DU Quarterly: Volume 115, No. 3

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Chairman's Message

Principled Actions .... Our Yardstick F

or more than two decades,

it has been both an honor and a privilege to offer my time in support of Delta Upsilon. I have happily joined with hundreds of other alumni volunteers who affirm the greatest in our brothers by supporting this organization.

Over the years, I've been proud of the many accomplishments which have been earned by committed, energetic undergraduates who are passionate in their dedicated efforts to assist their brothers by helping their fellow man. Across our two great North American nations, thousands of DUs have accomplished and are achieving unparalleled goals of excellence. Successful chapters seek daily to advance the principles upon which the Fraternity was founded and, in doing so, make all of us proud. I'm preparing to join another fraternity of sorts: a fraternity of college and university presidents. Effective this month, I will become the President of St. Mary's College of California. HistOlically, college and university presidents have been tolerant, at best, and antagonistic, at worst, of social fraternities . Unfortunately, there have been incidents which support this kind of thinking and wllich serve as a special embarrassment to fellow Fraternity brothers. On the whole, however, there is no doubt in my nlind that fraternities can do much to advance the aims of higher 2


DELTA UPSILON INTERNATIONAL FRATERNITY North America 's Oldest Non-Secret Fraternity; Founded 1834

The Principles of Delta Upsilon Fraternity The Promotion of F riendship The Development of Characte r The Diffusion of Liberal Culture The Advancement of J ustice

Chairman Franz

education. They best achieve this when they are mission-driven: when their actions promote the positive principles upon which they were founded .

The Motto of Delta Upsilon International Fraternity

Dikaia Upoth eke Justice Our Foundation OF FIC EIIS

President James D. i路\'IcQuaid. Chimgo '60 ClllliruulI/ of the Board Bro. Craig J. Fr:IIl Z. F. S.c. . Bue-kllt'll '75 Seae((fry Rk han.l B. Campbell. Nebroska '68


Principled actions. This has been, and must be, the yardstick against which Fraternity endeavors should be measured. What Utliversity could look disfavorably on a group of men who daily strive to make the most of their undergraduate years by pledging to advance justice, develop character, promote friendship , and diffuse liberal culture? As a college president, I happily anticipate opportunities to extol the rich benefits of fraternal association. That is how I plan to continue supporting the Fraternity. How will you help support it? Fraternally

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L. Grundhau!l-co r. Non" Dakota 'S3

DIR ECTOR S William J, Biltner, Brtlllfl'Y 7 -1 Gary C.mJi, Pan ' '97 T. Tea l Daka n, K CII/sw" 78 Juhn E. Esa l!. KCII/ ,Wi.\" 78 Ian T. Flemingtoll, Victoria '97 S!:OIt A, W, Juhnson, Ilh ,rhillgtrll/ 'SO Re e~ M. Jones. MOllitoha '(i 7 l'vlarti n Kra ~ n i tz, Chic(/ go '57 R:IY K. Zan路C'1 1. Bradft路y 'oS

Past P res ident s C h arle~

D. Prut zman, Pt'llmylnlllia SlalC 路/S He nry A. Ft'dera , LOlli,n Hh' '3 7 Charles F. Je nnings, Mariel/a '3/ 0 , Edward Pollock . Firg illill '5/ Terry L. Bullod, Kamas SIClfC' '6/ Samuel ivl. Yales, Sail l nse '55 Gar\' J. Golden. RlIlgeH 7-1 Bnl~e S. Bailey, D el/;sol/ '58

INT E RNATI ONAL HEADQ UART ERS STA FF E.welllin' Dir('c/or Abraham L. Cross Din.'cfc)r ofC/wl'lcr Sc'lyiccs J, i\'lidlat'1 C haplin . CarJlwgt' '96 DireClo r of Chapter MWIlIJ;t'IJIl'1II Bradley i\'1. Jolll1. l (JIm '9(j Din'c'lo r of ErJlllllsiol/ & Rl'CTllilll/c 'lIl Phill ip A. Sc hOll. Nnnllem Colorad(/ '96 Lt,tIC/ns/lip CO/wllral/ls Troy H. Bradfo rd. Ollio Slale '97 Dan iel T. Kn iss. Carl/wgl' '97 Joshu a A. ~ l arti n . Cl'IIfral F!(J rit/a '97 "/fl'rIl."

R. Rob!. KlIlIsas SllIte '97 A. Smiley. D l'P{/I1I1' '98 Offin' /l/rmffgc /: Jo Ellen Wa lde n Atfllli llisrl'tllil'e A .\'.\ ;Sf(lIIf, Barbara Harn t'ss Admillislrarin' Auisfllllf. J ulie All ison A C('(///IIrmlf. Ja mie Fri lz K ri ~

~ l a rk

Br. Craig J. Franz, F.S.c. , Ph .D. Bucknell '75


Richard ;\'1. Hulland, Syroc/ISl' '83

Delta Upsilon Quarterly The official magazine of the Delta Upsilon International Fraternity Since 1882 • Vol. 115, No.3



Cbad Little: Behind the Wheel From the short tracks of his native Washington to the high-banked superspeedways of the NASCAR Winston Cup division, Chad Little, Washington State '85, has evolved into a race car driver capable of winning anytime he's behind the wheel. 8-10

Chairman's Report 2 Letters to the Editors 4

Helping Servicepeople Since 1969 Roger A. Chapin, Middlebury '54, began shipping "gift pacs" to GIs in Vietnam in order to help frontline troops with treasured, but difficult to get necessities. Later, while visiting wounded and hospitalized veterans, Chapin asked one Marine how he could help. That Marine's answer led to the birth of Help Hospitalized Veterans. 12-15

ALSO INSIDE Locked ill the Cabinet Known as the "conscience" of the Clinton Administration and one of the most successful U.S. Labor Secretaries in history, Robert B. Reich's new book, Locked in the Cabinet, is a close-up view of the way things work, and often don't work, at the highest levels of government. 11

Fraternity News 4-5 From the Executive Director 6 Chapter Spotlights 16-21 Alumni News 24-25

Alumni Newsmaker For the second time in eight years, Eric C. Nalder, Washington '68, won newspaper journalism's top award, a Pulitzer Prize. Brother Nalder, and his three-person team of journalists at the Seattle Times won the top award by exposing major problems in a Housing & Urban Development program for Native Americans. 22

Educational Foundation

28 Membership Recruitment & Expansion News


Much A-DU about Alcohol Is our future alcohol-free? What's the "big deal" with fraternities and alcohol? There is growing sentiment among college and university administrators, alumni, undergraduates, and fraternity leaders that the Greek community must re-examine its association with alcohol. 26-27 Delta Upsilon International Headquarters, PO Box 68942, 8705 Founders Road, Indianapolis, Indiana 46268, U.S.A. Open from 8:30 to 5:00 p.m. EST., Monday through Friday. Telephoue·317.875.8900 Ilacsimile-317.876.1629 E·mail-ihq@deltau.org Home page· www.deltau.org Deila Upsilon Qu(/rterly (USPS IS2-9(0) is published quarterly in January, April. July and October at 8705 Founders Road. Indianapolis. Indiana 46268. U.S.A. The subscription price (checks and money orders should be made payable to Delta Upsilon Fraternity) is $3.00 a year in advance: single copies 75¢.

Alpha & Omega 30 The Advocate 31 ON THE COVER

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Delta Upsilon Qu(/rlerly. P. O. Box 68942, Indianapolis, IN 46263-0942. Printed in the United States. Periodical postage paid at Indianapolis, Indiana and additional mailing office. ® T.M. Registered U. S. Patent Office. Quarlerll' Staff: Abraham L. Cross, Managing Editor: Barbara Ann Harness, Design Editor: J. Michael Chaplin. Carlllllge '96, Bradley M. John, 101m '96, Contributing Editors; W. H. Harwell, Jr., Missouri '51 Assistant Editor; Thomas D. Hansen. 10\\,([ Slille '79. Richard M. Holland. Syracuse '83, Senior Editors.

Cover desigll by Ruth Kemllitz Kemnitz Type & Graphics, Inc. College Fraternity Editors Association



Letters to the Editors To the Editors: Each issue is more interesting and readable. I especially liked the articles about Brothers Delaney, Beckman, and Shriver. It will be hard to top this for the next quarter, but I feel confident you will. Graham I. Smith, Carnegie '50 To the Editors: The Manitoba and North Dakota Chapters have long shared a cornman heritage. They are both situated along the Red River of the north. Now they

share the heritage of having endured the "Flood of the Century". Fortunately, Manitoba, and the city of Winnipeg in particular, escaped with miraculously little damage thanks to some bold measures undertaken years ago. The Grand Forks area of North Dakota, as the world knows, was not nearly so fortunate. I urge DU brothers everywhere to send cash donations to the North Dakota Chapter marked 'Flood Relief.' I am sure it will all be put to good use.

Research Initiative Measures Greeks

The survey was jointly commissioned by the National Interfraternity Conference, which represents 63 men's fraternities, and the National Pan hellenic Conference, representing 26 women's groups. The Delta Upsilon International Fraternity provided valuable funding to the initiative. Brian Brooks, president of the NIC, said the study was undertaken as a selfassessment of the impact of fraternity/sorority affiliation. "Every organization needs to look at its strengths and weaknesses," Brooks said. "With this research, we are trying to measure the impact of fraternity and sorority membership on hundreds of thousands of members:' Key findings of the study include: .. Those who join fraternities while in college are more likely to be active in civic affairs as adults. 4


James A. Bertilacci, Jr., Kent State '65

Roger W. Currie, Manitoba '68

Fraternity News In February of this year, the results of the first-phase of a landmark Research Initiative were released. The research, conducted by the Center for Advanced Social Research at the University of Missouri, was done with a nationwide sample of 2,200 college and university alumni.

