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- - - QUARTERLY - - -

145th Leadership Conference and Convention, August 21-23, 1980

The QuarterlyApplauds LJ

Visiting the Illinois chapter house were Brothers Arnold O. Beckman, Illinois '29, who tried out the newly refinished piano in the chapter living room and C. Seely Johnston, Illinois '24, who were on hand to help plan the chapter's gala Diamond Anniversary weekend scheduled for March 8, 1980.

O. Edward Pollock, Virginia '51, retiring president of the Fraternity was honored with a plaque for his many yean of service from the Virginia Chapter during the Annual Assembly meeting in October. Presenting the plaque was Arnold R. Baum, Kansas '81, newly elected undergraduate director.

Chairman of the Board of Directors, Dennis H. Cheatham, Indiana '65, presents Scott D. Hahner, Rutgers '78, with the Order of the Lame Duck, at the Assembly meeting in New York City in October. Scott, a former leadership consultant, received the awardfor his continuing work for the Fraternity.

A book of letters from undergraduates and alumni to retiring presidentO. Edward Pollock was presented to him by Board Chairman Dennis H. Cheatham as part of the ceremonies at the Assembly meeting held in New York City in October. The letters gave many people the opportunity to personally thank Brother Pollock for his many yean of service.

OFFICERS President Herbert Brownell, Nebraska '24 (Vice-Chairman) Lord, Day and Lord 25 Broadway, New York, New York 10004 Chairman of the Board Dennis H. Cheatham, Indiana '65 Pendleton Banking Company, 100 State Street, Pendleton, Indiana 46064 Vice-Presidents D. Bruce Decker, Western Ontario '51 Post Office Box 40240, Cincinnati, Ohio 45240 Dr. Hugh W. Gray, Nebraska '34 803 North DuPont Road, Westover Hills, Wilmington, Delaware 19807 J. Paul McNamara, Miami '29 88 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215 Secretary Howard Kahlenbeck, Jr., Indiana '52 Krieg DeVault Alexander & Capehart, 2860 Indiana National Bank Tower, One Indiana Square, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 Treasurer Donald C. Rasmussen, Purdue '46 Robe rt W. Baird & Co., Inc., One Indiana Square, Suite 2350, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 Assistant Treasurer G. WiUiam Armstrong, Clarkson '61 6810 N. Shadel and Avenue, #204 Indianapolis, Indiana 46220

Directors Leland J. Adams, Jr., Bucknell '64 44 Griscom Road Sudbury. Massachusetts 01776 Arnold R. Daum, Kansas 'SI Delta Upsilon Fraternity 1025 Emery Road Lawrence, Kansas 66044 (1980) Terry J. Brady, Missouri '62 Gage and Tucker, 2800 Mutual Benefit Life Bldg. , P.O. Box 23428, Kansas City, Missouri 64141 (1981) The Honorable Terry L. Bullock, Kansas State '61 Judge of the District Court, Shawnee County Courthouse, Topeka, Kansas 66603 (1981) Harry A. Crawford, Ohio State '47 P.O. Box 1705 Fort Wayne, Indiana 46801 (1980) Past Presidents Horace G. Nichol, Carnegie '21 William F. Jones, Nebraska '27 Arad Riggs, DePauw '26 Charles D. Prutzman, Penn. State '18 Henry A. Federa, Louisville '37 Harry W. McCobb, Michigan '25 OrviUe H. Read, Missouri '33 Charles F. Jennings, Marietta '31 James C. McLeod, Middlebury '26 W. D. Watkins, North Carolina '27 O. Edward Pollock, Virginia '51

Executive Director Wilford A. Butler, CAE Undergraduate Services Director Rodney P. Kirsch Fraternity Development Director Keith W. Weigel Senior Development Director Richard Moran Leadership Consultant Barney F. James Quarterly Editor W. A. Butler, CAE, Western Michigan '61 Assistant Editor Jo Ellen Walden

DELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY, a publication of the Delta Upsilon Fraternity, founded in 1834, Incorporated, December 10, 1909, under laws of the State of New York. Delta Upsilon International Fraternity Headquarters, P.O. Box 40108, Indianapolis. Indiana 46240. Headquarters is open from 9:00 to 5:00 p .m., E.S.T., Monday through Friday. Telephone 317-293-8926. DELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY is published in January, April, July and October at 8705 Founders Road, Indianapolis, Indiana 46268. The subscription price (checks and money orders should be made payable to Delta UpsiJon Fraternity) is $3.00 a year in advance; single copies 75¢.. Send changes of address and correspondence of a business or editorial nature to Delta Upsilon Fraternity, P.O. Box 40108, Indianapolis, Indiana 46240. Second-class postage paid at Indianapolis, Indiana and at additional mailing offices. Ž T. M. Registered U. S. Patent Office.

crhe President's GReport Can We Do Less Than the Best?

A great deal is being written today about the strong, almost miraculous recovery of the college fraternity across North America. This happier time for all fraternities, including Delta Upsilon, requires that we seize upon the advantage and opportunity afforded us to strive to achieve new levels of excellence. All of us who have enjoyed the benefits of Delta Upsilon brotherhood owe a tremendous debt to the men of foresight and vision who established our great fraternity upon a foundation of Justice. While Justice, character, friendship and brotherhood mean different things to each of us, we share a common experience in the enobling words of our Ritual. In November we were privileged to reinstitute the chapter that had previously existed at Michigan State University. Delta Upsilon plans a vigorous and ongoing growth program that will place emphasis both on new chapters and revivals. Our growth efforts will be selective, with an eye to the best possible college sites for our chapters, in the months ahead. While the addition of new chapters on our rolls is an important priority, so is the continuing work of prodding the underachievers to realize that they cannot hope to gain campus prominence or a position of leadership without strength of numbers. Delta Upsilon has taken a leadership role in the development of chapter minimum operating standards. These guidelines provide an important benchmark for the achievement level of your own chapter, and I would be happy to send you a copy to share with you the substantial aspirations that we have for each and every DU chapter. While concentrating on improving chapter stability and size; reviving dormant chapters and adding new ones at selected educational institutions; we are deeply involved in aiding those chapters in

deep trouble and decline. They are most vulnerable to the fluctuations in the climate, least able to fend for themselves. In October, we inaugurated the DU Presidents Forum seminar for chapter presidents, that you will find reported on the pages of this issue of the magazine. I t is an example of the kind of planning that the Board of Directors is making to insure a stronger and better fraternity this new year. Won't you pledge your help to your chapter and to the Fraternity, with your alumni support check, and through your encouragement to make an even better Delta Upsilon a real possibility? Your support will greatly encourage this new President who promises to do his very best for Delta Upsilon. Very fraternally,

Herbert Brownell International President

Delta Upsilon Quarterly January 1980 Volume 98-Number 1

Table of Contents


Election of Officers and Directors


DU Presidents Forum Debuts ..................


Principles Apply to DU Chapters .............


DU Newsmakers


Hall of Fame ............... 11 Comment on Fraternity


Chapter Activities Reports ... 16 Vital Statistics


Alumni Directory ........... 27 Cover: Newly elected President Herbert Brownell receives his badge of office and gavel from outgoing President Pollock at the Annual Assembly meeting held in New York City.

'79 Assembly Elects Herbert Brownell as DU President Dennis Cheatham Continues As Chairman of the Board of Directors

Officers and directors of the Fraternity, elected by the Assembly, are seated, left to right, Leland]. Adams, Bucknell '64; Dennis H. Cheatham, Indiana '65; Herbert Brownell, Nebraska '24; Howard Kahlenbeck,Jr., Indiana '52; ArnoldR. Baum, Kansas '81 . Standing, left to right, are Hugh W. Gray, Nebraska '34; Harry A. Crawford, Ohio State '47; D. Bruce Decker, W estern Ontario '51; Terry]. Brady, Missouri '62; G. William Armstrong, Clarkson '61 and Terry L. Bullock, Kansas State '61.

October 13, Assembly Day 1979, was the seventieth meeting of the graduate legislative body of Delta Upsilon, the Assembly of Trustees. It was a very special occasion in the fraternity, signaling the conclusion of the fourth one-year term of O. Edward Pollock, Virginia '51, who had elected not to run for another term as fraternity president. Brother Pollock received special recognition for his over twenty-five years of devoted service to Delta Upsilon, a fraternity service record that began with his association with the Virginia, Ohio State and Pennsylvania State Chapters, continued with membership on the faculty of the leadership conference, membership on the Undergraduate Activities Committee, service as a director, chairman of the board and then president of Delta Upsilon. Brother Arnold R. Baum, Kansas '81, the undergraduate direc-路 2

tor, presented a special plaque to Brother Pollock from the Virginia chapter highlighting their appreciation of Pollock's service to Delta Upsilon. Then, board chairman Cheatham presented a special DU medallion dial watch on behalf of the officers and directors and a book of letters from Delta Upsilon undergraduates and alumni. Earlier in the day the Trustees had voted by acclamation to affirm the slate presented by nominating committee chairman Charles D. Prutzman, Pennsylvania State' 18. Elected as President of Delta Upsilon was Herben Brownell, Nebraska '24, a distinguished lawyer associated with the firm of Lord Day & Lord, New York City. Brother Brownell, who was Attorney General in the Eisenhower Administration from 1953 to 1957, has served as president of the New York Bar Association, and was a Vice-President of Delta Upsilon in

1962 to 1964. The newly elected president spoke briefly at the Assembly luncheon that followed the fraternity's annual meeting. Reelected to two-year terms on the board of directors were Terry J . Brady, Missouri '62, partner in the firm of Gage & Tucker, Kansas City and the Honorable Terry L. Bullock, Kansas State '61,Judge of the Sixth District Court, Topeka, Kansas. Also reelected was Dennis H. Cheatham, Indiana '65, president of the Pendleton Banking Company, Pendleton, Indiana, who is serving his third term as chairman of the board of Delta Upsilon. Three vice-presidents who were reelected are D.Bruce Decker, Western Ontario '51; Dr. Hugh W. Gray, Nebra~ka '34; and J. Paul McNamara, Miami '29. Other officers reelected were Howard Kahlenbeck, Jr., Indiana '52, who was elected to his seventh


January, 1980

Coming in April

• • • • • ]. Paul McNamara, Miami '29, was reelected to the position of VicePresident.

Donald C. Rasmussen, Purdue '46, was reelected to his second term as Treasurer of the Fraternity.

term as secretary; Donald C. Rasmussen, Purdue '46, elected to his second term as treasurer; and G. William Armstrong, Clarkson '61, elected to his second term as assistant treasurer . Continuing in their two-year terms as directors of the fraternity are Leland J. Adams, Jr., Bucknell '64 and Harry A. Crawford, Ohio State '47. Reports presented by the top officers and executive director of the fraternity revealed the health of

the fraternity, plans for expansion, the balanced financial statement, and the challenges for fraternities in the 1980s. Brother G. William Armstrong, Clarkson '61, assistant treasurer, presented the report of the treasurer for Brother Donald C. Rasmussen, Purdue '46, who was unable to attend. At the Board meeting which followed the Assembly, Brother Brownell was elected vicechairman of the board by the directors, and Brother Cheatham af-

Newsmakers Hall of Fame Our P. R. Image DU Books Report on the DU UGAC Committee

firmed the appointments of the chairmen of the standing committees as follows: Committee on Administration, G. William Armstrong, Clarkson '61; Committee on Graduate Activities, Leland J. Adams, Jr., Bucknell '64; Committee on Law, Howard Kahlenbeck, Jr., Indiana '52; Committee on Undergraduate Activities, Terry L. Bullock, Kansas State '61; Committee on Financial Program, Harry A. Crawford, Ohio State '47; and Committee on Chapter Loan Fund, Terry J. Brady, Missouri '62.

Assembly Pays Tribute to Ed Pollock

Brother Pollock was given a standing ovation by the Assembly and the head table pictured above are, left to right, Horace C. Nichol, Carnegie '21; ChaTles D. Prutzman, Pennsylvania State' 18; Herbert Brownell, Nebraska' 24; Brother Pollock; Dennis H. Cheatham, Indiana '65 and D. Bruce Decher, Western Ontario '51. DELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY·

January, 1980


DU Presidents Forum Debuts Next Seminar Scheduled March 14-16, 1980 by Richard Moran, Rutgers '72, Senior Development Director

"The leader must know, must know that he Imows, and must be able to make it abundantly clear to those about him that he knows." Clarence Belden Randall Noone ever said that the job of a chapter president is an easy one. Any current or former chapter president would concur that the term of office is filled with challenges. Trying to manage the fraternity, find time for academics, a social life, recreation, and still enjoy one's membership is a difficult task. In an attempt to address these concerns the DU Chapter Presidents Forum was conceived to help current presidents better cope with the rigors of office. 4

Billed as an "intensive weekend for top chapter leaders," the first Forum was held October 19 through 21, 1979 in Indianapolis. Six representatives paid their own way to participate. They included Charles W. Corkum, DePauw; Michael L. Fuller, Georgia Tech; Kevin T. Donnelly, Illinois; Joseph W. Oxley, Maryland; Gregory Kavanagh, Miami; Robert A. Seekeley, II, Ohio State. As is true with most new ideas, neither the participating presidents nor the staff of the Fraternity were sure how the weekend would unfold. It was clear almost immediately, however, that the first Presidents Forum was going to be a truly unique learning experience for everyone involved. The program was geared to cover all areas of chapter operations, but the emphasis was to be DELTA

determined by the undergraduates . A survey of the presidents revealed that they wanted to know more about time management, planning, coping with apathy, legal liabilities, the role of the International Fraternity, finances, alumni relations and many other topics. The professional and volunteer staff on hand were well prepared to handle the questions in all of these areas. Chairman of the Board, Dennis H . Cheatham, Indiana '65; Assistant Treasurer, G. William Armstrong, Clarkson '61; Executive Director Wilford A. Butler, CAE; Undergraduate Services Director Rodney P. Kirsch; Fraternity Development Director Keith W. Weigel and I were there to help, direct and answer questions. The exchange of thoughts and ideas on fraternity meandered into UPSILON QUARTERLY路 january, 1980

the late hours each night. The informal atmosphere lent itself to the free exchange and dialogue between all the participants. Although the word is frequently used today, SYNERGY best describes the Presidents Forum experience, that is, the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. The entire weekend was so much more than a continuum of programs. As the undergraduates themselves evaluated it, "the concept was great ... it is not overstructured, we were free to explore our own areas of interest or our own problems." "I feel now that we are not alone with some of our problems." "Although the format seemed unstructured, it actually covered more than Convention." "You get a good working experience with top fraternity officers." The Presidents Forum will be offered again in the spring. If the success of the first program is any indicator, there will be many more such Forums to follow. The Forum not only develops skills, it enhances the bonds between Brother presidents. The end result is that when the buck stops, it can be handled effectively with the reassurance of knowing that the buck is stopping in other DU chapters also.

The undergraduate presidents, officers and directors of the Fraternity, and the staff members all found the discussions at the Presidents Forum helpful and interesting. DELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY路

January, 1980


Principles Apply to DU Chapters

Bob Tyburski, left, Colgate '74, is the Assistant Director of Young Adult Programs for the American Management Associations and Chuck Fox, Colgate '70, is Director, Young Adult Programs, American Management Associations, Hamilton, New York. Editor's Note: graduate chapters. Let me provide With this issue o/the Quarterly, we introduce a newfeature of the magazine, specifitally designed to tell the story oj unusual and a few examples of the problem. :~~:~:;rfn~C~fa;;%~J %%;,~u~~l:a at;~i7!:~:~;/;:::::;;:~::; Management has been likened to ProvinceilGovernor, RobertL. Tyburski, Colgate '74, tokick-ojj the sex life of an elephant. It is conthis series, because we think that his work with the AMA program called OPeration Enterprise will be oj interest to parents oj high ducted in high places, amid much school and college age students, to alumni advisors and counselors. dealing with undergraduate leadership concepts and programs, noise and confusion, and the reand undergraduate brothers who may wish to consider participating in the program. suits aren't known for 22 months. In fraternity chapters the results by Robert L. Tyburski, Colgate '74 are known right away, but there We are all managers, regardless certainly can be much noise and of our position in a business, orconfusion. ganization, or the fraternity. Each For three years I visited Delta of us must plan, organize, impleUpsilon chapters as a member of ment, evaluate, and adjust our acthe International Headquarters' tions every day, and this process is professional staff. I made 211 visits not only limited to our job or volto 96 campuses with varying deunteer pOSItIOns. In our daily afgrees of receptiveness to the manfairs we apply the principles and agement ideas I tried to present. techniques of management. We Only a handful of chapters could make decisions about what to eat or rightfully boast the consistent use wear, in handling the personal fiof good management techniques in nances, and by deciding upon the action. evening's recreational activities, all The shoe box file system under with varying degrees of success. the bed somehow was perceived as This should not be profound to being better than a permanent file any of us, Yet when it comes to the drawer. Power play politics was business of managing our frateroften considered the only way to nity chapters, I think we may lose motivate members. Alumni who sight of those very fundamental complained that the chapters had concepts . .It's a problem that should changed for the worst, did little in always concern us, some cases to provide constructive As alumni and undergraduates ideas or advice, we must practice good selfAs an undergraduate officer of management. However, we must the Colgate Chapter, I was like also seek to improve these skills and many other chapter leaders in more importantly share them with demonstrating organizational others, especially in the underskills. Meetings were often unor-


ganized and certainly without a formal agenda. Five straw votes to decide upon an activity always seemed much better than proposing a well thought out plan for the consideration and approval of the members. Rarely did we consult with the previous officers, nor did we propose words of experienced advice to our successors. Progress did occur, and my undergraduate experience with the Fraternity is something I'll always treasure, but certainly there must have been a better way. It's been five years since my graduation from Colgate; three years as a member of the DU professional staff; and two years as a development officer for Grinnell College, a liberal arts college in Iowa. I've learned about and experienced a program that concerns itself with young adults developing their professional management skills, I'd like to share it with you as one way of dealing with the sort of problems just identified. "Operation Enterprise" is a program for high school and college students conducted by the American Management Associations. The program was created from the idea of top executives who believed that the concepts and skills of management and responsible leadership should be an integral part of the development of young people. The philosophy of Operation Enterprise is that students who understand these principles and techniques can manage their own affairs wisely, and can effectively direct any organization or business. A college fraternity, the school newspaper, or a fund-drive for a charity can be more successfully run with these concepts in mind. The program features an outstanding "guest faculty" of practieing managers and executives from all segments of society. Among the leaders who have served are: James L. Hayes (President and C.E.O. of A.M.A.), Lee S. Bickmore (Chairman, Executive Committee and Director, Nabisco,


january, 1980

Inc.), Don G. Mitchell (Vice Chairman, Marriott Corporation) and George Romney (former President and Chairman of the Board, American Motors Corporation). Students explore various aspects of management and organizational life through round table discussions, lectures, panels, small group sessions, role playing, and one-on-one discussion. The format ensures a maximum interchange of thoughts, ideas and feelings among students, faculty and staff. The "main campus" for the tenday session is located in Hamilton, New York, although the popularity of the program has allowed it to expanp to other sites. Next year, over 600 students from all over the world are expected to attend programs held in Europe, Canada, North Carolina and Florida, in addition to the facility in Hamilton. Cost of the program, which includes tuition, room and board is $595. Many companies, both small and large , directly sponsor students from their area, as do organizations like the Chamber of Commerce and Junior Achievement. Many students who learn about the program are sent by their parents, and others will ask a local company or organization to sponsor them. There are also corporations and individuals who support the Operation Enterprise Fund which provides scholarship support to interested and dese rving young adults who apply. The subject of management, the quality of the faculty, and the diversity of the students offer a unique learning experience for the young adults who participate In Operation Enterprise. I recommend this program to the undergraduates and their friends who are motivated and interested to learn more about managing themselves and working with other people. Alumni may wish to consider this opportunity for their chapter leaders, sons or daughters, or those of their employees and I'd be pleased to share more information with you about it. But the most important idea I want you to consider is the concept DELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY路

of management as it relates to our chapters. In expressing or sharing our thoughts and ideas with one another, let us understand that effective planning and organization must be combined with good communication and human relation skills. As alumni and undergraduates, let's plan, organize, implement, evaluate, and adjust our

programs to meet the needs of all members. Let's accept this challenge and opportunity of working towards our common goal, a better Delta . Upsilon, through more effective chapter management. The noise and confusion needn't be so loud . The excellence that is Delta Upsilon can be even better.


