Bulletin 4ου γύρου 2014

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Δραμινό Πρωτάθλημα Σκάκι 2014 30 Δεκεμβρίου 2013

Name Panagiotidis Hristos Vas. Lithoxoos Theodoros Zografidis Xristodoulos Hristoforidis Vasilios Kampanis Stauros Dermentzis Efthimios Tononidis Anastasios Kampanis Giorgos Demirtzoglou Stavroula Tsougouzidis Xristos Sarafopoulos Stathis Mixailidis Xristoforos Name Kazakos Markos Garbounis Alexis Kazakos Zaxarias Kougioumtzis Iordanis Theologidis Petros Mpermperidis Sokratis Kampani Euaggelia Pasxalidis Theodoros Kazis Thanasis Pasxalidis Vasilis Kagias Axileas Mirkou Maria Mpoitsios Dimitris Mpousios Nikos Mpousios Xristos Xatzigeorgiadis Iosif Xatzigeorgiadou Dimitra

Name Hristoforidis Hristoforos G. Demirtzoglou Hrist Ganiaridis Panagiotis Papadopoulos Mihail Mixailidis Giorgos Alexandridis Christos Σελίδα 1

Bulletin 4ου γύρου Αποτελέσματα 4ου Γύρου Pts. Result Pts. 3 1-0 3 2½ 0-1 2 2 0-1 2 2 1-0 2 1½ 0-1 1½ 1½ 1-0 1 1 1-0 1 1 0-1 1 0 0-1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0

Rtg 1925 1691 1000 1505 1045 1366 1539 1090 1000 1000 1000 1345 Rtg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Pts. 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 ½ 0 0 2 1 2 1½

Rtg 1511 2056 1766 1684 1415 1365

Result 1-0 0-1 1-0 ½-½ 0-1 0-1 1-0 +---+ ½-½ +---+ ½-½ 0 0 0 0

Pts. 3 3 2 2 2 2 1½ 1 1 1 1 ½ 0

Name Ganiaridis Panagiotis Demirtzoglou Hrist Hristoforidis Hristoforos G. Alexandridis Christos Papadopoulos Mihail Goutioudis Zisis Georgiadis Georgios Mixailidis Giorgos Dermentzi Ekaterini bye not paired not paired

Name Garbouni Eufimia Theodosiadis Stauros Xatziathanasiadis Kostantinos Georgiadis David Pistofidis Giannis Pistofidou Eustathia Eudokiou Kalliopi Kazis Andreas Podaras Agamemnon Paisidou Eufrosini Kazis Sofoklis Paisidou Ioanna Mpoitsios Xristos not paired not paired not paired not paired

Κλήρωση 5ου γύρου Pts. Result Pts. 3 4 3 3 3 2½ 2½ 2 2 2 2 2

Name Panagiotidis Hristos Vas. Hristoforidis Vasilios Dermentzis Efthimios Tononidis Anastasios Dermentzi Ekaterini Zografidis Xristodoulos

Rtg 1766 2056 1511 1365 1684 1468 1755 1415 1000

Rtg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Rtg 1925 1505 1366 1539 1000 1000

Δραμινό Πρωτάθλημα Σκάκι 2014 30 Δεκεμβρίου 2013

Tsougouzidis Xristos Goutioudis Zisis Georgiadis Georgios Demirtzoglou Stavroula Lithoxoos Theodoros Sarafopoulos Stathis Name Theodosiadis Stauros Garbouni Eufimia Pistofidis Giannis Pistofidou Eustathia Georgiadis David Xatziathanasiadis Kostantinos Pasxalidis Theodoros Theologidis Petros Eudokiou Kalliopi Kagias Axileas Xatzigeorgiadou Dimitra Kazis Thanasis Mpoitsios Xristos Mpoitsios Dimitris Mirkou Maria Mpousios Nikos Mpousios Xristos

0 1468 1755 1000 1691 1000

1 1 1 0 2½ 1

Rtg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1½ 1 0 1 0 0 Pts. 4 3 3 3 2½ 2 2 2 1½ 1½ 1½ 1 ½ ½ 0 2 1


1 0 0 0

Kampanis Stauros Kampanis Giorgos Mixailidis Xristoforos bye not paired not paired Pts. 4 3 3 2½ 2 2 2 2 1½ 1½ 1½ 1 1

Name Kazakos Markos Kazakos Zaxarias Garbounis Alexis Kougioumtzis Iordanis Podaras Agamemnon Kampani Euaggelia Xatzigeorgiadis Iosif Mpermperidis Sokratis Paisidou Ioanna Pasxalidis Vasilis Paisidou Eufrosini Kazis Sofoklis Kazis Andreas bye not paired not paired not paired

