1 minute read
During the midsummer we used to leave our villages to share together the joy of the incoming summer. We were leaving the ordinary of our lives to celebrate the magical moment.
Villages, in a sense of enclosed cultures and different relationships, are still present, maybe more than anywhere else, in todays Brussels. On the panel they are presented as individual rooms.
Through time these social villages formed complex structure while still remaining independent and present with their differences, in them we spend most of our time, they represent our everyday lives.
For the joyful celebration of midsummer we no longer leave our villages for the woods. We leave these closed spaces to the public sphere that we share with every other person in the city. Public spaces - streets, squares, parks and public halls - became the woods of today.In them we can be united, celebrate our differences, our passions, fears or ambitions, we can make ourselves heard in them. That is where the magical ritual of midsummer takes place today.
May we celebrate the coming of the summer and with it the sun, love, air, time, community, city, life in these spaces that we share.