Trinity Vincent de Paul (VDP) Annual Magazine

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Trinity College Vincent de Paul Society


presidentialintro Hey guys, You’ll be starting college soon, and I know there are a lot of things on your mind. I’m sure that meeting new people, having unbelievably epic nights out and attending new and crazy college events are near the top of the list. One simple way of achieving all these goals is to join Trinity VDP. We are a society where like-minded students come together and volunteer to help fight poverty in Dublin, while having unbelievable craic at the same time. We run 21 weekly activities aimed at helping impoverished children and adults in many different ways including homework clubs in primary schools, redecorating dilapidated flats, and soup runs to help the homeless in Dublin. I guarantee that, through these, you will meet some fun and interesting people. We have a fundraising team that organises Trinity’s most original and exciting events and nights out. These consist of racy slave auctions and hilarious table quizzes, of mind-blowing gigs and the very first Trinity's Got Talent. They’re also behind VDP Day in a 24-hour fundraising extravaganza all around campus. With your help and ideas, we can bring exhilarating new events to Trinity for more students to enjoy! VDP gives you a chance to explore and develop your capabilities as an organiser, a communicator and an innovator. We enable you to get as involved as you want. Be that giving an hour a week in one of our activities, coming along and supporting our events, or trekking with us through the mountains of Spain. There is something to suit everyone’s taste, everyone’s skills and, most importantly, everyone’s timetable.

I’m heading into my final year of college now, and it feels like the last three years have flown by. You’re here for a good time but not a long time, so make sure you make the most of it and get involved in as much as you can. The amount of free time we have as students places us in a unique position to help those in need. We are enormously privileged, and it is important that we don’t take it for granted. Whatever you do, make sure you join VDP in Freshers’ Week. We’re free to join, and not hard to spot, with our blue and green balloons and enormously enthusiastic demeanour. Then come along to our information meeting on September 30th in the Edmund Burke Theatre in the Arts Block and our free reception afterward! Get active, get involved, and get ready to make a big difference with Trinity VDP this year. I promise you will not regret it. Looking forward to meeting you,

Seán Flynn President

Message of Thanks We would like to thank our sponsors, the CSC, SVP

testament to the Trinity VDP that such a spirit of

National and ThinkMedia. Nearly 40 of our members

cooperation was possible and we are delighted with the

contributed to make this publication happen. It is a

final result. We hope you like it.


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executiveprofiles Seán Flynn

President 4th Year Physiotherapy Our fearless leader Seán radiates goodwill. Studying physiotherapy, he actually makes people walk again. Need we say more? Over the years he has shown his undeniable commitment to VDP, running Flat Decorating, Barrett Cheshire Visitations and the Santiago 100km trek. He has proven he will do anything for VDP...anything (see Slave Auction). Catchphrase: If I could just say a few words...I’d be a better public speaker.

Jilly Fleming

Vice President for Activities

4th Year Maths Jilly oversees all the weekly charitable activities as well as running the Sunday Kids’ Club. Such a large logistical task requires someone with her military precision. Inside sources inform us she wears an alge-bra – tut tut. Catchphrase: Sandwiches and apple juice at thirteen hundred hours!

Daniel Farrell

Vice President for Fundraising

3rd Year History and Politics From your perspective, Daniel’s job might be one of the most important. With his team of crack partiers, he organises all our mental VDP nights. We’re students, we’re gonna go out on mad ones. Might as well do it in the name of charity! Catchphrase: Money-money-money.

Aisling Phelan


3rd Year Science As we all know, it’s always the quiet ones and Aisling is no exception. Get to know her and you will see that she’s absolutely beryllium and has her ion the ball (crikey). Catchphrase: That’s absolutely pro-phosphorus.

Katie O’Sullivan


4th Year BESS Katie’s enthusiastic smile and positive approach lights up any room. She ran Trinity Club last year and was surprising proud of the fact that “we only lost a member once”. Nuff said. Catchphrase: Hakuna Matata!


executiveprofiles Intervarsities

Natasha Fitzpatrick Intervarsities Rep 3rd Year Clinical Speech and Languages


Natasha (or T-dog, as she likes to be called) has the job of communicating with the other Vincent de Paul college societies around the country, climaxing with abandoned nursing home shenanigans. Catchphrase: Get me on the next flight to Arklow IT.