1045 1090 1345

Rtg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Παρτίδες του 4ου Γύρου Panagiotidis - Ganiaridis [E32] 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.Qc2 0–0 5.e4 d5 6.e5 Ne4 7.Bd3 f5 8.exf6 [8.cxd5 Qxd5 9.Nge2 Nxc3 10.bxc3 Be7 11.Nf4 Qd7 12.Bc4 Qc6 13.Qb3 Kh8 14.0–0 a6 15.Nxe6 Bxe6 16.Bxe6 f4 17.Bd5 Qb6 18.Bxb7 Ra7 19.Be4 Nd7 20.Rb1 Qh6 21.Qd5 Nb6 22.Qc6 Qg5 Ivanisevic,I (2537)-Bendana Guerrero,G (2198) Bled 2002 1–0]8...Qxf6 [8...Nxf6 9.Nf3 c5 10.Be3 Nc6 11.cxd5 exd5 12.0–0 Bg4 13.Ne5 Nxd4 14.Bxd4 cxd4 15.Bxh7+ Nxh7 16.Nxg4 dxc3 17.bxc3 Rc8 18.Qg6 Bxc3 19.Rac1 Qg5 20.Qe6+ Kh8 21.f4 Bd4+ 22.Kh1 Qxf4 23.Qxc8 Nardin,F (1859)-Franca,V (1948) Nova Gorica 2013 0–1]9.Bxe4 dxe4 10.Be3 Qg6N [10...c5 11.0–0–0 Bxc3 12.Qxc3 Nc6 13.Ne2 cxd4 14.Nxd4 Ne5 15.Nb5 Nd3+ 16.Kb1 Bd7 17.Qxf6 Rxf6 18.Nc3 Bc6 19.f3 Rg6 20.Nxe4 Ne5 21.Ng3 Nxc4 22.Bf2 Bd5 23.Rhg1 Rf6 24.Ne2 Rf7 25.Nc3 Igla,B (2299)-Schuurman,P (2266) Gothenburg 2005 ½–½ (45); 10...Nc6!? should be considered 11.Qxe4 e5³]11.Nge2² Nc6 [11...Qxg2 12.0–0–0=]12.0–0–0 [12.0–0 Bxc3 13.Qxc3 b6²]12...e5 [12...Bxc3 13.Qxc3 (‹13.bxc3 e5µ (13...Qxg2 14.Rhg1 Qf3 15.Nf4±) ) 13...b6 14.Rhe1²]13.d5 [White gets more space]13...Nd4 [13...Ne7 14.Nxe4 b6 15.N2g3²]14.Nxd4² exd4 15.Bxd4 Bxc3 [15...Bg4 16.Rde1²]16.Qxc3± [16.bxc3?! Bf5= (16...Qxg2?? the pawn must be left alone, otherwise Black will be punished 17.Rhg1 Qg6 18.Rxg6 hxg6 19.Qxe4+–) ; 16.Bxc3?! Bf5 (16...Qxg2 again, the pawn cannot be taken 17.Rhg1 Rxf2 18.Rxg2 Rxc2+ Σελίδα 2

