2013 DEMA Annual Report

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Table of Contents What is DEMA?


Membership Update


Industry Growth Committee Update


Strategic Planning Committee Update


Show Committee Update


Water, Sports & Travel Festival Committee Update


Legislative Committee Update


Market Research Committee Update


International Growth Committee Update


Finance Committee Update


Manufacturer’s Committee Update


What is DEMA?

The Diving Equipment and Marketing Association is a non-profit trade association. Monies earned through the industry’s participation in the annual DEMA Trade Show, along with sponsorships, and from DEMA Memberships, fund all of the activities and expenses of the association. Unlike for-profit organizations which typically raise money at shows or events and funnel it AWAY from the diving industry, DEMA channels proceeds earned TOWARD diving industry-wide promotions, market and industry research, operations, legislative issues, disaster assistance, and other industry efforts, all for the benefit of DEMA Members. Like most business/trade associations, DEMA has several functions within the recreational diving industry. DEMA is involved with promoting recreational scuba diving and snorkeling through PR activities and advertising, delivering educational programming for members and consumers, lobbying on behalf of the diving industry, and other functions. DEMA is a 501(c)(6) California Corporation.

Description Worldwide Trade Association for the Recreational Diving and Snorkeling Industries; Includes more than 1,400 Member companies worldwide.

Mission To promote sustainable growth in recreational diving and snorkeling while protecting the environment.

Goals 1. To produce an annual trade event for the Industry that serves the needs of its stakeholders and produces a successful financial outcome for the Association. 2. To engage in marketing programs which promote the Industry, create new customers, drive business into retail stores and resorts and promote diver retention. 3. To monitor potential legislation that could adversely affect the Industry. 4. To engage in marketing research programs which will: a. Define the universe of divers

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b. Determine the rate of erosion amongst existing divers c. Determine the number of entry-level certifications which take place in the United States and Caribbean each year d. Provide retail audit information that is made self-liquidating through annual subscriptions. 5. To conserve and protect natural aquatic resources.

Committees DEMA Committees are an opportunity for volunteers to participate in the activities of the Association and to have an impact on the effectiveness of DEMA. Committees are generally made up of Board members and may include other volunteers from the diving industry. They are advisory to the Board of Directors and DEMA Staff, and bring a wealth of experience to the Association. In 2013 there are a number of standing committees helping to provide input to the Board of Directors and Staff of the Association. Having opinions and insight from the diving community is critical, and the learning curve works both ways; many volunteers learn to understand the inner workings of a nonprofit business and trade association, including the nuances and challenges of providing the best services and promotions that meet the needs of all five stakeholder groups simultaneously. 2013 Committees DEMA Show Committee Scott Daley, Chair Bonnie Borkin Jenny Collister Werner Kurn Dorothy Battaglia*

Finance Committee Tim Webb, Chair Tom Leaird

Industry Growth Scott Daley, Chair Bonnie Borkin William Cline Darcy Kieran Jeff Nadler Tim Webb

International Growth Stephen Ashmore, Chair Jenny Collister Werner Kurn Floyd Holcom* Peter Symes*

Legislative Committee Jeff Nadler, Chair Al Hornsby* Dan Orr* Carlos Santana*

Manufacturers’ Committee Stephen Ashmore, Chair Scott Daley

Nominations Committee Jenny Collister, Chair Stephen Ashmore William Cline Darcy Kieran Jeff Nadler

Research Committee William Cline, Chair Jeff Nadler Darcy Kieran Tim Webb Seton Kidd* Mark Young*

Strategic Planning Committee Tom Leaird, Chair Stephen Ashmore William Cline Jenny Collister Darcy Kieran

*Volunteer committee member. Not a current Director on the DEMA Board.

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DEMA's Board Committees are generally determined at the first meeting of the year. DEMA Member companies with an interest in serving on future committees should contact Nicole Russell at the DEMA Office (nrussell@dema.org) or contact a current member of the DEMA Board of Directors using the contact information found at the following link: http://www.dema.org/displayboard.cfm.

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Membership Update

Under the direction of the DEMA Board, DEMA continues to enhance the number of benefits offered to members. In 2013, being a DEMA member is more valuable than ever before.

Membership Meetings During 2013, DEMA conducted a series of “2020 Vision” sessions, providing an additional way for DEMA Members to provide input as DEMA creates its future plans. Member input is always valuable, especially with the changing role of associations, and shared information was used to help the DEMA Board of Directors formulate DEMA’s strategic direction. 2013 Brainstorming sessions were held at Beneath the Sea in Secaucus, New Jersey and The Scuba Show in Long Beach, California. An additional session was held at DEMA Show 2012 in Las Vegas and another will be held at DEMA Show 2013. DEMA Members and members of the Diving Industry discussed some of their ideas regarding the Diving Industry and where it is headed in the next 3, 5 and 10 years. The items most often mentioned by Diving Industry Professionals during these brainstorming sessions included: Sell the “Diving Lifestyle” along with dive travel. Support & develop professional retailers and their staff Create various benefits for retailers, including health insurance and other benefits Adapt to new media and use social media Make dive travel easier Put the "edge" back in diving – make it more exciting Promote to a younger audience Create a positive first experience for divers Provide a local purpose to dive after certification (Promote and use “Local Diving”). Promote diving using an environmental slant

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The DEMA Board of Directors sees these top-of-mind issues as part of DEMA’s continuing mandate and you can see the reflection of this member-input in new programs and benefits offered through DEMA. The final 2013 session is being held at DEMA Show 2013 in Orlando, FL. Additional information will be available to Members following this session.

Association Communications In an effort to enhance communications with Members and the Diving Industry, DEMA has continued to diversify communication methods and enhance those methods already in place. Weekly DEMAIL Newsletter: With mobile readership on the rise, DEMA went through an extensive process to determine the need to make regular email communications more mobile friendly. After solicitating for feedback through a survey, it was determined a more mobile format would help with email communcations. With a redesign in late August, the weekly DEMAIL now allows for easier engagement for its readers using mobile devices. The DEMA.org Website: DEMA.org was reorganized in mid-March to make navigation much easier for users. Visual banners featuring the latest DEMA news continue to be used on the home page are updated weekly. Clicking on these images (as prompted by the verbiage within the image) takes the user directly to the news story. Social Media: DEMA has seen marked improvement in engagement using social media during 2013. In 2012, DEMA established a presence on Instagram and Pinterest and has since seen an increase in engagement on these two social platforms. Instagram provides interested members of the Industry with an ‘insidersview’ of what is going on at DEMA. Industry professionals who will be joining DEMA at DEMA Show in Orlando are encouraged to using Instagram to share their experience with the industry with the hashtag, #DEMAShow. DEMA’s presence on Pinterest helps promote the lifestyle side of the Industry. In an aim to encourage the Industry to share aspects of the diving lifestyle as well as the business side, DEMA created a number of boards including: Quotes to Live and Di(v)e By, Be A Diver, DEMA News, Small Business Tips, as well as a board to help inspire 60’s-themed outfits for the 2013 DEMA Awards Party.

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Industry professionals are encouraged to follow DEMA’s Pinterest Boards as content is continuously pinned and shared by DEMA and DEMA Members. Industry professionals can also connect with DEMA and other diving professionals on any of the following sites: Industry professionals can connect with DEMA and other diving professionals on any of the following sites: Facebook: www.facebook.com/demaorg LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/dema-org Google+: www.plus.google.com/110507503905658942180 Twitter: www.twitter.com/DEMAorg Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/demaorg Instagram: www.instagram.com/demaorg DEMA Blog: www.demaorg.blogspot.com DEMA Show and consumer programs can also be found online: DEMA Show: Facebook: www.facebook.com/DEMAShow Twitter: www.twitter.com/dema_show DEMA Show Blog: www.demashow.blogspot.com Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/DEMAShow

Be A Diver: Facebook: www.facebook.com/beadiver Twitter: www.twitter.com/beadiver YouTube: www.youtube.com/beadivercampaign

DiveCaching: Facebook: www.facebook.com/divecaching Twitter: www.twitter.com/divecaching

Additional Membership Benefits: DEMA continues to evaluate and enhance Member benefits. In 2013, the following benefits were improved: DEMA Member Insurance Program: U.S. based companies of all sizes have access to health and business insurance choices when they join DEMA. Members located in any of the 50 U.S. states can get a quote and purchase a variety of health insurance products including a pharmacy benefits program, group employee and individual health insurance, business insurance and have access to workers compensation insurance at DEMA Memberonly rates. Member Spotlights: These continue to be a popular perk for both new and returning Members. Updated with fresh new questions for 2013, these Spotlights allow DEMA Members the opportunity to talk about their business and individuals to talk about their careers, as well as provide valuable exposure amongst

