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ÉtL cLtrig s¡¿hkÉ ¡tiJ-IltÉ

Jw.e 5: Envtronme

MÓffi ioods,twisters,droughts,cold summers, hailstorms,the list is endless.The climateis changingand it is happeningright nou. The planet is calling for help and we can be part of the solution. How? By making oilr students,and everyonearound us, reflect on the way in which we affectthe environmentand what we can do to protectthe planet.

Everyd.aywe seecarsandbuses that producenasty,smeLly fumes.Wecan teLLpeopLewfry thesefumesare dangerous.I, make sure tttat ttte aerosolswe useeverydaydon't affect tfu Iayer. when talking. TaLkinsteac we can try and Loweroar voí-ces sttouting.

trart 7: Let'sreflect

Wecan plant seeds/treesin our neigltborltoodor tn the sclt

Bring picturesof natural disastersin your country and around You can use cutouts the world and post them in the classroom" prepare a PowerPoint or magazines and from newspapers the worLdby (for HeoL example, music soft presentation.PIay around in walk to your students ask MichaelJackson)and disasters all these why think pictures and silence,look at the by them. affected were they if feel would happenand how they the pairs complete and in sit to WhÁn the song ends,ask them following chart.

we can make good useof water sinceit ts a non-renewable Tesource.

Natural disaster d"eforestation flood"s

Causes felling of trees PoLlutí-on

How I feel I feel ptty I'm afraid

Students'answersshould be similar to the onesin the chart above.Accordingto their level, you can presenton the board a Iist of feelingsand causesfor them to choosefrom- The word polLutionwillbe the most used. Working as a whole class,Iist ih. types of pollution. Studentsshould come up with answerssuch as: - Air pollution (burning fuels, CFCs) - Soundpollution (noisein largecities) - Visual pollution (huge advertisingsigns,lack of gleen spaces) - Waterpollution (chemicalwaste in lakes,dvers, oceans,acid rain) - soil pollution (recyclableand non-recyclablematerials, reusableand non- reusableobjects)

Let's tlúnk: What can we do to helP? Elicit possibleanswers,for example:

Wecan classtfygorbageto be reqtcledor reused.

Part 2: Hsnds on Here are two group gamesto raiseawarenessabout the importanceof classifyingand recyclinggarbage.

Gome 7. Can you ctassifY? Materials: flashcardsillustrating batteries,glassand plast bottles,tins, cans,paper,plasticbags,cardboard,bread',r vegetables,detergents. Instructions: studentsclassifythe materialsaccordingto and recyclable, criteria:biodegradable/non-biodegradable to eacl elements more two add recyclable.Then they may answer. They get one point for each correct

Gsme 2. Tett rne wÍL&tyou discsrd eTLdI'll tell who you are. Materials: bin cards,family descriptions. Instructions: studentsmatch the contentsof the bins wit descriptionof the families.Then, using the information tl garbagein eachbin provides,they decidewhether eachs is true or falseand justify their answers.(Seeexerciseon Theseare just someactivitiesstudentscan do to reflect o ways we can take care of the planet. Let's start the chang

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Wi SOS, PLAilfET E/ARTH CALLITTG Tellme what you discardand l'lltellyou who you are.

B milk boütles

aookie paakaging

wine boüüles


infant formula aans

aftershave lotion spray

díet soda bottles

meat leftovers

píeaes of meat



fast food aontainers

diet cheese paakaging

fish bones

milk cartons

body foüionboüles


water plastic bottles

fish bones

yoghurt pots


Familydescriptions 1) Mr andMrsJoneslivein a smallflat.Theyworkalldayandtheyareverytiredwhentheyget home. Sincethey don't havechildren,they don't worrytoo muchaboutmeals.Theyoftenorderdinnerat Pipe's,a takeawayfastfood restaurant.


2) Susan¡stwenty.Shelikeskeepinga batanceddiet so sheeatsvegetables, meatandfishregularly.


3) Mr and MrsThompsonlivein a big housetogetherwith theirson,Lucas. Theytry to keepa healthy diet sothey eat meat,fishandvegetables a lot.Theyalsolikepastaverymuch.


True or false [l l


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r) TheThompsons's childisa teenager.

Zl Susan isona diet. 3)MrandMrsJones onlydrinkwater.


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