Δραμινό Πρωτάθλημα Σκάκι 2014 30 Δεκεμβρίου 2013

19.Kxc2+–) 17.Qd2 b5± (17...Qxg2 as before taking the pawn will cause Black grave problems 18.Rhg1 Qg6 19.Rxg6 hxg6 20.Rg1+–) ]16...Bg4 [16...Rf7 17.b3±]17.Rd2 Rf7 [17...Bf5 18.Rg1±]18.h3 [18.Qg3!? h6+–]18...Bd7 19.g4 Rf3 [19...b6 20.Be3±]20.Be3 Raf8 [20...c5 21.dxc6 Qxc6 22.b3+–]21.Qe5 [21.Qa5 c6 22.Qc7 R3f7 23.Qxb7 cxd5 24.Qxd5 Be6+–]21...Qa6 [21...Rc8±]22.Kb1 [22.b3!? Qa3+ 23.Kb1+–]22...Qxc4± 23.Rc1 Qb5 24.Rxc7 [24.b3 c6±]24...Qf1+ 25.Rc1 Qxh3 26.g5 Qf5 [26...Re8 27.Qc7 Bb5 28.Qxb7 Bd3+ 29.Ka1±]27.Qc7 Bb5 28.Qxb7 Bd3+ [The black bishop on an outpost]29.Ka1 Qe5 30.a3 [30.Bxa7? doesn't work 30...R3f7 31.Qb6 Ra8–+]30...R3f7 [Black threatens to win material: Rf7xb7]31.Qc6 a6 32.Qe6 [White threatens to win material: Qe6xe5][Ή32.f4 Qf5 33.Qe6±]32...Qb8? [32...Qxe6!? 33.dxe6 Re7=]33.Rc3 [Ή33.f4!? Re8 34.Qh3+–]33...Re8± 34.Qc6 Rd8 35.g6 [35.Bb6!? Rdf8 36.d6±]35...hxg6 36.Qxg6 [Worse is 36.Rdxd3 exd3 37.Qxa6 Qe5 38.Qxd3 g5=]36...Rxd5 [Ή36...Qb7!?² might be a viable alternative]37.Qe6 [37.Rdxd3 is much weaker 37...exd3 38.Qxa6 Qd6 39.Qxd6 Rxd6=]37...Rd8 38.Rd1 Qd6 [38...Qb5 39.Rc6 Qf5 40.Qxf5 Rxf5 41.Rxa6±]39.Qh3± Qd7?? [cause more grief][Ή39...Rfd7±]40.Qh4+– g6 [40...Rf6 doesn't do any good 41.Rh1 Rg6 42.Bf4+–]41.Rdc1 [41.Rg1 Rg7 42.Bh6 e3 43.Bxg7 Kxg7+–]41...Re8 [41...Rh7 cannot change destiny 42.Qg5 Be2 43.Qxg6+ Rg7 44.Qh6+–]42.Qg3 [42.Rc6 makes it even easier for White 42...Rg7 43.Qh6 Be2 44.Rxg6 Bb5 45.Rxg7+ Qxg7+–]42...Qf5 [42...Bb5 does not save the day 43.Qxg6+ Rg7 44.Qh6+–]43.Rh1 [Ή43.Rc6 keeps an even firmer grip 43...Rf6 44.Rxf6 Qxf6 45.Rc7+–]43...Rh7 [43...Qf6+–]44.Rg1 [44.Rxh7 Bc4 45.Qc7 Bf7 46.Bd4 Kxh7 47.Qxf7+ Kh6 48.Qxe8 Kh5 49.Rg3 Qg4 50.Qe5+ Kh4 51.Be3 Qd1+ 52.Ka2 Qa1+ 53.Kxa1 a5 54.Qh8#]44...Be2?? [Black has lost his nerve... understandable when you consider his position] [Ή44...Qe6±]45.Qd6 [Ή45.Rc6!? seems even better 45...Bh5 46.Bd4 e3 47.fxe3 Rf8+–]45...Bh5 46.Rgc1 [Ή46.Qxa6 and White can already relax 46...Rhe7 47.a4+–]46...Qe6?? [the position was bad, and this mistake simply hastens the end][46...Rd7 47.Qxa6 Qf7 48.Rc6+–]47.Qc5 [Ή47.Qxe6+ and the rest is a matter of technique 47...Rxe6 48.Rc8+ Kf7 49.R1c7+ Re7 50.Rxe7+ Kxe7 51.Rc7+ Kf6 52.Rxh7+–]47...Rd7 48.Qa5 Rd1?? [sad, but how else could Black save the game?][Ή48...Rd5 49.Qa4 Rd6±]49.Rxd1+– Bxd1 50.Qg5 [Ή50.Rc7 finishes off the opponent 50...Re7 51.Rxe7 Qxe7 52.Qd5+ Kg7 53.Qxd1+–]50...Qf5 51.Qg3 Bh5? [51...Bg4 52.Rc7 Rc8 53.Bd4 Rxc7 54.Qxc7±]52.Qc7?? [with this move White loses his initiative][52.Bd4 might be the shorter path 52...Qg4 53.Qd6 Qd1+ 54.Ka2 Qg4+–]52...Qf7? [Ή52...Bg4±]53.Qb6+– Re6?? [terrible, but what else could Black do to save the game?] [53...Kh7 54.Bd4 Kh6+–]54.Rc8+ Re8 55.Rc7 Re7 56.Qb8+ Kh7 57.Bd4!! [Mate threat]57...g5 […57...-58.Qh8# Mate threat]58.Qh8+ Kg6 59.Rc8 Qb3 [59...e3 what else? 60.Rg8+ Kf5+–]60.Qf6+ Kh7 61.Rh8# 1–0 Lithoxoos - Demirtzoglou [A04] 1.Nf3 g6 2.g3 Bg7 3.Bg2 e5 4.d3 d6 5.0–0 f5 6.Nbd2 Nf6 [6...Nh6 7.c3 0–0 8.b4 g5 9.Qb3+ Nf7 10.Nc4 Kh8 11.a4 Qf6 12.Bd2 Be6 13.Qc2 Nc6 14.b5 Ne7 15.a5 Rac8 16.Ra4 Bd7 17.Rb4 c5 18.Rbb1 d5 19.Na3 h6 20.c4 d4 21.Ne1 Ivan,Z (2190)-Vrban,M (2327) Hungary 2010 0–1 (74)]7.e4 [7.c4 0–0 8.b4 h6 9.Rb1 c6 10.e4 f4 11.a4 g5 12.c5 g4 13.Ne1 f3 14.Bh1 d5 15.exd5 cxd5 16.Bb2 Re8 17.Qb3 Bf5 18.Nexf3 gxf3 19.Nxf3 Nbd7 20.Nh4 Be6 21.Rfe1 d4 Braunstein,F (1669)-Tkachuk,K (2109) playchess.com INT 2011 1–0 (55)]7...0–0 8.b3N [8.c3 Nc6 (8...Kh8 9.Qb3 Na6 10.Qc2 c6 11.Nb3 c5 12.c4 Nb4 13.Qe2 Rb8 14.Ne1 Re8 15.a3 Nc6 16.Qc2 Bd7 17.Nf3 Rf8 18.Bg5 h6 19.Bxf6 Qxf6 20.Qe2 f4 21.Nfd2 h5 22.h3 b5 23.Qd1 Richter,H-Weigel,H (2085) Ellwangen 1996 0–1 (42)) 9.Re1 Kh8 10.Qb3 Qd7 11.Nh4 f4 12.Ndf3 fxg3 13.hxg3 Qe6 14.Qxe6 Bxe6 15.Ng5 Bd7 16.a4 Ne7 17.Ngf3 h6 18.Nh2 g5 19.Nf5 Nxf5 20.exf5 Bxf5 Σελίδα 3

