, E. '40 (1 1) DuMond, J. '31 Faigle, G, Jr. '59 Finnell, T, '57 (3) + Greenlaw, R. '58 (4) * Haun, R. '27 (4) * Hill, R. '76 (2) + Hoskins, E. '50 (3) + Hughes, R. '29 (9)


+ Jann, C. Jr. '52 (2) Josselyn, J. '80 * Kagler, W. '54 (5) Lohman, T. '34 + 1;:{;nd, '35 (6) + cFarane, D.Jr. '52 (11) McLaughlin, B. '58 (11) + Melenbacker, R. '45 (4) + Mittelstaedt, A. Jr. '58 (2) * Munger, G. '19 (11) Namack, W. III '57 (4) +Obenhoff,J. '33 (11) +Osborn, H, '21 (11) + Perkins, H. '30 (4)


Power, W. '39

+ Raffe, C. '60 Rekstis, WJr. '38 (3) + Ringwall, . '58 (8) • + Roe, B. '67 (3) * Shaw, E. '66 Sherman, T. '48

* Smeltzer, W. '58 (4) + Stackhouse, C. J r. '65 * Strates, E. '54 (5)

Sullivan, R, '52 + Tinker, G, '17 (11) +Torrey, R. '51 (3) + Vadney, H. '28 (5) Val eo, T. '65 (3) * Vosburgh, F, '25 (5) + Wilson, W, Jr. '30 (5) + Wright, C, Jr. '31 (6)

TECHNOLOGY - 56 + Allen, J. Jr. '64 (5) Alusic, D. '64 * Armstr0W" L. '28 (10) * Beadle, ,'17 (11) Beaman, D. Jr. '38 (11) Breeden, D, '72 (2) + Carlson, K, '77 (3) * Cross, R, '32 (10) DodgeJ '39 (5) + Edmon s, G. '26 (11) Ehrenfried, D. '80 '39 (6) + Ferry, J. Gillette, . '36 (5) Graham, E. '31 + Hall, R, '22 (10) + Halpern, D. '73 Hardwick, R. '17 (2) Herman, M. '79 (2) + Hoffman, P. '55 + Hurst, M. '70 (6)

+ Irwin,

C. '80

Isaac, B. '75 (2) + Jakobson, 1. '21 (11)

+~ensen ,

* + + *

P. '73

ouris, W. '61 (II) Kavazar\iian, E. Jr. '73 (2) Kenyon, M. '58 Knudsen, S. '36 (4)

. + Lammers, L '35

Linder, J. '55 (2) +Little, E. '18 (6) Luther, D. '73 MacMartin,1- '50 (2) + Machen, C. 31 (11) Murphy, M. '74 (5) +Myers'l' '41 (11)


Perini, . '78

+ Pierce, D. '51 Pike, M. '20 Reed, C. '16 (3) + Reichart, H, Jr. '34 (4) + Roach'l '65 (3) Schnei er, D, '74 She~herd, T, '22'(2) Slac ,T. '30 (4) Smith, T. '45 * Stevens, E. '27 (11) Suchon, M. '76 (4) + Thayer, C. '32 (7) v0'l,el, F. '22 (6) We b,J. '37 White, W. '40 (3) *Wingard, M. Jr. '51 Wood, S. '69 (2) + Woodward, W. '40 (10) * Zurbrigen, J. '53 (2)

TENNESSEE-6 + Carter, C. '71 (2) + Freesh, p, '70 (3) + Gardner, J, '73 + Goodwin, R, '72 (2) Greer, D, '72 + Myers, D. '74


• July, 1981

TEXAS-22 + Allums, I. '59 (2) * Baccus. 1-1. '50 + Bobbitt, I. '70 (4) Brewer, W. '70 (6) + Bryant, R. '74 + Cassell, j. Jr. '70 (5) Dunlap, j. '73 (2) + Dunn, T. '70 (3) • Earp, R. '63 (8) • + Friederich, P. '51 + McMahan, D. '65 (2) + McWhorter, D. '76 + Nelson, W. '59 (3) + Orr, j. '65 (4) + Peters, j. '52 Polser, A.JI'. '65 (II) + Rohde, M. '68 (4) + Schley, R. '70 + Taylor, W. II'. '75 + Waters, l. '''73 (3) Weber, A. JI'. '77 + Wiley, R. Jr. '49 (2) TORONTO-IO + Anderson, R. '39 (7) Clark, B. '69 (5) + Howland, W. '36 (7) *Jackson, B. '50 (5) • ~rmain, E. '30 (7) + ohnston, I. '74 (4) + . cCulioch, H. '30 (3) • + Murphy, H. '51 (5) * O'Brien, M. '42 (2) • Westaway, j. '34 (6)


TUFfS-29 • Allard, C. '65 (2) • Ames, H. '36 (10) + Atwood, R. '43 (2) +Ayer, P. Jr. '67 Casabian, E. Jr. '64 (5) Clark, W. '34 + Dingwall, J. '22 (2) + Fembert, A. '61 (2) + Fonda, . '5 1 + Hahn, . '40 Hale, R. '58 + Hosterman, C. Ir. '32 Ingalls, E. )1'. '18 (2) • Lee, j. Jr. 50 (5) '" Matthews, P. '76 • May, R. '62 • + McKinney, W. '26 (11) + Morse, D. '42 (11) +O'Brien, R. '56 O'Connell, C. '60 + Ohanian, M. '76 (3) + Pike, J. '65 (2) Porter, j. '43 (2) + Rand, J. '58 Slaven, M. '78 (2) + Toren, M. '65

+ 0~r~i~;:~.'i.i


Wilkinson, T. '36

TYLER-2 • Durham, R. '78 (2) Wagner, K. '72 U.C.l.A.-II Brann, E. '34 (2) + Carter, E. '32 (II) Frink, A. '38 (2) Hamley, E. '5 1 * Henkle, T. '50 (7) Lallement, R. '50 + Leiffer, D. '30 (3) + Lyons, D. '44 • O'Neal, R. '34 (10) + Raney, j. '35 (4) • Woods, W. '50 (2) UNION-24 Argersinger, j. '35 + Barry, E. '38 (4) Blanchette, R. '69 (5) • Brown, M. '28 (11) + Cassidy, E. II'. '58 Jr. '80 Coleman, * Dagostino, l. '77 (3) Davison, T. '71 + Finegan, 1'. '33 (3) + Flood, R. '47 (4) * Freeman, E. '25 (5) * Grant, W. '49 (10) • Haidak, P. '67 (4)


+ Hanle, C. '62 (I I) Harvey, j. '65 Klein, D. Jr. '56 Olson, C. '36 (II) +Osborg, H. '54 (3) + Putman, T. '52 (II) + Robinson, T. II '42 ( II ) * Roth, H. '30 (4) + Steidle, I) I'. '40 + Wiese, R. 44 (II) Yates, R. '57 (2) VIRGINIA-26 +Copenhaver'j' '50 Ferrell, G. '7

! ~~~Ik~'~d~it4;29 (2)