The learning experience at Operation Enterprise is popular among the participants because of the informal atmosphere. Here a student offers her ideas to the group and speaker.

Small group discussions and problem-solving sessions are an integral part of the OPeration Enterprise program. In this photo, James O'Connell; Eastern Area Manager, LEGO Systems, Inc. helps a group with a case problem.

January, 1980


G[) G[J 'Newsmakers

Charles D. Clingman, Bowling Green '69, has been named Director of Quality Control for Red Lobster restaurants. He has previously served as Director of Food Protection for the National Institute for the Foodservice Industry, and Bureau of Environmental Health for the State of Ohio. Clingman, who has a masters degree in Environmental Health Engineering from the University of Cincinnati, developed and instituted the nation's first Foodservice Manager Sanitation Training and Certification program in 1973. In 1974, he received an award from the Ohio Environmental Health Association for his contributions to Environmental Health Science.

ment reflects a change of operational direction in which concentration will be on expansion of the company's Canadian operations. A Past Vice President of Delta U psilon, Johnson is also a Chartered Life Underwriter with broad experience in the marketing of individual life insurance.

S. R. Johnson

C. D. Clingman

W. E. Michaelis

William E. Michaelis, Bradley '64, has been named Vice President, Personnel for Alpha Therapeutic Corporation. Alpha is a world-wide corporation with headquarters in Los Angeles, California and Osaka, Japan. The company manufactures and distributes a wide range of life saving health care products. S. Ross Johnson, CLU, British Columbia '52, has been appointed Executive Vice President of The National Life Assurance Company of Canada. Johnson is responsible for the company's individual insurance operations and his appoint-


Louis T. Calvano, Bucknell '76, won himself a gold medal in the second annual Empire Games' marathon in Liverpool, New York, with a time of 2 : 23 : 17 to lead the field of 137 starters. Calvano posted a Games' marathon record when he broke away in the closing four miles, beating the second place time of 2 : 24 : 01.2. There Were 97 finishers of the marathon. James L. Borchik, Denison '77, at 24 has become one of the youngest head basketball coaches at the collegiate level. Borchik is the new head coach at Walsh College, Canton, Ohio. Jonathan H. Wygant, Hamilton '70, is now owner of his own importing company of Austrian crystal. Iris Arc distributes crystal ornaments (prisms) and manufactures candlesticks, tabletop gifts and fine jewelry. Thomas B. Kirkpatrick, Jr., Illinois '64, has been appointed by Governor James R. Thompson to

serve a second four year term as Executive Director of the Illinois Dangerous Drugs Commission (IDDC), the agency responsible for all drug abuse treatment, planning and prevention activities in the state. First named IDDC's Executive Director in 1975, he brought to the position a blend of criminal justice, law enforcement and social science, including experience as the Chief of Operations of the U. S. Justice Department's Law Enforcement Assistance Administration's Chicago Regional Office.

Herbert P. Neubauer, Iowa State '67, has become the executive president of Worldwide Associates, Inc., located in Kansas City, Missouri. The company is an international distributor dealing in all types of pre-owned medical equipment, with significant emphasis on computerized x-ray scanners. John E. Brown, Kansas '61, has been appointed first provost of Lewis and Clark College, a 112 year old private liberal arts school in Portland, Oregon. Brown joined the Lewis and Clark faculty in 1967 as assistant professor of history, and last year served as acting president of the college while the president was on sabbatical leave.

J. E. Lorz

W. K. Crume, Jr.

John E. Lorz, Kent State '60, has been appointed District Manager, Syracuse Division (FF). Mr. Lorz began his Campbell career as sales representative in the Cleveland area and has held other district positions in Indiana, Wisconsin, Chicago and St. Louis. W. Keith Crume, Jr., Louisville '65, special agent with Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company in Louisville, Kentucky, has become a member of the prestigious Million Dollar Round Table. Besides being recipient of


January, 1980

the National Quality Award and the National Sales Achievement Award, he was recently elected to the Board of Directors of the Louisville Association of Life Underwriters. Peter A. G. Cameron,McGill '52, President of Canadian Corporate Management Co ., Ltd., has been elected a Director of the Commercial Life Assurance Company of Canada and The Halifax Insurance Company.

R. W. Scharff

B. W. Gledhill

Robert W. Scharff, Michigan '69, has been elected to the partnership of Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co. Mr. Scharff joined the certified public accountants firm in 1969 after receiving his BBA degree from the University of Michigan. Theodore P. Wallower, Missouri '33, and Vernon Smith own and personally run an exclusive boarding kennel, Mansion House Kennels in Newton, New Jersey. There are 32 kennels, each with a 4 by 6 foot indoor, air-conditioned space and an outdoor 6 by 20 foot run, blacktop and covered. Piped-in classical music, special diets, specially designed beds and personal attention make this a boarding kennel to pamper the pets and relieve the anxious minds of the masters. Robert G. Yingling, Jr., Missouri '62, has accepted a position as audit manager with Dietrich, Bye, Griffin & Youel, CPA's. Yingling was em ployed the past six years by Peat, Marwick, Mitchell and Co. John K. Selleck, Nebraska '12, celebrated his 90th birthday October 9. His positions with the University of Nebraska included assistant purchasing agent, comptroller, business manager of athletics and chancellor. Honors include the DELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY'

naming of the Selleck Quadrangle dormitory complex, an honorary law degree in 1957 and dedication of the 1979 Nebraska Football Guide. Selleck is very much a part of the Corn husker tradition because of the wisdom and foresight, and financial direction which he invested in the athletic program. He is given total or prime credit for projects ranging from the old knot-hole sections and the innovative Band Day to construction of the handsome coliseum, Henry F. Schulte Fieldhouse and the acquisition of practice grounds which now contain Ed Weir Stadium for track and Buck Beltzer Field for baseball. During the nationwide economic instability of the late 20's and 30's, Mr. Selleck kept Nebraska athletics out of the red. John Selleck has been a behind-the-scenes booster of football since a student, and still follows the Corn huskers with great affection. Michael C. Maibach, Northern Illinois '73, has been transferred by Caterpillar Tractor Co. from its Peoria, Illinois, headquarters to the San Leandro, California, office as Governmental Affairs-West Coast Representative. JamesJ. Weaver, Ohio State '63, is coach of the swimming team at The Hill School, Pottstown, Pennsylvania, named by Swimming World magazine as the National Prep School Champions. This was Weaver's eighth year at The HilI, and the school had eight AllAmerican swimmers and three All-American water polo players. The Hill School is a private nonprofit boarding school for boys in grades 8 through 12 with a 128 year history of academic excellence. Melvin L. Deering, Oklahoma State '67, has completed coursework toward EdD at Oklahoma State and has taken a position as elementary school principal in Edmond . John P. McKay, Jr., Oklahoma State '79, is attending the American Graduate School of International Management in Glendale, Arizona. McKay will be working toward his degree of Master of International

January, 1980

Management for the next three semesters. Wendell L. Richards, Oklahoma State '77, began his studies at the Oklahoma Osteopathic College of Medicine and Surgery in Tulsa to pursue his DO degree. He is joined by two other brothers, Alfred T. Hulse and James R. Loerke, both Oklahoma State '79. William T. Turner, Oklahoma State '79, has begun at the University of Oklahoma's School of Medicine, working toward his MD degree. Michael S. Williams, Oklahoma State '79, started in the fall at Oklahoma State's School of Veterinary Medicine. Bruce W. Gledhill, Pacific '59, has been elected Vice PresidentSales, Northern Division, Gilmore Envelope Corporation. Gledhill has a BA degree from the U niversity of the Pacific. He was made sales manager of Gilmore, the West's largest envelope manufacturing company, in March 1976.

W. W. Shade William W. Shade, Pennsylvania State '50, a former sales executive for Rockwell International, has been appointed to a newly created position as director of sales and marketing for Badger Meter, Inc., Flow Products Division, headquarters near Milwaukee, WisconSIn.

Thomas R. Dillon, Purdue '71, account executive with Dean Witter Reynolds Inc., recently received the professional designation of Certified Financial Planner. He has worked for Dean Witter in the West Port, St. Louis office since June 1977. Gregg A. Forszt, Purdue '72, recently was elected president of the


CD G[J GNewsmakers

Purchasing Management Association of Southern Arizona. This 80 member group is comprised of industrial and business purchasing professionals representing nearly every major company in southern Arizona.

G. A. Forszt

R. F. Wernet

Robert F. Wernet, PUTdue '51, is the new president-elect of Medical-Dental-Hospital Bureaus of America, trade association for over 300 business bureaus offering specialized services to health professionals and institutions. Wernet is the president of Credit Adjustment Service, Inc. of Memphis. He is also on the board of directors for the Memphis Better Business Bureau and Boys Clubs of Memphis, plus a member of the executive committee of the Memphis State University Foundation. Sheldon S. Baker, Rutgen '58, partner in the law firm of Halstead & Baker in Los Angeles, is currently president of the Verdugo Hills Council Boy Scouts of America, and president-elect of the California School Boards Association effective December 1979. CSBA is one of the largest organizations of school trustees in the nation and represents more than 1,000 school districts in California. Mr. Baker also serves as president of the Board of Education of the 10

Glendale Unified School District and vice president of the Glendale Community College Board ofEducation. General Frederick J. Kroesen, RutgeTs '44, has recently assumed command of the U. S. ArmyEurope (USAREUR). Kroesen received his BA in 1962 and his MA in 1966 from George Washington University. Prior to this assignment, he was Vice Chief of Staff, USA. Bruce W. Hart, Stan/m路d '73, has been promoted by Scott Co. to regional manager for Arizona-New Mexico, and will be responsible for all their construction activities in that area. Ronald G. Busch, Washington '78, has accepted an offer of employment with Procter & Gamble in the Manufacturing Management Field. A graduate of the University of Washington with a degree in Industrial Engineering, he will reside in Sacramento, California. Rupert N. Latture, Washington & Lee '15, retired as professor of political science in 1962, and 18 years later is more than busy at Washington & Lee, sorting and interpreting the University's historical records. Mr. Latture will be 88 in January 1980, and 42 of these years were spent in teaching at W &L. He received his BA degree, as class valedictorian, in 1915,and earned his master's degree a year later. During World War I he served with the French Army, and later the American Forces, returning to Virginia in 1919 to serve as principal of a private academy before returning to Washington & Lee in 1920. The now-national honor society he helped found before World War I, Omicron Delta

Rupert N. Latture Kappa, is uppermost in his interests. W . A. Butler, CAE, WesteTn Michigan '61, has been named Chairman of the Membership Directors Section of the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE). Butler, Executive Director of Delta Upsilon Fraternity since 1963, has edited the monthly news bulletin of the Fraternity Executives Association since 1968 and has served as president of that association. He is a member of the steering committee for the Fraternity Bicentennial Commission and assisted with the research and preparation of the futuristic study of fraternities, "Fraternities in the Year 2000." Gerald A . Hale, Westem Michigan '52, received Western's Distinguished Alumni Award at summer commencement in August. Hale is executive vice president and member of the board of directors, Allegheny-Ludlum Industries, Inc. (ALI), and president of ALI's general industry group. John L. Price, Westem ReseTve '42, has just recently directed the musical "Guys and Dolls" as the first show of Lakewood Little Theater's 50th season. A founder of Musicarnival, Greater Cleveland's only tent theater for 22 years, and now executive director of the Northern Ohio Opera Association, Price is one of the state's more colorful theatrical figures. His first professional encounter with "Guys and Dolls" came in 1950 with pirating the score from the show, then on Broadway. In 1955 he


January, 1980

negotiated for the rights to "Guys and Dolls" for Musicarnival which produced the show in 1955, 1958 and 1961. Michael F. Chrissie, Wichita '65 formerly assistant to the director of finance, Pleuger Pump Division of TRW Corp. of Hamburg, West Germany, has returned to the corporate headquarters in Cleveland Ohio, to assume the position of corporate manager of international accounting. Mike joined TRW in 1975 as manager of business planning for the company's Reda Pump division in Bartlesville Oklahoma, and was transferred t~ Germany in July 1977. Brad L. Bloom, Wisconsin '78, graduate of the School of Social Work and Community Planning, has entered rabbinical school in Israel. For the next five years he will study in Jerusalem and then in Cincinnati, at the Hebrew Union College where he has received a full scholarship. Brad also received the Rabbi Morris Lieberman Memorial Scholarship. During his studies at the School of Social Work and Community Planning, Mr. Bloom taught religious studies at the Washington Hebrew Congregation and the Baltimore Youth Institute.

GJfall of GFame THE HONOURABLE PETER LOUGHEED Alberta '52 Premier of Alberta, Canada

April 26 of this year, he was honored as the 1979 Distinguished Alumnus of San Jose State University at the 21st annual School of Business Achievement Banquet, which brings together business and community leaders, students and faculty.

Party in Alberta in 1965, won with the largest majority of any elected member in 1967, and became leader of the official opposition. ~ollowing the Conservative victory ll1 the 1971 provincial election, he was sworn in as Premier of Alberta. He was re-elected in 1971, again in 1975, and in 1979 began his third term as Premier of Alberta. A charismatic and controversial leader, he represents the constituency of Calgary West and lives in Edmonton. An all-round athlete he has played football with the Ed~ monton Eskimos and has participated in many sports. While at the University of Alberta, he earned both bachelor of arts and bachelor of law degrees, and later was graduated from Harvard University with a master of business administration degree. He joined Mannix Company Ltd. as secretary in 1956, was named general counsel in 1958, vice-president in 1959, and director in 1960 leaving Mannix in 1962 to ente; private legal practice. Premier Lougheed is proud of his political heritage, as his grandfather was the late Senator Sir James A. Lougheed , Alberta's first Conservative federal cabinet minister and national chairman of the Conservative Party in Canada.

PATRICK SPOONER San Jose '55 Stockbroker and Community Booster

Patrick Spooner, San Jose '55, vice president of investments with The Honourable Peter LougDean Witter Reynolds Inc. in heed, Alberta '52, Pre.mi~r of AlCu perti~o, California, has long berta, was electe~ provll1Claileader been active in both campus and of the Progressive Conservative community affairs in San Jose. On DELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY路 january, 1980

Brother Spooner has be~n a stockbroker since 1968, first with J. Barth & Company, then with Dean Witter & Company, which purchased the Barth firm in 1970. He was elected associate vice president in 1975, and vice president in charge of investments for the now Dean Witter Reynolds in 1978. Before entering the brokerage business, he worked briefly for American President Lines in San Francisco, served for two years in the U.S. Army, then in 1958joined Kennedy Business Machines as a salesman. In 1959, he formed K.B.M. Office Furniture, and in 1967 established Spooner's Interiors, a company involved in commercial design consultations for major corporations . At various times he has served as director of both the San Jose State University Alumni Association and Spartan Foundation, and has been a member of SJS U Athletics Board, and twice was elected n a tional alumni president. In 1977, he was elected a national director for the Miss America Pageant, having been state president of the Miss California competition from 1973-76 and chairman and chief executive officer of the pageant in 1977. A native of Los Angeles, he was reared in Santa Cruz, and currently resides in Sarasota, California. 11

Gomment on GFraternity

Don't Wait to Be Asked Please don't wait to be asked to help your chapter, they might die during the wait. Undergraduate chapter officers tell us that their single most pressing problem is the need for more alumni advice, assistance and help. And, they aren't talking about money, although none of us would deny that we need some of your folding green stuff. What chapter officers tell us, over and over again, is that the alumni don't seem interested in coming back to the chapter; that they don't want to help unless they are asked. You would save a drowning friend if you could, wouldn't you? One of the most tragic things that can happen is that your chapter can die of neglect and misinformation. If you want to know how your chapter is dOing, ask us, or ask an undergraduate. Better yet, go back and visit. Volunteer to be a part of helping our college brothers at a most critical time in their lives. Do you know that it is possible to attend college for four years and not get to know a single adult member of the faculty? Not only is it possible, it is the reality all too often. If our undergraduate brothers aren't talking with the faculty, they may not know any older people, who can provide the mature outlook, the guidance and the encouragement they so badly require. Now undergraduates aren't perfect, their organization often doesn't provide the best leadtime in planning alumni events; and you may go back to the chapter house and be "turned off" by the lack of housekeeping, but don't make fast judgments. Remember when you were in college ... was the chapter house spotless ... was it really? Or is that just the warm, wonderful way in which you like to remember it? Now, look carefully at the undergraduate men in our chapters. There are some of the most exciting and challenging individuals there. A.nd they are learning, at a fairly critical time in their lives, how to manage to live with others, how to trim desires into fiscally manageable size, and how to organize and run their fraternity. The miracle of the fraternity is that each new generation must discover these things for themselves. And that is part of the unique educational value, some of the charm, and some of the folly of youth. Don't be ignorant about your chapter, don't wait to be asked, and do know that a stronger and more responsive Delta Upsilon requires, yes requires, both your encouragement and your dollars. Give generously to your chapter, and to the International Fraternity ... both will be stronger for your help. Fraternally yours,

Wilford A. Butler, CAE Executive Director



January, 1980

Members of the President's Century Club for 1979-'80 "eceive this solid walnut exclusive memo box createdfD!' Century Club members. The 5" x 7" size and ceramic tile top makes this a handsome addition to any desh.

