the everyday Making the Ordinary Extraordinary
Denika Adams
“In a first approximation, the ever yday is what we are first of all, and most of ten: at work, at leisure, awake, in the street, in private existence. The ever yday, then is ourselves, ordinarily”... but what we do not factor in is that the ever yday objects and physical traces conver t into extrodinar y narratives and new meanings. (Blanchot, 1962)
Therefore, the...”ordinar y event leads to the beauty and under standing of the world.” (Ruppersberg, 1985)
the everyday Making the Ordinary Extraordinary
contents 01...........................................................Breakfast 03..........................................................Brushing teeth & Bathing 05..........................................................Hair brushing 07..........................................................Work ink pen 09..........................................................Cleaning limescale 11............................................................Daily walk 13...........................................................Cooking 15............................................................Sleep
B re a k f a s t
Brushing teeth & Bathing
Hair brushing
Wo r k i n k p e n
Cleaning limecale
Daily walk
the everyday This photography collection captures the essence of the extraordinar y within the ordinar y; encouraging positive emotions towards ever yday objects and places that may be subjected to banal connotations in our ever yday routine. The ar t of macro photography explores what is hidden in our tedious routines, leading to remarkable journeys in which ever ything we see appears to demand our attention in extraordinar y ways. Denika Adams