I-lanman, I. '80 + Head, E. '04 (3) + Howe ll, W. Jr. '43 (5) King, S. '69 * Linville, T. '26 Lundberg, l. '56 + Mathews, E. lr. '51 (3) + McCoy, H. '51 (2) + Montagna, A. II'. '62 (4) Norfleet, J. '5 r (4) + Norris, T. '50 ( II) Pence, J. '75 (5) * Pollock, O. II'. '5 1 (10) + Ramey , R. '51 (3) Read, C. Ir. '80 * Reusing, \V. '62 (10) + Rice , B. '57 Saufley, A. '54 + Shelton, G. '38 (7) Straton, F. '55 (10) +Tempicton, H. '67 (5) Zeisler, K. '42 (4) WASHINGTON-70 Aaberg, C. '73 (4) + Amick, H. '65 + Amick, R. '63 (5) +Bailey, R. '6 1 (5) Bargreen, H. '66 (2) • Bayless, G. II'. '49 (II) * Beebe, C. 'S'5 (9) + Berge r, G. '59 (4) + Bibo, R. '44 (II) + Byles, C. '25 (10) + Clifford. A. Jr. '35 (5) * Clifton, C. Jr. '35 (3) +Cook, G. '64 *Corbill, W. '20 (II) + Corey, J. '34 (5) Dobb, H. '4 1 (2) Drumheller, J. '28 + Drumheller, r. Jr. '29 + Eisenlohr. K. '49 Estes, l. '50 (2) * Fagan, R. '52 (5) + Fall, D. '34 (4) + Gilmore, R. '72 (2) • + Harris, G. '71 (3) + Harris, R. '49 ( II) + Hendrickson, T. '67 (3) + Hiler" A. Jr. '36 (2) * Hill, M. '17 Hillesland, K. '58 * Hold en, W. '30 (3) Huffine, C. '29 (8) + Huffine , S. '29 + lezman , S. '70 (3) * Jacroux , P. '59 (6) • +Johnson, I. '49 Johnson, 'S. '80 (2) + Kaneta, K. '59 (11) Koch, A. '32 (II) Kraft, D. '48 + Lowry, l. '27 (11) Marshall, J. '42 (II) Martin, R. '59 (II) + McCush, G. '23 (2) * McKay, R. '59 + Meier, R. '73 (8) Meissner, V. '47 (2) + Morford, D. '56 (II) * Morford,)- '5 1 (3) + Olsen, R. 56 Olson, R. '6 1 (3) Pallen, M. '19 (9) * Peterson, W. '22 (11) * Prim, W. '48 + Proctor, J. '50 + Putnam, G. '39 (10) Reichelt, C. '53 (6) + Richards, R. '42 + Rosenquist. T. '69 + Ryan, I. '31 (5) + SCOll, W. '30 (6)



Solberg, T. '66 (4) *Swanes, V. '45 (4) + Trepp, M. '35 * Tuohy, P. '53 + Ulrich, l. '40 (10) • Wick, D. '59 (3) + Winters, j. '52 (II) + Woodyard, S. '34 (5)

• ii~U,~g' (~i '33 WASHINGTON & LEE-6 Horine, G. '28 (II) Kelsey, R."70 (4) + Longacre, C. J I'. '33 (2) + Poindexter, E. Sr. '20 (4) * Richardson, D. '43 (3) +Wade, T.Jr. '23 ( II) WASHINGTON STATE-27 Arveson, C. '23 (5) Brandenburg, R. '55 (3) Brown, H. '25 +Burg, K. '50 (II) Butlierus, H. Jr. '36 (7) + Carrell, R. '76 * Clifford, B. '46 (3) Drazan, G. '34 + Duffy, D. '37 (5) * Enders, j. J I'. '39 ( II) + Hunter, R. '50 (6) * H yslop, V. Jr. '47 (11) +tOhnso n, O. '39 (II) + ohnson, R. '39 (3) eipham, H. '27 (2) + Lewis, G. '43 (2) * Marble, E. '58 Middlehurst, D. '40 (5) Morris, H. '24 (II) + Nelsen, M. '71 (2) Rothrock, D. '69 Sackett, M. '29 Scougale, G. '70 (10) • Studle, G. '57 (10) Therrien, M. '76 (3) Wivell, C. '24 + Workman, j. '40 (2)


WESLEYAN-I +Bucknell, R. '51 (3) WESTERN ILLINOIS-I + Bruegger, B. '75 (4) WESTERN MICHIGAN-15 + Davidson, J . '59 + Fan-est, .1. '73 + Gebhardt. W. I r. '61 (8) * Hale, G. '52 (fI) + Harden, G. '60 (II) + Kanemori, D. '66 (11) • Lightfoot, D. Jr. '56 + Lotero, R. '68 Marlett, E. '63 • O'Donnell,)- '69 Peebles, D. 63 (4) * Pence, .1. '65 • + Perry, t. '76 (2) Smith, T. '69 Wirgau, E. Jr. '61 WESTERN ONTARI0-22 + Ballantyne, H. '47 (6) + Barton, W. '45 * Blackburn, W. '36 (6) + Bright, C. '37 (2) + Buikman, H. '76 (3) • Caldwell, G. '52 (4) • Christie, R. '59 (4) + Cluff, j. '74 (4) + Eberhard, j. '69 • Ford, G. '31 (6) • + Graham, A. '60


'73 + Lewis, W. '51 (6) + McKay, A. '59 • + Mundy, B. '65 • Orr, J. '40 (4) + Rawlmg, F. '37 + Roberts, R. '55 (2) + Robinson, H. '50 (4) Sarafinchin, M. '74 (4) + Shultis, P. '72 (4) WESTERN RESERVE-38 + Angelolla,.J. '45 (6)

july, 1981

Armbruster, T. '77 Bakaitis, A. '62 Bayless, W. '33 (5) Berg, l. '59 (3) +Blair,j. '40 (II) Bloch, j. '45 + Bobey, M. '35 (II) + Bray, D. '50 (II) * Bricker, 1. '35 (4) • Buckin~liam. l. '17 (11) Cook, "I. ' 18 Cookson, C. '5 1 (11) Cooper, T. '51 (II) Fogel, l. '75 (2) Hemtz, j. '39 (II) + Hollingsworth, D. '39 (6) + Hovore, F. '44 (4) Ir vin, R. '38 *Jones, P. '23 (6) + Katzenmeyer, W. '36 ( 10) + Kish, G. '63 (2) Monaco, J. J I'. '80 NakanishI, A. '78 (2) North,J. '34 (10) Peck, P. '63 (4) Phillips, E. '28 (10) Rabe , W. '51 Sabo, j. '67 * Sisler, C. '46 ( 10) + Spann, l. '5 1 (2) + Stickney, I. '48 + Tench, W. '39 + Ventresca , A. '53 (6) + Williams, S. '76 + Wilmore, W. '46 (11) Zilli, H. Jr. '53 + Zito, A. Jr. '64 (3)


WICHITA-I8 Aaron, G. '62 Black, E. '32 (2) + Connor, j. '78 (2) + Coughenour, K. '78 (2) + Craver, A. '51 (4) * Grauel, C. '66 (2) + Griffith, P. '33 (2) + Gunn, F. '69 (2) + Hampton, G. '78 (2) * Harwick. C. '64 • Hedden, K. '66 (9) + Hutchinson, E. '43 (1 1) Klaver, W. '36 Kucharo, I. '65 Little, J. '58 (2) Love. M. '53 + Neff, T. '69 + Walcher, K. '77 (2) WILLIAMS-16 +Ads it, W. '30 (2) + Bohnet, I. '38 + Clarke, D. '30 (5) + Ellis, A. Jr. '36 (4) Frost, F. '25 (2) Gepson, I. '65 (6) Hal', j. '48 (2) + Lynn, J . '36 * McGregor, H. Jr. '40 (11) + Monon, R. '34 + Pilgrim, I. '60 (6) Rowlancf. R. '33 (9) schoentgen'j' '25 + Svenson, O. r. '50 (2) + Tyler, D. '41 (9) Whitbeck, C. '33 WILMINGTON-5 * Cole, D. '72 (2) + Maguil"e, R. '70 Munroe,j. III '7 1 Prall, W. '79 + Wullenwaber, F. '77 (3) WISCONSIN-91 Adler, R. '46 (6) Allen, C. '65 Allen, H. '30 + Anderson, J. '58 '48 (9) + Aring, C. Arpin, E. 45 + Becker, W. '69 (3) + Bills, H. Jr. '57 (3) * Black, R. '24 (II) + Bluett, T. '53 Buist, j. '53 Busse, R. '66 (4) Byrns, j. '38 (II) Camberis, G. '78 (2) + Combacker, H. '23 (4)



