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Dr. Chris Maggio, President
Northwestern State Softball D r. Ch ris Ma g gio N o r t h w e s t e r n S t a t e P r e s id e n t
CHAMPIONS ‘91 ‘98 ‘99 ‘00 ‘15 54 Chris Maggio is a competitorforall seasons. Northwestern State’s third-year president was an all-sports athlete in high school, a college distance runner at NSU, and a high school football, basketball and track coach. He became a college coach in track and field for the Demons and Lady Demons. He even spent a few years as a high school basketball referee. His zeal for competition makes him a dynamic recruiter and fund raiser for NSU, and his ability to mentor staffmembers and students combines with his warmth and sincerityto produce a tremendouslyeffective university administrator.
Those traits, along with Dr. Maggio’s deep roots and far-reaching relationships, made him an ideal choice to take over the presidency at his alma mater. After a national search in spring 2017, he succeeded Dr. Jim Henderson, whose dynamic tenure spearheaded significant growth and achievementin two years as president. Henderson moved up to run the University ofLouisiana System, which includes Northwestern and eight otherstate universities. Maggio, 55, is a lifelong resident ofNatchitoches and long-time faculty and staff member at Northwestern State. He is the university’s 19th president since its founding in 1884, and the first one who is homegrown, along with the first to be a four-year athletic letterwinneras a Demon competitor. Maggio was named vice president for the student experience at Northwestern State in 2016 after serving as interim vice president for just over a year. He maintained his role as vice president forthe student experience while serving as acting president. When the NSU Student Services building opened three years ago, designers had a lovely office location for Maggio on the second floor. He asked instead for the room justinside the frontdoorto the building, notconnected to anyadministrative wing, but envisioned as a conference space. His reasoning: Maggio wanted to see everybody who walked in the door, and providing the abilityto immediatelyengage them oratleastbe easily accessible foranyone who needed help. As vice president, Maggio led the Dean ofStudents and the Offices ofAdmissions, Recruiting, Financial Aid, StudentActivitiesand Organizations, FirstYearExperienceand Leadership Development, Judicial Services, Counseling and Career Services, Student Life, the Student Activities Board, Student Government Association, Student Support Services, and GreekLife. Northwestern State has recorded enrollment increases for the past four years, with record numbers in 2017-18, peaked by 11,081 in the fall 2018 semester. Maggio served as assistant vice president of external affairs for university advancement from 2013 until 2015, when he was promoted by Dr. Henderson. He has been a staffmember at Northwestern State since 1988, when he joined the track and field coaching staff. After several years as director ofadmissions and recruiting during record-setting enrollment for NSU, Maggio was selected as director ofalumni affairs in 1999, director ofalumni and development in 2003, executive director ofthe NSU Foundation in 2005 and Dean ofStudents and assistant provost for student success in 2007. During his careerat NSU, Maggio also served as directorofenrollment services. Under Maggio’s leadership, the NSU Foundation completed its first capital campaign in Northwestern’s history, exceeding a campaign goal of$18.84 million and raising $31 million to support the university. He has also been a faculty member in the Department of Health and Human Performance for more than 20 years as an instructor, assistant professor and associate professor. Maggio came on board the NSU staff in 1988 as assistant track and field coach, then became head women’s coach a year later. After a very successful five years in that capacity, in 1994 Maggio moved into administration as the fundraiserforNSU Athletics before quickly being snapped up to become the university’s director ofadmissions and recruiting. Maggio is a 1985 summa cum laude graduate ofNorthwestern State. He won Gulf StarConference All-Academic honors in trackand field and helped the Demons win the 1985 GSC championship. As a senior, he was elected Mr. NSU by his fellow students. Maggio earned hismaster’sofeducation atNSU. Hereceived a doctoratein developmental education from Grambling State University. His parents helped run a family business in Natchitoches. His father, Buddy, was honored as a“NatchitochesTreasure”in 2015 by the City ofNatchitoches. As a young boy, Maggio became playmates with future Basketball Hall of Fame memberJoe Dumars, whose home was nearone ofthe Maggio’s stores. Dr. Maggio’s wife, Jennifer, was formerly on the NSU staffas Coordinator ofAdult Education Initiatives. They have three children, Melanie, Scott, and Emily. UNIVERSITY ADMINISTRATION President: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dr. Chris Maggio Interim Provost &VP forAcademic Affairs: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dr. Greg Handel Vice President forExternal Affairs: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jerry Pierce Vice President forBusiness Affairs: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carl Jones Vice President forUniversity and Business Affairs: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marcus Jones Vice President forTechnology, Innovation and Economic Development: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dr. DarleneWilliams
Th e Mag g io f am ily (lef t to rig h t): Melan ie, Jen n if er, Ch ris, Em ily an d Sco tt.