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Quarterly Centennial Year • 1882-1982 Chapter Reports. Alumni Honor Roll

Reserve Your Copy of the New DU 1SO-Year History Today

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Quarterly Centennial Retrospective Presented here, are a couple of the covers that have appeared on our journal, celebrating its 100th anniversity. Since 1882 the Quarterly has appeared in the mailboxes of Delta Upsilon alumni ... in ever-increasing numbers.

Pre-Publication orders are being taken now at the advance price of $25.95 each, including handling and shipping. Expected date of publication is the summer of 1983, just before the start of our Sesquicentennial year. - - - clip and mail - - -

MAY 1st We move to our new offices at

lOWest 23d. Street Southwest corner of Fifth Avenue

Please reserve copies of the 150 year history of Delta Upsilon Fraternity at the special pre-publication price of $25.95 each. print your name

Make check payable to Delta Upsilon Fraternity and mail to P.O. Box 40108, Indianapolis. IN 46240.


OFFICERS President Paul McNamara, Miami '29 (Vice~Chairl1lan)

McNamara and McNamara 88 E. Broad Street. Columbus. O hio 43215 Chairma n of the Board Dennis H. Cheatham, Indiana '65 Pend leton Banking Company , 100 State Street Pendleton, Indiana 46064 Vke-PI-esidents Richard S. Clewes, Western On tario '50 2334 Mississauga Road Mississauga. Ontano L5H 2Ll Dr. Hugh W. Gray, Nebraska '34 803 North DuPont Road, vVe slOver Hills, Wilmington, Delaware 19807 Edwin T . Mosher, San J ose '52 16350 Ridgecrest A venue, Monte Sereno, California 95030 Secretary Howard Kahlenbeck, Jr" Indiana '52 Krieg DeVault Alexander & Ca pehart , 2800 Indiana Nation al Bank To'wer One Indiana Square , Indiana polis, Indiana 46204 Assistant Secre tary Richard Moran, Rutgers '72 SOHIO

~~!~e~~~~Odhi~u~~d:~~ Treasurer Donald C. Rasmussen, ·Purdue '46 Robert W. Baird & Co .• Inc., 15 1 N. Delaware Suite 135. Indianapo lis, Indiana 46204 Assistant Treasurer F. Thomas McMahon, Syracuse '52 5857 Pine Grove Road Clay. New York 13041 Directors The Honorable Terry L. Bullock, Kansas Sta te '6 1 .1udge of the District Cou rt Shawnee Co unty Courthouse Topeka. Kansas 66603 ( 1983) David E. Chambers, Arizona '60 84 Burning Tree Road Greenwich , Connecticut 06830 (1982) H . Karl Huntoon, Illinois '72 161 0 Fifth Avenue Moline. Illinois 6 1265 (1983) Brian E. Mudrick, Louisville '82 8713 Zabel Way Louisville. Kentucky 40291 (1982) Richard L. Smoot, Colorado '62 577 Gregory Lane Devon. Pennsylvania 19333 (1982) Past Preside nts Horace G . Nichol, Ca rnegie '21 William F. Jones, Nebraska '27 Arad Riggs, DePauw '26 Charles D. Prutzman, Penn. State ' 18 Henry A. Federa, Louisville '37 Harry W. McCobb, Michigan '25 Orville H . Read, Missouri '33 Charles F. Jennings, Mari etta '31 W. D. Watktns, North Carolina '27 O. Edward Pollock, Virgin ia '5 1 Herbert Brownell, Nebraska '2 4 Executive Director Wilford A. Butler, CAE Fraternity Services Director Gregory R. Kavanagh Leaders hip Co nsultant Brian E. Mudrick Quarterly Ed itor W. A. Butler, CAE, Wes tern Michigan '61 Assistant Ed itor J 0 Ellen Walden Design Consultant J . L. LeMaster, Oregon Sta te '48 Official Photogl-apher Ed Lacey. Jr. DELTA U PSiLON· qUARTERLY. a publication of the Delta Upsilon Fratermty. found ed in 1834, Incorporated , Decembel' 10, 1909, und er laws of the State of New York. Delta Ups ilon International Fraternity Headquarters, P.O. Box 40108, Indianapolis, Indi ana 46 240. Headquarters is ope n from 9:00 to 5:00 p.m .• E.S.T .. Monday th ro ugh Friday. Telephone 3 17-875-8900. DELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY is published in January. Ap ril.July and October at 8705 Founders Road.india napolis, Indiana 46268. The subscri ption price (chec ks an d money orders should be made payable to Delta U p· silon Fraternity) is $3 .00 a year in advance; single copies 75 r/.. Send cha nges of ad dress and co rrespondence of a business or editorial nature to Delta Upsil on Fraternity, P.O. Box 40108. indiana polis. Indiana 46240. Second·class postage paid at Indianapo lis, Indiana an d at additional mailing offices: ® T . M. Registe red U. S. Patent Office.


crhe Presidents GReport Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation was formed in 1949 to provide an educational fund to which members of Delta Upsilon and others could make tax deductible gifts and bequests . Brother Hugh E. Nesbitt, Ohio State '14, a business executive in Columbus, Ohio, was a loyal and devoted member of our fraternity . During his terms as international president, 1947 through 1949, he became convinced that major gifts and bequests to an educational fund could be gotten if the donor could have the benefit of deducting the gift under existing tax law. At the annual convention at Johns Hopkins in 1948, Delta Upsilon held the first Leadership Conference for delegates to that meeting . For that initial affair, the fraternity assembled an auspicious array of speakers and discussion leaders. The success of the first Leadership Conference had impressed Nesbitt as it had impressed all who had participated. Further, Nesbitt was convinced that a proper undergraduate fraternity experience was a training school for development of leadership in young men. To those of us who knew and loved Hugh E. Nesbitt, the formation of Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation to him was the embodiment of his love and devotion to the ideals of our fraternity. Nesbitt made the initial gift of $25,000 in 1949, and the Foundation was in business. The purposes of the Foundation were at first carried out by the annual award of scholarships to undergraduates in colleges and universities in United States and Canada where Delta Upsilon then had chapters. In the years since its organization, the Foundation has been the recipient of more than $300,000 in gifts and bequests. Today the income is used to support the educational activities of Delta Upsilon Fraternity. Weare now engaged in the Second Century Fund campaign to raise $400,000 in gifts to the Foundation by 1984, the ses-

July, 1982

quicentennial anniversary of the founding of the fraternity. The present campaign offers a rich and rewarding opportunity to every member of Delta Upsilon to contribute to an educational fund that has and will continue to develop leadership in college and university students in United States and Canada. If you have not made your first contribution to Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation, may I urge you to make that contribution today. Your gift is an investment in leadership - Delta Upsilon brand! Fraternally yours,


Paul McNamara President

Delta Upsilon Quarterly July 1982

Volume 100-No ~ 3

Table of Contents About this special issue : Our Sesquicentennial countdown continues with this special is~ue that combines both the largest alumni annual giving honor roll in the fraternity history, with a great collection of chapter news reports. Both give proof positive that Delta Upsilon is an amazingly vital organization. To have more news than space is the editor's dream, but also an editorial lament. We will conclude the listing of alumni support donors received after April 1, 1982, in the October issue of the magazine, and hope to have some space to return to our regular features, too. -The Editors

On the cover: DU's Sesquicentennial countdown continues with a portrait of the late Hugh E. Nesbitt Ohio State ' 14, who was instrumental in the establishment of the Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation. Illustration is by J. L. LeMaster, Oregon State '48.


Ghapter GJ\ctivities GReview ALBERTA

Edward J. Boomer, President 1l020-86th Avenue Edmonton, Alberta T6G OX2 We number 50 members now, including our 17 new initiates. The new IFC president is Jim Sisson, a DU . In campus-wide sports competition, we placed first with more than twice the number of points of our nearest fraternity competitor. We won in tennis , and the swimming and diving meet; placed second in football, water polo and tea m handball. Initiates: Bernie Bradshaw, Gilford Whyte, Mark Walker, R. W. Bruce, David Warner, Brent Rabik, Bruce Olson, Cameron Clarke, Douglas Ellis, James Paterson, Kerry Checkwitch, Gordon Leaf, Todd Van Vliet, Lorin Matthews, Douglas MacPherson, James Thorn, Gerard Volbert.

ARKANSAS Brian K. Franklin, President 10 North Garland Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 Our Chapter Deputy, Randy Strickland, conducted a very successful chapter retreat, outlining things we need to be doing. During Christmas we hosted a party for underprivileged children, and conducted a "singphony" with other fraternities and sororities, the proceeds of which went to the Diabetes Association. Starting in January we participated in Meals-on-Wheels, providing 3 meals a day, 5 days a week, for 2 weeks of each month. ALUMNI EVENT: Founders' Day, October 30 .

ALUMNI EVENT: November 6, Homecoming football game. Initiates: David Aspell, Clint Bennett III, David DeShong, Todd Gaddie, Jimmy Garrison, Chris Geyer III, Jay Gibson, Matt Hallgarth, Ken Lipscomb, Mark Littlejohn, Mike Lockhart, David Schams, Blake Sieker, Jeff Spain.

BOWLING GREEN John M. Boron, President Bowling Green State University Bowling Green; Ohio 43403 We participated in the Muscular Dystrophy dance marathon and made a donation to the Heart Association. Our number was increased by eight new initiates and four quality men pledged . ALUMNI EVENT: October 16, homecoming, at the chapter. Initiates : Andrew]. Niekamp Ill, William E . Cook, William]. Cusick, Douglas B. Miller, Geoffrey L. Pup pel, Thomas R. Sari, Bradford A. Scotten, Scott G. Slupe.

BRADLEY Robert M. Gibson, President 1318 West Fredonia Peoria, Illinois 61606 We were honored to host the 1982 Regional Leadership Seminar for Provinces V, VI, and VII and feel it was a success. We have won the "All IFC Sports Cup" for the third time in the last four years. After a slight drop in house grade point, we "put our minds" to it and now rank in second place. ALUMNI EVENT: Alumni weekend at the house, date to be announced.

CARNEGIE Peter L. Soule, President 5031 Forbes Avenue Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213 We are proud of our spring initiation class of 15. We placed first in intramural basketball and made a good showing in the Greek Sing. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming in September. Initiates: Curtis Abel, Daniel Chow, Adolph DiSandro, Dave Fink, Martin Hughes, Mark McPherson , Scott Mease, Frank Palmieri, John Platt, Tom Rieger, William Szematowicz, Mark Tarmy, Kurt Valenta, Richard Wilkinson, Joseph Reinhardt.

CENTRAL MISSOURI Michael H. LeDoux, President Unit G, Fraternity Complex Warrensburg, Missouri 64093 During the term we held our 12th annual memorial softball tournament; hosted the bed races and kick-off party for Greek Week; hosted our annual formal which was successful. We have moved into our new house which we believe will be an asset in next fall 's rush. ALUMNI EVENT: January 1983 alumni banquet. Initiates: Gary Brown, Phil Busby, Kevin Byrne, C. A. Ferguson, Kent Gaines, Bill Gatewood, Mark Grothoff,John Healy,Jon Johnson, Scott Linke, Mark Neuenschwander, Paul Sarantakos, Curt Sutton, Craig McAlevey, John Ras, Joe Rieker, Tim Shatto.

CHICAGO ARLINGTON Thomas S. Galbreath, President 719 West Abram Arlington, Texas 76013 We are enjoying a year of great participation by both members and pledges. Specific goals we have set, both short term and long term , include strenthening our relationship with the housing corporation; lowering accounts receivable; evaluating and deter-¡. mining chairmen job descriptions; reevaluating the pledge program; and many house renovation projects. Initiates: Keith Arrington , Robert Mitchell, Brent Phelps, Rafael Roa , Jim Bob Roddie, Bernard Sodek, D. C. Tong, Jim Wallace.

BAYLOR James A. Morris, Jr., President Box 102, Union Building Waco, Texas 76798 We have started another long-term service project, now visiting with the young men of the Waco Methodist Home twice a month. We are taking steps toward a more solid alumni program and measures through social events to insure our rapport with other Greek organizations on campus.


BUCKNELL Eugene C. McCarthy, President Bucknell University Box C-2789 Lewisburg, Pennsylvania 17837 We have our largest pledge class with over 40 pledges. Our Christmas party for Lewisburg pre-schoolers was a success, as was the Demi Play which raised $2100 for the March of Dimes. After the first half of intramurals, we are in the lead by a comfortable margin. Many noticeable improvements have been made to the house.

CALIFORNIA Steven R. Olson, President 2425 Warring Street Berkeley, California 94704 With much appreciated alumni support, the chapter is working to improve relations with the University. In March, five brothers successfully completed the 1st annual DU swimathon from the Berkeley pier to Alcatraz and back. The swimmers were coaxed on by other brothers from the 15 foot outboard dory, the "Mother Duck" which was the fall pledge class project. ALUMNI EVENT: "Big Game" reception and barbeque - more details later.

Robert N. Trombly, Jr., President 5714 Woodlawn Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60637 We organized and staged a winter rush for the first time and pledged 5 people during the rush - also a first! We planned a new alumni event to be held in conjunction with footbalVhomecoming. Ne w plumbing and remodelling are being planned. Other projects included taking neighborhood youngsters to a professional basketball game, and housing prospective students on "Prospective Weekend." ALUMNI EVENT: August - alumni dinner at the house. Pledges:]. Andrew, S. Denham,J. Robb, J. Terell.

CLARKSON Paul A. Restante, President 30 Elm Street Potsdam, New York 13676 With the generous support from our alumni, we have purchased a meeting table, 8 executive chairs and 2 trophy cases for our chapter room . We captured the "A" Basketball trophy; regained the overall Ice Carnival trophy, placing in all 7 events. We have a pledge class of 20 and are ranked third of the 13 fraternities scholastically.


july, 1982



ALUMNI EVENT:July 10, Open House. Initiates: Daniel Glenning, Otto Meier, Bruno Morabito, Douglas Rowland.

COLBY James A. French, President Box 550, Colby College Waterville, Maine 04901 No report received.

COLGATE Richard G. Weldon, President P. O. Box 983 Hamilton, New York 13346 Improvements have been made in the kitchen operation to reduce expenses. We are appreciative of the loan made to us by the alumni corporation to clear our outstanding debts with the International Fraternity. ALUMNI EVENT: September II, 100th anniversary homecoming, at the chapter house.

COLORADO Michael I. Chester, President 1012 University Avenue Boulder, Colorado 80302 The alumni have organized the "1012 Foundation" for fund-raising. We have reorganized the chapter's Moms' Club and have gained 17 quality pledges. ALUMNI EVENT: October 23, Homecoming, at the house. Initiates: Pete Anderson, Nato Banchero, Bill Browder, Bruce Dahl, Matt Ernst, Eric Hilcoff, Brian Luker, Mark Troyer, Dave Wholey, Van Woodcock, Tom Auch, Roger Bailey, Dean Bittner, R. J. Burnham, Bill Claybaugh, John Coogan, Eric Cunningham , Jim Farquhar, Dave Grundfest, Rick Harig, Scott Hendrickson, Corey Hill, Guy McDonough, Greg Schottland, Joel Scott, Pete Travis, Mike Turner, Dave Ulvang.

COLORADO STATE Aaron S. Joseph, President 412 West Laurel Fort Collins, Colorado 80521 We hold 2 of the 7 IFC offices, and have had a successful first year as a D U chapter in building our membership. We have hosted the University president, vice president for student affairs , head football coach, and head basketball coach for dinners and speeches . We held the DU "outhouse race" during College Daze to raise money to sponsor an underprivileged child overseas. ALUMNI EVENT: October 30 , 10:00 a.m . at the house - homecoming brunch and football game.

CORNELL Duane E. Sherman, President 6 South Avenue Ithaca, New York 14850 Plans are for the house renovation and addition to start May 15 and be completed by August 15, 1982. Other accomplishments of the term include the charity road race, community fire safety program, and the best pledge program in years. DELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY •

ALUMNI EVENT: October II, homecoming - cocktail party, tailgate picnic, dinner dance. Initiates: Danny Autiello, Raul Arrillaga, Scott Diehl, Mark Gross, Brian Miller, Mike Hartmann, Ronald Levine, Craig Kirk, Perry Jouviles, Mark Eramo, Steve Garrison, Pat Healey, Don Howell, Tom Vierling, Mike Sample, Steve Tamasi, Mike Craig.

CREIGHTON William S. Egr, President 318 North 33rd Street Omaha, Nebraska 68131 Gains were made in our GPA over last semester, as well as our social activities, and involvement of both alumni and chapter officers in the search for a new house. Our athletic programs were successful, especially the basketball and volleyball. ALUMNI EVENT : November 6, 8:00, New Tower Inn, fall formal. Initiates: Mark D. Connelly, Bill Forbes, A. J. Glaser, Bill Kimme , Tom McCabe,Jim McCray, Tim Brice.

DELAWARE Kenneth C. Anderson, President 400 Wollaston Avenue, Building A Newark, Delaware 19711 Our alumni support has greatly improved as have our University and interfraternity relations. We have bettered our rush technique. Our community service project has been for a convalescent home. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming in October, at the new chapter house on Wyoming Road. Pledges: Michael Washington, Russell Sandlin, John Cressman, Robert Forney.

DENISON Warren P. Meyers, President Slayter Hall, Box #883 Granville, Ohio 43023 We were first in GPA on campus; and are leading in overall points in intramurals, and donations in the all school charity drive. We organized campus clean-up weekend and participated in the annual blood drive. ALUMNI EVENT: October, homecoming at the house. Initiates: Gordon Roessler, Warren P. Meyers, Dave Gilliam.

EASTERN KENTUCKY Paul M. Heil, President 128 Powell Building Eastern Kentucky University Richmond, Kentucky 40475 No report received.

FLORIDA John L. Meena, President 1814 West University Avenue Gainesville, Florida 32603 We won the intramural President's cup for the second consecutive year, and the Dan McCarthy Award for service for the third consecutive year - we now retire the cup. We placed fourth overall in Greek Week. ALUMNI EVENT: October 15-16, Homecoming and 25th anniversary.

FRESNO Brett Stoner, President 5211 North First Fresno, California 93726 We have had an excellent rush and have doubled our chapter size. To continue this growth, we have scheduled more and better chapter events. We also have increased the amount of alumni support which has led to better ideas on how to operate our chapter. ALUMNI EVENT: Founders' Day dinner, to be announced. Pledges : Craig Baltimore, Bob Desch, Paul Freitas, Todd Greco, Steve Nance, Jo Penner, Vince Saldivar.

GEORGIA TECH John C. Johnson III, President 154 Fifth Street, Northwest Atlanta, Georgia 30313 Fall quarter finished with our chapter placing fourth out of 30 fraternities in Homecoming, and raising over $1300 to benefit leukemia research. Our JA's were ' victorious in the first pledge football game vs. another fraternity's pledge class in many years. Winter quarter began on a very encouraging note as we we re very fortunate to have the Executive Director of Delta Upsilon, Wilford A. Butler, CAE, speak at our Founders' Day dinner. Election of new officers this spring gave the chapter a new spirit and sense of motivation that is exciting. We are looking forward to a good year; hope to see everyone at the 25th anniversary. ALUMNI EVENT: 25th anniversary celebration during Homecoming.

DEPAUW Jeffrey A. Sanders, President 626 East Seminary Street Greencastle, Indiana 46135 We are working on our rush program; improving alumni relations; and improving our GPA from the current 2.98. Mark Lehman '83 was elected student body president. ALUMNI EVENT: October, Old Gold Weekend. An alumni career day is being planned . Initiates: Alex Alexandrou, Jeff Bay, Doug Dell, Brent Ehrman, Brad Grabow, Rich Hailey, E. T.Jacobs, Tom Kyser, Doug Peters, Dave Ritenour, Bill Smits, Tom Trowbridge, Jeff Ware, Steve Westbrook.

July, 1982

HAMILTON Alan W. Schmiedicker, President Hamilton College Clinton, New York 13323 Improvements have been made in our campus image, rush efforts, faculty relations, communications with International Headquarters, and officer rapport. We hosted a Brother-Administration sit-down dinner which was successful. ALUMNI EVENT: October, Homecoming football game. Initiates: Alan Schmiedicker, Edward Dupre, Eugene Arcand, Kevin Garvin , David Bonzerato, Tod Danforth, Harold


Malkin, Salvatore Angotti, William Bunke, Michael Marta, Tyson Arnedt, David Davis, Thomas Sweeney, John Webber, Alan Sofen,John Steven Reynolds, Andrew Miller, Michael McGuire, Scott Moore, Clark Greene, Jonathan Kiffel.

HOUSTON Richard R. Mahoney, President 5012 Calhoun Houston, Texas 77004 We held our fifth annuaIJohn-a-thon and raised almost $1100 for Easter Seals. We developed and have begun using a new pledge education program, including a new manual. Brother Carl Chain was elected Student Activities President.

ILLINOIS Scott D. Parker, President 312 East Armory Avenue Champaign, Illinois 61820 We enjoyed our most successful homecoming ever with over 200 guests. Continuing to keep our membership strong, we have initiated 18 quality men and have a pledge class of 8. We continue to be one of the most campus-involved houses with members active in everything from athletics to government to honoraries, including the University Student Trustee Matt Bettenhausen. This year we held our first 25 and 50 year reunion for alumni from the classes of'57 and '32. Plans are already in the works for next year's reunion . ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, October 16, brunch at the house before the Ohio State game and reception after the game.

arship by establishing a mInimum grade point for activation. The 1982 RLS hosted by our chapter was very successful, as was our first faculty dinner in many years. We placed second in the Sweepstakes in the skit division. ALUMNI EVENT: October 30 - homecoming banquet.

JOHNS HOPKINS Philip M. Rosenberg, President 4220 North Charles Street Baltimore, Maryland 21218 We successfully retained the Intramural Sports Trophy. Our alumni relations have been improved, as has our financial condition. We have a large pledge class, building the chapter roll.

KANSAS Steven A. Peters, President 1025 Emery Road Lawrence, Kansas 66044 Our chapter's GPA was 2.77 which was 5th out of the 23 fraternities on campus. We won 4 of the 7 Rock Chalk Revue awards including "best overall production." The alumni board paid for house improvements and a new tile floor in the entry way. Members are strongly involved in a wide variety of campus activities, ranging from IFC to several varsity sports. Accounts receivable are in good shape, and with our excellent rush program, we are looking forward to another fine pledge class. ALUMNI EVENT: October, DU Day at the house.

KANSAS STATE INDIANA Gary C. Kern, President 1200 East Third Street Bloomington, Indiana 47401 We won first place in this year's IU sing and first place in the campus blood drive. Our membership has increased to 88 and our physical plant has been improved by a new front sidewalk, pin light, and sign. We held initiation ceremonies on campus for the second consecutive semester and invited alumni and university faculty. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, October 9.

IOWA Bradley C. Wilson, President 320 Ellis Avenue Iowa City, Iowa 52240 We are maintaining a good financial base and the numbers for membership, being # 1 oflive-ins on campus. Our IFC participation has been revitalized as has been our relations in the community through service projects. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, October 16, at the DU house at 5:00 p .m . fora pig roast.

