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Field projects

Here are some examples of the field projects we worked on in 2021.


Working with rural communities in Bolivia’s highly threatened inter-Andean dry forests, this project – in partnership with local NGO, PROMETA – has established new distribution records for 17 species, recruited and trained 11 parabiologists, and worked across six communities to develop alternative livelihoods. It has also played an instrumental role in the planning and implementation of Bolivia’s National Action Plan for Andean Bear Conservation.

Other projects in Latin America include protection of giant anteaters and giant armadillos in Brazil and recovery of native freshwater fish and amphibians in Mexico.


Action Indonesia is an international collaboration for the long-term survival of anoas, bantengs and babirusas. This year, the third successful ‘Action Indonesia Day’ generated global awareness, while in the field, banteng monitoring began in Alas Purwo National Park. Chester Zoo provided technical input, plus core support for the IUCN SSC Asian Wild Cattle Specialist Group.

Other Southeast Asian projects include restoration of rain forest for orangutan and hornbills in Borneo and conservation breeding of Javan green magpie and other endangered songbirds in Java.


Working with several local partners and funded through the government’s Green Recovery Challenge Fund, the exciting new Nature Recovery Corridor launched this year. The corridor includes the zoo estate, where ongoing monitoring confirmed the presence of harvest mice, the success of previous reintroductions, and the first plain dark bee record for Cheshire.

Other native wildlife projects include recovery of large heath butterflies and carnivorous plants in Lancashire peat bogs.


In partnership with Wildlife Trust of India (WTI), the Assam Haathi Project has pioneered a community participatory model for human–elephant coexistence. Eleven kilometres of community-managed fence protects elephants and villages along the southern boundary of Manas National Park First Addition, resulting in zero retaliation against elephants.

In another project with the WTI we are also seeking to reduce human-tiger conflict in central India.


In collaboration with local NGO Madagasikara Voakajy and local community-based organisations, our activities protect this important forest landscape, and main refuge for the critically endangered golden mantella frog. 2021 saw the rediscovery of black and white ruffed lemurs in the region and the first-ever paper published on the elusive Pronk’s day gecko.

We are also working in Mauritius on conserving echo parakeets and in Rodrigues on restoring populations of rare plants.


Working in partnership with the Uganda Wildlife Authority, Chester Zoo is conducting a conservation assessment of giant pangolins in Western Uganda. The project has completed large-scale camera trap surveys for the species across five protected areas, and pioneered the development of giant pangolin-specific survey and monitoring methods.

Other projects in Africa include surveys of forest wildlife in Gabon and support for management of black rhinos in Kenya.

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