DU Quarterly: Volume 123, No. 4

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THE BEST Dear Brothers, We are very privileged to be members of one of the finest organizations in North America. DU is the best men’s fraternity and one of the best associations of any type! DU puts the emphasis on Building Better Men in everything that we do. Every DU should know that Delta Upsilon International Fraternity is a brotherhood of men dedicated to Building Better Men. DU has many famous alumni and a few already famous undergraduates, however, fame and fortune are not our goals but are the result of our mission. The Delta Upsilon summer Leadership Institute is the finest leadership training conference available. Leaders in government, business, medicine, law, religion, and many other disciplines Ed Porter, Oklahoma ’65 come together to conduct an intensive leadership training weekend that may be the single most important three days in the preparation of undergraduates for life. The fraternity world recognizes the DU Leadership Institute as the best! Academics and business leaders also praise the organization and training that is conducted at this exciting and rewarding conference. DU also presents the Winter Educational Conference in January of each year. This conference is for Chapter Presidents, Recruitment Chairmen, and DU Emerging Leaders. This conference prepares DU undergraduates and alumni to carry on the tradition of Building Better Men. DU has the strongest, best-prepared, most mature and most enthusiastic group of Leadership Consultants that it has ever had. These men visit the chapters and provide observations and suggestions to the chapter and alumni that can enable them to more effectively Build Better Men. DU is the only fraternal partner of the Boys & Girls Clubs. This is the world’s largest organization dedicated to building better future citizens. It is no accident that DU was chosen by the Boys & Girls Clubs for this partnership. DU has the best insurance claims record of any fraternity. As a result, the liability insurance premiums paid by our members is the lowest of any fraternity. This is a direct result of the quality of the men that are recruited and the quality of the loss prevention training conducted at all of our conferences and by our Leadership Consultants. The Quarterly magazine is one of the longest continuously published magazines of any kind. The quality of the Quarterly is getting better with each issue. Watch for changes in the Quarterly that will make it better yet. DU has the finest business offices of any fraternity. The offices are attractive, compact, and efficient. Historic memorabilia of Delta Upsilon is on display in a museum-like manner. The new state-of-the-art information and accounting system ensures accuracy. The office staff is friendly, helpful and experienced. A visit to the DU offices in Indianapolis will make you proud! All is conducted very efficiently and at the lowest possible cost. Every DU would be proud to see the offices and meet the staff. Great care is taken to ensure that the business of DU is operated tightly and efficiently. As a result of operating on a shoestring, if dues and fees are paid late, it greatly impacts DU’s ability to provide these services. The dues and fees paid by the membership do not cover all of the expenses. Were it not for the generosity of many of our brothers, DU would not be able to provide the fine services that we expect. DU has its own Foundation, similar to many universities, which enables our alumni to support Building Better Men through tax deductible donations. The DU Educational Foundation carefully invests its financial assets to maximize the benefit to undergraduates. There is not a better vehicle for supporting DU and for building a better world than by contributing to DU through the Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation. I look forward to seeing you at one of our educational conferences, on your campus or at one of DU’s alumni events. Yours in Building Better Men,

Ed Porter, Oklahoma ’65 President

PS. April 1, 2006. New England Area Reunion, Dinner and Awards Ceremony at the Harvard Club of Boston. Call Craig Sowell (317-875-8900) for details. 2

Delta Upsilon - The Men’s Non-Secret Fraternity

DELTA UPSILON INTERNATIONAL FRATERNITY North America’s Oldest Non-Secret Fraternity; Founded 1834

The Principles of Delta Upsilon The Promotion of Friendship The Development of Character The Diffusion of Liberal Culture The Advancement of Justice

The Motto of Delta Upsilon International Fraternity

Dikaia Upotheke Justice Our Foundation OFFICERS President Alvan E. (Ed) Porter, Oklahoma ’65 Chairman of the Board William L. Messick, Lafayette ’68 Secretary Gary S. Killips, Alberta ’71 Treasurer David G. Herzer, Wisconsin ’54 Assistant Treasurer Mark E. Callihan, Pennsylvania State ’87 DIRECTORS Malcolm P. Branch, Wisconsin ’69 Ronald E. Dowhaniuk, Oregon State ’86 Charles E. Downton III, North Carolina ’66 Patrick L. Mangold, Central Florida ’07 E. Bruce McKinney, Missouri ’74 Richard X. Taylor, North Carolina State ’82 Donald E. Weaver, Indiana ’60 Robert M. Williams, Pace ’06 PAST PRESIDENTS Terry L. Bullock, Kansas State ’61 Samuel M. Yates, San Jose ’55 Bruce S. Bailey, Denison ’58 James D. McQuaid, Chicago ’60 INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS STAFF Executive Director Dave Maguire, Southern Illinois ’73 Director of Chapter Operations Jonathan R. Custis, Bradley ’02 Director of Chapter Development Jason H. Clark, Washington State ’01 Director of Finance William E. Humphrey Leadership Consultants John S. Adams, Wichita ’04 Colin P. Finn, Iowa State ’05 Ryan T. Kiernan, Iowa ’05 Andrew D. Martin, Washington State ’05 Michael A. Valentine, DePauw ’04 Office Manager Jo Ellen Walden Membership Records Clerk Sheila DeJarnette Accounts Administrator Rosemary Brady Chapter Services Administrative Assistant Brandylin Cole Executive Assistant Barbara Harness Educational Foundation Executive Director David R. Schumacher Director of Alumni Development Craig S. Sowell, Houston ’92

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Delta Upsilon Quarterly T H E O F F I C I A L M AG A Z I N E O F T H E D E LTA U P S I L O N I N T E R N AT I O N A L F R AT E R N I T Y S I N C E 1 8 8 2 VOL. 123, NO. 4 - WINTER 2005



Missouri DU’s float entry for Homecoming Parade.