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fellow Industry Professionals. Those who completed a 2012 Member Spotlight have had the option to update their Spotlight with the 2013 questions or keep their Spotlight as is. 2013 Membership Badge: Aimed at increasing membership pride and visibility via their online presence. This badge allows Members to show that they support the industry. Membership Card: Issued to the DEMA Member voting delegate when the company joins or renews, this card makes it possible to access discounts to companion events such as the ability to attend Beneath the Sea when members show their card and attend a 2020 Vision Session at the show. Partnership with Constant Contact: As a result of DEMA’s new partnership with Constant Contact, Members are eligible for 20% off six month prepaid email marketing services or 25% off full year prepaid email marketing services. These rates provide an extra 10% discount over the standard discount available online for prepayment plans. In addition to these discounted rates, Members will have access to a number of resources to help them make the most of their email and online marketing, such as educational content and best practices as well as Constant Contact’s other products like EventSpot, Social Campaigns, SaveLocal, Online Survey and SinglePlatform. Be A Diver Pool Follow-up Efforts: Member Dive Centers participating in the Be A Diver Pool, will be happy to hear of DEMA’s added follow-up efforts with Pool participants. In an effort to convert Be A Diver Pool participants into customers for participating retailers, DEMA is sending out follow up communication to all event-goers who supplied their email address upon registration. This email includes a Certificate of Participation, link to a Photo Bucket photo gallery with images from their dive event, link to connect with others on the Be A Diver Facebook page and direct links to the websites for the Retailers who were there to provide instruction and fun during their event. PSA Posters: This year, DEMA designed and distributed a number of posters to accompany existing Public Service Announcements. Posters included promotion of diving safety during the summer boating season and also the FL and CA lobster seasons as well as a poster against the practice of shark finning. In addition to being made available to the Industry for download and sharing, the posters were promoted as a social media campaign via DEMA, Be A Diver and DiveCaching Twitter & Facebook pages as well as on social media sites of affiliated organizations Research Data: Members have access to research data on their store location and data regarding the diving consumer’s values and beliefs, life stages, and locations. In addition, as DEMA moves into a strategic planning cycle during 2014, members will have access to data and information helpful for their own businesses.

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Parameter/ Times Participated/Year Male Female AGE 6~12 13~17 18~24 25~34 35~44 45~54 55~64 65+ HOUSEHOLD INCOME Under $25000 $25000 to $49999 $50000 to $74999 $75000 to $99999 $100000+ REGION New England Middle Atlantic East North Central West North Central South Atlantic East South Central West South Central Mountain Pacific HIGHEST EDUCATION 8th Grade or Less 1-3 years of High School High School Grad 1-3 years of College College Grad Post-Grad Studies Other

1+ Times 63.6% 36.4%

Segment % 1-7 8-14 Times Times 62.9% 63.6% 37.1% 36.4%

15+ Times 67.3% 32.7%

Participation Rate by Group 1+ 1-7 8-14 15+ Times Times Times Times 1.3% 0.9% 0.2% 0.2% 0.7% 0.5% 0.1% 0.1%

Index vs. Total Population 1+ 1-7 8-14 15+ Times Times Times Times 130 128 130 137 71 73 71 64

5.0% 4.4% 10.7% 28.3% 17.2% 21.3% 8.2% 5.0%

6.9% 4.2% 11.6% 30.8% 17.4% 16.1% 6.4% 6.6%

0.0% 7.2% 5.7% 15.4% 19.1% 42.8% 9.7% 0.0%

0.0% 2.5% 10.8% 28.0% 13.7% 27.1% 16.5% 1.4%

0.5% 0.6% 1.1% 1.9% 1.2% 1.3% 0.7% 0.4%

0.5% 0.4% 0.8% 1.5% 0.8% 0.7% 0.4% 0.3%

0.0% 0.1% 0.1% 0.2% 0.2% 0.4% 0.1% 0.0%

0.0% 0.0% 0.2% 0.3% 0.1% 0.2% 0.2% 0.0%

52 55 105 193 116 128 69 36

71 53 114 210 118 97 53 47

0 91 56 106 129 257 81 0

0 32 106 191 92 163 138 10

9.4% 10.0% 17.7% 16.5% 46.4%

11.4% 10.8% 18.1% 15.0% 44.6%

4.5% 5.5% 13.4% 29.5% 47.0%

4.0% 10.0% 19.6% 10.8% 55.7%

0.6% 0.4% 0.9% 1.2% 1.8%

0.5% 0.3% 0.7% 0.7% 1.2%

0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.3% 0.3%

0.0% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.3%

55 43 90 116 180

67 47 92 106 173

27 24 68 207 182

23 43 99 76 216

5.6% 13.1% 17.7% 3.3% 19.8% 4.1% 9.3% 9.4% 17.7%

6.7% 16.2% 18.3% 3.0% 15.1% 2.7% 9.0% 9.2% 19.9%

5.3% 0.0% 11.7% 3.9% 38.9% 8.1% 8.6% 8.2% 15.3%

0.0% 10.2% 20.7% 4.0% 25.9% 8.0% 11.1% 11.8% 8.3%

1.2% 1.0% 1.2% 0.5% 1.0% 0.7% 0.8% 1.3% 1.1%

1.0% 0.9% 0.8% 0.3% 0.5% 0.3% 0.6% 0.9% 0.9%

0.2% 0.0% 0.1% 0.1% 0.3% 0.2% 0.1% 0.2% 0.1%

0.0% 0.1% 0.2% 0.1% 0.2% 0.2% 0.1% 0.2% 0.1%

116 97 115 49 102 69 82 132 113

139 120 119 45 77 44 80 129 127

110 0 76 58 200 135 76 116 98

0 75 134 60 133 134 98 166 53

4.9% 7.0% 5.4% 23.9% 36.1% 22.0% 0.7%

6.7% 7.8% 5.6% 21.3% 38.7% 19.0% 1.0%

0.0% 7.2% 8.1% 20.8% 28.7% 35.1% 0.0%

0.0% 2.5% 1.4% 41.4% 30.1% 24.5% 0.0%

0.4% 1.0% 0.3% 1.0% 1.5% 1.7% 1.6%

0.4% 0.8% 0.2% 0.6% 1.1% 1.0% 1.5%

0.0% 0.2% 0.1% 0.1% 0.2% 0.4% 0.0%

0.0% 0.1% 0.0% 0.2% 0.2% 0.3% 0.0%

39 101 29 97 151 170 158

53 112 30 86 161 147 218

0 104 44 85 120 273 0

0 36 8 168 126 190 0

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Industry Growth Committee Update Scott Daley, Chair

In this section: Diver Retention Using Local Diving – Diving for Texas Treasure Challenge Diver Acquisition – Be A Diver Campaign Be A Diver Pool Tour Local Retailer Research

Focus on Diver Retention Using Local Diving Diving for Texas Treasure Challenge: In early 2013 DEMA created a “treasure hunt” game using the concept of “DiveCaching” and in concert with an established program in Texas promoting local diving called, “Dive Around Texas.” The DEMA treasure hunt, called the Diving for Texas Treasure Challenge, was a pilot program designed to demonstrate how DiveCaching can be used to encourage retailers, dive clubs and divers to do something fun, that keeps them diving. The game’s concept was straightforward; offer a prize to divers who actually go diving to find the hidden containers (“treasure”) and who log their finds on OpenCaching.com. Working with Dive Around Texas promoter Eric Peterson, five containers were placed underwater in five lakes around Texas. The GPS coordinates and compass directions for the hidden containers were displayed on OpenCaching.com, and on the mobile app for OpenCaching. Any certified diver could play the game by signing on for a free OpenCaching.com account, and registering with DEMA to play. Once registered, divers were provided with five numbered tags to deposit inside the DiveCaches as they found them. The divers were then given additional information during the course of the game, including a DiveCaching newsletter and encouragement to keep playing until the game ended in September.

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The Diving for Texas Treasure Challenge program was promoted using social media, video, and counter cards at all Texas retail dive centers and dive locations, a DiveCaching newsletter and press releases, and on OpenCaching.com. MORE THAN 170 DIVERS REGISTERED TO PLAY THE GAME! Participating divers finding all the DiveCaches, dropping their tags into the containers and logging their finds on OpenCaching.com or the mobile app became eligible for the grand prize of $1,000 in cash. In addition, American Diving Supply, Garmin and Ocean Reef contributed prizes for the Diving for Texas Treasure Challenge.

DiveCache Containers

Mobile App for the Challenge

Counter Cards

On October 6th the winner of the $1,000 grand prize, and the prizes from Ocean Reef and American Diving Supply were awarded during a celebration luncheon at the conclusion of Dive Around Texas in San Marcos, TX. Thanks to all who participated!