To the Editors: I would like to sincerely thank you for the fine article on Dr. Shriver. The man is a legend at Kent State. I had the privilege of being under his guidance from 1962 to 1965 while at the DU house there. Our chapter flourished at that time, both academically and athletically. Records will show how good we were. Most of our success can be attributed to Dr. Shriver's diligent, persistent, loving, and guiding ways. I would like to thank him, for the finest years of my college life at Kent State.

.. Greek-affiliated students are more likely to be involved in student organizations than non-Greeks. .. There were no differences in starting salaries following graduation between Greeks and non-Greeks. Both Greek and non-Greek men showed significantly higher starting salaries than women in both groups. .. It was found that when considering total financial contributions to one's alma mater, to religious organizations, and to all other not-forprofits, Greeks gave significantly more than non-Greeks. .. Greek affiliated students are more satisfied with their social development during college than non-Greeks. .. Greeks were less likely than nonGreeks to be satisfied with their own college performance and their alma mater.

.. Greek-affiliated alumni said they were less satisfied with their relationships with administrators, counselors, advisors, and professors. Greek men were more dissatisfied than Greek women. The year-long study serves to verify the positive role Greek membership plays in the development of responsible and participatory citizens. The survey results will provide direction for further development of undergraduate programs for DU members. A next phase for the study is currently under development. This will likely include more research and data gathering to determine other impacts of Greek affiliation. For more detailed information about the study or if you would like to receive the final report, contact the DU Headquarters.

Several Changes for TeamDU "To provide quality services and programs to our undergraduate and alumni constituents; that is our mission," proclaimed Abe Cross, Executive Director of the Fraternity's International Headquarters. "The new fiscal year presents us with the opportunity to continue to fulfill this mission:' The Fraternity's International Headquarters begins the 1997-98 fiscal year amid several staff changes. Members of this year's staff include a number of proven veterans, advancing second-year men, and new fraternity professionals. joining the Fraternity's Leadership Consultant ranks are three recent graduates. These new staffers will travel across North America visiting DU chapters while assisting undergraduate leaders in numerous areas of fraternal operation. A communications major, Troy H. "Chip" Bradford, Ohio State

'97, will begin work with the Fraternity as a Leadership T. Bradford Consultant in August. Brother Bradford has been very active in Greek life on the Ohio State campus, having served as the director of Greek Week, vice president of IFC, and its vice president for recruitment. Brother Daniel T. Kniss, Carthage '97, received a Bachelor of Arts Degree in

mathematics while making the dean's and honor's list every semester while at Carthage. A member of Omicron Delta Kappa, Order of Omega, and L-.t_ _- . . Pi Mu D. Kniss Epsilon, Brother Kniss served his chapter as its public relations and member education officer. Another mathematics major, joshua A. Martin, Central Florida '97, has joined the TeamDU staff as a first year Leadership Consultant. Brother Martin is a charter member of the young and successful Central Florida j. Martin Chapter. josh served his chapter as president and secretary, and was the vice president of the UCF Order of Omega Chapter. Three returning Delta U staff members are taking on challenging professional positions. The changes reflect a number of priorities set by the Board of Directors and the needs of the Fraternity's members. Entering his second year on staff, Phillip A. Schott, Northern Colorado '96, will become the Director of Fraternity Expansion & Recruitment. Brother Schott's duties will include management of the Fraternity's expansion program, including new chapter growth, recolonizations, and chapter redevelopments. In addition, he will provide direct aid to chapters which are needing recruitment P. Schott assistance.

Fraternity News Also a second year staff member, j. Michael Chaplin, Carthage '96, has transitioned into the Director of Chapter Services post. In his new position, Brother Chaplin will coordinate the Leadership Consultant Program and M. Chaplin provide oversight to the programs and services which benefit the Fraternity's undergraduate chapters. Bradley M. john, Iowa '96, recently became the Fraternity's Director of Chapter Management. Brother john will supervise DU's comprehensive Loss Prevention Program. This includes the Fraternity's general liability insurance program and our broadbased director's & officer's coverage, as well as other insurable B.john areas. Brother john will also administer loss prevention educational programs which assist undergraduate brothers and alumni volunteers. For the second year in a row the Fraternity's International Headquarters will have two undergraduate brothers on staff serving as summer Interns. The Intern Program was developed to provide an opportunity for undergraduate brothers to obtain practical work experience in the association management field. joining the staff for the 10-week program is Kris R. Robl, Kansas State '98. Brother Robl is seeking a

double major in public relations and criminology at Kansas State. He serves as K. Robl the president of his chapter. During his internship, Brother Robl's assignments will include work on several new chapter officer manuals, creating Fraternity newsletter resources, and updates to the DU web page. Mark A. Smiley, DePauw '98, will also serve as an Intern at the International Headquarters. A philosophy M. Smiley major, Brother Smiley is the current president for the DePauw Chapter and is a former member of the Fraternity's Undergraduate Advisory Board. Brother Smiley's projects during the summer will include work on the Fraternity's STAR Program, development of loss prevention products, and assignments associated with the 1997 Leadership Institute. Continuing as integral members of the Fraternity's staff are julie Allison, Jamie Fritz, Barbara Harness, jo Ellen Walden, and Executive Director Abe l. Cross. The entire staff is dedicated to developing value-based services and programs for brothers of Delta U. "I'm excited about our new and continuing staff members," said Cross. "We have experience, enthusiasm, and creative thinkers. All of which will translate into superior service for our members:' DELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY/JULY 1997


From the Executive Director

A. Cross

Will He "Go Greek?" am a father now. My son, Bradon Linzy, was born in the middle of May, on a wonderful day I will never forget.


It's amazing to watch him in these early days of his precious life. Occasionally he manages a smile, or at least I think it's a smile, but for the most part his day is consumed with eating every four hours (even at three or four o'clock in the morning) and sleep. Mom is doing fine and never looks more beautiful than when she holds our little man in her arms and talks of her love for him. As a father to a little boy who I know will grow to have characteristics much like mine (I pray more of his mother's), and yet will decide for himself his interests, likes, and priorities, I wonder if he'll choose Greek life when he goes to college. Will Greeks even be around in 2015? I hope so. If Greeks are around in 2015, what will they look like? Will they exist on campuses across North America as they do today? Will my son find value in the bonds of the fraternity community? Looking forward, will Greek-letter organizations provide the leadership and growth opportunities that will be needed in the future?

I have a few predictions, for what they are worth, that should be viewed as just that, predictions that mayor may not come true. 6


Fraternity Housing. There is no debate in DU that the condition of our chapter houses today is less than desirable. Many of these physical plants were built soon after the second World War. Old plumbing, dated (and dangerous) electrical work, and less than functional space best describe our housing infrastructure. Don't get me wrong. Some of DU's chapter houses are among the most majestic living quarters I have ever seen. However, to repair, renovate, or tear down and rebuild those needing it will require incredible and nearly exhaustive financial resources. What is the solution? Frankly, it would not surprise me if fraternity houses become a thing of a past generation. As costs to maintain, repair, and operate these properties escalate, and as housing on campuses and their surrounding communities become more and more competitive (and attractive), who will want to live in battered structures? I see a future fraternity community that is not comprised of the massive (and costly) houses of today. Instead, fraternity living units will be small or non-existent. The focus of fraternal relationships will be transfened from the chapter house to activities and interactions in the greater campus community. Membership Education. Let me state this in certain terms: There will be no such thing as "pledge education" in 2015. Not even anything close to it. The prevailing paradigm, taking hold as this is penned, is to center educational efforts on the total membership experience. Education in DU will emphasize learning life skills, academic assistance, and service, all underlying the core principles of Delta Upsilon. Separate membership classes will no longer exist in our chapters. The education of our members will include ALL brothers and will be designed to meet those needs not fulfilled through today's typical college curriculum.

Membership Recruitment. The member recruitment process in 2015 will be very unlike today's. Men will reject the demands of a two week, or in some cases four week, recruitment process. Potential members will be judged on rigorous and objective criteria, similar to the process of a job interview. The concept of selecting men based on "merit" will receive renewed prevalence in Delta U. This 2015 recruitment process will require potential members to demonstrate their ability to immediately contribute to the organization, much like a future employer does. Leadership Development. Employers today attach equal (and sometimes greater) importance to the leadership abilities of future employees than to academic performance, as had been the tradition. In 2015, this will be even truer.

If Greeks are around in 2015, what will they look like? Will they exist on campuses across North America as they do today? Anyone can do well academically, if he puts his mind to it. However, to balance academic pursuits with extra-curricular leadership activities is a keener demonstration of abilities. Fraternities can play THE pivotal role in a man's development as a leader. It will be necessary for a college fraternity chapter in 2015 to expand its efforts to develop its members' leadership talents. Only then will there be perceived and real value in fraternity membership. I am no soothsayer. These predictions may never come to fruition. If they do, maybe Greek life will be of interest to my son in 2015.

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~ Little Speeds through Brother Chad Little, Washington State I8S, racing in NASCAR's premier racing division, is now driving full time, gas pedal to the floor in Winston Cup. After over 1S years behind the wheel of a stock car, his No. 97 Winston Cup John Deere Pontiac is racing to the checkered flag. he r~ar of the engine. movmg a race car at speeds in excess of 190 miles per hour around a superspeedway in front of 150,000 raging race fans can

T 8


be quite an awesome and intimidating experience . To Brother Chad Little,Washington State '85, it's all in a day's drive to the office.


In November of 1996, it was announced at the Metro-Dade Homestead Motorsports Complex that Brother Little, after over 15 years of driving in various racing circuits across the country, would race in the National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing (NASCAR) 1997 Winston Cup circuit, NASCAR's premier racing division. After the announcement, a mock diploma, to add to Brother Little's bachelor 's degree in marketing and his law degree, was presented to him as hi s No. 97 John Deere Pontiac Grand Prix was unveiled . The diploma commemorated Brother Little's graduation to Winston Cup racing after a successful four-year career in one of NASCAR 's other series, the Busch Series. "I've earned a marketing degree and a law degree," Little said, "but this diploma is special because I'm sharing it with my teammates at Mark Rypien Motorsports. We've

learned how to win together in Busch Series, and now we ' re ready to test ourselves on the Winston Cup Circuit."

