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For Sale or Rent

1 of 5 CAT AD30 Undergound Mine Trucks, Refurbished, C15 VR engine, dump or ejector box

1 of 8 CAT R1600G/H CAT certified rebuild, CAT warranty, with CAT C11 VR or 3176C engine

1 of 2 Caterpillar AD45B Trucks C18 engines, ejector box

1 of 5 CAT R1300GII CAT 3306 or C6.6 tier 3 engine, enclosed cab, fully refurbished unit, auto lubrication

1 of 3 CAT R1700G, SBR model, new bucket lip, auto greaser, excellent condition

2017 Kovatera MC100 with boom, forks, fully serviced, ROPS/FOPS canopy, fire suppression.

2 of 5 NEW Kubota RTV X1140 2 to 4 seats, hyd. dump box, 1300 lbs. capacity
For more information request your free catalogue: list@miningequipment.net or visit miningequipment.net