Δραμινό Πρωτάθλημα Σκάκι 2014 30 Δεκεμβρίου 2013

21.Bxb7 Rab8 22.Ba6 Rb6 Kurth,M-Meier,W (2140) Germany 1995 0–1 (55); 8.b4 a5 9.b5 Qe8 ½–½ (9) Nilssen,T-Johnsen,S Tromsoe 1999; 8.exf5 gxf5 9.Nb3 a6=]8...Nc6 9.Bb2 h6 [Secures g5][9...fxe4 10.dxe4 Qe8 11.Qe2=]10.Nh4 [White threatens to win material: Nh4xg6]10...Ne7 [10...Qe8 11.exf5 gxf5 12.a4²]11.Qe2 [11.exf5 g5 12.Ng6 Nxg6 13.fxg6 Qe8²]11...f4= 12.gxf4 [12.Nhf3 fxg3 13.fxg3 c5=]12...exf4 [12...Nh5 13.f5 Nf4 14.Qe3µ]13.Rae1 [Ή13.Nhf3!?= is an interesting idea]13...g5µ 14.Nf5 Nxf5 15.exf5 Bxf5 [15...c6 16.Qe7 Qxe7 17.Rxe7³]16.Bxb7= Rb8 17.Bc6 Bh3 [Black threatens to win material: Bh3xf1]18.Bg2 Bd7 19.Qe7 Re8?? [a transit from better to worse][Ή19...Qxe7 and Black could well hope to play on 20.Rxe7 Rf7=]20.Bd5++– Kh8 21.Qf7 c6?? [terrible, but what else could Black do to save the game?][Ή21...Rxe1 22.Rxe1 Be8±]22.Ne4 [White threatens to win material: Ne4xf6][Ή22.Bxf6 and White wins 22...Qxf6 23.Rxe8+ (23.Qxd7?! is a weaker possibility 23...Rxe1 24.Rxe1 cxd5²) 23...Rxe8 24.Qxd7+–]22...Rf8= [22...cxd5?? Black is doomed he takes the bishop 23.Bxf6 (23.Nxf6?! Rf8 24.Qxd7 Bxf6 25.Qxd8 Rbxd8 26.Bxf6+ Rxf6±) 23...Qxf6 24.Nxf6+–]23.Bxf6? [Ή23.Nxd6 would keep White in the game 23...cxd5 24.Re7 Rxf7 25.Nxf7+ Kg8 26.Nxd8 Rxd8 27.Rfe1=]23...Bxf6–+ 24.Qg6 Bg7 [24...cxd5!? 25.Nxd6 Rb6–+]25.Nxd6 cxd5 26.Nf7+ Rxf7! [keeping ahead of the opponent]27.Qxf7 Be8 28.Qxa7 Qc8 [Ή28...Ra8 29.Qb7 Rxa2µ]29.f3? [Ή29.Re7³ and White can hope to live]29...Ra8–+ 30.Qe7 Qxc2 31.Re2 [31.Qe2 Qc3 32.Rd1–+]31...Qxd3 32.Kg2 [32.Ref2 praying for a miracle 32...Qe3 33.Re1 Qxe7 34.Rxe7– +]32...Bb5 33.Rfe1 g4! [Discovered attack: e2, d3–g6. . . . . ][33...g4 34.Rf2 Rxa2 35.Qxg7+ Kxg7 36.Rxa2 Qxf3+ 37.Kg1 Qc3 38.Ra7+ Kf6 39.Rae7 Qd2 40.R7e6+ Kf7 41.Re7+ Kf8 42.Kh1 f3 43.Rg1 Kxe7 44.Rxg4 f2 45.Rg7+ Kf6 46.Rf7+ Kxf7 47.Kg2 f1Q+ 48.Kg3 Qdf4#] 0–1 Zografidis - Xristoforidis,Xristoforos [B34] 1.e4 g6 2.d4 Bg7 3.Nc3 c5 4.Be3 Nc6 5.Nge2 cxd4 6.Nxd4 Nf6 7.h3 Qa5 8.Nb3 Qc7 9.Qd2 d6 10.g4 Ne5 11.Be2 Nc4 12.Bxc4 Qxc4 13.f3 Nd7 14.Na5 Qc7 15.Nd5 Qd8 16.0–0–0 e6 17.Nf4 0–0 18.Nc4 Ne5 19.Nxe5 Bxe5 20.Nd3 Bg7 21.Bh6 Qf6 22.Bxg7 Qxg7 23.f4 f5 24.exf5 exf5 25.Nf2 Rd8 26.gxf5 Bxf5 27.Rhg1 Rac8 28.Qd5+ Kh8 29.Rd2 Rc5 30.Qb3 Rdc8 31.Nd3 R5c6 32.h4 Qd4 33.Rgd1 Bxd3 34.Rxd3 Qxf4+ 35.Kb1 Qxh4 36.Rh3 Qe4 37.Rh2 Qf5 38.Rhd2 b6 39.Rd5 Qxc2+ 40.Qxc2 Rxc2 41.Rxd6 R8c7 42.Rd8+ Kg7 43.R8d7+ Kf6 44.R7d6+ Ke7 45.Rd7+ Rxd7 46.Rxd7+ Kxd7 47.Kxc2 0–1 Xristoforidis,Vasilis - Alexandridis [E61] 1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 g6 3.e3 Bg7 4.c4 d6 5.Nc3 0–0 6.Be2 b6 7.0–0 Bb7 8.Qc2 Nbd7 9.Rd1 [9.b3 e5 10.dxe5 Nxe5 11.Nxe5 dxe5 12.Bb2 Qe7 13.Rad1 Rfd8 14.Rxd8+ Rxd8 15.Rd1 Rxd1+ 16.Qxd1 c5 17.Bf3 e4 18.Be2 Ne8 19.Qd2 Nd6 20.Ba3 Qf6 21.Bb2 Qe6 22.Na4 Bc6 23.Bxg7 Kxg7 Wolf,H (1600)-Dannat,M (1527) Zweibruecken 2013 ½–½]9...a6N [Controls b5][9...c5 10.d5 Ne8 11.e4 Ne5 12.Nxe5 Bxe5 13.Bh6 Bg7 14.Bxg7 Kxg7 15.f4 f5 16.e5 Nc7 17.Qd3 Qe8 18.Bf3 Rb8 19.Re1 Qf7 20.a3 a6 21.b4 cxb4 22.axb4 Rbd8 23.Qd4 e6 24.exd6+ Kansky,J (1865)-Drasnar,P (1675) Nachod 2011 1–0; 9...Re8 10.Rb1 e5 11.b4 exd4 12.Nxd4 Ne4 13.Nd5 c6 14.Nf4 Qe7 15.b5 cxb5 16.cxb5 Rac8 17.Nc6 Bxc6 18.bxc6 Ndf6 19.Bc4 Kh8 20.Ba6 Rc7 21.Bb2 g5 22.Bxf6 Nxf6 23.Nd5 Nxd5 24.Rxd5 Sklyarov,D (2426)-Vinogradov,V (2085) Kondopoga 2012 1–0 (45)]10.b4 [10.a4 c6=]10...Qe8 11.Rb1 Rb8 12.a4 [12.h3 Nh5²]12...e5 [12...c5 13.Ng5=]13.dxe5 Nxe5 14.Nd5 Rc8 15.Nxe5 Qxe5?? [15...Nxd5 16.cxd5 Bxe5 17.Bg4²]16.Bb2 [White threatens to win material: Bb2xe5]16...Qg5?? [Ή16...Qe6² is just about the only chance]17.f4+– Qh4 18.g3 [Ή18.Bxf6 secures the win 18...Bxf6 19.g3 Qh6 20.Nxf6+ Kh8+–]18...Qh3 19.Ne7+ [19.Bxf6 Bxd5 Σελίδα 4