A Family Tradition


Racing has always been a family operation for Brother Little. "My dad raced for several years, going back to the 1960's," remembers Little. "When he got to a point where his family occupied so much of his time, he steered away from racing and started promoting

around friends and groups of people." Even as an undergraduate member of the chapter, he kept on racing. He entered races in Washington every weekend. Members from the Washington State Chapter came to just about every race . The support was valuable during these early years of Brother Little's career. After finishing at Washington State, Brother Little started work on his law degree. All the while , his racing schedule continued. Balancing the grueling academic demands of law school with his racing schedule was

Two of Brother Little's most

valued vehicles.

races at the Spokane Fairgrounds Speedway. When I was old enough to start racing, when I was 16, my dad got me involved." In those days, Brother Little raced on small tracks , in front of home-town fans. From 1981 to 1985, Brother Little competed in the NASCAR Northwest Tour and the American Speed Associaiton West Late Model Series. He was a success early on. In 1981, he won the Spokane Late Model Championship. Later that same year he started his college career at Washington State University. He pledged Delta Upsilon his first year at the Pullman, Wash. , campus. Brother Little says he enjoyed the camaraderie of hi s chapter members. "I guess you could say I was earmarked for the fraternity system," he shared. "I always liked being

difficult. "It was very tough and I wouldn ' t advise it to anybody," he recommended. "A lot of late nights, bringing my books on airplanes. I got through it...let's put it that way." It was during this rigorous academic agenda that Brother Little resolved that he wanted to pursue a career in racing. "I made my mind up that I wanted to race and would do whatever it took to make a career out of racing ," he vowed . Brother Little received his law degree in 1988 for " something to fall back on." That year, Brother Little started racing in Winston Cup races. Stock car auto racing, much like other professional sports, is multi-

structured. "There are different stock type classes," Brother Little explained. "As you move up a level , the cars become more competitive, the drivers have more experience, more money is involved , both in terms of what you can win and what it costs to operate."

. .


The Birth of .NASCAR . ~



; : -.





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In 1947 , the nation was going through a tremendous change. Heroes had shifted from the battlefield to the ballfield and the movie screen. Americans were about to discover that stock car auto racing was as much a source of excitement as anything that Hollywood and Yankee Stadium could produce. Stock car racing was experiencing growing popularity. But cohesiveness did not exist among its drivers, promoters, and managers . Rules varied from track to track , and track quality was inconsistent. Some tracks had sound facilities for crowds, but poor roadways , others could accommodate the fans, but couldn't handle the cars. To address these problems and plan for the future, a meeting between dri vel'S and promoters was held in Daytona Beach, Florida, in December of 1947. From that simple meeting, the National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing was born. Things came together practically overnight. The first NASCAR-sanctioned race was held two months later, in February of 1948. As NASCAR approaches its 50th anniversary, the sanctioning body operates 12 racing divisions, including the most popular three racing circuits - Winston Cup, the Busch Series, and the Craftsman Truck Series. Each is a huge draw to racing enthusiasts . The Winston Cup Circuit, however, is the pinnacle and represents the highest level of stock car racing .



The Path to Winston Cup Soon after graduating from law school in 1988, Little devoted his attention exclusively to racing. Prior to stepping into the fastest stock cars in the world, Brother Little earned a reputation for being disciplined and committed, and a winner. After law school, Brother Little moved east to pursue his racing dream . "I started beating down doors and finding operations and teams where we could fit together," he said. "I kept at the grindstone and it led to the organization I am with now." That organization, Mark Rypien Motorsports (MRM), is co-owned by Greg Pollex, a partnei" in the 33-office firm of Structured Financial Associated, Inc., and Mark Rypien , a quarterback for the NFL's St. Louis Rams who earned Most Valuable Player honors when he guided the Washington Redskins to victory in Super Bowl XXVI. Little teamed up with MRM in 1992. In the ten year period from 1986 to 1995, Brother Little raced in over 150 N ASCAR races (regional races held across the nation) and Busch Grand National races. His greatest success came after joining Mark Rypien Motorsports. During the 1995 racing season, Brother Little was incredibly successful on the track. On his way to being voted the Busch Series Most Popular Driver, he won backto-back races twice, and set a 10


Chad Little's No. 97 Pontiac Grand Prix hits the banked corners on NASCAR's superraceways at speeds in excess of J90 m.p.h.

single season earnings record of over $525,000. For the year, Brother Little had six wins, 11 top-five and 13 top-10 finishes, while finishing second in point standings in the Busch Series. This past year, 1996, he scored two top-five and seven top-10 finishes, while earning his first career Busch Series pole position . By year 's end, he had his second top-five finish in the Busch Series point standings. All on his way to the "big race."



The Fastest Stock Cars in the World . ~




"',.1 / ~ "

On any given NASCAR Winston Cup race weekend, Brother Little can be found behind his No. 97 John Deere Pontiac. This is anything but your average Pontiac. It packs a 358 cubic inch engine, powered by a V-8 that generates over 700 horsepower of pure force. Brother Little needs that much power when moving the 3,400 pound machine around the track. These cars move around banked corners in excess at 190 m.p.h. and well over 200 m.p.h. in the straight-aways. What's it like moving this fast ? "Surplisingly, you really don't feel the speed," confessed Brother Little. 'The most exhilarating is racing side by side in competition. That 's the exciting part." What does it take to put these "rockets on wheels" on the track? "At the Winston Cup level a top team operates in the $6 million range,"

Brother Little stated. "These costs include the driver, cars, engines, travel, a 20-person staff, and maintenance."


The single focus in stock car racing is winning. "That 's the ultimate goal, right there," shared Brother Little. "That's what we shoot for and it's a very exhilarating, very exciting feeling and that's probably what is the most unique about racing. It's a team sport, but at the same time it is so competitive. There are 40 teams going out to win each weekend. In most sports you have a winner and a loser. In racing, you have a winner and 39 losers." The Winston Cup Circuit started in February of thi s year. After 13 races, Brother Little has started and finished in nine of them . He finished as high as 8th at Bristol. Soon, NASCAR will make its way to the world capitol for auto racing, Indianapolis and the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, undoubtedly the most famous raceway on the planet. NASCAR 's fourth annual Brich.)'ard 400 will be run on the 2.5 mile oval in August. To commemorate the event, Brother Little's John Deere Pontiac will wear a special black-and-bronze paint scheme. Brother Little is not intimidated by the Indy track, however. "It's no different than any other race," he stated. He then offers, "Although , it certainly is a big one."

rother Robert B. Reich's, Dartmouth '68, account of his four-year term as the U. S. Secretary of Labor is a fascinating diary of the dualities inherent in public service. Its title, Locked in the Cabinet, is a clever play on words that springs from a gag rule imposed upon him by White House political advisors. As a member of President Clinton's cabinet, Brother Reich's candid appraisal on a variety of labor and economic issues was deemed too inflammatory and negative against the backdrop of a "nothing but happy talk" 1996 reelection campaign strategy.


The Quarterly Reviews

Locked in the Cabinet Through it all, Brother Reich evolves as a contrarian force, frequently butting heads against the entrenched modus operandi of the Washington establishment. The resulting encounters are often humorous and refreshingly devoid of pretense. As Brother Reich experiences on-the-job-training, he helps readers see the mortal, fallible, and human side of our lawmakers and leaders:

"People think top government officials make decisions that change the nation. Not so. They spend most of their time managing problems, making temporary fixes, mediating among warring factions, nudging subordinates and colleagues in directions that seem sensible. The currents of public opinion are strong. Powerful, convincing ideas can change them. Specific decisions don't."

R. Reich

Throughout the book, descriptions appear of what Brother Reich would often like to say or do in a given conversation; juxtaposed with what he is instructed to do by those who've made a life's work out of navigating the rocky shoals of political catastrophy. It is a reconciliation, balancing principles against tactics, which leaves Brother Reich -- and readers -- enlightened in a street-smart way, but equally frustrated by shott shrift frequently given to one's ethics and values. Locked in the Cabinet is a tale of a political neophyte's education and his reconciliation of the contradictions endemic in the democratic process. A sensibility of friction punctuates the book, through stories of strong opinion countered by the need for diplomacy and tact; of the delicate balance to be preserved between professional work and family life; of faith and betrayal, triumph and frustration; of sacrifice and surfeit.

American politics. Morris' craft is the antithesis of leadership. Leaders focus public attention on the hardest problems even when the public would rather escape from them. Dick Morris, by contrast, offers nothing but diversions . .. To the extent [Bill Clinton} relies on him, [Bill} will utter no word that challenges America, no thought that pricks the nation's conscience, no idea that causes us to reexamine old assumptions or grapple with issues we'd rather ignore. "

Encounters with unsavory characters such as Mr. Morris, make Brother Reich's experience a melancholy voyage. Despite his many accomplishments as Labor Secretary, we learn that he and the President had hoped to accomplish much more. Ultimately, however, readers will Such sections as the foregoing are admire the strength of character and inspirational, for they narrow the gap commitment to family that dictated between the image of how the nation is Brother Reich's highly unexpected led, and the tme practice of how we are resignation after four years of service governed. At the end of Brother Reich's from a job that, "even with all of its book, we may see the democratic fmstrations ... was the most fascinating process and some of its r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , and rewarding I could most influential ever hope for." locked practitioners as flawed, Locked in the Cabinet in but the promise of a the is a remarkable story, Cab i net worth reading wherever government of the people, by the people, you fall on the political and for the people, is spectmm. The picture preserved and ratified. that emerges is one of a Among the most man profoundly devoted deeply flawed to his family, and in characters in the book, possession of is Dick Morris, whose passionately held ideas influence and treachery about how to draw a is given an inescapably country together that he gravitational quality, sees gradually growing ("the black hole"), as apart. he leads the president away from long-held core beliefs, to a series of positions that co-opt Republican rhetoric and locked in the Cabinet, 338 pgs., is effectively abandon the agenda that Mr. published by Alfred Knopf, Inc.; distributed Clinton was elected to fulfill. by Random House, Inc., New York. It is the Following his first visit with Mr. seventh book by Brother Reich, who is currently Professor of social and economic MOlTis, Brother Reich describes the policy at Brandeis University's Heller School encounter in this way: in Waltham, Mass.