We have finished the first half of the fund-raising year with a very strong start in members in the President's Century Club. Century Club members receive the exclusive walnut memo box with the Century Club insignia on the top, copies of the regular bulletin "Conversations with the President," the Graduate Report and a gold-tipped membership card. Here are the members of the Century Club from July 1, 1979 through November 14, 1979.

1. Horace L. Acaster, Pennsylvania '44 2. Mark H. Adams, Kansas '20 3. Gregory E. Albert, Washington State '74 DELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY路

4. Charles L. Allen, Michigan State '55 5. Warren L. Anderson, DePauw '42 6. Lawrence F. Armstrong, Technology '28 7. F. Lee Baird, Kansas '55 8. William N. Banks, Jr., Dartmouth '45 9. Walter J. Beadle, Technology '20 10. Arnold O. Beckman, Illinois '22 11. George Blair, Miami '37 12. Paul J. Bodine, Jr., Northwestern '50 13. Nicholas J. Borrello, Rutgers '59 14. Herbert S. Botsford, California '53 15. James G. Brass, Manitoba '73 16. Jack J. Bricker, Western Reserve '35 17. Harry N. Briggs, Missouri '51 18. Wayne P. Buckmiller, Creighton '71

January, 1980

19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33.

Donald A . Carlson, Alberta '54 William L. Carter, Florida '71 Harold D. Caylor, Indiana' 16 David E. Chambers, Arizona '60 Dominic E. Cifonelli, Carnegie '55 Don E. Clark, Alberta '55 Benjamin M. Clifford, Washington State '46 Joseph W. Ciatti, Oregon '64 Chester V. Clifton,Jr., Washington '35 Neal L. Cobb, Tufts '27 Dwight M. Cochran, Chicago '27 David L. Cole, Wilmington '72 Jack H. Copple, Purdue '36 Willis G. Corbitt, Washington '20 Lloyd W. Courter, Iowa '57


34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42 . 43 . 44. 45 . 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52 . 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72 . 73. 74. 75 . 76. 77. 78 . 79. 80. 81. 82 . 83. 84. 85. 86. 87.


Ira Crews, Jr., Oklahoma '45 Curtiss E. Crippen, Minnesota '30 Ralph U. Cross, Tufts '16 Mark E. Croxton, Michigan '23 Lawrence J . Dagostino, Union '75 William J. Dalrymple, Kansas '35 D. Bruce Decker, Western Ontario '51 Louis N. DeWitt, Ohio State '30 John J. Douglas, Wisconsin ' 39 Gordon G. DuPree, Kansas '67 Frederick L. Elder, Miami '27 R. Dale Ellis, Missouri '59 John J. Enders, Washington State '39 Edwin L. English, Ohio State '22 James R. Ewert, Jr., Houston '79 George D. Ferguson, British Columbia '62 Dennis A. Ferrazzano,Johns Hopkins '68 Thomas S. Filip, Oklahoma '69 Henry J. Forsyth, Lehigh '32 Ernest L. Glasscock, Missouri '28 Gary J. Golden, Rutgers '74 Hugh W. Gray , Nebraska '34 Lewis D. Gregory, Kansas '75 H. Thomas Hallowell, Jr., Swarthmore '29 Stephen F . Harbison, Stanford '65 H. Vincent Harsha, Iowa '42 Robert C. Haugh, Indiana '48 Frederick J. Haugk, Jr., Indiana '74 Lloyd T. Hayward, Middlebury '23 Scott W. Hazen , Jr., Northwestern '34 Edgar F. Heizer,Jr., Northwestern '51 Thomas H. Henkle, U .C.L.A. '50 John V . Herasimchuk, Pennsylvania State '34 Jerrad J. Hertzler, Kansas '58 Walter J. Hodge , Missouri '25 Joseph F. Hogan, Miami '48 William S. Hold e n, Washington '30 Paul A. Howsare, Simpson '29 Thomas L. Hrivnak, Western Ontario '74 PaulO. Huntington, Tufts ' 13 C. Earl Ingalls, Brown '25 Bruce M. Jackson, Toronto ' 50 Allan R. Johnson, Pennsylvania '39 Oliver K. Johnson, Sr., Kansas '26 William F. Jones, Nebraska '27 William E. Jouris, T echnology '61 William L. Julian, Illinois '29 William G. Kagler, Syracuse '54 Howard Kahlenbeck, Jr ., Indiana ' 52 Stephen P. Kaptain, Michigan '48 Stewart B. Kett, California '49 Semon E. Knudsen, T echnology '36 Arthur A. Kurz, Bucknell '69 Robert.J . LaFortune, Purdue '51

88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95 . 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108.

William H . Lawson , Purdue '50 Gary L. Levering, Northwestern '61 Carroll L. Lurding, Ohio State '59 Dave Maguire, Southern Illinois '73 Robert J. Martin, Washington '59 Richard C. Marx, Pennsylvania '54 Arthur H. Milson, Illinois' 16 Ralph L. Mason, Iowa State '33 John C. Mazzei, New York '26 Thomas F. McKay, Washington '48 J. Paul McNamara, Miami '29 Donald C. Metz, Purdue '30 Charles D. Miller, Johns Hopkins '49 Joel S. Mindel, Swarthmore '60 Raymond Mooney, Illinois '16 Richard T. Morris, Colgate '28 Allen A . Mossier, Indiana '50 Charles E . Nelson, Wisconsin ' 27 Herbert H. Nelson, Colorado '59 Donald F. Newman, Carnegie '54 Reginald B. Newman, Northwestern '59 109. Raymond S. Noonan, Middlebury '21 110. Robert V. Noreika, Lafayette '67 Ill. C. Esco Obermann, Iowa '26 112. M. J. O'Brien, Toronto '42 113. Brent G. Orcutt, Hamilton '26 114. Franz Osthaus, Stanford '27 115. Joseph H. Penrose, Jr., Cornell '59 116. Wallace V. Peters, Pen nsylvania State '14 117. H. Clayton Peterson , Kansas State '67 118. Charles A. Phillips, III , Clarkson '64 119. C. Reynolds Potter,Johns Hopkins '68 120. Alan V. Pugh, North Carolina ' 73 121. Robert L. Purcell, Chicago '31 122. Remington J. Purdy, Lehigh '28 123. John W. Puth , Lehigh '52 124. William K. Reid, Oklahoma '58 125 . Paul H . Resch , Carnegie '28 126. William C. Reusing, Virginia '62 127. Arthur L. Rice, Jr., Illinois '36 128. Donald L. Richardson, Washington and Lee '4 3 129. Fred L. Roberts, Jr. , Bradley '71 130. Fulton W. Samson, Pennsylvania '21 131. Samuel A. Santandrea, Rochester '56 132. Nelson Schaenen, Jr., Cornell '50 133. C . Earl Schooley, Missouri '28 134. Warren A. Scott, Purdue '48 135. James C. Shaw, Ohio State '49 136. George W. Shore, Arizona '62 137. Cassius C. Sisler, Western Reserve '48 138. Charles J. Slawson, Kansas '20 139. Donald C. Slawson, Kansas '56 140. John R. Slothower, Nebraska '45 141. Thomas C. Smith, Kansas State '70 142. Toby W . Spikes, Kansas ' 75 143. J. Wesley St. Clair, Kansas '58 144. George E. Starr, Washington '08 145. R. V. Stephens, Indiana '61 146. William L. Stover, Carnegie '40 147. Vern P. Swanes, Washington '45 148. Scott D. Thayer, Middlebury '43 149. Franklyn H. Tormoen, Minnesota '30 150. William K. Ulerich, Pennsylvania State '31 151. Myron W. Ulrich, Western Reserve '34 152. William E. Walker, Ohio State '54 153 . W. D. Watkins, North Carolina ' 27 154. Robe rt F. Wernet, Purdue '51 155. Richard A. West, Lafayette '53 156. G. H . Westby, Chicago '20 157. Kenneth Winston , Carnegie '56 158. Robert C. Wood , Cornell '67 159. Harlan S. Yenne, Indiana '16

Will you be President's Century Club Member #160? Please join the growing band of DU's who give to support a stronger Fraternity.

clip and mail

Yes count me in the DU Century Club. Here's my $100 check to keep DU a leader. your name

chapter and year


january, 1980

Watch for the directory of alumni supporting members for givers from July 1, 1979 to April 1, 1980 in the July issue of the Quarterly, with the October, 1980 issue completing the record of donors for the remainder of the fiscal year.

Your annual alumni support in any amount renews, maintains and improves the quality of critical DU service programs to chapters, to alumni. Annual alumni support makes possible regular field staff visits with follow-up help for chapters in real difficulty. Your alumni support annual check brings you the Delta Upsilon Quarterly, permitting extra pages, the Quarterly facelift and use of color in the magazine. Alumni DUpdate events all over North America are yours as a result of the annual alumni support check you write. These and so many other projects simply wouldn't be possible without your help. Your generous check today insures a stronger fraternity tomorrow.

And your invitation to join those alumni on the 1979-'80 Honor Roll through your support -----------------------------------------------------------c lip and rna i I com mitment ----------------------------------------------------------Mail to: Delta Upsilon Fraternity Post Office Box 40108 Your personal commitment to Delta Upsilon Indianapolis, IN 46240 I am enclosing my alumni support check for _ _ _ $1 OO-President's Century Club-members receive gold membership card, special letters from the President of the Fraternity, The Graduate Report, and the President's Century Club gift. _ _ _ $50-Golden Delta Club-membership includes Golden Delta card, the Golden Delta Club News (new this year), and regular issues of The Graduate Report. _ _ _ $25-Silver Delta Club-members receive special Silver Delta Club card and regular issues of The Graduate Report. _ _ _ $15-Annual Alumni Support- givers receive regular issues of The Graduate Report. chapler

your name


January, 1980

& year


Ghapter '1ictivities GReview [}}~

Alberta Terry Spelliscy, President 11010 86th Avenue Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G OW9 We are proud of our house renovations and increased sports involvement by members. We also reinstituted the alumni rush event banquet in September. ALUMNI EVENT: Founders' Day, January 20, 1980, at house. Initiates: Greg Fahlman, Darryl Stein.

Society. Our pledges sang, with other chapters' pledges in turn, to the pledges of the sororities . Mike Cheves was co-founder of UTA's new club "Saddle and Spurs" with Paul Hawkins being treasurer. Brother Dyer is treasurer of the IFC; Steve Smith is parliamentarian for the Student Congress, and Philip S. Rushing is chairperson of the SAB Forums Council. Initiates: Jim Crutchfield, Jim Darwin II, David Graves, Kenneth Hoofard, Jr., Paul Luby, Philip S. Rushing, Larry Schwartz, Mike Smith, Brian Vaughn.

Arkansas David E. Cain, President 10 North Garland Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 A successful fall rush gave us a full house with 57 men . We are planning for our Founders' Day celebration on November 10 and our 2nd annual singphony-talent contest with Greeks and dorms, proceeds to go to charity. Action is being taken to reconstruct our parking lot. Pledges: Bob Bolls, Bobby Bomar, Kevin Carter, David Gean, Russell Hankins, Jeff Hansen, David Hoff, Rick Hutchins, Paul Hutchins, John Monaweck, Jeff Rector, Terry Rodgers, Pat Turner, Glenn Walsh, Rick Witcher, Joel Polichronopoulos, Venny Sneed.

Arlington house.

An artist's picture of the chapter

Baylor William K. Baker, President Box 102, Union Building Baylor University Waco, Texas 76703 We raised $3,900 for Muscular Dystrophy ' in our 2nd annual football marathon and made a strong showing with our homecoming float. Our ecology effort is in weekly cleaning out Waco Creek. Initiates: Dennis David, Jay Jeffrey, Barret Evans, Steve Edwards, CliE Petty, Mark Sullivan, Keith Kattner.

Bowling Green Charles S. Collinge, President Bowling Green State University Bowling Green, Ohio 43402 The brothers got together one Saturday and cleaned the house from top to bottom. We donated some games to a local children's organization. Our group also participated in the annual "mug tug." We have a chapter retreat scheduled for the end of the term to prepare for next quarter. ALUMNI EVENT: May 10, 1980, 30th annual DU bike race, and May 17, 30th Anniversary celebration . Initiates: Gary Louderback, Odoardo Citro, Douglas Coer.

Arlington Donald R. Dyer, President 719 West Abram Arlington, Texas 76013 DU Haunted House was October 31, our annual fund raiser for the American Cancer


capturing the IFC All-Sports Cup for 1979; placed first in the annual Greek Week competition with places in the chariot race, the marathon, and the Greek God (skit) competition. We pledged 30 men, bringing total memberhip to 104; the house grade point average 2.75, this being second among the 14 social fraternities. We are proud of our many house improvements. ALUMNI EVENT: Golf Tournament, May 3-4, 1980. Initiates: Greg Colgan,John Martin, Scott Israelson, Vince Smith, Don Klink, Dean Teglia, Jim Lane, Dave Wagner.

Bradley Coleman Black, President 1318 West Fredonia Peoria, Illinois 61606 For the year, we placed in every sport,

Bradley - Several alumni return annually to participate in the golf tournament.

Bucknell William A. Kearney, President Bucknell University Lewisburg, Pennsylvania 17837 An enthusiastic start for our chapter on September 14 with the Honorable Terry L. Bullock, addressing the brotherhood at our formal initiation . Brother Bullock remained for the weekend, sharing ideas on how to better our chapter. On Greek Weekend this fall we raised $100 for the March of Dimes, sponsoring a bed race. ALUMNI EVENT: Demie Play Weekend, March 20-21, 1980. Initiates: Pete Petrou, Stu Berger, Steve Good, Bill Arnhols, Bill Baker, Doug Con-


January, 1980

ners, Tony Costa, Chip Diver, Tyler Drolet, jim Eick, Larry Esposito, jim Flynn, Bruce Gibson, Bob Griffin, Mike Held, Paul Hinman, jim Howland, Pete Hughes, Greg johnson, Skip Kellner, jeff Lewis, Chris Lloyd, Mike Mooney, james Nicol, Ken Quaas, Paul Rasmussen, Emmett Seaborn, Brian Sisko, john Torrey, Rick Wamback, Al Weaver , Dave Woods,josh Zimmerman.

nerstone in our development of the chapter. The chapter house is in the best shape ever and we invite alumni to visit any time. ALUMNI EVENT: Spring Carnival, Weekend of April 18, 1980. Initiates: joseph R. Foos, jeffrey Taylor, john Wooldridge.

Central Missouri

California Chester R. MacPhee, III, President 2425 Warring Street Berkeley, California 94704 We are holding a raffle to raise funds for the house. Plans are being made for our annual "Smoker" golf tournament for the fathers and brothers of DU's. We are strong in intramural sports this term and will be defending our soccer championship. Efforts are being made to improve the chapter's relations with the University. ALUMNI EVENT: April 29,1980, fund raising dinner with alumni , at chapter house. Pledges: Kirk Beebe, Mark Carlos, john Glass, Chip Hill,jim Hunt,jon Hutchinson, Bill Knees, Robert Lemmon, Matthew MacPhee, jim O'Conner, Steve Olson, Blake Osmundsen, Geoff Rushing, Don Sabantini, Charlie Schueler, Steve Spurlock.

Ernest M. Painter, President Diemer Hall, 310R Warrensburg, Missouri 64093 We spent a work weekend at "Worlds of Fun" in Kansas City, raising $1,000 toward expenses of our 10 year anniversary to be celebrated Aprilll-12, 1980. . ALUMNI EVENT: Third annual alumni banquet at the CMSU Union, tentative date january 19,1980. Initiates: Tom Lowe and Dan Murray.

Chicago Howard L. Niden, President 5714 Woodlawn Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60637 We have converted from oil to gas heat, and we're doing our recycling through the Hyde Park Resource Center. We held a garage sale for our scholarship fund and have instituted a Sunday night formal dinner. ALUMNI EVENT: Alumni dinner , chapter house, February 2, 1980. Initiates: David Appel, Michael Barry.

Clarkson Todd A. Richards, President 30 Elm Street Potsdam, New York 13676 Our chapter has received a letter of commendation from the Potsdam Mayor. Our alumni fund drive collected over $800, and our chapter relations activities donated money to charities. ALUMNI EVENT: Not planned yet. Initiates : Edward Bullis, james Buran, Daniel Cartmell, jonathan Dulude, james Duryea, john Fletcher, Paul Halmo, james Huntington, Russell Lewis, Frank Petronio, Ernest Reape, Randall White,jeffrey Amell, Michael Donovan,james Ellis, Mark Ferrer, james Harvey, Matthew Hull, Paul McLaughlin, Bernard Powell, Gary Sweed, Scott Wilson, Robert Wolcott.

Carnegie - The chapter raised over $1,600 for CARE with their "Hop-a-thon" held last spring.

Colby Carnegie Gregory D. jordan, President 5031 Forbes Avenue Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213 At the 1979 Convention, the chapter received the "Best Community Relations Award" for our project "Hop-a-thon" which took place jointly with the KKC Sorority on April 14 and raised over $1,650 for CARE. The money is to be used to build a one room school in Honduras. A Little Siste rs Program has been organized and is viewed as a definite corDELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY路

Lawrence F. Drago, President Colby College Waterville, Maine 04901 We just recently completed the painting and re-carpeting of the house. We enjoyed a successful homecoming program and an increase in alumni support. The first issue of our newsletter has been published and a new pledge program has been instituted . ALUMNI EVENT: March 1980, party for St. Patrick's Day. Pledges: Charles Higgerson, Stephen Healey , Robert Patience, Scott Kruixruger, john Mackmemmer, Charles Smith.

january, 1980

Colgate Brian D. Hayes, President Colgate University Hamilton, New York 13346 We are happy to report we are recovering well from the damage done to thl: house by fire last term, and are taking steps to further improve the house appearance. We have prepared a comprehensive rush program, and have taken steps to improve relations with the alumni as well as the University. ALUMNI EVENT: Alumni Weekend, party at DU House, February 9, 1980. Initiates: Peter Palladino, jeff Rocco, Tom Didio, David Garfinkle, Scott Gray, Steve Whitman, Art Smith,john Thornton, Chris Burns, Andy Kameros, Geoff Weldon, john Kafaf, Tom Dobbins, Dan jacks, Andy Bobik, Bill McCarthy, Tom McChesney, Dave Moules , Fred Dunlap, Bob Dunlap, Marty Schuff, Brian Plunkett.

