Afstemmen op het Universum
Afstemmen op het Universum
Afstemmen op het Universum
Afstemmen op het Universum
Afstemmen op het Universum
Afstemmen op het Universum
Afstemmen op het Universum
Afstemmen op het Universum
Afstemmen op het Universum
Afstemmen op het Universum
Afstemmen op het Universum
Gezegend Wanneer gedachten gezicht geven aan gedichten zonder al teveel gedoe en goede gewoonten gewaarworden, gedenk dan wat je getroffen hebt;
Geluk Gedenken
Gewoonten “I must create a system, or be enslaved by another man's. I will not reason and compare: my business is to create.� ~ William Blake
Universeel MaakModel DenkBeeldHouwer 2018
. Illuminatie . Inspiratie . Sensatie . Animatie . Copulatie . Incubatie . Visualisatie . Intuitie . Preparatie . Operatie . Frustratie . Acceleratie . Verificatie Vrije interpretatie van Dynamisch maakmodel Nirav Christophe (2006)
“I must create a system, or be enslaved by another man's. I will not reason and compare: my business is to create.� ~ William Blake
. Publicatie
Begin iedere fantasie, een beeld dat je wilt vasthouden in de tijd - een #vastgedachte een visie dus, met een titel.
Een sprookje, een leerreis, heeft een naam nodig. Die naam spreekt een intentie uit.
#KoempoelHAN, a week long Tribal Gathering. Zo is #KoempoelHAN in 2014 georganiseerd als ontdekkingsreis met studenten, pioniers, kunstenaars, ondernemers, de toekomst in. Face_our story #StoryDoing Tip: Geef je backstory een goede en unieke hashtag mee, dan zijn je broodkruimels goed te traceren. Zo kwam @MarijkeTromp tijdens #StoryDoing met #StoryTellingTheShitOutOfit
Heel fijn! #NieuweDingenDoen #Creaid #EenTweeTien #KoempoelHAN #Momentarium #MasterOfArts 7
KOEMPOELHAN A week long Tribal Gathering of Educational Pathfinders at Han University of Applied Sciences
27 september - 3 october 2014
I think 99 times and find nothing. I stop thinking, swim in silence and the truth comes to me ~ Albert Einstein
Hoe zet je je gedachten om in beeld en taal? Ga slapen! Als je zachtjes wakker wordt, neem je de regie terug over je dromen. Je zet de droom voort.. vanuit je bron. Toen ik de opdracht voor de #KoempoelHAN kreeg droomde ik van de padvinderij, de meest grensverleggende tijd in mijn leven; Hutten bouwen, vlagveroveren, #SamenJeEigenDingDoen Ik dacht dat dat een mooi (vertrek)punt zou zijn voor #Hannl als community; terug naar de bron. Verbeeld je gedachte Kan een naam nog van velerlij betekenis zijn, zodra het denkbeeld gezien is, kan men echt gaan geloven. Er was eens ... Het verhaal is begonnen.
PAD VINDEN De term Koempoelan komt uit de padvinderij en werd gebruikt om een padvindersbijeenkomst aan te duiden. De HAN wil nieuw beleid op het gebied van ICT vormgeven. Een groep enthousiaste studenten geven een voorzet. Liefst studenten van binnen EN buiten de HAN. In een ‘bootcamp’ van een week verzamelen zij vanuit hun Yurts, midden op de campus in Arnhem, trends, meningen, ideeën, scenario’s die weer ter inspiratie dienen voor een werkgroep van de HAN.
“Als je een schip wil bouwen, moet je werklui niet opdragen hout te verzamelen, je moet niet het werk verdelen en orders geven. Leer in plaats daarvan mensen eerst te verlangen naar de eindeloze zee.” ~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
In essentie ben je niet meer dan vibratie. Hoe hoog tril jij? Nieuwe ideeen geven energie. Verzamel mensen om je heen. Deel je energie. Fladder met je vlindervleugels. The butterfly effect is the sensitive dependence on initial conditions in which a small change in one state of a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state.
#StoryDoing #JustDoit Don’t think Don’t plan Don’t pretend, act, perform Just do it Feel it, Be it Take your time = attend to social body, stay with it, move into what the field is asking for ~ Otto Scharmer
“We but mirror the world. All the tendencies present in the outer world are to be found in the world of our body. If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him. This is the divine mystery supreme. A wonderful thing it is and the source of our happiness. We need not wait to see what others do.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
JUST DO IT Deze dag staat in het teken van spel. We spelen de scenario’s van de vorige dag volledig uit, er worden opnames van gemaakt en ieder scenario wordt tot een korte film gemonteerd, geschilderd, geboetseerd - whatever - vormvrij. Een van deze eerste ‘werk-’dagen in de week kan ook een ‘social media cafe’ georganiseerd worden, een bestaand netwerk binnen de HAN.