* Davidson, H. '3 1 (2) Desnoyers, P. ' 16 (10) '" Dewey. L. II'. '56 + DiRenzo, R. '50 (2) + Edgerton, S. '40 (4) + Emmert, l. '27 (3) + Fellows, D. '49 (2) + Folsom, H. '30 (5) + Forester, I. '33 (4) * Forester,'ll.. '3 1 (II) Frawley, S. '25 (7) * Fulscher, M. '65 + Goeb, P. '39 (3) * Habi~horst, n. '65 (II) + Harm, I. '72 (2) + Herro, t. '43 ( II) Herzer; D. '54 (2) Hill, R. '55 (4) Hoebel, l. '33 (3) Hogan, H. '41 + Holland, I. '71 (4) + Howard, 1l.. '40 (4) Hunner, R. Sr. '51 (6) • Icke , G. '33 • + lacobus, C. '50 (4) + 'kahler, J. '69 (3) + Kalt, H. '64 Kempfert, R. '56 Little, H. '19 + May, C. '48 (4) + McGehee, J. '38 (II) McLimans, R. '68 (2) + Mead, J. '61 (4) + Miller, S. '70 (3) + Morton, D. '51 (4) + Murphy, W. '28 (5) Nalley, R. '65 * Ne lson, C. '27 (II) + Nesbitt, W. '76 (2) + Paape, D. '53 Peterson, D. '50 (4) + Pike, J. '78 (2) + Rasmussen, R. '70 (4) Ricker, G. '29 Roup, C. '65 (2) + Ruedebusch, J. '69 (4) + Ryan, H. '39 + Salzwedel, R. '62 (2) +Schm itl, G. '25 (5) +Seator, D. '29 (10) Seitz, D. '73 (2) Shaw, B. Jr. '67 Sippi, J Jr. '70 (3) +Sirotkll1, G. '41 (5) +Smart, T. '76 (5) • Solomon. E. '31 (4) Spickard, L. '20 (5) +Spohn, J. '5 1 (4) +Stavrum, S. '39 (5) +Still, D. '3 1 Stouthamcr. T. '50

+ :::~~~r.~~;~'

Uehling, R. '76 Ullrich,j. '37 (II) Vinson, D. '59 + Vinson, E. '28 (2) + Walcisak, R. '74 (4) Weinke, D. '59 (II) + Wiese, W. '75 (4) + Wittig, R. '62 (4)

t;;g7 (4)

Tormey, T. J r. '32 + Trachsel, W. '59 (10) + Traisman, S. '69 Trubshaw, F. '43 + Truebenbach, M. '56 (2)

Honor Roll members from April 1 to June 30 will be listed In the October QUARTERLY 61

crhe 'President's GfJeputy 'Program Herbert Brownell, President


I. SCOTT D. HAHNER, Rutgers '78 374 Durham Court, Union, New Jersey 07083 II. ROBERT L. TYBURSKI, Colgate '74 71 Madison Street, Hamilton, New York 13346 III. WILLIAM A. TORREY, Bucknell '75 Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania 17837 IV. PAUL E. ROSENTHAL, Florida '73 Post Office Box 2193, Orlando, Florida 32802 V. DAVID N. NOVELLI, Rutgers '73 622 37th Street, N .W., Apt. #3, Canton, Ohio 44709 VI. (Western Ontario, Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky) VII. WARREN P. NESBITT, Wisconsin '76 16 E. Old Willow Road, Apt. 313S, Prospect Heights, Illinois 60070 VIII. ROBERT A. DAHLSGAARD, JR., Bradley '63 10907 Pioneer Drive, Burnsville, Minnesota 55337 IX. (Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska) X. GARY J. GOLDEN, Rutgers '74 12012 Stilwell Place, N.E., Apt. C, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87112 XI. (Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah) XII. RICHARD N. BRANDENBURG, Washington State and Washington '55 2021 Third Avenue, Seattle, Washington 98121 In the directory listing below, the date following the name of the chapter is their founding date, and the number in parentheses following the name of the trustee indicates his term expiration. ALBERTA (1935) Xl! 11020-86th Avenue Edmonton. Alberta T6G OW9 TRUSTEE *trustee needed DEPUTY Alexander Andrekson '47 29 \Vestbrook Drive Edmonton, Alberta T6J 2C8 COUNSELORS :~~ Michael W. Spelliscy '76 '84 Andrew P. W. Hopkyns '77 ARKANSAS (1975) X 10 North Garland Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 TRUSTEE William 1- Bittner, BRAD '74 (82) 44 Center Grove Road, Apt. 36E Randolph, New Jersey 07801 DEPUTY Randy 1- Strickland '79 3101 S. 65th Street Ft. Smith, Arkansas 72903 COUNSELORS '82 loe W. Stacy '77 '83 'frhornas R. Iacobs '77 '84 Charles C. Rogers '79 ARLINGTON (1969) X 719 West Abram Arlington, Texas 76013 TRUSTEE Frank Sandford, OKLA '42 (82) 803 Red Oak Lane Arlington, Texas 76012 DEPUTY Thomas J. Walters, '72 9737 Ambenon Parkway, #1066 Dallas, Texas 75243 COUNSELORS :~~ Robert W. Gray '76 '84 Jeffrey A. Lang '78 BAYLOR (1978) X Box 102, Union Building Baylor University Waco, Texas 76703


TRUSTEE Richard C. Dabrowski, NCAR '70 (82) 177 Hobart Street Danvers, Massachusetts 01923 DEPUTY *deputy needed COUNSELORS '82 Steven G. Newcom '78 '83 '84 Marc Carroll '81 BOWLING GREEN (1949) V Bowling Green State University Bowling Green, Ohio 43403 TRUSTEE *trustee needed DEPUTY Mark A. Corey, OHST '76 995 S. Main, Apt. 15 Bowling Green, Ohio 43402 COUNSELORS '82 Jeffrey E. Jones, '81 '83 Robert 1- Boron 11 '80 '84 Craig A. Brass '81 BRADLEY (1951) V11 1318 'Vest Fredonia Peoria, Illinois 61606 TRUSTEE

i~s6~s~;il?K::~:~~;70 (83) Clifton, New Jersey 07012 DEPUTY William H. Bried '68 1941 Woodside Road Springfield, lllinois 62707 COUNSELORS '82 John 1- Schad, Jr. '66 '83 Antone F. Alber, LEHI '65 '84 BUCKNELL (1950) III Bucknell University, Box C-2789 Lewisburg, Pennsylvania 17837 TRUSTEE Robert W. Hartung '75 (82) 3564 Bend View Drive Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15221

DEPUTY John F. Zeller, 111 '41 89 Anlyn Drive Lewisburg, Pennsylvania 17837 COUNSELORS '82 John F. Zeller 111 '41 '83 William A. Torrey III '75 '84 Richard G. hkGinnis '68

DEPUTY Walter C. Finn '77 8212 East 83rd Terrace Raytown, Missouri 64138 COUNSELORS '82 Daniel R. Stockwell '77 '83 loseph R. Kirkman '72 '84 Thomas 1- Wyrsch '75

CALIFORNIA (1896) Xl 2425 Warring Street Berkeley, Caufornia 94704 TRUSTEE Donald J. Moulin '53 (81) 11008 Stanmore Drive Potomac, Marylacd 20854 DEPUTY Gary H. Brooks '70 6651 Heartland Drive Oakland, California 94611 COUNSELORS '82 '83 Martin R. Klitten, Jr. '66 '84 Scott H. Paine '62

