DU Quarterly: Volume 110, No. 2

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A pri] Board of Directors Meeting


eld in Chicago, the April 1992 meeting of Delta Upsilon's Board of Directors, was devoted to formulating a plan for our Fraternity's future. Working from a report by the newly-created Strategic Planning Committee, the discussions of DO's officers and directors resulted in a series of recommendations and proposals, to be considered at this summer's undergraduate Convention and alumni Assembly. Among many issues that were addressed during the board meeting, three primary areas of operation will have the most dramatic effect on DO's short-term future. Those areas are: • Internal Board restructuring • Emphasis on increasing the membership size of existing DU chapters and colonies • Instituting a Province Alumni Coordinator program, to foster the development and monitor the operation of Alumni Chapters in 27 regions throughout North America. The Fraternity's Board restructuring will appear in the form of a proposal to be voted upon at the Leadership Institute in July/August. Consolidation to limit costs and improve efficiency is being proposed, resulting in the combination of the offices of President and Chairman of the Board (the new position would be titled, "President and Chairman of the Board"). Additionally, Board membership size, currently at 15 men, would be reduced to nine by the 1993-94 academic year. The second critical area, and one that directly affects the "bottom line" of all DU groups and the International


Broth.e.rs of the Bradley Chapter had an opportunity to meet Brother Lou Holtz following the special reception held immediately following the meeting of the Fraternity's Board of Directors.

Fraternity Headquarters, is chapter/colony membership size. Termed "internal growth," the Board has identified this area as "DO's highest priority for the foreseeable future." Our chapters and colonies are faced with the challenge of a shrinking population of 18 to 2l-year olds, coupled with an Brothers from the Iowa and Iowa increase of State Chapters traveled to young men who Chicago for the special reception represent a vast to honor Brother Lou Holtz. array of ethnic, racial, and cultural diversity. Delta Upsilon must prepare now, to increase our ability to compete for fewer but more diverse prospective members. To assist our chapters and colonies in this effort, the Board has recommended issuing themes and challenges for the upcoming year, to achieve qualitative and quantitative increases in existing membership. Among many other practical forms of assistance and instruction that will be offered to DU groups for their recruitment programs, a "rush video tape," produced by DU Headquarters, must be completed and made available as soon as possible. Special funding for the video needs to be raised immediately. Finally, the Board reaffirmed its commitment to the concept that strong alumni chapters are behind virtually every strong undergraduate brotherhood. To that end, a system for greater support of our alumni has been proposed. The system takes the form of 27 Province Alumni Coordinators -- volunteer DU alumni who have the responsibility to monitor and assist no more than five to six alumni chapters in a designated region. Appointed by the "President & Chairman of the Board," Province Alumni Coordinators would be the official liaisons to the Fraternity Headquarters for all alumni in a given region. From its Chicago meeting, your Fraternity's Board of Directors have proposed specific, achievable and ambitious objectives to carry Delta Upsilon to a higher level of quality on 110 (and growing) campuses across our continent. In our efforts, your interest, support, and suggestions are invaluable, so please share them with us. If you would like a copy of the Strategic Planning Committee's Report, send your request to: DU Headquarters, P.O. Box 68942, Indianapolis, IN 46268.


1Jelta 'U silon The official magazine of Delta Upsilon Fraternity since 1882 • Vol. 110, No.2

In this issue

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26 28 30 46

A Tribute to a "Distinguished DU" Brother Lou Holtz, Kent State '58

President's Club An Investment In The Leaders of Tomorrow

Alumni Bulletin Board Alumni Chapter Updates

DU Newsmakers Accomplishments of Fellow Brothers

Happy New Year DU begins a new fiscal year

"Year-in-Review" Reports Chapter/Colony Yearly Status Reports

Alpha & Omega Reports of Births, Marriages and Deaths DELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY, a publication of the Delta Upsilon Fraternity, founded in 1834, Incorporated. December 10, 1909, under laws of the State of New York. Delta Upsilon International Fraternity Headquarters, P.O. Box 68942,lndianapolis, Indiana 46268. Headquarters is open from 8:30 to 5:00 p.m., EST., Monday through Friday. Telephone 317-875-8900. DELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY (USPS 152-900) is published in January, April, July and October at 8705 Founders Road, Indianapolis, Indiana 46268. The subscription price (checks and money orders should be made payable to Delta Upsilon Fraternity) is $3.00 a year in advance; single copies 75¢. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Delta Upsilon Quarterly, P.O. Box 68942, Indianapolis, IN 46268-0942. Second-class postage paid at Indianapolis, Indiana. ® T.M. Registered U.S. Patent Office.

ON THE COVER: Brother Lou Holtz, Kent State '58, received Delta Upsilon's highest honor: the Delta Upsilon Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award, during a special reception on Saturday, April 25, 1992, in Chicago.


A_ Tribute to n Saturday, April 25, 1992, Brother Louis L. Holtz, Kent State '58, was presented with Delta Upsilon Fraternity's highest honor, Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award. Sharing roles in the presentation were Delta Upsilon's President, Gary J. Golden, Rutgers '74; the Fraternity's Chairman of the Board, Maurice S. Mandel, Chicago '55; and DU Board of Directors Member, Nicholas T. Giorgianni, Kent State '56, who presented Brother Holtz with a special Kent State DU Coat-of-Arms sweatshirt. Brother Holtz's acceptance remarks exemplified why he is in such great demand as an inspirational speaker. The reception in his honor attracted over 100 DU undergraduates, alumni and friends, some traveling from as far away as Iowa to see the Notre Dame coach. At the outset of his remarks, Brother Holtz claimed that, "I did not come here to have DU honor Lou Holtz, I came here to help honor Delta Upsilon." In characteristic modesty, Coach Holtz followed with the observation that "Delta Upsilon has done an awful lot more for me, than {1' ve} done for DU." Raised in the small southwestern Ohio town of East Liverpool, Brother Holtz had no initial intention of attending college. His high school football coach, however, encouraged him to further his education, and recognized Lou's possession of the skills that make for successful coaches. Describing himself as a "social reject and below average student," Brother Holtz struck an agreement with his parents after completing his freshman year at Kent State. Because of the misery he suffered in his first year in college, he agreed to return as a sophomore, but would not be forced to attend as a junior, if his second year proved no better than the first.


"Distinguished DiU'" "'-. :/

That sophomore year, however, was the one in which he joined the Fraternity, after responding to a dinner invitation at the DU house. "I wouldn't have finished college if it weren't for DU," said Brother Holtz, "the Fraternity changed my life - it's one of the more positive things that ever happened to me. As far as my social and professional life, and things I have done, I don't know of anything that I owe a greater thanks to, than DU." Brother Holtz's passion for

"If you're willing to accept mediocrity in anything you do, you don't have a chance in this world ..." excellence was also developed as a member of DU: "If you're willing to accept mediocrity in anything you do, you don't have a chance in this world. The one thing I felt about DU, was we wanted to be first in everything we did. If we were going to get involved in anything, we thought 'Let's be excellent.'" Touching upon some enduring truths about fellowship and fraternalism, Brother Holtz drew upon warm memories of his undergraduate days, recalling, "In DU it didn't matter who I was with, I always felt like I was with my best friend. And

20 • July 1992 • 1Jelta 'Upsilon Q!1arterly

that's what the fraternity was - a group of people who cared. What really helped me in a difficult time were the people in the fraternity." Drawing upon the wisdom of another DU, Brother Holtz quoted Peter Ueberroth, San Jose '59, with the following, "You can solve anything in this world if enough people care. If you have enough people who care, good things will happen to you." In closing, Brother Holtz recalled the standards for membership that DU maintained: "We were a non-secret fraternity and we were open. All we had to do was find people we could trust, find people who were totally committed, and find a group of people who cared that's the only criteria we ever had." Lou Holtz's experience in DU and accomplishments in life, serve to honor all of us in the Fraternity. His is an example of someone who was given the opportunity to blossom as an individual, because of the support, encouragement and love he received in our brotherhood. In the mid 1950' s because our Kent State brothers gave a chance to a "scrawny, average-intelligence kid, who talked with a lisp," we are today all able to share in the pride of the extraordinary achievements and continuing success, that make Brother Holtz a truly distinguished DU.

" Brothers Gary Golden, Rutgers '74, (left) and Maurice S. Mandel, Chicago '55, (right) present Brother Lou Holtz, Kent State '58, with the Fraternity's highest honor, the Delta Upsilon Distinguished Alumni AchievementAward.



With membership in the President's Club, Delta Upsilon's two Educational Foundations (US and Canadian) honor all brothers and friends who make tax-deductible gifts of $100 or more in a fiscal year. The names listed below, reflect every President's Club gift received between July 1, 1991 and April 15, 1992. The final tally of club members for the '91-'92 year will appear in the Oct. Quarterly. On July 1, 1992, we celebrated the start of our new fiscal year. With it, comes a new opportunity to join the '92-'93 President's Club. Your 4,000 undergraduate DU brothers today, are the leaders of tomorrow. Your gift to them now, is an investment in excellence for the 21st century.

F. Lee Baird, Kansas '58 Wilford A. Butler, Western Michigan '61 William F. Crawford, Chicago '33, in memory of O.H. Read Steven J. Gerber, Northern Illinois '68 Nicholas T. Giorgianni, Kent State '56 Charles F. Jennings, Marietta '31 Frank C. Long, Ohio State '32 Arthur K. Lund, San Jose '55 Carroll L. Lurding, Ohio State '59 Maurice S. Mandel, Chicago '55 J. Paul McNamara, Miami '29 1991 Leadership Institute Participants Mrs. O.H. Read, in memory of Orville H. Read, Missouri '33 Nelson Schaenen, Jr., Cornell '50 Beurt SerVaas, Indiana '41 Ashton M. Tenney, Jr., Chicago '43 Robert V. Wardle, Michigan '52

Horace L. Acaster, Pennsylvania '44 Robert W. Broad, Syracuse '60 James R. Clark, North Carolina '68 David L. Cole, Wilmington '72 Robert A. Dahlsgaard, Jr., Bradley '63 Robert J. Edgar, Alberta '55 George D. Ferguson, British Columbia '62 Lloyd G. Gillette, Alberta '54 Scott D. Hahner, Rutgers '78 W. H. Harwell, Jr., Missouri '51 Richard M. Holland, Syracuse '83 Donald L. Lightfoot, Jr., Western Michigan '56

David C. Lovell, Iowa State '50 Dave Maguire, Southern Illinois '73 Charles D. Miller, Johns Hopkins '49 John B. Parks, DePauw '63 Arthur L. Rice, Jr., Illinois '36 Paul E. Rosenthal, Florida '73 Henry B. Roth, Union '30 Christopher Saricks, Kansas '70 The Charles T. and Marion M. Thompson Foundation Robert L. Tyburski, Colgate '74 William Wallace III, Union '48 John T. Weisel, Oregon '48

Frank F. Abercrombie, Rochester '28 JelTY L. Bobo, Houston '77 John J. Reese, Colorado '85 Robert F. Stuhr, Oregon '41 Herbert K. Taylor, Jr., Swarthmore '27 Stephen L. Wallenhaupt, North Carolina '74 W. Robert Wilmore, Western Reserve '46

Lawrence F. Armstrong, Technology '28 Bruce S. Bailey, Denison '58 Curtiss L. Beebe, Washington '35 John E. Berry, Bradley '87 William W. Boyd, Northwestern '48 Donald R. Buroker, Colorado '72 Anthony B. Cashen, Cornell '57 Edward R. Crater, Ohio State '78 Harry A. Crawford, Ohio State '47 Joseph T. Derry, Pennsylvania '51 Gary J. Golden, Rutgers '74 Alan B. Graf, Indiana '51 Robert C. Haugh, Indiana '48 J. Kenneth Higdon, Kansas '47 Thomas R. Jacobs, Arkansas '77 Samuel S. Jones, Jr., North Carolina '63 William L. Julian, Illinois '29 Egerton W. King, Alberta '42 Robert J. LaFortune, Purdue '51 William H. Lawson, Purdue '50 L. Alexander Lovett, Harvard '33 Andrew J. Loyd, Oklahoma '82 Brock M. Lutz, Missouri '58 Richard S. Mann, Cornell '52 Edward C. McCobb, Michigan '23 Charles E. Nelson, Wisconsin '27 Bryant S. Procter, Illinois '44 John W. Rogers, Miami '57 Samuel A. Santandrea, Rochester '56 Neil D. Scott, Washington '24 Wendell A. Smith, Johns Hopkins '54 George E. Snyder, Michigan State '57 Charles J. Steed, Jr., Bradley '50 Bruce C. Taylor, Bucknell '60, in memory of his father, William Peck Taylor, Cornell '25 Richard J. Thorpe, Syracuse '60 Robert J. Valdez, Nebraska '66 Ben T. Walkingstick, Oklahoma '52 Paul W. Wilke, Jr., Minnesota '50 John H. Wolf, DePauw '39 Roger W. Wothe, Technology '58 Eugene A. Wright, Washington '34 Robert G. Yingling, Jr., Missouri '62 Richard T. Young, Washington '33

Roy F. Allan, Lehigh '68 William N. Banks, Jr., Dartmouth '45

Harold D. Barker, Miami '50 Harvey Bartle, Jr., Pennsylvania '30 James R. Boylan, Alberta '66 Richard N. Brandenburg, Washington State '55 John K. Braniff, Bucknell '86 Robert W. Brown, Purdue '46 Brian G. Cleary, Syracuse '84 Addison B. Clifford, Jr., Washington '35 N. L. Cloutier, Syracuse '49 Richard Y. Coulton, Miami '54 Donald J. Covey, Washington '48 Allyn J. Crofts, Jr., Purdue '47 Paul H. Davis, Jr., Chicago '35 Richard L. Delano, Indiana '85 Paul B. Edgerley, Kansas State '78 Herbert P. Evert, Northwestern '56 Henry A. Federa, Louisville '37 John W. Foreman, DePauw '33 Severance W. Gavitt, Northwestern '37 William R. Grant, Union '49 William N. Guthrie, Northwestern '52 Gerald A. Hale, Western Michigan '52 Jay R. Hamann, Minnesota '59 Benjamin L. Harper, Indiana '54 Richard A. Hegeman, Purdue '49 Thomas D. Henderer, Swarthmore '60 Patrick S. Hobin, California '59 Richard B. Huff, Purdue '62 Richard M. Ivey, Western Ontario '47 Travis H. Jackson, Technology '71 Mark D. Kuchel, Iowa State '76 Eldred D. Kuppinger, Ohio State '33 Campbell T. Lamont, Western Ontario '47 John Marko, Alberta '58 Lewis A. Maroti, Lehigh '58 Raymond S. Noonan, Middlebury '21 Charles D. Prutzman, Pennsylvania State '18 Wendell L. Richards, Oklahoma State '77 Charles W. Roberts, Lehigh '27 Denis A. Robitaille, Syracuse '82 Paul A. Rose, Guelph '89 Edward A. Rosenfeld, Oregon State '42 Edwin Salisbury, Syracuse '40 J. Curtis Shake, DePauw '40 James C. Shaw, Ohio State '49 William B. Shepard, Cornell '31 William S. Smeltzer, Syracuse '58 Glenn M. Sowa, Northern Illinois '70 Max D. Stewart, Alberta '41 Walter A. Thurber, Union '33 Peter A. Tuohy, Washington '53 William K. Ulerich, Pennsylvania State '31 William H. VanVoast, Syracuse '28 Ronald S. Walcisak, Wisconsin '74 Michael G. Wood, Cornell '64 Jack J. Yirak, Iowa State '40 James A. Zurbrigen, Technology '53