Stilte opname! Leg alles wat je doet vast opdat anderen van je (fouten) kunnen leren.
Face_our story #StoryDoing Tip: Geef je backstory een goede en unieke hashtag
 mee, dan zijn je broodkruimels goed te traceren.
Learning Journey DenkBeeldHouwer 2018
Ordinairy World Elixer Insight
Road Back
Call to Action Refusal of the Call
Meeting the Mentor
Crossing the Threshold
Test Allies & Enemies Approach
Learning Journey DenkBeeldHouwer 2018
Road Back
Situatie Preparatie Operatie
Ordinairy World Call to Action Refusal of the Call
Meeting the Mentor
Crossing the Threshold Test Allies & Enemies Approach
Consider this. Youre the main character, the protoganist in your own movie, your own life. You live in an ordinairy world. Everything seems to be as it is, as you know it to be. All that is, is an interpretation of your thoughts and feelings, laid upon you as a soft blanket of past experiences and cultural adjustments. Now, a hero’s journey, a learning journey is no more than the realization of you pitting your talents and passion into the world. It’s you putting your energy into vibration. Question is; Do you? May your thoughts be warm and positive.
Life is a constantly repeating call to adventure. Going on an adventure is stepping out of your existing level of consciousness. It’s an invitation to look at life from a new perspective. It’s questioning the status quo. It’s a ‘What if - then else’ equation. So, you got your call to adventure? Your serious request to put more energy in your passion and unlearn some of your assumptions? It’s the universe calling you to express your creativity, to set your soul into motion. Turning the virtual into reality.
A call to adventure is a call to change. But since people don’t want to change, you could get in ‘a state of mind’ where you might not see things as they are. You just don’t see the possibilities.
“You cannot depend on your eyes when your vision is out of focus” Marc Twain
So, before you embark on your learning journey, the first hurdle you have to take is to empty your mind and be willing to receive whatever will follow.. massive failure including. Be grateful for this opportunity knocking on your door. Gratefulness is the key to happiness. A call to adventure is a call to accept the opportunity to learn something new. Being grateful for that opportunity brings you on the next level of your learning journey. Are you ready to turn your page?
Great, you’re one step closer! You can learn and travel the world all by yourself, but don’t underestimate the power of mirroring. You are getting into unfamiliar grounds. Therefore you need another, higher level of consiousness to operate in. Since you’re looking for new experiences, why not look into the eyes of someone who already did? So, go out there and find your own mentor, somebody who encourages you to cross the threshold, out of your comfortzone. A mentor will always play with my assumptions and preconceptions and challenge me to let go of my truth. A mentor will spark my creativity and curiosity to bring me (eventually) closer to my destiny. My mentor is not there to comfort me. He mostly pisses me off ;-)
Ah, you enlisted. Watch your back! This is a new worldview you just entered. You have to re-focus. Don’t take it too seriously though, dare to play with it. “Work begins when you don;t like what you’re doing. And if your life isn’t play, or if you are engaged in play and having no fun, well, quit! The spirit of the sacred space is Shiva dancing. All responsilibities are cast off. There are various ways of doing this casting off, and it doesn’t matter how it happens. The rest is play.” ~ Joseph Campbell, Reflections on the Art of living Step into action and keep asking yourself questions while diving into the deeper experience. May your actions be original and challenging.
Consider this. Youre the main character, the protoganist in your own movie, your own life. You live in an ordinairy world. Everything seems to be as it is, as you know it to be. All that is, is an interpretation of your thoughts and feelings, laid uppn you as a soft blanket of past experiences and cultural adjustments. Now, a hero’s journey, a learning journey is no more than the realization of you pitting your talents and passion into the world. It’s you putting your energy into vibration. Question is; Do you? May your thoughts be warm and positive.
Consider this. Youre the main character, the protoganist in your own movie, your own life. You live in an ordinairy world. Everything seems to be as it is, as you know it to be. All that is, is an interpretation of your thoughts and feelings, laid uppn you as a soft blanket of past experiences and cultural adjustments. Now, a hero’s journey, a learning journey is no more than the realization of you pitting your talents and passion into the world. It’s you putting your energy into vibration. Question is; Do you? May your thoughts be warm and positive.