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Diver Acquisition DEMA’s Be A Diver Campaign

DEMA launched the Be A Diver campaign in April 2008. The main and continuing goal of the Be A Diver campaign is to provide a means by which DEMA Members can acquire more customers by promoting the FUN of diving. Stores have the ability to reach out beyond the important instructional component of recreational diving and show that diving can be a fun and exciting sport. The Be A Diver campaign has many different elements and works in a manner that is complementary to other marketing campaigns, but can also stand alone as an inexpensive and complete promotional campaign for DEMA Member stores. In what remains one of the toughest US and world economies in recreational diving’s short history DEMA Members have exclusive access to a complete and economical promotion toolbox to use in customer acquisition. In addition to the availability of advertisement materials for DEMA member use, DEMA has also provided a website – BeADiver.com – which lists every retailer in the US. DEMA members receive preferential listings, and their website URL, phone number and distance from their zip area are provided in alpha order to consumers under the Retail Store Locator. In addition, for a small fee DEMA-Member stores can obtain a preferential store listing based on the potential customer’s actual location. Non-members receive an alpha listing as well, following the DEMA members’ store listing by zip code. For purposes of the Be A Diver listing, DEMA defines “retail dive store” as DEMA member retailers which meet all of the following criteria: 1. Teach scuba diving 2. Sell scuba diving equipment 3. Provide diving equipment service 4. Have a retail store front 5. Have regular retail business hours 6. Are zoned for business where such business zoning is required 7. Provide air fills 8. Provide DEMA with a copy of the government-issued business license which permits the business to operate What’s in the Toolbox? Like any good promotional campaign, to be successful, all of the promotional materials in the Be A Diver campaign must be used together and advertisements must appear more than one time. The components of a good promotional mix include:

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Advertising – such as radio, television and print ads through various media. Sales Promotions – Sales promotions involve the use of media and non-media pressure applied to the consumer for a pre-determined, limited period of time, with the objective of stimulating trial or increasing consumer demand, or to improve product visibility and availability. Publicity (PR) – The classic definition of “Publicity” or “PR” states that it is non-paid-for communications of information about the company or product, generally in some media form.” While the actual appearance of the product or service in the media may be considered “free,” most publicity activities do have a cost associated with them. PR firms charge for follow up, “stunts” cost money to create, and even writing press releases can have a cost. Still, these can be very effective when used in conjunction with other promotional activities and getting the attention of the media can provide a store with excellent visibility. The Be A Diver Pool is a form of publicity. Personal Selling – Diving is a relationship business, and notwithstanding the sales that take place on the web, getting people to come to a store and purchase equipment or learn to dive is still largely dependent on the face-to-face selling skills employed by dive store staff. All employees should be versed in selling techniques and willing to participate in the sales process. Given that more than 60% of all divers look to their diving instructor for guidance on what they should buy, this is especially important for the instructional staff. All of these elements within the Be A Diver campaign are available to DEMA members FREE OF CHARGE to help capture the attention of the target customer. The Power of a Brand Using the Be A Diver brand helps DEMA Members by tapping onto a brand already known outside of the diving industry through television commercials, PR efforts, internet and print advertising. When the Be A Diver brand was introduced it was immediately picked up and readily used by the media, indicating conclusively that the name itself has actual media value for Members. Reaching the potential audience in the DEMA Member’s area becomes more effective when using a brand already synonymous with the fun of diving. Using the BeADiver brand SAVES MONEY AND TIME for DEMA Members.

The Be A Diver Pool One of DEMA’s main goals is to help promote sustained growth in recreational diving. The Association has provided significant amounts of media attention to the Industry over the last several years. One of the MOST productive tools for the diving industry in terms of media exposure has been the Be A Diver Pool, a 16,000 gallon, 4’deep portable swimming pool supervised by “Big Wave” Dave Reidenbach and used to grab media attention in good potential diving markets.

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The pool is staffed by Dave and by volunteer instructors from DEMA Member retail stores who take advantage of the unique opportunity to display their banners, distribute informative materials and promote their location to a new customer base. Potential consumers are also provided the chance to have unique face to face contact with their neighborhood dive professional and all of their scuba diving questions immediately answered. The grass-roots interactive opportunity is a valuable resource to participating DEMA member retailers as they continue to get new business through their involvement. The Be A Diver Pool has received tremendous media exposure, and to make it more appealing to companies outside of the diving industry, DEMA has been working with an independent auditing company since 2005 to audit all media coverage of promotional projects, including the Pool. This is the only objective way to determine the amount of exposure and the value of the promotions to DEMAMembers. From January 2, 2013 to September 22, 2013, the Pool generated the following media exposure: Category Views (Media Impressions) Broadcast Exposure 9,746,877 Print and online 5,728, 706 TOTAL 15,475, 583 PR Value of Exposure

$1,385, 088

With thanks, the following DEMA Member stores were involved with at least one Be A Diver Pool event (and in many cases they were involved with more!). Adventure Scuba Company Aquatic Adventures Of MI Scuba & Snorkeling Center Aquaventure Dive & Photo Center Atlantic Edge Dive Center Blue Dolphin Dive Center Blue Planet Scuba Blue Water Divers Dive Right In Scuba, Inc. Donovan’s Hobby & Scuba Center Frogg Pond Dive Shop Frogman Scuba Gigglin’ Marlin Divers, Inc.

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Greensboro Scuba School LLC

Rex Dive Center

I B Divers Inc

Scuba Center

Illinois Institute of Diving JIMS DIVE SHOP #416 Landshark Scuba & Snorkel Center Maximum Scuba Midwest School of Diving Motor City Scuba LLC

Scuba New York Inc. Splash Water Sports


Washington Scuba Center Woods & Water Outdoor Sports Center Y-KIKI DIVERS

Ocean Enterprises, Inc. Pan Aqua Diving, Inc. Quantico Scuba

TD Scuba Texas Dive Center The Dive Shop Inc The Ski & Scuba Connection

DEMA’s highly visual Be A Diver Pool Tour is seen on television, various forms of print media, and on the web. The Pool Tour has also been successful in generating significant exposure and sales for those retailers that use it as part of their promotional mix. In addition to the media exposure of the Pool, individual retailers who support the Pool by staffing the event at stops throughout the year are sent a Certificate in honor of their participation which they can proudly display in their store. Photos from each event are also uploaded to the Be a Diver Facebook page, as well as the event page on BeADiver.com. These photos are stamped with the BeADiver.com logo to promote interest in diving and encourage visitors to the website to learn more about the sport as event participants share photos with their family and friends. We strongly suggest DEMA Member retailers participate with the Be A Diver Pool whenever possible.

Local Research Data Exclusively for DEMA Members Sponsored by DEMA, Members have access to local research information about their store sites FREE OF CHARGE. The data comes from AnySite, a marketing information system produced by Pitney Bowes. Using AnySite, stores can find out a variety of different information. Ultimately the goal is to help DEMA-Member stores find and attract more customers. Through this sponsored local research benefit, DEMA Member stores receive a Neighborhood Brief of their current (or proposed) location at no charge. The information they receive includes the actual location of different customer “segments” near the store, and data on how to reach them. Why is a Neighborhood Brief Important? A critical component of the success of any brick and mortar retail business is an understanding of the limitations and advantages of the location where the store is located. Even in today’s online environment, where customers can make purchases without a brick and mortar component, the physical dive store is still the center of attention for some components of dive instruction and for equipment purchases where fit is critical, such as with wetsuits or masks. The geographic location of a brick-and-mortar dive center plays an important role in the image the dive center portrays, the type of customers attracted, and ultimately the success of the business. It is helpful (necessary) to know some basic details about store location, even for an existing store, as the economic conditions in a given geographic area can change from year to year. Once the store owner has an understanding of WHO the customer is and how to communicate with them, the store must LOCATE these potential customers and there must be frequent-enough interaction with them to generate interest and actions (actual purchasing) with the store. WHO is the Customer? Understanding the customer from several perspectives is helpful. AnySite provides the DEMA Member store with an abundance of information about the customer, using multiple variables to identify the

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potential customer’s “life stage” and buying behaviors. These impact how advertising works to bring the customer in, and include: Income Education Group Quarters Dwelling Type Geographic Mobility Place of Work and Commuting Mode of Travel

Employment Industrial Classification Occupation Age Race, Hispanic Origin, and Ethnicity Immigration Home Language Household Structure & Family Status

WHERE is the Customer? In addition to the “who” of potential customers, the AnySite program also allows the retailer to use a simple postal code to determine WHERE the most likely customers are located. AnySite is the same marketing information system used by Master Card, Sprint, Verizon, Rexall Drugs and many other retailers, as well as hotels and destination businesses for their marketing and store location efforts. The Neighborhood Brief helps retailers understand customers within the area, and very importantly, helps them find additional new customers they are not currently reaching. The report actually generates a zip code locator indicating where the most likely additional customers can be found.

For more information on the Neighborhood Brief available to all DEMA Members, contact Nicole Russell at nrussell@dema.org.

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Neighborhood Brief

Zip Code Customer Location Charts

DEMA has provided complimentary Neighborhood Brief to renewed DEMA Member Retailers as a benefit of Membership.

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Strategic Planning Committee Update Tom Leaird, Chair

Since 2011 DEMA has gathered input from members as part of the 2020 Vision series. That information is already being utilized to determine the direction of the Association, including member benefits and determining the perception of DEMA in the market. The gathering of information from members continues in 2013 and beyond. Understanding the information gathered from members and utilizing it to create additional member benefits is only one part of the equation. In 2013 the DEMA Board began to use this data, along with the consumer information which has been collected since 2006, to make strategic decisions for the Association and the Industry. A face-to-face meeting which incorporates the information and allows the free exchange of ideas is now being planned. Such a meeting provides an opportunity for planning and to re-focus on fundamentals, to engage in thoughtful strategic planning and an opportunity to revisit the mission and goals of the Association. Goals of the Strategic Planning Committee include: Gather input from members of the Industry and Board Members. Provide data points to assist in understanding the current marketing situation, as well as the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to the Industry and the Association. Develop a facilitated effort to openly discuss the needs of the Industry and the processes for change. Suggest and approve timing and location with input from the Industry and Board With the Executive Director and Staff, coordinate follow-up after the face-to-face session The Strategic Planning Committee asked members of the DEMA Board to answer several questions regarding the state of the Industry, including: 1. 2. 3. 4.

What are the three to five MAJOR issues facing our ORGANIZATION in the next five years? What are the three to five MAJOR issues facing our BOARD in the next five years? What are the three to five MAJOR issues facing our INDUSTRY in the next five years? What are some suggestions for ways we can better serve our members?

