3 minute read
Delux Magazine Mar/Apr 2021

Words by: Seven L. Maxwell
38 March | April 2021 www.DeluxMag.com
When people hear the name Orlando
“Pretty Boy” Watson, they are reminded of the entrepreneurial accolades he’s amassedin over two decades in the entertainmentindustry. He’s carved a lane that curatedthe hip hop culture in the city of St. Louis;founded the youth organization Lift to offeropportunities, education, and alternativesto the youth from areas plagued by poverty;brought fine dining to the Delmar Loop; andstood out on the front lines defending blackbodies against police brutality. Quite simplyput, Orlando is a St. Louis superhero—moreimportantly—to his wife and four children,he’s their entire world. He’s worked hardto provide for them, and now he’s fightingharder than ever to live for them.
In 2006, Orlando discovered a hematomabetween the joints in his knee causing him toseek alternative treatment options in Mexico.Upon his return, he elected to follow theprescribed course of treatment and receivedrounds of radiation, leading to his remissionstatus. After reporting a clean bill of health forfive years, the inaugural event he threw withthe purpose of celebrating his life turnedinto a celebration of survivors and grew fromthere.
Orlando lost his mother to lung cancer in2012. This devastated him to the core, butit fueled his desire to continue the fight forfamilies affected by cancer by honoring theirstrength though support and assistance intheir time of need.
For 13 and a half years, Orlando had nohealth issues. He spent those years as aserial entrepreneur, promoter, producer, andmanager—wearing many hats and serving asa symbol of success for urban youth.
2019 brought back a familiar foe in the form
of a post-radiation sarcoma caused by the radiation he received in his previous battle with cancer. Because of its aggressive nature, the prescribed course of treatment involved him privately having the bone from his thigh to his knee removed and reconstructed. This temporarily provided a solution, until the pain in his lower extremity became extremely unbearable. Necrosis quietly crept in and Orlando was left with no option but to amputate his leg to save his life.
For two weeks, Orlando has been recovering from his surgical procedure and adjusting to his new reality.
Although Covid has slowed down business, Orlando has been spending his time bonding with his incredible wife of over 20 years, Michelle; his four beautiful children, ages 25, 15, 14, and 10 years of age; his father; and his amazing village which remained faithful to his focus and vision.
Following his previous procedure, Orlando has been receiving treatment from top oncologists at the Siteman Cancer Center due to the metastasis of the cancer cells to his lungs. With his current course of treatment, there’s still light at the end of the tunnel. He’s faithfully following God on the journey in which he’s been assigned.
Orlando wants to thank you for all of your incredible love, prayers, and support as he and his family continue along their faithfilled road ahead to healing.
“Let’s use this time to focus on the important things. Too many people have been focused on the wrong things. 2020 taught us that anything can happen at any time, and it could all be over in an instant.” --Orlando Watson