IOWA STATE Christopher J. Renk, President 117 Ash Avenue Ames, Iowa 50010 We are setting a precedent for good schol-


Bradley M. Reinhardt, President 1425 University Drive Manhattan, Kansas 66502 The Perkins Memorial Scholarship Drive was the best ever. We placed 5th out of 26 fraternities in GPA; and the basketball team placed 2nd in intramurals. We have reorganized our executive council and are working to reorganize and define all elected chapter offices. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, October 9; and Founders' Day, November 14.


Daniel J. White, President Lafayette College Easton, Pennsylvania 18042 We co-sponsored a problem solving theatre and a transcultural awareness week. We have hired a new cook and purchased new furniture. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming weekend , date to be announced. Pledges: Dan Ball, Bill Bull, Pete Burd, Rich Butler, Mike Dzelzgalvis, Scott Hatfield, Pete Kellogg, Mike Mindock, Andrew Riebe, Eric Sellinger, Chris Shields.

working toward improving alumni relations. House receptions are held after all finance lectures and are well received. We have painted the living room and dining room , and participated in the M.S. dance marathon. ALUMNI EVENT: Lehigh-Lafayette weekend - date to be announced . Pledges: James Rovito, Daniel Gobetz, Steven Calcagni, Eric Williams, James Graziano, George Bellantoni, Jonathan Lewis, Robert Gray, William Luyben, George Rose, Stephen Opet.

LOUISIANA STATE Jay P. Robillard, President Post Office Box 17121 Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70893 We are reestablishing contact with our alumni and have become more involved in campus activities and with the IFC. There seems to be more togetherness in the chapter and membership is increasing. ALUMNI EVENT: Ba r-B-Q, in late September; details later. Initiates: George Clark, Steve Bivins, Hugo Holland.

LOUISVILLE Gregory S. Burton, President Belknap Campus University of Louisville Louisville, Kentucky 40292 We participated in the Greek Sing and although we did not place first, the judges commented that if there had been a category for spirit, we would have received a perfect score; that brotherhood was evident. We felt this was quite an honor in itself. Besides the spring formal, we are planning to participate in the March of Dimes walkathon, arthritis telethon, and the "Clean Up Louisville" campaign .

MAINE Greg M. Farrell, President 130 College Avenue Orono, Maine 04473 We attained the highest GPA of the fraternities this semester. A successful rush gained us a large pledge class; and we have completely revised our pledge program, working toward the fall rush . We won the snow sculpture contest for winter carnival and the tug-of-war. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, October 5. Pledges : Mark Dedan, Derick Godwin, Steve Harrington, Mark Herrick, Jim Hoiland, AI Jefferies, Harley Knowles, Mark Lousier, Dave Marchetto, Joe Miller, Kevin Perkins, Rick Pershken, Greg Piasio, Dave Pillsbury, Steve Spear, Bert Spiller, Jeff Thompson , Steve Swanson, Jeff Clapper, John Pettengill, Mike Gledhill, Scott Warshol.

MANITOBA LEHIGH John K. Ahsler, President Lehigh University Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18015 We have begun a new alumni newsletter,

Murray E. Wall, President 112 Wilmot Place Winnipeg, Manitoba R3L 2Kl We have improved our alumni relations and have a very effective fund raising program . House improvements included a new


July, 1982

porch and redecorated kitchen. We were successful in the broomball tournament. ALUMNI EVENT: November 4, Founders' Day. Initiates: Paul Goldstein, Kevin Siddall, Stephen Jones, Dan Orlikow, Brian Ramsay, Keith Penhall, Ben Kleiman.

MARIETTA Michael I. Yaverski, President 223 Fourth Street Marietta, Ohio 45750 We donated $1,500 to the alumni fund this term. Improvements to the house included new furniture, washer, dryer, deep freezer, and renovations to the chapter room. Many of our members are active in varsity sports. ALUMNI EVENT: October 23, Homecoming and formal. Initiates: Ernest A. Ellison, William S. MacIntyre, John G. Reider, Jonathan D. Wine.

MARYLAND Brion S. Talley, President 6 Fraternity Row College Park, Maryland 20740 We have greatly improved relations with other Greek groups, our alumni, and other DU chapters. Improvements have been made to the interior of the house. Brother Dennis Quinn is the first DU to be appointed to the IFC Cabinet, serving as Public Relations Chairman at the University. Initiates: Bryan Berringer, Tom Godfrey, Gary Koletschke, John Mah, Herb Malveaux, Tom Moseley, Andy Osborn, Ron Philip, Craig Wharton.

MASSACHUSETTS Martin P. Costa, President 778 North Pleasant Amherst, Massachusetts 01002 Our accomplishments this term included a new process of accounting, bill-paying and finance; more complete academic cooperation resulting in an above average GPA. We continue our chapter's involvement in the IFC and are involved in the Student Senate and community projects. More selective bidding and pledge selection has gained us more top quality members. ALUMNI EVENT: October - Homecoming parade. Initiates: Paul Berkowitz, David Burr, Daniel Cauley, Timothy Haley, Peter McClure, John McDermott, Brian McGinnis, Brent Miklavic, Philip Tarpey, Michael . Taylor.



Sanford M. Tweedie, IV, President 1331 Hill Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 The most successful rush in over a decade netted us 23 pledges. Being paired with good sororities and fraternities in Greek Week, we expect a strong showing again this year. House improvements include new solid-core doors throughout the main house and annex; gravel for the parking lot; and improvements to the heating system. We are also planning renovations in the kitchen and pantry area. Again this season our water polo team was undefeated. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, October 30, pre-game and post-game activities at the house. Initiates: John D'Errico, John Kim, Randy Oliver, Hal Wolfe.

Mark A. Maneely, President 1548 Vine Street Lincoln, Nebraska 68508 We were honored to have Brother Hugh Gray, '34 with us for our initiation banquet. We now have a scholarship review board for merpbers as well as pledges. We are contipually improving in-school rush efforts; campus government involvement; and alumni relations through the house newsletter "The Banner" and through a devoted group of chapter advisors. ALUMNI EVENT: Annual alumni smoker, October 16 at the chapter. Initiates: Ralph Castner, Steve Henning, Stuart Hoff, Andy Holmes, Jeff Houchins, Eldon Hutchison, Kelly Leach, Dave McManaman, Dana Medlin, Dan Reinh\lrdt, Doug Ronnau, Jim Rose, John Spanhake, Dave Spencer, Mark Stejskal, Allen Stubblefield, Jim Tourek,_Todd Uhrmacher, Ken Vette', Jim Willett.


Steven J. Zimmerman, President 343 Albert Street East Lansing, Michigan 48823 We experienced an intense rush program during winter term and expect an even better rush at the beginning of the spring term. We are pleased \vith the names submitted by alumni. We have elected new officers who are enthusiastic and have many new ideas. Our chapter relations are much improved by our participating in more Greeksponspred activities. Initiates: Ed Bartush, Greg Hawkins, Bill Pazely, Scott Kaligian, John McKendry.

MIDDLEBURY Roy P. Giarrusso, President 136 South Main Street Middlebury, Vermont 05753 We sponsored a M.S . dance marathon, and a road race with proceeds going to the needy in the community . The championship football team (7-1) was largely composed of DU's. Our chapter is very active in the Big Brother program.

MINNESOTA Brian C. Benson, President 1112 Sixth Street, Southeast Minneapolis, Minnesota 55414 Our biggest accomplishment was in improving alumni relations and we look forward to developing increased involvement. We have also made improvements to the chapter house, along with completing a pledge manual and program to aid us in our rush. Initiates: Will Kort, John Hanley, Steve Olson.

MIAMI Thomas E. Bennett, President 400 East Vine. Street Oxford, Ohio 45056 A successful rush ,gained us 22 pledges. Our ever-increasing alumni support was evidenced by a successful Spring Alumni Day. Our scholastic standing on campus is improving, now placing 10th out of 27 fraternities. We dedicated our renovated dining room to former housemother Patricia Kline who passed away in 1980. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, October 9, at the house, 10:00 to 6:00. DELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY路

MISSOURI Robert C. Nelson, President 711 Maryland Avenue Columbia, Missouri 65201 We discussed plans for remodeling a couple of sections of the house at our alumni retreat in February, and work will begin this summer. We decisively won the Intramural Basketball Championship and currently rank second in overall points. Everyone had a good time on Moms' Weekend. ALUMNI EVENT: Alumni retreat, Lake of the Ozarks, date to be announced .

July, 1982

NORTH CAROLINA Michael D. Rauser, President 407 East Rosemary Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514 During the term we hosted a reception for Senator Frank Church; hosted the Province IV Regional Leadership Seminar; won intramural and "service to the Greek system" awards. We are also sponsoring a child through the Christian Children's Fund. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming football game, November 13. Initiates: David Balmer, Keenan Conder, Rob Griffin, Mel Johnson, Bob Long, Steve Moore, Jim Pittman, Kenny Smith, Bert Wall, Vail Willis.

NORTH CAROLINA STATE T. Kevin Flaherty, President 3 Maiden Lane Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 'Our biggest accomplishment this semester is our successful 5th anniversary celebration. We have revamped our chapter newsletter; have begun reading the Ritual of Initiation passages before each weekly meeting; and have started a successful Brother-of-the-Week award. ALUMNI EVENT: November 12, Homecoming weekend.

NORTH DAKOTA Russell L. Grundhauser, President 505 Princeton A venue Grand Forks, North Dakota 58201 We were awarded the "Outstanding Fraternity" award on the campus; placed first in scholastics campus-wide; and captured three of the nine "Outstanding Greek" awards. Ten excellent men were pledged for the spring semester and a member of our chapter was elected student body president. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming reception, banquet and dance, October 9 at the Town House Motor Inn. Initiates: Dave Blaisdell, Bob Boespflug, Jeff Brungardt, Dan Evanson, Fabian Hoffner, Dick Hoistad, Craig McKay, Matt McGauley, Eric Ormseth, Jim Sweeney.




Daniel V. Dhuyvetter, President 1420 12th Avenue, North Fargo, North Dakota 58102 We have made house improvements; increased our alumni relations; updated the By-Laws; have a more organized rush program; and expanded our philanthropy projects. ALUMNI EVENT: November 5, Founders' Day at Moorhead, Minnesota. Initiate: Robert Altringer.

Albert L. Hoffman, President 240 East 15th Street Columbus, Ohio 43201 We ran the game ball to Michigan to raise money for the Heart Fund. Our intramural basketball participation was successful. Initiates: Dave Wagner, Matt Voltolini, Jack Detzel, Stu Henry.

NORTHERN ILLINOIS Quentin M. Silic, President 1114 Blackhawk Road DeKalb, Illinois 60115 We are leaders in the IFC with three members serving as officers; and are the leading fraternity in community service projects. We have strengthened alumni relations with the development of an alumni financial review board, and a successful Alumni Day. House improvements include new pillars at the front of the house, new carpeting in all halls and the formal lounge. Initiates: Dan Bubley, Dave Fish, Brian Geary, Joel Gedroic, George Gonski, Mark Green, Ken Hall, DaveJahn, Brian Kastner, Jeff Lange, Brian McGowan, Laz Nodarse, Mark Otten, Ross Rapke, Allan Stark.

NORTHERN IOWA Thomas L. Roeder, President 1927 College Street Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613 We have formed a new rush committee and have revised the pledge education program. The February 28th initiation class numbered 11. We have started a chapter newsletter, now being sent quarterly. Each officer is now required to have and maintain an officer notebook. ALUMNI EVENT: July 10, Island Park, picnic and softball game.

NORTHWESTERN William S. Galliani, President 2307 Sheridan Road Evanston, Illinois 60201 We have one of the largest mltIating spring/fall pledge classes on campus. We participated in a dance marathon for M.S.; a phone-a-thon for Northwestern University; and "Superstars Competition" for M.S. We are high achievers in intramural sports. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, postgame party at house.

OHIO Mark C. Vollmer, President 10 West Mulberry Athens, Ohio 45701 House improvements include a complete facelift to the kitchen, plus purchasing of new furniture for the sundeck and TV room. We won the interfraternity weight lifting competition. , ALUMNI EVENT: November 7, Homecoming at the house. Initiates: Paul Sharp, Tom Gibeaut, Pete Curcio, Scott Peterson, Steve Bleser.


OKLAHOMA Peter J. Brzycki, President 603 West Brooks Norman, Oklahoma 73069 We were hosts for the 1982 Regional Leadership Seminar for Province X. We have established chapter goals and have strengthened our public relations program; revised and strengthened our pledge program and maintain a strong scholarship record. ALUMNI EVENT: November- Founders' Day Banquet, and Alumni GolfTournament.

OKLAHOMA STATE Glen H. Elliott, President 311 South Hester Stillwater, Oklahoma 74074 We have an improved rush program and a spring pledge class of 13. Structural improvements have been made, and in intramurals we rank 2nd of the campus fraternities.

OREGON STATE Gregory S. Steele, President 235 Northwest 25th Street Corvallis, Oregon 97330 Our 60th anniversary banquet was a tremendous success with over 200 persons in attendance. Dr. Linus Pauling, our keynote speaker, gave a most inspirational talk to fellow DU's. Four other founders of the Oregon State Chapter were also present at the banquet. Initiates: Howard Biskie, Brian Pier, Randy McAvoy, Brett Schmidt, Shane Spiess, Scott Szemardi.

PENNSYLVANIA Michael S. Peachey, President 3902 Spruce Street • Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104 In accordance with our motto "Get on Top and Stay There" DU Pennsylvania has re-positioned itself on top as leader in fraternity CPA's on campus and was so recognized at the IFC banquet March 25. Kudos for this and other achievements go to the outgoing administration of Dan Coelho and Matt Arbit. Alumni, as always, are invited and welcome at the house.

PENNSYLVANIA STATE James H. Pastorius, Jr., President 229 Locust Lane State College, Pennsylvania 16801 Improvements to the house include renovations and painting of the interior. Our academic standings were improved during the term and our participation in Greek Week was a success. We are looking forward

to hosting the 1983 Regional Leadership Seminar for Provinces I, II, and III. ALUMNI EVENT: October, Homecoming at the house.

PURDUE Jeffrey A. Unruh, President 1290 State Street West Lafayette, Indiana 47906 We are steadily increasing our membership and campus involvement. Several improvements have been made to the house including painting the living room and creating a comfortable lounge area. Placing second in the all-campus blood drive last semester, we hope to win this semester. Our video tournament, with proceeds going to the American Cancer Society, was successful. We have a hot entry in this year's Grand Prix: the DUck will be sponsored by Fairchild Camera & Instrument Corp. We now have the option on the last vacant lot available for fraternities, and hope to purchase it soon with the help of our new fund drive. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, October 16.

RIPON Lawrence J. Wall, President Brockway Hall Ripon College Ripon, Wisconsin 54971 We have developed a new alumni letter format which is a considerable improvement over what we had previously. We have 14 high quality men pledged, and remain the leaders on campus with DU's holding positions as president, treasurer of the student senate; leaders in the IFC and on the staff of the college radio station WRPN. We organized and worked on the campus blood drive with a high student response. We also want to express our thanks and appreciation to Dr. Don Thomann who is retiring from Ripon College. We are grateful for his many years of service to our chapter. ALUMNI EVENT: September ll, DU Road Rally; alumni checkpoint at 1 :00 and party at 8:00 p.m.

RUTGERS Peter S. Feinerman, President 66 College A venue New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901 Among the house improvements were painting the stairwell, basement floor, living room and hallway; installation of a fire alarm system and re-tar the roof. ALUMNI EVENT: October - homecoming football game.

SAN DIEGO John L. Pedicini, President 5606 Hardy Avenue San Diego, California 92115 Improvements have been made in our social program, alumni relations, and chapter finances. Our chapter now ranks 2nd in GPA, and we are leading the race for the sports banner award. ALUMNI EVENT: July 4, barbeque picnic, Balboa Park.


july, 1982

SOUTH DAKOTA Douglas W. Wetzstein, President 204 North University Street Vermillion, South Dakota 57069 Last semester we set out to improve our chapter and thus far have improved our GPA, revised our by-laws, and made house improvements. We are also active in campus activities and just recently captured second place for most dollars raised in the Dance for Dystrophy. In the futl,lre we plan to make more improvements in these areas and others. ALUMNI EVENT: October 9, Dakota Days Homecoming. Pledges: Tim Kniep, Duane Lee.

SOUTHWEST MISSOURI H. Clayton Thomas, President 1050 East Walnut Springfield, Missouri 65806 We celebrated our first ;mniversary May I, and we have published our first newsletter. Our pledge class numbers 12 ; and in community involvement we participated in the health fair. Initiate: Jeff Furney.

committed our chapter to raising funds for the Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation. ALUMNI EVENT: November 7, Founders' Day at the house. Initiates: Scott Berceli, Louis Martinage, Paul Kegelmeyer, Alberto Gomez, Daniel Flores, Craig Kesack, Michael Cronk, Alan Stoddard, David Sizoo, Peter Hickman, John Swartz, Steve Bradley, Scott Warner.

TENNESSEE David M. Craig, President 1845 Terrace Avenue Knoxvj!le, Tennessee 37916 We won two trophies in homecoming events; had our first annual PU-sorority brunch; spring formal; created an active philanthropy program. We have acquired some new living room furniture. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming at the house in the fall. Initiates: David Sherwin, Tom Vanthournout, Jim Stephenson, Jim Bryant, John Morss, Rick Holder, MarkJames, Jim Pugh, Will Squire, Kevin Reilly , David Leach, Mike Dickey, Al Wimmer.

TEXAS STANFORD Christopher J. Ehly, President 553 Mayfield Ave.nue Stanford, California 94305 No report received.

SWARTHMORE John J. Farrell, Jr., President Swarthmore College Swarthmore, Pennsylvania 19081 We are attempting to improve community relations through a Dean's Office committee. An outstanding rush effort gained us a large pledge class, and numerous members are involved in campus politics and activities. We have made improvements to the lodge including the oak parquet floor in the living room. ALUMNI EVENT: Fall '82 - receptions at the house after home football games. Pledges: Sean Crowley, Steve Gaull,John Hiros, Marc Hubbard, Hans Hurdle, Dave Jardini, Mike Lieberman , Ken Pitts, Webster O'Brien, John Scott, Bruce Stern, Ed Stockb~rger, Rick VandenBergh, Bria n Wall, BI'yan Wolf.

SYRACUSE Darryl-James Geddes, President 711 Comstock Avenue Syracus垄, New York 13210 No report received.

James R. Powell, President 2510 Leon Street Austin, Texas 78705 For the first time in many years, alumni relations are On the upswing. We've started a monthly barbecue party for all DU's in the Austin area. Credit for our most important accomplishment goes to Brother Frank Scofield , our new house accountant, who has designed his own computer system and placed all financial records, rush records, and alumni information on the computer. This not only gives us an accurate look at our finances, but greatly aids us in budgeting, planning, collections, and rush. ALUMNI EVENT: July 17, Chapparell Creek Club, Irving, Texas. . ...

TORONTO Peter G. K,lopchic, President 182 St. George Street Toronto, Ontario M5R 2N3 We now have an efficient executive council capable of good planning and leading the fraternity to greater success. Among the improvements are the reorganized treas)lry and Qur re-established spring rush program. The first floor sitting rooms have been totally renovated. Initiates: Bob Armstrong, Bruce Christie, Ron Dickson, Daryl Finlayson, Leslie Marlowe, Marko Pidhirsky, Dark VUkojevic.

TECHNOLOGY Steve J. Isakowitz, President 526 Beacon Street Boston; Massachusetts 02215 Some history of our chapter was placed in the permanent archives as MIT celebrated 100 years of fraternities on campus. We hosted the 1982 RLS for Provinces I, II, and III; h~ld a steak fry for the community "spring.weekend" and provided manpower for renovating a service organization's headquarters. Planning toward the future, we are adding a room to the house , and have DELTA "UPSILON QUARTERLY路

TUFTS Robert F. Finnegan, President 114 Professors Row Medford, Massachusetts 02155 No report received.

TYLER Thomas W. Conner, Jr., President Tyler Junior College, Box 210 Tyler, Te:xas 75701 No report received.

July, 1982

UNION Stephen B. Bodmer, President Union College Schenectady, New York 12308 During the term we participated in the Miller recycling program and sponsored a party to raise funds for a local historical theater. ALUMNI EVENT : October 15-17, Homecoming. Pledges: C. E. Batchelder, David Wirth, Lenny Huttner, Roger Harris, Rich Kellaher, Dan Stewart, Frank Kraft, Art Polimeno, Brian Cox, Stephen Olsen, Mark Tavitian.

VIRGINIA Michael P. Smith, President 180 Rugby Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 The chapter has made a stunning drive from fifth place to first in the fraternity intramural standings. Championships in swimming, diving, cross country; and strong finishes in pool, racquetball, basketball and bowling propelled us to this number one ranking. . ALUMNI EVENT: October 23, Homecoming.

WASIUNGTON Douglas A. Comstock, President 4508 19th Avenue, Northeast Seattle, Washington 98105 We hosted the 1982 Regional Leadership Seminar for Province XII; developed a career counselor program; and refurbished the pool table. During half-time at a Breakers hockey game the members played broomball. ALUMNI EVENT: November 4, Founders' Day.

WASHINGTON STATE William G. Hargin, President Northeast 815 Ruby Street Pullman, Washington 99163 Plans are being made for the chapter's Golden Anniversary, March 4, 1983. We are restructuring our pledge edUGltion program with a new manual for this fall. The goal for our 4th annua.I 24-team .s oftball tournament for junior diabetes is $7,000. Our Golden Anniversary fund drive , designed to payoff the current 69-man chapter house, is generating much appreciated support. ':Thanks" to the alumni who have contributed thus far. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming in October.

WESTERN ILLINOIS Jeffrey J. Jachim, President 526 North Lafayette Macomb, Illinois 61455 Our chapter achieved the highest GPA on campus this term. We participated in the alumni phonathon and raised $950; plus having full participation in Greek Week. We reorganized our rush program, and helped improve our campus by painting the bleachers in the athletic field. ALUMNI EVENT: October 23, Homecoming.


WESTERN ONTARIO Y. Kenrick Kalopsis, President 294 Central Avenue London, Ontario N6B 2C8 During the term we participated in the Heart Fund Drive and the Crippled Children's BBQ. We have started an alumni directory, the first since 1967. Renovations include plans for a new kitchen and turning the attic into a general purpose room . We are planning for the 1983 Regional Leadership Seminar which we will be hosting for Provinces V, VI , and VII. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, October 18 weekend.

WESTERN RESERVE Barton M. Ziganti, President 11917 Mayfield Road Cleveland, Ohio 44106 We have regained our off-campus housing privileges and have notably increased our membership and improved on the chapter's GPA. Our community fund raisers for Cystic Fibrosis and the Ronald MacDonald House were more productive than any other Greek House on campus. We are active in the "Cleanland Project" for the city of Cleveland which provides us with media coverage. ALUMN I EVENT: October 28 - alumni smo ker, at the house. Initiates: Jorge Cruz, Mikhail Dorfman, Joong Hee Hahn, Thomas Houser, Colin Fernandez, Douglas Reese, Kian Seng Lie.

Colonies, Petitioners and Reorganizations

tions in the kitchen and halls. Our membership has increased and we are working for revival of IFC on campus. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming weekend - football game. Initiates : Joon-Man Cho and Pierre Gremer.