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The Committee also developed and distributed a series of statements to members of the Diving Industry, asking for their agreement or disagreement. The statements covered the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT Analysis) to the Industry, and also provided access to data collected over several years to assist in responding to the SWOT statements. The responses to these statements were made available to a facilitator for review, prior to a face-to-face meeting of the Industry. In the remainder of 2013 and into 2014 DEMA will organize the next steps toward the Association and Industry’s Strategic Plan. More information will be provided as this process continues.

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Show Committee Update Scott Daley, Chair

The DEMA Show committee and DEMA staff continued to work to improve the Show during 2013 and increase its value to participating exhibitors, attendees, DEMA Members and industry professionals.

Future DEMA Show Locations Since Show venue changes usually require an advance window of three to five years, the Show Committee is always reviewing new venues in which to hold DEMA Show. Most recently DEMA has investigated or reviewed proposals from locations such as New Orleans, LA and Nashville, TN. Criteria for selection of a show venue include many details but in general, the selection criteria include: Attendee popularity A city or metropolitan area with cultural or entertainment attractions and special event venues appealing to the diving professional. There should be a variety of restaurants and other entertainment within a 10 minute walking distance of the host hotel/convention center A major airline destination for North American and international travelers. The city should have a substantial number of direct flights coming into the city, and be a hub for at least one major airline Current published industry labor rates for the city must be within 10% of the median current rates for past DEMA cities. There must be an available convention facility that meets DEMA’s exhibit and meeting space needs. The convention center must be in a location convenient to major hotels, the international airport and city points of interest. The minimum convention center size is 350,000 – 400,000 gross square feet. A minimum of 30 meeting rooms in the convention center, capable of holding at least 50 – 100 people each while using classroom style seating. Desirable hotels convenient to the convention and exhibit facility for 10,000 – 12,000 attendees. Hotel facilities should accommodate a minimum of 1,500 – 1,800 rooms peak night pick up, with 8,500 total room nights required within DEMA’s block. This number of hotel rooms must be within a 5-mile radius/15 minutes travel time (whichever is less) of the convention center. Hotel room rates available for the DEMA hotel block which fit attendee cost criteria.

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After careful research and consideration it was determined that realistic options which fit the minimum criteria were limited to only about 25 destination cities, and fewer fit all the criteria. To secure the most desired convention and hotel contracts in optimal locations DEMA has negotiated space for DEMA Show through 2019 as follows:





City, State

DEMA Show 2013

November 6-9, 2013

Orange County Convention Center

South Halls

Orlando, FL

DEMA Show 2014

November 19-22, 2014

Las Vegas Convention Center

North Halls

Las Vegas, NV

DEMA Show 2015

November 4-7, 2015

Orange County Convention Center

South Halls

Orlando, FL

DEMA Show 2016

November 16-19, 2016

Las Vegas Convention Center

South Halls

Las Vegas, NV

DEMA Show 2017

November 1-4, 2017

Orange County Convention Center

South Halls

Orlando, FL

DEMA Show 2018

November 14-17, 2013

Las Vegas Convention Center

North Halls

Las Vegas, NV

DEMA Show 2019

Oct 30-Nov 2, 2019

Orange County Convention Center

South Halls

Orlando, FL

Future DEMA Show Vendors The Expo Group: With the combined goal of bringing new elements to DEMA Show while keeping exhibitor costs low, DEMA entered into a new partnership for General Service Contractor for DEMA Show 2013-2015, The Expo Group (TEG). With the new partnership DEMA is excited to take advantage of TEG’s passion, professionalism and personalized service to create a positive and productive Show experience for all participants. CompuSystems: DEMA also extended their relationship with registration vendor, CompuSystems. Due to the trade-only nature of DEMA Show, continuing this partnership to preserve history and relationships between key vendor personnel and Show attendees and exhibitors proved an important part of the Show committee’s efforts to create a positive Show experience for all industry professionals.

Future Registration Policies In an effort to improve the registration process and badge allocation at DEMA Show the committee discussed how a number of different policy changes could help Members increase their own business transactions and improve the time they spend at the Show as dive industry buyers and influencers. The following changes were approved by the Board under the committee’s recommendation:

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Recognition of DEMA Membership level in determining the number of Exhibitor Badges allotted per 10x10 Exhibit space To make sure that legitimate and qualified Attendees are served during the limited Show schedule the number of badges allotted for each exhibit space will be based on the following sliding scale based upon DEMA Member Level beginning with DEMA Show 2014: o Level 1 Member: 4 complimentary exhibitor badges per 10x10 o Level 2 Member: 5 complimentary exhibitor badges per 10x10 o Level 3 Member: 6 complimentary exhibitor badges per 10x10 Exhibitor and Attendee Badge Reprints DEMA Members have continued to request that DEMA work to prevent unqualified consumers (non-trade) from obtaining badges which allow them onto the trade show floor. This process will be improved beginning with DEMA Show 2014 with the implementation of a $25 badge reprint fee and tightening of the badge distribution process. This will encourage professionals to keep track of their distributed badge and discourage distribution of badges to those other than the person indicated on the badge or never being distributed to all registered staff members, thus leaving some registered individuals needing a reprint of a badge they were never given. Manufacturers’ Representatives Beginning in 2014 Manufacturers’ Reps will be required to register using the same system as other business Attendees for DEMA Show beginning . Manufacturers’ Reps can elect to receive a badge from one of their affiliated Exhibitors or register and pay as do all professional Attendees. DEMA Show committee members and DEMA staff also continue to evaluate DEMA Show features and Show planning to maintain and increase the value of exhibiting and attending DEMA Show. In 2013 and beyond additional benefits and features include/will include: New! DEMA Booth Located Directly on the Show Floor Attendees can find a wealth of information and savings by visiting the new DEMA Booth #1267 at DEMA Show 2013. All Exhibitors and Attendees are encouraged to get involved in DEMA’s latest acquisition and retention programs, The Diving for Bonaire Treasure Challenge and the Diving for International Treasure Challenge; learn from in-booth member benefit providers and daily mini-sessions; join DEMA to honor local Florida combat veterans; and take advantage of DEMA’s 2013 specials and drawings. Don’t miss out – make sure the DEMA Booth is a scheduled stop on your DEMA Show itinerary! Environmental Resource Center An important part of DEMA’s own mission is to help protect the underwater environment and provide a balance between the use of diving’s natural resources and the health of those resources. In 2014 DEMA will launch a new Environmental Resource Center (ERC). Companies that provide a product, service or program directly related to promoting outreach through a healthy underwater environment will be invited to purchase exhibit space and propose a seminar topic for the ERC Program. Exhibitors requesting space in the ERC will be evaluated

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and approved to exhibit at the sole discretion of DEMA and DEMA Show Management. For further details contact DEMA Show Sales at sales@demashow.com. Technical Diving Resource Center & New Product Showcase The Technical Diving Resource Center and New Product Showcase debuts at DEMA Show 2013. These area offers exhibit, seminar and new product space to exhibitors offering a Technical Diving service or product. DiveCaching Resource Center In 2013 DEMA launched several pilot Treasure Challenge programs aimed at increasing local diving and dive travel by using DiveCaching, a fun in-water game for certified divers and snorkelers. To encourage attendees and exhibitors to use this game as a means of retaining current divers and reaching new ones, the DiveCaching Resource Center provided more about DEMA’s latest pilot programs: o The local diving inspired Diving for Texas Treasure Challenge o The dive travel-focused Diving for Bonaire Treasure Challenge and o The “virtual cache” and dive travel-focused Diving for International Treasure Challenge DEMA Show Mobile App for iPhone, Android and Smart Phone Devices In 2013 DEMA introduced the DEMA Show 2013 mobile app, providing easy-to-use interactive capabilities to enhance the DEMA Show experience including: o o o o o o o

An all-in-one dashboard to keep attendees organized with up-to-the-minute Exhibitor, Seminar and Event information A personal scheduler for setting up appointments, seminars and meetings Show floor maps and a “Locate Me” feature to help attendees navigate the Show Floor and Seminar locations Timely alerts and helpful reminders to keep users updated in real-time Attendee & friends features to help all users make connections with the thousands of attendees at DEMA Show Social networking links, a video gallery and a shared photo gallery to make sharing Show experiences easy and fun A listing of local places including dining, entertainment and shopping options

Social Media Center To help keep attendees informed of up-to-the-minute details DEMA Show 2013 featured a social media center highlighting DEMA Show social media feeds and posts and encouraging attendees and exhibitors to share their onsite experience with their online community. Social media is an integral part of any face-to-face meeting today and enhances the DEMA Show experience. Expanded Decades of Diving Display To celebrate the dive industry’s history and its future the main aisle at DEMA Show will feature an expanded Decades of Diving Display including historical facts, footage and displays that celebrate where we’ve been and where we are headed.

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DEMA Show Among Top 250 Shows! DEMA Show remains among one of the top 250 tradeshows in the US by Trade Show News Network. The Show Committee thanks all who participate in DEMA Show, making it possible to help keep costs down for everyone!

Youth Programing at DEMA Show DEMA recognizes the importance of encouraging involvement of young people in recreational diving. To help in this effort DEMA reinstated youth programming at DEMA Show 2013 including the hosting of a Deep Ambitions Aquatic Career Fair on Thursday and Friday during DEMA Show. These programs can be used by DEMA Members and details can be found by contacting DEMA at DEMA Booth #1267.