Leland J. Adams, Jr., Bucknell '64 Robert H. Adler, Wisconsin '46 George A. Blair, Miami '37 Paul J. Bodine, Jr., Northwestern '50 Herbert H. Boswau, Denison '55 Herbert S. Botsford, California '53 Burrill W. Bresemann, Washington State '43 Herbert Brownell, Nebraska '24 Raymond G. Bruckman, Miami '49 Kirk D. Carlston, Technology '77 Lucien Caruso, Jr., Northwestern '65 Robert J. Casper, Wisconsin '65 Charles V. Cecil, Georgia Tech '64 C. William Christensen, Jr., Syracuse '55 Philip N. Christiansen, South Dakota '75 T. Nathan Christilaw, Toronto '43 Jonathan E. Cohen, Colorado '83 Jack H. Copple, Purdue '36

1Jelta 'Upsilon Q1,.1arterly • July 1992 • 21

Thomas W. Darling, Syracuse '81 James F. Davidson, Jr., California '48 Julian L. Dawson, Jr., Oklahoma '35 Robert J. DeGange, Michigan '67 Dallas L. D'hondt, Bradley '55 Raymond B. Dhue, Michigan State '68 William A. Diament II, Pennsylvania State '31 Jeffrey A. Dickson, Bucknell '90 Ross Dobberteen, Michigan State '52 John J. Douglas, Wisconsin '39 John R. Dytman, Syracuse '71 George P. Edmonds, Technology '26 Charles D. Eldridge III, Michigan '60 John J. Enders, Jr., Washington State '39 John H. Eyler, Jr., Washington '69 James W. Fields, San Jose '66 Joseph E. Fluet, Jr., North Carolina '65 Howard W. Folsom, Wisconsin '30 Robert G. Foy, Dension '50 J. William Frank III, Lehigh '68 P. David Franzetta, Michigan State '70 C. Norman Frees, DePauw '36 Albert W. Frink, UCLA '38 John M. Gibson, Indiana '42 Robert C. Gimlin, Purdue '42 William R. Gordon, Kansas State '60 Edward Groth, Jr., Rutgers '48 Thomas D. Hansen, Iowa State '79 Cameron G. Harman, Jr., Ohio State '59 Steven M. Harms, Arlington '81 H. John Hawkinson, Iowa '35 Neil H. Helman, Kent State '54 John F. Herma, Rutgers '70 Randall A. Hoover, Michigan State '88 W. Robert Howell, California '41 Alan C. Jeveret, Bowling Green '59 Aldie E. Johnson, Jr., Iowa State '47 Richard R. Johnson, Michigan State '54 Scott A. Johnson, Washington '80 Mark S. Jones, Arlington '75 William G. Kagler, Syracuse '54 John D. Kenlon, Bowling Green '54 Rodney P. Kirsch, North Dakota '78 H. E. Klemp, Kansas '26 Matthew A. Klein, Cornell '71 Jerome G. Kralis, Purdue '51 Robert L. Landers, Jr., Maryland '69 Richard E. Lemmon, Wichita '62 Robert M. Loch, Nebraska '54 J. Richard Lombardi, Colorado '61 Robert J. Martin, Washington '59 Stephen C. Martinelli, California '52 Raymond E. Mason, Jr., Ohio State '41 Alexander H. McConnell II, DePauw '58 Lee A. McConnell, Indiana '80 Donald L. McKelvey, Missouri '32 Michael A. Menius, North Carolina '68 John E. Meyer, Kansas '50 Michael G. Mitchell, Texas '65 William C. Moodie, Jr., Lehigh '47 Alfred W. Morris, Jr., Arizona '60 Grayson L. Moss, Purdue '47 John Mott, Toronto '46 Donald J. Moulin, California '53 Philip C. Musgrave, Colgate '34 Ross W. Nager, Texas '75 Victor T. Neff, Missouri '66 W. Peterson Nelson, Texas '59 Warren P. Nesbitt, Wisconsin '76 Robert W. Newell, DePauw '34 John Nixon III, Michigan '79

Sylvanus W. Nye, Hamilton '52 C. Esco Obermann, Iowa '26 Reginald B. Oliver, San Jose '61 Harry Pawlik, North Carolina '54 Gary W. Pestello, Minnesota '64 Joe H. Petty, DePauw '36 Neal R. Popham, Purdue '54 James R Reid, Lehigh '56 John A. Riggs, Jr., Missouri '30 James S. Roberts, Florida '63 Stephen K. Rowley, Ohio '65 John D. Rathbun, Miami '74 Don E. Schlitt, Michigan State '64 Donald E. Seghi, Bradley '51 Harwood Shepard, Jr., Syracuse '64 William E. Sperling III, Rutgers '35 David R. Stanton, Kansas '65 Robert V. Stephens, Indiana '61 Donald W. Strickland, Marietta '66 George S. Studle, Washington State '57 Robert S. Sundt, Swarthmore '50 Edwin J. Taff, North Carolina '61 Mark C. Taylor, Florida '82 Franklyn H. Tormoen, Minnesota '30 Raymond C. Tuthill, Jr., Union '50 Clyde W. VonGrimmenstein, Purdue '49 Allan A. Warrack, Alberta '61 James W. Westaway, Toronto '34 James V. White, Michigan '50 Wayne W. Wiese, Wisconsin '75 Richard F. Williams, Louisville '67 James F. Zboyovsky, Pennsylvania State '51

Fred E. Aengst, Michigan '57 E. Daniel Albrecht, Arizona '59 John M. Alex, Colby '50 Charles L. Allen, Michigan State '55 Edwin M. Allmendinger, Michigan '44 James A. Allums, Texas '59 A. W. Altorfer, Jr., Illinois '43 Paul R Altringer, North Dakota State '85 Larry W. Amos, Washington State '68 Stephen J. Anderson, Northern Iowa '79 Walter E. Anderson, Jr., South Carolina '84 Allen Andrews, Michigan '39 Anonymous Thomas W. Arvin, San Jose '53 J. Carter Bacot, Hamilton '55 John M. Barr, Miami '68 William J. Barrett, DePauw '61 RD. Bartholomew, Bradley '53 Scott R. Bayman, Florida '68 Thomas P. Bays, Oregon State '42 Donn R Bearden, California '55 Halden M. Beers, Carnegie '35 James G. Bell, Calgary '93 Thomas H. Bennett, Middlebury '41, in memory of O.H. Read Charles S. Biggs III, Pennsylvania '55 James L. Blackwell, Texas '65 Walter S. Blair, Oklahoma '51 Stephen M. Blaising, Indiana '81 George A. Bolas, Michigan '36 Thomas R Books, Miami '53 Andrew J. Bosman, South Carolina '91 Robert A. Bowen, Western Reserve '48 Michael G. Boylan, Bradley '69 Leo R. Brammer, Jr., Oklahoma '47 Kelley J. Brennan, Marietta '64 Arnold W. Brewer, Western Ontario '38 Mark W. Broda, Clarkson '68 Earl S. Browning, Iowa '37 William A. Bruck, Arlington '72 Keith B. Bruening, Iowa State '80 Wayne P. Buckmiller, Creighton '71 John C. Buist, Wisconsin '53 Harry R Burkman, Western Ontario '76

22 • July 1992 • 1Jelta 'Zlpsilon Qp.arterly

Benjamin T. Burson III, Georgia Tech '65 Richard D. Butler, Oklahoma '78 Ralph A. Cann III, Johns Hopkins '65 Paul G. Cantor, Alberta '62 Robert D. Carrell, Washington State '76 John S. Carruthers, Western Ontario '55 William L. Carter, Florida '71 Douglas A. Cassens, Kent State '68 Mitch Castor, Kansas State '85 R Thomas Cawrse, Miami '66 Allen V. Cellars, Oregon '47 Edward G. Chandler, California '26 Clark G. Channing, California '58 Thomas W. Cheney, Nebraska '36 Donald C. Chew, Kansas State '81 Joseph W. Ciatti, Oregon '64 Brian G. Clark, Toronto '69 Raymond O. Clutter, DePauw '39 Clyde S. Coffel, Illinois '28 Clement T. Cole, Carnegie '79 Ward K. Cole, Washington '43 Jan M. Collins, Kansas '61 Robert E. Collins, Eastern Kentucky '74 William J. Connolly, Michigan '51 Warren A. Cook, Dartmouth '23 Philip A. Corey, Ohio State '48 Curtiss E. Crippen, Minnesota '30 Dale Crouter, Toronto '70 H. Richard Crowther, Technology '54 James W. Culpepper, Missouri '57 Daniel J. Cummings, Kansas '79 Edward H. Cumpston, Jr., Cornell and Technology '44 Bernard A. Dahlem, Louisville '51 Alfred W. Dalcher, Kent State '57 J. W. Dalton, Jr., North Carolina '59 Robert H. Damm, Syracuse '58 Ned P. Darling, Oregon State '42 Paul M. Davis, Colorado '91 Raymond S. Davis, Jr., Michigan '47 Anthony P. DeJulius, Pennsylvania St. '56 John A. Delaney, Florida '77 Ralph J. Denton, Missouri '33 in memory of O.H. Read A.H. Dickson, Toronto '32 Eldon M. Dixon, Syracuse '40 Roger M. Donlon, California '50 Richard L. Duffield, Colgate '37 Charles F. Dugan II, Miami '60 James H. DuMond, Jr., Pacific '66 John K. Dunlap, Texas '73 Stewart T. Evans, Michigan '56 David R. Eagleson, Miami '44 Mark E. Eberle, Rochester '91 Barry F. Ebert, Wisconsin '63 John R. Ehrlich, Missouri '67 Albert E. Elseroad, Jr., Pennsylvania '53 Charles E. Erickson, Nebraska '69 James R Erlandson, Bradley '69 Bruce H. Fellows, Wisconsin '50 James R. Filip, Oklahoma State '63 Thomas S. Filip, Oklahoma '69 David S. Fish, Syracuse '80 Daniel E. Fitzgerald, Purdue '49 Gerald F. Fitzgerald, Northwestern '49 Jonathan M. Fletcher, Iowa '35 Paul E. Flohr, Ohio State '36 John E. Forester, Wisconsin '33 Richard M. Forester, Wisconsin '31 Raymond A. Forsthoffer, Northwestern '70 Donald M. Forsyth, Union '20 John D. Foster, Purdue '65 Don R. Frank, Iowa '45 Charles H. Free, Purdue '31 E. Hartley Freeman, Union '25 P. Noel Freesh, Tennessee '70 Richard F. Gabriel, Lehigh '51 Arch J. Galloway, Kansas '34 Robert D. Gillette, Miami '52 William N. Godfrey, Miami '58

Benjamin A. Goodin, Missouri '39 Robert J. Goodwin, Tennessee'72 Elmer C. Grage, Chicago '27 Wilbur R Grant, Iowa State '27 Hugh W. Gray, Nebraska '34 R. Nathan Greene, Kansas State '58 Burton E. Greenwood, Johns Hopkins '5 I R.S. Greenwood, California '48 Gary W. Gregory, Arlington '77 Lewis D. Gregory, Kansas '75 Richard P. Gregory, British Columbia '69 Russell L. Grundhauser, North Dakota '83 Mrs. Marmaduke V. Grove in memory of Marmaduke V. Grove, Kansas '42 William C. Hall, Indiana '44 Erwin H. Hansen, Nebraska '30 Herbert P. Harkins, Lafayette '34 H. Vincent Harsha, Iowa '42 Myron A. Hartwig, Michigan '68 Jay A. Hathaway, Kansas State '80 Raymond G. Haun, Syracuse '27 Robert E. Hayes, Indiana '48 Gregory L. Haymon, Oklahoma '77 Donald R. Heacock, North Carolina '64 Melvin D. Heckt, Iowa '46 Gary A. Hedge, Illinois '68 Donald H. Heile, Purdue '46 David E. Henderson, Georgia Tech '69 Robert E. Henderson, British Columbia '59 William D. Henderson, Tufts '14 George F. Hensel, DePauw '52 Timothy R. Herbert, Iowa State '82 Charles J. Herro, Wisconsin '43 John C. Herron, South Carolina '88 Mark P. Hershhorn, Rutgers '72 Jerrad J. Hertzler, Kansas '58 Brent W. Hillhouse, Pennsylvania State '84 Corwin H. Hinton, Illinois '29 Herschel L. Hobson, Oklahoma State '67 Merle A. Hodges, Kansas '55 Thomas R. Hodgson, Purdue '63 Aron H. Hoffman, San Jose '67 R. DeWayne Holman, San Jose '64 John D. Holschuh, Sr., Miami '48 Dennis A. Holt, Brown '65 Paul D. Horvath, Northern Illinois '88 William W. Howe, Cornell '42 Gene L. Hudson, Indiana '51 Phillip E. Hurley, Oklahoma '64 Edward A. Hutchinson, Wichita '43 Terry A. Jackson, McGill '69 Richard G. Jacobus, Wisconsin '51 Jamille G. Jamra, Northwestern '38 Edwin R. Jarmain, Toronto '30 Nils P. Johnson, Ohio State '43 O. Kepler Johnson, Jr., Kansas '52 Orville E. Johnson, Washington State '39 Clifton C. Jones, Kansas State '77 John M. Kalbfleisch, Oklahoma '52 Keith O. Kaneta, Washington '59 Stephen G. Katsinas, Illinois '78 John S. Kaufman, Lehigh '46 Patrick M. Kenady, Oklahoma '66 Fred L. Kerr, Pennsylvania State '59 Scott W. Killinger, Nebraska '61 Paul A. Klinefelter, North Carolina St. '80 Norman S. Knauss, Miami '53 Charles R. Knight, Western Ontario '55 James H. Knorr, Kansas '31 Semon E. Knudsen, Technology '36 George A. Knutsen, Oregon State '31 John H. Kopischke, Minnesota '57 Gene Koski, New York '43 Martin Krasnitz, Chicago '57 David A. Krebs, Miami '80 William C. Krommenhoek, Nebraska '57 Charles R Kurtak, Washington State '42 Edward L. Lach, Jr., North Carolina St. '79 Andris Lacis, Purdue '64 Richard W. Lamp, Purdue '49