ADU, ARIZONA Steven L. Rosenberg, President Post Office Box 3577 Tucson, Arizona 85722 This last semester the colony through the IFC became a more recognized fraternity on campus. Liaison for social events was established with Pan hellenic. The colony is working steadily to improve our alumni program and invite any alumni interested to contact


ADU, BETHANY Charles L. Davenport, Jr., President c/o Bethany College P.O. Box 15 Lindsborg, Kansas 67456 We haver comr,leted our first ADU pledge manual and in(juction ceremonies. Social events included the dance-a-thon; barn dance and pig roast; and alumni dinner. ALUMNI EVENT: October 10, 7:00 p.m., Bethany College Cafeteria. Initiates: Daniel Blaess, Mike Leland, Bradford Clark, Kevin Holm, John Estep, Brent Wood, Abdullah Seaidan, Chris Baker, Cai-Marc Ramhorst, David Osborne.

ADU, EMPORIA STATE WICHITA Steven H . Huebert, President 1720 North Vassar Wichita, Kansas 67208 We had the best GPA on campus for the third consecutive semester. We won the volleyball championship, basketball championship, and the Hippodrome Overall Trophy. A chapter project was shoveling snow for the elderly. . Initiates: Vincent Blumberg, Steven Bruner, Mike Downs, Antonio Durano, Brad Haun, Steve Jimenez, Eric Kauffman, Greg Kuhn, Scott Lary, Andrew Ponte, Mark Sanderson, Sigmund Schwier, Scott Schwemmer, Derrek Schwartz, Thomas Sherman, Timothy Wright, Peter Craw, David Withrow, Jim Altergott.

WISCONSIN Stephen D. Luther, President 644 North Frances Street Madison, Wisconsin 53703 After three years of no spring rush, a spring pledge class of 9! Chapter attitude is fantastic due to this successful rush and other chapter accomplishments. We have improved our alumni relations and revamped the pledge education program. A fund-raiser for the Epilepsy Foundation is being planned . ALUMNI EVENT: September or October - a pig roast at the chapter house. Initiates: Sean Fallon, John Watts, Dave Spengler, Chris Lange, Jon Gadsbe, John Stein, Todd Johnson, Steve Bova, George Goyke.


John J. Slaughter, President 1516 Center Street Emporia State University Emporia, Kansas 66801 Our alumni relations are becoming well established with a strong nucleus, and we are looking forward to hearing from more area DU's. We placed second in the IFC scholarship; 3rd in the IFC basketball tournament. Publishing of our weekly newsletter has begun.

ADU,HOBART Edward S. Mundy, President c/o Christopher Lyons Director of Student Activities Hobart College Geneva, New York 14456 Our accomplishments include establishing a meal plan; a 9-1 record in intramural basketball; placing first in th~ Red Cross blood drive; raising over $7,000 in the College's annual alumni phonothon; and placing second in the interfraternity GP A competition. We aided local alumnus Bill McGowan in building the largest Christmas wreath in the world. ALUMNI EVENT: October 8-10, alumni weekend; and October 23, Oktoberfest.

ADU, McGILL Dennis V. Wheeler, President 522 Pine Avenue West Montreal, Quebec H2W, IS6 During the term we have worked toward financial independence; arranged for renewal of a three year lease; made renova-

ADU, MICHIGAN TECH Stephen J. Knapowski, President 206 Second Street Houghton, Michigan 49931 We captured four first place trophies during winter carnival, and our "Reading Is Fundamental" program has expanded to include five grade schools. Emphasis is being placed on rushing quality individuals to resuit in inner strength and future leaders. We are printing our first alumni newsletter, and are enjoying an impressive boost in morale and campus-image due to our winter carnival showing and R.I.F. efforts. Initiates: Rick Peck, Henry Reed, Dave Billette, Andy Kushion.

ADU, NEW HAVEN Robert W. Norwood, President P.O. Box 571, Campbell Avenue West Haven, Connecticut 06516 We have made improvements in the areas of alumni contact; social activities in the community and on campus; faculty involvement; brotherhood activities after meetings and with other groups. We have formed a house committee, planning for the future, and are planning toward becoming a DU chapter in 1983. Pledges: Mark Davis, Carlos Vera, Manuel Mejia, Philip Calieno, Chris Joaquin Smith, Peter Yanichy, George Luzzi.

ADU, SOUTH CAROLINA James W. Thompson, President Post Office Box 80036 Columbia, South Carolina 29225 Our accomplishments during the term included the DU scholarship drawing; student newspaper group picture taking a stand against vandalism; winning intramural bowling; and joining the Columbia Chamber of Commerce. ALUMNI EVENT: October 2 - homecoming/alumni weekend. Initiates: Mark Ballard , Brad Cain, Billy Gladden, Rip Kirkley, Steve Lee, Paul Looney, Herb Plott, David Rouffy, Bert Still, Mark Tyler, Don Weaver.

ADU, VIRGINIA TECH Stephen R. Davis, President c/o Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 111 Patton Hall Blacksburg, Virginia 24061 We ranked 7th in CPA out of the 32 fraternities on 'Campus. Our group is the first fraternity to join the area Chamber of Commerce. We also hosted a faculty reception; co-sponsored a skate-a-thpn fqr crippled children; and placed fourtq in the annual pelta Gamma anchor splash . Pledges: Charles Meyer, Ronald Collins, Robert Baltazar, Eric Parlet, Scott Harris, John Mather, Dan McInnis.


july, 1982



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News about

The DU Second Century Fund An Investment in Leadership A Look Inside the Delta Upsilon Leadership Conference Developing Leadership Potential There have been many changes from that first Delta Upsilon Leadership Conference held at Johns Hopkins University in 1948. Our current Delta Upsilon president, and long-time officer and trustee of the Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation, J. Paul McNamara, Miami '29, and other fraternity leaders had the vision and dedication to bettering Delta Upsilon. Their plan was to conduct an annual leadership development program to aid undergraduate chapter officers. In the years that followed, the format has changed several times, and the most popular elements of the program were retained and improved. An example is the Career Seminar, a program that gained favor in the late fifties and sixties, then was eliminated during the Viet Nam War because college students knew what their likely employment would be, and career planning took a back seat ' to national priorities. When times changed, the Career Seminar was returned to the Leadership Conference program, and it has been retained ever since. The program has often involved Delta Upsilon alumni who are successful in their careers and business. At other times, life planners, career development specialists and recently Richard A. Moran, Rutgers '72, who is Coordinator, Non-technical College Relations and Recruitment for SOHIO, and who visits scores of college and university campuses each year, has led the program. What does career and life

planning have to do with better chapters, you ask? It is the hope of the Undergraduate Activities Committee that many of the chapter leaders sitting in the Career Seminar audience will do some serious thinking about their own career and life plans. A chapter officer that has personal goals developed at an early stage in his life, will be a better, more effective chapter leader. At the same time, the example of the career program, involving undergraduates and alumni, has encouraged chapters to adopt grass-roots career planning programs of their own. One of the projects of the Delta Upsilon Second Century Challenge of the Educational Foundation is to provide some assistance to chapters to identify the alumni that they most want to talk with about career and life planning. Many Delta Upsilon chapters are not located in easily accessible locations. While these sites, off the beaten track, are suitable for contemplative thinking and learning, it is difficult to find many Delta Upsilon alumni within easy driving range. In some instances there may be Delta Upsilon alumni from other chapters in the area that the program will identify. The long-range objective is to identify as many as eighty percent of all Delta Upsilon alumni so that in the future a chapter scholarship chairman or membership development chairman can find any profession or business in the ranks of the over-60,OOO living alumni. At the same time that the Educational Foundation program works to encourage career advisement programs in chapter settings, an expanded information base about alumni will aid ongoing

educational activities and fraternity programs too. There are scores of Delta Upsilon alumni who are interested and would be involved in the fraternity if asked. Since 1946 the alumni body of Delta Upsilon has doubled in size and it is in the process of doubling again. Where once it was possible to record on a single 3" x 5" file card all of the addresses that an alumnus had, and all of his occupations, that task has become impossible with the larger number of graduates. Longer lifespans have increased the rolls of interested Delta Upsilon alumni who have retired and would be pleased to help, if they knew of the need and if there was a system of developing a talent bank for fraternity involvement. The project of developing more extensive information about our alumni should also generate needed information about exactly who are the alumni who are interested and willing to help, and where their talents could best be applied. A look at the directory roster listing that appears regularly in the Quarterly reveals路 some chapters without a complete complement of three alumni counselors, an alumnus deputy and a trustee. So the need is an immediate one, to identify more alumni interested and willing to help.

Chapter Presidents Workshop At the Leadership Conference A recent innovation in the Leadership Conference program is the chapter-presidents-only workshop. It is ably led by Gary J. Golden, Rutgers '74, Province 10 Governor, and Assistant Dean of




Students at the University of New Mexico at Albuquerque. Last year there were over 70 undergraduate chapter presidents in attendance, and as this issue of the Quarterly is going to press, there will be at least that number registered for the workshop this year. By limiting the attendance at this particular workshop to presidents only, there is an unexcelled opportunity to discuss the problems that are germane only to the office of the top chapter leader. Out of the President's Workshop one year came a Bill of Rights for Chapter Presidents, that is reproduced here. One chapter president, feeling that the members of his chapter invaded his privacy unreasonably, took the document home and posted it prominently on his door in the chapter house. It was a way of saying that even the chapter president needed and deserved some personal time.

The Chapter President's Bill of Rights 1. The right to privacy. 2. The right to represent the chapter in decision making. 3. The right to make mistakes. 4. The right to a social life. 5. The right not to be everyone's father. 6. The right to expect responsibility among members and officers. 7. The right to be yourself. 8. The right to say no to borrowers. 9. The right to have problems. 10. The right to expect recognition/respect. 11. The right to enjoy one's membership. Topical concerns of chapter presidents include everything from legal .liability to fire safety. Involvement of all of the members, things to do to fight apathy and indifferent attitudes are frequently discussed in small groups and in the presentations as well. Each chapter president is provided with a workbook created by Brother Golden, a ready reference for the year ahead.

Evaluations of the program continue to be strong, and the only complaint about the program is that there simply isn't enough time. Starting out with Thursday afternoon registration, the pre-conference program includes trips to the International Headquarters facility in College Park section of Indianapolis; individual chapter officers interviews with officers, directors, province governors, and members of the Undergraduate Activities Committee. These individual interviews, that begin the program, are one of the most valuable means of identifying problems and starting to find some solutions. They serve as a means of expressing interest and concern at a critical time in the year, just before the start of the school year. The opening convocation on Thursday evening features the "State of the Fraternity," introductions of the program, and an inspirational address to set the tone. The Ritual of Initiation, properly performed, has been included in this opening session as an inspiration, and it has been scheduled in other spots in the program as well. Thursday evening continues with the start of the individual workshops for treasurers, chapter public relations officers, scholarship chairmen, rush chairmen and pledge educators. In a variety of presentation styles, the delegates are introduced to the program organization and development techniques that will enable them to better lead their chapter in the fall. /

Does the Leadership Conference "Make" Leaders? No, that is perhaps an impossible task. But, the program does provide the necessary program building blocks, the models of successful programs that enables chapters to improve and succeed. The experience of Friday morning's emphasis on personal

time management, focuses the attention of the conference participants on a practical skill that they can use in accomplishing more. Leading these sessions for the third year is Dr. John Lee, noted expert on time management. His approach to time management, replete with large planning calendars and notebooks, gives each undergraduate something that he can use at once. Then, the Career Seminar program breaks the day on Friday, followed by a return to the individual workshop sessions. By Friday evening the delegates are full of enthusiasm and getting "fired up" for a strong year on campus. A big part of the Leadership Conference experience is meeting Delta Upsilon undergraduates and alumni from all over North America. To experience that unique process by which individual chapters become a part of the International Fraternity is a part of the leadership education as well. The convention business sessions that follow also serve as opportunities for undergraduates to gain valuable experience as they conduct the necessary business of Delta Upsilon. On Saturday morning, individual topic seminars covering such subject matter as parliamentary procedure and how to conduct better chapter meetings; scholarship improvement techniques; organizational devices that aid the chapter leaders to produce higher productivity are held.

Leadership Conference Deals With Critical Issues Over a period of time, presenters and small group discussions at the Leadership Conference have alerted undergraduate chapter officers about the menace of drug use in fraternities; about the importance of balanced social programming and avoidance of alcohol as the sole base for rushing and other activities. Long-term planning in

the financial area, chapter alumni relations, staging successful campus relations activities, and such practical topics as finding more alumni support; what to do about setting chapter goals and objectives; chapter officer and planning retreats; and the list goes on. For the over 8,000 undergraduates who have attended the Leadership Conference since its inception thirty-four years ago, there can be little doubt that the Conference is one of the most important programs supported in part from grants by the Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation.

Second Century Fund Goal To Improve Leadership Conference An objective of the DU Second Century Fund, the capital fund-raising campaign of the Educational Foundation, aims to improve the Leadership . Conference by increasing the number of undergraduates permitted to attend from each chapter. At present, chapters are . limited to two undergraduate chapter representatives. Additional funding is necessary to provide more faculty and extra conference lodging and food to accommodate more undergraduates. Additional alumni faculty members will be recruited if the Leadership Conference enrollment is increased to keep the workshop faculty/student ratio optimal. It is believed that many Delta Upsilon c:hapters would send more than two undergraduates if funding could be secured to permit additional enrollees. The best delegation would be the five major chapter officers. Studies of enrollment reveal that there is a good chance of achieving this kind of a delegation in better than 50% of the chapters in the first year the expanded program is offered. The Delta Upsilon undergraduate chapter officers know of the value of the Leadership Conference, now the question is, do the alumni know about its importance as well? The

DU Second Century Fund seeks to raise an endowment that would not only permit five-man chapter delegations, but would extend the program of the Leadership Conference by one full day. There is ample evidence in the evaluations that the Conference could be improved by adding in depth treatment of some of the topics that are covered in a summary format for lack of time.

Undergraduate Chapter Support for the Foundation Undergraduate chapter support for the Educational Foundation's DU Second Century Fund drive continues to grow. The updated list at press time revealed that the following chapters have pledged at least two dollars per man per year to aid the work of the Foundation. Each of these chapters will be recognized at the Leadership Conference for their involvement and interest. Arkansas Colorado State Cornell Creighton DePauw Florida Fresno Georgia Tech Houston Illinois Iowa State Kansas State Miami Minnesota North Carolina North Dakota Northwestern Ohio State Oklahoma State Purdue South Dakota Technology Tufts Washington Western Reserve Wisconsin Alpha Delta Upsilon Groups Bethany Hobart Michigan Tech New Haven South Carolina Virginia Tech

What Endowment Is Needed To Accomplish a Better Leadership Conference? It is estimated that it will be necessary to raise an additional $100,000 endowment to properly support the Leadership Conference expansion of enrollment and program by one day. That endowment will be used to create an annual grant fund. There are opportunities to name various activities in the Leadership Conference, such as the Career Seminar, the opening Convocation, Ritual exercises for those who wish to make major gifts.

Gifts to the Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation Are Tax Deductible Gifts to the Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation are tax deductible. Pledges may be paid over a three~year period. Donors to the DU Second Century Fund are given several different payment plans in order that they may make the maximum investment with a minimum commitment of their income. Gifts to the Educational . Foundation's DU Second Century Fund will be acknowledged promptly, and each of the giving society members will receive an appropriate recognition plaque and will have their names permanently inscribed in a giving book that will be the centerpiece of a permanent display. Donors will receive copies of the Foundations' regular Progress Report, invitations to Foundation special events and the annual Trustees meeting. Copies. of the entire program of the DU Second Century Fund plan are available, by request, from the Foundation's 路Administrative Headquarters, located in the International Headquarters in Indianapolis, Indiana. The correct mailing address is Post Office Box 40108, Indianapolis, Indiana 46240. Illustrations by J. L. LeMaster, Oregon State '48.




Gomment on Praternity

July Is the First Day of the New Year This is the start of the new fraternity fiscal and fund raising year. What better time then, to reflect on the year just concluding and to pay tribute and give recognition and thanks to our loyal and generous Delta Upsilon alumni who have put something extra into their fraternity. It is a real thrill to report that this is the largest honor roll ever published in fl July issue of this magazine. While that is heartenin,g and encouraging, there is much more that remains to be achieved; so much more that we want to do - opportunities and challenges that await. If you are an alumni supporting member of Delta Upsilon, we thank you, and ask that you enlist one more of your fraternity brothers in this ever-growing band for the new year. If you haven't yet accepted the invitation to become "active" as an alumnus there's no better time than now to invite you to complete and return the alumni support invitation on this page. By giving your financial assistance as well as your personal involvement you show you are committed to making DU stronger and better. There is so much more that Delta Upsilon wants to accomplish, to become, to be, and with your help it certainly can.

Place your name on the new 1982-83 DU Honor Roll Today. The new alumni support appeal beganTuly 1, 1982 and will continue until the fiscal year of the fraternity ends on June 30, 1983. Please be one of the early-bird donors and your gift will be received when it is most needed to help with the start-of-thenew-school-year expenses.

Fraternally yours,

We encourage you to join the President's Club with a check for $100 or more.

Wilford A. Butler, CAE DU Executive Director

All members of the President's Club will receive a specially designed blue and gold golf umbrella as recognition for their generOSIty.

Your check in July helps us keep the momentum going and keeps Delta Upsilon a strong fraternity leader. JOINTHEHONORROLLTODAY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I

I please print your name I I _ $250 Honored Giver's Circle I _$100 President's Century Club I _$ 75 Deputies Associates I _$ 50 Golden Delta Club I _ $ 25 Silver Delta Club I I-____ -------------------------~--~1 I I Mail your check to Delta Upsjlon Fraternity, POB 40108, Indianapolis, ,

Add your support for Delta Upsilon today.


IN 46240


~-------------------------~-----~-J DELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY •

Will you be listed in the first roster of new donors?

July, 1982


Members of the President's Club from July 1, 1981 to April 1, 1982 are listed here. The October magazine will carry those donors from April 1 to June 30 to complete the year. The. George F. Andrews Circle Annual Gifts of $100-$149

Ronald C. Abbott, Kansas State '61 Horace L. Acaster, Pennsylvania '44 James W. Adams, Bowling Green '64 Leland J. Adams, Jr., Bucknell '64 Mark H. Adams, Kansas '20 E. Daniel Albrecht, Arizona '59 Henry P. Albrecht, Minnesota '34 Charles L. Allen, Michigan State '55 Joseph Allen, Jr., Michigan State '60 Donald B. Anderson, Colgate '39 Miles C. Anderson, Oklahoma '59 Thomas W. Anderson, Michigan State '72 Lawrence F. Armstrong, Technology '28 Robert D. Askren, Florida '63 Charles V. Bacon, Jr., Purdue '38 Bruce S. Bailey, Denison '58 David B. Baird, Jr., Lafayette '59 Gordon C. Baker, Clarkson '27 Douglas D. Ballou, Kansas '75 William N. Banks, Jr. , Dartmouth '45 Fred J. Barbian, Purdue '45 George F. Barbour, Pennsylvania '42 Harvey Bartle, Jr., Pennsylvania '30 Richard U. Bayles, Technology '63 Walter J. Beadle, Technology '20 Donald M. Becker, Nebraska '27 Arnold O. Beckman , Illinois '23 Curtiss L. Beebe, Washington '35 Halden M. Beers, Carnegie '35 George Blair, Miami '37 Earl A. Blakley, Purdue & DePauw '35 Paul J. Bodine, Jr., Northwestern '50 George A. Bolas, Michigan '36 Herbert S. Botsford, California '53 William W. Bowman, DePauw '30 Richard N. Brande¡n burg, Washington State '55 James G. Brass, Manitoba '73 Pierce Bray, Chicago '49 Jack J. Bricker, Western Reserve '35 Glen A. Brink, Colorado '66 Herbert Brownell, Nebrask~ '24 Wayne P. Buckmiller, Creighton '71 Craig L. Bunker, Kansas State '70 Guy H. Butler, Oregon State '21 Wilford A. Butler, Western Michigan '61 Paul V. Callis, Johns Hopkins '41 Donald A. Carlson, Alberta '54 William L. Carter, Florida '71 Harold D. Caylor, Indiana '16 C. E. Cayot, Kansas '25 David E. Chambers, Arizona '60 Huntly G. Chapman, British Columbia '68 Joseph W. Ciatti, Oregon '64 Dominic E. Cifonelli, Carnegie '55


Brian G. Clark, Toronto '69 P. LeMon Clark, Cornell '23 Alan R. Claussen, Washington '49 Benjamin M. Clifford, Washington State '46 Chester V. Clifton, Jr., Washington '35 Neal L. Cobb, Tufts '27 David L. Cole, Wilmington '72 T. H. Conklin, Miami '29 Stephen S. Conway, Purdue '5 1 Jack H. Copple, Purdue '36 Gregg B. Corbitt, Oregon '58 In memory of Marsh M. Corbitt, Washington '17 by Mrs. Marsh M. Corbitt "'Willis G, Corbitt, Washington '20 Philip A. Corey, Ohio State '48 Richard Y. Coulton, Miami '54 Lloyd W. Courter, Iowa '57 Don R. Craft, Michigan '57 Harry A. Crawford, Ohio State '47 Ira Crews, Jr., Oklahoma '45 Curtiss E. Crippen, Minnesota '30 Mark E. Croxton, Michigan '23 Daniel J. Cummings, Kansas '79 Harry B. Cunningham, Miami '29 Lawrence J. Dagostino, Union '77 Robert A. Dahlsgaard, Jr., Bradley '63 Robert A. Davies, Miami '50 Paul H. Davis, Jr., Chicago '35 Americo Dean, Jr., Michigan State '60 Anthony P. DeJulius, Pennsylvania State '56 Walter P. Dettwiler, Miami '27 Lewis W. Dewey, Jr., Wisconsin '56 H. Robert Diercks, Minnesota '35 Frank S. Dodd, Miami '49 John E. Dome, Miami '36 John J. Douglas, Wisconsin '39 James H . DuMond, Jr. , Pacific '66 David R. Eagleson, Miami '44 Robert R. Eckart, Jr., Oklahoma '41 Kenneth G. Edwards, Pennsylvania State '71 Frederick L. Elder, Miami '27 John J. Enders, Washington State '39 Edwin L. English, Ohio State '22 Douglas B. Eskridge, Missouri '64 Stewart T. Evans, Michigan '56 Richard F. Fagan, Washington '52 Henry A. Federa, Louisville '35 John C. Feldkamp, Michigan '61 George D. Ferguson, British Columbia '62 Dennis A. Ferrazzano, Johns Hopkins '68 Thomas S. Filip, Oklahoma '69 P. David Franzetta, Michigan State '70 Norman C. Frees, DePauw '36 Daniel B. Funk, Purdue '61 R. Bowen Gillespie, Marietta '72 Robert C. Gim lin , Purdue '42 Ernest L. Glasscock, Missouri '28 Gary J. Golden, Rutgers '74 Benjamin A. Goodin, Missouri '39 William R. Gordon, Kansas State '60 Alan B. Graf, Indiana '51 John T. Gramley, Pennsylvania State '26 Hugh W. Gray, Nebraska '34 Meryl B. Gray, Miami '36 James R. Green, Nebraska '75 Lewis D. Gregory, Kansas '75 H. Thomas Hallowell, Jr., Swarthmore '29 *deceased

