Burning Blood

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Burning Blood

Copyright Š 2019 by Carola Eijsenring All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without written permission of the copyright owner except for the use of quotations in a book review. Edited by Carola Eijsenring and Deniz Tuzcuoglu Book design by Deniz Tuzcuoglu ISBN 092343-3-423-2 www.indigo-wereld.nl

CRACKING GLASS Lying down, she is Ze ligt stil Trying hard to cling Zo bezig In the shadow of In de schaduw The moment the glass is cracking Dan, als het glas scherft I look in the mirror Ik kijk in de spiegel

HEART SMART Twisting is the path Hobbelig is het pad Without any embarrassment Kwetsbaar legt Today is one of those days Dit is zo’n dag It is an art Het is de kunst Far from home Ver van huis



Ze ligt stil ze denkt, roerloos

haar armen zacht langs haar lichaam gedragen door waterplanten weegt ze haar dromen, achter gesloten oogleden ziet ze beelden die ze niet wil zien haar hoofd wordt maar niet kalm, ze ligt en luistert het huilt in haar buik, geluiden die ze niet wil horen, haar geruisloze tranen raakt ze niet kwijt, ze stromen over haar wangen op de cadans van de rimpelingen onder haar gesloten rug, ze ligt stil, maar in haar lichaam woelt het onophoudelijk op de deining van de stroom laat ze zich wiegen, geankerd door de stengels van stevig scheurloos blad ademt ze de dampen van de donkere rivier, wasemt oude verhalen die slierten tussen de oerwortels van de waringinboom zachte fluisteringen eĚ eĚ n beweging en ze zou afdalen naar de bodem stil ligt ze, haar armen zacht langs haar lichaam. denkt dromen, hoort geruisloze tranen, deelt de behoedzame wereld van oude wezens om haar heen 6

Lying down, she is in silence, full of thoughts gently her arms next to her body embraced by water plants, she ponders over her dreams, behind closed eyes she sees images, she doesn’t want to look at unable to ease her mind, she lingers and listens there is weeping in her womb, sobs she doesn’t want to hear, and she can’t figure out how to get rid of her silent tears they are streaming over her cheeks in the rhythm of the rolling river under her tight back she is stretched out peacefully, but in her body, she is struggling without a break in the flow of the flood, she allows herself to let go, anchored by stems of tough leaves, she is breathing the damp of the dark river, whispering olden tales, floating between the hanging roots of bushy plants on the shore soft flushing one movement and she would drop down right to the bottom still, she lies, without a move her arms next to her body thinking dreams listening to soundless tears sharing the wary world of long past souls around her 7



Hobbelig is het pad dat ons voert voorbij het uitzicht hobbelig en bobbelig dat ons leidt door duistere tunnels waarin licht slechts bestaat in onze herinnering, dat ons breekt en brengt waar wij willen zijn waar we niet mogen talmen tot de dageraad is het pad dat ons scheidt en toch weer strompelend samenbrengt bobbelig is het vol onvoorziene wendingen dat ons bindt als wij dreigen te struikelen, dat ons dwingt stil te staan om te zien waar we staan


Twisting is the path that leads us out of sight twisting and turning that leads us into dark caves, where light only exists in our memory, that confuses us and yet brings us where we want to be, where we’re not allowed to hang on till dawn is the path that splits us and still hesitantly unites us turning it is, full of unforeseen twists, that binds us when we are about to unwind, that forces us to come to a standstill, to find out what we are


Vitoria Aquino Performing Artist


Frames from 25 minutes video Vitoria Aquino created a choreography, inspired by the poems of Cracking Glass. Her performance was filmed and edited by Deniz Tuzcuoglu as part 1 of the Burning Blood show.


Imke Plattel Artist

Drawings 150x100


Five drawings by Imke Plattel were filmed and edited by Deniz Tuzcuoglu referring to ‘Heart Smart’, part 2 of the Burning Blood show.


Story Burning Blood Group

The Burning Blood Show was created based on the poems in this booklet. The premiere was performed by Carola Eijsenring and her Burning Blood Group on 07 April 2019 in the auditorum of The Student Hotel Eindhoven. Carola Eijsenring initiated Burning Blood Group in 2014, in collaboration with musicians around her poetry performances. For this ‘Burning Blood Show’, the group has been expanded with other musicians, artists and designers, who also have brought their hearts & souls to the Burning Blood Group, led by Carola Eijsenring.


Carola Eijsenring (poetry)

Arash Mahdavian (tar, setar)

Erik Deckert (didgeridoo)

Mohsen Mehrafrouz (guitar)

Deniz Tuzcuoglu (graphical design & filming)

Imke Plattel (drawings)

Vitoria Aquino (performing artist)

Eva Araos

(film documentary)

Sara-Joan van der Kallen (general support & sparring)

Julian Deckert

(utility sound technician)

Nacera Damouche (support)




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