William G. Landess, Kansas '53 John C. Landis, Purdue '35 Gregory C. Larson, Syracuse '83 Mrs. Edward L. Lascher, in memory of Edward L. Lascher, DePauw '5 I KO. Lavergne, Kent State '62 Mitchell W. Legler, North Carolina '64 Jarold R. Lein, Iowa State '62 Thomas S. Leitch, Purdue '36 W. Frazer Letzig, Central Missouri '71 Bruce T. Lindley, Toronto '35 Owen T. Linton, Toronto '48 W. Harry Lister, Lehigh '26 Ronald J. Litra, Bowling Green '75 John B. Little, San Diego '72 Thomas C. Litwiler, Kent State '56 J. Edward Lundy, Iowa '36 Vernon B. Lussky, Louisville '43 Hilliard R MacBeth, Alberta '70 William P. Major, Colgate '26 Wendell E. Mann, Purdue '48 Donald R Mars, Chicago '68 David O. Mason, Michigan '57 Ralph L. Mason, Iowa State '33 Lewell N. Mays, Ohio State '31 William M. McCain, California '41 J.W. McClellan, Miami '35 Jeffrey O. McEwen, Carnegie '80 Frank J. McEvoy, Alberta '45 David E. McFarlane, Jr., Syracuse '52 Harold E. McGurk, Jr., Creighton '86 JeffB. Meeker, Florida '65 Richard B. Metcalf, Ohio State '46 Weston W. Meyer, Iowa State'72 Robert N. Michels, Purdue '44 Kenneth D. Miller, Iowa '67 Stephen A. Miller, Wisconsin '70 Bryan J. Mitchell, Syracuse '83 Fred G. Mitchell, Ripon '62 Arthur H. Mittelstaedt, Jr., Syracuse '58 Paul R. Monsees, Lafayette '78 RM. Montgomery, Columbia '28 A. Jack Moore, Manitoba '35 Thomas J. Morey, San Jose '56 Donald K Morford, Washington '56 James G. Morford, Washington '51 William K Morgan, Miami '51 Richard L. Morrison, Kansas '70 Donald R Morse, Tufts '42 Percival B. Moser III, Lafayette '68 Raymond R. Moser, Jr., Georgia Tech '84 Bruce A. Muller, Rutgers '66 Charles L. Myers, Johns Hopkins '52 Michael J. Navrides, San Jose '87 Adelbert G. Neese, Purdue '36 David S. Nelson, Clarkson '69 Donald C. Nelson, San Jose '57 Herbert H. Nelson, Colorado '59 Michael A. Nelson, Stanford '59 John C. Nemeth, Kent State '67 J.W. Neuner, Oregon '62 Donald F. Newman, Carnegie '54 Reginald B. Newman II, Northwestern '59 George Nicolau, Michigan '48 Thomas F. Novotney, Washington State '74 Keith O. O'Bannon, Nebraska '50 Walter J. Okunski, Colgate '58 James W. Osborn, Iowa State '73 Allan G. Osborne, Washington '45 Jeffrey L. Owens, Oklahoma '78 James R. Oyler, Purdue '48 Robert F. Palmer, Rutgers '40 Jon R. Palmitier, Michigan State '60 Edward F. Parsons, Illinois '27 H. Sylvester Partridge, Rochester '27 Ronald D. Peyton, Indiana '69 Charles A. Phillips III, Clarkson '64 Ronald A. Pigott, Toronto '52 Thomas J. Pinson III, Purdue '81 Dennis L. Pipher, Syracuse '73

Michael A. Pizzuto, Illinois '81 James G. Plewa, Illinois '78 Thomas B. Polaski, Western Illinois '80 O. Edward Pollock, Virginia '5 I Scott A. Polo, Syracuse '83 Richard R. Popham, Purdue '40 William N.H. Potterton, Tufts '28 John C. Powers, Oklahoma '58 John W. Puth, Lehigh '52 George F. Putnam, Washington '39 Thomas S. Rakow, Northwestern '65 George Ramsden, Lehigh '44 Donald J. Randa, Chicago '43 Kenneth D. Reeds, Iowa '53 Ren L. Ridolfi, Wisconsin '70 Joel P. Riley, DePauw '91 Thornas H. Rinehart, Kansas '57 Larry A. Robertson, Arlington '72 David D. Ross, Toronto '34 George W. Ross, Jr., Illinois '37 Daniel L. Rothrock, Washington State '69 Mark L. Rupert, Oklahoma '74 Fulton W. Samson, Pennsylvania '21 G. Flint Sawtelle, Lehigh '40 George P. Sawyer, Nebraska '37 James H. Schreiber, Bowling Green '55 James W. Schrock, San Jose '57 Douglas G. Schuster, North Carolina State '83 Winston Scott, Washington '30 Christian Seibel, Jr., Carnegie '41 John S. Shellenberger, Pennsylvania '52 John L. Sherman, San Jose '66 Parker R. Shriver, Kent State '50 Norman E. Sidler, Bradley '91 Jeffrey Siegel, Maryland '78 Thomas F. Siegel, Jr., Pennsylvania '57 William A. Sigman, Iowa State '50 Donald C. Slawson, Kansas '56 Andy Smallwood, Houston '71 James W. Smith II, Washington & Lee '62 Rodney R. Smith, Cornell '67 Wayne M. Smoak, South Carolina '84 John M. Snead, Jr., Purdue '31 Adrian F. Songer, Indiana '67 Richard T. Spencer III, Michigan '59 Patrick Spooner, San Jose '55 John A. Sprouse, Oregon '30 Richard G. Spry, Syracuse '40 Harry L. Staley, Bucknell '52 Howard S. Stanfield, Oklahoma '62 Barry S. Starkman, Lafayette '78 Albert P. Stauderman, Syracuse '58 William E. Steen, Michigan '44 Joseph C. Stegman, Indiana '74 Burnell R. Stehman, Pennsylvania '55 Donald W. Stewart, British Columbia '53 John S. Stewart, Fresno '84 Rudolph F. Stigberg, New York '25 David A. Suplee, Bucknell '90 Benjamin G. Symon, Missouri '26 Calvin W. Tackett, Jr., Arlington '82 John H. Tanton, Michigan State '56 Robert H. Tapp, Pennsylvania State '39 Russel Taylor, Toronto '38 Michel C. Thielen, Iowa '57 Carlton F. Thomas, Ohio State '38 Charles W. Thomas, Wisconsin '59 Richard B. Thompson, Michigan State '67 Robert W. Thompson, Oklahoma '61 Robert M. Thuss, Bradley '79 J. Edward Tippetts, Nebraska '67 James R Tolonen, Michigan '71 Richard F. Torrey, Syracuse '51 Steven E. Traisman, Wisconsin '69 E. Glenn Tucker, Louisville '65 A. F. Turner, Technology '29 William N. Turner, Alberta '57 Peter V. Ueberroth, San Jose '59 L. Russell Ulrich, Washington '40 Donald W. Underwood, Bradley '88 James M. Underwood, Ohio State '62

'Delta 'Upsilon Q!,1arterly • July 1992 • 23

Harley J. Urbach, Nebraska '33 Jeffrey A. VanEenenaam, Colorado '79 William H. Vaughn, Missouri '57 Lodi E. Vercelli, Northwestern '78 John H. Vinyard, Jr. Missouri '42 Jay E. Wagner, Ohio State '45 Gene O. Walker, Iowa State '44 Joseph A. Walker, Illinois '67 F. Jay Ward, Jr., Johns Hopkins '56 Chester M. Warman, Indiana '39 Leland W. Waters, Texas '73

Norman L. Waters, Washington '54 William F. Waters, Cornell '54 Theodore R. Watkins, Kent State '62 W. D. Watkins, North Carolina '27 M.L. Watt, McGill '35 Donald P. Wefer, Hamilton '54 Robert L. Weitzner, Rutgers '79 G. Allan West, Northwestern '52 Thomas J. Westerheide, Marquette '72 Alan L. Weyhrich, Northwestern '58 Henry J. Wiechman, Kansas State '89

James A. Wiese, Iowa '58 Hugh F. Wilkins, Nebraska '42 John B. Williams, Oregon '45 William D. Willoughby, Northwestern '38 Neil E. Wood, Toronto '59 William S. Woodward, Technology '40 David H. Wynja, Iowa '67 Eric. C. Yaszemski, Lehigh '80 Harry R. Yeandle, Western Ontario '32 Robert J. Zaki, Michigan State '80 h,. Franklyn K. Zinn, Northwestem '37 ~


In Memoriam: Matthew A. McGauley n January 19, 1992, DU lost an outstanding young brother in Matthew A. McGauley, North Dakota '84. Among many other areas, the realm of his involvement in our Fraternity spanned from chapter president, to leadership consultant for the Fraternity Headquarters, to the key alumnus who inspired the creation of our new chapter at lona College. To have known Matt, was to have felt the boundless energy and optimism he possessed. He had a smile and a warm greeting for absolutely everyone he met; he personified The Promotion of Friendship. The premature death of Brother McGauley was caused by the ravages and horror of AIDS, a disease he suffered but endured without complaint,

24 • July 1992 • 1:elta 'Upsilon Q!.1arterly

throughout the final year of his life. To honor his memory and the contributions Matt made to DU, a special McGauley Memorial Fund has been established. At the time of this printing, over $600 has been contributed to the fund by brothers from a variety of chapters. We seek to add an additional $2000 to provide a short-term endowment for a new "Men's Health Issues in DU" seminar at the Leadership Institute. The names of those who have contributed thus far, appear below. Gifts to the McGauley fund are tax-deductible and should be sent and made payable to: DU Educational Foundations/McGauley Fund P.O. Box 68942 Indianapolis, IN 46268


Swarthmore Chapter Alumni Approaching the Chapter's 100th Anniversary, on March 3, 1994, the Swarthmore DU Alumni have undertaken a task to raise $300,000 in contributions to support the undergraduate chapter. At this time, a nucleus of $75,000 in commitments has been made, and a mailing has been sent out to all alumni from the Swarthmore Chapter. The funds are being raised to provide yearly income and possible capital funds for fraternity maintenance. Questions should be directed to: William F. Lee, Jr. at (215) 527-0030 or (215) 543-6795.

Attention • Rochester Alumni The 1992 Homecoming dinner will be on September 26, 1992 at 7 p.m. in the old Delta Upsilon house. As details are finalized, more information will be sent to you.

Canadian Educational Foundation Awards Three important DU events occurred simultaneously at the University of Alberta in January. Well-known and distinguished DU speaker, Will Keirn, Pacific '75, came to campus and gave two speeches - one to the University community at large, and the other to fraternity and sorority members. His focus was leadership, and the dynamic times for higher education in our countries of Canada and the U.S. Two Brothers were recipients of scholarship awards by the DU Educational Foundation of Canada. First, an award was made for a second time to Gavin Ezekowitz, Alberta '90. Last year his award was earned as an undergraduate at the University of Alberta; Brother Ezekowitz now is a PhD student in Philosophy at Oxford University in England. Not only has Gavin continued his studies with academic distinction, he has many other successes as well, including leading Oxford to a cherished defeat of Cambridge University, in squash, and being selected "Man of the Match." He will be Captain of the Squash Team next year. Second, a new DU Scholarship winner is Paul Bolger, Alberta '92. Brother Bolger is an Economics major, with an exceptional record of academic achievement, and is very active with the University of Alberta campus and DU affairs. Beyond chapter activities, Paul is this year's IFC vice president. The Scholarships administrative work in 1991 was largely done by former DU Field Secretary and distinguished academic, Dr. Max Stewart, Alberta '41. Brother Stewart is a retired Dean of Business and Economics at Wilfrid Laurier University in Ontario. The DU Educational Foundation of Canada Board is proud of the outstanding young DU's who have earned scholarship awards. In addition to Gavin Ezekowitz and Paul Bolger, the following have also received Foundation awards: Bill Mooney, McGill '91; Carl Still, Toronto '92; Brad Dixon, Western Ontario '86; and Corey Sakai, McMaster '93. The Canadian Foundation Board and the Scholarship Committee invite scholarship applications for the coming academic year from Brothers at Canadian Universities. Additionally, all DU graduates are encouraged to make financial contributions to ensure the continued success of our educational effort.

Michael Priestley, Toronto '92, is presented an award from the DU Educational Foundation of Canada by William Greenberg, Western Ontario '73, during the Founder's Night celebration.

Scholarship winner Paul Bolger, with Brothers Will Keirn, Bob Edgar and Allan Warrack.

Denison---- Economics" and represents an Steven C. Shimp '70, President of Owen-Ames-Kimball/ Florida, Inc., a General Contractor in Fort Myers, Florida, was appointed by the Federal Reserve Bank to its Miami Branch Board of Directors . Mr. Shimp initiated the Florida operations of the OwenAmes- Kimball Company upon his transfer to Fort Myers in 1982. He also serves as director of Owen-Ames-Kimball Company of Grand Rapids, Michigan and Sun Bank of Lee County, N.A., He is a registered Professional Engineer and holds a Class A General Contractor's license in Florida.

Illinois-Eugene W. Stunard '55, was elected 199293 President of Lambda Alpha International, an honorary land economics society, during the 29th Biennial Congress held at The Art Institute of Chicago. Brother Stunard is President of Chicago-based Appraisal Research Counselors,

"International Hall of Fame" honoring men and women who have distinguished themselves in land economic related activities. Brother Stunard is also a Member of the Appraisal Institute (MAl), the Appraisal Institute of Canada (AACI), Chicago Association of REALTORS of the National Association of REALTORS (NAR), and the Illinois Mortgage Bankers Association.

---Oklahoma--John M. Sharp '63, recently

---Kent State--- received a Distinguished Service K.O. Lavergne '62, is currently in the second year of his four-year term as Mayor of Derby, Kansas (pop. 15,000), the fastest growing city in the state. Brother Lavergne's election in April of 1991 was remarkable in that he declared his write-in candidacy only 19 days prior to the election.

------ Missouri -----William C. Schoenhard '71, has been named to Who's Who in Finance and Industry and Who's Who in the Midwest. He is Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of SSM Health Care System in St. Louis, Missouri.


Lambda Alpha has 18 chapters in various key cities in the United States and Canada, and members-at-large in seven other countries. Its membership is a virtual "Who's Who in Land

Intel Corporation's Director of Government Affairs since 1983. He is a national spokesman on competitiveness issues, and the only Congressional candidate from a Fortune "500" company in 1992.

--Northern Illinois-Michael C. Maibach '73, is a Republican candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives from California's Silicon Valley. Brother Maibach has served as

26 • July 1992 • '.Delta 'Upsilon Q!1arterly

Award from the Tulsa County Bar Association for services to the association in 1990-91. He also received the award in 1986.

Purdue---Grayson L. Moss '47, owner of his own appraisal firm in Houston, accepted the S. Edwin Kazdin Award for his exceptional service to the Appraisal Institute. During his 25 years of service, he has chaired the National Professional Ethics Committee, the Professional Responsibilities Subcommittee, the Rules and Regulations Subcommittee and the Appraisal Standards Board.

San Jose - - - Jack M. Colbourn '66, is Chief of the Environmental Protection Agency, Air Grants Program. In this capacity he manages the federal air grant program with state and local air pollution control agencies. He is

responsible for the Region 9 geographic area which includes California, Nevada, Arizona, Hawaii and Pacific territories. Brother Colbourn, his wife Kathy, and daughter Kaitlin live in San Rafael, California.