CHICAGO (1901) V11 5714 Woodlawn Avenue Chicago, lllinois 60637 TRUSTEE Maurice S. Mandel '55 (81) 14 Hillside Avenue Pt. Washington, New York 11050 DEPUTY Michael A. Yesner '65 9384 Home Circle Des Plaines, lllinois 60016 COUNSELORS '82 Steven M. Honigfeld '76 '83 '84

CARNEGIE (1917) III 5031 Forbes Avenue Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213 TRUSTEE John C. Vassil '52 (83) Morgan, Finnegan, Pine, Foley & Lee 345 Park A venue New York, New York 10022 DEPUTY Thomas R. Allen, Jr. '58 Scaife Road, Box 495 Sewickley, Pennsylvania 15143 COUNSELORS '82 lames 1- Dobos '77 '83 "'rhomas S. Terpack '65 '84 Jonathan D. Domash '77

CLARKSON (1961) II 30 Elm Street Potsdam, New York 13676 TRUSTEE Philip 1- Garda '67 (82) 41 Joan Drive Chappaqua, New York 10514 DEPUTY F. 'William Fiesinger '37 70 Main Street Potsdam, New York 13676 COUNSELORS '82 '83 '84 Robert M. Shurtleff '66

CENTRAL MISSOURI (1970) IX Diemer Hall, 310 R Warrensburg, Missouri 64093 TRUSTEE Keith M. O'Kelly '73 (83) 218 Glenview Court Marlton, New Jersey 08053

COLBY (1852) I Colby College, Box 1352 \Vaterville, :Maine 04901 TRUSTEE Geoffrey S. Emanuel '79 (83) 19-F 'Voodland Avenue Bloomfield, Connecticut 06002 DEPUTY *deputy needed

COUNSELORS '82 Thomas J. Mordone '65 '83 Mark R. Serdjenian '73 '84 James C. Dickinson '71 COLGATE (1865) II Colgate Unh'ersity, Box 239 Hamilton, New York 13346 TRUSTEE James M. VanBuren '50 (82) Scott Printing Company 190 Baldwin Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey 07306 DEPUTY *deputy needed COUNSELORS '82 Charles S. Fox '70

:~~ ~~!t~nt~I~~~;f,b~:6'~8 .- I COLORADO (1953) IX 1012 University A\'enue Boulder, Colorado 80302 TRUSTEE Richard L. Smoot, '62 (82) 577 Gregory Lane Devon, Pennsylvania 19333 DEPUTY Larry D. Mangin, NDAK '68 885 Arapahoe Avenue Boulder, Colorado 80302 COUNSELORS '82 Richard Y. Keith '77 '83 Jeffrey D. Nichols '79 '84 Randall S. Sagante '80 COLORADO STATE (1971) IX 412 \'Vest Laurel Fort Collins, Colorado 80521 TRUSTEE *Trustee needed DEPUTY John B. Knezovich, ILLl '68 637 Cowan Fort Collins, Colorado 80524 COUNSELORS '82 Paula. Kolb '72 '83 Glen E. Lewellen, KSTA '59 '84 William H. Wynne, Jr., COLO '70


July, 1981

crhe Presidents GfJeputy Program CORNELL ( 1869) 11 6 Sout h Aven ue Ithaca, New York 14850 TRUSTEE Robert J. Verna '69 (83) 14 Ross Road Scarsdalc, New York 10583 DEPUTY William R. Shaw '69 3 14 1thaca Road Ithaca, New York 14 850 COUNSELORS '82 J ames N. Seeley '75 '83 '84 Donald K. Eniche n '73 CREIGHTON ( 1969) IX 3 18 North 33rd Street Omaha, Nebraska 68131 TRUSTEE ~af>~~kPA~~:~l~;illcr '7 1 (84) Naugatuck, Connecticut 06770 DEPUTY Terrance R. Moore '77 5056 South 86th Parkway, # 1 Omaha, Nebraska 68127 COUNSELORS '82 Mark S. Dion '79 '83 Thomas \·V. Hosier '77 '8 4 Thomas S. McShane '73 DAYTON (1971) V 108 Woodland Da)'ton, Ohio 45409 TRUSTEE Robert W. Sullivan '74 (84) 146 Manhauan Avenue , #6 J erse), Cit y, New J ersey 07307 DEPUTY David M. Ulrich, 0 11ST '54 5235 Mad River Road Dayton, Ohio 45429 COUNSELORS '82 Terrance P. Brennan '73 '83 '84 J osep h C. Luke '77

COUNSELORS '82 Michael G. Edwards '78 '83 J ames A. Blake '69 '84 A. Craig Enlow '77 FLORIDA (1957) IV 18 14 W. Universit), Avenue Gainesville, Florida 32603 TRUSTEE Joseph J. Marinelli, Jr. '65 (82) 209 Fairway Longwood, Florida 32740 . DEPUTY TelTY E. Bates '68 52 11 N.W. 36th Court Gainesville, Florida 3260 1 COUNSELORS '82 Richard D. Baxley '76 '83 Joseph L Mizzell '76 '84 FRESNO ( 1968) Xl 5211 Nonh First Fresno, Ca li fornia 93726 TRUSTEE "'trustee needed DEPUTY Samuel Chavez, Jr. '76 2958 E. Huntington Blvd. Fresno, Califol"l1I a 93 721 COUNSELORS '82 Raymond I. Hurado '77 '83 David G. Sorensen '75 '84 Richard C. Machado '69

New York, New York 10017 DEPUTY loe H. Petty '36 ~409 \Narre n Avenue Terre Hau te, Indiana 47803 COUNSELORS '82 John B. Norberg '70 '83 Carl A. Buehler '58 '84 Ed win W. Bu rn e), '67

IOWA (1925) V111 320 Ellis Aven ue Iowa City, Iowa 52240 TRUSTEE Jack T . Hunn '55 (80) William M. Mercer, In c. P.O. Box 3880 San Francisco, Cali fornia 941 19 DEPUTY Carl T. Ostrem, 11'. '49 Post Ortiee Box 2387 Iowa City, Iowa 52244 COUNSELORS '82 Davc R. Knuepfer '76 '83 lames L. Wenma n '76 '84 " 1ichael D. Steele '77 IOWA STATE (19 13) Vlll 117 Ash Avenue Ames, Iowa 500 10 TRUSTEE C. D. Prutzma n, PSTA ' 18 (84) 166 Greenway, North Forest Hills, New York 11 375 DEPUTY Ralph E. Stucky, WRCS '31 IS18 Douglas A,'enue Ames, Iowa 50010 COUN SELORS '82 La rr y J. Skeie '64 '83 Michael E. Bowman '64 '84 Ralph E. Stucky WRCS '3 1

GEORGIA TECH (1957) IV 154 Firth Street, N. W. Atlanta, Georgia 303 13 TR USTEE Ed mund P. Shrewsbury, Jr. '6 1 (84) 70 East Gate Road JOHNS HOPKINS (1928) III Guilford, Connecticllt 06437 4220 N. Charles Street Baltimore, Maryland 21218 DEPUTY Allen J. Walters 111 '63 TRUSTEE 1332 Nonlwiew Aven ue, N.E. Christopher A. South '76 (81) Atlanta, Geo rgia 30306 149-1 7 Sanford Avenue Flushing, New York 11 355 COUNSELORS '82 Maurice R. Turcotte '72 DEPUTY '83 William J. Minschwaner '77 *deput)' necded '84 Allen K. Calhoun '80 COUNSELORS '82 Alan J. Schirr '74 HAMILTON (1847) 11 '83 Hamil ton College '84 William M. Lev)' '54 Clinton, New York 13323

