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TEACHER'SNOTES Subject: S¿iehce Foodgroups

Introduction It is important that the pupils unclerstandthat a healthy diet ccnsistsof eating the right kinds of food and in the right amounts. The food pyramid is a tool used in health educationto illustrate this. Generally speakinga serving refersto a normal amount of each type of food. For example: L seraingoffruit = 1 apple or L servingof milk = 1 glnssof núlk. Warm up . Tell the pupils to look carefully at the food pyramid. Explain that this pyramid showsus not just the different food ty'pesbut also the correct daily amounts for each type. . Ask questionsabout the food pyramid, for example:How manyseraingsof aegetables d.oeaeneed everyday?


Activity 2 . Pupils classifythe words by underli,ningthem accordingto the key. Answer key red-cake,butter; yellow-yclghurt, cheese; orange-fish,chicken; ftreen-oranges,pineapple, broccoli,onion; blue-m.acaroni, cereals Activity 3 r Ptrpilsread the sentencesand circle kue or False. . Check the activity by readin¡; a sentenceout lc.rud and asking the classto call out true or false. Answer key 1"-F;2-F;3:l;4-F; 5-T Projectideas r Make a largefood pyramid for a wall cl'rart.Pupils glue picturesof food in the correctsegmentsof the pyramicl. . Tbll tl"repupils to keep a food diary where they write down everything they eat and drink for 1. week.They can then work out if they have had the daily recommendedamounts for eachfood type.

Activity 1 . Pupils use the key to colour the segmentsc¡fthe pyramid. r Correctthe activity by asking the pupils to reproducetire pyramid on the board using colouredchalk.

This page has been downloaded from Written by Susan House and Katharine Scott. CI Copyright Macmillan Publishers Lrd 2006.



S c i e h c e- F o o d j r o u p , r

1 Look qt the food groups. Colour eoch foc¡dgroup s different colo We dividefood into sixdifferentgroups. Fotsond sweets= Í€d Doiryproduce; t¿ Vegetobfelofidfruit = gr€€o Corbohydrotes = blue


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2 Look at the list of words. Underline the words using the coffect colours for the food groups. mocoroni oronges yoghurt fish pineoppf e

chicken butter

coke onion cereof s broccoli cheese

3 Reqd ond circle Tfue or Fslse. 1 2 3 4 5

Sweets ondfstsoreverygoodfor us. Wedon'tneedto eotfruiteverydoy. we needthreeto fiveportions of vegetobles everydoy. Breod ondbutterorein thesomegroup. Apples ondbroccoli orein thesomegroup,

True €alsá \*-*"'"/ True False True Folse True False True False

This pagehasbeendownloadedfrom 0 CopyrightSusanllouse and KatherineScott.Publishedby MacmillanpublishersLinrited 2006.


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