----Syracuse---Robert H. Dewhurst '52, has been appointed as Director of the Surface and International Sonar Systems Directorate. Brother Dewhurst will now manage all affairs of the Directorate, including existing contracts as well as allocating the resources of the organization to meet short and long term strategic plans in the international marketplace. He will also coordinate both U.S. and International marketing activities. Robert Phillips '60, has published a new book Public Landing Revisited. Brother Phillips is Director of the Creative Writing Program at the University of Houston. His new book is a collection of stories set in mythical Public Landing, an east coast community of the '50s and '60s that the narrator recalls from the distance of many years and miles. Schoolmates, old teachers, town gatherings, family adventures/ nightmares, childhood, and love discovered/love lost are recreated in this poignant exploration of small-town American life. Brother Phillips has also published five books of poetry, and one previous collection of short stories. -_.~-~~

Texas --~~­

Emil E. Friberg '58, President of Friberg Associates Inc.,

was named "Engineer of the Year" by the Fort Worth Chapter of the Texas Society of Professional Engineers. ~~~-UCLA

Ralph K. Anderson '51, retired in February 1992 from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration after 40 years of federal service. Brother Anderson was a member of the Satellite Applications Laboratory in Camp Springs, Maryland, and specialized in developing applications of meteorological satellite data for weather analysis and forecasting. The Andersons will locate in Boulder, Colorado for retirement. ~~Western


Gary D. Skarr '75, SPHR, has been reelected to the Board of Directors of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). He will serve as National Vice President, Area III, which includes Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, West V..irginia and Wisconsin. The Society for Human Resource Management is the world's largest professional membership organization dedicated exclusively to the advancement of human resource management. Brother Skarr is Human Resources Consulting Manager for McGladrey & Pullen in Moline, Illinois. His responsi-

bilities include compensation and benefits design and administration, incentive compensation, organizational design, training and management development, human resource diagnostic review and executive search.

----Wisconsin - - - Wayne W. Wiese '75, has been promoted to Manager of Exploration and Production Computer Services for Chevron Nigeria Ltd. in Lagos, Nigeria. He is also serving as acting Manager of Financial and General Computer Services. In his new positions he is now responsible for the implementation and support of all computer services and projects for the approximately 2,000 employees of Chevron in Nigeria. Andrew J. Weber '77, has been named Vice President, Group Publisher of Medical Economics Publishing, the largest healthcare communications network in the U.S. He will now oversee three Medical Economics Publishing subsidiaries. In addition, Brother Weber continues as President/CEO of McKnight Medical Communications, Deerfield, IL.

1)elta 'Zlpsilon Q\1arterly • July 1992 • 27

DU Starts A New Fiscal Year


appy New Year to all Brothers in Delta Upsilon! I am referring, of course, to the start of DU' s new fiscal year, which began on July 1, 1992. That date also marks the start of a new Annual Giving Program for the Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation. By way of a preview, I want to let you know about some of the exciting plans we have for the year ahead: 1. By the fall of this year, we plan to introduce a program that will allow an alumnus or friend to make a tax-deductible gift through our Foundation, for direct use by a designated chapter. Details will be announced in the coming months.

One such new program appears in the box below. I am pleased to announce that Brother Will Keirn's wonderful new book The Education Of Character: Lessons For Beginners will benefit the DU Educational Foundation directly! For each copy of his book that is ordered through the Quarterly, Brother Keirn has agreed to donate $2 to the DU Educational Foundation. As you can see, therefore, we have an exciting agenda of new ideas and program for the "new year." On behalf of the 4,000 DU undergraduates who benefit from the generosity of our alumni and friends' financial support, many thanks for the year just past, and best fraternal wishes for a recordbreaking '92-93.

Fraternally, 2. Later this summer, the DU Educational Founda- ~.d tion will produce an Annual Report for all ~ jTt-....donors who made gifts to the recently Edgar F. Heizer, Jr., Northwestern '51 concluded 1991-92 Annual Giving Program. Chairman, DU Educational Foundation 3. The many pages of President's Club members that you see in this issue of the Quarterly, will be moved to the Annual Report and given The Education Of Character: greater prominence there. Each year, however, Lessons For Beginners the October Quarterly will serve as the alumni 32 Lessons On The Art Of Being A Person, recognition issue, continuing to list all donors By Will Keirn, Ph. D. from the previous fiscal year.

-p \ / :

4. From the item above, pages heretofore used for President's Club donor lists, will be filled with features on alumni, essays on thought provoking topics, educational items of interest, and trends in the fraternity world. In short, we seek to make the Quarterly more relevant and vital and of service to our alumni and undergraduates. 5. "Special" funding groups and programs will be identified for participation. These include alumni corporations, other charitable foundations, Brothers from recently revived chapters, and a new "National DU Parents Club."

28 • July 1992 • Velta 'Upsilon Q!.1arterly

"If there is but one prerequisite to entering college ...to taking that first step out on your own ...it must be The Education of Character: Lessons For Beginners. The insight is powerful and thought-provoking." Mark O. Hatfield, United States Senator

"Will dispenses wisdom in small, highly palatable doses that this generation can handle effectively...I think every student entering college should have a copy of this book and then be required to read it at least once again before leaving school." Margaret Watkins, Executive Director Delta Gamma International Fraternity

1992 Leadership Institute Experience the Power of Leadership

'Delta 'Upsilon Q!.1arterly • July 1992 • 29

Alberta DU got off to a strong start this year, being victorious in the IFC Greek God and Goddess event. We were also successful in Anchor Splash and Songfest. The annual rush Stag was again instrumental to our chapter's attracting quality men for pledgeship. Thanks to all the alumni who attended. We would also like to thank the alumni who participated in the alumni-active basketball and hockey matches in January. Once again, philanthropies were important for our chapter. We continued to support the Kidney Foundations, the diabetes Association, the Red Cross, the War Vets, Easter Seals, and Uncles at large through canvassing and various other activities. Best wishes to everyone in the 1992-93 school year. * Updated from January Report Bill Boyd, Chapter President

What a a year makes! Changes are taking place at the Arkansas Chapter of Delta Upsilon. Rewards from our hard work in rush began to show during the fall when we pledged II quality men, the largest fall pledge class for our chapter in recent history. We followed this performance by pledging eight more men in the spring. Efforts this year have come from many directions: the undergraduate members have been working harder than ever in rush; Steve Zega '90, has given continuous support as Chapter Adviser, and DU Headquarters has offered tremendous support and service. While things are going well right now, we will be working harder than ever to ensure our continued success. If you have not taken a look at the chapter in the last year, we invite you to do so. We think you will be pleasantly surprised. Kevin Edwards, Chapter President

The Arlington Chapter is getting closer everyday to once again being the most outstanding fraternity on campus. Last summer, we initiated 10 men into the brotherhood of Delta Upsilon, and then we added 16 outstanding men during the fall rush period. In intramurals we had an outstanding year which began with a first place finish in the swim meet. Our 22nd Annual Haunted House, which benefits the fight against cancer, was once

again an outstanding success. Our Haunted House is the longest running charitable event in the city of Arlington, as well as the longest running haunted house in North Texas. We would like to thank the Baylor and Texas A&M Chapters who attended our 23rd Annual Hawaiian Party. We appreciate your support and hope you all had a good time. * Updated from January Report Jeremy Hale, Chapter President

This year has been an exciting and busy time for the men of the Baylor Chapter. After sending five members to the Leadership Institute last summer, and receiving the award for being one of the most improved chapters, we returned to school fired up and ready to grow. During the year we placed third out of 17 fraternities participating in ZTA Greek Treat, we made the play-offs in intramural football and soccer, reached the quarterfinals in the ADPi volleyball tournament, and sponsored the second annual Delta Upsilon Christmas Tree sale. Our Homecoming Float, under the guidance of Brother Teuskin, was also a great success. Thank you to Miss Betsy Adams, our Homecoming Queen nominee, for representing us well in the parade. We would also like to thank all alumni that supported our Homecoming this year, and we look forward to continued good relations in the future. The Province 10 Regional Leadership Seminar was also a great success this year. We hope all of the delegates from the other chapters had an enjoyable and rewarding experience. *Updated from January Report Randal Fvmann, Chapter President

This year, the Bowling Green Chapter of Delta Upsilon has been very active internally. During the year, we extensively updated our By-Laws, as well as our scholarship program. After being recognized for having the second highest GPA improvement for all fraternities on campus this fall, we set our sights on having the highest GPA on campus. A major change this year was moving our major philanthropy, the DU Bike Race, to the fall semester instead of the spring. The 42nd Annual Bike Race was a huge success in that we were able to raise $300 for the Villages. Thank you to all the brothers and alumni who generously provided their time and support during this outstanding event. *Updatedfrom January Report Blaine Wilsoll, Chapter President





.\ 30 July 1992 • 1Jelta 'Upsilon Q!,1arterly "'?'o: ,,"-

The year began very good for the Bradley Chapter. We pledged 24 quality men during fall rush. The following week, we held our initiation ceremony with Brother Craig Franz delivering the charge. His charge set the tone for the semester as it was both inspiring and enlightening. Another major event held in the first semester was our 40-45th anniversary celebration. With over 500 guests in attendance, a good time was enjoyed by all. Also that weekend, we won Greek Week for the third year in a row, retiring the Greek Week trophy. Spring semester was also very acti ve for us. We held the initiation ceremony for our fall pledges and were honored to have Brother Will Keim delivering the charge. He spoke to the initiates on seven things they can do to make a better DU, and was an inspiration not only to them but also to the rest of the active chapter. Academically, our all-house GPA placed us second out of IS fraternities, and our active GPA placed us first. Now we are striving to finish first in both categories. By April, we had already clinched the all-sports cup, ensuring that the trophy will never leave the house, as it was the third year in a row that we have won it. We are proud to announce that we are the only house on this campus to ever retire two all-sports cups, and this is also the earliest it has ever been won. During the month of February, the DU lectureship series brought Dr. Ruth Westheimer to campus to speak to Bradley on college sexuality. We had a standing-roomonly crowd in our student center ballroom to listen to her. At the end of April, we are bringing in Bobby Knight to speak to the campus on college athletics. Our annual "Jump for St. Jude" philanthropy raised over $3,800 for St. Jude's Children Hospitals. We jumped for 53 hours straight and are looking to raise $5,000 next year. We would like to wish all brothers a safe and fun summer and if you are ever in the Peoria area, please give us a call. Timothy Spihlman, Chapter President

This past year a fruitful and testing period for the brotherhood of Delta Upsilon at Bucknell University. We have been faced with tremendous internal reorganization and changes with University and state policies. Nevertheless, we continue to be a prominent figure within the Bucknell IFC and the Bucknell Community.

With the generous help and funding from both our newly reorganized Alumni Corporation and Parents Association, we were able to renovate our living room during the first semester. Now that the appearance of the room is quite elegant, we felt it suitable to offer the Bucknell faculty the use of our room for receptions following academic and cultural events. As for the main structure of the house, we were able to undertake a major overhaul of the interior of the house and reconstruct our plumbing system and restrooms. This has helped to make our house a much more livable home. With the hard work of the entire brotherhood, we undertook two major philanthropy efforts this year. During the first semester, we co-sponsored, with the Bucknell Concert Committee, the Blues Traveler concert to benefit rain forest conservation. We were able to raise over $2,200 and have donated it to Fundacion Neotropic in Costa Rica. The annual Demie Play, which was The Grail, was a tremendous success and raised a considerable amount of money for donation. It was a truly phenomenal endeavor, and we would like to extend an invitation to all other chapters to attend in future years. The new FIPG, BYOB and TIPS policies changed social life on Bucknell quite considerably, but we have been able to successfully implement all of these policies. As a part of the TIPS recommendations, the entire Greek system has had to change from second semester freshman rush to first semester sophomore rush, and as a result, the impact upon the brotherhood has had a tightening effect. While we have been able to achieve full occupancy within the house, our budgets in the kitchen have been reduced substantially. But with strict budgeting and a conscious effort on everyone's part, we will be able to continue food service within the house. Overall, we had an outstanding year with all aspects of our brotherhood and look forward to many more successful years. Christopher Retzler, Chapter President

The school year was the most exciting in the history of Delta Upsilon at the University of Calgary. Due to the efforts of some key alumni, a house was purchased for the Calgary Chapter. Considering this was only our second school year as a full chapter, the effort put forth by our alumni is even more incredible. With the addition of the new house, we are on our way to becoming the number one fraternity on our campus, and we have really worked hard to spread the good nameofDU. Our year was also highlighted by some great events which brought our brotherhood closer together. It all began with the chapter's first-ever full retreat, held in Banff, Alberta. We spent three days skiing and getting to know each other better. The chapter then sent five brothers to the RLS at the University of Oregon, where they were given a strong taste of what DU hospitality is all about. For this we would like to thank the hosts and all those who attended. Lastly, we had six brothers go on a spring break trip with two other

fraternities and we would like to thank the Washington State Chapter for letting us use the house facilities. The year was capped off by a visit from Steve Gerber, and we thank him for the guidance and inspiration he gave us. As summer approaches, we are looking forward to the Leadership Institute where we can renew old acquaintances and make many new ones. James Bell, Chapter President

lfornia This year the California Chapter started off with a fall pledge class of 10 men, and then followed it up with a spring pledge calss of six. We now have 42 active members! Our cumulative GPA is a 3.0 which places us 15th out of the 44 fraternities on campus. We continue to participate in all intramural sports and have expanded our social calendar extensively with poker nights, T.G.I.F.'s and other random events. Our annual Singapore Sling was a great success, and our Winnebago trip to the UCLA game proved quite eventful. The house itself is continually looking better. The dining room tables are being refinished and the basement has been completely overhauled and cleaned, including the addition of new carpet. We are looking forward to seeing a large turn-out for our Alumni Banquet and Gold Tournament which will be held on the weekend of May 2. A special thanks to Charles Triay for his continuing guidance in administrative matters, and Gary Brooks for his help on the dining room tables. We invite any alumni that may be in the area to come by and visit with the chapter and we encourage increased alumni participation (We now even have a doorbell!) Daniel Diaz, Chapter President

history, benefitting the March of Dimes. The year's highlight was our installation as a Chapter on May 2. Ironically, our fraternity (formerly Alpha Upsilon), had, 22 years earlier, been installed into the International Fraternity on the exact same date. The ceremony took place overlooking the majestic Morro Bay and the weekend gave the brothers the opportunity to share with their parents the spirit of Delta Upsilon. Our alumni support has been top notch and we once again thank them for financing a newly constructed chapter room in the back of our property. The 74th pledge class finished off the room's interior, and the rest of the brotherhood particiapted in the paddle hanging ceremonies. Our annual Bass Lake alumni trip/retreat provided the chance for the undergraduates and alumni to develop a unified plan of attack for next year's operations. In general, it proved to be an insightful learning experience for all, including the newly initiated spring class. In closing, we bid farewell to the spirited boys of AY, as the last of them finally graduted this June, and encourage the brothers of the Cal Poly Chapter to continue on with vehemency in the direction they are currently focued. Brian Woolworth, Chapter President


This year has witnessed the strong resurgence of Delta Upsilon on the University of Chicago campus. After beginning last year with three active brothers, the chapter now has 22 brothers and nine pledges who were initiated in June. We are all excited about rebuilding

University The Cal Poly Colony exploded into the 1991 fall school year under President Dave Jones, and with strong leadership and hard work, an enthusiastic II man pledge class formed and was initiated in early January. The 1991-92 year has turned out to be one of the most exciting in our local, 37 year history. The final modifications were made on our organizational resturcturing, and the close of the year offered the first "Tri-Hoops Classic," the biggest philanthropy in our

In October, the men of the Maine Colony proudly hung their sign in front of the house once again, after being dormant for 3 years.