11 UNDERGRADUATE NEWS 14 PACIFIC CHAPTER REINSTALLATION 15 DECEASED BROTHERS Delta Upsilon International Headquarters, PO Box 68942, 8705 Founders Road, Indianapolis, Indiana 46268, U.S.A.

Oklahoma’s Delta U and Delta Gamma participated in Around the World in 80 Days at U-Sing, winning 3rd place. Paul Stark ’08 won the leading male for the entire show.

Brothers of the Pennsylvania Chapter mingle with members of the Boys & Girls Club before an afternoon of sports and games.

Boys & Girls Club Week April 2-8, 2006 Make plans now to participate in an event with the Boys & Girls Club near you.You will be glad you did.

Open from 8:30 to 5:00 p.m. EST., Monday through Friday. Office-317.875.8900 Fax-317.876.1629 E-mail-IHQ@DeltaU.org Website-www.DeltaU.org Delta Upsilon Quarterly is published quarterly in the Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter at 8705 Founders Road, Indianapolis, Indiana 46268, U.S.A. ® T.M. Registered U. S. Patent Office POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Delta Upsilon Quarterly, P. O. Box 68942, Indianapolis, IN 46268-0942.

North-American Interfraternity Conference

College Fraternity Editors Association

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ALUMNI EVENTS AND CHAPTER CELEBRATIONS September 16-17, 2005 saw the celebration of the 120th anniversary of Delta Upsilon Fraternity at Lafayette College. DU alumni, spouses, friends and guests attended the celebration of the chapter’s founding with a golf outing Friday, and a smoker/dance that evening. Saturday afternoon there was a football game and that evening the Founders Dinner and reception. The weekend of October 14-16, 2005 the Alberta Chapter of Delta Upsilon celebrated its 70th anniversary in grand style. Over 300 people were in attendance, many of whom traveled from as far away as Toronto, Ontario and Texas, including DU International Board Chairman Bill Messick, Lafayette ’68, and his wife Nancy who traveled from Philadelphia, Penn. The weekend festivities began with a stag on Friday night, followed by chapter house tours on Saturday afternoon. Saturday evening the 70th anniversary banquet was held at the Chateau Lacome in Edmonton. Master of Ceremonies Brother John Paterson, Alberta ’56, guided the evening of fun, laughter, and reminiscence. The evening was capped off with the presentation of the Delta Upsilon Distinguished Alumni Award to Allan Warrack, Alberta ’61. Brother Warrack, who served in the Canadian provincial government before establishing himself as an economics professor at the University of Alberta, has served DU in a variety of capacities including as an alumni member of the Fraternity’s Board of Directors. Pictured are (l to r) Robert J. Edgar, Alberta ’55, Brother Warrack, and Board Chairman William L. Messick, Lafayette ’68.

The following weekend, another Brother received recognition at yet another chapter celebration. October 21, 2005 the Founders Medal was presented for only the 14th time; this time to LeRoy Snediker, Marietta ’50. Brother Snediker was honored during the 135th anniversary celebration of the Marietta Chapter. Brother Snediker shared with the crowd some of his memories and experiences that have shaped his life as a DU man. Over 70 DU Brothers and guests were in attendance at the celebration. October 28, 2005, Chicago area DU alumni attended a Founders Day Dinner at the Hyatt Regency Chicago in the beautiful Plaza Ballroom. The dinner was attended by the Fraternity’s Board of Directors, Fraternity staff, and Educational Foundation Trustees and staff. All those in attendance enjoyed the sharing of brotherhood and made plans for future gatherings in the Chicago area. November saw the Washington Chapter holding its annual Founders Day Dinner on November 3 at the Washington Athletic Club in Seattle. The following night was the 82nd annual DU Dinner at the Milwaukee Athletic Club. Speaker of the evening was Robert M. Darling, Wisconsin ’59, who is the chairman, president, and CEO of Pressed Steel Tank Co. in Milwaukee. Approximately 80 brothers attended, including alumni from the area and members of the Wisconsin and Carthage Chapters. Pictured are (l to r) David Schumacher, Executive Director of the DU Educational Foundation, Ross Moses, Wisconsin ’09, Sam Greenberg, Wisconsin ’08, Kirk Hovde, Wisconsin ’09, and Bob Darling, Wisconsin ’59. The Milwaukee DU dinner is the longest continuously running gathering of its kind in the country.

The Western Ontario Chapter celebrated its 75th anniversary and initiation on December 1, 2005. The events were held at the Delta London Armories, London, Ontario. 4

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n Friday, December 2, 2005, the DU Blue and Gold Carpet was rolled out as DU brothers from the Atlanta area joined brothers in higher education who were attending the annual NIC/AFA conference in Atlanta, Georgia, for a DU Brotherhood Reception on Friday evening. Brothers representing over 20 DU chapters gathered at the Hilton Hotel in downtown Atlanta for an evening of fellowship and brotherhood, with a large contingent of undergraduates from the nearby Georgia Tech Chapter in attendance. The evening ended with a short program conducted by Fraternity Chairman, Brother Bill Messick, Lafayette ’68, Fraternity President, Ed Porter, Oklahoma ’65, and Dave Schumacher, Executive Director of the DU Educational Foundation, informing the group of the current state of the Fraternity and Foundation. A report was

Atlanta-area alumni who were recognized for the membership milestones at the Atlanta Brotherhood Reception. Pictured are: (Back Row) Chairman Messick, Steve Stoll, Missouri ’73, Don Hire, Missouri ’80, Charles Napier, Virginia ’81, Charles Renfro, Oklahoma State ’74, Robert Redd, Auburn ’67, President Porter. (Front Row) Bill Malloy, Northern Illinois ’69, Joseph Dudley, Oklahoma State ’74, Joe Byrd, Colorado ’65, Wallace Sagendorph, Michigan ’61. (Not pictured: Terry Goggin, Oklahoma State ’72).

given by the Georgia Tech Chapter and its alumni, headed by Brother Rob Wheeler, Georgia Tech ’02. The program ended with the presentation of membership certificates to those alumni in attendance that had reached particular 30, 40 and 50 year milestones in their DU membership.