Stephen Denham

Public Relations Officer

2nd Year MSISS Literally the poster boy for Trinity VDP, Steve burst onto the scene last year with one mission: more balloons (which hopefully you won’t be able to miss come Freshers’ Week). He is often seen being followed by football hooligans, chanting “STEEEVOOO”. He maintains it is affectionate. Yeah right. Catchphase: It stands for Managementscienceandinformationsstudies... obviously.

Info Night: Wednesday, 30 September, 7.30pm. Stick this in your phone calender now! This is the easiest way of getting involved and starting out in VDP. We'll give you a quick run through of all the activities we do and then give you a chance to sign up for any of the ones that suit you. All of our committee and activity leaders will be

there so it's a great opportunity to ask any questions you have on the activities or society the general either during the sign up time or at the FREE reception after. So come along and get involved! Don’t worry, we’ll let you out in time to go nuts at the Freshers’ Ball.

Don't forget bring your PPS number, student card and dates and details of previous addresses for Garda Vetting.


weeklyplanner MONDAY Homeless Day Centre 10am - 11am; 2pm - 3pm Art Club 2.30pm - 4pm

St. Audeon’s Homework Club 2.30pm - 4pm Refugee Youth Hostel 3pm - 7pm

Weekly general meeting 6pm Visiting the Elderly 7pm - 9pm

TUESDAY Homeless Day Centre 10am - 11am Homeless Day Centre 2pm - 3pm

St. Audeon’s Homework Club 2.30pm - 4pm St. Enda’s Homework Club 2.30pm - 4pm

Barrett Cheshire 7pm - 9pm Soup Run 7pm - 11.30pm

WEDNESDAY Homeless Day Centre 10am - 11am Homeless Day Centre 2pm - 3pm

St. Audeon’s Homework Club 2.30pm - 4pm St. Enda’s Homework Club 2.30pm - 4pm

Dance Club 5pm - 7pm Trinity Club 6.30pm - 8.30pm

THURSDAY Homeless Day Centre 10am - 11am Homeless Day Centre 2pm - 3pm Music Club 2.30pm - 4pm

St. Audeon’s Homework Club 2.30pm - 4pm Drama Club 2.30pm - 4pm Refugee Youth Hostel 3pm - 7pm

Prison Soccer 5pm - 7pm Refugee Centre 7pm - 8pm Youth Club 6.30pm - 9pm

FRIDAY Homeless Day Centre 10am - 12 noon

Homeless Day Centre 2pm - 3pm

SATURDAY Homeless Day Centre 10am - 12 noon; 2pm - 3pm

‘My World’ Youth Club 10am - 1.30pm

SUNDAY Flat Decorating 10am - 4pm

Kids’ Club 1pm - 5pm

Flat Decorating 10am - 4pm

For more information, have a look at our website - - or email:


activities Make a Difference Hey guys, Firstly I'd like to welcome you all to what's shaping up to be a great year. My job is to help you get involved in one or more of our 20+ activities. The main way of doing this is through the Info Meeting in the first week of term or at the Re-Freshers’ Meeting in week three. At these meetings you can find out about all the activities, but if you miss either don't hesitate to get in touch with me and I'll do my best to sort you out! Taking part is a great way of meeting lots of new people and making great friends. There's a wide range of activities and you'll be sure to find something to suit both your personality and timetable, so take a flick through the magazine to check out what we do in more detail. When you join an activity you're not signing your life away. You don't need to worry about missing the odd week and if you find that your timetable has changed or the activity doesn't suit you why not try a different one? Every bit of help is appreciated. I hope to meet you all at some stage in the year.