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something with such a long history at Chicago. Learning as we go along, we are in the midst of developing our philanthropy, scholarship and brotherhood development programs. We recently adopted new bylaws which incorporated the Seven Stars System into our administrative structure. Though we did not do too well in intramural basketball this year, we finished strong in soccer. We wish to thank Steve Gerber for coming to last quarter's initiation ceremony. The new brothers benefitted from seeing a link to the international organization. Lastly, the brothers at Chicago wish to thank all the alumni who invested their time and money into a sometimes questionable enterprise. We are grateful to gain from their efforts. Joseph A. D'Agostino, Secretary

(No report

(No report

Todd Hansen, Chapter President)

Matthew Taylor, Chapter President)

The recent past been rocky for the Colorado Chapter. During the '90-'91 school year, we lost our house, the school paper printed an article stating our charter had been pulled, and our membership numbers fell to an all time low. Somehow, through all of this, we managed to payoff over $15,00 in debt and keep things together. As a result, we won the Financial Management and Iron Duck Awards at the Leadership Institute. Since that time, we've been striving to reach our full potential. Twenty-two of our 35 brothers live in our new house. We've painted the banisters and most of the inside trim, recarpeted all of the hallways and common areas, and created a recreation room. By September, we will have saved enough money to buy ourselves a new MacIntosh computer. We are also working on a fundraiser to buy some nice furniture for our library. Our house GPA has been improving

__ r:..,*.

over the past two semesters. When this semester's report comes out, we are sure to be above the fraternity average. During the first weekend of May, we are working in conjunction with Gamma Phi Beta to sponsor the first Floor Hockey Tournament. By that time, we will also have completed a comprehensive publicity campaign that began in March under the direction of one of our brother's advertising professors. In closing, the members of the Colorado Chapter wish our brothers across the country and in Canada the best of luck. We hope you succeed in all you endeavor to achieve. R.B. Ogden, Chapter President

(No report

Thomas Petrillo, Chapter President)

Well guys, can I tell ya? The Creighton Chapter is alive and very well. We began this semester facing declining membership and the responsibility of hosting our Province's Regional Leadership Seminar. I'm sure that all the other chapters in our Province can say that the RLS was awesome. It was just the boost we needed for our chapter. Thanks to the inspiration that you guys installed in us, we pledged and activated II new men. This has been a very good semester all around for us. We are constantly striving to up our standards. Cicero once said, "The greater the difficulty, the greater the glory." Our has been getting members. We applied for and won two awards given by the Order of Omega. These were awards for excellence in Alumni Relations and Scholarship. We continue to hold the highest grade point average for active members. We're really looking forward to the Leadership Institute this year, hope all of you have a great and prosperous summer. See you in Miami! Philip Patterson, Chapter President

The Culver-Stockton year with our annual Cold

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party. Our successful rush led to us pledging 15 men during the fall and I new pledge this past February. We initiated 12 of the men from fall rush on February 8. We have had another fine philanthropic year. In September, we donated our time and $100 to the MDA Telethon. We conducted our 3rd Annual Homeless Rally in Quincy, IL., and we collected food and clothing items for the homeless of Adams County. In late March, brothers hiked in southeast Missouri for the Villages, and we are planning a fund raiser for our chapter towards the end of the year. Once again, we were first out of six fratemities in scholarship with a 2.9 GPA for the fall '91 semester. The chapter participated in Greek Week (March 31 - April 4) and held our Dinner Dance (April 4). Alumni Weekend occured on April 24-26. During this weekend we took productive steps towards organizing a strong alumni chapter. Bruce Jehling, Chapter President

The DePauw has spent much time this spring, fund for the upcoming summer renovation. The undergraduates held an alumni phonathon March 30 and 31 to raise funds for new wiring, walls, ceilings and carpets for the second floor of the chapter house. Although the final dollar amounts raised are not in, preliminary results are positive. The DePauw Chapter is continuing its dominance of campus scholarship. We ranked first among all fraternities in grades for fall semester 1991. The April issue of "Interfraternity Insights" (a campus Greek newsletter) listed 12 DU's who had a 3.66 or above GPA. Lastly, the chapter is looking to repeat last spring's victory in DePauw's "Little 500," a bicycle race held each spring. The "Little 5" is widely accepted as DePauw's biggest spring event. The chapter is hoping that hard work, dedication and sportsmanship will keep the trophy at DU. William Murphy, Chapter President

(No report Paul Seago, Chapter President)


iversity -

(No report received from James Ward, Chapter President)

The Georgia Tech Chapter had a successful fall rush, attaining a pledge class of 26 men, one of the largest in the past several years. We joined the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce at the end of last year and have more or less "adopted" a local elementary school. Planned programs with the school

include: a tour of Georgia Tech for one of its science classes, teacher assistant programs, and a beautification day. We participated in almost every intramural sport this year and finished third place in Homecoming in our league. Academically, we hope to finish as high as we did last year, when we were second overall on campus. This winter quarter, our brother average GPA was high enough to qualify for Dean's List. We greatly improved our alumni relations program this year by having one of the best and most succesful Homecoming programs in recent years. Our newsletter to alumni was also given high marks. We hope to have even more participation next year at the 35th anniversary celebration of our Founders' Day, which falls near Homecoming. We plan to finish the year strongly in academics, Greek Week, and philanthropy events. If any fellow DUs are in the area, stop by and see us! We would like to wish all of our brothers a great summer! Patrick Jones, Chapter President

(No report

Latimer, Chapter President)

The of Delta Upsilon extends its warmest salutations to its fellow chapters and their members throughout the United States and Canada. Here on the hill, our chapter is undergoing many changes in an effort to strengthen our brotherhood and the entire Greek system at Hamilton. Our chapter would like to thank DU men like Steve Gerber, David Suplee, Kevin Hird and Norm Sidler from International Headquarters, and our Alumni trustees Tom Morris, James Millar and Dan Nye. Without the efforts of these men, the Hamilton Chapter could not exist. Their leadership and enthusiasm has inspired our members to dedicate themselves to the task of reestablishing our fraternity as the model for all Greek societies at Hamilton to follow. Once again our chapter's officers and members have sacrificed many hours of their time to make Delta Upsilon the best it can be. We volunteered our house and brothers to host underprivileged children from Utica during both Halloween and Christmas, and dedicated much time and effort toward the successful organization of a benefit concert for a scholarship fund for the son of our head hockey coach at Hamilton. Academically, we have had more members on the Dean's List than every before, and more members continuing their education in graduate school. Athletically, DU was also represented well. We had five brothers that were captains of varsity sports, who, along with other members, were honored with both postseason and pre-season honors ranging from all-conference to all-american. Other members have been honored as President of their class, officers in the IFC, members of honor societies, members of singing groups,

Judiciary Board members, General Manager of our radio station. Additionally, we have other brothers working with United States Senators in Hamilton's Washington Program, and others studying abroad in such institutions as the London School of Economics and Oxford University. We at Hamilton are doing our best to establish ourselves, as many of our fellow chapters have, into a model fraternity for all others to base themselves on. However, it is not easy. With the help of our members, alumni, International Headquarters and fellow chapters, we can make our goals become accomplishments. Please contact our chapter if you have any suggestions that would facilitate our efforts, we would greatly appreciate it. Finally, we are always willing to help those who need assistance from us. Please contact us if our services can be of any use to you. "Updated from Jail/tal)' Report Kyle Keogh, Chapter President

We have a lot going on down here in Houston and the chapter is running smoothly. Our calendar was highlighted this year by Parent's Day, our annual Mekong Delta Party, and the 16th annual John-A-Thon Project to benefit the Houston Food Bank. We wish to specially recognize Mark Hernandez, Geoffrey Maduzia, Chis Olson and new members Craig Sowell and Steve Morris for their tireless work in advancing the chapter. Our 10th Anniversary house party on October 12 was a huge success, and we would like to thank all of the alumni who were in attendance. Geoffrey Maduzia, Chapter President

Building on previous success, the Illinois Chapter had one of its best years, initiating 22 outstanding men and pledging another 14. This quality of membership has allowed the chapter to reach higher than ever before. We are now nearing the end of two successful semesters in academics, campus involvement, alumni relations and philanthropy. At the completion of the fall semester, the Illinois Chapter ranked 9th in scholarship out of 52 fraternities. The house also ranked well above the all-men's average. Our membership remained active on campus. We advanced to the playoffs in intramural football, basketball and soccer. Teams also won hockey and volleyball championships. In addition to intramurals, many other members were involved in activities ranging from varsity athletics to Interfraternity Council. A strong emphasis was also placed on alumni relations and involvement in the chapter. Homecoming activities attracted more than 200 alumni for a fun weekend of football and festivities. A special "Golden Era Reunion" welcomed over 50 alumni who graduated before 1950. The reunion offered a great opportunity for undergraduates to meet

many interesting alumni, and for the alumni to catch up with many friends. One of the last activities of the year consisted of a charity volleyball tournament to benefit The Villages. In addition to this event, the chapter also participated in several yearlong philanthropy projects. These projects included volunteering at the Champaign Boys Club, working on neighborhood cleanliness projects, and volunteering for blood drives. Brian McClain, Chapter President

As the to Indiana University in the fall, they were greeted by a campus and a social environment in the midst of change. Facing issues similar to those discussed at the Leadership Institute last summer, DU at IU continued to lead the greek system in its efforts to further educate on greek life and responsibilities. One of the most dramatic changes was the newly structured Rush system. Striving to give IU's fraternities better coverage, IFC mandated a two-week visitation schedule for all interested rushees. Through the efforts of Brothers Jeff Akhtar and Kevin Kuhn, 21 men were pledged on the evening of October 17, 1991, at Installation ceremonies. Ten days later, 13 men received the charge from Brother Mike Donahue, Northern Illinois '69, and took the oath to join the brotherhood. The second big change to hit Indiana was the proposed alcohol policy of BYOB. Realizing the overall importance of the alcohol liability issue, the executive board took on two new positions, Risk Manager and Member Education. While the latter was merely a restructuring of officers, the Risk Manager helped the president deal with the difficult issues that remained for our Greek System. In intramurals, DU once again established its position as campus leader in athletics. With an outstanding softball season, complemented by two campus quarterfinal appearances in football, DU finished in the top five in a 34-house greek system. October provided a number of activities on the DU calendar, beginning with our scholarship dinner. Our corporation board sponsored the event, and for those with a 3.3 or better, awards were presented. Special congratulations to Mark Kochera, Todd Schenk and Grant Liston for netting outstanding active and high pledge GPA awards respectively. Homecoming weekend saw DU competing in the Homecoming carnival with the "Blindfolded Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich making" contest. This peanut buttery mess helped in contributing over $300,000 from IU's Greeks to the United Way. Of course, Homecoming activities wouldn't be the same without alumni. Orchestrated by Brother Kemper Bickel, alumni munched on subs and beverages previous to our drubbing of Northwestern. Following the game, they were invited back to the house for a cookout. We would like to extend our gratitude to all those who visited, and trust we'll be hearing from you soon. Closing out the fall semester, the brothers "bashed" in Chicago at the Holiday

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It has been a great year for the North Dakota Chapter, highlighted by the pledging of 29 fine men. Our 3rd annual" Aerobathon for MDA" philanthropy raised approximately $2000 in the fall. We hope to raise even more at next year's event. We are continuing our momentum from last year's achievement of intramural cochampions, finishing as runner-ups in hockey and being successful in many other events. Academically, our chapter was recognized at the annual Greek Banquet as having the highest GPA among University of North Dakota fraternities, with a 2.85. We hope to achieve a 3.0 in the fall. Our chapter held its first ever Parents' Banquet in the spring. The event was a great success with over 170 brothers, parents, and guests in attendance. It will undoubtedly become an annual event. It has been one of our best years for alumni support. We were very proud to see so many alumni at our annual Homecoming formal. The undergraduates hope that all of our alumni can make it for the upcoming Homecoming Formal on Oct. 23. We look forward to discussing with them all that has been going on at the chapter, including our 31st "Two Yard Hop." David Hyjek, Chapter President

This year has produced new and exciting things for the North Dakota State DUs. We have filled our old faithful home nearly to capacity with eight out of a possible nine spots occupied. We have made some dearly needed improvements to the house, including a new sidewalk, water heater and carpets. And of course, we have been beaming with pride over the new illuminated letters which now grace the outside of the house. These were donated by alumnus Jay Peterson '83, and we would like to take this chance to thank him. This spring has been a busy one for us here at North Dakota St. We have had three society exchanges, participated in our 16th Annual Teeter-a-thon with Gamma Phi Beta, raising over $2,000 for the Big BrotherlBig Sister Programs, and we invited all alumni to attend our annual canoe trip down the Crow Wing River. It has been a very full and exciting spring. This year also marked a renewal of an effort to improve ourselves scholastically here at North Dakota State. We recently implemented a new scholarship program which included scholarships donated by the alumni and review boards which meet with members in need of assistance. Keith Fetzer, Chapter President

(No report received from Nicholas Molliconi, Chapter President)

The Northern Iowa Chapter started the year in September by pledging 16 men during formal and informal rush. This pledge class was very strong and has lucidly benefited the chapter. Along with these 16 men, we pledged five men this spring semester. These men have been exhibiting their leadership through their extensive involvement in the fraternity, community and campus. Recently, our chapter received the Most Outstanding Philanthropy Program Award among the fraternities and sororities at the University of Northern Iowa. Our chapter values philanthropy highly, and this is revealed by our many service projects. Our annual Halloween Canned Food Drive was a great success this last fall. We raised hundred of items for the local food bank. Also, we have members who were the elderly by raking lawns and helping at nursing homes. Fundraising has become a prevalent part of the Northern Iowa Chapter. Last fall, we raised $700 in a VCR Raffle sponsored by Domino's Pizza. Currently, we are arranging a fundraiser which will raise $1,200. This year has also been outstanding for alumni involvement. Homecoming 1991 proved that our alumni support is strong and continually growing. We had approximately 40 alumni attend our Homecoming celebration. Also, we had several alumni attend the Regional leadership Seminar that we hosted. We hope to see all of our alumni at Homecoming 1992. Establishing our Mother's and Father's Clubs has shown to be a lucid benefit to our chapter. We have organized a MotherlFather's Day on April 25. Our Mother's club is having a garage sale and bake sale to raise money for our chapter. Also, the men of our chapter and their fathers are going to participate in house improvement projects throughout the day. We really appreciate the support that we receive from our parents. As this spring semester comes to an end, we look forward to summer rush, and wish all of our brothers a great summer. Dave Williams, Chapter President