"I came face to face with aliI detest in DELTA llPSILON QUARTERLYlJlILY 1997


Giving Aid Where There Is Need Roger A. Chapin, Middlebury '54, is a man who lives by his beliefs, and one of his finest beliefs is in private initiative and the power of the individual to effect social change. hen Roger A. Chapin, Middlebury '54, started helping Vietnam servicemen get a few small items that made life tolerable, little did he know it would lead to more than 15 million similar gifts that brighten the lives of hospitalized veterans.


Just as he saw a need for hundreds of thousands of American "gift pacs" for soldiers in the jungles of Vietnam, his Help Hospitalized Veterans (HHV) organization arose from his insights in veterans' hospitals.

in 1969, he asked the right question while visiting injured servicemen in stateside hospitals: how can we help you now? "Give us something to do with our hands," was the answer, and Brother Chapin went to work. He founded HHV and soon hospitalized veterans from all wars began receiving craft kits - painting, leatherwork, wood crafts, model kits, and other similar items that take time and concentration to produce a useful item. His idea was so good that 25 years later, HHV has raised more than $131 million, and 15 million craft kits have reached hospitalized American soldiers.

"The most touching thing to me is that if you provide the American people with a vehicle for helping someone, they'll respond." "The most touching thing to me is that if you provide the American people with a vehicle for helping someone, they'll respond," said Brother Chapin from his home near San Diego. "I'm constantly impressed with the generosity of people with very modest means to the craft kit program. We get letters saying that the donor is giving up their one meal at a restaurant for the month, so they can make a $10 donation."

R. Chapin

The result has been more than 15 million craft kits delivered in the past 25 years, borne on the wings of small gifts from donors across the U.S. After Brother Chapin developed the "gift pac" program for Vietnam soldiers 12


With a background in real estate and insurance, you may wonder how Brother Chapin embarked on a crusade to help some of America's most seriously wounded battle veterans. It began in 1968 when he struck up a

conversation with a Marine in a San Diego record shop. His concern about morale in the trenches led him to round up some Marines for a trip to a supermarket, where they tallied 100 things the men could use in the war zone. "That was the logical way to do it, get into the real world and see what they wanted. "Later, we had a chance to survey some of the men in Vietnam and we also got all kinds of letters from the forward areas, thanking us for what we sent and suggesting some additional items," Brother Chapin said. The list of 100 items was trimmed to 30, and Brother Chapin got a bank loan and secured agreements from suppliers to sell him things at cost. Rounding up volunteers in the San Diego area, Brother Chapin's "Vietnam Gift Pac" group started sending fighting men packages of ketchup, rot-proof boot laces, razor blades, candy, lighter flints, medicated powder, and writing paper simple things here but worth their weight in gold in the field. Bob Hope presented the 500,000th gift pac in Vietnam. More than 600,000 were sent overall. (This program was revived during the Gulf War and hundreds of thousands of gift pacs went to Desert Storm troops.)

Then in 1970, Brother Chapin was visiting injured sailors at the Balboa Naval Hospital in San Diego when the craft kit idea was borne. HHV was the result, and the not-for-profit organization shipped its first kits to VA hospitals in the fall of 1971.

"The most rewarding thing these 25 years is when you go into one of the veterans' hospitals, and you can see and feel what they're dealing with, and also the great feeling they have when they can complete one of the kits." "The most rewarding thing these 25 years is when you go into one of the veterans' hospitals, and you can see and feel what they're dealing with, and also the great feeling they have when they can complete one of the kits. "Many of the kits have been helpful in rehab programs, and helpful psychologically. A lot of these men are very bitter. Now they can see that real people really do care about them."

On Christmas Day in 1970 Bob Hope and Leslie Uggams, along with Roger Chapin (center), presented the 500,000th gift pac to a G.1. in Long Binh, Vietnam.



Help Hospitalized Veterans founder Roger Chapin (I) is recognized at the White House by President Bill Clinton during HHV's 25th An1liversary year. Also attending were HHV Executive Director Mike Lynch and Veteran Affairs Secretary Jesse Brown (1').

His organization has been built with volunteers; it has only 13 staffers and a budget of more than $19 million a year. He guarantees donors that the total cost of the gift, delivery and administration will not exceed the price tag if the donor bought a craft kit at a store and mailed it to a veterans' hospital. HHV has always sought individual donations, never major corporate gifts. And the personal touch is a key to success, Brother Chapin believes. "We have always tried to have a one-toone, person-to-person program. The

"When I rushed and pledged the Middlebury Chapter, it was because they had some outstanding individuals, and because they did things well as a group." magic bullet is that with each craft kit, we enclose a card with the name and address of the donor. The recipient will often write back to the donor. "This has led to many pen pal relationships and to other really nice links between the donors and veterans. I think that this has helped us to have a very loyal donor base." 14


Brother Chapin is always looking for new ways to help disabled veterans, and his newest one involves computers. "One of our latest projects is to provide voice-activated computer systems for veterans who are quadriplegics. Their injuries are so serious that they can do very little physically. Whenever we ask men what else we can do for them, we find that they want something to do with their time, and we are hearing that the computers give them things they can do," he said. HHV took time to celebrate its 25th anniversary, and Brother Chapin's organization received letters of congratulations from President Clinton, former Sen. Robert Dole, and many Congressional leaders and celebrities from sports and entertainment who are proud to call themselves "Friends of Hospitalized Veterans" in HHV materials. One special story was recently featured on NBC's "Today Show" with a presentation to Allen Osborne, a World War I veteran who turned 100, and marked the occasion by giving his 100th gift to HHV, in the amount of $100. Mr. Osborne's contributions over the years to HHV now exceed $35,000, and he is one of about 650,000 donors to HHV.

III August of 1996 Allell Osborne (seated), a WWI I'eteran, marks the occasion of II is 100tll biurtllday by delivering a clleck to Willard Scott of tile Today Show alld Roger Cllapill to benefit HHV.

Brother Chapin is also hard at work on a new program to tackle problem s of America 's youth. With the coming of the 21st Century and a new e mphasis on volunteerism ,

"Through almost a process of osmosis, my DU college experience made me more appreciative of how group participation and community involvement could enrich one's life." Brother Chapin envisions "the dawning o f an American renaissance" to improve schools and fight violence and illega l

drugs. He recentl y spent several days in Washington seek ing to build a coa lition of groups to bring about his idea of helping youth . Some of hi s interest in helping others arose w hen he first considered joining Delta Upsilon . " When I rushed and pledged the Middlebury Chapter, it was because they had some outstanding individua ls, and because they did things well as a group. We had a few projects in the community that drove home to me the value and importance of public service." There can be little doubt that Brother Roger Chapin has proved that he learned well the lesson of he lping othe rs.

For more information on Help Hospitalized Veterans, write to 2065 Kurtz St. , San Diego, CA 92110.

Former Senator Bob Dole presents HHV's 15,000,000tll craft kit to WWII veteran Ivall [(omutik at Dole's office ill tile Capitol, accompanied by HHV founder Roger Cllapin and lIis wife, Elizabetll.



Chapter Spotlights Arlington Celebrates Spring Success

Bradley Jumps for St. Jude Kids

The Arlington Chapter had an outstanding spring semester and would like to congratulate the members of the chapter for coming in 1st place in Greek Week ' 97. We also won the Spirit and Participation award . More than 8,000 cans were delivered to the Arlington Night Shelter and over $2,000 was donated to the Arlington Women 's Shelter due to our combined efforts. DU and Kappa Alpha Fraternity joined together for their spring philanthropies and held a 24-hour softball game. Over $ 1,000 was raised for the respective charities of the two fraternities . There were many notable achievements by individual members in the chapter thi s semester. Daraius Mistry '98, was named as Vice-President of Public Relations for the IFC. Cory Dowell '98, was initiated into the Order of Omega Arlington Chapter. Cory Dowell '98

On April II and 12 the Bradley Chapter held their an nual "Jump for SI. Jude" philanthropy at a mall near the university. St. Jude is a children 's research hospital committed to giving young patients world-class medical care regardless of their ability to pay. The Bradley Chapter hosts their jump-a-thon each spring with all donation s going directly to the SI. Jude hospital. This year the chapter rai sed $6,020 bringing their seven year total for the hospital to $36,363. The Tillles-Press, Streator, IL

Bucknell Chapter Lends a Helping Hand On the weekend of April 4-6, Bucknell Chapter members Chris Geier '98, John Morocco '99, Elo Comfort '98, Pat Dunne '98, and Alex Johnson '99, volunteered their time and ski lls to build a ramp for a local man

who has been confined to a wheelchair since last August. The chapter is a member of the Intergenerational Volunteer Exchange Network (lVEN) which coordinates community projects of this type.

California Reaches $60,000 Goal Having successfully raised the $60,000 needed to install fire sprinklers in the chapter hou se as mandated by the city of Berkeley, the California Chapter celebrated the accomplishment at its spring alumni banquet on May I , 1997. The event was well attended , with alumni ranging in graduating classes from 1935 to 1996, and featured a ground breaking ceremony for the sprinkler installation. The chapter would like to thank Charlie Cord '50, Charlie Kavanagh '64, Denny McLeod '52, Mike Magnani '59, and Bob Boone '39, for their lead roles in this fundraising effort. Scholastically, the chapter continued to improve, once again earning an average GPA ranking in the top 10 among fraternities at Cal. Scott Fause! ' 99

Cal Poly named Year's Outstanding Fraternity

Bucknell brothers, tools 16



hand, pose while


construction duty.