DELAWARE (1970) III 400 \Voll asto n Avenue, Apt. A-4 Newark, Delaware 1971 1 TRUSTEE Edmond F. Anzalone '72 (8 1) 1 lI St. Laurence Road Upper Darb)" Penns),lva nia 19082 TRUSTEE Jnome Pitarresi '7 1 (83) DEPUTY 23 Sherman Road "'deput)' needed New Hanford, New York 134 13 COUNSELORS DEPUTY :~~ Christo pher J. Ennis '78 "'deput )' needed COUNSELORS '84 Stanley A. Wozniak '7 1 '82 Robert A. Bankert '43 '83 DENISON (1949) V '84 Gerald L Mark etos '63 Slayter Hall, Box # 1942 Granville, Ohi o 43023 HOUSTON ( 1972) X TRUSTEE Campus Activities Centel:, Box 109 Michael D. Eisner '64 (8 2) 4800 Calhoun 283 Bel Air Road University of Houston Los Angeles, California 90024 Houston, Texas 77004 DEPUTY TRUSTEE Edwi n S. Robenson '56 Randal L Fairbank s '76 (83) 7920 N. College 7815 High Star Drive In dianapolis, fndiana 46240 Hou ston, Texas 77036 COUNSELORS DEPUTY '82 lerrrey D. Ritt er '70 Steven C. McCart ney '78 '83 'Richard C. Anth ony '67 8207 Westbank 'R4 William D. Clarke '5 1 Houston, Texas 77064 COUNSELORS DEPAUW ( 1887) VI '82 R. Cod)' lackson '79 626 F. Seminar ), St reet '83 J erry L flobo '77 Greencastle, India na 46135 '84 J ames R. Johnson '78 TRUSTEE


DEPUTY *deput )' necdcd COUNSELORS 'S2 Peter \V . Yoder '70 'S3 David P. Doust '79 '84 J. TelTY Cla pacs '65

ILLINOIS ( 1905) V11 312 East Armory Champaign, Illinois 61820 TRUSTEE Steven B. Grim n '79 (83) III N. Broadway, Apt. 1'3 Irvin gton, New York 10533 DEPUTY *deputy needed COUNSELORS

EASTERN KENTUCKY (1970) VI :~~ Do~;~JB~1,;~~e.'7~78 '84 1-ra nk V·,I. Kari '74 Box 252, Todd Hall Easter n KenlUck), University Richmond, KenlUcky 40475 INDIANA (1915) VI 1200 East Third Street TRUSTEE Bloomington, India na 4740 1 Bernard E. Hrubala '73 (84) 22 Well wood Circle TRUSTEE Vernon, Co nnecticut 06066 Ivan Escott, J r. '4 1 (82) 37 Brookside Terrace DEPUTY North Caldwell, Nell' Jersey 07006 *deputy needed


july, 1981

KANSAS ( 1920) IX 1025 Emer), Road Lawrence, Ka nsas 6604 4 TRUSTEE Dale M. Flanaga n '58 (83) 366 N. BeMord Road Chappaqua, New York 10514 DEP UTY Lewis D. Gregory '75 6612 Walmer Overland Park, Kansas 66202 COUNSELORS '82 '83 Jerry M. Nossamall '60 '84 Charles R. Po hl '68 KANSAS STATE (1956) IX 1425 University Dr ive Manhattan, Kansas 66502 TR USTEE Terr)' L Bullock '61 (84) Shawnee Co unty Co urthouse Topeka, Kansas 66603 DEPUTY J oe A. Knopp '74 1201 H ouston Manhattan, Kansas 66502 COUNSELORS '82 loe A. Knopp '74 'S3 thom as L. Bauer '75 '84 Paul E. Miller '69 LAFAYETTE (1885) III Lafa ye tte College Easton, Pennsy lvan ia 1S042 TR USTEE

~J7~ ~~~dl~~~~llC '52 (81) Scotch Plains, New Jersc)' 07076 DEP UTY *deput)' needed COUNSELORS '82 Olav B. KolievoU, COLG '45 '83 '84 David S. Crocke t, COLB '52 LEHIGH (1885) III Lehigh Un iversit), Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18015


~~~t~~~t~r~8~h it~e<:,2) Allentown, Penn sylva ni a 18 102 DEPUTY

~a~~ ~~li~e§~~=~t J1'.

'48 Nazareth, Pennsylvania IS064 COUNSELORS '82 '83 '84 Stanley J. Jakubowski '55

LOUISIANA STATE (1979) X P.O. Box 17 12 1 Baton Rouge, Lou isiana 70S93 TRUSTEE Robert L Tyburski, COLG '74 (82) 7 1 Madison Street Hamilton, New York J 3346 DEP UTY James B. Kessel, CARN '50 872 S. Tinley Drive Baton Rouge, Lo ui sia na 708 J5 COUNSELORS '82 Stephen L. Pastore k '79

:~~ ~~~~l LS~\,~~e:~s '~40 LOUISVILLE (1949) VI Belknap CamE"s Un ivers ity of o llisvi ll e Lou isville, Kentucky 40208 TRUSTEE Robe rt J. Fratangelo '65 (82) 21 Schenck Avenue, Apt. 2AA Great Neck, New York 1102 1 DEP UTY H. Scott Davis, Jr. '65 2100 High Ridge Road Louis vi lle, Kentuck), 40207 COUNSELORS 'S2 Lawrence T. Smith '68 '83 Jerfre), A. Wellkam p '75 'S4 H. Douglas Man n '7 1 MAINE (1970) 1 130 College Avenue Orono, Maine 04473 TRUSTEE David C. Dore '76 (81) Route 128 Dresden , Mainc 04342 DEPUT Y Richard I. Hunt, Jr. '74 Canadian American Ce nter Orono, Maine 04473 COUNSELORS '82 '83 Theodore E. Sapoznik '78 '84 Cha rles S. Wong '73 MANITOBA (1929) Vlll 112 Wilmo t Place \Vinnipeg, Manitoba R3L 2K1 TRUSTEE Donald C. Melnnes '50 (8 1) 603 Wellington Crcsccnt Vlinnipeg, 'M anitoba R31vl OA7 DEPUTY *depUl}' needed COUNSELORS '82 Frank D. Lotz '78 '83 Mark E. John ston '79 '84 Joachim O. ~·I c i ster '77 MARIETTA (1870) V 223 Fourth Strcct Marietta, Ohio 45750 TRUSTEE Charles F. Jennin gs '3 1 (82) 13 1 Pearson Drive Morganton, North Ca rolina 28655 DEPUTY *deput), needcd CO UNS ELORS '82 George R. Forbes '7 1 '83 Charles B. McQuoid 11 '77 '84 Edward W. Stincs '73 MARYLAND (1972) 111 6 Fraternity Row College Park, Mar)'land 20740 T RUSTEE Michael G. HalTison LEH 1 '72 (83) 7729 Merrick Lallc Hyattsville, Mar),land 20786 DEPUTY J oh n W. Smith III '73 2503 Am herst Road West H yattsv illc , Mar yla nd 20783

COUNSELORS '82 Daniel J. Pierce '63 '83 '84 J ohn W. Smith III '73 MASSACHUSETTS ( 1980) 1 778 N. Pleasant Am herst, Massachusetts 01002 TRUSTEE *trustee needed DEPUTY Keith O. Kaneta, \\lASH '59 14 3 Harlow Drive Amhers t, lvlassachusetts 01002 COUNSELORS '82 Dennis E. Tully, RUTG '68 '83 William MacRobbie, T UFT '40 '84 J ames A. Cornwall, MIDD '40 MIAMI ( 1868) V 400 East Vine Street Oxrord, Ohio 45056 TRUSTEE J. Paul Mc Namara '29 (82) 88 East Broad Street Columbus, Ohio 43215 DEPUTY *deputy needed COUN SELORS '82 Stephen J. Shon '78 '83 FI'ank S. Dodd '49 '84 David A. Krebs '80 MICHIGAN (1876) VI 1331 Hill Street An n Arbor, ~\'Ii c higan 48104 TRUSTEE *lrUSlee needed DEPUTY Wallace K. Sagendorph '6 1

5330 In\'crray Milrord, Michigan 48042 COUNSELORS

'82 Adrian n. Horton '76 '83 '84 Thomas B. Darnton '69

MICHIGAN STATE (1949) VI 343 Alben Street East La nsing, lvfichigan 48823 TRUSTEE Richard Zimmerman '53 (83)

14320 Hubbard Livonia, J\'lich igan 48154

DEPUTY William F. Savage '56 2224 Tulane Dri ve Lansin g, l\'l ichiga n 48912 COUNSELORS '82 Kenneth H. Smith '67 '83 W. Brian Po )'kko NDAK '77 '84 William T. Barger '7 1 MIDDLEBURY (1856) 1 136 S. [\'Iain Street Middlebury,. Vermont 05753 TRUSTEE


(82) Cazenovia , New York 13035 DEPUTY Eric G. Peterson '63 P.O. Box 886 Rutland, Vermont 05701 COUNSELORS '82 '83 '84 Eric G. Peterso n '63 MINNESOTA (1890) Vl11 1112 Sixth Street, S.£.. Minneapo lis, Ivfinneso ta 55414 TRUSTEE *tru stee needed DEPUTY

\<08o~tp?~I~~:'I~~~~~d, BRAD '63 Burnsville, Minnesota 55337 COUNSELORS '821)mes L. Hallin g '72

:~~ R;~l~~!:~t ~io~YI~e~;nd '7 1 MISSOURI (1924) 1X 711 iVlar)'land Avenue Columbia, Missouri 6520 I TRUSTEE Timoth), S. Ta)'lor '7 1 (83) Route 22 120l h Strect, N. \-". Parkvi ll e, l\lissou ri 64153 DEPUTY r.. ti cha el S. Procto r '65 9 10 Westover Columbia, Missouri 6520 I


CJb.e 'Presidents GJ)eputy 'Program COUNSELO RS '82 William O. O uen '72 '83 William I. J ones '79

COUNSELORS '82 Richard C. Mille!- '77 '83 Lawrenccd' Fuller '7 1

'84 Daniel j.

DEPUTY A ll an ). Vcndclti '64 25 14 ~.\t\' . Glenwood Drive

'84 William!.. Feithen '75

oda r '78

NORTHERN IOWA (1968) VIII 1927 College Street Cedar Falls, Iowa 506 13 TR USTEE Stephen C. Lillie '76 (83) 2033 Friley Road

NEBRASKA (1898) IX 1548 Vine Street Lincoln, Nebraska 68508

TRUSTEE lIugh W. Gra y '34 (83) 803 N. DuPont Road Westover J-lill s

Ames, Iowa 500 10

\>\'ilmingtoll, Delaware 19807

DEPUTY Thomas D. Hansen, l AST '79


408 Oa klawf1 Ave nu e Waterloo, Iowa 5070 I

Oscar Sandbe rg '59

2453 Sewell Lincoln, Nebraska 68502

COUNSELO RS '82 Terrill L. Becker '73 '83 Rand y D. Co ry '79 '84 Mark L. Buhrow '72

COUNSELORS '82 j oseph L. Krause '56 '83 '84 Michael D . Wilkins '73

NORTH CAROLINA (1953) IV 407 East Rosemary Chapel Hill, No rth Carolina 275 14


Evanston, lllin ois 60201

~gfa~ lt.jf~f~e~, 6t;i:,~1

Go lden Gate Station Greensbo ro, North Carolina 27405



"'deputy needed

As hebo ro, North Carolina 27203

COUNSELORS '82 jay A. Nollman, jr. '66 '83 '84 Byron E. Coon '60


OHIO (1955) V