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Water, Sports & Travel Festival Committee Update Tim Webb, Chair

EVENT OVERVIEW In 2011, continuing in 2012 and 2013 DEMA began planning for a Water Sports and Travel Festival, a consumer-based event designed to help promote diving to an audience of outdoor sports enthusiasts. The goal was to bring in new customers from outside the Diving Industry to grow the sport. While producing a traditional dive consumer show generally involves reaching mostly current divers (90% to 95% of those attending most dive consumer shows are already divers), the demand from the industry for DEMA was to find ways that the association could bring in non-divers. Using data collected from more than 308,000 current divers, which included the types of non-diving activities in which these current customers participated, DEMA determined that creating an event where promoting diving using water sports would attract non-divers and divers alike, and create an opportunity to grow the sport. Other associations, such as the Association of Wind and Water Sports Industries helped support the concept, and DEMA made the arrangements for this first-of-its-kind event to take place in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, in April of 2013. Although well-researched and planned, some members of the Diving Industry, particularly in the South Florida area did not support the concept. In response to these entities DEMA cancelled the event in January, prior to incurring substantial cancellation fee increases. In June 2013 the DEMA Board determined that different directions and actions should be taken to encourage non-divers to enter the sport.

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Legislative Committee Update Jeff Nadler, Chair

Each year DEMA establishes a Legislative Committee which includes DEMA Board members, DEMA Member volunteers and DEMA staff. The Committee works directly with the DEMA Office to review issues and bills, gathers input from members of the diving industry, and provides input to government officials and organizations via the DEMA staff. The Legislative Committee works for the betterment of the recreational diving industry, striving to strike a balance between maintaining access to dive sites for all and protecting the underwater environment so that we all have a place to dive that is clean and healthy. Duties of the Committee include monitoring legislation and government administrative activities which may adversely impact diving businesses or dive site access, and encouraging activities which protect the underwater environment. Legislative advocacy can require substantial amounts of time, but can be well worth the effort. Advocacy provided through the DEMA Legislative Committee provides DEMA Members with a direct voice in the legislative process. When DEMA has the opportunity to act or publicly comment on potential legislation which may have a far-reaching impact on the diving industry, DEMA Members have the added bonus of receiving notifications regarding those changes to federal, state, local, or international laws. One of the goals of this effort is to provide such notification in time for Members to also participate in actions affecting these issues.

Activities of the DEMA Legislative Committee in 2013 Americans with Disabilities Act and the new Pool requirements New ADA requirements for pools (and spas) went into effect on January 31, 2013, with pools now requiring lifts and/or ramps. DEMA continues to remind Members of this issue and is following enforcement of the ADA requirement.

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As part of this ongoing effort to inform members, DEMA produced the seminar called “ADA, Swimming Pools and Your Business” during DEMA Show 2012. Coast Guard Advisory on Recreational Diving DEMA met with the US Coast Guard during October 2013. The meeting was prompted by a US Coast Guard “Advisory” entitled “Recommendations for Recreational Diving Operations Occurring from Commercial Passenger Vessels” issued in June, 2012. DEMA had been communicating with the USCG since receiving the notification and met with representatives from the Congressional Oversight Office (Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation) and representatives from the US Coast Guard in Washington, DC. On July 20, 2012 DEMA wrote a letter to the USCG in response to their recommendations, asking the Coast Guard to withdraw the Advisory due to faulty information and other factors. Repeated attempts to contact the US Coast Guard on this issue received no reply. This led to requests for data through the Freedom of Information Act, which requests were ultimately answered, but with unusable data. The meeting with the Coast Guard was ultimately arranged through the Congressional Oversight Office to address these concerns. The “Advisory” raised misgivings for several reasons: The USCG has no authority or jurisdiction over recreational diving The Advisory indicated that there was an increase in the number of diving fatalities Since the Advisory was issued, media coverage of even minor diving incidents included mention of the USCG, leaving the impression that the USCG was involved with each incident, whether involvement by the agency was evident or not. DEMA Executive Director Tom Ingram and Legislative Chair Jeff Nadler met with Coast Guard representatives and ultimately presented DEMA’s concerns, which were: Prior to the issuance of the Advisory, a seeming lapse in communication between the USCG and DEMA. Considering the long history of cooperation between the USCG and DEMA, including a very public launch of Public Service Announcements to encourage safe diving activity, this was puzzling and surprising. The surprising continuing dialog in the media, which includes misinformation about the safety record of the Diving Industry. Posturing which seems to point to the USCG seeking to take on a regulatory role with the Diving Industry. We believe that this effort is outside of the scope of the US Coast Guard. Confusion created by the Advisory regarding training and other aspects of the Diving Industry, including vessel operations, which are well structured and monitored by the Industry itself. The Advisory, as issued has created confusion in the Recreational Diving Community. The “Recommendations” in Advisory 01-12 are being viewed as REGULATIONS and STANDARDS, but many of these same “Recommendations” are unclear and in some cases run counter to Industry practices. These competing standards will not enhance safety, but will instead serve as fuel for litigation based on alleged violations of non-binding recommendations from a federal agency with no authority to impose such recommendations.

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The Advisory appears to be premised on false or mistaken rationale; that there has been an, “…increase in the number of fatalities associated with passenger vessels supporting recreational diving activities,” and as a result there is “a need for improved safety and performance in this area.” In fact, diving statistics clearly indicate that the number of diving fatalities PER 100,000 DIVES has DECREASED in recent years. One outcome was made clear by representatives of the Coast Guard; the agency is monitoring incidents which occur on commercially operated vessels transporting divers to dive sites. DEMA will continue to monitor the situation and discuss strategies to avoid further regulation where it is not needed. Support of Rigs to Reefs Since before 2002, DEMA has supported the concept of retaining retired oil platforms as artificial reef sites and as sites used by divers and dive operators. In January, DEMA sent a letter to Honorable Ken Salazar, Secretary, United States Department of the Interior requesting that some retired/inactive oil platforms should be left in place to be used for a variety of reasons, including as artificial reefs. The letter went on to explain that the Diving Industry strongly believes that these artificial reefs have substantial value, and serve a purpose for environmental, social and medical reasons, as a means of increasing fisheries and by providing direct economic value and impact to the local communities. We asked that appropriate studies be made of these platforms before they are removed or modified so as to gain an understanding of their environmental, social and economic impacts on the immediate vicinity. The letter also cited a number of current studies which indicate that oil platforms have additional and specific benefits including: Acting as fish accumulators, which allow sport fishing and diving operators to generate business and tax revenue Acting to help increase actual fish biomass; increasing the stocks of fish The presence of unique marine organisms which are used in the production of pharmaceuticals, particularly in cancer drug production In conclusion, DEMA asked the Secretary to instruct the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) to recognize that retired oil platforms, while acknowledging that they were never intended as artificial reefs, are in fact thriving, living reefs now, with many different species and a considerable environmental and economic benefit. From an environmental standpoint, DEMA indicated that a complete environmental study of each of these thriving reef communities is needed prior to removal of an oil platform. DEMA received a response from the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement in March 2013. As Secretary Salazar stepped down shortly after the letter from DEMA was sent, the response to our letter came from James Watson, Director of BSEE. The letter acknowledged our concerns and seemed to indicate a positive outcome of discussions for keeping some of these rigs in place.

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Florida Sewage Outfall Bill (SB 0444 and HB 707) DEMA agreed with the Department of Environmental Regulation on these bills, which maintained essential deadlines for shutting down the discharge systems on reefs offshore. The bills subsequently passed in Florida. Florida Classifications and Rules for “Game Fish” and “Sport Fish” The purpose of this proposed administrative rule in Florida was to “increase public awareness of the need for extensive conservation action in order to prevent premier recreational fish from declining and to encourage voluntary conservation practices.” Importantly for the diving community, these classifications would recognize that certain species may only be harvested using hook and line fishing equipment, effectively prohibiting spearfishing of these species. Harvesting some of these species by spearfishing is already prohibited or discouraged. As with any restriction placed on diving-related activities, especially when fishing interests retain the ability to participate but divers cannot, DEMA has investigated the rationale and the proposed rules and has discussed the situation with Commission Staff and Commission Members. The DEMA Legislative Committee has recommended that the Diving Industry oppose any administrative rule or effort to preclude spearfishing as a means of taking species not already prohibited. DEMA issued a Legislative Alert asking divers and dive retailers to attend a meeting to interject their opposition to this administrative rule. Due in part to the number of spear fishing participants who commented before the Commission on February 13, this concept was tabled by the Chair of the Commission. Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council The Office of National Marine Sanctuaries was seeking applications for vacant seats on the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council (Texas): recreational fishing, research, education, and conservation. Unfortunately the seat was only available for a local resident. DEMA sought to find a participant in Texas but operators declined to participate. Scuba Spearfishing in Guam The Guam Coral Reef Protection Act was proposed in 2013 to protect the island’s coral, assessing fines for those who damage a coral reef by dropping anchor. The bill also included a ban on dragnet fishing within the Agana Boat Basin and a ban on spear fishing with SCUBA gear. Information about Guam came from first-hand experience by two of DEMA’s Legislative Committee members, indicating that the bigger fish are found in deeper water. Therefore it appears that scuba is used by residents to spear fish FOR SUBSISTENCE purposes. While taking away this option from local residents may have an impact and some residents were vocal in opposition, dive centers polled in the Guam area have offered no indication that they are in opposition to this ruling. The Legislative Committee recommended that no comment be made in favor of or in opposition to the rule. Privatization of Reefs in Florida for Profit