Δραμινό Πρωτάθλημα Σκάκι 2014 30 Δεκεμβρίου 2013

20.Bf1+– (20.cxd5?! Bxf6 21.Bxa6 Rce8±; 20.Rxd5?! Bxf6 21.Rb3 Qe6=) ]19...Kh8± [Black has a mate threat]20.Bf1 Qe6 21.Nxc8 Qxe3+ 22.Qf2 Qxf2+ 23.Kxf2 Bxc8 24.Bxf6 [24.Bd3 Be6²]24...Bxf6 25.Bd3 Bd4+ 26.Kf3 h5 27.Bxg6 Bg4+ 28.Kg2 Bxd1 29.Rxd1 fxg6 30.Rxd4 [A rook endgame occured]30...Rf5 31.h3 a5 32.b5 [White gets more space]32...Kg7 33.g4 hxg4 34.hxg4 Rc5 35.Kf3 g5? [Ή35...Kf6² would keep Black alive]36.f5+– Kf6 37.Re4 [37.Ke3 Kf7±]37...Kf7? [Ή37...d5 and Black is still in the game 38.Re6+ Kf7 39.cxd5 Rxd5²]38.Ke3+– d5 39.cxd5 Rc3+? [39...Rxd5 40.Rc4 Rd7+–]40.Kd4 Ra3 41.Ke5 Rc3 42.f6 Rc5 43.Rd4 Rc3 44.Kf5 Rf3+ 45.Kxg5 Rxf6 [45...Re3+– the only chance to get some counterplay]46.Rf4 Rxf4 47.Kxf4 Kf6 48.g5+ Kg6 49.Ke5 Kxg5 50.Ke6 Kf4 51.Kd7 Ke5 52.Kxc7 [52.Kxc7 Kxd5 53.Kxb6 Ke5 54.Kxa5 Kd6 55.Kb6 Kd5 56.a5 Kd4 57.a6 Kd5 58.a7 Ke5 59.Ka6 Ke6 60.b6 Kd5 61.b7 Kc6 62.a8Q Kd6 63.b8Q+ Ke6 64.Qf3 Kd7 65.Qd5+ Ke7 66.Qbd8#] 1–0 "Όταν πολεμάς το αντίπαλο κέντρο πιονιών το σύνθημά σου πρέπει να είναι: Αρχικά καταστέλλω, μετά μπλοκάρω, τελικά καταστρέφω!" Nimzowitch