~~~;'6fr!;~~~:~86 '82 R. Michael Waltem)'cr '75

'83 Keit h T. Selle,·s '78 '84 j oseph D. joyner, jr. '77 NORTH CAROLINA STATE ( 1977) IV #3 Maiden L ane Raleigh. North Carolina 27607

New York, New York 1002B

DEPUTY L. Alan Go ldsberry '66 North Hill Athens, Ohio 4570 I COU NS ELORS

TRUSTEE lose ph L. Raudabaugh '78 (83) '3 11 8 Oxford Circle South All e nlown, Pennsylvania 18104


Joseph O. Hannibal. Jr. JNHP '45 13rookhaven 4826 Rembert Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27609

COUNSELORS '8~g~~ '~g~ Krichbaum ,



'83 William D. Lu\)cr, Jr. '79 '84 Douglas E. Wi Iiams '80

NORTH DAKOTA (1961) YIII 505 Princeton Street Grand Forks, North Dakota 5820 I


~aLi~n~~a~rS&~'~~ Jr.

'69 (83)

Cambridge, I\la ssach use tts 02138

DEPUTY Gera ld T. Schmidt '70 1111 Sunset Drive Grand Forks, North Dakota 5820 I

COUNSELORS '82 Robert K. Snort land '62 '83 Robert j. Korbach

l~I~;:,t ~~~~b~1510 I TRUSTEE Michael 1'. Loudon '74 (81) 250 E. 87th Su·eel, Apt. 3 I-I

'82 Thomas O. Pierson '7 1

'83 '84 L. Alan Goldsberry '66 OHIO STATE ( 1904) V 240 East 15th Avenue

Columbus, Ohio 4320 I TRUSTEE Bruce C. Setloff '7 I (8 I) Post Office Box 4397 Indin e Village, Nevada 89450

DEPUTY *deputy needed

COUNSELORS '82 '83 '84 Paul A. Bokros '70 OKLAHOMA (1927) X 603 West Brooks

Sioux F'llIs, Sout h DakOli.l 57106



COUNSELO RS '82 Robert L. Levell, j r. '73

TRUSTEE Charles S. Carter '7 1 (82) 11 8 Charlestown Road

COUNSELO RS '82 Harry W. VanSciver '53

'83 Fred I-I. Kelley, j r. '50 PENNSYLVANIA STATE (19 11 ) III 229 Locust Lane State Co llege, Pennsylvan ia 16801

'83 Wayne Lundquist '79

l'vIalibu South Trai ler Ct. #61

Carbondale, Illinois 6290 I TRUSTEE Dave Maguire '73 (83)

R.D. #3, Gro use Lane Sewic kl ey , Pe nn sy lvania 15143

'83 Lee R. Anderson '79

DEPUTY '84 j ohn M. Dhuyvetter '78 Lindell C. Gardner '72 25 I 2 South 9 I E Place NORTHERN ILLINOIS ( 1966) Tulsa, Oklaho ma 74129 VII COUNSELORS I I 14 Black hawk Road '82 Ira D. Crews, j r. OKLA '45 De Kalb, lJIinois 60 115 '83 Gal')' R. Pierce '75 '84 James D. Toews '77

OREGON STATE (1922) XII 235 N.W. 25th Street Corva lli s, Oregon 97330

TRUSTEE j. L. LeMaster '48 (83) 160 East 48th Street, Apt. II-K New York, New York 10017

'84 Harrison C. \Veed, '78

TENNESSEE (1969) IV 1845 Terrace Avenue ~l 'ennessee

379 16

171 3 Granda Boulevard Knoxville, Tennessee 37922

COUNSELORS '82 Gordon P. Street '79

900 N. Lmd en La ne Macomb, Illinoi s 61455

'83 T. Michael Kni es '7 1

TRUSTEE Cha rl es D. Prutzman '18 (82)