Jilly Fleming Vice President for Activities


Kids’ Club Sun. 1-5 @ JCR. Every week we take a group of kids from the Pearse Street flats on fun trips around Dubin. From rock climbing and swimming to trips to the zoo or cinema, it's the ideal way to have lots of fun and help others. So if you feel like being taken back to your childhood and you have Sunday afternoons free, sign up at the Info Meeting or send an email. All costs are covered so you'll get a chance to see and do lots of things around Dublin and meet loads of new people.

activities St. Enda’s Homework Club Tue, Wed. 2.30-4 @ Front Arch. Volunteering at St. Enda’s Homework Club is an ideal way to start adding a bit of variety to your college experience, while at the same time giving a helping hand to local children. The skills needed are basic: anyone with an ability to spell, knowledge of their multiplication tables and a healthy reservoir of enthusiasm is welcome. The 4th class children who attend are those who, for various reasons, do not enjoy the type of home environment that allows or encourages them to get their work done, so every minute spent with the children is time that would otherwise be wasted. The value to a child of having someone come along and take an interest in them, even for a short period, is incalculable. Volunteers generally find themselves looking forward to the homework club as a refreshing change of pace from regular college life. As a chance to make a real difference in the lives of inner-city children – and have a lot of fun doing it – St. Enda’s is good value for your hour a week.

St. Audeon's Homework Club Mon-Thurs. 2.30-4 @ Front Arch. This involves helping primary school children do their homework. Within a few visits, bonds form between the volunteers and the children. Our oneto-one time with the children is of huge benefit to them as, for various reasons, they find their home environment a difficult place to get their homework done. No need to worry if your spelling and maths are a little rusty. Once you can get the children seated, focused and attempting the homework then you are really helping! You can always avoid the

classroom too and hit the yard. The boys are always up for a game of football or the girls are dying to show you their dance routines. Homework Club brings something new and exciting every day. The children are bursting with energy and are sure to keep you entertained. I always love the walk back to college with the volunteers, you’re guaranteed a laugh out of the embarrasing or funny stories!

Trinity Club Wed. 6-8 @ Front Arch. Hey, we'd like to invite you to join VDP's most fun and best-loved club. It's so good it's named after Trinity! We organise activities for a group of intellectually challenged adults ranging in age from 25 to 40. You can look forward to bowling, trips to the cinema, bingo, the pantomime, karaoke and many surprises in between! All come free of charge and with complimentary nibbles for participants and volunteers! If you’re not already rushing to sign up, there’s also a crazy fun-filled weekend of mayhem to look forward to which leaves you with a wealth of memories! On a serious note, it really enhances your college experience and gives you an appreciation of how truly great these people are, both members and volunteers. Come once and you’ll understand. Join us and we can promise you’ll never look back.


activities Music Club

Homeless Soup Run Tues. 8 @ Front Arch. The Soup Run involves handing out soup, sandwiches, hot drinks and clothes to homeless people around Dublin city centre. This is such a worthwhile way to spend a few hours; you might be giving someone their only meal of the day, or making a night on the streets a little less miserable by sorting someone out with a sleeping bag or coat. There is a constant demand for volunteers in this activity, especially during winter, so please don’t hesitate to come along. By helping out, even if it’s just one night during the year, you’ll be making a real difference to the lives of others.


Thurs. 3-4 @ Front Arch. Ever felt like picking up a recorder like many of us did in primary school, and proudly showing off that you can play “Mary Had A Little Lamb”? Or have you had the chance in the past to learn recorder but decided that you’d rather not touch one again and have no musical bone in your body? Well here at Music Club we offer primary school children the chance to learn and play recorder, as well as sing and work competitively with the Drama group. No experience necessary! Anybody who likes working with children, singing, games and generally having a laugh is welcome to help us coordinate Music Club once a week. Encouraging the children is half the battle and watching them perform and improve because of something you have done is the best feeling! You may possibly end up singing High School Musical songs in your sleep, but it’s worth waking up singing “Get Your Head in the Game” at 4am when you realise how much joy it brings the children and how much fun they have. Isn’t it?

Drama Club Thurs. 3-4 @ Front Arch. Do you sometimes get up in the morning and wish you had the energy of a seven-year-old? Do you remember games like British Bulldogs and Stuck In The Mud? Do you have endless energy? Do you like High School Musical? Do you think you can make fifteen 2nd class children smile with your acting ability (or lack thereof)? If the answer to any of the above questions is yes, then look no further as Drama Club is for you. For an hour a week, we work

activities with 2nd class students, playing warm-up games, jumping up and down, learning lines and improving their self-esteem (sometimes our own too). We work closely with the Music Club to put on an end-of-year performance for the parents and see how delighted they are with themselves end (as they eat their sweets and collect their certificates). While an acting background is helpful, anyone with a bit of energy and enthusiasm is welcome. For those of you who promise to join the gym or go swimming once a week, why not take Drama Club as an hour’s exercise. Lots of jumping around and fun, and you’ll always leave on a high note that you can take back to the library to finish your essay with!