The second half of the year has been a great one for DU at Cal Poly. At the Greek awards banquet we captured a number of top honors including: Outstanding Brotherhood Development Program , Outstanding Philanthropy Program , Outstanding Risk Management Program, and High Pledge Class GPA. We were named Cal Poly 's Outstanding Fraternity for 1996-1997. Our faculty/alumni Advisor Steve Mott ' 59, received the Outstanding Fraternity Advisor Award. The banquet was run by Order of Omega President Brother Rodney Blaco '97, who was named outstanding Fraternity Man of the Year. We are also proud to have five brothers initiated into the Order of Omega this year including Jason Miller '97, Pete Sutsos '98, Steve Staub '99, Dav id Kelley '98, and Cesar Ayon '98. Brother Kelley was also just elected to the

executive boards of Order of Omega and IFC and will serve as philanthropy chairman on both. Brother Ryan Horton '00, was also elected to IFC as the public relations chairman. Rodney B/aco '97

Carthage S.E.A.L.s the Deal The brothers of the Carthage Chapter once again led all men's fraternities with a 3.0 I cumulative G.P.A. Besides their work in the classroom they also conducted their third annual teeter-totter-a-thon philanthropy with this year's proceeds being donated to the Special Olympics. The semester was capped when the Chapter received the award for being the 1996-97 Carthage College S.E.A.L (Students Excelling in Activities and Leadership) Large Organization of the Year. It is the first time that any Greek organization was recognized with this honor and is a tribute to the positive impact the brothers have on their campus. Other brothers receiving awards were Dave Turek '99, the 1996-97 S.E.A.L. Male Student Leader of the Year and Aaron Stelter '99, Student Government Senator of the Year. Nick Drummer ' 98

Chapter Spotlights Chicago Increases Membership, Diversity The Chicago Chapter has increased its membership by more than 50% during the 1996-97 year. Our rush program included a trip to the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, which proved very successful. In the winter, the chapter sponsored a lecture series in which we asked eminent faculty members to speak on one of DU 's Four Founding Principles. Hanna Holborn Gray, President-Emeritus of the University of Chicago, began the series with a lecture on the diffusion of liberal culture. To expand upon the alumni weekend activities, this June we are hosting a dance for alumni at our house. Finally, the chapter has maintained a high level of scholarship this year with a cumulative 3.25 GPA , well above the 2.75 campus average. Jonathan Bass ' 98

Cornell Clambake a Success Each Slope Day, the last day of classes at Cornell , DU has its traditional

Clam Bake, a party from which proceeds go to benefit a local charity. This year, over $500 was raised for the Greater ithaca Area Children, a charity organization providing food , shelter, and a learning environment for Ithaca 's children . DU would like to thank the Cornell community for their support, as well as thank our own brothers for their fantastic fundraising efforts. We would like to congratulate Seth Payne '98, for becoming the second Cornell DU to join the active NFL ranks . Seth, drafted this spring by the Jacksonville Jaguars, joins Greg Bloedorn '96, of the Seattle Seahawks in the big show. Cerald Bennet ' 99

Culver-Stockton Honors Chapter Founders The Culver-Stockton Chapter held its 5th annual alumni weekend April 1820. Although the weekend was full of events, the highlight was the dedication of the DU flagpole that was recently purchased by the alumni chapter. The flagpole was dedicated to the memories of Dr. Frank Edgar and Dr. Harry Mitchell. Rodney Rodenbaugh '9 J, gave an eloquent remembrance of these two gentlemen , who aided in our chapter 's colonization at Culver-Stockton. Other weekend moments included the awards ceremony at which Alando Dixon '94, accepted the alumni excellence award . We also elected Steve Larson '96, and Wayne Meyer '94, to the positions of alumni chapter treasurer and secretary, respectively. The first undergraduate advisory board was formed during our alumni chapter meeting on Saturday. We would like to congratulate and thank the undergraduate chapter for a fun and successful alumni weekend . Tral'is Woodward ' 92 , Alumni Chapter President

DePauw Awarded Top Chapter on Campus Alumni jll1zdraising "sparkers" and chapter members breaking ground at the California Chapter's spring banquet.

The DePauw Chapter has completed a successful spring term . Thirty men DELTA UPSILON QUAIITliIlLl'/JULY 1997


Alumni Newsmaker

Nolder Wins Second Pulitzer His first Pulitzer "opened some doors, and you get some pretty interesting invitations" in the journalism world, Brother Nalder said. One was to articles were published, Congress and serve as a Pulitzer juror for three years. two federal investigations supported Another was to make a series of what Brother Nalder's team had found. speaking engagements on the art of Brother Nalder said he has applied interviewing, which he continues to this skills learned in Delta Upsilon day. throughout his reporting career. "Living Among his speaking trips was a in the house, you met some pretty visit to Sweden, where he had lived 30 fascinating people. You learn about years ago and knew some reporters he getting along with people, learn how to met at earlier IRE meetings. meet people, things that work as a He often sees other Seattle area reporter. DUs, including brothers in state "The government in lessons from Olympia, a DU and from Mason County the University prosecutor and a of Washington DU with the blend Environmental together," he Protection said. Agency. One Brother visitor he expects Nalder has this summer is a now been part fellow of two of the Washington DU seven Pulitzer who completed Prizes won by his studies in the Times. In Norway. 1990, the paper After the won for second Pulitzer national won by the reporting in Seattle Times was 1989 about the announced, E. NaMeI' Exxon Valdez Brother Nalder oil spill, and told a fellow Brother Nalder was part of that team. reporter, "This is a real tribute to the The Times also won the 1997 prize for Times' commitment to investigative beat reporting, in large part for coverage reporting - a commitment that has been of rudder problems on the Boeing 737. there for a long time. I wouldn't mind A reporter winning two Pulitzers in doing this every seven years." a career is rare, as is a newspaper Each Pulitzer Prize canies a cash winning two such prizes in a single year. award of $5,000. Brother Nalder also has won other "We don't write stories to win top reporting honors: a 1993 prizes. It's important for readers to Investigative Reporters and Editors know and trust that," said Times (IRE) plize for a Times expose on Executive Editor Michael Fancher, in an former U.S. Sen. Brock Adams, and a article reporting on the prizes. "Both of 1986 Society of Professional Journalists these stories were pursued because they award for a report on nuclear bomb fuel are important local situations that processing plants. readers should care about."

Washington DU wins another top journalism honor, writing about problems in U.S. housing program. or the second time in eight years, a Washington DU has won newspaper journalism's top award, a Pulitzer Prize. Eric C. Nalder, Washington '68, was part of a three-person team at the Seattle Times which revealed major problems in a Housing and Urban Development program for native Americans. The five-part series of articles in December won the best investigative reporting prize announced in April. Just returned from accepting the award in June, Brother Nalder said that like his 1990 Pulitzer, "you celebrate for a short period, and then it's back to work. There are always more stories to do." His 1997 prize, won with the team of Deborah Nelson and Alex Tizon, revealed nationwide waste and abuse in a U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD) program to assist needy Native Americans. Among the disclosures: • A Washington housing authority official built a 5,300-square-foot home for himself using low-income housing money. • A former pro football player gained control of an Oregon housing authority and misused hundreds of thousands of dollars. • A corrupt tribal official in Minnesota gave a housing construction contract to a company he controlled, then wasted money away without finishing much of the work. • A Connecticut tribe, flush with casino money, used housing funds to subsidize $400,000 homes for families making more than $200,000 a year. • An Oklahoma housing official bumped needy families from a housing waiting list, then gave homes to staff, board members and relatives. The series showed that HUD missed these problems in part because it had cut back on oversight funds. After the




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Alumni News An Iowa company marketing a new interactive piano has an Iowa State DU at the helm of its manufacturing operations. Charles E. "Chick" Herbert' 89, joins Van Koevering Co. as director of manufacturing, overseeing operations in Des Moines, Dallas and Nashville. Brother Herbert was previously with the Center for Continuous Quality Improvement in Ames , la. A. White

On May 26, 1997, Augustus A. White, III, M.D. , Brown '57, was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Medical Science Degree by Brown University on the 40th anniversary of his graduation from the college. Dr. White is Orthopaedic Surgeon-in-Chief, Emeritus at BI Deaconess and a Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery at Harvard Medical School.

Donald V. Alecci, Bucknell '85, is global head of enterprise engineering at Salomon Brothers Inc.

Dr. Marshall L. Blankenship, Illinois '55, was named Practitioner of the Year for 1996 by the Dermatology Foundation. Now in its 21 st year, the award honors a dermatologist who epitomizes the best clinical service to the patient. Brother Blankenship has been in private practice in Oak Lawn, Ill. , since 1964, and is an associate professor of dermatology at Rush Medical College in Chicago. He has been a consultant at St. Francis Hospital and an associate attending dermatologist at Rush Presbyterian St. Luke 's Medical Center. He also has served as a visiting faculty member at universities and medical centers around the world , most recently in Singapore and Bangkok. The Dermatology Foundation is the second largest source of funds for dermatology research in the United States.



l ~n

Sailors in the United States can look for leadership from a DU - David D. Rosekrans, Minnesota '54, newly elected Chairman of the Council of Sailing Associations. This association of local sailing organizations such as yacht clubs, sailing clubs, and sailing schools serves as a communication link for individual sailing enthusiasts seeking to make their views known to the sport's American governing body, US Sailing, and to request assistance such as training in the new sailing rules . Brother Rosekrans, who after 35 years of sailing describes himself as a "Midwestern pond sailor," races a thistle class sailboat and is a member of the Cowan Lake Sailing Association near Cincinnati.