The Fraternity is rolling out the Blue and Gold Carpet in various cities across North America. From January to August 2006, cities where receptions are being planned include (but are not limited to): Indianapolis, Phoenix, Boston, and Kansas City. Watch the website, your mailbox or email for more details and plan to join us for events scheduled in your area.

SAVE THE DATE APRIL 1, 2006 Delta Upsilon International Fraternity The New England Alumni Reunion and Award Dinner April 1, 2006, at 6:00 PM, at the Harvard Club of Boston 374 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston Hosted by the Delta Upsilon International Fraternity, the Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation, and the undergraduates and alumni of the MIT,Tufts, UMass at Amherst, and Harvard Chapters. For all New England DUs and their guests. Invitations will be mailed in March. Delta Upsilon - The Men’s Non-Secret Fraternity


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ALUMNI NEWS During the summer 2005, Mark A. Roberts, Arlington ’03, learned that he had been selected as the national winner in feature photography, receiving the Mark of Excellence Award. He relates the circumstances of his winning this award. “Every Fall, mid to late September, UTA has an annual “Oozeball” Tournament which is just mud volleyball. It is arguably the biggest event of the year and by far the most original. In the Fall of 2004 it worked out that I was the only photographer from The Shorthorn to cover the event - usually we have multiple photographers there. So I shot a lot of photos and we ran a photo page on the back (5 or 6 photos) and two on the front of The Shorthorn. My advisor, Chris Whitley, submitted this back photo page to a few different journalism groups including the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) for regional contests. The photo page won first place in the region and was automatically sent to be judged at the national level. Over the summer 2005, Chris notified me that I was the national winner in feature photography - the Mark of Excellence Award. In October 2005, I went to Las Vegas to accept the award. There were over 3,000 photo entries in the various categories and each category had two finalists, and then the one winner. The award is for a single photo or a single photo page from one photographer.” Shown here is one of the shots from the award-winning photo page. Congratulations to Brother Roberts for his outstanding photography and this well-deserved recognition. Brian M. Jones, Carthage ’00, a McQuaid Graduate Fellowship winner in 2002, has since graduated at the top of his class from the Medical University of South Carolina with a Master’s Degree in Healthcare Administration (MHA). He was accepted as a fellow with the Henry Ford Health System in Detroit, Michigan, for 2004-05 and subsequently was hired as the Associate Director, Operations Strategy & Planning for Health Alliance Plan, the health insurance arm of the Henry Ford Health System. Brian is currently involved with the long-term strategic planning of the organization and positioning the organization as the health plan of choice both in the state of Michigan and across the country. E. Bernard Franklin, Ph.D., Kansas State ’75, a past member of the Fraternity’s Board of Directors and a keynote speaker at DU conferences, is serving as president of the Penn Valley Community College in Kansas City, Missouri. For the past three years, Dr. Franklin served as the executive director of Kauffman Scholars, Inc., a comprehensive, multi-year initiative funded by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation to help low-income urban students in Kansas City prepare for and complete a college education. Prior to joining Kauffman Scholars, Dr. Franklin served as the assistant to the president at Donnelly College. He also held several positions at Kansas State University including: adjunct professor of Leadership Studies, director of outreach, assistant dean of student life and director of leadership development programs. He has also had experience in higher education at Rollins College, in Winter Park, Florida and at the University of Southern Alabama. 6

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ALUMNI NEWS Ryan R. Bladzik, Michigan State ’00, has been promoted to the position of Director of Alumni Communications and Digital Media at the University of Miami Alumni Association (UMAA). His duties include developing and implementing communication plans for the organization. Specifically, he is responsible for the design, development, and maintenance of the UMAA and related websites; writing, editing and producing two electronic newsletters with circulations of more than 35,000 subscribers each; coordinating digital media projects for the association; managing the UMAA online directory service; and creating marketing plans and campaigns for the UMAA. Brother Bladzik previously held the position of Alumni Communications and Web Editor since July 2004. His work at the UMAA has been nominated for 2005 Spotlight Awards from the League of American Communications Professionals. Ryan served as a Leadership Consultant for the Delta Upsilon Fraternity in 2000. At the annual meeting of the Association of Fraternity Advisors in Atlanta on December 1, 2005, Timothy O. Haskell, Missouri ’01, received the Outstanding Service Award for 2005. Brother Haskell is the Assistant Director for Student Leadership at Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, California. Patrick L. Gerhart, Northern Colorado ’04, is a Field Coordinator in the Omaha area for the Pete Ricketts for U. S. Senate Campaign. Pete Ricketts is a first time candidate and past COO of Ameritrade. Ricketts will be vying for the Republican U.S. Senate nomination against Senator Ben Nelson in 2006. Patrick is the ground level organizer and go-to guy for events and people in the Omaha area as well as helping with other events that go on around the state. He is also the driver for Mr. Ricketts which takes him all across the state. Jordan B. Lotsoff, Northern Illinois ’88, is a Principal and Casualty Broker with Integro Insurance Brokers in Chicago, Illinois. Brother Lotsoff has had 15 years experience in the insurance industry. His focus has primarily been in Casualty Underwriting. His areas of expertise include: tough to place Products and Premises primary policies, Excess and Umbrella Policies, and large Real Estate accounts. Jordan also currently serves on the board of a Bermuda Captive. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Finance from Northern Illinois University. Brother Lotsoff will be analyzing clients’ risk exposures to pursue options that meet their objectives and desired coverage for their Casualty program. He will also monitor and analyze the current trends of the insurance markets in order to obtain the most competitively priced program and broadest coverage terms available in the marketplace. A former Fraternity staff member and alumni member of the Board of Directors, Jordan has served on a number of committees for the Fraternity as well as a faculty member at DU conferences. He advises the Fraternity on risk management practices and insurance matters.