Stephen F. Harbison, Stanford '65 Donald E. Hathaway, Miami '44 Robert C. Haugh, Indiana '48 Lhoyd T. Hayward, Middlebury '23 Stewart L. Hayward, Oregon '41 Scott W. Hazen, Jr., Northwestern '34 Arnold I. Heikenen, Oregon State '35 Edgar F. Heizer, Jr., Northwestern '51 Thomas H. Henkle, U .C.L.A. '50 Jerrad J. Hertzler, Kansas '58 Richard D. Hickman, Johns Hopkins '28 Corwin H. Hinton, Illinois '29 Walter J. Hodge, Missouri '25 Benjamin F. Hoffacker, Lehigh '44 Joseph F. Hogan, Miami '48 William S. Holden, Washington '30 John D. Holschuh, Sr., Miami '48 Charles W. Hott, Arlington '76 Jack T. Hunn, Iowa '55 Harry K. Huntoon, Illinois '37 Phillip E. Hurley, Oklahoma '64 Glen R. Hyland, North Dakota '69 C. Earl Ingalls, Brown '25 Bruce M. Jackson, Toronto '50 Jamille C. Ja,mra, Northwestern '38 D. Geoffrey John, Arizona '62 Allan R. Johnson, Pennsylvania '39 William F. Jones, Nebraska '27 William E. Jouris, Technology '61 William L. Julian, Illinois '29 William G. Kagler, Syracuse '54 Howard Kahlenbeck, Jr., Indiana '52 Stephen P. Kaptain, Michigan '48 Robert D. Kayser, California '46 Donald E. Kelley, Nebraska '30 Don W. Kennedy, British Columbia '66 Stewart B. Kett, California '49 Norman S. Knauss, Miami '53 Semon E. Knudsen, Technology '36 Fred W. Koehler, Western Reserve ' 14 Robert J. LaFortune, Purdue '5 1 Gary L. Levering, Northwestern '61 Douglas W. Lewis, Miami '40 Ernest L. Lippert, Oklahoma '24 J. D. Lohrei, Indiana '23 Floyd L. Maines, Mia,mi '43 Robert J. Martin, Washington '59 Ralph L. Mason, Iowa State '33 Raymond E. Mason, Jr., Ohio State '41 Alexander T . Mayo, Virginia '29 Robert Mazet, Jr., Brown '24 John C. Mazzei, New York '26 Thomas B. McCabe, Swarthmore '15 Edward C. McCobb, Michigan '23 Thomas F. McKay, Washington '48 Donald L. McKelvey, Missouri '32 F. Thomas McMahon, Syracuse '52 J. Paul McNamara, Miami '29 Donald C. Metz, Purdue '30 John E. Meyer, Kansas '50 Richard E. Meyer, Michigan '61 Charles D. Miller, Johns Hopkins '49 William H. Miller, Miami '26 Raymond Mooney, Illinois '16 Allen A. Mossier, Indiana '50 Donald J. Moulin, California '53 E. L. Moulton, Union '37 Floyd E. Munson , Purdue '57 Victor T. Neff, Missouri '66 Herbert H. Nelson, Colorado '59 Donald F. Newman, Carnegie '54 Reginald B. Newman, Northwestern '59 Robert O. Nigra, Cal Poly '65 Robert V. Noreika, Lafayette '67 C. Esco Obermann, Iowa '26 M. J. O'Brien, Toronto '42


July, 1982



J"m,Jd~~b ~

Western Michigan '69 Julius A. Otten, Michigan '61 Joseph H. Penrose, Jr., Cornell '59 Walter R. Peterson, Washington '22 Charles A. Phillips III, Clarkson '64 Daniel A. Pierce, Hamilton '26 Richard R. Popham, Purdue '40 Morton D. Potashnick, Missouri '61 R. J. Provan, Alberta '71 Alan V. Pugh, North Carolina '73 Robert L. Purcell, Chicago '31 Remington J. Purdy, Lehigh '28 Donald C. Rasmussen, Purdue '46 Orville H. Read, Missouri '33 John G. Redline, Jr., Pennsylvania '48 Donald M. Reese, Nebraska '26 Roland R. Reiche, Northwestern '42 William K. Reid, Jr., Oklahoma '58 Paul H. Resch, Carnegie '28 William R. Reusing, Virginia '62 David M. Richardson, Clarkson '63 Donald L. Richardson , Washington & Lee '43 Fulton W. Samson, Pennsylvania '21 Christopher Saricks, Kansas '70 Nelson Schaenen, Jr., Cornell '50 C. Earl Schooley, Missouri '28 James C. Shaw, Ohio State '49 Walter V. Shearer, Miami '25 John S. Shellenberger, Pennsylvania '52 John L. Sherman, San Jose '66 C. David Siegfried, Houston '79 Ralph E . Sincerbox, Middlebury '20 Cassius C. Sisler, Western Reserve '48 Charles J. Slawson, Kansas '20 Donald C. Slawson, Kansas '56 John R. Slothower, Nebraska '45 Kyle S. Smith, Kent State '40 Richard A. Smith, Missouri '62 J. Wesley St. Clair, Kansas '58 R. V. Stephens, Indiana '61 Robert Stirling, Colby '31 William L. Stover, Carnegie '40 Paul M. Stowe, Wisconsin '28 Robert F. Stuhr, Oregon '41 Raymond Stutsman, Purdue '53 Thomas B. Summers, Indiana '51 Vern P. Swanes, Washington '45 Thomas E . Swensen, Ohio State '61 Floyd E. Sykes, Oklahoma '56 Theodore T. Tanase, Michigan '63 Arthur E. Taylor, Wisconsin '34 Herbert K. Taylor, Jr., Swarthmore '27 SCQtt D. Thayer, Middlebury '43 David H. Thomas, Missouri '42 Franklyn H. Tormoen, Minnesota '30 Harold B. Tracy, Syracuse '16 Gunard C. Travaglini, Lafayette '72 Robert L. Tyburski, Colgate '74 William K. Ulerich, Pennsylvania State '31 Harley J. Urbach, Nebraska '33 Ralph E . Vandervort, Jr., Oregon State '41 DELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY·

Albert E. Varble, Purdue '50 Clyde W. VonGrimmenstein, Purdue '49 William E. Walker, Ohio State '54 Ben T . Walkingstick, Oklahoma '52 W. D. Watkins, North Carolina '27 William H. Weaver, Pennsylvania State '22 William A. Weir, Alberta '54 John T. Weisel, Oregon '48 Robert F. Wernet, Purdue '51 Arthur E . Wible, Jr., Michigan '59 James A. Wiese, Iowa '58 Paul W. Wilke, Jr., Minnesota '50 John C. Williams, Miami '31 James R. Wilson, Michigan State '66 Sewell T. Wilson, Jr., Kansas '48 Melvin C. Wilt, Kent State '63 Robert N. Wistner, Miami '58 Michael G. Wood, Cornell '64 William S. Woods, U .C.L.A. '50 Harlan S. Yenne, Indiana '16 Robert G. Yingling, Jr., Missouri '62 Jack J. Yirak, Iowa State '40 The Samuel Stickney Hall Circle Annual Gifts of $150-$199 William R. Grant, Union '49 H. Vincent Harsha, Iowa '42 William H. Lawson, Purdue '50 James A. MacMartin, Technology '50 Dave Maguire, Southern Illinois '73 Arthur H. Mason, Illinois' 16 Charles E. Nelson, Wisconsin '27 Samuel A. Santandrea, Rochester '56 Peter A. Tuohy, Washington '53 Ja~es A. Zurbrigen, Technology '53 The Warren C. DuBois Circle Annual Gifts of $200-$249


Garfield Lorriman, Western Ontario '37 Raymond S. Noonan, Middlebury '21 Brent G. Orcutt, Hamilton '26 Arthur L. Rice, Jr., Illinois '36 Clayton B. Weed, Jr., Colgate '44 Samuel M. Yates, San Jose '55

The J. Arthur Clark Circle Annual Gifts of $250-$299 Harry N. Briggs, Missouri '51 H . Karl Huntoon, Illinois '72 Howard L. McGregor, Jr., Williams '40 G. H . Westby, Chicago '20 The Charles G. Dawes Circle Annual Gifts of $400-$499 Paul C. Steinfurth, Bowling Green & Ohio State '68 The William H. French Circle Annual Gifts of $500-$999 Richard C. Marx, Pennsylvania '54 Ashton M. Tenney, Chicago '43

Donors who gave the President's Club after April 1, 1982 will be listed in the October QUARTERLY.

July, 1982

Ranked below are the top ten chapters in number of donors to the Annual Alumni Support appeal from July 1, 1981 to April 1, 1982. 1. Purdue - 108 2. Kansas - 94 Missouri - 94 3. Miami - 93 4. Illinois - 90 5. Wisconsin - 85 6 . Rutgers - 83 7. Indiana - 78 8. Washington - 75 9. Michigan - 69 10. Pennsylvania State -









( )=

President's Century Club $100 Golden Delta Club - $50 Silver Delta Club - $25 Double Donor for 1981-'82 Number of consecutive years of giving

ALBERTA-24 + Bate, G. '69 (7) * Bijou. R. '48 (6) Carlson, D. '54 (5) * Chumir. S. '63 (5) Corbet, R. '47 (7) + Hatch, D. '59 (6) * Hebb, C. '62 (7) * Hill. B. '58 (4) + JeKenta. A. '54 (6) * King, E. '42 (7) + King, P. '71 (2) + Love, D. '46 (7) + Love, J. '42 (5) * Murray. A. '57 + Ondrack, D. '61 * Pechet, H. '69 Primrose, J. '64 (5) Provan, R. '66 * Reynolds, H. '65 + Stanford, M. '64 (7) * Tomlinson, J. '44 (2) + VanDerLee, E. '51 (5) * Warrack, A. '61 (5) Weir, W. '54 (2)




AMHERST-II + Brunie, C. '52 (2) + Gasarch, M. '63 (4) + Gower, S. Jr. '36 (11) Gresko, M. '68 (2) Hancock, T. '40 * Marker, C. '21 (2) Patton, R. '54 (2) Pirie, R. Jr. '49 + Potter, P. '32 (6) Washburn, G. '14. + Wieland, J. '58

+ Russell, D. '76 (2) Siceluff, S. '79

+ Staats, B. '80

ARLINGTON-13 + Ashby, J. '74 (6) + Bryant, M. '70 (3) * Carter, R. '78 + Christian , L. '76 Eichenberger, P. '71 + Gibbs, T. 'SO * Greenhaw, W. '75 (5) + Haston, J. '72 Hott, C. '76 * lones, M. '75 + Ray, R. '70 Ricks, J. '69 * Tackett, C. Jr. '77

* *

AUBURN-5 + Ambrose, R. '67 (7) Arbizzani. L. '68 Henderson, J. Jr. '62 (7) +Jett, M. '69 Sarra, M. '64 BAYLOR-I + DeOrnellas, H. '79 BOWDOIN-8 Balsbaugh, S. '53 (7) Brousseau, H. '24 (2) * Chandler, J. '37 (7) Drinkwater, L. '28 (3) Hendrickson, H. '42 + McCarty, R. '41 (2) * Nixon, H. '21 + Pratt, P. '41


Albrecht, E. '59 (4) **+ Clikeman, Chambers, D. '60 (12) P. '63

* Dinsmore,

P. '65 (4) + Jewett, S. '66 (5) John D. '62 (5) + johnson, E. '62 (3) + 'Morris, A. Jr. '60 (5) Shoun, M. '66 (2)


ARKANSAS-13 + Bailey, D. '80 + Crane, E. '76 (3) + Eddins, W. '81 Faubel, S. '80 Hamilton, G. '77 (5) Jacobs, C. '80 (2) +Keenum, j. Jr. '74 (4) Kolf, R. '17 (4) + Magie, M. '78 (4) * Rogers, C. '79 (3)


Adams, J. '64 (3) + Breyley, R. '64 (2) Broaddus, W. '62 + Clingman, C. '69 (3) * Jeveret, A. '59 (2) + Litra, R. '75 (6) + Molnar, A. Jr. '8 1 Mundi, C. '52 (7) Parkins, R. '71 (3) + Rust, K. '50 (4) + Schreiber, J. '55 (3) * Stedman, J. '69 (12) Steinfurth, P. '68 (3) + Stephan, E.Jr. '66 (11) Wyndham, H. '68


BRADLEY-29 + Bilder, B. '73 + Boland, C. '53 (12)


o + Boylan, M. '69 (12) +Bremer,J. '66 (II) + Burdon, W. '81 + Busa, W. '53 (4) + Cinotto, W. '65 (5) + Gustafson, I. '64 Dahlsgaaref, R. '63 (7) • Hood C \1' '69 + Knackst~cft" G. '69 + Leengran, 1. '50 (5) Miller, B. "9 Millner, E. 11'. '62 (2) + Nelson, E. "15 (6) + Paliatka, E. '56 (12) Peterson, C. '78 (2) + Ruedlin, D. '66 (6) + Sadowski, M. '76 (2) • + Sajewich, L. '74 + Schram, 1. '50 (6) + Stonewall, G. '68 * Susla, N. '52 • Taga , H. '54 (7) + Tilton, K. '76 (3) Toberman, C. '80 + Valerio, D. '76 (3) + Wagoner, S. '50 (5) WiHen, N. Jr. '80 (2)


BRITISH COLUMBIA-7 • Broe, K. '46 (6) + Campbell, J. '33 (5) Chapman, H. '68 (2) Ferguson, G. '62 (8) Kennedy, D. '66 + Mitten, D. '45 (8) Strong, G. '35 (2)

* **

BROWN-21 + Batty, D. '38 (7) • Cunningham, J. '41 (12) • Geisler,1'. '29 (7) + George, A. '39 (7) + Grashof, A. '53 (2) + Hall, W. '21 (5) Ingalls, C. '25 (7) + ludd, R. '42 (7) Kiesel, C. '36 (2) Macartney, C. '50 Mazet, R. Jr. '24 (6) • McGovern, R. '48 (5) + Messinger, R. '37 Nagle,J. lr. '26 Norman, 'R. '57 (6) Perkins, V. '35 (5) Roth, C. '46 (5) + Taylor, M. '28 Thompson, L. '26 • Wellersdieck, F. Jr. '51 (2) Wylie, S. '57 (5)

+ Brophy, 1. II '33 • Chase, ~r. '65 Cobb, E. '58 (2) + Crockett, D. '66 (5) Davidson, J. 11'· '48 (2) + Donlon, R. '50 (7) • Franklin, W. '37 (6) Fry, J . Jr. '63 (6) + Gibbons, G. '57 (2) • + Giffen, J. '62 (6) +Greenwood, R. '48 (5) +Guidi, \. '77 (4) + HolI, 1'- '52 (2) + Holt, \. '57 (6) • Howell, W. '41 (5) + lulius, 1. '43 * kavanagh, C. '64 (5) • Kayser, R. '46 (6) Keu, S. '49 (4) Laughlin, R. '46 + Leffingwell, C. '25 (4) Linfool, P. '80 * Martinelli, S. '52 + McLeod, D. '52 (12) McCallion, R. II '54 Means, E. '34 (7) + Merrick, R. '54 (3) + Millington, R. '45 (3) Moulin, D. '53 (6) + Murray, N. III '64 (12) + Nelson, E. '47 Nikitin. G. '77 + O'Connell, D. '74 + Parker, J. Jr. '49 + Pike, E. Jr. '34 (4) Pletcher, R. '28 + Reese, R. '51 (4) + Robinson, E. '32 (7) + Rose, C. '24 (12) • Stephens, E. '44 (3) • Suman, G. lr. '51 (3) + Sweetland. 1:. '46 + White, M. '57 (3) + Wrixon, J. '60 (2)



* *

*BUCKNELL-25 Adams, L. lr. '64 (12) + Baines, D. '75 (6) Butler, A. '51 (2) Carter, R. '56 (12) ... Christensen, A. '60 (2) Fithian, H. Ir. '34 Gentry, R. 'SO Gillespie, D. '76 (6) +Havas,J . '76 (3) + Hermann, C. '62 + Hollar, H. '52 . • 10hnston, F. '28 (7) * Kaercher, T. '57 + MacDonald, R. 11'. '57 (4) • Major, W. Jr. '6"/ (2) • + Ott, R. '79 (3) Ritter, B. '80 (2) Slocum, W. '20 (3) Sprout, 1. '48 (10) Sprout, 'It '49 (6) + Steinhauer, W. '36 (12) + Torrey, W. '75 (6) + Watters, J. '64 (7) + Weckenman, F. '77 (5) + Winchip, J. '57 CAL POLY-I Nigra, R. '65


CALIFORNIA-52 • Ackley, N. '28 + Allen , D. '37 (5)

! ~i~~s~0~3~ 82;48 (5) Bishop, R. '68 *+ Brigham, Botsford, H. '53 (II) L. '16 (3) Brooks, G. '70


CARNEGIE-55 Beers, H. '35 (12) Ilillings, P. '7 1 + Illyler, P. '32 + Iloschetto, R. '54 (3) Ilrennan, R. '54 (6) • Buerger, C. '60 (5) Cifonelli, D. '55 • Clark, J. '35 (12) Conroe, D. '62 (2) + Cross, R. '48 (II) + Domash, J. '76 (2) + Dornaus, W. '35 (3) +Duffett, R. 11'. '49 (3) Elliott, S. '3'3 * Elliott, W. '33 + Ferrell, J. '50 Gaechter, L. '80 Gilliland, J. '51 (5) + Hall, C. Jf. '54 (5) + Heddaeus, G. '20 (8) Hobbs, G. '43 (4) ... Hotchkiss, I. '28 + Howell,!' "10 (4) Hurley, D. '79 + lcken, A. Jr. '65 (4) 10rdan, C. '46 + Kraft, O. '35 (6) • Keller, L. '26 + Kreider, F. '38 + Kubiak, R. '51 (12) Langan, T . .Jr. '54 Lopota, A. '52 MCBride,). '32 (2) McDonal , W. '52 (7) + McNaugher, S. '32 (3) Mielke, H. '51 (12) + Milliron, W. '31 Newman, D. '54 (9) +Polles, 1. '67 (II) Poole, W. '39 (2) Pratt, T. '30 (5) Reese, E. '33 (2) + Reid. J. '81 Resch, P. '28 (5) • Seibel, C. Jr. '41 (12) • Smith, H. Jr. '44 (12) Stover, W. '40 (3) + ThornlJuisL, A. '29 + TrapF.' E. '34 (2) • Vassi ,j. '52 (12) + Wheeling, E. '74 (3) + Wile)', L. Jr. '49 (5) + Young, H. '52 (6) + Young, R. '53 (2) + Zimmerman, R. '78 (2)




* *

CENTRAL MISSOURI-14 + Adams, T. '71 (2) + BalTale, D. '75 (6) Barrett, J. '73 + Durham, C. '72 + Finn, W. '77 + Herndon, M. '71 + Letzig, W. '71 (6) Martlll, N. '75 + McCambrid~e, J. '72 (4) Sanders, J. ' 4 • Smith, R. '74 (4) + Stockwell, D. '77 (3) + Wasser, J. '79 (2) + Watson, D. '78 (2) CHICAG0-27 + Bidwell, R. '50 (II) Bray, P. '49 (4) + Crawford, W. '33 (II) Davis, P. Jr. '35 (II) + Dragstedt, C.~r. '43 + Evans, Sjr. ' 7 (4) • Fitzgeral ,~. '43 (6) * Frentz, A. ' 5 (11) • Hartle'l Sr. '32 (3) • Head, . '52 + Heskett, B. '22 (7) + Hood, R. '38 (7) + John stone, Q. '36 (5) + ~nes, M. '32 (5) + avana'U\h, J. '52 + Keogh, . Jr. '34 • Mandel, M. '55 (12) + McClure, Jr. '42 (7) + McGraw, . '29 (2) +Mulcah~J.~r. '50 Noble, .' 0 (12) Purcell, R. '31 (6) + Schlesinger, R. '32 (3) +Sloan, K. '32 (6) Tenney, A'dr. '43 (5) +Thomann, . '39 (12) Westby, G. '20 (6)

* *


* * *

CLARKSON-19 Baker, D. '81 Baker, G. '27 (12) + ColfOl-d, E. '76 (4) + Crum, D. '76 (2) Dishaw, A. '23 (12) Doblan, P. '66 (3) Fitzgerald,J. '27 (II) Hanrahan, S. '76 (2) ~y, C. '29 (12) + ay, S. Jr. '71 (3) Kieta, D. '73 (4) Kind' E. '58 + Mc ann, W. '69 (2) Millson, M. '67 (7) + Nelson, D. '69 (4) Phillips, C. 11l '64 (II) Richardson, D. '63 Wischhusen, R. '76 (5) + Zoghby, D. '80



COLBY-13 Anderson, F. '24 Brown, R. '25 Fernald, C. '40 (2) + Furek, R. '64 + Hurley, W. '49 (II) + Novak, P. '80 Parsons, L '56 Rhoda, L. '34 (3) • Richardson, G. '42 (2) Sar ent, D. '39 Stir ing, R. '31 Sturtevant, R. '24 (6) Tupper, N. '30 (3)

* 1

COLGATE-54 + Abrams, H. '27 (7) Anderson, D.'39 + Annitto, J. '33 (3) Becker, N. '56 (3) + Berger, M. 66 (6) Berry, G. '36 (6) Boccuzzi, T. '58 (2) + Bolles, C. '29 (6) • Bond, F. '13 (4) + Cirillo, P. III '81 • Croft, S. '5 1 + Curtis, P. Jr. '50 (2) + DavidsonI '62 (3) + Duffield, . '37 (5) Duffy, R. '62 Ferguson, C. '36 (5) Goewey, J. '51 (5) Goldfarb, S. '76 (3)




• Gow, N. '46 (12) Griffin, J I'. '81 Harlowe, . '37 + Helman, . '41 (12) Ingle, R. '48 (II) + Jones, L. '61 (5) + Kelley, 1'. '52 Keyser, C. '31 (4) + Kranichfeld, W. '44 (5) Madsen, G. Jr. '47 (2) Mawhinney, W. '42 (5) McMahon, B. '74 + McMahon, E. '71 (5) + McCarthY'l '56 (4) McCown, . III '50 (5) • Miller, W. '27 (4) + Nast, T. '37 (12) * Okunski, W. '58 (12) Peabody, R. '45 (5) + Rice, R. '34 (7) Rosenbloom, B. '76 (3) Sater, C. '16 (7) • Schmid, P. '61 (5) + Squires,.J. '47 (2) + Stark, L. '25 (6) Staurovskl" R. '59 (3) Swan, D. 3 1 (3) + Tablor, R. '32 (4) T)' urski, R. '74 (8) VanOrden, E. '40 (4) + Walter, H. '37 + Walton, E. '34 (12) Weed, C'dr. '44 (2) + Weldon, . '52 + Wilkinson, H. '34 (4) + Zimmerman, R. '40 (5)

