I. PRESENTATION OF THEPOSTER Encouroge thepupilsto guessihetimeby coveringtheclocks.Youcouldmokeit o competition between two leoms. Teocher: TeomA: Teocher: T e o mB : Teocher: T e o mA : Teocher:
Whot timedoesMork get up? At 8 o'clock. At B o'clock?No, he getsup beforeB o'clock. A t 7 : 15 . A¡ 7: I 5? No, he geisup ofter7:15. A7:3O. A¡ 7:30? Yes,(reveol theclock)he getsup ot 7:3O.Cne pointfor teomA.
Alternotively, ggt the pupilsto work in poirsor threes.Give themo momentto eochguesswhot ihe timeis. When thetimeis reveoled, the pupilwho wos closest getsthe point.Eochpáir.or groupof threeshouldtokeresponsibílity for keepingtrockof theirpoints. 2. A SHOWER OF TRUE.FATSESENTENCES Thesiudents listento yoursentences ond shoutoutTRUEor FALSE occordingly. Moke thiso competition betweenihemond you. lf the mo[ority shoutoutfolsewhenthesentence-is folse,give themo point. lf thesentence is true,giveyourself o point. Teocher: Pupils: Teocher:
Mork hosluncha 12:l 5. Folsel Folseis correct.Mork hoslunchat 12 o'clock.(Point clearlyfo fhecorresponding vrgnetfeand clock./Cne pointto you. (Putif on fhe scoreboard,,)
Teocher: Pupils: Teocher:
Morkweorsblueond whitepyiomos. Truel Trueis incorrect. Mork weorsred ond wh¡tepyiomos.(Pointclearlyfo fhe corresponding vignette.)Cne pointto me!!
Tip: lf you put o signot the top of the postersoyingYesferdoyor losf Tuesday youwill be obleto procticepostsimplesiructures.
3. REPEATIF IT'S TRUE Soysomeshort,simplesentences oboutthe poster.lf whotyou soy is true,the pupilsrepeotit. lf whot you soy is folse,thepupilssoy nothing. 4. MIME ONE OF MARK'S ACTIONS Mimeto thegroupsomething fromMork'sdoy.Thepupilssoytheverb(orthecorresponding timeor the numberof thecorresponding vignette). Pupilscon thenmimevignettes to eochotherin groJpsof three. 5. THE OBSERVATIONTEST Explointo the pupilsihe notureof on observotion test. (Pupils ore motivoted by thisoctivityif you exploin of being o good observer in certoin professions: spy, detective, explorer, fhe_importonce scientist.) Give the pupilsone minuteio studythe poster.AfteróO seconds conceolthe posterono hondout (or proiect)thequestions to be onswered.Eg.
Whot colouris Mork'shoir? Whot colouris Mork'sschoolbog? Whot timedoesMork hoveo shower? Whot timedoesMork get to school? Pupils exchonge theircompleted onswersheets for correciion. Correction is eosilydoneby reveoling (Conclude the poster. by osking...\Nho would mokea good detective?l
7. GUESS WHATMARK DOESNEXT Theninthvignetleon the posterhosbeenleftblonk.Thisollowsyou io encouroge the pupilsto guess 'l whot hoppensin Mork'sDoy ot I o'clock.(ln British schools,lunchis commonly eotenot o'clock. Hereis on opportunil"y to tolkwithyourpupilsoboutthe differences in meoltimesbetweenSponish ond British cultures.) 8. PELtlr\NFm (pholocopiable) Foreochgroupof threeor fourpupils,photocopyo setof the blockond whitevignettes of Mork'sDoy, (Askthe pupilsto cutthemout!) together with the photocopioble sentences. Thepupilsputoll thepictures ond sentences focedown.Theyiokeit in turnsto tryond findpoirsos follows: I . Turnovero picture. 2.Fryto remember ond soythecorresponding sentence. 3. Turnovero sentence cord ond reodit out loud. tf the sentence motches the picture,theykeepboth.Thewinneris the pupilwith the mostpoirsot the end of the gome. (lt doesn'tmotterthot thereore sixteenseniences but only eightvignettes.) 9. STICK THE SENTENCESUNDER THE CORRESPONDING VIGNETTE (photocopiable) Cut out thesixteenphotocopioble sentences. Eochsentence corresponds to o vignette. Askthe pupils to stickthemon the posterin thecorrectploce. I O. SENTENCEBINGO (pholocopíable) Insteodof ployingbingowith wordsond pictures, why not ploy it with the photocopioble sentences. I .Eochpoir of (orgroupof three)pupilschoosessixof ihe sentences ond putsthemfoce up in froniof them.Theyputoll theothersentences to one side. 2.The teocherpicksup séntence cordsot rondomond reodsthemout;if thepupilshovethe sentences in frontof them,theyturnihemover. 3. When o grouphosturnedoveroll sixsentences, theyshoutoutBINGO. Confident pupilscon toketheteocher!roleos thereoder(orbingocoller).
I l. MAKEA PosrERoF mARK's AFTERNOON (photocopiable) Pupils con colourtheblockond whitevignettes ond mokethemintoo poster, sticking thephoiocopioble sentences underneoth. lf you hoveveryortisticpupils,theymoywishto drow theirown scenes.Pupils could,olternotively, mokeposters of theirown schooldoysor invento different chorocter.Thesenew posters con thenbe usedto generote octivities suchos octivities2,3,4& 5 obove.
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Cut outthesentences ond sfickthemon the posterunderthecorresponding vignettes.
At,7z3OMark geio u?, At,7z35Mark has a ohower, Ar7z4OMarkgeto dresoed. At,7z5OMark has breakfaet. a
At,9z3OMarkreadein olaoe, At,lOz3OMark playofootball. At,lzOOMark has lunch, At,2zOO Mark hae geography, Ar3$O Markgoeehome, At,4zOOMark doeo his homework. At, 4245 Mark walohes t elevislon. I
At,6z00Mark has his lea,
A端 7215Mark readsaomlcs& listeneio mueic, ! i ' At,9z45 Mark goeelo bed with a book, : :.._..