William M . Howard, Missouri '56, recently returned to Arizona State University and earned his Ph.D. in justice studies. He now teaches at Nova Southeastern University in Florida. C. Herbert

Among the many activities of the Honourable Lloyd Axworthy, Manitoba '63, Canada's Minister of Foreign Affairs, has been the conclusion of an agreement for joint RussoCanadian endeavors from SpacePort Canada, located in far northern Manitoba. The world 's first international commercial polar spaceport anticipates its first launches next year, using Russian launch vehicles to place payloads in polar orbits from a site near Churchill, Man., on Hudson Bay. Initial launches are expected to employ the Russian START family of rockets . Brother Axworthy was appointed the Minister of Foreign Affairs early last year after serving as the Minister of Human Resources Development and the Minister of Western Economic Diversification from November 1993 until January 1996. First elected to Parliament in May 1979, Mr. Axworthy was appointed to the Cabinet as Minister of Employment and Immigration (1980-83). He also served as Minister Responsible for the Status of Women (1980-82) and as Minister of Transport (1983-84).

The University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Health Sciences boasts among its faculty Steven R. Mattson, North Dakota '77, also an associate director of the Center for Family Medicine in Minot. He is a member of the Northwest District Medical Society and holds dual board certification in pediatrics and internal medicine.

S. Mattso1l

Eric H. Lybeck, North Dakota '97, has begun work as an IIT Technical Associate for Cargill, Inc. Corn Milling Division in Blair, Neb. He served as an Intern at the Fraternity's International

Headquarters during the summer of 1996 and was involved in establishing and maintaining DU's web site.

Alumni News taxation from New York University, he opened his law office in Rock Hill , S.c.

E . Lybeck

• Thomas L. Kruegel" Jr. , Ohio State '64, and his wife Linda own and operate the Maple Inn at the Chautauqua Institution in upstate New York. They had visits from Bob Dole and Bill Clinton in the past year.

Trustees of the Delta Upsilon Wisconsin Foundation have created a scholarship fund to honor George A. Knutsen , Oregon State '31 , who passed away late last year. According to David G . Herzer. Wisconsin '54, the foundation trustees hope to establish an annual scholarship to honor Brother Knutsen, a tireless worker on behalf of the Wisconsin Chapter and of Milwaukee 's annual DU dinner each November.

The Fraternity 's outgoing Chairman of the Board (see page 2) isn ' t the only Delta U who is new to the ranks of college and university presidents this year. Brother William R. Bl"Ody, Technology '65, formally assumed the presidency of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore last February, the 13th president of that venerable research institution where grad students outnumber undergraduates, and more faculty and staff than students. Brother Brody actually began his duties last August, but the crowd of 1, 100 gathered to mark his inauguration heard him speak of the university needing to meet the challenges of an information explosion , a sea change in funding for health care and university research hospitals, and increasing global responsibilities, all while keeping education affordable to a broadening range of students.

All the ushers were DUs at a retirement concert for Dr. H. Brent Heisinger, San Jose '58, who retired from the SJSU School of Music. The concert raised $30,000 for an endowment in his name at the university. His musical compositions have been performed recently in Italy, England, and Russia, and a CD of his piano music is in the works.

John D. Rinehart Jr. , SOllth Carolina '92 , concluded his law studies at the university's School of Law in 1996 after serving as editor-in-chief of the South Carolina Environmental Law Journal. Upon completing his LL.M. in

W. Brody

Brother Brody came to JHU from the University of Minnesota, where he had been provost of the University of Minnesota Academic Health Center. But it was a return to Baltimore where he had been on the JHU faculty before. Brother Brody graduated from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1965 and earned a masters degree in electrical engineering at MIT a year later. He received his medical degree from Stanford in 1970 and a Ph.D . in electrical engineering from the same university in 1972.

In his inaugural address, Brother Brody said hi s aim was to preserve JHU's status as a premier research university, while paying attention to student life. The internet and other communications have created a " new manner in which knowledge is generated and information disseminated . And the university is at ground zero of this information explosion. "The force of these changes is so powerful that we must adapt or lose our relevance to society .... We are just one player, engaged in a worldwide effort to expand and exploit knowledge. It is a pursuit that is no longer the exclusive domain of the universities . There is a very real ' knowledge industry ' outside our doors now- it is the foundation of the new economy- and that industry is in the midst of cataclysmic changes," Brother Brody said. "To understand this change, we need to distinguish between information and knowledge. We are in the so-called " information age. " This age is quite different and distinct from what I would call the " knowledge age. " Perhaps if we ' re lucky, the knowledge age will come ne x t." Three things his university must do are to see that scholars and students can collaborate electronically without the necessity of proximity, if they choose, so that the student is stimulated to learn by working closely with a faculty member; to become more global in outlook by developing ways to establish our presence in other countries ; and see that students " learn how to learn" and apply that process repeatedly throughout life. Brother Brody and his wife and two children make their home on the JHU campus, the first Hopkins president to do so since the 1950s when Milton Eisenhower led JHU .

Marvin E. Trubenbach, Wisconsin '56, has been working in Bratislava, Slovak Republic , under a U.S. agency for international development contract, helping banks and companies in the Slovak Republic on how to survive in a competitive free market. DEnA UPSILON QUAIITEII1. I'/JU LY 1997


Much A-DU about Alcohol T

oo many fraternity chapters

across the nation have made alcohol their reason for being. Alcohol-free may be one thing that can make fraternal values the focus once again .

fraternities. Unfortunately, the idea of regulating alcohol in fraternity chapters has not had complete success. The next step for many organizations has been to become alcohol-free.

What is Alcohol-Free Housing?

Is the Situation as Dire as it Seems?

Alcohol-free housing, in its simplest form, means that alcohol is not permitted on a property owned, leased , or maintained by a fraternity chapter. This does not mean that the chapter cannot have any social functions involving alcohol. It does mean that any functions where alcohol is present must be conducted off the chapter 's property.

Over the past few years , Greekletter organizations have suffered from a decline in the number of men joining their organizations. This can be attributed in no small part to the damaging reports that have been published concerning the attitude and living environment of the college fraternity member. These reports include:

How Did the Alcohol-Free Initiative Start? Whereas the idea of "alcohol-free" may be new to some, the fraternity lifestyle associated with it is not. Until the early to mid-1960's, alcohol in chapter houses was forbidden. If you tried to bring any kind of spirits into the chapter house, you were sure to get a swift reprimand from the housemother or resident advisor. When you consider that Delta Upsilon has been around for 163 years, less than a fifth of its existence has been marked with alcohol. When the campus culture started to change its view on alcohol, the handcuffs were slowly removed, and alcohol use became more of an accepted norm in chapter houses . Attitudes have changed once again, and so the fraternities must again adapt. The first attempts to regulate alcohol use in fraternities came with the creation of the Fraternity Insurance Purchasing Group (FIPG) in 1986. FIPG , of which DU is a member, was borne out of a need to manage risks in fraternities. Though the organization, in fact , never purchased insurance, it did set common standards of practice for the usage of alcohol for all FIPG-member 26


• A 1993 study by the Harvard School of Public Health which found that 86% of men who live in fraternity houses are binge drinkers. The study also found that individuals living in a fraternity or sorority house were three times as likely to be binge drinkers. • In a 1993 study conducted by the CORE Institute at Southern Illinois University, 54% of Greek students reported driving while intoxicated in the year before the survey. This is compared to 36% of the rest of the student population. • A 1994 study by the Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse found that students living in fraternity houses drink three times as many drinks as other students. • A 1995 study by the CORE Institute found that 50% of the fraternity and sorority respondents reported that their

binge drinking led to secondary problems such as: fights , poor test scores, missed classes, and property damage . Also, articles in the Chronicle of High er Edu cation have attempted to illustrate that fraternities work contrary to the mission of universities by inhibiting the cognitive abilities of those who join. And, if that is not enough , some private institutions have decided to disband fraternities altogether because of their alcohol-related incidents , among other things. In response to these studies and events, a research initiative was undertaken by the National Panhellenic and National Interfraternity Conferences (see page 4). The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of Greek affili ation on college and life experiences. This study was conducted by the Center for Advanced Social Research . While there were some positive outcomes, detailing the benefits of joining a Greek letter organization, the positive impact on life experiences does not negate the damage alcohol is wreaking on today 's undergraduates.

Is There an Alternative to Alcohol-free Living? Alcohol-free housing has been implemented on several campuses across North America. On a few of those campuses, compliance has been less than perfect. Forced participation has caused some resentment among undergraduates and alumni. Options and modifications to the alcohol-free initiative have been considered. Examples include limiting alcohol consumption to the individual rooms of 21-year old Greek members. Another alternative is to allow those members who are of the legal drinking age to consume alcohol in common areas of the chapter house as well as their rooms . Most of the alternatives to fulfill the philosophy of alcohol -free living would make policing, either self-imposed or by some other authority, nearly impossible.

The search for other alternatives has not died with the implementation of the alcohol-free movement. There are many initiatives in the fraternity world that focus on the core values of fraternalism. When you divert the emphasis of fraternity interactions away from alcohol, you can place it on things such as: character, culture, justice, and friendship. With renewed questions about the value of fraternity, you can be sure that more initiatives will be undertaken.

the tide of rising premiums and harmful losses is to attack the root of the problem.