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ALUMNI NEWS David P. Armstrong, Oklahoma ’55, shared with the Quarterly that he had undergone spinal surgery to do some repair work caused by a Soviet grenade during the Korean War; he said, “I just zigged when I should have zagged.” Brother Armstrong left OU in his sophomore year to join the USAF. After two weeks of testing and coming out with a high score, he was put into the USAFSS (Security Service) which was, in reality, the beginning of the National Security Agency. He was subsequently sent to the Army Language School and learned to speak Russian. The system used to teach them Russian was unique and made it easy for the NSA members to also learn at least 10 other languages. He has been in 68 countries all over the world. Some time after the Korean War he returned to OU to get his doctorate in Architectural Engineering and City & Regional Planning. Brother Armstrong has given many years of service to his country and has many more interesting stories and reminiscences to tell. Jeff McAndrew, Ripon ’81, is an award-winning broadcast journalist in his 18th year in the radio business. On April 9, 2005 Jeff and News Director Mike Kinzel picked up two 2004 Associated Press Broadcast Awards for “Best News Series” for a series of reports on Walmart’s plans to build a supercenter in the town of Sheboygan. The news team also won for “Hard News” for its coverage of the tragic death of a member of Sheboygan’s 330th, Sergeant Charles Kiser. Jeff has won over 20 broadcasting awards including two statewide awards for a documentary on Wisconsin’s first public education early intervention autism school called First Step. Jeff is the newsman on the Brat Logic show from 2-5 pm weekdays on WHBL. Brother McAndrew is also the author of a book titled Our Brown-Eyed Boy, (Authorhouse, 2003) about his son’s severe autism and how it affects his family. Jeff says he was very honored recently to receive the Oshkosh North High School 2005 Hall of Fame Award. Brother McAndrew also was nominated in the fall of 2005 by the Sheboygan School Board to be on the Wisconsin Association of School Boards State Media Honor Roll and was named to the honor roll later in the fall for “ongoing responsible and exemplary nature of reporting on public schools.” McAndrew says, “I am very honored and very humbled to be recognized for responsible reporting of education news in the Sheboygan area.” He has been very active in civic groups over the years including Toastmasters, Jaycees, the Noon Optimists, the little league baseball board and various committees. You can contact Brother McAndrew directly by e-mailing him at ourbrowneyedboy@hotmail.com or newsroom@whbl.com.

Take Five... Take five minutes of your time right now and phone, write, or email that alumnus to whom your congratulations, empathy, and encouragement can make a world of difference. Take five minutes of your time right now to write, phone, and email that undergraduate chapter with encouragement, advice, brag on them, and just a general “glad you’re my Brother!” Take five minutes of your time right now to let the Quarterly know what is going on in your life. It could be just what someone needs to hear. You’ll be glad you did. That’s part of Brotherhood, too! 8

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The James D. McQuaid Scholarships The Delta Upsilon Educational Foundation is now accepting applications for The James D. McQuaid undergraduate scholarships and graduate fellowships for the 2006-07 academic year. Once again this year, there will be four awards available at $2,500 each. (No more than two graduate fellowships will be offered)

McQuaid Scholarship Requirements • Must submit a McQuaid Scholarship Fund application. • Must be an initiated member in good standing with the Fraternity as defined in the Fraternity’s Laws. • Must be an enrolled, full-time student in good standing at the college/university at which the chapter is in operation for the academic year following receipt of the scholarship. For graduate students must be an enrolled, full-time graduate student at an accredited college/university for the academic year following receipt of the fellowship. • Must have a cumulative 3.0 GPA or better (on a 4.0 scale). Official copy of transcripts must be provided.

• Must submit three letters of recommendation (one from a DU alumnus, one from a faculty member, one from the undergraduate chapter president (Graduate students substitute community leader for chapter president). • Consideration will be given to leadership involvement, extra curricular activities and community service. • A photo of the applicant for possible publication in the Quarterly should the applicant be selected as a recipient. McQuaid Scholarship applications may be found at www.deltau.org or by contacting the Foundation offices.

Oak Circle Scholarship All current Oak Circle donors (any gift received after July 1, 2005), or donors through May 1, 2006 are eligible to apply. The scholarship is given through an endowment that is made possible by the money raised through this undergraduate giving program. As the endowment increases, so do the number of $1,000 scholarships. Oak Circle Scholarship applications may be found at www.deltau.org or by contacting the Foundation offices. All materials relating to the applications must be postmarked by May 1, 2006. Extensions beyond that deadline will not be permitted. Mail all application documents to the DU Educational Foundation, P. O. Box 68942, Indianapolis, IN 46268. The Scholarship Selection Committee will review all materials for both scholarships and will notify each recipient prior to the 2006 Leadership Institute in Kansas City, Missouri, at which the scholarships will be presented. Anyone wishing to direct his or her donation to the McQuaid Scholarship or Oak Circle may do so directly by contacting the Foundation offices or may enclose their gift and write “McQuaid Scholarship” or “Oak Circle” on the enclosed reply envelope provided in this magazine. If you have any questions, or would like to receive

additional information on these scholarships, contact Brother Craig Sowell, Houston ‘92 at 317-875-8900 ext. 225, by e-mail at Sowell@Deltau.org or visit www.deltau.org.

Requirements needed to apply for the 2006 Oak Circle Scholarship • Must be a current donor to the Oak Circle. (or give a gift prior to application) • Must be an enrolled, full-time student in good standing at the college/university at which the chapter is in operation for the academic year following receipt of the scholarship. • Must submit a completed application, photo, and letter of recommendation by May 1, 2006. • While not required, applicants should plan to attend the 2006 Leadership Institute in Kansas City, Missouri, where the scholarship will be presented. Consideration will be given to fraternity involvement, G.P.A., volunteer service, answers provided with the application and their efforts made towards the Oak Circle program. Delta Upsilon - The Men’s Non-Secret Fraternity


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ABOUND FOR MEMBERS OF DELTA UPSILON “A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds.” Francis Bacon (1561-1626) “Of Ceremonies and Respects,” Essays, 1625

heard among your peers on your campus, throughout your chapter’s province, and internationally by attending conferences and actively participating in exchanges and discussions.