Colorado Jeffrey D. Nichols, President 1012 University Avenue Boulder, Colorado 80302 Improvements to the chapter house include a fire alarm system and expansion of the library. The pledge program has been reorganized to emphasize scholastic achievement and membership development. We took first place in the All Greek inner-tube water polo comp<:tition and second in the All Greek basketball. Brad Blackwell is internal vice president of IFC. Alumni always welcome to visit. We erred in the last Quarterly chapter news report in stating that the financing of the painting of the exterior of the house was completed. This is not yet true, and we hope that all Colorado alumni will pitch in so that this goal can be realized. ALUMNI EVENT: Founders' Day dinner, February 23 , 1980, at the chapter house at 7:00 p.m . Initiates: Marc Leh, Steven Doan , Mark Thalhofer, William Norgren, Gregory Dickinson, Douglas Morton, Michael Bazulka III, David Reed.

Cornell John M. Jameson, President 6 South Avenue Ithaca, New York 14850 . Our chapter is proud to have won the most outstanding chapter award at the 1979 convention. We recently had architectural and engineering study of the house completed, and have started house improvements directed at safety and energy conservation. ALUMNI EVENT: March 8, 1980, Spring W~ekend, formal. Initiates: Douglas Alleavitch, john Baldini, Thomas Bottini,james Burry, Richard Castillo, William Dyar, Bruce Dzinski , james Gibbons, Douglas Happel, David Kimchik, Michael Laprocido, Mark Lock, Jerald Lockwood, Robert Ludwig, Mark Marotto, Mark Merila, Paul Mullenhoff, Samuel Nazzaro, Robert Palumbo , james Risciano, Mark Seiden, Gregory Stento , Robert Straka, David Strang, Kurt Walterhouse.


Creighton Kevin A. O'Connor, President 318 North 33rd Street Omaha, Nebraska 68131 The third annual, teeter-totter marathon (30 hours) for charity was September 21-22; our first annual Parents Weekend was Sep-' te mber 28-30; Dow City Steak Fry on October 6 and Fall Formal on November 3. ALUMNI EVENT: Formal, at Newtower Inn, 6:00 p.m., April 19, 1980. Initiates: Frank Hoehn, Marty Hoff, Mike Angel, Bill Egr.

Pledges: Jeff Sanders, Glenn Lewzader, George Hopple, Dave lvey, Tom Anderson, Ken Adley, Rich Shiffler, Dan Gonzales,Jeff Kolodzik , Scott Bethke, John Hadder, Henry Coustneau, Mike Protogere.

Georgia Tech

Dayton John M. MikIavcic, President 108 Woodland Dayton, Ohio 45409 Celebrating the fifteenth anniversary of the founding of the chapter this term, we are proud to have a large pledge class to help maintain the increased community service already underway. We have painted the inside of the chapter house, and have become a member of the Student Alumni Foundation. ALUMNI EVENT: Greek Ball , to be announced later. Initiates: Vince Kelly, Joseph Reddy, Ralph Spagnolo, Brian Murphy , Michael Dalton, Karl Crum.

Delaware William B. Hallam, President 400 Wollaston Avenue, Apt. A3 Newark, Delaware 19711 Summer rent for the house was accomplish ed through sub-leasing. The alumni have formed a career counselling program. Our pledge education program has been improved and the rush program better organized, with results that more me n are interested. The Brothers participated in the house renovations. ALUMNI EVENT: 10th Founders' Day, dinner at the chapter house, April 12-13, 1980. Maybe a softball game during the weekend. Initiates: Frank McCullough , Michael Ben, Kevin Karton, Paul Miller.

Denison Peter Massey, President Slayter Hall, Box 1115 Denison University Granville, Ohio 43023 See page 24.

DePauw Charles W. Corkum, President 626 East Seminary Street Greencastle, Indiana 46135 At the end of formal rush we doubled our size from 14 to 28 men. With 28 men in the house we are becoming more stable in areas including budget, scholarship and overall activities. Thanks to the support of our alumni, we were able to redecorate our two main living areas, including new carpet, drapes and furniture . ALUMNI EVENT: April 5, 1980, Rose Dance, at chapter house.


during Greek Week, and turning the garage into a game room . ALUMNI EVENT: May 5, 1980, 11 :00, golf tourney at Palm Lake Golf Course. Initi ates : Bret Stoner, Chris Robinson, David Normoyle, Camron Sheets, Melton Gatso , Neal Tasunn.

Eastern Kentucky - Chapter members played tug-oj-war in some campus Greek games.

Michael L. Fuller, President 154 Fifth Street, Northwest Atlanta, Georgia 30313 We were Number One among fraternities in scholarship in the fall of 1978; placed third in the Georgia Tech Annual Alumni Roll Call; seventh of29 fraternities in Greek Week. We have started a full time meal plan with a cook, and are working to improve alumni relations. ALUMNI EVENT: Founders' Day, February 1980 Initiate: Michael A. Leon.

Hamilton Eastern Kentucky P. Michael Ditchen, President Box 223, Todd Hall Richmond, Kentucky 40475 This term we sponsored a Greek Mixer; took second place at the SAE County Fair; held a homecoming dinner and dance; had an alumni get-together; and washed cars for charity. ALUMNI EVENT: Spring formal - to be announced . Pledges: Don Dezarn, Fred Gibbons, Gary Lunsford, Brent Lyons, Clay Nelson, Chuch Rogers, Marshall Stump. Jack Taylor, Jeff Hensley, Jerald Wise, Gunther Zimmerman, Kelly Este r , Rick Justice, Dwayne Reynolds, Woody Tichenor, Tim Manord.

Florida Mark C. Taylor, President 1814 West University Avenue Gainesville, Florida 32603 Major house improvements, financed together by alumni and undergraduates, included new plumbing and construction of a new recreation room. We have a large pledge class, ranking second on the campus of 29 fraternities; chapter size ranks eighth. We are in our seco nd year of fund-raising appeals to the alumni; last year's was very successful. ALUMNI EVENT: Picnic/Orange and Blue football game, May 1980 - chapter house. Initiates: Stephe n Otis, Mark Gibson, Paul Sticker, Patrick Cleary, William Lundy, David Couts, Christopher Johnson, Bradford Davis.

Steven M. Adolfi, President Hamilton College Clinton, New York 13323 We have been busy this term and feel we have really bettered our campus relations. We have developed a new pledge program and are working toward improving the bondage of brotherhood including better and more frequent correspondence with alumni. A neat beautiful chapter house is also a sou rce of pride. ALUMNI EVENT: Alumni Clambake in May 1980 at the chapter house. Initiates: Bill Ackerman, Eric Aldrich, Pete Averill, George Aylesworth, John Barker, Scott Bergin, John Chatas, Dan Clair, Rob Galbraith, Jeff Greene, Joe Hobika, Alex Hood, Greg Hoogkamp, Bill Katz, Dave Norman , Al Ross, Paul Sagristano, Bill Selin, Bob Shumaker, Ron Simmons, Nic Ventresca.

Houston Timothy S. Hartnett, President Campus Activities Center, Box 109 4800 Calhoun University of Houston Houston, Texas 77004 For the second semester in a row, we had the highest grade point average of all the fraternities on campus. The third annual John-a-thon was held August 27-31 to benefit muscular dystrophy , and over $1,000 was raised. We also are entering a homecoming float in the co mpetition this year. ALUMNI EVENTS: Spring formal, April 12, 1980 at the Flagship Hotel; and the active/alumni softball game on April 27, 1980 at Memorial Park. Initiates: Warren Young, Bob Moreau, Steve Malkey, Ricky Guttenberger..

Fresno David F. Stanley, Jr., President 5210 North 3rd Street Fresno, California 93710 Our accomplishments include increasing the GPA over last yea r, winning first place in the overall float competition for homecoming, sponsoring a pumpkin carving contest

Illinois Kevin T. Donnelly, President 312 East Armory Avenue Champaign, Illinois 61820 One of the top houses in fall formal rush, giving us a strong pledge class. Scholastically


January, 1980

we are above the University men's average grade point; are defending champs in volleyball, golf, and remain undefeated in soccer. A new roof is in place and renovations are planned for the kitchen and washroom facilities. ALUMNI EVENT: March 8, 1980, Ramada Inn, 75th anniversary banquet and ball. Get your reservation card from Kurt Wilke at chapter house. Initiates : Tim Arnold, Bruce Esworthy, Ross Bentsen, Andre Quattrochi, Charles Carey, Kevin Kinsella.

Indiana David P. Doust, President 1200 East Third Street Bloomington, Indiana 47401 This term we filled our chapter house with 70 men, bringing us up to eighth largest frate rnity of the 33 on the IU campus. With the increase in our chapter size, we have also budgeted ourselves to be financially stable. We are also setting up a scholarship foundation in addition to establishing a superior social program. ALUMNI EVENT: "Renewal - DU Get-together" all day on January 12, 1980 at the chapter house. Initiates: Randy Hazel, Dan Piety, Gary Karch , Chris Hoke, Kent Mitchell, Bill Patterson, Phil Hipskind, Craig Wible.

Iowa Daniel T. Brackett, President 320 Ellis A venue Iowa City, Iowa 52240 Involved in our first service project in yea rs , the Multiple Sclerosis Marathon . Enjoying a new enthusiasm with 13 initia tes and 21 new pledges, giving us a full house and no real financial problems. Expecting a great turnout for alumni at hom eco ming. ALUMNI EVENT: Hom eco ming/ football, October 18, 1980. Initiates: Tom Schlesser, Ethan Jersild, Tom McGrath, Jerry Price, Marty Smith, Steve Hingtger, Bob Beckinbaugh, Steve Lagerstrom, Mike Duffy, Gary DeRugles, Mark McMullen, Herbert Schultz, Mike Lashbrook.

Johns Hopkins Steven J. Schapiro, President 4220 North Charles Street Baltimore, Maryland 21218 We have successfully improved community relations and are co ntinuing our drive for alumni support. We have the highest fraternity grade point average on campus for the third consecutive year. We were successful in raising funds by vending at the Orioles play-off game. We have the most fraternity brothers involved in student organizations of any fraternity. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming, May 10, 1980 at chapter house. Initiates: Paul Cook, Lawrence Wolfe , Lawrence Lappin, John Snyder, Jay Bond, Erik Maki, William Daly, Christopher Quinn, Christopher Pope, Matthew Beatty, Jeffrey Salmore, Stuart Cohen, Timothy Chapin, George Wodi cka.

Kansas Arnold R. Baum, President 1025 Emery Road Lawrence, Kansas 66044 We enjoyed a 3.05 GPA and received three of the six awards in the Rock Chalk Revue and fraternity basketball championship. Members are involved in campus government and IFC. Our new dining room addition and library were dedicated as the "Lloyd Houston Memorial" after our counselor for 50 years, during our 60th year anniversary at annual DU Day. ALUMNI EVENT: DU Day, October 1980, at chapter house. Pledges: Dave Anderson, Brad Bailey, Tad Dower, Bill Griffin , Jeff Griggs, Duane Grovenburg, Bruce Harris, Blake Hedges, Bob Holt, Mike Hurd, Lin Judy , Tod King, David Manda , Beau Peters, Blake Rolley , David Russell, Steve Se nseman, Todd Slawson, Stuart Southern, Brad Stout, Bobby Vickers.

ALUMNI EVENT: Founders' Day/ Homeco ming , chapter house , Nove mber 1980. Pledges : David Arnold, Mike Bolar,John Breed en, Daryl Bugner, Marc Degenhardt, Gary DeSha zer, Glen Grosdidier, Brian Hallman, Paul Lawrence, Paul Morgan , Ric Morrow, Brian Parks, James Reed, Brad Reinhardt , Gerry Ricken, Doug Sharpe , Brent Stanley, Steve Upchurch .

Lafayette Donald W. Alabaster, President Lafayette College Easton, Pennsylvania 18042 We are maintaining high academic and social standing, doing well in intramurals, and have one half of the brotherhood on the rugby team. Work has been done on the inside of th e house, and we are hoping to have a strong and successful rush. ALUMNI EVENTS: April 1980: Champagne form al; May 1980: Spring I.F. Initiates: T erry Carbaugh, Charles Costenbad e r , James Eckert, Scott Finley, Timothy Fiske, Gardol Gallimore, Craig Kaufman, Richard Kern, Donald King, Richard Kitchen , Robert Kleinhart, Dean Lovett, Robert Meindl, Bruce Ruehl , J a mes Vilaro, Mike Weaver.

Lehigh James J. Mahlbacher, President Lehigh University Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18015 We have four starters on the varsity football team; six more brothers on the team; some me mbers involved in rugby , tennis and lacrosse. The rest of the chapter is active in trying to ca pture the All-University intramural crown. Our academic standing is very mu ch on the upswing and our rush progra m is coming along excellently. ALUMNI EVE NT: Picnic and football game, April 20, 1980 at the chapter house at noon. Initiates: Paul Anastasio, Dave Dietz, Darren H e rnand ez, Ed Jordan, Jim Mackie, Tim Miller, Pete Smith.

Louisiana State Iowa State G. Thomas Sullivan, President 117 Ash Avenue Ames, Iowa 50010 Besides running one of the top costeffective rush efforts reported on ca mpus this year, we achieved a maximum capacity in house numbers for the first time in three years. We won many maximum participation competitions in Greek Week 1979. With Sigma Kappa Sorority, we won th e VEISHA float competition. Renovations have been made to the fourth floor and room furnishings. The baby grand piano was restored to original condition by the Mothers Club at a cos t of $2,300; new value of the piano $6,000. ALUMNI EVENT: VEISHEA Celebration/Open House May 3, 1980 at the chapter house. Initiates: Tim Herbert, Ken House man. DELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY'

Kansas State - All the members pose with the Trustees' Award for Excellence they won at the 1979 Leadership Conference and Convention.

Kansas State David C. Law, President 1425 University Drive Manhattan, Kansas 66502 We have replaced our dining room furniture and, thanks to our Mothers' Club, have a new set of dinnerware. Spent a successful alumni-active weekend preparing the house for an exterior paint job. The chapter ranked fourth of 26 fraternities in grade point average and placed third in the re-established chariot relays.

January, 1980

Michael D. Brignac, President Post Office Box 17121 Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70893 We held a field day at a local orphanage and have been recognized by the Baton Rouge Association for Community Action for work with local underprivileged . ALUMNI EVENT: February 2, 1980, 12:00 noon, First Anniversary of Installation . Initiate : William J. Novotny.

Louisville Rick L. Sneed, President Belknap Campus University of Louisville Louisville, Kentucky 40208 We were first in scholastics last semester, of all the frate rnities on campus. We won home com ing decorations for the fourth year in succession. A very successful rush program gave us a fall pledge class of 24.


ALUMNI EVENT: April 20 , 1980 , party at chapter house fo r chapter founding d ate. Initiates: Scott Haycraft, Paul j o hnso n , William C. Young.

Manitoba Garth H. Smorang, President 112 Wilmot Place Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3L 2Kl We enjoyed a very su ccessful 50th anniversary wee kend , plus a successful fall rush and are planning for spring rush. We have revamped our pre-initiation activities and m embership d evelopment program, having speakers at th e meetings frequently. ALUMNI EVENT: Fe brua ry 1980 , International Broomball Tou r ney. Pledges: Neil Aitke n , Ma rk Bilash, Dave Clubine, Doug Deall y, jorda n Ethans , Barry Hart, Geoff Hicks, Craig johnston, Wayne Kirk, Rob Kischuk , Bob Moerman, Greg Musiak, Rob Sweetl and , Mike Williams.


Louisville - Pledges of the chapter pose fo!' the jJ/wtograjJher in the chapter house.

Maine KjeIl G. Tornberg, President 130 CoIlege Avenue Orono, Maine 04473 We sponsored the Gre ek r ace fo r th e H ea rt Fund, had a blood drive at th e h o use ; placed second in the Gre ek Wee kend bloo d drive which was the largest in N ew England . We have increased the house grad e point ave ra ge a nd renovated th e base ment in preparation for homecoming. ALUMNI EVENT: 10th Annive rsary weekend in May 1980. Initiates: john Mudgett, Th o m as Dube, David Brown, Peter Stone, David Roy.

Michael C. Granger, President 223 Fourth Street Marietta, Ohio 45750 In spite of our small me mbership , which has dwindl ed to 27 , we have survived as a chapter and are loo king fo rward to growth and improve ments . ALUMNI EV E NT: H o m ecoming, O ctober 20, 1980 at the cha pter house. Pledges : Steve Barringto n , E d Brown , Ed Crowley, Dan Behrendt, Rich ard G. Akey, Eric Pauplis, T ed Payne, T ed Zentek.

Maryland Joseph W. Oxley, President 6 Fraternity Row CoIlege Park, Maryland 20740 There is a conscio u s effo rt on the part of the whole bro th erh ood to upgrade DU's image on campu s . We hav e improved alumni communication s ; r e wo rked the pledge progra m, co n ce ntrating on study habits and physica l fitn ess; have set long and short term prioriti es in o ur planning and the

cha pter d e mo nstrates a new e nthusiasm . AL U MNI E VENT: To be ann o unced. Initia tes: Pe te Olquin and Craig Di est.

Miami Mark F. Abbey, President 400 'East Vine Street Oxford, Ohio 45056 At Co nvention we won the Trustee s' Award for Improvement and a Presid ents Club a wa rd for numbers pledged and initiated. Our o ffi ce rs and committees have bee n realign ed into a more effective working syste m . We are working to improve o ur Co nsti tu tio n and By-La ws , and o ur pl edge progra m . We have compiled and circul ated a new so ng boo k. We have installed an interco m syste m given to the chapter by th e fa mily o f Bro th er Mike Cottle. AL U MNI EVENT: Homecoming, O ctober 25, 1980.