* *

Judd, R. '56 (2) Keatin~, T. '57 (5) Kenne y, D. '50 (12) Kincaid, J. '69 Kiplin~r, A. '39 (3) Klein, J • '71 (5) Kurz, G. '64 + Lathrop, W.Jr. '61 (7) • Mann, R. '52 (2) + McMahon, P. '55 • Pasquale, D. '57 (II) Penrose,).}r. '59 (12) Poole, J. 3 (2) +Preston, R. '19 (2) Rhodes, J. '80 Scalzo, A. '71 (2) +Schaenen, N. '23 (12) Schaenen, N. Jr. '50 (12) + Shepard, W.' I (5) * Slovak, G. '77 +Smith, R. '29 (3) Spelman, R. '28 (2) + Stephens, W. 111 '71 (2) * Teare, J . '59 (2) TOLten, W. '73 + Turner, A. '36 + Vaughan, A. '59 (2) + Vaughan, A. III '60 (5) • Vawter, H. '42 (12) + Von Kleist, R. '50 (3) + Wasilewski, J. '74 (5) + Williams, F. '34 + Witt, M. '71 (6) Wood, M. '64 (II) + + + • +





M. '79 (3) **+ B)'rne, Buckmi IeI', W. '71 '(6) T. '75 (3) Bentil'e~na,

COLORADO-I8 Bennin hoven, P. '63 (3) Brink, . '66 (2) + Buckley, D. Jr. '75 + Dobrovolny, K. '70 +Dunham, K.1r. '62 (3) + Grimaldi, D. 74 (2) * Holden, A. J r. '61 (2) + Humphries, R. Jr. '69 (5) + Melntosh, R. '76 +Milne, CJr. '73 (6) Nelson, . '59 (8) + Nichols, J. '79 (2) Oppold, J. '77 (5) Pober, K. '62 (7) + Poust, S. '72 Vaughan, B. '68 + Wilson, S. '72 + Wrasmann, E. '62 (2)




COLORADO STATE-I + Frederick, L. '72 (3) COLUMBIA-9 Brieam, C.}r. '44 +Cariey, F. '3 +Chabau, A. '37 (7) Eichacker, W. '41 (7) + HapJ.el, F. '30 (2) + Lau er, W. '44 (4) McCormack, J. '39 (6) Montgomery, R. '28 + Mueller, W. Jr. '26 (3) •

CORNELL-61 Altemus,J. Jr. '65 (5) * Ambrose, C. '48 (2) + BasseLL, C. ' 14 • Beckwith, R. '57 (12) Boericke, F. '28 Boerkke, R. '29 + Bosworth, H. ~r. '23 (3) + Calaguire, F. ' 3 (2) + Caruthers, E. ~r. '28 (4) Clark, P. '23 ( I) + Clemente, M. '73 (5) Crawford, E. '48 + Davis, D. '57 • DeVore, J. '68 (12) • Dodge, R. '40 (2) + D'Onofrio, P. '76 (6) Embury, W. '54 (2) + Fastuca, G. '74 (3) + Florey, T. '81 Fuss, J. '71 (2) Gilchrist, R. '40 (12)


~~~tl~~;t: ~6~24

: (12) + Halstead, c.Jr. '63 (5) + Hessler, O. ' 2 (6) Hibbard, F. '38 + Hughes, W. III '44

Haerr, R. '72 (4) Lane, R. '70 McNa,?,', G. '75 (6) + Young ove, R. '72 (2) DARTMOUTH-14 Banks, W. '45 (8) Cook, W. ' 3 (3) Ensinger, S. '27 (12) Geisinger, W. '30 Giddens, J. '59 (3) Gillespie, A. '44 (2) Hoiles, C. '3 (7) • Howe, E. '24 (8) + Lochhead, R. '46 (2) + McHenry, H. '25 (3) + PaLLerson, E. '41 Seney, W. '31 Swift, N. '27 (7) • + Van Reypen, R. '47 (3)




DAYTON-4 Corrigan, J. Jr. '76 (4) + Gilhooley, G. '77 + Ippoliti, M. '7 1 L),ons, W. '72 (8) DELAWARE-5 + Anzalone, E. '72 (6) Brzostowski,~. '79 +Carrr;' J. 0 (6) Old ,eld, . '70 (5) + Reifschneide,-, D. '70 (12)


DENISON-I 2 Anthon~

R. '67 *+ Barnes, Bailey, . '58 (12) G. '61 • Boswau, H. '55 (12) Brainard, D. '62 (7) Haines, F. '63 (10) + Jones, S. '80 + Ke~ler, R. '80 • Ku Iman, D. '61 (II) McNew, E. '54 + Robertson, E. '56 (3) Zinsser, M. '69 (2) DEPAUW-40 • Adams, F. '46 • Anderson'l '27 (2) II< -Asamura, . '60 Bowman, W. '30 Brickert, J. '15 • Campbell, J. '26 (3) • Clutter, R. '39 (12) + Epperson, E. '30 (5) Frees, C. '36 Gamble, C. '33 (4) Groebe, P. '62 (2)



+ Grossman, R. '50 Herrell, M. '60 (3) + Herrold, R. '36 (4) Hintz, C. '32 + Jones, D. '70 (2) + Keiper, J. '33 (5) + Kerr, J. '32 (12) Koch,~. '53 + Lilient ai, A. '33 Mann, R. '74 (2) + Maf' C. '72 + Mc voy, P. '27 (7) • McConnell, A. 11 '58 (4) + Means, R. '31 (2) Miller, H. Jr. '52 (2) + Moffett, R. '32 (5) + Newell, R. '34 (7) + Parkin, D. '16 (3) + PellYI '36 (7) + Post, . '47 (5) + Price, M. '68 +Rahe, G. Jr. '44 (2) • Reafan, W. '46 (6) +Sha e, ~ '40 (12) + Smith, . '52 +Trusler, M. '31 (2) + Warfel, J. '39 (2) + Wise, B. '36 (6) Zopp, J. Jr. '65 (2) EASTERN KENTUCKY-8 + Adams, S. '79 + Argabright, D. '72 (6) Arfiabri~", T. '70 + Co ins, . '74 (3) Hrubala, B. '73 (5) + Kornhoff, 1'. '78 (2) PresLon, D. '81 + Wilson, W. '75 8 *FLORIDA-I Askren, R. '63 + Bayman, S. '68 (6) Bonney, J. '67 (4) *•+ Delaney, Carter, W. '71 (7) J. '77 (4) + Forrest, P. '58 (12) + -/Jhnson, E. '65 (4) • eeker, J. '65 (5) Meininger, S. '80 (2) • Mueller, G. Jr. '65 (5) + Pritchard, G. '62 (7) • Roberts, J. '63 (II) + Rosenthal, P. '73 (6) Salfi, D. '58 (3) + Sharpe, M. II '62 Talkm~n,J. '81 + Tracy, . '71 Vawter, J. '76 (4) FRESN0-2 + Correia, J. '76 (6) + Duncan, E. '67 (6) GEORGIA TECH-ll + Abbott, J. J r. '69 (12) + Burson, Il. 111 '65 + Cecil, C. '64 (5) Fariss, D. '59 (6) + Flax, S. '78 (4) + Hall, R. '62 + Haney, M. '79 (2) • Kortemeier, K. '67 (6) • Lawson, C. '64 (II) + Monfort, C. J I'. '68 (12) + Mumper, M. '62 (7) HAMILTON-14 Doyle, D. '39 (6) + DriSCOll, W. J. r. '58 Fletcher, L. 20 (3) Green, D. '29 (6) Hutchison, W. '5 1 + Nye, S. '52 (6) Orcutt, B. '26 (12) Pierce, D. '26 + Rillner, F. '81 Rosenfeld, R. '80 (2) Rowan, M. '73 Scovel, F. '25 (2) Strohmeyer, G. Jr. '65 (6) + Wefer, D. '54 (II)


HARVARD-4 Adams, A. '32 (7) Ballard, E. '27 Bennett, C. '32 Holder, E. Jr. '31 (3)


July, 1982

Kloewer, D. '58 INDIANA-78 Littig, H. '65 (6) Abbott, G. '80 (2) * Lundy, J. '36 (6) + Albright, J. '32 * Obermann, C, '26 (II) + Allard, D. '70 (7) + O'Connor, R, '47 (6) * Anderson, C. Jr. '27 (6) Bell, C. '54 (5) Ostrem, C.Tr. '49 Rider, R. '75 (6) + Blakley, S. '65 + Rubin, W. '68 (6) + Borgmeier, P. Jr. '69 (4) + Rusk, D, '76 (4) + Bradfield, W. '31 (2) Sloan, A. '80 (2) + Bussey, K. '68 Smalley, D. '68 + Campbell, J. '37 (12) * Sodemann, N. '62 (4) • + Cartwright, J. '54 (2) + Sundberg, J. '73 ILLINOIS-90 * Caylor, H. '16 (12) + Sunderbruch, A.' '67 + Albrecht, D. '51 +~f,~ls~\r,~~1 (7) + Vickers, T. '71 (5) + Allen, L.Jr. '47 (12) + Cormican, H . '40 (3) + Viskocil, J. '75 (5) * Altorfer, A. Jr. '43 • * Currier, R. '64 (6) + Volkmer, W , '53 (6) * Curry,J. '51 (2) + Baumgartner, D. '65 (5) * Weigel, K, '78 (4) + DeBolt, R. '49 (9) * Beckman , A. '22 (7) Wieben, C. '45 (2) * Blankenship, M. '55 (6) * DeLaCroix, C. '69 * Wiese, J. '58 (5) Bloemker, L. '43 (2) + Downing, D. '55 (3) Buchanan, R. '55 (3) + Endwright, D. '56 (11) Burtzos, F. '77 (5) E r . '41 (6) +Chesrown, R. '69 (2) * scott, lOW A STATE-55 Chessman, H. '37 + Etzler, J. 75 * Bruening, K. '80 (2) * Claire, B. '80 + Farquharson, D. '40 (5) Clark, L. '33 Clements, E. 1Il '71 (6) + Flory, M. '44 + Cronk, J. '60 (ll) * Graf, A. '51 (2) + Donahey, W. '32 (II) * Coffel, C. '28 (12) + Gutman, P. '52 (7) Ekstrom, D. '73 + ~~~;v\';:y',7t '69 (9) + Hall, W. '44 (10) + Engler, G. '43 (4) • * Dunham, F. '41 Harper, B. '54 (9) + Fleck, R. '49 (6) + Emerson, B. Il '69 (6) * H~ugh, R. '48 (?) Fuessle, E. '48 + HIrSchmann, J. 38 (7) + Grant, \V. '27 + Fa d urn, R . '35 (3) , + Hollis, J. '28 (6) Gruenig, C. 1r. '59 (6) + Hutchison, C. '74 (2) + Fenstermaker, ,R. Jr. 55 (2) Hansen, R. "4 johnson,J. '75 + Fmney, M.Jr. , 53 (3) + Hansen, T. '79 (3) + Gar,etso~, R. 39 (3) * Kahlenbeck, H. jr. '52 (12) + Harder, S. '79 • K R '55 (2) + Gems, J. 44 Giffin, D. '62 (12) . ovener" . + Hedstrom, D. '52 House, W. '39 Gimre, C. '29 (2) + t~kk' ER ~~1(5) + Howes, R. Jr. '38 (3) + Goding, C. '56, * L~~,r~ij. '23 (2) + Jeffries, K. '81 g~~e:~:,u~: iiI ~~o Manalo, R; '71 (4) * Jensen , R. '57 Mason, J. ~5 Hall, R. '74 (6) + Johnson, A. Jr. '47 (2) + Harris R '55 (6) + Massey, D. 61 johnson, M. '74 + Heil, j'. '5'0 (2) : McReyn~lds, <? '15 (9) Kratoska, R. '59 (4) * H'I!" d F '33 MIller, VI. Jr. 59 + Larew, D. '63 (2) I. Itar 'C' '29 (3) * Mossier, A. '50 (7) +Lovell, 1.Jr. '50 * H man, . * M h j '54 + Lowe, :E. 21 Hortberg, D. '?7 (5) + Ol~~~, '32 Maier, S. '75 (3) + Hougham, R; 72 (2) + Peak, P. '55 (12) + Malin, D. '18 (3) Howard, H. 33 (12) P t R '68 (2) * Marvin, K, '23 (3) • + p~rll?;;, R. '71 (4) * Huntoon, H. :72 (7) * Mason, R. '33 (6) Racz, R. '67 (3) * Huntoon" H. 37 Mores, A. '80 +Jon,es, A. ~3 Rinehart, W. '29 + Neil, R. '30 (12) *Juhan, W. 2~ (12) + Robb, M. '26 (10) + Parker, J. '30 (5) Kennedy, R. 60 R b H '22 (11) + Kiefus, R. '63 (2) osen erge~. " * Pearson, L. '64 (2) K' D '65 Schergens, W. 33 (3) * Perry, W. '27 (5) mney, " + Scott, D. '60 (2) * Peters, T. '57 (6) +Selby, V. Jr. '31 + K!nsella, J. 3? ~5) Renk, R, 1r. '80 * Stephens , R. '61 (5) + KIrchner:, L. 20 (I!) * Roeder, A. '63 + KIrkpatrICk, ,T . Jr. 64 (4) + Stephens, X. '28 (5) + Rogers , D, '53 * Stoner, J. '46 + KOOIstra, P: ?8 (2) Schooley, F. '22 (12) Kurland, ,1. 80 + Stover, I. '55 Scott, W. '45 Ladd, B. 57 (4) + Styles it '49 * Sigman, W. '50 (11) * Lehmann, S.,'34 (1l) *Sum~er~, T , '51 (10) +Soldwedel, F. '31 (5) +Levemck"S, 75 (3) + Swayze, R, '41 (11) LewIS, T. 16 (6) +Thompson R '74 (2) ¥alb~:t, RK'~i9 + Yeller, D. '35 ' Lipe, J. '51 (2) , Templeton, H. '19 (5) * Voss, T . '51(2). + Magnussen; ~. 60 (4) + Tillapaugh, H. '32 (7) * Mason, A; 16 (8) * Wade, J. '26 (4) • Voggenthaler, A. '24 (2) ~agc, G. 7k5 T '18 (2) + Warner, 1· '19 (2) + Walker, G. '44 (5) c Qtmac" . + Warren F. '81 * Warren, A. '22 (12) + McEnery,J. ~I (2) * Wear, C. '17 (12) Webster, V. '25 (12) + Weiland, L. '28 + McKmley, L; 40 (2) • Willard, F. Jr. '21 + Williams, R. Jr. '62 + McLees,~, 75 (2) + Williamson, R. '28 (12) Mead , G. ?7 (4) Wingham, K. '66 (3) +Wood, R. '51 + MIller, A. 66 +Wolff R '61 Wood, W. '55 (4) * Yenn~ Ii '16 (12) * Mooney, R. '16 * Yirak, J. '40 (3) + Yoder' A ' 1r '35 (3) + Ottoson, W. '60 (2) + Young, J. '28 (2) + ~:~!~:~~,EC:~~3(12) + Yoder: p' '70 (11) HOUSTON-6 + Bobo, J. '77 + Clewis, R. '81 + Dutcher, D. '73 (7) Magill, J. Jr. '73 + Roznovsky , V. '75 (4) * Siegfried, C. '79 (3)





* Piegari, D. '68 (6) * Pierobon, R. '50

Pizzuto, M. '81 Pollitt, S. '65 (2) Rachmeler, D. '73 * Rice, A. Jr. '36 (7) + Ritt, J. '52 (3) + Rugel, G. '78 Samuels, T. '09 + Scaife, R. '36 (6) Schultz, C. '67 (3) + Shaw, D. '51 (7) -t Sheehan, J. '33 (2) + Sparks, R. '31 (5) Sweet, P. '23 * Trelease, S. '17 (12) + Trotter, S. '58 Ulatoski, P. '75 (3) + VanBladeren, J. '72 Waggoner, W, '36 (12) Williams, S. '7 1 (3) * Witschy, C. '74 (2) Woodcock, G. Jr. '55 + Zdenek, C. '67

IOWA--41 Ackerson, F. '44 (6) Benson, C. '41 (6) + Boelio, R. '35 (6) Brown, M, '71 (4) + Browning, E. Jr. '37 (5) +Childs, H. '33 (12) * Courter, L. '57 (5) + Currie, E. '47 + Daine, J. Jr. '51 Dikeman, P. '31 (5) Filseth, H. '58 + Fletcher, J. '35 (12) + Gildner, D. '65 (6) • * Harsha, H. '42 (11) * Hawkinson, H. '35 (12). + Holscher, R. '44 (6) Huber, J. '79 * Hunn, J. '55 (5) + Hutcheson,], '65 (2) Hynes, M. '67 (3) + Kesman, A. '77


JOHNS HOPKINS-33 + Biemiller, L. Jr. '55 (5) * Bigley, H. Jr. '64 (6) + Blaylock, M. '68 (5) Bonder,!. '76 (5) + Brimer, W. '20 (6) + Brown, L. Jr. '65 (6) + Budnitz, E. Jr. '53 (4) * Callis, P. '41 (2) + Evans, R. '54 Ferrazzano, D. '68 + Frankwich, V. '53 Harris, R. III '66 (5) * H ickman, R. '28 (12) Hoffmeister, J. '20 + Keating, R, '30 Kent, L '52 (2) + Lausch, S, '29 (11) * Levy, K, '26 Lord, R, '54 (12) * Miller, C. '49 (10) + Myers, C. '52 (3) Newnam, W. '59


july, 1982

+ Norris, J. '29 (5) + Palumbo, A. Jr. '67 (II) Peach,]. '31 (6) +Perry, V,Jr. '61 (2) Schultz, E, Jr. '48 Shipley, N, '52 (5) SmIth, J. '33 Spiering, J. '76 + Utterback, P. '48 (12) + Wilkinson, F. '58 (2) * Yeager, J. '43 (3) KANSAS-94 * Adams, M, '20 (9) * Arnold, R, '27 + Avery , W. '34 (2) * Ballou, D. '75 (7) * BaUln, A. '81 * Belt, C. '57 (12) + Berkley, K. '61 (12) * Biles, B. '66 (3) Bostwick, D, '65 (2) +Brown,j. '51 (5) Buechel, D. '45 (2) + Butler, A. '31 (8) * Cayot, C. '25 (2) Chester, W. '23 Cramer, W. '33 (12) + Crowther, M. '59 (6) * Cummings, D . '79 (3) * Davidson, K. '52 (2) + Davies, S. '73 (3) Davis, R. '75 (5) + DeVore, S. '35 (3) + Dietrich, R. '33 (2) + Dykes, J. '63 + Emery, T. '57 (3) + Ethenn~ton, S. '71 (9) + Fee, C. 47 * Fiske, T. '55 (6) + Forney, R. '21 (10) Gear, G. ' 15 (2) * Gear, M. '17 (12) * Gilbert, R. Sr. '23 (3) + Goza, K. '79 * Greer, J. '58 (3) * Gregory, L. '75 (7) + Haitbrink, R. '63 (2) + Hamill, R. '68 + Hamilton, C. '37 + Hammond, H. '32 + Henry, R, '58 + Henson, C. ~r. '52 * Hertzler, 1. 58 (6) * Hiebsch, V. 1r. '42 (8) + Higdon, J. '47 (3) + Hinshaw, C,jr. '54 (12) + Huguenin, A. '32 * Hysolll, J. Jr. '57 (5) + Hysom, W. '62 * Innes, R. '79 + Irwin, J. '49 (12) * Jewett, E. Jr. '42 Kampschroeder, H. '67 * Klemp , H . '26 (7) * Knorr, J. '31 (12) + Kre ider, S. '44 (5) * Lamb, J. '24 (7) Light, M. '49 (10) + Long, J. '70 + Ludwick, A. '34 (4) Lytle, M. '79 (3) + McCall, R. '53 (6) + 1-kKeever, H. '22 + Metcalf, E. '43 (5) * Meyer, J . '50 + Miller, P. '73 (4) + Morrison, D. '67 (4) + Neighbor, '65 (2) + North, T. 69 (2) + Nossaman, J. '60 (5) + Popejoy, A. '26 (3) * Praeger, !vt. '64 • * Radotinsk y, '33 Raymer, R. 52 + Reeder, W, '47 (4) + Reese, 1. '57 (5) + RockhiTI, 1. '51 (3) + Roth, J. '76 * Saricks, C. '70 (5) + Schober, R. '47 (4) +Seitz,J. '31 (II) * Slawson, C. '20 (5) * Slawson, D. '56 (12) +Smith, N. '38 (II) + Spikes, L. '70 * SL Clair, J. '58 (5) Stacey , M. '23 (2) + Taylor, D. '74 + Thomas, M. '62 (3) Trees, C. '29 Trouslot, F .. 11'. '28 (3)



+ Waddell, 1. '57 (5)

+ Wells, S, '75 (3)

+ Williams, D. '79 + Williams, R. '40 (6) * Wilson, S. Jr. '48 (2) KANSAS STATE-38 * Abbott, R. '61 + Bell, J. '74 (3) * Bunker, C, '70 (2) + Callen, J. '62 (2) + Conner, G. '58 (3) + Ebright, H . '74 (4) * Edgerley, P. '78 (3) EpIee, J. '75 (3) + Ericson, C. '69 + Ginter, M. '62 * Gordon, W. '60 (6) + Greene, R, '58 (12) + Hammer, G. '71 (2) * Hathaway, T. '80 Hawk, T, '68 (3) + Huffman, D. '68 (6) + Jernigan, T. '73 Johnson, D. '75 (5) + 1ubelt, B. '68 (II) +'Law, D, '80 (2) \ + Merillat, C. '79 (2) + Miesse, 1. '72 (3) + Musil, E. '71 (10) * Potter, B. '79 (2) + Salter, S. '79 +Sell, R, '78 (4) Stanley, B. '80 (2) Steffey, N. '57 (2) Stonehocker, R. '73 (3) + Svaty, R. '64 (2) + Teague, M , '74 Tucker, K, '76 (6) Voth, S. '72 Warner, J. Jr. '80 +'Vesl, W. '71 + Wietharn, M. '78 (2) + Wolf, B, '80 (3) Wool pert, B. '77 KENT STATE-19 + AUancic, T. '68 (3) + Becherer, W, '49 (2) + Brown, J. jr. '64 (5) Farinacci, A. '65 (II) + Francis, G. '26 (6) +Gersten, 1. '61 (12) + Gibson, J. '68 * Giorgianni, N. '56 (5) + Hall, P. '49 (12) + Kreager, A. '46 Luck, D. '52 (4) + Parsons, D. '64 (7) +Shriver, P. '50 (5) * Smith, K. '40 (2)

~r~~~~~;~~1~e~: J4;29

* Travaglini, G. '72 + VonderTann, E. '35 (5) + White, E. J r. '68 Wren, J. '52 (2) Zucker, H. Jr. '49 LEHIGH- 55 + Alcaro, J. '74 (3) + Allan, R. '68 (2) + Allen, C. '25 (8) +Arthurd' '21 (6) * Barba, . Jr. '27 (12) • + Bickett, P. '52 (3) Bishop, B. '26 (4) Boyer, E. J r. '43 (2) + ConchaI', B. '41 (4) + Czerny, D. '74 (4) D'Annibale, L. '80 Day, C. '30 (II) + Dent, C. '38 Dixon, A. '69 + Forstall, E. '20 (12) + Frey, R. '70 (2) + Frymoyer, H, '49 Furst, E, II '60 + Gabriel, R, '51 (7) Gerber,!' '19 (12) Gourley, C. '58 (2) + Graham, A, '33 (3) + Hartigan, A. '57 (6) + Hayes, W. '43 (12) + Herbert, S. '36 (2) + Hess, T. '37 (5) * Hoffacker, B. '44 (2) + Hornbaker, D. '26 (6) + Kirkpatrick, J. '29 (5) • Kurtz, J. '52 (6) + Lentz, R. Jr. '30 (5) + Lichter, J. '68 (3) * Lister, W. '26 Lucadamo, E, '71 (5) * Maroti, L. '58 (12) + Middleton, D. '42 (6) + Middleton, T. '72 * Moodie, W, Jr. '47 (5) + Nehring, T, '75 (4) Nutt, W. '36 (5) * Peck, H. '37 (6) + Perna, J. '76 (6) * Purdy, R. '28 (12) + Rabold, F. '39 Ramsay, J. '58 (12) Reber, R. '40 (5) * Roberts, C. '27 (5) + Roberts, J. '26 (5) Ruth, R. '68 (3) + Sawtelle, G, '40 (2) + Stiver, W. 1r. '72 (5) Swenson, C. '50 (6) Tavener, C. Jr. '46 (3) + Watchman, W.]r. '55 (4) Yaszemski, E. '80

Swartz, J. '22 Urschler, E . .Jr. '59 (7) Wilt, M . '63

LOUISIANA STATE-3 Bonura, C. Jr. '74 +Gerald, D. Jr. '80 + Pastorek, S. '79 (2)

LAFAYETTE-37 + Alexander, C. IV '56 (12) * Baird, D. Jr. '59 Blake, L. '66 Bourger, E. '44 Cheney, C. '41 (2) DeRuyter'd ' '73 (2) Dolfi, J. '8 (2) Ernst, R. '19 (2) +Franzinger, K. '36 (5) + Freney, J. '56 (12) + Gerard, L. '34 * Harkins, H. '34 (12) Harmstad, J. '39 (3) + Hazard, R. '80 (2) Helps, W. '25 (12) + Hindenach, L. '40 (10) +Humma, E. '29 (5) Hutchison, S, Jr. '32 (2) Lawler, M. '72 (4) + MacGeachie, M. '72 (6) Marcellus, H. '46 (2) + Messick, W. '68 (3) + Metzger, C. '68 + Meyers, E. '66 (4) Moser, P. HI '68 (3) Mulligan, T, '79 (2) * Noreika, R. '67 (12) Parkhurst, F. jr. '19 (2)

LOUISVILLE-22 Alt, L. '62 (11) Bomar, H. Jr. '49 (2) * Click, S. Jr. '50 (4) Crume, W. Jr. '65 (6) Dillon, H. 1r. '58 + Farnsley, C. '30 * Federa, H. '35 (12) * Gaddie, G. '49 (12) + Gillespie, T. '53 (6) Halloran, R. '68 + Howe, F. '64 (6) * Jackson, H. '52 (3) Katzman, M. '55 (2) + Lussky, V. '43 (3) + Neely, R, '71 (4) Ruch, R,]r. '65 (3) Seitz, J. '65 + Smither, L.Jr. '55 + Von Wick len, F, '22 (12) + Weber, W. '54 (7) + Wellkamp, J. '76 * Williams, R, '67 (5)




Roth, S. '81 Townsend, C. '34 (12)

MAINE-l + Flanders, M. '72 MANITOBA--4 * Brass, J. '73 (4) + Melnnes, D. '50 (5) Oliver, G. '58 + Stratton, F. '30 (2)


o MARIETTA-36 Albrecht, S. '69 (2) + AhreUler, R. Jr. '65 (2) + Amrine, F. ~r. '40 (6) Barnett, D. 68 (3) + Batta[lia, R. '76 Bissel , L. '80 (2) + Bruny, C. '27 (6) + Dawes, C. '23 + Deuel, M. '42 (6) • Druetzler, F. '63 (3) Dunn, F;)r. '40 (3) + Eberle, . Jr. '45 (2) Edwards, C. '67 * Gillespie, R. '72 (3) Grueser, ~ '49 + Hau~ht, . '51 (2) + Hed und , A. '66 • Hodgen, C. ' 2 + HOlland, D. '51 (2) • Hollett, W. '53 (2) • + Jankura, B. '77 (4) + Jennings, C. '31 (7) {"rgens, E. '43 + amben, J. '63 (3) Meister, L. '18 • Porter, '24 (5) • Redfor ,D. '59 (2) + Rollins, W. '27 (3) + Rudder, N. '57 (3) Siewers, D. '48 + Silberman, S. '72 (3) • Snediker, L. Jr. '50 (12) + Strickland, D. '66 • Suder, G. '44 Yester, B. '5 1 +Yester, G. '5 1 (2)



MARQUETTE-l Westerheide, T. '72 (5) MARYLAND--8 Brosky, R. '77 (5) • Conley, P. '75 Doetsch , P. '76 (6) Fannin, J. III '77 (2) + Fennimore, D. '79 (3) Huston, G. 'B I + Jeffers, J. '79 + Steis, C. '78 (2) McGILL--6 + Currie, G. '33 (6) Hughes, R. '57 Killam, Dir. '63 (3) + Ray, R. '2 (2) • Wodd, A. '64 Yuile, C. '27 (2) MIAMI-93 +Barker, H. '50 (12) * Blair, G. '37 (12) + Bosworth, H. IV '52 (3) Bova, J. '69 Brown, C. '80 * Bruckman, R. '49 (3) * Burgess, T. '61 (2) + Burns, V. '50 (3) • Cawrse, R. '66 (5) * Conklin, T. '29 (2) Cottle, M. '81 * Coulton, R. '54 *Cunnintham, H . '29 * Davies, . '50 (6) * Dettwiler, W. '27 * Dodd, F. '49 (6) • * Dome, J. '36 (2) • • Dugan, C. 11 '60 (3) * Eagleson, D. '44 (12) Easton, M. '73 + Ehrich,J. '42 (12) * Elder, F. '27 (6) • Emler; H . III '79 (3) * Fulton, D. '61 (4) Ga llagher, R. '34 (5) +Geiger, P. '63 Gerspach er. W. '63 * Gillette, R. '52 (II) Gillham, J. '33 (4) + Godfrey, W. '58 (II) * Goldman, M. '16 (8) * GraJ' M. '36 (7) • +Gri fin, J"J" '4 1 (3) + Gurne)" . '53 Hall, D. '79 Hallihan, J. '67 Hathaway, D. '44 + Hofmann , W. '53 * Hogan , J. '48 (5)



* Holschuh, J. 5r. '48 (5) + !serman, J. '50 (3) + Jones, N. '64 Joseph, C. '25 ~seph, W. '53 (8) lein, R. '45 * Knauss, N. '53 (12) Krebs, D. '80 (2) + Leen, E. '50 (5) * Lewis, D. '40 (2) • + Lillie, '41 (4) Lon~tretl' E. '23 (3) • Mac ay, D. '62 (2) * Maines, F. '43 + Marshall, C. Jr. '66 + Marshall, J. '65 + Marsteller, G. '43 (2) May, J. '47 (12) + McGory, P. '70 McGovern, E. '51 (6) McNabb, H. '49 (6) * McNamara, J. '29 (8) * Miller, W. '26 • + Mot~an, W. '51 (5) +Mou, J. '66 + Newton, J. '46 Nies, D. :69 (6) Orebaugh, L. '24 (11) Petrich, J. '36 (12) + Post, H. '80 (2) + Pryor, R. '37 (6) PUllS, W. ' II (12) Ranallo, ~. '30 + Rausch. . '73 + Reebel, A. '27 (12) + Rogers, J. '57 (9) + Ryan'l' '34 • Rychli , R. '56 (2) + Sechnick, D. '76 (6) +Shane, M. '52 (4) Shearer. 'AT . '25 + Shearon, J. '53 + Shouvlin, '70 (2) + Sponsler, . '58 (6) Swanson, P. '59 + Thesken, E. '30 (12) + Thies, T. '64 (3) + Thomas, L. ~r. '65 (3) + Troutwine, . '40 (6) Vau~hn, G. '48 (2) * Wilhams'rt' '31 * Wistner, . '58 (5) • Witte, C. '51 * Zimmerman, J. '72 (2)




MICHIGAN-69 + Adams, R. '40 (12) + Bates, R. '78 (4) * Bolas, G. '36 (5) * Bugbee, B. '37 +Clark, C. JI'. '39 (2) Clement, C. 111 '69 * Collins, F. J I'. '38 + Cornelius, J. '38 (6) + Correll, C. '63 (13) * Craft, D. '57 * Croxton, M. '23 (12) + Davis, R. Jr. '47 (6) Donaldso n, J. '64 (3) + Eldridge, C. III '60 (6) * Evans, S. '56 (12) * Feldkam~ J. '61 + Garvey. . '4 1 + Goldsmith, D. '56 (5) + Goodier, E. '35 (2) + Grunder, R. '44 (4) + Hartwig, M. '68 Hayward, H. '38 + Hepl', K. '39 (3) + Herhh y, J. Jr. '50 Hoad , J. '3 (2) + Hole, w.~r. '51 (5) Hoh, 1'.' I Hubbell, T. '71 joachim, G. '63 (12) + ohnson, L. '22 (11) Johnson , P. '76 (2) * Kaptain, S. '48 (6) + Knode, R. '52 (2) + Lossing, L. '65 (2) * McCobb, E. '23 (6) • McLouth, P. '21 (6) • + Mensinfjir, M. '72 (2) * Meyer, . '61 (8) + Moore, C. '29 (12) Mortense n , M.Jr. '35 (12) * Nicolau, G. '48 (2) + Nixon']' III '79 (2) * Otten, . III '61 (6) +Owens, P. '31 (5) + Porter, S. '80 Prangen, W. '41 (2) Richey, S. '64

+ Rose, T. '67 + Rydholm, E. '44 + SChOffJ '22 (12) Stuart, . '52 (4) +Suehhaus, K. '66 (12) Sutherland, D. '41 (2) Tageson, W. '64 (5) Tanase, T. '63 '48 (12) + Tapp. K. + Thomas, . '32 (2) +Tolonen'J' '71 + Vedder, . 11 '41 + Vehn, R. '48 (2) * Wah l, E. '63 (5) + Ward, S. '58 + Wardle, R. '52 + Warrier, D. '28 (5) Wheaton, T. '72 (2) • White, J. '50 (12) * Wible, Awlr. '59 (4) Wilson, . '38 (12) + Winer, P. '61 (5)



MICHIGAN STATE-25 * Allen, C. '55 * Allen , J. Jr. '60 * Anderson, T. '72 +Christensen, E. Jr. '57 Crow, '55 * Dean, A. r. '60 (6) • Dhue, R. 68 * Franzetta, P. '70 (6) + Gross, G. '63 (5) + Harger, D. '62 +Hess, C. '66 + Hoot, B. '65 (5) + Hyland, J. Jr. '71 . + Kaufeld'l '49 (5) • Long, D. 59 (4) Maccani, L. '56 (6) Nauert, R. '65 (3) • Pattee, J. '70 (2) Ryan, J. '55 (3) + Savage, W. '56 (3) + Sweeney, D. '65 +Thompson, R. '67 (12) • Trippel, F. '57 (5) + Wilson, J. '62 * Wilson , J. '66 (2)


MIDDLEBURY-47 + Allen, C. '29 (12) Allen, R. '33 Anderson, P. '29 • Arnold , R. '42 (3) Avery, F. '39 Bangs, W. '45 (2) Bennett, T. '41 (12) Berry, E. '37 Brainard, S. '22 Buskey, P. '38 (4) + Byinton, R. '43 Cale , R. '31 (6) + Callin, L. '32 + DeGroff, R. '25 (5) Dunham, P. '45 * Ferrari, E. '34 + Fuller, W. '54 (5) Furber, A. '20 (4) + Haines, L. '43 (2) Hanbury, R. '73 (4) * Hayward, L. '23 (6) Heath, W. '21 (4) Hebard, F. ' 19 (4) Hill, P. '37 (8) + Hinman. F. '31 Jacoby, C. '75 (5) Kelley, W. '29 (12) Kettell, J. '56 (2) Lowe, R. '80 McNamee, F. '50 (6) * Noonan , R. '21 (8) + Painter, H. '33 (3) * Palmstrom, D. '45 (5) Peach, B. '38 Philipson, C. '37 Pierce, A. '30 (6) • Ricker, J. '06 (11) + Riley, D. '24 (II) Schauz, G. '34 (5) * Sincerbox, R. '20 Smith, J . '38 (3) + Smotrycz, Z. '77 (5) * Thayer, S. '43 (4) • Walker, J. '28 (5) +Ward, S. '37 + Wheeler, F. '39 + Whitton, J. Jr. '5 1 (5) MINNESOTA-34 * Albrecht, H. '34

+ Baker, L. '65 (5) + Barcla~ J. '69 (5)

* Bloom erg, R. '51 * Cary, E. '18 (12)


Chapman, W. '29 (2) • Christensen, L. '3~ (5) * Crippen, C. '30 (12) * Diercks, H. '35 (3) + Dohm, J. '43 (4) + Hamann, J. '59 (3) Hawes, G. Jr. '29 (2) + Hunner , { '31 +lves, A.' 8 + Knudsond' '61 MacRae, . '2 1 (2) + Mackintosh, W. '21 (2) + McDonald, W. '41 (6) Oakle/:, V. '35 (3) +Opda I, O. '41 (11) Pelton, T. '24 (6) + Peterson , J. '54 + Ritchie\J ' ' 16 + Sears, . '40 (2) + Smalley, J. '24 (7) Sullivan, J. '49 + Tatam , J. '33 (2) * Tormoen, F. '3~ (12) + Wenkus, G. '69 + Wilke, P. '23 (5) * Wilke, P'Jr. '50 (11) + Willems, . '49 (12) + Wooldri~e, J. '56 • Wright, . '34 (5) MISSOURI-94 + Allemann, G. '69 (6) + Anderson, R. '63 (2) + Armstrong, R. '21 (3) + Beimdiek, G. '35 (2) Bistline, G. '76 (4) Brashears, V. III '72 (3) * Briggs, H . '51 (8) + Brown, R. '62 Browne, W. '33 (6) * Clowe, K. '32 (3) Craven, S. '74 (6) Daniel, C. '55 (2) * Davis, H. '29 (3) Deimund, E. '29 * Deimund, E. 11 '60 (4) • * Douglas, W. '69 Dwyer, E. '36 Ehrlich, J. '67 + Elleman, M. '80 (2) * Eskridge, D. '64 (2) + Fallmann, K. '53 (2) + Faucett, J. '78 (4) Finley, B. '36 (3) + Gantz, D. '27 (3) + Gibsoh, W. '38 (12) * Glasscock, E. '28 (5) * Goodin, B. '39 (2) * Hall , D. '6 1 + Hatley, C. Jr. '80 (2) + Hire, D .~·. '80 * Hodge , . '25 (12) + Hof, P. '75 (5) + Holdmeyel', D. '79 (3) + Holdmeyer, K. '78 • + Hubbell , M. '33 + Huff, L. '57 + Hughes; L.Jr. '31 (6) + ~nes, F'J r. '32 (5) + eiste r, . '61 + Kerndt, N. '33 (3) + King, J. '75 (3) * Kyner, L. '73 (5) Latta, J. '75 Leeman , C. '36 (2) + Lewis , D. '68 Longenecker. C. '3~ Lutz, B. '58 Martin , D. '29 (2) + McDaniel, C. Jr. '35 McFarland, S. '81 * McKelvey, D. '32 (3) * McKinnon. C. '56 Metl, R. '80 + Middleton, K. '76 (2) + Mitchell, B. '60 (2) Montgomery, W. '59 * Neff, V. '66 (7) Noble, W. '50 * Ochs, H. ~r. '33 (12) • * Peacock, . '32 Plummer, W. '36 (3) * Potash nick, M. '61 (4) Randall, D. '69 (4) * Read, O. '3 (4) Richard s, S. '64 (3) + Ri~'h' '3~ (4) +Ro , . '55 (6) + Rogers, .I . '49 (2)



Rowlandw.. '65 + Russell , . '75 (2) +Sarver , D, '61 Schmidt, R. '3~ (11) * School'C, C. '28 (5) + Segall, . '33 (4) Shattuck, R. '29 (3) * Shumake, S. '78 (2) +Smith, K.lr. '67 (2) * Smith , R. 62 (2) Smith, W. '24 (2) Spurrier, T. '8 1 Stewart, R. '47 * Symon, B. '26 (5) + Tate, B.Jr. '41 (6) Taylor, W. '41 (6)

:i~~:~'st:~: ~J2'62

(12). + Thweatt'l'3o (3) Vedros, . '74 (2) + Vinyard, Jr. '42 (12) Wasm er, . '68 (2) + Webb, R. '31 (8) + Witt, T. '22 (12) Yehl en, P. '72 (6) * Yinglin g, R. Jr. '62 (8)


NEBRASKA-41 * Ackerm an, R. '50 + Alexander, L. '36 (2) * Becker, D. '27 (5) * Brownell, H. '24 (3) + Cheney, T. '36 (6) + Christenson, A. '45 (12) + Felber, N. '4 1 + Goodwin, F. Jr. '50 (11) * Gray, H. '34 (12) * Green, J. '75 (5) • Hamilton, '79 (3) Harris 6 Hibbe;' '79 (2) Hinchclif , S. '77 (5) * Hummel, 1'. '31 (10) *Jones, W. '27 (12) * Kelley, D. '3~ * Kromme nhoek. W. '58 (9) + Muff, H. '30 Muncy, G. '70 (4) + Niemeyer, A. '35 * O'Bannon, K. '50 (8) Onnen, D. '76 (2) + Pedle}', W. '32 (6) * Reese, D. '26 • Sa~e , G. '10 (12) Sc ick, L. '29 (12) * Slothower, '45 (6) Smith, H. ' 5 (12) Staton, L. '44 Straka, E. J 1'..'53 + Swanson, J. '50 (6) +Thompson, K. ' 14 (10) • Thomhson, M. '26 * Urbac ,H, '33 (6) * Valdez, R. '66 (4) + Watson, R. '55 (3) * Westcott, R. '53 (5) + Williams, J. '61 (4) Yoder, O. '26 (I I ) Young, T. '74



NEWYORK-ll Baranowski, F. '43 Beman, A. '34 (3) Beman , L. '38 (2) B"own, S. '24 (7) Bryson, J. '26 Coon, D. '32 (6) Hoover, C. '40 (3) + Koski , G. '43 (7) * Mazzci'l' '26 (7) Query, . '25 (3) + Redegeld, J. '23 (2) NORTH CAROLINA-41 + Ayres, R. '66 (II) + Baker, C. '7 4 Barr, E. '26 (2) +Brainard, H. '30 (5) Burgess, G. '79 (2) * Castellow, B. '77 (3) • + Clark, J . '68 (3) Crawford, W. '76 (6) '59 (5) + Dalton, Duncan, . 111 '74 + Edd leman, W. '3 4 (5) + Ely, J. '68 (4) Fleet, W. III '81 * Gray, ~ '65 (6) Gray, . III '59 (3) + Heacock, D. '67 (12)


Head, K. '79 (3) + Honeycutt,lJr. '69 +Jamison,J. 7 +rnes, R. '68 (11) ones,S. '63 (5) * egler, I- . '64 * Lowr/: R '65 Mars ~II,' . jr. '28 (2) + McEl roy, . 70 (5) McCain, 1', III '79 (3) • Mich ael, W. '73 (4) Poole, H, '64 * Poston, W. '71 (9) * Pugh, A. '73 (7) + Pyron, J. '78 (4) + Ramsat, . '76 (5) Samue so n, K. Jr. '80 Schumacher, C. '73 (5) Snow' r!' '73 (2) + ~ruil , G. '76 (3) hompson , E. '28 (10) + Thompson, H. ~r. '64 + Wah em yer, R. ' 5 (6) +Ward, M. '73 * Watkins, W. '27 (12)

t. II' 6"



J5 '80 + Davis, M. '79 • Galehouse, L. III '68 + Hanson, '79 * Hyland, . '69 + Moret, M. '76 * Szczys, R. '69 + Thomas , R. '79 (3)


NORTH DAKOTA STATE-2 + Qual, A. '73 (5) + Schneider, J. 11 '70 (2) NORTHERN ILLINOIS-17 Anderson, R. '26 + Carmichael, W. '78 (3) Feithen, W. Jr. '75 (6) +Gerber, S. '68 (11) Guist , M. '75 Hein z, M. '70 (4) + Hurl ey, P. '81 + ~nik, J. '75 (2) aibach , M. '73 (8) + MalloJ' W. '69 (2) + McEI mi'ner" K. '75 +M cGee, M. 81 + Modj eski, M. '80 + Sedory, D. '76 Smith, S. '64 + Tomei, M. '80 Wilson , T. '76 NORTHERN JOWA-2 Anderson, S. '79 + Cory, B. '75 (6) NORTHWESTERN-61 Akemann, E. '62 (12) + Anderson, W"t. '53 (7) + Bierbaum, J. ' 5 * Bodine, P. '50 (12) Bouschor , . '29 (5) + Boyd, W. '48 (7)