As a new year begins, let us resolve to recognize the many opportunities in Delta Upsilon and take advantage of them. When you entered college, you had an opportunity for advanced education and interchange with many people, some of whom would become your best friends. When you joined Delta Upsilon, you took advantage of the opportunity to be a part of a prestigious organization with honorable founding principles and a history of notable members. You still have these opportunities and even more. You can achieve whatever level of education you want – only you can limit yourself. You can become as involved in Delta Upsilon as you want, and become part of DU’s future. You can expand your range of acquaintances and realize even more friendships – some of which will be life-long. As an undergraduate, and with your education goals firmly in mind, you can pursue leadership positions in your DU chapter; make your voice 10

During the undergraduate years, you also have opportunities to call on DU alumni from all chapters, the Fraternity staff, and the brothers in leadership positions, for advice and encouragement. When you become an alumnus, an even greater opportunity is available for you to become that DU Brother who can be depended upon for advice and encouragement. If you become a Fraternity staff member, your opportunity to give undergraduates the benefit of your DU experience becomes even greater. You’ve “been there, done that.” What you say carries added credibility. Both older members and younger members will see your walk and hear your talk and they may be heartened to stay and/or become more active in the Fraternity.

Then, as you move forward in your life, you are able to share your financial resources with the Fraternity and the Foundation; share your time by volunteering with your chapter, another chapter, the Fraternity’s conferences, committees, leading in the province in which you live, contributing in those areas of the Fraternity in which you have a particular interest or talent. You may grow still further in your DU experience and serve on the Board of Directors for the Fraternity or the Board of Trustees of the Educational Foundation. Your history of loyalty to your DU Brothers and your active participation in the Fraternity will make it possible for you to work with other Brothers in the leadership of Delta Upsilon. Look around you. Look through this issue of the Delta Upsilon Quarterly and see the many opportunities for you – don’t miss out on the opportunities for you to impact the Fraternity, your chapter, your Brothers, yourself.

About the author Barbara Harness has worked on the Fraternity’s professional staff for 29 years and during that time hundreds of DU staff members and alumni, and thousands of undergraduates have benefited from her wisdom, advice, and counsel.You may contact Barbara at IHQ@Deltau.org.

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Arlington Bradley Chapter Chapter “After Dark in the Park” was a very successful event in a theme park styled Halloween carnival for the children in the Dallas Metroplex.The men of the Arlington Chapter participated in the River Legacies event on October 13-16 and enjoyed being a part of this philanthropy to benefit the community. Also, in October DU participated in the annual Greek life carnival.This is an event put together by the University’s chapter of Order of Omega in which all the Greek organizations set up booths.

From December 15-17, 2005 eight brothers from the Bradley Chapter of Delta Upsilon went to Memphis, Tennessee to visit the St. Jude Children’s Hospital. St. Jude is the Bradley Chapter’s yearly philanthropy, and thus far this school year the chapter has already raised more than $7,000.The brothers’ goal is to raise over $20,000 this year.

This trip was sponsored by the St. Jude Children’s Hospital to give some of the DU Brothers a better insight on what St. Jude does, in order for them to motivate the rest of the chapter in continuing to raise money.The brothers met with a patient’s family, toured the Target houses, and toured the hospital. All of this was very enlightening and educational, and the experience one of honor and not to be forgotten.The brothers learned a lot and will teach the rest of the chapter about all the many things that St. Jude does.



Recipients of the Charles P. Cords Memorial Scholarship have been announced: Eric C. Kuo ’09, pursuing a major in molecular and cell biology; Steven D. Delong ’09, pursuing a major in mechanical engineering; Nick P. Bowen ’09, pursuing a major in nutritional sciences; Guatam Nangia from Karnataka, India, and pursuing a major in electrical engineering and computer science; and Robert Klein, pursuing a major in political economy of industrial societies.The scholarships are presented by the brothers of the California Chapter of Delta Upsilon Fraternity in memory of the life long dedication Charlie Cords ’50 exhibited toward the chapter.


Cal PolyChapter

On the weekend of October 21-23, 2005, Delta Upsilon’s Cal Poly Chapter held its 50th anniversary celebration to coincide with Cal Poly Homecoming. Over 150 alumni, along with their families, attended the event. Events included an afternoon BBQ and softball event, a formal banquet

in the evening, and an alumni/active meeting the next morning. A great time was had by brothers young and old, as they reflected upon 50 years of history of the chapter.

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Central Florida


Coming into Knightmare 2005 (UCF’s Homecoming), the Delta Upsilon Chapter had high expectations.They walked into the week with all eyes on them as the defending 2004 champions. From the beginning of the week, the gentlemen of DU, teamed with the ladies of Kappa Alpha Theta as well as the gentlemen of Theta Chi, did not disappoint onlookers.The week got started off right as they won the philanthropy competition for the third straight year, winning the can collection. Though it was close as they won by less than 100 pounds, it was a tone-setter.They continued to show that they really are a




The Minnesota Chapter’s house dog has launched her career in promotional work. Tom LaSee ’06 and Dave Katz ’06, who work for Gopher Sports Marketing, have Tango Upsilon working soccer games with them.Tango promotes sports and is a great public relations asset for the chapter. October 2, DU participated in the TwinCities Buddy Walk for the third year.The Buddy Walk is a charity event to promote acceptance of individuals and specifically children with Downs Syndrome.The 20 Brothers set up the tents and activities, and then did the deconstruction and clean-up after the event.The Buddy Walk was a success again this year and the coordinators for the Walk were very appreciative of the chapter’s assistance.