Michigan John A. Syverson, President 1331 Hill Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 Accomplishments include paintin g t he exterior of th e chapter house and n ew furniture for the living room . AL U MNI E VE NT: October 17, 1980, 1 :00 p . m ., H o m e coming at the ch a p te r house . Initi ate s: Danie l Broderick , Willi a m Winters, Ro bert Olivieri, Robert Caruso, Bill Collins, Phil Comerford, Ad am Kn ee, jose ph Opich, Gerald Ray, james Gilbert, james Ranum, Larry Lavercombe , Kenneth Ald en .

Michigan State Dale W. Tremblay, President 343 Albert Street East Lansing, Michigan 48823 Nove mber 17th marked the culmination of o ur e ffor ts to be reinstituted as a Delta Upsilon ch apter. Attended by r e presen tatives of th e International Fraternity, family and fri e nds , th e rites at St. j ohn's Student Parish were impressive and will be long reme mbered . Th e banquet at the Royal Scott was an un fo rgettable affair and we begin o ur new term with enthusiasm. ALUMNI EVENT: Homecoming , O cto be r 1980. Pled ges : Na te And erson, David Fo rsyth, Dave Furgu se n , j ohn Brown, Ray Dukat, j eff Cha ffin, Mike Adelson, Chan Morley, Kirk Gr ee nw a y, j e ff johansen , D a vid Mason , Steve Zimmerman, Don Cald ero ne, Mark Bach , Philip Sullivan, Dan Fidler, j e ff Waalkes.


M anitoba - Thefounding members of the chapter returned to celebrate their 50th anniversary as a Delta Upsilon chapter in June of last yem路.


Richard J. Lowe, President 136 South Main Street Middlebury, Vermont 05753 We ha ve the largest pledge class in years - 24 pledges . We helped sponsor the CROP walk for th e hunger charity drive; participated in varsity football and soccer as captains and pa rtici p ants . Also, our living roo m has bee n re furbished.


January, 1980

ALUMNI EVENT: Alumni weekend, February 5, 1980 at the DU house. Initiates: Richard J. Lowe, Robert DeValle, Denton Lane, Thomas Hay.

Minnesota Ronald R. Elvin, President 1112 Sixth Street, Southeast Minneapolis, Minnesota 55414 We are very proud of our house GPA of over 3.0 for the year. Our entry at the Campus Carnival, proceeds to American Lung Association, won first place for most money raised. Other major accomplishments include refinishing the basement, installation of new showers, an improved pledge training program and rush format, and efforts toward better alumni relations. ALUMNI EVENT: 90th Anniversary, May 23, 1980. Initiate: Steve Auger.

undergone part of the renovations with new siding (see photo) and new room furnishings. We won the Coors recycling contest and have a strong social calendar for the year. ALUMNI EVENT: March or April- to be announced. Initiate: Scott Ferguson.

Nebraska - The chapter house sjJorts new siding.

North Carolina Gregory K. Shell, President 407 East Rosemary Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514 During the term we improved our grade point average and placed third in campus intramurals. Our parents/alumni day was a success . ALUMNI EVENT: April 1980, 1:00 p.m. at the chapter house - Founders' Day. Initiates: Kevin McLeod, Terry Dodson, Trent McKay, Hank Edwards, Ed Boynton, Bart Riddick, David Foster, C. L. Nite, Phil Thomas, Joseph Newton.

North Carolina State

Missouri - Members of the chapter gather in front of the house to have their picture taken .

Missouri Charles C. Hatley, Jr., President 711 Maryland Avenue Columbia, Missouri 65201 Back-to-school bash raised $600 for Muscular Dystrophy. We have pledged 30 quality men and had the largest number of house members (104 members and pledges) return on campus. ALUMNI EVENT: Alumni retreat - to be announced. Initiates: Kevin McMahill, Jim Elder, Mike Jenkins, Andy von Gremp, Rick Clauser, Doug Wilburn, Steve Hatley, Tom Anderson.

Nebraska Robert D. Morgan, President 1548 Vine Street Lincoln, Nebraska 68508 Pledge class of31 is the largest on campus; our membership is 70. The house has DELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY路

Douglas E. Williams, President #3 Maiden Lane Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 We have renovated and moved into our second house, plus winning the rush trophy. Enjoyed a large turnout for a very successful parents' weekend . ALUMNI EVENT: Founders' Day formal (to be announced). Initiates: David Bell, Jesse Camp, Chris Dawe, Scott Park, Brian Jones, Kenny Edgerton, Allen Bell, Marty Lemons, Charles Buckner, Steve Cox, Ricky Taylor, Jeff Sappington, Chuck Stuber, Victor Powley, Greg Roberson.

North Dakota Montgomery P. Blaisdell, President 505 Princeton Avenue Grand Forks, North Dakota 58201 We won the top campus GPA and scholarship award for the 44th consecutive semester. Besides surviving the '79 flood, we enjoyed a summer retreat and have 35 pledges from fall rush. The new china from our alumni is much appreciated. ALUMNI EVENT: Initiation, January 28, 1980, 7:00 p.m., chapter house and Wittenberg Chapel. Initiates: Michael Fiergola, Michael Fischer, Michael Thomas, Scott Boe, Kevin Axtman, Alan Borho, Neil Korsmo,

January, 1980

Thomas J. Stark, Henry W. Jordan, Jr., Robin Pederson, Stuart Meyer.

North Dakota State Arlan E. Espeseth, President 1420 12th Avenue, North Fargo, North Dakota 58102 Improved pledge education, successful rush, and making the house more attractive are among our accomplishments for this term. Increased social calendar and increased alumni correspondence are other chapter efforts. ALUMNI EVENT: 10th Anniversary, May 9-11,1980 . Initiates: Kyle Krein, Monte' Ellingson, Jim Simonson, Steve Lervik, Wayne Riveland.

Northern Illinois Jeffrey E. Fox, President 1114 Blackhawk Road DeKalb, Illinois 60115 Most outstanding this semester were our Tootsie Roll drive with the K of C to raise money for the handicapped, and homecoming. Parents' Day has become such a popular event that this year we had the dinner in a large church hall; 100 parents attended. We are working on improvements in our alumni program and membership development. ALUMNI EVENT: To be announced. Initiates: Tom Allen, Lou Altobelli, Mike Battistello, Gerry Betterman, Fred Bista, Ken Blakey, Scott Heap, Ron Herber, John Iacono, Bob Kichka, Jeff Kluckman, Jeff Moluf, Ed O'Halloran, Tom Olson, Joel Peterson, Steve Phillips, Larry Self, Quentin Silic, Randy Wojcik.

Northern Iowa Douglas W. Merbach, President 1927 College Street Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613 We won the Grand Marshal's trophy and first place for the homecoming float competition. Our pledges won the highest Greek pledge class grade point at IFC convocation. We have increased our membership to become the second largest fraternity on campus; came in first in intramural golf and second in all-around Greek intra murals. Chad Farner was elected vice president of IFC. ALUMNI EVENT: April 16, 1980 all day: annual spring formal, golf tournament, dinner and dance. Initiates: Kent Busse, Joe Fox, Phil Buchanan.

Northwestern Douglas F. Anderson, President 2307 Sheridan Road Evanston, Illinois 60201 We have a good strong pledge class, are making house improvements and are restarting the old tradition of having a homecoming float. We hope to take the intramural football championship.


Initiates: Dave Bjerkin , Mike Norman, Bob Chetlin, Edward O'Dougherty, Tom Maul, Dave Houston.

Ledbetter, Tim McCann, Carl McMurry , Jim Miller, Don O'Day, Randall Peterson, Joel Spitler, Paul Thomas, Ray Weston, Eddie Westermier , Mark Wirt.

Ohio Mark W. McCulloch, President 10 West Mulberry Athens, Ohio 45701 We had 25 pledges during the past year. Our chapter won the fraternity intramural "All Sports Trophy" and participated as volunteers working at the Jaycees haunted house in Athens. We also have completed construction of our sun deck. ALUMNI EVENT: 25th Anniversary to be announced. Pledges: Ron Bower, Rick Bowling, Lance Bodine, Walter Tabor.

Ohio State Robert A. Seekely, II, President 240 East 15th Street Columbus, Ohio 43201 We are again in the top 10 scholastically and had a good summer rush with nine men pledged. Our bowling team won the large fraternity division and the baseball team finished a close second. We are proud of the considerable work that we have done on both the inside and outside of the chapter house. ALUMNI EVENT: Fireman's Fling, spring 1980. Initiates: Jeff Johnson, Barry Henthorn, John Baker, Steve Marrinan.

Oklahoma Bradley K. Goodman, President 603 West Brooks Norman, Oklahoma 73069 We finished first in grades last year , have just initiated our largest spring pledge class and have our largest fall pledge class in many years. We just recently completed $20,000 worth of repairs to the house and will retire the mortgage this spring. Alumni support is very high . Our "Run to Dallas" is shaping up as another success. ALUMNI EVENT : Spring 1980 varsity/alumni football game and awards banquet. Initiates: Lester Landis, Mike Shirley, Steve Summers, Bobby Millhollon , Kelly Lucas, John Karstetter, Andy Loyd , Ed Tjarks .

Oregon State Martin A. Burger, President 235 Northwest 25th Street Corvallis, Oregon 97330 During the past year and a half, we have moved from 27th place to seventh (out of29 fraternities) in grade point average . We now have an excellent study program and pledge program, with 31 in our pledge class. ALUMNI EVENT: To be announced . Pledges: Todd Anderson, Anthony Dolan, Brian Diede, Mike McHorse, Kevin McCarron, Cory Davis, Mark Davidson, Bob Turner, Dale Lindsey, Brad Kennedy, Mark Parker, Chris Gann, George Eischen, Jim Gruher, Brian Hefty, Kelly Small, Tom Garlock, Quintin Wright, Jeff Bowles, Chris Kilkenny, Terry Slade, Buck Brewster, Greg Steele, Lyle Purdue, Tom Muller , Jim Lockhart, Rustin Brewer.

Pennsylvania State George T. Perkins, President 229 Locust Lane State College, Pennsylvania 16801 Much work was done on the house over the summer, thanks to alumni support. We enjoyed an immensely successful homecoming. A revamped and stronger rush program has given us larger membership. Our intramural teams are doing well in all events. ALUMNI EVENT: Mothers' Day, May II, 1980, cocktails and buffet dinner. Initiates: Philip Capizzi, Don Weiss, Dave Brookens, Bob Bradley, Mark Barret.

Purdue Paul R. Stebhe, President 1290 State Street West Lafayette, Indiana 47906 We are now third in scholarship among the fraternities on campus and our size is now 40 members and pledges. We also have new landscaping and the house has been painted. ALUMNI EVENT: To be announced . Initiates: Scott Benko, Doug Champion, Chris Hinkle, Dave Martin, John Stewart, Dave Shelby.

Oklahoma State


Scott E. Morgan, President 311 South Hester Stillwater, Oklahoma 74074 We are preparing to begin construction on the house and expand our current structure. This is due to the efforts of Mr. Ira Crews, Jr. - our thanks and appreciation. Summer rush was great - we have 25 pledges. ALUMNI EVENT: To be announced. Pledges: Kenny Aduddell , Joe Barrett, John Bowers, Grent Colgan, Dwight Cordes, Kenny Daniel, Ron Decker, Glen Elliott, Phil Ellzey,John LeForce, Matt Frye, Bart Hall, Rob Hess, Dan Hufnagel, Larry

John H. Fellinger, President Brockway Hall Ripon College Ripon, Wisconsin 54971 We are proud to have received the President's Award for the most improved chapter , and to have the second highest grade point average on campus. We are the largest fraternity on campus, having initiated a superior class of men. We have a new formal, written rush handbook which lists the intentions and objectives of the program. ALUMNI EVENT : Homecoming, informal reception, to be announced. Initiates: Gregory Cox and Christopher Artig.


Rutgers Thomas A. Kalapos, President 66 College A venue New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901 Seven brothers participated in the Princeton football game. The exterior of the house has been painted, the living room redecorated; a weight room set-up and a pool table has been purchased. ALUMNI EVENT: September 1980: Princeton vs. Rutgers Initiates: Phil Razey, Jim Zurich, Joe Garifino, Dean Voris, Henry Nochinson, Rich Casseall, Bob Falvey.

San Diego Anthony P . Glaves, President 5606 Hardy Avenue San Diego, California 92115 We are making house improvements and building a fund for future housing. We are starting an alumni newsletter, and have enjoyed a successful rush with 28 pledges. The chapter won the fraternity sport banner "Intramural Champs 1978-'79." ALUMNI EVENT: Luau at the chapter house, 8:00 p .m., May 3, 1980. Initiates: Marc Anderson , Tim Case, Cal Coker, Mike Fata, Vince Ferraro, Don Fon tana, Brian Hames, Craig Hildebrand, Tim Kilker, David Levine, Brian Lowder, Kelly McLeod, Matt Steffen, Scott Taylor, Donnie Willis.

South Dakota Craig A. Dunker, President 204 North University Street Vermillion, South Dakota 57069 We have doubled our membe rship from the beginning of the semester. House improvements include a new fire prevention system, insulation of the attic, the front porch repaired and painted by the brothers during the week prior to school. Members have worked with local church groups on an all-city food and clothing drive for needy families. ALUMNI EVENT: Spring formal, Okaboji, Iowa, 7:00 p.m ., April 21. Pledges: Rick Foster, Paul Cook, Chris Austin, Allen Norton, Steve Stombauch,Jim Ranek, Eric Wetzstein, Art Apland .

Southern Illinois Richard H. Hohein, President 410 West Freeman Carbondale, Illinois 62901 No report received .

Stanford Peter H. Schaff, President 553 Mayfield A venue Stanford, California 94305 Nothing to report.

Swarthmore Thaddeus A. Piotrowski, President Swarthmore College Swarthmore, Pennsylvania 19081 The chapter participated in the "I Ran for a Better Chance" cross-country charity run .


january, 1980

We have made structural improvements to the house and are putting all effort behind rush to get 20 pledges. ALUMNI EVENT: Banquet - to be announced. Initiates: Arthur Walsh, Greg Hansen, David Kuhnsman, Arch Owen, Joe More, Dave Chapman, Paul Dante Usala, George Dougherty.

th a n in th e last few years, and rush is going well. We a r e becoming more involved in campus activities such as student government and varsity bowling. The house has undergone extensive r e decorating and looks much better. We are wanting to increase our contact with alumni a nd hope that those we have lost touch with will contact us. ALUMNI EVENT: 11th annu al spring formal, Saturday, May 17, 1980. Initiate : Paul E. Folger.

Texas Michael L. Jones, President 2510 Leon Street Austin, Texas 78705 We cel e brated our 3 0th anniversary which was attended by many of our founding fathers. We participated in th e annual run to the O. U. game this year. We ran with the Pi Phi's an d donated our money to the Bluebonnet Youth Ranch . Over $5,000 was raised.

Symcuse - Th e chapter moved into this house when they returned to school last fall.

Syracuse J. Kevin Cullen, President 711 Comstock Avenue Syracuse, New York 13210 We have spent considerable time working on the new chapter house purchased by the alumni last July. We are grateful for the support of the alumni and invite all to stop by the house. Our rush and pledging activities have been reorganized, resulting in a pledge class of 14 - one of the largest on the campus. Our group also actively participated in the Red Cross Blood Drive for the first time .

Toronto Kevin E. Bertsch, President 182 St. George Street Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5R 2N3 The head of the Engineering Athle tic Association and the editor of the Engineering Paper are both brothers. We are well on our way to our goal of doubling the chapter size with a successful rush . We continue to progress, being more involved with the IFC, a nd are looking forward to a productive and happy term. ALUMNI EVENT: Initiation in February, 1980. Pledges: Fred Tanguay , Mik e Wolff, Dennis Mitchell, Tony Pirone, Doug Pellet, Doug Billings, Gary Beirne.

Tufts Technology David L. Smith, President 526 Beacon Street Boston, Massachusetts 02215 We hosted other MIT fraterniti es and Boston police in effort to improve community relations; hosted interfraternity steak fry. We have one of the fiv e highest grade point averages on campus and enjoyed one of the most successful rushes on campus. Seve nty-five perce nt of the members are involved in intercollegiate sports. ALUMNI EVENT: Initiation, February 24, 1980, at the chapter, 12 :00. Pl e dges; Thomas E. Borja, David F . Craigmile, John E. DeRubeis, Steve J . Isakowitz, Eric H . Johnson, Pe ter A. Kalish, Martin W. Kanne ngieser , John S. Kowtko , Michael Moncavage, Gary A. Oliverio, Mark N. Seidel, John H. Shim.

Tennessee Mark B. Miller, President 1845 Terrace Avenue Knoxville, Tennessee 37916 Our chapter is enjoying a better spirit DELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY'

Joseph L. Finigan, President 114 Professors Row Medford, Massachusetts 02155 We are maintaining excellent house management and improvements include a new bathroom on the second floor, new rug in the foyer, and remodelling in the base ment. We had a good rush and are working to maintain th e house spirit a nd involve me nt.

Tyler James W. Brewster, Jr., President Tyler Junior College, Box 210 Tyler, Texas 75701 We raised a record amount of money for Muscular Dystrophy by dribbling a bas ketball 40 miles ; won the Shriners' blood drive for the eleve nth straight semester. The chapter has ta ken five of nine Stude nt Senate Offices. Homecoming queen is our Little Sister, Wend e Lancaster, who won over a fi eld of 34 nominees. ALUMNI EVENT: Three Day Wee kend, to be announced. Initiates: Cap Ellis, Tab Boliver, Michael Green, Richa rd Pharr, Tim Depew, Donny Moore, Brett Hill,Jeff Stephans, Jeff Rains,

januaTY, 1980

Eddie Me dina, Jim Brown e ll, Mik e Williams, Bobby Talley, Tim Truitt, Brad Roydes, Jimmy Sande rs , Greg Pan ca ke, Mac MacDow ell , Murray Matthews, Marty Mille r, Robbie Moses, Robert Butler, Danny Fillip.

Union Wayne A. Tunick, President Union College Schenectady, New York 12308 We h ave a varsity man on th e soccer team and are strong in th e football competition with seve ral starters o n both the offense and defense. ALUMNI EVENT: First Weeke nd in May - Parents' Weekend at the chapter house. Initiates: Don Marino, Kevin Wolf, Brian Sullivan, Ma rk Ziskind, Tony Caracciolo, J e ff Cring, Bruce Mele na, Glenn Friedman, Doug Calvey, Mike Dana, Pat Mosca, Wally Lutz, Joe Maneen, Dea n Riggi, Bill Brod, Mike Hu chro, Bob Feinberg.