Dermentzis,E (1366) - Goutioudis,Z (1468) [D02] 1.d4 e6 2.Nf3 d5 3.Bf4 c5 4.c3 Nc6 5.e3 Qb6 6.Qc2 Nf6 7.Nbd2 Nh5 8.Bg3 Nxg3 [8...c4 9.Ne5 g6 10.Bh4 Bg7 11.g4 Nf6 12.Be2 Nxe5 13.dxe5 Nd7 14.e4 Nxe5 15.f4 Nd3+ 16.Bxd3 cxd3 17.Qxd3 Qxb2 18.Rb1 Qxc3 19.Qb5+ Qc6 20.Qb4 Bf8 21.Qd4 Rg8 22.Ke2 Bc5 23.Qf6 Lopez Ziegler,J (1451)-Benitez Cadenas,L (1714) Madrid 2013 1–0 (34)]9.hxg3 h6N [Covers g5][9...g6 10.Nb3 (10.Be2 Bg7 11.Ng5 h6 12.Ngf3 Bd7 13.Nb3 cxd4 14.exd4 0–0 15.g4 e5 16.Nxe5 Nxe5 17.dxe5 Rfe8 18.0–0 Bxe5 19.Rad1 Qf6 20.Rd3 Qg5 21.Qd1 Bc7 22.Nd4 Re4 23.Qd2 Bf4 24.Qd1 Bc7 Kovacs,F (2095)-Hajnal,Z (2225) Szekszard 1998 ½–½) 10...cxd4 11.exd4 Bg7 12.Bd3 Bd7 13.Nc5 Qc7 14.0–0–0 Rc8 15.Kb1 Ne7 16.Nxd7 Qxd7 17.Ne5 Qc7 18.Bb5+ Kf8 19.f4 Nf5 20.Qf2 f6 21.Nd7+ Kf7 22.Nc5 b6 23.Na6 Qb7 24.Nb4 Markovic,M (2306)Todorovic,G (2487) Pancevo 2002 1–0 (57); 9...cxd4 10.exd4 Bd7 11.0–0–0 Rc8 12.Kb1 a5 13.Qd3 Ba3 14.Qb5 Qa7 15.Qd3 Qb6 16.Qb5 Qxb5 17.Bxb5 Bd6 18.g4 0–0 19.Bd3 f5 20.Rde1 Rce8 21.Ne5 Nxe5 22.dxe5 Bc5 23.gxf5 exf5 24.Re2 Thurmer,J-Papp,G (2145) Hungary 1997 0–1 (55)]10.Be2 Bd7 11.g4 g5 [11...cxd4!? 12.exd4 Bd6=]12.Nxg5² Rg8 [Black threatens to win material: Rg8xg5]13.Nh7 Bg7 14.g5 hxg5 15.Nxg5 [15.dxc5!? Qxc5 16.Nxg5²]15...cxd4= 16.exd4 Qc7 [16...Bxd4 17.cxd4 Nxd4 18.Qd3=]17.Rc1 [White has an active position][17.0–0–0 Bf6 18.Nh7 Bg7²]17...Qf4 [Black threatens to win material: Qf4xg5][17...0–0–0 18.b4=]18.Ngf3 0–0–0 19.g3 [White threatens to win material: g3xf4]19...Qd6 20.Bb5 Kb8 21.Nb3 Rc8 22.Nc5 a6 [Black threatens to win material: a6xb5]23.Qa4 [Ή23.Be2 Rc7 24.Rd1²]23...axb5³ 24.Qxb5 Rc7 25.Na6+ Kc8 26.Nxc7 Qxc7 27.Qd3 f5 [Black has a new backward pawn: e6][27...e5 28.dxe5 Nxe5 29.Nxe5 (29.Qxd5?? that pawn is deadly bait and will cause White grave problems 29...Bc6 30.Qd1 Bxf3–+) 29...Bxe5 30.Rc2³ (30.Qxd5 again the pawn contains a lethal dose of poison 30...Bc6 31.Qc4 Bxh1 32.Qxc7+ Kxc7–+) ]28.Rh7 [White loses the right to castle]28...Qd8 [28...Qd6 29.Rh5=]29.Kd2 Qf6 30.Rch1 [30.Qe3=]30...Rh8 [Ή30...e5!? is worthy of consideration 31.dxe5 Nxe5 32.Nxe5 Qxe5=]31.Rxh8+² Bxh8 32.Qe3 Bg7 33.Qg5 Qxg5+ 34.Nxg5 Bf6 [34...e5!?² might be a viable alternative]35.f4± Na5 [35...Be7 36.Rh7±]36.b3 [36.Rh6 Nc4+ 37.Kc1 Σελίδα 5