“DU Army” as they outnumbered all other groups in everything they did, and for the second year in a row took home the coveted Spirit Cup which honors the team who displays the largest attendance through all events, and shows the most spirit for UCF.The week ended with the parade where veteran float builder Neil Sneath ’07 and company worked days and sleepless nights to create a masterpiece of a float that included a structural creation of a downtown city.When all was said and done, Delta Upsilon and their team received the second place trophy for the weeklong contest.Though all of the groups’ eyes were on a repeat of a championship, there was more behind the week.Three young chapters came together and formed a week of memories and potential years of friendships.

Kansas State


Ryan Flickner ’07, was recently elected by his peers to serve as the Student Ambassador for Kansas State’s recruiting and public relations efforts. Brother Flickner will travel around Kansas and the Midwest promoting Kansas State to incoming high school students. Also, the Kansas State Chapter of Delta Upsilon will be celebrating it’s 50th anniversary in the coming year.Watch the website www.k-state.edu/deltaupsilon/ for more information.



Missouri DUs made a terrific showing at the October 2005 Homecoming. Among the recognitions was the 2nd place award for house decorations (see photo). They also placed first in service and fifth in the talent competition.

North Carolina StateChapter

The newly returned North Carolina State Chapter of Delta Upsilon experienced a great fall semester.The chapter prides itself in its diverse membership drawn from many facets of the campus community. Among these is the representation of the chapter in the vocal ensemble, the Grains of Time. NC State’s premier men’s a capella ensemble features seven members, four of whom are upperclassmen and founding fathers of NC State’s Delta Upsilon (and whose talents, coincidentally, have provided leadership in what could be considered an advantage in Greek Week serenades.).The Grains of Time deliver contemporary and classic a capella in a vocal band style and perform exclusively for the campus community once a semester in the campus theatre, and every semester enjoy strong attendance and support from

Delta Upsilon - The Men’s Non-Secret Fraternity

their brothers in Delta Upsilon, both undergraduate and graduate.The trend of growing support continued this semester with a total of over 400 attendees.Thanks to the DU brothers for their relentless encouragement not only of the Grains, but all of the brothers’ extra-curricular campus activities.

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North Dakota


On October 15, the members of the North Dakota Chapter participated in their Delta Upsilon Dream Girl competition. A wonderful lady from Gamma Phi Beta won their hearts. She won just as her mother had won the Dream Girl competition in 1969, when she attended school there. Along with the Dream Girl competition, the chapter hosted a taco feed, with catered food from a local restaurant. The event brought

in around $500, which was donated to the American Cancer Society’s Hurricane Relief Fund.The turnout was excellent, and many people from the Greek community attended.



Homecoming was a combined effort with Pi Beta Phi, Kappa Alpha Psi, Beta Theta Chi, and Delta Upsilon resulting in the first time a float had ever won a perfect score from all six judges. Pictured is the float, as well as (l to r) Mark Taylor ’06, Jay Paulsgrove ’07, and Matthew Seddelmeyer ’07.

Pan American


The Pan Am Chapter finished the week with Celebrations on November 4, 2005 as first place winners for the Fall 2005 Greek Week.This was a huge event to win and a great way to celebrate Founder’s Day. After the Greek Week Awards Ceremony, the Chapter held a dinner in celebration of Founder’s Day. The Greek Week games consisted of a Tug of War (1st), Sumo Wrestling (1st),



This is an exciting time for the Pennsylvania Chapter. They finished the 2004-05 academic year with the thirdhighest Fraternity GPA and watched Brother Adam Buresh ’06 continue his academic excellence by maintaining his 4.0 GPA for the third straight year. DUs are also exhibiting great leadership on campus, with David Burrick ’06 being named executive editor of the Daily Pennsylvanian, Eli Hoffman ’06 as Vice President of the Nominations and Elections Committee, Daniel Singer ’08 as Comptroller of the Philomathean Society, and Robert Forman ’06 as Editor-In-Chief of the First Call publication. In fact, Brother Burrick was interviewed and pictured in a Newsweek feature in November on stellar college newspapers.

second Tug of War (1st),Volleyball Tournament (1st), Relay Race (2nd), Quiz Bowl (3rd), and finally a Variety (Talent) Show (2nd).

The Brotherhood has been very busy organizing such events as a Boys & Girls’ Club activity and a charity party for Hurricane Katrina relief. Both the new and old are shining, with the initiation of the Class of 2008 and the success of many senior Brothers winning prestigious awards in their academic fields and securing lucrative jobs for after they graduate. Members of the newly initiated

class are all true gentlemen and will surely maintain the chapter’s high standards of excellence in the coming years. Pictured are members of the Pennsylvania Chapter with their dates at the Philadelphia Academy of Music for its annual semi-formal.

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The Return of Pacific On Sunday, November 20, 2005, the charter of the Pacific Chapter of Delta Upsilon was re-instated by the International Fraternity. The ceremonies were held on the University of the Pacific campus in Stockton, California. The proceedings included the initiation of 25 undergraduate men into Delta Upsilon and the formal re-instatement of the charter of the Pacific Chapter. The initiation and re-instatement ceremonies of the Pacific Chapter began on Saturday, November 19, 2005, with Rite I of the formal Delta Upsilon initiation ceremony. The ceremony was held at the chapter house. The following day, Rite II and the formal re-instatement ceremonies were conducted at the chapel on campus. Presiding over the ceremonies was the Executive Director of the Delta Upsilon Fraternity, Dave Maguire, Southern Illinois ’73. Several DU alumni, parents, and guests attended the re-instatement and initiation ceremonies. Immediately following the reinstatement and initiation ceremonies, a flag raising ceremony was held at the chapter house on campus. New brothers, 14