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A proposal was made to privatize reefs in Florida, with the stated goal of better managing them. The proposal was made by the Property and Environment Research Center (PERC). PERC, according to their website, is “the nation’s oldest and largest institute dedicated to improving environmental quality through property rights and markets. PERC was founded more than 30 years ago in Bozeman, Montana as a think tank where scholars documented how government regulation and bureaucracy often led to environmental degradation. PERC sought to explore how property rights and markets could play a more direct role in improving environmental quality.” DEMA’s Legislative Committee opposed this concept. In addition, the Committee has suggested that DEMA actively support the continuation of the use of state government resources to protect the Public Trust. Ships to Reefs In January 2013, DEMA was contacted by representatives from California Ships to Reefs, asking for assistance in countering new rules from the US Maritime Administration (MARAD) which placed a hold on all large vessels built prior to 1985 and prevents their consideration as material for artificial reefs. DEMA met with scientists conducting the PCB study and agreed to consideration of creating a statement countering the petition filed by Sierra Club and BAN and providing the information to the authors of the PCB/Oriskany study to ensure its accuracy. Such a statement could be used by DEMA or CS2R to help convince MARAD or others that their current restrictions on large vessels are unnecessary. Goliath Grouper in Florida In May DEMA issued a Legislative Alert to all businesses in Florida with an additional posting on social media for all, indicating that the University of Florida was conducting a survey regarding the Goliath Grouper. The 60+ questions covered a great deal of detail, from the respondents’ personal knowledge of the Goliath Grouper and its management to the respondents’ leanings regarding the environment and its impact on reefs and the Goliath Grouper fisheries. DEMA asked all to respond to this survey. The results provided additional recommendations for the disposition of goliath grouper. DEMA continues to back a moratorium on taking these fish. Diving Fee in Saipan A bill was filed to impose a $25 surcharge per customer for scuba dive services in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI). Some dive operators worried that the added fee would drive away tourist customers. The bill indicated that the reasoning behind the bill was to raise money for a chamber in Saipan. Dive operators acknowledged the importance of a chamber but indicated that the proposed surcharge was too high. Operators suggested the surcharge be lowered to a minimum of $1 or $2 instead of $25. Chair Jeff Nadler contacted personnel familiar with the operating environment in Saipan to determine additional information regarding the issue. Ultimately the proposed fee was reduced, and through connection with Dan Orr from Divers Alert Network, DAN began a process of acquiring a recompression chamber for Saipan at no charge. In June, an email to Jeff Nadler from Harry Blalock in

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Saipan indicated that he had met with Representative Roman Benavente, Speaker of the House, Joe Deleon Guerrero, and Secretary of Lands and Natural Resources, Arnold Palacios. The representatives indicated they would consider modeling their fee structure after Palau; ie: an annual diving license which would not cost more than $25 per year. Shark fin legislation DEMA has developed a template for proposing shark fin ban legislation in all states which currently do not have them on the books. Currently the only legislation enacted is in the following states: Hawaii Illinois Oregon Washington Delaware New York Maryland and NJ are also drafting legislation In May 2013 the Federal Government released a proposed ruling to implement the 2010 Shark Conservation Act. The proposed ruling would, in effect prevent the implementation of State bans on shark finning, instead favoring the “management” of shark resources under Federal law. On June 14th DEMA commented on the proposed ruling (see www.regulations.gov, tracking number 1jx-85wh-4bbp). In August a Federal court rejected the case put forth to stop shark ban legislation in California. This opened the door to allow state-based legislation in all states. DEMA also began working with the State of Florida (FWCC) to assure that Florida (and hopefully other states) would be able to enact their own laws for state waters, but in the meantime at least one lawsuit has been filed in California which would prevent that state’s laws from being enacted. In September DEMA produced a Poster and a Public Service Announcement (PSA) for the purpose of reaching out to all states to ban the sale of shark fins, and to reach a larger audience outside of the diving community (which in itself also promotes diving). The PSA is being produced with the help of Youngblood Hawke, a musical group that supports the bans.

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Youngblood Hawke had been VH1’s “Band You Oughta Know” in March 2013 and video footage underwater for their music video We Come Running was produced at Stuart Cove’s location in the Bahamas. Marine Sanctuaries The National Marine Sanctuary Program released a draft proposal in 2013 to revive a public sanctuary nomination process. Among other things, national marine sanctuaries can be used to preserve shipwrecks and other underwater cultural resources and to maintain safe access to quality dive sites. They can also serve as a key component of our nation’s commitment to conserve the ocean and Great Lakes for this and future generations. DEMA has long supported the concept of Marine Sanctuaries. DEMA testified before Congress in 2008 to re-establish the nomination process. Numerous external reviews have concluded that NOAA’s sanctuary program is fundamentally well-conceived, covers gaps in other federal laws, and that existing sanctuaries are making progress towards long-term protection of marine ecosystems and cultural resources. Since 1995, community leaders, academics, elected officials, and concerned citizens have been unable to formally request that NOAA consider new sites for sanctuary designation, and re-establishing a formal, public process for these inquiries is critical. There are no direct costs associated with re-establishing a public sanctuary nomination process. The DEMA Legislative Committee has recommended that DEMA become a signatory on the recommendation to revive the National Marine Sanctuary nomination process. DEMA did so and also wrote public comments in support of this effort. Voluntary Guidelines to Prevent the Spread of Invasive Species In July the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), announced the availability of two draft documents for public review: Voluntary Guidelines to Prevent the Introduction and Spread of Aquatic Invasive Species: Recreational Activities Voluntary Guidelines to Prevent the Introduction and Spread of Aquatic Invasive Species: Water Gardening These voluntary guidelines were intended to be used by agencies and organizations to develop materials that inform the public and industry about the risks associated with many everyday activities that may allow the spread of aquatic invasive species and harm the environment and the economy. The intent of this information is to encourage the public and industry to take precautions to limit the spread of aquatic invasive species. It is worth noting that while voluntary at present, “Guidelines” such as these sometimes evolve into “Requirements.” DEMA will continue to monitor the Agency and the use of these Guidelines. Scuba Spearfishing Ban – West Hawaii There has been considerable debate in Hawaii over scuba spearfishing (spear fishing while using scuba). The ban on using scuba is widely supported there, even though most of those participating in this activity do so for subsistence rather than for sport.

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To the Legislative Committee’s knowledge there is no data to indicate that there is a decline in fish population in Hawaii due to spearfishing. The ban, which passed in late June, prohibits the possession of scuba gear with spearfishing gear. As such the policy is not focused on prohibiting the in-water activity. Simply having a spear gun in the trunk of a car along with scuba gear is a violation. One of the issues with many legislative activities is the lack of scientific data on which to base such rules. DEMA has long supported regulation where good science reflects the intent of the regulation and where local operators support such regulation. In the case of spearfishing, the “perception” is often that the fish populations are decimated by those diving and taking fish. The “reality” is that spear fishers are often more selective about their takes than hook and line fishers are, and therefore should reasonably expect that fewer restrictions would apply. Such is not the case. Spearfishing Data Source DEMA has an opportunity to collect information about spearfishing from a surprising source – due to the invasion of lionfish in the Caribbean. As the industry and government have determined that spearing these invasive and destructive animals may have a positive impact on the reefs on which they are found, studying the population changes may lend some data to “worst case scenarios” for other spearfishing situations and fish populations. DEMA is in contact with researchers on Bonaire who are studying the impact of the eradication efforts being made there. It may be possible to partner and gather scientifically valid information which permits the industry to have an educated conversation about future spearfishing regulation in other parts of the world. NOAA draft restrictions on reef usage in the Florida Keys NOAA and the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary have established an Ecosystem Protection Working Group. The group has been tasked with the following: Review and evaluate existing reserves designated for protection of coral reef ecosystems Review current exceptions to regulations in Sanctuary Preservation Areas and Ecological Reserves Review and evaluate Sanctuary Preservation Areas reduction of conflicting uses Recommend new or modified ecological reserves to ensure protection of a diversity of resources including spawning aggregations, seabirds, marine mammals, turtles, sea grass, soft corals and hard corals Consider temporal zoning to address seasonal impacts associated with intense uses or seasonal ecological activities (i.e., nesting, breeding, spawning) Ensure the FKNMS zoning scheme promotes sustainable use of the sanctuary resources and protects areas that represent diverse habitats as well as areas important for maintaining natural resources and ecosystem functions DEMA generally supports the National Marine Sanctuaries but we believe that access and usage should not be unnecessarily restricted, both for diving and fishing. Diving is not inherently a consumptive activity, since not all divers spear fish or come in contact with sensitive aquatic life.