Prison Football Thurs. 5-7. Meeting @ Front Arch. Once every two weeks we go into Mountjoy Prison and play the inmates at six-a-side soccer - except there is so much more to it than that! Represent your college in one of the most decrepit prisons in Europe. You’ll have to walk through the prison to get to the imposing high-walled tarmac yard where the IRA landed a helicopter in the 1970s. Watched by up to 50 inmates, we doubt you’ll ever have been involved in a more atmospheric game of football! From the lopsided pitch, to the goal being bigger at one end, and the sneaky suspicion they have seven players on the pitch, you might feel like complaining - then you’ll remember where you are! Prison football is perhaps the most unusual activity offered by VDP, and it is ideal for the busy student. You'll make some great friends and bond with some people you wouldn’t ordinarily meet.

Visiting the Elderly 1st and 3rd Monday of every month. Mon. 7 @ Front Arch. This activity involves popping into elderly people who live near college and having a bit of a chat. They are all great characters and really look forward to our visits; some of them live alone and you might be the only person who has taken time to have a chat with them that day. We also organise a Christmas party at the beginning of January for all the elderly people in the area, with a lovely Christmas dinner, singing, dancing and loads of craic! This activity is great if you have a busy schedule because it’s only 30 to 45 minutes twice a month.

Dance Club Wed. 5-7 @ Front Arch. This involves teaching some fun and basic dance routines to children in an inner city primary school. Styles we tried out last year included ballet, jazz, hiphop, salsa and Irish dancing, so there was something for everyone. The children are always enthusiastic and make fantastic progress. We hope to showcase all their hard work at an end of year performance. If you have some dance experience it is a great way to pass on what you have learned to children who otherwise may not have the opportunity. However experience is not necessary to volunteer. We can always use an extra pair of feet and you may even pick up some moves while you’re there!


activities Art Club Mon. 2.30-4 @ Front Arch. Art Club involves doing arts and crafts in a primary school in the city centre – anything from posters to sock puppets to card making. Artistic talent isn’t necessary, just enthusiasm and a willingness to help the kids out and compliment them on their work. The kids are loads of fun and there are some real characters among them! Last year was the first year that Art Club had a joint exhibition with the Music and Drama Clubs. The kids and their parents were invited to view the art work that the kids had been working on during the year. It was a great success and is definitely on the agenda for this year. It’s a great activity and we’d advise anyone to get involved – you won’t regret it!

Flat Decorating It alternates between Saturday and Sunday, every second week. 10am to 4pm, but it really depends on the apartment. Flat Decorating involves going into the home of an elderly or poor person and simply redecorating it. This usually involves giving the walls, ceiling and skirting boards a lick of paint and a bit of a tidy. It’s simple, not too demanding and, don’t worry, there’s no DIY skills needed. Even though this small refurbishment doesn’t seem like much it makes such a huge difference to a person’s home and the appreciation received is amazing. It’s brilliant for those of you who have a busy schedule during the week or just have a


free weekend and want to help out. It’s also a great way to meet some good people and it’s lots of fun (especially since there is paint involved!). Hanging around with friends while doing something charitable, what more do you want?

Literacy Programmes Can be scheduled weekdays 2.30-4. This is a new activity that will be running this year in one of the local primary schools. Over the years our volunteers have drawn attention to the fact that some of the children we work with often have very poor reading skills. This is often (although by no means always) due to the lack of support they have with their reading and schoolwork at home. In an effort to combat the problem, this activity will involve working with young children (junior and senior infants) on a weekly basis. The activity will involve shared reading with the kids and also making reading and writing that bit more fun through such things as creative writing, art and drama. Volunteers will spend an afternoon at the beginning of the year learning some basic “teaching” skills. This activity may be of particular interest to students studying speech therapy, primary teaching although, anyone enthusiastic is welcome!

activities The End-of-Year Exhibition Throughout the year the children involved in our Art, Music and Drama Clubs work extremely hard and this is a chance for them to show off all their hard work to their parents, teachers and the students of Trinity! The exhibition takes place towards the end of the year in the College, which is great as it gives the children an opportunity to see Trinity and get a glimpse of college life. Last year the exhibition was a huge success with the work of Art Club on display, and a performance by the children of Music and Drama Clubs. The place was packed full of parents and students. The kids were so proud of themselves and loved the chance to show off to such a large crowd! The exhibition involved a reception with plenty of sweets and biscuits and the children were rewarded for all their hard work with fancy certificates! Hopefully this year the exhibition will be bigger and better and with even more songs from High School Musical!