Delta Upsilon - The Men’s Non-Secret Fraternity

alumni, and guests stood witness as the Delta Upsilon flag was once again raised on the University of the Pacific campus. Delta Upsilon was first established on the University of the Pacific campus on January 15, 1959, from the original Omega Phi Alpha local Fraternity, which dates back to 1922 on that campus. The chapter withdrew from the Fraternity in 1972 to return to its local status before rejoining the Fraternity as a colony last year. The Delta Upsilon initiation and re-instatement ceremonies serve as a testament to the commitment and dedication of the undergraduate brothers and the alumni of the Pacific Chapter. Delta Upsilon Executive Director Dave Maguire offered, “This is indeed a proud and special occasion for the University of the Pacific and Delta Upsilon. These men who have accepted the Oath of Delta Upsilon hold in the highest regard the Founding Principles of Delta Upsilon – Friendship, Character, Culture, and Justice. We are proud to once again fly the Delta Upsilon flag on the University of the Pacific campus.”

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Deceased Brothers in Delta Upsilon Alberta A. D. Carlyle ’37 Donald L. McNeill ’49 Charles E. Morris, Jr. ’39 Haughton G. Thomson ’37 Arthur D. Yates ’49 Amherst Edmund G. Cook ’31 Lewis J. Ewing ’31 Stanley M. Gower, Jr. ’36 Arizona Thomas C. Andrews ’59 Arlington James B. Amend ’72 Bowling Green Richard P. Schaper ’70 Thomas H Willing ’50 Bradley Harrison S. Foote, Jr. ’58 Brown Charles H. Nold, Jr. ’44 William Thixton ’42 Bucknell Robert A. Miller ’57 California William W. Barker ’83 Perry E. Beeson ’37 Carnegie Arthur F. Blair ’31 Jack A. Connors ’45 Robert H. Seitz ’33 Chicago Robert K. Bain ’47 Jere T. Dorough ’31 George F. James ’30 Robert W. Milow ’35 Clarkson Anthony Ferrera ’43 Michael F. Moyer ’63 Colby James A. MacLean ’52 Colgate Thomas E. Doyle ’31 Neale A. Gow ’46 Cheston M. B. Keyser ’30 William D. VanRiper ’35 Henry C. Warnick, Jr. ’35 Colorado Robert N. Ellis ’69 Robert Moore Straub ’57 James B Wickham ’59 Columbia Pierce Abbott ’32 M. A. Broderick ’31 Richard F. Finch ’31 Remo E. Gay ’34 Bernard C. Glueck, Jr. ’34 Charles W. Neuhardt ’33 Cornell Joseph B. Kirkland, Jr. ’50 William M. North ’34 Loughton T. Smith, Jr. ’41 Dartmouth Robert J. Hickin ’31 Edwin S. Lapham ’33 Allan A Rikkola ’31 William L. Schlesinger ’33 Eugene Welch Wilkin ’45 Roger P. Williams ’31 William L. Wilson ’30 DePauw A. Thomas Colten ’47

Jack Henry Gans ’43 James L. Kerr ’32 John A Kimble ’77 Charles E. Parkin ’49 Hamilton Robert V. Cardamone ’38 Edwin B. Fawcett ’43 Harvard Dwight E. Harken ’31 Lawrence J. Verdier ’33 F. W. Whittemore ’34 Harold R. Woodard ’33 Illinois W. Thomas Harper, Sr. ’31 Wayne D. Rothgeb ’58 Richard Wangerow ’52 Robert M. Young, Sr. ’33 Indiana William A. Moser ’50 Sean M. Rankin ’99 William M. Scott ’68 Jack D. Sprinkle ’48 Iowa Russell A. Ablard ’56 Gordon G. Gauss ’30 William D. Hine, Jr. ’38 William J. Kanak ’47 Jan P. Severson ’63 Iowa State Charles F. Alexander ’55 Jack Brandt ’49 Robert C. McKinstry ’50 Carol F. Schneider ’42 Johns Hopkins Maxwell K. Mudge ’51 Kansas W. Mike Adams ’57 Christopher J. Anthony ’88 Arthur H. Butler ’31 Sanford R. Dietrich ’40 D. Curtis Skaggs ’32 Samuel Jerome Stewart ’50 Jeffrey P. Stoven ’94 Kansas State Yancy D. Hudson ’68 Anthony J. LaRocco ‘85 Kent State George R. Becht ‘75 Paul J. Brand ’31 William J. Lloyd, Jr. ’64 Franklin Lopane ’59 Roy E. Newsome, Jr. ’48 William F Sullivan, Jr. ’47 Lafayette Eugene J. Bourger ’44 Malcolm M. Pease ’40 John Van Hassel Rock ’61 Lehigh Charles B. Garstin ’41 John D. Neely ’34 Robert C. Reber ’41 David T. Savage ’51 Warren H. Schaub ’31 Curt Seifart ’46 Long Beach Bradley M. Novinger ’88 Louisville James L. Downs ’64 Charles Mendel ’42 Marietta Frank B. Amrine, Jr. ‘40 Grant A. Drennen, Sr. ‘44