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As we have consistently testified before government bodies, DEMA’s goal has always been to ensure that there is a “balanced approach” to any usage restriction; that there is strong science behind any restriction and that wherever hook and line fishing is permitted, spearfishing should also be permitted. DEMA will continue to monitor and will comment on the draft restrictions. Arrecife Alacranes Park – Example Diving Regulations On July 25 DEMA received a message from Lad Akins forwarded from the manager of the Arrecife Alacranes Park in Yucatan, Mexico. “We are in the process of modifying the Management Program of Alacranes Reefs National Park, Yucatan, Mexico. We are proposing to incorporate a new regulation on diving practices re: a minimum distance of 1.5 m to coral formations in order to avoid damage to them. We conducted a literature search, but none of the publications justifies convincingly the distance to be respected, just mention good practice and control buoyancy, even some of Mexico AMP.” The manager was inquiring about a proposed ruling which would prevent a diver from coming closer than 1.5 meters from a reef structure. With no apparent science to support this proposal, the manager was seeking help from the industry to support such a rule. The manager had apparently been informed that a similar rule existed in Cozumel and is seeking to implement this in Yucatan. There are several parks in existence and one recommendation is that the rules protecting reefs currently in place in Bonaire could be the best model for the Arrecife Alacranes Park. In addition, DEMA Legislative Committee member Dan Orr reached out to contacts in Cozumel to determine if such a rule really existed there. The rules (written in Spanish) have now been received at the DEMA office and are being translated. Again, DEMA is generally supportive of regulations and rules which are backed by science and by the local diving operations. If the science for this regulation does exist DEMA will move forward with recommendations for the next steps. Worker’s Compensation Laws and Retailers DEMA has been in contact with dive centers in Florida which are currently being audited for worker’s compensation coverage for dive instructors. When actually teaching, many dive instructors are often categorized as independent contractors. As such stores are generally classifying their staff members as “retail” outside of instruction time. This is apparently being called into question. DEMA will continue to monitor this situation and is working on several initiatives to assist.

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Market Research Committee Update William Cline, Chair

DEMA’s role includes providing Members with pertinent industry data that helps their businesses. Providing market and Industry research is critical for all trade associations. As a Marketing Association, DEMA has taken this role as a central part of its goals. At the heart of “marketing� is the understanding of the customer, how we communicate with them and what message will generate the greatest response in a cost-effective manner. Most everyone in the diving industry has some idea of their own customers; retailers see who purchases the equipment and training they sell; manufacturers have an understanding of who purchases their products through warranty registrations and information from their retail dealers, training organizations can easily check their own certification information for demographic details, places where their customers live and more. The question for the Industry and for DEMA is how to pull all this information together to enable additional sales, more traffic, greater retention and more fun. Having marketing data from all sources in the diving industry, including data from actual divers is critical. DEMA participates in several ongoing research projects each year, but also has additional customized data available for DEMA Members to use. All members of the diving community can benefit from this type of data.

Certification Census Thanks to the three participating certification organizations data has been made readily available regarding the number of new divers certified each year since 2003. The Census includes data on Open Water-level diver certifications only, as defined by the Recreational Scuba Training Council (RSTC). This statistic is a measure of growth for the Industry at large, and is indicative of the health of the sport. The cooperative effort between all of the currently reporting certification agencies includes reporting their certification information to an independent, third party auditing firm. Although not all training organizations currently participate with this program, all are invited to participate.

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Open Water certification numbers are reported to DEMA in an aggregated total only after the third party auditing firm does a thorough review of the data, removes any duplicated customer records that appear across or from within agencies, and receives a letter of verification of the numbers from the reporting training organization. The process is designed to make the Certification Census totally anonymous with regard to training organizations and to produce an accurate accounting of the totals within the US. Neither the DEMA Office nor members of the DEMA Board receive access to individual training organization totals, only the aggregate total. Up-to-date certification census data is available at www.dema.org and important state-by-state data is available to DEMA Members.

Localized Dive Center Research For a variety of marketing programs in any industry the place to begin is in understanding the current customer, their buying habits and their values. DEMA has conducted studies of these parameters at a national level in the US, but diving consumers are diverse and each geographic region is different in terms of diving season, equipment and training needs, and the people that participate. Through a sponsorship funded partially by the Manufacturer’s Committee, DEMA Members have access to AnySite, a marketing information system providing data on the geographic location of the individual dive store and the potential customers found in the immediate vicinity. Taking Control of Your Business - Location: A critical component of the success of any small retail business is where the store is located. Even in today’s purchasing environment, where customers can make purchases online, the physical dive store is still the center of attention for components of dive instruction and equipment purchases where fit is critical. The geographic location of a brick-and-mortar dive center plays an important role in the image the dive center portrays, the type of customers attracted, and ultimately the success of the business. It is helpful (necessary) to know some basic details about store location, even in an existing store, as the economic conditions in a given geographic area can change from year to year. Once there is an understanding of WHO the customer is and how to communicate with them, those customers must be LOCATED and there must be frequent-enough interaction with them to generate interest and actions with the store. In addition to the “WHO” the AnySite program also allows the retailer to use a postal code locator to determine WHERE these potential customers are located in relation to the store. It is worth noting that companies such as Master Card, Sprint, Verizon, Rexall Drugs and many others use this same marketing information system for their marketing and store location efforts. Additional free video and print advertising images from some of the premier photographers in the Diving Industry, such as David Doubilet, are available to DEMA Members, and to help reduce advertising costs, there are free-to-Members “How To” guides such as, Regional Cable Television, Advertising Buying Guide and Direct Mail Guide.

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Industry Research Project – Customer Analysis In 2013 DEMA embarked on a research project using the AnySite Marketing Information System with the goal of acquiring more customers. DEMA participated in an extensive customer marketing research effort in 2006 which resulted in the creation of the Be A Diver campaign. The data is now seven years old and should be updated in order to provide assistance to DEMA Members. Previous aggregated data from more than 308,000 active scuba diving consumers indicated the following information: o o o o o o o o

Age – Between 38 & 53 years old – Mean: 45 Median: 46 76% are male Household Income – 56% make between $75,000 and $100,000 Occupation – 80% are White-Collar/ Professional/ Technical/ Management Home ownership – 93% own their own home Mortgage amount – Median of $148,000 Marital Status – 71% married Presence and age of children – 17% have kids under 18

The 2006 data was gathered from several different sources and compiled together. Sources included manufacturers, retailers, training organizations, magazine publishers and travel destinations. For the current study the Research Committee believes that information could be made more useful for individual members and in terms of market planning if separated by the various categories/stakeholders that provided it. That was the direction for the 2013 research plan. The data gathered in 2013 on the US diving consumer includes an analysis of the consumers’ life stages, customer buying behaviors and more. Data is based on several parameters: The purchases the consumer made – equipment, training or travel The location of the customer, and data on their life stages, activities and buying behaviors. The marketing information system uses the current diving consumer’s geographic location, and uses the long-verified approach that customers with similar incomes, activities and backgrounds gravitate toward one another, shop in the same stores, buy many of the same products and have other similar life stage behaviors; the concept that “birds of a feather flock together.” Although this project is pointed toward the US diving consumer, DEMA recognizes that it is important to capture demographic information on international customers. The Research Committee is concerned about gathering more about international consumers and will do so as resources allow. Psychographics: Part of the analysis includes understanding “Psychographics,” the concept of buying behaviors, values and other areas of consumer behavior, allowing companies to identify, in detail, their best customers, learn how to win more customers like them and keep them coming back. Analyzing a set of current customer records creates precise profiles of these customers and literally maps out the specific neighborhoods where more customers like them can be located. Each neighborhood is identified for this analysis, enabling members of the Industry to target these groups, linking them directly to a physical location. The use of this process helps transform raw consumer and demographic data into actionable data in a quick and accurate way.

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Surveys The analysis conducted in 2013 is not a survey. No customers were contacted. While surveys and selfreporting do have a place in research, the marketing information system used in gathering this data included multiple variables and generally provides more information on the customer than a single set of demographic variables (e.g., age or income). Methodology: Customer records have been acquired from participating DEMA Members, and included data on divers who traveled, purchased diving equipment and purchased diving courses. Customer records were sent directly to the TPA. To preserve the anonymity of company information, the TPA provided customer records to DEMA in a format which does not identify the company. The records were organized using identifier (ie: name) and address (including zip+4 postal code). Different individuals from the same household were retained in the study so that additional information such as age and gender could be reported. Last Name Schmidt Ryan Jeffries

Street 8 Penn Passage 8 Stanger Street 800 Harper Avenue

City Medford Clayton Drexel Hill

State NJ NJ PA

Zip+4 080553357 083122414 190261713

Gender M F M

Age 18 34 49

The customer psychographic profile was developed using the AnySite marketing information system. To accomplish this and maintain anonymity, the profile of the customer was returned to the third party administrator after analysis and the TPA sent the psychographic profile back to the original company. In this way each source company was provided with a psychographic profile of their own customer records. To create an aggregate picture of the consumer purchasing each of the categories of study (travel, training and equipment) the TPA combined company records for the same category of purchase (i.e.: training organization records at the entry level were combined together). These categories were also analyzed and a psychographic profile generated based on the different purchases made. Aggregated reports of these customers will be made available to DEMA Members. Reporting companies can make comparisons of their own customer records to the analysis results. The data will also be analyzed for different media attractions and other factors. Research results are reported separately and also used in DEMA’s strategic planning efforts.

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International Growth Committee Update Stephen Ashmore, Chair

DEMA reaches out each year internationally to help grow the Diving Industry, using partnerships with select organizations also interested in growing the Industry, and other methods of outreach using existing Association Programs.