* ~~~~!j[~:t :6~56 (5) Bu~ger, . '79 (3) +Call0un, E. '22 (12) Carner' P. '75 (6) * Caster ine, R, '41 (3) +Conwa y, J. '49 (12) + Countryman, R.tr. '50 (5) +Curtis, A. '27 (1 ) Davis, J. '65 (4) Dougan, R. '24 Ebert, A. '52 +Fish, W.' 9 (12) + Gavitt, S. '37 (2) + Gray, E. '29 (7) * Hazen, S. Jr. '34 (4) + Heidema n, E. '32 (8) * Heizer, E~r. '5 1 (12) * Jamra, A. I'. '44 (6) *jamra' k 8 (12) + awol', . '66 (6) + Jen sen , C. '3 1 (2)



• July, 1982

+ ~hnson, J. '42 + ennedy, J. '43 + Kreml, F, 31 (6)

Larson; H. '34 *++ Liszka, Levering, G, '61 (12) W, '67

Lose, G, '57 + Ludolph , A, '42 (2) + Mackey, R, '43 (12) + Mason, R, Jr, '75 • + Maylahn, D, '40 (4) • McCarthy, J. '47 (2) + McKenzie, H, '23 (8) Montgomery, J, '43 (6)

+ Montgomerj. W. '46

* Newman, R, II '59 (12) ! ~~k~~: ~:, '~6~ (~) *+ Rudolh, Reiche, R, '42 K, '39 (2) Sale, , '34 Sapienza, M, '74 (2) + Shannon, J. J r. '49 ( II) + Spanjer, R. '49 (12) '1 aradash, J. '67 +Thor\'i H , Jr. '25 (12) + Vits, ,Jr. '54 (II) Wadsworth, V. '35 +White, H,t, '33 (2) + White, R, r. '52 (4) + Williams , , '34 (3) YI'illison, S. '26

* Zinn,

F, '37 (12)

+ Werum, ~ '42 (6) Wiseley, ,'43 + Woodruff, J. '64 (2) • + Zell, E, '69 (3)

*OKLAHOMA-54 Anderson, M, '59 (2) * Anderson, V. '67 Boyce, W, '72 + Butler, R, '78 (2)

+ Coleman,

** Ewing, D. '32 Fender, H, Jr. '41 (2) * Floyd, Filip, T, '69 (6) B, Jr, '39 * French,

E, '78 (3) + Frensley, L. '23 (2) + Gordon, C. '72 + Haymon, G, '77 + Hefner, W, '37 * Hess, T, '75 (3) Hood, F, '52 + Humphreys, T. '40 (2) Hurley, p , '64 (5) + Johnson, Jr. '66 (6) + Kalbfleisc " J. '52 (2) + Kenady, p, '66 (8) Kurek, E, '67 * Lamar, J. '42 + Lee, '1', '75


* Lo man, E,J. Jr.Sr. '66 '24 (2) Li~rrt,

* Brown,

A. '62 + Hartin, L. '56

+ Marnane , T. '55

Mayer, R, '73 +Sanders, N. '59 + Starr, L. '69 (3) + \.\ieiss, \V. '81


Williams, ,'71 Zangardi, A, '73 OHIO STATE-61 + Bates, D, '59 (10) Bingham, G, '40 (2) +Boyer, R, '42 (12) + Buchsieb, W, '5 1 (II) Cermak, J. '78 (4) • Clymer, W, '35 (12) + Cooper, W, '63 (4) Corey, p, '48 (1 1) Crawford, H, '47 (10)

** Dahler, [vf. '75

+ D'Amico, D, '72 (6) + DeLaMater, p, '63 (3) Derewecki, D, '72 (2) + Douglas, R, II '67 (2) + Elliott, R, '48 (12) English, E. '22 (12)

+ Massad, W, '55 (12) D, '32 (5) + McFall, B, '29 (3) + Monk, J, '68 (6)

* McCormick,

+ Norris, R. '80

+Owens, J, '78 (3) Parker, R, '65 + Poindexter, R, '40 (2) + Porter, W, '41 (5) Reid, W, Jr. '58 (5) + Rupert, M, '74 (6) + Sampson, D, '34 (2) + Scott, D, '61 (3) + Seratte, K, '80 (2) Smith, E, '25 Sykes, F, '56 + Tacker, J. '63 (2) + Thompson, H, '65 (12) Walkingstick, B, '52 (12) * Welfelt, '1', '49


* *

+ \Vhisnand, H. '64

Whisnand, W, '50 Wilson, H, '55 (3)

* Ewart, D. '47

Faranda, C, '49 (2) Flournoy, J. '72 (6) +Gorman, R. '55

Griesinger, F, '13 (12) + ~::~~~'n~}~6(~) + Haupt, F, '80 Herron, \V. '43

T, '56 (2)

Hunter, F.