Charles H. Ebinger ’51 Joseph M. Handlan, Sr. ’37 James A. Schultheiss ’55 Marquette Thomas J. Westerheide ’72 McGill Dudley Butterfield ’34 Donald B. Dougherty ’43 John G. Wheeler ’86 Miami Herbert S. Arnold ’31 James Francis Bowen ’45 Allan L. Brunner ’56 Thomas H. Meyers ’72 Roy H. Reinhart ’41 William R. Reiss ’50 Robert Edmund Sammis ’42 William T. Stillson ’39 Michigan Urbane William Hird ’39 Theodore G. Jacob ’44 George S. Roberts ’52 Michigan State John J. Morrison ’50 Dennis L Sweet ’68 Middlebury Burditt W. Collins ’31 Richard A. Fear ’31 Arnold T. Melbye ’32 William W. Sumner ’66 Missouri Charles R. George III ’72 Edward B. Jaenisch Sr. ’55 Robert E. Lusk ’51 Dallas E. Nelson ’49 Ralph E. Peacock ’32 Nebraska Richard C. Lyman ’45 Harold B. Muff ’30 Donald L. Shaneyfelt ’44 North Carolina Guy A. Cardwell ’26 William V. Covington ’40 North Dakota State Zachary James Stromme ’01 Northwestern Verne T. Brassard ’31 Cyrus M. Cochrane ’44 Alfred E. Huettel III ’49 Kermit M. Rudolf ’39 William D. Willoughby ’38 Ohio State John Keith Alberty ’70 Charles H. Gravett ’31 Robert W. Kincaid ’61 James R. Marietti ’85 Robert C. Murray ’41 David Schackne, Jr. ’45 Scott D. Steele ’79 Paul Tague, Jr. ’43 Oklahoma D. D. Brengle , Jr. ’31 Jason C. Wagner ’87 Oklahoma State Marble J. Carpenter, Jr. ’61 Oregon Frederic Davis ’38 William M. Seal ’49 Robert F. Stuhr ’41 Frederick N. VanHorn ’50 Oregon State Denton F. Dalrymple ’31

Philip C. Foster ’43 John W. Gallagher ’31 F. Russell Jennings ’52 William J. Johnson II ’53 Richard F. Kosko ’50 Pennsylvania State Alexander F. Cowan ’39 Joseph John Drazenovich ’50 Leo J. Kukkola ’58 Robert E. Morini ’37 Fred C. Stashak ’50 Gerald J. Troy ’53 Platteville Steven L. Johnson ’70 Purdue Forrest William Barnes ’46 Richard P. Birge ’55 John W. Bromley ’69 James Marsfield Cooke ’51 Wallace E. Ellifritt ’45 Larry N. Emch ’69 Donald F Greenwood ’51 William H. Lawson ’50 Harold Ernest Leland ’41 Harold P. Mueller, Jr. ’47 Rochester Lawrence E. Choice ’67 Walter D. Erskine ’39 Mack D. Griswold ’31 Frederick N. Kimmel ’50 John K. Kintigh ’46 Rutgers Robert H. Adams ’43 Alfred J. McDowell ’34 Mauro L. Mecca ’57 John T. Milligan ’46 James Pendleton Powers ’48 E. W. Simpson, Jr. ’37 San Jose Daniel E. Collar ’49 Jack W. Smith ’57 William O. Walker ’49 Stanford Joseph R. Graves ’35 John Allen O’Connor ’51 Swarthmore Robert L. Booth ’30 Ralph Cheyney ’51 Gregory S. Foster ’81 John B Warrington’39 Syracuse R. N. Corey ’44 Donald J. Giancola ’45 Technology Charles O. Dodson ’42 Harold A. Herre ’38 Carroll F. Miller ’53 John H. Richardson ’35 Harrington Ricker ’45 Addison F. Schade ’44 John M. Thompson ’45

Thomas H. Wojick ’63 Texas Kristinn I. Hansen ’65 Richard E. Shepherd ’56 Toronto William S. Hunter ’55 Bruce T. Lindley ’35 Tufts Frank E Farrington, Jr. ’41 Fred N. Pratt ’38 UCLA Rodney E. Phillips ’50 M. Hugh Rogers, Jr. ’33 Sidney Allen Sigler ’49 Union Robert E. Atwell ’54 Jeffrey R. Bartel ’95 Virginia E. Earle Hart ’30 Homer B. Pettit, Jr. ’42 Washington Richard A. Brizee ’49 Wilbur S. Callender, Jr. ’44 John B. Dodds ’37 Ellis H. Hyatt ’35 Edward D. Jones ‘50 Norman M. O’Day ’54 Richard P. Olsen ’69 Washington & Lee Waldemar E. Lee ’55 Jerome A. Susskind ’57 Washington State Matthew L. Broadus ’89 Grant W. Plummer, Jr. ’85 Western Illinois David K. Bivens ’75 Western Ontario Joseph W. Mitchell ’39 Harry R. Yeandle ’32 Western Reserve Jack C. Foote ’31 Robert F. Husted ’37 Wichita Lyndell L Avery ’57 Byron E. Duffield ’61 Williams Cassius W. Curtis ’28 Thomas H. Howe ’62 J. W Widing, Jr. ’52 Wisconsin H. Willard Brown ’43 William “Ziggy” Elman ’69 Frederic W. Field ’31 John Reeve Findorff ’40 Frederick Hugh Gage ’41 Robert E. Grady ’37 Herbert J. Kremer ’53 Philip Frederick Oetking ’43

This listing reflects notices received at DU Headquarters through January 3, 2006. Please notify the Fraternity of deceased members, or any errors, at P. O. Box 68942, Indianapolis, IN 46268, phone – 317.875.8900, fax – 317.876.1629, or e-mail – IHQ@DeltaU.org. Memorial gifts also may be directed to the DU Educational Foundation at this same address. Delta Upsilon - The Men’s Non-Secret Fraternity


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The Hyatt Regency Crown Center in Kansas City, Missouri will be the site of Delta Upsilon’s 2006 Leadership Institute. Save the dates August 3 - 8 and make plans now to join your DU Brothers for yet another weekend of educational sessions and brotherhood sharing. The Leadership Institute is made possible in part by a grant from the DU Educational Foundation further made possible by donors to the Foundation. The Institute includes the Undergraduate Convention, the Assembly of Trustees, DU Emerging Leaders sessions, meetings of the Fraternity’s Board of Directors and the Educational Foundation Board of Trustees, as well as the educational sessions, an alumni reception, and Boys & Girls Club event. Watch the website, your mail box, your email, and other information sources for details. Contact the Fraternity Headquarters at 317-875-8900 with any questions.

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