Bass Guitarplaying tips If you are passionate to learn playing bass guitar proficiently, then always keep the following tips in mind, that will help you enhance your ability in playing the instrument. 1. Before you start learning to play the musical instrument, get to know everything about each of its components. A detailed knowledge will help you play the bass more easily and efficiently. 2. Tune up your instrument (all the six strings) before you start playing your bass. 3. Find a good teacher for yourself who has an expert knowledge about bass guitar who can patiently teach you to play the instrument. 4. You must be a patient listener while learning guitar or any other instrument, in order to play it like a pro. 5. You must carefully observe the finger techniques. 6. A regular exercise of your fingers is also a must, to play the frets correctly and avoid muted sounds. 7. Practice as often as you can. 8. More importantly, enjoy whatever you are playing. Your passion will certainly make you learn faster and your listeners will definitely appreciate a song that you play with enjoyment. Eagle Rock Music Festival 2700 Colorado Blvd. Los Angeles California 90041 USA PH: (323) 256-2147