Partnerships DEMA has been in partnership with the current organizers of the Asia Dive Expo since 2010. The partnership allows DEMA to reach into the growing Asia dive market to assist with the Industry in that part of the world while managing expenses for the Association. Rather than creating a new activity or “event” in a market which is different than the U.S. and which may already have a solid customer base, it makes more sense for DEMA to work with a local partner to develop and grow an already-established market. The result of using this method is that DEMA can supplement the marketplace with activities that open additional opportunities for consumers to become divers. Generally, DEMA provides benefits to an established event when the organizers agree to go beyond that event to participate in activities which promote recreational diving. A specified number and type of promotional activities are agreed upon, and opportunities are developed and arranged for the partnering organizations to reach into each other’s markets, and mutually promote their own events, including shows and other activities. The result is a growth of the diving market in both regions, exposure of the partner’s region to the US market, and expansion of the overall Industry, with each organization also benefitting their Members.

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During 2013 DEMA continued to reach into Asia, but has also investigated activities in Australia, Brazil and other markets and has been approached to partner with other events and organizations. The partnership strategy has worked well in Asia and can work in other parts of the globe.

Expansion of Existing Programs To reach out from DEMA, membership materials have been translated into Spanish and have been made available to those seeking to reach into the U.S. marketplace. Such expansion of the DEMA Membership is healthy for all, generating additional exhibitors for DEMA Show and creating opportunities for travel for diving consumers, and opportunities for U.S.-based companies to reach into international markets. The reach into the Latin American market is particularly critical. This is a rapidly growing market and important to Florida, the state with the second largest population of new divers being certified each year.

Diving for Treasure (DiveCaching) as an International Growth Opportunity One of the more interesting and simple ways to engage international (and domestic) customers and businesses is by getting them involved in an activity that keeps divers in the water. One strategy for this is to engage potential members in looking for hidden treasures. DEMA has promoted various programs this year which include underwater treasure hunting, most specifically the “Diving for Texas Treasure Challenge.” This game is using DiveCaching as a means to get currently certified divers involved in looking for fun and simple objects underwater in local Texas (US) lakes. The Diving for Bonaire Treasure Challenge With the success of the Diving for Texas Treasure Challenge, in 2014 DEMA will launch a new international game involving treasure hunting/DiveCaching; The Diving for Bonaire Treasure Challenge. Already there are containers hidden in the Caribbean for divers to find. Registering for the Challenge is easy. Registered divers receive five numbered “tags” which are assigned to the diver’s name. After registering for a free account on partner website OpenCaching.com, the diver makes a

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dive, locates the hidden containers and drops one of their numbered tags in each. At the end of the promotion, later in 2014, some lucky diver finding at least five of the containers is eligible to win the Challenge’s Grand Prize. Geocaching and DiveCaching are already international activities, and many are familiar with the land-bound versions of this game. Utilizing this already-known activity helps spread the concept of underwater treasure hunting faster. Of course the goals of these promotions include encouraging diving in international and local sites, and working with these destinations to encourage DEMA Membership and participation.

Be A Diver Trackable Tags

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Diving for International Treasure Challenge In addition to using DiveCaching as a means of supporting operators at destinations, DEMA is also piloting a program which uses pre-existing and unique structures and dive sites to help encourage additional dive travel and dive resort participation. The Diving for International Treasure Challenge uses the concept of “virtual caches” and is being launched at DEMA Show 2013. Promotion at DEMA Show 2013 The 2013 DEMA Show-based promotion begins with the unveiling of a sculpture, the Guardian of the Reef, the first of many unique “virtual caches” that will make up the Diving for International Treasure Challenge. The Guardian is a new sculpture by Simon Morris, creator of Amphitrite, the Mermaid in Grand Cayman. “Guardian” will be displayed at the Show in Orlando, Florida, at the DEMA booth. Visitors to DEMA Show will have the opportunity to sign a Guardian Guest Book (ie: log book), meet Simon Morris and of course talk to the sculpture’s new owners at their own exhibit space. The promotion at DEMA Show is simple: 1. DEMA Show Attendees sign up for a free membership on OpenCaching.com. Printed cards are available for attendees, listing the URL and giving them a place to record their user name. 2. Challenge participants visit the Guardian sculpture at DEMA Show and sign the log book with their OpenCaching name and other information. 3. DEMA Show Attendees who sign the Guardian Sculpture log book at DEMA Show 2013 become eligible to win one of two free DEMA Show 2014 packages, including hotel stay in a DEMA Block Hotel (reimbursement) and a free seminar package at DEMA Show 2014. 4. The drawing for the free DEMA Show package is for professionals only and is separate from any additional promotional consideration for the Challenge. All who complete the Challenge (including professional members of the Industry) are also eligible for additional prizes. Promotion for 2014 The Diving for International Treasure Challenge begins in January, 2014 (note that the Guardian sculpture will be placed underwater during January). The Challenge ends at the end of September, 2014. Look for more information on this Challenge during 2014 on www.BeADiver.com!

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Finance Committee Update Chair Tim Webb (Board Treasurer)

The Finance Committee provides oversight to all budgetary activities of the Association, approves the budget for the fiscal year, and reviews all Association financial transactions. DEMA’s financial standards are developed using Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. In addition to following these high standards, DEMA also retains the services of an outside professional accounting firm to conduct annual audits of all financial activities of the Association, as well as periodic evaluations of financial data. The association’s audited financials are posted on www.dema.org for member review.

Giving Back to the Industry One of the most important objectives of the Association is the opportunity to place money back into the diving industry for promotional purposes. Since January 2003, DEMA has carefully placed money into successful promotions that were then evaluated for their return on the investment, using standard financial evaluation techniques. DEMA considers funding many different projects and allocates funds to these projects taking the following into careful consideration: Projects Managed Directly by DEMA (Board or Staff) – This is the most common type of project, usually involving extensive committee and Board discussion, plans and evaluation prior to implementation. Projects of this nature may be proposed internally or by an outside entity, but are managed by DEMA Staff with Board supervision. As such: 1. Projects are under direct control of DEMA Board. 2. Project costs can more be more easily evaluated and controlled 3. Project success can be more easily and accurately measured 4. Compliance with anti-trust regulations can be more easily monitored 5. Compliance with association objectives and corporate standards can be more easily monitored 6. Safety risks can be mitigated more easily

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Projects managed directly by DEMA require evaluation by DEMA staff, recommendations to the Board and Board approval. Projects Not Directly Managed by DEMA – When projects not managed directly by DEMA staff are considered for DEMA funding, the following should be considered: 1. Projects are NOT under direct control of DEMA Board or staff. For this reason additional information is required before approval of funding. 2. DEMA sets limits on funding to prevent cost overruns and expects periodic reports from the project management team. 3. Clear objectives and evaluation measures must be provided by the team managing the project prior to funding. 4. Written information must be provided to DEMA regarding the individuals involved, their qualifications to conduct the project, the responsibilities of each, and the terms, limits and conditions of the project. 5. Project proposals must be reviewed by DEMA counsel prior to approval. 6. DEMA must be indemnified against losses, injuries, violations of anti-trust regulations and laws, and other issues appropriate to the project in question. 7. Projects must DIRECTLY benefit the diving industry. 8. Consideration should be given to DEMA member companies when appropriate. 9. Adequate liability insurance naming DEMA, staff and directors is required and should be incorporated into any funding agreement as appropriate. 10. Approved project funds can only be dispersed after a written agreement is executed. Projects not directly managed by DEMA require evaluation by DEMA staff and in some cases may require evaluation by outside sources. Such evaluation by outside sources may involve additional cost to the team proposing the project prior to recommendations being given to the Board and prior to the necessary Board approval. Pursuant to the Bylaws of the Diving Equipment and Marketing Association (DEMA), you are hereby notified that you have the right to receive the DEMA Annual Financial Report. This Annual Report and the available Balance Sheet, Income Statement, and Statement of Changes in Financial Position constitute the DEMA Annual Financial Report. These documents were prepared from the books and records of DEMA. Audited Financial Statements are available to DEMA members via www.dema.org. DEMA’s annual report is posted each year on its website. The names and addresses of current members of DEMA are located at the DEMA Office at 3750 Convoy Street Suite 310, San Diego, CA 92111. In 2013, DEMA engaged in no transactions which involved more than $50,000, or aggregating more than $50,000, with the same person, and in which any director or officer of DEMA or any holder of more than 10% of the voting power of DEMA had a direct or indirect financial interest. In 2013, DEMA paid no loans, guaranties, indemnifications, or advances aggregating more than $10,000 to any officer or director of DEMA.

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Manufacturer’s Committee Update Stephen Ashmore, Chair

The Manufacturer’s Committee represents all member manufacturers. Representatives on the Manufacturer’s Committee come from the DEMA Board and can also include non-Board members. The Manufacturer’s Committee monitors and allocates monies from the Manufacturer’s Fund, which was established in 1994 when DEMA was re-organized to include all stakeholders in the Diving Industry. The Fund is composed of 5% of the gross receipts from DEMA Show each year and is used at the discretion of the manufacturers to promote recreational diving. The allocation of the funds follows a Board-approved process, and the Manufacturer’s Committee has been supportive of many different initiatives over the years. The Manufacturer’s Fund allocated $114,700 in promotions for the industry during 2013. Programs supported include: Be A Diver Pool Tour Manufacturing Sales Index (MSI) Be a Diver Program/Promotion of DiveCaching Diving Industry Strategic Planning AnySite-MicroBuild Sponsorship Funding/Retail Retention DEMA Member Promotions Youth Program Funding

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