Virginia Martin T. Baxter, II, President 180 Rugby Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 Marking the biggest rush we have ever had , we selected our pledge class of 26 from a field of 1,300 rushees. Over 95 p e rcent of our brothers participated in the DU sponsored blood drive. We received the Most Improve d House award among 37 fraternities; co ntributing to this were the new bathrooms, carpet, and furniture. Publication of a newsletter, the most elaborate alumni even t we've e ver had , division intramural championships in football and soccer are among our other achieve ments. Initiates: Salvatore Arrigo, Griffin Bates, Kenneth Earle, Joseph Hales, Da vid Hendricks, William Koffler, Walte r Murphy, Andy Osterbrock, Timothy Rattigan, John Richards , Edward Sedzac, Steven Smyth, John Snyder.

Washington Scott A. Johnson, President 4508 19th Avenue, Northeast Seattle, Washington 98105 We are joining with OSU chapter to raise money for Multiple Sclerosis. The chapter will learn about CPR from th e Seattl e medics. Casino night will be November 9, and we are making arrangements to have the Univers ity of Washington president speak at Founders' Day. ALUMNI EVENT: Winter banquet - to be announced. Initiates : Jack Alex, Mike Comstock, Ron Kent.

Washington State Stephen J . Williams, President Northeast 815 Ruby Street Pullman, Washington 99163 Scholastically, we finished fifth among 23 fraternities. We sponsored our first annual softball tournament and raised $2,000 for the Junior Diabetes Association . We are


contributing more money every year to the Spokane Alumni Association to pay for our house loan. Rush was successful and after much hard work we pledged 26 fine men. We are seeking a closer, more involved relationship with alumni and invite visits to the house. ALUMNI EVENT: Fall 1980, Homecoming football game. Initiates: Steve Baker, Mike Buckley, Scott Dennis, Rick Edwards, Tim Lafferty, Mike Menard, John Pflug.

Western Illinois Thomas B. Polaski, President 526 North Lafayette Macomb, Illinois 61455 We are working to improve the quality of our brotherhood, improve our pledge program, and increase the proportion of sophomore and freshman pledges. We plan to participate more competitively in Greek activities to gain more recognition. ALUMNI EVENT: Installation, tentative date April 26 . Pledges: Keith B. Ginsburg, Dan K. Henry, F. O. Meiborg, Tom Griffin, Matt Papini, Paul Twardock, Dave Spurrier, Brian Kerr, Mark Menke.

Western Ontario James S. Weary, President 294 Central Avenue London, Ontario, Canada N6B 2C8 Celebration of our 51 st anniversary homecoming on October 20 saw a general improvement of the physical plant, including the establishment of a library in the attic. We have improved relations with the sororities on campus and held a successful fund-raising party to help finance our rush and social activities. ALUMNI EVENT: In mid-march 1980 there will be the Annual Formal held at a local restaurant, specifics to be announced later. Pledges: Jamie Wilson, Mike Montieth, joe Bebayyn, Dave Tanko, Phil Dick, D. j . Wiley, Dave Folk.

$2,000 for Muscular Dystrophy during our teeter-totter-a-thon. ALUMNI EVENT: 50th Annual Heidelberg, Cotillion Ballroom in May 1980 - also weekend activities. Initiates: Eric Kuhn, Paul Edmiston, Tony Wetzel, Barry Wall, Make Taylor.

Wisconsin Timothy J. Roach, President 644 North Frances Street Madison, Wisconsin 53703 We now have written procedures and guides for each officer to use and pass on to his successor. Our pledge education manual is now written, allowing us to enhance membership and pledge development, and involves everyone. An organized rush effort allowed us to build our chapter size back to the acceptable level with quality men. An attempt has been made to improve parent and alumni relations, which had been nonexistent the past few years. To this point, our efforts have met with success. The

physical condition of the house is greatly improved and the upkeep is due to an alumni refurbishing of the first floor. ALUMNI EVENT: 95th anniversary, Founders' Day will be at the chapter house on Saturday, May 3, 1980. Initiates: jay P. Suhr, Kevin J. McWilliams, James P. Lane, John W. Westphal, Steven R. Kelly, john G. Herrick, Williamj. Roach, jeffrey T. joers, A. Matthew Albright.

Denison This year's Denison . homecoming was a tremendous success for our chapter seeing a large group of alumni that we had not seen lately and netting almost $3,000 for our capital fund drive . The undergraduates are looking forward to a fantastic spring intramural season and also to seeing an even greater number of alumni come back for our annual Orchids Formal than we saw at homecoming.

Colonies, Petitioners and Reorganizations Hobart ADU W. David Small, President c/o Kris Clarkson Director of Student Activities Hobart College Geneva, New York 14456 We became a colony the weekend of September 14 with ceremonies open to campus administrative personnel, faculty, and students - a first for the campus. We invite alumni to visit us in the college-owned house at 67 Hamilton Street. We have had several faculty, parents and alumni visit during our open house. Our first community project: pumpkin/gourd/Indian corn sold to benefit Ontario Day Care Center. Our first social function: Oktoberfest. Members: Chris Farr, Todd Hallidy, Charles Henderson, Matthew Holland, William Joyce, Lawrence D. Lissauer, L. Gordon Moore, Ross Nochimson, Dragos

Popa, Eugene Richardson, Leslie R. Roe, Mark Rogovin , Kevin S. Herrick, W. David Small, Emory Stephan, Keith J. Stockman.

Massachusetts ADU Mark S. Lyon, President 778 North Pleasant Amherst, Massachusetts 01002 We are working to make Delta Upsilon a highly competitive fraternity on campus with a strong first rush and trying to develop a strong sense of brotherhood. Becoming respected members of the Greek community and financial stability are also among our goals. We have had several fund raising events to purchase needed items for the house and have made some purchases at considerable savings. We are planning for our first annual Parents' Day and expect it to be well attended.

Western Reserve Michael S. Havener, President 10923 Magnolia Drive Cleveland, Ohio 44106 Our efforts are going into rush, raising the grade point average, fixing up the basement, recarpeting the first floor and putting tile in the dining room. ALUMNI EVENT: Initiation (April) at chapter house. Pledges: Bill Boye, Paul Schlie, joseph Kelly, Julius Szigeti, Michael Havener, james Diamond, Robert Soltis.

Wichita Donald A. Laham, President 1720 North Vassar Wichita, Kansas 67208 Our fifth annual alumni picnic was in August; our first annual alumni golf tourney in July; chapter retreat in Oklahoma in September. Enjoyed a successful rush this summer, gaining 22 pledges. Raised almost


Massachusetts - Colony members are pmud of the house that they were able to move into when they came to the campus in the fall. DELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY路

January, 1980

McGill ADU


Terence P . McIntyre, President 522 Pine Avenue, West Montreal, Quebec, Canada H2W IS6 On e major accomplishment that overshadows all others is the re-establishment of our house on campus. Its overall con ditio n in May could only be stated as poor, but due to the summertime efforts of some of the brothers, it is now the most attractive house on camp us. For the first time we have entered the intramural football league - undefeated, unscored upo n , and a t the top of the league; on our way to the crown .

Northeast Missouri State ADU Jon Shepherd, President Box 244, Dobson Hall Kirksville, Missouri 63501 October 3, 1979 Keith Weigel helped us begin our DU experience as a colony. We a re preparing to rush to build our membership . Members now include, Jon Shepherd, Frank Yeckl, Gary Pagliai, Chris Benner, Brian Perry, Scott Burow,John Cupp, Mike Jackson, Pat Mollinger, Stephen Wolf, Matt Harnish, Mike Doelling.

Pennsylvania, ADU Michael J. Donahue, President 3902 Spruce Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104 We have set up an active rush program with weekly rush events. A program has been started to reach out to DU alumni living in the Philadelphia area. Continued improvements to th e physical plant include improved drainage around the house, n e w kitchen equipment, new carpeting in the halls a nd plans for a new roof. Our group is establishing good relations with the new director of fraternity affairs. ALUMNI EVENT: April 1980, annual alumni meeting a nd dinner.

South Carolina ADU D. Greg Leonard, President Post Office Box 80036 Columbia, South Carolina 29208 Our recent c hanges in administrative policies have resulted in better communication and organization within the colony. Vice President Ken Farkas, on behalf of our participation in the American Rafting Association's "River Rambling Raft Race," acce pted the River Heritage Award for outstanding ecological appreciation and preservation. We will greatly appreciate any advice and guidance the alumni can give our group. New members are Scott Ellis,Jason Kondracki, Ken Waldon, Gill Ramsey, Ron Barfield.

Southwest Missouri State ADU John E. Bilyeu, President Campus Union, Box 117 Springfield, Missouri 68502 Our time and energies are taken up with planning for installation while taking steps to improve relations with the alumni. Our pledge education program is well under way. We are becoming more financially secure and are seeking suitable housing. DELTA UPSILON QUARTERLY路

Washington '78 - Ronald G. Busch and Miss Tove Mari e Tobiassen in Seattle, Washington on September 8, 1979. Wisconsin '78 - George L. Camberis and Miss Karen L. Hasselkus in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on August 8, 1979.


Deaths Births Arkansas '7 6 - Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Sieben morgen of Ft. Smith, Arkansas, a son, Ron Christopher, on March 1, 1979. Bradley '74 - Mr. and Mrs. John W. Cowie of Indianapo lis, Indiana, a son, Sean W. , on April 7, 1979. Central Missouri '72 - Mr. and Mrs.Joseph R. Kirkman of Yucca Valley, California, a son, Jacob Andrew , on August 19, 1979. DePa uw '52 - Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Lee of Lombard, Illinois, a son, William Matthew, on August 17,1979. Florida '71 - Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Barnes, Jr. of Gainesville, Florida, a daughter, Katherine McKim, on August 5, 1979. Houston '74 - Mr. a nd Mrs. Ra mon Lee Laughter of Houston, Texas, a daughter, Stephanie Lynn , on July 2, 1979. North Carolina '76 - Mr. an d Mrs . J. Ran dolph Fluharty, Jr. of Winston-Salem, North Carolina, a daughter, Eleanor Elizabeth on October 10, 1979. Oklahoma State '77 - Mr. a nd Mrs. Wendell L. Richards of Tuls a, Oklahoma, a son, Wesley Leon, o n March 30, 1979. Oklahoma State '81 - Mr. and Mrs. W. Gl en n Luce II of Stillwater, Oklahom a, a son ,Jason Patrick, on March 16, 1979. Purdue '70 - Mr. and Mrs. George E. Ryan of Buffalo Grove, Illinois, a son, Scott Patrick, on September 28, 1979. Purdue '73 - Mr. and Mrs. Laurence E. Pankau of Middleton, Ohio, a daughter, Melissa Beth, on March 8, 1979.

Marriages Bradley '77 - Paul L. Stein and Miss Nan Cohen on October 20, 1979. North Carolina Sta te '78 - Joseph L. Raud aba ugh and Miss Beverly A. Reynolds at McLean, Virginia on June 23, 1979. Oklahoma State '77 - Mark D. Setser and Miss Vickie Steinley at Tulsa, Oklahoma on May 26, 1979. Oklahoma State '79 - James R. Loerke and Miss Elizabeth Tittle in Tulsa, Oklahoma on Jun e 16, 1979. Oklahoma State '81 - Douglas Lee Smith and Miss Christine Marie Poulsen at Enid, Oklahoma on May 19, 1979. Purdue '77 - Carl E. White, Jr. and Miss Denise McDaniel of Point Pleasant, West Virginia on May 26, 1979. Stanford '73 - Bruce W. Hart and Miss Anne Elizabeth Jon es at Montesol, California on Septe mber 1, 1979.

January, 1980

* Th e Post Office has notified us of the death of these brothers . AMHERST E. F. Bristol '36, Feb. 2, 1979 Scott H . Foster '33, Sept. 4, 1979 David G. Kunz '48 George M. Trainor '32 BOWDOIN *C. L. Bachelder '18 Dan L. Berge r '39, May 3, 1976 Chester F. Hogan '28 David A. James '43, Jan . 1975 William A. MacCormick '12 Theodore Pette ngill '24, Sept. 20, 1978 Clyde L. Rogers '27, Aug. 7, 1977 BRADLEY Arnott Rogers, Jr. '56 BRITISH COLUMBIA Albert M. Beach '37, 1976 William P. Lawson '31, Sept. 12,1979 CALIFORNIA Ra ymond M. Weisbrod '18 CARNEGIE Russell P. Bullinger '28, Apr. 4, 1978 Maurice L. Hiller '30, Dec. 1978 Ralph E. Hughes '25, Oct. 26, 1979 Howard J. Ke nnedy '15 , Sept. 1978 B. H. Lawson '2 1, Mar. 26,1979 Horace E. Lupton '46, July 2, 1979 Theo M. Stults '27, Aug. 14, 1979 William E. Walter '40, Feb. 1978 COLBY *Earle H. Brownlow '10 William A. Tracy '14, Jan. 1969 Spencer H . Winsor '40, Oct. 24, 1979 COLGATE James H. DuMond ' 35 Tim A. Hart '71 Robert W. Moore, III '40 Theodore B. Swan '29, 1975 George J. Winter, Jr. '34, Jan. 28, 1979 CO LORADO Douglas A. Bean '6 1, June 2, 1979 Gary M. Beeso n '64 COLUMBIA Theo H. Barrett '14, June 13, 1976 R. S. Felter '08 William Haller '08 Charles H. Morgan '42, Apr. 7, 1978 *William L. O'Brien ' 17 Ralph H. Sinclair '13 , Aug. 4,1978 CORNELL William F. Carroll '5 7 William G. Dillon '43, Sept. 11, 1979 Otto P. Ebe rlein '54, June 10, 1979 Donald T . Stanton '15, Apr. 7,1979 Do nald B. Vail ' 17 Fred J. Wrampelmeier '29, July 10, 1979 DARTMOUTH Thomas A. Herbe rt '38, May 10, 1977 Raymond C. Perkins '29, Aug. 1967 DEPAUW Rene R. Bichey '65, Sept. 20, 1979


DEPAUW Harold R. Christie '28, July 20, 1979 HAMILTON Rodger O. Ferguson '47, July 28, 1979 HARVARD George W. Kauffman '37, Aug. 26,1977 Flavel Shurtleff '01 ILLINOIS M. L. Flaningam '37, Oct. I , 1979 Bruce C. Ladd '33, Oct. 8, 1979 Frank L. Stellner '28, July 15, 1979 INDIANA Buel F. Loucks '26 Bradley G. Slocum '48, Nov. 4, 1978 Robert W. Witherspoon '53, Sept. 13, 1978 IOWA Howard Struck '40 IOWA STATE William' G. Fetter '38 , Dec. 23, 1974 KANSAS *Jack W. Galbraith '33 KANSAS STATE Charles F. Haughey '56, Aug. 20, 1979 KENT STATE Joseph W. Begala '33 , Apr. 24, 1978 Harold M. Bluestone '48, 1971 O. C. Lukens '34 LAFAYETTE Andrew H. Kaye '23, Mar. 29, 1978 John F. Moore '10 *Frank H . Smith '23 LEHIGH W. L. Houck '38, Nov. 3,1977 Robert M. Rice '24, Dec. 22 , 1977 Earl H . Schaub '27 , June 13 , 1979 MARIETTA Richard H. Baker '42, Oct. 24, 1975 Charles P. Harris '30, May 23, 1973 Thomas R. Metzger '34, Dec. 29, 1974 Ralph N. Ogdin ' 15 , Nov. 30,1978 Donley J. Parr '14, Nov. 1973 Donald E. Staats '51, June 12, 1979 Star H . Windsor '23 MCGILL Joseph H. Porteous '42, Dec. 7, 1979 Arthur M. Terroux '18, May 17, 1979 MIAMI Isaac H . Conley '28, Nov. 6, 1978 Carl Feigert '28, May 30, 1978 Walter W. Ferguson '26, July 23, 1979 *William F. Messent '40 MICHIGAN George E. Bishop '20, Dec. 8, 1978 C. M. Drake '21, July 29, 1979 Martin N. Gaines 'II David E. MacEllven '24 Arthur W. Marsh '30, Mar. 4, 1979 Wellington Urch '21, July 16, 1979 MIDDLEBURY W. Phelps Thomas '18 MINNESOTA Alexa nder Barclay '07 Russell D. Brackett '28, Mar. 28, 1979 Robert T. Tingdale '41, July 31, 1979 *Warren M. Tingdale '21 MISSOURI Ralph E. Purviance '26, July 30, 1979 NEBRASKA *Lewis R. Owen '13 J. Wade Raser '40, Aug. 12, 1979 Carlyle A. Sorensen '34, Aug. 23, 1979 NEW YORK Edward W. Diehl '35 Theo A. Montgomery '33, Dec. 6, 1978 NORTH CAROLINA Holt McPherson '28, Aug. 10, 1979


NORTH DAKOTA Ford H. Lindahl '33 Doyle L. Potter '30, Jan. 6, 1979 OHIO STATE Julius B. Dulmage '25 Merle L. Hosler '28, Feb . 22, 1974 Hugh F. McPhee '22, Aug. 5, 1975 George W. Rogers '13, July 18, 1979 Harold R. Wood '30 OKLAHOMA Ralph D. Bowen '40 Robert Reid '63, April 17, 1979. R. Frank Shaw '27 PACIFIC Thomas B. Kenney '72, Jan . 1979 PENNSYLVANIA Fred J. Hake '33, Jan. 25, 1979 Raymond T. Miller '21 Frank P. Mulligan '29, Aug. 21,1969 John D. Pine '32 PENNSYL VANIA STATE Howard J . Holmes, Jr. '3 3, June 7, 1979 PURDUE Hugh S. Heckard '20, July 12, 1979 Clair J . McKnight '25, Sept. 18, 1979 Robert E. Siekman '32, Nov. 8, 1978 RIPON Robert W. Jafek '34, July 10, 1960 ROCHESTER Douglas A. Newcomb '18, Sept. 29, 1979 Harmon Steele '43, Oct. 13 , 1979 RUTGERS Frederick J. Picton '51, June 1970 J. H. Terwilliger, II '23, Mar. 17, 1978 *R. W. Townley '52 *Thomas A. Tucker '67 SIMPSON John W. Birney '32, Aug. 3, 1979 STANFORD Aubrey A. Curtice '19, July 6, 1977 John W. Curtis '54 Fred D. Stone '56, Aug. 22, 1979 SWARTHMORE Richard P. Abele ' II, Aug. 8, 1979 John T. Brown ' 19 Russell M. Heath '24 James A. Turner, Jr. '35 SYRACUSE Prescott D. Perkins '25 George W. Rumm el '31, June 4, 1979 Andreas H. Schultz '17, Mar. 10, 1979 Waring Spencer '37, June 30, 1979 TECHNOLOGY *Samuel Arms '51 John 路B. Jorgensen '42, Dec. 7, 1978 John Phillips '34, June 23, 1979 David M. Sutter '26, June 30, 1979 TUFTS John H. Adams ' 13 Hubert E. Bray '10, Aug. 30, 1978 Howard B. Ellis, Jr. '30, Dec. 3, 1977 Paul B. Hosmer '36, August, 1972 D. Duncan MacDonald '62, Aug. II, 1979 Howard B. Peck '17, Nov. 18, 1978 UCLA L. R. Schield '39, Nov. 21, 1978 WASHINGTON James W. Lively '24 Charles L. Reynolds '19, Aug. 20, 1979 WASHINGTON AND LEE *Joseph D. Hadlock '49 Sidney Ulfelder, Jr. '36, Dec. II, 1977 WESTERN ILLINOIS Matthew T. Famighette '82, July 24, 1979 WESTERN ONTARIO L. S. Tieman '32, Aug. 20, 1979

WESTERN RESERVE Ned E. Dean '33, April 5, 1979 Willard W. McClelland '21, May 20,1979 Walter W. Wittlinger '24 WICHITA Harry McCormick '33, Sept. 13, 1979 Woody R. Moore '22, Oct. 22, 1978 WILLIAMS Philip D. Andrews '42 Clement L. Bryan '29, Oct. 20, 1979 Levant M. Hall '09, Oct. 9, 1975 Waldo E. Sessions, III '31, Aug. 17 , 1979 Albert Vinal, Jr. '40, Jan. 13, 1975 Henry H. Wickes '23, Dec. 5, 1977 WISCONSIN Harold G. Huffman '37, May 9, 1979 Robert C. Smith '32 Harry P. Swendson '35, Dec. 17 , 1978

MOVING? Please send us your new address and mailing label from the back cover of this issue. Allow six weeks for change of address . Send to Delta Upsilo n Fraternity POB 40108 Indianapolis, IN 42640

Business and Professional Directory

PHOTOGRAPHERS George A. Blair, Miami '37, Founder and Presid ent, Hospital Portrait Service, Box 700, Red Bank, New Jersey (201) 741-1123. Installs automatic ca meras in newborn nurseries of hospitals throughout the United States, Canada and foreign countries to take pictures of newborns for id entification and keepsakes for the parents.