Youth Club Thurs. 6-9 @ Front Arch. We head up to the Youth Reach centre just off O’Connell Street once a week for Youth Club. It is a chance for kids from the local area to get together for a few hours, all under the watchful eye of Jack, a really great man who organises it all. The lads are aged between about 7 and 12, with most of them wanting to act the “tough guy” when you first meet them. We spend the evening playing

pool, table tennis, PlayStation, darts or just chatting with them. It’s a great way to spend an hour or two as the kids are great characters, and we always have a laugh with them. It’s a great chance to get to meet new people, both the lads themselves and other students.

My World Kids’ Club Sat. 10-12 @ Front Arch. Just a short distance from Trinity, My World is for children from preschool age up to 6th class. During the morning volunteers help the children to do their worksheets and there is always a great laugh to be had with the kids. Art is also a favourite and you see just how talented and imaginative the kids are! Every year there is a Christmas show that is put on and their parents come and watch; this year it is was quoted as being "whopper"! Santa also comes and a great time is had by all. Every year there are a few outings – last year included Viking Splash and bookshops! During your time in the club you get to meet some great kids and while it is on Saturday mornings it is definitely worth it!


activities Counselling Classes

Barrett Cheshire

4 consecutive weeks in November from 7-9 @ Front Arch. Counselling classes are (as the name so subtly suggests) for VDP members who wish to improve their people skills. As most VDP activities involve dealing with people who are in, or have experienced, difficult circumstances, we are happy to offer a service which improves our members’ interpersonal skills. Partially paid for by the college and partially by VDP, they are completely FREE. If you are getting involved, would like to be an activity leader yourself, or just want to be a better friend, you should seriously consider this. You can pick up lifelong skills, and isn’t that what college is all about?

Tues. 7-9 @ Front Arch. We would like to tell you about the amazing activity that is Barrett Cheshire. Barrett Cheshire is a residential home for adults with physical disabilities. We go there once a week for an hour or two to chat or play games with the residents. They are the most amazing people you will ever meet. The fun and giggles you have with them is plentiful, and you will quickly grow very fond of all of those in the home. It is a really great experience! So when you are just fed up of lectures and assignments the best way to relax and unwind is to go and share many wonderful and memorable times with the people in Barrett Cheshire. You can see their appreciation and the difference you make.

Homeless Centre 10-12am, 1.30-3.30pm. The Capuchin Day Centre for Homeless People is located on Bow Street in Smithfield. The centre provides a breakfast and an afternoon meal for hundreds of people in Dublin every day. The Trinity VDP volunteers help the full-time staff by handing out food and cleaning up. The great thing about the Day Centre is that its times are extremely flexible. Our volunteers can help out by attending for just a couple of hours each week, meaning that you should be able to fit it in between your classes. Working in the Day Centre is hugely rewarding and you're sure to meet many interesting characters.


Start Your Own Charity One good idea can open a hundred new doors. If you feel there is a niche to help people in a new and innovative way, we’d love to hear from you. Just send an e-mail to or come along to our weekly meetings (see timetable) and share it with us!


Fundraising does exactly what it says on the collecting tin... it’s the part of VDP in charge of collecting all the money needed to run our activities! We organise events throughout the year including table quizzes, cake sales, football tournaments and bingo nights. That’s not to forget the highlight of the year: our infamous slave auction! This year we also hope to put on a concert and work with other colleges to hold a sleep-out in Dublin not only to raise money, but also to draw attention to the problem of homelessness in the city. Fundraising is the backbone of the VDP because we couldn’t run our 20+ activities without money. Last year was our most successful year for fundraising ever, but we need to make this year even better because there are always more people out there who need our help. This is where you come in. We really encourage you to get involved; it’s a great way to make loads of new friends and really get involved in the running of the

biggest society in College. We meet once a week to discuss and plan the events and then get everything together in the days coming up to them. You can get as involved as you like... the more the merrier at the meetings, but if you’re not able to come to them don’t worry; you can still help out at the events by shaking a bucket or doing whatever you can. I can guarantee you that you’ll have great fun and we’ll have a few nights out ourselves during the year. Just talk to me or sign up during Freshers’ Week, at the Info Night or send me an e-mail if you wanna get involved. Hope I’ll be seeing you soon...