The Northwestern had a very successful year. Starting the fall, together with Gamma Phi Beta Sorority, our new philanthropy "kickback" raised $1200 for The Children's Place, a home for kids with AIDS. The 1991 James McLeod Award for Distinguished Faculty Ceremony (Teacher of the Year Award) was hosted by our chapter. Mark Verschuur, IFC President and a DU, presented the James McLeod Award (named after a DU) to Professor R. Barry Farrel, our chapter advisor. The ceremony featured a five piece orchestra and was well attended by faculty, administration, DU undergraduates, our Alumni Board of Directors and Northwest-

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ern President Arnold Weber. Also well attended was our homecoming alumni reunion. It was a rainy day on the lakefront, but the wildcats were victorious and our alumni showed up in full force. We are hoping for a similar turnout next year. Flip your calenders ahead a few months and plan on attending on October 26, 1992. Watch your mail for more information as the date approaches. On October 31, the children of Miseracordia, a home for the mentally handicapped, came to our chapter. A tradition for many year now, Delta Upsilon was transformed into a haunted house, and there was trick-or-treating from room to room. With the coming of winter came Northwestern's deferred rush, which went over extremely well. We pledged 18 quality men who will be activating this spring. Winter semester also saw the creation of the Delta Upsilon Summer Employment Program, or DUSEP. This program was set up by DU sophomore Steve Malone. Alumni are asked to notify us of any summer internships or employment opportunities that their respective employers are offering. We then match up individual brothers qualifications with the job specifications. The result will hopefully be enriching and enjoyable summer jobs for our undergraduates. Any alumni with job information can send it to our chapter at 2307 Sheridan Rd, Evanston, IL 60201, attention Steve Malone. The undergraduates thank you for your efforts. With spring, again came rush. We pledged three additional men, rounding out our freshman class at 21, an extremely strong class for the future of our chapter. Also this spring, on April 5, our chapter was presented with Northwestern University's 1992 President's Award for Greek Excellence in the area of Community Relations, an honor we hope to attain next year as well. All in all, a year to be proud of for the Northwestern Chapter. Stop by and see how we are doing anytime you are in the area. Dave Stefancic, Chapter President

(No report Chapter President)

The Ohio State Chapter began the year with 15 men during fall quarter. These men, along with the five pledged in January, hosted the annual Province 5 Regional Leadership Seminar. The RLS was a great success and Brother J. Paul McNamara, Miami '29 addressed the delegates at the closing ceremonies. Brothers Nick Giorgianni, Kent State '56, and Carroll Lurding, Ohio State '59, were also in attendance as special guests. In March, the chapter was reorganized, with five of the active members being retained as undergraduate members. Since the reorganization, we have picked up five new pledges and we anticipate continuing our rapid growth. Recently we visited the International Headquarters for a goal setting session with

Brothers Bosman and Davis. As we prepare for the summer break, we would like to thank the International Headquarters staff and the alumni for all of their support. We would also like to wish all of our brothers a great summer! lason DeQuenne, VP Public Relations

This past semester Chapter has had great success. We finished second out of 26 fraternities and we have a chance to win The Scholarship Trophy for the year if we have a strong semester. This years philanthropies, The Run-toDallas and the Byron E. McFall memorial Soccer Tournament, raised $3000. The money was split between the American Lung Association and The Villages.

homecoming "tailgater" and a reception at the chapter house in November. We are planning a bigger and better homecoming event for 1992. All alumni are invited (the date will be in our spring newsletter). We were very honored to have Brother Will Keirn attend our winter initiation ceremony as the keynote speaker. We were also pleased to accomodate Executive Director Steve Gerber for several days while he was on his way to the RLS. Brother Gerber was invited, but was unable to attend a Van Halen concert with several brothers. Six more men were pledged winter term, and they are looking forward to adding to their pledge class during the spring term. Spring term is looking to be very busy. We are holding our annual alumni Golf Tournament in Portland this spring. The chapter has also been involved with several

The North Dakota Chapter hockey team, coached by alumnus Mike Hare, were intramural runner-llPs this year, placing first among fraternities. On January 15, we held Conclave, which is the celebration of the founding of our chapter. It is a time for members to come together and share in the brotherhood they have built. On February 22, we initiated our fall pledge class. It was the second largest on campus. Brother Ed Porter '65, gave the charge. As you can see, the Oklahoma Chapter has continued to excel here at the University of Oklahoma. Todd Berryhill, Chapter President

Fall term Oregon Chapter outstanding men. The pledge class organized a canned food drive in which over 1500 pounds of food were collected for a local food bank. Our pledge class also distinguished themselves by finishing first in grades out of 17 fraternities for the fall term. The chapter hosted alumni for a

community service projects this term, including the MS Foundtion and "Ducks on a Roll," a local wheelchair basketball event sponsored by the university. Our fall pledge class put up a new sign to better identify the chapter house to everyone. Several members are looking forward to the Leadership Institute this summer in Florida, and the whole chapter is excited about our annual "Up the Creek" rafting trip and a very productive summer rush. Best wishes to all chapters, colonies and the staff at International Headquarters. Timothy Resch, Chapter President

The Oregon felt the effects of Oregon's Ballot Measure on enrollment his school year. With numbers down 1,000 students, rush also went down. However, we were still able to pledge 24 men and overcapacitize our chapter house. With about 100 members, we have

remained in the top three in numbers at OSU, out of the 28 fraternities. This spring, we are expecting to receive one of the "Chapter of the Year Awards" for the fourth consecutive year atOSU. On the weekend of January 25, we held the Province 12 RLS, and celebraed our 70th anniversary at OSU. Brother Joey Paper, was elected the UGAB member for our province. During the first week of April we initiated 19 new members, and throughout the 91-92 school year we have also consistently remained in the top 10 in grades. Brother Jason Johson just finished his term as IFC President, as Brother Jeff McDonald began his term as IFC Rush Chairman. Also working on IFC committees are: Brothers Ryan Stout, William Cabine, Tom Durein, and Grant Robinson. This summer we plan not only to have the strongest sumer suh in the last five years, but we are planning to repair the dry rot on our 68-year-old house while refurbishing the kitchen. Grant Robinson, Chapter President

In its third year as a University of Pennsylvania has already established a large presence on campus. Continuing past trends with a new found enthusiasm, we planned numerous philanthropic and social engagements. Foremost on the agenda was the continuous effort with first graders from a local elementary school. This year we implemented a new program with them in which two brothers served as teacher's aids for two hours every day throughout the year. Rush began on Sunday, September 29, with an open house barbeque, and the event was a tremendous success. One reason for the exceptional turnout is a result of the great amount of effort by every brother in improving the appearance of the house. In addition, we thank the alumni association for providing us with many furnishings. The highlight of the year was definitely the two day all-brotherhood retreat. Set apart from hectic campus life, the chapter discussed both short and long term objectives, but the main focus was on an informative rush school led by the rush chairman. Various techniques such as role playing were instrumental in teaching new and old brothers alike. We as a chapter hope to make all of our goals touched upon at the retreat into realizations. Lastly, the chapter looks forward enjoyed hosting the Regional Leadership Seminar this spring. We enjoyed having the opportunity to meet brothers from other chapters, and we are looking forward to next year's event. * Updated from January Report Paul-Andre Abboud, Chapter President

The Pennsylvania State Chapter finished the year having initiated 17 men. This quality group of men consists mainly of freshmen.

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Our chapter academically remained above the fraternity and all men's GPA. Our chapter continues to stress the importance of academics to our members and pledges. The Penn State Chapter participated in all intramural events and placed fourth overall out of 56 fraternities in the fall (spring results were not available yet). The chapter was also involved in several philanthropic events. In our philanthropy the Cut-A-Thon (benefits the Easter Seals of Centre County) we raised over $6000. We were also very active in the Penn State Dance Marathon raising nearly $10,000. Homecoming is October 17 and Penn State will be playing Boston College. We hope to see many of you for the activities during homecoming weekend. To all who regularly visit we appreciate it and hope you keep visiting us. We would like to strongly encourage our alumni who have not been back to visit the chapter to come back and see how we are doing. We wish you all a great summer and hope to see you this fall. Any questions or concerns please call (my number is 8676663). Thorsten Weber, Chapter President

(No report Chapter President)

The spring semester been a busy and productive one here at Rochester. Among our activities, we staged a successful fundraiser dubbed "The Jungle Party" for an area zoo. We transformed a dining center into a vibrant, green jungle, that included a running waterfall. A popular area band was featured at the well attended campus event. Also, we held our second Homeless for the Homeless philanthropy in February. For 50 consecutive hours brothers took their turn living outside in a box imitating the life of the homeless. It serves as an effective way to increase campus awareness of the homeless crisis in this nation. The event was a huge success and we raised over $1,100 to contribute to area homeless centers. Furthermore, we were able to make a contribution to the Association for Retarded Citizens by cosponsoring a Lilac sale with KAY fraternity. At the end of January, Rochester sent four delegates to the Regional Leadership Seminar in Toronto. We would like to thank our brothers in Toronto for hosting us and congratulate them and all our regional chapters on a successful RLS. It was truly a great experience. Approaching the one year anniversary of our installation, the foundation for our chapter's leadership appears to be quite strong. On March I, 1992 the new executive board took office. Our new board is a good mix of older and younger members. In fact, four of the six officers are sophomores. In addition, we are proud to have two brothers serving as Vice Presidents on the .<tea "4

Interfraternity Council here at Rochester. At this time we would like to congratulate the new officers of the Rochester DU Alumni Club: Bruce Hardy - President, Jim Hooper - Vice President/Treasurer, and Randy Rakoczyski - Secretary. We would also like to thank former officers Dick Kaiser and Ted Sneider for all their hard work over the last 20 years. Finally, in March we initiated nine new brothers into Epsilon class and pinned six new associate members for Zeta class. Our new brothers have been energetic and heavily involved within the chapter. Also, our new associates are very eager to learn about the fraternity. Overall, things are going well and we are looking forward to an even better upcoming year. John Stardellis, Vice President

This year, the San Diego Chapter has experienced a strong recommitment of the brotherhood thanks to an inspirational visit from Brother Steve Gerber during the Province II RLS. It was indeed a pleasure to have Brother Gerber in San Diego as well as Brothers Gary Golden, Bob Broad and Steven Hill. In December, the Ducks wrapped Christmas presents for underprivileged children in addition to participating in the local Hardy Elementary Tutoring Program sponsored by IFC. This past spring, the chapter held a Can Drive that helped raise over $600 for the formal in May. Academically, we once again surpassed the all-men's and all-fraternity average by finishingsixth in grades. This was an incredible turnaround from our second to last standing and IFC Academic Probation in fall 1990. Last fall, we enjoyed undefeated division titles in football and volleyball, in addition to a third place finish in Delta Gamma's Anchor Splash Volley Tourney. In November, we celebrated our 25th Anniversary with over 300 undergraduates and alumni in attendance. DU's activities on campus this past year included: San Sousa-IFC Treasurer, Charlie O'Connor-IFC Judicial Committee, Bill Torrico-Founder of SDSU GAMMA, Andy

The undergraduates and alumni of the Penn State Chapter celebrate their 1991 Homecoming.

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Miller-Daily Aztec Staff, and Chris Anderson, Brett Long and Neil Grintjes-SDSU's play-offbound rugby team. The chapter enjoyed meeting the brothers from Province II, and we encourage them and any other Ducks who happen to be in the area to stop by, give us a call at (619) 265-9560. Thomas J. Haliday, Chapter President

(No report

from Joey Angeles, Chapter President)

The Santa Barbara Chapter once again took the largest pledge class at UCSB. After receiving great support from Leadership Consultant Mike Lamb and Executive Director Steve Gerber, the Chapter is doing very well on all points of operation. We have begun a new Alumni Campaign, looking to solidify a strong Alumni Chapter to direct and establish the programs developed by the brothers thus far. We have redeveloped our financial structure to further the efficiency of the treasurer, and we've reemphasized brotherhood in our membership development events. This five year old chapter is enjoying life on our newly established volleyball court, deck and recreation room, while gazing over the Pacific Ocean. Our door is open to visitors, so feel free, we do. * Updated from January Report Douglas Evans, Chapter President

.University Qf;~9DthCafolina (No report receiv~d riom Brian Hutto, Chapter President)

{Jilliversit!:lftllltAiiDakota The South Dakota Chapter began the '91'92 school year with its annual fall rush. Delta Upsilon's Leadership Consultant Norm Sidler joined the group and enjoyed the auspicious proceedings which produced two pledges. One pledge that is rather unique, Andrew Hart, hails from London, England and holds the title of sir. Informal rush continued throughout the year, producing several other quality men. With a new sense of brotherhood inspired by Norm Sidler, the DU men planned a great year. We started our intramural football season September 18. We also planned a trip to Omaha Nebraska to take on our DU brothers in football. The same DU brothers from Omaha made a surprise visit to our chapter earlier in the year. We had a party and ended the night by serenading some of the sororities on campus. * Updated from January Report Brant Meink, Chapter President

Here at Southwest Missouri State we are very busy trying to improve our alumni

relations, by locating lost alumni and setting up events, such as golf tournaments. Right now we are involved in numerous sports; football soccer and softball. In football and soccer we are currently undefeated. Solicitation week for sororities for next years homecoming is in the near future, and we are looking forward to participating with the best sorority on campus. We won the homecoming parade trophy last semester, making it five out of the last eight years, and we are planning to win again next year. This summer when we have our meeting in August it will be solely devoted to rush. Tony Harris, Chapter President

The Swarthmore Chanter of Upsilon reaffirmed its devotion to excellence this year. Our efforts to continue improving our standing within and service to the college and surrounding communities kept us all busy. Through an expansion of our Chapter Relations program, we were in charge of recruiting for the Red Cross campus blood drive, and sponsored a picnic for Big BrotherslBig Sister program of Delaware County, where the brothers had as much fun as the kids. In addition, the Swarthmore Chapter began looking for ways to involve our college as a whole in philanthropic groups like The Villages. On the local level, it was great to see all alumni and parents who attended our homecoming Pig Roast, which was an even bigger success than ever. Thanks to donations from our undergraduate brothers, the house now has a ping-pong table. Our membership Education program is also on the upswing, organizing pool tournaments, movie nights, and a group trip to a '76ers game. DU's also strived to become leaders on campus. DU brothers were selected as senior class officers, resident assistants, football team captains, and one DU was honored as a member of the National Scholar-Athlete Team by College Football Preview Magazine. During the fall we pledged 18 fine men, the largest pledge class in over 10 years. We are proud to announce that our commitment to internal expansion is improving the quality of the men of the Swarthmore Chapter of Delta Upsilon. * Updatedfrom January Report Michael Belfatti, Chapter President