CONSULTANTS Alexander & Associates Co., Canadian Consultants for Mark e ting, Man ufacturing , Tariffs, Licencing and C.S.A. Joe Alexander, P.E., Iowa State '55, University of Toronto '77, 30 King's Inn Trail, Thornhill, Ontario L3T IT7.

FURNITURE Famous Brand ;\iame Furniture with N.C:. prices. OYer 200 lines up to 40% off. Charles Hoffman, ;\iorth Carolina 'i!l, Box 282, Salisbury, N.C. 28144.

PLACEMENT AGENCIES SAN FRANCISCO Placement Agency, Tnc. (41!l) r,43-8600 fi2!i Market Street, Suite 1320 San Francisco, California 9410fi Don Seghi, C.E.C. National and Int.ernational Placement Bradley '51


January, 1980

'The President's 'Deputy Program Herbert Brownell, President

(GOVERNORS AND DEPUTIES ARE APPOINTED FOR A TERM OF ONE YEAR TO COINCIDE WITH THE TERM OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE FRATERNITY.) .. . . PROVINCE GOVERNORS I. WILLIAM R. GORDON, Kansas State '60 20 Sheridan Road, Wellesley Hills, Massachusetts 02181 II. ROBERT L. TYBURSKI, Colgate '74 71 Madison Street, Hamilton, New York 13346 III. GEORGE W. NICHOLS, JR., Cornell '45 Fish Hatchery Road, R.D . #2, Allentown, Pennsylvania 18103 IV. PAUL E. ROSENTHAL, Florida '73 1748-A Americana Boulevard, Orlando, Florida 32809 V. (Ohio) VI. CARROLL L. LURDING, Ohio State '59 The Lurding Company, P.O . Box 7461, Louisville, Kentucky 40207 VII. WARREN P. NESBITT, Wisconsin '76 16 E. Old Willow Road, Apt. 313S, Prospect Heights, Illinois 60070 VIII. (Manitoba, North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa and Minnesota) IX. LEWIS D. GREGORY, Kansas '75 6612 Walmer, Overland Park, Kansas 66202 X. GARY J. GOLDEN, Rutgers '74 12012 Stilwell Place, N.E., Apt. C, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87112 XI. (Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah) XII. RICHARD N. BRANDENBURG, Washington State and Washington '55 11474 Arrow Point Drive, NE, Bainbridge Island, Washington 98110 In the directory listing below, the date following the name of the chapter is their founding date, and the number in parentheses following the name of the trustee indicates his term expiration.

ALBERTA (1935) XlI 11020·86th Avenue Edmonton. Albena T6G OW9 TRUSTEE Richard S. Ballard, INDI '62 (82) 28 Mason Drive Princeto n, ~ew Jersey 08540 DEPUTY Alexander Andrekson '47 29 Westbrook Drive Edmonton, Alberta T6J 2C8 COUNSELORS '80 Rick D. Rintoul '75 '81 Andrew P. W. Hopkyns '77 '82 Michael W. Spelliscy '76 ARKANSAS (1975) X 10 North Garland Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 TRUSTEE William J Bittner. BRAD '74 (82) 44 Center Grove Road , Apt. 36£ Randolph, New Jersey 07801 DEPUTY Robert S. Marzec, WRCS '67 Route #2, Box 905 Collinsville. Oklahoma 74021 COUNSELORS '80 Thomas R. Jacobs '77 '81 Brian D. Beaird '76 '82 Joe W. Stacy '77 ARLINGTON (1969) X 719 West Abram Arlington, Texas 76013 TRUSTEE Frank Sandford, OKLA '42 (82) 803 Red Oak Lane Arlington, Texas 76012 DEPUTY Thomas J. Walters '72 9221 Amberton Parkway, #217 Dallas, Texas 75243 COUNSELORS '80 Thomas J Walters '72 '81 J effrey A. Lang '78 '82 Robert W. Gray '76

BAYLOR (1978) X Box 102, Union Building

BUCKNELL (1950) III Bucknell University Lewisburg, Pennsylvania 17837 TRUSTEE Robert W. Hartung '75 (82) 3564 Bend View Drive Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15221 DEPUTY John F. Zeller. III '41 89 Anlyn Drive Lewisburg, Pennsylvania 17837 COUNSELORS '80 Richard G. McGinnis '68 '81 Lawrence P. Lawson '48 '82 John F. Zeller III '41

e.,aI~~~ -¥:~::7S~103 TRUSTEE Richard C. Dabrowski. NCAR '70 (82) 177 Hobarl Street Danvers, Massachusetts 01923 DEPUTY * deputy needed COUNSELORS '80 Murray A. Ray '78 '81 Herbert S. Bristow '78 '82 Steven G. Newcom '78 BOWLING GREEN (1949) V Bowling Green State University Bowling Green, Ohio 43402 TRUSTEE Louis R. Nagy '72 (80) 401 Roshon Drive Medina. Ohio 44256 DEPUTY * deputy needed COUNSELORS '80 Thomas L. Koch '74 '81 '82

CALIFORNIA (1896) Xl 2425 Warring Street Berkeley, California 94704 TRUSTEE Donald J Moulin '53 (81) 11008 Stanmore Drive Potomac, Maryland 20854 DEPUTY * deputy needed COUNSELORS '80 Dennis A. Davis '75 '81 Stephen Shaw '66 '82

BRADLEY (1951) VII 1318 West Fredonia Peoria, lIIinois 6) 606 TRUSTEE Joseph C. D'Errico '70 11 Cresthill Avenue Clifton. New Jersey 07012 DEPUTY William H. Bried '68 1941 Woodside Road Springfield. Illinois 62707 COUNSELORS '80 Michael C. Maibach, NILL '73 '81 Peter S. Vermeil, STAN '66 '82 John J . Schad. Jr. '66


• january, 1980

CARNEGIE (1917) III 5031 Forbes Avenue Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213 TRUSTEE John C. Vassil '52 (80) Morgan, Finnegan, Pine, Foley & Lee 345 Park Avenue New York, New York 10022 DEPUTY Thomas R. Allen, Jr. '58 Scaife Road, Box 495 Sewickley, Pennsylvania 15143 COUNSELORS '80 Thomas S. Terpack '65 '81 Jonathan D. Domash '77 '82 James J. Dobos '77

CENTRAL MISSOURI (1970) IX Diemer Hall . 310 R Warrensburg, Missouri 64093 TRUSTEE J. David Nelson NWST '63 (80) 6 Shorelands Place Old Greenwi ch. Conn ec ti cut 06870 DEPUTY * deputy needed COUNSELORS '80 Robert M. Gibson '71 '81 Larry R. Garrett '72 '82 Daniel R. Stockwell '77

COLBY (1852) I Colby College Waterville, Maine 04901 TRUSTEE Philip H. DeFord '74 (80) 200 Central Park South New York, New York 10019 DEPUTY * deputy needed COUNS ELORS '80 Mark R. Serdjenian '73 '81 James C. Dickinson '71 '82 Thomas J. Morrione '65

CHICAGO (1901) VII 5714 Woodlawn Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60637 TRUSTEE Maurice S. Mandel '55 (81) J4 Hillside Avenue Pt. Washington, New York 11050 DEPUTY Michael A. Yesner '65 9384 Home Circle Des Plaines, -Illinois 60016 COUNSELORS '80 Peter B. Gillis '73 '8 1 Steven E. Holliday '74 '82 Steven M. Honigfeld '76

COLGATE (1865) II Colgate University Hamilton, New York 13346 TRUSTEE James M. VanBuren '50 (82) The Winchell Company 120 Broadway New York, New York 10005 DEPUTY * deputy needed COUNSELORS '80 Norris B. Clark, III '67 '81 Keith S. Macomber '78 '82 Charles S. Fox '70

CLARKSON (1961) II 30 Elm Street Potsdam, New York 13676 TRUSTEE Philip J . Garda '67 (82) 41 Joan Drive Chappaqua, New York 10514 DEPUTY F. William Fiesi nger '37 70 Main Street Potsdam, New York 13676 COUNSELORS '80 Robert J McGill '35 '81 Robert M. Shurtleff '66 '82

COLORADO (1953) IX 1012 University Avenue Boulder. Colorado 80302 TRUSTEE Richard L. Smoot '62 (82) 577 Gregory Lane Devon, Pennsylvania 19333 DEPUTY Dennis L. Bruns, MISR '70 607 Mansfield Drive Fort Collins, Colorado 80521 COUNSELORS '80 Bartlett C. Brewster '77 '81 William E. Condon, Jr. '77 '82 John W. Kinkade '68


'The President's GfJeputy Program CORNELL (1869) 11 6 South Avenue Ithaca, New York 14850 TRUSTEE Robert J. Verna '69 (82) 14 Ross Road Scarsdale, New York 10583 DEPUTY William R. Shaw '69 604 East Seneca Street Ithaca, New York 14850 COUNSELORS '80 Mark A. Clemente '73 '81 Donald K. Enichen '73 '82 James N. Seeley '75 CREIGHTON (1969) IX 318 North 33rd Street Omaha, Nebraska 68131 TRUSTEE William R. Kunkel '78 (81) 34 Irving Street, #34 Cambridge. Massachusetts 02138 DEPUTY Terrance R. Moore '77 5056 South 86th Parkway, # 1 Omaha, Nebraska 68127 COUNSELORS '80 George W. McNary '75 '81 Thomas S. McShane '73 '82 Mark S. Dion '79 DAYTON (1971) V 108 Woodland Dayton, Ohio 45409 TRUSTEE Robert W. Sullivan '74 (81) 146 Manhaltan Avenue, #6 Jersey City, New Jersey 07307 DEPUTY David M. Ulrich, OHST '54 1800-02 Brown Dayton, Ohio 45409 COUNSELORS '80 Rudolph M. Petric '76 '81 Joseph C. Luke '77 '82 Terrance P. Brennan '73


DELAWARE (1970) III 400 Wollaston Avenue, Apt. A-3 Newark, Delaware 19711 TRUSTEE Edmond F. Anzalone '72 (81) 491 Plaza Boulevard, #E-45 Morrisville, Pennsylvania 19067 DEPUTY deputy needed COUNSELORS '80 James L. Slack '71 '81 Stanley A. Wozniak '71 '82 Christopher J. Ennis '78 DENISON (1949) V Slayter Hall, Box # 1115 Granville, Ohio 43023 TRUSTEE Michael D. Eisner '64 (82) 5451 Marathon Street Hollywood, California 90038 DEPUTY Edwin S. Robertson '56 7920 N. College Indianapolis, Indiana 46240 COUNSELORS '80 Paul G. Clark '75 '81 William D. Clarke '51 '82 Jeffrey D. Ritter '70 DEPAUW (1887) VI 626 E. Seminary Street Greencastle, Indiana 46135 TRUSTEE Arad Riggs '26 (80) 50 East 42nd Street New York, New York 10017 DEPUTY Joe H. Petty '36 2409 Warren Avenue Terre Haute, Indiana 47803 COUNSELORS '80 Carl A. Buehler '58 '81 Edwin W. Burney '67 '82 John B. Norberg '70 EASTERN KENTUCKY (1970) VI Box 223, Todd Hall Richmond, Kentucky 40475



TRUSTEE Bernard E. Hrubala '73 (81) 22 Well wood Circle Vernon, Connecticut 06066 DEPUTY deputy needed COUNSELORS '80 James A. Blake '69 '81 A. Craig Enlow '77 '82 Michael G. Edwards '78 FLORIDA (1957) IV 1814 W. University Avenue Gainesville, Florida 32603 TRUSTEE Joseph J. Marinelli, Jr. '65 (82) 209 Fairway Longwood, Florida 32740 DEPUTY Terry E. Bates '68 5211 N.W. 36th Court Gainesville, Florida 32601 COUNSELORS '80 Joseph L. Mizzell '76 '81 George L. Powell '75 '82 Richard D. Baxley '76

DEPUTY needed COUNSELORS '80 James A. Huppert '76 '81 Frank W. Kari '74 '82 Don J . Mangers '78

* deputy


IOWA (1925) VIII 320 Ellis Avenue Iowa City, Iowa 52240 TRUSTEE Jack T . Hunn '55 (80) Smith-Sternau Organization, Inc. 1707 L Street, N.W., Suite 800 Washington, D.C. 20036 DEPUTY Carl T. Ostrem, Jr. '49 Post Office Box 2387 Iowa City, Iowa 52240 COUNSELORS '80 James L. Wenman '76 '81 Michael D. Steele '77 '82 Dave R. Knuepfer '76

FRESNO (1968) XI 5210 North 3rd Street Fresno, California 93710 TRUSTEE Kenneth W. Shearin '70 (80) 1918 Peabody Memphis, Tennessee 38104 DEPUTY Samuel Chavez, Jr. '76 2958 E. Huntington A venue Fresno, California 93721 COUNSELORS '80 David G. Sorensen '73 '81 Richard C. Machado '69 '82 Raymond J. Hurado '77 GEORGIA TECH (1957) IV 154 Fifth Street, N.W. Atlanta, Georgia 30313 TRUSTEE Edmund P. Shrewsbury '61 (81) 177 Mohigan Road Somerset, Massachusetts 02726 DEPUTY Allen J. Walters, III '63 1332 Northview Avenue, N .E. Atlanta, Georgia 30306 COUNSELORS '80 Robert S. McKeeman '77 '81 David L. Smith, Jr. '74 '82 James I. Meredith, III '76 HAMILTON (1847) II Hamilton College Clinton, New York 13323 TRUSTEE James L. LePorte, III '76 (80) 160 Indian Head Road Commack, New York 11725 DEPUTY Roger F. Wood '52 342 East Street Pittsford, New York 14534 COUNSELORS '80 Philip L. Evans '50 '81 Gerald L. Marketos '63 '82 Robert A. Bankert '43 HOUSTON (1972) X Campus Activities Center, Box 109 4800 Calhoun University of Houston Houston, Texas 77004 TRUSTEE Robert R. Evans '74 (80) 6630 Saxet Houston, Texas 77055 DEPUTY S. Andrew Smallwood '71 208 South Witter Pasadena, Texas 77506 COUNSELORS '80 Terry C. Cunningham '75 '81 William H. Powell '77 '82 Robert R. Evans '74 ILLINOIS (1905) VII 312 East Armory Champaign, Illinois 61820 TRUSTEE Chris Morris '75 (80) 26 Village Green Way Hazlet, New Jersey 07730

INDIANA (1915) VI 1200 East Third Street Bloomington, Indiana 47401 TRUSTEE Ivan Escott, Jr. '41 (82) 37 Brookside Terrace North Caldwell, New Jersey 07006 DEPUTY deputy needed COUNSELORS '80 Frederick J . Gall '77 '81 Howard R. Elliott, Jr. '77 '82 David E. Lee '77

IOWA STATE (1913) VIII 117 Ash Avenue Ames, Iowa 50010 TRUSTEE C. D. Prutzman, PSTA '18 (81) 166 Greenway, North Forest Hills, New York 11375 DEPUTY Ralph E. Stucky, WRCS '31 1818 Douglas Avenue Ames, Iowa 50010 COUNSELORS '80 Michael E. Bowman '65 '81 Ralph E. Stucky WRCS '31 '82 Larry J. Skeie '64 JOHNS HOPKINS (1928) III 4220 N. Charles Street Baltimore, Maryland 21218 TRUSTEE Christopher A. South '76 (81) 149-17 Sanford Avenue Flushing, New York 11355 DEPUTY * deputy needed COUNSELORS '80 John W. Peach '31 '81 William M. Levy, '54 '82 Alan J. Schiff '74 KANSAS (1920) IX 1025 Emery Road Lawrence, Kansas 66044 TRUSTEE Dale M. Flanagan '58 (80) 366 N. Bedford Road Chappaqua, New York 10514 DEPUTY * deputy needed COUNSELORS '80 Jerry M. Nossaman '60 '81 Charles R. Pohl '68 '82


