2 minute read

Luiza Helena Trajano

President of the Board of Directors of Magazine Luiza and Mulheres do Brasil Group

As a businesswoman, Luiza Helena Trajano has transformed a chain of stores into a strong group that can enter the highly disputed arena of the distribution world. For those who do not know, it is the group that brings together the companies Viavarejo, Lojas Americanas and GPA, in Brazil. A huge group that generates millions of euros.


And since in everything she touches, it turns into gold, she made MAGAZINE LUIZA grow, which was founded by her aunt Luiza Trajano Donato, in 1957. But she was not content to just create “for her”, she decided to roll up her sleeves and fight together with the Brazilian women. She created this group with other women and today, all around the world, there are spread centers where women inspire, help and exchange good practices. Success is great and it’s been growing. Hence our interest in interviewing this visionary person who doesn’t measure effort to see another nucleus sprout up everywhere, another Women from Brazil’’ and more quality of entrepreneurship for all. A female entrepreneurship to envy many businessmen out there.

Between a trip and a meeting, we managed to talk to her for a while.

1 -Who is Luiza Helena Trajano? How would you describe yourself?

It is hard to describe myself. I am an ordinary person, who works, who is always on the move and who believes in Brazil.

2 - As a businessperson and woman, what are the rewarding battles? All battles that have a definite cause for the benefit of society and the ones that transform the reality for the better. 3 - What are the characteristics of your company?

Our job is to focus on people and we try to act with innovation and creativity. Currently, we are defining ourselves as a digital company, with sales points and human warmth.

4 - Is the term ”sustainable” just a fashion word or a necessity? Perhaps, it’s a contemporary political philosophy. What’s your opinion?

It is a total necessity. Companies that fail to meet their customers’ wishes in a sustainable and diverse manner tend to lose market and be overtaken by those that are preparing properly and creating values for their consumers.

5- In art, sustainability has also influenced artists. How do you see this trend?

It is irreversible. As I mentioned, sustainability and diversity will be increasingly demanded and demanded by customers, including arts customers.

6 - What is your vision about your business in the next 5 years?

All retail will pass through profound changes. The great job will be to anticipate trends and work hard, especially in Brazil, in the digital era.

7 - What is the most important moment of your career?

I cannot highlight a moment, because there were uncountable ones. Thus, the most important thing is that I feel unfinished and I learn in every moment, in all the contacts I make.

8 - What will be your next project?

We are working actively in 2020 with Mulheres do Brasil Group since we want to become the largest non-partisan group in the country. It will be a year in which we will have an outstanding performance and committed to society.

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