The Syracuse tel' began the year with the painting of our chapter room, along with the addition of new couches. We have initiated eight new brothers, and are planning ceremonies for 16 more at the end of April. In intramurals this year, we placed second in softball and won the basketball championships. Currently, we are undefeated in the spring softball tournament, and things are looking good for us. In March we held the first debate on campus by Greeks. The forum was on the

subject "the learning environment." Problems with teachers, students, and Greeks on campus were all topics that were discussed. Also, later on in March our chapter had a phone-a-thon to help raise money for computers. We have received over $3,000 and plan on purchasing at least one computer at the beginning of next year. This past year, we were strongly involved in philanthropy. In the fall we cosponsored a splat-ball tournament to raise money for breast cancer research. We won this competition. Also, in April, we held our annual easter egg hunt for underprivileged children in the Syracuse area, and our annual beach party for geriatrics. Our chapter has been very busy this year, and our brothers have been influential outside the chapter house as well. Delta Upsilon has two brothers on the Interfraternity Council Executive Board, and one of our brothers just finished his term on the Greek Judicial Board. After all of our hard work, we departed school with a bang by hosting our fifth annual Reggae Bash. Christopher Barton, Chapter President

The fall term at MIT began August 31 with Rush Weekend. Brothers and prospective pledges had a great time on traditional DU rush events such as our George's Island Boat Cruise and our DU beach trip. The weekend was wrapped up when the eighth bidee pledged. The brotherhood returned to MIT on the wings of an outstanding academic year. The graduated class of 1991 sent members to prestigious law schools such as Yale and Stanford, other members went on to work abroad for large engineering firms such as Schlumberger. The returning senior class garnered several S.O's, and had two more of its members selected to Tau Beta Pi, the national engineering honor society. Many other undergraduate members received perfect grades, and participated on university sponsored research projects in many high-tech fields. The chapter was also very involved with the IFC administration, with a brother serving on the IFC Judicial Committee Review Board and several others on various Institute committees. MIT DO's also returned from an impressive showing in athletics, which were repeated this year. Returning DU's were selected to all conference teams in water polo, soccer, hockey and lacrosse; held school records in swimming and crew; held scoring records in lacrosse and hockey; and served as captains in water polo, heavyweight crew and lightweight crew. Seventy percent of the brotherhood participated in varsity athletics. The chapter also fared well in intramurals, fielding powerful teams in tennis, soccer, football and hockey. Our community service project this year was a 3 on 3 basketball tournament benefitting the United Way. These were Boston and Cambridge wide events. Other events scheduled throughout the year included our

biannual Faculty Mixer, and the chapter's Centennial Celebration. The Centennial Celebration was based around an Alumni dinner at the MIT Museum on November 2nd. Things are looking good here at Boston, and we are all looking forward to an outstanding 1992-'93 year here at the Technology Chapter. * Updatedfrom January Report Erik Larson, Chapter President

(No report Chapter President)


The would like to extend their thanks to Brother Dave McGuire from Western Illinois, for his tremendous help in giving our chapter some well-needed direction in rush and other areas. His efforts should help us grow and improve as a chapter. This semester we have been making improvements on our house. Already we have purchased a new wide-screen TV, new living room furniture, new dining tables and chairs, carpeting on the second and third floors, and new showers for the second floor. This summer we hope to make even more improvements in an effort to restore our house to its original condition. Academically, we have risen to sixth out of thirty fraternities. Over spring break about 30 of us went down to South Padre. We saw DUs from Bradley, Louisville, Indiana and Texas A&M on the beach there. We just had one of our most successful alumni weekends in the past few years. Our golf tournament doubled in size, and we added a casino night that raised a few hundred dollars. Several of us will be at the Leadership Institute in Miami this summer. Hopefully we will get to see guys from most of the chapters there. Steven Puryear, Chapter President


(No report Chapter President)

(No report Chapter President)


The Tufts the year with a highly successful rush program which produced 20 fine pledges. These men have been treated to a year filled with brotherhood events which included our annual Father-Son Day Cookout, along with our Christmas, Hawaiian and Superbowl parties. Our chapter continues to be the leaders in the classroom and on the athletic fields of Tufts University. Our academic awards include Order of Omega, Pi Sigma Alpha, and

'Delta tlJpsilon Qparterly •

a Phi Beta Kappa member, not to mention our 2.92 chapter GPA. We have participants in ROTC, the Leonard Carmichael Society, the Hillel Jewish Society, and the Inter Greek Council. Athletically, our brothers are the captains of the football, baseball and hockey teams, while many other brothers are busy earning varsity letters in lacrosse, track, football, baseball, and hockey. This year the brotherhood has devoted its free time to the Tufts, Medford and Somerville communities. Our co-sponsored Food Drive enabled us to make a considerable donation to a local soup kitchen. Every Friday morning we send four brothers to stock the shelves of this same soup kitchen. The Somerville Boys Club enjoyed a cookout before Jumbo football and baseball games, along with a Thanksgiving dinner. We also sponsored a highly successful booth at the Tuft's World's Fair. In addition, we used the proceeds from our Dunk Tank at the Spring Fling block party to benefit the Children's Hospital. A special thanks must go to our chapter relations chairmen, Sean Genovese and Jad DeQuattro. Our alumni involvement and support has been outstanding this year. Our homecoming tailgating celebration was a great success. The annual career night provided valuable information to go along with numerous internships. The first alumni spring cookout will coincide with pledge initiation to be held on May 3. This highly productive and successful year has truly been a compliment to the 105th anniversary of the Tufts Chapter. We would like to wish everyone a great summer and let them know we are excited about the opportunity to continue our excellence in the fall. Michael Frisoli, Chapter President

The Union Chapter started off this year where they left off last year. Over half of the brothers were involved with the Big Brothers/ Big sisters of Schenectady be being big brothers for children in the area coming from broken families, abused children and lonely children. These children were in for a treat when the DU members of the football team donated their complimentary tickets to the children, and they had the opportunity to see the Dutchmen complete their undefeated regular season. This involvement carried over to the winter, which every weekend saw the brothers at the Battered Women Shelter helping them with their daily routine. Spring term gave us the opportunity to show our annual "double feature." It was a great success since we raised enough money to sponsor a van for the American Red Cross. Presently we are in second place for the Intramural championship in which we are planning on a very victorious spring term, where we are also defending our Greek Week championship title for the past two years. We finished off the year by initiating 23 men, increasing the brotherhood total to 59. These men are sure to continue the excellent leadership and involvement of the brothers

we are losing to graduation. Chris Trevisani, Alumni Relations Chairman

A hearty and many sincere thanks are extended to all members of the Delta Upsilon family from the brothers of the Virginia Chapter. With the help of a reorganized and extremely energetic alumni group, a devoted parents' club, and of course the continuous and much appreciated support of those at Headquarters, the committed undergraduates here at Virginia are embarking upon an exciting new era for the chapter. In the school's second year of Dry Rush, DU once again responded to the task, taking in II. The three week rush period culminated on Homecoming Weekend, October 4, when new pledges and brothers saw first hand the overwhelming interest and support of the chapter alumni. The newly remodelled basement, combined with a victory over Kansas, kept all in high spirits. DU continued its strong combination of academic and athletic excellence. Eight varsity athletes helped lead Virginia's football, lacrosse and track and field teams to national prominence. In the classroom, brothers combined for a grade point average above 3.0, with several individuals receiving academic honors. As well, the Virginia Chapter garnered two honors at the annual InterFraternity Council awards ceremonies, including one of three Greek scholarships. Brothers participated in a variety of community activities. Four brothers were involved in the year round Hero program at nearby Clark elementary school, helping disadvantaged youth set goals and experience positive role-model relationships. In addition to helping operate a food bank to aid a local hunger drive in Charlottesville, we raised the most money during a spring event to benefit the American Cancer Society. * Updated from January Report Erik Schneider, Chapter President

'washingt~I;I~I!t';:IJDicÂĽ~l;sity: The 1991-'92 year for the Virginia Tech Chapter was one of change. We began the year without a house for the first time in five years. However, this aspect did not hurt our rush as we pledged 13 quality gentlemen. In addition, we increased our undergraduate membership by initiating 16 men on Sept. 30. We remained competitive in all aspects of athletics as we had a softball team ranked eighth in the University, a soccer team that had an excellent record, and two out of the four finalists in the horseshoe competition. Concerning the Blacksburg community, we participated in the Adopt-A-Highway program for trash pick-up. In addition, we planned a Christmas party with the Big Brother/Big Sister Program. Our three biggest membership development events this year included a Semiformal, Parent's Weekend, and Field Day. * Updated from January Report Sean Darling, Chapter President

,,1.e a l"-L 6



JJuly 1992 • 1Jelta 'Upsilon

~oo 'l~

Since Award last summer in Scottsdale, the Washington Chapter has taken even more great strides towards being recognized leaders on campus. In the fall, we became the first fraternity on campus to join the University District Chamber of Commerce. We are actively involved in the Chamber's committees and are working hard to give something back to the community. We put two men on the IFC Executive Board (President and Greek Voice Editor), one on the IFC Judicial Council, and two as IFC Representatives to the Student Assembly. We even had three men make the trip to Pasadena as members of our National Champion Football Team. Over the summer we pledged 24 men, had a great pledge quarter in the fall and followed it all up with our second Brotherhood Week. Winter/Spring rush is off to a great start with two great men already pledged. We are looking to include the alumni much more in rush this year. In April, we held our annual Spike Duck Inter-Sorority Volleyball Tournament. With the help of many community sponsors, we were able to raise nearly $2,500 for charity. We are looking to open the tournament up to other schools with the help of some corporate sponsors next year. Most of our philanthropic efforts this year have been concentrated on the immediately outlying community. We held a blanket drive, volunteered in shelters and feeding programs and are working on the community beautification project. Our motto this year is "BTB" or "Back to Brotherhood" and it is evidenced by a strong feeling of involvement among the brothers. Our committees are flourishing and new leaders are stepping forth everyday. 1992 is shaping up nicely for the Washington Chapter. The brothers are excited and invite you by to take a look! Maxfield L. Williams, Chapter President


The Washington State Chapter of Delta Upsilon had an excellent year. During the summer, the active alumni held a work weekend in which they improved the overall structure of the house. The membership greatly appreciates the time and effort put in by the alumni. Our chapter was very busy this semester. Besides football games, we had a number of social events that went very well. Our October 5th Homecoming celebration was a great success with over 100 alumni and guests visiting the Chapter prior to the football game. The alumni also announced a major fundraising campaign to update the house structure while they were at the event. This year our greek system was faced with the lowest number of rushees ever. For some fraternities this was very traumatic, but we successfully pledged I I quality men, all of which will be fine additions to our chapter. * Updated from January Report Deric Mazzuca, Chapter President

Western Illinois DU was recently presented the Fraternal Excellence Award during Greek Awards night at WIU. This is the highest award presented to a Greek chapter at our campus and we were quite proud to have won it for the second year in a row. It was overall DU night that evening with the chapter also receiving an award for having the highest GPA on campus among fraternities. In addition, Brother Aaron Machek '94, was named Outstanding new member of the year as well as several brothers being honored with acceptance into Blue Key, Order of Omega, and Who's Who Among College Students. Spring rush went well for us as we took 17 great new members. It was vital that we did well as our membership was becoming heavy with upperclassmen. Plans for our 18th anniversary at WIU are made and we are anticipating a great weekend as our alumni return to celebrate with us. Next spring, we will be hosting the Province 7 RLS and are already making plans for it with hopes that many brothers from our other chapters will be able to benefit from its experience. As the summer months approach, as does summer break and summer jobs, we send our best wishes to our DU Brothers everywhere and look forward to a great Leadership Institute this summer. Darren Duncan, Chapter President

igan The chapter of Western Michigan University worked extremely hard to improve our status with our alumni, the public and other Greek organizations this year. A large quantity of time this year was dedicated to reaching these goals. With the amount of time and energy spent by the gentlemen, we saw great progress within our chapter. One of our goals this year was to see plans implemented for a new house. Earlier this year, our alumni held their annual homecoming festivities and we received a lot of encouragement and ideas about the new facility. We are looking forward to construction in the near future. The brothers of Western Michigan University are back to stay!

* Updated from January Report Kirk Decker, Chapter President

In September DU at Western captured the IFC greek week trophy, and proceeded to dominate the Sigma Chi annual beach volleyball tournament by placing first among the 18 fraternities that entered. In October, we had our 60th anniversary which proved to be a worthwhile event. We would like to thank Former International President Richard Meyer and Western Ontario Alumni President Brent Bere for their support, as well as all fellow brothers and Alumni who were in

The men of the Wisconsin Chapter participate in an exchange with the women of Pi Beta Phi. attendance. This year's rush was one of the strongest ever. We had over 100 gentlemen attend our events and accepted 35 pledges. In addition our chapter house has seen significant improvements. For instance, a new computer was obtained, extensive painting and renovations took place and our furniture was upgraded. With respect to our goals, our chapter is pleased to announce that we raised approximately $5000 for the United Way. Also our Brothers participated in the annual Terry Fox Run for Cancer and donated $400 for cancer research. This was in keeping with our objective to be a leader in the Greek community regarding fundraising and community relations. In closing, I must acknowledge my fellow brothers and extend a sincere appreciation for their continued effort. As a result of their enthusiasm and participation, DU at Western has become a Fraternity whose Brothers are "leaders of men." For those of you who are unaware of the competitive Greek system at Western, this is an extraordinary accomplishment.

* Updated from January Report Jeffrey Flemington, Chapter President

The 1991-92 school year has once again been a fun-filled and exciting year for the brothers of the Western Reserve Chapter. The highlight of this year was the

phenomenal success of our annual Christmas Food Drive. This year we collected nearly $5,500 in food and goods for Cleveland's hungry. This annual event promises to gather even more food in the future. To complement the Christmas Food Drive we are planning a spring food drive which we hope will help feed the hungry through the summer. Our annual Founder's Day Banquet this fall was attended by many alumni from the Western Reserve Chapter, as well as others. Our alumni picnic this spring promises to bring even more alumni together for fun and festivities. We would like to extend an invitation to any DU alumni in the area to attend these events. For yet another year at Case Wester Reserve University, Delta Upsilon continues to help it's brothers round out their college education while having fun doing it. Troy Prince, Chapter President

The Wichita our officer transition in July of 1991, setting our main goals as Revenue, Retention and Ritual. Our diverse membership continued to grow, as we added another 14 pledges to our ranks, which was exciting to the active chapter. Our brothers were seen in many facets of the University such as Freshman orientation, paraprofessional counseling, Who's Who amongst college students, Association of Collegiate Entrepreneurs, Greek Man of The Year, Greek God, SAC, SAA, IFC Treasurer, and the IFC President. ,,-iea ,,_1.