KANSAS STATE (1956) IX 1425 University Drive Manhattan, Kansas 66502 TRUSTEE Terry L. Bullock '61 (81) Shawnee County Court House Topeka, Kansas 66603 DEPUTY deputy needed COUNSELORS '80 Michael W. Shull '75 '81 Paul E. Miller '69 '82 Joe A. Knopp '74


LAFAYETTE (1885) III Lafayette College Easton, Pennsylvania 18042 TRUSTEE Alan M. Augustine '52 (81) 1972 Wood Road Scotch Plains, New Jersey 07076 DEPUTY deputy needed COUNSELORS '80 Robert V. Noreika '67 '81 David S. Crocket, COLB '52 '82 Olav B. Kollevoll, COLG '45 LEHIGH (1885) III Lehigh University Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18015 TRUSTEE Scott H. Cragle '72 (82) 231 South 16th Street Allentown, Pennsylvania 18102 DEPUTY Mark Parseghian, Jr. '48 20 S. Main Street Nazareth, Pennsylvania 18064 COUNSELORS '80 Mark Parseghian, Jr. '48 '81 Stanley J. Jakubowski '55 '82 LOUISIANA STATE (1979) X P.O. Box 17121 Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70893 TRUSTEE Robert L. Tyburski, COLC '74 (82) 71 Madison Street Hamilton, New York 13346 DEPUTY James B. Kessel, CARN '50 872 S. Tinley Drive Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70815 COUNSELORS '80 Stephen L. Pastorek '79 '81 William R. Elliott, LOUS '49 '82 Dennis L. Alonzo '74 LOUISVILLE (1949) VI Belknap Campus University of Louisville Louisville, Kentucky 40208 TRUSTEE Robert J. Fratangelo '65 (82) 21 Schenck Avenue, Apt. 2AA Great Neck, New York 11021 DEPUTY H. Scott Davis, Jr. '65 2100 High Ridge Road Louisville, Kentucky 40207 COUNSELORS '80 Jeffrey A. Wellkamp '75 '81 H. Douglas Mann '71 '82 Lawrence T. Smith '68 MAINE (1970) I 130 College Avenue Orono, Maine 04473 TRUSTEE David C. Dore '76 (81) Route 128 Dresden, Maine 04342 DEPUTY Richard I. Hunt, Jr. '74 Chadbourne Hall University of Maine Orono, Maine 04473 COUNSELORS '80 Craig R. Orff '76 '81 Charles S. Wong '73 '82

MANITOBA (1929) VIII 112 Wilmot Place Winnipeg, Manitoba R3L 2Kl TRUSTEE Donald C. Mcinnes '50 (81) 603 Wellington Crescent Winnipeg, Manitoba R3M OA 7 DEPUTY * deputy needed COUNSELORS '80 Robert G. Siddal '76 '81 Joachim O. Meister '77 '82 Frank D. Lotz '78 MARIETTA (1870) V 223 Fourth Street Marietta, Ohio 45750

TRUSTEE Charles F. Jennings '31 (82) 131 Pearson Drive Morganton, North Carolina 28655 DEPUTY * deputy needed COUNSELORS '80 Charles B. McQuoid, 11 '77 '81 Jeffrey S. Aichele '77 '82 George R. Forbes '71 MARYLAND (1972) III 6 Fraternity Row College Park, Maryland 20740 TRUSTEE William D. Kirkpatrick '68 (82) 10904 Rock Coast Road Columbia, Maryland 21044 DEPUTY John W. Smith, III '73 2503 Amherst Road West Hyattsville, Maryland 20783 COUNSELORS '80 Michael G. Harrison, LEHI '72 '81 John W. Smith, III '73 '82 Daniel J. Pierce '63 MIAMI (1968) V 400 East Vine Street Oxford, Ohio 45056 TRUSTEE J. Paul McNamara '29 (82) 88 East Broad Street Columbus, Ohio 43215 DEPUTY * deputy needed COUNSELORS '80 Everett L. Lykins '59 '81 Donald A. Kelley '69 '82 Stephen J. Short '78 MICHIGAN (1876) VI 1331 Hill Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 TRUSTEE Richard E. Meyer '61 (80) 2130 North Lincoln Park West Chicago, Illinois 60614 DEPUTY Wallace K. Sagendorph '61 5330 Inverray Milford, Michigan 48042 COUNSELORS '80 Gregory J. Rogos '76 '81 Thomas B. Darnton '69 '82 Adrian B. Horton '76 MICHIGAN STATE (1949) VI 343 Albert Street East Lansing, Michigan 48823 TRUSTEE * trustee needed DEPUTY William F. Savage '56 2224 Tulane Drive Lansing, Michigan 48912 COUNSELORS '80 William T. Barger '71 'B 1 Gary M. Freismuth '71 '82 Floyd Sims '71 MIDDLEBURY (1856) I 136 S. Main Street Middlebury, Vermont 05753 TRUSTEE J. Peter Nestler '72 (82) 56 Whittridge Road Summit, New Jersey 07901 DEPUTY Eric G. Peterson '63 R.D.l Hudson, New York 12534 COUNSELORS '80 '81 Eric G. Peterson '63 '82


MINNESOTA (1890) VIII 1112 Sixth Street, S.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55414 TRUSTEE trustee needed DEPUTY Robert A. Dahlsgaard, BRAD '63 10907 Pioneer Drive Burnsville, Minnesota 55337


January, 1980

crhe 'President's GJ)eputy 'Program COUNSELORS '80 Douglas R. Wiegand '71 '81 Richard Morin '71

'82 James L. Halling '72 MISSOURI (1924) IX 711 Maryland Avenue Columbia, Missouri 65201

TRUSTEE Timothy S. Taylor '71 (80) Route 22 120th Street, N.W. Parkville, Missouri 64153

DEPUTY Michael S. Proctor '65 910 Westover Columbia, Missouri 65201 COUNSELORS '80 John S. King '75 '81 Daniel J. Godar '78 '82 Richard C. Miller '77 NEBRASKA (1898) IX 1548 Vine Street Lincoln, Nebraska 68508 TRUSTEE Hugh W. Gray '34 (80) 803 N. DuPont Road Westover Hills Wilmington, Delaware 19807 DEPUTY Oscar Sandberg '59 2453 Sewell Lincoln, Nebraska 68502 COUNSELORS 'SO Garwood L. Donnelson '56 '81 Richard E. Kohler '74 '82 Joseph L. Krause NORTH CAROLINA (1953) IV 407 East Rosemary Chapel Hill, North Carolina

27514 TRUSTEE W. D. Watkins '27 (80) Post Office Box 13592 Golden Gate Station Greensboro, North Carolina 27405 DEPUTY Alan V. Pugh '73 Post Office Box 786 Asheboro, North Carolina 27203 COUNSELORS '80 J. Samuel Gentry, Jr. '75 '81 Joseph D. Joyner, Jr. '77 '82 R. Michael Waltemyer '75 NORTH CAROLINA STATE (1977) IV #3 Maiden Lane Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 TRUSTEE Gary J. Golden, RUTG '74 (80) 12012 Stilwell Place, N.E ... c .. Albuquerque, New Mexico 87112 DEPUTY Joseph O. Hannibal,Jr.JNHP '45 Brookhaven 4826 Rembert Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 COUNSELORS '81 Larry M. Matthews, NCAR '71 '81 Robert L. Wilson, Jr. NCAR '76 '82 George W. Krichbaum, Jr. NCAR '69 NORTH DAKOTA (1961) VIII 505 Princeton Street Grand Forks , North Dakota 5S201 TRUSTEE Wayne A. Drugan, Jr. '69 (80) 16 Linnaean Street Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 DEPUTY Gerald T . Schmidt '70 1111 Sunset Drive Grand Forks, North Dakota 58201 COUNSELORS '80 M. Thomas Basuray '66 '81 Russell A. Peterson '45 '82 Robert K. Snort land '62 NORTH DAKOTA STATE (1970) VIII 1420 12th Avenue, North Fargo, North Dakota 58102

COUNSELORS '80 Jay L. Shields '66 '81 John W. Funk '75 '82 Byron E. McFall '29

TRUSTEES Dennis H. Cheatham, INDI '65 (80) Pendleton Banking Company Pendleton, Indiana 46064 DEPUTY Donald E. Larew, lAST '63 724 N . River Road Fargo, North Dakota 58102 COUNSELORS '80 Keith D. Rau '73 '81 John M. Dhuyvetter '78 '82 Jon D. Veri in de '75

OKLAHOMA STATE (1960) X 311 South Hester Stillwater, Oklahoma 74074 TRUSTEE H. Allan Thompson, OKLA '65 (81) R.D. #3, Grouse Lane Sewickley, Pennsylvania J5143 DEPUTY Lindell C. Gardner '72 2512 South 91 E Place Tulsa, Oklahoma 74129 COUNSELORS '80 James A. Pearce '74 '81 James D. Toews '77 '82 Ira D. Crews, Jr. OKLA '45

NORTHERN ILLINOIS (1966) VII 1114 Blackhawk Road DeKalb, Illinois 60115 TRUSTEE Steven J. Gerber '68 (80) c/o Boy Scouts of America 1060 Main Street River Edge, New Jersey 07661 DEPUTY Joseph J. Rembusch '62 104 Laurel Lane DeKalb, Illinois 60115 COUNSELORS 'SO Richard L. Warner '73 'SI William E. Feithen '75 '82 William o. Otten '72

OREGON STATE (1922) Xil 235 N.W. 25th Street Corvallis, Oregon 97330 TRUSTEE J. L. LeMaster '48 (80) 160 East 48th Street, Apt. II-K New York, New York 10017 DEPUTY Allan J. Vendetti '64 2514 N.W. Glenwood Drive Corvallis, Oregon 97330 COUNSELORS '80 Philip R. Olson '69 '81 William L. Bryant '58 '82 Allan J. Vendetti '64

NORTHERN IOWA (1968) VIII 1927 College Avenue Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613 TRUSTEE Stephen C. Little '76 2033 Friley Road Ames, Iowa 50010 DEPUTY ... deputy needed COUNSELORS '80 Lynn D. Moeller '76 '81 Mark L. Buhrow '72 'S2 Terrill L. Becker '73

PENNSYLVANIA STATE (I 91 I) III 229 Locust Lane State College, Pennsylvania 16801

TRUSTEE Charles D. Prutzman '18 (82) 166 Greenway North Forest Hills, New York 11375 DEPUTY Richard A. Hellberg '72 70 Hillcrest Avenue Chalfont, Pennsylvania 18914 COUNSELORS '80 Mark A. Belden '72 '81 Larry J. Kuhns '68 '82 Charles I. Clement '79

NORTHWESTERN (1880) Vil 2307 Sheridan Road Evanston, Illinois 6020 I TRUSTEE Edgar F. Heizer, Jr. '51 (82) 261 Bluffs Edge Drive Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 DEPUTY '" deputy needed COUNSELORS '80 Robert L. Grottke '52 '81 Byron E. Coon '60 '82 Jay A. Nollman, Jr. '66 OHIO (1955) V 10 West Mulberry Athens, Ohio 45701 TRUSTEE Michael P. Loudon '74 (81) 250 E. 87th Street, Apt. 31-J New York, New York 10028 DEPUTY L. Alan Goldsberry '66 North Hill Athens, Ohio 45701 COUNSELORS '80 Edward I. Deutch '74 '81 L. Alan Goldsberry '66 'S2 Thomas O. Pierson '71 OHIO STATE (1904) V 240 East 15th A venue Columbus, Ohio 43201 TRUSTEE Bruce C. Setloff'71 (81) Post Office Box 4397 Incline Village, Nevada S9450 DEPUTY '" deputy needed COUNSELORS '80 William R. Anders '70 '81 Paul A. Bokros '70 '82

PURDUE (1914) VI 1290 State Street West Lafayeue, Indiana 47906 TRUSTEE Richard R. Popham '40 (80) 60 Hanson Road Darien, Connecticut 06820 DEPUTY George W. Gard '43 3325 Melbourne Road, S. Drive Indianapolis, Indiana 46208 COUNSELORS '80 Byron T. Fox '68 '81 Frank C. Arganbright '49 '82 John B. Norberg, DEPW '70 RIPON (1959) Vil Brockway Hall Ripon College Ripon, Wisconsin 54971 TRUSTEE * trustee needed DEPUTY Don F. Thomann \. Department of Education Ripon College Ripon, Wisconsin 54971 COUNSELORS '80 David B. Brittain '49 '81 James G. Hess '67 '82

OKLAHOMA (1927) X 603 West Brooks Norman, Oklahoma 73069 TRUSTEE H. Allan Thompson '65 (81) R.D. #3, Grouse Lane Sewickley, Pennsylvania 15143 DEPUTY ... deputy needed


January, 1980

RUTGERS (1858) I 66 College Avenue New Brunswick, New Jersey

08901 TRUSTEE Marshall M. Johnson '51 (80) 21 Appleton Road Glen Ridge, New Jersey 07028 DEPUTY Ronald Becker '57 567 Country Club Road Bridgewater, New Jersey 08807

COUNSELORS '80 Richard K. Greene '60 '81 Brian J. Paich '73 '82 George S. McLaren '75 SAN DIEGO (1968) XI 5606 Hardy Avenue San Diego, California 92115 TRUSTEE Leland J. Adams, Jr. BUCK '64 (82) 44 Griscom Road Sudbury, Massachusetts 01776 DEPUTY ... deputy needed COUNSELORS '80 Daniel J. Bohn '77 '81 William A. Deering, Jr. '77 '82 Terry P. McCormick '79 SOUTH DAKOTA (1971) VIII 204 N. University Street Vermillion, South Dakota 57069 TRUSTEE James T. Reimer '73 (81) 1909 Pinefield Avenue Muscatine, Iowa 52761 DEPUTY * deputy needed COUNSELORS 'SO Robert R. Rex '72 '81 Scott D. Boyd '77 '82 Robert L. Levell, Jr. '73

TEGHNOLOGY (1891) I 526 Beacon Street Boston, Massachusetts 02215 TRUSTEE Charles A. Morton, Jr. '45 (81) Springwood Path, Laurel Hollow Syosset, New York 11791 DEPUTY Martin V. Zorn beck '57 42 Fletcher Street Winchester, Massachusetts 01890 COUNSELORS 'SO Robert J. Lepkowski '76 '81 Ezra F. Stevens '27 'S2 Douglas S. Luther '73 TENNESSEE (1969) IV 1845 Terrace Avenue Knoxville, Tennessee 37916 TRUSTEE Charles S. Carter '71 (82) 1103 Stoney Brook Road Jeffersonville, Pennsylvania 19401 DEPUTY T. Michael Knies '71 1713 Granda Boulevard Knoxville, Tennessee 37922 COUNSELORS '80 T. Michael Knies '71 '81 Eyvind Thor '69 '82 Anthony L. Ostendorf '72

TEXAS (1949) X 2510 Leon Street SOUTHERN ILLINOIS (1971) Austin, Texas 78705 VII TRUSTEE 410 West Freeman Henry L. Baccus '50 (82) Carbondale, Illinois 6290 I 4007 Knollwood Drive Austin, Texas 78731 TRUSTEE Dave Maguire '73 (SO) DEPUTY 900 N. Linden Lane .. deputy needed Macomb, Illinois 61455 COUNSELORS DEPUTY '80 lames A. Smith, Jr. '76 Frank Halper, Jr. '76 '81 Frederick R. Hamilton '70 22554 Pleasant Drive '82 Leland W. Waters '73 Richton Park, Illinois 60471 COUNSELORS TORONTO (1899) II '80 William T. Cockran '75 ) 82 St. George Street '81 William R. Kimmel '78 Toronto, Ontario M5R 2N3 'S2 John Kurtz, SYRA '48 TRUSTEE Brian G. Clark '69 (81) STANFORD (1896) XI 17 Deerfield Terrace 553 Mayfield Avenue Mahwah, New Jersey 07430 Stanford, California 94305 DEPUTY TRUSTEE to deputy needed George E. Brinkerhoff '72 (82) COUNSELORS Paine Webber Inc. '80 Hubert M. Steenbakkers '78 425 Park Avenue '81 Paul K. Joannou '78 New York, New York 10022 '82 Martin R. Reader '73 DEPUTY James F. Coonan '38 TUFTS (1886) I 800 Welch Road, Suite 367 114 Professors Row Palo Alto, California 94304 Medford, Massachusetts 02155 COUNSELORS TRUSTEE '80 Graeme L. MacDonald '73 James H. Vineburgh '66 '81 O'Malley M. Miller '73 37 Long View Road '82 James F. Coonan '38 West Hartford, Connecticut 06107 SWARTHMORE (1894) III DEPUTY Swarthmore College Steven W. O'Brien '78 Swarthmore, Pennsylvania 19081 56 Boston A venue TRUSTEE West Somerville, Massachusetts Joel S. Mindel '60 (82) 02144 45 East 89th Street COUNSELORS New York, New York 10026 'SO Richard D. Oliver '76 DEPUTY '81 Douglas G. Moxham '64 William F. Lee, Jr. '60 '82 Thomas D. MacDowell '74 10 Ogden Avenue Swarthmore, Pennsylvania 19081 TYLER (1971) X COUNSELORS Tyler Junior College, Box 210 '80 Benjamin Kalkstein '72 Tyler, Texas 75701 '81 Charles R. Lansberry '67 TRUSTEE '82 L. Wesley Argo '57 Henry L. Baccus, TEXA '50 (81) 4007 Knollwood Drive Austin, Texas 78731 SYRACUSE (1873) II 711 Comstock Avenue DEPUTY Syracuse, New York 13210 Donald W. Paape, WISC '53 3618 Jill Circle TRUSTEE Tyler, Texas 75701 ... trustee needed COUNSELORS DEPUTY '80 John L. Olson '77 Carleton B. Laidlaw, JI'. '55 '81 Sabin A. Warrick '76 247 Greenwood Place '82 Mark M. Newton '76 Syracuse, New York l3210 COUNSELORS '80 Peter M. Baigent '68 '81 Vladimir Breuer '40

'82 Alfred

J. Lewis '27

UNION (1838) I Union College Schenectady, New York 12308


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january, 1980

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Delta Upsilon Fraternity P.O. Box 40108 Three bu tton polo shirt has a white collar and sleeve trim, yellow beading. Navy shirt is 50% cotton, 50% polyester. Item #S21 0 in M, L, XL is $13.00.

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If shipment is desired to other than above, please attach instructions o Send new General Store Catalogue All items except rings are shipped immediately.


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