Consider this. Youre the main character, the protoganist in your own movie, your own life. You live in an ordinairy world. Everything seems to be as it is, as you know it to be. All that is, is an interpretation of your thoughts and feelings, laid uppn you as a soft blanket of past experiences and cultural adjustments. Now, a hero’s journey, a learning journey is no more than the realization of you pitting your talents and passion into the world. It’s you putting your energy into vibration. Question is; Do you? May your thoughts be warm and positive.
Consider this. Youre the main character, the protoganist in your own movie, your own life. You live in an ordinairy world. Everything seems to be as it is, as you know it to be. All that is, is an interpretation of your thoughts and feelings, laid uppn you as a soft blanket of past experiences and cultural adjustments. Now, a hero’s journey, a learning journey is no more than the realization of you pitting your talents and passion into the world. It’s you putting your energy into vibration. Question is; Do you? May your thoughts be warm and positive.
Consider this. Youre the main character, the protoganist in your own movie, your own life. You live in an ordinairy world. Everything seems to be as it is, as you know it to be. All that is, is an interpretation of your thoughts and feelings, laid uppn you as a soft blanket of past experiences and cultural adjustments. Now, a hero’s journey, a learning journey is no more than the realization of you pitting your talents and passion into the world. It’s you putting your energy into vibration. Question is; Do you? May your thoughts be warm and positive.
Consider this. Youre the main character, the protoganist in your own movie, your own life. You live in an ordinairy world. Everything seems to be as it is, as you know it to be. All that is, is an interpretation of your thoughts and feelings, laid uppn you as a soft blanket of past experiences and cultural adjustments. Now, a hero’s journey, a learning journey is no more than the realization of you pitting your talents and passion into the world. It’s you putting your energy into vibration. Question is; Do you? May your thoughts be warm and positive.
Consider this. Youre the main character, the protoganist in your own movie, your own life. You live in an ordinairy world. Everything seems to be as it is, as you know it to be. All that is, is an interpretation of your thoughts and feelings, laid uppn you as a soft blanket of past experiences and cultural adjustments. Now, a hero’s journey, a learning journey is no more than the realization of you pitting your talents and passion into the world. It’s you putting your energy into vibration. Question is; Do you? May your thoughts be warm and positive.
Creative Learning Journey DenkBeeldHouwer 2018
Ordinairy World
Red Thoughts
May your thoughts be warm and positive. Let them excite and motivate your self and the people you meet.
Direct them to strenghten your will and give confidence to those who lack in will-power.
Call to Action
Let your thoughts lead you or follow with a smile. Connect your thoughts to your passion, expressing love.
Refusal of the Call
Purple Destiny
Road Back
Be White
May your destiny inspire high ideals, they will bring you a higher consciousness.
Orange Words
May you be(come) who you really are.
Seek for your own meaning of life and assist those who seek it.
You’re the color of perfection, a blank canvas.
Escape reality, it’s just a temporary mental construct.
Be pure and open to create anything your mind can conceive.
Dream your own transformation.
Reflect the comfort and peace of the people you meet.
May you choose your words and imagination to be uplifting.
Have them express the bright side of life. Let them be inviting for others to assimilate new ideas. Let words and images flow from your instinct and express the freedom to be your adventurous self.
33 34
Meeting the Mentor
Blue values
May your values be honest and sincere. They will bring you order and direction.
Crossing the Threshold
Devote yourself to dive deep into your own waters. You will hear the voice to express yourself.
Voorwoordje Connecting the people
We zijn NU hier Hier en Nu
How to start a fire
Green Habits
Big Data en toen ...
May your habits nurture yourself and others unconditionally. They will bring you balance and harmony. Let them tap into the abundance of nature to bring you mental clarity and optimism.
Yellow Actions
Het internet creëert eigenlijk de chaos waar we nu doorgaan in de wereld maar die chaos is nu nodig om de nieuwe orde te maken. ~ Jan Bommerez
May your actions be original and challenging. They will then resonate with and built on your wisdom. Let them offer hope, happiness and fun.
Test Allies & Enemies Approach
Let your actions literally illuminate the world around you.
Dynamisch maakmodel Nirav Christophe (2006) meets the Hero with the thousand faces Joseph Campbell (1949)