+ fhnson, A, II '42 ones, R, '56 (2) + emerer, W, '73 (6) Koontz, J. II'. '55 (2) + Kuppinge,:, E, '33 (12) * Langhurst, E, '41 (12) + Lininger, I, '32 (II) Mason, R: Jr. '41 McLain, J. '42 (2)


J\.·forris, M. '57

+ Morrison, R, '39 (II) + Myers, J. '38 (12) + OdIe, !vi, '56 * Schreck, J. '73 (2) Seawright, J. '40 + Seekely, B, '79 (2) Seekely, R, 11 '80 Shaw, J. '49 (6) + Shcrck, p, '51 +Smith, H, Jr. '51 + Spore, W, '39 (6) +SLJohn, W, '56 Swensen, T, '61 (2) + Taylor, K, '65 (4) Townsend, G, '64 (II) * Vajda, R, '71 (2)



+ Vuchnich, M. '34



+ Levorsen, J. '50


* Hoover,

C. '81

+ Contway, L. '29 (5) Crews, I. Jr. '45 (4) Eckart, R, Ir. '4 1 (6)

~;,~Jke~J:, <\;,'~~4 (!~)

* Weaver, J. Jr. '63 (2)


'44 *+ Stone, Stuhr, R, '41 Walsh, B, '64 R. '71 * Watson. Weisel, J. '48

OREGON STATE-32 + Anderson, D, '35 (5) Baxter, J. '78 • Bays, '1', '42 (7) Bentley, F, '32 Blitz, W, '35 (12) Brack, H, '37 Butler, G, '21 (12) Clarke, D, '71 • +Combs, C, '40 (5) Cummings,j- '31 (12) + Darling, N, 42 (12) + Ekern, A, '26 (4)


Foster, P. '43

Gann, S, '79 (3) **+Hulbert,J'1r. Heikenen, A, '35 '44 (12)

* Klein,

K, '4 (12) + Knutsen, G, '31 (12) + Luscher, B, '45 (3) Marcus, G, '34 (2) + McMath, c.Jr. '32 (5) + Mellis, R, '4 (5) + Perl, W, '28 (6) + Reed, '58 (5) + Rosen eld, E, '42 (6)


* Schiewe,

E. Jr. '40

Smith, V, '49 Tannock, T. '56 + Tinker, E, '65 (6) Vandervort, R, Jr. '41 (3) • V0r,land, J. '40 (5) + Wi cox, D, '25 (6)


*PACIFIC-5 DuMond, J. Jr, '66 (3) + Gates, T, '63 (3) Madsen, J. '65 (5) + Pinska, W, '48 (2) + Stark, E, '29 (9) ANIA~39

PENNSYLV Acaster, H, '44 (12) *** Barbour, G, '42 (6) Bartle, H, t '30 (7) • Biggs, C, I I '55 (4)

+ Boswell, W, '22 (5) Boyd, D, '42 (4) Canfield, R, '6 1 (5) * Coffey, E, '27 (12) Crofoot, J. '28 (6) +Derry,J, '51 (7) * Elseroad, A,Jr. '53 (12) Gentino, E. Jr. '50

OKLAHOMA STATE-14 + Branch, D, '60 (2) • Crews, I. Sr. '60 (7) + Crotchett, R, '75 (5) Hoyt, D, '69 (2) +McKaY'd'~r. '79 + Meyer, ' 5 '(2) Moyes, K, '79 + Puckett, W, '78 (4) Renfro, C, '74 (3) + Richards, W, '77 (3) +Simon, W, '60 (3) + Thomas, H, '80 + Waller, G, Jr, '60 (5) Williams, R, '64 OREGON-27 + Albert, F, '62 * Brunken, D, '52 (3) Carlson, S, '69 (4) + Cellars, A, '47 (11) Ciatti, J. '64 (7) Corbitt, G, '58 Duf~, T. '48 * Gen ron, J. '40 (7) Har.ward, S, '41 (7) + Hil ar, p, '41 (7) + Kirkpatrick, B, '45 (7) + Lerwick, E. '46 + Mattson, T, '63 (12; + Meister, H. III '66 (5) Newell, R, '65 + Potts, K, '31 (2) Rutherford, W, '29 (2)

** *

* Sanders, G. '63 Seal, W, '49 (7) * Shepherd, W, Jr.

'55 (2) Smith, G, '37 (II) + Sprouse, J. '30 (7)


+ Gentle, J. '2 (4) Geaf, G, Jr. '55 (5) • Harrison, C, '38 (5) + Hoffman, W, '28 (7) Johnson, A, '39 + ~hnston, W, '3 2 (5) + ennedr-J. '47 (12) * Marshal, '65 (6) Marx, R, 54 (6)

* *


* * *


+ ~ilr:;~aR.~3~M5) • Noble, A, '5 1 ( II) + Pippitt, S, '25 + Quackenbush, R, '55 (6) Redline, 1r. '48 (6) + Roose, VI,' I (2) Samson, F, '21 (7) + Samson, R, '28 (6) Shellenberger,~, '52 (2) * Sie~el, '5 (4) * Ste man, ,'55 (2)


Stratton, S. '34

+ VanSciver, H, '53 (4) VanSciver, H. II '81

+ Wallace, J. '18 (II) +Walthour,J, '19 (5) + Williams, V, '32 (3)

Day, R, '47 **+ Diament, DeJulius, A, '56 (12) W, '3 1 (9) • Dorland, R, I II '76

Ebersole, J. '70 *++ Edwards, Edwards, K, '71 (10) '1', '62 Franson, W. '66

+ Freed, H, '30 M, Jr, '73 (2) Gramley, ~ '26 Gray, W, 7

* Glass,


+ g~~lI!;h~: l2,Ji) r. '32 (3) + Hammer, Hannan'l ' 5 (2) + Hellick, '35 (5) Hickman, ,'24 (5) * Hileman, R, '32 (4) Hilner, H, '59 (12) Hohn, R, '76 + Horne, F, Jr. '38 (6) + Humes, D, '77 (4) Humphreys, H, '66 + ~hnston;j, '58 (II) ane, H, '50 (2)

J.l 'Jr

+ Kuhnsman,

\V. '59

+ Landherr, W, lr. '59 (3) + Lauck,D, Jr. ' 4 + Leib, R, Jr, '50 (4) + Longenecker, C, '32 (4)

~i~~;:eli !?.j~54 +Miller,J. '13 (12) R, '48 (6) + Noah, R, ',57 (2) Oerman, R, '63 (5) Olsen, J. '57 Piper, W, '44 (3) * Prutzman, C, '18 (9) + Schwenk, G, '42 (5) Segal,S, '75 + Shade, W, '50 +Simpler, A'Jr. '46 (2) * Tapp, R, '3 Ulerich, W, '31 (7) +Voulopos '79 (3) Weaver, ,'22 (II) + Williams, R, '18 (4) Wilson, J. '29 + Winter, C, '48 (3) * Young, C, '61 * Zboyovsky, J. Jr, '5 1 (II)

* Nix,

* *


PLATTEVILLE-3 Boyum, B, '76 + Lundeen, T, '52 (12) + Nielsen, D. '70

PURDUE-I08 + Anderson, B, '65 (6) Aspinall, J, '26 (4) Bacon, C. Jr, '38 (6) Barbian, F, '45 (2) * Bardach, R, '33 + Beals, J. '30 (II) + Bisho/:, '65 Black a , R, '46 (3) Blakley, E, '35 Bowler, L. '7 1 (3) + Brennan, J. Jr. '55 (2) * Brown, R, '46 (5) + Bruns, p, '71 (6) + BlImpas, 0, '31 (3) + Burkart, H,t, '48 (3) + Clarke, W, ' 9 (10) Conway,S, '51 (7) Cop~le, J. '36 (6) * Cro ts, A, )r, '47 (4)





* Cl'OSS, \V. + DeMent, DeVoll, + Egeler, Evans, J.


D, '76 (3)

6','13 '63 (4) (12). '31 (3)

~ ~~~:~:'!f, ~;ig}3) + Forszt, G, '72 (5) *+Gard, Funk, D, '61 (II) G, '43 (12) Gauen, '79 (3) *+ Ginfiher, Gimlin, R, '42 (12) H, '40 (5) !vi,


* Anderson,

R. '22 •

+ Atkinson, T. JL'34 (10) • Balderston, B, '76 (6) + Bennett, A . '61 + Bernabucci, L. '73 + Brooks, R, '42 (12) + BrO\l/n, c.Jr. '51 + Clark, D, ' 8 + Cowan, A, '39 (5) Crosby, R, '54 (6)

• july, 1982

+ Go, frey,;' '34 + Gossett, r, '32 (5)

Guthrie, M, ~r, '45 (3) Hahn, W, '3 (2) Hallman, R, ,'54 (II) Hammond, J , '36 Harter, W, '22 (10) Hawley, -0'42 (2) Hazard, ,'45 (5) * Hegeman, R, '49 (7) + + + + +

* Helm,

A, '33 + Hinkle, B, '73 (2) + Hobbs, J. II '42 (2) + Holdeman, R, '37 (4) + ~nes, J. '48 (5) + eefer, T, '42 (5) * Kenerson, A, '49 (3) Kessel, ~ '50 + Kipka, 'Jr, '44 + Kuhn, G, 29 (3) LaFortune, R, '51 (12) + Landis, J. '35 (5) Lawson, W, '50 (12) + Letts; E, '67 (12) + Lottes, J. '66 (3) + MacBride, E, '34 (4) Martin, L. '44 + McClain, K, '7 1 (8) + McKee, R,.Ir. '43 + McKirnan, D, '44 (12) Metz, D, '30 (12) * Michels, R, '44 (3) * Miller, R, '22 + Miller, W, '39 (12) Moeller, C, '45 (4) + Moss, G, '47 (3) Munson, F, '57 ~) + Murray, T, '49 ( ) + Neese, A, '36 (6) + Noble, D, '76 Nutting, C, '51 (5) O'Neil, K, '39 (5) * Oyler, J. '48 + Oyler, R, '39 (12) + Pehlke, C, '49 (3) Pobham, R, '40 (12) Ra e, A, Jr. '28 (4) Rasmussen, D, '46 (12) + Richardson, W, '25 + Richwine, G, '75 (6) + Robertson, R, '31 (3) Schatz, W, II '56 '39 (2) Schleicher, Schreiber, R, ' 9 (12) + Short, R, '72 (3) +Smith, J. '52 (12) +Snead, J. '31 (12) + Stallings, ,'45 (II) + Stallings, ','38 (5) Stanback, H, II'. '39 (12) +Starek, Rjr."65 (2) + Stier, R. '4 (2) Stutsman, R, '53 (6) + Theissen , R. '48 (4) + Todd, M, '63 Travelute, F'dr. '66 (2) Varble, A, '5 VonGrimmenstein , C. '49 (II) Wade, D, '53 Weber, J, '72 (2) Wernet, R, '51 (6) West, A, '37 + White, C, Jr. '77 (4) + Williams, N, '64 (7) + Williams, T. '34 (12) + Wills, M, '34

* *



* *






RIPON--4 MacLeod, W, '73 Muraskas, J. '78 (4) + Threlkeld, R, '60 (3) Wagner, R, '78 (4) ROCHESTER-I7 * Abercrombie, F, '28 (5) Ehinfier, G, '73 (5) * Elwe ,R, '50 (7) + Garvin, H. '50 + Hobson, H, '51 Holzwarth, C, '06 (6) + Istvan, D, '53 (7) + Maf.istro, A, '60 (5) + Mil er, G, '30 (4; Munson, A, '20 (5) + Phillips, C, Jr. '33 + Rovegno, R, '50 (5) Santandrea, 5, '56 (6) Schreiner, G, '38 (7) + Soule, H, '13 • + Wilson, D,)r. '59 + Woods, R, 42 (7)


RUTGERS--83 Adelizzi, C, '62 (6) Anderson, M, '31 (5) Anderson, R, '66 (6) Bagley, H, '32 (II) Barlow, R, '50 (7) Bassett, P. '66

* Bauer,

L. '65 + Beyer, A, '68 (6) R. '26 (12) • + Burton, R, '72 (5) Campbell, p, '50 (10) + Case, C, '25 (2) + Cleary, E, '29 (3) * Collett, R, '35 (II) Colsey, W, Jr, '31 (6) + Cook, H, '23 (3) Crowell, J. '21 (3) • Curtin, R, '68 (6) Daley, F, '44 (5) Davis, A, '53 Diamond, A, '74 Dickerson, D, '34 (10) +Dorland, G, '24 (3)

* Brandes,

Downes, VV. '33 Dunsmore, R. '33

Enander, E, '24 English, L. Jf. '63 (2) Ferraioli, J. '69 (5) + Fletcher, T, '75 (2) + Gerbig, J. III '69 (5) + Glenn, E, '24 (3) Golden, G, '74 (8) +Coldfinger, D, '57 (5) + Graves, R. '66 + Greene, R, '60 (10) * Groth, E, ~" '48 (7) Haberstro , W, '72 (6) + Hahner,S, '78 (3) + Hale, R, '44 Hanna, l-! , ~r. '70 (3) Herma, J. ' 0 (2) , Hetzel, p, '66 Hewlett, G, '29 (5) + Hoagland, W, '48 (12) Hodgkiss, G, '51 Hollerieth, C, '68 (10) + Howe'd' '39 (3) + Huff, '-1;:,74


+ -Uram<l:z,



. '4 1

elly, R, '65 (8) Kelsey, W, '80 Kolessar, J, III '69 (2) Krieg, R, Jr,'64 (6) Kraesen, F.


'44 •

+ Kyle, W,}r. '64 (2) + Leslie, J. 13 (4) Liniak, p, '69 (12) + McDowell, A, '34 (12) + Muller, B, '66 (6) aIds, J, '30 (4) + Orrizzi, J. '70 (2) + Peck, H, '32 + Powers, J. III '48 + Roby, R, '73 (6) + Ross, C, '36 (6) Schnitzer, R, '39 (2) + Schreihofer, A, '59 (8) + Schweizer, D. '40 Shepard,S, '43 + Smalley, H, '43 (4) Sperling, W, III '35 (5) + Sullivan, E. '29 (3) + Truscott, M, '18 (II) +Tully, D, '68 VanKeuren, \y , '09 (6) Venn, C, '41 (2) Wade, D, '60 (4) + Weeks, H, '51 (3) Wells, G, '27 (2) Whitson, R, '51 wi~gins, W, '33 (2) + Wi ,amson, R, '34 (12) + Youpa, R, '55 (5) SAN DIEG0-6 + Campbell, B, '74 + Darcy, T, '72 (3) * Fieri, p, '73 (6) + Kiehler, C, '81 + Leonard, J. '80 + McCormick, T. '79 (3) SAN FERNANDO V ALLEY STATE-4 Delaneil' p, '67 (3) Donne Iy, M, '68 Jenkins, J. '65 + Waite, E, '66 (3) SAN JOSE-18 + Boothe,S, '52 (12) + Brown, B, '56 (5) + Coakley, G, '53 (4) + Dissmeyer, '66 Fairey, B, ' 8 (2) + Harney, T. '52 Helmke,S, '63



o + Larsen, A.lr. '59 +Lund, A. '55 (12) + Madsen, D. '51 (7) Morey, T. '56 + Neasham, V. II '52 Pathea1, W. '51 * Sherman, J. '66 (3) * Stepovich, M. '56 (6) +Swander, J. '63 (11) + Walker, L. '51 * Yates, S. '55 (7)

+ Bedolfe, H . 111 '73 Brackeen, S. '68 Brooks , G. '79 (3) Brosius, W. '22 (2) * Coles, C. '21 (11) Constantino, I. 'SO Crownover, C. '25

+ DeWill, F. '46 (7) + Green, H. '42 * Hallowell, H. Jr. '29 (8) Heiser, S. '72 (3) Kelly, J. III '80 (2) + Leith, C. '81 + Lioi, F. '77 (5)

SIMPSON-4 Dunbar, K. '69 ( 11 ) * Hollowell, R. '18 (4). Lilly, J. '59 (12) + Stewart. L. '24 (! 1)




+ Crowell, R. '76 (2) * Maguire, D. (4)


SOUTHWEST MISSOURI-2 + Crump, S. '80 + Jones, R. '81 SOUTHWEST TEXAS-l Wilsford, D. '75 STANFORD-53 + Achauer, B. '63 (4) * Allen, R. '54 (12) + Billings, R. '42 (3) + Brinkerhoff, G. III '72 (2 * Churchill, O. '19 (6)

+ Cookson, R. '44 +Cooley, A. '47

* Coonan, T. '43

(11) + CUller, D. '51 (12) + Emeis, C. '34 (7) Erlin, P. '61

+ Ferguson, W. '30

* Forbes,

W. '15 (5) + Fuller, D. '52 (4) Green, T. '22 (2) * Haehl, H. Jr. '33 (4) Harbison, S. '65 Henderson, F. III '57 + Herrington, D. '57 + Hirst, W. Jr. '40 (3) Hansaker, H. Ir. '59 + Hornby, D. '3S (2) + Hunt, C. '81 + Hurford, D. '73 + Jergins, A. '25 Klingman, W. '53 + LewIs, J. '62 (3) MacDonald, G. '73 + Manchester, F. '26 (11) + McCarty, S. '76 (5) •


* Ivioore. \V. Jr. '42 Nelson, j. Jr. '53 (2) * Nelson, 1.1. '59 (11) • * O'Connor, J. 111 '51 (3) Palmer, S. III '56 (2)

+ Peterson, K. '60 + Petrich, H. '44 (7)

+ Richmond, S. '60



+ Smith, O. '52 (7) +Smith, R. '59 (11) Sobieski, J. '58 (2) * Stewart,). '25 (2) • Stoddar ,S. '65 Twist, B. '41 (2) + Voll, G. '4 1 (6) + White, G. '33 (11) + Williams, A. '53 (4) + Wilson, B. '50 (3) + Woods, W. '32 (2)

* Wray, P. '37 Young, G. '31 (2) SWARTHMORE-34 + Alexander, P. '81 * Anthony, J. '23 (3) + Baker, A. '28 • Ballot. R. '80


McGuire, H. '29 (12) S. J r. '27 (12) Perkins, E. '49 (5) Pellit, C. '43 Rogers, A. '23 (4) * Rogers, J. '15 (3) + Scliwertner, R. '48 (6) +Sheedy, H. Jr. '46 * Sundt, R. '50 (13) *Taylor, H. Jr. '27 (12) Thomsen, F. '30 Walker, J. '33 + Whitcomb, A. '44 (2) + Youngblood, D. '47 (6)

* Palmer,

SOUTH DAKOT A-3 + Garry, M. '81 Olson, T. '78 (4) * Rempfer, E. Jr. '74 (3)

* Adams,

iJc~:~'~ri. ~15'~?2)10)

SYRACUSE-50 + Ackley, J. '39 +Aikman, R. Jr. '56 Angeron, P. '79 (3) +Argen, R. Jr. '80 (2) + Bayer, P. '60 (2) + ~f~~,::::iG' ~2'69 (5) Brewer, D. '33 Chandler, F. '64 + Connolly, J. '31 (7) + Cooney, E. '13 (12) + Dixon, E. '40 (12) + Dublin, R. '41 Eckardt, R. '66 Finnell, T. '57 (4) Freicn, "\T. '51 + Gabel, P. '51 + Hoskins, E. '50 (4) + Hughes, R. '29 (10) * Kagler, W. '54 (6) + Laidlaw, C'lr. '55 + Ludwig, G. 51 Lynch, W. Jr. '79 (3) * Lynd, j. '35 (7) + McFarlane, D. I r. '52 (12) * McMahon, F. '52 • McLaughlin, B. '58 (12) + Milem, M. '35 (3) * Munger, G. '19 (12) Newing. R. '13 + Obenhoff, J. '33 (12) + Osborn, H. '21 (12) + Perkins, H. '30 (5) + Probstein, J. '73 Rekstis, W'Jr. '38 (4) + Ringwall, \ . '58 (9) Sanford, W. '63 * Shaw, E. '66 (2) * Sherry, E. '44 * Smeltzer, W. '58 (5) Stauderman, A. Jr. '58 * Strates, E. '54 (6) +Torrey, R. '51 (4) * Tracy, H. '16 Valeo, T. '65 (4) + Vosburgh, F. '25 (6) + Wheadon, S. '71 (3) + Wilson, T. '19 * Wilson, W. Jr. '30 (6) +Wright, C.Jr. '31 (7) TECHNOLOGY-53 Allen, L. Jr. '34 (12) * Armstrong, L. '28 (11) Bates, B. '40 * Bayles, R. '63 (2) * Beadle, W. '17 (12) Beaman, D. Ir. '38 (12) Carlson, K. ''77 (4) Cucchissi, M. '75 (3) Dodge, I. '39 (6) +Edmonds, G. '26 (12) + Ferry, J. jr. '39 (7) Gillette, R. '36 (6) Graham, E. '31 (2) + Hall, R. '22 (11) + Hatch, G. '35 Herman, M. '79 (3) + Hurst, M. '70 (7) +1 akobson, 1. '21 (12)