DEPUTY Frank Halpn, jr. '76

TEXAS (1949) X

166 Gree nway North Fores t Hill s, New York 11 375

22554 Pleasant Drive Richton Park, Illinois 6047 1

DEPUTY Richard A. Hellberg '72

COUNSELORS '82 john Kurtz, SYRA '48

42 Westview Chalfolll. Penns)'lv<lnia 189 14

'83 Wi lli<lm T. Cochran '75 '84 Willi<lm R. Kimmel '78

COUNSELORS '82 Charl es I. Clement '79 '83 Mark A. Belden '72 '84 LIITy j. Kuhns '68

SOUTHWEST MISSOURI ( 1981) IX 308 S. Dollison Springfield, Missouri 65807 TRUSTEE

PURDUE (19 14) VI 1290 State Street West Lafayette, Indi ana 47906 TRUSTEE Richard R. Popham '40 (83) 47 Prides Crossin g New Cana an, Co nn ecticut 06840


¥3c2!~'~:i~'0~:~,~~ i~ad, S. Drive

'84 james M. Spitzer, PENN '60 2510 Leon Street Austin, Texa s 78705

TRUSTEE Henry L. Baccus '50 (82) 4007 Knollwood Drive Austin, Texas 78731

DEPUTY *depUly need ed

COUNSELORS '82 Leland W. Waters '73

'83 '84 Frederick R. Hamilton '70

*trustee needed


DEPUTY *deputy needed

182 St. George Streel Toronto, Ontario M5R 2N3

COUNSELORS '82 Wayne E. Hlavacek, MISR '69

TRUSTEE Brian G. Clark '69 (84)

:~~ ~:i~\~~r~JHTI'I','i~\\~P~~( '7 I STANFORD (1896) XI

17 Deerfield Terrace

Mah wa h, New j ersey 07430 DEPUTY *deputy needed

Ind ianapo li s, Indiana 46208

553 Mayfield Avenue

COUNSELORS '82.john B. Norbe rg, DF.I'II' '70 '83 rilOmas S. Heady '79 '84 Frank C. Arganbrig ht '49

Stanford, Cal ifornia 94305 TRUSTEE George E. Brinkerhoff '72 (82)

'82 Wayne G. Sincarsin '79 '83 Ce il-ion Humber '80

Paine Webber Inc. 200 Park Avenue New York, New York 10017

TUFTS (1886) I

RIPON ( 1959) V II Broc.::kwCl)' Hall Ripon College Ripon, Wisconsin 5497 1

TRUSTEE Floyd E. Munson, PURD '57 (83) 300 E. 40th Street, Apt. 28-W New York, New York 10016



'83 David B. Br itt ai n '49

'84 Perry F. Page '79 RUTGERS (1858) I 66 College Avenue New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901

COUNSELORS '84 Paul K. joannou '78 11 4 ProfessOl-s Row Medford, Massachusetts 02155

T RUSTEE Jame s F. Coonan '38 3000 San Hill Road, Bldg. I, # 195 .lames H. Vineburgh '66 (84) Menlo Park , Ca li fornia 94025

COUNSELORS '82 james F. Coo nan '38 '83 '84 O'Malley M. Mille r '73

TRUSTEE Eric N. Kronfcld '62 (82) 38 East 68th Street

TR USTEE H. Allan Thompson, OKI.A '65 (83)

COUNSELORS '82 Douglas S. Luther '73 '83 Robert j. Lepkowski '76

'84 SCOIl D. Boyd '77 Phoenixville, Pennsylvania 19460 SOUTHERN ILLINOIS ( 197 1) DEPUTY T. Michael Knies '7 1 VII

COUNSEL.ORS '82 Andrew G. ~I ill er '80

724 N. River Road


4100 S. Louise, Apt. 303

New York, New York 1002 1



3 11 South Hester Sti ll water, O kla ho ma 74074

'62 DeKalb, lJIinois 60115

William C. Peterson '73

Swarthmore Co ll ege Swarthmore, Pen nsy lvania 19081

DEPUTY Donald E. Larew, lAST '63


TRUSTEE Steven W. McConnell '70 (83) 420 East 79th St., Apt. 16D

Ripon Coll ege Ripon, Wisconsin 54971


River Edge, New jersey 07661 DEPUTY

1909 Pinefic ld Avenue Muscatine, Iowa 5276 1

DOll F. T homann, CH IC '39

R.D . #3, Grouse Lane Sewick le)" Pennsy lv ani~ 15143

DEPUTY Martin V. Zombeck '57 42 Fletcher Street Winchester, Massachu se tts 01890