Daniel Farrell Vice President for Fundraising


fundraising Camino de Santiago The best thing you’ll do in college. We walked through green forests. We walked up steep hills. We walked through one-horse towns which were the only signs of civilization for miles around. We left as strangers; we came home best friends. Last year, thirty members of Trinity VDP walked the last 100 kilometres of the Camino de Santiago (which translates as the Way of Saint James). The Camino is the most famous long-distance walking trail in the world, encompassing dozens of routes from across Europe as they converge on the cathedral in the city of Santiago de Compostela, where the remains of Saint James are said to be buried. The trip itself is, quite simply, one of the most enjoyable and memorable experiences you will ever complete. Along the way you’ll meet countless other pilgrims making the same journey as you. You’ll stay in ‘alburgues’ (pilgrims’ hostels) for the grand fee of €3 a night. You’ll get to meet many wonderful Spanish natives who are, by and large, nice people, and who in any case sell wine for less than € 1 a carton (yes, carton) which tends to make most people happy. While the walk itself is a test of endurance, the fond memories outweigh any physical pains along the way: from an encounter with an angry goose near Lugo, through several litres too many of wine for lunch at Santa Irene, to finally catching a glimpse of that shining spire of the cathedral at Santiago. Each participant raised €250 – by whatever manner they wished – which was donated to aid the


society’s work in Zambia. In total, combined with other group fundraising events such as bagpacking, nights out, and a table quiz, €12,000 was raised, making last year’s Santiago trip the biggest single fundraising event in Trinity VDP’s history. This year we’re hoping to make the event even bigger. To cater for demand, we’re organizing two or three different routes on which everyone will head simultaneously for Santiago. Whether you’re a seasoned VDP member wanting to try something a bit different, or a shy fresher wanting to take a leap into the unknown, Santiago is for you. We wouldn’t ever lie to you, would we? The 2010 trip will take place during week eight of Hilary Term (March 8 to March 15). For more information, email us at, or talk to us at the Freshers’ Week stand.

fundraising Slave Auction The VDP Slave Auction is one of the most eagerly anticipated nights in the college calendar. It was once an innocent event, with modest SU candidates and VDP members strutting their stuff for money, but now it's a whole other ball (no pun intended) game! All dignity is left at the door as the SU candidates get up on stage and attempt to show as much flesh as they can in as short a time as possible... all in the name of charity. Last year, for the first time, we held two auctions, with the second being a Battle of the Societies auction during RAG Week, and raised over €3000 – not too bad for a few hours' debauchery! This year we're sure to do even better with our president Seán, a veteran of no fewer than three previous auctions (see photo), only dying to get his kit off for your entertainment (and the charity of course...).



Trinity VDP’s BIG CHRIMBO PANTO OH YES WE ARE!!! We are organising the very first VDP Pantomine which, this year, will be the popular fairytale; Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. Our performance date, for your diaries, is the 24th of November in the O’Reilly Theatre in Belvedere College. All children and adults in all of our activities will be invited to take part in this exciting new project. All students are also invited to be part of the BIG CHRIMBO PANTO! Thats right, WE WANT YOU! With so many activities, the panto is going to have a huge cast of mainly children. There will be parts for both students and children, it solves our small issue of the seven dwarves! However, if singing, dancing and acting


isn’t your cup of tea, there are other jobs behind the scenes. We are going to as many volunteers as possible to make this project a success so any time that you can give to the Panto will be hugely appreciated. It is a wonderful oppurtunity for the children and adults that we help to experience all of the fun and excitement that is involved in the production of the show. It cannot be a success without your help so jump on this band wagon and be part of the first Trinity VDP BIG CHRIMBO PANTO! Auditions for students roles will be held in Freshers' Week and volunteer sign up sheets will be available on the stand.

CHOOSE getting active and making a difference

CHOOSE having fun and making great friends

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