1Jelta 'Upsilon Q!.1arterly • July 1992·\ 43J ~o:»


Plans have been made to hold our installation on November 7, 1992. After many years of hard work the men of the Arizona State Colony can guarantee that we will prove to be even stronger as a chapter of DU. Again, we offer you all the invitation to stop by whenever you are in town, feel free to call us at (602) 968-9822. We would also like to thank everyone who has made our expansion onto ASU a success and we look forward to seeing you all at the Leadership Institute. Curt Ritter, Colon)' President

The 25 man interest group at Shippensburg University in Pennsylvania was officially installed as a colony in January. Renovations continued on our chapter house. scheduled for repair was the chapter room, and the live-in bathroom. These much needed repairs greatly helped with moral. DU pride soared during Greek Week, which was held early in the fall semester. The DU's brought home first place ribbons for Greek Gladiators, Co-ed Softball, volunteer group, and best spirit. We also brought home a second place ribbon for the talent show. The Alumni Corporation Board is now a little over a year old, and has proven itself to come in quite handy. They have advised us on numerous legal matters, and are working on forming a fundraising committee. The Wichita Chapter would like to recognize a few members for outstanding achievement. Mathew D. Dick, Best GPA (4.0), and Best Officer. Russ Museousky, Most Improved GPA. Jason V. Gales, Presidents Award for Outstanding Contribution to Delta Upsilon. Dave Conohoo, Outstanding Alumnus. * Updated from January Report Jason Gales, Chapter President

With the year nearing its conclusion, the Wisconsin Chapter is able to reflect upon a year in which its standards of excellence were maintained, if not even raised. The year began with the pledging of 20 men during dry rush. In addition, we pledged 20 more gentlemen this spring to compile the most impressive rush statistics on campus. One of our goals this year was to improve our philanthropy. We sponsored developmentally disabled young men through a local program called Youth ARC. This goal was accomplished with the advent of the "Bump, Set, Splash" water volleyball tournament. We feel this event can only improve in the years to come. Success in the annual homecoming competitions has become a trademark of our chapter. This years second place finish continues our tradition of high showings. In addition, we are defending our title in the year long Badger Bowl sport competition.

_ _~ .~"iea"-4_



Greetings from the sunny Southwest. After waiting and preparing ourselves for over two years, on February 3, 1992 the Arizona State University Colony finally gained recognition from the university and IFC. Our first rush proved to be a huge success after we pledged 16 men. After only a month on campus we are ranked 14 out of 26 fraternities in philanthropic points. We have plans to sponsor a campus wide "Battle of the Bands" this fall in hopes to raise money for The Villages. Our volleyball team has helped gain recognition for the men of DU as we have proven to be a powerhouse on the volleyball court after major victories over the top fraternities on campus. After months of looking, Brother Casey has found a home for the DU's at ASU. Plans have already been made to lease a newly renovated 12 unit apartment complex. As you read this in you air-conditioned homes, the men at ASU are busy installing a volleyball court and patio in the 120 degree Arizona weather.


A 24-man group was officially colonized on Saturday, April II, 1992. Delta Upsilon originally began on the Auburn campus in 1961, but the chapter was closed in 1970. We are excited about regaining our group at Auburn, and would like to extend an invitation to all alumni in the area to help with the group. If interested, please contact the International Headquarters.

This has been a year of ups and downs for the British Columbia Colony. We began the


.\44 J. July 1992 • ~.:l .f'

As the events move to a conclusion, we are in possession of a commanding lead and optimistically look towards retaining the cup. Possibly the most excitement this year came with our participation in the Humorology Show, a philanthropic variety show put on by the Greek system. This appearance marked our first in over 40 years and was capped by a second place finish. We hope another tradition has begun following this years effort. According to the current academic rankings, we rate sixth our of 34 fraternities on campus. In addition, Jeff Hardacre '92, has become a member of Phi Beta Kappa. Our alumni support remains fantastic, and their fundraising efforts for house improvements is outstanding. These alumni combine with our current chapter to forge a proud tradition on the University of Wisconsin campus. Steven J. Hartman, Chapter Relations

We started year by winning the national Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week Bulletin Board Contest on our campus. This means that our bulletin board theme will be the NCAA W theme on campus next year. The colony also started a downtown beautification project. We swept the sidewalks, cleaned gutters and killed weeds. We also helped hang 3,000 Christmas lights. Our efforts helped carry out the first night Christmas Parade in over 20 years in Batesville. The new year came, and with it more work. We held a campus wide dance to say bon voyage to the students who were participating in the college's international travel program. The dance was called "Departure Jam." We had two major sponsors -- Delta Airlines and McDonald's. Their donations, with others, amounted to over $500 in prizes that were given away. From there we jumped headlong into Rush. Unfortunately, the "large" rush class for the year was only 15 men. We were able to pledge two fine men who have taken a very active role in the colony. We have started to work on the fall and have some good prospects, but we'll have to wait to get them. We also held a midnight breakfast for the sororities on campus after their bid day. It was the first Greek only event on campus. Finally, we tied for first place in the Homecoming activities, and added some much needed money to the treasury. We are working very hard to bring some changes into our rush system and the local Il-C as well. For example, their is no summer rush, or any open rush. Hopefully, we will succeed in our endeavors to ease the system into a less restrictive setting. Also on the planning table is a project with the American Red Cross, and some other exciting projects. Robert Rankin, Jr., Colon)' President

'Upsilon Q!.1arterly


year with the fourth largest rush on campus. Most of these men filled a recently acquired house (with a hot-tub and pool) which was found through the hard work of many of our alumni. Our first bungy jump for charity in November raised over $1500 for the Vancouver Empty Stocking Fund, and was featured in the Vancouver newspapers. We are planning the second annual bungy jump for the first weekend in November. With the success of Delta Upsilon at UBC growing, we were handed our first setback, the lose of our house due to zoning regulations. Fortunately, we were able to recover from this with only scrapes and bruises, and are working on obtaining another house for the upcoming year. On a more positive note, we finished in the semi-finals of the All-Greek beach volleyball tournament in March. Also, we were unable to defend our Top-Ten ranking in North Americas largest intramural event, "Storm The Wall" (with over 5,000 competitors), due to a labour dispute that forced its cancellation. We were sure to make a run for number one. As we prepare for next year and our anticipated installation in the fall, we are sorry to say good-bye to our first set of graduating members. One of which, Chris Schatz, is the first DU member in history to be a founding father to two colonies - UBC and McMaster. See you all in Miami! Shane Cameron, Colony President

entral The Central Florida Colony began the year by being colonized on January 23, 1992. At a ceremony with over 30 alumi present, 15 men were initiated. Over the semester, the colony worked hard to establishe a strong foothold in the Greek system. We had a successful midterm rush, initiating four new members. We successfully completed our first community service project by helping the Southern Ballet construct a dance floor at the new Orlando Performing Arts Complex. At the end of the semester, we helped to relieve student final exam stress and raise money for teh Multiple Sclerosis Foundtions with our first Car Bash for MS. We would like to invite in brotehrs in the area to visit us. Kevin Mueller, Colony President

The at Denison University was officially colonized on April 21,1992. Delta Upsilon orginally began at Denison in 1949, but the chapter was closed in 1984. The group was recognized as a provisional colony once again in 1990, but it wasn't until April of 1992 that they received full recognition from the University. We are excited about regaining our group at Denison, and would like to extned an invitation to all alumni in the area to help with the group. If you are interested, pleae contact the International Headquarters.

This year the Maine Chapter recolonized and was recognized for the first time in three years on the University of Maine campus. With the help of Paul Davis, Norm Sidler and remaining brothers from previous years, we initiated six new brothers. Next year we look to double our numbers and capture the outstanding fraternity on campus award. In the Walk-A-Thon to support the United Way we raised the most money as a fraternity. As we get more established we look to sponsor our own philanthropy in the future. Next semester is already looking positive with some rush techniques and a strong brotherhood returning. The brotherhood of Maine would like to congratulate all of the graduating brothers Internationally, and we would also like to wish everyone an enjoyable summer. Andy Melronnell, Chapter President

With its largest pledge class since the recolonization, the University of Minnesota Colony is preparing for a fall 1992 installation. In addition to working on rush, the colony is attempting to become more involved with the Greek system, as well as the university and surrounding communities. Increasing alumni support and hard work on year-round rushing should keep the soonto-be chapter thriving for many years to come. Christopher 1. Ellingson, Colony President

The Pace Colony moved one step closer to becoming a chapter this year. We have taken our first pledge class, increasing our membership to 24 energetic young men. The pledge process was new to the brothers, however, it worked out better then expected. We've been accepted by the university, as well as the other established greek organizations. This past year, we participated in several school and intergreek events, including a 3rd place finish in the Pace F100ies Talent Show, and Brother Al Manasseri was voted "Greek God 1991." We participated in the "Deepher Dude Male Pageant" sponsored by De-Phi-E and the "Gong Show" sponsored by PhiSigma-Sigma sorority. We also participated in the Homecoming 1991 parade with a float entitled "New World Order." * Updated from January Report Michael Tuohy, Colony President

(No report Colony President)


Ths had its fist pledge class in the spring of 1992. We were all very excited by the quality and enthusiasm of our new pledge class, and we are looking for these men to make strong contributions. Our colony paricipated in numerous community service projects this year. These

projects included setting up stands at a child's fair in Shippensburg and participating in "Operation Ship Shape", during which we ran recycling booths, served food to inmates and cleaned up litter along the highway. Academically, we finished third our of nine fraternities on campus. In our first semester of intramural participation, our softball team went undefeated in the season and is presently awaiting the playoffs. Next semester we will also participate in hockey and basketball, both of which we will excel in. The Shippensburg Colony presently has 35 members, however we will not lose any members over the next two semesters. Therefore, our numbers should grow quickly. Although we are new and small, we feel we are a very tight group, and this will only increase over the years. We are all looking forward to the academic break provided by the summer, and we wish the best to Delta Upsilon brothers everywhere. Rich DiGregorio, Colony President

(No report Colony President)

(No report

William Senzig, Colony President)

Fraternal room all the Brothers at the University of Victoria Colony. From last year we had seven actives returning, two on work-term and two graduates. The first of our graduates, former secretary Trober Blaxek, is attending law school at the University of Windsor, in Ontario. Our second graduate Howard Jampolsky, has successfully started his own advertising business. This year was very exciting for Delta Upsilon at Victoria. Even though fraternities and sororities are not officially recognized on campus we managed to double our size with a pledge class of six. We are encouraged by the new membership in our colony and we hope that by next year we can double our numbers again. If any Chapter/Colony has any rush events or helpful hints or know of any members of Delta Upsilon Fraternity at the University of Victoria, give us a call. The brothers at the University of Victoria would like to wish all Chapters and Colonies of Delta Upsilon Fraternity a successful and prosperous 1992-93 academic year. * Updated from January Report Douglas Cook, Colony President

(No report Seth Obetz, Colony President)

. 1Jelta 'Upsilon Qp.arterly • July 1992¡~ 45} \\"lear-./;




-BirthsFlorida '84 - Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Book, of Gainesville, Florida, a daughter, Alexandra Anna Nicole, on March 23, 1992. Illinois '78 - Mr. and Mrs. James Plewa, of San Ramon, California, a daughter, Natalie Wit, on December 30, 1991. Iowa '81 - Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Cizek, of Indianapolis, Indiana, a son, Alexander Frederick, on January 31,1992. Michigan '64 - Mr. and Mrs. William Tageson, of Benicia, California, a daughter, Morgan Taylor, on December 18, 1991. North Dakota '87 - Mr. and Mrs. Scott T. Jagodzinski, of Eden Prairie, Minnesota, a daughter, Alexandra Lea, on January 25, 1992. Oklahoma '79 - Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Powell, Jr. of Wayne, New Jersey, a daughter, Julianne Carls, on December 14, 1991. Oklahoma '86 - Mr. and Mrs. William H. Croak of Midwest City, Oklahoma, a son, Kyle William on March 27, 1992. Syracuse '82 - Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Levy, of Girard, Ohio, a daughter, Dori Michelle, on January 28, 1991. Virginia '69 - Captain and Mrs. Richard E. Solli, USNR, of Lutherville, Maryland, a daughter, Alexandra Margaret, on November 17, 1991.

-MarriagesArkansas '89 - Scott and Angela Handford on December 27, 1991.

Bakersfield '90 - Matthew E. Hilliard on June 8, 1991. Bucknell '86 - Mark Bloom and Jill Barlow on September 14,1991. Bucknell '88 - Roy Anderson, Jr. and Kristen Smock (Delta Delta Delta) on August 31, 1991. Bucknell '88 - Doug Conklyn and Jennifer Bates (Delta Delta Delta) on June 15, 1991. Bucknell '88 - Eric Dammann and Christine Sabatini (Delta Delta Delta) on July 20,1991. Bucknell '89 - Craig Vosburg and Mary Moretti (Pi Beta Phi) in September. Bucknell '90 - Michael Colizzi and Laura Witticker (Pi Beta Phi) on November 30, 1991 in Pottstown, Pennsylvania. Bucknell '90 - Greg Morello and Kirseten Karamakovich (Alpha Chi Omega) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on May 3, 1992. Houston '92 - Barry S. Turcotte and Adele Witcher (Phi Mu) in Houston, Texas on March 21, 1992. Michigan State '91 - Thomas R. Zakerski and Denise C. Powers in Fremont, Michigan on October 12, 1991. Nebraska '86 - Dr. Daniel A. Spencer and Sarah Klemm (Delta Gamma) in Vail, Colorado on May 23, 1992. Nebraska '89 - Jeffrey M. Dempsey and Lisa Palmisano (Alpha Gamma Delta) on June 13, 1992. Oklahoma '84 - H. Glen Baxley and Kelly Ann Gartner in College Station, Texas on June 30, 1992. South Carolina '85 - Herbert M. Plott III and Diane L. Fink (Alpha Chi Omega) in Columbia, South Carolina on April 25, 1992. South Carolina '89 - Kendal Greco and Meredith Thomason (Kappa Kappa Gamma) in Spartanburg, South Carolina on June 15, 1991.

-ObituariesAmherst Robert G. Ingraham '41

Bowdoin Stanley N. Collins '25 Bowling Green George W. Connor '55 Bradley Clifford C. Strom '73 Brown James S. Ely '40 Joseph M. Hastings '33 California Carlston E. Cunningham '32 Paul R. Repath ' 26 Carnegie James G. Gable '40 Chicago James T. Patton '46 Colgate Lewis C. Stark '25 Cornell Charles W. Lockhart '36 DePauw Edward L. Lascher '51 James H. Wagner '43 Florida Arthur J. Goldman '68 Georgia Tech Monroe S. Edwards '58 Indiana Richard S. Brunt '30 Richard H. DeBolt '49 LCol Harold R. Gingher Ret. '40 James L. Green '87 Chester A. Jones '20 Robert P. Reller '28 Victor A. Selby Jr. '31 Iowa Leonard E. Hunn '28 Iowa State Richard C. Behrens '29 Johns Hopkins William K. Norwood '20 Kansas Horace W. Millington '34 J. William Wintermote '47 Kent State George N. Candea ' 66 Anthony C. DiCillo '67 Lafayette James H. Sanford '27 Herbert C. Sinn' 43 Louisville Theodore A. Bunta '66 Manitoba Orrin C. Snell '41 Marietta Julian T. Bowman'45 W. Richard Hall' 53

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