What Does the Future Hold? The leadership in Delta Upsilon is still carefully studying the alcohol-free movement. It is agreed, however, that DU must do something to encourage undergraduates to act in accordance with the principles on which the Fraternity was founded. During the April 1997 meeting of the Fraternity's Board, it was unanimously resolved that it is the goal of the Board of Directors Delta UpSilon's History with of the Delta Upsilon International Alcohol Fraternity to improve the lives of its Like many general fraternities, members. It was also resolved that the Delta Upsilon is challenged by the Fraternity will research the feasibility of problems associated with alcohol use in alcohol-free housing as one of the tools its chapters. With the inception of the to reach that goal. Fraternity's Loss Prevention Program in What impact the alcohol-free 1990, claims records have been kept philosophy will have on Greek which identify alcohol's impact on the communities has not yet been Fraternity. Since 1990, 71 % of the determined. Only time will tell how Fraternity's claims have been alcohol fraternity chapters adapt to these related. The great majority of these changes. One thing is clear, fraternity claims stem from alcohol's involvement chapters must have a product that in fights and falls. While it can be appeals to the student that is interested argued that alcohol was not the only in an education and not a party. With contributing factor, the significance of 47% of incoming college freshmen not alcohol's influence is clear. These incidents have led fraternities drinking in 1994, the pool of men that animal houses attract is shrinking. to the point where they are practically The reaction of women's groups uninsurable. The trend of higher will also tell a story of the alcohol-free insurance premiums does not look to impact, as sororities have always change anytime in the near future. maintained alcohol-free facilities. An Alcohol continues to become more alcohol-free environment is easier to intertwined in chapter culture and the preserve when women have had the ability to 100% go to fraternities to 90% consume alcohol. If alcohol-free housing 80% becomes a standard, 70% social events involving 60% undergraduates and 50% alumni will have to be done at properly licensed 40% establishments. More 30% importantly, it could 20% reacquaint all fraternity 10% and sorority members with their principled 0% roots, while simultaneously strengthening every DU Percentage of DU claims which involved alcohol. chapter. litigation costs associated with incidents continue to rise. The only way to stem

Select 2000: Strategy for the Future The Select 2000 initiative developed by the National Interfraternity Conference (NIC), illustrates a strategic plan for fraternities that wish to remain a vital component of campus life into the next millenium. This strategic plan helps fraternity chapters identify their organizations' individual values, and the value of fraternalism across North America. The Select 2000 steering committee chose six core values to be championed. These values include: + Scholarship + Responsibility to College/University and Community + Accountability + Ethical Leadership + Honesty + Integrity After developing these six core values, the steering committee then set short, medium, and long-term goals for those campuses which have elected to pilot the Select 2000 initiative. These goals will be accomplished with the support of the university/college, chapter alumni, undergraduates,and the (inter)national organizations. There will be continuous aid to Select 2000 campuses through newly developed workshops and SELECT resource/educational 2000 materials. Currently, five campuses have been identified as pilot campuses for the Select 2000 initiative. Those campuses include; Northern Colorado, Villanova, Rochester Institute of Technology, Southern Illinois, and Florida Southem. Delta Upsilon has a chapter on the University of Northern Colorado campus. Select 2000 is progressing steadily at these sites. This new wave of strategic planning and support places fraternity chapters in a position to attack some of the ills facing the Greek community today. Today's fraternity culture is facing many challenges: antagonistic relationships with alumni, alcohol use and abuse, poor scholarship, and an antiestablishment mentality. Select 2000 presents ' an opportunity for Greek chapters across North America to move past some of the stereotypes associated with the current fraternity culture by setting higher standards, and then putting into motion the strategies to achieve them. DEI;('A UPSILON QUMiTEIIIX/JULY 1997


Whether you agree with such action or not, I believe the change inherent in it gives DU a window of opportunity to re-engineer what we offer EACH young man who takes our pledge. If every DU chapter considered the personal development of each pledge and brother its most important responsibility, our brotherhood would not be concerned about declining membership. If improving the "reputation" of the chapter was subordinate to improving the life skills of each DU pledge and brother, rush would truly be a process of selection rather than solicitation.

DU Educational Foundation News Our Goal: Greater Impact on the Life of Each Brother n my work for the Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation, I spend much of my time attempting to describe to alumni and friends the impact of our Fraternity on today's undergraduates. At a recent alumni reception in Toronto, we heard from the current president of our Toronto Chapter, Mark Smith, who captured with words as eloquent and heartfelt as any I could conjure, what it means to be a Delta U brother:


"(In DU) I've had the opportunity to meet and learn from such a unique and diverse group of men from across North America, who I have the distinct honor of calling brothers. "Delta Upsilon is providing me with the richest and most challenging experiences of my life. I thank all of my brothers ... for creating and molding the type of institution in which a young student such as myself can grow and flourish. "lowe so much to Delta Upsilon for helping me become the person I am today, and more importantly, I owe even more to it for the person I'll be tomorrow." While the significance of the Fraternity in Mark's development is gratifying, we must work to match it among 3,000 undergraduate brothers each year. Mark's experience must be the goal we have for every brother. To achieve the maximum impact on our brothers, the Educational Foundation has traditionally invested much of its resources in event-based educational offerings, such as the summer Leadership Institute and the winter 28


President's Academy. Both programs are designed for chapter leaders, and therefore limited to an influential but small percentage of our total undergraduate membership. Visits to each chapter and colony from the Fraternity's staff of Leadership Consultants constitute another important service that receives annual Foundation funding -- this program reaches a broader spectrum of our membership, because it places a resource person on site for several days at each of our campuses across North America. Educational services and support, such as the Institute, the Academy, and our traveling staff (among other programs) are important and worthy of continued funding from the Foundation. I believe, however, that these times provide a mandate to do more to ensure that ALL brothers share Mark Smith's DU experience. The mandate for effecting greater impact on each DU brother comes from the current overwhelming climate for change in fraternities. You may have read about or heard how some of our interfraternal colleagues are reacting to a steady, if slight, loss of membership over the past five years. In an attempt to improve the environment of each chapter house while simultaneously upgrading the image of their organizations, two international fraternities have pronounced that alcohol will be banned from all of their chapter houses by the year 2000.

Reaching more brothers with a DU experience like Mark Smith's will not require the establishment of esoteric seminars, or the creation of a ponderous new philosophy. We need a plan, however, so that the life lessons our Fraternity has taught for 163 years are learned by ALL of our pledges and brothers. The blueprints for such a plan are being drawn, and will be introduced this month at the Leadership Institute, under the working title of The Star Program for Leadership Development. In my nearly 20 years of DU membership, the promise and potential of the Star Program is the most farreaching and transformational initiative with which I've been associated. Alumni from every chapter will have an important role in the initial and ongoing success of the effort, so you will read and hear about it often in the coming year and throughout the Foundation's Annual (July I to June 30) Campaign for DU. Fraternally,

jL.u/tt. ?~ Rick Holland, Syracuse '83 Executive Director

A new Annual Campaign for DU began on July 1. Your taxdeductible gift is needed to bring educational resources, such as The Star Program, to your undergraduate DU brothers. To make your gift today, call toll-free: 1.888.616.1834 and charge your contribution to a major credit card. Or, you may send gifts to the DU International Headquarters address listed on page 3.

Pledges & Initiates Five- Year Analysis Five-Year Averages: Pledges 1,563 Initiates 1,265 initiates

• 1805

pledges 1710 1615 1520 1425

Recruitment & Expansion News year by the Fraternity's 86 chapters and one colony as of June 1, is down by 155 men for a total of 1,403 men. The number of new initiates this fiscal year has also dropped by 147 since last fiscal year for a total of 1,116 new brothers.




Twenty-two chapters have pledged fewer than 10 men this year and over half of our chapters have pledged fewer men this year than last year.


1235 1140

92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 96-97

As the 1996-97 academic year comes to a close, the final membership recruitment statistics for the year have been compiled. The facts about Delta Upsilon's membership recruitment efforts this year are startling. After an increase of 164 for a total of 1,558 men pledged during the 1995-96 year, the number of men pledged this

The graph to the upper left illustrates Delta Upsilon's pledge and new initiate figures for the past five years. While the statistics are alarming, they are not intended to be discouraging about the future of the Fraternity. Instead, they should serve as a "wake-up call" to the Fraternity on the critical state of membership recruitment.

staff position of Director of Fraternity Expansion & Recruitment to more aggressively establish new chapters and help each chapter fully realize its membership recruitment potential. Brother Phillip A. Schott, Northern Colorado '96, assumed these duties in May. The Fraternity has also developed the Intensive Rec/'llitment Assistallce Program to assist chapters that face unique recruitment challenges, In addition, the Fraternity's Membership Recruitment & Expansion Committee has redeveloped the Fraternity's policies, procedures, and priorities concerning expansion, and is creating several new recruitment strategies to take Delta Upsilon Fraternity into the 21st century. Let us look forward to this summer and the new academic year as a chance to strengthen our Fraternity.

In an effort to reverse this direction, the Fraternity has created the professional

-------------------_ ............................


.. _ ............... _ .......................... .

RUSH RECOMMENDATION TO A DELTA U CHAPTER We're looking for a few good menl If you know a young man who would make a positive contribution to a DU chapter please take a moment to tell us about him. Send this form to the International Headquarters and we will ensure it is forwarded to the appropriate chapter.

o This is a legacy recommendation.

(Please circle one: son, brother, grandson, or nephew.)

Rushee's Name ______________________________________ Home Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ School Address ___________________________________________ HomePhone________________ SchooIPhone __________________


o HS Senior

0 Freshman

o Sophomore

Your Name________________

0 Transfer

0 Other

Chapter & Graduation Year ____________

Current Address __________________________________________ Complete, tear out, and mail to: Director of Fraternity ExpanSion & Recruitment, Delta Upsilon International Headquarters, P.O. Box 68942, Indianapolis, IN 46268 DELTA (;PSILON QU,IR1ERIX/Jl'LY 1997


ALPHAWMEGA Marriages Cal Poly '93 Kyle R. Casey and Jennifer Zahara, April 26, 1997. Carthage '95 Alan R. Kaufman and Janet Depa, April 5, 1997. Carthage '94 David M. Foldy and Jane Sukas, November 29, 1996. Houston '82 Albert L. Bynum and Andrea M. Zamora, April 19, 1997. Oregon '92 Gregory E. Klecan and Michelle Simpson, April 19,1997. Syracuse '81 Thomas W. Darling and Jillian R. Hosford, July 20, 1997. Virginia '93 Matthew C. Ackley and Melissa Kast, April 5, 1997.

