IDEC 2012 Program Details

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IDEC Program Details A few things to know about . . . Youth Leadership - Rather than running a parallel session, IDEC 2012 has been designed to have the youth fully integrated into everything. Expect to see youth opening each plenary, facilitating workshops, at the IDEC meetings, and actively taking positions and generating proposals. Workshop Design - One of the most fun and challenging aspects of organizing this IDEC has been experimenting with a new way to do workshops. We wanted to dedicate consistent space to five themed conversations - so you’ll see dedicated thematics for Proyecto País, Academia and Human Rights, Democratic Practice, Art and Movement, and Film and Medias. You could dedicate your time to one theme and attend all your sessions in one space where the conversations will flow from one to the next and leave you feeling deeply engaged in one area. We also wanted to feature a few presenters - so you’ll find all those sessions easily. We also wanted lots of Open Spaces. We’ve left rooms for spontaneous and emerging conversations in every workshop block. 20/20/20 then Dialogue - This is a shorthand description for a new kind of workshop structure we have used for several sessions. It has three (and one time four) presenters each sharing a quick, powerful presentation on a similar theme with no discussion in between (kind of TED talk styled). After all three have shared, then they and the audience engage in a fully open dialogue about what folks are learning and thinking about, facilitated by IDEC volunteers. The goal is to get more people having similar conversations into the same room and spurring deeper dialogue in less than 80 minute presentations. Boricua Time - Sessions are planned to end 10 minutes before the next is scheduled unless otherwise described. For example, Session A Workshops begin at 10:30am and so the Open Ceremony should end at 10:20am. This spacing should allow for moving between session locations, using bathrooms, and some social connecting. There is ample open space and we hope you follow the “Law of Two Feet” in knowing that you are always in the right place at the right time, or if not, that you correct that by moving with your two feet. If you join a session already in progress, that’s fine, just remember that you came late so “join” where they are in the session and don’t expect anyone to wait for your. Session presenters will do their best to flow with start and end time while keeping things moving. In Puerto Rico, a flowing sense of time is often lovingly joked about as “Boricua Time”. The IDEC Lounge - Each evening of IDEC the bar at the Botanical Garden and others close to the headquarters, will open for participants of IDEC to socialize. The drinking age in Puerto Rico is 18. We hope this can be a fun space for lots of sharing and also encourage everyone to drink in ways that make the conference a great experience for everyone.

The Schedule 24 - Sábado/Saturday 9:30am Registration opens at Jardín Botánico y Cultural William Miranda Marín. • Carr. #156 • Transportation will be provided from and to housing. • You will be able to register and enjoy the beauty of the Garden.

5:00pm Welcome and Orientation at Jardín Botánico y Cultural - This is not the official opening of IDEC, but it is a great opportunity for everyone new to Puerto Rico or to IDEC or just wanting to get the most out of this event to learn more about what will take place and make some new friends. 6:00pm Fiesta Criolla at Jardín Botánico y Cultural - It wouldn’t be right to have you here for your first night and not offer the hospitality, culture, and food of Borikén (the name the indigenous Taíno called this land). Everyone is invited to socialize, eat, dance and walk the grounds as we prepare for IDEC opening tomorrow. The IDEC Lounge will be open at the Jardín this evening. Transportation back to housing areas will be available at 8:30pm and 10:30pm

25 - Domingo/Sunday 9:30am Opening Ceremony at Centro de Bellas Artes - Welcomes from the Youth Forum, Nuestra Escuela, the Alliance for Alternative Education, the Mayor of Caguas, and others makes this a warm occasion to celebrate the beginning of IDEC and renew or make new friendships. 10:30am - 12:20pm Session A Workshops 12:30pm Lunch with Cultural Presentation (Folk dance) 2:00pm “Founders in Democratic Education” - A Plenary Panel featuring Yaacov Hecht, Derry Hannam, Amukta Mahapatra, Ian Cunningham , and Jerry Mintz. Moderated by Jose Luis Díaz of Centros Sor Isolina Ferré. 3:30pm - 5:20pm Session B Workshops 5:30pm IDEC Meeting - The first of three open public meetings where we aim to discuss decisions about the future of IDEC, including next conference locations. Other proposals will be considered. The meeting will be facilitated by the Youth Forum in Puerto Rico with support from Nuestra Escuela staff as needed. 6:30pm

Dinner and Cultural show


Transportation available to housing areas and the IDEC Lounge.