Δραμινό Πρωτάθλημα Σκάκι 2014 30 Δεκεμβρίου 2013

Be7+–]36...Kc7? [36...Kd8 37.Kd3±]37.Rh7 [37.Rh6 seems even better 37...Be7 38.Nxe6+ Bxe6 39.Rxe6 Nc6+–]37...Nc6? [Ή37...Kd6±]38.Nxe6++– Kd6 [38...Kc8 otherwise it's curtains at once 39.Nc5 Be7+–]39.Nc5 Bc8 40.Nxb7+ Bxb7 41.Rxb7 Nd8 42.Rb6+ Nc6 43.b4 Kc7 44.Ra6 Kb7 [44...Bd8 desperation 45.b5 Nb8+–]45.b5 Be7 46.Rxc6 1–0

«Το σκάκι είναι στην ουσία του ένα παιχνίδι, στη μορφή του μία τέχνη, και στην εκτέλεσή του... μία επιστήμη» Baron Tassilo Tononidis - Georgiadis [B22] 1.e4 c5 2.c3 d6 3.d4 Nf6 4.Bb5+ Bd7 5.Bxd7+ Nbxd7 6.Qf3N [6.Qe2 e6 (6...Qc7 7.Na3 (7.Bf4 e5 8.dxe5 dxe5 9.Bg3 c4 10.Nf3 Bd6 11.Nbd2 Nb6 12.0–0 0–0 13.Rfd1 Rfe8 14.Ne1 Rac8 15.Nc2 Qc6 16.Bh4 Re6 17.Bxf6 Rxf6 18.Ne3 Bc5 19.Nf5 g6 20.Nh6+ Kg7 21.Ng4 Re6 Jaeger,S-Theel,T Germany 1989 0–1 (57)) 7...Rc8 8.Nf3 cxd4 9.Nxd4 e5 10.Nf5 g6 11.Ng3 a6 12.Nc2 h5 13.Bg5 h4 14.Nf1 Rh5 15.Bxf6 Nxf6 16.Nb4 Qc4 17.Qxc4 Rxc4 18.f3 Bh6 19.Rd1 Ke7 20.Kf2 Ke6 21.Ne3 Galyas,M (2245)-Avrukh,B (2425) Szeged 1994 ½–½) 7.e5 dxe5 8.dxe5 Nd5 9.Nf3 Be7 10.0–0 0–0 11.c4 Nb4 12.Nc3 a6 13.Rd1 Qc7 14.Bf4 Rfd8 15.Bg3 Nc6 16.Nd5 exd5 17.e6 Bd6 18.exd7 Ne5 19.cxd5 Nxf3+ 20.Qxf3 Rxd7 Polacek,J (2190)-Petrik,S (2190) Trnava 1980 0–1; 6.f3 g6 7.Ne2 Bg7 8.Be3 Qc7 9.Nd2 0–0 10.0–0 Rfc8 11.Nb3 c4 12.Nd2 e5 13.d5 b5 14.b4 a5 15.a3 Nb6 16.Qc2 Nfd7 17.g4 Ra6 18.Ra2 Rca8 19.Rfa1 Na4 20.Ng3 Bf6 Bighiu,G (2026)Vuelban,V (2390) Assisi 2008 0–1 (42); 6.Qe2 Qa5 7.Nf3 cxd4=]6...Qb6 7.Ne2 g6 8.Nd2 cxd4 9.cxd4 Rc8 10.Nb3 Bg7 11.0–0 [White castles and improves king safety]11...0–0 12.Be3 [White has an active position]12...Rc2 [Black threatens to win material: Rc2xb2][12...Qa6 13.Nc3=]13.Nc3² Qc6 [13...Rxb2?? a poisoned pawn 14.Na4 Rxf2 15.Bxf2+– (15.Nxb6?! is much weaker 15...Rxf3 16.gxf3 Nxb6=; 15.Rxf2?! Qc6 16.e5 Qxf3 17.Rxf3 dxe5+–; 15.Kxf2?! Qc6 16.e5 Qxa4 17.exf6 Nxf6+–; 15.Qxf2?! Qb4 16.Nb2 Nxe4+–) ]14.Qd1 [White threatens to win material: Qd1xc2][14.Rab1 b6²]14...Rxb2 15.Qc1 Rxb3 [15...Nxe4!? should be examined more closely 16.Qxb2 Qxc3=]16.axb3± Rc8 [16...Nxe4 17.Nxe4 Qxe4 18.Rxa7 Nf6± (18...Bxd4? doesn't solve anything 19.Bxd4 Qxd4 20.Rxb7+–) ]17.Nd5+– Nxd5 18.exd5 Qxc1 19.Rfxc1 [19.Raxc1?! Rb8²]19...Rxc1+ 20.Rxc1 Nb6 21.Rc7 e5? [21...Kf8+–]22.dxe5 Bxe5 23.Bxb6 axb6 24.Rxb7 Bd4 25.Kf1 Bc5 [25...Kg7 doesn't improve anything 26.Ke2+–]26.Ke2 Kg7 27.f3 g5 28.Kd3 Kg6 29.g4 h6 30.Kc4 f5 31.h3 fxg4 32.hxg4 Kf6 [32...h5 cannot change destiny 33.gxh5+ Kxh5 34.Rd7+–]33.b4 Bf2 34.Kb5 Ke5 35.Kc6 Kf4 36.Rf7+ Ke5 37.Rf5+ Kd4 38.Kxb6 Bg3 39.Kc6 Ke3 40.b5 Bf4 41.Rf6 Kxf3 42.Rxh6 Kxg4 43.b6 Kf3 44.b7 g4 45.Rg6 g3 46.b8Q g2 47.Qg8 [47.Qg8 Ke4 48.Rxg2 Kd3 49.Qg4 Be3 50.Qe2+ Kd4 51.Rg4+ Kc3 52.Rg3 Kb4 53.Rxe3 Ka4 54.Qb5#; 47.Qb3+ Kf2 48.Qc2+ Kf3 49.Qxg2+ Ke3 50.Rf6 Kd4 51.Rxf4+ Kc3 52.Qh3+ Kc2 53.Rf2+ Kd1 54.Qf1#] 1–0 Demirtzoglou,S - Dermetzi [A40] 1.d4 g6 2.Nf3 Bg7 3.Bf4 c5 4.c3 cxd4 5.Nxd4 Nf6 6.e3 0–0 7.Nd2 d6 8.Bd3 e5 9.Ne2 exf4 10.Nxf4 Nc6 11.0–0 Ne5 12.Be4 Nxe4 13.Nxe4 d5 14.Nxd5 Be6 15.Nf4 Qxd1 16.Rfxd1 Rad8 17.Rd4 Nf3+ 18.gxf3