* Jouris, W. '61 (12) + Kavazanjian, E. Jr. '73 (3) + Kenyon, M. '58 (2) Klutey, F. '23 (2) * Knudsen, S. '36 (5) * Lammers, L. '35 (2) + Little, E. '18 (7) * MacMartin, 'SO (3) +Machen, C. 31 (12) Mackintosh, R. '53 Martin, S. Jr. '50 Massaglia, P. '46 (2)


~~~d~I:n~'i':~~8(6) Pike, M. '20 (2) POller, j. '74 + Raiford', D. '81 Reed, C. '16 (4) + Reichart, H. Jr. '34 (5) + Roach, I. '65 (4) + Schneid'er, D. '74 (2) Shepherd, T. '22 (3) Slack, T. '30 (5) + Stevens, E. '27 (12) Swanson, Z. '71

+ Thayer, C. '32 (8) Vogel, F. '22 (7) Webb, J. '37 (2) + White, W. '40 (4) • + Wood, S. '69 (3) + Woodward, W. '40 (11) + Wothe, R. '58 + ~r~'tet~t~3~~2) * Zurbrigen, J. '53 (3) TENNESSEE-6 +B ible, T. Jr. '74 (3) + DeLay, S. '77 Freesh, P. '70 (4) + Goodwin, R. '72 (3) + johnson, S. '77 (4) + 'Myers, D. '74 (2) TEXAS-22 + Allums, J. '59 (3) Brewer, W. '70 (7) + Cassell, J. I ... '70 (6) +Co le, K. '6'4 Dunlap.). '73 (3) + Dunn, 1. '70 (4) + Earp, R. '63 (9) Evans, D.'69 (2) + Friederich, P. '5 1 (2) + Hooser, C. '67 (5) + McWhortel', D. '76 (2) + Mitchell, M. '65 (12) + Nelson, W. '59 (4) + Orr, J. '65 (5) Penn, R. '81 Polser, A. Ir. '65 (12) +Stutts,.J. '58 + Swenson, M. '75 + Walls, S. '72 + Waters, L. '73 (4) + Weber, A. Jr. '77 (2) + Wiley, R. Jr. '49 (3) TORONT0--10 + Anderson, R. '39 (8) * Clark, B. '69 (6) + Hickey, E. '35 + Howland, W. '36 (8) *~ackson, B. '50 (6)


arrnain, E. '30 (8)

+ lcCulioch, H. '30 (4) * O'Brien, M. '42 (3) * Weir, J. '43 * WeSlawa)', J. '34 (7) TUFTS-37 Ames, H. '36 (11) + Ayer, P. Jr. '67 (2) Baker, J. '39 + Beckman, C. '63 +Burr, R. '48 Casabian, E. Ir. '64 (6)

+ Casazza, W. '77

* Cobb, N. '27 +Connolly,J.Jr. '51 D'Arcy, G. '24 + Erickson, C. '64 * Feinbng, A. '61 (3) + ~~r~~~fJ', JDI!6~8 + Hale, R. '58 (2)

'Leach, S. '41 + Lee, J. Jr. '50 (6) Mason, S. '34 * Matthews, P. '76 (2) * May, R. '62 (2) McClintock, J. '60 + McKinney, W. '26 (12) + Morse, D. '42 (12)

+ O'Brien, R. '79 +Ohanian, M. '76 (4) Poore, E. '43 Porter, J. '43 (3) Russell, F. '40 (7) + Slaven, M. '78 (3) + Stewart, G. '42 (2) +Toren, M. '65 (2) + TO/'ias, P. '79 (3) Wi kinson, H. '69 (10) Wilkinson, T. '36 (2) TYLER-3

8 (3)

* Bowen, G. '31

+ Brodie, A. '63 + Brown, S. Sr. '27 Br~an, R. '56

; ~ra~s;s~~::t ~l~) + Clifford, A. Jr. '35 (6) * Clifton, C. ) r. '35 (4) + Cobley, G. 41 (6) + Cook, G. '64 (2) Corbin, J. '64 + Corey, J. '34 (6) + Dobb, H. '41 (3) + Drumheller, T. Jr. '29 (2) Estes, L. '50 (3) * Eyler, J. Jr. '69 (3) * Fagan, R. '52 (6)

Mathews, L. Jr. '75

+ Fairbairn,

Parasiliti, M. '76 Rasiles, A. '79

+ Fall, D. '34 (5) * George, T. '63 Greiner, G. III '81 + Hackney, D. '79 + Harris, G. '71 (4) + Harris, R. '49 (12) * Haynie, S. '50 + Hayton, G. '74 (4) + Hill, M. '17 (2) * Holden, W. '30 (4) Huffine, C. '29 (9) * lezman, S. '70 (4) + Jacroux, P. '59 (7) + Johnson, S. '80 (3) * Kaneta, K. '59 (12) Koch, A. '32 (12) Kraft, D. '48 (2)

U.C.L.A.-13 Brann, E. '34 (3) + Carter, E. '32 (12) +Dike, H. '37 Frink, A. '38 (3) + Gra)" R. '44 * Henkle, T. '50 (8) Lallement, R. '50 (2) + Leiffer, D. '30 (4) +O'Neal, R. '34 (11) + Prindle, E. '46 + Rogers, ~!. If- '33 Sigler, S. 4G * Woods, W. '50 (3) UNION-24 + Argersinger, J. '35 (2) + Barry, E. '38 (S) Blanchette, R. '69 (6) Burton, J. '70 Cooch, R. '43 * Dagostino, L. '77 (4) Ferrante, R. '68 + Finegan, T. '33 (4) + Flood, R. '47 (5) * Freeman, E. '25 (6) * Grant, W. '49 (II) * Haidak, P. '67 (5) + Hanle, C. '62 (12) + Jones, C. '5 1 (2) * Moulton, E. Jr. '37 +O'Meara, Nl.)r. 'SO (2) +Osborg, H. ',4 (4) + Putman, T. '52,(12) + Robinson, T. 11 '42 (12) * Roth, H. '30 (5) + Steidle, J. r. '40 (2) * Wallace, \\. 1Il '48 (4) + Wiese, R. '44 (12) Yates, R. '57 (3)


VIRGINIA-28 * Beman, R. '39 (2) Boss, H. '26 (6)

1g~~f,~r?:,vr' ,1;8'50 (2) + Ferrell, G. '70 (2)

+ Ferris. L. '53 + Foulkrod, R. '42 (2) + Howell, W. j ... '43 (6) * lones, G. '32 'Lundberg, L. '56 (2) + Martin, J. '52 * Mayo, A. '29 (6) + McCo)" H. '51 (3) + Montagna, A. jr. '62 (5) Norfleet, J. '5f (S) + Norris, T. '50 (12) + Non'elle, F. '60 +Pence,J. '75 (6) * Pollock, O.Jr. '51 (II) * Reusing, W. '62 (11) + Shelton, G. '38 (8) + Shumate, J. '28 Straton, F. '55 (11) + Templeton, H. '67 (6) + Tilton, J. '40 * Updike, W. '63 Urban, A. '80 Zeisler, K. '42 (5)


R. '44

Lince, W. '57 Lochow, R. '40

+ Lowry, L. '27 (12) Marshall, J. '42 (12) * Martin, R. '59 (12) + McCush, G. '23 (3) + McDonald, V. '49 * McKal" T. '50 +McNu ty, R. '61 + Meier, R. '73 (9) + Morford, D. 'S6 (12) * Morford, J. '51 (4) + Nielsen, D. '60 Olson, R. '61 (4) Pallen, M. '19 (10) * Peterson, W. '22 (12) Putnam, G. '39 (11) Putnam, T. '59 Reichelt, C. '53 (7) + Richards, R. '42 (2) + Rosenquist, T. '69 (2) + Ryan, J. '31 (6) + SCOll, W. '30 (7) + Solberg, T. '66 (5) Summersett, J. '38 * Swanes, V. '45 (5) +Swanson, M. II'. '58

* Tuohy, P. '53 (2) + Ulrich, L. '40 (11) * Waters, N. '54 Whiting, R. '35 +Winters,J. '52 (12) + Woodyard, S. '34 (6) Zin '56 (5) WASHINGTON &: LEE-8 Horine, G. '28 (12) Kelsey, R. '70 (S) Lawrence, L. '59

+ ~ou~F:r~r~: ~5Jr. '33 (3) + Poindexter, E. Sr. '20 (5) * Richardson, D. '43 (4) + Wade, T. Jr. '23 (12) WASHINGTON STATE-29 + Amos, L. '68 (4) + Arveson, C. '23 (6) Bachtold, W. '35 * Brandenburg, R. '55 (4) Brown, H. '25 (2) * Burg, K. '50 (12) Butherus, H. jr. '36 (8) * Clifford, B. '46 (4) Colley, G. '72 Drazan, G. '34 (2) + Duffy, D. '37 (6) * Enders, J. Jr. '39 (12)

+ Harris, M. '31

+ Hosterman, C'1:f. '32 (2)

1l~~~~~: ~.' )~8'

+ Bailey, R. '61 (6) Bargreen, H. '66 (3) G. jr. '49 (12) * Beebe, C. '35 (10) Bienenfeld, R. '72

* Bayless,

WASHINGTON-75 + Amick, R. '63 (6)

+ Hooper, D. '34 + Hunter, R. '50 (7) V. Jr. '47 (12)

* Hyslop,

+ Jacobs, D. '41 + Johnson, O. '39 (12) R. '39 (4)

* Johnson,

+ Kantrowitz, S. '76

+ Lewis, G. '43 (3) + Menard, M. '80 Morris, H. '24 (12) + Rothrock, D. '69 (2) + Russell, A. '40 Stallcop, P. '38 * Studle, G. '57 (11) + Weeks, D. '59 Wivell, C. '24 (2) WESLEYAN-3 + Bridges, P. '37 +Gibbud, j. '33 Walter, C. '23 (2) WESTERN ILLINOIS-I + Hacker, S. '75 WESTERN MICHIGAN-19

* Brennan,

M. '63

* Butler, W. '61 (9) Campbell, D. '59 + Davidson,T. '59 (2) + Freels, G. '70 Frego, J. '64 + Gebhal'dt, W. Jr. '6 1 (9) * Hale, G. '52 (12) + Harden, G. '60 (12) + Kanemori, D. '66 (12) * Lightfoot, D. jr. '56 (2) + Marlell, E. '63 (2) * O'Donnell, '69 (2) Peebles, D. 63 (5) + Perry, E. '76 (3)


+ Raetsch, F. '65 + Ridley, B. '69

+ Rowlinson,

I. '73

+ Smolarski, R. '70 (3)

WESTERN ONTARI0--22 + Ballantyne, H. '47 (7) * Banon, W. '45 (2) * Blackburn, W. '36 (7) + Caldwell, G. '52 (5)

+ Emmott, R. '46 + Ford, G. '3 1 (7) + Fraser, W. '34 (5) + Graham, A. '60 (2)

: ~~~~~~~:lf.~~2'73 (2) + Lewis, W. '51 (7)

*+ MacDonalcf, Lorriman, T. '37 C. '53 + Mackie, C. '64

McKay, A. 'S9 (2) Nixon, T. '35

* Orr, J.

'40 (5) + Pryce, M. '36

* Rawling, F. '37 (2) + Roberts, R. '55 (3) Robinson, H. '50 (5) M. '50

* Warden,

WESTERN RESERVE-30 + Angelotta'd' '45 (7) + Blair, J. '4 (12) Bloch, J. '45 (2) + Bobe)" M. '35 (12) + Bray, D. '50 (4) * Bricker, J. '35 (5) * Buckingham, L. '17 (12) Cookson, C. '51 (12) Cooper, T. '51 (6) Dorazio, R. '49

+ ~~~I~l~:d8: ~:it '07 + Hollingsll'orth, D. '39 (7) + Hovore, F. '44 (5) Katzenmeyer, W. '36 (II) * Koehler. F. '14 Lundgren, G. '42

Nakanishi, A. '78 (3) North, J. '34 (II) + Peck, P. '63 (5) • Phillips, E. '28 (II) + Quigley, D. '46 Ries, J. '41 * Sisler, C. '46 (11) +Smith, A. Ir. '22 + Stancik, ~1. Jr. '49 + Stetzel berger , P. '23 + Ventresca, A. '53 (7) * Wilmore, W. '46 (12) * Young, M. '76


July, 1982

+ Emmert, L. '27 (4) I. '51 + Fellows, b. '49 (3) + Folsom, H. '30 (6) + Forester,.J. '33 (5) * Forester, R. '31 (12) + Goeb , P. '39 (4) + Guenther, V. '25 + Habighorst, D. '65 (12) + Harns, J. '72 (3) ~:dd~t~,nkG;dl~ + Herro, C. '43 (12) Herzer, D. '54 (3) + Hutchinson, E. '4 3 (12) Hipke, E. '56 Klaver, W. '36 (2) + Holland, J. '71 (5) Little, J. '58 (3) Holtan, D. '68 + ~~I~t'1.e~~5R. '79 + Howard, R. '40 (5) Hugunin, A. '67 Solter, U. '58 Icke, P. '30 (3) + VanBuskirk, D. '58 + Jacobus, c. '50 (5) + Walcher, K. '77 (3) Janke, L. '44 + Wilson, J. ' 77 + Kahler, J. '69 (4) + Kauffman, C. '17 Koslo, W. '60 WILLIAMS-16 + Kribben, B. '31 * Adsit, W. '30 (3) • * MacKinnon, R. '41 (3) + Bohnet, J. '38 (2) + May, C. '48 (5) BlKhanan, T. Jr. '36 + McGehee, J. '38 (12) + Clarke, D. '30 (6) McKinnis, G. '23 + Ellis, A. Jr. '36 (5) + Mead, J. '61 (5) Ge\"on, J..'65 (7) + Michels, J. '66 +Gd ,J.Jr. 38 + Miller, S. '70 (4) +Hay,J. '48 (3). + :M inahan, R. '32 + Lapcy, 1'. '30 + Morton, D. '51 (5) McGregor, H . .Ir. '40 (12 ) * Murph y, F. '31 + Pilgrilll, J. '60 (7) + Murphy, W. '28 (6) + Rowland , R. '33 (10) Nag-y, R. '57 (3) +Svenson, O. Jr. 'SO (3) Nelson, C. '27 (12) + Thompson, T. '52 * Paape, D. '53 (2) + Tyler, D. '41 (10) Potts,.J. '78 + Whitbeck, C. '33 (2) Roup, C. '65 (3) * Ruedebust:h, C. '67 + Ruedebusch, J. '69 (5) WILMINGTON-3 * Ryan, H. '39 (2) Cole, D. '72 (3) + Scharch, E. '50 + Maguire, R. '70 (2) + Schmitz, G. '25 (6) + Wullenwaber, F. '77 (4) Schmitz, R. 'I 9 (4) + SeatoI', D. '29 (II) Seitz, D. '73 (3) WISCONSIN-S5 Sippl,J.Jr. '70 (4) * Adler, R. '46 (7) * Sirotkm, G. '41 (6) + Anderson. D. '48 +Spindler, J. '43 * Spohn , J. '51 (5) + Aring, c.Jr. '48 (10) + Beckel', W. '69 (4) + Stevens, H. '28 + Benld, J. '55 Stouthamer, T. '50 (2) + Bicncmann , ,V. '49 (4) Stowe, P. '28 + Bills, H-}r. '57 (4) TaylOl', A. '34 Buist, J. 53 (2) Terwilliger, H. '36 Byrns, J. '38 (12) Tormey, T.Jr. '32 (2) +Camberis, G. '78 (3) + Trachsel, W. '59 (II) * Cameron F '42 Trubshaw, F. '43 (2) Ullrich, J. '37 (12) + C:omback~r: H. '23 (5) Vinson, D. '59 (2) Desnoyers, P. '16 (11) Dewey, L. Jr. '56 (2) + Walcisak, R. '74 (5) * DiRenzo, R. '50 (3) Weinke, D. '59 (12) Douglas, J. '39 + Wiese, W. '75 (5) Wittig, R. '62 (5) Drewry, K. '49 +Zahn, R. '41 + Edgerton, S. '40 (5) WICHITA-19 Aaron, G. '6 2 (2) + Black , E. '3 2 (3) + Carpenter, D. Jr. '81 + Connor, J. ' 78 (3) + Coughenour, K. '78 (3) * Craver, A. '51 (5). * Grauel, C. '66 (3) Griffith, P. '33 (3)


* Ericson,






* *

The October issue of the QUARTERLY will carry the remainder ofthe Honor Roll with donors names who gave after April 1, 1982.



Obituaries ALBERTA E. L. Erickson '35,Jan. 16, 1982 AMHERST Thomas P. Pitre '19, Feb. 27, 1982 COLBY W. L. Haynes '38, Oct. 25, 1981

CARNEGIE Philip R. Magnuson '31, March 22, 1982 CHICAGO Robert C. Hepple '34, Dec. 25, 1981 John F. Moulds, Jr. '34 COLUMBIA *Ray D. Appelgate '31 CORNELL Philip T. Basset '28, Oct. 12, 1981 JohnJ. Bradley '21, Sept. 24,1981 DARTMOUTH William B. Dreffein '41, Sept. IS, 1981 HARVARD Frederick B . Hill '26 ILLINOIS Fred C. Rittschof '40, April 7, 1982 INDIANA Robert T. Coughlin '56, Feb, 7, 1982 E. R. Denny '23, Dec. 16, 1981 John G. Nester '64 A. A. Osburn, Jr. '34, Jan. 7, 1982 Herman E. Schuler '23, Dec. 13, 1981 Robert E. Turman '30 IOWA Walter R. Fieseler '20, Dec. 25, 1981 Carl J. Oehl '24 IOWA STATE Kenneth R. Marvin '23, April 29, 1982 KANSAS *William T. Holt '27 KENT STATE Robert A. Fricke '54 LEHIGH Charles H. Tavener, Jr. '46,Jan. 12,1982 MIDDLEBURY John W. Morris '26 Arthur S. J. Whiting, Jr. '27 NEBRASKA Robert S. Finn '30 LeRoy J. Harney '17,July 24,1981 David E. Herries '30 T. J. Lieben '31 Sam R. Peppler '48, Jan. 1982 NORTHWESTERN Thomas H. Tanner '49, Jan. 26, 1982 OHIO STATE James F, Bennett '63, Jan , IS, 1982 William A, Bone '20, Oct. 13, 1981 John R. Harvey '49 Andrew D. Jones, '24, July 20, 1977 OKLAHOMA A. Dana Harder '25, Feb. 27, 1982 PENNSYL VANIA ST ATE James H. Armstrong '36, Jan. 4, 1982 PURDUE William W. Meyer '23 Clarence E. Trotter ' 12,jan. 2,1982 John L. VanNuys '24, Oct. 29,1981 Thomas W. Young '28, Aug. 22, 1980 RUTGERS Clifford P. Case '25, March 5, 1982 SAN JOSE Andrew G. Crowley III '54 STANFORD Eckard VonEstorff '56 SWARTHMORE Charles B. Coles '21, March 4, 1982 SYRACUSE Charles A. Hargitt 'OS, Dec. 16, 1974 David J. Marchak '66 *George D. Munger '19 Wirt D. Seeley 'IS Ralph C. Paddock 'IS, March 12, 1982 Carl W. Wiley '38, Sept. 26, 1981 TECHNOLOGY Henry A. Brewster '35

TUFTS Edward C. Delano '20, Nov. 15, 1981 U.C ,L.A, Donald W. Gillespie '51, May 10, 1981 WASHINGTON Jay H. Augustin '32, March 1981 WESTERN ONTARIO Dalton G. Dean '31 Francis W. Dowler '41 E. A. Durocher '32 B. Lloyd Hession '37 John A. Lind '36 R. Lyle McKay '33 WISCONSIN Stephen J. Frawley '25, April 7, 1982 *The Post Office has notified us of the death of these Brothers.

Births Central Missouri '76 - Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Lieneke of Blue Springs, Missouri, a son, Brandon Michael on April I, 1982. Georgia Tech '63 - Mr. and Mrs. Allen J. Walters III of Atlanta, Georgia, a daughter, AmandaJoan on February 13, 1982. Illinois '77 - Mr. and Mrs. David Behr of South Bend, Indiana, a daughter, Brittany Allison on February 6, 1982. McGill '64- Mr. and Mrs. Erik W. Wentges of Rotterdam, The Netherlands, a daughter, Cecile, on April 27, 1981. Michigan '78 - Mr. and Mrs. William F, Knape of Grand Rapids, Michigan, a son, Peter Victor on March 19, 1982. Missouri '75 - Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott King of Independence, Missouri, a son, Ryan Scott on March 31, 1982. Purdue '69 - Mr. and Mrs. James L. Dehner of Lisle, Illinois, a son, Justin Travis on December 30, 1981. Business and Professional Directory

CONSULTANTS Alexander & Associates Co., Canadian Consultants for Marketing, Manufacturing, Tariffs, Licencing and C.S.A. Joe Alexander, P.E., Iowa State '55, University of Toronto '77, 30 King's I nn Trail, Thornhill, Ontario L3T IT7.

PHOTOGRAPHERS George A. Blair, Miami '37, Founder and President, Hospital Portrait Service, Box 700, Red Bank, New Jersey (20 I) 741-1123. Installs automatic cameras in newborn nurseries of hospitals throughout the United States, Canada and foreign countries to take pictures of newborns for identification and keepsakes for the parents.

PLACEMENT AGENCIES SAN FRANCISCO Placement Agency, Inc. (415) !i43-8600 62" l\larkct Street, Suite 1320 San Francisco, California 9410:' Don Seghi, C.E,C. National and International Placement Bradley '51

Ours Alone ... Exclusive Items From the Delta Upsilon General Store




Top left is our top-of-the-line white cotton polo shirt of 100% cotton by Cross Creek with the embroidered emblem of Delta Upsilon coat of arms in true colors. Value priced at $25.00 in sizes medium, large, extra large, #S360 . Top middle is our brand new burgundy-colored shirt with Delta Upsilon on the pocket of this 50% polyester, 50% cotton shirt. Only $ 14.95 in medium, large, extra large, #S380 . Our popular DUck design tray and glasses . #M400 DUck tray has gold , blue and yellow inlaid design on alcohol and stain resistant surface for $15.00. Six double old-fashioned glasses in smoked glass #M700 for $16.00 or purchase tray and glasses together #M450 for $25 .00. Bottom left is our navy, three-quarter length sleeve, comfortable 100% cotton shirt #S370, with gold lettering in medium, large, extra large for $8.95. The DU baseball jersey is shown in the middle of the bottom row. White body and blue top with three-quarter length sleeves. 50 % cotton and 50% polyester in medium, large, extra large, #S340 for $8.00. DU neckties - #T200 the Crest tie with navy background and the DU crest in gold is 100% polyester for $7.50. #T300 is the DUck tie of 100% silk design featuring the gold outline duck on a field of navy for $20.00 . .

_----- -- -------- ----- --------------------. Item # / Name



Unit Price

Total Price





Make checks payable to:

Delta Up~ilon Fraternity

P.O. Box 40108 Indianapolis IN 46240


If order totals less than $25.00 add $1.50 handling.





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