Births Arkansas '90 Mr. and Mrs. B. Andrew Smith, a son, Ryan Andrew, December 26, 1996. Bradley'93 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy 1. Spihlman, a daughter, Allison Paige, May 12, 1997. DePauw'87 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Hickey, a son, Jack Olmsted, November 4, 1996. Kansas State '78 Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Edgerley. a daughter, Hayley Elizabeth, March 15, 1997. Michigan State '88 Mr. and Mrs. Randall A. Hoover, a daughter, Kallan, ApriI18,1997. North Carolina '87 Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Prakke, a son, Matthew Kley, February 7. 1997. Ohio '88 Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Degenhart. a son. Bob, December 16, 1996.


Northern Illinois '89 Mr. and Mrs. Darryl M. Silver, a son, Max Adam, April 5, 1997. Pennsylvania State '91 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Samuel II, a son, Lance Thomas, February 22, 1997. Platteville '76 Mr. and Mrs. Rodney W. Ploessl. a daughter, Colleen Mariah-St. Anselm, April 21, 1997. San Jose '90 Mr. and Mrs. Scott W. Campbell, a daughter, Skyler Ann, January 25, 1997. South Carolina '92 Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rinehart, Jr., twin daughters, Madison Blair and Ashley Wilkes, December 27, 1996. Syracuse '85 Mr. and Mrs. W. Mark Linnan, a daughter, Grace Leahy, April 24, 1997. Virginia '77 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Barbour, a daughter, Sarah Louise, April 19. 1996. Western Ontario '87 Mr. and Mrs. Brent W. Bere, a son, Mitchell Aaron, July 21. 1996.

Adoption Illinois '78 Dr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Katsinas, a son and a daughter, Steven Michael Moore (age 12) and Elene Kellie (age 3), May 5. 1997.

Deaths The QlIllrter!r staff wishes to apologize for erroneously reporting the death of Charles F. Wilkinsion. Jr.. Lujl/yelle '66. We regret any distress caused Brother Wilkinson. his family and friends. AMHERST Charles W. Perry' 33 BRITISH COLUMBIA Allan B. Davidson '65


BROWN Sawyer E. Medbury , 40 Charles R. Slattery' 49 BUCKNELL Levi F. Hartman ' 24 CALIFORNIA John J. Barry '48 Robert B. Bartlett '32 W. Dayton Clark' 27 Stephen W. Hall '77 Charles W. Leffingwell ' 25 Eric W. Mark '91 CARNEGIE Robert K. Noyes '45 COLGATE Henry R. Berry , 36 Charles W. Havens, Jr. '28 COLORADO C. Raymond Buchanan '86 CORNELL Roger C. Bransford '66 DARTMOUTH James T. Keegan' 51 Norman G. Swift '27 DENISON Thomas W. Ludlow '61 DEPAUW Charles W. Geile ' 33 B. C. Salisbury '46 }<'LORIDA Michael E. McMahon '74 FRESNO Pete R. Torres '80 Ben A. Vassallo' 69 HAMILTON Paul R. Abbott, Jr. '32 Ernest S. Griffith '17 Richard J. Higgins ' 66 Frank W. Merritt . 39 John Tobin '45 HARVARD William N. Beggs '26 ILLINOIS Clyde S. Coffel '28 Edwin W. Houser' 54 Preston K. Johnson '92 INDIANA Don R. Downing '55 Kenneth B. Fleming '49 Charles H. Wehmeyer' 49 Albert C. Yoder. Jr. '35 IOWA Thomas A. Baldwin' 85 Richard P. McClanahan '49 JOHNS HOPKINS Edwin M. Lockard' 31 John J. Novotny '46 KANSAS Logan J. Lane. Jr. '34 Jack R. Morris '31 KENT STATE C. M. McNally 1Il '58

LAFAYETTE William E. McGlynn '38 Alan B. Sigler '53 LOUISVILLE Donald P. Walker '52 MCGILL Robert B. Walby '48 MIAMI Roger R. Aichholz ' 44 George D. Broderick '49 Harry E. Davison '30 William M. Hawkes '62 Lewis K. Reed' 30 Neil H. Renton' 35 MICHIGAN John G. Bacon '64 Charles T. Lee, Sr. '27 James D. Ritchie '38 MICHIGAN STATE Barry C. Brock '61 Karl E. Ranous ' 63 MIDDLEBURY Clarence H. Botsford '24 MISSOURI James B. Louy '34 NEBRASKA Charles D. Hildebrand '38 Charles E. McCarl' 31 Lester P. Schick '29 T. D. Thompson '26 Robert A. Wekesser '41 NORTHWESTERN Robert Arneberg '44 Edward W. McHugh '47 Gordon J. Rahr '27 OHIO Michael P. Loudon '74 OHIO STATE James M. Postle '43 Lester A. Schultz, Jr. '53 OKLAHOMA Chester L. Stinnett' 32 Andrew S. Zolner '97 OREGON Joseph P. Butler '35 Edward G. Chester '53 OREGON STATE John B. Peterson '28 Robert W. Prentiss '32 Wolfgang Scharzenberger .88 George A. Studer '23 Henry A. White. Jr. '39 PENNSYLVANIA Walter E. Hoffman '28 PENNSYLVANIA STATE Ray B. Anderson '22 William A. Diament II •31 A. R. Humphrey '22 Karl V. Linden '57 Charles C. Pfordt ' 35 James B. Vosters '44 Edward J. Zubaty '68

ROCHESTER Henry E. Ireland '36 Paul K. Wittig' 49 RUTGERS Robert C. Harrison' 43 Charles W. Rury , 60 SAN JOSE Robert B. Legge '58 Robert K. Schatz' 50 STANFORD William C. Ferguson ' 30 A. L. Peake' 43 Jerry L. Stanley '50 Gerald F. Twist' 30 George N. Voll '41 SWARTHMORE Charles L. Cogswell '56 TECHNOLOGY W. BOY11l0n Beckwith '36 TORONTO Charles T. Evans '26 Donald H. Isbister '43 Philip D. Isbister '41 Morton H. Jones '39 William D. Lawrence '49 Harvey F. McCulloch '30 Larry G. O'Connor '38 Robert H. Stokes' 43 TUFTS Neil V. Cabral '46 James C. Parr '35 UCLA John H. Griffin '35 UNION Robert W. Dennis ' 30 Fenton A. Gage '37 Charles H. Reeves '37 Charles G. Schautz '31 WASHINGTON John P. Jones '40 John D. Ritchie '33 WASHINGTON STATE Richard S. Rivers '64 WESTERN MICHIGAN William T. Walsh. Jr. '67 WESTERN ONTARIO Ernest W. Barbour '31 John W. Cram '44 WESTERN RESERVE Rolf H. Hartwig '60 WICHITA Charles W. Corbett' 33 WISCONSIN James MacDonald '41 David M. Quale '54 Jack G. Sjogren '47 Notices received at the Delta Upsilon Fraternity International Headquarters through May 28. 1997.

The Advocate

Fraternity from the Heart


believe in advocacy. And as I sit here and contemplate the concept, I realize I'm probably one of the best "advocates" that 's ever been .

taken. After all, I make a living working with fraternities and sororities. I make a conscious decision every day to work for the betterment of the Greek movement. That's advocacy.

At least where fraternity is concerned. Everybody has life altering experiences. Fraternity was mine. When I repeated the DU Oath of Initiation, I cannot say I completely understood the promotion of friendship , or what the delveopment of

advocate n. - to be in favor of; a person who speaks or writes in support of something; the actofadvocaffng,or being in support of. character meant. Even more vague were the concepts of advancing justice and the diffusion of liberal culture . However, the older I get, the more I understand, and the more I believe. In my dealings with the Fraternity, I've found that my brothers aren't easily given to talk of love or affection for things they hold dear. But I can honestly say I've known love. I don ' t have a wife and kids. I don ' t even have a dog. But I know love. I've come to know it in the purest sense of fraternalism and commitment. I see it on the faces of my brothers and their families each and every time I visit. We share this commitment. These are men I count on. These are men I need , respect and love. And that' s advocacy. Some say they 've lost faith in the fraternity movement. Others say there 's no longer a need. I get a kick out of these people, because I know different. I don 't like to think of the man I would have become without fraternity. It frightens me to contemplate the path my life would have

On occasion I have the extreme pleasure of working with a student who "gets it." There's an excitement in the way he talks about the chapter; a glisten in his eyes when he realizes the potential of the fraternal experience. I exploit these opportunities. I work hard to make sure every student I come in contact with has the chance to know that excitement, to experience that potential. That's advocacy.

T. Dure;1l

I believe in fraternity and I believe in Delta Upsilon. I'm proud to be an advocate for all that is right about fraternities. And I believe alumni have a responsibility to perpetuate that experience for the next generation of leaders. Perhaps I'm preaching to the choir. Maybe you know these feelings as well. After all,

"Some say they've lost faith in the fraternity movement. Others say there's no longer a need. I get a kick out of these people, because I know different. " someone was responsible for providing me with my opportunity. I just wish I knew who that person was. I'd like to give him a call. I'd like to thank you. As long as I feel thi s overwhelming sense of obligation to Delta Upsilon, I'll work to repay that debt. And I will continue to do so as long as I know this kind of appreciation. Close to my heart, and overwhelming.

Thomas F. Dure in . On'gol/ State '92. former Director of Member Services for the Inte rnati ona l Headquarters. is presentl y the Greek Adv isor at th e Uni vers ity of California - Be rke ley.

I believe in Fraternity. And this is advocacy. DEnA UPSILON QUARTERLl'IJ ULY 1997





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Lfl I 1(I/ilJrl'/tj






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f L.

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