Σελίδα 6

Δραμινό Πρωτάθλημα Σκάκι 2014 30 Δεκεμβρίου 2013

Bxd4 19.exd4 Rfe8 20.Nf6+ Kg7 21.Nxe8+ Rxe8 22.d5 Bd7 23.Rd1 g5 24.Nh5+ Kg6 25.Ng3 Rd8 26.Ne4 Be6 27.Nc5 Rxd5 28.Rxd5 Bxd5 29.Nxb7 Bxb7 30.Kg2 Bd5 31.Kg3 Bxa2 32.Kg2 Be6 33.f4 g4 0–1

Σκακιστικό Ανέκδοτο Ένας σκακιστής πεθαίνει. Μετά από λίγες ημέρες, ένας φίλος του, επίσης σκακιστής, ακούει την φωνή του πεθαμένου φίλου του από το υπερπέραν να του μιλάει! Γεμάτος χαρά του λέει: "Μα στ΄ αλήθεια είσαι εσύ; Πως είναι εκεί που βρίσκεσαι"; Του απαντά ο νεκρός σκακιστής: "Θέλεις να ακούσεις πρώτα τα καλά νέα ή τα άσχημα νέα"; "Πρώτα τα καλά νέα" του λέει ο ζωντανός φίλος του. Λέει η φωνή του μακαρίτη σκακιστή: "Λοιπόν, τα καλά νέα! Εδώ είναι παράδεισος! Γίνονται τουρνουά και μπλιτζάκια κάθε ώρα και στιγμή! Και παίζω με παίκτες όπως οι Morphy, Alekhine, Lasker, Tal, Capablanca, Botvinnik, Fischer, Smyslov και ένα σωρό άλλους μακαρίτες φοβερούς γκραν μαίτρ! Είναι όλοι εδώ και παίζουμε σκάκι συνεχώς"! "Καλά αυτό είναι φανταστικό! Τέλειο! Μα, πες μου και τα άσχημα νέα τώρα", του λέει ο ζωντανός σκακιστής. Και του απαντά ο μακαρίτης: "Είσαι μαύρος με αντίπαλο τον Capablanca την ερχόμενη Κυριακή"... Ο Σύλλογος Φίλων Γραμμάτων και Τεχνών Δράμας και ο Σκακιστικός Όμιλος Δράμας σας εύχονται Καλή Χρονιά και Χρόνια Πολλά. Υγεία, χαρά και ευτυχία σε εσάς και τις οικογένειές σας και το 2014 να γίνουν πραγματικότητα όλες οι επιθυμίες σας. Για τα αποτελέσματα καθώς και γενικά για το σκάκι μπορείτε να επισκεφτείτε την σελίδα http://www.chessdramas.com

Σελίδα 7

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