Transportation available to housing areas.

26 - Lunes/Monday 9:30am “Democratic Education in the Mainstream”. Dr. Ana Helvia Quintero, Dr. Pedro Subirats, and Dra. María de Lourdes Lara. . 10:30am - 12:20pm Session C Workshops 12:30pm Lunch with folkloric dance presentation 2:00pm “Caguas Educadora: The Education City Initiative”, a plenary session that will share what is being learned in the creation of an education city in Caguas. The project has benefited from the learning experience of Israel and a ‘self-management’ (auto-gestión) philosophy developed in Caguas. 3:30pm - 5:20pm Session D Workshops 5:30pm IDEC Meeting - The second of three open public meetings on IDEC. If you did not attend the first meeting, please attend but know you are joining a conversation in progress and so come ready to catch-up. The meeting will be facilitated by Youth Forum in Puerto Rico with support from Nuestra Escuela staff as needed. 6:30pm

Dinner and Show


Transportation available to housing areas and the IDEC Lounge.


Transportation available to housing areas.

27 - Martes/Tuesday 9:30am “Democratic Education is about Human Rights” plenary panel featuring Jean Robert Cadet, Ana María Careaga, Alicia Cabezudo, Ravi Karkara and facilitated by Anna Grimaldi and Jaime Conde. 10:30am - 12:20pm Session E Workshops 12:30pm

Lunch with folkloric dance presentation

2:00pm “What Democratic Education can mean for young people, communities, and the world” A Plenary Panel featuring César Rey, Justo Méndez Aramburu, and Alfredo Carrasquillo. 3:30pm - 5:20pm Session F Workshops 5:30pm IDEC Meeting - The third of three open public meetings on IDEC. If you did not attend the first two meetings, please attend but know you are joining a conversation in progress and so come ready to catch-up. The meeting will be facilitated by the Youth Forum of Puerto Rico with support from Nuestra Escuela staff as needed. 6:30pm



Cultural activity


Transportation available to housing areas and the IDEC Lounge.


Transportation available to housing areas.

28 - Miércoles/Wednesday 9:30am “A New Wave of Democratic Education” Plenary Fishbowl featuring Courtney Martin,

Shilpa Jain, Natalia Rosado, Scott Nine, Khalif Williams, Chloe Duff, and Isaac Graves. Emerging voices will discuss amongst themselves the future of democratic education while the audience listens and has opportunities to add and question. 10:30am - 12:20pm Session G Workshops 12:30pm

Lunch with folk dance presentation

2:00pm “Unions, Communities, and Cooperatives: Working together to create significant change.” A Plenary session rooted in Puerto Rico but relevant for the world. With Roberto Pagán, Emilio Nieves, Tito Figueroa and Mildred Santiago. 3:30pm - 4:20pm Session H Workshops 4:30pm Closing Ceremony. We will celebrate our time together, hear a “Proposal for Puerto Rico” from the Proyecto País workshop track, listen to the results of the IDEC Meetings, and much more. 6:30pm



Great artistic closure with our youth


Transportation available to housing areas and the IDEC Lounge.


Transportation available to housing areas.

29 - Thursday 9:30am First Regional Gathering of the Americas and the Caribbean Discussion group among American and Caribbean countries with the purpose of promoting alternative, democratic education and the rights of children and youth. United from North to South, participating for the opportunity of constituting a collaborative region. At the Criollo Center of Sciences and Mathematics (Centro Criollo de Ciencias y Matemáticas) 6:30pm 7:30pm

Dinner Cultural activity

8:30 pm

Transportation available to housing areas and IDEC Lounge.

10:30 pm

Transportation available to housing areas.

29, 30 -- Thursday and Friday 8:30 am Touristic excursion Excursion options will be available to Caguas, Old San Juan and to the beach. These will not include meals. There will also be other touristic options for very reasonable prices.

31- Saturday Transportation to the airport Several alternatives will be available for transfer to the airport.

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