VIS COMM Summer 1

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Top 15 baby must have items

Kristen Bell on 6 of parentings most controversail topics

Page 4 : Kristen Bell on 6 of the most controversial topics

Page 6 : Huggies AD

Page 8 : 15 Of The Best Baby Product

Page 10: Must have gifts for Mom/Her

Page 12: What I know Now

page 14: At home workouts

1.Forcing kids to eat vegetables

“ Do I force them? No. Do I explain that vegetables are fuel for thier bodies to grow strong, see in the dark, jump high and run fast, and that every meal has to have a colorful plate? Yes.”

2.Letting kids have dessert every night after dinner:

“Absolutely not. Dessert is reservd for special occassions, becasue you’re crazy on sugar and I can’t handle you and your crazy.”

3.Allowing kids to pick thier own outfits (even if they look ridicoulous):

“ One hundred precent yes. Thats a non-starter. Let them be them.”

4. Occasionally skipping a hygiene routine:

‘‘ If my daughters are havinga fit before bedtime, we skip brushing teeth and go right to bed. you have to cut yourself some slack.’’

5. Lying to Kids:

‘‘ I like to be brutally honest. My kids know they’re going to die, they know Santa Claus doesnt exist

6.Time outs as a discipline tactic:

“ Once they’re calm, as a consequence? Yes. Or telling them, ‘you need to go to your room to calm down?’ Yes. But not if it feels like abandonment. It shouldn’t be, ‘ Your’re being crazy so now I reject you.’’

15 of the Best Must-Have

Baby Products

1. Baby Bjorn Bouncing Chair.

2. Ergo Baby Omni Dream Carrier.

3. Solly Baby wrap carrier.

4. Snuggle Me Organic Baby Lounger.

5. Hatch Rest Smart Sound Machine & Night Light in one. (I also received lots of recommendations for the Hushh Portable White Noise Machine too.)

6. The Ollie velcro Swaddle. (Lots of people recommended the Love to Dream Swaddles too and the Merino Kids Cocooi Baby Wrap.)

7. Organic swaddle blankets. (I received a few recommendations for the swaddles and burp cloths from Willaby.)

8. Weleda Products, including organic Nipple Balm, Calendula Nappy Cream, & Breastfeeding Tea.

9. NoseFrida ‘Snotsucker’ by FridaBaby. Also the postpartum products from FridaMom.

10. Haakaa Silicone Breastpump.

11. Sleeping gowns from Nature Baby.

12. A good baby changing pad (lots of people recommend the Keekaroo Changing Pad).

13. Doona Car Seat & Stroller in one. (The YOYO BabyZen stroller was also highly recommended.)

14. A bath support. I personally loved the very simple toweling bath support as it didn’t take up too much room (or look too ugly!) in the bathroom.

15. Baby basics like onesies, sleep suits and bonnets. (Favourites are the Cosilana Merino Baby Basics, the Organic Cotton Basics from Nature Baby, all the beautiful merino wool basics from Mama Owl, and the organic cotton sleep suits from Mori Baby.)

What I knoW noW:

FIrst tIme

parents share thIer baby advIce

The first few weeks with a newborn baby can be some of the most moving – but that’s not to say they aren’t challenging too. Being first-time parents opens up a whole new world – you’re learning the practical side of looking after your little one, all while coming to grips with a big lifestyle shift. Only time and experience will tell you just what your baby needs – but, to help in the meantime, we asked parents for the most valuable things they wish they’d known from the beginning.

Until he or she arrives, it’s hard to know how you will adapt to life with a newborn. From ticking off the baby checklist to swaddling like a pro, in time you’ll find your way – but wouldn’t it be great if you could give one piece of baby advice to your past, expecting self? Here, moms and dads do just that.

1. Enjoy the ride.

Although parenting can be tiring and stressful, the rewards are worth it. As dad of a newborn Craig says: “Being a dad is more challenging than I expected, but more rewarding than I ever imagined. It’s not always easy, but the pay-off is that you get to welcome this amazing new person into your family.” And every day offers opportunities for you to bond, from baby bath time to baby massage

2. Reconsider those newborn essentials.

Rather than making a long baby essentials checklist before your little one arrives, you can always wait until theyare here. Of course, a new baby will need clothes and nappies right away, but you can buy many other items as and when you need them. “We did a lot of shopping beforehand and picked up things we thought we’d need, but they were never touched,” explains Jenny, mom of one, “Similarly, we didn’t buy other bits but found we missed them, although in somes cases our friends and family lent them to us”

3. Trust your way.

There are so many parenting styles and so many pieces of advice for new parents, but remember to trust your way. “We found that a lot of people were a little too keen to give their opinions, which were very strong,” says Cameron, dad of one. “Your instinct is usually correct”

4. Remember yourselves

When your baby arrives, he or she can soon become the center of your family, but it’s important not to forget to take care of yourself. You need just as much love and support as the new addition to your family, as Cameron continues, “I would wholeheartedly suggest that new parents remember to focus on each other, rather than just focusing on the baby”

5. Consistency is key.

Although there are different ways of parenting, you will find you’ll soon get into your own familiar routine. “It really helps babies if they know what to expect and understand what’s coming,” says Laura, mom of two. “It also helped me enormously as a new parent.” Bathtime can be a good starting point for a routine and the rest of your day can fit around it

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