3902 Spru ce Slreet Philadel phia, Pennsylvania 19 104

P.O. Box 248

Pittsburgh, Pennsy lvania 15237

1060 Main Street

~~~'I~iil~:~:'S:~~:~h ~~k~~a 5 7069

Spdngwood Pa th, Laurel Holl ow Syosset, New York J 179 1

TRUSTEE James T. Reimer '73 (8 1)

TRUSTEE H. Allan Thompson '65 (84)

DEPUTY lohn W. Funk '75 NORTH DAKOTA STATE (1970) 304 N.W. 20th VIII Okl ahoma City, Oklahoma 73 103 1420 12th Ave nue , Nort h COUNSELORS Fargo, North Dakota 58 I 02 '82 Byron E. McFall '29 T RUSTEE '83 lay L. Shields '66 Sailesh S. Kapadia '70 (83) '84 Phillip E. Hurley '64 428 Allenberry Drive

TRUSTEE Steven j. Ge rber '68 (83) do Boy Scouts o r America


Norman, Ok laho ma 73 069

'84 Russell A. Peterso n '45

Fargo, North Dakota 58102 COUNSELORS '82 Paul F. Richard '74

'84 William A. Deering, Jr . '77

TRUSTEE Charles A. Morton,jr. '45 (81)


'84 Fulton W. Samson '21

Lake Forest, lTIinois 60045


'83 Steven J. Gann '79 '84 William L. Bryant '58

Robe rt M. Bartus '7 1 24lS Ind epen dence Avenue Roslyn, Pe nn sylvania 1900 ]

NORTHWESTERN ( 1880) VII 2307 Sheridan Road

TRUSTEE W. D. Watkins '27 (83) Post Office Box 13592

Corva llis, Oregon 97330 COUNSELORS '82 Allan j . Vendctti '64

COUNSELORS '82 Te tT )' P. McCormick '79 '83 Daniel J. Bohn '77

New York, New York 10021

DEPUTY William F. Lee, j r. '60 10 Ogden Aven ue Swarthmore, Penns ylvania 19081

37 Long View Road West Hartrord , Connecticut 06 107

DEPUTY Steven M. O'Brien '78

1~~t~:1~c:l~~ra~~~~~~~t~b~'1 ~~O COUNSELORS '82 Thomas D. MacDowell '74 '83 '84 joseph L. Finigan '80 TYLER (197 1) X Tyler juniOl· College, Box 210 Tyler, Texas 7570 1 TRUSTEE Henry L. Baccus, TEXA '50 (8 1)

TR USTEE Marshall ~Lj ohnson '51 (83) 21 Applcton Road Glen Ridge, Ne,," jersey 07028 DEPUTY Ronald Becker '57

'84 Thom as J. Elverson '75

*deputy needed


567 Co untry Club Road Bridgewater, New Jersc)1 08807

711 Comstock Avenue Syracuse, New York 132 10

'82 Mark M. Newton '76

COUNSELORS :~~ George S. McLaren '75

TRUSTEE Norman D. Sanders, OH IO '59 (82)

'84 Brian J. Paich '73

O verview Ltd. 15 Sunrise Cirde

SAN DIEGO ( 1968) XI 5606 Hard)' Avenue San Diego, Ca li rornia 92 115

TRUSTEE Lelandj. Adams, jr. BUCK '64 (82)


:~~ ~~:Glela~tri~~0't5:'72

Holmdel, New j ersey 07733 DEPUT Y

Carleton B. Laidlaw, Jr. '55 247 Greenwood Place Syracuse, New York. 13210


44 Griscom Road

:~~ Alfred j. Lewis '27

Sudbury, Massachusetts 0 I 776 DEPUTY SCOtt D. Tanner '77

'84 Vladimir Breue r '40

826 Cap istrano Court San Diego, Ca li rornia 92109

526 Beacon Street Boston, Massachuse tts 02215


4007 Knollwood Drive Austin, Texas 78731

DEPUTY COUNSELORS '83 '84 Sabin A. Warrick '76

UNION (1838) I Union College Schenectady, New York 12308

TRUSTEE Robert W. Benjamin '67 (8 1) 38 Caml'bell Road Short Htlls, New jersey 07078 DEPUTY Michael A. Martin '73

6 Georgian Terrace, #7 Troy, New York 12180 COUNSELORS

:g~ ~~~~~~n~e;~r~r~o6tino '75 '84

Kenne~ A. Clough '77


July, 1981

crhe 'President's G[)eputy 'Program VIRGINIA (1922) IV 180 Rugby Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 TRUSTEE George G. Shelton '38 (81) 49 Valley Road Old Westbury, New York 11568 DEPUTY

~OO~~~ib~~ani~~e~~e'5ixt. Charloltcsvifte, Virginia 22903 COUNSELORS '82 Stephen S. McNerney '74 '83 David D. Makel '79 '84 Gregory C. Eckman '77

WESTERN ILLINOIS (1974) VII 526 North Lafayette Macomb, lllinois 61455 TRUSTEE Bruce E. Peterson '74 (84) 5808 N. Lindenwood Dr. #2709 Peoria, Illinois 61615 DEPUTY David K. Bivens '75 5805 W. Ridgecress Dr., Apt. 204 Peoria, IllinoIS 61615 COUNSELORS '82 Patrick C. Mooney '74

'83 Bruce E. Peterson '74 '84 Gerald D. Skarr '75

WASHINGTON (1910) XII 4508 19th Avenue, NE Seattle, Washington 98105 TRUSTEE *trustee needed DEPUTY Richard R. Dilling '66 17051 10th N.W. Seattle, Washington 98177 COUNSELORS '82 Glen B. Hayton '74

WESTERN ONTARIO (1931) VI 294 Central Avenue London, Ontario N6B 2C8 TRUSTEE William D. Greenbe'路g '73 (83) Box 38 1, Station Q Torolllo, Ontario M4T 2M5 DEPUTY Randolph J. Dietrich '79 634 Wellington Street London, Ontario N6A 3R9 COUNSELORS :~! ~~b~r~c?;'[~~i:l~1169 '71 '82 David r. Seed '78 WASHINGTON STATE (1933) '83 Ronald C. Eaton '79 '84 Brian M. Louhert '79 Xli N .E. 815 Ruby Street WESTERN RESERVE (1847) V Pullman, Washington 99163 11439 Juniper Road TRUSTEE Cleveland, Ohio 44106 Earl L. Marble '58 (82) TRUSTEE 3994 East Road , Route #3 David J. Habert '75 (81) Cazenovia, New York 13035 DEPUTY DEPUTY "'deput}' needed *deputy needed COUNSELORS COUNSELORS '82 Albert K. Nakanishi '78 '82 Ronald H. Miller '73 '83 '83 John S. Burns '68 '84 Stephen E. Williams '76 '84

WICHITA (1959) IX 1720 North Vassar "Vichita, Kansas 67208 TRUSTEE Lynn E. Amble,路 '68 (83) 67 Raymond Street Stratford, Connecticut 06497 DEPUTY Anthony W. Phillips '74 1540 Park Place Wichita, Kansas 67203 COUNSELORS '82 Kuniss L Coughenour '78 '83 Donald A. Laham '79 '84 Charles W. Grauel '66

225 Economics Building University of Arizona Tucson, Arizona 85721 COUNSELORS '82 Duane M. Courson '65 '83 Jon A. Hoffman, '68 '84 Charles K. O'Dowd '72



DEPUTY Orlando I. Canto, Jr. '77 2205 Carlins Drive Madison, Wisconsin 53711 COUNSELORS '82 David A. Seifert '70 '83 '84 Richard E. Clack '70

Colonies and Petitioners ADU, ARIZONA (University of Arizona) XI do Jay Brandi Dts<:~~~ent of Finance and Real



COUNSELORS '82 Richard P. Myers, FLOR '76

:~! ~~~~~ot~~:~(~~路~~'D~~~l,'5'~8

ADU, EMPORIA STATE (Emporia State University) IX North Twin Towers Empo ria State University Empo ria, Kansas 66801

WISCONSIN (1885) VII 644 N. Frances Street Madison, Wisconsin 53703 TRUSTEE William R. Day '43 (84)

~~~\,Uyn~~'k~ ~:\~!o~~I~alo6~lt.

DEPUTY Richard A. Pyburn, TENN '70 5979 Ponderosa Pine Trail

ADU Petitioners, HOBART (Ho ban College) 11 clo Kris Clarkson Director of Student Activities Hobart College Geneva, New York 14456 DEPUTY Thomas M. Millington, W1MS '61 144 Washington Street Geneva, New York 14456 COUNSELORS '82 Richard D. Yates, UNIO '57 '83 leffre y P. Gold, SYRA '79 '84 kichard H. Somme,路s, TU~T '65 ADU, McGILL (McGi ll University) 11 522 Pine Avenue West Montreal, Quebec, H2W 1S6 COUNSELORS '82 C. W. Herlen-Greaven '65 '83 David M. McEntyre '65 '84 ADU,MEMPHISSTATE (Memphis State University) P.O. Box 81334 Memphis, Tennessee 38152


ADU, MICHIGAN TECH (Michigan Technological University) VI 206 Second Street Houghton, Michigan 49931 ADU, NEW HAVEN (University of New Haven) I P.O. Box 571 West Haven, Connecticut 06516 ADU, NORTHEAST MISSOURI STATE (Northeast Missouri State University) IX Northeast Missouri State

~\~~:'~II~~I~~!l~tIi~101 ADU, SOUTH CAROLINA (University of South Carolina) IV P.O. Box 80036 Columbia, South Carolina 29208 DEPUTY Alexander L. Kolibac WEON '42 111 Doctor Circle, Suite 104 Columbia, South Carolina 29203 COUNSELORS '82 Raymond E. Tedrick, KTST '70 '83 '84 Robert H. Uehling, R1PO '70

Pacesetter Gifts from the DU Store Exclusive Items, Guaranteed Satisfaction

DU logo latch-hook pillow comes with gold polyester yarn for the front with blue yarn for the lettering. Pillow has gold corduroy back for long life. Latch hook is not included. Item #M550 for $25.00.

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Classic neckwear is the DU repp stripe with black background and blue and gold accent stripe, item #TIOO, or the DU crest tie in dark blue background and crest pattern, item #T200, $7 .50 each. Our very best DU Crest Shirt. Only this top quality Cross Creek 100% white cotton knit is good enough for the handsome four-color embroidered Coat of Arms and Greek letters. Three buttons in M, L, XL, #S360, $23.00.

Make checks payable to:


Unit Price

Total Price

If order totals less than $25.00 add $1.50 handl ing. Name

Delta Upsilon Fraternity P.O. Box 40108 Indiana Polis IN 46240


Street City State



If shipment is desired to other than above, please attach instructions All items except rings are shipped immed iateiy.

Real Values from The DU General Store

Unique quality and value in these special DU gifts. The chair features die struck DU medallion, while the lidded and unlidded tankards, needlepoint kit and Zippo lighter highlight the Coat of Arms. Also pictured DUManuaL Songbook and supergraphic belt buckle. Write DU General Store, P.O. Box 40108. Indianapolis, Indiana, for catalog.

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